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Murily on health! Simple speech therapy exercises for the mode of sound R. Lip exercises. How to properly conduct speech therapy classes with a child? Tips and recommendations to parents

Is it possible to deal with the problem in the development of speech in crumbs at home?

Rarely, which of the parents does not face the problem in the development of speech in crumbs. But not each of them has the opportunity to do the speech therapist. In this case, you can conduct lessons at home.

How to quickly teach a child to talk?

How to quickly teach a child to talk?
  1. Expand the horizons. The child should, as much as possible for a walk in different places. See different situation, people, animals, nature. So the supply of knowledge about environment. Children who see and feel more, much easier to express their feelings. The more emotions and experience, the earlier will begin to bundle the baby
  2. Constantly talking to the child. If you sit with a child in silence, it will speak much later. The kid should always hear conversational speech. We communicate with the child, saying everything in rumor that we see what we do
  3. Read books. We do it with an expression, with the explanatory comments of the kids like to listen to the same fairy tales and poems several times. For children, this is the easiest method of perception.
  4. Singing songs. The kids love to sing. We sing in the instrument or just listen and sing, encouraging the baby to support you. This is one of better optionsSo kids are very loving music.
  5. We indicate objects of attention. Russian language is wide. In order for the child to start at least a few words, we often concentrate attention on some frequently repeated object. Drove the steam locomotive, the boy goes, walks the dog, etc. .. After that, we definitely be interested in the baby, what is the name of this object
  6. Speak competent, adult language. Do not cry and do not speak the tongue of the baby. Words "Abaka" instead of a dog, etc. We do not repeat, speak correctly. Without making it a strong accent
  7. We listen to what Chado says! An important condition for mom and dad, the ability to listen carefully and hear everything that kid says. With any appeal to parents, the child should feel respect and attention. Inattention, the child feels very clearly. Therefore, all communication stops if the child treats some kind of question or request. Even if it is absolutely not clear that the baby bursts. It is important to communicate
  8. We instill baby ability to listen.For the development of a child's speech in relation to intonation, it is necessary to learn to listen. This applies not only to the speech of mom and dad, but also to all foreign sounds. At this point it is important to explain every sound
  9. The abitrate conversation.If it is not clear what Chado says, we read various signs that the child is explained. If the baby takes off pants and burst something in his own language, maybe he wants to write. I ask him about it. And we draw conclusions for its further reaction. Only avoid words "What you are running out there, I do not understand anything, leaving." It can beat off the desire of a mutual dialogue
  10. Do not hurry events. The desire to quickly hear the conversation of the baby, there is every parent. But not every mom and dad have patience. Do not hurry a crumb, not worth it. Many mothers and dads from impatience say: "Well, what are you silent!", "What are you talking about nonsense, where did you come from these phrases?" The child will be offended by this. He will disappear to the learning process spoken Speech.

How to teach a child to talk without speech therapist?

How to teach a child to talk without speech therapist? General useful rules when home learning Child:

  1. The eyes of a child and mom should be on the same level. So the baby will be easier to watch all the manipulations carried out
  2. Classes are carried out every day in a game form. From 10 to 15 minutes
  3. Face massage, gymnastics spend daily. Propricing sounds and patterings at least 4 times a week

Facial massage

how separate element Massage is not a special factor, but in conjunction with articulating gymnastics and voice-speech training has a positive impact on the correct statement of speech.

Making massage to pronounce their movements:

  • Gently stroking over eyebrows fingers, pronounce: "So we love yourself, so pigeons." Next, stroking along the nose, say: "Nice spout, such a krenostic." We massive near the lips, cheeks to ears: "Our smiling rotock, no longer that"

We make a soft tapping with your fingers according to the same persons. Counter and opposite movements. We constantly communicate with the child: "We are beautiful! We are happy! That's how we climbed! "

Gymnastics for clear and proper pronunciation

  • On inflated, balloon, cheeks, make a massage
  • Dudiim as a train, lips pull forward. Turn them first in one direction, then to another
  • Smile with baby. Then we collect lips with a bow. We make several times
  • Kissing with a child, straining lips with a tube, and then relaxing
    We spend on lips tongue in the same way
  • Pull the tongue to the upper lip, then to the bottom. Also in the left and right side
  • At the end we make a semblance of washing on your face. The child must repeat

Go to the pronunciation of vowels

With the pronunciation of these letters, the child practically does not have any problems. But it is still necessary to work out.

  • Without tension, not long and sharply pronounce - a - a - a
    Evenly on the exhalation long pronounce Aaaaaa - a long sound in one breath, without increasing and not lowering intonation. We repeat the same way with all vowels.

Gymnastics with consonants

We spend the pronunciation of paired syllables, like a patter. It is better to alternate: first pronounce a syllable, then patter with this letter.
P - Pu-PA-PE-PE-PO-PO - WU-VA-VE-VE-VO F - Fu-Fo-Fa-Fa-Fa G - Gu-Ga-Ga Gue -Be-to-ko-ka-ka-ki would be D - Du-Da-Dae Di-di T - TU-TA-TE-Ti-W - Zhu-Jo-Zhue -Shirs b - b-bo-ba-be b be-b
Shu-sho-Sha-She-Shi-seed z - zo-zo-ze-zy-zy s - su-co-sa-si

The advantage of such classes is that they can be spent anywhere: in the clinic, on the plane, walking down the street.

  • For speech development, very important small motorika.
  • We massive the palms of chad, hands and soft brushes
  • Glue applications, collecting cereals, we ride a small beads on a thread, sculpted from plasticine, use a variety of functions, for example "forty-crow"

How to teach a child to talk the letter with?
  • Let the child clamp the cap from the handle. Then please a child
  • We ask the kid to stretch your mouth in a smile and rests the tongue into the lower teeth. We put on the tip of the language a match and ask the child to a lot on its foundation. Clear sound "C" is formed. Subsequently, when obtaining the result, you can do this exercise without matches

Video: Sound formulation with. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound with?

How to teach a child to talk the letter f?

  • As often as possible, we pronounce the words containing such a difficult letter
  • Showing the baby proper position lips and tongue
  • Say special poems and patter
  • Words pronounce long, imitate the buzz

Video: How to define the letter f?

How to teach a child to talk the letter T?

  • sponges are relaxed
  • teeth are not closed
  • tutor tongue knocking on the upper teeth
  • nelyushko does not move

Video: Sound formulation T at home

How to teach a child to talk the letter r?

  • During the pronunciation of the kid, the syllable "yes", the teaspoon gradually move the tongue pressed on the front of his back. When driving, the language will first appear the syllable "Dia", then "Ty", and after him "ha"

How to teach a child to speak solid letter l?
  • Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of this letter should not earlier than 5-6 years
  • This letter is pronounced smiling. The tip of the tongue is pressed to the sky. Show the baby such a position and at the same time ask to go. Over time, hear how the child says "l"
  • If hard pronounces baby solid sound "L", do exercises with the language. We show the baby as you need to lick the sponges, ironing the sky and teeth with the language. We are trying to reach my nose
  • In order for the child to remember the correct pronunciation of this sound, when learing La La La, we ask him to continue to bite the language. So the baby will easily remember the correct position of the tongue

Video: Stopping the sound of l. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound of l?

How to teach a child to talk the letter sh?
  • For the correct pronunciation of the letter "sh", we show the baby how to position the language is pressed to the bottom of the lip, while raising the tip and the sides of the language
  • Do exercises by depicting a smile on the lips
  • We imitate chewing movements

Video: Sound formulation sh. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound sh?

How to teach a child to talk word?
  1. I focus on articulation. It is clear, clearly and correctly say the words that the crumb does not correctly pronounce. We ask him to pronounce correctly
  2. When communicating, difficult words do not replace simple. If we talk about different objects, for example, carrots, tomato, cabbage, do not summarize that these are vegetables. We teach child different names of items
  3. Replenish vocabulary baby verbs. We are not talking not to nouns, but short sentences. For example, a tiger growls (goes, sleeps, playing)
  4. We use in conversational speech signs of items: watermelon - sweet, juicy, big
  5. Explain what opposition is. The floor is solid, and the toy is soft. Car rides, and the plane flies
  6. Replenish the vocabulary of the child, read fairy tales and poems

Using all the methods listed in the article, with a regular lesson, it is possible to easily solve not large problems of speech development.

With highly large deviations of speech, without the help of a specialist can not do.

Video: How to teach a child to talk?

Most children by 5-7 years old speak correctly. However, there are cases when the guys come to school with a non-net speech. Usually, children distort the hissing sounds and sound "p". The shortcomings of the pronunciation sometimes acquire a steady nature and are difficult to correct. So you follow the speech of children from early childhood, do not allow the child to go to school with the wrong pronunciation. This is especially important, since the deficiencies of pronunciation are sometimes the cause of children failure.

Often, deficiencies of pronunciation appear as a result of improper education. In some families, adults with a conversation with the baby will endure and sysyukyut. These most they fix the wrong pronunciation of the child.

Speak with the child always calm, clear, competent language. Watch out for the speech of children and venture the noticable deficiencies in time, as you will correct them later when they root, it will be much more difficult. Special attention to the development of speech must be given in preschool age when the process goes most intensively, and the speech is very flexible and supplied.

Some parents believe that speaking speech is developing independently, without the help of adults. It's not like that at all. Non-interference in the process of forming a children's speech sometimes leads to the lagging for overall development. Use all kinds of fun, songs, boom to teach a child correctly pronounce sounds. A great influence on the development of toddler speech is an example of older children. But not for all children is quite simple imitation of the right speech, and the kids are still often incorrectly pronounce separate sounds. To such guys, show special attention.

Children with flaws in pronunciation are shyful to talk, avoid words with difficult sounds for them, become irritable and reluctantly go to school. The guys arises a sense of inferiority, fear of "amendments" and ridicule. Therefore, create in the family the right attitude towards a child having the shortcomings of speech, do not allow you to laugh at it, they mumbled. Help calmly, without constraint to overcome the shortcomings, give the child to feel, realize the importance of the right pronunciation and the need to eliminate moldability or whispers, interest it with this work.

If a child by 5-6 years old pronounces some sounds, contact a specialist logo, which will help to correct pronunciation. If there is no this opportunity, do your child yourself.

Receptions for the proper pronunciation are very much. We give some of them.

In all cases, pronounce fixes try to first get the sound directly by imitation. Offer the child to say the sound, showing first on yourself. Then achieve the child all repeated for you. Conditions for speaking sounds in front of the mirror: the child will not only see his articulation, but also compare it with yours.

Keep in mind that it is not always possible to get the right sound at the very sessions. This work requires patience and great perseverance. When pronouncing the sound "sh" of the lips rounded and slightly advanced, the teeth are slightly awarded, the tip of the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the sky in the front of it. Sound is pronounced without voice. Warm air exhaled air jet.

If the child does not pull, it is easy to teach it to pronounce the sound "sh". Invite the child to say "P" first loudly, then with a whisper, a slightly moving out a spatula (or a spoon handle) from the alveoli to the front of the sky, it turns out the sound "sh".

Similarly, the sound "F". Only he is pronounced with the participation of the voice, which is easy to feel, putting his hand to the larynx.

The sound "P" is as follows: Offer the child to pronounce the sound "d" at first slowly, and then faster. At the time of the pronunciation of Duddddddd ... »Put the child's index finger under the tongue and quickly move it to the right and left. This produces the vibration of the tip of the tongue and the correct sound "P".

When pronouncing the sound "C" lips slightly stretched, like with a slight smile, teeth are slightly disclosed (1-1-1.5 mm) and slightly naked, the tip of the language concerns the lower teeth; In the middle of the language, the grooves forms the exhaled air. When pronouncing the sound "C", the exhaled air jet is cold. It is easy to check, substituting the back of the hand to the mouth.

The sound "s" is pronounced as well as "C", only with the participation of voice. (Compare "sh" and "w".) The vibration of the larynx is easy to feel, putting her hand to it.

Before starting the sound of "L", teach the child clearly and detribably pronounce the sound "s". First achieve, so that he quickly cast a wide tongue between her lips and cleaned it back. This exercise spend many times. At the same time, the sounds "Bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl ...". Then go to the next reception - to write a wide tongue between your teeth, slightly biting the tip of the tongue and "Lllll ... y", "Lllll ... s". So gradually produced the correct pronunciation of "l".

After you have achieved a faithful sound pronunciation, secure this sound in speech. For example, when fastening the sound "sh", offer a child for a long time and clearly utterly pronounced "Sh-sh-sh-sh", imitating a steam locomotive; The sound of "F" is fixed when imitated by the buzz of the bee "Zhr-zhr", the sound "p" when imitating the rumble of the Motor "R-R-R". Then move to the pronouncement of direct ("Sha", "Sho", "Shu", "Shy", "RA", "RO", "RU", "ry") and inverse; ("Ash", "Osh", "Esch", "Yish", "AR", "OR", "UR", "OR") syllables. Select a number of words, proposals, poems for exercises, in which the sound is often found and, on the contrary, there is no one that is not yet in the child.

For example, to fasten the sound "sh" To follow the poem:

"Mishka is cute,
Bear nice,
Clumsy and funny -
All of the plush Bear sews,
Vata magnificent nabe. "

To secure the sound "P":

Early, early we get up,
Loudly invigoine call:
"Watchhead, watchman, quick
Go out to feed beasts. "

To secure the sound "C":

"In the forest dark, everyone slept for a long time.
One owl is not sleeping, sits on a bitch. "

Very often, children experience difficulties not only in the pronunciation of sounds, but also in distinguishing and recognizing them. This will subsequently complicate the training of children reading and writing. Therefore, with the guys of the older preschool age (6-7 years) spend various exercises. When a child learn how to correctly pronounce, for example, the sound "C", suggest it to take pictures with the image of items, in the names of which there is this sound (sled, dog, beads, mustache, nose, etc.), and pronounce the names of the pictures. Then instruct him to come up with words with this sound. Such exercises will help the consolidation of sound in speech.

The parents largely depends on the child for 7 years to come to school with a completely pure pronunciation. Exposure and patience, long, painstaking work will bring their fruits - children with clean proper speech We will develop correctly and successfully master knowledge.

- N. Cheveleva, speech therapist

One of the most necessary skills that Kroch must acquire in his first 2 years of life is to learn how to correctly talk and transfer thoughts in words. It depends on this, whether it will be able to find mutual language with surrounding.

You do not know how to make or teach a child to talk without any particular difficulties? Then you should read this article.

Each parent wants their child to speak as soon as possible. But all the children are different, and the speaking process itself begins in different ways. Therefore, they think about how to teach the child to speak and help him cope with the difficulties of talking sounds and syllables.


To properly prepare the baby to adulthood and teach it to express verbally your thoughts need to learn much.

The process of mastering speech signs takes place in several stages:

  • The first sounds of the Kroch begins to publish aged 2-3 months, may even distinguish between the voices. The rest for him is like a pleasant melody.
  • At 7-9 months, the kid tries to pronounce short words consisting of syllables - "Pa Para", "Ma-Ma", "Dai-Dai", emotions are connected.
  • In a one-year-old age, a meaningful speech appears, his vocabulary is a few simple words.
  • After a year, vocabulary is replenished up to 50-70 words.
  • In 2 years, the baby uses more deployed phrases, uses 120-300 words.
  • On the third year of life there is an increase in the vocabulary (up to 800 words). Here it is necessary to help develop the articulation (during this period, it is inclined to replace the complex sounds to simple "ball-sics").

How to teach a child to talk about which exist effective exercises and techniques for the development of speech of Karapuz? Many and other issues are very interested in parents, so this topic needs to come seriously and with responsibility.


Parents are important to know how to teach a child to talk using effective techniques In order for the learning process to be interesting and did not tired Karapuz.

In order to develop logical thinking and imagination, you need to use games for comprehensive development. The assimilation of new knowledge happens best during games, using different figures geometric shape, puzzles, origami.

Develop intellectual abilities The fine motility of the hands using the gymnastics of the fingers will help. By applying this development system, the chad has a link - thinking with action.

Conversational speech is actively developing in children, starting from the two-year-old age. Parents often wonder how to teach a child to talk?

There are several techniques, how to teach the child to talk at 2 years:

  • Talking with tea a lot and everywhere.
  • To acquaint a child with surrounding sounds.
  • Giving the baby to play with minor items: beans, beans, beans, beads, sand.
  • Reading fairy tales, stories, poems, joint songs.
  • Move the child to name the subject he asks and miracle, but does not call.
  • Encourage chatting of crumbs with other children.

Small details are very important, even if it seems to you. Books, bright pictures and loud sounds, as well as much more form art tastes. If the baby learns to express emotions in creativity, it will not be verbally for him.

Speech therapy exercises for speech development

How to teach a child to speak in 2 years - This question is carefully studied by doctors. If the baby is almost 3 years old, and it is still silent, or, on the contrary, says a lot, but nothing is clear, it is necessary to help him cope with the difficulties of sound prevention.

The speech therapy exercises will help to understand how to quickly teach the child to talk.

At the age of 2-4 years, children are difficult to hold attention to learning activities, Therefore, learning needs to be carried out in a game form. Special attention is paid to the preparatory exercises and articulation gymnastics.

Preparatory exercises

Moms of Molchunov are looking for akin tips, how to teach the child to talk.

Before starting a certain sound, it is necessary to prepare and normalize:

  • Muscular tone.
  • Motoric articulation apparatus.
  • Speech exhalation, production of smooth and long exhalation.
  • Small motility hands.

Even such details of the children's body strongly affect the pronunciation and on the statement of the first syllables and words. If you yourself can not help the baby, seek help to the speech therapist.

Articulating gymnastics

The purpose of the articulation gymnastics It is to develop full-fledged movements, certain provisions, as well as the development of muscle of the organs of the articulation apparatus.

To deliver the correct pronunciation of sounds, you need to adhere to the rules of exercises:

  • Daily lessons.
  • It is better to perform in front of the mirror.
  • Do not perform more than 3-4 exercises at a time.
  • The child repeats consistently for adults.

These simple advice Help the caring dad and mom to find out how to teach a child to speak at home.

How to teach a child to talk the letter R: speech therapy exercises

Many parents are interested in the question of how to teach the child to speak the letter "P". For the successful development and assimction of the technique of formulation, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • Graduality.
  • The interest of the child.
  • Regularity of classes.

Performing them, you will achieve cardinal changes, and your baby will begin to make the first steps in pronunciation. But this is not enough, since this letter is very difficult and saying it, not so simple.

Effective speech therapy exercises On the sound "P", which will bring the desired result:

  • Initially, the sound "P" needs to be pronounced separately (to rose).
  • Training of the correct statement of sound "R" syllables and simple words.
  • Automation of pronunciation with the help of spear, poems and in household speech.

So that such a simple technique helped, it should be done daily, but if the kid refuses, it is not necessary to force.

How to teach a child to talk the letter w

Cases when the kid is bad, and then it does not argue some letters of the alphabet, are very common. Moms are worried about how to teach the child to speak correctly (hissing) sounds for him. It is not necessary to be very worried about the whisper of the baby, since the correct pronunciation is produced from him to 5-6 years.

How to teach a child to speak the letter "sh" without the help of specialists, we will now discuss. Before you start setting the letter "sh", you need to do articulating gymnastics. A lip warm-up (tubule, smile) and language ("Cashechka Language", Cocane) applies.

The speech therapists advise first to work out the pronunciation of a separate sound. The baby should be asked to pronounce "TS-S-C", hiding the tongue behind the teeth.

When the insulated sound "sh" is fixed, you can select uncomplicated words with the letter "sh", patter, sweeters, rhymes.

How to teach a child to talk the letter l

About how to teach a child to talk the letter "l", you need to know in advance to prevent the transition of incorrect speech into the habit. After all, it is always harder to correct than learning.

In order to put the correct arcticulation of the sound "L", you need:

  • Show compressed teeth, stretching lips into a smile (so it will be easier to utter a solid sound).
  • The tip of the language can put pressure on the upper teeth or on the alveoli.
  • To ensure that the tongue is not to lay down to the side teeth, thereby gives the passage of air.

To put the correct pronunciation of this sound, it is necessary to train it repeatedly in the syllables: Lu-La-La or Al-Ol-Ul.

Games and speakers for speech development

The development of the speech of children in the game gives parents an additional emotional connection, forms trust and friendly relations. And the most cheerful game - Joint learning spells.

Game for tongue It will help the baby to learn the pronunciation of complex sounds for him. Mom needs to pronounce highlighted sounds with it.

The cow grazing in the meadow - "Moo-moo-moo"

Bug buzzes - "Ж-Ж"

Wind is blowing - "F-F-F"

Grasshopper Rogs - T-R-R-R, T-C-S-C.

Game "Add word"it is to add one word to the phrase every time, while repeating the resulting phrase completely.

Tongue Twisters Develop a speech of the baby by repetition and permutation, certain same sounds and syllables will be an excellent addition to children's classes.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Bear frightened

Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a short.

Four turtles have four turtle.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek,

Tweaks the brush in the corner.

The whole day is a seal,

And it's not too lazy to lie.

When to start learning a child to talk (age)

It is important for parents to remember that the force does not achieve anything if your crumb does not want to speak something, no need to force. Every time, but I will still not look after it.

The process of development of speech can be divided into 4 stages:

  • From birth to 6 months (it is important to speak with the baby who misses the answer).
  • From six months to 1 year (reproduction of short fairy tales).
  • From 1 to 1.5 years (call all surrounding items).
  • From 1.5 years to 3 years (setting the right pronunciation).

The greatest attention should be paid at the last stage. If you put development on samone, problems with speech in the future can not be avoided. It is necessary to follow all the above techniques, and your child will easier to master and develop your speech apparatus and the ability to manage it.

Little children do not always understand that their parents want from them, and sometimes you should wait until it matures and speaks easily and without a stick. Believe me, this day will come, and then you will run away from annoying questions and stories.

The child's speech is formed over preschool age. Need to follow her with early ageSo that the first class of the child fully secured the correct pronunciation of letters. But it happens that children have a unclean speech in school age.

Reasons because of which the child may not disappear

Incorrect pronunciation of letters can be explained by improper education. If the parents, communicating with their child, change their voice, survive or mischievous, then the baby gets used to such communication and the incorrect pronunciation of letters is fixed.

Therefore, you need to talk with the child with the right and clear language. Immediately stop the slightest shortcomings in the speech of your baby, because with age it will be fixed several times harder.

Incorrect attitude to spoken speech. There is an opinion that the training of spoken speech occurs without interference from adults. But if parents do not participate in the process of becoming a child's speech, then over time, the baby's lag in speech development will appear.

Learn the child to disappear sounds

There are many diverse techniques for the correct setting of the kid. But many parents do not know how to teach the child to pronounce the letters at home, and therefore immediately appeal for help from speech therapists. Although often this problem can be solved at home. It is only necessary to go to the organization of classes. Parents must remember that the baby cannot be overloaded, the duration of each lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. If the child shows reluctance to engage, postpone classes for a while. Forcing the power of the baby to pronounce letters, you can forever repeal the desire to speak correctly, and in general to learn.

Before each occupation, you must sit down a child, following him sitting directly. All distracting items are removed, the TV is turned off. An excellent option will be classes in front of the mirror so that the child sees not only the articulation of the adult sitting in front of him, but also its own.

Sound pronunciation exercises

It is initially recommended to prepare the cards on which animals and items will be depicted, at the beginning, the middle or end of which there are problem letters. It is necessary to observe whether the pronunciation of a complex letter is always problematic, or in some positions.

  • "Rails" (when the language should "ride" on the inside of the upper teeth).
  • "Silence" (repeat the sound "T-SCS" several times, stretching the letter "C").

As a consolidation, the letter you need to choose pictures or words where the letter "C" is present: Sani, sieve, belt, sun, light. You can use suggestions: Sasha sows seeds or poems:

"In the woods dark,

All sleep long.

One owl is not sleeping

She sits on a bitch. "

2. Letter "Z"he is a fellow "C", only ringing. Therefore, in order to teach a child to pronounce the letter "s", you need to say "C", only by raising the voice. Show the baby, bringing a hand to his neck, how the muscles are strained, pronouncing bell sounds. We fix the letter with the words: hare, beast, tooth, star, as well as offers: Bunny in winter as a small animal.

3. The letter "C" It is possible to master by resorting to the exercise "Silence", only to pronounce not "T-CSS", but "TS-TS-TS". We enjoy the words: Heron, chicken, chain, pizza, and suggestions: what color is the bird?

4. Spent letter "sh" It is possible with a small focus: ask the child to pronounce the letter "C", and lift the toddler's tongue with the spoon yourself. It turns out the sound "sh". Fastened by the letter in words: Shilo, whisper, ears, noise; Suggestions: Our Masha Runschit; as well as verses:

"Cute teddy bear
Nice teddy bear
All of the plush
She sews our teddy bear. "

5. The same focus can be done, with the letters "s" and "g". Consolidate letter "w" You need words: beetle, hedgehog, toad. As well as suggestions: Jeanne awaits books.

6. To master letter "h", Ask the baby to say "th-th," while by pressing the toddler's cheeks. Then you will hear the cherished "h." And to consolidate the letter, ask the kid to speak the words: tea, turtle, daughter, ball; Offers: Clean Bath Chiji.

7. The problem of the parents "P" and "L" is the most common for parents. Receivers And the exercises for solving this problem are aimed at learning a child to growl, without swallowing complex letters and without replacing the complex "P" to the easier "l":

"Horce" - Picture along with the child the Cocan and the knock of the horses hooves.

"Teeth we clean the tongue" - ask the baby to smile wide. Then you need to spend the language along the inner surface of the upper teeth. Watch that the lower jaw of the child remains without movement.

"Diaception" - the child is invited to infant. To do this, the relaxed language is supervised and dangling up and down. Accompanied by a teaser lever.

Special attention in teaching the letters "P" or "L" is given to these patters:

  • Greek was driving across the river, he sees Greek: in the river Cancer.
  • On the courtyard grass, on the grass - firewood: times, two, three lying firewood.
  • I ate the brave thirty-three pie, but they are all with cottage cheese.
  • I will not protigue all twigs.

Secrets helping to quickly teach a child to pronounce letters

In addition to direct classes with the speech muscles of the child and exercises to teach a complex letter, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of shallow motility. To move the cereals with the child, stripe the beads on the thread, sculpt from plasticine or dough. And most importantly: working, do not silent. Tell your baby fairy tales, sweatings or patter.

Another secret is the child's teachment often to repeat the letter "D". Giving this magic letter, the muscles of the language train are trained, it is properly located in the mouth and with permanent training, the child will learn to pronounce the complex letter "P".

When should parents "beat the alarm" and contact the speech therapist?

If the child cannot master the pronunciation of sounds for a long time, it is necessary to seek help from a speech therapist. Since there are cases when the inability to dispel certain letters is explained by the physiological characteristics of the child. So, the wrong bite may cause moldability or whispers. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe special exercises or surgery, depending on the causes of speech difficulties. Also, the speech therapist as a professional can find other reasons for bad pronunciation and work with them more serious than parents, levels.

Speech hearing was formed and pronunciation, so that your speech is an example for imitation. Communicate with the baby as much as possible, from birth using every minute. Ordinary actions accompany the leisurely, affectionate conversation: Tell me what are going to do, call items surrounding the child. Kroch will learn to focus, listen to voice, react to it.

More often smile baby, sneak songs. Responding to voice timbre, height, melody, crumb is developing speech hearing. Smile, his laughter and first response imitation will be award to you. Repeat soundsthat he says, and the baby will answer you again with a smile.

Remember your favorite songs and from childhood: sweatshirts, lullaby, counting. Use them in games and other situations: while eating, massage, bathing, when laying sleeping.

From the first life, pay attention to the development of the total motorcycle toddler, the mobility of fingers. Centers responsible for the movements of the hands and organs of the articulation apparatus (lips, language, jaws, soft nose), in the cerebral cortex are located in the nearest neighborhood. Improved small motorYou are preparing the ground for the development of the child's articulation.

Play your finger games: "Soroka-Beloboka", "Ladushka", "Gray Zainka sits and stamps her ears," "goes goat". In addition to training your fingers, the baby develops the ability to listen and understand the content of the song and drills, catch the rhythm. Very small stroke the hand brushes, bend and instill your fingers.

When a child begins to pronounce, expand the vocabulary due to the names of the surrounding items. Speak, clearly uttering words. You can use the so-called lightweight: - "BBB", a dog - "AV-AB", etc. But do not get stuck on such a speech for a long time, and together with the simplified, give the full name of the subject.

For the proper pronunciation of the baby, a well-developed breathing and mobility of the articulation apparatus is necessary. To develop your breath, blew on your cotton balls: Pain them in the "gate" - bubbles or boxes. Inflated together balloons, Bear on paper boats, run them in the pelvis. To train the articulation apparatus in front of the mirror, perform special exercises.

Until four or five years, flaws in pronunciation are physiological. But if they are saved longer, please contact specialists. It will not be superfluous to show a kid's speech therapist of two or three years, even if there is no reason for anxiety. At this age, you can identify such speech disorders that do not correspond to physiological standards. The earlier you begin the correction, the more successful there will be a result.