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Ramadan meal schedule. Ramadan greetings and calendar. What time is suhoor taken during Ramadan

Yulia Shapko

Reading time: 7 minutes


During holy month of the Muslim calendar, which is called Ramadan in Arabic, or Ramadan in Turkish, Muslims are required to observe a strict fast - limit yourself to drinking, eating and intimacy .

By following the rules of Ramadan, mature people give up their passions. This is how they cleanse themselves of the negativity.

The fast ends with the great holiday of Uraza-Bairam.

Features and traditions of fasting Ramadan - what are Iftar and Suhoor?

Fasting believers test the strength of the human spirit... Compliance with the rules of Ramadan makes a person comprehend his lifestyle, helps to determine the main values ​​in life.

During Ramadan, a Muslim must limit yourself not only to food, but also carnal satisfaction of their needs, as well as other addictions - for example, smoking. He must learn control yourself, your emotions.

Observing simple rules fasting, every Muslim believer should feel indigent and starving, since the available benefits are often perceived as mundane.

Swearing is prohibited in Ramadan. There is an opportunity to help the needy, the sick and the poor. Muslims believe that prayer and monthly abstinence will enrich everyone who follows the dogmas of Islam.

There are two main prescriptions for fasting:

  1. Follow the rules of fasting sincerely from dawn to dusk
  2. Abstain completely from your passions and needs

And here are some conditions for what a fasting person should be:

  • Over 18 years old
  • Muslim
  • Not insane
  • Physically healthy

There are those for whom fasting is contraindicated, and they have the right not to observe it. These are minor children, the elderly and pregnant women, as well as those women who are menstruating, or they are going through the time of postpartum cleansing.

Fasting Ramadan has several traditions

Let's list the most important ones:


Throughout Ramadan Muslims spend their meals early in the morning before dawn. They believe that Allah will reward very much for such an action.

During the traditional suhoor do not overeat but should be eaten enough food. Sukhur gives strength for the whole day. It helps Muslims to stay sane and not be angry, as hunger often causes anger.

If the believer does not commit suhoor, then his day of fasting remains in force, but he will not receive some kind of reward.


Iftar is evening meal, which is also performed during fasting. You need to start breaking the fast immediately after sunset, that is, after the last day(or the fourth, penultimate prayer on this day). After Iftar follows Isha - Muslim night prayer(the last of the five required daily prayers).

What you can't eat during fasting Ramadan - all the rules and prohibitions

What to eat during Sukhur:

  • Doctors recommend eating complex carbohydrates in the morning - cereals, sprouted grain bread, vegetable salad. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with energy, moreover, they take a long time to digest.
  • Also suitable are dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits -.

What not to eat during Suhoor

  • Give up protein foods. It takes a long time to digest, but loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting.
  • Not worth consuming
  • Do not eat fried, smoked, fatty foods in the morning. They will put unnecessary strain on the liver and kidneys.
  • Avoid eating fish during Suhoor. After her you will want to drink

What not to use in the evening after adhan

  • Fatty and fried foods... It will harm your health - cause heartburn, be deposited in extra pounds.
  • Exclude from food instant food- various cereals in bags or noodles. You will not be full of them and literally in an hour or two you will want to have a meal again. In addition, these foods will make your appetite even more appetizing as they contain salt and other spices.
  • You can't eat sausage and sausages... It is best to exclude them from your diet during the Ramadan fast. Sausages affect the kidneys and liver, satisfy hunger for only a few hours, and can also develop thirst.

Despite the prohibitions and strict rules, there are benefits to fasting.:

  • Denial of carnal passions
    A person must understand that he is not a slave to his body. Fasting is a good reason to give up intimacy. Only by refraining from sinful activities can a person maintain his soul purity.
  • Self improvement
    By observing the fast, the believer is more attentive to himself. He gives birth to new character traits such as humility, tolerance, obedience. Feeling poverty and deprivation, he becomes more resilient, gets rid of fear, more and more begins to believe and learn what was previously hidden.
  • Gratitude
    Having passed through the refusal of food, the Muslim becomes closer to his Creator. He realizes that the innumerable benefits that Allah sends are given to a person for a reason. The believer gains a sense of gratitude for the gifts sent.
  • The opportunity to know mercy
    Fasting reminds people of the poor, and also encourages people to be merciful and help those in need. After going through this test, the believer remembers kindness and humanity, as well as the fact that everyone is equal before God.
  • Economy
    Fasting teaches people to be frugal, to restrain themselves, and to curb their desires.
  • Promotes health
    Benefit physical condition human health is manifested in the fact that the digestive system is resting. Within a month, the intestines are completely cleansed of toxins, toxins and harmful substances.

Holy Ramadan schedule until 2020 - when does Ramadan fast start and when does it end?

V 2015 year Ramadan fast will begin on June 18th and end on July 17th.

Here next dates holy Ramadan:

2016 year- from June 6 to July 5.
2017 year- from May 26 to June 25.
2018 year- from May 17 to June 16.
2019 year- from May 6 to June 5.
2020 year- from April 23 to May 22.

Ramadan fasting violation - actions interrupting the Muslim fasting of Ramadan and punishments

It is worth noting that the Ramadan fasting rules are valid only during the daytime. Some actions committed during fasting are considered prohibited.

To actions that interrupt muslim ramadan, include:

  • A special or deliberate meal
  • Unspoken intent to fast
  • Masturbation or intercourse
  • Smoking
  • Spontaneous vomiting
  • Administration of rectal or vaginal medications

but condescending to similar actions... Despite the similarity, they do not break the fast.

They include:

  • Unintentional meal
  • Administration of drugs with injections
  • Kissing
  • Caress if they do not lead to ejaculation
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Blood donation
  • Period
  • Involuntary vomiting
  • Failure to perform prayers

Punishments for those who break the fast of Ramadan:

Those who unintentionally violated fasting due to illness, must spend the missed day of fasting on any other day.

For sexual intercourse, committed during daylight hours, the believer is obliged to defend another 60 days of fasting, or to feed 60 in need.

The month of Ramadan is the time of Muslim fasting. For 30 days, believers are obliged to restrict themselves in food, drink, alcohol, smoking and other earthly pleasures. Such a test will help to prove your devotion to the Almighty. The beginning of Ramadan is an important event for all Muslims. Even more believers are waiting for the end of the fast. Within a month, you need to read the Quran and prove your loyalty to Allah. In addition, there are many restrictions and prohibitions. Failure to observe the fast will result in punishment.

Fasting rules

Ramadan starts on May 16 and will last until June 14. At this time, from dawn to order, it is forbidden to eat and drink.

Note! In the holy month, it is forbidden to use foul language, lie and slander.

The fasting schedule changes daily. The breakfast was called suhoor. In the morning, you can eat fruits and dairy products. After breakfast, Muslims need to read a prayer.

The next meal was called Iftar. It comes after evening prayer. At this time, it is advisable to eat dates. The most important period for believers is 10 days of fasting completion. At this time, Muslims honor the memory of Muhammad. It is believed that after Ramadan a person is cleansed and receives the blessing of the Almighty.

The catering calendar changes depending on the region of residence. This is due to the fact that the sunrise and sunset in different cities occurs at a certain time.

Catering calendar: in detail

date Day of week Suhoor Iftar
16.05 Wednesday 01:44 19:51
17.05 Thursday 01:43 19:52
18.05 Friday 01:41 19:54
19.05 Saturday 01:39 19:56
20.05 Sunday 01:38 19:58
21.05 Monday 01:36 19:59
22.05 Tuesday 01:34 20:01
23.05 Wednesday 01:33 20:03
24.05 Thursday 01:31 20:04
25.05 Friday 01:30 20:06
26.05 Saturday 01:29 20:08
27.05 Sunday 01:27 20:09
28.05 Monday 01:26 20:11
29.05 Tuesday 01:25 20:12
30.05 Wednesday 01:24 20:13
31.05 Thursday 01:22 20:15
01.06 Friday 01:21 20:16
02.06 Saturday 01:20 20:17
03.06 Sunday 01:19 20:19
04.06 Monday 01:18 20:20
05.06 Tuesday 01:18 20:21
06.06 Wednesday 01:17 20:22
07.06 Thursday 01:16 20:23
08.06 Friday 01:15 20:24
09.06 Saturday 01:15 20:25
10.06 Sunday 01:14 20:26
11.06 Monday 01:14 20:27
12.06 Tuesday 01:13 20:28
13.06 Wednesday 01:13 20:28
14.06 Thursday 01:13 20:29

Ramadan is a month of fasting and spiritual cleansing, in different Muslim countries it can begin in different time- it depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the moon.

Muslims congratulate each other on the onset of Ramadan, since it was in this month that the Holy Quran was revealed, which plays a special role in the life of every faithful.

Holy month of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan, which Muslim believers consider their main duty of the year, is very important in Islam. This is the sacred month of obligatory fasting and daily prayers - a time to earn eternal Paradise.

In the holy month of Ramadan, many deeds can be rewarded with a great reward: fasting, five daily prayers (namaz), the Taraweeh prayer, a sincere supplication-du "a, an evening meal (iftar) and a pre-dawn meal (suhoor), as well as donations and many others. good deeds and deeds.

The righteous believe that fasting helps a Muslim to control negative emotions and qualities such as anger, hatred, greed, and also to fight against the passions that overwhelm him.

In Islam, they hope to approach the Almighty through fasting. And in view of the fact that drawing closer to Allah is the meaning of the life of a believer, fasting occupies an important place in Islam. First of all, fasting is intended to pacify the soul and body, as well as accurately fulfill the instructions of Allah.

How to fast

The holy fast of Ramadan begins at dawn and ends at sunset - in the daytime, the faithful refuse to eat.

In Islam, during fasting, there are two night meals: suhoor - before dawn and iftar - in the evening. It is advisable to finish the pre-dawn meal at least half an hour before dawn, and iftar should be started immediately after the evening prayer.

Compliance with these two meals is rewarded with an additional reward, although skipping is not a violation of the fast. According to the Qur'an, the best food for a nighttime meal is water and dates.

Pre-dawn meal

The Prophet Muhammad also spoke about the importance of a pre-dawn meal. He said: "Eat before dawn on the days of fasting! Truly, in suhoor there is God's grace (barakat)!"

Muslims spend the entire Ramadan morning reception food before dawn. They believe that Allah will reward very much for such an action. Overeating during suhoor is not worth it, but you should eat a sufficient amount of food - it gives strength for the whole day.

Evening meal

TO evening reception food should be started immediately after sunset, that is, after the fourth, penultimate prayer on this day.

Isha - Night Prayer - The last of the five obligatory daily prayers, followed by Iftar. Doctors do not recommend skipping iftar, it can have a bad effect on the body.

Do's and Don'ts

Complex carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed during suhoor - vegetable salad, sprouted grain bread, cereal dishes. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with energy, while they take a long time to digest. Dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - bananas are also suitable.

In the morning, you should not eat protein food - it loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting. At this time of the day, you should not eat fried, fatty and smoked food, as well as fish, since you will want to drink after it. You also need to give up coffee.

Meat and vegetable dishes can be eaten during iftar, as well as cereals and sweets in small quantities. By the way, sweets can be replaced with dates or fruits. But you need to drink a lot of water. You can also drink compote, tea, fruit drink, juice and jelly.

It is not advisable to take fatty and fried foods in the evening - it will cause heartburn and be deposited in extra pounds. Fast food products - various cereals in packages, also need to be excluded from the evening diet. Such dishes will not satisfy you, and literally in an hour or two you will want to eat again, since they contain salt and other spices.

For the duration of the Ramadan fast, it is better to exclude sausages and sausages from the menu altogether. Sausages that have a bad effect on the liver and kidneys and satisfy hunger for only a few hours can develop thirst.

Ramadan rules

Every adult Muslim is obliged to fast in Ramadan. During fasting, everyone must adhere to the established rules - to pray a lot and confirm daily their intention to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah.

Muslims during the month of Ramadan in the daytime, in order to atone for their sins, refuse not only to eat, but also to drink, smoke and intimacy.

Ramadan is a holy month that is meant to purify the soul and body, to rethink life in general. Therefore, Allah will not count the fulfillment of a religious duty without daily prayers (namaz).

One should abstain from this strict fast from evil thoughts and intentions, perform prayers more often, avoid defamatory acts and impious people.

Elderly and warriors, sick people, travelers, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children are exempted from fasting during the holy Ramadan. The reimbursement of fasting is obligatory in another, more favorable period.

What not to do in fasting

Fasting is violated in the holy month of Ramadan and requires atonement (kaaffara) for the following actions - deliberate intake of food, liquids, medicines and everything that is suitable for consumption, as well as smoking and marital intimacy.

Compensation is also required by the following circumstances that break the fast: use of an enema; the ingress of drugs into the body through the nose and ears; water entering the nasopharynx when performing ablution; deliberate induction of vomiting; the onset of menstruation or the postpartum period.

A Muslim who breaks the fast must pay a certain amount of money or food to the needy, thus replenishing the fast.

Getting into an intimate relationship is one of the most serious violations. For this violation, a Muslim must either feed 60 poor people or observe 60 days of continuous strict fasting.

Night of Destiny

The last ten days of fasting are especially strict and responsible, since the most important night of the year for every Muslim - Laylat al-Qadr or the Night of Power and Predestination, falls on one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

According to the legend, it was at this time that the prophet Muhammad received the first revelations from the archangel Jebrail - he went down to the praying prophet and gave him the Koran. Although, some sources indicate that the Night of Power and Predestination falls on the 27th of Ramadan

This Night in holy Qur'an a whole surah is dedicated - "Inna Anzalnagu". It says that the Night of Power is better than a thousand months without it.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Polyakov

It is believed that the fate of each person is his life path, the difficulties and trials to be passed are predetermined in heaven precisely in Lailat al-Qadr. And if a true believer spends this night in prayer, in comprehending his deeds and possible mistakes then Allah will be merciful and forgive him for his sins.

Therefore, Muslims try in the holy month of Ramadan to pray with great zeal and adhere to the instructions of Allah. It is believed that for the good deeds performed during Ramadan, Allah rewards the believers a hundredfold, giving them prosperity, health and good luck.

Voluntary prayer

Muslims throughout Ramadan should read the Qur'an, devote their time to pious thoughts and actions, work and charity. In addition, one more prayer is added to the usual five prayers a day - "taraweeh".

"Taraweeh" means voluntary prayer, which is performed in the holy month of Ramadan after the night prayer (isha). "Taraweeh" is a compulsory sunnah (muakkyada sunnah) for both men and women.

Prophet Muhammad performed this prayer on the 23rd, 25th and 27th nights of the month of Ramadan together with his companions in the mosque. And so that people would not take this prayer as obligatory, the prophet did not offer it every day.

After every four rak'yats (the order of the words and actions that make up muslim prayer), following the example of the prophet's companions, it is advisable to take a short break. At this time, it is recommended to indulge in thoughts about God, praise and remember the Almighty, or listen to a short sermon.

Feast of Conversation

The holy month of Ramadan ends with the second great holiday - Eid al Fitr, or the so-called Feast of Conversation. The holiday comes after sunset on the last day of Ramadan.

Muslims at this time should indulge in reflections on spiritual values ​​and rethink life during the period of fasting. Eid al Fitr is considered a holiday of salvation from hell - a day of love, reconciliation and friendly handshakes. On a holiday, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and take care of the elderly.

The holiday begins with the onset of the time for the evening prayer. From this time on, it is desirable for all Muslims to read "takbir" (the formula for the exaltation of Allah). Takbir is read before the festive prayer is performed on the day of the holiday. It is advisable to spend the night on the holiday in the all-night service to Allah.

On the holiday, the faithful put on clean clothes, scent themselves with incense, put on their fingers silver ring and after eating a little, they leave early to the mosque to perform the festive prayer.

On the holiday, they pay the obligatory zakat al-fitr or "alms for breaking the fast", show joy, congratulate each other and wish the Almighty to fast, and also visit relatives, friends, neighbors and acquaintances and receive guests.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources

In Islam, during fasting, there are two night meals: suhoor - before dawn and iftar - in the evening. It is advisable to finish the pre-dawn meal at least half an hour before dawn, and iftar should be started immediately after the evening prayer.

Not all Muslims fulfill the strict conditions of the saum. Minors and people with mental disabilities are exempted from fasting. Elderly believers who cannot cut themselves off in nutrition, prepare food for the poor. Pregnant, new-born, and breastfeeding women begin fasting when health permits. Travelers who are far from home during Ramadan perform saum on their return.

In the morning, you should not eat protein food - it loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting. At this time of the day, you should not eat fried, fatty and smoked food, as well as fish, since you will want to drink after it. You also need to give up coffee.

The holy month, which Muslims around the world have been waiting for all year, in 2018 will run from mid-May to June. For 30 days, believers have not will be drink and eat during the daytime. The exception will be children, the mentally ill, pregnant women, and unhealthy people. When Ramadan 2018 ends, all followers of Islam will celebrate Eid al-Adha, which lasts 3 days. Congratulations on the end of Ramadan will sound for festive table in all families, and pictures with poems can be sent over the Internet. What date Ramadan begins, how to eat right, the schedule of suhurs and iftars for Moscow and Kazan according to the calendar can be found in our article.

Special rules apply to women: they are prohibited from fasting during menstruation and the postpartum period. They must reimburse the missed days until the next Ramadan. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are allowed to postpone fasting if they fear for their own well-being or the health of the child.

Getting closer sacred fast Ramadan Muslims are preparing for the upcoming restrictions on food, drink and marriage, as well as daily obligatory prayers. By adhering to the restrictions prescribed by the Qur'an, every devout Muslim achieves physical and spiritual purification. It is believed that a good deed or pilgrimage performed in Ramadan is multiplied by Allah tenfold. So, the last 10 days of fasting in the month of Ramadan are considered the most responsible - following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, many believers spend them in the mosque for prayers and reading the Koran. The calendar with the schedule of fasting in Ramadan for Moscow or another region is compiled separately, depending on the geographical location of the area. The time for suhurs and iftars for each day of Ramadan for 2018 in Moscow is indicated in the schedule below.

The holy month of Ramadan has a special place in the life of every Muslim. As the Qur'an says, rejection of all sinful thoughts and desires will allow a person to be cleansed of vices - this is the only way to earn the forgiveness of Allah and eternal happiness in Paradise. However, the date of this blessed month is determined by lunar calendar therefore every year Ramadan falls on different numbers... So what date does Ramadan start and when does 2018 end? Many try to figure out the deadlines in advance in order to prepare in time for the most important and honorable month of the year.

Fasting only applies to a certain number of days. If a person is sick or wanders, he can postpone the fast for another time. Those who can fast with the performance of works must atone for their deed in charity to the poor. If someone did a good deed out of personal convictions, then it will be credited to him. It was in this month that the faithful received the Koran. This book is a sure guide for a person. Any Muslim who is caught this month should fast. And here is an excerpt from the Koran, which directly speaks about Ramadan and its influence on Muslims - “Allah wishes you relief and does not wish you trouble. He wants you to see through a certain number days and magnified Allah because He guided you on the straight path. Perhaps you will be grateful. "

Hello, may Allah bless those who are fasting !. Please tell me, I really want to fast, but I have coronary heart disease and bronchial asthma, at any moment I will need to swallow a pill, what should I do, how should I be, I really want to fast ... I am 56 years old ...

Ramadan 2018: in Ufa, Kazan, Dagestan, Saratov, Moscow timetable. Urgent news.

The Islamic calendar is based on a cycle - each month begins with the birth of a new heavenly body, and its duration is 29 - 30 days. Therefore, the beginning and end of Ramadan are tightly "tied" to the position of the moon. So, in different Muslim countries, the holy month of Ramadan begins at different times, with an approximate difference from several days to a week. According to astronomical calculations, Ramadan in 2018 will begin on May 17 and end on June 16.

Muslims spend their morning meals throughout Ramadan before dawn. They believe that Allah will reward very much for such an action. Overeating during suhoor is not worth it, but you should eat a sufficient amount of food - it gives strength for the whole day.

Iftar Om is breaking the fast or eating in the evening every day throughout Ramadan. It should be eaten after the evening prayer. Iftar can only be started at sunset. Do not postpone this meal until later in the evening. To break the fast according to the Sunnah, it is worth using dates or water. When iftar is completed, a special prayer called dua must be said. It can sound something like this: “O Lord, for the sake of your pleasure with me, I fasted, believed in you, relied on you and broke the fast using your gifts. Forgive me, O One, Whose mercy is limitless. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me to fast and fed me when I broke my fast. "

About "drooling", and intimacy and, in principle, all other questions, watch the video on Shamil Alyautdinov's YouTube. He tells and describes everything in detail, then, you will definitely not have mistakes when observing the fast.
All good.

Ramadan 2018 begins and ends in Russia. Latest details.

It should be noted that the day, according to the Islamic calendar, begins at sunset, and not at midnight, as in Gregorian calendar... Therefore, Ramadan in 2018 begins with sunset on May 15 and ends on June 14 in the evening, after which the Eid al Fitr holiday (the Turkic name "Eid al-Fitr") will begin.

The Almighty has determined the order of fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan. Observance of fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory for every conscientious, adult and capable of fasting according to the Sharia Muslim.

Muslim calendar based on lunar year, has, as a rule, few holidays that are of great importance for all Muslims. However, such a holiday as Ramadan is given special preference.

Before starting the saum, Muslims read the niyat: "Today I will perform the saum of the month of Uraza, for the sake of Allah." Before the morning adhan, believers should finish taking food (they call it suhoor) and immediately break their fast, they are allowed to eat dates and water.

Open a post - iftar, preferably with a date, clean water, milk or something sweet. In no case should you eat foods that contain pork or alcoholic additives while eating. It is undesirable to eat too densely either in the morning or in the evening, it burdens the body and is harmful to health. It is also advisable to feed those who have fasted in the evening. According to the hadith, the one who fed the fasting person in the evening will receive the same reward as the one who fasted.

Due to the complete rejection of the most basic human needs during hot days, it allows the faithful to prove how strong their faith is. During this period, Muslims try to cope with their passions and instincts. In addition to external cleanliness, during this period of time it is also necessary to maintain internal cleanliness. This means that a Muslim must free himself from various thoughts that can defile a person. The fast of the faithful who could not achieve purity of his thoughts and actions cannot be considered valid, since "Allah does not need to abstain from eating and drinking the one who has not left a lie." Muslims are of the opinion that the spiritual and physical fasting of Ramadan can significantly improve the state of a person's spirit.

Ramadan 2018 meal schedule. Exclusive information.

Ramadan 2018 is the time of cleansing the spirit and body from all unclean things. Uraza - so called Muslim fasting in the Holy month, whose name is Ramadan.

Uraza 2018 begins on May 16 with the moonrise and ends on the evening of June 13. June 14 morning 2018 Eid al Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) holiday will begin. Fasting in Ramadan begins before sunrise (an hour or two) and ends with sunset.

What Fasting Can't Do in Ramadan 2018

How not to break fasting in Ramadan 2018? In order to keep the Uraza correctly, you need:

  1. Be a muslim
  2. Be capable - healthy, with a clear mind
  3. Accept Intentions (Niyat).

During the fast, you cannot:

  • drink,
  • there is,
  • taking injections that are substitutes for food and drink,
  • to lose consciousness (the fasting person feeling the threat of loss of consciousness must interrupt the fast with the subsequent compensation of the remaining days). Loss of consciousness between Fajr and Maghreb renders fasting invalid.
  • have intimate relationships, masturbate,
  • take medications and alcohol, drugs,
  • smoke.
  • Chew gum.
  • To cleanse the body in an unnatural way (enemas, artificial vomiting).
  • Sing, dance, listen to music loudly.

With the onset of night, the prohibitions are lifted.

Uraza lasts differently each year, but usually it is 29 or 30 days, and each year the fast begins 10 days earlier than the previous year.

Ramadan 2018: The Beginning and Features of Fasting

The official start date of the month of Ramadan (which means "sultry" and "hot") in 2018 is May 17. But in fact, the post of Uraza will begin at sunset on May 16 and end at sunset on June 14.

Ramadan is crowned with one of the most important holidays of the Muslim world - Eid al-Adha. On a holiday, all restrictions on the post of Uraz cease to apply. Believers greet each other with the words "Eid Mubarak!" (Blessed holiday).

During the holy month, believers of both sexes must strictly observe the two fundamental dogmas of Islam - prayer and fasting. From sunrise to sunset, Muslims have a number of strict requirements and restrictions, the violation of which leads to a violation of the fast.

Uraza 2018: start - requirements

During the month of Ramadan, every Muslim should, at the appropriate time, perform:

  • Know the beginning and end of the fasting time. It is necessary to know the timing of the acceptance of the Intention.
  • Read prayers, read the Quran and confirm your intention (niyat) to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah.
  • Refrain from temptations and bad thoughts and intentions.
  • Do good deeds: give alms, help those in need, and bring food to the poor.

Uraza 2018: exceptions

There is a certain list of persons who, due to certain factors, can be released from office. These include:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women (fasting is reimbursed at other times).
  • Women who have postpartum or menstrual bleeding. (fasting is refunded at other times).
  • Mentally ill, elderly people,
  • Patients who can be harmed by fasting (fasting is reimbursed at other times).
  • Believers, soldiers wandering around the world or around the country (fasting is reimbursed at other times).

Ramadan 2018: Fasting Schedule Every Day

Having learned about when the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan 2018 will be, it will also be useful to announce the fasting schedule for each day of the holy month.