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This magic point is the secret of eternal youth, health and beauty. Point massage for facial rejuvenation: effective technique

Point massage for face rejuvenation is an excellent way to maintain tone and well-groomed skin. Of course, in the conditions of modern, women can always use the services of cosmetology (from biographelization and mesotherapy to more serious surgical interventions). There is also a huge number of popular facial skin care products.

However, it is best to apply various techniques to the right integrated impact and knowledge of ancient eastern techniques who will bring undoubted benefits.

The point massage for rejuvenation has its own principles of implementation, and, if you master the simple techniques, you can successfully fight wrinkles, swelling, fatigue of the skin. In addition, a great opportunity to significantly improve the overall health of health will appear.

The essence of such techniques is to apply a clear system of impact of fingers at certain points. Such methods have significant differences from the traditional massage - primarily the achievement of the effect is determined by means of drying muscles and strong impacts. The main thing is to stimulate a number of points that will work themselves.

Where bioactive points are on the face

The duration of each pressure is five to ten seconds, with a feeling of pleasant heat and small tingling. There should be no unpleasant and painful sensations. It is necessary to act with the help of two fingers: big and index, with simultaneous activation of points located in pairs.

Points of face for rejuvenation are located as follows:

  • the bridge, in the center: when exposed to this point, vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows are becoming less, and a person gets a significant tide of vitality;
  • beginning of eyebrows: There are steam points here. If they are activated, the eye fatigue passes and the lymphotok is normalized. Stimulation of this area helps to reduce swelling and fight with sagging centuries;
  • the inner corner of the eye (near the nasal wings): There are also two paired dots here. The impact on them contributes to the restoration of blood flow, strengthens the sensitive muscles of the lower eyelids, relieves eye fatigue and prevents the appearance of "bruises";
  • the place where the eyebrow finishes its height: stimulation of these points tightens the corners of the eyes, eliminates wrinkles by the type of "goose paws", and also contributes to the removal of headaches and total fatigue;
  • places next to the temporal shares of the skull (to find them, you need to count approximately 1 cm, ranging from exterior corner Eyes): With their stimulation, small wrinkles are "mesh";
  • the center of cheekbones, under the eye pupils: If you work on points in these places, the complexion will become even and healthy, the turgor will be restored;
  • hearing passage: There are paired points there, where the upper jaw is connected to the bottom (the so-called pog). Stimulation helps to return the storms former embossed outlines;
  • the corners of the lower jaw: the exposure to a couple of points adjusts the bottom of the facial oval and effectively pulls the muscles. Cheeks are reduced, and the second chin gradually disappears;
  • chin Center: Easy pressure normalizes lymphotock and launches stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • corners of the mouth: If they regularly work out, it will help to lift them in case of omission;
  • the area under the nose is vital: when it is stimulated, you can withdraw a person from a fainted state, remove nervous tension and manifestations of hysterics;
  • points of Nostrils: Studies smoothes wrinkles in the nasolabial region, restoring its elasticity;
  • area over nasal wings: Action on it helps to get rid of pronounced nasolabial folds, as well as tightening faces from below;
  • chinch vest near the dice of the cheekbones: when properly pressed, blood circulation and lymphotok is activated, the second chin decreases, and the sowing faces becomes clearer.

Massage execution technique

Massage from wrinkles at home can be performed independently, if you master the simple technique called Shiatsu. It was created in Japan on the basis of acupuncture techniques. If it is purposefully affected by the fingers on the skin of the face in the right places, the positive answer will be obtained from the entire body.

There are several simple rulesCompliance with which will achieve the right impact and maximum massage efficiency. First of all, thumbs need to be involved, and the pressure itself should be done perpendicular to a particular zone.

It is not necessary to pressed for a point for too long: it will take no more than three to six seconds to activate it. The neck area is worked out and less (due to the proximity to the points of carotid arteries) - no more than three to four seconds. In general, if you consider the duration of the entire session, the exposure time for each area will be about seven, maximum - eleven minutes.


Before the start of the massage session, hands and face are carefully clean. Then they need to carefully dry, followed by processing (any tonic or lotion is suitable). If you follow the advice of the eastern masters, the preparatory composition can be prepared independently, mixing dry white wine with purified water in a 3: 1 ratio. The skin is well heated and with the help of warm compress.

The massage procedure should be carried out in a well-equipped room by choosing a convenient position. Well will contribute to preliminary relaxation quiet calm music and the presence of aromatic candles.

Point massages for rejuvenation

Biologically active points on the face for rejuvenation are stimulated different ways. There are several varieties useful species Massage, each of which has its own specifics and features.


Shiatsu is perhaps the most famous spot massage for rejuvenation. For it, it is necessary to use three fingers (nameless, medium and index), while working, while both hands at the same time.

The targeted impact stimulates the processes for the restoration of the face of the face. The main thing is not to overdo it, but you need to push it so that it is noticeable. The exposure time for each point is no more than three to five seconds, and the procedure looks like this:

  • working out points between eyebrows with big fingers;
  • smooth massing of paired dots in the nasal wings;
  • the massage of the zone located above the upper lip (centered);
  • zone cheek, under the eyes: pressed on the zilly bone with the help of three fingers;
  • final stage: Both index fingers in the hands of put in the pits, located in front of the earlock, the middle fingers will arrange for the ears, press on the point.

Video of Japanese Massage Shiatsu for rejuvenation:


This rejuvenating Chinese face massage has an effective anti-aging effect. It should be involved the same three fingers, as in the previous massage. The technique contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles, restoring skin elasticity, and the species of Joong technique are both a tonic and relaxing nature.

The toning technique is to apply the ripples. At first, it is noticeable to push the point, and then dramatically remove your finger from it, with the activation in half a minute. If the massage is carried out correctly, there should be no painful or unpleasant sensations.

The relaxing technique involves the nature of the continuous action on the zone, while its intensity is growing gradually. The number of approaches is three or four, with a neat pressure "on increasing".

This type of massage is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • fixation of large fingers in the hollows of the temporal bones of the skull, with smoothing upwards and in parallel - from the bridges to the temples and eyebrows;
  • leave thumbs in the same place, at the same time, indexing to carry out eyebrows, from beginning to end, with easy skin delaying;
  • big fingers also pressed on whiskey. Close your eyes and start the activation of points at the beginning of the external, then the inner corners of the eye;
  • after studying this area, move towards the tips of the eyebrows, with the elaboration of the lower and upper eyelids;
  • with the help of large fingers, obscure the area from the cheekbone towards the temples;
  • stimulate the base of the nose, then go to the paired area, at its wings;
  • prescribe an important point that is located above the upper lip;
  • stimulate the areas of the temples by the movements of the fingers lying (use medium and index);
  • intensify blood circulation in the cheek area by moving from meridians to the bones of cheekbones, in the direction of the neck;
  • in conclusion, it remains to knock on the face, cycling the pads of the fingers and grind the skin.


He plays the whole organism, launches the processes of skin regeneration, and exposure is also carried out by certain points and meridians. Briefly, the technique is to apply special schemes created on a specific system. Without special training, such a massage will not be able to do, besides, for him effective conduct It is better to invite a professional masseur.

Usually, important points are stimulated, which are in the field of stop and brushes, each of which corresponds to any organ, naturally stimulating its vital activity and contributing to the launch of processes of rejuvenation.

About the technique of SU jok massage for a face Look at the video:

Indian marmaterapy

Extend the skin youth by applying Ayurvedic practices. To do this, you will need knowledge about active points or marms, which are the focus of circulation vital energy. Movement needs to be engaged. If you move clockwise, it increases human energy potential, contributing to the rejuvenation of the body, and if a massage removes the consequences negative influences, relaxes the body and gradually removes wrinkles. It follows it like this:

  • at the same time massage with hands both half of the person, starting the movement in bulk with a minimum amplitude and gradually increasing it;
  • in general, there must be five circles on increasing and as much as descending, with the repetition of each circle from 3 to 4 times;
  • note: Starting the movements follows from the processing of an arc area over the eyebrows, then smoothly move to the forehead, storage, nasolabial fold and chin.

Video of Indian Ayurvedic Face Massage:

How often is needed massage

Contraindications for Cosmetic Face Massage

Any oval face has its own contraindications. These include any infectious diseases, oncology, injuries with fractures of limbs, heart pathology, lungs, kidneys, diseases of the hematopoietic system, serious psyche disorders. Also, there is also no massage with intestinal obstruction, high temperature, pregnancy, serious skin damage, and old age.

If there are no serious contraindications, the spot film massage technique will definitely bring the expected effect and undoubted benefits for the entire body.

The point exposure to the special reflex zones of the human body activates the inner vitality, directing it to the improvement of specific organs or systems. Acupuncture facial massage demonstrates an impressive effect, returning to former beauty and health. About him and will be discussed in this material.

The procedure created by healers Of the EastIt is the local effects of the pillows of the fingers on the biologically active sections. The main purpose of the technique is to remove the voltage and the maximum possible relaxation of the facial muscular frame. But, in addition, massage has a positive effect on other aspects.

The point technique is used along with classic, lymphatic and other rejuvenating methods of manual therapy, popular among women.

It is worth knowing: Acupuncture massage from mimic wrinkles is additionally used for the improvement and treatment of certain diseases. Practiced during the fight against painful syndrome, migraine and attacks of angina.

Thematic material:

Stimulation of reflex zones activates the circulation of vital energy, which, according to the creators of the technique, proceeds in a person along with other systemic processes.

It leads to:

  • slowing down the aging of the body;
  • metabolic stimulation;
  • accelerate the withdrawal of lactic acid from the muscles;
  • stabilization of blood circulation in problem areas.

A positive effect affects the state of the skin and organs, because not surprised by finding the improvement of your health as a whole.

The regularity of sessions and their correct implementation guarantee:

  • muscle strengthening;
  • smoothing wrinkles of any depth;
  • slowdown age-related changes;
  • normalization of the selection of skin fat;
  • raising the leather turgore;
  • improving the color and state of the epidermis.

To go to the practice of point massage of the face, you should first examine the scheme of the location of biologically active sites and their projection on the body.

Location of reflex zones

The face is the focus of active points (more than 114). The diameter of each fluctuates depending on the physiological features - from 1 mm to 1 cm. If it is easier to speak, then their map is a set of nerve appendages, the impact on which causes the lobs, weak pain and light "current discharges".

The area around the eyes and cheekbones:

  1. Between the inner ends of the eyebrows, 1 cm above the bridge.
  2. In the inner corners of the eyes, closer to the nose *.
  3. Mid-wheel arc, focusing on pupil *.
  4. 1 cm from the external corners of the eyes to the temples *.
  5. Under the cheekbones, along the pupil line, focusing on the lower edge of the nostril *.
  6. Under the lower eyelid, 1 cm from the eye, towards the cheekbone *.

Near the mouth:

  1. Under the bottom lip, in the chin yamer.
  2. 1 cm from the corners of the mouth *.
  3. In the center of the nasolabial fold, above the upper lip.

White and frontal zones:

  1. Near the external ends of the eyebrows, 1 cm closer to the temple *.
  2. Over the middle-erased arc, 1 cm from the hairproof *.
  3. 3 cm above the outer corner of the eye *.

* Points symmetrical

Performing point massage at home, you can affect the reflexive points with your fingers.

But other methods are known in cosmetology:

The duration of exposure to each point depends on the selected method, but fluctuates in the range from 3 to 5 seconds.

Important! Proper nutrition and skin care with cosmetics will strengthen and extends the effect

Projection of internal organs

In addition to the face, acupuncture points affect some organs. In the last century, the famous neuropathologist Ged has determined skin areas on the head and neck, which are signaled by pain syndrome in diseases of the internal organs. Already later, doctors appreciated their diagnostic significance. It is inappropriate to describe each of them now, so we provide only a brief graphics card.

If you define some zone that gives unusual sensations, it is worth the state of their health.

Types of spot techniques for face massage

Based on the rules of concrete practice, pressing are carried out with a permissible error or require clarity. Performance is possible indicative, medium or thumb, and paired reflex zones are processed synchronously.


Dynamic Chinese massage is aimed at getting rid of age-related manifestations on the face and improved health. For the history of practice registered the results of the disposal from chronic diseaseswho could not overcome traditional methods Treatment. Depending on the seriousness of the problem, some patients have enough sessions to obtain the desired result, and some little full-fledged monthly complex.

Zhong implies simplifying the classic point massage and is in stimulating only the points required to activate the function of specific organs.

The session is slow, in a relaxed atmosphere. The technique is quite simple and you will not need long learning to master it.

Practice is carried out by a number of movements to stimulate reflex zones, but most often used by the tip of the index finger or circular strokes bent with a large finger. In addition to the selected point, it is recommended to massage and the area around it. The masseur itself determines the exposure time on how the skin temperature quickly rises on the massaged area.


Japanese massage applied along with traditional medicine. The method is safe, efficient and available. The masters assure that the only reason for the lack of effect is the incorrect use of technology.

Su-Jock receptions are available at home and do not require special skills, in addition to knowledge of the correct effect and location of reflex zones. In practice, Su-Jock exists a separate person technique, which is designed to rejuvenate not only gentle tissues and mimic wrinkles, but also the whole organism in particular.


The easiest and most affordable complex of movements aimed at rejuvenation and natural skin lifting. One of the few techniques, the execution of which is permitted daily, and not a couple of times a week. Therefore, an essential result will be noticeable after a half months of regular sessions.

Shiatsu is divided into three types:

  • zen is based on bioenergy flows and intuition;
  • classic - practiced followers of Tokuziro Namikoshi (creator of technology);
  • western - improved, more modern method, based on proven scientific factacistics practices.

A major role in choosing the intensity of pressing and localization of the impact plays the reason from which the patient turned.

IMPORTANT: During a session, a feeling of any discomfort or pain is unacceptable

The impact turns out to be at the Tsubo points, which are launching self-immoving and self-election.

Please note that the photos of the reflex zones are similar to the maps of other techniques. The fact is that the roots of all types of point massage go to the era of the Ancient East. Now we are modified by the impact methods, but the point card itself does not change significantly, in addition to the location according to the individual physiological characteristics of the structure of the person who allowed the offset to 1 cm.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for conducting point massage, from the point of sight of people's healers of the East and masters of manual therapy, is an imbalance in the energy field. Since in such a few people believe, and people are increasingly based their needs on the actual state of their health, it turns out that there are no direct testimony and contraindications of this type of massage. Acupuncture is equally effective in combating serious illness and cosmetic problems. Patients appeal to the masters barely will appear the first wrinkle, the sinusitis will exist, or the swelling of facial fabrics will show itself. The latter general has many reasons for the appearance.

Point massage compatible with:

  • elos rejuvenation;
  • masks from cosmetics or folk agents;
  • comprehensive rejuvenating physiotherapy.

Procedures are prohibited at:

  • infectious damage to the body;
  • congenital pathologies of internal organs;
  • bone fractures;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • ulcerative disease;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental disorders;
  • toxic poisoning, including narcotic or alcoholic;
  • patients older than 75 years or children.

Children are permissible to make a point massage, but purely for therapeutic purposes.

Since the simplest technique from all acupuncture cars is shiatsu, and it is directed primarily to getting rid of cosmetic problems, we will look at it in more detail.

Personal face massage at home

The goal is to awaken the forces of the body and send them to rejuvenation.

Preparation for massage

Start the session with skin cleansing by any means you used to use. In extreme cases, it can be dry white wine diluted with purified water in a 3: 1 ratio.

Then heat the skin with steam procedures - from 2 to 3 minutes at temperatures up to 50 o C.

Massage Perform in comfortable conditions for you - Aromasvets, calm music, silence, or the like.

To strengthen the effect, immediately before the session, apply a moisturizing vitamin cream.


Everything is processed in 4 consecutive reception.

Which of us, women, does not dream of eternal youth and beauty? We are ready to give any means for the most expensive salon procedures - if only as a result look fresh and younger, have blooming view. But who said that beauty and youth always requires victims (in this case, is it time and finance)?!

Massage Shi-Tsu (Siatsu, Shiatsu) - Famous spot massage(in translation - shirty, ATCU - Pressing - "Pressure of the fingers").

His analogues are in the Chinese (Finger Joint), Korean Practice (Su-Jock), in Indian Ayurveda (it is called Marmterapia (Marma - Point). The main difference from the classics, as you guessed, is a point exposure to biologically active points of the body (CUBU ), giving a stunning result. They are on the human body there are about 700, each is responsible for a certain body., and the combination of such points is "meridians", according to which the vital energy of qi circulates (as Eastern healers consider).

The points are usually between the muscle beams, on the tendons, in the joints, deepening bones, in those places on the arteries where the pulse is tested.

Eight meridians are passing around the face and they form a very thick energy network.

The meaning of the method is to, not shifting and not stretching the skin, press up the soft tissues located under it. We squeeze the nerve endings and improve the muscle condition.

By influencing the center of the TsUB, we give muscles a certain load, leading them to the tone - and thus control the formation of wrinkles: nasolabial, above the upper lip, around the eyes, form the oval of the face, improve the skin color. Moreover, In the field of face and heads are large channels responsible for the work of vital organs.

Why exactly Shi-Tsu?

Personal Self-Resource Improvescirculatory, contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles and prevents their education, removes the swelling, retains the skin of healthy and radiant, improves skin color and makes it more dense and elastic.

And all this is a natural way (including the processes of self-healing the body), without much time (maximum 15 minutes per day!) And finance, provided it Regularapplications within, at least, month.

In addition, due to the effects on biologically active points, Shi-Tsu stimulates all organs and systems and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Efficiency tested by time! The results will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks!

So let's find our magic dots of beauty and proceed to business.

How to find a point

Highly important moment Since this is the guarantee of the effectiveness of the procedure. how the rule, points are located in small deepening under the skin and when pressing a bit of painful.

Consider several nuances:

  • Press each point from 3-6 to 10 seconds.
  • At the same time, weak pain or heat should be felt in the place of touch, but there should be no painful and unpleasant sensations!
  • It can be pressed by one (pointer or large) or two three fingers (index-medium-non-name).
  • If the dots are paired - they need to be massaged at the same time with two hands.

And further:

  • It is advisable to do the procedure in the morning after you cleared the face and caused a moisturizing tool on the skin: the effect will be stronger, plus you will feel pleasant warmth and charge of cheerfulness.
  • You can apply on the skin instead of a cream a little grape seed oil or wheat germs to enhance the effect.
  • After the procedure, it is desirable to make a nutritional-softening mask.
  • Keep in mind that the point massage is categorically contraindicated in the zones of damaged or inflamed skin!

Eyes - our most problematic, what to hide, zone. Regularly affecting the following points, you will make the gentle eyelid skin with an elastic, smooth, and the eyes are shiny, bright and attractive. Do not believe? Check!

  • The first important point is the "third eye" - is 1 cm up from the bridges (between the internal ends of the eyebrows). It is necessary to push it enough. It is also massaged when the nose there is blood, with flu, cold, headaches.
  • The following points remove the swelling and edema, add shine in the eyes, remove the eye voltage, improve vision - they are in the emblem in the inner corners of the eyes. If they are thoroughly massaged for 3 seconds in three approaches - you will immediately feel their beneficial effect.
  • A very important point is in the middle of the eyebrows right above the pupil (it is like in a hollow between two tubercles). She removes the eye stress. The impact on it helps a lot if you read a lot during the day or work at a computer, as well as in myopia.
  • From "goose paws" effectively helps the stimulation of a point located at a distance of 1 cm from an external corner of the eye to the temple
  • Another important points are in the middle under the cheekbones at the level of the middle of the pupil
  • It is very useful in completing walking with the lungs, pressing movements along the upper and lower edge of the eye orbit (especially worth paying attention to the point under the eye on one cross finger below the lower edge of the orbit, on the pupil line it also helps with dizziness).

Massaging all points you need about 10th week each, you can in three approaches.

To have a charming smile and forget about nasolabial folds and wrinkles at the mouth, massaging regular points:

  • in the center under the bottom lip. With it, you can also remove the swelling of the face, toothpick (in the lower jaw), the massage of this zone is used and under the paralysis of the facial nerve.
  • Against the folds near the mouth: the tips of the middle and index fingers, obscure the corners of the mouth for 30 seconds.
  • Three fingers (index, middle and unnamed) of both hands put in a row on above the upper lip, we make 4-5 push. This exercise warns the appearance of vertical wrinkles on the lip. By the way, the point is under your nose - if it is intensively massaged - it is able to "return to life" after fainting.

Points against wrinkles on the forehead

To avoid premature mimic wrinkles on the forehead and smooth out already acquired, not enough, not grimaceous and use such exercises:

  • pressing the middle and index fingers of two hands, smooth out the forehead from the middle to the temples for 30 seconds.
  • An important point is located on one cross finger above eyebrows on the pupil line. Massaging it, you will help yourself when dulling, pain in the frontal part of the head, chicken blindness and neuralgia of the trinic nerve.
  • The point of the temple at the end of the eyebrows - its stimulation also removes fatigue.
  • Point 3 cm up from the outer corner of the eye
  • It also helps simply forehead massage from the middle to the hair growth line.

Points from wrinkles on the neck

The neck immediately issues the age of a woman, so she should pay special attention, massaging certain points daily:

  • The point is 2 cm down from the angle of the lower jaw (also helps with bronchitis, cough, voice cream cramps, laryngitis, glossites).
  • The point between the clavicle (jugular excavation).
  • The point located at the bottom of the head in the excavation.
  • Neck massage: back side Left Palm Massion (reception - stroking) Right side of the neck for 1 minute, then right palm - left side.

Tips and contraindications to Shi-Tsu

And more useful points to maintain overall health:

  • In the center of the inside of the chin is the "anti-stress" point. In unexpected stressful situation Press the thumb at this point.
  • To increase the immunity, it is necessary to prescribe periodically to the area around the knee cups.


It is worth abandoning the face massage:

  • if the integrity of the skin (dermatitis, allergies, acne, gunnock, etc.) is broken;
  • if there are viral diseases (for example, herpes rashes);
  • if intracranial pressure is sharply reduced;
  • if there is cooperosis (extended vascular);
  • with any acute states organism as a whole;
  • with individual intolerance of a cosmetic massage.

Shiatsu's point massage - one of the types of Japanese massage, which has long been practiced in eastern medicine. Pressing on certain points on the face causes relaxation of the muscles, improves blood circulation and enhances the outflow of lymph.

Regular spot massage in the morning and in the evening removes fatigue and swelling, pulls the skin and eliminates noticeable age-related signs. At the same time, it is enough to stimulate only 5 special features of beauty on the face. The whole procedure will take no more than 3 minutes.

Putting on the points you need strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin without rubbing or screwing movements. The intensity of pressure is moderate, to light discomfort at the point of exposure.

Excessive pressure can lead to reverse effect - Muscle will not relax, but, on the contrary, it will become more intense.

Before starting work with the face, it is necessary to clean the skin from makeup and pollution. You can additionally make a steam bath - preheated muscles are more susceptible to the effects.

Point of healthy face and high cheekbones

Put the medium or ring finger on the point-excavation located on the cheekbone. If you can't rush it, put three fingers - unnamed, medium and index - on the cheekl of the wing of the nose. The fossa will be exactly under the index finger. Press and hold 7 seconds.

Point of elasticity cheek

Find three points located at the bottom edge of the zick bones. The first of them is located in a centimeter from the base of the nose. The other two followed immediately. Your fingers themselves will stand, as it should, and you will feel it. Press the indicable, medium and unnamed fingers of both hands on 6 of these points at the same time. Affect 7 seconds. Stimulation of these points tones, strengthens and pulls the cheeks, makes the cheekbones outlined and high.

Point against nasolabial folds

Place your fingers in the hollow above the upper lip and make an arcuate move toward the wings of the nose. Fingers themselves will stop in the right deepeners at the wings of the nose. Impact both points at the same time 7 seconds. Stimulating these points will help smooth out nasolabial folds.

Point of beautiful lips

Put the index fingers of both hands on the active points in the angles of the mouth and press it for 7 seconds. Then by the index finger, press the same time on the so-called "Cupid bow" - a wpadinka above the upper lip. Then move the index or middle finger into the hole under the bottom lip and press the same 7 seconds. Regular stimulation of these points is raining the corner of the mouth and makes lips more plump.

Point of clear facial oval

Press the thumbs of both hands with a jewish bone below. At the same time, place the index, medium and unnamed fingers of both hands on the lower jaw. Stimulate these groups of points within 7 seconds. Then stop the fingers slightly higher towards the temys and stimulate the following groups of points. For 4-5 receptions you need to work all the lower jaw.

For the lifting effect, pressing the motion of the indicative, medium and nameless directions a little up. The thumb is always fixed. Such a massage strengthens and pulls the oval of faces, eliminating the savings of contours.

Eastern countries since ancient times apply point massage secrets to improve and maintain human health. Each of the technician is Chinese, Indian, Korean, Japanese - effectively affect the work of biologically active points of the body, contribute to the preservation of beauty and the extension of youth.

Useful properties of point massage faces

In addition to pleasure, the spot massage affects:

  • blood flow
  • elasticity and elasticity of the skin,
  • complexion,
  • work organs and systems,
  • reduced manifestations of various diseases,
  • overall health and mood.

Important: Paying for 15 minutes a day for a pleasant procedure, you will see a resistant positive result in 3-4 months. The main rule is regularity.

Another plus in the practice of massage is that it helps to get rid of insomnia, headaches, runny nose, etc.

Features of point massage face

  • Before starting a session, take a convenient posture. Intenit face, apply moisturizing day cream or pleasant for you aromamaslo.
  • Collect hair in a bundle or limit the cosmetic bandage so that the face is as open as possible.
  • Hands will damage before and after massage.
  • Before performing the main movements, spend the preparation - with your hands neatly smooth your face, avoiding skin stretching. At the same time, your fingers should easily slide on the skin.

As a massage tools, use bones of large, bunch of index, medium or nameless fingers, massage items with a thin semicircular tip, knob without a rod, toothpick.

  • Massage movements can be different - stroking, tapping, plugging, circular actions.
  • Proper hand fixation will provide effective work Without slipping. Cocking low part Persons to the level of the lower eyelid, rely on the brush of your hand, from the top from the nose-toe - on the little finger and the ring finger.
  • The main types of self-massage is a relaxing and raising tone.

In the first case, the movement is treated from above-down from the forehead to the chin, in the second - from the bottom up from the chin to the forehead.

Personal face massage: Beauty and Health Points on Face

Active zones on human body set. They are located in the footsteps, hands, head, neck, back. These zones have the form of meridians or points. The latter are paired and unpalar.

Professional massages own knowledge of the active body zones perfectly. But for self-massage at home quite more modest knowledge.

How to understand that the active zone is found correctly? If the pressure on the point will seem tangible to you, it means that you discovered it true. For an effective massage, press the point for a second, release, push again - and "knock" at a point 1 minute. There is no big difference in the finger position - perpendicular or at an angle to the point, the main thing is your comfortable feeling.

The speedy and persistent effect from regular self-massage sessions will come if practicing it twice a day: in the morning after awakening and before bedtime.

We will discover in detail on the consideration of some points on your head.

Personal face massage: liver point

This is a steam point. Located between the inner edge of the eye and the bridge. Warming out points improves blood circulation in the liver area. Also a beneficial effect on the decline in increased intraocular pressure.
Semmer dots of the liver Soft movements for two or three minutes first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Personal face massage: point from tachycardia

Points from the palpitation pair. They are located on the upper surfaces of the eyepads closer to the nose. Their stimulation soothes excessive heart rhythm and reduces blood pressure. Before massage points, relax, close your eyes and "Look" down. Adjust carefully, without great efforts of seconds 20-30. No longer worth it, since it is possible to lose consciousness.

Personal face massage: Point to improve breathing

She pairLocated on the tip of the nose. Allows you to reduce the manifestations of shortness of breath, remove the spasm of the respiratory tract, calm the cough attack. It is especially relevant to stimulation of this point for those who are subject to the attacks of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. Effectively massage the tip of the nose, firmly capturing his nails of one hand and having confused one or two minutes.

Personal face massage: resuscitation point

Located near the root of the nose, at the point forming the straight angle between the nose and the upper jaw. Its stimulation allows man to lead a person after a fainting condition obtained due to severe intoxication or a thermal impact. Lightningly mobilizes everything vitality. Davit strongly, nail, a few seconds - a person will come to himself.

In addition, the resuscitation point is associated with the nose, heart, light, liver, abdominal bottom. Proper stimulation of this point prevents the development of deep nasolabial wrinkles, improves blood circulation in the zone, stimulates the heart, relieves abdominal pain.

Personal face massage: intestinal point and small pelvis organs on chin

Located in the chin zone and is responsible for the blood supply to the lower part of the face. It is associated with the uterus and the small intestine. Proper stimulation of this point reduces menstrual pain, stops the diarrhea at the first symptoms.

It is stimulated by vertical movements for 1-2 minutes.

Personal face massage: point behind the ear of the throat

Located at the base of the Ear Uh. This is a steam point. Select it with your fingers or nails and press before the feeling of tingling. Continue stimulation to numbness in this zone.

Personal face massage: point of view, hearing, smell

Unpaired point. It is easy to find in the deepening in her hair under the base of the skull. Regular stimulation improves general state Eye, throat, nose, ears, and reduces the manifestation of diseases of these organs. It helps to treat nervous disorders, output from the state of stress. Stimulate either by vertical movements, or press with an average force by a non-name finger for 2-3 minutes.

Personal face massage: Contraindications

Important: Along with the benefit from massage, you should know about restrictions for its application. They are external and internal.

The first includes availability:

  • acne
  • dermatitis,
  • cuts, burns and other skin damage,
  • herpes,
  • cooperosis,
  • good or malignant formations on the skin.

To the second:

  • pregnancy,
  • serious failures in the work of the internal organs,
  • intracranial pressure problems
  • inflammation of the facial nerve
  • heavy mental disorders.

Consultation of the doctor will help determine if you can carry out massage and what kind of types will be safe and effective for health.

Reviewly examined the location of points on the face and their relationship with other bodies, it is easy to make sure that the self-massage of the face is a good habit that it is worth working and use.

Be healthy!

Video: Self-massage of the face, the main techniques