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How to put on your speech at home. Why it's time to work on diction. Book and reading out loud - a great assistant in improving diction

The ability to correctly articulate words and phrases, pronounce the text clearly, clearly, with the arrangement and is called diction. Some are constantly wondering how to improve diction and speech. This is especially true of representatives of creative professions (actors, vocalists, leading).

It is especially important to the right articulation for singers: they not only pronounce the text, but also come down, which is much more complicated. Exercises for diction in singing are done constantly: both in the form of a separate classes, and as a row.

When is a diction and speech training?

If people understand you, it does not mean that you do not need speech exercises. Hear yourself from not easy. To do this, you may need an authoritative opinion of an expert or teacher. If it is not, you can write your speech on the audio and listen. Also good way - Compare yourself with speakers of central channels: the articulation of the sounds of Russian speech they most often competent.

To think about how to develop diction and speech techniques, it is necessary, especially in cases where there is an obvious moldability, violations in the pronunciation of individual sounds.

There are qualities of good speech, they can also be developed: it is brevity, clarity of wording, literacy, compliance with literary norms, logicality and others.

Easy exercises for improving diction are designed to develop the right utility of individual sounds and their combinations, and more complex - link elements into one.

Exercises for the development of adult diction

Parents know how to improve pronunciation in children: This is a mogymnastics for the language, lips. But it is difficult to imagine an adult, who lays the tongue to the blade. Yes, and the muscular apparatus in older people have formed and not so fatty as in children.

Exercises for rosary diction for adults are completely different. Teachers use:

  • prophoving individual consonants with a clear articulation;
  • pronunciation of patter;
  • breathing exercises in combination with gymnastics of the body;
  • special articulation exercises.

It is important to establish the regularity of classes and put real goals.


  1. Pronounce these combinations of sounds, "exploding" the last deaf consonant: Pi-Bi-Pi-Bi Pipp, BE-BE-B-Bi-Bezpa, Ga-Go-Gu-Ge-GiKK and the like.
  2. Read any pature out loud without using vowels. CLR KRL KRLV - Agree, it sounds funny. By the way, did you find out what kind of phrase?
  3. Hold your nose and start reading the text aloud in one breath. Inhale only where it is based on the meaning.
  4. Perform any physical exercises in parallel with the pronouncing poems. In addition to health benefits, you will feel in what place to cease to manage your breathing.
  • slow breath through wide nostrils, dosed exhaler through the nose (pure rhythmically and release nostrils);
  • inhalation with the inclination (usually happens on the contrary), exhale on the sounds of "Mr." or "Hmmm", straightening.

Educational exercises start to perform from a few seconds, gradually bringing to 1-3 minutes. All classes include the principle of gradual complication and increasing the pace.

How much time will the development of diction?

If when listening to the voice recorder, you noticed a few minor errors, then work on diction and pronunciation can take the same day or two. If you need to pay attention to more extensive moments, you can leave for stubborn classes and a couple of months. It is important to understand that singers such classes can be needed constantly, in the form of a union before the performance, to bring the articulation apparatus in combat readiness.

How to fix the diction of an adult? The answer is simple: regularly and stubbornly engaged.

What will help but exercise?

Exercises for Diction Development - an important stage Work, but you can come to the desired result simpler: read books, newspapers, magazines out loud, clearly pronouncing words and does not swallow endings. Work on a clear speech in this case will be a pleasant pastime.

Exercise for diction

For the expressive voice of teachers often use the similar breathing exercisesAs for the development of the correct articulation. It is important to correctly comply with the recommendations of the teacher, since incorrectly completed movements will remember the muscles. It will be difficult to move them. The teacher will also prompt interesting exercises for the development of speech and diction techniques.

How to improve speech diction quickly

Teachers of the center "Artvokal" know how to put right speech and diction, whether for speeches in the speech genre (reports, public speeches) or vocals.

Before you train the diction of the house, it is better to obtain a consultation of a competent teacher, a voting specialist or sign up for our diction courses in Moscow.

Video exercises from "Artvokal"

In this video, you will see how to independently develop the right diction during classes with a teacher-specialist. Video tutorials can only help you, but do not replace the hearing of the teacher.

The ability is beautiful and meaningful to speak not everyone. This is preceded by long-term classes, great desire and patience. If you consciously decided to find the answer to the question: "How to develop a clear, beautiful, laconic speech in the home?" - then the tips and the steps described in the article will lead you to good results and put the foundation in oratorical art.

Before starting classes, you need to know the requirements and program of action. This simple scheme It will work out beautiful and full-fledged speech, will increase you in the eyes of acquaintances, will make it say unmistakably about any read text. To learn how to translate thoughts in words and without any difficulties to make them in beautiful expressions, these items should be performed.
For lessons to improve speech, you need to:

  • Great desire;
  • Preferably;
  • Selection of time and premises;
  • Confidence in the ultimate goal;
  • Support for loved ones.

The program whose items you will adhere to is quite simple and interesting. Taking her as a basis, you can see the effectiveness and expediency in a short time. It:

Classic is useful and indispensable

Classical literature contains a beautiful and rich speech. Dialogs of the Heroes, their reflections contribute to speaking correctly built phrases. Verbal turns, with the authors, reflect not only the era of time, the plot and dynamics of development, but also inner world, crowded moral and high idea.
Any work that is classic replenishes vocabulary. Beautiful words prompted to develop imagination, a desire to learn how to play by the rules of expressions, so that the listener receives not only useful informationBut I was satisfied with communication and did not regret the time spent.

The importance of the tempo

A thoughtful performance includes content, time definition and choosing a tempo. Monotony even with exclusively perfect material Creates boredom, monotony and rejection. Learn to arrange pauses no less important than the selected topic and selected information.
The slowness or speed of speech is fraught with a lack of contact with the audience. Without understanding the content, the public will simply stop responding to a speech. Then beautifully prepared information turn into a guarantee song or complex patter. Of course, over time, this problem will cease to exist. The experience of talking and feeling the audience comes in the process of multi-day work on himself.

Adding raisins

Dry text saturated with the necessary information will be bored and uninteresting. When there are live expressions in conversation, confirmed phrases famous personalities, wise sayings and light humor, then the conversation will find a response from the listeners and the performance to be revealed to be useful for everyone.
After several successful attempts, the annoying thought about how in rapid deadlines to develop a living speech and, at the same time, be sure to learn how to form phrases, speaking saturacy and beautifully for unnecessary. Communication will bring emotions, satisfaction. It will be possible to develop thinking and work out your own style.

Mandatory practice

You will never achieve heights in oratorical art, if you refuse to perform in front of other people's people. Practice to speak to the public shows the shortcomings of the prepared information, thoughtful speech and its quality, your ability to communicate and attempts to gain like-minded people.

If you have fear public speeches - Practice more often it should pass. Also, there are special techniques and entire systems (such as, turbo-horse) to overcome fears. For example, Turbo Suslik can give: a sense of internal freedom, ease both in communication and performances. There, of course, the results are more serious and more interesting, but this is for those who want a lot and ready.

Learn to express what you think and feel, gives strength to further development. The response from others revives forgotten ideas and goals. You find an understanding in communication, check your life program and regenerate as a person. The ability to beautifully decorate thoughts adds confidence and significance in life.

Notebook - assistant for analysis

Teach yourself after each important conversation to analyze its result. Speech of condemnation or approval Record into a separate notebook, emphasizing mistakes and successes. Do not be afraid to say thoughts out loud, as if you are before the responsible commission for improving education. Own shortcomings Reduce and eradicate.


There are small tricks for understanding how to fix the surveyed skills and continue to develop their competent speech, continue beautiful and significantly talk.

  • Be sure to think about every word, savoring and falling in love with it. Gradually, it is about turning into a beautiful, rethinking game in which there is text and feeling.
  • It is necessary to memorize key phrases from movies, books, programs and speak to the public, confirming their erudition.
  • Decipherate value incomprehensible wordsTo learn the right pronunciation, stress, the provision in the proposal.
  • Having liked beautiful phrase Insert appropriate and correct. Otherwise, there is a danger to put yourself on the laugh.

Systematic, daily exercises work out a speech that will appeal to any listener. After receiving approval, you want to talk more and act.
When you put an important goal - to learn how to own the native language and develop the ability to communicate, it will undoubtedly reveal new opportunities and the meaning of life.
Learning to transfer the inner sensations through beautifully expressed words can each if he wants to create prerequisites to balance of life and creative potential. The resulting harmony between man and the environment will allow you to feel happy, lucky, recognized. Go and enjoy successes.

Diction. Exercises.

Want to learn how to tell you with open mouth and admiring look? Or maybe you want to act successfully in the audience or even brilliantly go through the competition for the speaker? Maybe you wanted to have such a specialty in which voice formulation and beautiful sound is very important, but because of the undevelopes and poor coloring of your voice, do not even try to master the desired expanses?

Do not be mistaken! With the help of the exercises proposed in the article, you can work on your speech apparatus and achieve the bulk and complete sound of your own voice, beautiful on the timbre, with a large range. And that is very important - improving speech diction, you will feel confident in yourself and increase your self-esteem. Your chances of finding a highly paid job, involving extensive contacts with people of various social groups and the leaders of the top, the conclusion of all kinds of transactions and contracts, the promotion of any product will increase significantly, since a pleasant and easily modulating voice, which takes certain shades in the right situation, will place the listening person to you faster.

Introductory exercises:
Before starting the exercise, take care of the appropriate setting. Choose a rather spacious place or room so that nothing distracted you and prevented you, even it would be nice to remove extra things to ensure sufficient acoustics.

We recommend to take off for each of the exercises for the development of diction. 5-10 minutes and move to the next only after quite well mastered the current.
First of all, you need to work on breathing. During this exercise, you must constantly breathe through your nose, follow this.

1. Work on breath-exhalation
One of the first exercises to improve the diction is proper breathing Exhale: Arrange the legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt and make a slow exhalation through a small hole in the lips so that the air resistance was felt. At the same time, mentally pronounce any quit, what will come to mind.
Do this exercise in combination with walking, running, imitation of the grass of grass, rods of firewood, sweeping by a broom, etc.
The correct exhaler will be flat, elastic, it should not be knocked up with a different body position and you will feel the voltage of the lower muscles, who will achieve the desired exhalation.
Inhale: lean slowly forward so that the back is straight and breathe; Straightening back, make an exhale and pull the sounds of "Gi-Mmmm ..." with simultaneous walking.
Now go back to the initial position, leisurely lean again on the breath, spread your hands to the sides and twist them for your head. In this position, straighten up in exhalation and pull: "GN-N-N ..." with simultaneous walking.
Following this, you need to complete one more exercise to improve nasal breathing.
When the mouth is closed, we make a short breath, expanding the nostrils, and when you exhale it with your fingers.
Repeating the previous exercise, on the exhalation by pulling the sounds of "M" and "H" and tapping the tips of the fingers along the nostrils in order of the order every one.
With the open mouth, we make a breath through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth, we repeat several times without closing your mouth.
Now make a massage: pressing, stroke the intercostal muscles, then the abdominal muscles with synchronous circular hand movements, which will help improve blood circulation in the muscles and will prepare them for further exercises.

2. Sky muscle training
Leisurely say 3 times in a row to the "K" and "G" consecutive, then almost without opening the mouth, but with an open zev without a voice, say 3 times the vowels "A", "O", "E".
Rock your mouth with air as you do it with water, make sure that the sensations are similar.
Open your mouth on the width of two fingers between the teeth and say "AMM ... AMM" so that "A" was a whisper, and "M" - ringing and so repeat several times.

3. Lip and Language Training
Training of lips and tongue for training the upper lips say "GL", "VL", "VN", "TN", and for the Lower - "COP", "GZ", "Pz", "Bz".
Remember the shape of the shovel and putting it on the bottom of the lip, say "and", "E", repeat several times.
Remove the shape of a curved hook and tighten along the sky, while simultaneously pronouncing "O", "U".
Try the sound "M" with the mouth closed and the internal movements of the tongue in the sky, cheeks and lips.

4. Exercises for identifying and securing the central speech voice, exemption from muscle clamps
Say any patron with the help of consonants, vowels should be silent and durable.
Then say the same thing in full voice, carefully listening to yourself, you will feel your center of speech voices, i.e. Determine how the position of the articulation apparatus it will sound easily and naturally.
Do the same with the slopes of the head, alternately back and forth and left-right.
Read the patter with the specified way, but putting forward the language on the lips, loss and replacing the pronunciation of vowels.
Inhales deeply and hold your breath (it is better to hold your nose with your fingers) and loudly read any text. Exhale and inspire again through the nose in those places of the text, where it is necessary in meaning and grammatical pauses (and do so in all positions of the body).
After these exercises, read the text again with a natural voice, and listen to his sound, noting the difference in diction before and after exercise.

Exercises for improving the diction:

After the fulfillment of the above described, you can move to exercises that improve the diction. They are aimed at eliminating the most common pronunciation errors due to the underdevelopment of the speech apparatus.

1. Weak lower jaw
Say "Pai", "Bai", "May", etc. At the same time, holding the chin in the unchanged position, the head should deviate back. The letter "y" is coming back. After the repetition, do them in a natural state, analyzing whether the feeling of muscle freedom did not appear.
Do the same, but with a turn of the head to the right and left, with an attempt to get the chin shoulders. The head of the "th" head is also returning to its original position.

2. Soft sky
Catch off your head and enshrove the throat with air, pronouncing the extent of the letter "M", but do not push the lower jaw.
Try to yawn with the mouth closed.
Inhale through the nose with the ticking of the cheeks, and the jaw is lowered and the lips are compressed, pull the sound "M" on the exhale.

3. Slip and lips
Each of the following exercises must be repeated several times.

proclaim "BA", putting a language on the bottom lip;
pronounce sounds "AS", quickly supervising and removing the tongue for the teeth;
pronounce several times TKR, "CRT", "DRT", "RCT";
to improve the lips, pronounce "MB", "TV", "BM" etc.;
make lips with a tube and pull the sound "Mmm", then smile.

4. Correction of a lack of sound in the response cavity of the mouth
With a straight and natural position of the body on a slow exhale, say "Ssssssssss ...", "Schshshshsh ...", "Zhzhzhzhzhzh ...", "Rrrrrrrr", "Rirt ...".

At the current position of the body on an intense intermittent exhalation, say "F! F! F! F! F! "which goes into continuous sound "Fffff ...".
Helm your mouth, nose, in this position try to speak the sound "M", then removing your hand, read any text with large quantity "M" or "N".

5. Overcoming the underdevelopment of breast sound, muscle clips
Stand up in a natural, unattended pose, put one hand on the chest to feel the vibration, and then bring the other to the mouth to check your breath. Now try to moisten to different vowels: warm exhalation - moan ( "UUU") - Warm breath. If you do everything right - you should have a feeling of zovka and freedom in the pharynx area.
The next stage is similar, only during the quiet moan you need to try to extend it and make an emphasis on a light impetus for the diaphragm inside, then warm exhalation.
Each subsequent exercise increases the number of strokes per unit and, thus, you bring up to five stakes in a row.

6. Overcoming the feeling of the proof with a rapid conversation or simultaneous conversation and walking
In the inclined position, you go and look for an imaginary object, at the same time saying out loud any quit, but make sure that the breathing is even.
Exercises for improving diction jump through the rope and pronounce simple poetic text in such a way that the jumps coincide with the words syllables. If the exercise initially seems difficult, there will be a speech and breathing, MirSovets recommends to reduce the pace and gradually increase them, bringing to the maximum.

7. Range development and voice gain
Take any poems text consisting of 8 and more lines and start harding it in such a way that the line has come to the beginning low level With each line, it gradually raised, reaching the maximum on the latter.
After you captured this task, start with a high and end the low range of your voice.
As the implementation is success done, increase the number of lines of poem.

Another series is very useful exercisesexecution of which in short time will give a tangible result:

1. Try the following vowel sounds alternately, trying to lengthen each sound to one exhale as much as possible:

A - o - y - e - s - and

First, after each sound, take your breath. Then, in one breath, pronounce three sounds: A-O-y, get air and continue e-s-and, and then seek all sounds to pronounce in a row in one breath.

2. Then follow the exercises on sounding:


3. The following stanzes from V. Bryusov should be read at first slowly, articulating each sound, and gradually move to the patter:

Reduced, tipped
They got angry, whitewashed white acne.
Down dropped down, upwards
Broke up and walked from dawn to dawn.
Snakes shuddering, snakes weighering,
What kind of danger, what kind of fairy tale you started in the Mol
Miscellaneous swirling paths
You closed, whores all the fairways to the ground.
Darkness suction joined
They have noticed, wounded in the ocean ships,
With the impossibility of populated,
Droopers, the fires of them in the puchin closed.
What are you cheating? Not rapidly
Bending, twisted long-tensioned bodies?
And watch you are not slow
Lask drinking, leading to the unknown limit?

Species (even more pattups you can find on our website):

By Bull Bela's lip was Tup;
Custom bullish, calm mind;
Buy kip peak;
From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field;
Half a quarter of the fourth of the pea without wormwort;
Tell me about purchases. What about buying? About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases;
On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood times firewood, two firewood, three firewood;
Mamashe Romashus gave serum from under Prostokvashi;
Under the burning yellow lampshade beetle flies and buzzes;
King Eagle, Eagle King;
Axes are sharp to the pore, to the pores of the sharpors;
Sometimes in the marsh wilderness, it is slightly heard, silently rustling the reeds;
Provered constitutionalist found acclimatizingin Constantinople;
Carl from Clara stole corals, Clara had Clarinet from Karl.


1. Has got out of the darkness of mlauding with fingers of purple EOS;
Lodge left the lover son of Odyssev;
Dress Nodev, sophisticated his sword on his shoulder he hung;
After, the soles are beautiful to bright legs attached,
He left the bedroom, the face of the radiant God like.
Ringwheat heads of the royal convening, he commanded
Click them to click on the square to assemble the density aheyan;
They clicked those; Gathered on the area Others; when
Everyone gathered them and the meeting was full,
With copper in his hand he spent a spear before the sit
There was not one, two dashing dogs came running.
The image of his unspecified redness of Athena,
So there are people, his suitable seeing.
The elders were handed over to him, and he sat down in place by fathers.

2. Urn with water dropping, about the cliff her Virgo broke.
Virgo is sad sitting, idle holding a shard.
Miracle! Do not sharpen water, pouring out of the urn broken;
Virgo, above the eternal jet, forever sad sits.

3. Remember, comrade, which is always necessary before speech first.
Air to make stock, expanding the cell breast,
Long belly pull up to the sound for sound.
Shoulders during breathing should be alone, immovable.
The air is in vain do not spend, always satisfy it with sound.
Each of these poems speak one exhausted,
And speak, keeping an extended breast cell,
And in the standing tightened the abdomen leaving.
Reading the lines - il verse, as it is called, -
Pause a brief ending accurately during which
The air is part of doing, only using the lower breath.
Strictly always observe the word clearly:
Vowels, consonants correctly articulate;
Mouth do not be lazy to reveal to disclose the discovery through the teeth,
The sound is forward to send, so that he resonated "in the mask".
Before tone, change in altitudes, long and strength,
In the evenness you will be strengthened and in sufficient sound volume;
Listen to yourself and watch the voice not weak, did not fall;
To evenly sound poems and in the end and at the beginning.
Slowly, dimly, clearly clearly, without a scream, but sonorous -
This is how the exercise should be held at first.

1. Widely open mouth, close the mouth
Top lip pull up, exposing his teeth
Low lip tighten to the bottom gum, exposing his teeth
Alternate the movement of the upper and lower lips
Open the mouth and make the sliding movements of the upper lip, pulling it on the teeth
Open your mouth and bottom lip pull on the teeth, then pull the lip down, exposing the bottom teeth
Lips stretch forward in the tube, stretch in a smile
The mouth is open, the tongue is stretched forward, stretch the tongue to the tip of the nose and the chin alternately
The mouth is half open, the lips are closer, the language to do "injections" in one, then to the other cheek
The mouth is half open, turning the tongue outward "sting", then return to its original position
The lips are closer, the rotational movement of the tongue is under the lips in one and the other
The mouth is open. Spring the tip of the tongue to Alveolas (tubercles on the upper heaven) and sharp release. There should be a sound "Cocanier"

2. Exercise "Aqualangist"

These are exercises for breast breathing. It is necessary to try to pronounce the words, the first letters of which are underlined, as if from the inside, from the abdomen, in exhalation. Let's try?

I'm becoming aqualant
Lose down, below
And the bottom of the sea closer, closer
And here in the kingdom I am underwater
Although lowered deeply
But the voice of breast free
I manage it easy
To master the chest register
It is useful to become aqualant

3. Exercises for the development of diction. Exercise A.V. Snidishnikova:

Firmly remember that before the word start in the exercise
It follows the cell to the breast expand slightly
Low belly Pick for supporting respiratory sound
Shoulders during the troubles should be alone, immovable.
Every line of poems talk on one exhauster
And post a mustache so that the chest is not compressed during speech,
Since when you exhale one diaphragm is moving.
The reading, after graduating, do not rush to the transition to further:
Strong the pause brief in the pace of verse, at the same time
Help the air for a moment, then the reader will continue.
Clearly watch every word heard was:
Remember the diction of clear and clean on the sounds of consonants,
Mouth do not be lazy to open, so that the sound is free to voice.
Voice and in a quiet sound should keep metal.
Before removing the exercise on the tempo, height and volume, you need to pay attention to evenness, sound stability:
Play intently, so that the voice has not trembled anywhere, did not roll. Exhaust keep economically, with the expectation for each line:
Collence, beability, flight, resistance, slowness, smoothness -
This is what attentive hearing first look for in the exercise.

3. Distributing

We all know that in some words there are very difficult to pronounce letters. In this short exercise, all the most "hard-giving" syllables are collected. If you learn to vote them, nothing is scary to you.

Zyri, Zekhre, Zekhra, Zekhro, Zyrov, Zhod

5. Species (even more pattups you will find on our website):
We all know the benefit of the patter, here is a small selection of those that I like or in content, or in its complexity:

From the topot of hoofs, dust on the field flies
Heron Chashla, Heron Sere, Heron Died
Ryel Pig Belorel Pipped, half a doors, I saw out, dug off
We have a courtyard on our yard, the weather is splasocroproen
Bull stupubub, stupid bull, Bull Bela's lip was tupa
Buy kip peak, kipa peak buy, pike kipa buy
Thirty-three ships lavished, lavaled, yes did not hesitate
Flowing Luchery dispelled the unfinishedsia Nikolca
Interviewer Interviewed
Bombardir bombarded Branderburg
Konstantin stated
And I'm not before attending
Not great biceps at the exhibitionist
Deftly labby in laryngology, label-laryngologist easily cured Lorintgitis
Because of the hillow, from under the raise, the bunny shapplenesslyay
To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg, the Wahmistra came with the Wachmisters and Rotmist with Rosmisters, but the Wahmistra with Rothmisters, and Rothmistra with the Wachmisters from Syktyvkar
We were lazy on the meli, Nalima caught, for me you caught Lena. About love, don't you pray for me nicely and in the fogs of Limana
Speech by the mind of Krasnova, and if the language of the whispered, then talk to the tweak, for the patter
Sewn the cap is not on Crapkin, the bell will not be a bell in the bell, it is necessary to smash the cap, to translate, it is necessary to spin the bell, reel into the need all speakers to reconnect, revise And then you will tell you how the river is lit
The commander spoke about the Colonel, about the Colonel, about Lieutenant Colonel, he said about Lieutenantkirt, but said that the geese was not looking for a mustache - not to sue what the scratch had a bristle, that about Cola - the bell, that the wasp was not a mustache , and the mustache
Stenarized constitutionalist Konstantin found acclimatizingin the constitutional city of Constantinople and calmly dignity internally improved Pneumomyshkovykolachiwaters

Exercises for the development of muscles of the language.

The language takes an active part in the formation of most speech sounds. The clearness of speech depends on his work. Special difficulties arise when pronouncing words with consonants when necessary to quickly switch the movement of the language from one position to another. To strengthen the muscles of the language, improve its mobility and switchability, before using the exercises in the pronouncement of sounds, words and phrases with the bumps of consonants, clearly spend the following movements.

1. Tighten the language outward and make them movement to the left, right, up, down.
2. Tighten the language and make circular movements from left to right, then on the contrary - right left.
3. With the open mouth and slightly dried tongue, make it a wide, narrow, cup (tip and side edges slightly raised).
4. Slightly raised tense tongue "Clean" the upper teeth from the outer and inside, in the direction of the inner side of the teeth to the outer and vice versa.
Control over the correctness of the movement is performed using a mirror. Get all the movements to the tongue easily and freely, without much voltage.

Exercises in the clarity of uttering consonant sounds in the syllables.

Read the syllables.
1. PA, PU, \u200b\u200bPO, PE
py, Peh, Pu, Pi, Pe
that, then that you, TE
ty, Te, Ty, te
sa, co, su, s, s
sia, Syu, Si, Ce
ms, Jo, Zhu, zh, same

2. AP, OP, UE, OPC, EP
aT, from, UT, YT,
aS, OS, Us, Oys, Es

Exercises in the clarity of pronouncing words with consonant sounds.

Read out loud words with a streak of two, three and four consonant sounds: entrance, attach, foofing, tourist, map, flowerbed, service, tail, smeach, cut off, gather, roach, stamp, pimple, shattered, platoon, split, dug, fix, move, spark, split, canvas, view, grotesque, Gruss, stress, instant, smooth, tetanus, smooth, tetanus, barrel, hawk, bonfires, sprats, emerge, open, health resort, fight, meet, supervisioner, uniform, coolness, metro station, colander, travel, transcription.

Exercises in the clarity and clarity of pronouncing sounds and words in phrase speech.

To work out the clarity and clarity of the management of consonant sounds and words, it is useful to use patters that are built on a combination of consonant sounds, difficult to pronounce. Reading spells should be started in slow motion, distinctly pronouncing each word and every sound. Gradually accelerate the tempo, but make sure that the clarity and clarity of pronunciation do not decrease.
Read the patter:

Prokhor and steamed riding.
Galka sat on a stick, a stick hit a tank.
From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.
By Bull Bela's lip was Tup.
Water carrion drilled water from the water pipeline.
Funny fucked, Fai shoes.
On seven Sanya on seven in Sanya sang themselves.
Heron chicken clingly cling to chain.
Came proof - boiled dill. Prokop went - she boels dill. As in the proof, Dill was boiling, and dill was boiling without proof.
Mamas Romashus gave serum from under the prokubvashi.
He sentenced the bee, the spider was reasonable.
Scratching in a pinchka, a bristle in the banks.
She sews the cap is not in Kolpakovski, to overlap the cap, but to discard.
On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood: time of firewood, two firewood - not the rudy firewood on the grass of the courtyard.
Ships lavished, but did not hesitate.
All patters will not protigue, you will not re-outgrade.

Small patters pronounce on one exhale. Observe the smoothness and fusion of their pronunciation.

Further consolidation of good diction is subject to loud of poetic and prosaic texts. At the same time, at first, it is necessary to continue to follow the work of the lips, the language, the lower jaw, for the distinct utterance of vowel sounds (shock and unstressed), for the clear utterance of the consonants, but not allowed the enhanced or emphasized pronunciation.

Each exercise is manifested until it is performed easily and freely, without much voltage.

When working on diction, it is necessary to take into account proper use Speech breathing and voices. So, when pronouncing patterings, it is necessary to correctly convey their content, it is appropriate to take pauses, to achieve air in a timely manner.

A beautiful clear speech is not only pleasant hearing, and therefore causes the location to a person who can speak well. In some cases, it is absolutely impossible to do without this skill. For example, it is difficult to submit a central television speaker, which is unable to distinguish sounds.

Good articulation will be useful to anyone who is forced to talk a lot, for a wide audience: lector, teacher, politics, YouTubra. Regularly performing exercises for dictation can be achieved notable success in the first weeks of classes.

Diccia has no relationship directly to the voice, its innate characteristics. Diccia is what can and need to "put" by regular training and special exercises. Under the "right diction" understand the relevant language of the language, a distinct and sonorous utterance of all the phonemes. To a large extent, it depends on the correct statement of the provisions of the articulation bodies (lips, language), to breathe correctly from the ability. Expressive expressiveness, rich emotional color speech.

Attention! To achieve a long effect, diction training should be in a habit, because without regular repetition of exercises, the skill is quickly lost.

The vague pronunciation, swallowed sounds - about such a person they say "He has porridge in his mouth." The meaning of the said words is hard to understand, the necessary expressiveness is lost, the motion. In professions who require frequent speaking in the public, it is simply unacceptable.

If the voice is not a working tool, ownership skill beautiful speech No less useful. Consider clearly, it is clearly and accessible to express your thoughts out loud, it is much easier to arrange a business partner, an employer, to achieve victory in the competition or get the desired place in the casting.

Types of exercises for the development of speech diction and clarity

What should I start how to improve the diction and clarity of speech? There are several diverse techniques to achieve amazing success with careful and regular exercise. Among them:

  1. - Probably the most famous, common way to combat speech defects, consisting in the rapid repetition of phrases and poems, drawn up in such a way as to train the clarity of the articulation of difficult-acting sounds and sound combinations.
  2. Cleaners - have a similar function with patter, their pronunciation also contributes to the development and consolidation of the skill of pronunciation of complex backgrounds, but they differ in the form, representing a set of rhymed rows.
  3. - Set speech therapy exercise To develop lip mobility, language, with the aim of "teaching" to take them right, for clearly pronouncing the syllables, the situation.
  4. Respiratory gymnastics - endurance of the lungs and voice ligamentsUniformity of breathing has a great influence on speech as a whole, therefore, when mastering the skills of proper speaking, you cannot neglect the training of these tools.

Important! Performing exercises for diction and voting training, it is useful to record the process of occupying on the recorder. This measure is needed in order to control the correctness of execution, fix errors, problem placesThose who have yet to work.

Features of exercises and how to perform them correctly

It should be remembered that the beginning of work on pronunciation and adult age is conjugate with a number of difficulties. Get rid of habits for years, change the entire system of speech to the foundation is quite difficult.

Experts recommend starting from the development of articulation, training muscle endurance, speech bodies to set proper position, Improve the timbre and voice tone. For this, the following exercises are perfect, which can be performed at any time and anywhere, the more often - the better:

  • as a workout, heating is recommended to publish a long standing soap;
  • elements of respiratory I. articulating gymnastics contain an exercise during which you should publish a variety of sounds, hitting yourself with palms in the chest;
  • clearly, with an expression, making pauses, read poems, changing the voice tone - increasing and lowering it alternately;
  • read the texts of poems and prose simultaneously with the execution of jumps through the rope, while running, trying to keep breathing as smooth;
  • press the words and entire proposals, stretching facial muscles in a smile, withstand the clarity of pronunciation;
  • read out loud, after closing a small oblong item between the teeth, for example, a fountain pen, while the exercise strives to clearly utter symbols and sounds;
  • well helps the development of articulation, muscle training The use of small rounded items (for example, walnuts) invested over one or both cheeks during reading poems and artistic texts.

Much attention should be paid to the daily gymnastics of speech bodies, as it is impossible to put speech and diction on their own without it:

  1. opening the mouth as wide as possible, move the lower jaw forward, backwards and on the sides;
  2. with open mouth to let maximum length language by folding it "sting";
  3. slightly spreading the jaw, to smile wide, spend the tongue on the upper and lower row of teeth, touching the tip before each tooth sequentially;
  4. tense tongue tongue to touch from the inside of both cheeks, first with open, then with a closed mouth;
  5. from a dutched mouth, tighten the "shovel" the most relaxed language;
  6. having folded his arms on his chest, rushing forward, in the inclined, slightly bent position to pronounce vowel sounds as low as possible: "O", "s", "y". Having finished pulling one sound, straighten and get out again to perform the next right.

Important! The duration of one exercise is at least 10 seconds. Within one classes, 4-5 approaches are performed.

The formation of the correct pronunciation is inseparably connected with breathing, because without it is not possible. The air jet, touching the tense ligaments, makes a sound whose shape is attached by other organs of the speech apparatus. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to improve diction, including, includes a lung training, the development of a diaphragm.

The ability to breathe is an integral part of life, but not everyone can do it right. The following complex of classes will help strengthen the voice, give him a more pleasant, melodic timbre:

  • take a comfortable body position - lying, standing or sitting, press left palm To the stomach, the right - to the bottom of the sternum on the side, draw the air to the air, controlling the expansion of the diaphragm with their hands, slowly exhale to the end;
  • slowly smoothly inhale the nose, delay the air for a couple of seconds, exhale through the mouth;
  • briefly breathe, in exhalation, stretching as much as possible, say any lasting vowel sound;
  • explosion account from 1, trying to pronounce the maximum number of numbers without a rush;
  • exhausted to pronounce combinations of vowel sounds, for example: "oooooooowuuuuuu," aaaaaya ".

Since it is impossible to develop a diction in one day, starting to train, you should be patient. At the very beginning it will be useful will be a plan for classes, outline the range of problems that will have to eliminate the sake of obtaining the desired effect. As you improve the speech to correct and supplement the original outline with new details.

You should not neglect any opportunity to perform exercises, since it is in their regularity that the key to success lies.

The declamination of poems, pronouncing patterings and cleanrs will help you quickly "warm up" before the performance, when there is a long and important conversation. They must be learned and pronounce aloud, at least several times a day.

Invaluable assistance in the right pronunciation will be operated by acting courses or rhetoric.

Studies on stage speech, supported by exercises on diction, among other things, give the sound and charm to voice, make it more expressive.


To improve diction and speech at home, without acting courses and individual work With a teacher, I recommend using the "voice recorder", and then two techniques. One 10 minutes a day, another from 10 to 45 minutes per day.

To complete the "recorder" task, which will help you to see yourself from the side, surprised yourself and wanted to start actively with your speech, we need a voice recorder. It can be a separate device or simply mobile phonewhich can execute the recording feature.

So, we are armed with a voice recorder and write our conversations with other people. After that, listening to them and in the evening report lay out your conclusions to the dialogue.

After recording yourself to the recorder, you will want to improve your speech. To help you two techniques.

The first technique.

Species for 5 minutes a day with nuts in the mouth. Only five minutes, and the result will be stunning. Make everything in the sequence I will say now to immediately see the result.

1. We take a voice recorder and write yourself at him. We undertake anything for a minute. About how the day passed or what the window is happening. No difference.

2. We listen to what they spent.

3. Take nuts in your mouth. Walnut, hazelnut ... anyone. 5 minutes speak the patters.

The ship flashed stranded. Sailors Two weeks caramel on Meli ate.

Greek rode across the river. Sees Greek: in the river Cancer. Greek put a hand in the river, cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC!

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on cucusulok hood. How in the hood it is ridiculous.

Carl from Clara stole corals, and Clara had a clarinet from Karl.

On the courtyard grass, on the grass of firewood, not Ruby firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

Eagle on Mount, feather on Orel, mountain under an eagle, eagle under the pen.

4. We take a voice recorder again and weching there again, anything. After that, listen to the recording and amazing the cleanliness of words and sounds ...

Second technique.

We read the book out loud. Every day from 10 to 30 minutes. As you can, if you can 45 minutes, it will be even better. Naturally do it with 200% zeal!

Everyone wants to change something in his speech.