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Hiromantia Description of hand lines. What do the lines on the palm of the left and right hand mean - meaning. Decoding on chiromantia

Starting to learn all the "roads", probably everyone knows that our palms are a kind of life map in their hands. Each branch and each touch on it means something and can say a lot to the owner of the hand. The beginners in this business are especially difficult to cope with additional features on the palm. To help the novice chiromant to find some knowledge in this area, it is necessary to disassemble what a chiromantia is, study the lines on the hand and decipher each detail on the palm.

Where to start

First of all, you need to know what hand is greeted by women and men. Basically, fortune telling is due to the dominant palm: it will be left hand for left-handers, and right-handers are guessing right. First you need to focus on 4 major palm lines:

  • Heart or love line.
  • Line of the head or mind.
  • Line of fate.
  • Line of life and road.

Heart and Love Line

Heart and love lines can be decrypted as follows:

Radio Road

The mental strip is considered one of the main positions on the palm. On this line, you can say a lot about personality. The mind of the mind indicates the intellectual level and character of a person.

The line of mind can talk about the following:

The value of the line of life

This feature indicates a general physical condition., including health, as well as various vital solutions of a person:

  • Physical injuries.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • Different cataclysms.

Decipher life lines on hand can this way:

Deciphering strip of fate

The strip of fate can tell about the person the following:

Additional branches on hand

In addition to the main branches on the palm, there are auxiliary, they are no less important, they can not be ignored while reading the palm:

Damage marriage and family

Deciphering marriage drops:

It is worth noting that if at the end of the marriage path met some additional signs that handle the main line, it confirms the break with its partner.

Health Strip in Chiromantia

Health band may say the following:

How to learn about glory and success

But what can also mean the strip of glory and success. For the most part, this indicates human life achievements. If we talk about the right strip, then it should start from the wrist and go through the entire palm to the ring finger. Clear, correct and straight line indicates that a person is absolutely happy in his life. A fuzzy strip speaks about the empty waste of forces and energy, as well as that the personality does not know how to concentrate on the necessary things. If the damn is not at all, it indicates frequent disappointments in life, but a person is very talented.

Money and wealth: the ability to earn

Immediately it is worth noting that the well-being band in no way indicate the financial situation. It can only indicate the ability of a person to make money or tell you how it can be done.

- Ancient teaching, with the help of which already many years knowing people predict their own and someone else's future, reveal the secrets of the past and explain the situation that is happening now. During the life of our hands, new lines are formed, reflecting everything that happened to us, our thoughts and plans, feelings.

If you have defined knowledge, you can solve the characters hidden in the lines, and determine what expects us both in the near future and throughout the future life. In this article we will tell about how to correctly read the lines on the hands of men and women to get the right predictions.

Everyone can comprehend the basics of an ancient esoteric teaching. To do this, first of all it is worth learning to determine the type of sign and correctly interpret. There are many lines on the human hand, 6 of which experts consider the main, and the rest are secondary. Let's study the main lines.

Active and inactive palm

Reading hands worth starting with the analysis of the location of the main lines. From where the palm is located on the palm, its bends and depths are located, its meaning will change. Often it happens that any line on his right hand differs from the same line on the left.

When interrupting signs, it is worth understanding than the active hand differs from inactive. Active hand shows those events that will be the result of the decisions taken. On an inactive hand, man's heredity is displayed, its natural potential.

If a person is right-handed, he is active with his right hand, and inactive - left. If a person is left-handed, on the contrary. There is another way to figure out what palm in humans is active. To do this, it is worth just asking him to serve my palm. In most cases, you will unconsciously serve exactly active hand.

Life line

The most weighty value is the line of life. It takes the beginning between the big and index finger and, rich a hill of the thumb, ends at the wrist. Oddly enough, there are people who do not have this line. However, this does not mean anything bad - a person simply stays in finding himself and his life goal. Therefore, sometimes this line may disappear and appear again.

If the line is clearly expressed - this indicates the purposefulness of man and stability in his life. Such a person implements his potential and reaches the tasks that set itself.

There are serious and sharp changes, it is important to consider what kind of hand they are. If the gaps are available on the left hand - changes will occur due to external circumstances, and if the line of the right hand is interrupted - changes will occur at the initiative of the person himself.

In some cases, small branches are found on the line of life. They suggest that a person is expecting significant events. In the direction of branches (up or down), you can find out, good or bad they will.

If the outcome of the line of life there is a fork, - a person with such activities as tourism, long and long-distance travel.

It is impossible to ignore the location of the line - if the line begins not far from the index finger and envelopes the hill wide, - such a person has a hard and energetic character. If she originates closer to the thumb - a person is in a weak character, inclined to uncertainty and fear.

Health Line

Worst of all if this line concerns the line of life. Such a sign talks about the serious negative impact of any diseases on the fate of a person. Often there are people who have only the beginning and the end of this line, or it is absent at all. It is a good sign that speaks of a canceled human health in all its areas - mental, emotional, physical.

If the line crosses the entire hand without touching other signs, is an equally good sign that speaks of the absence of serious diseases that threaten health. In the case of layering on each other, the fragments of the health lines, the person expects a successful combating disease.

Health interruptions says that the ailments will retreat from time to time, and in this case a person needs to carefully care for its body, observing all the recommendations of the doctors.

Line Um.

This sign can tell a lot about the intellectual potential of the person and its implementation. In order to get faithful conclusions, you need to compare lines on both palms. If on his left hand, the mind line is expressed less than on the right, or has a smaller size, "this suggests that a person successfully implements its potential. If the lines are the same - it speaks about the opposite.

The same mind lines on both palms say that a person does not develop a mental potential given to him from birth. If you can close your eyes in youth, then an adult, finding such a sign, should reconsider its life habits and to pay time development.

Some mistakenly believe that the deep and clear line of mind speaks of the incredible power of human intelligence. However, in fact, it means rather a dedication to any case, professionalism in something.

Main values:

  • If the line is short - a person likes to work with his hands, rather head;
  • A long line through the entire palm talks about the tendency to analytics and logic;
  • A wavy or a zigzag lines of mind says that a person often changes the case, poorly concentrated on something one;
  • The Book Line has revealed about the gullibility and naivety;
  • If the beginning of the mind line does not coincide with the line of life - a person is a seeker, loves new and unknown;
  • Strokes and crosses on the mind line are talking about important and fateful solutions.

Heart line

This line helps determine the optimal path to success. If the line of the sun is short - a person is distinguished by creative kind, disassembled in music, literature and other art. Priauche and lung in communication, has many interesting thoughts that are shared with the hunt with others.

Those people who have the sun line has a wave shape, are also prone to creativity, but they differ in pessimistic attitudes and rarely can achieve the goal. Most often, even with the selection itself, they already have big problems.

Line of Fate

If this line is vertical and even - a person expects a grandiose future with a dizzying success both in a career and in all other endeavors. The weakly pronounced line of fate suggests that a person does not suit his own position in his personal life, career or other aspects.

Crosses or strokes on the line of fate foreshadow frequent changes in professional activities. If this feature begins in conjunction with the line of life - difficulties are expected in the early stages of human life.

The study of lines on the palm gives a complete picture of a person's life, character and laid abilities. Since ancient times, people are resorted to the reading of the drawing on the palm of the palm to look into the future and understand what is true for the true purpose.

In this article

The main lines of the palms and their meanings

Take a look at the palm and see a whole network of strips: small, barely noticeable and large, which are dramatically allocated to the outlines. The most distinct grooves are called the main lines.

Basic lines on palm

They are distinguished by five, although the health line in individual schools is considered as a secondary:

  • line of life;
  • line of the mind;
  • heart line;
  • fate line;
  • health line.

Indicates the number of years allocated on Earth. The longer the length, the greater the chance of longevity. But a more accurate interpretation speaks of human energy speaking. However, one another does not contradict.

Line of mind (heads) Located with the brain. It demonstrates its physical condition, possible diseases and pathology. Analysis of the mind line tells about the thinking of man and the level of consciousness. Also, the line indicates volitional qualities and creative abilities.

On the one hand, the line will tell about the state of heart health, possible problems of the cardiovascular system. On the other hand, it is associated with the area of \u200b\u200bemotions, the ability to love, feel compassion.

Present not everyone is either expressed in neuro. This furrow will tell about the high purpose of man and the traveled life path. In Khiromantia, it is believed that in the line of fate all the secrets of the person.

It is not clear as clearly as the first four lines, and in this she has similarities with the line of fate. Sometimes it is absent, which indicates a good human health. No line - no disease. Chiromants see in this furrow a kind of lifestyle challenge. Therefore, according to her drawing, they diagnose the vulnerable sides of the body and possible diseases. This strip will also tell about the level of immunity.

In this video, Muslim Master Allam will tell about the main lines on the palm of the palm:

It is considered in the chiromantia as the most important for analysis.

It begins on the interval between the index and thumbs and, drawing the arc, goes down to the wrist. The analysis will tell about the energy potential of a person, the state of health and important events.


The line of life has an individual outline, and that's what she talks about a person:

  1. Take the perfect option: deep, clearly the battered and long line of life. We have a person who is characterized by optimism and the ability to adapt to the changing atmosphere. His life will be long and filled with bright events. Nature gave strong health and severe immunity. If the line of life comes to the wrist, its owner is endowed with a huge reserve of energy. After the illness, his body quickly returns to normal.
  2. Weak drawing line of life is an acute energy deficit. Hence the vulnerability to diseases and low adaptation.
  3. The double line of life indicates the talent of reincarnation and is often found in people working in the field of art. Personality with such a sign has a powerful energy and loves change in life. A constant search for something new concerns not only emotional impressions, but also knowledge and skills. People with a steam line of life have a strong sexual potency.
  4. Minor length speaks of a limited reserve of vital energy. Usually such a person intuitively feels and tries to economically spend its energy. This is manifested in calm behavior and a measured lifestyle.
  5. Smooth bend of life lifestyle characterizes a person who likes to spend time in a family circle. It is distinguished by modesty in behavior and striving for stability.
  6. A sharp turn in the center of the palm talks about a restless man who loves to wander around the world in search of fresh impressions. It lives the thirst for adventure and the constant need for new emotions.
  7. The line of life changes the direction - in this case, radical changes are expected, which will turn over the entire previous life.
  8. The fork at the end of the lifestyle refers to the late period of life and prevents significant events.


Great importance in the Hiromantia will give marks on the line of life:

  • ring indicates possible problems with vision;
  • cross - a sign of energy dealers;
  • small touches in the horizontal direction indicate external interference in your life and diseases in a light form;
  • strokes, vertically directed, prevent long-term diseases with severe flow;
  • the islets indicate a disease of hereditary nature, but these notices may indicate a depressive state after severe life tests.

Availability of gaps

If we see no more than two gaps, we are talking about a sharp deterioration in health or an unforeseen situation. At the further drawing of the line we conclude, what influence this event was on the life of the hand owner: positive or negative.

Numerous gaps indicate the weakness of health and energy leaks. It is also an indication of the abundance of problems and negative changes in life.

Line of mind (heads)

Crossing the palm and begins just below the index finger and under a slight slope is sent to the edge of the palm. Often comes parallel to the heart line. This furrow reflects the state of the brain and the overall level of human consciousness. The analysis gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mental abilities and talents of the individual. He will also tell how effectively a person uses the possibilities of intelligence.

In the Hiromantia, when analyzing the brush, they consider the mind line as the main one. Start the interpretation of the palm pattern is recommended from it.

Appearance and length

  1. A clear drawing of the mind line and its long-length is inherent in people who are perfectly owned by logic and are interested in finding new knowledge. Possessing independent glances, they are ready to defend their point of view. They are distinguished by a rational approach to life and the ability to clearly define the goal. Often such personalities fall into the leading makeup.
  2. A clear and straight line of the mind without bending in the end belongs to a practical person with a balanced character. It pronounced leadership and organizational qualities.
  3. The finale of the mind line is represented by the slope down. In this case, we have a person with a high intelligence, but all mental potential directs the profit to retrieve.
  4. When the lines of the mind comes to the rib brushes, a person has persistence, fearless, moderate fraction of egoism and an exclusive approach to any cause. They have an outstanding mind, but they often use talents for their own gain.
  5. Line of the mind stops in the center of the palm. We have a practical person with solid moral principles. The only drawback is the complete absence of imagination.
  6. The shortline of the mind indicates limited intellectual possibilities. It is also interpreted as a sign that a person will live for a long time.
  7. A paired lines of the mind is inherent in personalities gifted, almost ingenious. The combination occurs in people who feel thin and understand high art.
  8. If the line of mind has a smooth tilt down, then the individual is not deprived of creative abilities, but endowed with practicality. Such people usually work in the sphere that they like.

Signs and noted

The following signs are found on the mind line:

  1. Gaps indicate the possibility of incidents that will entail a cranial injury.
  2. Teeth talk about possible damage to the head throughout life.
  3. Star testifies to excessive mental loads. Another embodiment of the interpretation: activation of unused sections of the brain, awakening new abilities.
  4. Quantity mark can play the role of a protective talisman.
  5. Clearly outlined islands - a sign that personality is on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to mental stresses. This state is fraught with madness.

Takes the beginning of the palm from the edge, below the little finger, and runs parallel to the mind lines to the index finger. In rare cases, it ends near the middle finger. On the line of the heart, judge about the emotional side of the person. The analysis will show how developed in man the ability to give and take love. You can predict how he behaves in relation to the partner. Figure study will identify possible problems associated with the work of the heart muscle.

Appearance and location

  1. If the line of the heart is clearly distinguished against the background of others, then we have a person for whom love ties are the main goal in life.
  2. Clearly distinguishable and long heart line occurs in people with an open heart. The short line, on the contrary, belongs to a hidden person.
  3. The straight line of the heart says that human emotions can be suppressed by reason.
  4. The straight and short line of the heart indicates a closed person holding back emotions.
  5. The curved form indicates a hot-tempered character.
  6. If a series of small strokes on the heart line, then we are dealing with a windy man who are not familiar with loyalty and constancy.
  7. If the end of the heart line goes to the index finger, then we have a maximalist, which is eager for perfection. For a dismissive attitude towards his ideals, he reacts extremely painful.
  8. The heart line is completed between the index and middle fingers. The owner of the hand is distinguished by friendliness and ease of communication. Such people are rarely involved in disputes and are always ready to compromise. They try to help others, but they know how to take care of themselves.
  9. Completion of the line at the base of the middle finger indicates a egocentric person. The concern for others he exists rarely.


The following signs are found on the heart line.

  • crosses testify to failures on the love front;
  • gaps are found in people who prevent excessive requirements for others. Also these interruptions are talking about a tendency to treason;
  • work-like start indicates a high energy potential, cheerfulness, the ability to keep loyalty to love.

Begins at the wrist and rushes up to the base of the middle finger.

Some people have no line. This indicates that the individual has no idea, for which he lives on earth and what is its purpose. The owner of a clear and straight line of fate clearly understands its mission. It is distinguished by a solid life position and straightness of character. Also in the chiromantia in the drawing of the line concludes how much favorable fortune is.

Location and appearance

  1. The line of fate and the line of life have a common start. This option is found in people who are hard to provide independent decisions. They strongly depend on the opinions of parents, from material support from the family. The place of development indicates age in which a person begins to act independently.
  2. If the lines of fate and life do not have points of contact, the person who early began to lead an independent life. Communication with parents is weak. But his independence has a circulating side - loneliness from childhood.
  3. The line originates from the hill of Venus. Such a location indicates strong support from parents. It can manifest itself in the form of obtaining inheritance or other forms of assistance.
  4. If the line of fate originates in the center of the palm of the palm, such a person experienced a difficult period in childhood and in youthful age.
  5. If the line of fate comes from the lines of the mind or heart, a person manages to settle down and achieve well-being in the late stages of life.
  6. Double line of fate is a clear sign of success, and luck accompanies in many areas.
  7. The beginning of the line between Mars hills speaks about constant overcoming difficulties throughout life.
  8. The line of fate begins with the Moon Hill. A person has free thinking and mild character, but fate is completely unpredictable.

Completion of the line of fate

Place a huge role, where the fate line ends:

  1. The final part rests on the line of the mind. In the chiromantia is interpreted as a fatal error, after which the fortune turns away.
  2. Completion in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart line means ready to donate to love for love.
  3. The line of fate ends on Saturn's hill - a sign of good fate. A person acquires wealth, reaches his goal and implements himself as a person.
  4. The end of the line has a branch that goes to the hill of Apollo. Man awaits fame and reverence.
  5. The line is completed by a trident. Promising sign. A person is waiting for life rich in pleasant events. Trucks and deprivation will be bypass.


We indicate a number of important notes that are found on the line of fate:

  • the quadrilateral protects against cash, serves as a happy mascot;
  • rales warn of possible losses and serious troubles;
  • strokes say that someone revenge the obstacles;
  • the island is a signal that you will unwittingly harm an unfamiliar face;
  • the cross is an unfavorable sign meaning a violent death, and at best, it is the collapse of a career.

Marina Romanova's video tutorial about the line of fate:

Different chirromates are considered as home and as a secondary. It begins at the base of the maiden and falls along the palm down. There is a tendency to lengthen the line with age. A distinct health line does not speak good health, but indicates problem areas of the body that require close attention.

The lack of health line is a good sign. He promises excellent health before old age. These people diseases bypass. They overcome any ailments with ease and quickly return to active life.

In the Chiromantia perceive the crossing of the health lines with the line of life as alarm. This is a warning of serious deviations. If the health line comes closely to the line of life, without touching it, then the carrier of this sign is subject to depression and is often experiencing irritation attacks.

Current information gives comparison of lines of health and mind. Consider for example two options:

  1. Having a health line, the mind line has weak outlines. The reason for the disabilities is excessive mental loads and nervous stress.
  2. The presence of a health line, a clearly drawn line of mind. SELLS complies with moderation and calm, thereby avoiding nervous exhaustion.


Pay attention to the frequently encountered signs on the line of health:

  • the quadrangle plays a protective role and serves as a barrier from dangerous diseases;
  • the islands indicate the likelihood of pulmonary-bronchial diseases;
  • the links warn about the probability of nervous disruptions.

Sun line (happiness)

This line is called as it originates below the nameless finger, which the chiromers are called the finger of the Sun (Apollo). The Greek God Apollo was a patron saint of the arts, so the sun line indicates possible success in creativity, and also prevents fame in the field of art. Starting on the hill of Apollo, it leads down in the direction of the mind line, sometimes reaches the lifestyle.

Form and appearance

  1. The bright line of the sun, stretching through the entire palm, is the happiest sign. The man of straight road goes to success and well-being.
  2. If the sun line looks more clearly than the line of fate, then a creative career is not very successful for a talented person. Being a gifted author, he is forced to stay in the shadow of another popular figure.
  3. Lack of sun line and clearly outlined line of fate. This sign is found at eminent persons who are not too much crave for fame. For them, success is not an indicator of personal happiness.
  4. The line of the Sun rests on the line of life or crosses it. Man from birth is endowed with talents. Art is his true calling.
  5. The line of the sun reaches the heart line either goes on. A person is gifted by creative abilities and makes every effort to take off to the top of Glory. But the main thing - the Goddess of Good luck takes it and makes a universal favorite.

Additional conditions

If there are explicit signs on the palm of the palm, pointing to the anger and aggressiveness, the line of the sun can foreshadow bad fame. A person can become a famous criminal or a dictator.

Marks and signs

  • the quadrangle means that you save your good name until the end of the days;
  • the island predicts the possible reputation loss, attempts to deflaim you;
  • an asterisk that completes the line, promises large-scale success and grand glory.

Secondary lines of fate and their meanings

In addition to large lines, small, sometimes there are sometimes distinguishable. Nevertheless, these strokes complement the overall picture.

Marriage Lines (Love)

Almost at the palm rib are located below the little finger, above the heart line. These small dashs tell about the experience of relations with the opposite sex. It may be a legitimate marriage or a long-term love relationship. In some cases, we are talking about strong emotions, a passionate desire of a person to create an alliance.

The number of lines indicates the number of long relationships, their length will reveal how long the connection has stretched. The clarity of the furrow testifies to how much partners are tied to each other.

A few drops, located at different height, talk about love relations at different ages. Those that are below belong to the youthful period. The closer the strip to the little man, the older the age in which the person came into contact.

In this issue, Nina Nikitina will tell detail about the lines of marriage:

Lines of children

Short vertical strips departing from the marriage line. In female hands, there are usually more often. Considering these dashes, determine how many children will be born as a result of a particular connection.

  • wide lines talk about born boys, thin stripes - about girls. The sign in the form of the letter V predicts the birth of twins;
  • direct dashes indicate a strong health of children;
  • uneven strips or ruptures in them warn about pain;
  • in the distance between the kids determines the difference in the age of children;
  • an experienced chiromerant can determine that the woman went to interrupt pregnancy.

In general, the hand reflects not a real number of descendants, but their possible amount.

Ring Saturn

The middle finger in the chiromantia is called Saturn's finger. On the hill Saturn sometimes there is an arc that creates the impression that the ring is wearing a finger. Unfortunately, such a sign of promises little good.

The carrier of the rings of Saturn, as a rule, suffers constant failures. It leads a closed lifestyle and avoids communication. These people have a sullen character and are constantly in depressed state. If a person has a Saturn ring on his hand, he has no line of the sun.

Ways of Slashting (Lust Lone)

Venus Hill (under the thumb) and moon hill (lower corner of the palm near the edge) can be connected by a loop line. Homorates call this sign "The Way of Sweets." Also the line can go from the moon hill to the wrist.

  1. This symbol denotes sexual obsession and indicates a person's tendency to disinfectants: sexual exceptions, drunkenness, addiction.
  2. If the "Wildscreen path" crosses the line of life, a person will finish life from its own abuse.
  3. With a pronounced and straight line of life, the influence of this sign is weakened. This means that a person is able to control desires.

An example of a lines of solvents and its detailed interpretation:

Wealth lines (cash triangle)

If a third line is present in the place of intersection of the line of fate with the line of mind, which connects them, a sign in the form of a triangle is formed on the palm. It is called a monetary triangle, according to his appearance, judges the welfare of a person.

A well-noticeable triangle with clearly battered parties is talking about the potential of wealth. A person can adequately provide a family. He knows how to make savings and multiply income.

If the gaps are present on the sides of the figure, the sign holder is inclined to unreasonable spending, which leads to a periodic lack of money.

Practical lesson with Natalia Kovaleva to determine the success and wealth of palm:

The value of the intersection of major lines and secondary

The intersection indicates unwanted situations, diseases and life obstacles.

  1. If we see only the intersection that does not violate the integrity of the main line, it indicates a lesson or a test that can be passed to a person.
  2. The occurrence of a break in the intersection area indicates material losses, unpleasant changes, parting with close people. About painful events also indicates the decrease in the clarity and depth of the furrow after the obstacle.
  3. If the secondary line seems to prescribe on the main thing, this is a sign of future tests. The troubles will be due to the perfect mistake, but the person is able to correct the situation.
  4. If the lines of mind and heart are crossed out of the strokes series, this is an explicit indication that a person needs to think seriously over his actions. Perhaps you will have to revise values \u200b\u200band change the life priorities.

The differences of the left palm from the right

In the chiromantia, give the different meaning of the right and left palm. Left hand is considered a hand of fate. This means that it has the potential of a person from birth. The right hand is called the hand of the will. She tells about who man became. With respect to the personality with the leading left hand, the right palm is viewed as an opportunity map, and the left - as an actual result.

This approach is natural. If we are preferably acting right hand, active energy concentrates in it. Consequently, its lines are more prone to change, which you can see for yourself. The left hand in most people is passive, and the palm picture is almost never changed.

Gypsies, at fortune, usually consider the left brush. Their conclusions accurately describe the past, but do not take into account the aspects of the will. A serious chiromance analyzes both palms, comparing the potential of a person and the real result achieved at the moment.

Each degree and the solution are reflected in the palm pattern. Comparing both hands, you get a detailed information. Perhaps you do not fully realize the potential and makes sense to adjust the course.

An expert in Chiromantia Hamon Louis insists on the need for the study of both palms. This approach will give a more objective picture, as a person ordered life.


Even a brief acquaintance with the analysis of hand lines will provide you with an invaluable tool for knowledge of self, life and opportunities. After examining the foundations, do not stop, continue to deepen your knowledge in the Chiromantia. And soon you will realize that the hand is the map of the immense universe. This card will help to see a worthy goal in life and will indicate the ways to achieve.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubayev The necessary words and your faith is the key to success in perfect ritual. I will provide information to you, but its implementation directly depends on you. But you should not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Human fate is encrypted with each of us on the palm. And this is not mystic at all, but the real science, which in the XV century even taught in the best universities in Europe. At the same time, the first book was published in Germany, in which it was described in detail what chiromantia and how to guess hand. In this article we briefly describe the system divination by hand with photo.

Up to today, discussions are being conducted as to what the chiromantia is. Some believe that this is another way of charlatans who promise to predict the future to man, lure money from people. Others are deeply convinced that chiromantia is a real science, although unrecognized.

The first chiromant can be considered Aristotle. It was he who began to explore why different patterns and cobwebs were rapidly scattered on human palms. The scientist concluded that in all this there is a unambiguous hidden meaning. It is in them an individual feature of every person, which can be learned if you figure it out in the value of lines on the palms.

Proved this theory of William John Warner, who studied the chiromantia from the Indian sage. He had already managed to predict his destiny at 13, as well as the future of France, England and Russia. Historians show that Warner warned that the royal family of Romanov was waiting for a fall.

The foundations of the chiromantia are not something incomprehensible. Everyone, if desired, can learn to predict any events in his life. Perhaps knowledge of the chiromantia can help people quickly know themselves, their hidden abilities and talents. If you are a person who is accustomed to self-improvement, constantly develop, then you'd better get acquainted with values \u200b\u200bof lines on hand to learn to guess yourself and your loved ones.

What is your hand to guess for the future?

According to the laws of the Hiromantia, to get a complete picture of the past, present and future human life, you need to guess at both palms at the same time. However, there are a couple of small nuances:

  1. If you have active hand is right, then it is necessary to guessby her palm. The right hand will tell you what is waiting for you in the future. Your left hand will tell the chiromant, what was your past.
  2. If you are left-hand, then, accordingly, you need to guess on your left handTo learn about the events that should be expected in the near future. The right hand of Lehshi will lead the chirromant about the path, which had to go in the near past.

Divorcing on the palm of hand: how to determine the character of a person?

Just looking at the shape of the human palm, it is possible to determine its character. Guessing hand, chiromant It is easy to determine what type of personality is a person standing in front of him:

  1. If he has a wide square palm with the same fingers, rough skin of reddish color, then he belongs to the element "Earth". Such people have pronounced the following characteristics:
  • stubbornness
  • practicality
  • a responsibility

Representatives of the elements "Earth" prefer to perform manual work. They are crazy materialists. Remeasure them in anything impossible. They adhere to only their point of view, which is considered the only true.

  1. People with palm, in shape resembling a square or rectangle, and short fingers treat the elements of "fire". They act in everything, guided by instincts and emotions. People "Fire" are inherent in:
  • spontaneity
  • enthusiasm
  • optimism
  • impulsiveness
  • egoism
  • courage
  1. People with square or rectangular palms, with long fingers, on which knuckles, dry skin, relate to the elements of "air". They adhere to extreme radical views in everything. The main features of the character of people "air" include:
  • sociability
  • wit
  • pettiness
  • malice
  1. People, the palms of which have a long oblong shape with beautiful conic fingers, belong to the elements of "water". These are creative calm personalities who are inherent in the following character traits:
  • insight
  • sympathy
  • emotionic

You can also define some of the tendency and predisposition of a person to something. If you bend a little palm, pressing all my fingers close to each other, "hills" are formed under them, each of which has its own designation:

  1. The presence of Venus Budnon "Venus" speaks of a man's desire primarily always to fulfill its desires, whatever they are. If "Venus" is not at all, this means that a person does not want to live a family life, because it is not adapted to this.
  2. The pronounced buccourt "Jupiter" on the palm of the palm shows that a person loves himself too, I got used to everything first. If this holmik is not at all, this indicates the lack of self-confidence in humans.
  3. A clearly formed the "Saturn" in the palm of his palm talks about the tendency of man to the depressive state. The absence of such a tubercle indicates that the personality is characteristic of scattered and disadvantage.
  4. People who have a very developed videos of the "Sun" are very developed, belong to the number of proud and hot-tempered. Those who have no such a tubercle on hand, consider people with poorly developed imagination.
  5. People with vividly expressed on the palm of Mercury hill are talking too much in life, but do little. And those who do not have such a tubercle inherent excessive shyness.

Divination by hand: What do the main lines on the palm?

Now we will tell novice chiromers, how to guess hand on the main lines. In the chiromantia there are only 4 of them:

  1. Heart line - highlighted in red in the picture:
  • starting line under the index finger speaks of human satisfaction by what is happening on his love front;
  • starting line below the base of the middle finger indicates a person's tendency to exercise selfishness in relationships;
  • starting line in the middle of the palm, testifies to the absence of a person of the second half, because he has a very surviving nature;
  • a short and wavy heart line indicates a person's indifference to romantic feelings and relationships;
  • intersecting or closely located in relation to life the line of the heart speaks of an excessive vanity of man;
  • straight and parallel with the head line of the Heart Line indicates the ability to man to control his emotions;
  • binding in any place the line indicates that he has suffered a serious emotional shock.

  1. Head line - highlighted in blue in the picture:
  • a short line indicates a person's love to physical exertion, and not to mental;
  • a slightly curved line indicates that a person's personality is creative, he is in an extraordinary and very creative;
  • the contacting line of the head with a line of life speaks of a person's tendency to constant travel and wanders;
  • a winding head of the head indicates inability to focus on something;
  • a long and fairly deep line of the head - a person is very competent, he has a clear mind and a clear idea of \u200b\u200blife;
  • straight, but not a deep head line speaks about the straightness of the person relating to the life of purely realistic;
  • crossed by another line The head of the head speaks of an emotional crisis that a person experienced;
  • binding in any place the line of the head indicates the inconsistency of a person in his thoughts.

  1. Life line - highlighted in green in the picture. Her length is in no way connected with the number of years allotted by a person. Divination by hand through life Explains at what high-quality level a person lives:
  • located very closely towards the thumb line indicates a person's fatigue from the circumstances in which he has to survive;
  • a wide or semicircle-located line indicates the completeness of strength and vital energy;
  • a long and clearly pronounced line means the will to life in a person, his ability to leave any situation is unharmed;
  • a short and barely noticeable line means that a person can be a "puppet" in the hands of people, whose character is stronger;
  • crossing the entire palm line of life means human caution in any relationship;
  • having a rupture line means the resulting cardinal changes in life.

  1. Line of Fate - highlighted with orange color in the picture. Note that divination by hand does not predict fatewhich cannot be changed. You can view only some trends that a person can be guided by decision-making:
  • a pronounced and very deep line of fate means that a person is guided only by the will of fate, and does not take anything himself;
  • having broken line indicates a person's tendency to change its life under the influence of external circumstances;
  • the line of fate associated with the line of life initially speaks of the identity of a person who manifests itself at an early age;
  • if the line comes into contact with the other in the middle of the palm, this indicates a person's ability to sacrifice its own interests for the sake of other people;
  • the starting line at the base of the thumb, intersecting, in addition, the line of life means that a person is provided with extensive support from his relatives and close people.

Divination on hand on extra lines

Human palms are raised not only by the main lines. Homorates allocate some more significant lines responsible for questions that interest us most often:

  • That divination by hand shows relative how many marriages will be
  • As shown on the palm, how many children will be
  • Will a person be rich or he is doomed to poverty

Here is how these lines are located on the palm of hand:

  1. Line attachment, if a guess hand determines the number of possible marriagesin which a person can consist. Over it is located vertical small lines - long and short. Their number determines the possible number of children in humans. The chiromers argue that short vertical dashs indicate that daughter will be born, and the long that the boy is born.
  2. Travel line - It is not all of all, but only those who are constantly in the road, whose life is changing fleeting.
  3. Money line:
  • completing under the hill "Jupiter" means the ability to receive big money under the condition of career growth;
  • covering under the hill "Saturn" means that a person is very hard for money, the rich of him to become extremely difficult;
  • covering on the Hill "Apollo" speaks of the luckyness of a person, the money goes into his hands easily (as a win or find);
  • completing under the hill "Mercury" denotes a person's ability to become wealthy, provided that it will connect his life with mental activity.

  1. Intuition line -her presence shows if a person has a sixth sense or not.

Foreign by hand on loveGood luck, fate is a very exciting process. But do not forget that the human life is completely dependent on its humble actions and decisions, and not from what is destined to the palm. Live, leaning not on rock, but on your own aspirations and desires.

Video: "Divination by hand"

Lines on hand - on the left and right can tell a lot about a man. It is enough to explore, and you will be available to knowing the future. We will analyze the main values \u200b\u200bof the traits that are given to us from birth.

In the Chiromantia there is the concept of seven major and seven secondary lines. This is a classic teaching that it is worth mastering first. Then you can sort out in other chiromantic schools.

Important moments:

  • Before the start of studying the foundations of the chiromantia, decide which hand you plan to work with. Right or left - which is more convenient? If you are going to analyze only yourself, choose a hand that is active: you write, clean your teeth, open the doors and so on
  • Decide what kind of fortune telling you will use. There are three of all. You should choose only one to not be confused
  • Learn the location and value of the main and secondary lines. Train your friends and relatives to remember the information quickly. When the theory fastenses firmly in your head, it will be easier to practice

The main lines of the palms and their meanings

At the beginning of the training of Homoantia, examine the seven major lines located on the human palm. Learn their meanings so that in the future they could easily navigate in predictions.

The value of the main lines:

  • . With it, you can learn about problems with physical and mental health. It indicates the most likely diseases to which a person is predisposed. Also characterizes the ability to love: give and take love, share its feelings. Sometimes it shows creative talents and personality abilities.
  • . Many people believe that this feature shows a person's life expectancy. But this is a myth. It only talks about the natural energy potential: as much as a person is active, whether it will be enough to achieve energy to achieve global goals or will have to limit into small affairs. Energy level in the course of life can be increased and fill
  • May predict the disease associated with the brain and the psyche. Also indicates intellectual abilities, the presence of talents, the development of logical thinking and everything else, which is associated with the mind
  • . It is not always clearly pronounced, maybe there is no one. Speaks about the presence of a high mission, destiny with whom a person came to this world. This is the meaning of his life, the calling that needs to be followed so that later it does not have to pay from in the next life
  • The Ring Venus will tell about everything that concerns the personal life of a person. This is the number of marriages, children, the ability to love, the nature of relationships. How do you have representatives of the opposite sex, how popular you are popular and in demand in men
  • . With its absence, it means that there will be no serious diseases during the life of a person. If it is on hand, you can find out what weaknesses of health exist, to which you need to pay close attention to. Also talks about career achievements and material welfare
  • Also tells about everything that concerns relations with the opposite sex. This is the degree of attractiveness, and the likely number of marriages. It is especially worth noting that the marriage is considered not only the officially registered union, but also, for example, cohabitation

These are the basic concepts that it is important to know if you plan to advance in the study of the chiromantia at least on the initial level.

Minor lines

These are the following features on the palm:

  • The line of glory - shows how prone to popularity and fame. If well expressed, success will come inevitable. It will become recognizable, people will be familiar to his face
  • Travel line is usually well expressed in those who never sit on the spot. These are eternal sovereigns, people who are not tied to a certain place. Often moving or traveling in search of new impressions
  • Confrontity lines. Than them are more, the more often the person will face a variety of problems in his life
  • Directly indicate the number of children. Detailed analysis will help to understand even what these children will be. Also, the line will tell about abortions, miscarriages and other issues related to the birth of offspring
  • The line of intuition is an indicator of how man knows how to predicate the events taking place in his life. You can understand whether to rely on intuition or better analyze what is happening only with logic
  • The line of money will tell all about the material world of man. How he knows how to earn money, what are the chances of getting rich or, on the contrary, constantly live in need
  • Cleaning karmic signs will tell about the problems of the family. For which sins of their ancestors, a person pays off, which burden carries in life

Check out the video about the meaning of the main lines in the Chiromantia:

At the very beginning you will be confused: it is difficult to memorize the location of the lines and deal with them. In order for the learning process easier, follow the following recommendations:

  • Draw on a sheet of palm scheme and drew basic and minor lines onto it.
  • With the help of a felt-meter, circle each line on your own hand, and then try to solve it
  • Train yourself on acquaintances. Try to tell them something about the past, and then ask to answer how reliable the prediction turned out

With the help of a chiromantia, you can get answers to a lot of questions. Preporing the future and tell about the past of any person. Reading by hand, you will learn all the secrets, you can give a complete and detailed feature characteristic.