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What to speak on the glider. Secrets of effective planer

Organize and spend the glider as efficiently as possible.

Find a solution to the problem announced for discussion or ask the direction of movement of the situation in the constructive channel.

It is interesting to spend the planer that the participants had no time to yawning and they did not have a feeling of wasted time spent.

Action plan

1. To get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing a planer.

2. Prepare yourself, prepare necessary materials and invite participants.

3. To hold a planer.

4. Take out the results of the planer and familiarize them with all the participants.

How to organize a planer

FirstWhat is required for the planers is a question or the topic of the planer. What working problem Do you want to solve? What a positive effect for the organization will be the result of the planer. Familiarize the Planerney Participants with this question in advance. Thus, you will save time during a planner, and the participants in the discussion may come already having interesting ideas on your question.

Second - These are the people who will participate in the glider. Specialists of which profile and leaders of what level, or which linear employees you need to find the answer to the question.

Third - Planner location. It is important that it was separate room or even special meetings for meetings. Where everyone will be enough space, outsiders (not participating in the planner employees) will not be able to disturb you and will not call phones.

Fourth - The time of the planer. It is desirable that it is convenient for all participants or constant. For example, daily planners are held every day at 9.30. In any case, choosing the time of the planner, you will have to navigate the most important participants. And appoint it in advance, for several hours, and more correctly - days.

Fifth - Planner Regulations. It is important not only to start a planer in time, but also to finish it on time. Determine the procedure for discussing issues and the time allocated to each participant in advance. Limit it, it will make reports compressed and most informative. For example, one speech is not more than 10 minutes.

Sixth - Screw materials. Required minimum These are handles for all participants and paper. Take care of it yourself, in advance so that you do not have to spend time discussion on finding something and what to write. You still need: flip chart, projector, screen, laptop, printer. All equipment must be prepared and testing its performance in advance.

Seventh - The lead planner or secretary who will fix the process and the results of the discussion of your question.

Planner formats

1. Summing up, information plan.

Such planes can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for the heads of all divisions of your organization.

What are such planners need for?


Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the head issues a subordinate task for the day. The time is also not worth stretching - everyone received tasks and went to perform it.

3. Planke-meeting to discuss the question.

You formulate your question in advance that you have formulated life itself and current situation on your market. Voiced the goal of the planer, send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) by this issue. Define the Regulations and Secretary of the Planering Meeting. Results of the Plannel send all participants. Time to hold such a planer no more than two hours. But there are situations where time is required more. In this case, it will schedule organized breaks for 15-20 minutes for tea and just a vacation. (Tea and sweet also prepare in advance!)

4. Creative plane.

Requests for work in coaching
1) development of the resource of creativity for growth (self-development, professional growth, business development)
2) decision internal conflicts, overcoming crises using creativity resource

Working with customers, I see that almost every leader (one, five or 100 people in his submission is not important!) Conducts a planer or a five-minute planer, while almost everyone does it ineffective. How do I understand it? Very simple: each of the leaders, one way or another, is dissatisfied with the results of the morning assembly. My article on how it can be corrected, and also to help you (to gain access you need) .

Step 1. Express Diagnostics of Efficiency of Morning Plannel

Put opposite the sayings "Tick" if you agree with the statement:

  • On the morning planner, employees are regularly late or are not bad
  • Every day the morning plan has different duration
  • Morning planers have a duration of more than 15 minutes
  • Employees overlook the boiled, concerned or dissatisfied
  • You are inclined to the fact that the morning planners are useless - gradually cease to see the meaning in them
  • During the working day, employees constantly distract you, you have to discuss various problems with them.
  • During the day, the same thing has to explain almost every employee
  • Employees do not remember that you talked to them on morning Planerke
  • Despite the fact that in the morning the task was set, in the evening it often does not fulfill
  • Every day your employees commit the same mistakes

If you have noted at least one point, it means that you need to reconsider your way of holding morning meetings, depending on your goals.

Step 2. Determine the purpose of the morning plan.

As in any activity, it is necessary to clearly define for yourself: what results do you want to achieve, spending morning planners? And, on the basis of the goals set, form an action plan.

Choose your goals of interest from the list:

  • Motivation of employees

All objectives mentioned above must be present in your work with the team, but not all of them must be installed to achieve when carrying out the morning assembly.

For example, the exchange of experience and training you may be carried out on a weekly basis and not in the morning, and in the time specifically allocated for this and all problems and questions are collected and discussed precisely then.

At the same time, you must understand that if you do not make a purpose to motivate employees in the morning, then the features wait for you no need - they will not be 🙂

Now in more detail how to achieve each of the goals.

  1. Planning and setting tasks / focus on day / week

For a day, no more than three tasks and one focus should be delivered. Perfect option - This is if you do not voicate, and every employee will independently say that it will reach by the end of the day and what will focus on today.

Tasks must be achievable, specific and measurable, that is, in numbers! Make the setting of tasks according to the Method of Smart(what kind of method you can read .

With all people, the visual file feed is perceived better, so the main tasks are better to write on the board, and focus on the day to emphasize (in the literal sense of the word) during the conversation process.

If the task is set to the head, then it is better if the employee also records his tasks in a diary.

  1. Collection of work problems, feedback from employees

It is important to build communication in two directions, not only you, as a manager, talk about what problems arose over the past day, but they need to get used to talk about their difficulties arising during the work. Often, employees consider their problems insignificant, discussing them only among themselves, and do not voicate their leadership.

It is necessary to create a field of trust, therefore, first, to promote activity, the manager always takes all the problems voiced by employees (even if he, in his opinion, it is small and unimportant). Secondly, you are always looking for, not guilty. Thirdly, assign a responsible for solving the problem and establish the timing of its elimination, and according to the results of the work carried out, inform about the fact of solving the problem.

  1. Exchange of experience, staff training

You can also hold mini-learning: to bring or repeat standard speech scripts with employees, the benefits of products, answers to objections, acting company shares, etc. When learning, say not only you, constantly involve the staff in the process.

Every day learn them something new and useful. Always develop your employees!

  1. Increase team spirit

First of all, when communicating, use such words as "we", "our team."

Voicate the company's news, Intorganization moments, the success of the organization (let small) over the past day. Even if you have corporate mail in your company, not everyone read it, so basic and interesting news can be voiced. Even if the news is not joyful, as a team, you can jointly think that you can do in this situation.

Do not forget to voice solemn and significant dates for employees (the birthdays of the employees themselves, their children, the round date of work in the company, participation in contests, etc.)

  1. Motivation of employees

In order to give positive setting The team for the entire coming day is necessary:

  • find for what to praise someone from the team (the best selling, quality, etc .; thanks from the client; solving a difficult or non-standard question, etc.);
  • when setting tasks on the day to explain how fulfillment will affect positively for the general purpose of the company, i.e. It is necessary to show that every employee is important;
  • use words encouraging to action: "Let's do it!", "Show what you are capable!" etc.
  • use words showing your faith in them: "We can", "we will do", "we will prove", "I am sure", etc.

Never submit some employee on the morning glider, as well as do not express dissatisfaction with the whole team - in the morning only positive!

Step 3. Drawing up the planning regulations.

Depending on what kind of morning planning, you set themselves, it is necessary to draw up the regulations for its implementation. It is best to print it and hang in the venue of the morning meetings.

In the Regulations, it is necessary to determine the start time and time of the planer. It must be no more than 15 minutes so that the level of information perception was maximum. It is also necessary to compile a plan of the implementation, i.e. The sequence of what you will talk about. Recommendations for drawing up a plan:

  • Remember that it is necessary to start and finish the plaffer. Therefore, start the planer with greetings, mark some achievements over the past day (a separate employee or team as a whole). And finish congratulations, wish have a nice day, phrase encouraging action.
  • After greeting, you can report the results of the work for the previous day and put the goal with their current day.
  • Mini-learning or exchange of experiences that are designed to help achieve the goals set for the day must be carried out immediately after the voiced tasks.
  • It is necessary to get feedback from employees - it is more expedient to do to the end of the meeting, since it is possible to set the standard time for discussion only approximately and that the planer is not delayed must be controlled by this process. If you see that the problem of the problem is complicated and will require more than 2 minutes to decide - appoint a separate meeting on this issue or determine the responsible for its decision.

Regulations template for morning plan:

Morning Planering Regulation Sample(to gain access to all free additional materials necessary):

I advise you to print the planers' regulation pattern in several copies and directly in it with daily preparation to make a note what you want to say.

Step 4. Preparation for Morning Planer.

Good preparation is 90% of success, therefore, as to any event, it is necessary to prepare too much for the morning glider.

Do it better on the eve of the evening and necessarily in writing!

Tasks You put on the basis of what goals for a month you have identified for yourself and at what stage of their execution you are, as well as depending on which during the working day.

For each point of the plan, write about what you say: Remember the successes per day and the difficulties that have arisen, news and events; Think over and prepare mini-learning.

The first time the preparation would possibly take you quite a lot of time, but gradually it should be reduced to a maximum of 10 minutes.

Step 5. Holding the Planner.

Take your printed rules in your hands, smile and spying on the regulations, start holding a meeting. At the same time, do not forget to look at the clock so that the meeting does not last more than 15 minutes.

In the process of conducting, note the reaction of employees to each item of the regulations to analyze which information was interesting, and which is not very. If something was not interesting or did not bring the expected result (reaction) for you, it is necessary to think about how important this information is, it is possible to remove it, or how to change its submission to enhance the interest from employees.

For you, the main criterion of the effectiveness of your meetings, of course, should be an indicator of the level of execution, sales and quality of service. If the speaker is positive, then you do everything right, otherwise we are always ready to work with you individually!

Listen to an article:

The tablet is an important part of the workflow. However, it can be like becoming an incentive for an employee, a supporting point and a springboard, and completely repel all the desire to work. How to hold meetings to "ignite" subordinates? How to behave at meetings to spend time with benefits?

What are planners for?

For about a year I worked in the editorial office of the magazine about construction and houses. Publisher, she is the owner, really loved the plates. We gathered in her office every morning for one and a half or two hours and watched the performance of one actor. The voiced goal of this meeting is to tell, at what stage is the relationship with advertisers. Hidden - explain what losers gathered at this table. To me (editor) and designer also needed to be present. "Liberation" received only an accountant: she had to constantly monitor the account for the receipt of money, which did not come. Because instead of work we sat on the planner.

We would have been glad to listen to what our employer thinks about us, and see how she can sell on the phone, but the work was stood. The fact is that money in the editorial will appear if the managers sell advertising. To appoint a meeting with a potential advertiser, you need to get through to it. And to catch someone in the place is real only from 9 to 10, after the people diverged according to their plates, production and meetings. In general, you needed to call just at the time when we were sitting in the boarding office.

To break this vicious circle has not been possible. No, we said that the managers need to do with the phone, and the editor with the designer would like to return to magazine bands. We asked for many times to transfer the planner at another time. But if you collect the sake of a meeting, forgetting about the benefit for the company, good times Night come soon.

1. Make a plan:

    what is the main purpose of the meeting: to tell about innovations, listen to opinions, solve the problem, collect reports, etc.,

    what questions need to be discussed first

    what can be skipped and solved in working order, if there is no time, etc.

2. Determine the goal

Word a query in the result format. Do not "discuss the problem", but "develop a solution to the problem."

3. Fix the arrangements and secure responsibility with terms

If a proposal arises, the meeting result will be an agreement on what steps will be responsible and what time frame.

4. Install the "convenient" time

For employees do not stretch reports, they thought more collected and faster, appoint a meeting an hour before a lunch break or end of the working day. Tightened - miss dinner or go home later. And this, it is clear, I do not want anyone.

5. Be closer to the people

If you want to achieve frank from subordinates, listen to what they really think about this issue, sit among them. When you head the table, you are the boss, and your opinion is priority. When you sit next to an employee, you are a colleague, ready for a joint discussion and finding a solution.

General Director of Welzovka LLC, Network of Individual Storage Warehouses (Self Storage), Skladovka.Ru

The meeting should always be prepared by the head in terms of the questions you want to discuss. Before started, it is better to send the agenda that you want to receive an answer or organize a discussion. The meeting should end the protocol where they are fixed decisions made, execution and responsible time.

Each meeting is carried out according to the principle of continuity so that people understand the logic of development of projects and have the opportunity to give feedback, report on issues that originated during the execution of decisions.

Very useful meetings at objects, and not in the head office. On the spot it is immediately seen that it really happens on the object that you need to do for him so that it reaches the intended goals.

The working meetings of the head of the Organization with representatives of the divisions will eventually monitor whether each unit and enterprise generally goes to the intended goal or deviates from it.

Director of Development of the Company "Centragro"

Our company meetings are classified in our company: advice, committees, meetings, which in turn have a clear temporary regulation and agenda. Only situational meetings on force majeures do not have a predetermined agenda. The rest are preparing documents in advance and send by mail to interested parties.

The meetings set rules:

    do not interrupt each other;

    not to go out;

    turn off the phones;

    be on time.

The effectiveness of the meetings is raised by the preparation and preliminary distribution of documents, a clear schedule of meetings for planning workers' work time.

Planners at a distance

Every year it becomes more companieswho refuse offices and go to. How to carry out planners when all employees live not only in different cities, but also in different parts Sveta?

Natalia Odessova

Founder of online training center

I used to work in a large corporation. Now all my employees from different cities And even countries, and we communicate very much online. Previous experience made it possible to take the best, and change what was clearly inefficient.

People work online in order to have more time, so all the plates are very shorter and much more efficient. We do not collect people who cannot affect the solution of the issue, and therefore, do not spend their time in vain. The tablet is compressed and only in the case. Often it is a Skype Call for 5-10 minutes with a discussion of a particular issue.

There are indicators that we regularly monitor, but on them we do not call up at all, and lay out new data into a common chat and make decisions, discuss new steps to improve improvements.

By timing: since we are generally a lot of freedom, I never squeeze as soon as possible In projects "for development", and ask: "For how long do you believe? How long can you answer? " This approach allows an employee to consciously take responsibility and with great desire and pleasure to work on the task.

And the intermediate control points are very helpful when I look into the process and see if the direction is moving in the right direction.

    Leave your phone, tablet and other gadgets in the office. You should not take a favorite toy to meet with the manual.

    Remember that at the meeting there is the same principle as in school. Who listens carefully, nods and asks clarifying questions, that well done. Why should we be well done at work? That's right - so that we remember about us when the award is distributed.

    Another school rule is "eyes in the eye." When praise, send an open look. Rugan fell out, start looking for the most interesting screet on the table or pay attention to your handle.

    Record everything in general everything . Then figure out what is useful, and what can be thrown out. First, the chiefs love themselves when they are abstract. Secondly, recording is a spare airfield, if you need to hide. By the way, between Pearls of the head, you can fix your thoughts.

    Actively express your opinion if it is provided for by the format of the planner. Even if you share a banality, you will still look solid against the background of silent and looking at the shoes of colleagues. Now the main thing is to show who is here the most active participant.

    About sleep, sowing and missing glance do not even say. You yourself understand that it is inappropriate.

    If she completely overwhelmed boredom, try working in mind. Make a list of cases, think about your project globally. Or just labelish.

    effectively hold meetings to "ignite" subordinates? How to behave at meetings to spend time with benefit? "/\u003e

A lot of instructions and recommendations are already written about how to carry out planners. We analyzed for you published information and collected it into one method. So, how correctly, or rather effectively organize and carry out a planer.


Organize and spend the glider as efficiently as possible. Find a solution to the problem announced for discussion or ask the direction of movement of the situation in the constructive channel.

It is interesting to spend the planer that the participants had no time to yawning and they did not have a feeling of wasted time spent.

Action plan

1. To get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing a planer. 2. Prepare yourself, prepare the necessary materials and invite participants. 3. To hold a planer. 4. Take out the results of the planer and familiarize them with all the participants.

What is needed for a planenna: the first thing that is required for the planer is a question or the topic of the planer. The second is the people who will participate in the glider. The third is the place of the planer. Fourth - the time of the planer. Fifth - Regulation of the Planner. Sixth - Primary Materials. Seventh is a leading planener or secretary.

Planner formats.

1. Summing up, informative plane. Such planes can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for the heads of all divisions of your organization.

What are such planners need for?


Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the head issues a subordinate task for the day. The time is also not worth stretching - everyone received tasks and went to perform it.

3. Planke-meeting to discuss the question.

You formulate your question in advance that life has been formulated and the current situation in your market. Voiced the goal of the planer, send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) on this issue. Define the Regulations and Secretary of the Planering Meeting. Results of the Plannel send all participants. Time to hold such a planer no more than two hours. But there are situations where time is required more. In this case, it will schedule organized breaks for 15-20 minutes for tea and just a vacation. (Tea and sweet also prepare in advance!)

4. Creative plane. When there is not enough of his ideas (or simply no, it also happens). Such a glider is best carried out in a brainstorm format, or another creative creative ideas search for ideas.

5. Planerman - as a solution conflict situations a team.

We are all people, we are all human ... And there are clear and hidden conflicts at work. And when you, as the leader, see that the situation is close to critical, just give people the opportunity to speak.

Direct their conflict energy \u003d destruction to creation. Spend a planer for employees in a free discussion format, let them make it openly argue, but without "hitting" and insults.

How to do it? Competently "destroy" the conflict is your direct task. Contact your colleagues for help from HR or upstream guidelines. Choose a relevant topic, but for example, neutral for all participants. And then take the role of the observer and listen to everyone carefully, only directing the participants into the constructive channel and do not let them go to a dead end.

Be sure to sum up the results of the discussion of the stated topic, draw conclusions and familiarize yourself with them all participants. The fact that the planeman is conducted to solve conflict situations, do not need to inform participants. In addition to those cases, when it is precisely the topic of the decision of the conflict to be the goal of the planer.