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Instructions- How to delete a device from android market. How to remove Google Account on Android: Effective Removal Methods

Many users often ask how to remove a Google account on a smartphone or tablet? The question is double: the fact is that you can delete the account directly from the device, and you can delete it at all. We will analyze in detail both cases.

Removing an account from the device

To begin with, we will analyze the case when you need to remove the account from your smartphone or tablet. Remember, in this case, the account itself is not deleted, you, roughly speaking, go through deavodias to, for example, logged with another account.

Find the "Settings" icon and click on it.

In the menu, find the "Accounts" subsection and click on the Google icon, as shown in the screenshot.

Now you will see your account. Click on it.

Now you need to click on the menu call button. It can be both in the current window, and displayed when you press the button under the screen, as in our case. In the menu, click "Delete Account".

Finally, confirm the removal of the account from the device.

That's all. Please note that the removal of the account will lead to the loss of all related data, including contacts.

The scheme is almost the same on all devices in a slight exception.

Removing account fully and forever

In this case, we will consider the situation when you delete the account completely, including all the data. It is not subject to restoration, and therefore all actions you perform strictly at your own risk!

In the "My Account" section, select "Disable Services and Removing Account".

Now select "Delete Account and Data".

On the Account page, you will see information regarding your data. Including here it will be written that you will no longer be able to use Google services under this account. At the bottom of the window, you need to confirm the removal of the account, if necessary, enter the password. Once again we remind - to delete the account is only in the event that you really don't need it and you do not plan to use it in the future at all. We do not advise him to delete it.

If you need to remove account only from the device from the device based on Android OS, use the first option.

Greetings to you, dear readers. Today we will understand how to remove Google account on your mobile device, whether it is a phone or a tablet and can it be done at all. You can perform this, and in several ways. Actions will differ slightly, depending on the reason why you need to delete acc, as well as from your device.

I, as usual, prepared for today's article and took the Samsung Galaxy phone and the ASUS tablet. It is with their help and this article "was created. The fact is that there is no universal instruction, and on different devices, the removal process will be slightly different.

Full Google account delete directly from the site

Any phone on the operating system Android is tied to the Google account. You do not avoid this if you want to fully use the device. Account data is stored directly on Google servers. It follows from this that we can get rid of the account, simply by deleting this account.

To do this, you need to know only the login and password.

We take any device from which you can enter the Internet, the easiest way will be used by PC.

After that, following easy instructions, you can get rid of your account.

But what to do if you just want to get rid of a specific accouncing a specific device. This is the next item of our article. For example, I will now remove accounts with Samsung.

Use the settings of a specific device.

And so, if you, like me, you need to remove the old Google account from the device, then go to the settings:

And the last click on "Delete Google Account":

Thus, you can get rid of the old account, which is tied to the phone, as well as delete the old Google Play Market account.

Suddenly, something went wrong and you didn't succeed either the Android version is not the same or you do not have any items described above. Then take advantage of the following way.

Use application settings

Click on the button "Erase the data":

The whole thing is done.

If it did not work, that is, the most faithful way. About him in the next paragraph.

Use the "Reset to the Android factory settings" function

In any phone there is such a chip, regardless of the version and the manufacturer. If you need to get rid of the old account, then this is a one hundred percent way. So you also get rid of viruses from the brakes of the system. Only take pictures and other important files somewhere in a safe place.

Consider this process on the Samsung phone

We go through the same settings and choose "General"

We find the item "Reset" and click on it.

We are just writing that in addition to the account we will have everything. That is, I did not deceive you.

All, after completed manipulations, we get a "clean" tablet.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that in order to reset the device to factory settings, you can use the emergency mode. To do this, we just turn off the phone. After turning on and clamp the power button simultaneously with the volume adjustment. We will simulate the emergency menu, in which the "Reset" will be present.

That's all, dear friends. In conclusion, I would like to say that all screenshots that are made in this article are individual to a specific telephone and tablet. You can all be a little different, so in some cases you have to show a slightly tolerance and search for one or another item. Well, if something does not work, you can always contact the comments for advice.

The experienced users of devices on the Android platform have repeatedly used such accounts and wondered how to remove an outdated Google Account? Let's figure it out.

Delete using the standard settings interface

1. Go to "Settings".

2. Then locate the Account and Synchronization tab. In the case of LG G3 Stylus, this item is in the "General" section.

3. In short, you see all your accounts, which is registered on the Android device. We are looking for a Google account and click on it.

4. Now you can manage the account and view all the statistics. In order to completely delete the not necessary account, click on the icon called your profile.

5. After this action will be available statistics and data on the latest synchronization of individual elements, such as "contacts", "tasks" and so on. In this window, we need to press three points on top, then the menu will appear. In it you need to select "Delete Account".

6. All, the account will be removed, and the device is bifted from it.

Actions in cases of blocking the possibility of removal

There are cases when the Android OS does not allow you to delete Google's account on your smartphone. It happens if you downloaded a lot of games, applications or any other content with Play Market.
In this case, you will have to get root rights for your device. How exactly do it, read. You will also need the installed Root Explorer application.
After performing some actions, Root Explorer opens the main directory of the device. Run at Data / System. Look for the "Accounts.db" file.

Now delete this file. After deleting a file, your data: various applications, all games and other content - will be in the same form, in what it was before. But I would like to pay special attention to the Google Play Games service. Without a Google synchronization account, this service will not work, so all your saving in the games will not be available!


I talked about two ways to delete Google account on any device running the Android system.
If you are an experienced user and deal with computers and phones at the "Confident Lover" level, you will not be difficult to remove the not necessary account even in the second way. If you doubt your abilities and the removal is not blocked by the system, it is better to use the first described method.
I hope the article was useful to you. Good luck!

You can add Google accounts for your phone or tablet. The device automatically synchronizes the account data that is configured on it. To download applications from Google Play, you need to add to the device at least one account.

Several people use the device? Before you make any changes, make sure you entered the desired account.

How to add an account to the device

  1. Open the device settings.
  2. Choose Accounts. If this item is not, click Users and Accounts.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click Add Account.
  4. Select the type of account.
    • To add a Google account, click Google. When entering the account, all the data associated with it, including email messages, contacts and calendar events, are automatically synchronized with the device.
    • To add another account, select IMAP) or Personal (POP3). This option will suit Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail. How to use IMAP and POP3 protocols to work with Gmail ...
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  6. If necessary, enter a PIN, password or graphic key.

Council. If you are going to lend a device to another user, it is not necessary to configure a new account. Instead, you can create a separate profile or enable guest mode.

How to delete an account from the device

If you delete an account from your phone or tablet, all related data will also disappear from the device (including emails, contacts and settings).

Note. Settings may differ depending on the device. To get more detailed information

Each Android system has its own Google Account. Without this, of course, it would be difficult to use your device. However, exceptional cases can make us delete the Google account on the phone or tablet. About how to delete Google account on Android and will be speech in this article.

Your account stores many confidential information, such as applications, your contacts, browser history and much more. Therefore, by deleting your account, you erase all the data connected with it. So do not forget to make backup All important data.

How to delete Google account on Android through settings?

This method can be called the most humane and correct to Android OS and, in fact, your device. You need to be careful because the account android device, as already reported, is an important thing.

How to remove google account:

  1. Open the application " Settings»
  2. Go to " Accounts»
  3. Choose Google
  4. Press the vertical Troetch in the upper right corner and click " Delete Account»
  5. The system will ask if you are sure, confirm the removal.

Attention! This action will delete synchronized files from the Android device. Remove the Google account, if you are sure about this.

How to delete Google account through Google Services

You can go to another way and delete your current Google account through Google Services. This method is as simple as the previous one. To do this, you need to get into the phone settings Applications", As can be seen below. Next, proceed according to the instructions:

  1. Select the " Everything"Or click" Show system processes" on the menu
  2. Find the system application " Google accounts"(May be called" Google services") And click on it
  3. Select " Storage" and press " Erase the data»

After the manipulation done, your smartphone will delete Google Account, do not forget to restart the smartphone at the end of the account deletion.

Deleting the Accounts.db file

The last way to remove your Google account on the phone will require availability on the device. In addition, this option implies the deletion of the Android system file, so you also need a file manager that supports root access, you can use this conductor .

  • 1. Go to the file manager
  • 2. Click on the strips at the top left
  • 3. We note " Show hidden files»
  • 4. Go to " Local storage»
  • 5. Choose " Device»

  • 6. Go to the folder " data.»
  • 7. Next to the folder " system.»
  • 8. Select the folder " users.»

  • 9. We will need a folder " 0 »
  • 10. And so we got to the file " accounts.db.»
  • 11. Delete the file " accounts.db."And file" accounts.db-journal»

After deleting restart the device, the system will automatically create new files without your account.


If for any reason you cannot delete Google account from your device, then a reliable solution will be resetting the settings. How to do it described. After turning on, your device can request a tied account, the article will help to bypass this blocking.


The most reliable way to correct any problems and disassemble any accounts!

How to delete an account with all data from Google Server?

If you decide to get rid of Google Account, you need to understand that all the data related to this account will also be deleted. You will not be able to access Google Disk and Google photos on which there may be important data. You will not be able to restore passwords on sites where you are binding to Google mail and you will not be able to use all Google services. If you still intend to completely remove Google account with server, then the following instruction for you.

  1. Go to his account Google
  2. Choose " account settings»
  3. We find the section " Removing account or services»
  4. Click " Delete account and data»
  5. We enter the password, while once again thinking whether I need it
  6. Remove account

How to restore Google Account?

Google Account can be restored within 2-3 weeks after complete deletion.

  1. Go to page
  2. Enter the address of the remote google mail
  3. Answer questions that will offer us the system
  4. We put a new password

That's all. Now you know the main ways to delete Google account on Android: from the simplest to complex. !

Answers on questions

How to get around Google account after discharge?

If you have a problem of entry into account after discharge, then you should help this.