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How to damage the one who offended heavily, incl. without photo. Simple ways of damage. How to punish the enemy

In this material, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell about how my own damage on the enemy's disease, and is it possible to remove it. In magic of strong rites, there are a lot of damage, but the magicians do not do that they fell, they are missing for everything. It makes no sense, and only hurt the practice.

Each sorcerer has a number of strong rites of different orientation, accumulated and efficient, and it works with them, which only increases the effectiveness of its practice. Practicing magicians suggest damage to black candles, but not only. Other numerous materials are used, westaries used in witchcraft. Here is an example of how you can make damage to health through the knife and moldy bread.

An independent ritual to damage the human health

It is necessary to do on Friday. This is what take for a magical ritual:

  1. a piece of coal
  2. photo of the victim
  3. a piece of moldy bread
  4. ritual sharp knife

On the floor of the corning circle to draw, yes in that circle put a photo of the enemy on which they decided damage. And in the photo a piece of old, moldy bread put, but a knife to pierce bread, and the photo that under it.

And then 13 times to read a strong conspiracy on the damage of health:

"Bread is big and small, yes now (the name) is spoiled by bread, and it will be used in a different number, yes (the name) is used to be used, then the rodzine is eaten, then the body is eaten by leprosy. That chop will dry, yes the body (name) is found, and the gnilitus is rented, then the living (name) will remain in the rhodes, and the top of the world will be dead. I'm reading with me, then I'm told, then every word demons will be confirmed. Amen".

Say these words of a witch spell 13 times. All this is a photo and bread pierced with a knife, it should defend 3 days. Yes, all these 3 days to talk 13 times to at hometo do damage to the disease by photo. On the fourth day, the knife pull out, collect bread and a photo of the unfair, and all this is attributed to the forest. Find a rotten stump, and beside it to bury it all. Then the witchcred rite will be completed, and then to independently bring damage to the disease, they will have an effective result. But what kind of result will turn out, it depends entirely on you, your skill, and forces.

If your victim has strong protection, weakened, it is necessary to break it. Magic rite guidance on the body will work on your personal witch power. Those. If you do not have enough strength, then the result is either not at all, or badly fall. Yes, in addition to such obstacles, a bunch of other unexpected nuances may arise, which will prevent the desired result.

So before independently damage the damage to the human diseaseThe person's disagreeable to you will first determine whether the ritual specifically chosen you. Well, and intuition, of course, to trust it, it may, and brings, but rarely. If you like the rite, do it. Remember my, Magician Sergey Artgroma Recommendation: Work is best, comprehensively, so that you will certainly, do not waste your strength on semi-currency.

Do at home damage on the photo of the enemy's disease

To bring black witchcraft, in the photo of your enemy, read a plot for damage to poor health. In addition to the photo, you need a ritual knife. After sunset, they independently make this rite. Holding a snapshot in the left hand, ritual knife cross his cross-cross-line diagonally.

And at the very time 9 times read the words of the conspiracy of self-guidance disease per person:

"The scene of the Dark Forest stands the stump mossy. I am a mossy approach, I will find a snake snake, I will throw a tangle to the light white. Oh, you, the shoes, creeping, snake stolen! Do not sit in the dusk forest, and go to the slave (name) in his flesh and the core, brain and stomach. Drink him, so that he could not live, nor to be, neither, nor drink, but only to dry out by day, but by the hour from the century before the century and now and is confused. Word. Key. Lock".

Read the conspiracy laid 9 times, loud exclaim:

"Il, Erech, Azode, Abrakalan, Satan, Immanuel. Nim! Nim! Nima! "

And put the knife in the photograph of your enemy, for whom you were bothering damage to the disease in the photo. So take a photo with a knife until morning. Outlook the knife, and burn the photo card. The ashes can be dispelled in the wind, you can pour out at the crossroads, or throw victims on the nominal grave. And it is possible to pour in pockets, if there is an opportunity. So you can make a damage to healthBut do not forget about the diagnosis.

The way to delete damage to the diseases of a bad person

The rite is good, and very, very effective when speeching. A strong conspiracy on severe illness, which is caused through a black damage, you need to read, looking directly on the one who did the curse intense. On time reading to point your finger to the sacrifice, and read out loud. You can get out of the window. But! You can not read through the glass. No obstacle should be between the magician and his victim of black damage to severe illness:

"To whom I will indicate, and the Black Bratcher simplifies, that Gadina break, and it is to be frozen, and it is difficult to stroke into the fifume, but to stay with deck. Yes, like damn tail, Tako I finish. Like a witch dying, so I can Likhim. Ugh on you, one hundred cokes are aspen to you in Swallow, yes nails on the ridge, and saliva faded into the eyes, yes salt in the tongue, but the legs will fall out, but your arms will turn out, but you will not get up, but you can easily be in the word. Ugh on you, damn finger damn. Amen".

To read strong plotpulling on a strong illness and death, so many times as you need, until you understand that it is enough. Visualization is powerful should be, and the intention is clear. Finger after each reading spell licking and spit towards one whom I curse. Forces do not spare, make punish black from the soul. Then it will be a sense. Here is another example of a powerful black damage for a long-term disease to its enemy.

How to damage through nails from the cemetery on the incurable disease of the enemy

Here is another proven, and very severe damage. This impact destroys the health of the damned man as a whole. Mean it can only one thing: the damned suffers from something not diagnosed, hidden, but very heavy. At death, such as aimed at the suffering of man.

Read how to independently imagine damage to the enemy's strong disease.

  • hair Those who work your Vedovo is designed
  • chicken blood
  • lampad oil
  • 13 church wax candles
  • black ritual matter

In the cemetery, you need to find a nominal grave with a wooden cross. For ritual, you need 2 nails from this cross. You need to screw your enemy's hair on these nails. You can roll your hair with wax and glue nails to the hats. By producing these actions of black damage to the disease, the conspiracy is not needed. Having come home, mix chicken blood with a lamp oil in proportion 1/3. Stirring the mixture, tell me:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

"Not walking on the ground, but sleeping in the ground! Sacrificing you smoke Blood, I take for (the name of one who spoil the crusading nail. Amen".

Cover the cloth to cover, and leave so until the next night.

Another day in the cemetery return and pull the nails with hair from the tombstone. The second part of the rite is made at home after sunset. To independently imagine damage to poor health The enemy, the table is styled with black cloth, make a circle of 13 candles, and in the center it is placed a cup with a mixture of oil and blood. Right from the outside of the circle to put nails. At midnight, the candles will be lit, throw nails into a cup, look at its contents and read the text of the conspiracy of the sparehold of the health of the enemy, visualizing the person himself and his suffering:

"You go to the field - you turn together, you will go to the forest - they drive. You will be (name) at home Sydne Sit, silent and lose weight. Her hair to tear up, do not know again. " Throw nails into a cup, pronounce: "My Word is firm. Rightly speeches. PUBLINE YOU (NAME). Amen".

Skinny candles, get nails. They need to be driven out where it often happens to be somehow - somewhere in the house, near him, in the workplace. It is recommended to drive the nails into the threshold or in the door jambs. Do not throw their lining. Most magical rites with nails are based on their smiling, and therefore the lining is not that. Therefore, you should not neglect this rule, otherwise the impact is weakening. When do you want detect damage to health His unfriendly, try not to miss the details and do not redo anything. Blood with butter at the end of the rite attributed to the grave with which nails are taken and pour there. This is a board dead man. There and attribute black candles. Light, let them burn on the grave.

5 Black damage to the disease through nails - what is the protection for your work

With the right setting, it is possible to damage the enemy's severe disease of a very strong impact. In the magical rite, the power of the world of the dead and your personal power is involved. Depending on what is your object, how well you have prepared it to exposure, is spinning and a witch rite. How soon magic will work, depends on many factors. Everything is very individual.

If there are concerns that the porch will be removed, put the castle to work. Find a strong magician is a big problem. Reading my, mage of Sergey ArtGrom materials, you may seemed to independently imagine damage to human diseaseit is capable of, almost every second, and that the sorcerers are a lot. But, in reality, everything is somewhat different. Cutting a lot, but Mages ...

Remove damage mainly run to "grandmas". And of them are such magicians, sorry ... If you put the powerful protection to your work, then the grandmother - the "generic white leader", as they love, and its client. But, after all, it is necessary to take into account that your victim can come to a truly strong Mago. If you take a damage immediately, until it really threatened to sacrifice, it is easier to do so later, after time. This is the risk. Therefore, it is necessary to close the ritual made.

Strong damage to the church on the candle - diseases on the enemy send

In churches there are a lot. Concellen in different reasons, damage and damage. Different can be awarded victim. For example, damage in the church made on the candle for rest, gives body disease, trouble, failure, impassableness and severe mental states. Here is a rite, through which, make your enemy seriously ill. But he will not die; Death do differently.

Church damage made on a person - a piece of prolitic. Starting from the small, the flow of failures is strengthened, the field is weakened, as a result of which all the evilness, whisper, sprinkle, damage the patient takes almost no resistance. So, we conclude: a strong rite pulling on a memorial candle(a lot of rituals like him), not just weakens and destroys human protection, but acts independently, and very long time.

As a weakening in front of a clearly strong impact, this rite is very good. For example, if you intend to lime your enemy in black magic, and you are preparing to put a heavy cemetery damage, before that it is not too superfluous to go to the church and make a witchcraft rite of damage to the memorial candle, plus a sorcest behind the rest of his victim.

So, in fact, the ritual of church damage on the memorial candle.

Alone is done on a decreasing moon. In the church with his left hand to put a candle on the memorial eve. You do not need to turn the candle. Put in the usual way. Conspiracy read, as long as the candle does not burn. However, there is no such possibility, and therefore, read the conspiracy to bring damage with a candle as much as you can, but not less than 3 times:

"I'll be left with my left hand, I put a slave (name) candle for rest. From now on, you, the slave (name), not to know, do not eat, do not sleep, do not go on the ground, do not breed your hands, do not produce children. Peak, charni, disappear, like this clock candle, elapsed. Your soul is the sky, the body - the earth, and my business on a strong castle. The key is closed, deeply buried. Key. Lock. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Black damage to the candle with funeral - death to the enemy

Do this ritual on any day, on a decreasing moon. Need a candle with a funeral that stood in the head of the deceased. In addition, to make damping on the candle with the funeral, you need to have:

  • flat plate
  • photos of the object of exposure

On the plate soot, draw an equilateral cross. In the center of the Cross put a candle to guide this damage. On the contrary, the candles vertically put a photo of the enemy. Through the flame to look at the object of exposure and read the text of the magic conspiracy 9 times:

"The gray field, so for the bridge of the miles yes in the field that gray the hut is old in the hollow, the old man is doing, and the chest will fit. Yes, in the chest, Tom Candle is spreaded, yes, the death of the death itself created, and she was twisted with waxed, and a macale's blood. So, on the candle, the one is broken, but the soul is tied, and if the candle is flames to burn, then the soul is so concerned. Yes, peace will be able to find anyone as a place for whom. So fly to the soul of chained, and through the flame of that candle is damned. Yes, from the chest of that old, and from the hut than that black, and everything is gray through the field, but a noisy forest. Yes, through the mountains, stones are packed, yes to the human kid, yes, there is an interference, and the goromin of crowds of people can scarce, and to look for Teland. Yes, in the body, the soul is caught, but on the substitution on the candle. In addition, the name of whom now the river will become, yes, on the candle on the eyelids permanent. And if I am drawn, I speak to the substitution, so I say to the name, I say, yes (name) I call for an hour. It was a dead soul to the candle, yes in the place of the soul doomed to conceive, but the soul was thrown into the soul, yes (the name) will pull it into the chest, then he is so black in the hut. Yes, the soul (name) is waiting there, yes the body in the grave is controversial. So the candle of the dead man is all associated, the death of Sheptano. The candle is hollow to blame, yes (name) to unwork in the grave. Amen".

Then, uttering the words of the conspiracy put the number of times, leaving the damage to the enemy's illness, his photo tilt over the flame of the candle, so that the flames touched the image and distorted it. It is better if the photo will progrit in a place where the face is depicted. When done, you need to read such a spell:

"(Name) Fellows, yes, the candle today in the grave is reduced, then the dead is died, the death of Sheptano, and everything is done, the dying grave. Amen".

Candle does not extinguish, let it burn. Plate with wax swaps and a photograph of a damned person attributed to the cemetery And bury on an abandoned grave, where the name of the dead man is no longer found.

on the enemy. If you are sure that you want to bring damage to someone, you should consider all sorts of factors and the consequences of this ritual. A strong level of impact will ensure a ritual with dead water and cemetery land.

There are magicias that cause damage with the help of products and personal belongings. This is more difficult, because you will have to get the things of a person who should be the object of targeting damage. You can send damage to the enemy with your efforts, having relived yourself from annoying third parties.

How to determine what damage caused you?

In the 21st century, the era of technological progress, guidance is also an effective way to solve problems, as in former times, let many people still doubt this in this.

After putting it, the person certainly can get serious problems in many aspects of his life, even physical ugliness, psychological trauma or die. It all depends on your desire to be bought.

Damage is a very complex ritual. She will not be able to bring a stupid man. Therefore, often a person does not suspect that a curse is imposed on him. The action of the damage is explained by banal failures and coincidences. People until the latter do not believe in something supernatural. They try to find more familiar and logical explanations to what is happening madness.

Signs of damage:

Long diseases leaking extremely difficult. If you ask for help in the hospital, the doctors will not be able to state the correct diagnosis. They will rush between several similar. In the end, you will leave with anything, and your body will continue to get quiet and fade until you die.

Suicidal depression. You feel constant weakness. You do not want to do anything. You want to end with you. This is exactly the essence of damage. Bring you to despair so that you yourself choose your further fate.

Impairment of appetite. Furious aggression towards friends and family.

Sharp reset of a large amount of weight.

Unwillingness to attend the church. In man, as if the devil is pressed. It often falls into fainting, may even get into some of the fumbness.

The impossibility of pregnancy. If a woman cannot get pregnant, it is most likely a damage to her, and the strongest of all available.

Types of magical impact

There are several types:

Damage to health. When applying this damage, the victim receives physical diseases.

Damage to death. The scary type of spell. When conducting a ritual, it should be remembered that the person you will do this damage will take away from life.

Damage to financial condition. This damage ruins a business or a relationship with the boss. Most often, this ritual is used to remove competitors from the road.

Damage to relationships with people. The victim will not have any friends or the second half. This spell enjoy offended women of all ages, abandoned by husbands and women who dream of a married man.

Damage for money. The victim of such a damage is inevitably deprived of work or becomes the object of the abduction of jewels - everything that will entail the early ruin.

Powering at home

Dark forces living in the middle of us, but thoroughly hiding their subsidiary, help damage. If the rite is incorrect, then you will lose not only an effective result, but you can put the troubles on yourself.

The selected ritual in this case does not matter, since each of them is a long process consisting of special prayers capable of collecting negative energy and direct to the object. Prayers should be made over the subject chosen for the ritual.

Powering with the help of black magic.

Take the bones of birds or animals, feathers, sacrifice hair. Place them into place where the victim spends a lot of time. On the table or under the bed. The victim should not find these items. Thus, a ritual for disorder in the family is carried out. Call spells in this case are not necessary. Permanent finding such objects next to your enemy is already a push for the appearance of dark forces.

For the next method, dead water or land from the cemetery is needed. Dead water is a liquid used for the ablution of the dead body in the church. From ancient times, it tried to use objects, one way or another associated with death. This type of conspiracy is most suitable just to guide the damage to death. You can add this water to your enemy in food, pour under the threshold of the house or wash the handle of its door.

At the same time it is necessary to say the following:

"Dead water, one you already took, go to live slave (the name of your enemy). Okropy's face of a slave, his tearful eyes, his hands, his legs, and the whole body of the sproud, the life of him you take, and I was released. From now on, and forever. Maybe it will be so! "

The use of homemade voodoo dolls to guide damage. Puppet makes outwardly similar to victims. The damage is caused by sticking in a needle doll. To make a similar doll, you need to get a small piece of clothes of the future victim. The doll should be made from rags, bind to mourning ribbon, attach over the resulting design of the flap belonging to the victim. You should take a doll and bury the cemetery between the graves. Make this procedure follows at night.

It should be pronounced:

"Cemetery of the Spirit, the Spirit of Dark Forces, you are very mighty, you are omnipotent. Take the enemy of my visit to yourself, the enemy of my enemy in mortal odds. "

Then leave the cemetery, come back home and remind your enemy.

Ritual with photo and needle

The method of damage through the photo is the most efficient and simple. You do not need to go to church or a cemetery, just get enough photo. Make it in the modern world is very simple. Enough to download a photo from the social network page and print on the usual printer or in the photo sealing.

Use a new photo. The older the photo is the weaker conspiracy. From the old pictures all the energy will be destroyed, while on the new it only appeared. It's very simple to work with the photo, because the image of a person is a direct display of its energy aura.

Using the photo, which disassembling in the subtleties, it can easily make rivals ruin, literally behaving with them. It all depends on what troubles you want our own enemies.

To bring damage to the enemy, take it to the newest photo, go out to the street at night and pour it with a needle as much as you think right. You can use several needles. Out of the edge of the photos of fire, but do not burn completely. Secure the snapshot as close as possible to the constant location of the victim. Into the cupboard. Under the bed. If there is no possibility to penetrate so close, then to the house.

When conducting a ritual, it is necessary to pronounce:

"Dump yourself the grave, the piled, soon the trouble will come to you, the trouble will come, and not alone. You do not have enough health, you will capture your soul! Need a needle needle to you in your heart, the needle will tell you the right road. The photo burns, burns - Your happiness destroys! "

Dangerous consequences

Ritual is a rather dangerous thing. Do not start the ritual, if not confident in your absolute right.

Damage - cruel punishment. Especially fatal conspiracy, which will not be able to cancel. So think seven times before acting. It may be too late. If a person who satisfies the spell, does not know the magical actions and the algorithm of the ritual, he will rather harm not the enemy, and herself.

You can give an example with a damage on the magic subject: if after the spell it does not fall to your enemy during the day, then all that you wished him will fall out at you.

Remember: Black rites at home should be done very carefully, but it is better not to do at all. You can bring trouble on yourself. The damage may return to boomerang after several generations. The probability of such consequences is often ignored when a man's heart is filled with the brightest hatred of his enemy.

And there was no possibility to do it. For example, the head that depends on the financial well-being of the family of his subordinate, constantly exists with stupid soldiers and blackmail to dismiss. If a person is in a hopeless position, and change the work for some reason is impossible, nervous breakies are not the worst thing that is waiting for him in such a situation. It is impossible to fulfill its work qualitatively and live in such conditions.

Appearance young rival For each woman - a nightmare that has become a jaw. Talking with it will not lead to anything, hopefully on her decency is stupid. She will only laugh in the face and without the slightest remorse will lead a man from the family. And how after that not to wish her all the flour of hell? This is where the thought comes to damage.

What to do with the enemy

Thirst for revenge - not always banal desire Make another bad. More often is the desire for justice. Since childhood, we know from fairy tales that good always wins evil. Only in real life, unfortunately, the evil turns out to be stronger. That's why people want to take the retribution process into their hands. And do not wait for years when, finally, life will return this "boomerang" offender.

Thirst for justice, no doubt feeling noble. But it is always useful to look at the situation soberly, because it is known to have 2 sides of the coin. Maybe the head is not such a monster, but just a demanding manager, which also turns out to be pressure. And the spouse left the family because the wife did not notice him, did not support, constantly grumbled and scandalous, stopped watching himself.

If, after a careful analysis of the situation, the conclusion suggests that the surrounding really vigilant and ungrateful, thoughts of revenge are quite admissible. And in the event that it is physically impossible to get a person, a powerful, but invisible weapon will come to the rescue. magic.

People who have never been engaged in witchcraft, can confuse damage and evil eye. In fact, these are completely different things. He can smooth out any neighbor grandmother, and not specifically.

The evil eye is negative, but almost always the unconscious impact on the human biofield. Most of all people with a weak character or biofield are susceptible to such action. Although it is possible to smooth out almost anyone, if he really envy him. That is, it is impossible to do it specifically, and no rite exists.

Damage is a different thing. This is already persistent influenceaimed at a certain person. Cut the damage, just looked at seeing, will not work. This will require special spells, rituals, witchcield attributes and personal belongings of the selected sacrifice.

Types of damage

It can be said that damage is a kind of virus, only the energy, which begins to destroy the aura of a person. It pumps positive energy by replacing it with negative. It does not work for restoring.

Mag can choose that life area man where wishes to harm most:

  • property and money;
  • sexual sphere;
  • loneliness;
  • fear;
  • fornication;
  • infertility;
  • business;
  • marriage;
  • disease;
  • obesity;
  • death.

It should be understood that magic is not an ax and immediately does not work. It smoothly enters the life of the victim and gradually manifests its destructive actions. While the spell acts, it will not be better to become a person.

By deciding whether to curse a person, you need to make aware that the evil will definitely return. For witchcraft, the help of hellish forces is needed, and they will gladly fulfill the request, but in return, they will surely take something. Christian religion forbidden Do magic, as well as hate your offenders. Is it worth it, for example, infertility of the rival that his own soul is forever stayed in hell? If the answer is affirmative, you can proceed to active actions.

If there are no paths back, and the decision is made finally, the first thing to be done is to determine the type of curse that will be imposed on the enemy. Then you can reserve with all the necessary magic attributes and personal belongings of a hated person.

All rituals associated with the guidance of climbs should be carried out only on a decreasing moon. At this time, dark forces are usually stronger. The desired dates can be easily found on the Internet.

For witchcraft, it is better to choose Monday, Wednesday or Friday. These days, on a decreasing moon, the protection of the guardian angel is weaker. If a person's curse on other days, you can suffer from such actions yourself. The guardian angel is able to reflect the attack and the curse will return to his post.

On death

Black magic to the death of a person is the worst spell that you can send. You can wish for death to a person only if he really caused terrible suffering, pain or humiliation. Despite the well-explanatory desire to be bought with an offender, you need to think, first of all, about yourself. Such actions can lead to loss of their own soul, as it is a very terrible sin. The offender has already caused suffering, so whether to turn them into eternal flour in hell?

If common sense is silent, but only the desire to destroy the offender is present, you will have to find his photo that meets the following requirements:

  • the enemy in the photo should be depicted alone, without other people and animals;
  • photo should be done no more of the year back;
  • curser in photography can be in the event that a large part of the body is depicted. For example, from the top of the chest. There should be no circumcision or distortion.

If the photo is found, it's time to go to the cemetery. There you need to look for the grave of a man who died no more than a year ago. In addition, it is important that the name of the deceased coincide with the name of who would want to harm. The grave should be slightly digging, 20 centimeters, put a cooked photo into the divestly hole, pouring out its land and say: "Cemetery land, gravestone dust, rotten blacks, earth worms. Rotting to you, miserable, slave God (name). From the attack of this, never get rid of. Who did you learn this, never you know. You will not send this force back this force. Key! Coffin! Board! Skull!"

After the last words, turn and leave the cemetery. It is impossible to turn on the grave. On the way, do not talk to anyone. Witchcraft will act in a few days. A person will begin to hurt and, if not coming for help to the MAG, most likely die.

How to lime man to death so that he does not have time to escape, and witchcraft overtakes him as soon as possible? There is such a way only you have to attach more effort. The whole process is the same as described above, only a small straw on the grave is no longer done. The earth will need to be moved to the coffin itself, and the photo shoves between its boards.

On impotence

Many women met such men who changed them and betrayed. Such relationships are exhausted and force a woman to feel unnecessary, ugly and defective. And when the novel comes to an end, only emptiness and thirst for mensing remain in the soul.

There is a very powerful ritual capable of making an impotent from a man. This is a very sophisticated way of revenge, not only a former chosen one will suffer, but also the woman who is next to him.

The rite acts not instantly. The gradual extrusion of sexual attraction will begin, failures in bed will happen more and more. Sooner or later, everything will end with complete impotence. This trouble will be the only permanent satellite of a man.

For a conspiracy, it will be necessary:

  • wax or clay figurine, made independently;
  • black tablecloth;
  • two red candles and one black;
  • three completely new needles;
  • cup with salted water.

For ritual, you will need to make a man's figure on your own from wax. Try to cut the masterpiece optional, the main thing is that the figure is clearly pronounced male Sexual body. And still, it is important during the modeling all the time to think about the man who will curse.

After sunset on a decreasing moon, the table is covered with black cloth, put a wax figure on it, 2 red candles are lit on the sides. The figure splashes 6 times with salty water, calling each time the name of the offender. Now you need to close 3 needles in the wax organ and repeat the words.

  1. For the first needle: "A needle is stuffing, your strength (name) takes!"
  2. For the second needle: "This needle is closed, I take a carnal desire!"
  3. For the third needle: "The body hangs that let's have a whole purse!"

Now you can light the black candle, and it can be dripped into the field of genital figures. I need to accompany the process with such words: "My conspiracy to you, as soon as the candle of this fruit!". Wait until all the candles are cutting down, and sculpt the figure away from home.

On the destruction of marriage

Sometimes the evil does not come from one person, but from a couple, and impose a curse for the whole family. In this case, damage damage will help. This ritual also refers to black magic. To do it takes:

  • photo of spouses;
  • peak roller from a new deck of cards;
  • holy water.

Map is sprayed with holy water. On one head of the currency make an inscription with name of her husband, and on the second head with the name of the wife. Now the card is buried at the cemetery gate.

After the first part of the ritual is completed, you can start working with a photo of a couple. The pictures of the pictures need to be cut, and then glue the currency in the form of the currency and say: "Like the currencies heads to lie together do not destiny, and you don't share the house and eat. In one thing, not to be. And the spell not to cancel anyone. " Now this photo needs to throw spouses. The main condition that must be completed is to work: the card should take at least one of the spouses.

For obesity

If young babe hurt the husband's family, it's not necessary to hate it quietly. She, too, can be done bad and force to suffer a very sophisticated way. It can be damaged for obesity and a slim beauty will turn into a cargo woman with three chins. All this is easy to do at home.

For the ritual, you will need:

  • photo of a woman;
  • salah, preferably with bristles;
  • black threads;
  • old needles;
  • black candle.

After 12 nights, put a photo of the rival in front of you on the table, and on top of a piece of sala. Using one of the needles and black filaments, you need to sew to the photo. The remaining some needles stick in the fat with the words: "To be (name) like a pig! So that men keep up! So that you (name) all my life alone and the prayer did not help you! And suffered, and laughed, and the tears bitter from the face rubbed! Word My - Law! "

When the plot is fully read, all magical attributes need to be collected, attributed to the wasteland and bury. The offender will start gaining weight in a few days.

On a neighbor

There are also such neighbors that they do not even get to calmly. That which is not valid by ordinary people, under the power of magic. In a harmful neighbor, you can damage. For the rite, it is not necessary to attract demonic forces, so you should not fear that evil will require fee for help.

All that will be required for the ritual is one wax candle, better than church. It needs to be lit and focus on fire. Represent that this is an evil neighbor or neighbor. After everything I remembered everything is bad associated with this person, and anger has accumulated, the candle must be bited several times. At the same time, from time to time you need to repeat the following words: "This is not a candle biting, this is a slave of God (name) Life bites!"

You need to bite the candle at least 13 times, you can and more. The main thing, not less than 13. Then what remained from the candle, tilt parallel to the floor and whisper: "As I turn this candle, so I and the life of the slave (s) of God (name) in short. What the insistered view of my candle has, so let the fate of my offender will be! And how this candle burns, so let the slave (a) (name) burn. Do the way! "

Now you can return the candle to the usual position and allow it to burn. What will remain from it will throw a neighbor under the threshold.

ATTENTION, only today!

Who did not want to take revenge on the offender? Sick by look, the power of thought responding to an insult. Sometimes a person brings us so much pain and suffering that the heart burns with the desire to answer anger on evil.

From birth, most people are not endowed with magical and supernatural abilities. However, there are many ancient, magical ways of applying harm at a distance. Damage to health, career, personal life, diversion of luck, happiness and well-being. All this is called a damage. In this article we will tell about the old methods of targeting the damage, which our ancestors used. Imagine, or not embody this insidious idea of \u200b\u200blife - to solve only you. Always remember that any evil committed by you can turn into trouble not only for you, but also for your loved ones.

Damage and its types

Forms of damage, as well as ways to guide, there are many. But whatever the type of damage, it has only one function - destruction. Types of damage:

For loneliness;

On the disease;

To the destruction of marriage;

In infertility;

On relationship;

To impotence;

For money or property;

On business;

On fornic

For fear.

How to make damage to impotence

In the life path of many women there were men who threw, changed and caused mental pain. After such relations, only emptiness remains inside and a strong desire to take revenge. In this case, our ancestors had a strong rite from Russian Blackproof - Ancient and Mighty Russian Magic. A more sophisticated way to revenge your negligent former than the deprivation of his male strength and you will not come up with. So you can punish not only it, but the one is right next to him.

Before proceeding with the rite, think if you really want to make a man painfully in this way. Maybe you should simply shift this page, and move on? If he hurts you, the fate mandatory will punish him, do not rush to take justice into their own hands. But if you still decided, read further, and you will know how to make damage to male impotence. A man who has fallen into your witchcraft chairs can only arise.

The rite of impotence, like any other rite of damage to damage, does not work immediately. Everything will begin with a gradual extinction of sexual attraction, cooling to women, curbing in bed, aggression, maliciousness and will end with absolute sexual powerlessness. Next, we will tell how to make damage to male impotence correctly and efficiently.

What will be required for the rite:

The clay or wax figure of a person made by hand;

Black candle;

2 red candles;

Black tablecloth or matter;

Bowl with salted water;

3 new needles that did not use before (needles must be new).

The human figure needs to be made with their own hands. This should not be a work of art or an accurate copy - just a figurine of a man made by their own hands. When you cook the figure, be sure to imagine who you are going to damage, or look at his photo. The most important thing is the full body on the figure. The cover of the table with a black cloth, in the center put the figure, and on the sides of the brand two red candles. Black candle does not touch yet. Splashes on the figure of a man with salted water from the bowl six times, every time pronouncing his name. Then take the first needle and stuck it in the penis of the figure with the words "Iblyku this stuff, the power of yours (name) I take!". Having stuck the second needle, say: "I'll catch the needle, a carnal desire I take!". We stuck the third needle and say: "Let this body hang a whole century!". Then they will bulge the black candle and drip wax on the genitals of the figure, saying: "When the candle is this fruit, my plot is about you." All candles must be exhausted. The figure must be buried in the ground, away from crowded places.

How to damage for monetary failure

Patch can be brought not only to health or failures, but also for cash difficulties. With this simple rite, you can deprive a person of financial good luck. Money will be treated through his fingers, and luck and financial well-being will leave him forever. We will tell you how to damage on the laccility with the simplest rite.

To do this, we need cash bills, 6 coins, candle and photography of which you need to damage. The rite needs to be carried out on a decreasing moon. We put the bill on the table, put the candlestick with the candles and a stack of coins on the bill. We put the photo and light the candle. Looking at the photo, pronounce: "As the eyes of the deceased will no longer see the light, and you, (name) you will not see more money." We leave everything on the table until the candle does not burn. Then we take coins and grinding from the candle and instill in the ground. I boil carefully, as the rite will act until the coins are in the ground. Well, the bill will have to throw to the one who is damaged. He must necessarily touch it. We told how to bring damage, and how to throw bills, you will have to come up with yourself.

How to damage for a person to destroy marriage

The guidance of such a damage will cause a very difficult damage to a married couple. Before proceeding with the rite, think carefully, whether it is necessary for you. Do not forget that the consequence of damage can affect you and your relatives. How to damage the person, we will tell, and whether it is worth embodying it in life - to solve only you.

This ancient ritual of the Arsenal of Black Magic is one of the most mysterious species of damage. For this rite, we will need a photo pair that you need to dilute (optionally general) and peak currencies from the deck of cards. The deck should be new. And also a little holy water from the church. Splashes on the card with holy water. Then on one head of the currency write the name of the husband, and on the other - the name of the wife. The card must be buried near the cemetery gate. Now you need to work a little with a photo. From the image of the partners should be made. Cut the head of the spouse and spouses and spouses like a valete. Working with the photo, pronounce: "The Vnet's heads never lie together, so you are not to be in one thing, so you do not share with the root." A photo need to throw a pair that you are going to embroil. Some of the spouses must touch the photograph, otherwise the rite will not work. The ritual is very strong, if everything is done correctly, the spouses will very quickly disperse. Now you know how to damage the person to destroy the marriage. This is a very strong rite, use it only as a last resort.

How to damage at home - dirty types of damage

There are comic, or dirty types of damage - they will come in handy when a person needs to teach slightly. If you are interested in how to damage at home to punish your offender - stay with us.

How to damage the stomach disorder

For this ritual you will need ... Feline excrement. It is better not to use the excrement of your cat. Then our ingredient must be spent in words:

"As three coffins are standing, and in them the womb, as if the stone, the boards break, (the name of the victim) is dismissed. I closes your word with the lock. So be it!". Corrected excrement needs to throw the victim under the door, or blur with them a handle - a person must touch them. This is a disposable plot, acts from several hours to days. If a conspiracy is touched by another person - nothing terrible, because the rite was not carried out for him. So you can take revenge on the malicious chief or hated neighbor.

How to damage the voice loss

This is a very simple rite that leads to distortion or short-term voice loss. A person may hoarse, go, but he will not be able to speak for several days. A good way to plug too sociable mother-in-law. How to damage at home and what is needed for this - read on.

For the rite will not need anything exclusive - just a needle, dry wormwood, wax and black threads. And one more component is a chicken neck. Warning: For this rite, it is not necessary to hunt for a neighbor chicken and deprive her life. Chicken neck can be purchased in any meat shop - its freshness does not affect the spell. The rite is carried out on a decreasing moon. Take a sprig of wormwood, make a neck and make it hot wax with a candle. Then take a thread and make a few stitches along the neck, saying: "This neck is stitched, I deprive you, go without a voice (name), weching wax and breathe. When the neck is this burda, you will take the voice. So be ". After the rite, buried the neck in the ground.

How to bring damage to lice

If someone's thick hair does not give you peace, you can populate a small zoo. For the rite on the lice, we need only fallen dry fir needles. Take the needle, burn and pick up ash. The ashes need to speak in words: "The old woman has a silent hair, she sits her hair she moves, and she runs on them. She throws her lips, yes on his head (name) throws. My word is firmly like flint. So be ". The ashes throw a person on whom they spend damage. After that, the rite of lice is very difficult to withdraw.

How to bring a strong damage - rite for nightmarish dreams

With this rite, you can call the nightmares in humans. How to bring a strong damage so that it turns out to be effective? When you say the spell, you need to concentrate on a particular person, to exactly imagine his face. If you concentrate and keep the image of the right person in the head, keep your photo before your eyes.

For spell on nightmarish dreams We will need a white chicken egg. Representing the image of a person on which you conjure, bring his name to the egg. The rite is carried out only with the full moon. You can find out the exact date of the full moon with the help of a lunar calendar, such a program is very easy to find on the network.

At night, they jump a chicken egg to the ground, saying: "The witches and devils, mermaids and kimikors, the Hands and Maltoplenniki fall into the hell of bone roof. They gathered and they say: we will come to the (name) at night, as soon as he cries the eyes, so it will be. He will not be a calm sleep. My word is firmly like a stone. As soon as the egg goes into the ground and the nightmare K (name) will come.

How to damage the rival on the blud

To cause an irresistible desire to walk to the right and left, we will need her photography, Valerian bottle and a little honey. The rite is carried out on a growing moon or full moon. The ritual is held at night at the crossroads (the road should be earthen, without asphalt and concrete). Before the rite, it is better to put on the gloves, so as not to get dirty with honey or Valerian, otherwise the spell partially works on you.

We take a photo of the rival, on the one hand, with its honey with honey, on the other side by Majm Valerian. Holding a photo in your hands, we say: "Lustful men, run on the (name), like cats on this Valerian, pushing her on the blud, so that no one refuses, and the first, and the second, and the third he gave, but she did not let her husband. So that men, like flies on honey (name), looked, and her loan to them lust burn. " You don't need to dig up a photo, just leave it at the crossroads, and throw gloves. After this spell, your rival will walk like a Martov Cat. But over time, the power of the spell will weaken, then the rite will need to be re-conducted.