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Errors when carrying out the morning plan. How to conduct effective meetings

Boris Metlenko
Source: Alphabet "Sales" manager

Today, you were surprised to find out that the boss decided to become closer to the people, and from Monday you will have to report on a five-minute pavement planner about the work done and publicly build plans. If you are concept

Today, you were surprised to find out that the boss decided to become closer to the people, and from Monday you will have to report on a five-minute pavement planner about the work done and publicly build plans. If you have no idea from which end to all this to approach and what to wait - read on, come in handy.

Apparently, your chef finally got to some kind of book type "management team for teapots" or he was advised by the senior comrades. Actually, this is one of basic rules Works of the head:

1. Put the task

2. Appoint performers

3. Determine the execution time

4. Control performers in the process of completion of the order.

The report on a rapid-five-minute planner implies that employees load themselves and help control themselves. And the chef will sit, distribute new instructions and make a note in his diary. This procedure is aimed at creating an atmosphere "we have nothing to hide - we are a team. The boss holds the hand on the pulse of events. The staff is not thrown. Big brother is watching you".

This is to know what motives move your leadership.

I have two news for you: one is good, and the second ... decide themselves.

Good news: Few managers can punctually fulfill their own rules. (All this kindergage with plates can soon end)

Another news:

If earlier in your organization it was not accepted, then changes are coming, and you are granted a chance to make you notice and appreciated. I'm talking about a career.

1. Your plans should be real.

The real plan is the one for which there is a living thing. The case you know well, and imagine how to perform it from the first and to last Step. On any question supplied before- or during Work, you must give a clear and thorough answer. (Managers thinking specific, and not vague categories, it is appreciated).

I will give examples how to distinguish an abstract chief from the specific one.

The chef, thinking clearly, is in speech by turns, each word of which can be seen and sweetered. "I do not see the results." "Show me what exactly you did." "You are not visible, you do not feel at work." "Take it on yourself", etc. It is aimed at the result, his element accurate numbers and accurate dates.

Chef, thinking abstract and only abstract, will sound like this: "Note perspective." "Combine the ability of interaction", "Your order must be fulfilled as quickly as possible." Such a person is usually aimed at the process. He can do a bunch of work, he is constantly busy, but at the exit the result is close to zero.

(For those who are aware of what NLP is: the chief is a specific - a kinesther-visual or visual. Abstract chef - audio. Check, watch)

2. Turn on the plan for unroven tasks. (Imitator of cycling activity)

Unchecked plans are the area of \u200b\u200byour activity that cannot be checked if you don't sit over your soul around the entire working day. Why do you need it? But why. Whatever programs you have been developed, whatever projects have to wear, you will definitely interfere with the circumstances will prevent you. These will be colleagues and relatives with their questions and problems, bad weather with their precipitation and bosses with your report. To get a time for unexpected work and exist unverified plans. (I do not advise abuse, 1-2 pieces of unverified tasks per week will be enough)

"What did 2 hours of working time do?" - asks the chef.

"I was waiting for the reception in the Committee of Housing and Commitment, as I also reported on the planner on Monday," you are responsible.

Everything, no questions.

One of my familiar programmer wrote an application that, when started, it squeezed the running digital columns on the screen, the blue strips of progress indicators with changing interest, etc. When he needed to leave his business, he launched this Programulina, turned to all "Computer Don't Take, I have a database to refindex" and dropped. However, all his duties and development passed on time. (!)

3. When discussing the time you need to fulfill the working tasks, request a half or two times more than you really need. Create earlier - report earlier and acquire a reputation as an executive officer or spend the saved time on other affairs. There will be unforeseen difficulties in the work - you will still cope in the promised period and remain with the reputation of a reliable employee: "This, if promised - will do."

There is a rule: for the implementation of the project you need two times more time and three times more moneyWhat was supposed at the beginning. " Sounds no matter, right? However, this rule from the smart book confirmed by life. For the first time I encountered him when my friends and I opened a cafe, where I was then the manager. The rule worked with an accuracy of two days and one hundred rubles. Then there were still many confirmations. Look around yourself, ask for friends. If they have these indicators better, it means that I have something to learn.

4. For current routinewhich does not bring tangible results, and time takes a lot, already on the 3-4th planner ask assistant Or the ability to shift this work on a less active or unloaded employee. (If you give it into submission - this is the beginning of the formation of your team).

Here, in fact, everything about planning. We will transfer to reports.

5. Avoid report on interim results.Unless of course it is on a long-term project or guide does not require reports immediately.

People should know about what you are doing, and not about how you do it.

Sooner or later, skill will come to you - this is an opportunity to cope with the work quickly and easily. Unfortunately, in this country they do not like lightness, here in honor of the heavy stubborn labor of the unprofessional. (Nepophy is cheaper)

If you still ask: "At what stage is the execution of something global there ???" - Have a clearly streamlined response type in stock: "At the stage of consideration of documents by clients." "A fundamentality has been reached on a meeting during this (future) week." etc.

6. Shortness, accuracy, clarity. These are the criteria for your speech on the planner. Be prepared to answer additional questions.

7. Reporting on the work done, do not modify. You do not need other Lavrov, but the fact that yours is only yours. If you have helped, be sure to check it out (people will be grateful to you). If you interfere, threaten: "I will share the authorities on the planner."

And one more small retreat. Please do not consider this text as a guide to borrow heads. What is written here will help you create a comfortable working environment. Notice, not at work, namely work. Unfortunately, there is another rule of office life: "Who plows, on that and drive." These recommendations will allow you to build your own office in the office. working area, fenced from unnecessary statement claims ("You see - I'm busy!", "I never let you down, so let me make money normally for you") and at the same time using all available opportunities for efficient work and career growth.

I will be very happy comments, criticism, suggestions.

Top Gear UK: Planners better spend in a relaxed atmosphere

In many teams, planers are practiced, in which leaders distribute tasks and outlines the overall tactics of work in the near future. Many state institutions practice planers on Monday in the morning.

Some consider the planers of a waste of time, but on the other hand, without regular discussions of current issues there will be many inconsistent actions. Here, as always, the balance is important.

For example, many government agencies practice the planer every week and collect all the staff there. This is a classic example of inefficient spending time. Not every week there are sharp issues important for the whole team. At the same time, everyone must be present at such events. Even those whom the current agenda does not concern either directly nor indirectly. Meetings and Plannels Steel classic example Inefficient spending time in time management books.

How to spend the perfect planer?

There is nothing perfect. No one knows how to properly spend the planer. There are too many variables. What kind of glider need your team - depends on how many people you have and what kind of activity you are busy. I can only tell briefly that I saw in different organizations.

When I worked at the institute, I had a chance to work in two structural divisions. Both of them practiced meetings with the head. They took place on an irregular basis and in both cases were quite productive. I managed to discuss all the painful questions. The minus of these planets was one - sometimes (not always) on them was boring, because far from all the questions concerned me in one way or another.

I also worked in one private organizationwhere the planet was not in principle at all. In any case, working as a programmer was lucky to me for about 2.5 years just a few times to talk to the director with an eye on the eyes. I have done everything else at work - I was engaged in my immediate work and discussed the results of working with the manager in the current mode. This was enough for the eyes.

In the same organization, I saw daily plankers that practiced every morning regardless of whether there is some actual agenda or not. For my taste, daily planners are too much. For example, if every morning all team members spend 15 minutes on the planer and 15 minutes to return to everyday deeds, then for a week comes 2.5 hours of nettime loss for each employee every week. This is more than 5% of all working time. For the month already runs more than 10 hours. Agree - this is noticeable.

In addition to the morning planners, I also met the practice of evening planners who pass in a casual atmosphere, when many things have already been made and no one hurries anywhere. Such a format personally like me more than the morning plan.

As for the weekly glider, you probably need them. But you need to try to spend them in the maximum compressed format. Do not delay discussion on the clock. Especially if in the glider participates a large number of of people.

Why is the morning planner - evil?

While people are tightened to work until they wake up - for some time. Then they just begin to do their affairs - and they distract them the morning plan. Then after the planer, they are again included in the work. And - God forbid them someone will distract from the affairs after the planenna. Then at 11 in the morning it will be necessary to go for lunch, and after lunch will be clone into sleep. Morning is the best and most productive time. I would not spend it on a daily planer.

Meetings in the corridor standing

If there are few people in the team, then why not hold meetings standing in the corridor. With a sitting lifestyle, it is more useful for health and allows you to feel much freer. Many business coaches advise to implement it in everyday practice. You can develop this idea and discuss working questions for dining table Or during training in a corporate gym. Think ourselves - you make two things at once immediately, and in addition, you are discussing work projects in the most relaxed setting and you can talk more openly with your colleagues than in the office.

2016 is the time of checking companies for strength, and in connection with this now, more than ever before, you must keep your hand on the pulse daily. I present to your attention a few basics, observing which your sales department will become more collected and efficient.

In a good way, in the company there should be 2 meetings of the head with managers: the first is common, on the morning planner, the second is an individual, evening meeting, during which the head carefully delves the activities of his people, disassembles difficult situations, conducts individual motivation. But today it will be discussed precisely about the total Morning Planerke, which is an indispensable tool for managing sales department and maintaining its employees in the tone.

The goals of the morning plan:

1. Summing up yesterday

2. Working day planning

3. Control of the reality of achieving plans for the month and production plan "B"

4. Training managers for specific examples With the help of a business game

5. Check the level of energy managers and their extra charge, motivation

That is, for the head of the sales department, the Planerman is the Lacmus paper quality of his work, which will help him to react in time on situations that usually lead to non-fulfillment of plans, errors when communicating with customers or dismissal managers.

So, 10 rules of effective morning planning Ropa:

1. Periodicity.

The morning glider must be done not once again, not when you have a good or bad mood, but daily, at the same time. A good glider will be a ritual to start work, the start of the activity of managers. In practice, I have many times in practice, when there were badly spent, or not at all Planerna, crushed the whole way of the day of managers, spoiled the mood and killed the desire to work.

During the morning plan, managers must finally wake up and catch the main idea: start!

2. Discipline

Effective planner has a clear structure, targets and timing (that is, the time launched on the planer). Any deviation from the structure demotivates managers, compliance with the same general rules - disciplines and structures thoughts.

The planer should begin and end always on time. 15 minutes before the start of the planer, everyone should be present in the office. All tea drinking - to the planer. After - only work.

Managers should be prepared for the glider, know all their current indicators and their plans for the day, and not count the numbers on the calculator, taking the time from the whole team, or distracted by counting instead of listening to the information that Rop wants to bring until everyone.

For a high-quality planner, with a business game, usually 45 minutes. But believe me, these 45 minutes are able to save a lot of time in the future and bring a much greater financial result.

3. Energy

The morning plan is a lighter for the eye of the staff.

If the planers are boring, the managers fall asleep even more, and you do not get the right effect. Do not discard the information, keep the goal and structure in your head, do not make employees from the topic on the topic, or ask questions that concern only one.

It is important to remember that the planer is teamwork, and not the morning gatherings. Keep everyone's attention. Speak only what concerns everyone.

4. Take your managers constantly!

Daily, in the evening meetings, you find out from managers, how was their day that they had successes, with what difficulties they encountered what clients could not be treated. Morning Planer allows you to make the most actual problems For general discussion.

To do this, it is necessary that the manager briefly told the problem with which he could not cope yesterday, then you quickly repeat the theoretical part (for example, the "argument to the settlement method), and then you arrange a business game where the manager does not play the role of the client He coped with the situation. Next, with the help of a short brainstorming, the entire team is thrown by the options for solving the situation.

It is especially important that each team employee will actively participate in the search for solutions. Do not give ready-made answers, the most effective learning - Not theory from the head, but finding ideas through interactive.

Daily training, admission and support of managers will allow your managers to constantly develop, improve their sales skills, not be afraid of the difficulties "in the fields".

5. Constantly monitor the planned

Planning without control - Money for the wind (c) Ancient Chinese wisdom

I think here you do not need to explain separately. Do not control times, then two - on the third managers either stop doing something, or will begin to brew.

6. Motivation team

It is important not just to designate the results of yesterday throughout the team as a whole and for each separately, but also to designate the best and worst for the previous day, and do not be afraid to demotivate anyone - too small temporary intervals are used, and managers every day have a chance to correct.

Use as indicators not only financial (how many sales made how much money brought), or indicators for activity (the number of calls, appointed and held meetings), but also qualitative indicators (quality of customer service manager). You can independently listen to the calls of managers, just use the reporting department reports.

7. Plumbes in the plans

The manager should not just tell about how much sales he will close, how many payments will collect and how many meetings will do. He must reinforce its plans with specific names of companies. Even if today it is not planned to have any answers from customers, the manager should tell where he will take today's plan to call, to whom will go, but companies must be named, with clear numbers in money and quantities.

It is also very important to remember that the daily plan of the manager must respond to the achievement of the goals of the month. If your manager has a plan for a month - 1,000,000 rubles in charges, then it cannot plan to collect 20,000 rubles every day, since such a pace, he simply does not.

Put ambitious plans to your managers. If the manager is shy to voice an ambitious plan, or refers to his superstition ("I will not say not to smooth out", "I will say more now, and you will be the brain in the evening") - it needs to be treated, and the sooner, the better. Teach managers to high plans, cultivate their internal "limits".

Also, the manager should believe in his own numbers, not to say "from the bald", because it is necessary, but to clearly understand that what he said is really feasible and he knows how to influence it.

8. Check the readiness of the whole team

Before letting their sales in a new day, check for all resources for them - both external (the presence of presentation materials, business cards, databases for transk, etc.) and internal - everyone has eyes burn, or needed with It remains and additionally discuss some difficulties, give additional individual motivation.

9. PowerfulCTA at the end of the Planer

Come up with some motivating phrase that will be anchor to start work and give an additional charge of energy to your managers. The phrase can be any: "Team, forward!", Or "Let's do it!", Or "all, drove!"

This is the so-called anchor, which gives a signal to the fact that everything, morning ended, it's time to run and win!

10. Visualization

Be sure to make the planner results on the indicator board so that managers constantly see and their results, and the overall result of the team, as well as the percentage of the plan. It may look like this:

And as a bonus, check list to assess the quality of the morning plan for example:

And now intermittent the steps necessary for the quality of the planner.
Before the planner, the head appoints a person (secretary) in order to record the plans of the participants. And I introduces it to the case, gives to read this article so that the secretary understands all the Newans, holding the tablet. The remaining participants of the planner read this article is not necessary. The secretary makes the table where all the participants of the planner enters:
No p / p, photo, surname name, tel., E-mail, position, task next week And the time of execution, the task of last week, notes: marks on the presence on the planner, on the fulfillment of the tasks of last week, etc.

The secretary must record the planner audio recording and after the planner to transcribe the conversation to fix everything that was planned by people to then send this information to those who should perform this activity.

Then on the planner, the head announces the beginning of the planner, welcomes the gathered, represents the participants to each other, (if there are new participants in the planner) and says the company's goals for a long term, for the short term, for the period up to the next planner:

We start our planor. I welcome everyone! Our global goals: to be a number 1 in our industry, for this we need our development statistics, have been higher than that of competitors. Our goal is until the end of the year, to open up 200 more restaurants. Our goal is a week, sell 30 franchises. Now I will introduce our secretary: it is Anna Ivanova. This is very useful man For all of us, she will fixes those cases that we plan to do on the planner so that we do not forget about them and will send us on email Stenogram of plates. Anna, this is Vladimir Petrov Head of the Procurement Department. This is Yulia Sidorova HR service manager. This is Marya Ivanovna, chief Accountant. Etc.

The manager then warns that during the speech it is necessary, to speak the name and position, for the transcript, so that others, when reading, could understand who spoke.
- During the planner, so that it is convenient for us to read the transcript that Anna will smash to us, I ask you to take the floor, speak your last name and name, and call your position.

And then control compliance with this rule. For example, someone says:
- I think that this we can not do.
The head is interrupted and good says:
- Please appear and call your position.
- Head of the Procurement Department Vladimir Petrov. Well, I think that we will not be able to purchase this week, because you need to declare a tender, and it will take 2 weeks.

At this time, the secretary should be thoughts in the present time, should be able to concentrate attention on what is happening to memorize and make a note who says one or another phrase, for example, if the head forgot to ask to introduce themselves. And then it restores data by audio, makes the transcript, sends it to the participants. Decompositions that everyone has to do and sends personal tasks. Then calls people and reminds that she sent the task to the mail to perform and make sure that its letter was obtained.

Then the head gives the word in turn to each participant of the planner, so that everyone expressed that specifically was made from the moment of last planner, what exactly the results were achieved, and not what he did, or why he did not work out. The head carefully monitors the participants to impose fog on the specific results of their activities. For example, Vladimir Petrov says:
- I prepared this week documentation for the tender.
- What is specifically done?
- I prepared the requirements of 25 points to the tender member, agreed with the financial department of the amount in which we will benefit from purchasing this equipment. Etc…

Then the head asks the speaker that he plans to do in general and that he plans to make the next planner. Asks about the deadlines of each case and that it is necessary for a successful task. And also the header of the planner ensures that participating plans correspond to the common goal. You can prepare a table with the eight columns in front of which the manager puts marks in the form of signs "+" and "-": the name of the name, the presence on the planner, the long-term plan, the term of execution, the plan for the week, the implementation period, the fulfillment of the common goal, notes (To note that a subordinate to perform the task and other marks)
- Vladimir, tell about your current tasks and plans.
- I'm going to hold a tender to 10-20% cheaper to purchase the necessary equipment.
- How long will you need to hold this tender?
- I will need 2 weeks to hold a tender.
- Well, what do you plan to make this week until the next planner?
- I need to send the requirements of participation in the tender to equipment suppliers.
- How many companies do you plan to send these requirements?
- Well, I think the companies 10.
- Okay. Do you have something else, do you plan to do something else this week? (Or limit ourselves to the words: "Is it all?", "Are you finished?", "Do you still have something?")

Then the head thanks the previous participant and transmits the word to the following. And acts by the same scheme, with the sole purpose, pull out of people, specifics.
What did they do last week?
What exactly are they planning to do in the coming week?
Need specific numbers And deadlines so that it was possible to clearly see on the next planner, whether the person had fulfilled the task that he set itself.
And in case of non-fulfillment, in no case to listen to excuse, you just need to ask:
- Anna, what was planning to make the department of the Caudice this week?
- send ten companies to participate in the tender.
- Made?
- Not.
- How much time do you need to finish it?
- More week.
- Okay.

And if a person brings "Shadow on a woven", he sees, does not say the specifics that he did last week, we will not give him the opportunity to make plans for the next week, because he did not fulfill what he put in front of him this week, head Just says:
- Clear. The tasks of the procurement planned by the department are not fulfilled. Let's not waste time and turn to HR service. I give the word Yulia Sidorova.
- Yulia Sidorova, head of the HR department. This week we have accrued 150 candidates for the position of sales managers, 15 of them came to probation, …

This is how the tablet is maintained and the tasks are monitored.

What does the absence of a systematic in carrying out a plane lead to?
People are detained, they understand that you can do anything, and you can "speak teeth" and no one will find them inaction.

Therefore, our task is that all participants in the planner clearly seen those who act, and clearly seen those who are inactive. And slacker staff becomes very uncomfortable, and they are either corrected and the same is included in the work, or they themselves leave the team, because people cannot be in the place where they are not comfortable, and they can only be comfortable if they are either give results, or can hide their novelization. Therefore, it is necessary to take the results or their absence to endure.
Encourage employees for results for good statistics, but not for words. Encourage people publicly - to make devotees, loyal employees is stronger, develop them, teach and give them more powers. Find more productive people and make their people more productive. Hold the emotional background in the team on a positive level, and productivity increases significantly.