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Began to study English children. Effective English learning techniques for children

Everyone remembers how in school we were forced to engage in boring, morally obsolete and dilapidated library textbooks. Our children are lucky. But together with an impressive choice, the feeling of confusion comes. How to understand what is suitable for your child? We selected eight English textbooks for children and broke them into two categories: benefits for the most young (6-9 years) and for adolescents (10-15 years old).

Modern textbooks differ significantly from their predecessors. Training in them is built not only with the help of bright pictures and games. The authors of the benefits are developing characters who like schoolchildren. It can be children, animals or even mythical heroes, with whom I would like to associate myself. Next, the authors lead their characters throughout the textbook, telling about the daily life of the heroes and adventures that happen to them.

In addition, modern benefits not only teach children English, but also help to develop as a whole. In these textbooks, the child will find many creative tasks: make a postcard, compose a song. Teenagers are offered individual, paired and group projects.

With regular classes, children even before graduation will acquire a level.

The overall structure of English textbooks for children

  • The main textbook for children is 6-9 years old, as a rule, is called Pupil's Book or Class Book. Manuals for children 10-15 years old are called Student's Books. They are illustrated texts with tasks. At the end of the textbooks you will find lists of new words (Word Lists) and explanations of grammar (Grammar Reference). Some publishers offer consideration materials (Culture CLIPS).
  • In the notebook with the exercises (Activity Book), the student performs tasks from the units: draws, paints images, fits words, composes the essay and solves the tests.
  • In Teacher's Book you will find tips on doing lesson, the correct answers to the tests of tests, audio recordings and additional materials for training for units: stories, songs, discussions, games. You will also learn what skills every specific exercise develops in a child.
  • All textbooks are sold together with CDs on which materials for auditing are recorded. Some textbooks are accompanied by video files.

Textbooks for children 6-9 years

It is believed that 6-7 years is the most suitable age to start learning English. The child is already going to school, gets used to a regular schedule and continuous learning process. His own interests appear, so it is easier to interest it and melt than the kid who is still going to kindergarten. Let's see what benefits will help the child at this stage.


A textbook (Class Book) consists of 9 units, each of which is devoted to some topic: school production, picnic, toys, farm. The unit is divided into several short lessons: This allows not only convenient to break the classes depending on the allocated time and endurance of the student, but also thoroughly work out all the skills. The tasks are aimed primarily on the development of an active listening and speaking skill. Exercises consist of colorful illustrations, small texts and short audio recordings.

Exercise Exercises: Listen and Find (You need to study the image, listen to the speaker and find the specified objects, animals or people in the picture), Listen and Say (you need to repeat the words for the speaker), Listen and Sing (you need to repeat the lines from the song). To dilute a monotonous educational process, children are offered creative tasks, for example, make a frame for the pattern. Fasten the studied material can be in a game form (Revision unit). For example, it is proposed to play a board game: having passed the way from the start to the finish line, your child will earn points for the correct answers.

As the textbook level increases, you will meet more text: for example, emails that children write their parents from the summer camp, or journal cuts from small interviews and articles.

After all units you will find lyrics and even more exercises.

Additional materials

The standard kit contains a notebook with tasks and a guide for the teacher. In addition to audio files, there are video films on the disks of two types. The first is short (2-3 minutes) Animation videos with already familiar to the child characters from the textbook.

The second is longer (8-10 minutes) rollers without animation: they are playing the actors in them on topics from the textbook.

Welcome by Virginia Evans and Elizabeth Gray - Express Publishing Publishing Textbook. Children are teleported in new excuses of the place with the help of a magical character - Gina. And in the third textbook it replaces the Oscar boy, who moves along with his family to Edinburgh and becomes a Welcome Weekly school newspaper reporter. Virtually traveling around the world, children teach English.

Age: 6-7 years old

Level: A1.

Age: 8 years

Level: A1.

Age: 9 years

Level: A1.


Tutorials (Pupil's Book) Welcome 1 and Welcome 2 consist of 14 units each. In units, three lessons. Welcome 3 consists of six modules of three units in each (only 18 units). The content of the textbook will tell you what vocabulary is dedicated to every unit (Environment, holidays, food, pets) and what written skills will work out a child (description by photography, letter, advertising brochure, invitation, recipe, article, history, schedule). Each uniform has visual grammatical tables and tasks for the practice of this material (for example, call the multiple number of nouns).

Job examples: Talk With Your Friend, Then Write (Children need to play a dialogue with each other and write their own options in the notebook), Read and Correct (the student is invited to read offers and correct errors allowed in it), Read And Answer The Questions (by reading Texts must be monitored to answer short questions).

Revision block (repetition) is given after every 3-4 units. Also at the end of the tutorial you will find an example of a scenario of the school play (School Play) with songs and broken along the roles of words. Next, you have prepared a list of words (Word List), with which it will be convenient to repeat the material passed. And finally, the creators of the textbook seized the "Photo Album" section (Photo File Section). On the pages there is a free space that allows you to glue your photo, draw a picture and describe it or perform the appropriate task.

At the end of Welcome 3, you will find materials by country (Culture CLIPS). Here the child will be able to learn entertaining facts about English-speaking countries.

Additional materials

Included with a textbook, a workbook (Workbook), Teacher's Guide (Teacher's Book), Audio Files and Color Cards (Flashcards) with Images, Weather Conditions, Animals, People, Buildings: Having before your eyes, visual information, to children remember words .

Fly High by Danae Kozanoglou - PEARSON publisher textbook. The purpose of the manual is to develop a positive attitude in children to English. For this, students are offered humorous cartoon stories, games, songs and river.

Age: 6-7 years old

Level: A1.

Age: 8 years

Level: A1.

Age: 9 years

Level: A1.

Age: 10 years

Level: A2.


The textbook (Pupil's Book) Fly High 1 consists of 14 units in two lessons in each. Fly High 2 and Fly High 3 consist of 28 lessons (no separation for units), and Fly High 4 is from 36 lessons. After several lessons, the student receives a breather in the form of the Jungle Fun section. There are games and a light entertainment material. Between lessons, children will find parts of the comic about the adventures of Girl Sally (Sally's Story) and other stories in the Story Time section. Such a format clings to children: they do not receive entertaining information immediately, and in stages, unit for unit.

At the end there is a colorful alphabet and cards that can be printed and cut to easily memorize new words. Here you will find materials for holidays: songs, description of traditions and instructions, for example, how to make a card or a mask on a carnival.

Additional materials

Audio files, cards with words, workbook, tests and manuals for the teacher are complemented by a separate textbook on Fun Grammar grammar and a manual for Teacher Fun Grammar Teacher's Guide.

Brilliant by Jeanne Perrett - Macmillan publisher textbook. The manual aims to open the eyes of children to the world, full adventure, in which the main characters of the ELIS tutorial, densel, Berti, Nora and Brill. To achieve this, according to the creators, it is possible through the reading of simple and exciting stories. Simple schemes adhere to the authors and in explaining grammar, the presentation of a new vocabulary. So the desired result is achieved: children play, study new material without boring and dull wording and move in English.

Age: 6-7 years old

Level: A1.

Age: 8 years

Level: A1.

Age: 8 years

Level: A1.

Age: 9 years

Level: A1.


Tutorials (Pupil's Book) consist of 8 units each. At the end of each unit, there is a section of Adventure Notebook - this involve in the process of learning activity, for example: draw your name and make a beautiful poster on the wall or fill out a questionnaire about yourself. After two units, the student performs the revision (Revision) tasks. At the end of the manual there is a brief summary of the grammar material of the entire course (Grammar Summary).

Additional materials

In addition to cards (FlashCards), stickers also include stickers, which make the learning process brighter and more fun. In addition to audio files, notebooks with tasks (Activity Book) and testbooks with tests (Test Booklet), there is a separate grammar textbook (Grammar Book): It consists of 30 lessons and final test.

Textbooks for children 10-15 years

Teen manuals teach formulate and express their opinion on the most different topics, offer material about the problems and interests of teenagers, prepare for the delivery of the first international exams KET and PET.

New Challenges by Michael Harris, Amanda Harris, David Mower - PEARSON publisher textbook. According to the authors, their benefits for adolescents 10-15 years old helps students effectively engage in English and develop as a person. New Challenges not only involves children in the study of the topics of science, history, technologies, education, but also motivates to express their own opinion, take an active position on each of the questions. Levels 1 and 2 are preparing students to exam Cambridge English: Key (KET), and levels 3 and 4 - to Preliminary English Test (PET).

Age: 10 years

Level: A1.

Age: 11 years

Level: A1 + Ket

Age: 12 years

Level: A2 + Ket

Age: 13 years

Level: A2-B1 + Pet

Age: 13+ years old

Level: A2-B1 + Pet


The textbook of each level (Student's Book) consists of 8 modules. Sample module themes: discoveries, talent, imagination, life history, music, films, health, fashion. The module contains exercises to develop all skills and separately selected keywords (Key Words) on the topic.

For the development of letters, there is a section "Call" (Your Challenge). As challenges, for example, the task is to fill out a questionnaire to participate in any international competition or learn how to write a formal complaint (a letter of complaint). To improve teamwork skills and develop creativity, you should exercise from the projects block (Projects). For example, a teacher assigns a group of students to prepare posters and cries in support of the favorite sports team. At the end of each module there are tasks for checking the studied vocabulary.

At the end of the benefit, the authors put the entertainment section Time Out. There are tests, funny facts, crosswords, jokes, poems. You should follow the Picture Dictionary. Here you will find thematic dictionaries, each word in which is accompanied by an illustration. There are also tables with sustainable phrases (Collocations), idiomatic languages \u200b\u200band antonyms (Opposites).

If you have never taught English or taught once in school, but it was thoroughly forgotten everything, even the alphabet, and now we decided to start learning English from scratch, then our advice on what to start and how to move can you come in handy. The first and most important thing is to understand how much you need a language, for which you need you, if you have enough to study the language.


Motivation should be your engine, without it you will not be able to practice daily for a long time. Without daily classes, it is impossible to master this huge bed of knowledge. If there is no obvious motivation, but there is a hot desire to learn the language, then it is worth thinking that you will give knowledge of language - maybe this is a new prestigious work or the ability to read special literature on the topics you are interested in, and maybe you travel a lot and want to fully communicate with People around the world or correspond with overseas friends.
Your motivation can still be in the subconscious. Try it from there to extract, it will play a decisive role in your successful promotion in the development of English.

Choosing a learning technique

The next step should be a choice methods of learning or teachers. Now the disciples are available very good language materials and a large number of teachers who are ready to deal with Skype with students from around the world. Ideally, of course, find a good teacher - a native speaker. But not all such opportunities for pocket, and someone just want to study independently and for free, at a convenient time, without stress, in its own graphics. Then you need to choose the system that you will follow.

English from scratch takes time

Schedule time for learning, you need to do daily, at least 15 - 20 minutes, and it is better to allocate for classes an hour. In our selection of articles "English from scratch" you will find materials for beginners, audio recordings and videos, exercises, a large number of examples, explanations, as well as references to those resources with which you will quickly advance.

Selecting yourself resources for study, make sure that you like the materials. This is important, all polyglots speak about it. In mastering language, interest plays a major role. It allows you to achieve greater with the least effort. Just imagine that you need to learn or translate the text to some kind of-bored for you, but you will sleep after the first phrase! On the contrary, if you get an interesting book, you will definitely find time for reading it. Dare, friends, give your tongue and attention, and you will raise your English from scratch to free possession. Good luck to all!


Hello everyone and everyone! My dear, I continue to form useful information and materials on such an important direction as English for children. And already got a lot ... so I decided to collect everything in an organized warehouse! (And maybe the treasure :-)) so that everyone can look there and find for himself and his child what is needed.

This page of my site is the address of the location of this warehouse. It is collected on it (and continue to be gather) all the necessary materials in English, which will suit the smallest representatives of the human race)) (2-7 years, and even older), their parents or teachers. There are my materials here, and there are those that I found on the Internet, chose the best and imagine you here. English can be interesting, free and accessible to every child!

By the way, be sure to voicate your questions or suggestions on materials in the comments. We will improve treasure together!


Remember that the basic principles of learning "young students" - brightness, interest and only game form! So here everything is exactly what is so - memorable and exciting video lessons of English, bright learning cartoons, ideas of games, cards and pictures, songs and poems - everything that will allow you to plunge into the world of English with your baby!

By the way, many materials will suit not only those who begin to dip in the world of the tongue from scratch, but also those who are older! Such kids can use materials even on their own, listening, looking and repeating.

Always achieve emotional involvement on its part and then the passion for the child will not make himself wait.

My tips and recommendations

Once I asked a question one very serious mom: "Tell me how to train the English of my 3-year-old son? How best to build a lesson ... and in general, where to start? " I answered her: "Start with this - forget the word" teach "," lesson "and the like! And remember the words "Games, fun and bright pictures"!

Books and textbooks

There are parents who believe that in the century of modern technologies, the book can be replaced by various convenient devices. And I say - no! The book is something that will never come out of fashion and will remain forever the best friend of any child! Especially if it concerns dating new language.

If your child has already shouted for 4 years and you want him to know English not only with a song and cartoons, it's time to buy a good book that will become for him the best assistant and guide into the world of language . About good options for books and textbooks for kids I am talking here:

Figures and numbers (1-10, 11-20)

Once a spoon ... two spoon ... three spoon! How is it familiar to our children! After all, they hear the numbers almost from birth. Probably, therefore this topic is given to the kids are especially easy!

Numbers and numbers ... what a vast topic! But very small students do not need to know all the numbers - it is enough for them to learn only 10 digits! It is so easy - after all, on the hands of 10 fingers! On the legs too! And in general, you can count anything around yourself - toys, books, adults and even seconds ...

But if you want more, you can go to 20!


Some believe that teaching the child English should be solely from the alphabet. This is a big misconception if the case concerns the guys 3-4-5 years old! Children master a foreign language completely without problems, not even knowing letters. After all, Russians understand somehow for 1-2 years!))

But nevertheless, one day the moment comes when it is already worth getting to know English letters. For example, before school - to be fulfillment, as they say. Or if the kid himself manifests interest to them.

My daughter knew all Russian letters (in appearance and appropriate sound) in 2 years. To get acquainted with English letters, we were ready in 4!

And here to the aid come different ways to approach this cunning English alphabet)). About these methods, I tell in my article:

There with help songs, video, cards, sounds, games and poems You can master the alphabet very quickly.

Words for children on topics

It is from words that the acquaintance of every child with English begins! He must hear them and see! And this - the foundation In the initial stages. But see - does not mean to look at the written word! Each new heard word must form in the child's head image and picture. So he begins to see him! And only then the child will try to prone learned words.

I prepared for you selection of the most running words for children , as well as small thematic selections . Each word is voiced, translated and has a picture. In addition, you can download cards With words for printing, cut them and work. It is very convenient and practical.

Words on the topic Family

Words on the topic of animals

Words on the topic of fruits and vegetables

Words on the topic

Words on theme food

Words on the topic

Words on profession

Colors in english

Pink color became even more beloved at my daughter, when she met him in the context of English. After that, "Pink" was heard from her mouth wherever she met pink objects))

Colors in English is favorite theme of kidswhich is given to them very easily. The child is able to remember even 10 colors within 2-3 days. To do this, you need to present these bright words "on a saucer with a blue car")). And to do it, just go here:


What to say, cartoons today are one of the favorite entertainment of all children and teenagers. Some children manage to watch them all day, and some parents manage to allow it!

I think this kind of entertainment for a child must be strictly limited. And of course, if you look cartoons, then useful and with meaning. Agree? And this is especially true if we are talking about cartoons in english . They can be completely unobtrusive but at the same time, over effective English lessons that the child will perceive like fun! He can even not guess that thereby teaches a foreign language!

I selected the best, in my opinion, cartoons for children. Please note that such cartoons are divided into those with Russian comments and those that only in English! I recommend kids up to 4 years old watch exclusively English cartoons without a single Russian word . They will understand everything. Look, learn and enjoy!

Educational video lessons

It also needs to be understood that it is not necessary to listen to the clarifications in Russian - enough to listen to English-speaking videos with bright pictures - they can all be able to understand! The main thing is that the video liked and caused interest. Choose:

Songs and video songs

Beautiful combination of rhymes and melodies Always gives a wonderful effect in the learning process and memorizing something!

In addition to cartoons and training videos (where there was also a lot of songs) I offer you another 2 my notes with materials for the kids. In the first - video songs, in the second - just songs with attached translation into Russian:


Play and learn In essence, two identical words, because nothing gives such results in studies as a game form of any occupation and any activity.

About games in English for babies, I have repeatedly told on the pages of my blog. And this topic is not closed. IN the preparation process is still a large amount of materials.that parents and teachers will soon be able to use for their very young wards.

And now you can familiarize yourself with these.

English does not apply to very complex languageslike Japanese. Therefore, it can be taught at any time without assistance. The main thing - proper motivation. In this article we will tell you how to learn English yourself from scratch. And the best assistant in this matter is the tutorial of English.

In contact with

Algorithm of self-study

How to start learning English? Here are some important points:

  1. First you need choose goals. What is knowledge of English? The fact is that in the learning process you will have to constantly motivate, every day paying time for language. Motivation plays a decisive role. Perhaps you need knowledge of the language for travel, study abroad, communicating with English-speaking friends.
  2. Tune in to hard work. Do not trust the techniques, widely advertised and promising to make a newcomer from the newcomer, free speaking in English. Miracles do not happen. Really learn the language for several months So, to understand the read and communicate. According to professionals to know English as native, tens of years will need.
  3. Language is needed with Azov, that is, with. Letters in transcription are pronounced not as they are written. After memorizing the pronunciation of letters you can start to memorize words.
  4. Planning when studying words is extremely important. Put yourself to learn a month, for example, five hundred words. Priority should be given to those words that are used in everyday life, that is in everyday speech.
  5. Get your own dictionary, recording it just learned words. . You need to write manually, because it works so better motor memory. You can also use cards, on one side of which Russian words are written, and on the other - their translation.
  6. In parallel with the memorization of words, learn azaTo build phrases. Try to repeat out loud things as possible what you are learning.
  7. More watch English-speaking rollers With subtitles. Periodically place the pause to learn the excerpt by heart.
  8. Listen to the radio, for example, BBC to teach colloquial.
  9. Use audiobooks, having a paper version at hand and on to be able to compare the original and translation.
  10. Make learning language priority by paying to him daily at least 30 minutes time for each lesson. Making breaks and distracting, you can learn the language easily and without tension.

Independent study of English at home.

Methodology for beginners

Count on the rapid result in training is not worth it because memorial pace for everyone. Abilities for languages \u200b\u200bare purely individual. Expect some breakthrough in the level of possession really after three years since the beginning of the study - it shows the practice. Words in English at the level of phraser can be studied for a month. These are the design "Question-Answer", which will be useful if you go abroad. English for beginners is usually limited to everyday vocabulary and simple phrases.

Important!In learning English, visibility is needed. Be sure to look through the topics included in the tutorials.

When learning you can use materials on DVDswhich contain images with English words, and translation to them. In parallel, the speaker correctly utters words. Disk manuals there are diverse: They contain everything you need for a language in the complex.

Remember that studying English is built in three directions: pronunciation, recharge of vocabulary, grammar. And it is important to combine without prejudice to your psychological comfort.

The newcomer must first examine the simple grammar ( verbs and the construction of proposals), learn to read in English, and only then go to watch movies. Advanced student who has mastered grammar must make focus in practice, speech. Only so can be removed from speech accent.

Immersion in the English-speaking environment has important. To do this, you need to communicate with people freely expressing in English, listen to music with such text. If, for example, move to the country of the language studied, then the process of study is shrinking twice.

No need to be shyful to asking those who are a professional. About what method is to choose which learning materials are better, you can ask your teacher of a foreign language.

A lot of information about good allowances contains the Internet. English teachers create their own sites, lay out the methodology And share their developments.

Communicate with the speaker carrier can be skype. There are both thematic chat rooms, which are very simple using the Yahoo search engine. In addition, you can conduct a correspondence by e-mail, write messages in Twitter and Facebook.

Attention!The methodology for learning English independently implies the study of the language gradually, but daily.

Manuals and Tutorials Online

Using a tutorial online, you already learn read, understand The content of English films on YouTube, lyrics in the original. But the most important thing is that you can express your thoughts And understand the interlocutors.

To assess your level of achievements, pass the test. It is easy, as it contains about 20 questions. Tests are designed for different levels: From the initial (Elementary) to high (Advanced).

It is better to understand the language and build phrases will help Lessons online. Here grammar is presented phatepnostarting from the verb "to be" (to be). This is used in constructing the time constructions of the past, present and future. Additionally, having examined the revolutions of speech, you can already be pretty speak fluently.

It should be noted that online learning is better to lead in interactive form, That is, by dialogue with a virtual interlocutor. This allows model communicationas in real life.

Gadgets help the learning of English into a fascinating occupation. it special applications For Android and iPhone platforms. The advantage of applications is that they contain analogs of paper cards with english words. Training takes a couple of clicks.

English for children

Children opened New New, and if the child has shown sincere interest, you need w.chit English in game form. It is easiest to do this by watching self-tutorials on the Internet by typing "English for children from scratch" in the search engine.

For example, you can show a colorful child site Such sites are created specifically for small students and taking into account their features.

In addition, a lot of rollers filmed on the network are posted specifically for children by professional teachers. Lessons for beginners are presented in simple and visual form.

Attention! Training rollers help to learn more quickly and efficiently.

The basic principle in learning a language in children is protunity. This means that you need to move from simple concepts to more complex. The child is able to learn those words in English, which he is already known in Russian. Reading the dictionary will not give anything: it is necessary learn words on pictures. A simple example. By charging in the morning, you can learn the names of the body parts, and in the process of breakfast, learn the pronunciation of the menu and products in English.

How to learn English with a child at home

It is important to submit the process of learning a language as a game, but motivating what playing in it, the child will receive a prize. Knowledge will give the key to the treasure. And the child will be interested in learn and comprehend new. Death the child, of course, it is impossible. In the form of treasures, you can purchase a disc with cartoons in english Or the book of English fairy tales in the original.

Motivation to language learning

After a while the child can bother the language, and he can find new entertainment. It `s naturally. To maintain motivation, you need to do the following:

  • regularly buy bright and colorful benefits (discs, books, games);
  • give a chance to a child speak at the competition with knowledge of the language, to participate in the Olympics, where there are certificates and rewards;
  • write in an English-speaking circle, introduce with the same enthusiastic children;
  • learn a tongue with a child who often takes an example from an adult.

Education of children in the English language in the game form is much easier and faster.

Online tutorials for children

If the child is really interested, you can use the popular English tutorial.

Site about funny Tigrenke, which speaks English:

Other tutorials:


If there are still difficulties, the site will always help It has posted on it a lot of useful information and benefits, interesting and children and adults.

Getting Started to such an interesting lesson, how to quickly learn English at home, many people use an effective method: stickers stickers on household items with their English-language names. Constantly looking at the usual setting, a person automatically remembers the words. On the way to study or work read e-books, Listen to the records, view videos. So the trip will become obscure and passes with benefit.

Used and such a method as drawing up synonyms and Antonyms lists. Very effective reception, helping to learn English yourself from scratch. Receiving dialogue is also effective. Think and say, ask questions and answer. Do not be afraid to seem funny: surrounding you will understand. After all, you learn to speak English!

The feature of English is that in it, as in any language, there are sustainable designs. These are the so-called speech speed. They need memorize. In addition, there is a spoken slang, that is, the language of narrow groups of English-speaking people. For example, youth slang. Something is slang and professional. Of course, this is the level of an advanced student who wishes to communicate in English as a native.

How to learn English yourself

How to memorize words


Plus an independent approach in that select techniques, Learn so much hours as the mood allows you to choose a language level for learning. If you learn English on courses, then the student is always limited in the choice, because the teacher decides for him. Take advantage of this opportunity, now you know how to learn English yourself at home.

Every child for his parents is a diamond, a gift from heaven, the ocean of happiness, treasure and no one can argue with it. Each child is unique and ingenious for parents, and he will always be the best, loved, successful and talented.

However, the world of adult life is very cruel and merciless, full of competition and the struggle for leading positions, it is about this that parents should not forget when raising children.

Naturally, a child, just as a diamond needs a special cut, needs proper and high-quality education and education in order to become an adult man not to lose his "shine."

None of the parents dreams to become adults, their child was uneducated, Lazy, could not provide himself and the family, was unemployed and stupid.

Our imagination always presents us the paintings of the future completely different, someone sees the Nobel Prize laureate, someone's world famous singer, someone winner of the Olympic Games, someone owner of a large business, president, doctor, teacher, etc. .

But without the participation of parents in the life of the child, nothing will happen in itself, the world is so arranged that all achievements are given to tremendous difficulty.

What can be done in order for the child in the future to achieve the goal? You can make a lot of things, for example, help master English, which is very popular in many countries and is international.

Voltaire said wonderful words, which once again prove the importance of learning a foreign language: "Know many languages \u200b\u200b- means have many keys to one castle."

Features of learning English for children

There is such an expression: "Children - the people are special." You will see this from the first minutes staying next to the child. Unlike adults, the children are quite different in the process of thinking and knowledge. It is not good and not bad, it is different.

Therefore, it is impossible to achieve from the child so that he did, thought, aware of the importance of something as an adult. But from the point of view of adults, the benefits of knowledge of English is obvious.

Therefore, it is necessary to correctly choose the approach to this important thing, so that there are classes as useful as possible, and at the same time the child did not feel discomfort. Training should bring positive emotions, with a positive mood information is absorbed better.

How to start learning English to children?

You need to answer this question like this: "From the diaper!". This is not a miracle - a way to help learn the language in an hour, week, month. This means that you need to do from the very birth of a child if the goal is prosecuted to bring the child to a high level of knowledge in English.

There are many different techniques that make out in detail how to work with children from the first days of their lives.

Basically, all these methods are based on cards that need to do a certain size, the content itself should also be in a clearly designated place on the card and be a specific color. Such cards with information show a certain time and a certain number of times.

Thus, children who still cannot even speak, remember the contents of the cards and will be easily transmitting all the learned information from passive to active. In short, the earlier to start paying English attention, the better.

If you have missed this time or are not a supporter of modern Early Development Methods, then proceed to learning the language at your own discretion, given the readiness of the child. I hope that all parents understand that it is not worth starting with huge conditional proposals from specific terms, it is simply unbearable for a child.

The main principle in learning English with children is a progress - you need to move from simple to complex. If the child does not know how the flowers are called in their native language, then you should not start learning a foreign language from this topic. Choose those topics and words that are understandable to the kids.

For example, you can do the charge and at the same time call part of the body in English, so the baby will quickly learn new words.

Walking on the street, you can consider the nature around you, tell the baby as a tree, flower, earth, etc. in English. After a while, Chado will begin to ask questions to find out how this or that word is translated.

When a small amount of words was mastered, then you can move to the acquaintance of building short sentences. For a child, it is very difficult to say even the simplest, for example, this is my ball. Therefore, do not rush and do not scold for errors, bring patience and repeat as often as possible what needs to be remembered to the baby.

How to interest the child to learn English?

Children have no reason to learn the language at their age. Often and adults can not take themselves in the hands and learn the language, since they do not have an important reason for this.

You can go to courses, watch movies in English, read books, but at the same time you do not know the language.

But if a reason appears on the horizon, for example, a very high-paid job, with a large number of privileges for employees of this company, but you need to know English to the level above average, then the person can squeeze all the forces from himself, to focus as much as possible on learning and increase its level to needed in the shortest time.

It also happens with children if they have no goal, nothing will be obtained. But in the case of children, you can put such important and global goals. The arguments about what you need to know, persuasions do not work, children do not perceive them seriously and do not realize the importance of the words said.

It is necessary to interest the child and put a goal for him, the best way to do it is a game. For example, you can make cards with words and pictures, to imagine that the child is a pirate and is looking for a treasure, but the card is encrypted in English.

In this case, the child will be interested in finding the treasure, and for the sake of this, you can turn the mountains, and not just learn a dozen English words. It will be very good if you prepare a book with a book with fairy tales or a disk with cartoons in English as a treasure.

The child wants to continue to learn the language, he will look forward to new adventures and entertainment. This is not at all boring lessons and sober words from a thick dictionary, but the knowledge gained as a result of the game will be very valuable.

How to maintain motivation?

Undoubtedly, after a period of time, a moment comes when children do not want to continue to teach English, they are becoming uninteresting. That this does not happen, it is necessary to remember that classes should not be monotonous.

Every time it should be special and memorable:

  • This case when cash is better to spend on books, discs, posters, games in English. They will be excellent assistants during your lessons.
  • If the child has reached the age of at least 6-7 years, then you can try to participate in children's mini-competitions and competitions for knowledge of the language. As a rule, all children who took part receive commemorative letters, and the winners are awarded with useful gifts. Even participation in such a project will help to stimulate interest, and do not stop there, and continue to learn English.
  • Another effective way is to familiarize with the English-speaking person. Thus, the child will be able to demonstrate his knowledge and realize that it still does not yet speak well enough, so it is necessary to continue learning.
  • If there is an opportunity, then a great motivation can be visited by talking clubs or courses of English language.
  • The best example for children is their parents. Therefore, think about learning the tongue along with the child. If your child will see how hard and painstakingly, you perform exercises in English, then he will take an example with you and also diligently do. Joint lessons will become a good practice of English, while your relationship with the child will become stronger and stronger.

What is English to study: British or American?

In fact, British English and American are two types of one and the same language. It is only necessary to decide what to study from them. It all depends on the purpose you put in front of yourself.

In schools and institutes are studying the British version of English, but if you are going to move to America and pass the TOEFL exam, then, of course, it is better to pay attention and spend the forces on the study of American English.

The British is considered to be more complete and rich, and the American language is considered simplified, but in fact it is not.

Languages \u200b\u200bhave not so much differences, simply in American English has now appeared a tendency to simplify everything, among young people we will practically do not hear speech in the periods of Perfect, most people use only Simple times in everyday communication.

However, if we talk about working with documents, communicating among educated people, it is impossible to abandon the correct and complete speech.

If you do not know what is waiting for you in the future, and where knowledge of English will be applied, it is better to teach the adopted standard of English and, if necessary, pay attention to differences in British and American English.

It is clear that if you learn British English, then you will be understood in America, and even in Australia.

Top online tutorials for children

On the Internet, there are a lot of resources for learning English. If you really decided that you want to learn this language, would undoubtedly find the appropriate online tutorial for you.