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How to cleanse a person from negative. How to protect yourself from the negative energy of people and clean the space

In modern life, knowledge about how to remove the negative is extremely relevant. The cause of the negative state can be anything that pleases: from the usual overwork or tram rudeness - before the evil eye (the consequences of someone's envy) and even damage induced with the help of magic. And if you can fight with work stress just a good rest, then more sophisticated "pollution" is not so easy to overcome. Let's figure out how to clear our energy from negative, without resorting to the help of magicians, healers and psychics, but acting on their own.


Before starting cleaning the energy, it is worth determining the cause of the negative. Such diagnostics can be ordered from a specialist or make yourself at home. You can help you not only inner voice, but also - logic and observation. Long strip of chronic failures, illness without a diagnosis, unfortunate fears, the appearance of strange things you have at home, etc. - All this can serve as a reason for suspicion and then protection is necessary. Analyze the recent period of your life (all month, a week or at least a few days), watch your emotions, thoughts and deeds - if intuitively inclined in favor of induced negative, go to the diagnostic methods.

There are many different techniques - some are even available on the Internet (for example, questions tests to identify the signs of damage). The most popular methods include diagnosis with the help of eggs ("roll out" yourself with a fresh egg, divide it into the water and look, which form does the protein takes - there is no filamentary elements or alien inclusions) and candles (slowly baptized your body candles, watching, will not start Does the flame crack and smoke). In addition, for diagnostics, you can use Taro, runes and other divination techniques. Finding a house of a subflade (alien needles, pins, feathers, spoiled photos, water or land on the threshold, etc.) speaks for itself - someone from the coming people tried to bring damage to you.

Universal way

Whatever they say, but the most reliable way to make a damage or another negative is to build the right relationship with the Creator to strengthen the energy channel with the source. Of course, this process does not happen instantly. To establish a connection with God, careful reposition of your own beliefs and motivations, the study of the basic principles of true spirituality and confirmation of the new worldview with practical actions.

If you have taken a serious negative, it is silly to revenge a person who sent him. Much more effective than punishing the offender - to deal with what happened: why damage, the evil eye or other negative impact was able to "stick up" to you (what personal installations help to implement a malicious program in your biofield).

Of course, such a "cleaning" of the soul can take a lot of time, so it should be combined with other methods that allow you to alleviate your condition. For many people, benefits will bring a meeting with a decent magician, psychic or a healer who can see your aura or qualitatively to dig a biopologo - but only in order to detect signs and get a good advice: in which direction to move, with what to work first. Do not hope that the rituals spent by someone will be able to remove the negative from your life - at best, they will only temporarily improve the situation. But, nevertheless, properly chosen rites and energy practices will help you get rid of the problem - it's like water and an umbrella in the desert of a friend's hand in the dark, which increase the chances of successful path passage.

Assistant - Water

Many know that water can be washed off not only the physical dirt of the land, but also the energy negative is a bad word. But besides the fact that water cleans, it also absorbs the information you need. The easiest ritual is to speak the spring water in the glass. Wish other people of all the best and drink water - the effect of improvement will not wait long for a long time.

Why include other people? Because we are associated with them, as the elements of the pattern on the carpet - everything that is done for other people, we are doing for yourself. Another unique means to turn ordinary water to "live" is a prayer. Pour your favorite prayer for spring water and drink it - this tool will help both physical and sincere diseases. Finding into our body, also consisting of water, a nasty fluid will distribute "correct" information in all cells, effectively contributing to the healing process.

In what cases water will help

  1. With the evil eye, wait ten-fifteen minutes under the contrasting shower - it cleans the energy well and helps to quickly get rid of the negative.
  2. With any negative (including at the damage), a daily half-live bath with a threatening salt is a great agent that facilitates damage (and in some cases and completely removing it).
  3. Changing the body (slimming, rehabilitation) will help the appropriate affirmation, refined for water, and then "drunk".
  4. To clear the energy of housing (after negative events or as prevention), make a wet cleaning, adding a little threatening salt into water.
  5. Champs and talismans (including gold and silver decorations) or other items that have taken negative energy, hold under running water - this will make energy purification. The same can be done with a wedding ring, if there is a suspicion that someone envies your family position.

What water to use

For healing and removal, damage is better to use holy water. If it is possible to get spring water, use it for conspiracies and rituals, in which water needs to drink. Otherwise, you can cook talu water - just freeze ice cubes in the freezer, and then give them to melting. At the same time, you need to remember two points: the first formed cry of ice should be thrown away, and the remnants of water that does not frozen at the end - pour.

Assistant - Sol

The unique properties of the salt help to neutralize the negative energy in the human biofield and in the space of the room. The easiest way to clean the "aura" of the dwelling is to make a wet cleaning, adding a little salt into the water. In periods of failure, put it off in all the corners of each room, as well as under the threshold. As already mentioned, salt can be used for taking baths (in addition, everything is bad out of you during swimming in the salty sea). The crystal lattice of this substance is able to "write" information, so it is often used for conspiracies, as well as for the preparation of the Thurspath Salt.

In pure Thursday, salt must be hired in a skillet, reading prayers, and then go to the church to the church and to defend the service. A simpler way to prepare the Thurspath Salt - in the usual Thursday at the dawn, pour it out onto a clean plate or handkerchief; Put the palm "house" and read prayers. According to the principle of similarity, the salt will acquire the same properties as prepared for all rules in pure Thursday. It is known that some types of surveillance and talismans have passed, but there is a way to extend their term of use, from time to time placing in a third salt to clean the energy. In the past, women shed her husband's food Thurspart salt, if they suspected the evil eye or love spell on it (and simply for prevention).

Assistant - Sound

It is known that the sound is the most dense type of fine matter, so its vibrations are capable of changing the space, cleaning it and structuring. Of course, only certain sounds have a cleansing force, and there are also those that bring negative in our lives, aggressively affecting the subconscious. Even the usual music you need to listen very disposal, choosing harmonious works (best - classic). Calm and relaxing melodies can be used for meditations and just for relaxation, cleaning consciousness from vigorous thoughts and experiences.

Extremely powerful means of getting rid of negative are prayers and mantras read by loud. Of course, they can be pronounced and mentally, but unscrewed out loud (and even under a lit candle), they largely increase the effectiveness of the impact. By the way, the burning candle itself already cleans the space and your energy. The most famous and strong prayer is considered "our own", and the most powerful mantra is the sound of "Ohm". However, the prayers and mantras are a great set, choose suitable according to your own intuition and established circumstances (you can save them on your phone and need to read mentally or out loud).

Cleansing from negative. Four simple ways to remove negative energy.

The battle of psychics 17 season. How to remove the negative from myself

How to remove a negative with a person? How to restore forces? Ritual for the removal of negative.

  1. At the energy level, negative is interruptions in the work of human chakras or their improper functioning. In many cases, the problem can solve independent work with the Energy of Chakras - concentration and visualization. First of all, you need to learn the basic information about the chakral system: where each chakra is located in relation to the body and with some seven colors are connected. After that, you can resort to visualization: represent the energy ball at the level of each chakra and mentally painting it into an appropriate color (for Mulladhara - red, anahata is green, etc.), increasing the intensity and brightness of shades.
  2. With the help of herbs, you can not only clear the energy space of the house, but also put protection against negative and witchcraft for a while. For fumaging and brazers, you can use sage, wormwood, juniper, Harmal (Adraspan), St. John's wort and others. In the summer and in the spring, you can put alive flowers in a vase into your room, but to change them as you are withering.
  3. If signs of induced witchcraft were confirmed, it is better not to spend strength and time to punish these people or send them negative programs back. Try to eliminate the effects of black magic and strengthen the energy channel with God. Tell me "Lord, I am in power" and trust him - let me protect you and then live without fears. Remember that you would not do, but only in God's authority to cancel the consequences of bad karma or bad actions - realize that the relationship with God is always due to be in priority.

All around us is energy, we are also made of energy. What energy surrounds you and fills you, it depends on how you feel and what results in life reach.

There is a constant exchange: you emit energy into the world and the world fills you with its energies.

This applies not only to your loved ones, but all that surrounds you. A place that is very important in the life of every person is his house.

How often do you retire at home? Just physically? Clean things, wipe the dust, wash the floors and windows? I think regularly. Otherwise, it will be not comfortable and unpleasant to be in the apartment.

And how often do you remove the apartment energetically? Clean it? Do you do it regularly? Energy purity of the apartment affects your condition than physical cleanliness of the apartment.

In the energy sector, the apartment is going and stored everything that happened in it. It is not visible to the physical eye, but it is very well felt at the level of energy and thin bodies. The energy of the scandal, tears, resentment, illness, envy does not go anywhere if you did not remove it from the house energetically.

Every day, returning home from work, from the street, you bring with you still negative energies. If you work with you, engaged in spiritual practices or turned to the healer, but at the same time they immerse yourself in the energy mud, which fills your home, the result will be minimal. It is not easier to clean your accommodation and enjoy them.

To be healthy, active and achieve the results of the results, it is necessary not only to contain itself in energy purity, but also their housing.

10 signs that there is a negative energy in the apartment:

1 ANDdetails are full of strength and plans for the evening. Come home - and ... the forces abruptly leave you. You can not do anything, the desire lost sharply.

2. You do not want to go home.

3. Houses are not comfortable, it seems that the apartment is dark, the walls and the ceiling of pressure, the mood is spoiled.

4. We moved to a new apartment and your family relationship had sharply, began to swear, quarrel, misunderstanding. Or has worsened health, it became worse for money.

5. Do not fall out for the night and do not get up without rested, provided you sleep the usual number of hours. Sleached sleep. Shots horror.

6. It is hard to maintain order in the apartment. If the apartment is energetically dirty, it is difficult to clean it in it.

7. In the apartment, someone sick or died.

8. Cannot make repairs. Constantly you have to redo, everything is braked. Wallpapers are dug, everything rolls.

9. Flowers are poorly growing. Ducky, chilly.

You can make control of the energy condition of the housing:

For complete confidence, you can check the state of the energy of the apartment with a candle. Take the church (you can an ordinary paraffin candle). Light her and go around the apartment, especially paying attention to all angles. See how the flame of the candle behaves. If the flame is smooth, does not crack, it means everything is in order. If the flame "dances", smoking, goes out, this is an indicator of negative energy in the apartment. It's time to clean the energy of the apartment!

Top 15: Causes The appearance of negative energy in the apartment:

    finding an apartment in a negative place (energy spill, a black hole, we are talking about this in more detail in class. Now it is purely information that it may be)

    finding in the apartment of negative people (evil, envious, pouring constantly negative)

    quarrels and scandals in the apartment

    alien enluer

    energy of old tenants

    arrival in the apartment is a seriously ill person or if the dead man was in the apartment

    negative emotions of the owners

    made negative (emotions, evil eye, unkind wishes), other people's energy, the fact that we brought with you from the street, work

    old things


    old mirrors who survived their owners were witnessing tragedies and misfortunes

    unpleasant and negative guests

    pictures or objects with images of scenes of violence, blood, dark forces

    finding in the apartment Stuffed animals, fish

    constantly working TV, radio with negative news and information

Let's start changing the energy of the apartment:

Analysis of the apartment.

Inspect the apartment carefully, you are accustomed to many things and do not notice them, and they continue to work in a negative side for you. Inspect the apartment in a strange look.

Highlight the things you went by inheritance purchased in an antique store or by ads, What is depicted on your pictures and photos (if they hang on the walls or in mind), if you stand or hang photos of dead people, remove them into albums, they should not be visible and the reasons for this), do you have old mirrorbought a long time ago and you are not the first masters.

All things contain the energy of their owners. Things that are inherited contain the energy of all owners, bought from the hands also contain information about all... Highlight these things now.

The influence of paintings and photographs on the energy industry.

The same applies to photos, sculptures, figurines.

Absolutely contraindicated in the house of the demonic content, depicting freaks, devils and monsters. They themselves influence the person extremely negatively, and even attract all sorts of dirt into the house. Do not forget - this attracts like that. Each item located in the apartment is constantly involved in its internal power failure. This should be positive. Therefore, keep in mind only such works of art that generate bright and joyful or neutral, peaceful feelings and thoughts. (Kapitsa "Bioenergy Apartment")

Energy of old things in the apartment

If your home is filled with old things, furniture, which remained from grandparents, former owners. Each thing at the energy level remembers everything that happened in the house and continues to radiate these energies in the apartment, which means you.

The easiest way is to get rid of old things. If it is impossible, for some reason, then put them in order, repair, wash everything, clean and then you can clean the items themselves at the energy level.

Purification of the energy of old things.

The method of cleansing furniture and old things (the same applies to things from Second Hand), see the addition to the article.

Case from practice: The client has managed to convince her to throw out extra things, old pillows, grandmother things, furniture, the attacks of an allergic cough stopped. The grandmother had asthma.

The influence of mirrors on the energy industry

If you have an antique mirror or antique - think about it. Do you need this energy and information in the apartment?

Cleansing energy mirrors.

1 way

Instruct salt in water, any concentration, a powerful method of purification. And this water wash the mirror. Then rush the usual clean water.

2 way

Light the candle in front of the mirror and give information: "The flame of this candle clears the energy of the mirror from the negative."

Perhaps one candle here is not to do. Watch the flame of the candle. It will tell you when the mirror is clean.

People's experience says that mirrors need to be at least wiped with a damp cloth after visiting guests.

Details about the right use of mirrors in the apartment and how to make an apartment in a source of well-being in the seminar How to Clean the energy of the house and make it a place of strength

Purification of the energy of the apartment from the negative. 10 ways.

After analysis, go to the cleansing itself. I suggest you try in turns all the methods and choose what will be closest and will work better with you.

1. General cleaning in the apartment

The results of cleaning depends on what mood it is to do. Need to configure yourself in advance what now you will produce act of cleansing your homeand not just put it in order. Then every movement will acquire a kind of hidden meaning, you will feel it immediately. We need to mentally imagine that with each squeezing of a broom, with each movement of the mop you sweat and wash away from your home all that dark, unkind and unclean, What could and has time to accumulate in it. Think of a light, about joyful, every touch to things in the apartment should be affectionate and kind.The most important thing is every minute while you are cleaning, remember why you do it all, and mentally remove the "dirt" from the space, surrounding you.(Kapitsa "Bioenergy Apartment")

Be sure to clean all the corners, deposits, cabinets. Any things that do not use are starting to carry stagnant energy into the house. Any cracked plates, cups are vampires in your home. Do not spare them. Sleep and throw out everything too much, wash all the corners.

2. Cleansing its energy before entering the house

Imaginely imagine that over the entrance door, you hang the shower watering. You all know perfectly well what a shower looks like and present it simply. When you come home, open the door, automatically turns on the energy shower that sheeps everything from you that you have gained the day, emotions, other energies, etc., and then you come home already clean. You have already washed off the whole negative.

In order for the shower to start working in automatic mode, you need three or four times to ensure that it is turned on.

The setting is happening like this: open the door and at the same time give the command: "The shower turns on and washed off all the dirt." Everything goes straight to the ground, no matter what floor you are. You traced three, four, five times so that you consciously have turned on, felt it. Then give the team that this shower automatically turns on every time someone opens the front door.

3. Purification of the energy of an apartment rain

The simplest cleansing that does not require any skills. You can clean at a distance any room. Everyone saw summer rain with the sun. He is strong, pouring and immediately the sun shines and the mood is immediately raised, fun. You do the same.

Click your fingers-turn the rain with the sun. As soon as this washed everything, the sun is still brighter. Rain itself stops, it is not necessary to turn off. Everything immediately goes to the ground. A rainbow may appear and fill your room with all spectrum of energies.

R abults great. On the way to work, Rushki -The workplace. When you enter the room, cleaned by this rain with a sun, the soul begins to rejoice.

We study more deeply and carefully to analyze the apartment and its energy state, including energy faults, geopathic zones, biopathogenic and technogenic zones, to make cleansing at a more professional level on 1 Steps of the Author's School of Vegas Magic Life Improvements in the New Reality. Until April 20, you can buy an option "Marker"

4. Purification of the Energy of the Apartment of the Church Candle

Light the church (it is possible and a conventional paraffin candle, but not decorative), go away from the entrance door counterclockwise an apartment, reading the prayer "Our Father" and the Condition of the Wall and especially the corners.

In those places where the candle flame will begin to dance, smoke or go out, stop and read and drink longer, until the flame becomes smooth. Go through so all the apartment, ending where they started. Be sure to go through the bath, toilet, storage room. Leave the candle to burn.

5. Cleansing Energy Apartment Sound

The bell has a high sound. The sound is vibration and the bell tape is very high.

When you ring the bell along the walls, the corners in the apartment, then due to the vibrations of the sound there is a breakdown of negative energy blocks.

For the sound of the bell, you can determine where you need to stop and even more carefully call these places. Where there is negative energies, you will feel that the bell is sinking, the sound is breaking. In these places stop and ring them until the sound becomes smooth.

Clean and sounding in the house mantra and prayers, records of the bell ringing.

6. Purification of the Energy Apartment with candles

For this pleasant cleansing, any candles are suitable, you can use decorative.

Put the candles (the quantity of your taste and desire), ignite them and think or says out loud: "Cleaning the apartment from these candles on the heat of these candles from ... and then list what it hinders you in the apartment, from the evil eye, damage, scandals, emotions, poverty, diseases. "

Such a cleansing can do at least every day.

7. Cleansing the energy of the apartment Solu.

For such purification, you can use a large-crystalline food salt or sea.

2 options:

  1. Divide salt in a bucket with water. Concentration at your discretion. Wash the floor with salt water.
  2. Scat out in the corners at night salt. In the morning it will be shifted. Purchase to the toilet and say "where water, there is trouble."

8. Purification of the subjects of power and symbols

Power items are items with high vibrations. It can be icons, energy paintings, objects from holy places, crystals, which items that are personally carrying force. Make such a place for yourself and your family so that it is not only cleansing, but also has become a source of force for all.

9. Cleansing crystals and stones

In the master class "How to Clean Energy at Homeand make it a place of power "

Anastasia 1, 5 hours tells and shows how to clean and harmonize with the help of minerals the energy of housing. It copes well with the cleansing of the space amethyst druss, but then it should be cleaned with itself under running water.

Create fountains from minerals and stones anywhere in the apartment. They will also work for housing harmonization. Read more How to assemble the fountain Anastasia tells in the master class.

How to protect an apartment from negative

1. Protective screen

Take holy water (or charge it yourself). Tell me why you want to protect your home.

Open the entrance door and pour water along the threshold, drawing with water line. Then mentally from this feature raise the protective screen, saying what you defend it. Imagine this transparent protective screen and how the whole negative remains behind it and there immediately burns.

2. Protection on an apartment with the help of holy water.

You can use holy water, and you yourself yourself charge water to protection.

Plug the holy water to the pinwheel, take a sprig of the plant (this is the best option) pass the whole apartment clockwise and splashes with water with a peason sprig and read the prayer (our own). Before you begin bypassing an apartment, think about what you protect it.

Water dries off, and protection information will remain.

Do not be very zealous with protection, do not put them a lot. Remember that any protection provokes an attack. Such 1, maximum of two. In the arsenal there are still your ways to protect, so choose what you like more.

For full comfort and order in the house, I advise you to make friends with the houses! How to do it I told in the article

How often should be cleaned apartment.

The apartment is cleaned 1-2 times a year. After the work of the professional and the formulation of professional protection, you can only make supporting cleaning (candles, cleaning, etc.)

Additionally, it is necessary to clean the apartment in the case of:

    large splashes emotions

    after the visit of unpleasant people

    much people

    if you suddenly become not comfortable in it

Remember, not clean, where they are, and where they do not sort!

P.S. If you feel that the energy of the apartment requires more serious cleansing and you do not cope with this or you simply have no desire to do it yourself, then you can contact me for help. Find out how

Reset the negative energy into water. The easiest is to look at the current water from the crane and talking to it what is nervous. Imagine that your words, like small air molecules, fall into the flow of water, are captured by it and go into sewage, where they disappear and disappear.

Transferring negative energy to the river. Look, wait for the flow, and send their anger and bad thoughts there. You can also be signed at the end of each thought something like "like this wave leaves me and no more back, and my thoughts will never come back." If you did not make thoughts by images, you can simply pull them out on the surface of consciousness and send. If these are specific images, then try them, dissolve in the river, wash it out, etc.

Negative energy to rain. When, after the rain, muddy streams of dirty water rushed into the drainage hatches, see how water goes through the grille, and send all the negative, which has accumulated in you and looking for outputs.

Passive transfer of negative energy. If you want to get rid of anger and negativity in yourself, and the case does not introduce anything in any way, and it does not work out artificially, you can do a passive transfer.

The fastest way to relax is to take a warm bath with sea salt. You can add a little pleasant to the smell of grass. Lower and relax. Give yourself a task calmly and unobtrusively remember all the moments when you envied someone, wished bad, angry and very offended. Tell me that everything is negative, which will arise in your memory, will be very easy and will go to the surface of the water.

When you realize that it is already nothing to remember, and in the body and in thoughts - light emptiness, you can complete the work. Caution, trying not to stir much water, open the drain hole in the bath. Then, leading on the surface of the water clockwise, twist in the helix energy, giving water the direction of movement down; Form the water funnel so that it is not directed to your body. Imagine that all the negative went into the drain hole.

Take the shower and leave the bath - the work is completed.

On stones. You can make a transfer to any stones that will get to you on the way. Raise them and hold them in the semistrated fist at the mouth and talk about what bothers you. The main thing at the same time is to withdraw a negative and transfer it to his exhale on the stone. Then the stone should be thrown away - in thick bushes, in the sea, to the river, in the sewer lattice, to the fire. Let bad energy burn, it will be, neutralized.

On shower. Standing under the shower, imagine how you are washed off not only to other people's evil eye, but also your negative thoughts and programs that are ready to go to another person. When you feel the ease on the shoulders, stand under the shower so that the jet of water fell on your topics. Imagine that clean and pleasant water penetrates you inside and flies all that prevents you (mark what exactly). Do not forget to mentally trace how every finger is washed, each bone. Special attention is head.

It goes down the water - goes and what worried you, which prevented, from which they had long wanted to get rid of.

On the sea. It is necessary to throw in the incoming waves what you do not need. Let it be divided into shore and goes along with splashes. Or imagine that the waves are not just fighting about you, but with force wash negative energy.

On fire. It is necessary to drop a slight candle to the flame in terms of volume and by factor of harmfulness. Large problems and strong nature pathology and thoughts will not burn in this flame, but only pollute the aura of your home.

For stronger emotions, a fire is needed. You can throw it off on it and burn images, you can jump through it and flack out the negative inclusions of any origin.

It is possible to steer your negative statements and thoughts on each chips, and then with pleasure to burn it.

On account. You can apply the usual account. When at the time of anger or acute feeling of envy you want to exhale something bad, pass the look at the tree leaves, on the grass, snowflakes, light bulbs, tel squares, beads decoration. That is, what a lot and what can be impunity to take on your blow. Exhale slowly, think what you want, but on the exhale, we look at the minor items and mentally glue your negative energy to them. If you are in a small room, it is desirable to then also mentally clean it from your negative.

Imagine a small energy funnel down, slightly unlock it clockwise and let the task remove negative energy. At the same time, together with your will be removed and some other someone else's negative energy. And not only to you, but the rest will be easier and calmer.

On the element. It is good to pronounce everything, standing under the rain jets. Especially if thunder thunder and sparkles lightning.

During thunder, it is necessary to represent that negative inclusions, harmful thoughts, evil words and views are flying out of fright; They immediately are immediately washed down and go along with rainwater streams.

And on zipper you need to send the most evil thoughts and events, let them instantly burn in its energy.

In a storm, you can send everything that bothers you, saying that they leave, fly away, fighting about everything that throws their wind, from this they scatter on the smallest parts and spread in different places where they disappear in water, fire, Earth, etc.

On the rope. Ringe on the rope negative to a quick riding machine towards you. Let her be fighting about the road and turn into dust.

On a handkerchief. To transfer the negative energy to the handkerchief, which will be completely outdated only when bad it comes. Then it is burned or wrapped under running water, thinking that everything is bad goes.

The damage and evil eye are a negative impact on the human energy field. In order to "jiggle" a person, it is enough to experience strong negative emotions to him, without rituals and rites.

Damage is intentional harm With the help of dark forces. Powering requires strict observance of rituals and strong energy magicians.

The diagnosis of negative includes not only the conduct of rituals, but also identifying certain symptoms. People at whom damage damage are distinguished by special pain, nervous exhaustionThey are conflicts and aggressive. Regardless of the type of damage, the protective energy field suffers, which leads to the decline of forces and various diseases. A person is tormented by nightmarish dreams or, on the contrary, he is subject to insomnia.

Women who are strong negative cannot look at the mirror or the eyes of the interlocutor - they begin to appear tears or other discomfort. Men can start use alcohol or drugs. If they also had bad inclined, they are aggravated. Problems appear almost in all spheres of life. The appearance of a person is significantly worse.

Children are especially affected after the damage or evil eye. That is why before they were trying not to show an extraneous to the year.

Small children quickly absorb negative. One bad look is enough for the child in the root change. He may have an increase in temperature, although he did not heal, constant nervousness, flameness and the presence of exclusively negative emotions.

One of the easiest ways to remove the negative at home - running out egg. To do this, you will need one white chicken egg. Eggs purchased in the store are not suitable for magical rituals. The egg must be the most fresh and should not be stored for more than 3 days. It must be thoroughly wash with spring water. It is better to spend the ritual in the morning hours in a bright spacious room. All windows must be open.

The victim of damage or the evil eye is sacrificed in front of the icons, next to the church candle. The healer becomes behind the back of a manifold man, takes an egg with his right hand and starts to reject the negative. It is impossible to tear the egg from the human body. Begin treatment from magical disease is needed from the head, making a few movements by egg clockwise.

Rocking is carried out in such a sequence - head, neck, spine, back, right hand, chest, belly, left hand, right leg, left leg. During the whole ritual you need to read our prayer is ours. It is desirable that the egg touches the entire surface of the skin. After turning out the negative, the egg must be divided into a pre-prepared container with spring water. The egg should be a couple of minutes, which will make it possible to correctly interpret the value of the ritual.

If the yolk remained in protein, and the water remained the same transparent - there are no damage on a person. Any changes in the eggs talk about the presence of negative.

If protein is located dark spotsThe person is quite a strong damage, thin white threads are departed from the protein, similar to the web - the evil eye. There is a large number of white veins that go from the bottom - damage.

Bubbles on protein most often occur when damaged to the disease. Broken protein, especially if there are black or green spots, speaks of damage to death. Speaking foam on the surface appears during the evil eye. Any thighs and peaks formed from yolk testify of the spoilement of a career and finance.

A day later, you need to repeat the ritual to see how much negative remains on a person. If the situation has not changed, the ritual repeat. It is recommended to ride the negative egg during seven days. In the absence of a positive result, the procedure is repeated in a month.

After the ritual from the egg you need to get rid of. It is thrown into the sewage and wash off with water or buried in the ground. The glass, in which the egg broke, also need to be thrown away. At the end of the ritual, you need to read the gratitude prayer and wash your hands on the elbow.

Ritual for removal of damage with the help of eggs can be carried out independently. But in this case, the maximum efforts should be attached so that the egg always comes into contact with the body. In the process of the ritual, the egg can be heavy, then it must be replaced. Sometimes to complete negatives required to seven eggs.

With the help of salt, you can remove the negative, which was all the seven. To do this, you need to walk along the neighbors and ask salt. You need so much neighbors to share the product, how many people live at your home. After that, the salt is mixed in one container. Until the salt is over, she needs to salt all the dishes that there will be a family, while saying:

"I sprinkle with salt, and I return to the family. And the salt and water is what spoiled my family. Amen"

There is also a second stronger ritual for the removal of negative with a person. It is necessary to conduct it seven days And during the procedure, nothing to be distracted. The first thing to be done is to buy a salt package, not acquiring other products. It does not need to take the surrender. Come home, you need to take a handful of salt, and the rest is throw away.

The second important process of the ritual is to put salt on a hot frying pan, reading a prayer. After the salt plunges - it is put in a white dish and put in head of bed sacrifice Spoilers or evil eye. Salt helps to collect a negative on a person and in the morning it must be hidden, so that no one has seen.

For seven days, we repeat the ritual, and on the eighth - salt and saucer put in the package and go to the river. Salt need pour into the river, And the saucer is sent to the landfill. Such a rite allows you to remove even a strong negative, but in no case can the ritual can be interrupted.

How to remove the spickers?

For this ritual you need a new matchboxFrom which you need to leave 9, and the rest will throw away. In the container you need to pour the spring or holy water. In the evening, the person on which the negative impact should set fire to the match and, as soon as the fire will approach the fingers, throw it into the water. So you need to do 9 times, after which it is necessary to assess the situation:

  1. If all matches swim on the surface of the water - there is no negative on man.
  2. 4-5 matches on half plunged into the water - the evil eye.
  3. All matches on the bottom is a strong damage.
  4. Potted half of the matches - damage.

The victim of damage or the evil eye should do 4 water throat From glass, from different sides of the tank. It is recommended to sprinkle a person from the bowl with spring water with the words of appeal to God, asking for his help. Water residues need to be taken out, away from home and pour over the left shoulder. At one time, the whole negative does not always work out, so the ritual is repeated.

To remove a negative impact with a prayer, a person should be baptized, believe in the virtue of God and be righteous. Prayer Jesus Christ Helps remove damage or evil eye. It is necessary to read it on the current water. The ideal place is a river with a strong flow. Before starting healing with prayer, it is necessary not to use animal meat within a week.

Remove the damage helps psalm 90.. It is necessary to read it early in the morning, without being used either food, no drinking. Prayer need to learn by heart and pronounce it, standing on his knees and looking at the rising sun. If, after reading, someone from loved ones or acquaintances seriously fell ill, he brought damage to you. Do not say anything to this person or blame him, God's court came across him.

Strong damage to death and illness can not be removed at home. For this purpose, complex rituals are used, where it is impossible to make mistakes, and if the person's condition deteriorates every day - in no case can be slow. The damage or the evil eye will not pass by themselves and over time will hurt to man even stronger.

How to remove the negative, without resorting to the services of psychics, magicians, knee and healers? In many cases, it is possible to clean our energy independently - for this there are simple and affordable ways. Without looking at the fact that they are not too similar to spells and witchcraft rites, their healing effects can be called magical. Let's look at how to clear your energetics from negative with the help of healthy means and simple rituals available to each person.

Water treatments

Water helps washing the dirt not only physical, but also mental. This is the simplest and in many cases an effective cleaning agent. If you feel discomfort, carefully smell cool water. This will help remove the negative, the "stupid" per day - all those evil eye, envy and the condemnation that you received in the communication process.

Healers advise to wash three times, mentally reading "our own".

Clear biofield will help a contrasting soul to a duration of ten and fifteen minutes. Even if you just wash your head - it will help to eliminate some of the negative and feel better. Twenty-minute bathroom will be a good means of cleansing - at the same time, it is necessary to add a Three or Sea Salt to the water. For relaxation, in addition to salt, you can use essential oil with your favorite aroma. It is also well lit candles and put relaxing music while taking a bath.


You can get rid of evil well-being and negative emotions using meditation. It is necessary to sit in a comfortable posture with a straight back, cover your eyes and focus on the breath, tracking every exhale and inhale. Thoughts that will not need to drive off - just remember your breath and translate attention to it every time. You can meditate not only with closed, but also with open eyes, concentrating on the flame of the candle, a beautiful photo or any selected subject. When meditating, you can turn on calm music or mantra (you can not only listen, but also repeat).

Another meditation option is to focus on the sensations in the body. "Scan" yourself from the inside, noting everything that the body reports, and directing the breath into the locations of the clips, blocks and pain. You can meditate on the chakras, presenting their energy in the form of a saturated color: at the level of solar plexus and anahata-chakras, imagine a bright green color, at the third eye level and Ajna-Chakra imagine the sky blue ball, etc.

Regular meditation will help get rid of stress, fears and induced negativity, gain peace of mind and reveal the creative forces of your subconscious.


Our biofield is in direct connection with the physical organism, the movement for which is a prerequisite for good health. Having experienced the magical effect of sports training, dance or running, it is impossible not to believe in motion magic.

As the clips in the muscles disappear, the energy negative goes away - our aura is transformed, thoughts are brighten, and emotions come into harmony.

The easiest way to clean your energy is to include your favorite music and to dance or put on the headphones and go to the park on a jog.

If it is difficult for you to inspire a sport yourself, sign up for a group training or engage in using the Internet rollers, in which instructors not only show, but also explain how to do something or another exercise. The ideal option for cleaning the energy and general harmonization will be dancing or ballet. Today there are ballet directions adapted to fitness, and not so complex as classic ballet is a body-ballet and Port de Bra. A good alternative will be yoga, Pilates, Stretching. In essence, it is not so important which direction you prefer - any kind of fitness and dance will help not only improve the figure, but also to learn the right energy-saving movements that will get rid of you from negative, will strengthen the nervous system and create good protection for the future.


Candles are an indispensable attribute of magic - they are able to cleanse the space and serve as a kind of "phone", which comes the intentions of people to the universe.

The concentration on the candle flame purifies thoughts and emotions, and the presence of a burning candle helps to remove negative energy in the housing space.

Candles are often used to diagnose magical impact - damage, evil eye and other negative programs embedded in biofield.

For ten minutes, "scan the candles" yourself, spending it along the body at a distance of five-seven centimeters. Most often a sign of a negative program is a loud crack of the flame in a certain place of the body. Sometimes the candle suddenly goes out, flashes, smoking. Having determined the "infected" place, you can find out a specific chakra, the work of which violated the magical impact. Using this method, you do not only diagnose, but also partial cleaning of energy: with a weak impact, the candle is able to fully cope with the problem, while strong - improve your condition.


The dwelling is closely related to our energy, so the house and room where we live, also need periodic cleaning.

The space of the room should be harmoniously structured, since it is here that we rest and restore.

Wet cleaning will help to clean the housing from bad energy, while adding the flooded salt into the water washing the floors or spill the holy water. After waving the floors, pour water to the ground away from home.

In order to harmonize the space of the room, more often in order in it - each thing must "know" your place. Carry the room, open the curtains and rub the windows regularly - the light and fresh air helps to remove negative energy. Night candles - ordinary wax and aromatic. Once a month, emphasize the placement of herbs - juniper, sage, adraspan (or gamala) is well suited for cleansing and protection.


Prayer, created with faith from a pure heart, treats the soul of people and cleans energy. It is possible to pray not only in the church or holy places, but also anywhere. And of course it is useful to create prayer in your own home - so you help not only yourself, but also with your home.

It is best to pray with burning candles at dawn, uttering all the text of prayer out loud - if you do not know him by heart, just read.

Remember that cleansing does not occur instantly, however, the process is so fast as well as you manage to focus. It will be useful to briefly formulate your desire and entrust it to the highest forces, for example, in the form of a phrase: "Lord, I trust you, I ask leadership and cleansing." A brief formulation can be used by you as affirmation - it can be repeated when meditating or in particularly difficult moments of life.

Good deeds

You can effectively help yourself, helping others. Make a good deed - it means to distract from your own egoism and negative programs that "cling to it". But everything, from what we are distracted, in the end weakens. The correct action should not be made from the pearly, but from sincere desire to help other people. If you cause such a desire does not go out, do good deeds at least from a sense of debt - soon you will learn to feel disinterested joy from serving others.

Also, good deeds are forgiveness - a process that helps get rid of destroying offensive and removing negative energies.

The battle of psychics 17 season. How to remove the negative from myself

Cleansing from negative. Four simple ways to remove negative energy.

Cleansing from negative to know whether there is a slogony, and remove it alone. Natalia Praddina

How to remove damage yourself, the slogony, love spell. Ritual.

Cleansing yourself with salt

remove the negative

Meditation for removal negative impact

If you have suspicions about customers pointing damage, temptation to punish these people will be strong enough. But do not hurry to look for a way to return his "blow." Acting in this way, you will get back the negative erected. Forgiveness helps to complete the situation and eliminates the prerequisites for further targeting - the offender will no longer be able to get to you, and it is unlikely to have such a desire.

  1. Thursday or just a naughty salt has the ability to remove the evil eye, damage and another negative. Finding a directional impact, try to find an item that symbolizes the affected scope of your life. For example, a woman who is trying to hover a husband can take a wedding ring - it will symbolize marriage. The ring must be filled with a harsh threshold salt and leave for three days, representing how the salt removes the whole negative, induced on the happiness of the married couple.
  2. With the help of a third salt, you need to regularly clean amulets, talismans and decorations (especially - gold and silver). To protect you, talismans and stones take a blow to yourself, after which they need careful cleansing.
  3. You can determine the damage and the evil eye with the help of fresh eggs - just roll the egg throughout the body, and then scroll it into the jar with water. Ten minutes later, inspect the egg in the bank - the stretching threads, dark splashes and other anomalies will indicate a negative impact. You will not only learn whether there is damage to you - in the process of rolling down, part of the egging egg will behave in itself and your well-being will improve.
  4. Determine the magical impact helps gadaval systems, like Runes and Taro. In people who apply them, there is an opportunity not only to diagnose, but also to receive a good advice. Concentrating on the question or asking, pull the card from the deck or rune from the set, and then allow your intuition to decrypt the answer.
  5. With suspicions of the induced damage, it is a pretty point in the dark corners of your home - perhaps there is a lining in the house. Finding alien items (black pins, lumps feathers, not you driven nails, etc.), never touch them with bare hands. Wearing gloves, take a lining away from home and burn it or scream into the ground.
  6. During diseases, failures and negative well-being, try to understand that these problems can symbolize. Almost always they are useful tips on the path of life, helping to make important conclusions and achieve a new level of development.