Repairs Design Furniture

War down the floor in the apartment on the 1st floor. How to insulate the floors in the apartment with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions. Some technical moments

Almost all owners of apartments located on the first floor are faced with such a problem as cold floors. This is due to cold and unheard, and often raw basements. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out the insulation of the floor of the ground floor with modern materials.

For this purpose, a fairly large number of different insulation and their installation methods are applied. In this article, we will get acquainted with the most effective methods as properly and reliably produce a concrete floor insulation.

Cement insulation

The most correct solution is the thermal insulation of the slab plate from the basement. In other words, it is necessary to warm up the ceiling in the basement, thus moving around the cold and the point of dew from the floor in the apartment.

To make such work, it is better to coordinate with the HRKOM. It usually does not occur with this. Having received such permission, you can start heat insulating work. For this purpose, such techniques are available:

  • The easiest, inexpensive, but at the same time, a fairly effective method is warming with foam. To the concrete base, the foam sheets are glued with liquid nails glue. At the end of work, all the slots remaining between the sheets should be filled with the mounting foam. Since the basement is quite often a raw, and the foam has a property with time to drink moisture, it is necessary to produce waterproofing. To do this, the same glue on the sheets of the insulation is glued with a thick polyethylene film. The edges of such waterproofing need to start a mustache at least 10-15 cm.
  • You can produce sputtering polyurethane foam - one of the most reliable and durable insulation, known to date. After the frozen, this material has high strength, excellent thermal insulation properties. Also, polyurethane foam does not burn and absolutely does not absorb moisture. The only disadvantage of this option is its rather high cost: spraying is made using special equipment and requires professional operator skills.

Tip! If you made the warming of concrete overlap from the basement, it does not mean that the floors in your apartment will automatically become warm. This technique allows you to push the cold only. In any case, the heat insulation of the floor from the side of the apartment is necessary.

Floor insulation from within apartments

This method has a large amount of materials used. Let's consider the main materials and technology of their installation in more detail.

Mineral wool

This option is best suited if there are wooden floors, but it can also be used if you want a tree on a concrete base. By choosing this option, you need to follow such technology and the priority of work:

  • First of all, you need to dismantle the old flooring. The boards are neatly removed and numbered, the concrete screed is repelled by a perforator.
  • If you had wooden floors, you need to examine the condition of the established lag. If necessary, damaged or saturated rafters must be replaced. If the base is concrete, then a complete setting of new rafters is needed.

Tip! The insulation of the floor of the first floor can be used in this way using other heat insulators. For example, instead of mineral wool you can use foam. This material has several worst thermal insulation properties, but it is cheaper.

Warming with clay

This method of insulation of a concrete base in the apartment on the first floor is perhaps the most popular. This is due to the simplicity of installation, durability and high operational indicators of the materials used. To insulate the concrete floor in the apartment located on the first floor with the help of clay, it is necessary to comply with such technology for thermal insulation work:

  • Old floor covering, including cement screed, need to be removed.
  • Carefully remove all the garbage, you need to examine the slab of the overlap and detected cracks, cracks and other defects to close the installation foam or cement mortar.
  • The next step is to lay a thick polyethylene film as a waterproofing layer. Its installation is made of peaks, while the seams need to cry with scotch from both sides.
  • Now the entire surface of the floor can be covered with clay. The thickness of the layer depends on the height of the ceilings. Here, the thicker layer, the better there will be its heat-insulating properties, but the minimum allowable layer of clay is 10 cm.
  • After the backfill, the ceramzite must be tamped. It is categorically forbidden to moisturize the insulation!
  • The reinforcing mesh is mounted on top of the ceramzite and the cement screed with a layer from 5 cm is poured.
  • The screed is thoroughly smoking and covered with polyethylene for proper drying.
  • After drying the cement mortar, it is possible to start the flooring of the floor covering: laminate, linoleum or other material.

Tip! To increase the thermal insulation properties of the floor, the pellets of foam can be added to the cement mortar at the preparation stage. This will allow you to largely insulate the floor in the apartment.

This thermal insulation can be used in both floor insulation techniques: with wooden lags and under cement screed. Polystyrene foam has almost perfect properties:

  • low thermal conductivity
  • high density and mechanical strength,
  • does not burn,
  • practically does not absorb moisture,
  • long service life.

With the insulation of the wooden floor, the plates of extruded polystyrene foams are stacked between lags, as well as any other material. The use of the waterproofing layer, despite the high indicators of the insulation, necessarily.

After laying and filling with the plane, the heat insulator is covered with another layer of waterproofing. For these purposes it is better to use foam. Then the flooring is mounted: plywood, chipboard or boards. The insulation of polystyrene foam under the cement screed is as follows:

Tip! On top of the heat-insulating material, you can lay electrical heating cables. After the end of all installation work, you will have a winner of really warm floors that consume quite a bit of electricity.

Having studied all the options as insulate the floor on the first floor, given in this material, you need to choose the most suitable in your case. Having some skills, you can produce all the work with your own hands, without attracting experts.

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How to insulate the floor on the first floor - 5 proven ways

Verified by centuries People's wisdom reads that the head needs to be kept in the cold, and the legs are warm for the owners of housing on the ground floor as any other relevant. These people do not know what consequences may be, if the floor is not inspired on time. Failure to the smell of dampness, constant colds in children and general discomfort in the house is only part of such problems. In this article, I decided to dwell on how to warm the floors on the first floor in the urban apartment and in a private house.

Suitable types of insulation

The insulation for the first floor floors in principle can be used any. Here you need to look at your financial opportunities, professional skills and of course, for what basis the material is selected. One thing is the insulation of the floor of the first floor in a wooden house and completely different, the arrangement of the concrete slab in the city apartment. I selected the most popular materials and combined them in the table.

Type of insulation Dignity disadvantages
Plates of mineral wool (slag, basalt wool)
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Easy installation;
  • Affordable price;
  • High density with good elasticity;
  • Absolute fire safety;
  • Ecologically neutral.
  • High hygroscopicity;
  • The need to install the crate.
Plates of foaming
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Easy installation;
  • Low price;
  • Low weight;
  • The ability to use in a wet environment;
  • Ecologically neutral.
  • Polyfoam is afraid of rodents;
  • In case of fire, there is caustic and sufficiently harmful gases.
Plates of extruded polystyrene foam (Penopelex)
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Easy installation;
  • Ability to withstand large mechanical loads;
  • Low weight;
  • The material is an absolute waterproofer;
  • Ecologically neutral.
  • High price. Penopelex 2 - 3 times more expensive foamfoot;
  • It burns when exposed to open flame and emits caustic gases.
Keramzit (bulk material, is porous granules of burnt clay)
  • Absolute environmental purity;
  • Low price;
  • Absolute fire safety (burned clay does not burn);
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Ceramzite is capable of drinking moisture;
  • The weight of the ceramisit, albeit slightly, but higher than that of slab heaters.
Wood sawdust mortar with cement
  • Environmental purity;
  • Miserer cost;
  • The material is considered to be fireproof with competent observance of proportions.
  • Afraid of high humidity;
  • Thermal conductivity is much higher than that of modern slab insulation;
  • Relatively high weight.
Liquid insulation. (Polyurethane foam and foamizole)
  • Ecological neutrality;
  • Low weight;
  • No moisture is afraid;
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High price;
  • Liquid insulation can not be applied with their own hands, they require the involvement of third-party specialists.

Ground installation subtleties

Since the wooden and concrete basis in their characteristics are quite different, respectively, and the methods of their arrangement will be different. Next, in order not to dump everything in one "bunch", each instruction will be considered separately.

Method number 1. Floor insulation from below

The concrete overlapping of the first floor in apartment buildings from below, in the overwhelming majority of cases borders not heated, and often even a wet basement. Therefore, I am convinced that you need to start work with insulation in the basement. Thus, you will completely renounce moisture access and at least half will make your half warmer.

  • It is not worth spending on some transient expensive materials here, quite a fairly ordinary foam. The thickness of the insulation in this case starts from 50 mm. How much I saw, the ceilings are not covered in the basements, it is a regular reinforced concrete plate. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is blend all the slots around the ceiling perimeter and on the ceiling itself, especially between the slabs of the overlap;
  • The concrete slab itself is smooth, naturally adhesion of such a coating is quite low. To increase it, we will need to walk on the ceiling of deep penetration soil;
  • Further everything is simple. Take the plate of foam and glue them to the ceiling. As an adhesive composition, you can use the same installation foam, the construction glue "Liquid nails" or a dry construction mixture Ceresit CT83. Personally, I like Ceresit more. After the glue finally grabbing, the remaining small gaps between the plates will need to be blown again by the mounting foam.

If you are glued to the mounting foam, then consider the fact that it expands greatly, so every 15 - 20 minutes the slab will need to press to the ceiling. Usually the extension lasts about one and a half hours.

Some masters prefer to mount the foam on the ceiling in the basement of 2 layers, with a shift relative to each other. Explaining it by the fact that it turns out a more dense monolith, without gaps. I believe it is too much. More precisely, in the case when the front insulation of the house is mounted, this measure is justified, and in the basement it is an extra spending of material, time and strength.

For an ordinary dry basement, this will be quite enough. But if water is worth in the basement, then I recommend making additional waterproofing the ceiling. This procedure also costs it inexpensively.

You will need to take the glue "Liquid nails" or any like, apply it with a spatula on a foam and caile the ceiling by technical polyethylene. So Polyethylene did not fall off before glue grabbing, it can be shot to the foam staples in places.

Opinions of specialists about whether it is necessary to mount the so-called outdoor insulation of the underground in wooden houses, diverge. Personally, I believe that it will not be worse from this. So you will not only warm the underground from below, but also protect wood from dampness.

It is necessary to act on the described technology. Only here is the meaning of the foam in addition to the glue to fix on the draft layer with plastic umbrella dowels. This is due to the fact that the tree is a lively material, and when it starts "walking", the sheets can turn off.

Method number 2. Installation of insulation with cladder

For a beginner wizard, this method is considered one of the easiest and clear. The only problem is that the thickness of such insulation starts from 50 to 70 mm. Consequently, in low ceiling apartments it can become a problem.

  • Work begins with the preparation of a concrete basis. An old coating, if it is there, you need to certainly completely disrupt and wear everything well to concrete. After that, all the gaps and cracks will need to beg. It is possible to do this with a putty or the same mounting foam;
  • On any concrete basis, it will be necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing. For an apartment, too powerful protection is not required, especially if in the basement you have already laid the ceiling by foam. It is enough to be made in one layer of technical polyethylene. But only polyethylene should fit with the allen on the entire perimeter of the walls. From the start, I make a back of about 10 - 15 cm, superfluous then it will steal;
  • The basis of the crates are wooden bars. The thickness of them is chosen in the thickness of the insulation. The bars are usually parallel to a short room wall with a step of about half a meter. Anchor or screws with dowels "quick installation" are used for fixation. I usually fix the interval of no more than 1m, the supporting bars and so much will not go anywhere;

  • Next is the stage of installation of the insulation itself. If the basement is not insulated below, then the thickness of the insulation starts from 50 mm. But for plates of mineral wool, the minimum is 100m. Filler from the sawing and cement mortar, ceramzit and other bulk insulation should be taken at least 150 mm. Only a dense foam, penplex and liquid modern insulation (polyurethane foam, foaming) can be stacked with a thickness of 50 mm;
  • If you approached the case thoroughly and first insulated the ceiling in the basement, then all these sizes can safely divide in half;
  • Polyfoam or extruded expanded polystyrene is selected or clearly in the size of the gap between the supporting bars. With such a calculation to make the plates in bulk. Plates of dense mineral wool must be a pair of centimeters wider than the gap between the bars. They are slightly given on the sides and you will have a solid, dense insulation;

  • From above, a layer of such insulation can be sewn with a tipped floor board with a thickness of 30 mm. If the upper finish coating is planned, the type of laminate, linoleum or parquet, it is better to use Faneur or OSB sheets. Moreover, under the laminate there is enough of the layer of sheets with a thickness of 12 - 16 mm, and under the linoleum or the package, it is necessary to fit the sheets of 10 to 12 mm, the double layer with a shift between the layers.

Method number 3. Floor insulation in a wooden house

The insulation of the floor of the first floor in a wooden house, partly reminds the option using a wooden crate. In wooden houses, all inter-storey floors, including on the first floor, are made two-layer.

The design is based on massive wooden lags. It is lowered by the layer of draft floor, and from above, naturally, it is a finite coating. As you probably already guessed, in the middle we will have a heater.

  • When the bottom black coating is delayed and all wood is impregnated with protective compositions, you can start the installation of the waterproofing layer. Unlike the apartment option, the waterproofing of the draft floor in a wooden house is more thorough. Moreover, it is placed not only on the draft floor, but also turns on top of the lag, the solid monolithic layer;
  • If you have chosen technical polyethylene, it is covered in 2 layers and is attached to the stapler. Ruberoid or modern rolled waterproofing can be mounted in 1 layer, but they are sitting on bitumen mastic, which in turn is also a good waterproofer;

  • In a wooden house, it is enough to burn, therefore, in most cases, preference is given to non-combustible material. The most popular are the tight plates of basalt wool. The depth of wooden lag, even in the light country houses is taken at least 150 mm. Accordingly, the basalt wool is laid by either one layer of 150 mm or two layers of 75 mm, be sure to shift between the layers;

  • The second equally popular material is deserved by clay. This is a folk, budget option. According to the rules, the clamzite must fall down for a couple of centimeters below the first floor, that is, the top slice of the lag. But I always recommend from the start to fall asleep any bulk insulation in short with lags. In any case, over time he will give a shrinkage and you will get the same ventilation gap;

Ceramzite is produced in the three most popular fractions. The sand has a diameter of up to 5 mm, the gravel diameter does not exceed 2 cm, everything that goes beyond these frames is called rubble. So, so that the insulation layer was more dense and monolithic, it is necessary to mix clay gravel gravel or rubble with clay sand in proportion of 1: 1.

  • As I already pointed out the table, mineral wool and ceramzite are hygroscopic materials. Therefore, on top of such a heater in wooden houses, it will be necessary to cover the layer of vaporizolation or simple polyethylene. This is especially true for dacha houses with seasonal accommodation. Otherwise, in a periodically heated room, the insulation will quickly appreciate moisture and will lose its properties;
  • The last stage of the arrangement of insulation, we, as usual, the installation of the first coating is used. In capital wooden houses, a tipped floorboard is often used. In the light country houses, plywood or OSB is mounted, and the top is laid out what is.

Method number 4. Warming by extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded expanded polystyrene is a special modern material, and it is worth telling it separately. Honestly, I believe that as a heater for the floors of the first floor, this material is close to the ideal. Its variations there are several, in our great power it is more famous under the brand name "Penopeleks".

The uniqueness of Polyeplex is that in addition to all other characteristics, it absolutely does not let water, and most importantly has a serious margin of mechanical strength. It is penplex that the automobile highways and runways of airfields are now insulated.

The fact that it can be laid in the crate, I have already mentioned, although, in my opinion, this is too expensive. In the case of the crate, it is possible to do with a dense more than 30 kg / m³ sheets of foam. By the way, they are cheaper at least 2 times. There, after all, the lion's share of the load falls on the supporting bars.

The best penplex showed itself in two cases. This is during the arrangement of the laminate and as a heater under the tie. Thanks to the grooves located around the perimeter of each sheet, such a flooring is mounted quickly and quite hermetically.

If you have already been insulated a basement, then you can safely use the sheets of extruded polystyrene foam thickness of about 30 mm thick. Even in the harsh climate it will be enough. The preparation of the foundation is the same everywhere. Theoretically, Penopelex can not be stacked by a layer of waterproofing, but will not be an error if you are reinsured and shutter with polyethylene.

  • The insulation sheets are connected through the grooves, and these grooves are additionally sampled by any suitable glue, this good in the markets is now more than enough;
  • As a famous laminate is mounted on floating technology, that is, it does not connect hard with the basis. Therefore, on, we drag the insulation with a substrate from foamed polyethylene and already fill our laminate on it.

Polyeplex has one weak place, it is able to easily carry heavy loads, only if they are evenly distributed throughout the plane. Point pressure Material may not withstand. Laminate in turn provides uniform distribution of this load.

By the way, by similar technology, you can equip the basis for linoleum or piece parquet. There is also a layer of polyplex, a thin foamed substrate is stacked on it, and for a uniform load distribution instead of laminate mounted or OSB. There are enough sheet thickness up to 10 mm.

As I mentioned, Penoplex, is hardly the best option for insulating a screed. Moreover, the screed can be both ordinary cement-sand and modern self-leveling.

  • The technology of arrangement here is also pretty simple. After the waterproofing layer and the layer of polyplex, the metal reinforcing grid is stacked on top. Too thick reinforcement for the ordinary apartment is not worth using. I usually take a wire with a thickness of 4, to 6 mm;
  • After all, the thickness of the tie itself often does not exceed 20 mm. It is only on large areas, the size of 50 - 70m² concrete screed is made up to 40 mm thick;
  • If you are going to use cement-sandy solution, you will need to first consolidate the lighthouses, and between them already lay the reinforcement. Lighthouses are easiest to fix the stapler. When everything is ready, the solution is thrown on top and is leveled by the lighthouses by the rule;

  • The self-leveling screed is generally a "song", for its installation any such special talents and the skills are not necessary. To prepare a mixture on a package there is an instruction. Then this mixture is poured on a layer of reinforced polyplex and slowly help it to align with a needle roller.

Important: Penopelex is allowed to assemble exclusively on the smooth floor. Minor, smooth drops in height in the range of 3-4 mm are allowed.

Method number 5. Warming with a dry screed

The so-called dry screed is used exclusively for the insulation of the concrete base. At cost, it goes cheaper than many of its competitors. As a basis, a clay mixture is taken there (sand - gravel).

The meaning is that as much as possible along the horizon to align the rash base. After that, it is mounted, on floating technology, hard monolithic flooring. As a flooring, OSB sheets, waterproof GKKL or thick, order of 10 mm plywood are used.

Ideally align the bulk clamzite without a destruction hard enough. Therefore, I recommend first mounting the support lights at the floor.

It is not worth bred in a durable concrete self-drawing here. It is enough to put the lighthouses on the alabastra pyramids. After that, you just fall asleep the room with a clay mixture and distribute it by the Rule of Lighthouses.

Sheet flooring is mounted in 2 layers, as usual with a shift between sheets. This installation will not be much difficulty, there you can safely drive through the screws, they will not damage the claymzit pillow. And notice, such a flooring is called floating because it is not fastened to anything hard. The gap between the wall and the flooring is left within 10 mm.


Now you know how to warm the floors on the first floor correctly. In the photo and video in this article, I placed concomitant information on the topic of floor insulation. If you have any questions left, write them in the comment, I will try to help.

September 6, 2016.

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The apartment on the first floor is located above the basement, from which dampness and cold penetrate the floor through the concrete slab overlapping. Increased humidity, unpleasant smell, fungus and uncomfortable floor temperature - with these problems, tenants face every day until they decide to perform the thermal insulation of the concrete base.

The external thermal insulation of the base is always effective and does not take away the space in the room. In the total basement, it is necessary to determine and celebrate the area of \u200b\u200bits apartment. Under the conditions of raw room, a moisture-resistant insulation is a polystyrene foam or foam. The layer thickness for warm regions is 10 cm, for cold - 15 cm. Thermal insulation occurs according to the following technology:

  1. Foam plates with glue are attached to the basement concrete ceiling.
  2. To protect the material from rodents, a metal mesh is placed and fixed by plastic dowels.
  3. Polyfoam is covered with a polyethylene film for waterproofing. As a substitute for moisture-resistant canvas, which may be damaged, used bitumen coating isolation.

As a heater, you can use mineral wool, but you will need to make more effort. For the material it is necessary to fix the crate, lay waterproofing and close all moisture-resistant plywood.

Thermal insulation of the concrete base of the floor

Fighting with penetrating cold start with embellishment of slots at the base. For their sealing, a mounting foam is used, it can be treated with a mix between the floor and the wall. Get rid of dampness in the apartment on the first floor will allow careful waterproofing. With high humidity, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is covered with coating or penetrating insulation. After that, a polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns is spilled. The edges of the canvas must enter the walls to the height of 15-20 cm. The film is stacked with overlap of adjacent strips of 10-15 cm, the joints are sealed with construction tape.

Floor insulation in the apartment can be in several ways:

  • concrete screed with insulation additives: sawdust, ceramzite, perlite;
  • laying of thermal insulation material on lags;
  • dry screed for drying panels;
  • the use of plates of polystyrene under concrete;
  • warm floor system.

Arbolit or lightweight concrete from a mixture of cement and wood fillers is an affordable and high-quality version of thermal insulation. It is an eco-friendly, durable, non-combustible and durable. The lack of insulation is to increase the floor by 10 cm and the drying time up to 25 days.

The use of lag for thermal insulation will also raise the base. The work is performed in stages:

  1. Wooden bars are stacked on a layer of waterproofing with 50 cm increments.
  2. The insulation is placed between the guides - the ceramzite with a layer of 10-12 cm or a mineral wool with a thickness of 10 cm. The material is stacked tightly, the slots between it and lags are filled with mounting foam.
  3. Polyethylene film is spilled for vapor barrier. It is fastened with brackets, joints are sampled by a special scotch.
  4. Stacked the draft floor from the board or plywood.

Heat the concrete floor in a short time will allow a dry screed that does not need to dry out. On the dressing waterproofing, the grainsite of the fine fraction or sand is poured, the breed is distributed to a flat layer of 5 cm and is torn. Moisture-resistant drywall in two rows or special panels "Superfield Knauf" are laid on the insulation, the thickness of which is 20 mm. Sheets glued and processed by putty. The coating has a low thermal conductivity, protects against noise and moisture, safely and does not require wet processes. Parquet, linoleum, laminate are spilled on the dryweed.

The polystyrene is highly density and durability, it will become a reliable and warm base for the floor. Plates are placed by the rotor so that the load is uniformly distributed. The joints between them are closed by mounting foam. The material is covered with a metal reinforcing mesh and poured a layer of cement screed with a height of 5 cm.

The device of the warm floor system is the optimal option for an apartment on the first floor, it will save the room from dampness and at any time will increase the coating temperature to a comfortable level.

Here you can arrange a water, electric or film floor. The system is placed on the base, insulated by expanded polystyrene. Under it is spilled foil material reflecting the side into the room. Water and electric cable floor are stisting, and infrared film is placed under the finish coating.

What warm the wooden floor?

Wood has less thermal conductivity than concrete, but on the first floor and it seems cold and wet. Before removing the coating boards, you need to select the insulation. Usually the basalt wool is taken, it preserves warmly, absorbs the noise, does not rot and does not attract rodents, it is safe for fire.

Ceramzite - natural bulk material for thermal insulation, it has a small weight and affordable price, quickly and just fit. It is possible to use polystyrene foam, the material is durable, resistant to moisture and loads, but its cost is higher than the remaining insulation.

The process of isolation of a wooden base consists of several stages:

  1. The boards are removed and inspected if they are in good condition, they are returned to place after all the work.
  2. The treatment of wooden lags by antiseptic is carried out.
  3. The waterproofing can be sprinkled with a wall at a wall to 20 cm. All lags are wrapped with a film.
  4. A rolled basalt wool can be tightly unfolded between the bars or grazit is poured. The height of the insulation does not reach the top of the lag by 5 mm.
  5. The laid material is covered with a vapor insulating film so that moisture from the apartment does not hit it.
  6. Screwplates are nailed to lags.

Properly performing heat and waterproofing of the floor in the apartment, you will for a long time for the moisture and cold.

The surface of the floor is one of the coldest in the apartment, especially on the first floor of the house. This is due to the peculiarities of concrete, the severity of cold air and the fact that in the floor there are cracks, through which the cold penetrate from the basement penetrates.

Heat losses through the surface of the floors can be up to a third of all thermal energy. To avoid this, high-quality thermal insulation is needed. You can do it well with your own hands.

Options for thermal insulation materials

Materials suitable for insulation of floors should have sufficiently low thermal conductivity. Most of these materials can at the same time, isolate the room and from noise.

The most popular options are:

  • Mineral wool - inexpensive material, efficient and as insulation, and as sound insulation. Wat is very simple in laying, fireproof, resistant to biological pollution. However, it is very easy to absorb water, which is why good waterproofing is required. In addition, this material can highlight the glass particles that cause allergies into the air.
  • Polystyrene foamand other species of foam - polymeric materials resistant to moisture and fire. Do not deform, do not let heat, absorb noises.
  • Bulk materials - Ceramzite or wood chips. Have excellent thermal insulation properties, can form an aligning layer when designing a dry screed.

All these materials are good in their own, the choice is based on operating conditions. What material will be more convenient - it is worth using, there is no big difference between them.

Floor insulation on a wooden basis

When insulating floors in the apartment on the first floor of a wooden house, the heat-insulating material is usually laid in between lags, which lies with a decorative coating.

The insulation of wooden floors in the apartment is happening:

  • The old coating material is dismantled.
  • Parosolation is stacked - usually it is a simple polyethylene film. The bands of the film are laid out the shoulder and fasten with scotch. The film must be on the walls so that as a result, the edges performed above the surface of the finished floor. In the future, they can be cut.
  • The insulation is stacked. If a bulk material is used, it is falling asleep between lags using them as lighthouses for smoking the insulation using the rule. Other types of thermal insulation roll close to lags, not allowing even the slightest slots.
  • If a hygroscopic wool is used, it is additionally covered by another layer of film to protect against moisture from all sides.
  • On top of the insulation to lags, aligning plates of plywood or a gypsum fiber sheet are fastened. You can skip this stage and immediately drain the gender.
  • Mounted decorative coating of any type.

Floor insulation on concrete base

Most often, the floors of the first floor of a panel apartment building are structures from reinforced concrete slabs. Concrete itself is a porous material, which perfectly carries out heat, because of which almost in any conditions remains cold.

In addition, the slabs of the overlap almost never jerk sufficiently enough so that the air does not pass through the slots. As a result, a lot of heat from the first floor is dried into the basement.


One of the most common methods of thermal insulation is the laying of the insulation under the cement screed with their own hands. The insulation of the screed is carried out in this way:

  • Old coating is removed up to the base. Old screed is also deleted.
  • The slabs of the overlap will be revealed if necessary, joints are sealed. Then the surface is thoroughly cleaned from garbage and residues of an old screed, vacuuming the construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Waterproofing is produced. On the base of the mustache, dense film is laid. The edges of the material should be started on the walls. The edges, set on each other by 10 cm, are fastened with adhesive tape.
  • The selected insulation is stacked on top of the waterproofing layer. Sheets of polystyrene foam, unlocked rolls of glass wool should be close to each other.
  • The insulation is covered with an additional layer of film.
  • A reinforcing grid is placed on the insulation. It is needed in order to increase the strength of the screed.
  • A cement-sand mixture is poured. The thickness of the screed must be at least 50 mm at the highest point, otherwise, during operation, it can be covered with cracks and start crumbling.
  • The surface of the dried tie is covered with two layers of primer for finishing alignment, strengthening and clogging pores in concrete.
  • The finishing coverage is laid on the finished tie.

Dry warning for lags

The process is similar to the insulation of the floors in the apartment on the first floor of a wooden house, with the only difference that in this version of the lags will have to be installed on the reinforced concrete base with their own hands.

Lagam insulation is made in this way:

  • The concrete base is cleaned from the old coating, screed and garbage.
  • The floor is hydroizing. To do this, you can use bitumen or polymer mixtures applied with a brush or roller as paint. Less efficient, but cheaper and fast way - to store polyethylene film.
  • Wooden lags are installed in the meter from each other, no more so that the floors do not be bombed. These lags can be used both as beacons for filling clay. It is important to ensure that the upper edges of the lag are in the same plane.
  • The selected heat insulating material is stacked. It is necessary to mount the insulation close to the lags, not allowing the gaps.
  • Floor coating of plywood, dry-fiber sheets or fiberboard is formed. The thickness of this layer should be about one and a half centimeters. For this, the material can be stacked in two layers, so that the slabs lay the cross-crosswise, and the joints did not coincide. Sheets are fastened with glue and screws.
  • The finish coating of any kind is stacked.

Isolation of spraying

Another way to ensure thermal insulation on the first floor is a professional insulation with a thin layer of polyurethane foam. It forms a seamless surface of a polymer with a thickness of about 7 cm.

A polymer is applied using special equipment that gives the material in the form of an aerosol under greater pressure. Literally a few seconds, the substance freezes and turns into a solid foam. In its effectiveness, such insulation exceeds all other ways.

In addition, polyurethanerene does not need waterproofing. The service life is estimated at decades.


If the weight loss in the apartment is insignificant, you can not lay an additional layer of insulation, but simply use the finishing coating with a sufficiently small thermal conductivity. For example, the floor of the first floor of the carpet insulates quite well. Long pile carpets have even better insulating properties.

Another option is to use linoleum on a thick substrate from jute or felt. In the same way, you can warm the floor, laying the parquet with your own hands. It is necessary to simply use the substrate from warm material - a plug, foamed polyethylene or foam.

The insulation of concrete floor is very important for creating comfort and heat in the house, especially if the apartment is located on the first floor.

But the wooden floors sometimes also require insulation.

For example, in a private house, as far as the coating is made, it does not give a complete guarantee of the conservation of heat, and therefore, it will not be possible to save on heating.

The system heat exchange of the house or apartment largely depends on the floors, since they are the place of great heat loss.

Concrete is durable and has excellent performance, popular for the flooring device, but it has one serious drawback - the material is very cold. If he is arranged in a residential room, then high-quality thermal insulation is required, otherwise any heating will not be effective.

Cold floor is uncomfortable conditions in the room, significant overvarce of energy over heating.

In addition, in the absence of insulation and the first floor apartment, as a rule, dampness may form, and as a result, mold on the walls.

All this can be avoided, with a high-quality device of the insulation.

Work on the heat insulation of the floor is not impracticable. In the presence of the necessary materials and tools, any owner will cope with it.

Which insulation is better to choose?

There are several types of insulation produced in the form of blocks, bulk materials, rolls and even in liquid form. Each of them is quite suitable for the warm floor insulation of the first floor.

Mats and stoves

Insulation of this type have low thermal conductivity and low weight, they are not better suitable for the insulation of the ground floor concrete floor.

They can be used in conjunction with thin rolled materials, which increases the overall thermal insulation.

Insulation in the form of mats and plates are made of foam, mineral wool, basalt fiber, based on polystyrene foam and other composite materials.

Frequently used for insulation of floors in private houses used mats from vegetable fibers, for example, from straw, which is an excellent environmentally friendly insulation. The only minus - the organizing agent is exposed to decomposition.

Bulk insulation

Bulk materials can be attributed to, sawdust, polyfoam crumb, slag and others.

They are used to insulate floors in the first floor apartments, as well as in private homes.

The advantage of bulk insulation is that they completely fill the space between the crates of the crate.

This material is suitable for accommodating on the open ground under the floor in a private house, and in apartments that are at the bottom of the unheated basement.

Rolled materials

Foamed polystyrene, mineral wool, cork or composite-based matte tubes, multilayer foil insulation, etc. are available in rolls.

Some of them have a small thickness, and therefore will not fully cope with the task of holding heat - they are well used in addition to thicker insulation.

The rolled mineral wool, a thickness of 7-10 cm is an excellent thermal insulator, so it is quite suitable for insulation.

Liquid insulation

Cement solutions are used as liquid insulating materials, mixed with a crumb of foam, wooden chips, clayjit and other light air materials.

The modern version of the liquid insulation is a polymeric with a foamed structure - foamizole. Special equipment is used to work with it, with the help of which the material fills the cavities between the guides of the crates.

How to warm the concrete floor?

When calculating the insulation of floors, it is necessary to take into account the significant load, which will be subject to all layers of construction.

For different types of floor, the insulation material is somewhat different from each other, but the overall system for all floors is to lay the materials in such a sequence:

  1. The base is a concrete plate.
  2. Layer of waterproofing.
  3. Wooden doom.
  4. Insulation, laid between crate guides
  5. (Its sheets spread over 15-25 cm overlap and are sampled with a special scotch).
  6. If the insulation has the thickness of the crate, it is killed a counterbask, which will create a gap between the insulation and the draft floor, giving the possibility of ventilation.
  7. Black floor (thick plywood or board).
  8. Additionally, a rolled thin insulation, which spreads over the crate be used under the rough path.

The method of insulation of floors is easy to understand, examined the given graphical scheme.

Features of the insulation of the concrete floor of the first floor in a private house and apartment

The insulation of concrete floors in a private house and an apartment is distinguished by some nuances, but the principle of insulation is mainly the same.

If concrete floors of a private house are insulated, which has no basement under them, then you will have to resort to the use of several materials.

Naturally, the thickness of insulation is better to calculate in advance, during the construction of the house, but if insulation is carried out already in the finished room, it is necessary to prepare the ground. The same is done in the apartment:

  1. To do this, decorative coating is removed and a thorough revision of the concrete slab is carried out, for cracks and chips.
  2. The stove is cleaned, and all identified defects are eliminated with a concrete or finished repair solution.
  3. After it is frozen, it is advisable to treat the surface with a strengthening impregnation - synthing.
  4. Next is the waterproofing device - this process is important for both the floor of the first floor of the apartment and the private house.

The waterproofing layer may consist of a polyethylene film, which should be on the walls by 15-20 cm, or applied to the floors and the lower parts of the walls of the special water repellent primer of deep penetration.

If the apartment is a crate (lags) can be laid immediately for waterproofing, then it is better to raise it in a private house by 5-7 cm.

The floors raised over the concrete slab will allow you to lay a thicker layer of insulating material.

For this, the segments of the 5x5x15 cm timber segments are laid on the waterproofing, which must be sealing small pieces of rubberoid.

  1. Lags are laid on the bars and fix the entire design to the concrete base.
  2. Further, a layer of 12-15 cm, a bulk insulation can be laid, for example, a crumples in a dry form or with the addition of liquid cement mortar into it. In the latter case, after filling the space, it is necessary to wait for the solidification of the layer.
  3. On top of it, the plates or the roll variant of mineral wool are stacked, which has a low thermal conductivity, and is the perfect insulation of floors and for a private house and for the apartment. In addition to it, it is possible to use foam or liquid insulation - foamizole.
  4. The upper layer of the insulation must be below the level of Lag about 5 mm.
  5. Mineral wool is covered on top of a vapor barrier film that is attached to lags with a bracket.
  6. The last stage of insulation is a black floor device, which can consist of boards or thick plywood - it will depend on what the finish coating is selected.

It is worth noting that if it is assumed, the draft coating may consist of two layers: boards and plywood.

How best to insulate the first floor wooden floor

Wooden floors in modern high-rise buildings are no longer suitable, but they are often found in old buildings and in the private sector.

The tree in itself is warm material, but it has a feature over time to dispel, as a result of which the gaps are formed in the floors through which drafts penetrate into the apartment or the house.

Such floors require insulation:

  • To do this, it is necessary to raise the existing old coating. If it is in good condition, after the insulation process it can be installed back.
  • After removing the boards, lags are inspected and, if necessary, replaced with new ones. Then their treatment with antiseptic antifungal agents is carried out and the time is given for graze.
  • The insulation is laid on the base of the floor.

    If the lags are high enough, you can arrange two layers of insulation, the lower from which will be bulk, and the top is from the plates of foam or mineral wool.

  • The next stage is the coating of the insulation with a vapor barrier film, and the floorboard is laid on top.

When building a house, wooden floors better insulate immediately, observing all the technological rules. The scheme is clearly visible layers of warmed wooden floor, which goes in such a sequence:

  1. Foundation of the house.
  2. Overlapping beams (lags).
  3. Bar for roughing.
  4. Parosolation.
  5. Rough floor.
  6. Insulation.
  7. On top of it waterproofing film.
  8. Batten.

Cement insulation

If the apartment is located above the basement, there may be insulation of the floor on his side.

In the ceiling of the basement under the apartment you can strengthen the insulation.

For this procedure, foam, foam or mineral wool suitable for this procedure.

  • The foam plastic is glued to the basement ceiling with a special glue. After its drying, all the gaps between the plates close by mounting foam.

With the help of mineral wool, you can also insulate the floors from the basement, but it will be more difficult to do it.

  • Bruks are fixed to the ceiling, minus 5 cm width, minus 5 cm. It is necessary so that the mats of the insulation between them entered tightly.
  • So that the insulation fits reliably, on top of him on Broas-lags, fiberboard or fine plywood is strengthened. Along the edge of the structure, along the walls, all formed gaps are closed with mounting foam.

So that work on insulation was effective, you need to know several nuances, which will depend on the desired result.

  1. The first thing to do, starting the floor insulation in the apartment on the first floor is to examine the walls of the basement.

If there are cracks, chips, and possibly even holes, they must be sealed with cement-based solutions, mounting foam or, if necessary, apply brickwork.

Solid ventilating holes on the winter period can be covered, but they cannot be completely close.

  1. If insulation is done in a private house, under which the basement is located, you should additionally insulate the floor and from the outside, i.e. Secure the insulation on the ceiling of the basement.
  2. It is necessary to know that high thermal insulation properties has a low density foam due to its porous air structure.
  3. We must not forget about the installation of vapor barrier, which must be installed properly, and be sure to glue the joints with a special scotch.
  4. It is impossible to close the fully ventilation impeller, otherwise under the floor covering, or condensate can be formed on the insulation itself.

In order not to make any errors before we take for work, you need to study its technology, calculate all the necessary parameters in accordance with the selected heat insulation method and the type of insulation material.

If your apartment is located on the first floor, you do not need to postpone the insulation of floors. Sooner or later, the cold and dampness will settle in the room, and, together with them, the fungus and mold will appear on the walls of the premises, and they will be very hard to get rid of them.