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Topic: Principles of Russian punctuation. Signs of punctuation and their functions. Punctuation as a special section of linguistics

1. Introduction.

2. The history of modern punctuation.

3. Punctuation signs in modern Russian.

4. Principles of modern punctuation.





P Unnuction (from lat. Punctum 'point') is a combination of punctuation marks and a system of developed and consolidated rules of their use.

Why do you need punctuation? Why is there insufficient alphabet letters in order to be written to read-reading? After all, out of the letters denoting the sounds of speech, the words are compiled, and this is the words. But the fact is that the pronounced individual words one after another still does not mean doing pronounced. Words in speech are combined into groups, between groups of words, and sometimes between certain words, the intervals of various length are made, on verbal groups or above certain words, then increases are made, then lowering the tone. And all this is not by chance, but subordinated to certain rules: the intervals, and the increase and decrease in tone (the so-called intonation) express certain shades of the meaning of speech segments. A writing should be firmly to know which sense tint he wants to give his statement and its separate parts and how to use it to take advantage.

Punctuation, as well as spelling, is part of the graphics system adopted for this language, and should also be firmly learned, as well as the letters of the alphabet with their sound values, in order for the letter to accurately and fully expressed the content of the statement. And so that this content is equally perceived by all reading, it is necessary that the value of the punctuation marks is determined by firmly within the same national language. It does not matter that the appearance of punctuation marks in different languages \u200b\u200bmay be the same, and the value and, therefore, the use of them is different. It is important that all writing and reading on or different languages \u200b\u200bare exactly the same way that he expresses a particular pungency sign.

History of modern punctuation

Russian punctuation, in contrast to spelling, has developed relatively late - by the beginning of the 19th century and in the main features similar to the punctuation of other European languages.

In ancient Russian writing, the text did not make words and suggestions. The punctuation marks (dot, cross, wavy feature) shared the text mainly on the semantic segments or designated the situation in the work of the scribe. In some manuscripts of the 16th century, they do not get widespread. Gradually consisted of a question mark, brackets, colon. The introduction of typography was of great importance for the development of punctuation. The postulation of punctuation marks in the printed works was the advantage of the case of typographical masters, which were often not considered with what was in a punctuation of the author's handwritten text. But this does not mean that the authors, in particular writers and poets, did not have any impact on the formation of the Russian punctuation system. On the contrary, their role in this respect over time has become increasingly intensified, and modern Russian punctuation should be considered as a result of a long and complex interaction of the punctuation system, which was established in a number of European languages \u200b\u200b(including in Russian) after the introduction of typography, and those The techniques of consumption of signs that were developed by the best masters of Russian literary speech for a long period starting from the 18th century to the present.

Formed in the main features by the 18th century, a system of punctuation marks required and developing certain rules for their use. Back in the 16th - 17th centuries, the first attempts were observed to theoretically meaning the formulation of the signs of punctuation (Maxim Greek, Lavrentini Sizani, Retotski Retrolets). However, the general and private bases of the places of punctuation signs in the main features were formed during the 18th century, when the formation of the foundations of the modern Russian literary language ended.

The beginning of the scientific development of the Russian punctuation was putting a brilliant representative of grammatical science18 century M. V. Lomonosov in his work "" Russian grammar ", written in 1755. Lomonosov gives the exact list of punctuation signs by the time in the Russian print literature, in the system sets out the rules for their use, formulating these rules on a semantic and grammatical basis, that is, for the first time in Russian grammatical literature, it leads the theoretical foundation for the practically existing punctuation: all The rules for the use of punctuation marks reduces to a semantic-grammatical principle.

Very thoroughly set out the rules of punctuation by the student of Lomonosov by Professor of Moscow University A. A. Barsov in his grammar, which, unfortunately, was not printed, but reached us in handwritten form. Grammar Barsova dates back to 1797. The rules of punctuation are placed by Barsov in a section, called the "MOLIDAGE", and thereby delivered to the reading rules. This is explained by the fact that Barcova is both the definition of punctuation and the rules cover the various parties in writing, including the techniques of oral printed written and printed.

The greatest merit in the ordering of the Russian punctuation in the 19th century belongs to Academician J. K. Grota, whose book "" Russian spelling "" - the result of many years of studies of the history and principles of the Russian letter - became the first academic arch of the rules of spelling and punctuation in Russia and withstand 20 publications to 1917. The grott sets out in detail the history and principles of the Russian letter, difficult cases of spelling, gives a scientifically systematic and theoretically meaningful set of spelling rules and punctuation. The rules formulated by them are valued by them are valuable in that they summarized the result of a quest in the punctuation of preceding authors. Ordered punctuation, as well as spelling, grotto rules entered the practice of school and publishing houses and, for their basis, with minor changes, are also valid. In the arch "" Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation "" in 1956, some contradictions and ambiguities were only clarified and the rules for previously non-elected cases are formulated.

In the first half of the 20th century, the issues of punctuation paid attention to their not large in this area by A. M. Peshkovsky, L. V. Shcherba and some other linguists, in the middle and second half of the 20th century, fundamental studies on punctuation A. B. Shapiro appeared . However, to date, the theory of punctuation is at a low level of development and does not correspond to the general theoretical level of Russian linguistic science. To date, linguists working in the field of punctuation, there is no single point of view on the basis of modern Russian punctuation. Some scientists adhere to the point of view that the Russian punctuation is based on a semantic basis, others - on grammatical, third - on semantic-grammatical, fourths - on intonational. However, despite the theoretical disagreements of scientists, the fundamental principles of the Russian punctuation remain unchanged, which contributes to its sustainability, although individual punctuation rules are periodically clarified and specified in connection with the development of the Russian grammatical theory and in general the Russian literary language.

Punctuation signs in modern Russian

Punctuation signs in modern Russian, distinguishing on their functions, for their intended purpose, at the place of their placement in the proposal, enter into a certain hierarchical dependence. At the place of placeholding, the proposal distinguishes the signs of punctuation of the end and the middle of the sentence - the final and internal signs. All separating end signs - a point, questioning and exclamation marks, ellipsis - have more power than internal signs.

The so-called internal signs of punctuation are a point with a comma, comma, dash, colon, brackets - inhomogeneous in their use. The most "strong", hierarchically senior separating the punctuation sign inside the sentence is a point with a comma. This sign, denoting the boundaries of homogeneous members of the sentence or predicative parts in the composition of a complex proposal, is able to convey a senseless pause of oral speech. Other four internal punctuation signs (comma, dash, colon, brackets) differ in informative load, and by the functional range, and the duration of the pause with their "reading". The hierarchy of their Powls begins with a comma and ends with brackets.

The difference in the four internal punctuation marks under consideration is expressed, on the one hand, in different amounts of informative load and, on the other, in different degrees of concreteness of the values \u200b\u200bthat they can fix on the letter. From these signs, the most significant is a comma, a little more circle value from the dash, noticeably already at the colon, and the most specific sign is substantially a brackets. Therefore, the smallest degree of concreteness of the values \u200b\u200binherent in the comma and the greatest brackets. Thus, the hierarchy of increasing the degree of concreteness of the values \u200b\u200bof these four punctuation marks corresponds to the marked hierarchy of the Powan values \u200b\u200band the hierarchy of their functional range.

Based on the hierarchical dependence of punctuation marks, the features of the combination of them are set at a meeting in the proposal. In some cases, punctuation signs are combined at the meeting, in others - the sign of less strength is absorbed by a stronger sign. It can meet one of the two elements of the pair, highlighting a sign with a separating sign or with an element of another pair sign. The meeting with the separating sign is usually observed if the design is the design at the beginning or at the end of the proposal (predicative part of the complex proposal) or on the border with homogeneous members. The meeting of the elements of the excreasing signs takes place in cases of following a selected syntactic structure after another design, such as a separate member, or comparative turnover, or involved in another separate member, for the apparent part after another separate member, for the apparent part, for the introductory or plug-in Design, etc.

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Principles of Russian punctuation. Functions of punctuation signs. Russian language lesson. Grade 11.

Punctuation (Late. Punctuatio, from lat. Punctum - point), the system of punctuation signs in writing of any language, rules for their use; their arrangement in the text; Along with graphics and spelling - the main element of writing speech.

It is known that until the XV century in the books there were no punctuation signs. And how many punctuation marks in the system of Russian punctuation is currently? Can we use the capabilities that the slender system of punctuation is provided?

Principles of Russian punctuation Structural principle of the semantic principle of intonational principle

The use of punctuation marks is due primarily to the structure of the sentence, its syntactic structure. The main principle on which the modern Russian punctuation is built is the structural (or syntactic) principle with the proposal structure related: points recording the end of the sentence; signs between parts of a complex sentence; Signs excreasing a variety of designs in a simple proposal (separate members, homogeneous members, appeals, introductory and other structures). .

For example: it is known 1 (that, 2 (in order to see the desired mushroom, 3 birds in the forest, 4 poulting in the branches, 5 bird nest, 6 walnut on a branch - 7 in a word, 8 all), 9 (which rarely come across and One way or another hides from the eyes), 10 must be kept in the imagination), 11 (you are looking for). 12 Here, punctuation marks reflect the proposal structure: 1 - comma separates the apparent from the main one; 2 - comma at the junction of alliances with consistent subordination of the apparent; 2, 10-commas are released by the apparent inside of another apparent under consistent submission; 3, 6 - commas share homogeneous members associated without union; 4, 5 - commas allocate the involvement of the turnover after the word determined; 7 - dash after a homogeneous series in front of a generalizing word; 8 - the comma highlights the introductory design; 9, 11 - commas are separated by the apparent subordinate; 12 - point indicates the end of the sentence.

The second principle on which punctuation rules is based is the principle of the semantic syntactic membership of the text (including a separate proposal) associated with its semantic membership and in most cases coincides with it. However, it often happens that the semantic member of the speech subjugates the structural and dictates one or another alignment of punctuation signs (their choice or place).

Arrange the punctuation marks in the following phrase (the title of one of the articles of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts") so that there are several variants of the semantic content. Stop chewing let's get enough! Chew let's read ... Enough. Chew? Let's! To read? Stop chewing - let's read. (An article about the need for a careful study of what is written on the packaging of the goods.) What are you guided by the alignment of punctuation signs? What function does the dash in this sentence? A dash in the BSP, in the second part, the opposition in relation to the content of the 1st part is expressed (in between parts you can insert the Union A, but).

The semantic principle admits the so-called "author" signs. For example: without twig in your hand, at night, he, Nimalo, I do not hesitate, rowed one on the wolves (I. Turgenev). The first two commas are the signs of "author", they do not require the structure of the sentence. But thanks to this author's detection, signs that are denoted by circumstances without twigs in their hand, at night, turn out to be isolated, their exclusivity is underlined. In the absence of commas, this important value for the author disappears.

Russian punctuation partly reflects both intonation (and this is the third, intonational principle). For example, intonation is due to: the choice of a point or exclamation mark at the end of the sentence (non-visible or exclamation intonation), a selection of a comma or an exclamation mark after the appeal, setting the intonation dash, etc.

However, there is no literal coincidence between the signs of punctuation and intonation. This manifests itself, on the one hand, in the fact that not all pauses correspond to the letter of punctuation signs, and on the other, the fact that the comma can be used where there is no pause in oral speech. For example: 1) In the proposal, brief speeches / are always more substantial / and capable of calling / strong impression (M. Gorky) three pauses, and there is no punctuation signs. 2) in the proposal under the arm, the boy's boy was some kind of knot / and, turning to the pier, / began to descend along a narrow and steep path (M. Lermontov) between the union and and the verpride, turning the comma, and there is no pause in oral speech; On the contrary, before this union there is a pause, and there is no comma. Thus, modern punctuation is based on the structure, and in meaning, and on the intonational membership of speech in their interaction.

The functions of the punctuation marks are excretory, -: "" () separation. ? ! ; .

Signs of punctuation Function of signs Example 1 point Text Party to significant in grammatical and semantic relations of part 2 Dots A. Separate B. Sign of emotional voltage C. Stresses the inexperience of transmitted content D. Intentional passage signal

3 Exclamation mark A. Transmit the appropriate intonation B. Indicate the purpose of the proposal or its emotional color 4 question mark

5 Speakers A. Text membership on significant in grammatical and semantic relationship part B. Allocation in the proposal of particularly significant parts 6 point with a semicolon for text partitions in grammatical and meaning part

7 Dash A. Means the passage of a ligament in a taught (subject to and the surehead is expressed by nouns, numerical, infinitive, phrase with nouns in I.P.) B. Means the message of the membership of the sentence C. Transfer of values \u200b\u200bof conditions, time, comparisons, consequences, comparison in BSP D. Separates homogeneous members from the generalizing word E. means a composite, intonational, semantic surprise F. Allocation in the proposal of particularly significant parts (extraction, highlighting words and combinations, grammatically related to members of the sentence)

8 colon is explaining and explanatory (separates homogeneous members from the generalizing word, the words of the author from a direct speech, parts of the BSP) 9 brackets allocation in the proposal of particularly significant parts (extraction, highlighting words and combinations, grammatically associated with members of the sentence) 10 quotes quotation quotes, "Alien speech"

Read the text. Highlight the grammatical basis of the offer, specify what it is expressed. Explain the formulation of punctuation marks and specify their function. 1. Russia is not only a state ... 2. It is the superpost, the ocean, the element that has not yet formed, did not fit into their shores intended for her. 3. It did not shine in the honed and faced concepts in his own peculiarity, as it starts to sparkle a raw diamond in Diamond. 4. She is still in premonitions, in fermentation, in endless desires and endless organic possibilities.5. Russia is the Ocean of Land, swinging on a whole sixth of the world and holding its revealed Wings and East. Russia is seven blue seas; Mountains crowned with white ice; Russia is the fur bristle of endless forests, carpets of windy and blooming lugs. 7 Russia is endless snow, which sing dead silver snowstorms, but on which they are so bright shawls of Russian women, snow, from which dark violets come out with gentle spring, blue snowdrops. 8. Russia is a country of unheard of richest treasures, which ... lure in its deaf subsoil. Russia is a country of Byzantine domes, a stall and blue incense, which ride from the Great and fourth heiress Rome - Byzantium, the second Rome. 10. And they give Russian unheard of beauty, captured in Russian art.<...>

Homework: 1) Continue filling the table "The functions of punctuation marks", defining the function of the comma in the text of the exercise ...; 2) Write an essay of the thumbnail "Dots - traces on the tiptoe of the gone words" (V.V. Nabokov).

Practice on punctuation

in tables and exercises

Student Tutorial

philology faculty



Akimova TP, Kudryavtseva A.A.

Punction workshop in tables and exercises: a training manual for students of the Faculty of Philology. - Volgograd: Change, 2007. - ... p.

The rules of Russian punctuation are presented in tables (with examples and exceptions) and the exercises to them, aimed at improving the skills of the proper formulation of punctuation marks.

For students of philological specialties.


The purpose of this manual is to develop the skills of competent letters related to the formulation of punctuation marks. First of all, it is intended for use in classes at the rate of "Workshop on spelling and punctuation". The manual can also be used in the preparation for the exam under this discipline, as well as for independent student classes who have decided to increase the level of punctuation literacy.

The manual has a clear structure: the rules of the Russian punctuation are distributed over 13 blocks, each of which includes theoretical information presented in the form of tables, as well as exercises aimed at securing the material being studied. In addition, the manual includes final control exercises, the execution of which will ensure the repetition and generalization of the learned knowledge and skills.

The didactic material of this manual is removed from the works of Russian literature, both classical and modern.

At the beginning of the allowance, information on the principles of Russian punctuation and a consolidated indicator of punctuation rules are presented, and at the end, a list of references that can be used to study and fix the material being studied.

Principles of modern Russian punctuation

Term punctuation (Late. Punctuatio, from Lat. Punctum - point) has two meanings:

1. System punctuation signs In writing of any language, the rules for their use. Russian punctuation.

2. Alignment of punctuation signs in the text. Error punctuation. Features of punctuation in the works of M. Gorky.

In the history of Russian punctuation on its basics and the appointment, three main directions were distinguished: logical, syntactic and intonational.

According to logic Direction, the main purpose of punctuation is to "indicate the dismemberment of speech on the parts that are important to the expression of thought with the letter." Supporters of this concept note that, despite the fact that "the use of most punctuation marks in the Russian letter is regulated by the advantage of grammatical (syntactic) rules," the rules are also based on the meaning of statements. " (F.I. Buslaev, S.I. Abakumov, A. B. Shapiro).

Syntax The direction in the theory of punctuation, which was widespread in the practice of her teaching, proceeds from the fact that the punctuation marks are intended primarily to make a visual syntactic system of speech, to allocate individual proposals and their parts. (Ya. K. Grotto).

Representatives intonation Theories believe that the punctuation signs serve "to designate the rhythm and phrase melodes, otherwise phrase intonation" (L.V. Shcherba), which they reflect "in the vast majority of cases are not grammatical, and the declamination and psychological dismemberment of speech" (A.M. Peshkovsky), that they are needed "to transmit a speech melody, her pace and pauses" (L.A. Bulakhovsky).

Despite the significant discrepancy between the views of representatives of different directions, they all recognize recognition communicative function punctuation, which is an important means of registration of written speech. Punctuation marks indicate satisfying Speech Membership. So, the point denotes the completeness of the proposal in understanding the writing; The formulation of commas between homogeneous members of the sentence shows the syntactic equality of the elements of the proposals expressing equal concepts, etc.

To a large extent, our punctuation system is based on a syntactic basis (cf. formulation of the most part of punctuation rules). This does not mean that punctuation copies the proposal structure, obeying it: the latter itself is due to the meaning of statements, so the initial moment for the structure of the proposal and to select punctuation marks is the meaningful side of speech. Cf. Cases of punctuation sign that are not related to syntactic rules, for example, the formulation of the so-called intonation dash: 1) Walk long - could not; 2) Walking - I could not long.This example shows that our punctuation is also associated with intonation.

Often there is a mismatch of punctuation and intonation (rhythm model). So, in the proposal Pink female dress flashed in dark greenery (TURG.) Pause between the composition of the facility to and the composition (after the word dress) It is not denoted by the letter of punctuation. On the other hand, in the proposal Under the arm, the boy carried some node and, turning to the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path(L.) after the union and pause is not done, but in accordance with the existing rule there is a comma here (it can be noted that there can be a pause in this sentence before the union andBut it is not marked by a punctuation mark).

In some cases, punctuation marks are the main or unique means of identifying semantic relations that cannot be expressed in the written text of grammatical and lexical means. Cf. Separation, dash and colon in the same non-union complex sentence: Youth left, in the evening it became boring (indicates the sequence of phenomena); Youth left - on the evening it became boring (in the second part, the result is indicated, the result of the action indicated in the first part); Youth gone: on the evening it became boring(caused causal relationships indicating the cause in the second part). Cf. Also, the formulation or absence of commas in proposals in which the introductory words and members of the supply of lexically coincide: The doctor maybe in his office. - The doctor may be in his office. The corresponding punctuation makes it possible to understand the role of definitions preceding the defined noun: clubs thick, black smoke (Uniform definitions) - clubs dense black smoke (Definitions are heterogeneous).

The Russian punctuation system has great flexibility: along with the obligatory rules, it contains instructions that do not have a strictly regulatory nature and allowing various punctuation options associated not only with the semantic shades, but also with the stylistic features of the written text.

Asterian (or syntactic) principle.The use of punctuation marks is due primarily to the structure of the sentence, its syntactic structure. Nr, it is precisely the use of a point that fixes the end of the sentence is related to the proposal; signs between parts of a complex sentence; Signs excreasing a variety of designs in a simple proposal (separate members, homogeneous members, appeals, introductory and other structures). Nr: Known, 1 (what, 2 (in order for see In the forest, the desired mushroom, 3 birds, * trowed in the branches, 5 bird's nest, 6 walnut on the branch7- in short, 8all), 9 (what seldom come across and anyway hide from eyes), 10 need to keep in imagination then), (what looking for). Here, punctuation marks reflect the proposal structure: 1 - the comma separates the apparent from the main one; 2 - comma at the junction of alliances with consistent subordination of the apparent; 2, 10-commas are released by the apparent inside of another apparent under consistent submission; 3, 6 - commas share homogeneous members associated without union; 4, 5 - commas allocate the involvement of the turnover after the word determined; 7 - dash after a homogeneous series in front of a generalizing word; 8 - the comma highlights the introductory design; 9, 11 - commas are separated by the apparent subordinate; 12 - point indicates the end of the sentence. These signs are strictly mandatory and cannot be copyrighted.

Semantic principle. The syntactic membership of the text (including a separate offer) is associated with its semantic membership and in most cases coincides with it. However, it often happens that the semantic member of the speech subjugates the structural and dictates one or another alignment of punctuation signs (their choice or place). Nr: 1) in the proposal The bridegroom was friendly and very important, then he was a slightly and very wealthy (M. Gorky)dash indicates that the word laterit has the meaning "besides". In the absence of tire laterit would have the meaning of "after anything", "subsequently", inappropriate in this case. 2) Offer Your application must be considered by the Commission(without punctuation marks) expresses confidence speaking in the reliability of the reported. A sentence Your application must be considered by the Commission(with introductory design) - uncertainty, estimation. Semantic principle Allows the so-called "author" signs. Nr: Without a twig in his hand, at night, he, Nimalo, I do not hesitate, pushed one Pa Volkov (I. Turgenev).The first two commas are the signs of "author", they do not require the structure of the sentence. But thanks to this author's dressing, signs that are designated circumstances without twig in hand, at night,it is highlighted, their exclusivity is underlined. In the absence of commas, this important value for the author disappears.

Thus, in all these examples, signs act as distinted sense, which determines the definite structure of the sentence.

Intonational import. Nr, intonation is due to the choice of a point or exclamation mark at the end of the sentence (non-police or exclamation intonation), the selection of a comma or an exclamation mark after the appeal, setting the intonation dash, etc. However, there is no literal coincidence between punctuation marks and intonation. This manifests itself, on the one hand, in the fact that not all pauses correspond to the letter of punctuation signs, and on the other, the fact that the comma can be used where there is no pause in oral speech. Nr: 1) in the proposal Brief speeches / always more informative / and able to cause a strong impression (M. Gorky)three pauses, and there is no punctuation signs. 2) in the sentence Under the mouse, the boy has some node and, turning to the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path (M. Lermontov)between the union andand verbalism turningthe comma is there, and there is no pause in oral speech; On the contrary, before this union there is a pause, and there is no comma.

Punctuation -this is

1) a system of punctuation marks;

2) the norms and rules for the use of punctuation marks historically established in Russian writing;

3) section of linguistics learning the punctuation marks and the rules for their use on the letter.

The main purpose of punctuation is to help understand the reader of the written text, its structure, syntactic and meaning. Text written without punctuation marks is read three to five times more slowly than the text is decorated. (Leakant)

Based on words punctuationlies root -He-,from which words behave like comma, snoop, obstacleet al. All these words contain in themselves the importance of obstacles, barriers, settings, delays. So the punctuation marks coincide with stopping in speech, with intonation, with the transition to a new thought, to a new concept.

Punctuation rule

The punctuation rule is an instruction that indicates the conditions for choosing a punctuation mark (i.e. its use or non-consumption). The conditions for choosing a punctuation mark are grammatical, semantic and intonational features of proposals and their parts.

Note. A place in the proposal where the formulation of punctuation marks is necessary can be found according to identification features (signs). Significant signs of application of punctuation rules:

1) Morphological: the presence of communion, verbal, interception, unions, individual particles;

2) syntactic: the presence of two or more grammatical foundations, appeals, input words, separate members of the proposal, homogeneous members, someone else's speech;

3) sound: pronunciation with a challenge and other types of intonation;

4) Semantic: the expression of the cause, etc.

(M.T. Baranov, T. Kokyuyeva ... Handbook of Russian Language for students)

Principles of punctuation

1. Intonational principle. (L.V. Shcherba, A.M. Peshkovsky, L. A. Bulakhovsky) punctuation marks are indicators of rhythm and speech melody. (Russian punctuation partly reflects both intonation: the point is in the place of a large decrease in voice and a long pause; question and exclamation marks, intonation dash, in some cases a dot, etc.. (...)

Warm wind blowing from the south, verse.

Western sharp wind suddenly unexpectedly verse.

2. Syntactic (grammatical) principle.(J. K. Grotto) The punctuation marks make a visual syntactic system of speech, allocate individual proposals and their parts. This was reflected in the formulation of most punctuation rules:

as a point fixing the end of the sentence; signs at the junction of parts of a complex sentence (when they mean their accumulative role); Signs that allocate a variety of designs, but not related to him, that is, not to its members (introductory words, combinations of words and suggestions; inserts, circulation; interjections); signs with homogeneous suggestions; Signs that allocate applications, definitions - involvement and definitions - adjectives with dependent words, which are directly after the determined word or converted from it by other members of the sentence (...)

3. Logic (meaning) principle. The punctuation ensures the understanding of the text. (But it often happens that the semantic member of the speech submits to itself a structural, that is, a specific meaning dictates the only possible structure.

For example: Three in front of the photo, tense(I. Ilf).

Three in front of the photo is tense.

The semantic principle in the arrangement of punctuation marks is very clearly revealed extraction, as well as with connecting members of the sentence (...) Specific semantic shades fixed in the proposal may (...) vary, and therefore in punctuation, resting at such principle, there is always something subjective, individual (...)

Conclusions: All three principles act in it is not divided, but in unity (...) allocate the principles can now be separately conditionally, for the convenience of studying (...)

Thus, if we consider that the syntactic units of speech are created in order to transmit thoughts and emotions, the combination of all three principles in a single punctuation system will become apparent. (Vintagina)

Intonation and punctuation are the children of one father - the meaning of speech.

Some cases of incompatibility of intonation and punctuation

1) There are no pause, and the comma is:

He made a few jumps, but, realizing that they could not catch up, lagged behind.

We are strange to hear that if a person fell ill, he must have money for a doctor.

Having learned what happened, they immediately arrived.

Output: Letter "For hearing" - a source of errors.

2) There is a pause, but there is no comma.

Drove through the age-old pine forest _Pros, went far beyond the horizon.

An autumn for contact with the guerrillas, the Nazis burned the village.

And swim in the edges of other sea water, you will not find another such Russia anywhere.

Signs of punctuation and their functions.

11 punctuation marks:

point (.), Question mark (?), Exclamation mark (!),

dots (...), comma (,), point with a comma (;), colon (:),

dash (-), brackets (round) (), quotes ("") paragraph (red row)

Functions sn:

    Separating (point,?,!, ...,:, kr .strok) - separated text segments from each other

    Selective (brackets, quotes, single dash and comma)