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Exercises on oratorical art. Oratoric art: basic rules of combat on verbal arena

In order to learn how to master your speech, it is not necessary to study for years, for this you can visit spear training training. At such courses will be helped briefly, but Emko will comprehend the peculiarities of the presentation in public.

What is important in speech speech?

There are many features that distinguish speech speech. Among them, several important qualities can be distinguished, which everyone should know who is going to perform before the public:

1. Rhetoric.

Like any other speech, the tale of the speaker may consist of a variety of parts. Therefore, it is important to correctly relate separate fragments of the speech, in time to move between them. This will help the study of rhetoric.

2. Publicity.

In most cases, speakers appear to the numerous public, referring to their audience directly. That is why it is a social character.

Of course, expressiveness is one of the key success of speech speech, but no less important is the goal with which a person speaks. So, it is necessary not only to convey to the public its thought, but also to get a reverse reaction, which is possible only with the interest of people.

4. The ability to choose the right words.

During the speech, it is important to quickly and correctly choose words in order not to lose the attention of the public. It should be avoided by jargon and base expressions, which will avoid uncomfortable situations during the spell.

You can achieve attention to the audience at the expense of the authority, to get which is possible with the right psychological setting. A person who owns oratorical art can pass his energy to students and get their location, promoting his own ideas.

It is these, as well as other qualities are produced in the classes that the school of spectacle skill in Moscow "King says!".

What can be achieved by visiting speaking courses?

People owning oratory art can competently convey their position to others. And absolutely it does not matter whether you are talking to friends, communicate with business partners or stand up to the general public.

Those who have already managed to visit oratory courses in Moscow at school "the king says!", noted for themselves several important aspectsthat help them during communication:

  • No stress even in front of large performances.
  • Improving speech and diction clarity.
  • The ability to operate with various techniques of speech.
  • The ability to properly arrange priorities, which allows you to give a speech greater expressiveness, attracting the attention of the listeners.
  • Do not be afraid of uncomfortable questions and overcome any objections.

Thanks to this, many of our students did not just have learned, but love to speak to the public, even if they tried to stay away from such tasks before.

The benefits of school "King says!"

Our training center is already for a long time Specializes in conducting courses and trainings on speech skill. We helped many listeners to overcome the constraints, internal fears and learn to perform confidently in public.

Our advantages:

  • Format of classes. About 85% of the time of each lesson is practice, and everything else is lectures. Agree, because it is impossible to learn how to properly and beautifully, not practicing?
  • Experienced teachers. Our speakers are pedagogues of scenic speech with many years of experience. School teachers regularly improve their own level, passing advanced training.
  • Reputation. Our center values \u200b\u200bits reputation. Our listeners after training estimate the effectiveness of the course of 9.33 points out of 10 possible.
  • Quick results. The basic course lasts only 4 weeks and immediately brings the expected fruits. Our listeners receive an increase in service, increase the number of transactions and their own profits.
  • Fixation of classes. During the speeches of the disciples, we drive a video, which allows them to evaluate the quality of speech and eliminate errors.

Oratory - One of the most popular topics of trainings. And it is not surprising, because the skills of rhetoric, oratory need many. Oratoric skills are necessary for working tasks, and in order to be an interesting interlocutor, a charismatic leader.

On the trading on oratorical art Special exercises are used, which reveal the participants, develop their skill to speak easily, convincingly and beautifully, help the participants to master the great art of speaking skills.

And the coaches who teach speaker art often arises the question of which to take new interesting exercises that will not only strengthen the speakers of participants, but also actively involve the group, will increase its energy and motivation, will enjoy and remember the training participants.

Experts of the largest professional portal for coaches site picked up a few high-quality exercises for the development of speakers' skills that you can safely use on your speoral trainings.

Exercise on the development of speech art "Debates"

: Training Speeches in front of the group, the development of argumentation skill.

Time: 10 minutes for each participant.

Number of participants: not limited.


The presenter sets the topic of performances and causes two participants. They appear in turn on the chosen topic for 2 minutes. After the speech, the participant responds to questions of listeners. His opponent has the right to ask first.

Then he protrudes his opponent in the same format, also 2 minutes.

Each new pair is given a new topic.

Exercise for training speech art "Related Words"

: Training creativity in speech.

Time: Five minutes for each participant.

Number of participants: not limited.


The presenter pre-prepares a few tickets (paper). One word is written on each (for example, penguin, hat, umbrella, etc.). The participant pulls at random two tickets and is a speech for 2 minutes, in which these words begins. You need to make a logical performance.

After speech, students give feedback:

  • How logical is the performance? Connected? Beautiful?
  • I wonder if these 2 words noticed?

Recommendation from the expert of the largest portal for coaches Site Olga Passnoy:

So that the process is more likely to make it more convenient to do this exercise in micro groups For example, 6-7 participants. You need less time, and the participants do not get tired.

The inclusion of the group will be even higher, if you enable them to write 2-3 tickets by yourself, then put them in a shared basket (each micro group), And from there pull out.

Exercise on the development of oratory art "Interview"

Training argument and stress resistance.

Time: 5-7 minutes for each participant.

Number of participants: not limited.


We call two participants. One holds, the other is an interview. The purpose of the negotiation is a device for work or an increase in salary. The applicant in these negotiations should use as much argument as possible, why should it be (or why it really needs to increase the salary).

Then sum up:

  • Did you manage to fulfill the task?
  • What helped / prevented?

The participants are then changing roles in the same pair.

These exercises are taken from free sources, so you need to consider that they are:

  • may be already known to your participants. It is worth clarifying before exercising.
  • do not contain detailed instructions and methods of exercise. And most likely, you will need to spend them several times to find the most successful and efficient format.

When you need exercises to other topics, and at the same time you want it to be:

  • the best exercises For trainings
  • exclusive exercisesknown only to the narrow circle of professionals
  • exercises with detailed prescribed coaching methodology for theirexplaining how to do the exercise and sum up the exercise to come to the best result,

you can choose such exercises on professional coaching portal

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest Sinton Training Center. For more than 30 years of work, the Center "Sinton" was collected, probably the largest base best games and exercises for business trainings and personal trainings.

And when we realized that coaches are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of high-quality material for trainings, we collected team coaches that:

  • only the best, the most professional and efficient exercises for the most different coaching topics
  • professionally and detail describe a hidden methodology Their holding!

And you can acquire our exclusive coaching techniques of exercises in the most affordable prices In the section or purchase ready-made trainings in the section.

Exercise "My Capital" exclusively, you will not find it in any other resource.

This is a challenge game, a competition, at the beginning of which, all participants in the training have an equal number of resources, and at the end of the game the participants are with very different results. In the course of this exercise, the group members line up into a clear rank, and the one who knows how to look at what is happening impartially, objectively, is more likely to see the victory.

Usually, the game "My Capital" causes many different emotions, and gives rich food for reflection. And no one leaves indifferent - this is certain!

The exercise "Traffic light" is unique, because it is the author's development of Professor of Psychology N. I. Kozlov.

An incredible exercise in its effectiveness capable of committing a "revolution" in the minds of the training participants. Real "Pearl".

Many people do not know how to appreciate the fact that there are already in their lives: material, spiritual benefits, relationships with loved ones. If an unexpected way, a person loses the fact that he had earlier, it falls into the state of emotional negative. And the more stronger the degree of negative event, the more difficult it is to hold his positive attitude towards people in particular and to life at all. With this tool, the coach helps participants, without passing the situation of loss in life, to an inventory of their values, at the same time reducing the emotional inclusion in the unpleasant situation.

Good targeted exercise, allowing in a short time to help in solving one of the most exciting issues: "How to choose a job (case, profession), which would be not only profitable, but also nice (interesting)?"

Simple technology will help participants in the training to believe that, firstly, the combination of "favorite work" is very possible, secondly, to inventory of their desires, skills and relate them to affairs (professions) that are able to profit.

With a great degree of probability, this exercise can be called a "win-win option", so it is great not only for experienced coaches, but also beginners.

Easy I. effective exerciseable to short term Change the attitude of the participants to their disadvantages, raise self-esteem, increase self-confidence and disclose the world of positive thinking.

One of the best of its kind.

The exercise significantly increases the energy and involvement of the group, creates a positive atmosphere and activates the creative potential of the participants.

We recommend unique coaching techniques of the best exercises for trainings:

  • Role-playing game "Slalom"

    Beautiful and effective exercise "Slalle" will decorate anyone training for executivesas well as training sales, negotiations or communications.

    Exercise allows you to quit call The skill of participants is effectively and harmonious to negotiate in conditions of limited time, the ability to arrange priorities, to quickly make decisions. The exercise will help not only intensify the creative potential of the group, but also to make her attention to further training.

    Offered to your attention exclusive coaching technique Exercises describing all underwater stones of itAll coaching subtleties and nuances.

  • Exercise for trainings "Million Euro"

    Interesting, rich in conclusions Exercise for training goaling, success or personal growth trainings.

    This exercise "For training, develops a meaningful attitude towards the goals that they set in front of them helps to findthose inspirational goalswho will truly believehappily implement, and separate these goals from artificial, imposed goals or intermediate goals. Thanks to an interesting legend, the exercise "Million euro" always passes alone, the participants in the training are greatly involved, the energy and interest of the participants rises. And the motivation of training participants to achieve their own goals!

    Judge for yourself, exercise coaching technique: 8 pages.

  • Exercise-workout "Spoty fist"

    Spectacular exercise suitable for many topics. Taking on only 10-15 minutes, the exercise allows the coach to quickly raise the energy level of the Group, a memorable way to attract the attention of the participants to the next topic and increase the motivation of participants to further training.

    Exercise clearly demonstrates to participants that power methods of exposure give lossesBut we often act on the habit of precisely the power methods.

    The exercise will be a good eyeliner to mini lectures on the themes: how to work with client objections; As the head work with the resistance of employees; How to behave in a conflict situation ...

    The volume of the coaching technique: 8 pages.

    Bonus! An audio recording of exercise and suitable music is attached.

Training for all who have to speak publicly!

What do the training say

LLC "Jet Mani Microfinance"
Executive Director

Top managers, business owners

Thank you!

Executive Director

Top managers, business owners

Liked everything. Namely:

- emotionality;
- coaches;
- a lot of practice - cool;
- Interesting exercises.

Green Sight
Gene. Director

Middle managers

PJSC "Rostelecom"
Department head

Middle managers


2. Many living examples.

GK "Gravel"

Middle managers

Seed Integra
Head of Group

Sales managers


LLC "Seed Integra"
Leading Specialist Sales

Sales managers

Understandable argument.
Useful feedback.
Managed to work:
1) look into the audience
2) Speech Clean Control


Sales managers

Company "Infosite"
Sales Manager

1. Thank you!

First Recruiting Group.

Customer Service Managers

FGC "Leader"
PR manager

Customer Service Managers

FGC "Leader"

Financiers, IT specialists

MegaFon, central branch
Financial director

Financiers, IT specialists


Financiers, IT specialists

Thank you!


Thank you so much!!!

IO Ran.

Trainers, teachers, HR specialists


Trainers, teachers, HR specialists

Sinton LLC, Training Center
Assistant coach

Senior consultant

Lawyers, Consultants, Insurers

Practice, practice, practice!

Pricewaterhouse Coopers.
Marketing Manager

Lawyers, Consultants, Insurers


- Clear practice!


company "Organon"
medical representative

Doctors, pharmacists, honey. Representatives

GKB number 50.

Doctors, pharmacists, honey. Representatives

GKB №20.

Students, students


Students, students


Students, students


I liked a clear and structured form of presentation.
The theory perfectly complemented the practice.
Disposable materials are specific and visual, presented in the form of MIND MAP.
I would like to note the involvement and proactive participation of coaches, their attentiveness and useful feedback.
Thanks for the training, I will apply learned in life!

LLC "Jet Mani Microfinance"
Executive Director

Excellent training! Was on many. This one is really the best.
9 hours of classes fly as a moment. You do not have time to get tired, but even notice that the end is already.
It struck that the leading manage to maintain energy and drive for the whole day and even by the end of the ninth hour still fountained by positive, life, creativity.
Thank you!

ANO "Center for the Development of Youth"
Executive Director

Liked everything. Namely:
- the intensive format is very successful;
- emotionality;
- coaches;
- a lot of practice - cool;
- Interesting exercises.
I managed to learn to keep in public, to liberate and relax on the stage. Received invaluable experience of performances in front of an excellent public :) You are well done !!!

Green Sight
Gene. Director

The training is useful, first of all, the fact that most of the time is paid to practical skills, and the theory is exactly as much as necessary to master the specific reception. With each occupation, you watch how something has already learned to make a new one. And it is interesting to notice that some things apply unconsciously. This is an unforgettable impression! Drive, excitement, positive weight! Thank you, waiting for the training "Structure and content".

Executive Director

Impressions are very positive.
1. It took stiffness, the fear of the performance.
2. I understood your shortcomings in the technique of performances - now I will fight with them.
3. Realized its strengths - I will improve and apply.
4. Made a conclusion - the external impression of my speech is very different from my inner.
5. Received a charge of a good mood, enthusiasm, faith in yourself.

Network "Self Couture"

1. Positive, free, friendly, creative atmosphere.
2. Balance / contrast of coaches.
3. Compressed excerpt, concentrate "in the case" (specifics to achieve goals).
4. Colorful, memorable distribution.

Thank you for the pleasant, useful, joint, time transmission! Clear, specifically, in the case and most importantly in the goal! So keep and get better!

AgustaWestland in Russia and the CIS
Helicopter Sales Director

I liked everything, i.e. Training justified my expectations.
The structure was perfectly built. Themes are broken. 10-15% of the theory and the rest of practice.
The biggest achievement during the training is the presentation even during excitement. Unexpected openings of their abilities.
Nastya, Nikita and Eugene - just super! I wish you success and new projects!

L & M Sport Consulting
Director of JUR. Companies

1. The atmosphere: goodwill, contributing to openness, disclosure and learning.
2. Intensity (a lot of practice).
3. Very professional work coaches.
4. Music in breaks !!!
The most relevant topics (new, which has learned): improvisation, debate, the whole theory of speech technique and the format of speaking speakers.
Thank you! It was useful, interesting and dynamically!

JSC Aeroflot
Deputy. Director Department

I liked it unambiguous!
Very helpful, informative.
The optimal number of practical training.
Interesting, interaction and attentiveness of coaches was impressed, really liked it!
Redemption materials are visual and understandable.
Beautifully created atmosphere in the group.
Thanks a lot!

Buffalo Tours.
Director of Russian Office

I liked it, almost everything. It is difficult to even add-comments.
- Answers of coaches for all questions.
- Imagination to the audience to ask questions.
- Interesting and lively theore. part.
- Good organization. Sufficient number Coffee breaks.
- I wanted everything that I wanted.
The idea with stickers with requests is good.

Logistics Director

1. Liked that almost all the time there was a practice in a pleasant game form.
2. I managed to identify the problem that I did not suspect, and in the first task, which helped work on it.
3. Huge involvement and openness of Eugene, his stunning professionalism.

PJSC "Rostelecom"
Department head

1. Many practices and interesting cases.
2. Many living examples.
3. Many attention to each participant.
4. An interesting training format - a variety of tools were used in training.
Huge thanks for the high informativeness and usefulness of the training, as well as a spiritual and friendly atmosphere!

GK "Gravel"
Lead mortgage lending groups

I liked the light structure of the training, the number of skills. Training walked around the growing and covered all the topics that interest me.
Good work coach. Well involved all participants in the process.
There was a kind and positive atmosphere.
Unusual transfer of handout after the topic.

Seed Integra
Head of Group

First of all, the liveliness of the training: real stories - examples, adaptability to the audience as a whole and every listener.
In the second - the filing format: briefly, concisely, without overload, i.e., such a volume that can be "bought" and digest.
Thirdly - feedback from coaches and the approach of practical exercises to the realities.

Senior Project Manager / Account Manager

Liked the structure of the training.
I saw the weaknesses.
Continuous inclusion.
Interesting exercises, practice, see the result.
I liked that specific answers were given to all questions.
I liked the coach and group.
I liked to feel on equal and learn, and not to be the leader.

Head of department

Friends, I liked everything for 200% (out of 100 possible).
- Excellent experience;
- friendliness;
The opportunity to express yourself, accepting "-" and rejoicing "+". Understand what to draw attention to what to refrain.
I am sure that I can use and definitely use everything you taught us.

LLC "NPA Vire Realtime"
Project manager

I really liked the friendly atmosphere, dynamics and saturation of practical exercises. Really managed to reduce fear and excitement to public speeches. You gave many practical ways, hooks, how to create, enhance, achieve your skill as a speaker. The first time was at the training where a few leaders - great, liked the switching. In general, everything is very cool, very useful and received a good brain jack in many ways. Thanks for this big!

Head of Department

I liked the ease of presentation / assimilation of the material. Despite the large amount of information, the classes were "in one breath".
It was possible to realize that all "problems" are only in my head and are often not noticeable for others.
Definition directions for further work.
It was possible to reveal for myself and their strengths.

Tula branch of OJSC Rostelecom
Head of the Marketing Department

This training allows a person to sound differently - more clearly, brightly, emotionally, vigorously, wisely using and applying his advantages and hiding its shortcomings. Disadvantages - this is also the case is leaving if they work on them. Training just shows how to deal with them.
At first it was scary - the first 5 minutes, then the remaining 24 hours - in one breath in a single emotional impulse. Healthy!

VTB 24
Head of Department

Liked everything.
Especially valuable was video shooting, because only she helped me understand what happens to me when I speaking in front of people. These were not very comforting conclusions, but they do not lose their value from this. Just before, I did not see it, dwell in ignorance. When you realize something, there is already a chance to change it, recycled and in a different way to comprehend.
The coaches liked everything. How much charm, humor, sincere interest and warmth! In such a relaxed setting, you can afford a little more than it was always. This is valuable for me. It has always been very restrained in words (and on paper too), and now it seems, the ice started.
Thank you!


Training made a great impression. Very cool feedback: look at yourself from the part, get the right recommendations from leading experts.
It is very nice that there is little water and a lot of practical training.
I am sure that I will use all the skills acquired and they will help me in public speeches !!!

LLC "Seed Integra"
Leading Specialist Sales

Helpful information By the structure of the performance.
Chips, which will be put into service.
Understandable argument.
Useful feedback.
Managed to work:
1) look into the audience
2) Speech Clean Control
3) The ability to simply and clearly convey information.

Regional Sales Manager

I express a lot of gratitude to our coaches for their sparkling humor, the ability of thought, an interesting material feed. In fact, it is very rare to meet such a well-coordinated and interesting teamwork.
After the 2nd training, I noticed in myself strong changes In terms of self-esteem in communicating with the surrounding and ease in the transfer of their information.
Thank you for all the guys! You are best!!!

Company "Infosite"
Sales Manager

Really liked coaches, their positive setting Literally "charges energy." For this thank you very much!
A lot of exercises, less theory, lack of tedious texts, which, of course, can not but rejoice :)
In addition to oratorical art, acting skills practiced a lot on your courses. And this, sometimes, we lack. Therefore, having passed these courses, I have a feeling that I have passed the initial acting courses in parallel.
You were right in the fact that by the end of the courses unfamiliar to us people will become almost long known !!!

Assistant Sales Department

Excellent training for those who want to feel calm, speaking to an unfamiliar audience, as well as for those who sometimes lack words to support the conversation. In addition, training reveals over what you need to work the listener to improve your skills public speeches.

Head of Sales Department

Training organization - 5 points.
Excellent, competent coaches, wonderful hall.
He learned to be beautiful and correctly express his thought, it was more adult and confident.
I will recommend this training for anyone who wants to learn to speak and be heard.

Innovation Sales Manager

Wonderful training, very saturated as informative and emotionally.
A completely stunning atmosphere that allows you to reveal and feel free from negative installations and complexes. For eight classes, you just become another person, you grow up behind your back and want to talk, talk and talk.
Thank you all very much.

Milel-Real Estate Company
Sales Manager

1. Thank you!
2. Liked dense, attentive work of coaches with an audience: everything has enough feedback, attention, comments, advice.
3. Liked differently from the program (covered various important topics / questions).
4. Liked the positive and active attitude of the audience, saved until the end of the training.

First Recruiting Group.
Customer Service Head

A lot of useful and actual information that can really apply in life;
Excellent relationship between the theory - practice, all exercises were secured by the material traveled;
Separate Respect Anastasia and Evgenia - they are well done!
Thanks to them, I realized that I had underestimated myself.
Going out for the door of the training, I understand that I am no longer afraid to perform, I have something to say, they are not so confused now, I can and I will struduce them.
Thank you for showing my minuses, and the main thing is how to work on them.
I need to become more serious - and I can (because I know how)!

FGC "Leader"
PR manager

I stayed under an incredible impression. I am leaving with positive emotions and a clear action plan for "improvement" itself and self-improvement. Two intense days have shown that there is always there, what to learn, and most importantly, who to learn. I heard a lot positive feedback About Eugene (coach), so it's just very glad that I managed to get ones.
I will work on myself, thanks.

FGC "Leader"
Deputy Head of Public Relations Department

He learned how to position himself in front of the public. He studied several techniques to fight with fear. I learned the basics of clinging techniques. Managed to learn to catch visual contact. It also happened to add emotion to your speeches!
Nikita is an excellent coach who knows his business and really has to himself, this person is not difficult to trust.

Company Fuel Region
Specialist in working with customers

1. Put in the head tools to work on themselves.
2. The stress (decreased) was taken out with public speeches.
3. It is good that many examples are indicative.
4. Very fascinating process, failed fatigue and overload.
5. Answers to individual questions of each.
6. The process is very positive.

Art. Account Manager

Energy coaches have a stunning ability to charge. All techniques of workout are laid out so that they are very convenient to use himself, i.e. Training continues. I want to note a subtle approach with fear. Maximum softness and loyalty to people. Objectively very good ...

I really liked the careful attitude of the coaches. Desire to work with our real requests. A lot of practices, enough theory, a good public in which everyone was configured to work together.
Professional behavior of coaches.
Evgeny and Anastasia lit in us charismatic speakers.

MegaFon, central branch
Financial director

I really liked the form of the prevention of training.
A lot of exercises on the listened theory and most importantly, the presence of feedback, both from the coach itself and from the participants of the training.
I would also like to note the atmosphere during the entire training (pleasant, calmly, interesting, despite the fact that it was necessary to leave the comfort zone).
He learned, rather began to learn to apply important components.

Cost Business Controlling Head

I liked the practices - excellent exercises.
Bright and really helping handouts!
Excellent coaches - charge energy!
Cool rollers with explanations about what they are.
The best records on Watmans. Visual and thoughtful. Beautiful!
Thank you!

Lead Accountant - Excel Master

Clearly, systemically, professionally.
Impressed the level of training. Guys, you want to peel!
This training on the case. It was possible to get a lot of feedback and form a one-piece picture how to perform publicly.
Be sure to return for new knowledge and skills here.

Renaissance Credit
Nach UPR. bank projects

Organizations and professionalism of coaches at height.
It seems nothing very new, but at the same time, many participants noticed improvement.
I am confident that the successive state of liberty will help to solve both personal and working problems.

Lead Economist

I felt confident!
Fear is not scary.
The coaches worked with each full return, very positive.
There is a development plan. He began to calmly look into the eyes.

Unis Labs Solutions
Systems Analyst

Training really liked. Instead of dryness and abstractness - live, unresolved methods and flow methods. I liked the feedback very much, and the positive feedback - it allows to grow and realize both their advantages and disadvantages, and feel and understand the response of the audience. Bribises the interest and passion of coaches. Excellent energy. Super!!! I think that I would recommend the training to close friends interested in self-development, especially in the field of public speeches.

Financial Management LLC "Lik-Comfort LLC
Head of Budget Control Department

To say that I am proud that I came to this training and madly happy, that I chose this training - not to say anything. I AM DELIGHTED! All familiar noticed burning eyes and are already waiting for the same.
The problem of performances for me was sick. Training made to act more often, overcome fears and go to themselves. Of course, I clearly realize that there is something to work on, but this process is now not terrible, but an interesting and exciting.
I am grateful to the coaches for the work done - from the soul, with passion, with Azart. Guys, you are super! Thank you!

OJSC Pharmstandard

Very good training, the emotional state is excellent, the effect is noticeable immediately, because Everything is applicable in life and useful, I already "intimidated", I think I still have a lot of them. Brother noted that I am improved "Nercer" (although he considered himself and so emotionally a gesticulating person). I will definitely recommend friends. And most importantly, there is still a lot to work on yourself, but now I know how. Thank you!

OJSC "Art"
accountant Accounting

I really liked the benevolence and restless enthusiasm of Anastasia with Nikita.
Thanks visual examples Obvious (it would seem) theses have become applicable to life situations and smalleled in the head ready for further use.
Some topics (for example, the need to use emotions), began to open, demonstrating a completely new face of the topic.
Thank you so much!!!
Special thanks for musical accompaniment!

IO Ran.

1. Like a friendly atmosphere (welcome coffee, tea), handouts (briefly, for better memorization and perception).
2. Conduct debates (the ability to get a video recording after training).
3. Understand yourself the main attributes of the speaker (which are techniques for audience management).
4. The most important training takes place easily, in one breath, in a short time they managed to go through many topics that were practiced in practice.


1. Feedback - Wau, a lot of new knowledge, which is where to improve how to improve - and all this is in friendly uniform.
2. Speeches - testing of poses, gestures, glance - I didn't even pay attention to so many important things.
Now I understand, and immediately see how important it is.
3. Bright, brilliant coaches - great pleasure received from the training, everything was perfect.

Sinton LLC, Training Center
Assistant coach

Liked everything!!!
Super coaches! Audience too)
Two days flew unnoticed.
- learned to cope with excitement (for which, in fact, and came mainly).
- I understood what to work and how is the most important thing!
- Very useful feedback.
- Thank you very much, got more than I expected)))

GBOU School 1905, Moscow
Deputy. Dir. URS

Dear organizers!
Thank you for the training. The fact that the material was not new to me, managed to bother interesting moments for myself. For me, this training was no longer about new, but about the alignment of accents.
Highly!!! Satisfied with the theme of difficult participants + exercise for working out!
Special thanks to Eugene for beautiful speech wording, books !!! And many fit quotes. Good luck !!!

Department of Learning

I really liked the training. Just 5+.
- Total positive atmosphere
- despite the greater duration there was no fatigue
- A lot of practice and material
- Big charge of positive, energy and ideas
- Very professional feed
- Fountain sense of humor on the part of Nikita and Nastya.

Thomson Reuters.

I liked the abundance of practical tasks, the skill of coaches, graphic handouts.
Pleases the friendly atmosphere at the training, informal communication. The rhetoric school program is particularly allocated by the fact that it is emphasized not only on business communications, but also at the receptions of informal communication.
Thank you!

CJSC "Mercedes-Benz Rus"
Specialist in remote learning and new technologies

First of all, I would like to allocate professional coaching work. The coach is actively involved in feedback, support and develop participants.
The organization - on 5, well done, the best of what has seen (from registration to coffee breaks).
It was possible to schedule growth zones, look at the speeches more systemically.
Little failures, as a loss in debate, give an incentive to reflection and the development of art to speak.
Thank you!

Network Digital Technology "dis"
Training Specialist

I participate in the competition of pedagogical skills, felt that there was not enough skill of public speeches, especially from the stage.
There was a lot of practice, where I was able to feel how to perform better. Received a lot of feedback and from the leading and from the participants. It was very valuable.
All obtained will definitely apply in their activities.
Special thanks to the coaches, created a very comfortable atmosphere.
Exercises are very interesting and developing.
Distributions are cool!

I work in Lyceum №1581 with MSTU. AD Bauman.

Submission of material: Very alone, many examples, a brief summation of the stated in the form of items has helped.
- the right balance of theory and practical part.
- a variety of filing forms of material: speech, board, involvement of listeners, video, etc.
- I learned interesting techniques: involvement of listeners questions, gesticulation, view in the hall, etc.

Murex (for Invest. Banks).
Senior consultant

Practice, practice, practice!
We learned to say toasts, verbally improving, play emotion, explain gestures, fascinating stories, accelerate the energy to the maximum!
And also - a large company of different people, chat, humor, fun.
Special thanks to the coaches, you gave me confidence.

Pricewaterhouse Coopers.
Marketing Manager

- Gorgeous, friendly atmosphere!
- Available supplement by trainers of theory!
- Clear practice!
- A clear awareness of the organizers of the training of a sense of time (not phoned and do not save).
- Trainer Anastasia gladly explained the complex moments!

MCA "Yurasov, Larin and Partners"

I liked the abundance of tasks, the amount of material on the structure of the performance, which can be applied in practice.
I managed to perform many times and apply the recommendations of colleagues and a coach to add emotions, movements and pose (including the sore hand).
Structure (3 of the thesis, details, result) and strategies for working with a complex audience, as well as voice parameters (monitor them) Easy to apply in practice.

Technical support (consultant)

Training really liked - a stunning atmosphere. Zhenya with Nastya for so many hours create a positive, time flies unnoticed.
I liked that there are a lot of quality feedback and a lot of practice.
On mistakes of other people, you know your own better.
I will recommend everyone.
And from reviews of other people you understand that everything is not as bad as you thought.

LLC "Jungheinrich PPT"

\u003e P\u003e I liked the atmosphere, the energy of the group is very alive, fun, positive.
I liked how the training is structured - the different aspects of the skill of the speaker are covered, it is possible to work on each.
Many feedback practices.
Leading professional and attentive.

Mikhail Fishermen and Partners
Business consultant

I liked the fact that there was a lot of practice;
- managed to become more confident about the speaker;
- It came very important to me awareness that all people are worried before and during the performance, after which he herself stopped worrying.
Guys, Nikita and Zhenya, thank you very much!

Mg «Ostankinskaya»

Excellent training. In two days, of course, it is impossible to learn everything, but we can understand the area to which you need to pay attention, and what qualities in yourself and your speech and behavior to train.
During these days I revealed my flaws, I learned how to fix them, received a lot of useful information.
Very grateful for the assistance rendered.
We pleased with the form in which the information presented the coaches, remembered well, and you get a lot of positive emotions.

LLC "UF" Your Representative "
Assistant lawyer

Training really liked. The theory is fed concisely, structured, with visual examples.
Practice a lot, but always want even more, because Exercises are interesting and diverse.
The coaches managed to create a benevolent, lightweight atmosphere, which allowed to overcome the initial fear of performances and effectively improve their skills of speaking skills.
Thank you so much. Be sure to come yet.

Lead consultant

I went to the training in order to solve two problems:
First, for me it was a huge stress to go out and say something in front of the audience, even if it consists of 4 people with whom I know.
Secondly, even if I was great ready for a meeting or a speech, as soon as I started to speak - immediately poured paint and already scared nervously.
Thanks to interesting, simple and very cheerful exercises, both problems decided on the first 3 classes. And then I managed to improve the skills of performances, enrich your speech with gestures and intonation, learn to produce a more favorable impression on the listeners and keep their attention.


There are many excellent techniques in the training, which after can be worked out, bringing your skill to perfection.
From the first classes, fear of the audience disappears. Honestly, the guys tell the simple things that everyone knows in essence, but hearing these "simple things," you begin to feel like a speaker.
Be sure to recommend visiting the course to those who want to acquire friends - like-minded people, because all those who come have at least one, but the common goal is to become an orator and learn to speak in front of the audience.

company "Organon"
medical representative

This course is the first, which I visited. Classes allowed me to see my minuses, find out where they come from and how to fix them.
Upon completion of the course, self-assumption is completely different. There was confidence in communicating with unfamiliar people. The inner feeling that I know what others know. I like it!

GKB number 50.
doctor anesthesiologist resuscitation

Incredible 2 days! Stunning information. Sophisticated work of coaches.
Organization of work in the group, in subgroups. All like in one breath!
A large theoretical base, there is something to work on.

GKB №20.

I liked the teaching manner, the technique, the attitude "on equal".
I learned to at least think about your movements, contact of the eyes, the position of the hands (ahead of the testing of the skill).

GKB №15, Moscow

1. A wonderful organization of training (temporary framework of tasks, sequences, etc.).
2. A lot of practice.
3. Friendly atmosphere.
4. Clear and intelligent manner of the presentation of coaches.
5. managed to learn:
- the fight against excitement before the performance;
- increase the energy of the speeches at will;
- improvise on any topic;
- understand yourself as a speaker - pluses and cons (pluses it turns out much more than minuses);
- own your body while performing.

GL Psychiatrist Clinic Dr. Vorobyov

- liked positive setting coaches
- distribution material, much taken into account the little things (including color handles)
- Large information, value value.
He learned:
- fear decreased before performances
- more freely began to communicate with involuntary topics, talking before the audience without preparation
- Where to put your hands, how to become.

Moscow region, dental clinic
Head Surgical department

I really liked teachers of courses, their manner and style of presentation.
A large number of games makes feeling that time passes faster - not so tired.
Leave a 2-day format.
I really liked the course "Charismatic speaker."
I think that after passing this course, I received the result that I wanted. It became more liberated, learned to switch (log in) in different roles and images. I learned some chips in communications and presentations.


Frequent recognition. When I came for the first time on these courses, I was horrified. After the first speech (self-testing), I was shocked by the quality of the performance (very bad, though, it would seem, the topic is light) and from a negative and abundant feedback that I was given. Only with time when I listened to a few lectures, I participated in practical workI realized that I was doing successes and gradually correct all the negative aspects of my speeches.
Without jokes, I immediately felt the result and feel a little confident not the scene.
Very advise these courses to all disadvantaged speakers. They really help.
Good luck and success, all the best! Thank you!


Very grateful to these courses, got a lot useful Soviets, I saw my drawbacks. I especially liked the practice, work when they write to the disk (immediately see your shortcomings).
I especially want to mention the originality and the extraordination of all exercises (shape of the game). You begin to work on your shortcomings, more critically refer to your mistakes, because You talk about it.
I am grateful to the professorship, whose professionalism amazes.


P\u003e I really liked it very much and, if it were possible, I would never end up this series "very". No, but in fact, come here and pay money not in order to learn something tediously, but simply to make paint in your life, using a TV or a computer, namely communication, human communication , Laughter, whom we sometimes lack in this life, so else in addition to communicating with the zadorinka. So that every reader thinking on topics should such a meager amount of money should be investing in this "dubious" project, beat up their doubts and go to us, creating a healthy cell of society :)

School number 1112.

When I went through the training, I did not expect that such a good result would be. On debates, it seemed to spoke well, but still the camera influenced me. But when we were filmed for the second time, where I told the bike, I didn't even notice the camera, I felt confident, calmly as if in the circle of my friends.
I already applied the knowledge gained at the training, at the university in which I study. I understood badly and knew the topic, but, starting improving, I eventually put an assessment of "5", and the teacher said to me that there was a real philosopher :)

Moscow State Construction University

Thanks for the benevolent atmosphere you have created; Support that you always try to provide; For the invaluable experience I acquired. I can say with confidence that I even had a mymosis, I "see" the world in bright colors, I want to work on yourself, self-improvement.


Very helpful. I came to this training to liberate and get rid of panic fear Before public speeches. The goal that seemed unattainable was achieved in just some 8 classes. And also, except that these classes were useful, they are also just fun. Already on the 2nd lesson, the feeling was created as if it was not a training, but a pleasant company of lovely people.
Great, sparkling, o-fi-gi-tel-but !!!
Thank you!

student Rea them. G.V. Plekhanov
f-T "International Economic Relations"

What is oratory skill? This is the art of public speeches in order to convince the listener in one way or another with a combination various techniques. The art of the rhetoric originated in Ancient Greece and ancient Rome and has undergone a lot of changes under the pressure of alternating eras.

The value of the rhetoric for human life remains unchanged. Oratoric skills, first of all, teaches how to be confident in itself and how to instill this confidence in the listeners. Good speakers reach the desired heights on any field, whether own business or teaching career.

Rhetoric opens up many doors on the way to new opportunities, however, the formation of the speaker occurs in no one day. In order to master this art, it is necessary to train rhetoric, which can be passed independently or in profile classes. This article discusses the main pillars of the art of rhetoric.

The first training is dedicated written speech. Preparation of speech speech before the performance is the basis on which the art of oratory skills is being built. Carefully worked about the speech on the way to a successful performance. So, working on speech is usually carried out in several stages.

  • First you need to collect information and its thorough study. It is very important to contact several sources in order to consider the issue from different sides. The speaker should distinguish good awareness not only in all relevant news, but also in the main trends of all areas of human life. Use a sufficient time to study information. At the end of this stage, it is necessary to strudule the information collected.
  • Further, when working on speech, the speaker should think about how to attract your audience. The speaker's speech always has a goal of this or that effect on the listener. When preparing for a speech, it is necessary to explore the public, its interests, a manner of communication and so on. The success of the performance is measured by the fact that the necessary effect was achieved or not. To achieve it, it is necessary to speak on a clear public language that it is interesting to her.
  • Training rhetoric is also in building the goal of his speech. Aimedening ranting before the public - DemaGoga will. Such speeches do not attract the necessary audience. That is why you need to learn how to put this or another sharp problem that needs to be solved. Her decision - and there is a goal of a speech that combines the audience and speaker.
  • The public trusts the speaker that reveals before her as a person. Therefore, it is very important to include its own thoughts on the issue under discussion. Few people will listen to a speaker who has no clear position. To do this, you need to skip through your experience and our worldview all the information collected and form your own position.

Oratoric art is, first of all, the ability to prepare the speech so that it captures the attention of the target audience.

Equally important is to properly prepare for the speech.

Preparation for speech

The rules of oratory arts say that any speech should be well planned.

Although the speaker must also be prepared for spontaneous speech. The following scheme usually applies to preparing speaking speech.

  • First of all, you need to abandon the performance of a piece of paper. You can leave on paper only a plan and short marks about the important points that must be mentioned. Thus, the bulk of speech is better to learn. That is why oratory skills include excellent memory, which must be expected regularly.
  • Education to speaking skill is also to follow the structure of the performance. This gives speech logicality and integrity. It is necessary to clearly limit the entry, the main part and conclusion. It is advisable to pay special attention to the accession, since at that moment the public attitude towards the speaker is beginning to form.
  • It is recommended to think over the organizational issues of the speech in advance, that is, if possible, familiarize yourself with the playground to speak, discuss with the organizers technical moments Regarding the operation of microphones, prepare water, etc.
  • Oratoric skills include not only various abilities to performances, but the ability to look good. Speaker should always look neat, because appearance - This is the first thing that the audience pays attention to.

Oratory, teaches to attract people and lead them behind them, which is practically necessary for many professions. However, an excellent speaker is not born, therefore training rhetoric is relevant from a long time to this day.

Receptions of good speaker

Oratoric techniques - what is it? This is all famous tricks that speaker uses to make a speech available to the audience and to increase the digestibility of information. There are a huge set of such techniques. Below are two basic speakers.

  1. Comparison. Often speaker speech abounds abstract descriptions that are difficult to imagine in the mind. Since information is better perceived when it gets a figurative projection in consciousness, the speaker resorts to comparisons that make an abstract more material. To transfer a certain mood, the speaker sometimes uses hidden comparisons - metaphors.
  2. Repeated Everyone knows the expression "Repetition - Mother of Teaching". The art of rationality often refers to this saying, because the more often the person gets the same information, the stronger it is fixed in his mind. For the speaker, it is very important to convey to the listener the main thought of his speech, in which it helps his repetitive repeating key thought.

In addition to comparison and repeat, the rules of oratory and the rules are also advised to contact allegories, rhetorical issues, calls, hyperboles, irony and other means of speech expressiveness.

Technique Speech

Speech before the audience is a kind of physical labor. Speakers know that it is often not easy. The speech skills and the art of speeches requires a speaker on the technique of pronouncing speech, which includes the following aspects.


During an active speech, the human respiration rate changes: inhale becomes shorter, and exhale is longer. The rules of spectacle art require special exercises for speech breathing. The speaker during the breath requires a larger air volume, as well as its more economical consumption in the process of speech. In addition, the effect of breathing has an influence of excitement from which it is necessary to learn to get rid of.


Oratoric skills and art of speech is the ability to manage your own voice. The speaker should speak equally well and quietly depending on the situation. Also within one speech, it is necessary to allocate basic information using changes in the voice.


Clear speech is clear and clean. To achieve properly pronunciation of sounds and syllables, speakers carefully follow the work of their articulation apparatus and regularly train their diction using patter.


Rhetoric oratorical art leans to the average speech utterance temp. The speaker should not shoot with words as from the machine gun, as well as not to stretch the words. As a rule, in the learning process and with the acquisition of the experience of the speaker, it is possible to find the most comfortable for itself for the listener.


Intonational changes make speech bright, alive and more accessible to perception. Training intonation helps expressive reading fiction aloud.

Any undertaking, at first glance, seems difficult, but should not be afraid. With proper approach and diligent learning, you can master any craft and art - even so demanding as rhetoric.

Rhetoric - Science of speech, right and beautiful communication methods that can convince any speaker right to create a soil for further beliefs. This art is studied in modern educational institutions, because the word is powerful toolif it is properly used. The main goal of rhetoric is to teach to communicate to sense confidence in any situation.

History of origin

The occurrence of rhetoric is considered to be the V century BC. e. Ancient Greece first in modern Europe has formed the foundations of science. At that time, stylistics and grammar studied in ancient Greece. The Greeks first began to systematize the knowledge of rhetoric and created a large number of Treatises on this topic, and some of them are studied even in our time.

Cicero - one of the most famous speakers of ancient Rome

The Romans became interested in the art of rhetoric after the conquest of Greece, when the traditions of these countries began to stir, and the empire actively borrowed the knowledge of their provinces. Art began to flourish in the Senate, courts, public meetings.

There were some differences between rhetoric styles, since the Romans were less educated than the Greeks. The conquerors were spent on retreats, stylists, stylistic nuances. Despite this, eloquence still was a powerful tool of speakers. There were cases when in ancient Rome high state posts occupied people skillfully owning a speech, and that was their main advantage in political struggle, which we can learn from historical references.

Appearance in Russia

In ancient era, this art was modified, complemented by useful techniques. Church figures began to use the rhetoric, who actively set up a new fluff into their faith, and led irrefutable verbal evidence against heretics. In Russia, the concept of rhetoric fell out of European countries In the XVIII century.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov

The emergence of the rationality coincided with the time of the spread of Christianity. It was called most often the "gift of eloquence." A little later, Lomonosov created a "Russian grammar", in which the "Rules of Eloquence" was present. Such political figures were considered good speakers as Stolypin, Trotsky. A little less, but still succeeded in the knowledge of this science and Lenin.

Oratoric craftsmanship can be developed independently. For the development of speech, training is required, accompanied by constant comments to themselves, corrections and supplements of skills. You need to notice all the errors that are committed to try to fix them with the next conversation.

  • use the right pace. An important feature requiring assimilation. It is necessary to monitor the speed of the conversation, since too fast it does not have time to digest a listener, slow sleeps, makes it becomes inattentive to phrases. Try to allocate important moments intonation, changing the height of the voice. It attracts attention, does not give the interlocutor to miss;
  • communicate with people. To improve the skills of communication, it is not enough to talk about things at home. Requires practice in communicating live. To remove the accumulated voltage with a long story, you need to use jokes that can be prepared in advance;
  • use retreat. Sayings, humor, quotes of great people make it less dry, make it possible to make it a more evidentiary;
  • put the voice. The pronunciation should be clear, correct. Consonants should be pronounced, purely pronounce any sounds;
  • speak about topics that are interested in others. You can start with one correct statement, after which it is smoothly to bring to another necessary to achieve the goal;
  • support neutrality. The speaker should strive to achieve with all the agreements. Even if the interlocutor or several people are wrong, it should be said "Yes, right, but ...", after which you can prove your point of view.

Improving speech

To develop speech skills, you should train. Otherwise, they will not work out. For improvement there is a set of exercises:

  1. Free from muscle clips. The essence is in facilitating the conversation process. For execution it follows:
    • kneading shoulders, neck rotational movements. The head must move as if under his own weight;
    • preheat as often as possible forearm, hand brushes, rotate in shoulders joints;
    • use circular movements of hands in the elbows;
  2. Articulative. They develop and train lips, cheeks, tongue, solid and soft paws, lower jaws. The flexibility of the speech apparatus is generated, the muscles needed for better sound pronunciation are strengthened. The tension from the muscles is removed, there is relaxation. Need to do the following:
    • language cleaned the gums in both directions. Make "injections" in the cheeks, pull it out as far as possible, change the form. Issue sounds like a horse jump;
    • rotate lips in different directions, pull them out. Capture the air elongated lips, strain and relax. There will be ease and clarity when conversation;
    • inflate cheeks, roll air in the mouth from one cheek to the second. It is necessary to knead them, otherwise the voice will be a flabby;
    • to myself without opening the mouth, pronounce different words, sounds. The throat is trained, with the result that the sound becomes loud and deep;
    • hands smoothly open the jaw. Muscular efforts are removed, excessive tension.
  3. Improving pronunciation increasing vocabulary. List of exercises:
    • read out loud. Consider best way Improve speakers. Dickey improves, vocabulary, speech brightness, emotional coloring increases. You should read slowly, pronouncing every word. Pronounced text not reader tone, but conversational;
    • prophovarifying patter. Effectively trains dicciation to utter words and sounds with maximum speed. The correct articulation is produced, the reservations happen less often.

When reading, each sound is clearly pronounced, the speed increases gradually. The main thing is to follow the right pronunciation, only then accelerate speech. For convenience, you need to create a picture of what is happening in my head, try to understand reading words. It should not be stopped working on one phrase until the errors completely disappear.

If possible, conduct a voice record of both the material read from the book and speigned. Thus, you can eliminate speech disadvantages found after listening.

There are many exercises that develop pronunciation that improve the skills of the speaker. The above options are quite enough for beginner speakers. With their help, you can achieve considerable success. The main thing in oratory art is not to stop developing, constantly improve skills, and as much as possible to speak.