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What dreams mirror without. See yourself pregnant in the mirror in a dream. See yourself in a mirror scary in a dream


Dream mirror The mirror is to smash - loss through betrayal, separation; see your face - to be in from afar, profit in the personal, the birth of children, as you look like - this is your attitude around; see one's whole - to the disease; No person - illness, failure; unfamiliar - big change. The mirror - for the maiden - innocence; Break - losing innocence, get married. Dream of flowers

Dream mirror Watch in a dream in the mirror - to the unexpected result of your sexual activity. After a while you will learn that not so long ago, sexual contact will bring unexpected fruits for you. Also, the mirror seen in the dream can warn about the high probability of infection with a venereal disease. Intimate dream book

Dream mirror Mirror - if the mirror is dark. - Unfortunately. In a broken mirror you see a reflection of a person. - foreshadows misfortune. Mirror - dream clear, light mirror. - Fortunately. Dark mirror. - Unfortunately. We take, take the mirror. - You will find a good wife. You see your reflection in the mirror, - will be in afar. You see the reflection of another person in the mirror. - trouble with his wife or concubine. You take a mirror belonging to another person. - Birth of a noble son. Another man holds your mirror in his hands. - foreshadows misfortune with his wife. The mirror is broken. - foresaw the separation of her husband and wife. Dream of Zhou-Guna

Sleep value mirror In order not to dream anything, it is not necessary to look at the event of the sun in the mirror. How to dream mirror: a naked girl; Miloders - the change of her life; Everyone is to see himself in the mirror so that another face is in an acne, - a change in life to welfare, wealth. See mirror in a dream - shame will be. If a married woman sees himself in a dream with a young girl who is absorbed in front of the mirror, then does not blow back the disease. If you dream that you look in the mirror, - love someone. Ukrainian dream book

Sleep mirror In general, the mirror in a dream is a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles. For a woman, such a dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce. Look in the mirror in a dream means to come to the disagreements between the close; Perhaps the cause of your suffering will be someone's illness. To see in the mirror of others - the foresology of their unfair actions towards you. Animals in the mirror foreshadow disappointment and loss. A broken mirror in a dream often predicts a large mountain, suffering and tears, a sudden death of a relative. A young woman broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. Modern dream book

Dream mirror If you dreamed that you see yourself in the mirror: a lot of stunning events will happen to you, and the disease will cause your failures and troubles. See the broken mirror: the prediction of the unexpected or violent death of any of your friends or loved ones. To see in the mirror of others: it foreshadows that some people to achieve their own benefits will behave unfairly in relation to you. Animals seen in the mirror: an omnation of disappointment and failure. Sleep, in which a young woman breaks the mirror: foreshadows insincere friendship and unhappy marriage. If she sees his beloved in the mirror pale and emaciated: it predicts the misfortune or parting. If he looks happy: expect only a short waving. A young woman to see the mirror in a dream: it will prophete that she will soon face a deception and disagreements that will lead to tragic consequences and parting. Modern dream book

Interpretation of a dream mirror The mirror seeing you in a dream may be due to the famous melas of Basni: "There is nothing to make a mirror, if the crown of a curve" or with a notity, on which the mirror is divided into misfortune. If you see a few mirrors, as if at the exhibition, this means that you are in the center of attention of others, you are waiting for some act. To see its reflection in the mirror - you will make a wrong step, make something like that, then you will be ashamed and awkward. Slide the mirror in a dream - a bad sleep that foreshadows an unpleasant event that you will be hard to worry. It looks into the mirror, but not seeing its reflection in it - this dream is promoting to you, which will touch first of all your inner world, your views on life. Dream Ezopa

Dream mirror Mirror - self-identification; Seen in a dream means an attempt to look at himself, from the side, to make sure of his own image. Confirm your "I". Speaks about some insecurity. Russian dream book

Dream mirror Mirror: This symbol means look at your inner world. If what you see in the mirror is pleased, then you do not have internal conflicts with you. If your own appearance is scared, it means that something is wrong with your soul. Check, do not oppress you bad thoughts, envy or bad intentions. Try to find out the reason for your discrepancies with yourself, honestly admit yourself that something is wrong. After that, you can hope that the nightmare will no longer repeat. Children's dream book

Dream mirror In a dream, this is a wife. If anyone in a dream sees herself looking into the mirror and his wife at this time is pregnant, she will give birth to him a boy like him, and if she is not pregnant or there is no wife in general, then he will be removed from his post and his place will take other. If a wife sees such a dream and she will be pregnant, she will give birth to a girl like himself, and if not pregnant, then the husband marries the second wife. If a little boy sees herself looking into the mirror, then a brother call him, and if a girl sees it, she is called her sister. Some explosive scientists say that in a dream the mirror means becoming a victim of deception and betrayal by hypocrites pretending to your friends or benevolers. Islamic dream book

Dream mirror The mirror: an image that makes it possible to observe, consider the meaning of some kind of attitudines and someone's behavior, manners of thinking. Often, "in Syo" uses this image to point out the fake of someone's belief. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream mirror To see the mirror in a dream - the forever marriage, and for people who are married such a dream means treason. Watch in the mirror - to strengthen the disease for patients and to the disease for healthy. See how someone looks in the mirror, foreshadows a lot of doubts and a fallen mood because of misfortunes in the family. See yourself in the mirror - the forever, you will meet with evil, deceptive and fake friends. To see the reflection of your face in the mirror - foreshadows discontent due to the inability to organize their affairs in such a way that they bring the desired result. If in a dream you look at the freckle in your face in your face, Introduces it foreshadows that your short happiness will be overshadowed by the unaitable final: you lose your lover. To see in the mirror on his face bruising, which you really do not have, - such a dream means that you can participate in entertainment without any concerns that you will introduce you to in the near future. See yourself in the mirror as ugly and shaggy - to rapid enrichment and glory. To see in the mirror instead of other people foreshadows their unfair deeds towards you. If you saw in the mirror, looking into it, some animal - Introduces it foreshadows frustration and loss. A mirror showing in a dream of a pale and exhausted lover is a sign of his early death or your failed engagement. If he is healthy and looks cheerful - it means that there will be a break between you, but after a while you will become happy. To see a broken mirror in a dream - a sign of unsuccessful friendship and a completely unsuccessful marriage. Smash in a dream mirror - get the news that your favorite relative is at death. To see how someone breaks the mirror, - by the head of fast deception or difficult obstacles for unmarried, and for marriage - domestic battles that can bring to the divorce. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream mirror Mirror: Narcissism, which is selfish and low-value, it can be auto-erotic or homosexual. Mirror: It can also be a symbol of cognition of self and shadow, that is, narcissism can be creative. The symbol is found both at the stages of narcissism and during regression. Reflections in water, mirror: correspond to the saw seen another, which is perceived as its own, indicating a possible projection. The mythical door through which the other world can invade this one. Magic symbol of unconscious memories. Associated with a double or friend image. Reflections. Consciousness reflects the features of their own nature, both positive and negative. The unconscious occasionally seems like a mirror opposite to conscious, in which everything is distorted, including time. Reflect yourself. What we see each other and thus our appearance. The unconscious can use this image, indicating the fundamental unity of the two opposites, for example, good and evil, which the individual in his reflections considered various. Plato recommended a mirror with young people to observe virtue or viciousness visible on their own face. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream mirror To see yourself in full growth in the mirror: to look at your face to your face: big changes in life, a steep turn, large events break down: to defeat ill-wishers, get out the winner of a difficult situation. Russian dream book

Dream mirror The mirror is freedom, wedding, groom (maiden), change in life (modules) // friend will deceive, treason, bad, shame; look - to carry out from afar // Disease, death (patient); look and not see reflections - illness; see yourself in pimple - change for the better, wealth; see one's own - illness; split - betrayal, separation; give - reconciliation; will give - a wedding (maiden); Lose - sadness. Small Velezov Sonnik

Dream mirror If in a dream you look in the mirror, in real life you will quarrel with your chosen one. A broken mirror - ominous omen, meaning the death of a beloved. Such a dream is also a bad marriage and quarrels. If the girl sees a loved one in the mirror, which seems pale and sick, it means that she will soon survive his loss. Also, this dream means an unsuccessful engagement. If the chosen one in the mirror looks happy, it means that there will be a light beveling between lovers, which will soon be resolved happy. If you dreamed a simple mirror, it is very likely that in your family there will be a wave. Dream interpretation for lovers

Dream mirror Mirror: reflects our inner essence. For example, a dream sees a witch in the mirror: it is she herself. Also split the mirror: losses, failures. See yourself in the mirror in another form: to change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror. ABC Interpretation of dreams

Dream mirror Large dream book

Dream mirror Old, cracks, dark or broken. The dreams sees himself in the mirror in an unsightly form and considers his face with surprise and fright. It is typical for black magic dreams\u003e. Dream of black magic

Dream mirror Saw in a dream herself looking into the mirror - disagreements and experiences await you ahead. The cause of your sufferings may be someone's illness. Saw someone else in the mirror, we fear unfair actions in relation to you. A broken mirror foreshadows a sudden death of a relative. A young woman broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. To see in the lover's mirror, pale and emaciated, - to the failed grout. If he looks happy, it is possible a slight distance between you, which will soon disappear. Just see the mirror in a dream - a sign of possible soon deception or obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce. Nostradamus interpreted the dreams of mirrors as follows: The mirror is a symbol of duality, secrets. You will see their reflection in the mirror in a dream, then I will get an unexpected news. If in a dream you broke the mirror - in reality you will experience because of a treachery of a person close to you. The dream in which you saw in a mirror reflection of the monster, indicates the insincerity of your promises and internal devastation. See a huge mirror with a muddy surface - to become a victim of intrigue and slander. Do not see in a dream its reflection in the mirror is a bad sign. To guess in a dream in front of the mirror means fear, doubt, inability to make decisions yourself. Wanta believed that if a person looks in a dream to his reflection in the mirror, then in real life it is very interested in what other people think about him. "You often look at your life as if by, trying to analyze your actions and affairs. If you look in the mirror, but do not see your reflection, then such a dream says that you are in the power of the unclean strength that the evil peaks. Contact God, for you are waiting for a hard life, "the Bulgarian appearance advised. According to Vangi, to see a broken mirror in a dream - the prophecy of great grief. You are waiting for suffering and tears. In front of the mirror is guessing - a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: is rich and happily you will live, how many children you have, will you respect you surrounding and even the day of your demise. Remember that "the paths of the Lord are non-defined", and none of the now living can answer all your questions with accurate confidence. Constantly referring to various predictors and guessing themselves, you only attract the attention of unclean power. A D. Lofoff wrote in his dream book: "In the dreams of the mirror, it is clearly reflected by something, the objects reflect, bringing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland serve as a door to another reality. The mirror is often concerned about the ability to show us what awaits us ahead, forcing it to interpret what they saw and think about it, I like it or not. If the mirror inconsisibly reflects the items, adds or removes parts, then it represents a mapping of life perception against the background of the real position of things. In this case, sleep indicates to you the wrong interpretation of moving environmental motives, which is manifested in the reluctance to take these motifs "for a clean coin" (who or what is added or removed from the mirror?). Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually generated by a fantasy subconscious. " Large universal dream book

Dream mirror Look at yourself in the mirror - this is a dream that in reality you are not guided by common sense in affairs and soon try to collapse if you do not organize them properly. This dream also means you are surrounded by treacherous people who soon expose you to successfully. They will open their true face, trying to bother to bother you. Do not be too trusting and do not give up a draw. Although you are not prone to suspicion, be careful and insightful, try to penetrate into the essence of human intentions. In love with the opponent: he firmly intends to displace you from the heart of his beloved and take your place. Vintage English Dream Interpretation

Dream mirror Look in the mirror: without seeing his face to merry. Split the mirror: unfortunately, tragedy in love. Give the mirror: refuse themselves from their own happiness. Receive the mirror: wait for the trick, gifts not from the pure heart. Many mirrors: confused, get lost, you will not know who to believe. Esoteric dream book

Dream mirror "Reflect on the mirror": objectivity, visibility, the evidence of a broken mirror or trough ": Loss, trouble" Conduct time at the mirror ": aimless pastry time" Coolhouse ": otherworldly, unavailable, secret parallel world" Curler ": reflect, copy "Curve mirror": distortion. Idiom dream book

Dream mirror The mirror, it is different from the real, turned on right to left the world of imaginary volumes and forms. The mirror in a dream (also different from the reality of the world): a very complex image, a combination of various measurements, allowing you to catch and reflect the inner past of the human soul. With attention should be taken to such a sleep: it is absolutely necessary - it gives space. Everyone lives in his own world, which creates as he himself seems correct. Come related, own behavior - all these are already derived from the past first understanding, how to live. Everyone chooses and in the future only the actors is worked out the image that was once chosen, bringing it to (the image of him) to possible perfection - the same effect on the effect of the impact on the public / surrounding. But it is the static. And the statics are always unfavorable, especially - the state of the soul! Seeing his reflection from the past in the mirror: there is the perception of its true world: a present, unaczzle and undistorted attitude towards himself. Own face in the sleep mirror: It is as it was, while the spiritual make-up artist-acter image was actively started - a role. The consequence of sleep should be the analysis of all its actions from the point of sleep reference (face in the mirror) to the present moment (after sleeping in the morning). To see the reflection of ourselves in the mirror in a dream as if from the future: Sleep knows that his face in the mirror, but he never recognizes himself never yet, nothing to remember. It, as in the first case, the perception of his true face, but it was not what it was, and what it will be if nothing changes in the real behavior. Actions after sleep is made as desired, depending on whether the face like it in the mirror or not. But such a dream, as a rule, demonstrates the need for any changes: the tips above should not be neglected. Do not recognize yourself in the mirror in a dream: a complete contradiction between the necessary way, and the understanding and vision of his surrounding, which actually exist. Such a dream is a sign of a permanent depleting power of the dynamic stress to maintain a false image, a sign of approaching the nervous breakdown. To enjoy the contemplation of its reflection in a dream in the mirror: a sign of lack of fighting with himself, the complete adoption of all the events that happened. Disconnection to its reflection in a dream: a sign of a constant depleting struggle for saving the selected behavior scheme, inconsistency of the selected goal and its own capabilities. Each act performed to achieve the goal brings disappointment and loss of forces. Covering mirrors in a dream and the inability to see in it at least approximately their own features: the chosen scheme of behavior is incorrect to the complete erasing of his own person (and revealed the broken mirror - a bad sign). Perhaps complete submission of someone else. The sleep is very unfavorable, the urgent change of behavior, goals, valuables and the doctor's council are required. Specific immediate consequences, such dreams are usually not predicted. But remote consequences are bad. To see instead of yourself in the mirror of another person: complete submission of someone else's will (could happen in childhood). If the reflection is familiar: review your relationship with the original, regardless of whether it is alive or has already died. Minded study in this case frees, and mentally given debts give liberation. You can consider this sleep favorable, since such a show is help. To see in a dream, some other place reflected in the mirror (the dreams in a dream is in the room and sees the road in the mirror, for example) or another person (not instead of yourself): It means simply using the possibilities of the mirror for transmitting information (for some reasons for some reason Otherwise, it was impossible to show it). In this case, it is necessary to interpret the seen in the mirror as an independent dream. Imperial dream book

Dream mirror Mirror: This is a bright symbol having many values. Mirror: may mean your imagination or your consciousness reflecting the world around. It may also be a symbol of self-pressing, which points to you that it is time to draw thoughts deep into yourself. Some psychologists associate mirrors: with hidden subconscious memories. In China, the mirrors were used to reflect or dispel hostile influences: look at the accompanying signs to reveal the meaning of this image. In folklore and in the magical fairy tales of the mirror: associated with magic. This is a door leading from our world to other spheres. Explore the magic of your life. Mirror allows you to: take a step towards from reality and look at life in a new, more fully run. Do you need to see the reflection of what actually happens in your life, and understand who you are actually? It may be familiar to look into your eyes and see yourself in full growth. It allows you to see yourself as they see you surrounding. Dream Interpretation Deniz Lynn

Dream mirror Mirror: Freedom, Wedding, Groom (Device), Change in Life (Molodha), friend will deceive, treason, bad, shame look: to watch from afar, disease, death (sick) look and not see reflections: a disease to see yourself in acne: change For the better, wealth to see ourselves entirely: the disease broke: betrayal, separation to give: reconciliation will give: Wedding (Device) Lose: sadness. Small dream book

Dream mirror Mirror. See in a dream herself looking into the mirror - means that you will come across a lot of discrepancing disagreements; The cause of your sufferings will be someone's illness. To see a broken mirror in a dream - foreshadows the sudden death of a relative. See others in the mirror - foreshadow their unfair actions towards you. To see in the animal mirror - means disappointment and loss. Young woman seen in a dream broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. To see in the mirror of the lover, pale and emaciated, - to his death or failed grinding. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will increase. But after a while, consent reigns in your hearts. Just see the mirror in a dream - a sign of possible fast deception or hard-solid obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be the oppression of home contradictions or divorce. Furniture dream book

Dream mirror Mirror - mirror reflects our inner entity. For example, a dreamy sees a witch in the mirror - it is she herself. Also - anxiety about your image, about how people perceive us. Split the mirror - loss, failures. See yourself in the mirror in another form - to change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror. Sonniest Medea

Dream mirror In general, the mirror in a dream: a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles. For a woman, such a dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce. Look in the mirror in a dream: means to come to the disagreements between the closest possible, the cause of your sufferings will be someone's illness. To see in the mirror of others: the foresology of their unfair actions towards you. Animals in the mirror: foreshadow disappointment and loss. A broken mirror in a dream: often predicts a big grief, suffering and tears, a sudden death of a relative. A young woman broken mirror: promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. Dream of a modern woman

Dream mirror Seeing your reflection: to unhealthy, the sign is enhanced if you are considering yourself, being naked. The mirror: sad news, the situation is enhanced if it broke. Newest dream book

Dream mirror Dream Mirror - self-identification; Seen in a dream means an attempt to look at himself, from the side, to make sure of his own image. Confirm your me. Speaks about some insecurity. Russian People's Sonniest

Dream mirror The mirror reflects our inner essence. For example, a dreamy sees a witch in the mirror - it is she herself. Also - anxiety about your image, about how people perceive us. Split the mirror - loss, failure. See yourself in the mirror in another form - to change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror. The mirror in the dream often performs in the magical light. In it, the dreams often sees himself, but with another appearance. In this appearance, its true idea of \u200b\u200bitself is reflected or, on the contrary, desired.

"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

Mirror in a dream - a symbol of change. See him in a dream means you think about what should change your life. To see to see - the sign of the disclosure of the mystery, as a result of which you will have a scandal, the consequences of which is difficult to predict. In a dream, want to see yourself in the mirror, but never see, means the desire of change. In this case, the mirror warns you of obstacles to the way to achieve the goal. Cracks on the mirror in this case mean that poor premonition is justified and what you are afraid of the most. If you are hoping for a happy marriage, then such a dream predicts that this marriage will not be successful or happy. In love with such a dream foreshadows separation from the beloved or divorce. See yourself in a mirror in full growth - to marriage or to a big change in life. A rich frame on the mirror predicts a wealthy life in marriage and honor. The more modest frame, the poorest you will live one or with my spouse. Pay attention to how you are dressed in the mirror. See clothes. This will help you draw up a faithful idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is waiting for you in family life.

Watch in the mirror in a dream, but not to see your face - to the disease. See someone else's person instead of your own change. Changes will be such as the face that you will see in the mirror. Those who change their spouse, this dream predicts the birth of extramarital children. The patient to see himself in the mirror is the forever death. Others see in the mirror in a dream - a sign that soon your opinion about this person will change. To see the lover in the mirror - to the twilight with him. A broken mirror in a dream predicts that your intentions and desires will not work. Sometimes such a dream may predict the unexpected death of a relative or a betrayal of a friend. Throw the mirror is a sign that you yourself will refuse to change something in your life. Urgent to see himself in the mirror - to grief, annoyance, illness, and vice versa. If you dreamed that you have spots on the face (in the mirror), then wait for the distress because of your children. I hear the conversation about the mirror in a dream means speed changes. Good or bad - learn from the conversation. Mirror see - a sign of coquetry or love intrigue. Spread the mirror in a dream - to the loss of virginity, dangerous communication, shame and gossip.

What dreams mirror in dream book - "Dream Vanga"

Look in the mirror in a dream:
Watch in a dream on its reflection in the mirror - a sign that in real life you are very interested in what other people think about you. You often look at your life as if by, trying to analyze your actions and affairs.

Broken mirror in a dream:
To see a broken mirror in a dream - the prophecy of great grief. You are waiting for suffering and tears.

Guess in front of a mirror in a dream:
In front of the mirror is guessing - a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: is rich and happily you will live, how many children you have, will you respect you surrounding and even the day of your demise. Remember that the "ways of the Lord are non-evortion" and none of the now living can answer all your questions with accurate confidence. Constantly referring to various predictors and guessing themselves, you only attract the attention of unclean power.

What dreams mirror in dream book -
"Truthful dreams - the most complete dream book"

The mirror in a dream reflects your essence; You are worried about your image, about how people perceive you. For a woman: The witch in the mirror is you yourself. Split the mirror - loss, failures. See yourself in the mirror in another form - to change; What are these changes, tells the image in the mirror. It look into the mirror - marriage, for marriage - treason. Mirror in a rich frame - to a quarrel. Covered with dust or curtained mirror - to sorrow. To see other people in the mirror instead of themselves - it foreshadows their unfair actions towards you.

What dreams to see yourself in the mirror in a dream

The mirror is a very bright, strong symbol that has many interpretations, like positive, so not very. That is, in a dream, you see yourself in a mirror as you really do. After analyzing their own reflection, as well as a dream with a mirror, you can, at the same time, accumulate and know about yourself, about your virtues and disadvantages.

At the same time, the mirror has long been considered a certain magic symbol, with which communication with the otherworldly. It is no coincidence that at the time of fortunes in the mirror, young girls were their narrowed. Thus, this item may also be considered a symbol of a quick marriage. However, if you dreamed that you see yourself in a broken mirror, hopes were not destined to come true.

What does it mean by the dream of yourself in the mirror to see? If you see during sleep in the mirror your face, you should be ready for certain changes in life, which will be quite serious and tangible. Another interpretation of such sleep is the prediction of fast disappointments, strong unrest and experiences.

Often, such a dream means both doubliness, hypocrisy, unwillingness to disclose a true face. Moreover, this characteristic can relate to someone from the people close to you and to you yourself. Are you honest and sincere with others? The dream in which you see yourself in the mirror makes it think about it.

What does this dream see himself in a pregnant mirror? For a young girl is an unfavorable sign. She must take care of his reputation. But you should not be afraid of a woman who will soon give birth. Since such a dream promises light childbirth.


Dream Miller

See in a dream leaving in the mirror - means that you will come across a multitude of discrepancing disagreements; The cause of your sufferings will be someone's illness.

See others in the mirror

See in animal mirror - Means disappointment and loss.

Young woman seen in a dream broken mirror

To his death or failed engagement. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will increase. But after a while, consent reigns in your hearts.

Sign of possible fast deception or hard-solid obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce.

Sonniest Medea

Mirror - reflects our inner entity.

For example, a dream see the witch in the mirror - It's she herself. Also - anxiety about your image, about how people perceive us.

Smash the mirror - Losses, failures.

See yourself in the mirror in another form - To change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror.

Dream of Freud.

Images in the mirror - are your fantasies, desires.

In the mirror you see yourself as you want to be - You have manifestations of narcissism.

If you see a mirror in a dream - You are inclined to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that do not decide to commit in real life.

Dirty or swollen mirror - symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sexual life.

Wash or wiping mirrors - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Broken mirror - symbolizes your collapsing and unfulfilled dreams.

Mirror inverted to the wall - symbolizes your sexual fears.

Dream Vangu

Watch in a dream on its reflection in the mirror - The sign of the fact that in real life you are very interested in what other people think about you. You often look at your life as if by, trying to analyze your actions and affairs.

If you look in the mirror, but do not see your reflection - then such a dream says that you are in the power of the unclean strength, which will peck evil with your hands. Contact God, for you are waiting for a hard life.

See in a dream broken mirror - Prophecy of big grief. You are waiting for suffering and tears.

Go in a dream in front of a mirror - The sign of the fact that in real life you are overly interested in our future. You want to know literally everything: is rich and happily you will live, how many children you have, will you respect you surrounding and even the day of your demise. Remember that the "ways of the Lord are non-evortion" and none of the now living can answer all your questions with accurate confidence. Constantly referring to various predictors and guessing themselves, you only attract the attention of unclean power.

Dream lovers

In real life you will quarrel with your chosen one.

Broken mirror - ominous omen, meaning the death of a loved one. Such a dream is also a bad marriage and quarrels.

If the girl sees a beloved in the mirror, which seems pale and sick - This means that she will soon survive his loss. Also, this dream means an unsuccessful engagement.

If the chosen one in the mirror looks happy - It means that there will be a light beveling between the lovers, which will soon be resolved.

If you dreamed a simple mirror - It is very likely that in your family there will be a waving.

Dream Ezopa

The mirror you see in a dream - It may be associated with the famous moral fables: "There is nothing to make a mirror, if the Ryrozh Kriva" or with the admission, on which the mirror is divided into misfortune.

If you see a few mirrors, as if at the exhibition "This means that you are in the center of attention of others, you are waiting for some kind of act.

See in the mirror reflection - You will make an incorrect step, make something like that, then you will be ashamed and awkward.

Smash in a dream mirror - Bad sleep that foreshadows an unpleasant event that you will be hard to worry.

Look in the mirror, but not seeing its reflection in it - This dream promises you for change, which will touch first of all your inner world, your views on life.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Look in a dream in the mirror - The sign of the fact that in your life there are nickels or amazing some important events that require collections and concentrations. Such dreams are usually shot to people in front of large changes in life. If you saw a mirror in your dream, then such a dream foreshadows unexpected changes in your life.

If, looking at yourself in the mirror, you are satisfied with - Such a dream means that your chances of success are very high and you can safely take a new thing.

See in the mirror instead of reflection something strange - Sign of confusion. Looks like you are poorly controlling the situation, and your life events can become uncontrollable.

See in the mirror someone else's reflection instead of your - Sign of deception and empty illusions. Most likely, you are seriously mistaken, appreciating your capabilities.

Scared, seeing a strange reflection in the mirror - Means that the incorrect assessment of the situation can cause you serious harm.

Cracked or broken mirror - Sign of sudden changes that threaten to knock you out of the gauge.

Too narrow mirrors - A sign that you look at things are too one-sided and therefore risks to allow serious mistakes.

Truma in a dream - It suggests that you clearly lack focus, and it can badly affect your affairs.

Jewish dream book

Mirror - Fake friends.

Dream Solomon

Mirror - Marriage.

Dream D.Luffa

If the mirror is inconsistently reflects the items, adds or deletes parts - It is the display of life perception against the background of the real position of things. In this case, sleep indicates to you an incorrect interpretation of driving environmental motives, which manifests itself in the reluctance to take these motifs "for a clean coin". (Who is or what is added or removed from the mirror?) Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually generated by the subfantasy subconscious. Passing through the mirror, Alice found that it is a metaphor indicating the presence of other worlds. Does your mirror serve as a gate or line intersection of the boundary of another world? What is most attracted or scares you in this new world?

Dream interpretation for bitch

Mirror - There will be many obstacles.

Watch in the mirror - Difficulties in making decisions surrounding do not want to help anything.

Smash the mirror - a disease of a loved one.

See in the mirror instead of someone else - You will be undeservedly unfair.

New family dream book

Saw in a dream yourself looking in the mirror - Disagreement and experiences await you ahead. The cause of your sufferings may be someone's illness.

Saw someone else in the mirror - Fear of unfair actions in relation to you.

Broken mirror - foreshadows the sudden death of a relative.

Promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage.

See in the lover mirror, pale and emaciated - To the failed grinding. If he looks happy - Perhaps a slight distance between you, which will soon disappear.

Just see in a dream mirror - Sign of possible soon deception or obstacles. For a woman, this dream - It can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce.

Modern visible dream book

If you dreamed that you see yourself in the mirror - There will be many stunning events with you, and the disease will cause your failures and troubles.

See broken mirror - Prediction of unexpected or violent death of any of your friends or loved ones.

See in the mirror - foreshadows that some people to achieve their own benefits will behave unfair to you.

Animals seen in the mirror - omnation of disappointment and failure.

Sleep, in which a young woman breaks the mirror - foreshadow insincere friendship and unhappy marriage.

If she sees his beloved in the mirror pale and emaciated - It predicts the misfortune or parting.

If he looks happy - Expect only a short waving.

Young woman see in a dream mirror - It prophesy that she will soon face a deception and disagreements that will lead to tragic consequences and parting.

Eastern female dream book

Look in the mirror - to speedy changes in life; broken mirror - To the crash of hopes.

Dream Nostradamusa

Mirror - Symbol of duality, secrets.

See in a dream its reflection in the mirror - Get unexpected news.

If in a dream you broke the mirror - In reality, you will experience because of a treachery of a person close to you.

Sleep in which you saw a mirror mirror reflection - Indicates insincerity of your promises and internal devastation.

See a huge mirror with a muddy surface - Become a victim of intrigue and slander.

Not to see in a dream of its reflection in the mirror - bad sign.

Go in a dream in front of a mirror - Means fear, doubt, inability to make decisions on their own.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

See your reflection "To unhealthy, a sign is enhanced if you are considering yourself, being naked.

Mirror - Sad news, the situation is enhanced if it broke.

Children's dream book

Mirror - This symbol means look at your inner world. If what you see in the mirror is pleased, then you do not have internal conflicts with you. If your own appearance is scared, it means that something is wrong with your soul. Check, do not oppress you bad thoughts, envy or bad intentions. Try to find out the reason for your discrepancies with yourself, honestly admit yourself that something is wrong. After that, you can hope that the nightmare will no longer repeat.

Full dream of a new era

Mirror - the need to explore the magic of his own life. The reflection of dependence on someone else's opinion (also to ignore). The need to refuse superficial perception, look into the depths of something (someone). A reminder that self-examination can go into narcissism. Reflection of distortion of reality perception. The need to look at your life as if from. Reminder that imaginary can prevail over valid. Reflection of concern about its own social portrait (also the desire to impress).

Smash - Reflection of discontent with your social portrait, unwillingness to see yourself as it is.

The mirror is multitude and controversial image, it must be viewed together with other signs and signs (especially in real life).

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Smash in a dream mirror - Very bad sleep: to disease or bankruptcy.


See in a dream that you broke the mirror to smire - Your family life will bearing collapse.

See in a dream fragment of the mirror - To the remnants of your family happiness.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Break something to smithereens mirror - to liberation from envious.

Smash to smash the mirror - To the loss of relatives.

Shard mirror - To the destruction of health.

Look in the mirror - To old age.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

See in a dream mirror - forever marriage, and for people who are married such a dream means treason.

Watch in the mirror - To strengthen the disease for patients and to the disease for healthy.

See how someone looks in the mirror - foreshadows a lot of doubts and a fallen mood due to misfortunes in the family.

By forever, you will meet with evil, deceptive and fake friends. See in the mirror reflection of your face - foreshadows discontent due to the inability to organize their affairs in such a way that they bring the desired result.

If in a dream you look at the freckles in your face - Introduces it foreshadows that your short happiness will be overshadowed by a sad finale: you will lose your lover.

See in the mirror on your face bruise, which you really do not have - Such a dream means that you can participate in entertainment without any concerns, which will introduce you to in the very near future.

See yourself in the mirror ugly and shaggy - to rapid enrichment and glory.

See in the mirror instead of other people - foreshadow their unfair actions towards you. If you saw in the mirror, looking into it, some animal - In reality, it foreshadows frustration and loss.

Mirror showing in a dream of a pale and exhausted lover - It is a sign of his early death or your failed engagement. If he is healthy and looks cheerful - It means that there will be a break between you, but after a while you both will be happy than ever.

See in a dream broken mirror - Sign of unsuccessful friendship and completely unsuccessful marriage. Smash in a dream mirror - Get the news that your favorite relative is at death. See how someone breaks the mirror - foresight of fast deception or difficult obstacles for unmarried, and for married - domestic battles that can bring to divorce.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Mirror - Evil, deceptive friends.

Female dream book

Generally mirror in a dream - a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles. For a woman, such a dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce.

Look in the mirror in a dream - means to come to disagreements between loved ones; Perhaps the cause of your suffering will be someone's illness.

See in the mirror - The foresight of their unfair actions towards you.

Animals in the mirror - foreshadow frustration and loss.

Broken mirror in a dream - Often predicts a big grief, suffering and tears, a sudden death of a relative.

Young woman broken mirror - promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage.

Total dream book

Look in the mirror - To serious illness.

Smash the mirror - To great misfortune.

In a dream you saw how someone broke the mirror - Some of your loved ones are awaiting great trouble.

Buying mirrors - Soon you can find out what your friends think about you.

You dreamed that you sold the mirror - You can quarrel with one of your friends.

If you dreamed that you hung the mirror on the wall - You are coming big, in vain troubles.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Mirror - This is a bright symbol having many values.

Mirror - Can mean your imagination or your consciousness reflecting the world around. It may also be a symbol of self-pressing, which points to you that it is time to draw thoughts deep into yourself.

Some psychologists associate mirrors - With hidden subconscious memories.

In China, the mirrors were used to reflect or dispel hostile influences - Watch out for accompanying signs to reveal the meaning of this image.

In folklore and in the magical fairy tales of the mirror - Associate with magic. This is a door leading from our world to other spheres. Explore the magic of your life.

Mirror allows - Make a step towards from reality and look at life in a new, more fully run. Do you need to see the reflection of what actually happens in your life, and understand who you are actually? It may be familiar to look into your eyes and see yourself in full growth. It allows you to see yourself as they see you surrounding.

Dream of the XXI century

See in a dream mirror - Means that soon you will have entertainment or a fun pastime. Sometimes a dream in which you see the mirror can be the foresight of your friend's deception.

For lovers to see a mirror in a dream - forever wedding, for a girl such a dream can fill acquaintance with the future spouse, for woman - changes in life.

Light mirror in a dream - Fortunately, dark or broken - To trouble.

See in a dream yourself in the mirror as revealed - to profits; very beautiful - to well-being; with a red person - To surprise.

See instead of face animal face - to successes ripple - to trouble all face in acne - To change life for the better.

Give a mirror in a dream - So you will have to make up with the former enemy, get it as a gift - You will receive an interesting and advantageous offer, lose mirror - To decline in affairs, depression.

English Dream

Watch yourself in the mirror "This is a dream that I will not be guided by common sense in affairs and soon try to collapse if they do not organize them properly. This dream also means you are surrounded by treacherous people who soon expose you to successfully. They will open their true face, trying to bother to bother you. Do not be too trusting and do not give up a draw. Although you are not prone to suspicion, be careful and insightful, try to penetrate into the essence of human intentions. In love - An opponent should be fear: he firmly intends to displace you from the heart of his beloved and take your place.

Italian dream book

Mirror - The image that makes it possible to observe, consider the meaning of the attitude and someone's behavior, the manners of thinking. Often, "in Syo" uses this image to point out the fake of someone's belief.

Dream Dashka

Mirror - self-identification; Seen in a dream means an attempt to look at himself, from the side, to make sure of his own image. Confirm your "I". Speaks about some insecurity.

Lunar dream book

Mirror: Use in a dream - marriage sign; pearl - to a quarrel; rusty - To sorrow.

Dream of Yellow Emperor

The mirror, it is different from the real, turned on right to left the world of imaginary volumes and forms.

Mirror in a dream (also different from the reality of the world) - Very complex image, connection of various measurements, allowing you to catch and reflect the inner past of the human soul. With attention should be taken to such a sleep: it is absolutely necessary - it gives space. Everyone lives in his own world, which creates as he himself seems correct. Come related, own behavior - all these are already derived from the past first understanding, how to live. Everyone chooses and in the future only the actors worries the image that was once chosen, bringing it (the image of him) to possible perfection - the same effect on the effect of the public / surrounding. But it is the static. And the statics are always unfavorable, especially - the state of the soul!

See your reflection from the past in the mirror - There is a perception of his true world: a present, unaczzle and undischarged attitude towards himself.

Own face in sleep mirror - It is as it was, while the spiritual grima-acter image was actively started actively started - the role. The consequence of sleep should be the analysis of all its actions from the point of sleep reference (face in the mirror) to the present moment (after sleeping in the morning).

See the reflection of yourself in the mirror in a dream as if from the future "Sleep knows that the face in the mirror of him, but he never recognizes himself has never seen himself, nothing to remember. It, as in the first case, the perception of his true face, but it was not what it was, and what it will be if nothing changes in the real behavior. Actions after sleep is made as desired, depending on whether the face like it in the mirror or not. But such a dream, as a rule, demonstrates the need for any changes: the tips above should not be neglected.

Do not recognize yourself in a mirror in a dream - Full contradiction between the necessary way, and the understanding and vision of his surrounding, which actually exist. Such a dream is a sign of a permanent depleting power of the dynamic stress to maintain a false image, a sign of approaching the nervous breakdown.

Enjoy the contemplation of its reflection in a dream in the mirror - A sign of the absence of combating itself, the complete adoption of all the events that happened.

Disconnection to its reflection in a dream - a sign of a constant depleting struggle for saving the selected behavior scheme, inconsistency of the chosen goal and its own capabilities. Each act performed to achieve the goal brings disappointment and loss of forces.

Covering mirrors in a dream and the inability to see in it at least approximately their traits - The chosen scheme of behavior is incorrect to the complete erasing of his own person (and in reality, a broken mirror is a bad sign). Perhaps complete submission of someone else. The sleep is very unfavorable, the urgent change of behavior, goals, valuables and the doctor's council are required. Specific immediate consequences, such dreams are usually not predicted. But remote consequences are bad.

See instead of yourself in the mirror of another person - Full submission of someone else's will (could have happened in childhood).

If the reflection is familiar - Revise your relationship with the original, regardless of whether it is alive or has already died. Minded study in this case frees, and mentally given debts give liberation. You can consider this sleep favorable, since such a show is help.

To see some other place in the mirror (dreams in a dream is in the room and sees the road in the mirror, for example) or another person (not instead of himself) - means simply using the possibilities of a mirror for transmitting information (for some reasons for some reason Otherwise, it was impossible to show it). In this case, it is necessary to interpret the seen in the mirror as an independent dream.

Chinese dream book

If the dark mirror - Unfortunately.

In a broken mirror you see a reflection of a person - foreshadows misfortune.

Mirror dream clear, light - Fortunately.

Dark mirror - Unfortunately.

Take, take the mirror - You will find a good wife.

See your reflection in the mirror - Will be from afar.

See in the mirror reflection of another person - trouble with his wife or concubine.

You take a mirror belonging to another person - Birth of a noble son.

Another man holds your mirror in his hands - foreshadows misfortune with his wife.

The mirror is broken - foresaw the separation of her husband and wife.

Dream Interpretation Martyn Zadaee

Mirror - marriage; a girl - Marriage.

Dream Veles.

See yourself in the mirror of smeared soot - Problems with a reputation, quarrel, you were slandered friends, scandal, fight.

See yourself in the mirror evaporated in soot, but then wash and see yourself in the mirror clean - It will be possible to fix the reputation, get rid of the slander on you of your false friends

Psychoanalytic dream book

Mirror - Narcissism, which is selfish and low-value, it can be an auto-erotic or homosexual.

Mirror - It can also be a symbol of cognition of self and shadow, that is, narcissism can be creative. The symbol is found both at the stages of narcissism and during regression.

Reflections in water, mirror - Corresponds to the saw seen another, which is perceived as its own, indicating a possible projection. The mythical door through which the other world can invade this one. Magic symbol of unconscious memories. Associated with a double or friend image. Reflections. Consciousness reflects the features of their own nature, both positive and negative. The unconscious occasionally seems like a mirror opposite to conscious, in which everything is distorted, including time. Reflect yourself. What we see each other and thus our appearance. The unconscious can use this image, indicating the fundamental unity of the two opposites, for example, good and evil, which the individual in his reflections considered various. Plato recommended a mirror with young people to observe virtue or viciousness visible on their own face.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Mirror visited in a dream - means treason; look in the sick mirror - Death recognizes; healthy - disease.

Look in the mirror in a dream - foreshadows deception and flattery; This dream also marks treason, cunning and getting false news.

Dream Stranger

Mirror - Self-analysis, self-consciousness.

See your reflection - thinking about your position; smash - Unfortunately, the death of a loved one.

Mirror for women - Summary, whims; To a date.

Modern universal dream book

You can tell a lot about yourself if you have dreamed of a mirror, especially if you have seen your reflection in it - Sleep means that you would like to better sort out yourself.

The mirror shouts: "Look at what I became!" - Sleep also suggests that they should look at the situation or circumstances under a different angle.

Mirror reflects - In your life there was a situation that should be considered on the other side? Are you the person who should meet with the problems face to face? Or a mirror reflects only your outer side and shows how people perceive you? It is very important to draw attention to the emotions that you are experiencing in a dream. Do you like your reflection in the mirror? Are you embarrassed or feel uncomfortable? A mirror image annoys you or is pleasant to you? Your reaction will determine your attitude to yourself.

In a dream, you see yourself in the mirror younger than you really are, or older? If you see yourself younger - So you are healthy, in good physical form or would like to achieve it. If in a dream you see yourself older - So you would like to be more mature and wise or think that you are.

Dream of Gypsy

Mirror - betrayal from a friend; broken - You yourself will become such a traitor.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Mirror - Freedom, wedding, groom (maiden), change in life (Molodha), friend will deceive, treason, bad, shame; look at - to carry out from afar, disease, death (patient); look and not see reflections - disease; see oneself - change for the better, wealth; see yourself - disease; smash - betrayal, separation; give - reconciliation; give out - Wedding (Device); lose - sadness.

Look in the mirror - Well-being.

Mirror - To marry.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Look in a dream in the mirror - To the unexpected result of your sexual activity. After a while you will learn that not so long ago, sexual contact will bring unexpected fruits for you.

Also a mirror seen in a dream - It can warn about the high probability of infection with a venereal disease.

Esoteric dream book

Look in the mirror - Without seeing your face to merry.

Smash the mirror - Unfortunately, tragedy in love.

Dark mirror - Feed themselves from their own happiness.

Get the mirror - Wait for the trick, gifts not from the pure heart.

Many mirrors - Raughty, get lost, you will not know who to believe.

Ukrainian dream book

In order not to dream anything, it is not necessary to look at the event of the sun in the mirror.

How to dream mirror: naked girl, young - the change of her life; every see yourself in the mirror so that another face is in acne - Change of life to welfare, wealth.

See the mirror in a dream - Shame will be.

If a married woman sees himself in a dream by a young girl who is absorbed in front of the mirror - It does not afford the disease.

If you dream that you look in the mirror - Do you think someone.

Dream of flowers

Mirror smash - loss through betrayal, separation; see your face - to carry out from afar, profit in the personal, the birth of children, as you look like - this is your attitude around; see yourself - to the disease; no face - disease, failure; unfamiliar - big changes; mirror for the maiden - innocence; smash - Lose innocence, get married.

Collection of Sonnikov

Mirror - Step to the side of reality. Reality reflection.

If a person sees himself in a dream, looking at his face in the mirror - Bad, it means another wife.

See yourself in full growth in the mirror - to the wedding; look at your face - big changes in life, steep turn, major events; smash - defeat ill-wishers, get out the winner of a difficult situation.

See mirror - to treason; look to it - To the disease.

Mirror - to treason; look to it - To the disease.

Mirror - Sign of coming deep thoughtfulness about life.

Mirror break in a dream - forever the death of a person close to you.

Mirror - dream of some unexpected turn in life, to change, to a love adventure.

Mirror - Often, this image indicates a falsehood, fake of your own beliefs or beliefs or the values \u200b\u200bof any other person.

The mirror in which the flame is reflected - harm from temperament.

Mirror, and in it a terrible face - Dedication to a dangerous secret, ability to occult.

Mirrors - Double moral.

If in a dream you look in the mirror - Sleep promises you some kind of insincere location, false actions. Sometimes this dream foreshadows the birth of a child.

Mirror smash - To trouble.

What does a dream mirror mean?

If you dreamed of a mirror, be sure to open the dream book. A mirror in a dream can mean quite a lot of different events in all spheres of life.

What is the dream of this reflective glass, which is often attributed to magic properties?

Look at it

If you dreamed that you admire your reflection, you will soon smile good luck. And if you do not like the reflection, then you should pay more attention to your loved ones.

Measure new clothes in the fitting room - it means to enjoy the success of friends. And to apply cosmetics and look in the mirror - prepare for an important meeting or negotiations.

  • Do not see your reflection - to great love.
  • To curl in front of the mirror - to a long trip with a close friend.
  • See instead of reflection someone else's reflection - to overcoming barriers.
  • Persistently treat yourself - to the Sensual Council of the Wise Man.
  • Look at night - to a joyful event in a personal life.

To see in a dream, as your reflection is removed, it means to wait for news from relatives. And if it, on the contrary, is approaching, then you need to relax from domestic worries.

  • Do not recognize yourself in the mirror - to a grinding with colleagues or a dispute with the authorities.
  • The reflection of people behind your back - to the Grand Holiday.
  • Sleep, the mirror in which distorts your reflection - to an interesting journey.
  • See yourself small - to the rapid achievement of the goal.
  • The reflection waves to you with your hand - to a romantic date with a cute young man.

Look in the dirty glass - it means to scold yourself for the mistakes performed. And see yourself nude - to be confident in its right. If you are shooting animals instead of your reflection, wait for a gift from a unconscious person. And look in the mirror and see the bird means to enjoy freedom and independence.

Broken or spoiled

The most often arises the question of what a mirror is dreaming if you see it broken. Dream interpretation Such mirrors interpret in different ways. But basically these interpretations mean pleasant events in life.

For example, if you saw it under your feet, then soon get a favorable offer. And if the broken mirror hangs on the wall, then you will be offered a new, profitable job.

  • It looks into it - to the conclusion of an important, profitable contract.
  • Find out on the street - to get acquainted with an interesting, decent person.
  • The broken mirrors are shot in the laughter's room - to a happy marriage.
  • In Purepenice - to a love adventure in an unfamiliar place.
  • Get a broken mirror as a gift - to success in work or to a well-deserved premium.

If in a dream you are not surprised that the mirror is spoiled, then I consider yourself a very clever person. And if it annoys you, then you have the ability to look at problems with humor.

Seeing your broken mirror in the hands of a friend - it means that it is for him. And if your colleague is holding it, you can safely trust him.

  • A broken mirror in an old house - to a slow, but persistent advancement to the goal.
  • See him on TV - to a sharp remark of the head.
  • It looks in a broken reflection when you are cut, - to harmony in family relationships.
  • Cut out about the fragments - to wish to be alone.
  • Little crack on the surface - to a large, light feeling.

If you dreamed that the fragments lie on your bed, then several representatives of the opposite sex are in love. And to see a broken mirror under the bed means standing before a serious choice.

Board fragments by a broom - to defend your opinion. And collect them with your hands - it means to dream of a trip to a distant, exotic country.

Smash one thousand fragments

As the dream book says, break mirrors in a dream is a completely small sign. On the contrary, if you did it in your dream, then wait for pleasant events in my life. What is the dream of breaking the mirror?

If you broke your mirror, then there is a man in your environment, the madly loved in you. And if it was someone else's, then you must try to hide your negative attitude towards some people.

Break away - it means to earn respect for an influential person. And to do it in a public place - to tie new, promising relationships.

  • Break the mirror and blame yourself for it - to a sharp turn in life.
  • Your favorite mirror crashed in a romantic place.
  • Again on it - to the adoption of an important decision.
  • Throw on the floor - to solving old questions.
  • Felt into two parts - to promotion through the career ladder.

As a dream book writes, the mirror that you broke randomly, talking about your creative abilities. And if you did it specifically, you will soon be able to prove yourself at work.

Break a huge mirror - it means to fall in love with a person older than himself. And if it is small, then be prepared for a lightning decision.

  • To smash an old mirror - to the wise advice of the professional.
  • I hear cracking glasses - to the long-awaited victory.
  • Throw a stone into it - to a chic feast with close people.
  • Smash the car mirror - to traveling at interesting places.
  • Hit the glass with a hammer or ax - to the creation of a masterpiece.

If you are shooting people breaking mirrors, get ready for a big holiday. And watching his best friend or girlfriend crashes him - it means to dream of moving to a new place of residence.

Break the mirror in the hairdresser - hope for helpful help. And to do it in the sauna means to bring to the end of the work started.

If you dreamed something else

When you are shooting mirrors, in which the reflection is bothering, it means that it is difficult for you to decide what to do in the future. And if nothing can be seen in them, then the best friend will help you with the decision of the decision.

Watch how someone admires his reflection, means to love their partner much. And if another person is not pleased with what sees in the mirror, then we can fool or treason.

  • Wipe with a cloth - to a pleasant guest in your home.
  • Hang over the wall - to a joyful event in the family.
  • Buy - to a reward for high-quality work.
  • Draw on a mirror surface - to the assumption of additional obligations.
  • Carry a large mirror - to a noisy rest.

If you thought that you remove all mirrors in the house, be careful - perhaps someone wants to break your family. And put a small mirror in the box - it means to resist in a strong temptation.

Give your mirror to the boss - rejoice in its achievements. And give it to the best friend - to go on a fascinating journey in an unfamiliar company.

  • Spear with your reflection - to the holiday in the shower.
  • Sex in front of the mirror - to an unexpected meeting with old friends.
  • To see in the reflection of the deceased person - to pleasant memories.
  • Losing the mirror - to valuable find.
  • Stealing him - to successes in all spheres of life.

To see in a dream, as a child plays with a mirror, "it means good to look in new clothes. And if the kid laughs, looking at him, then you have to change your style.

Animal in front of a mirror is a sign that you are loved by many people. And the parrot, talking to his reflection, means that there will be significant changes in your personal life.

Ripping, what dreams mirror in a dream, you can better understand your feelings and find out what events you have to survive.

See yourself a dream mirror

Dream Interpretation See myself a mirror Dreamed what dreams in a dream to see yourself a mirror? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to see yourself a dream mirror, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - War See in Sind

To chasters or insult.

Dream interpretation - the dead to see in a dream

To weather change.

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

Saw in a dream herself looking into the mirror - disagreements and experiences await you ahead. The cause of your sufferings may be someone's illness. Saw someone else in the mirror, we fear unfair actions in relation to you.

A broken mirror foreshadows a sudden death of a relative.

A young woman broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage.

To see in the lover's mirror, pale and emaciated, - to the failed grout.

If he looks happy, it is possible a slight distance between you, which will soon disappear.

Just see the mirror in a dream - a sign of possible soon deception or obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce.

Nostradamus interpreted the dreams of mirrors as follows.

The mirror is a symbol of duality, secrets. You will see their reflection in the mirror in a dream, then I will get an unexpected news.

If in a dream you broke the mirror - in reality you will experience because of a treachery of a person close to you.

The dream in which you saw in a mirror reflection of the monster, indicates the insincerity of your promises and internal devastation.

See a huge mirror with a muddy surface - to become a victim of intrigue and slander. Do not see in a dream its reflection in the mirror is a bad sign.

To guess in a dream in front of the mirror means fear, doubt, inability to make decisions yourself.

Wanta believed that if a person looks in a dream to his reflection in the mirror, then in real life it is very interested in what other people think about him. "You often look at your life as if by, trying to analyze your actions and affairs.

If you look in the mirror, but do not see your reflection, then such a dream says that you are in the power of the unclean strength that the evil peaks. Contact God, for you are waiting for a hard life, "the Bulgarian appearance advised.

According to Vangi, to see a broken mirror in a dream - the prophecy of great grief. You are waiting for suffering and tears.

In front of the mirror is guessing - a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: is rich and happily you will live, how many children you have, will you respect you surrounding and even the day of your demise. Remember that "the paths of the Lord are non-defined", and none of the now living can answer all your questions with accurate confidence. Constantly referring to various predictors and guessing themselves, you only attract the attention of unclean power.

And D. Loff wrote in his dream book: "In the dreams of the mirror, it is clearly reflected by something, reflecting objects, bringing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland serve the door to another reality. The mirror is often concerned about the ability to show us what awaits us ahead, forcing it to interpret what they saw and think about it, I like it or not.

If the mirror inconsisibly reflects the items, adds or removes parts, then it represents a mapping of life perception against the background of the real position of things. In this case, sleep indicates to you the wrong interpretation of moving environmental motives, which is manifested in the reluctance to take these motifs "for a clean coin" (who or what is added or removed from the mirror?).

Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually generated by a fantasy subconscious. "

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

Another man holds your mirror in his hands - foreshadows misfortune with his wife.

The mirror is clear, bright - fortunately.

The mirror is dark - unfortunately.

Take, take a mirror - you will find a good wife.

To see its reflection in the mirror - will be in afar.

To see the reflection of another person in the mirror - trouble with his wife or mistress.

Take a mirror belonging to another person - the birth of a noble son.

Another man holds your mirror in his hands - foreshadows the misfortune with his wife.

The mirror is broken - the separation of her husband and wife.

To see a reflection of a person in a broken mirror - unfortunately.

We take, take the mirror - you will find a good wife.

You look in the mirror and you see that it is bright - fortunately.

Clear, light mirror - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

In the dreams of the mirror transmit a clear reflection of something, reflect objects, bringing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland serve as a door to another reality. The mirror is often concerned about the ability to show us what awaits us ahead, forcing it to interpret what they saw and think about it, I like it or not.

If the mirror inconsisibly reflects the items - adds or removes parts, then it represents the display of perception of life against the background of the real position of things. In this case, sleep indicates to you an incorrect interpretation of moving environmental motives, which manifests itself in the reluctance to take these motives "for a clean coin". (Who is or what is added or removed from the mirror?)

Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually generated by a fantasy subconscious. Passing through the mirror, Alice found that it is a metaphor indicating the presence of other worlds. Does your mirror serve as a gate or line intersection of the boundary of another world?

What is most attracted or scares you in this new world?

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

The mirror seeing you in a dream may be due to the famous melas of Basni: "There is nothing to make a mirror, if the crown of a curve" or with a notity, on which the mirror is divided into misfortune.

If you see a few mirrors, as if at the exhibition, this means that you are in the center of attention of others, you are waiting for some act.

To see its reflection in the mirror - you will make a wrong step, make something like that, then you will be ashamed and awkward.

Slide the mirror in a dream - a bad sleep that foreshadows an unpleasant event that you will be hard to worry.

It looks into the mirror, but not seeing his reflection in it - this dream is promoting you to affect, first of all, your inner world, your views on life.

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

To see the mirror in a dream - the forever marriage, and for people who are married such a dream means treason. Watch in the mirror - to strengthen the disease for patients and to the disease for healthy. See how someone looks in the mirror, foreshadows a lot of doubts and a fallen mood because of misfortunes in the family.

See yourself in the mirror - the forever, you will meet with evil, deceptive and fake friends. To see the reflection of your face in the mirror - foreshadows discontent due to the inability to organize their affairs in such a way that they bring the desired result.

If in a dream you look at the freckle in your face in your face, Introduces it foreshadows that your short happiness will be overshadowed by the unaitable final: you lose your lover.

To see in the mirror on his face bruising, which you really do not have, - such a dream means that you can participate in entertainment without any concerns that you will introduce you to in the near future. See yourself in the mirror as ugly and shaggy - to rapid enrichment and glory.

To see in the mirror instead of other people foreshadows their unfair deeds towards you. If you saw in the mirror, looking into it, some animal - Introduces it foreshadows frustration and loss.

A mirror showing in a dream of a pale and exhausted lover is a sign of his early death or your failed engagement. If he is healthy and looks cheerful - it means that there will be a break between you, but after a while you will become happy.

To see a broken mirror in a dream - a sign of unsuccessful friendship and a completely unsuccessful marriage. Smash in a dream mirror - get the news that your favorite relative is at death. To see how someone breaks the mirror, - by the head of fast deception or difficult obstacles for unmarried, and for marriage - domestic battles that can bring to the divorce.

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

Soon you will have fun or cheerful pastime. Such a dream may be the foresight of your friend's deception.

For lovers to see the mirror - forever the wedding.

For a girl, such a dream can fill acquaintance with the future spouse, for a woman - change in life.

Light mirror - fortunately.

Dark or broken - to trouble.

Look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself as in life - to profits.

Very beautiful to see yourself in the mirror - to well-being.

Red face to see in the mirror - to surprise.

The animal face instead of seeing in the mirror - to successes.

A ripple face - to trouble.

Acne on the face - to the change of life for the better.

Give a mirror in a dream - you will have to make up with a former enemy.

Get a mirror as a gift - you will receive an interesting and advantageous offer.

Lose mirror in a dream - to decline in affairs, depressed.

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

Images in the mirror are your fantasies, desires. In the mirror you see yourself as you want. You have manifestations of narcissism.

If you see a mirror in a dream, then you are inclined to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that do not decide to commit in real life.

Dirty or duned mirror symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sexual life.

Wash or wiping the mirror symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A broken mirror symbolizes your collapsing and unfulfilled dreams.

A mirror inverted to the wall symbolizes your sexual fears.

Dream Interpretation - Mirror

Mirror - not to dream anything, then do not look at the event of the sun in the mirror. How to dream mirror: a naked girl; Miloders - the change of her life; Everyone is to see himself in the mirror so that another face is in an acne, - a change in life to welfare, wealth. See mirror in a dream - shame will be. If a married woman sees himself in a dream with a young girl who is absorbed in front of the mirror, then does not blow back the disease. If you dream that you look in the mirror, - love someone.

See yourself a mirror

Dream book see yourself mirror old Dreamed, why dream in a dream to see yourself the mirror with old? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to see yourself the mirror with the old, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Star

To see in a dream of people dressed in the old man - to mental alarm. Walking in the old rods or beggars - the foresology of a long and hard work for achieving a high goal. Have a dream with an old woman - to well-being.

The old things fell into a bunch mean that in the depths of the soul you ourselves condemn yourself for our weakness and failing, but not to get rid of them. Old faulty and inappropriate mechanisms that place only in the landfill means that all your waiting for change to the better will be in vain.

To see the old abandoned castle in the Gothic style - the danger to be robbed or robbed. The old launched cemetery in your dream means you will survive all your relatives and loved ones.

If in a dream you change the old car on a new, chic and expensive, - ensure not only yourself, but even children and grandchildren. Throwing old gloves means that incur losses as a result of elementary sell and own naivety. To see in the dream of flush elders - we will come to despair from the failed failures.

Dream Interpretation - Old Things

If in a dream you will see old things, then sleep indicates that your affairs have fallen into decline and the poverty and need awaits you. Get rid of old things in a dream means the opposite. See Interpretation: Clothing.

Acquire an old woman in a dream foreshadowed the unsuccessful deal, as a result of which you stay on Bobah. See Interpretation: Antiques.

Dream Interpretation - Old Woman

Old woman - disease / life dangers / your meditation about death.

The evil old woman - enemies will chase / deception.

The evil and disheveled is your evil, your antipode.

The old woman in black - suspicion of the "Angel of Death" will come true; Her appearance and actions report something about the circumstances of your death, but by no means about the time when it happens.

Old Virgo is your home or your family cause you suffering / the image of your worn.

A kind old woman is a faithful protector / suspicion not justify.

Meet her on the road, in the field, in the forest - wisdom / sometimes quiet, peaceful death, which is waiting for you in deep old age.

The old woman in the hut is some kind of dead, about whose death you recently thought.

Find an old woman in the pit, in the middle of the field, in the mountains, etc. - the danger that lies not closely, but suddenly / harm from the fact that we think little about death.

The old woman chases you - in vain concerns for life and health. The old man-otech see is the image of your soul, absorbing the vitality and the goodness of other people / you have a heavy hand and a bad eye.

Dream Interpretation - Old Clothing

Wear old, worn and paid clothing - such a dream is losses.

Imagine that you burn old clothes and buy a new, very expensive and beautiful.

Dream Interpretation - Star

Gather Star - Long heavy work will bring well-being.

Wear an old one Get into trouble.

Sell \u200b\u200ban old - in the house there will be order.

Book an old - dishonest speculation.

Dream Interpretation - Old Clothing

Wear - trouble; see - reduced wealth; shoot - throw old plans

Dream Interpretation - Star

Collect - Long, hard work will bring well-being; wear old - you will get into trouble; Sell \u200b\u200b- In the house there is order; Buy - dishonest speculation

Dream Interpretation - Old

See yourself older to work to deep old age.

Dream Interpretation - Old or Restored Machine

What dreams to see yourself in the mirror?

You can find out for free in the dream book what dreams to see yourself in the mirrorAfter reading below the interpretation of dreams from online dream houses of the Sun. If you need to know what it means, if you see in a dream, do not see yourself in the mirror, but something else - use the online search for the interpretations of dreams.

What dreams to see yourself in the mirror

To see yourself in the mirror - it's time to think about whether you love yourself too much to the detriment of everyone else?

See oneself naked in the mirror

Dream Interpretation See yourself naked in the mirror Dreamed, why dream in a dream to see himself naked in the mirror? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to see myself naked in the mirror, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - see himself naked. Suppression of positive aspects of social me. Dysmorphopsy

and discontent with your body.

Dream Interpretation - Naked Man

To disease. Unfamiliar person - in the risk of virus infections; a familiar person - aggravation of chronic disease; a loved one - get news about the death of one of the relatives; the child is to the death of a close person from long-term illness; A lot of naked people - a dream foreshadows a catastrophe in which your relatives or familiar people will receive injury.

Naked to see yourself - your actions will lead to the scandal: you are the only one in the company who is naked - a quarrel with a person close to you will make you outcast among relatives; Being naked without witnesses - you will show the ability to self-control throughout the scandal; Your nudity causes laughter among those present, but at the same time you do not have a shame - your frankness will cause a large quarrel; See yourself naked in a crowded place - your inadequate actions will put you in a delicate position.

Naked to see the opposite sex representative - will experience financial shocks: you admire the beauty of the body - the glitter of small victories will hide from you the most important thing; ugly body - the cause of financial collapse will be distrust of business partners to you; Tale aversion from seen nudity - you will be disgraced; To see the old flabby body - financial problems will be delayed for a long time.

Imagine that people you saw in a dream dress up in beautiful, expensive, kind clothes.

A naked man swims in water - forbidden lovelines that may cause unpleasant consequences: in clean water - an innocent flirting will lead to a breaking of relationships with a person who are dear to you; In dirty water - your love dictionaries will blow a lot of rumors who can spoil your career; To see yourself floating in the water - you will be supplied before the choice, from which your family happiness depends.

Imagine that a person swims in the pool (see pool). Try to catch his good mood, hear how he purries a funny melody under his breath, infecting you with positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation - See yourself in the mirror

To see yourself in the mirror - it's time to think about whether you love yourself too much to the detriment of everyone else?

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Shame, misfortune, braid; Having himself - shame, wrap, shook, neither to thin, nor good, illness, misfortune, trouble, poverty; in water - health; In the bath - joy, soon married to go (Device), the husband will soon lie (married); naked man - fear (woman), trouble; naked woman - happiness // Losses, unpleasant news, illness (man); Beautiful - joy; ugly - misfortune; familiar naked - you know something shameful about him; unfamiliar - fright; Which of the relatives is a disease.

Dream interpretation - naked (nudity)

"Out of your feelings" to show them at the bottom.

"Stay in front of Keto" to reveal, trust, to show sincerity. "Naked king" Importance, self-deception.

"Naked", "bare" essence.

"Naked" poor, the poor, "turn out to be naked" shame, wines, repentance, ruin.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Naked - to be - to the disease that you want to hide. To see a lot of naked people - to war or death of people in a catastrophe. Children - to the loss of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Losses, trouble, illness. A man see a naked beauty success; self-deception, illusion. To be yourself. Situations.

Dream Interpretation - Naked, Way to Be

Scandal; Money collapse, ruin, need; disease; Self-knowledge. Other naked troubles, malaise; drunkenness.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Being bare in a public place - to your vulnerability and weakness. Your secrets have become the entrance hall, and it dismisses gossip about you.
See yourself in a dream with white hair see yourself bride in a dream married woman

The mirror is a mysterious subject that has always inspired to people a certain fear. There are many books, fairy tales and stories in which people fall in the castorgal, to the parallel world and see their shortcomings or vice versa, open their true face. Every dream interpretation interprets a dream in which you saw a mirror. Detailed a dream about the mirror and dream book Vanga. Nostradamus also paid not enough attention to this mysterious sleep. And Miller's dream book "Watch in the mirror" decrypts as staying in constant disagreements. Very fully and interestingly gives the interpretation of sleep "Mirror" Imperial dream book. We want to start with it, so it is a really instructive interpretation of dreams, dreaming schools, warnings and warnings, and such dreams should not be ignored.

Imperial dream book

Sleep about the mirror - you can not ignore such a dream, I gave you space. This is a complex image in which various measurements are combined. The mirror is the world turned inside out from the real world into the world of imaginary forms and volumes. Your inner world is hidden from prying eyes and therefore you know him only. It is you to decide what is right for you, and what is not. All the relationship that you start, all you do, your behavior is all from your understanding, which is bad, but what is good. You choose how to live you. You can try to bring your image to perfection, but it does not mean that it will be so taken. The public is ungrateful, so live as your inner world suggests. The attention of the public is the static, and the static is unfavorable, especially the state of the soul.

  • To see its reflection in the mirror in a dream - you are so perceive yourself, unacted, undistorted and real, exactly what you really are.
  • In the mirror - what dreams of your face in the mirror - this is exactly what it was until you began to inflate my various masks, playing various roles, adjusting to the situation. This dream says it is worth reconsidering its actions, maybe the spiritual (acting) make-up you are painfully often, losing your own face in favor of others.
  • See yourself in the mirror of the old in a dream - Dream Interpretation: The old face in the mirror is a dream-advice - you know that it is you, but never have seen yourself, because this is the future. You perceive yourself without embellishment. If you like your image in old age, then you should not change your behavior in reality, if not, think about it, change. That's what you dream to see yourself in the mirror of the old. Consider: Tips from space should not be neglected.
  • Do not know yourself in the mirror in a dream - a dream-warning - a contradiction between the way you chose and who you are in fact. Sleep warns: threatens the nervous breakdown, the depletion of moral forces, as constant voltage to maintain this image kills you.
  • See yourself in a dream in a beautiful mirror - your current image is pleasant to you, you act in harmony with your inner "I", you like events.
  • See your face in a mirror in a dream, which caused disgust - a sleep-warning - the selected goal does not correspond to your forces and opportunities. Everything you achieve brings only disappointment and as a result of the decay of mood and forces.
  • A cracked mirror dreamed - Dream Interpretation: A cracked mirror - a sleep-warning - you could not see from behind the cracks of your face, which means the scheme of the behavior that you have chosen completely contradicts your spiritual world, right up to erasing the real person in favor of the public. It is possible that you are completely subordinated to someone else's will and it makes you play such an unbearable role for you. Urgently arrange priorities, change values \u200b\u200band show a doctor. You bring yourself to full exhaustion.
  • Sleep someone else's face in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Mirror Alien Reflection - You fell under someone else's will possible in childhood.
  • To see in a dream of the dead in the mirror - sleep-help - if he was the roads you and you have positive memories, then sleep tells you with whom you need to take an example in this particular situation, which now exists in reality.
  • To see in the mirror someone else's reflection in a dream - Sleep-help - if this is a person you knew, then it is necessary to smash in the near future. It is also explained to sleep to look into the mirror on yourself and mother or see a girlfriend looking into the mirror in a dream. What traits of the character are inherent in these people, it is necessary that you need to complete the work started.
  • Dream Interpretation: In the mirror I see another dream - any other items (for example, etc.) - it means space could not somehow convey to you this information need to be considered as an independent separate sleep.

Dream Interpretation Wang Mirror

  • I dreamed "I look in the mirror and see myself" - Dream Interpretation: Seeing his reflection in the mirror - you are overly interested in the opinion of foreign people, you constantly listen to what they say about you. Constantly analyze your actions, representing how they look from. You shouldn't do this, everyone will not work out anyway.
  • I dreamed that I was looking in the mirror, but there is no reflection - Dream Interpretation: If you dream that I look in the mirror, but there are no reflections - the unclean force took control over you. With your hands, they make evil unfavorable actions. Ask the law of protection, otherwise fate will be bitter.
  • To see the broken mirror in a dream - a big grief will knock on the house, tears.
  • The dream "opposite the mirror was ghadal" says that in real life excessively enjoyed fortunening, attending fortune-law and clairvoyant to learn their future. Do not forget that it is impossible to trust a hundred percent to people who devoted their lives to fortunate. Such visits make you pay attention to you and your fate is unclear. Before good it will not bring it. (see sleep and)
  • "Dead in the mirror" Son - Dream Interpretation: see the dead man in the mirror - will make an unfair act in relation to you. Possible mass epidemic.

Small Velezov Sonnik

  • What does it mean to see the mirror in a dream - freedom.
  • What dream mirror girl is an ambulance wedding, groom.
  • What dreams mirror with reflection Woman - change in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: If you dream that I look in the mirror - a man - treason, deception, shame.
  • The meaning of sleep "Watch in the mirror" is to receive from afar, if at the moment you are sick, there will be no recovery.
  • If a mirror dreamed in a dream, the mirror was crashed to betrayal.
  • The meaning of sleep see itself in the mirror is a disease that will quickly cure.
  • Dreamed the mirror without reflection - a serious prolonged disease.
  • In a dream, see himself in the mirror in full growth - Dream Interpretation: To see himself in the mirror in full growth - the disease will be easily curable.
  • Broken mirror - betrayal.
  • Mirrors give in a dream - Dream Interpretation: The mirror is given - the wedding, good changes in life.
  • Search the mirror in a dream to give him - reconciliation.
  • Lose in a dream mirror - sadness.
  • Give the mirror to the Dream Dream - you will avoid severe illness or some serious misfortune, since you gave the dead, and did not take something from him.
  • What dreams of a deceased mother in the coffin through the mirror - the mother found peace in heaven and now everything will be fine.
  • See yourself in a beautiful dress in front of a mirror Sleep - Successful completion of all the time of affairs started at the moment.
  • To see in the mirror - a profitable business.
  • Combing in a dream in front of the mirror - just combing the hair's sleep positive, but see how you do it in front of the mirror - misfortune, my husband will beat.
  • Combing long hair in a dream in front of the mirror - a long road. This is what dream of combing long hair in front of the mirror.
  • Stream hair in a dream in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Strike my hair in front of the mirror - bad lead, poverty and illness.
  • See yourself in a dream in a mirror with another hairstyle - wait for a guest that may be your love.
  • What dream of a ghost girl's image in the mirror behind his back is a bad sign - everything is bad.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti Mirror

To see the Mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: The mirror had a big mirror - such a dream makes it possible to look at yourself as it were from the side and analyze the established relationship with people around you, consider your attitude to life and your mentality. In-CE uses this image specifically, as if demonstrating the falsity of your beliefs. You do not follow the call of your heart, you do not listen to your intuition, but blindly trust someone else's people and put their opinion above your. That's what a huge mirror is dreaming.

Family dream book

  • I dreamed that I was looking at myself in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Watch in the mirror on myself - disagreements, some experiences about someone's disease.
  • What dreams someone else's reflection in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: To see another person in the mirror - you are afraid that you will be done unfairly.
  • What does it mean if a broken mirror dreamed - Dream Interpretation: To see a broken mirror - a sudden death of a close relative.
  • To see in a dream broken mirror of a young girl - not a happy marriage.
  • What dreams look in a dream in a mirror of a woman - a large quarrel with his spouse bring to a divorce.
  • To see the beloved mirror in a dream of an exhausted - the engagement with him will not take place.
  • In a dream to see himself and a loved one in the mirror - weeping, misunderstanding, conflicts, they will, but then harmony will be restored.
  • Which means a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: The mirror in a dream is to see it, but do not look and do not even fit - fast deception, obstacles when the goal is reached.
  • What dreams look in the mirror in the wedding dress (also: to see yourself in a dream in a fate in the mirror) - a pleasant pastime, meetings that will end with a strong friendship.

French dream book

What does it mean to look in the mirror in a dream - such a dream warns you that the one who you trust with you is insincere and in relation to you the false and bad deeds. Also look in the mirror in a dream What does the birth of a child mean. And trying to try in a dream in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Talking the dress in front of the mirror is an interesting trip.

Ukrainian dream book

Which means when the mirror is dreaming - if a girl, then joined, nassed; If a young woman is changed in family life; If a man and a woman, old woman and old - change in life. What dreams of seeing your face in a piping mirror is a dream book: a face in a jar with acne - to wealth and welfare. Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams look in the mirror and see yourself young - you will pass a serious illness. Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams See yourself in a mirror in a dream beautiful - fall in love.

Dream Nostradamus Mirror

Dream Miller

  • Miller's dream book "Mirror, see yourself" treats how disagreement between you and people around you.
  • What dreams look in a dream in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: To see in a dream it looks into the mirror - to the death of a person close to you, because of which you will suffer greatly.
  • To see in a dream herself gray in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: See himself gray in the mirror - fear of upcoming old age.
  • A mirror crashed in a dream to the loss of relative.
  • Sleep "In the Mirror Another Man" - Dream Interpretation: Watch in the mirror and see another person - if you know this person in reality, then it is from him that will be injustice in your direction. That's what the man dreams in the mirror is unfamiliar.
  • Sleep "To see in the mirror someone else" means that you will be done unfairly.
  • What does it mean when a mirror is dreaming with the mapping of animals - a strip of loss and disappointments.
  • What means in a dream broken mirror for a girl - an unsuccessful marriage, that's what the broken mirror means in a dream.
  • If you dreamed of standing with my husband in front of the mirror, and he was pale, it means either he will die or you will part.
  • If you have dreamed of standing with your husband and look into the mirror - you will have disagreements that will only be intensified every day, but harmony will soon pass and restore.
  • See yourself in a dream in a wedding dress and fate in the mirror - take someone else's work on yourself, perhaps public, but in the end it will not bring you no moral satisfaction.
  • Dreamed the dead man in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: The dead man in the mirror is a dream-warning about the coming misfortune, material losses.

Dream Khasse

  • Stand in front of a mirror in a dream - Friends will be false and hypocritical people.
  • Sleep "Dancing in a beautiful dress in front of the mirror" - you will be in my satisfaction and in homicide.
  • Sleep "See yourself in black and dance in front of a mirror" - misfortune, poverty. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation Loffa

The value of the mirror in a dream can be considered bicon. On the one hand, objects with changes are displayed in the mirror. On the other hand, the mirror is the door to another parallel dimension. The mirror can generate anxiety, because it shows things with such what they really are. It also shows the future and only you decide whether you want such a future or not, I liked what you saw or not.

Consider the first mirror value - display objects with changes. It doesn't matter here that you have seen yourself in the mirror yourself or someone else's animals or individual items. The mirror can remove or add separate parts and reflect the items as they are not perceived by the appearance of you. This suggests that your gaze on the actions of others are wrong, that's why you do not want to take them seriously. Try to remember the image in the mirror to the smallest detail, which parts were removed in the mapping, and which on the contrary is added.

The second value of the mirror is the door to something. There is a subconscious, all that you saw in the mirror is a metaphor. Interpretation here comes from your perception of all sleep in general. The main thing is in such a dream the emotions that you experienced looking into the mirror. A good sleep or bad will depend on whether the display scared or liked it.

What dreams the ghost in the mirror - ghosts and bringing the granted people, but not forgotten, or something keeps them on this earth. If the ghost was a relative - solve the issues related to it and let him calmly go to another world. If the ghost is an unfamiliar man - then remember how you treated it. In such a dream there is an answer to the question that cares you.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams to see yourself in the mirror - you saw yourself as you really. From what emotions you have experienced and depends on how to act in the future.
  • Dreamed that the mirror was broken - Dream Interpretation: The mirror broke - parting with her beloved.
  • The cracked mirror was dreamed of a dream office: a mirror cracked - quarrels and conflicts with their second half.
  • Dreamed "beat a broom in the mirror" - you are constrained by these circumstances, you are trying to fix the situation somehow, but all to no avail.
  • Dreamed dirty mirror - Dream Interpretation: a dirty mirror - you will be turned on you and everyone will believe in it, you will become in the eyes of many intrigues.
  • I dreamed that I saw myself in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: To see myself in the mirror - be judgmental, you should not go on the desires and emotions.
  • He dreamed of the deceased in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: the dead in the mirror - a dream warns of the stealing of money or another material loss.
  • Dreamed that the mirror fell and cracked - be careful when conversations, do not speak sharp phrases, otherwise it will all end lasting the presenter.
  • To see in a dream as a mirror is broken - Dream Interpretation: The mirror falls on you and smashes - the conflict will happen in your fault, you are too cutting in statements.
  • Treat in a dream in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: paint in front of the mirror - you want to seem better than it really is.
  • Wash the mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: wash the mirror - you are careful for you, you will give way to him and take care.
  • What a mirror is an unwanted gift from the enemies, or from a very greedy man.
  • To see in the mirror on yourself a flip scarf in a dream - because of the small and insignificant you miss something important. Do not be distracted by trifles, be careful and picky.
  • Combing the hair in a dream in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Combing the hair in front of the mirror - it is necessary to put your thoughts in order.

Dream Freud Mirror

Any reflection in the mirror you saw in a dream is your fantasies and desires. You see what you want and what you really want. Perhaps you are shy of your sexual fantasies or actions that you would commit, but because of modesty you are afraid to do this. Sleep dirty mirror - Dream Interpretation: To see a mirror dirty in a dream - you are not satisfied with a sexual life, but do not tell your partner about it. That's what dreams a dirty mirror in a dream. Sleep to wipe the mirror - you think constantly about the full sexual intercourse, such that would fully satisfy you. That's what dreams to wipe the mirror. But look in a broken mirror in a dream mean that your dreams will not come true. Mirror turned to the wall - sexy fear.

See yourself in a mirror in a white dress in a dream in a wedding means that you can self-satisfy yourself and do not hesitate.

If the deadman talks in a dream through the Freud mirror believes that these are guests from that light. And guests from the afterlife in a dream of the Vestnites of important events. It is necessary to listen carefully to what the deceased and draw conclusions. The dream of a well-being child testifies to the problems with the confusion of who saw such a dream. The chopped corpse in a dream is promoting man health and longevity.

Esoteric dream mirror

  • Sleep "Mirror without reflection" dreams of merry, holiday.
  • Break the mirror in a dream what does it mean - trouble, parting with your loved one, spiritual tragedy.
  • Buy a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: Buying a mirror - a gift made not from a pure heart.
  • Find a mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: Find the mirror - catch.
  • In a dream to give a mirror - with your own hands to give happiness, refuse him.
  • Mirror's sleep is a lot - Dream Interpretation: Mirrors are a lot - you can not determine who friend, and who is the enemy who can be trusted, and who should not do this, confuse. That's what to see a lot of mirrors in a dream.
  • See yourself in a wedding dress in front of a mirror Sleep - social activities, new acquaintances.
  • In a dream to measure dresses in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Measure the dress in front of the mirror - to take someone's troubles, or you will soon have some extraordinary event, a presentation or even possible ball. Exactly the same interpretation of dreams: Dream Interpretation: Measure the fur coat in front of the mirror, Dream Interpretation: Measure a bunch in front of a mirror and dream book: Measure the hat in front of the mirror. That's what dreams of clothing in front of the mirror
  • To see himself naked in the mirror - if you like yourself in reflection, then in reality you will attract the attention of many men, but they will not be able to keep them for a long time.
  • What dreams of seeing yourself in the mirror is bare and be horrified by what they saw - beware of the scandals, do not climb into foreign quarrels.
  • What in a dream to see himself naked in the mirror and at the same time washed - you are striving for dubious pleasures, although we are ashamed.
  • What a child in the mirror is a dream book: Ghosts in the mirror - if he scared you - be prepared for a stressful situation. If the ghost talked to you - remember what he said, perhaps this is the answer to the question that worries you. If you have not frightened the child's ghost, it will not take close to the heart what will happen to you soon.

Dream of flowers

Sleep about a broken mirror can be shocked as follows: the betrayal of a person will bring you a terrible loss, you will part with someone very expensive for you. Interpretation of sleep look in the mirror depends on what exactly you saw there. To see his reflection in the mirror vague, fuzzy - to the disease. What does that see himself in the mirror in a dream - the news will receive from far away, the profit or birth of children is possible. To see the reflection in the mirror of another person means that serious changes are coming. If you dream to see the deceased in the mirror instead of itself, then sleep wants to warn and big problems with your children.

Modern dream mirror

  • He had a reflection in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Watch in the mirror and see himself - there will be strange stunning events, and the cause of all the troubles will be the disease.
  • Sleep a broken mirror - Dream Interpretation: What dreams a broken mirror in the apartment - it will happen terrible with your loved ones or native person, he will die a violent death.
  • A man in the mirror dreamed - Dream Interpretation: in the mirror to see another person - perhaps this particular person will come with ugly for his own benefit.
  • Reflive in the mirror in a dream with different animals - disappointment, failure.
  • Break the mirror in a dream to what is a dream book: break the mirror yourself - if the dream dreamed of unmarried, then insincere friendship and unsuccessful marriage.
  • If you dream of a closed mirror - Dream Interpretation: Wailed mirrors - you are hiding from liability, in vain, you still have to be taken on the shoulders you need. That's what dreams of a curtain mirror.
  • The dream "gave the mirror" (also: gives in a dream of a mirror) - to make a long-time enemy.
  • In a dream in a mirror, along with a guy - Dream Interpretation: Look in the mirror with a guy - a brief sweating.
  • What dreams the guy in the mirror is misunderstanding, quarrels, conflicts.
  • Dream Interpretation: See the guy in the mirror of the patient - parting.
  • Sleep to try on a wedding dress in front of the mirror - additional earnings will bring serious income.
  • Dance in a dream in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Dancing in front of the mirror - all that you do will not bring any result, in vain work and time loss.
  • What dreams of seeing yourself in a pregnant mirror is a pregnancy in reality. (see sleep)
  • What dreams to look in the mirror and see long hair - good luck is waiting for you.
  • Making a hairstyle in a dream in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Making a hairstyle in front of a mirror - if your hair curled to someone - you will be jealous to your loved one. If you did a hairstyle - you have a faithful beloved person or meet this soon. If a young girl dreamed of such a dream - a close wedding.
  • What dreams to be taken before the mirror - you are too frivolous and you will not be able to achieve a positive result, as you deny the obvious things.
  • See yourself in a dream gray in the mirror - close death or severe disease of a close relative.
  • In a dream to see yourself in a mirror with long red hair - red-colored symbol of impermanence. Perhaps you have already made treason or just want to change. If you saw in a dream of your beloved / beloved with red hair - infidelity from his / her side.
  • See yourself in a dream in a mirror with another hair color - You will stand before choosing, making it right fate will change for the better, make an increasing step will be solid disappointment in life. That's what you dream to see yourself in a mirror with another hair color.

Dream Bervy

See yourself in a dream in a wedding dress in the mirror Dream Interpretation of the Bitch treats like joyful pleasant meetings, new acquaintances.

What dreams of dancing in front of the mirror - heavy work will not bring any money remuneration, there will be only honor.

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

  • What dreams the mirror on the wall is to dream - in reality to meet with a deception, the reality will be deceptive, the fact that the right will seem to the left, the fact that important is small, and the insignificant will become the main thing. Because of this, you will have changed priorities and any obstacles will become insurmountable difficulties.
  • What dreams mirror with a crack - unfavorable sleep, warns about quarrels and disagreements with his spouse / spouse, divorce and complete loneliness.
  • What dreams of looking into the mirror on yourself - Dream Interpretation: Look in the mirror Face - the closest relative will be ill; possible disagreement with business partners or just colleagues; The desire to work more effectively will not find support. That's what you dream to look in the mirror and see your reflection.
  • What dreams of reflection in the mirror of another person - it is this person will make you a dirty. You will work alone without downtrend, and when the results come to the results, he will take all the fruits yourself, and you will tactfully move aside. If many people reflected in the mirror, then it will all be done by any person, and colleagues or home.
  • Reflection in the mirror in a dream of animals - Dream Interpretation: Reflection in the Mirror of the Beasts - Disappointment will be strong due to the fact that someone you respect will give to pay too many obscene attention to your spouse / spouse.
  • What is the dream not to be reflected in the mirror - the disease will be difficult, severe and can lead to a fatal outcome.
  • What dreams to pick up the mirror as a gift is to get an offer to friendship from a person who sympathizes you long ago.
  • Sleep to close the mirror dreams of the restoration of justice towards you. You will be appreciated, you will raise in the eyes of others and again will be a respected person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Buy a mirror in a dream to give it - it does not want to get together with you, do not reject him, you saw him in trouble, and in joy and therefore you know his true face. Friendship with him will bring you a lot of benefit and satisfaction.
  • To see a cracked mirror (also: Sleep cracked mirror) - the death of a close or distant relative.
  • To see in a dream broken mirror for a woman is a very bad sign - your love that you thought is happy to start decaying. If you are married, then a divorce is possible, and the heart will be broken.
  • To see in a dream in the mirror a man's loved one (also: Favorite man in the mirror Dream) - If the beloved was sick, pale or sad - you will not make marriage with him and sooner or later you will part with him. If he is cheerful, joyful and beautiful - alienation, constant small quarrels and misunderstanding will come, but it will soon pass and harmony and consent in your relationship will come, with the new force you will break up between you.

Dream of the XXI century

  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of the Dreams "Mirror" is as follows: Entertainment, pleasant pastime. Or a friend.
  • The dream "Mirror for a person in love" is an ambulance wedding. For a girl - familiarity with the bridegroom. For a woman - change in family life.
  • Interpretation of dreams "Broken Mirror" - Nolealty.
  • Dream Interpretation: Clean Mirror Light - Happiness.
  • See yourself in a mirror in a dream - Profit.
  • What dreams look in the mirror and see yourself beautiful - well-being.
  • Look at yourself in a mirror in a dream in a red scarf - a surprise.
  • Why see yourself in a dream in a mirror with an encouraged face - trouble.
  • He dreamed in the mirror his face in an acne - dream book: see his face in a mirror in an acne - life will change for the better.
  • Dreamed that the mirror was presented - Dream Interpretation: Gave a mirror - a profitable and interesting offer.
  • Dream Interpretation: Mirror, closed - go from the responsibility that you want to assign. Do not resist, anyway it will happen.
  • See yourself in a dream in a mirror in a beautiful dress - Dream Interpretation: See yourself in a mirror in a dress - a harbinger of happiness in love and mutual understanding. That's what to dream to see yourself in a mirror in a beautiful dress.
  • What dreams of attaching a white wedding dress in front of the mirror - success in affairs and in all endeavors.
  • See yourself in a dream in a mirror in a black dress - if it is mourning, then it is to a new good faithful and reliable friend. That's what it means to see yourself in a dream in a mirror in black.
  • What dreams of trying to see the dress in front of the mirror - you will be able to disagree and inexperience to get into dependence to a very bad, even a terrible person.
  • What dreams comb over the mirror (also: combing your hair in front of the mirror interpretation of dreams) - Health and successes on the embroidery.
  • What dreams to dye the hair and look in the mirror - vanity, you want to seem better than in fact.

Dream interpretation

Islamic dream book (Muslim dream book)

Islamic dream interpretation mirror extracts as follows. Mirror in a dream is a wife. If a married man looks into the mirror, and the wife in reality is pregnant - he will give birth to a boy who is very similar to him. If a man is nothynes - instead of him, he will take another. Islamic dream book: If a pregnant woman looks into the mirror - give birth to a girl, exactly like himself. If not pregnant looks in the mirror in a dream - the husband will leave her and marries another wife. If a little boy looks - Mom has a brother, if a girl is born - the girl has a girl. What dreams of a girl in the mirror - a beautiful daughter will be born. In general, the mirror in a dream is a deception of hypocritical people who pretend to be goodwires.

Muslim dream book see himself bald in the mirror says that the time of discord and conflict comes. Seeing his reflection in the mirror in a dream with long hair - for girls and married women - wealth and many years of happy life. For the military - honor and promotion on the service staircase. For others - spiritual anxiety. That's what you dream to see yourself in a mirror with long hair. And why dream of seeing herself gray in the mirror - a favorite child will be born. For a married woman - a husband will provide a lot of concern. To see yourself in a dream trimmed in the mirror - Divorce get from her husband or parting with challenged.

Personal dream book

  • Interpretation of dreams "Broken Mirror" - a bad sign - a relative will die with a violent death.
  • Watch in the mirror in a dream - Dream Interpretation: See myself in the mirror - amazing events will come, but the disease will upset all your plans.
  • What dreams to admire you in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Admire in the mirror in a dream - everything will be fine, since you are confident.
  • What dreams of a broken mirror on the floor - Dream Interpretation: A broken mirror on the floor - your relative will not die with his death, and violent.
  • I dreamed of "fragments of the mirror, but did not look in them" - Dream Interpretation: The fragments of the mirror - the misfortune to touch you not much, as if in passing. That's what the fragment of the mirror is dreaming.
  • What dreams old mirrorin a dream - Dream Interpretation: Old Mirrors - Nostalgia for those who have gone happy times, possibly in native places for the parental house.
  • Look in the mirror in a wedding dress in a dream - Dream Interpretation: See yourself in a wedding dress in the mirror - you will do the work for others, and to experience pleasure from this. But in the end, no one even "thanks" will not say.
  • He dreamed that her beloved became at the mirror - if he was good, then the quarrel would be short. If bad - separation forever.
  • What to dream to see yourself in the mirror Tolstoy - do not pay so much time of your appearance. You are ready to sacrifice everything if only you would be considered a reference to beauty.

Psychoanalytic dream mirror

  • What it means to see himself in a dream in the mirror - you are very worried about your appearance and constantly think that you think about you and even more so say outsiders. You are in constant control over your movements and deeds. You analyze everything to the smallest things to seem other in the most advantageous light. You greatly worries the aging of the body.
  • Look in the mirror in a dream to what - to the fact that you analyze your past actions and affairs, and think how they will affect future. Strongly upset about possible past misses and that they will negatively affect future.
  • What does it mean to look in the mirror in a dreamin the muddy "- you are hard to accept yourself and part of the outsiders, which contradict your essence.
  • What dreams of talking to their reflection in the mirror - carefully listen to your intuition, to your inner voice, learn to respect your inner ja. In general, the dream in which you see the mirror tells you, even shouts - know yourself, respect yourself what you really are, without a mask. Try to understand yourself at a deeper level and talk with yourself. You will be very surprised to recognize the real one.
  • What the mirror is shot and long hair - a positive sign - spiritual and cosmic force will increase. The longer the hair, the stronger the connection of the ego with over me. The more beautiful hair in a dream, the better the structure is over me.
  • To see yourself in a dream with a short haircut in the mirror - for men, possible impotence, for women - anonymous fear.
  • What dreams combing hair in front of the mirror - Dream Interpretation: Combing in front of the mirror - put thoughts in order.

Russian dream book

What does the mirror mean in a dream - the reflection of our desires; The ability to self-analysis and revise their beliefs. A mirror in a dream is a sign of lies, false, illusory of your belief. To see in a dream of a dead and living person in the mirror - foresees a serious change of weather.

Gypsy dream mirror

  • What dreams the mirror will be sincere friendship, or on the contrary, betrayal. Symbol of friendly relationships, because friends are our mirror reflection. To see the mirror in a dream - betrayal, betrayal of a long and beloved friend.
  • What dreams the broken mirror in a dream - the broken mirrors are shot - in reality, they will become a traitor for themselves and destroy long-friendly relationships.
  • See yourself in a dream in a new dress in the mirror - foreshadows joy, profit and success in affairs.
  • Sleep "naked in the mirror" - Dream Interpretation: See yourself naked in the mirror - get a surprise that can be both good and bad. If you are the only naked man in the mirror - this is a warning that a quarrel may occur. See a man in the mirror in a dream naked - if you know it, then it is with him a conflict will occur. If many people are naked - this is a sign of warmth, joy and friendship.
  • What dreams of bringing the mirror - if in white - consolation and joy, if in black - deception and attempt on your independence.

Jewish dream book

  • Mirror in a dream:

A simple mirror - Comrade will deceive;

Oval - foreshadows hassle;

Round - luck;

Rectangular - entertainment.

  • To see the mirror cracked in a dream - to the disease. What dreams of a broken mirror - to painful experiences, failures and losses.
  • What dream of the breakdown of the mirror is:

On Monday night - will fall under the influence of a person who will not do anything good for you;

On Tuesday night, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - you will break out a briefly with a loved one;

On the night of Saturday or Sunday - to steep changes in life.

Star Sonnik

What dreams of seeing its reflection in the mirror is to deception, lies and betrayal. Your hopes will not come true, possible complete loneliness. Shardings of the mirror in a dream - to a great misfortune. This is what dream of a broken mirror fragments cracked mirror in a dream (also: cracked mirror Dream Interpretation value) - an ambulance may be long. To see a broken mirror in a dream, but do not look at it - there will be serious problems and difficulties that are soon allowed to be allowed.

Home dreamy

The mirror for what is the image; Communication with the subconscious. What dreams of a mirror curve - Dream Interpretation: Mirror curves - if there was a modified person - understanding and making damn items that you have not been recognized before.

Akulina healer dream book

What it means to see in a dream its reflection in the mirror is beautiful - to profits, ugly - to the disease. To see yourself in a dream thin in the mirror - Dream Interpretation: To see yourself in the mirror is thin - the nervous disease or disease of the intestinal tract. What dreams to see yourself in a wrinkled chin mirror - Dream Interpretation: Watch in the mirror for yourself and see wrinkles - the fear of the upcoming old age. That's what the face is reflected in the mirror. Imagine that you look in the mirror and see yourself beautiful, blooming, cheerful and everything will work out in your soul. What dreams the broken mirror in the hands is a broken mirror Dream Interpretation - if you broke the mirror, imagine that the fragments turn into water and evaporate and everything will be fine.

English Dream

  • What dreams of seeing himself in the mirror in full growth - Dream Interpretation: It is not one of your advantages in the mirror in full growth. In matters you do not use them and if you do not be able to organize them properly, then try to crash.
  • What does it mean to look at the mirror in a dream - you are surrounded by treacherous people who will quickly bring to "clean water". In an attempt to bother to harm them, they will detect their true face. Forget about excessive gulling and do not buy on flattering speeches. You are not prone to suspicion, but are required to show cautiousness and insight.
  • What dreams of two mirrors are dreaming - a man / woman sleep warns - you need to fear the opponent / rival, he / she firmly removed to pick up the heart of your beloved / beloved.

Magic dream book

Look at your reflection in the mirror in a dream - the interest in what people think about you. What dreams damage on the mirror is the intervention of unclean strength. Broken mirror - bad prophecy. The mirror in a dream and someone else's reflection - for women to see the face of another woman in the mirror - to treason. If the mirror holds another person - to carry out from afar. To guess in front of the mirror - you are interested in revealing your future. In front of the mirror wedding outfit - for the girl unmarried - a quick successful marriage. Sleep see yourself in a young mirror - for an adult woman - there will be a sexy partner younger than her.


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