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What day does the evil eye begins to manifest. Removing the shootout with fire. In the direction of negative programs may be

To get rid of negative influence You can use water. Stand up under the shower, the water should be comfortable for you temperatures, now imagine that soft pleasant jets are flushed with you all the bad. When you feel better, complete the procedure.

Another way to wash off everything is bad - it is to take a bath with a sea salt, as the salt can absorb all the negative, clean the aura and update forces. Dissolve salt in warm water and plunge into the bath, try to fully relax and do not think about the bad. After 15 minutes, stand up and rinse the body with warm water.

Running out egg

Take raw egg in right hand And put it on the top. Now slowly start rolling it on the head, then go down to the neck, chest, stomach and continue to drive an egg until it is necessary to handle so every part of the body. In the process of rolling mentally refer to higher power For help and imagine how your aura is cleared of evil parts and other negative influences. After completing the manipulation with the egg, take it to the trash and throw it out with the words: "Return evil there,".

Removing the evil eye of fire

In order to get rid of, you can use the candle. Take a small paraffin candle, burn it and, looking at the flame, spoke some times in a whisper: "Element of fire, clean me from negative, from the evil eye, from everything bad." Keep looking at the candle and imagine how it burns all your negative emotions, frees you from mental severity, ailments.

Watching the flame you need five minutes. If you can not stop on the spot, you begin to get itching and scratching the body, this indicates a strong energy impact. In this case, you need to make some deep breaths and exhale, try to relax once again and continue the session with the candle until you feel calm in thoughts and in the body. After that, thank the element of fire for the help and hide the candle.

How to protect yourself from the evil

The easiest way to protect against a bad eye is to carry the usual pin with the edge up. It is necessary to attach it at a rapid place if the pin will darken or rusts, it must be removed and throw it out.

As protective amuleta From the evil area you can wear a small mirror on the shoelace. It is believed that the mirror reflects any negative effects and sends them to those from whom they proceed.

Stable life structure begins to collapse, beautiful well-being is inferior to a series of unpleasant diseases, and a good mood literally disappeared, leaving apathy and irritability? Most likely, this "black strip" - evidence of the evil eye! The result of others (and sometimes its own) negative thoughts noticeable after a few minutes! In this article, we will analyze what evil eye and whether it is not self-headed, and discuss how to get rid of this attack!

What is evil eye?

"Spinning from the eye" - this is the way you can decipher the word "evil eye". This is one of the most simple species Magic intervention. And to send, and earn the evil eye easier, because it does not change the fateful programs, is not a curse. To cause the evil eye, strong enough negative emotionwhich will distort the usual move vitality. By the way, it is from the strength of emotion depends on inner world - If the glowing was powerful, the person who was smoothed, would feel this sharper.

How to recognize strong evil eye: symptoms

Where is fine, there is a rhat - this is the main motto of any evil eye. For those who suffer chronic diseases, after the evil eye there is an aggravation. People who have pressure problems are starting to experience characteristic malaise. There are general symptoms:

  • headache, migraine;
  • dizziness accompanied by darkening in the eyes;
  • strong fatigue and drowsiness;
  • colds;
  • scattered;
  • irritability.

If you leave the first symptoms without attention, the evil eye will continue his negative impact. Passivity and lethargy will turn into depression over time. What else can the evil eye lead? Symptoms in adults, celebrate magicians, can become all more dangerous! A person has a loved one, he is distinguished from loved ones. Headache does not stop for a minute, "voices" can appear in the head. Another dangerous symptom - The desire to "drown" their sorrows in wine, drugs. Often there are thoughts about suicide. All these signs continue to manifest as long as the negative program is changed.

Who is in the risk group?

People public, those who often communicate with people are exposed to other influence of "evil eyes". For example, vulnerable medical workers, teachers, sellers, actors and singers. Risk and all those to whom others may feel the feeling of envy. That is, in order to get the evil eye, do not even have to do anything. It is enough to be strong, healthy, beautiful and successful!

Often a negative impact concerns certain things: material well-being, attractive appearance, success in work and business, family relationshipsupgrades. In this case, it is very easy to determine the owner of the "bad eye" - you need to remember who you shared with your achievements and joy.

Full habits and strange behavior: symptoms of the evil eye in men

Even a powerful male biofield may suffer from evil thoughts of another person. How does the evil eye appear? Symptoms in adult men are quite terrible. For example, auditory hallucinations appear: men may seem to be talking to dead relatives or acquaintances. Another sign is an increased irritability. By the way, not only homemade victims of aggression often becomes often even casual people. Even the sober suddens suddenly go into drink, they begin to use drug-containing substances.

By the way, it is worth paying attention to how a man behaves during the conversation. Under the influence of the evil eye, representatives of the strong half of humanity are discharged, closed, cease to perceive any criticism. By the way, the symptom of the evil eye may be violations and failures in the work of the digestive system. The absence of appetite or excessive food use indicate a magic effect!

Reactions of women on the evil eye

The symptoms of the evil eye in a woman are slightly different from those manifestations faced by representatives of a strong floor. The effect of the outside wounds the ladies is stronger. Women may have a dream, and if you can fall asleep - nightmares are tormented until morning. Another sign of the evil eye is the deploying eyes. Attractiveness suffers and attractiveness - women have worsening the condition of the skin, hair problems can fall out. The nails and teeth are very spoiled. Often the forces are not enough even on the most primitive actions, for example, the adoption of the soul. It is worth noting that among the symptoms of the evil eye in women have a significant reduction in sexual activity.

Who can smooth out?

Most often, a person who is not distinguished by mental stability speaks in the role of the owner of the "bad eye". Irritable and very quickly "flare" and "cool". At the same time, negative energy will be released. An even greater harm can be caused by balanced people listed in the state of rabies. Long holding back, they accumulate negative.

Get the energy breakdown is easy during a conversation on elevated colors, when one interlocutor exceeds another energetically. One outbreak of anger is enough for one person to get a slogony, and the other - discharged. The first at the same time feels as if it was twisted in the dirt, and the second feels the inner emptiness.

Grandmothers going to the entrances can also be jammed. After all, whispering in the back of the neighbors bad words And curses, they apply energy lesions.

Damage or evil eye: how to determine?

In addition to the evil eye there is another type of adverse energy impact - damage. It differs from the evil eye by intentionally. With it, it is introduced a negative program that makes harm not only a specific person, but also his whole family. In order to damage, not enough sharp words or bad thoughts. Magician help is needed. Photos, hair, personal belongings - it is with their help damage. The action of this program is more powerful than an ordinary "bad eye", because it can lead even to death.

Now you understand what evil eye and damage. How to determine what exactly was the cause of the "black strip" in life?

The first signs of damage

Initially, it is worth paying attention to the state of health. About the presence of damage speaks ailments that cannot explain the doctors. Another faithful sign - feeling unpleasant odorswho also has no explanation. In the case of damage, the attitude of not only close people, but also animals: they begin to bite, hiss or whine. Sleep disorders, increased anxiety, obsessive states - all this symptoms of strong magical intervention in your life.

How to get rid of the evil

If you have a slogony (adult symptoms helped to diagnose it), you can get rid of it yourself. Make it possible with ordinary mirror. To remove the evil eye, you will need and the candle. At night you need to get up in front of a mirror with a lit candle. There should be no other light sources in the room. Looking at its reflection, you need to ask mirror world pick up the evil eye and never let him go back to real world. It is better to leave the candle in front of the mirror until she is fritted.

And what to do if they smoothed yourself? Wildflowers and herbs will come to the rescue. True, there is one condition: they must be assembled into the most magical night a year - the night of Ivan Pouched! Three bouquets must be dried. The ritual of getting rid of the self-heading is carried out at dawn: you need to stand face north, set fires. Necessarily S. closed eyes! At the same time, it is necessary to recall all your failures and mentally burn them.

What to do if they smoothed close man? Church will help believers. It is worth come, praying and put a candle for the health of the one who smoked. It is prayers that carry great strength. True, they will be effective only if there is a sincere faith.

Other ways to combat "bad eye"

You defined the evil eye (the symptoms of adults are already familiar to you), removed it and are now concerned about the question: "What to do not be the victim of bad thoughts again?" Offer unusual ways Prevention!

  1. Wear a ribbon or threads of red on hand. They will choose the whole negative directed at you.
  2. Hang over entrance door A bag with a mixture of dry herbs: Hypericum, laurel, thistle and dandelion.
  3. To push the evil eye from yourself while communicating with unpleasant people touch metal objects. Suitable a regular coin!

Now you know what the evil eye is. Symptoms in adults (how to remove the negative - we told) quite characteristic, so confuse them with signs of any disease and ignore the problem in people's vigilant people will not work. Take care of yourself and strengthen internal integrity and energy strength!

Suddenly the pain or change in the body at the physical level, forced a person to turn to official medicine. Pain and make-up mental character are often perceived by us as banal fatigue, overvoltage, temporary decline protective functions organism. Few of us understands that the true cause of this painful state is the evil eye.

Anxious symptom can be considered a lot of troubles that occur as if from nowhere, when everything in life you do it right, each of your pitch is considered, but Mrs. Fortuna is not on your side. If the background of total bad luck is addicted to the extent of the well-being and instability of the mood, then the general picture is consisted, which can be easily recognized - this is a typical evil eye.

Who can "jiggle"?

The most interesting thing is that a close friend, a relative, a colleague can be diagnosed with you and not always for evil intent. If a person is "bad eye", then his usual look at your new thing Or you can work negatively towards you. Well, if this person knows this "sinning" and tries to behave accordingly, so as not to harm others.

A much more unpleasant situation if you were smoothed by intentionally. But here there are nuances. For example, if you caused damage by the "hands of a specialist", the result may be deplorable. If a person who does not have any magical abilitiesThe defined ritual has fulfilled with respect to you, the negative impact on you will not be strong, but can bring some trouble in your life.

What does the evil eye indicate?

You guess that the cargo of misfortunes, filled with you without visible reasons, it's not just bad luck, and whose "bad" influence on your destiny, but do not know how to find out about it for sure? In fact, there are a number indirect signsconfirming your suspicions.

If we are talking about an adult person, it is usually:

  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • inexplicable malaise (when medical professionals do not find pathology and deviations of indicators in analyzes);
  • apathy;
  • general despondency;
  • headache (almost constant), complaints about "gravity" in the head;
  • loss of interest in what is happening around you.

If we are talking about a child, the symptoms are as follows:

  • bad appetite;
  • whims;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • increased convulsive activity;
  • sleep impairment at the general drowsiness of the baby;
  • nervousness;
  • the occurrence of temporary phobias (is afraid to stay in the room one, he does not let go of her mother, does not allow to repay the light in the room, etc.).

The strange behavior of a person who was subjected to the Schaluz, negatively affects his family and business relations, changes his relationship with society. Such a person is easy to find out for a number of signs.

From the evil eye of the child can be elementary to wash

  • In the family there may be frequent quarrels and disagreements, which were not previously observed.
  • Spouse (a) can lose interest in you.
  • People close to you begin to root or complain about the troubles that arise from them in communicating with other people.
  • In the house begins to fail appliances, the heating system, water supply system, etc. breaks.

Work / Career:

  • you are constantly annoyed and not tuned to the working way;
  • there is a misunderstanding in relationships with the bosses and colleagues;
  • there is no discontent, disappointment in their own forces;
  • work (or perspective), previously intended for you, give your less qualified colleagues;
  • there is a desire to quit work (or change the place of work);
  • dissatisfaction with working conditions (bosses, team, etc.).

Not always the evil eye against you affects your well-being. His goal is to knock you out of the overall rhythm of life. This is a way to bring in your life a series of troubles, misfortunes and troubles that will stop your personal development, career promotion and will shake in society. Very often, the main blow can be directed to his property or on the close and dear heart of man.

The manifestation of the evil eye, as a rule, flows comprehensively - when it is not lucky in all directions in life, so the manifestation of the pair of symptoms may indicate or about the "non-professionalism" of your ill-wisher, or about the initial stage of the evil eye. It is important to learn how to determine independently and remove the negative impact, eliminate its consequences. Not every one of us is familiar with this technique, but it is still worth trying.

In most cases, negative promises and its consequences can be eliminated own forces. In some cases, the help of a person who has a special knowledge and practice of conducting magical rituals is necessary.

Practical diagnosis of the evil eye

Your suspicions are just a hypothesis that requires practical confirmation. Rely solely on your own intuition or guesses, should not even if you practice magic a little.

Checking baby

There are several special methods Determine the presence of a slot / damage, as well as techniques to eliminate them. It can be simple ways, relatively complex, and in some cases, requiring the intervention of real professionals. Below, for example, we give some of them.

Check (and removal) of the evil eye on the threshold

This is the easiest "grandmother" or "rustic" way to find out if there is a slogony. He works flawlessly, both on a child and adult man.

When the kid is evilmed, the mother should:

  • follow the night shirt or remove upper clothes, remaining in full underwear (most importantly, to be a hem shirt);
  • dial in the mouth of water (bachechenskaya);
  • take the baby on the hands;
  • stand on the threshold between the room where the child is located, and adjacent to her room, in the direction of exit;
  • holding a baby with his left hand, right hand need:
  • to release an iso-mouth part of the water into the right hand and it is crucible (forehead, legs, shoulders, or only face - forehead, chin, cheeks) sprinkle the baby, mentally saying "Father our";
  • after completing the reading of the prayer, it is necessary to curly wipe the body of the baby with an invalid of the underwear heater or mother's night shirt;

Such manipulations are carried out three times, the baby calms down noticeably, whims and crying stop, the child becomes drowy, it is put in the crib, where he falls asleep.

Red thread - wonderful protection against the evil eye

What confirms the presence of a declamation?

  • Than stronger Schalz, the stronger and longer a dream at the child.
  • During sleep, the kid may have convulsive surveillance of the limbs, it can make strange sounds, and sighing, deeply and intermittently sigh, mumble something in a dream. It should not be frightened, since it is exactly that "incoming" damage and this is considered the norm.
  • If the day before the baby suffered from elevated temperature, which Mom could not knock drugs, As a result of the ritual, the elevated body temperature is normalized in a very short time. The child stands up, after awakening the body temperature can vary within a few days within 35.8 - 36.4 on the thermometer.
  • Any painful manifestations of a child after his awakening should disappear.

Interrupt the process of removal of the damage / evil eye when he moved to the passive phase (Sleep of the baby), it is impossible!

Under no circumstances can the baby await earlier than he himself will wake up. He can sleep a couple of hours or a few days, depending on the strength of the evil eye, but it is impossible to wake it! Understand that while he sleeps, he does not need food and drink when his body is cleaned, he will wake up.

Check and removal of the evil eye with a candle and prayer

In this ritual, damage is required to use a church candle.

  • lay the baby to sleep;
  • the mother of the child must wash (it is better to wash completely);
  • put on clean linen and clothes;
  • read "Our Father" by the baby's bed;
  • light a candle;
  • three times to circle (slowly and along the clockwise arrow!) Burning candle, sentencing:

"My diet is sleeping - the slave (a) of God (Ya)" (the name of the baby), the Lord, is stored, my prayers are protected, the Guardian Angels are surrounded by the Guardians. To you, Most High appeal, Guardian Angels I pray, show me - Mother of this child, what is the reason for his hands? I, the slave of God (name) I pray the Lord not to leave my diet my, guardian angels I've always come to be with him, a bad eye to get out, the bad thoughts return the victim, the bad acts to interrupt that the child is mine - the slave (a) of God (Ya) "(name Baby), never sneak, did not know the trouble. Amen".

In the morning you must deteriorate the child epiphany waterreading about ourselves "Our Father", then go with him to walk in the place where more than the sun; Preferably, during your walk, open the window or window in its room. Upon returning home, the baby must first cross the threshold of the house, but before that, the mother should trace it to turn around him three times around him counterclockwise.

Slowly exciting a candle and reading a plot, you need to carefully follow the candle flame. If the candle burns all the time evenly, the fire of phytile does not flicker, not smoking, not cracking and does not spark, it good sign that there is no damage to the child.

If the flame of the candle is "dancing" and at the same time smoking, cracking or sparking, it means that there is a damage to the baby. Worst of all when you hear and see all these negative manifestations together, in this case it may be necessary to help a serious magician.

Be sure to notice the place where the flame of the candle is lit not calm, it can be a sign pointing to the damaged part of the body of the baby or the body in which the disease was attached:

  • If, for example, the child complained about headache, dizziness and candle glanced by the area of \u200b\u200bhis head - your guesses are true.
  • If the child was tormented by stomach pain, the vomiting was noted and the candle negatively showed himself in the field (or at the level) of his abdomen, this is also confirmed by the evil eye / damage.

Usually one such ritual is enough to learn a negative impact and at the same time eliminate it. In the event of a negative result in the morning, it is necessary to do the same manipulations of three nights in a row, otherwise to contact the help of a specialist in this area.

Determination of the evil eye using the icon of the Blessed Virgin

Plug - one of the most famous workers

Determining the evil eye with a pin

The usual English pin should be pinned down the head from the wrong side of the baby's clothing. She will protect your baby from the eye of evil and help to know whether the evil eye during your walk.

"Daughter (Son) (the name of the baby) collect,
In the path - the road is adjustable.
Keep, god, my diet
In a clean field,
In stormy sea
On someone else's side
In his own home.
In a dream and reveal. "

Returning home, inspect the pin. If it is closed - you have no problems if revealed - most likely that the baby was smoothed.

Verification on the evil eye of an adult

An intuitive or logically adult man can always understand or find out the cause of his failures and ailments. If you have a premonition about the pitch on you, most likely, it is true. Those who doubt or do not trust their own intuition, we recommend checking it in practice, there are several ways to determine the negative impact on a person. To do this, use a variety of items that can respond to changing the quality of human energy.

Church candle

It is necessary to install candles on the table (church, three pieces), to light each and slowly read the prayer "Father our" (or "God will resurrect", " Holy Mother of God"- to choose from). In the process of reading three times you need to cross. You should closely monitor the behavior of the candles, they must burn quietly and smoothly. If when reading the prayer you will hear cracks or hiss, see black cooler Flame or sparks, tumping off from the fire, then someone smoothed you and something is wrong with you.


Clean wax should be melt on a water bath and further, reading a prayer, pour it into a water tank, which is kept above the head of the person being checked. Hardening, wax is able to take bizarre forms for which the necessary information about man is read.

  • When cleaning over someone, the capacitance can hold over its head itself checked.
  • If you need to check yourself, take care of the assistant.

Basic wax forms:

  • smooth surface and smooth bottom part The wax frozen in the water means that you have no problems;
  • an uneven surface (the presence of small dents and tubercles, "bridges") indicates a recently induced or weak spider;
  • large growths, pyramids and hemispheres on the surface of the frozen wax may indicate the presence of a curse;
  • if the wax accepted the shape of the roots below, it can be judged by the limitations of the curse and about the degree of kinship with those who lowered it (the closer to the center the longest "roots", the closer to the blood of you who cursed you or smoothed with a curse) ;
  • Availability of multiple holes and yazens different diameter and the depths that you will see in the wax say that the damage constantly leads to you the same person (or the same people);

Prepare a glass of S. clean water, church candle, matches and fresh chicken egg. Place the chair of the person being checked on the damping / evil eye, in front of him on the table, put a candle and burn it, let it read "our father" before the lit candle. Take the egg and holding it over the candle flame, circle them three times clockwise with the words:

"Being to be a reflection of fate
Slave of God (call the name of the checked).
Like an egg from chicken, so fate from his
The servant of God (call the name of the checked) not separate.
Tell me, the egg that in the fate of his Bole -
Light or darkness, happiness or pain? "

Rocking egg is best suited for home diagnostics.

Next, take the egg to your hands and circle around the person being checked in the direction of the bottom up ("Feet → Head"), reading "Our Father", while rising from his head to the head. Then hardly circle the egg above its head clockwise and repeat the sentence written above.

Give a glass of a glass with water, let him hold it over his head. Spice the egg to this glass, let the checked will hold it above his head and read the "Our Father" again. Then take the glass from him and see what forms in the water took a broken egg:

  • The damage does not exist when the yolk lies in the squirrel at the bottom of a glass with water.
  • If white threads stretched from the protein to the top of the glass, this testifies to the presence of ill-wishers, envious, people who can smooth out. The thinner and more transparent, the thread (or threads), the less envy, in this case usually talk about the evil eye. If these threads are saturated white color, thick, knotted, bizarrely twisted in braids and spirals, envy of ill-wishers are too large and in this case talk about damage.
  • Bubbles at the end of the protein threads talk about the presence of a serious damage.
  • The presence of green or black stripes, points, streaks may indicate that man is divided into a serious illness.
  • The presence of red streams or fastened blood droplets painted by the blood of threads, says that the damage is invisible by the blood of the blood.
  • Put the glass aside for a while, and then look, did not drop the threads down. If you discovered it, then the one who brought the damage or the evil eye, carefully hides its true face from you.

The burning candle is checked must repay himself and pick it up with me.

The spent egg should be poured into the toilet or bury deep into the ground. It is impossible to give it an animal, except when the disease must be transferred to the animal to take it from a person. However, there is a different ritual, longer and more serious.


As in the case of the test of the evil eye from the child, it is also pinned with the head down from the wrong side of the adult clothing, but with a different verdict:

"As a castle on the door and a pin with me: From a bad eye protects, the evil people do not let me, it will break it, it will not be lost, but I will not let me get"

If, by returning home, you will find that the pin, indeed, is lost or broken - you have a damage, if it is squirting - you have been smoothed. It is advisable on the same day to hold a ritual of cleansing from the negative, which was sent to you by your unfriendly or envious.


Any animal is very sensitive to negative energy. The view is that only black (and no other) cat (and not a cat) can respond in a certain way on a person with negative energy, this is a delusion.

If your or someone else's animal, earlier to you friendly located, suddenly reacts to you not adequately, it is a reason to find out if you have a sloga or damage? Animals can very accurately determine good man Came to your house or not. Waiting for the owner, they know how to feel his mood before he crosses the threshold of his apartment.

Animals - Beautiful indicators that feel negative

People who hold a cat or dog know that their pet always feels the owner's disease. Sometimes a few days before it gets sick, the cats are trying to go to this place, and the dogs fall around and try to "slide" the "patient" body or the place where the owner will soon receive injury, wound.

If your animal tries to avoid contact with you, hits, hides, meow "from under the closet", it means that it feels on you a slogony / damage. If the same way he reacts to your guest, believe your pet - came to you negative man, Making anything against you.

About the presence of on you (or someone from your loved ones) damage can testify the abundance of cockroaches and spiders, suddenly appearing in the apartment. Many web with a small number of spiders, not at all a good sign and very dangerous, especially if you remove the web, and two days later it appears in the same places and in the same quantity.

Generalization of material

Most people are exposed to the slohal and damage. People who can jiggle, sometimes not realize that they are capable of it. The people about them more often they say, as people with a "bad eye", which should be fear. In some circumstances it is difficult if, for example, you work with such a person in one office or live with him next to one staircase, in the same apartment.

If you avoid meetings with him, you can not, you can learn how to defend yourself and your loved ones. Frequent mood change, body temperature jumps, prolonged failures, frequent quarrels in the family and conflicts at work - all this may be evidence of a negative impact on you. The ability to learn about it in time, means to control the situation and do not allow you to manage your fate to someone else's person.

Useful advice

  • Your child should not pick up or to consider someone else's person.
  • Before baptism, the baby can not show anyone.
  • The baby's clothing should always be attached from the unlocked English pin.
  • Teach yourself to regularly inspect your home for the availability of other people's items in it, especially after visiting the guests unpleasant to you.
  • Before Holy Easter and Merry Christmas, spend the cleaning of the apartment (at home) with the help of church candles.
  • Never pick things, "by chance" found at the doors of your home, no matter how original or valuable they are.

Many ways to determine the evil eye require reading prayers. You must remember that human energy is a subtle structure, improper interference in which is fraught with various troubles. Saving yourself from one misfortune, you can easily get another. If you feel that all the ways have been exhausted to determine and remove the evil eye that you know, and new and more complex you are familiar or frighten you, better contact a specialist in this matter.

When a person is jealous, on the one hand it is good, because, it means that he is successful, beautiful, rich and possesses what others do not have. On the other hand, many problems often appear from envy, not only in terms of communication with people, because there are no fearless gossip, but also in terms of health, because the long-term impact of the negative program from the outside eventually makes the gap in human biofield and seeps inside . In such cases, minor troubles start at work, quarrels, housekeeping and health problems, which brings huge discomfort and weakens the organism even more. There is a logical question what to do if they smoothed.

Characteristic features for the evil eye and damage

The evil eye and damage are very different from each other. If the damage is always guided only specifically, by carrying out a black and magic ritual, the evil eye can be made, both specifically and by chance. However, any negative firstly hits the psyche. If the damage manifests itself almost immediately and can be determined quickly external symptoms, the evil eye is most often in no way manifests itself. Another feature of the evil is that unintentionally induced, it is possible not to shoot, he, as if cut on the body, will pass himself.

If a child got under the influence of such negative, then you will have to remove the negative in any case, because for the children's body it will not pass without a trace. The thing is that children, especially newborns do not have such strong bioplascencelike an adult. If we consider a person like a bunch of energy, then for those who have a particularly dense protective circle, no evil eye is afraid, but those who have it weakened and has breaks constantly suffer from negative exposure from the outside.

Biopol is weakened by frequent diseases, constant stress. The first symptoms of the evil eye are expressed in the financial field. It may be a minor loss of money, breakdown the most necessary thing at a inappropriate moment and other unpleasant little things. These events go an endless stream, while increasing nervous tensionthat negatively affects physical condition. Apathy, lethargy, drowsiness or sleep disorders appear.

The worst thing is that the evil eye, as well as damage, does not stop on one person, but continues its distribution on loved ones and even at home. What to do if the ancient Scriptures and advice of our ancestors can say that they collected data on how to protect themselves and close to the negative impact from the years. There are many ways to prevent and eliminate the evil eye in an adult and child.

The simplest purification methods, if smoothed

In response to the question of what to do if they smoothed, experienced practices say that you need to clean your spirit and do not succumb to depression. It's no secret that the person who was smoothed to transfers his negative promise not only to his loved ones and the house, but also on those who are connected with him, that is, to a working team, friends, and so on. Almost all the troubles at work, for example, are associated not only with one person, but with everyone he works with everyone. Most often, the person who was smoothed, harms more himself than the negative immediately coming from the outside.

Scientists have proven that the nervous shock is perfectly relieves the physical activity. A visit to the gym or running around the city surroundings significantly increases muscle tone and brain activity. Water procedures are well removed stress. Sitting in the bath must be represented as all problems go, wash off. Salt excellent assistant in getting rid of negative.

The salt has long been considered a powerful negative energy absorber. The thing is that salt, does not have its biofield and absorbs any information as if the sponge. With it, it is possible to bring the evil eye or damage, and just get rid of their negative impact. The procedure for cleansing the body with salt can be carried out at home independently. You just need to graze it like a scrub and stand under the shower or add to the bath.

Folk Methods

When you do not know what to do if they smoothed, you can seek help magic rites. It has long been when people worked mainly on Earth and engaged in cattle breeding, the phenomenon of the evil eye of the earth, home, livestock was very frequent. An invinoiler can easily jinx a goat or a cow that gives a lot of milk. In long-standing times, especially in winter, such animals could be the only breadwinners in big family, so people often used various methods Protect your property from witch's prolongation. Several methods of cure from the evil eye are distinguished:

  • defiative rites;
  • cleansing fire;
  • salt rituals;
  • water rituals;
  • cleansing with prayer;
  • alerts that do not miss the negative.

Many plants differ not only by the healing properties, but also magical. Among them are chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, oak bark. Washing against scales of them not only benefit the body, but also cleans the spirit. The wormwood was often hanging out as facing in large livestock farms in stories and sheds, in order to protect their animals from envious eyes.

Fire treatment is used for a very long time. Often they used healers and magicians. The ritual is carried out with the help of a candle. A smoothed person should be seated on a chair without a back and bypass it three times around. At this time you need to read corporate words And drive a candle from the head to the fifth of the object, watching its actions.

This ritual allows not only to remove, but also to diagnose the availability of the evil eye or damage. Before holding the rite, read the prayer "Our Father", and then repeat the conspiracy text:

"How the fire is all burning with its flame, so you spoil the soul. Mother, the Most Holy Mother, to defend himself, help, from all the misfortunes, the longing greenery came to the abode of the slave of God (name). Hear a midges, I will see tears, lingering them with your divine handle, be freed from damage and the evil eye help, but someone who brought them back. "

How to help your choa?

Children need special protection. If you smoothed the baby baptized you can seek help to the guardian angel. Understand that the baby is smoothed by external signs, baby will be:

  • often cry;
  • rush hysterics in the same place;
  • in older children, frequent injuries are possible, limb fractures;
  • problems in school;
  • reduced appetite, weight loss.

If no diseases are detected at a medical examination, then you need to take care of spiritual protection. A long-standing method is used. If you went from the street and in the crumbs, no longer a long tantrum begins with this, I will be afraid of His holy water and wrap your face with your prayer, saying:

"Blood, herself gave rise to his own, herself and went out."

What to do if each mother should know how to know. Highly effective methodwhich is carried out at home - bathing in holy water. It is not enough to carry out the procedure once, you need to bathe a baby for a week in a hunger water or simply add it to the water for swimming. After water procedures, wipe the child is not a towel, but a pier, it helps to pass part of the maternal energy to your chad.

You can read the prayer of the guardian angel of his baby. It is best to hang his face, so that the child can see it out of the crib. When Ceradusko falls asleep, stand on the knees of the saint and ask:

"Guardian angel, I open my soul, please, I urge you to your rest. He himself can not be the slave of God (name) to cope with the mischief, I help me to defend me from the bad, from the evil eye. Who will not look at him with malicious intent, let his evil himself and feel. Amen".

How to get rid of the evil eye, witchcraft and damage?

Effective method of getting rid of the evil eye!

To purify the housing, use a standard rite with a candle and reading prayers. For cleansing yourself, the candle will also need, and also metal dishes and water. This method also allows you to find out who brought damage on you. At the descending moon, at night, sway at the table and spread the tablecloth. Put the vessel and pour water into it. Light a candle and when the wax starts to melt, dripping into the water, read the plot.

"I want to know who hates me. The moon help me, lit all with my light and give questions my answers, from myself, helping to take away from myself, soul my sinner to save. Wax melts, hot drops fall into the water, and the enemy's dust is cold. My enemy, feel me, getting weaker day away from day, show, in a dream I'm coming. "

If the wax lies with a smooth layer, it means that there is no negative, and the trouble will soon pass, you just need to suffer.

If the candle crepts, cracks, the flame is overflowing different colorsAnd the wax is laid by the victims - the enemy very much wants your death and you need to go to the church for the sacrament and put candles for health. Candles for health need to put not only for yourself, but also for your enemy. After the ritual described above, in a dream you should appear a person who brought damage. Try during church rituals to find strength in yourself and forgive the enemy.

Do not try to take the evil eye with a response black ritual. A person who brought the damage to you and wishes death, such actions will cost expensive, heaven is so punished. In our world there is a law of preserving the energy, the Universe always punishes people for the caused evil.

The evil eye is a negative impact on the object that makes its protective energy field, as a result of which the power failure is broken. The object can act as a living being and the subject, when interacting with which a person or an animal can suffer. It is sometimes difficult to understand that it is sometimes difficult at once, because the symptoms can be ignored individually or write off on something else.


The main signs of the Schalza

The first signs you can manifest a few minutes after the imposition of the evil eye. Strongly falling strong fatigue without particularly reason. This suggests that a breach is broken through the energy membrane, through which vital energy comes out.

With the development of many diseases, everything begins with minor symptoms, causing the patient as soon as noticeable discomfort. But even small symptoms are converted into a serious illness. The consequences of the evil eye are progressing with time in the same way. Fortunately, diagnose negative impact is quite easy.

In addition to the exhaustion of forces, the evil eye in adults has the following manifestations:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nightmares or insomnia;
  • closed;
  • negative reaction on sunlight, loud sounds and bright colors;
  • depressed mood;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • rash, nasty smell from the body, dandruff, pigment spots on the face, dark circles under the eyes;
  • total bad luck in any field of life;
  • the apartment appears strange foreign objects (magical and ordinary), as well as many insects;
  • the feeling of odors that are not really no;
  • depression, obsessive thoughts on suicide.

Symphoma Symadge

No one already thinks that it means to knock three times on the tree and spit through the right shoulder, saying "so as not to smooth out." So they do when they are divided by joyful news or boast how successfully things are going. Initially, it was a way.

Self-headed is the harm caused to its energy field, in most cases unconscious. He just like the evil eye, is reflected in the physical and mental state of the carrier.

Self-headed has the following symptoms:

  • fatigue, sleep problems;
  • constant scattering and inattention;
  • intolerance of bright light and loud sounds;
  • reducing immunity and aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • depressed mood, apathy, depression.

How to determine the evil eye on the child?

Decoration of the child B. different age manifests itself differently. But despite the fact that the signs of the evil eye of the baby differ from the signs of the teenager's evil eye, they still have the same nature.

The declamation of a child has the following signs:

  • reducing social activity, refusal to communicate with friends and family;
  • failure to eat;
  • digestive problems;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • high and unbalable temperature;
  • dustless crying (in a newborn);
  • sudden appearance of phobias.

Simple ways to check, smoothed me or not

Not everyone has the opportunity to contact a specialist with this issue. There are many proven ways to diagnose the presence of the evil eye yourself. As a rule, it is possible to do it at home, without spending a lot of effort and using priests.

Definition of the evil eye with gold

The noble metal is able to remember the aura of its owner and serves as an information carrier. If some time wearing a golden decoration on the body, it will have time to consider information.

In order to check the energy field on the negative impact from the outside, follows:

  1. Read over the decoration of "Our Father" or any other prayer from the evil eye.
  2. To decorate the cheek.
  3. If after that the white trace remained, then everything is in order, the red says about the presence of the evil eye.

Rite of church candle

Recognize damaged energy will help church attributes.

When conducting a ritual, you need to bring a lit candle to the area of \u200b\u200bone of the chakras. If the flame of the candle flickers and smoke, it means that the evil eye is lying on a person. Also an alarm is a distraction or strong reluctance to buy church candles And even more so to light them.

A believer can determine the declamation in the following way:

  1. Welcome 3 church candles.
  2. Read over them "Father Our", "Prayer for the Most Holy Virgin" or "God will resurrect."
  3. If, during prayer, the flame will swing and smoke, it means that a man was smoothed.

Declamation of the evil eye with eggs

The egg will help determine the form of the evil eye and the intentions of the person who nipped it.

When using the diagnosis of the evil eye or damage with the help of an egg, it is important to use an egg with a living yolk, so it's best to take a rustic one.

For the rite you will need:

  • transparent glass;
  • water from your home;
  • egg.

It is necessary to carry out the rite as follows:

  1. Fill a glass with water, leaving a little space for the egg.
  2. Quickly split the egg so as not to damage the yolk.
  3. Pull content into water.
  4. Relax, move away from ourselves all the bad thoughts, press the chin to chest.
  5. Put a glass on the tech.
  6. Sit in this position is 3 minutes, without moving.
  7. Carefully remove the glass from the head without disturbing the water.
  8. Consider and analyze appearance Squirrel and yolk.
  9. It is necessary to carefully look at the consistency of the egg, the degree of its coagulation and how it lies at the bottom of the glass. Are there any intersions, stains and streaks.
  10. After the rite, it is necessary to wash off the contents of a glass into the sewage system, saying "Let him return to the one from whom it came. Amen.".
  11. If the damage is detected, throw out the glass away from home. If not, wash thoroughly.

Based on this, it is possible to accurately distribute the evil eye or damage, relying on the instructions below:

  1. Water remained transparent, and protein and yolk have their usual look - there is no evil eye.
  2. The protein stretches to the surface of the water with ribbons - there is a sacrifice to failure. If the protein forms something like a web, the evil eye or damage is induced.
  3. Black splashes in the yolk or protein mean the evil eye, which was brought with the use of cemetery land, to death. Red bunches - damage, induced rite with blood. Dark gray, brown or green spots are very strong, but not deadly evil eye.
  4. If the yolk is similar to the boiled, but the protein does not differ from the usual - the evil eye is induced to deprive moral forces And drive into depression. The yolk at the edges is similar to the boiled, and in the protein there are many bubbles - the evil eye, designed to persuade the victim on the torment, but to leave alive.

For more information, it is possible to learn from the video channel "Women's Secrets from Vidvice".

Rite with 6 matches

Matches - a permanent attribute in conducting magic sessions, they carry a shorten meaning and help to open all things.

For the rite you will need:

  • transparent glass;
  • pure water;
  • 6 matches;
  • candle.

For the rite you need:

  1. Pour water into the glass and light the candle.
  2. Reading "Our Father", light from the candle 2 matches simultaneously.
  3. Continuing to read, cross matches above the water.
  4. After reading the prayer, throw them into the water.
  5. Repeat the procedure two more times, after which to look at the behavior of the burned matches.
  6. If they float on the surface, there is no damage to the energy shell.

Matches half sank, hang floats, it means that there is a slogony or self-heading. But if the matches were sank, it means that there is a strong damage on a person.

Definition of the evil eye with the help of a hunter

St. John's wig has many healing properties. In the Middle Ages, people believed that the St. John's wort was able to protect against evil spirits and witches, so for the length of hundreds of years this plant empowers magical properties. They walked on it, he was used to scare off evil dreams, held him at home for the purity of the aura. St. John's wort can reveal the evil eye from one of the residents of the house.

For this you need:

  1. Place in the corners of the room on the branch of a fresh Hypericum.
  2. Watch how quickly the plant fades.
  3. If slowly, it means there is no evil eye. But in this case, it should not be thrown by St. Justice, since there is a risk with it to throw out good energy at home.

Ritual with wax and water

The wax is applied in many rituals, as it is capable of exactly conveying information and answer the question with details.

Wax can be taken both paraffin and bees. Beeswax It is very strong magic objectused in rituals from ancient times, so it is better to use it.

For the ritual, you will need:

  • melted wax;
  • capacity with spring water;
  • assistant.

To diagnose the evil eye with wax is as follows:

  1. Capacity with water to put on the head of the proposed carrier of the evil eye.
  2. During reading the prayer "Father our" slowly pour water wax.
  3. Consider formed by wax figures.

The appearance of the wax will tell if there is a negative impact on the energy:

  1. If the wax plate has a smooth and smooth surface, it means that there is no evil eye.
  2. Uneven and porous - there is a slogony, and the same people always suggest it.
  3. Wax that lines in the cone testifies strong deterioration Or even curse.

Check on the evil eye in the church

As a rule, not only the physical shell, but the spiritual body of a person suffers from the evil eye or damage. If he has become uncomfortable to feel uncomfortable in museums, theaters, at exhibitions, this is a disturbing sign. To test yourself to the evil eye, it is worth visiting the church.