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Why do you have to keep it up. Muslim post. Ramadan. Prayer that is read during the uraza

Fasting is abstinence from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan, obligatory for every adult and reasonable person from among the believers.

Fasting has 3 obligatory (fard) actions:

1. Intention.

2. Abstinence from food and drink.

3. Abstinence from sexual intimacy.

Having eaten before dawn, it is desirable (mustahab) to reaffirm in your heart the intention to fast. It is important that the intention is affirmed at least one hour before the time of the noon prayer. The affirmation in the heart of the intention of fasting is sufficient. If a fasting person, without uttering the appropriate words, intends to fast in his heart the next day, his fast will be correct. We are encouraged to express intent by saying the following words:

Nawaitu 'an 'asuma savma shakhri Ramadani mina-l-faҗri 'ila-l-maghribi khalisan li-llahi ta'ala.

For the sake of Allah Almighty, I sincerely intended to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn to dusk.

Breaking the fast (iftar) after sunset with salt, a piece of food or water is sunnah. Breaking the fast with dates is also encouraged.

After iftar, the following du'a is read:

Allahhumma laka sumtu wa-bika 'amantu wa-'alaika tawakkaltu wa-'ala rizkika 'aftartu fa-gfir li ya gaffar ma kaddamtu wa ma 'akhhartu.

O Allah, only for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I relied on You and broke my fast with Your food. O Forgiving One, forgive my past and future sins.

It is sunnah for a fasting Muslim to:

1. Eating before dawn (suhoor).

2. The intention to abstain from sins during fasting.

3. Reading religious books in your free time.

4. Immediately after sunset, having performed the evening prayer, proceed to breaking the fast (iftar).

During the day, during fasting, the following actions are blamed (makruh):

1. To idle talk.

2. Swearing.

3. Quarrel with someone.

4. Stay in the bath for a long time.

5. Dive and swim in the water.

6. Chew food or gum.

7. Try something with your tongue.

8. Kiss your wife.

9. Hold the fast without breaking the fast for 2 days in a row.

10. Commit any sin.

During the fast, you can do the following 10 actions:

1. Taste the purchased product.

2. Chew food for the baby.

3. Apply antimony to the eyes.

4. Oil mustache or beard.

5. Brush your teeth with a siwak.

6. Do bloodletting.

7. Treat with leeches.

8. Perform a full ablution with a jug.

9. Sweat while in the bath.

10. Wash with soap.

The fast is broken by the following 3 actions:

1. Swallowing a pea-sized food or medicine.

2. Swallowing one drop of water or medicine.

3. Sexual intimacy.

A person who violates the Ramadan fast of his own free will is obliged to make up for all the missed days of fasting and perform expiatory actions (kaffarat) for his violation.

As a kaffarat of the post, he must free one slave. If it is impossible to find a slave or the means do not allow to buy one, then one should fast for 60 days in a row. If, due to weakness, a believer does not have enough strength to fast for 60 days, then he must feed 60 poor people to their fill.

The fast of a believer is violated in cases where:

1. He will voluntarily cause himself to vomit in an amount that fills his mouth.

2. He will have a pre-dawn meal (suhoor, thinking that the dawn has not yet come, while it is already dawn.

3. He will start breaking the fast (iftar), thinking that the sun has set, while it has not yet disappeared below the horizon.

4. He will ejaculate from hugging his wife (without sexual intercourse).

In such cases, the fasting person must make up for the broken days of fasting after Ramadan without committing kaffarat.

If a person’s fast is broken during the day, then he should not eat or drink, like a fasting person, until sunset.

The fast of a believer is not violated in the following cases: if dust, earth, wool or smoke gets into his throat; if he swallows his saliva or the rest of the food stuck between his teeth; if he, forgetting about fasting, eats, drinks or has sexual intercourse; if he ejaculates without sexual intercourse.

Women during menstruation and postpartum bleeding do not need to fast. The days of fasting missed in Ramadan must be made up after it.

A weak old man who is not able to fast, instead of each day of fasting, should feed the poor or give him enough money so that he can eat his fill.

If pregnant and breastfeeding women are afraid of harming their health or the health of their child, and if the sick are afraid of health complications due to fasting, then it would be right for them not to fast. All of them must make up for the missed days of fasting after Ramadan.

It is preferable for traveling people not to fast. After returning from a trip, they will need to make up for the missed days of fasting. It is wrong to break the fast for a person who set out on the road after dawn. If he violates it, then he will have to make up the post.

For a non-fasting traveler who has arrived from a trip home in the afternoon, it is encouraged to abstain from food and nutrition until sunset, as a fasting person.

A person who has not made up for the missed days of fasting due to illness must leave a testament to the heirs that they distribute fidya alms for the remaining days after him. If the person who left such a will dies, then his heirs will have to give fidya alms in the amount of 1/3 of his property.

Observe the fast on Monday, Thursday, the days of 'Ashura (10th of the month of Muharram), bara'at (15th of the month of Sha'ban), 'Arafah (9th of Zu-l-hiҗҗa), in the first week months of Zu-l-hiҗҗa and Muharram and on the 3rd day of the full moon of each lunar month is a desirable (mustahab) action for which the fasting person receives a large reward.

It is wrong to break an additional fast, it is necessary (wajib) to make up for it after. It is possible to break an additional fast due to the arrival of guests or an invitation to visit before the time of midday prayer, but it is wrong to break it after this time.

It is reprehensible (makruh) to fast on the days of the holidays of breaking the fast (Uraza Bayram, 'Eid al-fitr) and sacrifices (Kurban, 'Eid al-adha), on 3 days of Tashrik (11th, 12th and 13th of the month Zu-l-khiҗҗa) or only on Fridays and Saturdays.

If on the 30th of the month of Shaban the month does not appear after sunset, then fasting on the 30th of the month until lunch time, waiting for the news of the appearance of the month, is encouraging (mustahab). When the month is announced, fasting begins. If the news of the appearance of the month does not come, then the fast should be broken.

If the month does not appear on the 29th of Shaban, then fasting on the 30th of Shaban, considering it as the beginning of Ramadan, is condemned. It is correct to fast on this day with the intention of performing an additional fast.

If there are no clouds or dust at the place where the month rises at sunset, then in order to determine the beginning of the months of Ramadan and Shawwal, it is necessary that as many people as possible see the month. The testimonies of two or three people in this case are not reliable.

If clouds, steam or dust cover the place of the moon's rising, then the testimony of one credible person - be it a man or a woman - about the appearance of the month is enough to determine the beginning of Ramaanna. The next day, Ramaann should be fasted.

To determine the beginning of the month of Shawwal, a certificate of the appearance of a new month of two trustworthy men or one trustworthy man and two trustworthy women is accepted. Fitr should be performed the next morning.

An adult and reasonable Muslim, who is wary of committing major sins, is considered a trustworthy person.

The followers of Islam now have the holy month of Ramadan, in which every believer fasts. They live according to the lunar calendar, which means that every year the period of spiritual purification begins at different times, but certainly on the 9th month of the year. In 2018, Ramadan began on May 15 and will end on June 14. All this time, Muslims are forbidden to take food and water during daylight hours. And only after sunset, the usual way of life begins: the family starts the meal.

The holy month was created for spiritual and bodily cleansing. Ramadan is honored as a memory of the fact that it was during this period that the first lines of the Koran appeared to the prophet Muhammad. It is believed that during this period the gates of Paradise are open and the doors to hell are closed, and even the devils are chained. For a whole month, those who honor Islamic traditions pray more than usual and adhere to strict fasting.

But the day before Ramadan, you need to prepare. Perform a full body wash and state your intention to fast. Then say a special prayer and the next morning forget about food in the daytime. The main thing is to do good deeds, give alms to the needy and feed the hungry.

Proponents of Islam claim that fasting helps Muslims control their emotions. So they are freed from everything negative: anger, envy, temptations. The main task of the righteous is to draw closer to Allah. Fasting contributes to this in the best possible way, pacifying the soul and flesh.

What time can you eat today in fasting: who is allowed not to abstain

There are some exceptions for certain categories of people who, for objective reasons, cannot adhere to traditions. We are talking about pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of majority, the sick and the elderly. They are allowed not to fast, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration in their health.

If, due to circumstances, you have to retreat from fasting for several days, then after the end of Ramadan, it is important to compensate for these days by following the abstinence from food and water during the day for the same number of days. Another option is to feed the hungry. At the same time, for the amount that a person usually spends on groceries for himself for one day. For each day of departure from fasting - one hungry must.

Thus, Muslims in Ramadan eat from dusk to dawn, and during the day they pray and, at first glance, lead their usual way of life. Night hours become a small holiday in such a difficult and responsible period of life as fasting. For the entire period of the holy month, you need to give up bad habits and in no case lead an intimate life during the day. This is one of the most serious violations.

If, out of forgetfulness, I ate something inappropriate, you will need to make up for it.

“If people knew all the virtues of the month of Ramadan, they would wish it to last a whole year,” the head of the Dagwat of the DUM RT quotes the hadith of the Prophet Niyaz hazrat Sabirov. He spoke about some of the nuances of fasting in the month of Ramadan.

- Who and from what age should fast?

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, that is, one of the duties assigned to every Muslim by Allah Almighty. The noble Qur'an says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those who were before you, perhaps you will be God-fearing. Every sane adult Muslim is required to fast. It is not necessary for a child, an insane person and a person who has lost consciousness to fast, since these persons are not able to fulfill the instructions. The Prophet said: “A pen is raised from three people (deeds are not recorded): from a child who has not reached the age of majority, from a child who has lost his mind until he comes to his senses, from a sleeping person until he wakes up.”

- According to Muslim estimates, at what age can girls and boys be considered adults?

For whom is fasting optional?

For the sick and travelers, fasting is not fard, but if they fast, their fast is considered valid. Also, non-fasting is not fard for the elderly, women in the state of haida (menstruation) and nifas (postpartum), pregnant women, nursing mothers, if they are afraid of harming the child. In the future, they will need to reimburse these days at a convenient time for them.

- What about those who for some reason did not fast?

As an atonement for the impossibility of fasting for health reasons and if it is impossible to make up for it on another day, a fidia was established - for each missed day at least 200 rubles. In case of inability to pay this amount, its obligation falls.

Is it true that during fasting it is allowed to rinse your mouth with water?

Yes it's true. During ablution, you need to rinse your mouth. However, you need to be careful about the penetration of water inside. Otherwise, the fast of this day will be invalid and it will need to be replenished at another time. People often ask if toothpaste can be used. Abstinence will be more favorable. There is a chance that the paste will remain in the mouth and get inside. The Prophet used a miswak (a small toothbrush stick made from the root of the Salvador Persian tree, Arak and some other trees).

In one of his recent posts on Instagram, Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin wrote that eating and having sexual intercourse out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. How can this be explained?

It is human nature to forget, anything can happen. Yes, due to forgetfulness, a person can eat something inappropriate. For example, a child shares their food with a parent who ate a small piece. This will not break his post. If a person does this consciously, then in addition to replenishing this day, he must fast for another 60 days in a row or feed 60 poor people as an atonement.

In 2018, Ramadan starts on May 16 and runs until June 14. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not eat at all during the month. Drinking is also prohibited. Among all Muslim holidays, Bayram is one of the most important.

Post history

Fasting in the month of Ramadan was prescribed in the month of Sha'ban, in the second year of the Hijri. The very phenomenon of fasting took place before Islam, it was prescribed to the Almighty and previous peoples, as well as among the Ahl al-kitab (Jews and Christians) who lived during the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

Allah said in the Qur'an (meaning): “O you who believe! Allah has prescribed fasting for you, just as He commanded those peoples who lived before you to observe it. By observing it, you will become God-fearing ”(Sura Al-Baqarah, ayat 183).

A distinctive feature in observance of the obligatory fast between Muslims and the former communities is that Muslims are prescribed to observe it in the month of Ramadan.

Eating during Uraza in Ramadan takes place according to the calendar

Evening meal Iftar can be held at the end of the evening Maghreb prayer. At this time, you can drink water and refresh yourself with dates. Later it will be possible to take other food permitted by Islam (halal). And Suhoor breakfast should be completed 30 minutes before Fadrj morning prayer. In this case, the faithful will receive a more generous reward from Allah.

It is better to prepare food in the evening, so as not to fuss in the early morning hour. In order not to experience hunger and thirst during a long daylight hours, it is recommended to eat nutritious, but insipid foods - cereals or boiled meat, dairy products and fruits. During these meals, it is not advisable to eat alone. It is better to spend time with family and friends.

Conditions necessary for the validity of the post

- Islam. Fasting by a non-Muslim is invalid.

- Sanity. Thus, the fast of an insane person and a child who has not reached the age of tamyiz (approximately 6 years) is invalid. The fast of a child who has reached the age of tamyiz is obtained. And when a child reaches the age of seven, he should already be taught to fast and be punished for non-observance of fasting from the age of 10, as well as for failure to perform the obligatory five times prayer.

- The absence of reasons preventing fasting. Similar reasons are: monthly or postpartum discharge, loss of consciousness or insanity during the entire light period of the day.

Who is not allowed to fast?

From the point of view of Islam, minor children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers can not fast. But from the point of view of medicine, it is impossible to keep an eye on complex forms of diseases - diabetes, stomach ulcers, chronic heart failure, ischemia, vascular disease, thrombosis. Pregnant women can be postponed to a later date. And those who do not have the opportunity to fast or it is impossible for health reasons can feed one needy every day, that is, give sadaqa fidia.

What not to do in a post

Don't speak intentions;

Consume food intentionally

Drink intentionally;

Smoking and inhaling smoking smoke intentionally;

Engage in intimacy, indulge in masturbation;

Indulge in idle entertainment;

Use of medicines that require rectal or vaginal administration;

Induce spontaneous vomiting;

Swallow separated sputum that has entered the throat.

12. Swallowing food left between the teeth, if in total it does not equal one pea.

13. Injection into a muscle, into a vein or under the skin, but only if medically necessary.

14. Breathing incense, even deliberately.

15. Tasting food without swallowing it.

16. Use of ointments, iodine or brilliant green to disinfect or heal an open wound.



Does casual contact with women in a store, subway, etc. break the fast?

Does fasting get spoiled by accidentally touching the opposite sex (women in my case)? Orik.

No, it doesn't spoil. This does not affect the validity of the post.

In our region, it is customary to shake hands with girls. Does this affect the post in any way? Does it break it? If so, do previous years also count as violated, whether I knew about the ban or not? Azamat.

Your post has not been broken, but you cannot shake hands with women, girls who are not your close relatives.

I am a gastroenterologist. During working hours, it is necessary to palpate (feel) the abdomen of the patients. I wanted to take a vacation during the fast, but the head physician did not let me go. I adhere to the Hanafi madhhab. 1. Does such a thing spoil taharat (ablution)? 2. Doesn't this spoil the post? Airat.

1. No. According to the scientists of the Hanafi madhhab (substantiated by reliable hadiths), the state of ritual purity in your case is not violated.

2. This does not affect the post in any way.

Dentist visit

Will my fast be broken if my tooth is sealed? Galymzhan.

No, it won't break.

I had to break my fast on the 5th day of Ramadan because I needed to treat my tooth. Now everything is fine. May I continue posting?

Yes, definitely.

Is it possible to go to the dentist during uraza? This dentist himself keeps the fast and reads the prayer. He claims that you can walk and treat your teeth. I have bad teeth, but I would not like to spoil the post, and at the same time I have a toothache! What do i do?

And do anesthesia injections break the fast? Kairat.

You can go to the dentist. Sick teeth need to be treated. Anesthesia can be done.

Is the fast broken when using local anesthesia during dental treatment or when installing braces? Zarina.

It has no effect on the post.

Gynecologist visit

1. Is it possible to visit a female gynecologist during fasting? I do not want to postpone the visit, as we are planning to have a baby. Every procedure that I may have to perform delays the conception of a child for a month.

2. Will an examination by a gynecologist (analysis, ultrasound, procedure, treatment) break my fast? Zarema.


Please tell me, is the fast not violated if you sleep all day and get up only for prayer? I have a holiday. Rasul.

Fasting is not broken, but a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to the human body and brain.

I slept for a very long time yesterday, woke up two hours before iftar. Does this post violate? Alibek.

This does not violate the fast, but I advise you to introduce a strict regime of sleep and wakefulness, regardless of whether it is a day off or a work day. With such discipline, your performance will increase, and the immune system will be strengthened.

I work the night shift and rest during the day. Therefore, I often skip prayers, although I restore them later. Is this allowed? And how should I be in the month of Ramadan? R., aged 20.

If you are free during the day, then I see no reason why you would have to skip prayers. The same goes for the post. By the way, sleep does not break the fast.

A fasting person works the night shift and sleeps during the day. Will he get the same reward as the one who is active during the day? Lena.

If he has such a work schedule, then yes, of course. Let me just remind you that sleeping more than 8–9 hours a day is harmful, as well as less than 7.

Sprays, drops and inhalers

I have had allergies for 2 years now, my eyes itch, and my nose often clogs up, so I use nose drops. I have read that nasal drops break the fast as they pass through the throat. But I keep fasting anyway, because I think it all depends on the intention. After all, even if the drops pass through the throat, my thirst is not quenched by this. Ulan.

You're right. Drops do not violate the validity of fasting.

Is it possible to use drops in the nose during fasting (in the afternoon) (they do not get into the mouth), as well as inhalations? Aisha.

The holy month of Ramadan is coming soon, and I have an allergy - I sneeze, stuffy nose, etc. Can I use sprays, drops during fasting to make breathing easier? Aibek.

I have a runny nose during Lent, I have to constantly blow my nose, and I use a nasal spray. I am not sick, I feel fine, and it is not at all difficult for me to fast. But I had my doubts. Does a runny nose break my fast? Lily.

No, it doesn't.


Please tell me, if I accidentally cut my finger and bled, was my fast violated?

It has nothing to do with the post. The post is not broken.

Is it true that blood breaks the fast? For example, you accidentally cut yourself or take blood from a finger for analysis. Ibrahim.

No, it's not true.

Does fasting break when you donate blood? Zainab.

Donating blood does not break the fast.


Can you use lip balm while fasting? Lips are very dry.

You can if you don't eat it. I'm sure lip balm isn't food grade.

Is it possible to paint lips if I hold an eye? Mavzuna.

Yes, you can.

Can you use salicylic alcohol face lotion while fasting? L.


Is hunting allowed during the month of Ramadan? Ramil, 29 years old.

Yes, if there is an appropriate permission from government agencies.

During the month of Ramadan, the waterfowl hunting season opens. Is it possible to go hunting or is it better to abstain? F.

Injections (injections, droppers)

Is fasting violated if intramuscular injections are made twice a day? Rashid, 22 years old.

Do intramuscular and intravenous injections break the fast?

No, if there is a medical, medical need.

Does taking a medical solution into a vein through a drip break the fast?

If there is a medical need in the course of treatment, then the fast is not broken. If the solution nourishes the body with vitamins, being a tonic, and is used for this purpose, then you should refrain.


Can I drink dietary supplements (BAA) during Ramadan? Almira.

After sunset and before dawn - it is possible if they do not contain anything explicitly prohibited (haram).

Can a fasting woman knit during Ramadan? Zalina.

Yes, sure.

Can you pierce your ears while fasting? Ayna.

Is it possible to get a haircut during the Uraza? Arthur.

Can I cut and color my hair during Lent? Diana.

Is it possible to play cards during uraza? Talgat.

What for? Read, for example, the book by Gleb Arkhangelsky "Time Drive" (or listen to its audio version) and start treating time more responsibly.

Playing cards does not affect the validity of the fast.

Can you clean your ears while fasting? Elena.

Yes, sure.

Is it possible to swallow sputum during uraza?

I have the initial stage of sinusitis, respectively, the nose is constantly stuffed up. Nasal mucus passes into the throat, and it is uncontrollable! I hope my post is not broken because of this.

The post is not broken. And for the prevention of sinusitis, it is necessary to move more - at least one kilometer in the morning and one kilometer in the evening - and actively breathe at the same time.

If sand got into my nasopharynx through my nose and I swallowed it (not on purpose, I was in a dusty room), is my fast violated? Sultan.

No, not violated.

Is it allowed to take medicine after sunset in Ramadan?

Yes, sure.

What can not be done during fasting? Recently I heard that the fast is broken if a person scratches his ear. What else can't be done? And how should one open a post (break the fast)? Is it necessary to take a small bath? Seyran.

1. Scratching the ear does not affect the validity of the fast.

2. There is no need for a small ablution before breaking the fast.

1. In mid-August, the urologist with whom I am being examined should return from vacation, I need to go to see him. Is it considered a violation of the fast if he performs physiotherapy for me? Also, most likely, various antibiotics will be prescribed. Is it possible to use them during fasting or fasting will not be counted?

2. Will gastroscopy (examination of the stomach by inserting a tube into it) break the fast? Aslan.

1. By fasting, you will not be able to take medicine during the day. I advise you to start treatment (medication) at the end of the month of Ramadan. As for physiotherapy, this does not affect the validity of your post.

2. No, gastroscopy will not break the fast.

Is the fast broken if a bee stings me in the apiary while working with bees? Bee venom contains 600 beneficial trace elements. Insaf.

The post will not be broken.

Is it okay to hug the girl you intend to marry during Ramadan? Can I kiss her? Will this break the post? BUT.

Before the wedding (nikah) - it is impossible, neither during Ramadan, nor outside of it. But fasting won't break it.

Cases of breaking the fast

Can taking medicine (pills) without water break the fast? Madina.

Yes, it will break the fast.

My mom is on diabetes medication. Can I fast while taking pills?

No you can not.

I was stung by a wasp and had to take two tablets of prednisone immediately. I didn't know pills break the fast. Should I make up for this day? Marseilles.

At the end of the month of Ramadan and the day of Eid al-Fitr, make up for the broken fast one by one.

On the first day of fasting, out of ignorance and misunderstanding, I ate suhoor before sunrise, and not before dawn. After reading about the post on your site, I realized the mistake and I'm not going to repeat it. Will my fast for that day be accepted and should I make qada (make it up) because I ate at the wrong time? Ainur.

Replenish one to one after the month of Ramadan at a convenient time for you, for example, on a day off.

Is smoking hookah haraam and is it allowed to smoke hookah during Ramadan?

Smoking hookah is forbidden (haram) both in Ramadan and at any other time. Read the relevant material about this in my book Men and Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever breaks the fast due to forgetfulness does not make up for it, and there is no atonement on it. [That is, remembering the observed fast, a person stops the action that violates the fast, and continues to fast. His fast is not broken.] Hadith from Abu Hurairah; St. X. al-Hakim and al-Bayhaqi. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-Jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 517, Hadith No. 8495, Sahih.

This hadeeth deals with all three of the above. For details, see, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Code of Hadith of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 vols. Beirut: al-Maqtaba al-‘asriyya, 1997. Vol. 2. S. 574.

“Who, out of forgetfulness, began to eat or drink, he completes the fast [on this day]. Indeed, the Almighty fed and watered him [that is, the fast is not broken, but marked by the Lord].” Hadith from Abu Hurairah; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. S. 574, hadith No. 1933.

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1731; ash-Sha'rawi M. Al-Fatawa [Fatwas]. Cairo: al-Fath, 1999, p. 115; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriyya. T. 2. S. 72.

See, for example: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Collection of Hadith of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-dawliyya, 1999. S. 270, hadiths no. 2378 and 2379, both "hasan"; Ibn Maja M. Sunan [Collection of Hadith]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar al-dawliya, 1999, p. 184, hadith no. 1678, "sahih"; al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305, 306.

It is authentically known that "the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did bloodletting during fasting." Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. Imam al-Bukhari. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. S. 576, Hadiths No. 1938 and 1939; Imam Malik. Al-muwatto. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1993. Ch. 18. Ch. 10. S. 247, Hadiths No. 30-32; Same. Beirut: Ihya al-‘Uloom, 1990, p. 232, hadith no. 662-664.

Miswak is a stick that replaces a toothbrush and toothpaste at the same time.

It is authentically known that the Prophet used a miswak during fasting. See, for example: Al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 329.

You can refrain from using toothpaste during fasting. B about Most of the scholars say that if it enters the stomach, it breaks the fast. If a person uses it, then you must be careful not to swallow. See, for example: Al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 329, 330; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriyya. T. 1. S. 112.

For more information on this, see the material “Oral Hygiene During Lent”.

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. S. 574; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1731; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriyya. T. 1. S. 97, 98.

Imam al-Bukhari cites in his collection of hadiths several cases from the life of the companions and representatives of the next generation after them that they performed various water procedures during fasting. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. S. 573.

For more information on this, see the material “Rinsing the Mouth and Showering During Fasting.”

Intentional inhalation of tobacco smoke, that is, smoking cigarettes, hookah, breaks the fast. Read more about the permissibility of smoking cigarettes and hookah from the point of view of Muslim canons in my book “Men and Islam” or on the website.

In case of obvious ingestion of blood or medicines, the fast is broken. An exception may be cases of getting, together with saliva, into the larynx, esophagus, something that is extremely insignificant, which is closer to suspiciousness than to the obvious ingestion of blood or medicine.

Self-induction of vomiting, in which the oral cavity is filled with vomit, as well as deliberate ingestion of vomit, violate the fast. In this case, it will be necessary to replenish it. See, for example: Ibn Maja M. Sunan [Collection of Hadith]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar al-dawliya, 1999, p. 183, hadith no. 1676, "sahih".

For more information on this, see the material "Vomiting during fasting."

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum‘a M. Fatava ‘asriyya. T. 1. S. 107, 109, and also. T. 2. S. 89.

As for enemas, in all cases they break the fast. The majority thinks so. See, for example: ‘Ali Jum‘a M. Fatava ‘asriyya. T. 1. S. 108.

I will mention, however, that there is a well-grounded opinion of large and respected imams, such as Ibn Hazma, Ibn Taymiyyah and others, that enemas not break the post. In an exceptional case, one can, I believe, use this opinion as well. See, for example: Al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-Fatawa [Fatwas]. Cairo: al-Shuruk, 2001. S. 136, 137. The basis for this opinion is that the prohibition during fasting concerns food and drink that enters the stomach through the larynx, and therefore it makes no sense to prohibit what enters the human body in other ways.

See, for example: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asria. T. 1. S. 103, and also. T. 2. S. 88; al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305, 306.

For more details on this, see, for example: Al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari [Discovery by the Creator (for a person in understanding the new) through comments on the set of hadiths of al-Bukhari]. In 18 vols. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 2000. V. 5. S. 192, 193.

See, for example: Al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-Fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

See, for example: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asria. T. 1. S. 108.

Most often, two types of suppositories are used: vaginal and rectal. The first of them are usually used to treat various diseases of the female genital organs. And suppositories intended for insertion into the rectum can be divided into two groups. The first group includes those candles that act at the injection site. They may have, for example, an anti-hemorrhoid effect. The second group includes suppositories, which are, as it were, substitutes for tablets. That is, medicinal substances from them are absorbed, enter the bloodstream and affect the entire body. The same substance, produced in tablets and in candles, passes through the body in different ways. The medicine that has entered the stomach and intestines is affected by many digestive enzymes. And the medicine that enters the rectum is absorbed immediately into the bloodstream, bypassing the liver, it does not have to "pass" through the entire digestive tract. See:

See: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asria. T. 1. S. 93; al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-Fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

The basis for this opinion is that the prohibition during fasting concerns food and drink that enters the stomach through the larynx, and therefore it makes no sense to prohibit what enters the human body in other ways.

See, for example: Al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305.

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. S. 574; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vols. T. 5. S. 194, 195; al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. T. 1. S. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-Fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

See, for example: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asria. T. 1. S. 109; al-Buty R. Mashurat ijtima‘iya [Advice to people]. Damascus: al-Fikr, 2001, p. 39.

See, for example: Mahmoud A. Fatawa [Fatwas]. In 2 vols. Cairo: al-Ma'arif, [b. G.]. T. 2. S. 51; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatava ‘asria. T. 1. S. 103, and also. T. 2. S. 88; al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305, 306.

See, for example: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asria. T. 1. S. 107, 109, and also T. 2. S. 89; al-Qardawi Yu. Fatawa mu‘asyr. In 2 vols. T. 1. S. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-Fatawa. pp. 136, 137.