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Veratrum album (homeopathy, indications for use). Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Conditions Veratrum album homeopathy

One of the common homeopathic medicines is Veratrum album. The drug is made on the basis of hellebore grass.
Indications for the use of veratrum album, modern instructions for its use in classical homeopathy is the topic of this article.

Veratrum album in homeopathy. Main indications for use or key symptoms of veratrum album

Modern Materia Medica includes about 300 key symptoms of the remedy.
Consider the main ones that make up the essence of the drug, essence (essence - the essence).

These patients are often precocious. Very lively mind. Motor excitement. When talking on the phone, he will vigorously walk around the room, constantly making unnecessary movements. Hidden arrogance.

The problem is that we see them overstimulating.
They strive to show their mental superiority. Not directly. They ask questions, put themselves in such a way that it becomes clear to everyone who is in charge here. They love to support the weak, to help. But guardianship and assistance for them is a way to show their superiority. They don't like it when someone is smarter than them.
The veratrum patient is often devout, but in prayer he makes himself equal with God. Quite often, such patients grow up as "deputies of God on earth."
They are the most correct, the best. Behind all this is hidden arrogance.
This may precede serious mental pathology.

Physical symptoms of veratrum album:
Desire for sour (lemons) and salt. Desire for cold water and frequent vomiting. Bleeding.
In an acute situation, cold sweat on the forehead, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea and abdominal pain are characteristic.
Such patients have a feeling that water is running out of the mouth and running down the chin.
Fainting and pressure drop. Internal cold.

Nosologies in which veratrum album is most often used

Bronchial asthma.
Pathology of the mental sphere. Continued development of the "saviors of mankind" and "deputies of God on earth."
Violent menstrual pains, with weakness and vomiting.
Diarrhea, vomiting with pain in abdomen, weakness, coldness and cold sweat.
Veratrum album can be successfully used in other diseases. The main thing is the presence of at least a few key symptoms.

Veratrum album. Instructions for use

Veratrum album can be used in different potencies, from C-3 to C-100,000. There are also LM potencies.
What potency to treat and how often to use the drug - the homeopath decides, depending on the initial state of the patient and his response to treatment.
As a general rule, low potencies can be used more frequently, up to several times a day.
High potencies - less often, up to once every few months.

The main task of the homeopath is to maintain the activity of the body's defenses (homeopaths call this the life force) at a level sufficient to successfully fight the disease. Therefore, the frequency of taking the drug and the potency in which it is used, the homeopath determines individually for each patient.

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Veratrum album or White hellebore is a plant of the lily family. To prepare the tincture, you need a fresh root, which is harvested in early June. Rubbing is not recommended from root powder.

Veratrum album is one of the first plants studied. Its pathogenesis (1805) can be found in Pure Medicine.

How veratrum album affects the patient's body

Veratrum album causes a general cooling of the body, loss of strength, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Also, in large doses, it provokes severe vomiting and diarrhea, causing sharp spasmodic pain. The last stage of poisoning is hallucinations, delirium. If the dosage was not so strong, then sweating and paralysis of the rectum are noted, which leads to constipation.

In addition, veratrum album affects the striated muscles, causing cramps and causing sluggish movement.

Indications for use of veratrum album

The homeopathic medicine veratrum album is primarily a remedy for collapse and cholera. In fact, this remedy can be recommended in case of any disease, the symptom of which is cold sweat on the forehead. It is also prescribed for cold breath and convulsions.

Hahnemann also recommended veratrum albumum as a cure for cholera. It should be noted that the drug is effective only when the disease is accompanied by pain. If they are not there, then another homeopathic remedy is prescribed - podophyllum.

In addition to the ailments described above, which are the main ones, veratrum album is indicated in other situations. It helps well in a manic state when you want to tear clothes or get angry at everyone. Moreover, mania can have a very different origin, for example, be religious or erotic. The drug is recommended for nymphomania, the peak of which each time falls on menstruation.

The next ailment that veratrum albumum heals is with severe pains that drive the patient to delirium. A homeopathic remedy is recommended for heart weakness resulting from acute diseases. In addition, the drug is used to get rid of the consequences of fear.

Who is intended for veratrum album

Veratrum album - these are two categories of patients. The first includes children who behave older than their years. The second category is adults, characterized by pale, even slightly greenish skin. From the side they look like marble statues.

The body of patients belonging to the second group is often cool and damp. The main problem is severe fright or shock, which occurs as a result of physical or mental trauma. Simply put, this includes the military who returned from "hot spots", businessmen who were repeatedly assassinated, and so on.

.. | Homeopathy, COLCHICUM .. | Homeopathy, COLOCINT .. | Introduction. Niches and appeal to long ago .. |

65. VERATRUM ALBUM (Veratrum album) Hellebore white. A tincture is obtained from the dried pureed root by infusion in 5 parts of 90% alcohol. It is a remedy which has the characteristic symptom "cold sweat of nalbu". It makes no difference whether it be cholera, cholera infantum, pneumonia, asthma, typhoid fever, constipation - but if the indicated symptom is very noticeable and the patient is in a state like fainting, collapse, or great prostration (general prostration), Veratrum Album is the first remedy, which comes to mind. It is one of the composition of Hahnemann's trio of anti-cholera drugs (Asiatic cholera), together with two others, Camphor and Cuprum meth. And the indications indicated by Hahnemann for the use of this remedy stand as firmly today as they did in his time. This suggests that they are based on a natural law of nature, which is unchanged "yesterday, today and tomorrow." Some brain symptoms are very characteristic of Veratrum Album: mania with the desire to beat and tear things, especially bed linen, shameless and lustful conversations, religious or love delirium. Here you sometimes have to make a choice between Veratrum and Stramonium. There is strong talkativeness here and there, a great religious mood here and there. With both, sometimes there is a violent mood; only the face of Stramonium is usually very red and flushed, while in Veratrum it is pale, sunken hippocratic, then in Veratrum there is a more significant general weakness. . Such childbirth often occurs after a missed period or in the postpartum state. It can proceed acutely and chronically, and Veratrum album can give a cure in either case. Let me give you the following symptoms: rapid prostration, complete prostration, cold sweat and cold breath, skin blue, purplish, cold, wrinkled, leaving wrinkles. A haggard, hippocratic face, a pointed nose. The whole body is cold as ice. Cold skin, cold face, cold back. Hands cold as ice. Feet and shins are cold (the surface of the body is cold, covered with cold sweat - Tabakum). Cramps in calves. These are all sure symptoms, which show to what extreme degree of collapse the case can go, and yet be cured. This condition may be found in short-lived, acute cases. Like cholera, with a latent acute rash, bronchitis, pneumonia, typhoid or intermittent fever. But what kind of disease would it be if it causes collapse (general loss of strength) and especially if there is an important characteristic sign "cold sweat on the face and on the forehead" - we can be sure that Veratrum Album can be more exciting. In cholera-like diseases, Camphor is very close to Veratrum, and only in the latter the stools are plentiful and look like a decoction, while with Camphor they are scarce or almost completely absent. The pains of Veratrum are very severe, sometimes driving the patient to delirium. It is also a good remedy for rheumatism, which is aggravated in wet weather, causing the patient to lie down in bed (Ferrum meth.). Veratrum is a remedy with a wide range of action, since it covers such a condition that can be found in a host of different diseases. Divisions: 3, 6, 12, 200.


It is very easy to remember the predominant characteristics of Veratrum album. We will study in sequence:

- digestive disorders
- prostration
- cold sweats


They consist of vomiting and diarrhea. Don't vomit or diarrhea, namely from vomiting and diarrhea, as they are always combined.

A. Vomiting

Very strong, very profuse, with constant nausea, cold sweats, which always appear in a well-demarcated area - on the forehead.

The vomiting is always worse from motion, from tobacco smoke (whether he smokes himself or only smells tobacco smoke), and likewise after drinking. However, the subject of Veratrum album has constant thirst. Although he is thirsty, he drinks little, but he drinks often, because his mouth is constantly dry, as is his tongue and palate. This dryness can only be compared with the dryness of all the mucous membranes in a Bryonia subject, which is characterized by extreme dryness of all the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. In the Bryonia type there is also dryness of the intestinal mucosa, and in Bryonia type constipation, the clods of stool are large, hard, black, as if seasoned on fire. When this subject drinks, he does not vomit, while the Veratrum patient vomits as soon as he drinks a little water.

The Arsenicum subject has diarrhoea, which also comes on at night between 1 and 3 o'clock. This is usually the subject who either ate sausage or crustaceans the day before. During the night he wakes up with a burning sensation in the stomach, with very burning eructations, vomiting and finally diarrhoea. And this diarrhea is peculiar and cannot be confused with the diarrhea of ​​the Veratrum album type. The diarrhea of ​​the Arsenicum type is represented by scanty stools, extremely offensive, difficult to pass, followed by a state of deep prostration, but less severe than that which affects the subject of the Veratrum type. In general, the prostration of the Veratrum album type is due to the fact that the stools here are very copious and very frequent. The stool in the Arsenicum type is always small, and the prostration is completely disproportionate to the volume of the stool. This is the characteristic of the diarrhea of ​​the Arsenicum album type, which is not like the other types of diarrhea.

A subject of the Acidum phosphoricum type has diarrhea similar to that of the Veratrum album type. The diarrhea is very copious (like that of the Veratrum album type), but is odorless and painless. Instead of complete prostration, after the diarrhoea, there is only some weakness, and, in general, the patient does not appear to be affected by the serous enteritis with which he is actually affected.

The stools in the Podophyllum type are not at all as frequent as in the Veratrum album type, and moreover, they appear mainly in the morning and only rarely at night. Upon awakening, the subject is in the grip of severe colic: in the morning, he can repeat the chair 10-15 times. The emptying of the bowels is carried out with force, a stream, the stool is splashed, it is yellowish in color, clearly icteric. The subject suffers before and after a stool with very painful colic, and the only way to relieve it is to lie on his stomach. This is the typical posture of a Podophyllum individual. No other patient assumes such a posture except a Medorrhinum subject, but he does so to relieve an asthma attack.

What do we find in the clinical examination of the patient type Veratrum album? The abdomen is extremely painful - not only spontaneously (subject has severe painful cramps), but it is also very sensitive to pressure. The patient complains of a strange feeling of coldness in the abdomen.

Feeling of coldness in the abdomen we find again in the Tabacum and Colchicum types. A Tabacum subject has vomiting, pain, and an icy cold feeling in the abdomen. He always feels better when he opens up, exposing his belly to the air. On the contrary, the Veratrum subject needs warmth: hot rubbings, hot wraps, hot water bottles, all of which bring relief.

A subject of the Colchicum type, of course, has a sensation of coldness in the abdomen, but this sensation is especially pronounced in the stomach and is localized by the patient in the region of the epigastric fossa. The patient has nausea and vomiting, but the nausea is always aggravated by kitchen odors and the sight of food. The Colchicum subject is especially intolerant of the smell of fried fish.

In general, the Veratrum patient has cholera-like diarrhea with vomiting and collapse symptoms. But it must not be thought that the digestive disturbances of the Veratrum album type are composed solely of vomiting and diarrhoea. There may also be constipation, and this is chronic old constipation, which is very difficult to overcome. The patient experiences absolutely no urge. His stool can be compared with that of the Bryonia type, as it also consists of clods large and hard, but not having the appearance of being tempered in a fire. On the contrary, it sometimes consists of very hard clods, resembling in appearance an Opium or Plumbum stool. But in the constipation of the Veratrum type, there is no drowsiness which is characteristic of the Opium type, and there is never a tendency to congestion of the head; there is no retraction of the abdominal wall, characteristic of the Plumbum type.

A subject of the Veratrum album type has incredible difficulty in evacuating feces. He is forced to make several such attempts, repeating the effort. He does not attempt to do this in a standing position, like the Causticum type, he does not grasp the seat with his hands, as does the Alumina type, but still he is forced to make great efforts, so that at times he finds himself covered in a cold sweat, more pronounced on the forehead. And he is so exhausted that immediately after a chair he becomes ill. He has a tendency to syncope during or after stool. However, after defecation, he appears completely exhausted, a real prostration.


The prostration of the Veratrum type is intense, and is accompanied by a feeling of icy cold all over the body or in certain parts of it.

The patient first experiences a sensation of cold spreading throughout the body. He freezes completely. Not only does he feel cold, but his skin is cold and he cannot get warm. He gets relief only from hot applications or from being thoroughly covered with woolen blankets. The skin is very pale and cold.

The feeling of coldness is also observed in limited areas. The feet and hands are completely frozen and sometimes become insensible. There is even some degree of cyanosis. Finally, the patient suffers from the sensation of coldness in the abdomen, which we have already studied. He also has a cold tongue. Such a feeling of a cold tongue is also present in a subject of the Carbo vegetabilis type, who is completely frozen. But if a subject of the Carbo vegetabilis type has a completely cold body, his head is hot. In addition, he has cold breath with a bad smell. The Conium subject also has cold breath, and (which is an essential characteristic) when the stool passes through the anus, there is a sensation of passing a piece of ice. The cold stools of the Conium type may be contrasted with the burning stools of the Sulfur and Arsenicum types.

Finally, the Veratrum patient has a sensation of a block of ice on the head. The usual remedy for this sensation is Calcarea carbonica; in this type, in addition, there is a feeling of cold and wet stockings. Let us recall that the Tuberculinum patient feels as if he is wearing a wet and cold shirt on his body (especially on his back).


Sweats may be general, but especially pronounced in the forehead, and appear with vomiting, diarrhoea, menstruation, and accompany all manifestations of Veratrum album.


1. Sweats localized in the frontal region - we are talking about an individual who coughs or suffers from diarrhea and vomiting with cold sweats appearing on the forehead; one might think of the Veratrum album type here. It will be recalled that in the Pulsatilla subject only one-sided sweats are more pronounced on the affected side, and that in the Kali carb. subject sweat comes out on the lips when eating. All these localizations of sweating are a kind of signal flags that allow the doctor to orient the thought towards a reasonable choice of medicine.

2. Face very pale and cold—we often find the face haggard, restless, as in the Arsenicum type. It may be more or less cyanotic. Head never held upright - the patient is unable to keep his head upright because of a state of fatigue and prostration. We find the same sign both in demineralized subjects of the Natrum muriaticum type and in hypotrophic subjects of the Abrotanum type.



The major characteristics of Veratrum album are vomiting and diarrhoea, convulsive pains and a feeling of general coldness. We find all this in cholera, the three chief remedies for which are Camphora, Cuprum, and Veratrum album.

They were used by Dr. Chargé during a cholera epidemic in Marseilles. Charger has compiled a very interesting study showing the characteristic indications for each of those homeopathic remedies that can be used in cholera.

Camphora - dominated by coldness of the body. The individual freezes completely. Skin is cold as ice. The subject experiences a feeling of aches all over the body, as if he is completely broken. He may have cramps in the limbs, but the main characteristic remains the coldness of the body. And it is curious that this completely cold subject does not tolerate being covered. A Camphora subject will never tolerate a blanket, will not allow a heating pad - any warm application will aggravate him.

Cuprum - in the first place convulsions. In a subject of this type he does not have that state of complete collapse, which is characteristic of the Camphor type, but extremely painful spasms predominate, not only in the intestines and in general in the abdomen, but also in the limbs - both lower and upper. Spasms are very violent, intermittent and accompanied by nausea. The nausea is relieved or relieved when the subject swallows some cold water - just as in the Phosphorus type, in which the nausea is relieved when the subject drinks cold water. Instead of the chilling that characterizes the Camphora type, the Cuprum subject is feverish, the abdomen is tense, hot and sensitive (which is not noted in the Veratrum album when the patient complains of feeling cold in the abdomen). The cramping colic of the Cuprum type resolves as soon as the subject passes stool.

Another feature of the behavior of the subject of the Veratrum type: the patient does not speak at all or talks to himself. Suddenly he falls into some kind of delusional excitement: he screams, groans, tears his clothes, then falls into a manic state, and mania can manifest itself in two main forms: sexual mania and religious mania.

Let us first study sexual mania. The subject of Veratrum album does not expose himself like the Hyoscyamus type, but makes obscene and lascivious speeches, tries to hug everyone, and constantly talks about sexual things. Sometimes his ideas are fixed on any one point. If we are talking about a woman, for example, she can imagine herself pregnant.

religious mania. The patient remains motionless for hours, leaning forward, with her head between her hands, without uttering a word. We find this behavior in the Nux moschata type. If such a patient is sure that she hears voices, and begins to speak quickly in response, this is an indication for the appointment of Lachesis. During the onset of the "second youth", a Lachesis patient demonstrates mental manifestations inherent in a true menopause associated with endocrine disorders. Lachesis is especially indicated if the religious mania is deep and if the patient imagines that she is in contact with the saints of paradise. Especially note that an important characteristic of the Veratrum mania is obstinate silence. To a lesser extent, this is noted in the Nux moshata patient, whose mood is very variable.

Carbo vegetabilis is similar to Colchicum in cold breath, tympanitis and great prostration. But Carbo vegetabilis seems to correspond when there is a decline in vitality. The patient lies cold and almost pulseless. The pulse is felt only as a faint murmur under the probing finger; there is no positive ripple. The feet and lower legs are cold below the knees, or there may be coldness of the knees and feet, and the parts of the legs between them are not cold. Then watery stools are not so characteristic of Carbo veg.: these stools either do not occur, or if they do, they are dark brown in color and terribly unpleasant smell.

Then we move on to abdominal symptoms. Tympanitis and diarrhea have already been mentioned. In addition to these symptoms we have others which point clearly to this remedy as being useful in cholera. There are nausea and vomiting; nausea seems to be caused by the smell of food. Every time the patient rises, the nausea and vomiting become worse. Eruptions during vomiting are watery and bilious. When there are dysentery symptoms, the stools are frequent, watery, bloody, and contain patches, formerly thought to be parts of the overlying intestinal mucosa, but now known to be a plastic formation of exudate. The evacuation is violent and is accompanied by spasm of the sphinctra ani (muscle that closes the anus). In case of bloody diarrhea with these symptoms, Colchicum will probably help. If, however, tympanitis also exists, then it is all the more indicated, being in this case far preferable to Cantharis, Mercurius and any other remedy of our pharmacology.

The third section of our plate is Ufibrous tissues. This brings us to Colchicum in rheumatism and gout. Colchicum has a special affinity for fibrous tissues. I connect under this name the tendon and aponeuroses of the muscles, the ligaments of the joints and even the periosteum. The swelling produced by it is either dark red or pale in color, not particularly prone to suppuration, extremely sensitive to touch, and with a strong tendency to pass from joint to joint. In rheumatism proper, Colchicum is indicated when the pain begins in one joint and from there passes to another, or, having appeared on one side of the body, then rushes to the other. The pain is worse in the evening. The joint is extremely sensitive to the slightest movement. Urine dark red and scanty, exactly what you would expect from gout or rheumatism. You will find such patients extremely irritable. Every slight external impression, like light, noise, or strong odors, irritates them, and the pain seems unbearable. The only difference between these symptoms and those of gout is that in the latter the lesion usually begins in the big toe, and that the attacks come on at night.

Sometimes we have a transfer of rheumatism or gout to the chest. Even then, Colchicum may be a suitable remedy. In diseases of the valves of the heart or in inflammation of the pericardial sac (pericarditis) following rheumatism, it is indicated by severe cutting and stabbing pains in the chest, especially near the heart, with great oppression and shortness of breath. There is a feeling as if the chest is compressed by a tight bandage.

Colchicum stands almost alone in gout and rheumatism. There are no means here that are similar to it in action. Colchicum is sometimes indicated in dropsy with retention of urine. This dropsy, in particular, is capable of manifesting itself in the form of chest dropsy (hydrothorax). What urine is obtained contains blood, is almost as black as ink, and is rich in protein. From this you see that it is indicated in dropsy dependent on Bright's disease. Here Colchicum comes very close to Lachesis, who also has this black urine.

It is also similar to Terebinthina, which causes congestion of the kidneys, with rupture of the small capillaries and subsequent effusion of blood into the renal pelvis. Urine contains urinary casts (casts of the urinary tubules of the kidneys). It is cloudy in appearance and with a dirty loose sediment.

Thus you see when Colchicum can be used in rheumatism, when in typhoid fever, and when in simple debility. The prostration, of which I have said that it occurs after prolonged use of Colchicum, may thus be utilized when, after frequent acute attacks of gout, the patient becomes greatly weakened. In affections of the heart Colchicum is closely associated with Spigelia. After abuse Colchicum Spigelia is a medicine used as an antidote (antidote).

VEratrum album (veratrum album)

Veratrum album, White Hellebore. Since the time of Hahnemann, it has been used against Asiatic cholera and other intestinal disorders. Its symptoms in this respect are well known, but if insufficient attention is given to an equally important use of this remedy, that is in cerebral symptoms. In hellebore poisoning, there are very few symptoms related to the brain. Apparently, it affects the abdominal organs especially sharply, probably acting through the nerves going to the abdominal organs (pp. splanchnici). When these nerves are paralyzed, the blood vessels overflow with blood and release blood serum from them. In this respect, it is similar to Elaterium. Prostration (failure of strength), coldness and a terrible decrease in sensitivity, belonging to Chemeritsa, are all produced by these nerves. But Veratrum can also affect the brain, and in this case, the agreement of its symptoms with coldness, weakness, etc. is not so incredible.

Veratrum album we may consider indicated in delirium. In this respect she obviously comes close to Belladonna. This delirium is accompanied by insomnia, a desire to tear and cut the dress, talkativeness and quick, loud conversation, with enthusiasm; the patient beats others, restless, frightened by imaginary objects; voluptuous, softly muttering; jumps out of bed and rushes about the room, as if relieved by it. The symptoms hitherto given are such that they can only be distinguished with difficulty from those of Belladonna and Stramonium. The difference is that Veratrum album has a coldness of the surface of the body with cold sweat on the forehead. Sometimes the face is red and the lips are blue, and the limbs are trembling through and through. Veratrum album is also suitable for women when they seem to have abnormal impressions coming from a disorder in the genital area, such as nymphomania. The patient is shameless to the extreme. She sticks to everyone with kisses. These attacks especially often recur before the menstrual period. The patient constantly makes up lies of the most obscene nature. Veratrum must also be remembered when, after a fright, there is a strong cold of the whole body and diarrhea. Gelsemium also has diarrhea after fear, but under Veratrum it is associated with coldness and prostration.

Now let's move on to the abdominal symptoms. Veratrum album is indicated for bowel affections in cholera vulgaris, cholera infantum, and cholera asiatica. The stools in diarrhea requiring Hellebore are copious, watery and greenish, sometimes containing small clumps like spinach. At times, too, they are bloody, and are always accompanied by sharp cutting pains in the abdomen, and often also by convulsions in the limbs. Great weakness and almost fainting at every effort to have a stool. Vomiting is very slight. Cold sweat on forehead.

In various choleric affections Veratrum is indicated by the following symptoms: Vomiting and diarrhea at the same time; colicky pains in the abdomen with cramps, especially in the calves of the legs; profuse watery stools - Uris stools, as they are called. They are accompanied by great prostration and cold sweat, especially on the forehead. It is useless to give Veratrum in cholera lesions unless there is pain. The patient is worse at night. Rapid exhaustion. The first remedy to be considered in connection with Veratrum albumyo is Camphora. Like the previous remedy, it causes coldness and symptoms of collapse (rapid prostration). Camphor is better suited to cholera when the discharge is scanty and the nausea is great. Sometimes, in nausea, the upper lip is pulled up, showing teeth, and makes the expression even more disgusting. The whole body is cold. The voice is shrill or high-pitched.

Jatropha curcas produces an even more accurate picture of cholera than Veratrum. It causes vomiting of viscous protein masses and diarrhea.

Podophyllum resembles Veratrum album in that it produces the perfect picture of cholera. It is especially indicated when the case is characterized by the absence of pain. In this it is very different from Veratrum. These attacks usually occur in the summer. The stools are watery and vomit with force and noise like water from a faucet. There is an aversion to food. The intestines are more capable of erupting after midnight and until morning. The stools are very apt to change their color. There is a remedy which, in my opinion, is better suited for the summer diarrhea of ​​children than Veratrum. This is Iris versicolor. It produces marked inflammatory symptoms, with sensation in the anus as if from abrasions. The patient is worse at two or three in the morning. Nausea and sour taste in the mouth, and sometimes bilious vomiting. The stools are either watery or yellowish green in color and mixed with bile or oily particles.

Pulsatilla is required in diarrhea after midnight caused by eating cakes, etc., or eating ice cream just after dinner.

Croton tiglium is suitable when the stools are yellowish or yellowish green, flowing with force and noise like tap water. They are caused by every attempt to eat or drink. Elaterium is a remedy for profuse watery stools, if they are olive greenish. Often I have found Veratrum album useful against the weakness of the heart that accompanies acute illnesses, when the heart muscle is so weak that the pulse becomes thready. When moving, the patient loses consciousness. When lying face is red, when sitting it becomes deathly pale. You will often find your hands cold and clammy.

VEratrum VIRIDe (veratrum viride)

Although the name of this remedy is similar to that of the one just discussed, it cannot be deduced from this that it produces the same symptoms. Veratrum viride (Green hellebore) produces a rush of blood to the base of the brain and the upper part of the spinal cord. Thus, its action collides with the function of the pulmonary-gastric nerves (pp. vagi). At first, it seems to produce congestion of the lungs with blood, exactly the same as we see at the beginning of their inflammation. It is associated with a high degree of serial arousal. If these symptoms develop uncontrollably, then we have dizziness and weakness when trying to get up, nausea, cold sweat and labored breathing, and in general all the symptoms of paralysis of the heart from overwork of this organ. Thus Green Hellebore is an invaluable remedy in those violent flushes of blood which precede inflammation of the lungs. It can even cut off the whole disease. Veratrum viride also produces inflammation of the esophagus (oesophagitis) and in this disease it may be indicated even when the disease is due to traumatic causes. It is required for difficulty swallowing and fiery burning pains in the esophagus.

It is also indicated in chorea (Dance of St. Vitus) when, in addition to choreic twitches, there is a strong rush to the nerve centers. Given in a weak dose, it relieves the flush, and therefore the nervous disorders. We can likewise rely on Veratrum viride in postpartum convulsions, in violent congestion of the brain. The patient lies in a state similar to apoplexy. In the interval between convulsions, she does not regain consciousness, but is in a deep sleep. The street is red, eyes are bloodshot and strong convulsive twitches. In these same cases, Gelsemium helps when there is a dull, sleepy state of the brain.

SabadILla (sabadilla)

Sabadilla, like Veratrum album, is used for its nervous symptoms. It can be used with success in cases of imaginary illness. for example, a patient imagines that she is pregnant when she has a simple swelling over flatus, or that she has some kind of terrible throat disease, which must certainly end in death.

Thuja has the following symptoms: the patient imagines herself to be double or triple, or what she has made of glass, and is in constant fear of being touched, fearing that she will break.

Sabadilla is useful in influenza (influenza). There is great spasmodic sneezing and lachrymation when the patient goes out into the open air; the pharynx is also affected, giving you a complete picture of inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). The disease begins on the left side and spreads to the right; the pain is worse on empty swallowing. Sometimes there is a sensation as if of a thread or string in the throat, or a feeling of constriction in the throat, as if it were tied with a string. We may also use Sabadilla against worms if there is nausea and vomiting accompanied by a peculiar kind of colic, as if the intestines were in a rapid gyratory motion like a wheel.

23rd lecture
MenISpermaceae - menispermaceae

The menispermaceae are not a very large family of plants and only one remedy is obtained from it, which we will consider in this course of lectures. This is Cocculus indicus. The name given to this family comes from the shape of the seeds. Cocculus indicus (Cocculus indicus) Cocculus indicus owes its properties to the active principle, called Picrotoxin (Picrotoxinuin), whose name comes from a combination of two words and means Acne poisons. Pay attention to the painting on the board, that I divide the symptomatology of this remedy into two sections, firstly, nerves and, secondly, organs in general.

Cocculus indicus.

1. Nerves. 2. Organs. Head-dorsal. Weakness. Typhoid. Seizures. Now, whatever individual characteristic you use for a given remedy in each particular case, this characteristic must be consistent with the general effect of this remedy: otherwise your choice will be partial. for example, Belladonna, as you know, has the symptom: Sleepy but unable to sleep; this symptom is typical for her. But you find the same symptom under Cinchona, Ferrum, and Apis. How do you make a distinction between them, based on the general action of Belladonna, with which the particulars must also be consistent. So among the symptoms of Cocculus we will find those that are present with many other remedies, but with no remedy they have the same proportion as we have here. What is the main action of Cocculus indicus? Cocculus acts on the head-dorsal system, producing great weakness of its organs. The action of this remedy on the brain I will explain to you when I speak of its action in typhus. Now we will consider how this remedy acts on the spinal cord. It produces a paralytic weakness of the spinal cord and especially of its motor nerves. We therefore find it a fairly sure or frequent remedy in paralysis due to spinal cord disease. It is especially indicated at the onset of a disorder, whether it be due to a functional or severe organic disease of the brain; whether it be an irritation of the spinal cord due to loss of semen, softening of the brain, or motor ataxia. It is indicated especially in cases where the lumbar region of the spinal cord is affected. Weakness in the legs - knees refuse to serve when walking; in the soles there is a feeling of numbness, as it were; thighs ache as if beaten; numbness first in one, then in the other hand; sometimes the whole arm becomes numb and feels as if it were swollen.

I will now enumerate for you the typhoid symptoms of Cocculus; under this Rubric I shall speak to you of his head symptoms. You cannot expect Cocculus to be indicated in a case of typhoid fever, when the Peyer's patches are marked or ulcerated, or when there is profuse diarrhoea, pneumonia, and the like. But in the nervous type of fever, when the onslaught of the disease falls on the cephalic nervous system, Cocculus is one of the remedies that will help us in this case. The symptoms showing it are as follows: The patient complains of severe dizziness, worse when sitting, and also when trying to change the position from reclining to sitting. This is often accompanied by nausea, a tendency to vomit, and even fainting. Bryonia also has this symptom. Considering this symptom alone, no difference can be found between Bryonia and Cocculus, but if you examine the case more closely, you will find that in Cocculus this symptom is due to weakness of the spinal nerves. In this case, there is a strong stupefaction of consciousness; a special kind of confusion, a serious condition, could better explain what I mean. It takes a lot of effort to speak clearly. In some cases, the patient cannot find the words with which he would like to express his thought. Usually such patients lie quietly, immersed in their thoughts, with heavy eyelids, which they can only lift with difficulty. This is a symptom that reminds you of Gelsemium. There is another remedy for occipital headache, Juglans cathartica, sometimes called Juglans cinerea, oily nut. I consider it the best remedy for acute pains in the occipital region.

Menstruation is either profuse, comes too early and greatly weakens the patient, or they are late and the patient suffers every month from the so-called. menstrual colic. We have a small group of remedies for this condition, one of which is Cocculus. Others are Pulsatilla and Chamomilla. First let me describe the symptoms of Cocculus. This remedy is indicated in colic, when there is pain as if from sharp stones rubbing against each other in the abdomen. With this colic there is very often great distension of the abdomen from accumulated flatus. This colic has a special tendency to appear at night and wake the patient. It is relieved by belching, but comes back again from a new accumulation of winds. The patient is usually irritable.

Under Chamomilla the menstrual blood is very dark. pulsatilla has scanty periods of blood, coming on in fits and starts, with gripping pains that make the patient writhing, but the temperament of the patient is meek, tearful. Cyclamen is similar to Pulsatilla. He has chills with pains; tearful, tearful mood; dispensation aggravated by fatty foods and cakes; scanty periods; menstrual colic. But the difference between them is this: Cyclamen has no relief in cold air or in a cold room, and in some cases he has thirst. The similarity between Cocculus and Cyclamen is that both are suitable for a depressed state of the cerebrospinal nervous system. The symptoms of Cyclamen are as follows: the patient feels faint, weak with every movement, severe anemia, the patient usually gets worse when she sits down. These symptoms are usually accompanied by darkening of the eyes. Under Cyclamen we also find colic from the winds due to accumulation in the intestines, which occurs at night and is relieved only by the patient getting up and walking. In menstrual colic compare also Ignatia and Nux vomica.

24th lecture
PapaVEraceae - poppy

We now turn to the study of the poppy family (Papaveraceae), from which we obtain Opium, Sanguinaria Canadensis and Chelidonium majus. As members of the same family, they act on the circulation with a tendency to produce narcosis to a greater or lesser extent, congesting the blood vessels of the brain. The effect on sensitivity this produces runs the whole series from drowsiness to complete stupor. This, as you know, is characteristic in the sharpest form of Opium, and in a weaker degree of Sanguinaria and Chelidonium. Let's study these tools, each separately. Opium.
