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Crossing plants at home. Favorite flowers crossing plants with each other

Often, non-specific suspicion relate to hybrid plants, without suspecting that many cultures grown by them on their garden sites are the result of perennial works of breeders.

In downtime plants, such as spinach, when growing in one section, one of the varieties need to remove male plants.

Crossing cross-permeable cultures on isolated plots. Much minimizes labor costs: pollination occurs naturally - wind or insects. In addition, on one isolated area it is possible to lay several plants of one variety, thus increasing the number of obtained hybrid seeds. A significant drawback of this method is in impossibility to completely eliminate the falling of foreign pollen. In addition, with a natural crosswise, about half of the plants are fertilized by the pollen of its variety.

In regions with a warm climate, where the growing season is sufficiently long, for plants with rapidly flowing flowers, insulation can be used in time intervals: different combinations of crossing are carried out on the same site. Different flowering dates exclude unplanned overstate.

In breeding practice, in the absence of sufficient space, insulating facilities are used to organize individual sites:

  • The design is performed in the form of a frame that is covered with a light transparent cloth.
  • For the isolation of individual shoots or infloresions, small "houses" are made of parchment paper or gauze, which are covered with wire frame.

For plants pollinated by insects, with the construction of insulators, it is better to use materials such as a batter or gauze, for wind-painted crops - parchment paper.

The process of hybridization - plant crossing - aimed at obtaining varieties of plants with the winning properties of parental varieties, such as:

  • High yield
  • Stability K.
  • Frost resistance
  • Drought resistance
  • Short time ripening

For example, if the father's and maternal plant is resistant to different, the obtained hybrid inherits resistance to both diseases.

Hybrid varieties of plants have better resistance, they are less susceptible to temperature differences, humidity, changes in climatic conditions than their non-mentioned fellows.

More information can be found from the video.

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Often, non-specific suspicion relate to hybrid plants, without suspecting that many cultures grown by them on their garden sites are the result of perennial works of breeders.

What is plants crossing

Hybridization or crossing of plants is one of the main methods of plant selection. The essence of the method is to cross the two plants of different varieties, species or childbirth.

The result that directly depends on the selection of parent plants is to obtain new varieties and species.

For example, few know that in nature there were no such cultures as a drain or garden strawberry. The plum was obtained by crossing the Tern and Alyci, and the garden strawberries, or how it is incorrectly called, strawberries, - the result of the crossing of wild species of strawberries - Virgin and Chilean.

Technology crossing

The crossing technology lies in an artificial or natural transfer of pollen from the plants of one variety or the view to another conducted under careful control.

During this period, it is important to isolate flowers to exclude foreign pollen.

  1. Select two plants of different varieties or species.
  2. On the parent plant, pick up the most conveniently located flowers.
  3. Unpacked (one day before breaking), the buds carefully opened.
  4. Pinzeta thoroughly remove all stamens with pollen.
  5. Flowers with remote stamens wrap over white fine matter in order to avoid unplanned pollination.
  6. The day before the removal of the stamens from one plant from the second (paternal) from buds, going to bloom, collect pollen into a glass jar.
  7. The jar is covered with gauze or light transparent cloth and put in a dry place.

The day after removal of stamens from the parent plant, fertilization is carried out:

  • The best time is the first half of the day to twelve hours.
  • Shake the jar with pollen.
  • The pollen collapsed on the walls with a cotton wand or another submitumed means (can, even with his finger), neatly applied on the pistil of the mother plant.
  • Fertilized flower again cover with light thin cloth or gauze.
  • Fertilization to repeat 3 days.

Fertilized flowers should be covered for the entire growth period up to ripening fruit. Excess flowers are recommended to remove. After the collection of ripened fruits, they should be closed from a few weeks to several months, depending on the time of maturation and the storage period of the culture.

Seeds of bone plants are sown immediately on the ridges, seeding summer maturation after three-day drying are sown in the sand on the bed in the fall. Seeds of plants that ripen in autumn are collecting when the fruits are already starting to deteriorate, but not later than April. After collecting and drying, they are sown in the prepared containers.

Spatial and temporal insulation when crossing

When crossing cross-peer crops, it is possible to use spatial insulation: plants are grown on different varieties removed from plants, sites. Such cultures include carrots, cabbage, beets, etc.

In downtime plants, such as spinach, when growing in one section, one of the varieties need to remove male plants.

Crossing cross-permeable cultures on isolated plots. Much minimizes labor costs: pollination occurs naturally - wind or insects. In addition, on one isolated area it is possible to lay several plants of one variety, thus increasing the number of obtained hybrid seeds. A significant drawback of this method is in impossibility to completely eliminate the falling of foreign pollen. In addition, with natural cross-pollination, approximately half of the plants are fertilized by the pollen of its variety.

In regions with a warm climate, where the growing season is sufficiently long, for plants with rapidly flowing flowers, insulation can be used in time intervals: different combinations of crossing are carried out on the same site. Different flowering dates exclude unplanned overstate.

In breeding practice, in the absence of sufficient space, insulating facilities are used to organize individual sites:

  • The design is performed in the form of a frame that is covered with a light transparent cloth.
  • For the isolation of individual shoots or infloresions, small "houses" from parchment paper or gauze, which are covered with wire frames are manufactured.

For plants pollinated by insects, with the construction of insulators, it is better to use materials such as a batter or gauze, for wind-painted crops - parchment paper.

Benefits of crossing

The process of hybridization - plant crossing - aimed at obtaining varieties of plants with the winning properties of parental varieties, such as:

  • High yield
  • Resistance to diseases
  • Frost resistance
  • Drought resistance
  • Short time ripening

For example, if the paternal and parent plant has resistance to different diseases, the obtained hybrid inherits resistance to both diseases.

Hybrid varieties of plants have better resistance, they are less susceptible to temperature differences, humidity, changes in climatic conditions than their non-mentioned fellows.

More information can be found from the video.

A person in his desire to improve nature moves further. Thanks to modern achievements, agricultural genetics receive more and more interesting and interesting hybrids capable of satisfying the most bold consumer desire.
In addition, globalization leads to the spread of plant species, uncharacteristic for this climatic zone. We have long come out of the exotic pineapples and bananas, have become familiar hybrid nectarines and miniols, etc.

Yellow watermelon (38 kcal, vitamins A, C)

Outside it is a familiar striped watermelon, but at the same time bright yellow inside. Another feature is a very small amount of stones. This watermelon is the result of crossing wild (yellow inside, but completely tasteful) with cultural watermelon. The result was juicy and gentle, but less sweet than red.
They grow them in Spain (rounded varieties) and Thailand (oval). There is a "Lunar" grade derived from Astrakhani breeder. This variety is just the difference in very sweet tastes with some exotic notes similar to a mango flavor or lemon, or pumpkins.
There is also a Ukrainian hybrid based on watermelon ("Cavun") and pumpkins ("Garbuza") - Kavbuz. It looks like a pumpkin with a watermelon fragrance and is ideal for making a porridge.

Purple potatoes (72 kcal, vitamin C, group vitamins, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc)

Potato with pink, yellow or purple peel no longer surprises anyone. But scientists from Colorado State University managed to get potatoes with purple colors inside. The basis of the variety was the Andean alpine potatoes, and the color was caused by the high content of anthocyanins. These substances are the strongest antioxidants whose properties are preserved and after cooking.
We called "Violet Majesty" grade, it is already actively sold in England and begin in Scotland, the climate of which the variety is most encountered. Popularization of the variety contributed to English Culinary Jamie Oliver. This purple potato with the familiar taste looks great in the form of a puree, indescribable saturated color, baked, and of course fries.

Cabbage Romanesko (25 kcal, carotene, vitamin C, mineral salts, zinc)

The unearthly appearance of this close relative of the broccoli and cauliflower, perfectly illustrates the concepts of "fractal". Its gentle-green inflorescences have a cone-shaped shape and are located on the spirals on the kochene. This cabbage is from Italy, in a wide sale, it is about 10 years, and its popularization contributed to Dutch breeders, slightly improved vegetable, famous for Italian housewives from the XVI century.

In Romaneskoy, little fiber and many useful substances, due to this, it is easily absorbed. What is interesting, when cooking this cabbage does not occur the characteristic cabbage smell, which children do not like. In addition, the exotic appearance of the space vegetable causes the desire to try it. Prepare romanesko as a conventional broccoli - boil, extinguished, add to the paste and in salads.

Plot (57 kcal, fiber, vitamin C)

From crossing such types of plants as plums (plum) and apricots (apricot) obtained two plow hybrids, which looks more like a plum, and apricot, more resembling Apricot. Both hybrid named in the first syllables of the English names of the parents.
Outwardly, the plow fruits are painted in pink, green, burgundy or purple color, an interior - from white to saturated-plum. They brought these hybrids in the nursery Dave Wilson Nursery 1989. Now there are already two varieties of aprium in the world, eleven varieties of a plow, one nectaplam (nectarine and plum hybrid), one piccham (peach and plum hybrid).
Use plates for cooking juice, desserts, home billets and wines. The taste of this fruit is much sweeter and plum, and apricot.

Watermelon Radish (20 kcal, folic acid, vitamin C)

Watermelon Radish fully meets its name - it is bright raspberry inside and covered with white green skin outside, just like watermelon. The form and size is also (diameter 7-8cm) it resembles a solid radish or repka. To taste, it is quite ordinary - bitter in the skins and sweets to the middle. The truth is more solid, not so juicy and crisp as usual.
It wonderfully looks in a salad, just sliced \u200b\u200bwith slices with sesame or salt. It is also recommended to make a puree from it, bake, add to vegetables for frying.

Yoshta (40 kcal, anthocyanins with antioxidant properties, vitamins C, R)

Crossing such types of plants as a currant (Johannisbeere) and the gooseberry (Stachelbeere) gave a yosh berry with fruits close to black, the size of a cherry, a sour-sweet little astringent taste, pleasantly giving currant.
More Michurin dreamed of creating currants with sizes with the gooseberry, but at the same time not barbed. He managed to remove the gooseberry "Mavr Black" dark purple. By 1939, in Berlin, Paul Lorenz was also engaged in the removal of such hybrids. In connection with the war, these works were stopped. And only in 1970 it was possible to get the perfect plant Rudolf Bower. Now there are two varieties of yoshs: "black" (brown-burgundy color) and "red" (black-red color).
For the season with a bush, Yaš is get 7-10 kg of berries. Use them in home blanks, desserts, to flavor the soda. Yoshta helps well with gastrointestinal diseases, to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, improving blood circulation.

Broccolini (43 Kcal, Calcium, Vitamins A, C, Iron, Fillet, Folic Acid)

In the cabbage family, as a result of crossing ordinary broccoli and Chinese broccoli (Gailan), they got a new cappist similar to Asparagus on the top of the broccoli head.
Broccolini is slightly sweet, does not have a sharp cabbage spirit, with a pepper note, tender taste, resembles asparagus at the same time and broccoli. It has a lot of useful substances and at the same time low-caloriene.
In the USA, Brazil, Asian countries, Spain, broccolini is used to use as a side dish. It is served fresh, water oil or slightly roasted in oil.

Nashi. (46 kcal, antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, fiber)

Another result of the crossing of plants is Nashi. Received it from the apple and pears in Asia a few centuries ago. It is called asian, water, sandy or Japanese pear. It looks like a fruit like a round apple, and tastes like a juicy, crispy pear. Nashi color from pale green to orange. Unlike Nashi's ordinary pear harder, therefore it is better stored and transported.
Nashi is suicide enough, because it is better to use it in salads or solo. It is also good as a snack to the guilt along with cheese and grapes. Now they are growing about 10 popular commercial varieties in Australia, USA, New Zealand, France, Chile and Cyprus.

Yuz. (30 kcal, vitamin C)

Yuzu (Japanese lemon) is a hybrid of mandarin and decorative citrus (Ichang Padda). Fruit size with green or yellow mandarin with cheeky skin has sour taste and bright flavor. It uses the Japanese from the VII century, then Buddhist monks brought this fruit from the mainland. Yuzu is popular in China and Korea cooking.
He has a completely unusual aroma - citrus, with floral shades and notes of needles. Most often used for fad, the zest is used as seasonings. This seasoning is added to meat and fish dishes, in the soup of MISO, noodles. Jams, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, desserts, syrups are prepared with the zest. The juice is similar to the lemon (sour and fragrant, but softer) and is the basis of the base of the Sauce, the same is also used as vinegar.
It has a cult value in Japan. On December 22, on the holiday of the winter solstice, it is customary to take baths with these fruits that symbolize the sun. His fragrance distinguishes evil forces, protects against a cold. In the same bath, the animals are dipped, and the plants are then watered with water.

Yellow beets (50 kcal, folic acid, potassium, vitamin A, fiber)

This beet differs only from the usual color only and the fact that it does not pack hands when cooking. To taste it is the same sweet, fragrant, good in baked form and even in chips. Yellow beet leaves can be used fresh for salads.

But a person is just learning to transform plants, and nature has long been creating such a miracle!

All about parisades, flower beds and flower beds - in photos and articles

We derive your own colors

We will tell how to cross the two varieties of one type of plants among themselves - this method is called hybridization. Let it be plants of various colors or differing in the shape of petals, leaves. Or maybe they will be distinguished by flowering timing or requirements for external conditions?

Choose plants that quickly bloom to speed up the course of the experiment. It is also better to begin to choose unpretentious flowers - for example, on-line, calendulas or dolphiniums.

The course of the experiment and the diary of the observation

To begin with, specify your goals - what you want to get from the experiment. What desired signs should be new varieties?

Get a diary notebook, where you will write down the goals and will fix the course of the experiment from the beginning to the end.

Do not forget to describe in detail the starting plants, and then the obtained hybrids. Here is the most important point: plant health, growth intensity, size, painting, aroma, flowering time.

Flower structure

In our article, a frost flower will be considered as an example, you see it in the diagram and in the photos.

The appearance of colors in different plants can differ significantly, but the structure of flowers is mostly equally the same.

Pollination of flower

1. Start by selecting two plants. One will fatal, and the other - seed plant. Choose healthy and strong plants.

2. Carefully follow the seed plant. Choose a unspacial bud with which you will spend all manipulations, mark it. In addition, it will have to isolate before opening - Touching it in a linen light bag. As soon as the flower starts open, cut all the stamens from him to avoid accidental pollination.

3. As soon as the seed plant flower is completely revealed, transfer to him pollen From the pollinator plants. Pollen can be transferred with a cotton wand, tassels, or pulling out the flimer flower stamens and bring them directly to the seed. Pollen apply a seed plant flower pestle.

4. Put on the flower of the seed plant linen bag. Do not forget to make the necessary marks in the observation diary - about the time of pollination.

5. To progress, after a while, repeat the operation with pollination - for example, after a couple of days (depends on the flowering time).

Choose two flower - one will serve as a pollinator, another plant will become seed.

Immediately, as soon as the flower of the seed plant blooms, cut all the stamens from him.

Apply pollen taken from a pollinator flower, on a pestle of a seed plant flower.

Fullarted flower must be labeled.

Obtaining hybrids

1. If pollination has passed successful, Soon the flower will start slugging, and the wound will increase. Do not remove the bag from the plant until the seeds are matured.

2. Seeds obtained land as seedlings. When you get young hybrids plants, then highlight them a separate place in the garden or transfer them to the boxes.

3. Now wait for hybrids flowering. Do not forget to describe all observations in the diary. Among the first, and the second generation, there may be flowers exactly by repeating parent properties unchanged. Such instances take off immediately. Check with your goals and select among the new plants obtained Those that are most suitable for the desired signs. You can pollinate them either manually or isolate them.

Flower of the seed plant should be protected by a bag of textiles.

When you get seeds, land them on seedlings. Young plants place in boxes.

Carefully follow your new hybrid, write your observations into the diary.

If you decide to engage in new varieties seriously, you will be needed to advice a breeder specialist. The fact is that you will need to find out if you really have brought a new grade or go to someone who has already been laid by someone. Competition in the field of creating new varieties is very high.

The same one who decided to experiment with hybridization as a home hobby, we wish to get a lot of pleasure from this classes, make a lot of joyful discoveries and finally give all your friends to gardeners a new variety of some wonderful flower called by your name.

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It is known that the overwhelming majority of plants and animals multiply in sexual path. Seed offspring them arises only as a result of fertilization - the mergers of male and female sex cells, which gives rise to new organisms.
In contrast to the vegetative breeding method (tubers, cuttings, kidneys, etc.), in which the growing organisms continue their development from that stage, to which the development of the maternal bush was taken to prepare for them, during sexual reproduction, the fertilized egg - the zygote gives The beginning of a new plant starting his development of Syznov.
The process of fertilization has enormous biological significance, since due to it developing new organisms acquire dual heredity - maternal and fatherly, and as a result of this, and greater vitality, which is manifested in their best adaptability to a variety of environmental conditions.
According to the Lysenko, the biological role of the fertilization process is that by combining distinguished to a certain extent in its hereditary properties of female and male sex cells in one cell and the merger of two nuclei of them in one core, the facilitation of the living body is created, which is the cause of self-development, self-duration, t . e. a life process with the inherent exchange of substances.
Artificial crossing of various varieties of plants and breeds of animals is widely used in breeding practice.
Decisive moments when removing new highly productive varieties of plants and breeds of animals from the standpoint of materialistic Michurin biology is a meaningful and skilled selection for crossing the initial parentaries and further management of the emerging nature of the hybrid offspring by regulating the living conditions.

By many years of persistent practical work, having a deeply reasonable foundation, I. V. Michurin consistently, step by step, built his theory of sexual hybridization. This theory refutes the main provisions of supporters of formal-genetic science, approving the independence of the heredity of organisms on the conditions of their life and the promoting "notorious pea laws of Mendel", on the use of which in the selection of many years of cultures, as Ivan Vladimirovich wrote, should not even dream. He sharply condemned those who worked on the principle: "Rash, mix, chat, maybe something else will come out." In contrast to this, the motto I. V. Michurin says: "We cannot wait for mercies from nature: to take them with her - our task."
Rejecting against views on the heredity expressed by supporters of the formal-genetic "science", he repeatedly argued that with repeatedly crossing the same initial parental couples in their consecutive offspring, the same amount of hybrids would never have the same number of hybrids that would always dominate strictly defined signs. Father or mother according to Mendelian law 3: 1. The obtained plants in all cases of crossing the same parent couple in their morphological and biological signs are not identical, because the inheritance of the signs of parents depends on both the selection of crossed varieties and from many other reasons.
The correct selection of parental pairs is impossible without knowing the biological patterns of inheritance by the hybrid offspring of the signs and properties of parents and the presence of deep relationships between the emerging nature of plant organisms and the conditions for their upbringing established by I. V. Michurin, T. D. Lysenko and their followers.
1. To get a new variety with the desired qualities, it is necessary first of all to pick up such plants for crossing, which have economic valuable signs corresponding to the selection task.
I. V: Michurin repeatedly emphasized the idea that modern breeders, as a rule, no need to pass again the path passed to them; Due to the presence of heredity among the organisms, they should use the results of the works of many generations of their predecessors.
The same thought conducted in his writings and Luther Burbank. It figuratively compared the selection of plants to cross the architect. As an architect picks up a building material that corresponds to the ideological intent of the future building, and the breeder is planning to cross the plant forms, which have the signs that he wants to see in the future. At the same time, at the disposal of the breeder, there is an incomparably richer and diverse material that it can attract to work to make its plan, than the amount of minerals or wood breeds, which is known to the architect.
When removing new varieties, as indicated by T. D. Lysenko, it is very important to choose the initial forms on the principle of the presence of the smallest number of negative qualities that could limit in these specific conditions in the offspring of the best signs and properties of parents.
2. I. V. Michurin attached the importance of the varietary and individual history of the maternal and fatherly plants, since knowledge allows it to foresee the possible nature of inheritance of signs of parental forms of hybrid offspring.
"The most energetic ability to transfer its properties," Ivan Vladimirovich pointed out, - first, all plants of clean species growing in a wild state, secondly, more energy differ all old cultural varieties of plants, and the weakest in this regard need Consider recently bred young varieties of fruit trees and berry bushes. "*

* I. V. Michurin, Selected Works, 1948, p. 69.

The dominance of signs of wild plants when crossing them with cultural is due to the presence of significantly more conservative heredity, which have a cultural forms formed in the process.
Even Ch. Darwin noted that in plants and animals common in natural conditions, such sharp and sudden changes are observed, which are known in the tamed animals and cultivated plants. It must be assumed that the very fact of the evulsion, that is, the movement of plants from natural conditions into new - artificial, and the cultivation of them for many generations under the influence of certain techniques of agricultural equipment and phytotechnics contributes to the formation of more plastic heredity and more active reaction to change them environmental conditions than wild forms.
3. To obtain hybrid offspring with plastic heredity capable of a largest to the right to upbringing and giving the most rich forms of forms the material for subsequent selection, I. V. Michurin recommended applying geographically and genetically remote bashing.
As a rule, with a remote (interspecific or interhocoous) hybridization, the obtained hybrid offspring is relatively easily adjusted to the terms of life that is provided to him.
On a large practical material I. V. Michurin proved the possibility of crossing distant for the relationship of plants and widely used remote hybridization in its practical work when removing famous varieties: Apple - Bellefler-China, Candille-Chinese (hybrids between home and Chinese apple trees), beltlefler Red, Belfler Record (hybrids between the home apple tree and an apple tree of the Nedzhetsky), Taiga (Hybrid between Candil-Chinese and the Siberian Apple tree); Pears - Bere Winter Michurina, Tolstobhet, Rocky (hybrids between ordinary - cultural pear and Ussuri); Cherries - the Beauty of the North, Bastard Cherry (Cherry Hybrids with Cherries); new plants - cerapadus (steppe cherry hybrids with Japanese cherry); Plums - transparent yellow (plum hybrid with apricot), renclode crop, turn sweet (plum hybrids with wild turn); Grapes - Russian concord, metallic, luminosity (hybrids between American and amur species), Cinnic Michurin (hybrid between amur and cultural types of grapes). His varieties are also known - Hybrids of Ryabina with Musmule, Ryabina with hawthorn, raspberries with blackberry, etc.
The method of remote hybridization was widely used in the work of Soviet breeders, as it opens up great opportunities to obtain new forms of beneficial plants.
Reliable plants may also be distant in geographical origin and under the conditions of the medium in which each of them was formed.
Crossing geographically remote plants and the upbringing of their hybrid offspring is desirable to conduct in new natural conditions, alien to both maternal and father's parents. In this case, according to Michurinskaya teaching, no matter how excluding the conditions that are necessary for a strong manifestation in the offspring of signs of the nearest ancestors. A classic example of the practical use of this situation can be the receipt of I. V. Michuryin in the conditions of the Tambov region of the new high-quality winter variety of pears Bere Winter Michurina.
He did not manage to get a new variety of pears with the fruits of good taste, suitable for long-term winter storage. To this end, he conducted numerous crossings of high-quality Western European winter varieties of pear (Bere Dil, Bere Clebré, Bere Ligel, Saint-Germain) with local varieties (thinner, Tsarskaya, Meshamian). However, the grown seedlings did not possess the desired property due to the dominance of the offspring of the early period of ripening of fruits characteristic of the local varieties of pears. Only by crossing the Italian variety of pear Bere Royal with a young, first-to-the-sighted seedlings of the Ussuri pear (the birthplace of this type of pear - the Far East) he received hybrids with the fruits of summer, autumn and winter maturation. One of them turned out to be particularly valuable, since he inherited the best properties of both parents - frost resistance inherent in the Ussuri pear, and the magnitude of the fruit, the beautiful dessert taste of their taste, as well as the ability to prolonged storage in the fresh form inherent in the variety of Bere Piano.
4. Based on perennial experiments and observations, I. V. Michurin discovered another important pattern: in the process of crossing varieties, equivalent in the sense of conservatism of heredity, the maternal organism, being a natural mentor, as a rule, more fully transmits its signs and properties to offspring than fatherly .
Guided by this pattern, Soviet breeders when conducting crossings in the role of a maternal parent often select the plant, economic valuable signs and whose properties are desirable to see in the offspring. If there is a need to weaken the individual strength of the hereditary transfer of the parent parent, then it is necessary to select the Mother of the Mother of the young, first blooming sighter, with the heredity already dissected by preliminary hybridization.
5. Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin - the first breeder applied to crossbow the mixture of pollen of various varieties. True, it used the method of a mixture of pollen, mainly in order to overcome undisguisedness in hybridization of plants remote in relational, but his followers proved the feasibility of using a mixture of pollen of a range of varieties and with conventional crossings.
Darwin also noted that the crossing of individuals undergoing previous generations throughout the life of various conditions has a beneficial effect on the offspring, since in this case their sex cells are in one degree or another differentiated. In case of self-polling the flowers of such differentiation of the genital elements is not observed, so the effect of it for the offspring is unfavorable.
This observation served as the basis for another important conclusion of Ch. Darwin on the presence of a mandatory selectivity of the genital elements of plants in vivo. I. V. Michurin, and T. D. Lysenko, developed the Darwinian provision on the presence of selectivity of plant fertilization and proved that the inheritance of the parents of parents with offspring in artificial hybridization is dependent on the electoral nature of the fertilization process, and this dependence has a dual character.
Not every pollen grain biologically corresponds to a certain egg cell, so the more pollen grains of various varieties are applied during pollination on the straight of the castrated flower, the greater the possibility is provided to the parent plant to choose the most acceptable of them. The numerous experiments of Michurintsev proved that in the presence of a large selection of pollen with flowers, fertilization occurs more actively, the tied seeds are significantly viable and richer with nutrients, and the plants grew up more crops.
In addition, when polluted, the mixture of pollen as a result of the interaction of pollen grains of various varieties creates a qualitatively new physiological environment, more favorable than in conventional pollination.
I. V. Michurin paid the attention of breeders and on the other side of this process. Not always, with artificial hybridization, we should expect a relatively more viable offspring. Indeed, often as parents are attracted by biologically inconsistent plants whose crossing is forced. For example, with remote hybridization, there are sometimes plants that are not capable of building even the most vital organs. Nevertheless, T. D. Lysenko emphasizes that the election capacity of plants must be used to obtain sharp changes in heredity by compulsory crossing with those individuals whose pollen would not choose the maternal body in vivo.
In this area, Michurinsky agrobiological science puts forward new, not yet permitted problems with an important theoretical value.
For practical selection works, the mixture for crossing pollen is selected according to the same principles that were noted earlier, i.e., the selection task is taken into account, economic qualities of parental varieties (including several paternal), their biological features and history of origin.
6. Not always by one-time crossing in advance, taking into account the specified patterns of dominance of the heredity of parental pairs of parents, a breeder can get a hybrid offspring with the desired signs. To achieve your goal, it is sometimes useful to resort to re-crossing the best of the obtained hybrid plants with one of the parents or with any other grade with the necessary qualities.
Giving exceptional importance to re-crossing the first hybrid generation of fruit crops obtained in the middle lane of Russia, with southern varieties, I. V. Michurin persistently pointed to breeders: "Further, the most essential in the destruction of new varieties of fruit plants should be considered the third method - the method of re-repeated Crossing hybrids with better cultural (and foreign) varieties ... Here, in most cases, we obtain a significant overall improvement both from the influence of a variety introduced into the crossing with new good properties and from the easier susceptibility of the hybrid in his young age and more than the korecobic " *

* I. V. Michurin, Op., Vol. 1, 1948, p. 496-498.

At the same time, he warned against the use of seedlings in the harsh climatic conditions of the second or even third generation from natural pollination, because the new forms obtained are shied mainly for the worse due to the re-negative impact of local environmental factors on the domination of signs of parents.
Installed by I. V. Michuryin, T. D. Lysenko and their students, the patterns of dominance of the heredity of plants are distributed on the culture of grape vines.
Perennial research conducted by the selection department and the variety of Ukrainian research institute of viticulture and winemaking them. Tairova (P. K. Ayvazyan) found that in the first and second seed offspring of sex hybrids there is a rather complicated picture of inheritance of signs of parents. Some seedlings may prevail signs of one parent, from others - another, thirdly - there may be an intermediate inheritance of signs and, finally, there are cases when completely new signs and properties appear in hybrid offspring, completely absent from the initial parentaries.
As a rule, the most constant in the sense of heredity are wild forms of pure species: Vitis Riparia, Vitis Ruperestris, Vitis Labruska, Vitis Amurzis, etc., therefore, with interspecific hybridization of grapes, the seedlings of the first offspring, obtained from crossing cultural grapes with American wild species and Foundation and grown in conventional agrotechnical conditions, mostly inherit signs of wild parents. At the same time, most of the plants that left in morphological features in the direction of wild forms inherits from maternal plants (European varieties) instability towards mildew and low frost resistance, and from paternal varieties (wild forms) - poor harvest. Seedlings approaching morphological features to cultural varieties are inferior in terms of the quality of the harvest by the parent cultural variety.
A small amount of interspecific hybrids with practical resistance to Mildia and Frost, in their morphological features (shoots and leaves), as well as by the number and quality of the crop approaching wild species. Such seedlings are of interest for re-vegetative hybridization.
Studies have also shown that with intersportal hybridization it is best to take an older vintage vintage as maternal plants with good harvest quality. Such varieties formed in local conditions and possess more sustainable heredity, it is easier to give hybrid offspring their signs and properties than the introduced.
In the hybrid offspring, obtained from repeated crossings of interspecific hybrids with high-quality varieties, as expected, a significant part of the seedlings is wild forms. Obtaining and in this case, a large number of seedlings deviating in their signs of cultivated plants can be explained by the fact that wild species took part in the origin of one of the parents, which, by virtue of existence, differ in exceptional ability to maintain their hereditary properties.
Within the same hybrid combination, under the same environment conditions, the grade fully transfers his signs and properties (yield, strength of bush growth, the magnitude of the covers and berries, the color of the berries and juice, the quality of the crop, the stability of plants against adverse conditions and others) In the event that he is taken as a parent plant. By providing a hybrid embryo in the most young age, since the formation of the zygotes, the necessary nutrients, the maternal organism as a mentor affects the formation of the heredity of the offspring.
The correct selection of initial parental varieties for crossing is only the first phase of breeding work, ending with obtaining hybrid seeds. The subsequent process of forming the heredity of the seedlings is a very complex biological phenomenon, under the influence of environmental conditions and often accompanied by a series of deep changes.

Asks Oleg.
Replies Elena Titova, 01.12.2013

Oleg asks: "Hello, Elena! Tell me, please, crossing scientists of various types of plants, vegetables and fruits Is not interference in the creation of God and sin? Successful such crossings do not put creationism for the blow? After all, if it turned out to crush various plants, then The time will be able to cross different animals, a cat with a dog, for example. And therefore, there is a possibility that from one simpler living being appeared more complicated and so right before the appearance of a person? ".

Greetings, Oleg!

Schedule scientists mainly carry out intraspecific crossing (hybridization) for the appearance of desirable signs (for a person, of course) in animals, plants and microorganisms, than achieving new or improved breeds, varieties, strains.

Inside the type, the crossing of individuals is relatively easily due to the similarities of their genetic material and anatomical-physiological features. Although this is not always the case, for example, in vivo it is impossible to cross the tiny dog \u200b\u200bof Chihuahua and a huge mastiff.

But on the way of crossing individuals of different types (and even more different types), molecular genetic barriers that prevent the development of full-fledged organisms. And they are stronger than the currency species and childbirth. By virtue of significantly different genomes of parents in hybrids, unbalanced sets of chromosomes, adverse combinations of genes, violated the processes of cell division and formation (genital cells), may occur, the death of the zygotes (fertilized egg) and other hybrids can be partially or completely sterile (fruitless ), with reduced viability, right up to mortality (although in some cases the first generation there is a sharp increase in viability - heterosis), developmental anomalies may appear, in particular, reproductive organs, or so-called chimeric tissues (genetically heterogeneous), etc. Apparently, therefore, the Lord warned his people: "... Your livestock is not cozy with another rock; your fields do not squeeze in two kinds of [seed] ().

In natural conditions, emergency crossing cases are extremely rare.

Examples of artificial remote hybridization are: Mul (horse + donkey), Bester (Beluga + sterlet), Ligr (Lion + Tigritz), TIGRON (Tiger + Lioness), Leopon (Lion + Leopard's female), Plumkot (plum + apricot), Clementine (Orange + Mandarin) and others. In some cases, scientists can remove the negative consequences of remote hybridization, for example, crumpled wheat and rye hybrids (triticale), radish and cabbage (rafan-treatment) are obtained.

And now your questions. Is artificial hybridization with interference in God's creation? In a certain sense, yes, if a person creates a variant other than natural, which can be compared, say, using decorative cosmetics women to improve their appearance. Is artificial hybridization to sin? And meat food consumption is a sin? The Lord on the cruel-fartrum, our permits to kill living beings for food. It is also likely to also in our cruelfold, it allows and selection experimentation for the sake of improving the consumer properties of the products you needs. In the same row - and the creation of drugs (laboratory animals are used and killed). No matter how sad, all this is the real reality of society, where the sin reigns and the rules of the "Prince of this world".

Do you put successful crossing under the blow creationism? In no way. On the contrary.

You know that everything is multiplied by "by its own". Bible "Rod" is not a biological type of modern systematics. After all, a rich variety of species appeared after the flood due to the variability of the signs of ground organisms from Noahow Ark and the water inhabitants who survived outside the ark when adapting them to new environmental conditions. It is difficult to turn the biblical "genus", the genetic potential of which is significant and was determined initially during the creation. It may include such modern taxa, as kind of and genus, but probably not higher (under) families. It is possible, for example, that large cats from the modern systematic clans of the cat's family go back to one source "family", and small feline - to one or two others. It is clear that the types and childbirth distinguished from the biblical "kind" include their own degree of depletion and changed (with respect to the initial) genetic material. The combination of these not fully complementary parts (in interspecific and interdic crossings) meets obstacles at the molecular genetic level, and therefore it does not allow the beginning of a full-fledged body, although in rare cases within the biblical "kind" this may turn out.

What does it say about? The fact that no crossings of the "cat with a dog" and "up to person" can not be in principle.

Another moment. Compare 580 thousand nucleotide pairs, 482 genes in the DNA of unicellular mycoplasma and 3.2 billion nucleotide pairs, about 30 thousand genes in human DNA. If you imagine the hypothetical path "from Amoeba to Human", think about where new genetic information came from? Naturally, she is nowhere to ride. We know that information occurs only from a reasonable source. So who is the author of Amoeba and man?

God's blessings!

Read more on the topic "Creation":

Centaurians in the world of plants

"Centaurs" in the world of plants. Achievements of Russian, European and American scientists. As the drain and all the beloved strawberry appeared. The creation of new wheat varieties. The main achievement of Russian scientists - cabstore.

Another, no less ancient way to obtain new varieties of plants and rock breeds is crossing, or, as scientists say, hybridization among themselves different species. Imagine that in the hands of the agronoma turned out to be two plants, each of which possesses some useful properties. Naturally, very tempting looks like the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting one plant, which would combine signs of both of them. How to make this idea? Of course, we traveled between both these plants. This technique began to use in distant antiquity, first unconsciously - simply selecting natural hybrids in nature from time to time, then purposefully crossing different shapes. Examples of this is a huge set. Take at least such a well-known cultural plant as a drain. Probably, few of you know that there is no such kind of plant in the wild. Plum - This is a hybrid resulting from the natural hybridization of two other species - Tern and Alychi, and combining properties and the other plant. In the mountains of the Caucasus and sometimes wild hybrids of these species can sometimes be discovered. Ordinary is also the result of interspear hybridization in nature. It appeared in ancient times from crossing cherry with a steppe cherry - a non-fried bush, not exceeding in a height of 1-2 meters.

But, as you know, people are very rarely satisfied only by giving them nature. Very quickly they learned how to cross the various wild views as a result of which such hybrids appeared, which nature never knew. We list only a few examples. So, loves by all the garden strawberries (it is often wrong to be called strawberries) originated from the hybridization of two wild species of strawberries - Chilean and Virgin. And although her ancestors come from America, she was launched still in Europe. The American breeder Burbank was widely used. Perhaps, one of the most remarkable achievements was the creation of a four-valid hybrid of a dwarf edible rape chestnut, which gives the fruits for the second year after sowing.

A genuine sensation was at one time the creation of the American genetic church of the N. Children of the so-called short-satellite wheat. The researcher accidentally discovered in the US wheat collection extremely low wheat, which has long been grown in India. The presence of a short stem is very important quality for grain culture - otherwise, most of the nutrients goes to the rise of the stem, and not on the formation of grain. So it turned out: a lot of straw, but the grain is not very. Borloug crossed this wheat with another carlock form - this time Japanese (she managed to detect as many as three carlikoviness genes). Based on these two forms, the American breeder managed to bring together several excellent dwarf and semi-class wheat varieties, which is currently being grown throughout the tropical and subtropical areas of the globe. Just because of this, the achievement of genetics and selection managed to raise grain yields in two, and somewhere three times!

Extremely difficult, but successfully completed, there was the work of English breeders in hybridization of a wild-growing diploid form of blackberries with a tetraploid cultural blackberry, distinguished by unusually tasty fruits, but extremely late. Initially, researchers were lucky: a chance was found blackberry without spikes. But, despite numerous efforts to cross these two species, we managed to get just four hybrid seedlings and, alas, all with spikes. Among other things, three of them were triploid (that is, with triple sets of chromosomes) and, accordingly, the seeds did not give. But the last seedman was pleased with scientists - he turned out to be a fruitful tetraploid. When they waited for fruiting, sowed and raised new offspring, it was found that 37 plants without spikes, and 835 carry spikes. Of the first, one selected one and crossed with a prickly cultural variety. In a new offspring, every three plants with spikes had one without thorns. From the shattered breeders, only one plant was liked - it became the hedleacher of the famous English variety of Merton Torn Less.

However, the genuine masterpiece of selection is considered to be obtained by real plant "Centaurs" - hybrids between plants belonging not only to different types, but also to different kinds. The most famous of these experiments are the works of the Russian breeder GD Kkarechenko. As a result of a genetic experiment conducted by a researcher, a new plant appeared on the light - the cabstore. His shoots were swayed half cabbage, half-rated fruit. Let's get acquainted in more detail with the history of its creation.

Every breeder who tried to cross different types of plants knows that the most difficult is not to get a new hybrid , and ensure that he began to give seeds. After all, if the new grade cannot multiply, all works will be in vain - the resulting plant will die sooner or later, without leaving the descendants after himself. Why are the prolific hybrids - is it a very big rarity? To answer this question, we again, again, will have to turn to the mechanism of the formation of genital cells - Games. Recall that every gamet, and men's, and female arises as a result of a special cell division process called Meiosis. During MEIOS, the number of chromosomes in cells decreases, so the gamets carry exactly two times less chromosomes than the cells of the parent organism. But at the very beginning of Maiza, another very important event occurs - pair or, as scientists say, homologous chromosomes are tightly pressed together and exchange DNA pieces each other. And what will happen if the chromosomes "don't recognize" each other and can not exchange genes? And nothing - normal gametes will not be able to.

Now imagine yourself hybrid arising when crossing two different types of plants or animals. Each chromosome from a pair of homologous chromosomes in its cells comes from different organisms. In the case of cabbage and radish, each "cabbage" chromosoma accounts for one "radiant" - both of these plants are carried in the genual cells of 9 chromosomes. But cabbage genes are nothing in common with radish genes (these plants are generally related to different biological gods). It means that even if it is possible to obtain a hybrid plant (for example, by "violent" pollination of the colors of cabbage of pollen radish), chromosome "do not recognize" each other, and hybrids will be not capable of reproduction.

Is there any opportunity to get a hybrid capable of reproduction? As you know, hopeless situations does not happen. Nobody said that hybrid plants do not form grounds at all - no, they still appear, but they are not strictly defined by chromosomes (9, as the cabbage and radish relies), and random, for example, 5 or 8. means There is a very small probability that goveta with 18 chromosomes - 9 cabbage and 9 rally chromosomes will be in the same cell. From the mass of cabbage crossings with radish, ended in failure, in one case Karpechechenko received a plant that grew up and even bloated, after which the scene of the one-mounted seed. This was the happiest case: all 18 chromosomes got into one Games.

An unusual Gameta accidentally met with Gamena, also carrying 18 chromosomes, as a result, a plant with 36 chromosomes increased, that is, the usual single set of 9 chromosomes was repeated 4 times (we already know that such plants are usually called tetraploids). Thus, here we are again faced with the already familiar with the phenomenon of polyploidy - increase the number of chromosomes. The division of cells and the formation of Games from this hybrid has passed safely - each of the nine-wheeled chromosomes now found a couple of themselves, the same thing was with the cabbage chromosomes .. the offspring of such organisms were given. When the first hybrid plant has grown out of the seed, its nature manifested itself in the most amazing way: half of the fruit turned out to be the cabbage, and the other half is height. Cabstormochka completely justified its name. But Karpechechenko did not stop at the achieved. Games of the obtained hybrid, he connected with a normal radiant games. Now the radar chromosomes turned out to be twice as low as the cabbage, which did not slow down to affect the fruits: two thirds of each fetus had a rarest shape and only one third - cabbage. So thanks to the polyploidy, for the first time, they managed to overcome the natural slope of two different clans.

The list of plant "Centaurs" is not limited to cabbage-oscillating hybrids. Thus, as a result of crossing two grain crops - rye and wheat - scientists received a number of forms united by the common title name. Triticale has good yields, winter hardiness and resistant to many wheat diseases. Thanks to the hybridization of P. chenicy and malicious field weed - Pouring - breeders received valuable plant varieties - wheat-flowered hybrids resistant to lodging and possessing high yields. Another famous Russian breeder - I.V. Michurin - crossed the Pennsylvanian cherry (very frost-resistant, in contrast to the cherry usual usa) with a cherry and synthesized a new plant, which called Ceramapadus. Only later later it was found that cerapads spontaneously arise on the Pamir, but a little different.