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How to keep chrysanthemums in winter - warning methods and practical advice. Preparation of chrysanthemums by winter. Shelter chrysanthemums for winter when crop chrysanthemums for the winter

Experienced gardeners know that the arrival of autumn begins a responsible moment in the field of work. Almost everyone needs special care and special preparation for wintering. In order for flowers, decorative and trees to rested, they gained strength and in the spring were able to go into growth, they need to provide special care during the cold season.

Preparatory work

The preparation of chrysanthemums by winter begins from the end of August - the last summer month.

Wintering chrysanthemums in the ground

Insulation and storage chrysanthemum in winter in open soil Perhaps both in a soft and pretty harsh climate. First of all, it is necessary to roam the land around the bush, carefully dip. Try so that there is no stems in the stems, otherwise the soil will begin to parse, and the roots can be taught. And in the frost, the soil will laugh too much, turns the crust, which will also lead to the death of the bush. If you have a soft winter, a lot of snow falls, chrysanthemums will hide well and under it. Upon other conditions above the bushes, you need to build additional shelters. It can be a canopy, which will protect from excessive moisture, "Shalashi" from spruce branches for insulation or a bunch of fallen foliage, straw, hay. But peat, sawdust - not the materials that can be used for shelter. They too absorb moisture and can lead to wipers. If the plant needs to dig up, and it's nowhere to store it, you can dug a small trench, to put bushes in it along with a lore of the earth on the roots, cover with slate top, wooden board or iron sheet and then sprinkle the earth. In the spring of chrysanthemums pull out and again planted.

Here such care is required by this beautiful

How to keep chrysanthemum in winter in the garden in open soil Not digging.

Chrysanthemums are garden flowers that can be saved without digging them out of the soil. Another option, it is still digging them, and store, for example, in the same cellar, or in another fit for this room. These chrysanthemum differ from other colors, such as dahlias, for example. Georgina for the winter is necessarily digging, there are simply no other options with them. And how to do with chrysanthemums depends on you. Those flower, whose experience is quite enough, do not dig all chrysanthemums. They only dig a part, and another part of these colors leave for wintering in the open soil. This approach is determined by a number of factors that we will talk about.

So, if you have not yet decided for yourself how your chrysanthemums are wintering, then you need to consider two main factors. When you analyze them, you will understand what to do with yours so that they successfully survived the winter.

The first factor is of course climate. To change the climate, we are not under force, so you need exactly from this first and foresee. In general, many varieties are not afraid of strong cold weather, and if the winter is snowy, then it is suppressed. But, now there are often wet winter, or misunderstanding. At the same time, the temperature in such winters by the order "jumps". There are no shelters here. Either your chrysanthemums are frozen, or they are sparing under the shelter.

The second factor, when preparing chrysanthemums by winter, these are their belonging to a certain variety. So, varieties that love heat (and, for example, Indian), leave not digging, only if the winter is always soft. Another variety of chrysanthemums, Korean hybrids (the other of their name "Dubok") well tolerate winter, if they are not covered with quite slightly.

Preparation for winter for chrysanthemums are not starting early. The first rustling frosts will serve as a signal to start these works. This is usually October, sometimes the timing of such frosts are shifted to the beginning of November. So you give the possibility of chrysanthemums to undergo a definite hardening. Already later, the plant needs to be cut, while you must remain low "hemp", centimeters of 10-20. Such "hemp" is conveniently denoted by the variety.

Again, if you won't dig chrysanthemum, you can save them here in different ways.

The second option is to build a full-fledged shelter for these plants. Such a shelter is reliable than the facothy, and will save chrysanthemums even in capricious winter. The shelter can be built even from bricks. It is placed around one bush chrysanthemum or immediately around several. When such "walls" you will erect, then make the "roof" from the boards, for example, or a slate piece. The "roof" already put the underfloor material, which is fixed there. It may be a spandbon, or material similar by properties - Loutrasil. Also suitable for this purpose and fir branches. Here, the main principle at the shelter, this is to ensure that there is no such shelter so that there is no surplus of moisture in it. Such surplus will surely destroy your chrysanthemums.

You can make trenches for wintering chrysanthemums. In this case, training is beginning early, in the early summer (at the end), or at the beginning of autumn. Trench will need to be pulled out on the hill. There will be no moisture to accumulate. Its depth must be at least 50 centimeters. The bottom is insulating a cheese, or it can be replaced with her sawdust. When the first frosts come, then chrysanthemum will need to dig. It is not necessary to cleanse them from the ground, but along with a room, we have them in the trench. Rows of chrysanthemums in the trench must be dense. Further, this shelter is also covered with boards, on top of which also placed polyethylene. So, the water on top into the trench will not penetrate. What is comfortable such a method? He early awakens chrysanthemum in the spring. And from the trench, they usually remove them with the presence of already green shoots.

How to dig chrysanthemums for the winter? When?

If your decision is not to leave your chrysanthemums in the ground, but to dig them, then it is better to do this. This opinion is both experts adhere to. After all, if you dig chrysanthemums for the winter, then the bush from it will be only stronger, it will be less likely to hurt, but it will bloom even earlier those in the soil. Also behind such bushes in winter it is very convenient to follow. You can see the drying of the bush on time, bothering or other problems when stored. And therefore, these problems can be solved on time. Process, for example, a bush of fungicides.

Often we do not dig up flowers for winter storage due to the lack of place for this storage. Not everyone has a cellar, basements or garages. For chrysanthemum, the temperature is optimal from 0 degrees and up to + 5.

If you have a cellar, and the floor in it is earthen, then you just need to accommodate the bushes almost already on this floor. With him, chrysanthemums will be able to receive moisture they need. In such cellars usually temperature mode It holds at the desired level. So, your chrysanthemums will not wake too early.

Today, many stored chrysanthemums in boxes that are specially prepared for this. There must be a certain mixture, which is made from sand and from peat (mixed 1: 1). Even when storing chrysanthemums in such prepared boxes, immediately after digging should not be entered into the repository. Let them stand and slightly "peel" in the cold air until final frosts are installed. This again contributes to her hardening.

If you have a bright room for the storage with the desired temperature, it is better to keep chrysanthemums in it. Many believe that light in such a storage is necessary. Without him, chrysanthemums lose their strength, and become more pale.

What is the main thing when choosing ways to store chrysanthemum in winter? You need to ensure that humidity and temperature do not change dramatically so that chrysanthemum you do not fasten and dry. Also, they should not wake up early (which is quite likely at high temperatures), and should not hurry in the repository or shelter. For right organization Wintering for chrysanthemums, they do not threaten anything, and they will successfully survive the winter.

How to keep chrysanthemum in winter? Do I need to dig chrysanthemums for storage or can you just hide? What varieties are chrysanthemum better than winter? What and when to stream chrysanthemums for the winter? How to crop chrysanthemums in front of winter shelter? These questions are wintering

How to keep chrysanthemum in winter? Do I need to dig chrysanthemums for storage or can you just hide? What varieties are chrysanthemum better than winter? What and when to stream chrysanthemums for the winter? How to crop chrysanthemums in front of winter shelter? These issues of wintering chrysanthemums are worried about many gardeners. Read about how it is better to save chrysanthemums in winter

Chrysanthemum in winter. Dig up or stream

1. What are the winters in your area? Chrysanthemums, like other plants, are better preserved under the snow and are heavier tolerable tolerant winters with frost. The temperature differences with alternate thaws and frost are also destructive for chrysanthemums. If the winter in your area is rainy (so happen from us), chrysanthemums may die from water stagnation.

2. Sort of chrysanthemum. In the regions with frosty winters, choose the so-called. Korean chrysanthemums, or Korean hybrids of chrysanthemums, which in Russia are also called 'Dubok'. This is a conditional view in which many varieties of chrysanthemums are assembled, for every taste and color. Korean chrysanthemums are successfully constructed in the middle lane and the Moscow region and winter with minimal shelter.

By buying a flowering chrysanthm in a pot, do not make mistakes, having accepted a thermal-loving home chrysanthol for cold-resistant garden. You can distinguish them in size of leaves and colors: the leaves of the garden chrysanthemums and flowers are smaller, and at home are larger. Heat-loving chrysanthemums are not only poorly preserved in winter, but also require a much longer warm season for lush floweringThat in the cold regions is possible only for glass of greenhouse or loggia.

See also: Zones of winter resistance of plants of Russia and Europe

3. Landing chrysanthemums in your garden and care. So that chrysanthemums are not spared during thaws, they are recommended to plant them on the elevation, where rain and thawed water do not accumulate. In the cold regions, it is better to plant blooming chrysanthemums from the store in an open ground no later than the end of August so that the plant will be rooted to winter. When landing, add phosphoric fertilizers into the pit. Feat the garden chrysanthemum nitrogen only in spring, at the very beginning of the season, and in the summer, spend regular feeding with potash fertilizers that contribute to flowering.

Do you know that a particularly important part of chrysanthemum care is the regular division of the bush? If the bush chrysanthemums do not share every 2-3 years, they are rapidly aging and dying. Chrysanthemums who regularly share is much better saved in winter than old bushes that have a property to die in winter, even if the weather was quite favorable. For confidence, parts of the separated bush of your favorite chrysanthemums different places In the garden, which will increase the chances of the plant for a successful wintering.

4. Shelter chrysanthemum for the winter. Under unnecessarily warm shelters, chrysanthemums are spoiled. Often in the cold regions of chrysanthemums die from wringing, and not from frost.

For cold regions, there are 2 main ways to preserve chrysanthemums in winter: shelter and digging with subsequent storage. The most practical gardeners successfully combine both ways to make sure the most beloved varieties of chrysanthemums in winter. They cover the main bush of chrysanthemum, and the small part is separated from the roots and stored in winter in the cellar, in the basement, on the cold terrace, in a touch or other room, which if freezes, then only slightly. On the storage of chrysanthemums (roses, hydrangea and other plants) in touch, read in our special article.

Some originally grown chrysanthemums in containers (pots and tubs). With this method of cultivation, transfer chrysanthemums for winter storage is completely easily and no discarded.

In order to keep chrysanthemum in winter in the garden under the shelter, when the temperature approaches the temperature to zero, or even after the first light freeze plants, it is cut into the height of approx. 20 cm and dipped with peat, humus, sawdust, chips, garden compost or just ground. Top of chrysanthemums fall asleep with a layer of dry leaves and covered with a snack. The bastard delays snow over a bush of chrysanthemum and saves the air inside the winter shelter.

19.09.2017 13 183

Chrysanthemums - landing and care in the open soil, forming a beautiful bush

The main autumn flowers - chrysanthemums, landing and care in the open soil behind these flowers do not represent much difficulty, but require compliance with a number of conditions during growing, both in spring and autumn. Do not violate the rules if you want to plant a flower from a bouquet or root the process, and to multiply the plant in the fall, read the main points. If you do not know how to form a beautiful bush with a ball, remember, you need the tailing and trimming for the winter, or try to grow a special grade that will need only a single stepping ...

Methods and timing of breeding chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are annuals - they are annually growing from seeds, and perennial - they can be multiplied by seeds, cuttings, royalties or the division of the bush. Landing chrysanthemums produced in spring and autumn, each season has its advantages:

  1. Seeds They sow in an open soil in May, and when germs will grow by 10 cm, they are plugged. In the fall of chrysanthemums already bloom
  2. Shining - A very popular way of breeding chrysanthemums. You can grow a bush, cutting off a stalk, even from a bouquet. How to roam chrysanthemum process? Escape of about 6 cm long root in the ground, consisting of sand and peat. The box is covered with glass kept in a cool place, not higher than + 15 ° C. When the roots appear, the plants are cleared into separate pots and then, with the end of frosts, in open ground. If you purchased a cutlets of the desired grade in the fall, do not land it in the ground, but root in the container and leave in a cool room until spring
  3. Music - This is a penetrating rhizome of chrysanthemum, from which shoots will go, it can be purchased and land in early spring
  4. Division bush - The only way of autumn planting chrysanthemums, in which the plant is carefully digging, the secret of the mother's bush with escapes on several copies and searched. Such a procedure is supposed to be carried out every two years to rejuvenate the plant

Chrysanthemum, planting in spring and autumn

Please note if you decide to grow chrysanthemums, landing and care in the open ground differ in spring and autumn - with a spring landing, the sumps and cuttings are better to take root, but you can choose in the fall blooming bush. And not mistaken with its appearance.


With very frosty winter, choose Korean small-bedroom hybrids of chrysanthemums, which were called Dubok - this species combines many varieties zoned in middle lane and Moscow region. Large-flowered Indian chrysanthemums differ in high spirits - grow up to a meter, and sometimes to one and a half, but they are afraid of cold weather and easily freeze.

For chrysanthemums are chosen solar, preferably elevated place. Flowers do not like moisture stagnation, so the mooring soil is drained, adding a large layer into the landing river sand. The soil is preferable or neutral, light and loose. Too dense - mixed with peat, humus or overworked compost.

The chrysanthemum plants are placed every 30-50 cm. The pit is digging a shameful to shoot in the royaltics or two thirds of the cutlets were not covered with the earth, when dividing the bush is about 40 cm. No more than 0.5 kg of humidiation or compost is added to the well. If you overdo the fertilizers, the flowers will be small, and lush - only foliage. It is recommended to pour the roots with a stimulant (, corneser, heteroacexin), and then fall asleep and seal it. Stinks after spring landing It is advisable to cover the spunbond from the sun for a couple of weeks.

For autumn landing Kush Chrysanthemum must be abundantly pouring, it complies with the soil, eliminating emptiness in it, due to which the roots can freeze. In addition, the flowers cut off and leave a third of the stems to nutrients went to the development of the root system.

Chrysanthemum, Care - Watering, Undercaming, Pruning, Shelter

The stagnation of chrysanthemum moisture does not endure, but watering loves - without water, the stalks become tough, the flowers are minced. At the same time, the flower does not tolerate sprinkle, it is necessary to water the root, preferably rain or saturated with water. Earth after irrigation loose to avoid peel.

In the spring for chrysanthemums need nitrogen feeding for rapid growth, it is possible to spend it 2-3 weeks after landing. In the second half of summer, with the beginning of the bootonization of chrysanthemums, phosphorous-potash fertilizers contribute to ensure lush flowering and strengthen plants before wintering. In the fall, you can bother with a little flowers with organica. Tall varieties are tied up, since their fragile stems can break.

The beginning of frosts - a signal that it is time to go to wintering. The trunks of chrysanthemum in late autumn cut off, leaving 10-centimeter hemps and insulate sawdust or foliage. The most tender varieties are covered with underfloor material and to protect against moisture, something flat is placed on top - for example, a plywood shield. Some flower products dig roots and store them in winter in a dark cold cellar, for sure to save the variety.

How to create ball-haired bushes chrysanthemum

For flowers such as chrysanthemums, landing and care in the open ground - not everything you need and easy processing will allow you to create real masterpieces from them.

Chrysanthemum after winter is cut and pinch to get a beautiful ball-like bush. There is a variety that the bush himself grows in the form of a ball, without needing to form, is a multiflora chrysanthemum, a low-speed bush up to 20 cm in height - when two pairs of leaves appear on the shoot, and then the ball is formed himself.

Multiflora can be grown not only at the flowerbed, but also in a pot. But, at the end of flowering, the above-ground part of the plant is cut and sent on peace - in a dark cool place, for the whole winter. Periodically sleeping chrysanthemums are watered so that the roots do not dry. In February, the first sprouts appear, this means that the plant woke up, and it is time to get from the basement. If the spherical chrysanthemum grows on the flowerbed, the stalks need to cut up to 10 cm and hide sawdust and nonwoven material for the winter.

Multiflora loves the soil rich fertilizers, when landing, add more slow down to the well wood ash. If you grow it in a pot, you can prepare the soil of 30% humus and 20% of sand, the remaining 50% is the hardening ground.

You can form a ball from other types of chrysanthemums, in the finely and firmware, the main escape is plugged upon reaching 10-12 cm, then the side shoots have grown up to the same length, they are actively branched after that, they are actively branched, they are actively branched.

The large-flowered species chrysanthemums cut the stems with a length of 15 cm, all spend one or two sequins no later than June, in addition, their steps - from mid-July, they remove the shoots from the sinuses of the leaves every day, and since August - every three days Get a spherical bush with large flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

In the autumn flower garden or garden, the leading role is given to Chrysanthemums (Greek. Chrysos - Gold, Anthemos - flower). Perennials dilute the November sera not only bright shadesBut they can compose everything around rainbow splashes. It continues until the flowers and leaves acquire a brown color, which is a marker for organizing plants in wintering measures. The time of chrysanthemums Garden and perennial prepare for winter came.

Is it possible to keep the chrysanthemum bush in winter in the soil

There are two ways of wintering this perennial - digging and leaving in a soil with shelter. Gardeners apply both methods. For loyalty, you can dig a part, while others leave on a permanent place.

Small-ceiling multiflora, Korean, some Indian chrysanthemums successfully tolerate the wonder in the open soil. It is important in time to conduct correct preparations for the cold. Upon completion of flowering, trimming the bush to a height of 15-25 cm above the ground level. If it has a young root piglery, it must be left untouched. Cropped stems are murdered with a layer of straw in 3-5 cm, coniferous needles, sawdust and plunge using humoring (peat).

At the first night freezes of chrysanthemums need to be covered with branches without leaves. This will create a peculiar frame for snow, which will warm the plant and saturate the ground with moisture with spring melting. If the winter does not differ in snow, are accompanied by frequent thaws, rains, it is necessary to reduce the risk of shocking and rotting the root system. For this, low improvised shelters from boards (slate or tin) are created, which are installed on brick supports.

How to make the shelter chrysanthemums for the winter

Cutting varieties, thermal loving and tall, require digging out of ground and storage indoors. It is not necessary to delay much, because even minor frosts will harm the bustard. Perfect perennials in a dry basement (cellar) with a temperature not higher than + 6-7 degrees and humidity within 75%.