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Ramadan start timetable. Who can eat during the holy fast of Ramadan

Month of Ramadan 2017

There are many significant dates in each faith. In Catholicism, some are celebrated, in Orthodoxy, others.

In Islam, there are also special dates when believers abstain from all human passions and cleanse the soul and body from earthly filth a share of eternal bliss. In the article, we will take a closer look at how to fast in Ramadan and what prohibitions fasting imposes on believers.


Uraza Bayram in 2017

Ramadan: what can you eat?
Intention to Fast Ramadan

Can you brush your teeth in Ramadan?

What should be done in Ramadan?
Ramadan rules for women

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

When is the month of Ramadan in 2017, what date does Uraza begin?

Muslims are no different from other believers: solemn events for them take place in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst meet with satisfaction, and the fate of the poor is fully realized.

The month passes in observing fasting and reading prayers on the days of remembrance. Like other believers, Muslims have certain prohibitions on human passions that are imposed by fasting.

What kind of holiday is Ramadan?

The holy month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. It is based on faith in Allah. A full-fledged fast will be when a person is cleansed of sins by his behavior and receives the pleasure of Allah

It is considered impermissible to waste time during the Holy month. After all, it is on these days that Muslims can be rewarded for their good deeds. Wisdom consists in not violating the rules of fasting imposed on the believers by Allah

In Ramadan, there is also an improvement in the good qualities of believers who fast. Quarrels and strife cease, the hearts of friends unite, and a sense of responsibility and compassion for the poor is instilled.

Ramadan is coming great post. And all believers are obligated to adhere to it

As for the Orthodox, the date of the Easter holidays changes every year, so for Muslims, the onset of the month of Ramadan is calculated in phases lunar calendar and the difference from previous years may be within 10-11 calendar days. Therefore, the date of the onset of the Holy period for Muslims changes every year.

In 2017, Ramadan will come in May, namely on the 27th. Ramadan ends on June 25th.

The sacred period for Muslims has long originated in the warm season, since it always falls in the summer months.

In the literal translation, Ramadan means "sultry", "hot". However, not all believers perceive the holiday in this way. For most literal translation does not mean the summer season, but following the strictest rules that must be followed.

History reference

How is the exact date of Ramadan determined?

Every year, the date of the onset of the Holy Period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They also determine the day of the onset of Ramadan, based on the phases of the moon.

The onset of the 9th month of the calendar is the onset of the sacred period of the Muslim faith. By the way the night luminary is located, the date of the holiday is determined.

The mission of the prophet was indicated in the "frank words" received by Muhammad that day. At the same time, Muslim believers received the Koran, a gift from Allah.

According to ancient tradition, on the day when the Sacred Period begins, Allah becomes open to resolve the fate of the believers in a safe way and fulfill their forgiveness.

Uraza Bayram in 2017

Confessors of Islam are often interested in the issue of the fasting of Eid al-Fitr. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally fasting occurs on the ninth month of the Muslim calendar.

Since the fast of Ramadan in 2017 begins on May 26, and the Holy Period ends on June 25, Uraza Bayram falls on June 26. Fasting during one of the most big holidays Eid al-Adha is very strict in Islam.

The Great Feast of Breaking the Fast begins immediately after the end of the fast. At this time, all the faithful are allowed to eat everything that they could not afford in fasting.

Believers prepare for the holiday a month before its onset, and expect it all year. After the Great Lent, which lasts throughout the month, the day of breaking the fast comes.

All adult Muslims are required to adhere to the rules of fasting Uraza. Children, the sick, the insane may not fast. All month, believers only after dark have the right to eat food. Only under such a condition does the spiritual purification of the faithful take place.

Fasting takes place in the muting of all your passions and desires. Time should be spent in many hours of prayer. There is an equalization of the poor with the rich, which cleanses from committed sins, among which gluttony occupies the first place.

It is also good to invite the poor to break the fast together, since helping the afflicted means doing a deed pleasing to Allah.

After finishing their meal, believers go to the mosque to pray and indulge in the reading of the Koran.

During prayer, the faithful ask for good for all people and forgiveness for their sins. After the appearance of the new moon, the fast ends.

Muslims have a holiday. They are reading morning prayers. There are many believers in mosques at this time. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and prays next to it.

On such a joyful day, the worshipers feel like one family. The poor receive gifts, because each family prepares aid in advance for them and presents it during the celebration.

With the onset of night, believers can begin breaking the fast. Only eating should be spent at the same table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in the family circle or alone.

Traditionally, parents are paid visits on such a day. The next meal is shared with them.

When do Muslims fast Ramadan in 2017, its schedule?

Muslim fasting begins May 26, 2017. Ends by June 25, 2017

Schedule for Lent

eating should be completed 20 minutes before the FAJR time
You can start eating during MAGRIB

Ramadan or Ramadan which is correct?

The Arabic word "Ramadan" is based on the name of the most revered month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the holiday by non-Arabs, changes took place in the word: the letters “dad” were replaced by the letter “for”.

This is due to the presence of a specific letter "dad" exclusively in Arabic and the absence of its counterpart in other languages. Only knowledge of the special qualities of the letter "dad" can achieve its clear and correct pronunciation.

It is correct to pronounce both Ramadan and Ramadan in everyday speech. But while reading the Qur'an, the letter "dad" is not replaced by the letter "for": this distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

Muslims learn about the main foundations and prohibitions of fasting from the Koran.

According to the schedule of the basic rules of Ramadan, fasting should be:
stop eating and drinking completely
start eating before dawn
during the day, snacks, drinking any liquids (compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea) are excluded
give up intimacy, various caresses and exciting actions
refrain from smoking, using narcotic substances, drinking drinks containing alcohol (they poison the human body, therefore they should not enter the body of a believer during Holy Lent)
do not cheat
don't swear
do not mention the name of Allah while swearing
do not chew gum
do not cleanse the body with enemas (cleansing unnaturally is prohibited)

It is considered a violation:
swallowing liquids (even water when bathing)
omission of niyat (conscious performance of an action; niyat should be pronounced every day during the Holy month between night and morning prayers).

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

Ramadan passes for believers without entertainment and pleasures

Recommendations for fasting:
eat only light food after sunset
before dawn (two hours before dawn) you can eat more plentiful and heavy food
fatty and spicy foods should be excluded or reduced as much as possible, as their use increases thirst
having arbitrarily broken the fast, the believer must extend the fasting time by 1 day and pay the poor person money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay him food for the same amount
the commission of carnal sin during fasting is compensated by 60 days of fasting or the organization of feeding the poor
if the believer had good reasons for not fasting, then he can make up for the missed day by any other day of fasting until the next Ramadan
in last days Ramadan believers pray hard, repent of their sins and analyze their mistakes
On the last day of fasting, Muslims read a solemn prayer. A prerequisite is the distribution of alms. It could be dry food or money.

Ramadan: what can you eat?

The first days of fasting are very difficult. But then the body begins to rebuild and food restrictions are tolerated more easily.

At the end of the day after sunset, the time for iftar comes, which should not end with overeating.

And only after a while you can start eating the main dishes.

The best option for the main meal:
restriction of flour and fried
vegetable dish
meat and vegetable dish
a fish dish
vegetable salad
cereal dishes
limited amount of sweets
You can arrange 3-5 meals

The drinks:
freshly squeezed juices
store-bought juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
fruit drinks
water and tea
not strong coffee

Intention to Fast Ramadan

Intention (niyat) is pronounced nightly before fasting. But the intention that the believer pronounces at the beginning of the night also counts. However, it is better to pronounce the intention in the second half of the night, which is closer in time to fasting.

An intention pronounced after dawn breaks the fast.

Health benefits of fasting Ramadan

Conventional diets help to get rid of accumulated pounds and reduce blood sugar, but can cause side effects. Therefore, it is better to follow a diet under the supervision of the attending physician.

While fasting in Ramadan:
a person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any food restrictions
carbohydrates are burned (the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood decreases), from which energy is extracted
fat deposits are burned
body rests on a physiological level
the metabolic process is normalized
no side effects
the body is cleansed
a person after fasting can forever give up bad habits

Can you brush your teeth in Ramadan?

During Ramadan, Muslims use special remedy for the cleaning oral cavity from leftover food. This is a sivak (miswak)

It is not considered a violation of the fast to brush your teeth with a toothbrush.
However, the use of toothpaste breaks the fast as the person may swallow the paste.
It is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the evening or early morning

Can you swallow saliva during Ramadan?

Swallowing saliva during Ramadan does not break the fast
If dust or smoke accidentally gets into the throat, then this also does not violate the fast.

Congratulations on the coming month of Ramadan

If you are looking for beautiful congratulations with the advent of the month of Ramadan, then look at the following selection.

Strict post. Commands the Quran
Observe it.
Everyone welcomes Ramadan
With a pure soul.

May Allah bless
For a good cause
Ignites the light in the hearts
Faith helps.

In the glorious month of Ramadan
The Koran was sent to the people,
To carry the truth
With an explanation of the way

As it is written in the Quran,
Muslims this month
In memory of your shrine
Keep fasting from now on.
For believers, fasting is help,
To be closer to God
To grow spiritually
Subdue your passions.

Holy Ramadan is coming
Great Muslim holiday.
For the purification of the soul
Fast, pray and do not sin.

And may Allah help us
Overcome vice and fear.
Help friends and family
Wish them only the best!

Congratulations on the advent of Ramadan. May there be strong faith, pure love and lasting happiness in life. I wish you to keep everything that you value and appreciate. good days, good people on the life path and respect for others.

Ramadan is here, congratulations! This month is the most important for all Muslims. A strict fast begins, it is designed to help you strengthen your faith. May goodness and mutual understanding settle in your home and hearts, and may your prayers be heard by the Almighty. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

With the onset holy month Ramadan! I sincerely wish you happiness and health, rethink your life, drive away all bad thoughts and intentions. May faith and hope only grow stronger. Strength to you!

Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Before the morning and evening meals, Muslims say special prayers. Here is their text:

The intention of fasting: Nawatu savma gadin an ‘ada’i Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati ‘imanan wa-htisaban li-llahi ta’ala - I intend to keep the Fast of tomorrow of Ramadan this year in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah.

Or for a whole month, then the intention is made on the first night of Ramadan: Navaytu siyama salasina yavman ‘an shahri Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati - I intend to observe the thirty-day Fast of the month of Ramadan this year.

Before eating, say: Ya vasi'a-l-magfirati, igfir li Bismi-llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim - O Allah! You are the All-Merciful, the Forgiving. I begin with the Name of Allah, Merciful to all in this World and only to believers in the Other World.

After eating, the following dua is read: Allahhumma laka sumtu wa-'ala rizkika 'aftartu - O Allah! For Your sake I fasted and took the food You gave me.

What should be done in Ramadan?

In the blessed moments of the sacred period, the believer should behave as follows:

stop fasting after sunset
having stopped fasting before the start of the fourth prayer, eat a date or, in its absence, drink water
do not slander and do not deceive
do not look at the forbidden
do not support empty talk, fights
Ramadan rules for women

A woman should not stop fasting when she feels that menstrual blood begins to come out. Only when she sees her should she stop fasting.
During the fast of Ramadan, a woman is not forbidden to taste food for salt
It is also not forbidden to use perfumes and jewelry for the spouse at home during the day during fasting.
A woman can fast only after cleansing from bleeding and childbirth.
Women should remind their husbands during daylight hours about the prohibition of sexual intercourse
At night, until dawn, sexual intimacy is allowed.
Women should not skip prayers, explaining this by the need to cook something in the kitchen
Do not party outside the house after breaking the fast

Why is Ramadan eaten only at night?

This is the will of Allah. The meaning of fasting is for a person to improve in prayer and do good deeds. Bodily abstinence helps to increase attention to the spiritual life.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Among the prescriptions of Almighty Allah, there are such duties that believers must follow strictly, without any omissions. Only in this way can a Muslim become closer to the Lord. Such a prescription is the fulfillment of five obligatory prayers during the day and night period.

What not to do during the month of Ramadan?

you can not stay in the water or bath for a long time (water can enter the body)
you can not hug and perform actions aimed at arousal
can't gargle
can't taste the food
can't swallow saliva

Video: how to meet and spend Ramadan?

27/05/2017 - 11:31

Ramadan 2017 starts on May 27, 2017. The month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable and difficult for Muslims, because during it a strict fast is observed, and food cannot be consumed during daylight hours. The schedule and time of eating in Ramadan in 2017, as well as the calendar in Moscow - details.

In Ramadan, fasting must be carefully observed, only in this way the mercy of Allah will descend on a person. During Ramadan, which begins on May 27 and ends on June 25, one should not get into quarrels and not make discord, compassion not only for one's loved ones, but also for the poor. Ramadan is calculated every year according to the dates of the lunar calendar and its difference is about 10-11 calendar days.

The schedule and time of eating during fasting in Ramadan is such that the meal must be completed before the time of Fajr, and proceed on time Maghreb. During daylight hours, you can not only eat, but even drink water. The first meal is before dawn.

In Ramadan, no snacking and drinking of any kind of liquid, no sexual intercourse and affection, no smoking, no drinking, no swearing, no cheating, no chewing gum, no enema are allowed.

The violation of the fast of Ramadan is considered:
- swallowing liquids even while taking a bath;
- niyat pass;
- eat after sunset only light food without meat;
- before dawn eat heavy food;
- eat fatty and spicy foods;
- break the fast and commit carnal sins.

During Ramadan, it is necessary to limit the use of fried and flour products, eat cereal dishes, vegetable salad and all kinds of vegetable dishes, fish and meat and vegetable dishes, and also not eat a lot of sweets. It is allowed to change up to 3-5 dishes during meals.

Ramadan fasting schedule in 2017 for Moscow:

How to fast in Ramadan?

There are many significant dates in each faith. In Catholicism, some are celebrated, in Orthodoxy, others.

In Islam, there are also special dates when believers refrain from all human passions and purify their soul and body from earthly filth a share of eternal bliss. In the article, we will take a closer look at how to fast in Ramadan and what prohibitions fasting imposes on believers.

When is the month of Ramadan in 2019, what date does Uraza begin?

Muslims are no different from other believers: solemn events for them take place in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst meet with satisfaction, and the fate of the poor is fully realized.

The month passes in observing fasting and reading prayers on the days of remembrance. Like other believers, Muslims have certain prohibitions on human passions that are imposed by fasting.

What kind of holiday is Ramadan?

  • The holy month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. It is based on faith in Allah. A full-fledged fast will be when a person is cleansed of sins by his behavior and receives the pleasure of Allah.
  • It is considered impermissible to waste time during the Holy month. After all, it is on these days that Muslims can be rewarded for their good deeds. Wisdom consists in not violating the rules of fasting imposed on the believers by Allah.
  • In Ramadan, there is also an improvement in the good qualities of believers who fast. Quarrels and strife cease, the hearts of friends unite, and a sense of responsibility and compassion for the poor is instilled.

Ramadan is a time of purification, spiritual perfection

On Ramadan, fasting begins. And all believers are required to adhere to it.

  • As for the Orthodox, the date of the Easter holidays changes every year, and for Muslims, the onset of the month of Ramadan is calculated according to the phases of the lunar calendar and the difference from previous years can be within 10-11 calendar days. Therefore, the date of the onset of the Holy period for Muslims changes every year.
  • Ramadan starts in May 2019, namely 6 numbers. Ramadan ends on June 4. June 5 - Uraza Bayram.
  • The sacred period for Muslims has long originated in the warm season, since it always falls in the summer months.

In the literal translation, Ramadan means "sultry", "hot". However, not all believers perceive the holiday in this way. For most, the literal translation does not mean the summer season, but following the strictest rules that must be followed.

The Quran was sent down to people in the month of Ramadan

History reference

  • How is it determined the exact date coming of Ramadan? Every year, the date of the onset of the Holy Period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They also determine the day of the onset of Ramadan, based on the phases of the moon.
  • The onset of the 9th month of the calendar is the onset of the sacred period of the Muslim faith. By the way the night luminary is located, the date of the holiday is determined.
  • The mission of the prophet was indicated in the "frank words" received by Muhammad that day. At the same time, Muslim believers received the Koran, a gift from Allah.
  • According to ancient tradition, on the day when the Sacred Period begins, Allah becomes open to resolve the fate of the believers in a safe way and fulfill their forgiveness.

Ramadan comes on the 9th month of the calendar

Uraza Bayram in 2019: date

Confessors of Islam are often interested in the issue of the fasting of Eid al-Fitr. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally, fasting occurs on the ninth month of the Muslim calendar.

  • Since the post Ramadan in 2019 starts 6 May, and the Sacred period ends at night June 4(exactly 30 days), then Eid al Adha falls on June 5.
  • Fasting during one of the biggest holidays in Islam, Eid al-Fitr, is very strict.
  • Great feast of breaking the fast Eid al Adha begins immediately after the end of the post. At this time, all the faithful are allowed to eat everything that they could not afford in fasting.
  • Believers prepare for the holiday a month before its onset, and expect it all year. After the Great Lent, which lasts throughout the month, the day of breaking the fast comes.
  • All adult Muslims are required to adhere to the rules of fasting Uraza. Children, the sick, the insane may not fast.
  • All month, believers only after dark have the right to eat food. Only under such a condition does the spiritual purification of the faithful take place.
  • Fasting takes place in the muting of all your passions and desires. Time should be spent in many hours of prayer.
  • There is an equalization of the poor with the rich, which cleanses from committed sins, among which gluttony occupies the first place.

In Ramadan, it is forbidden to consume food and water during the daytime.

With the onset of night, believers can begin breaking the fast. Only eating should be spent at the same table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in the family circle or alone.

  • It is also good to invite the poor to break the fast together, since helping the afflicted means doing a deed pleasing to Allah.
  • After finishing their meal, believers go to the mosque to pray and indulge in the reading of the Koran.
  • During prayer, the faithful ask for good for all people and forgiveness for their sins.
  • After the appearance of the new moon, the fast ends. Muslims have a holiday. They say morning prayers.
  • There are many believers in mosques at this time. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and prays next to it.
  • On such a joyful day, the worshipers feel like one family. The poor receive gifts, because each family prepares aid in advance for them and presents it during the celebration.

It is customary to give alms in Ramadan

Traditionally, parents are paid visits on such a day. The next meal is shared with them.

When do Muslims fast Ramadan in 2019, and its schedule?

  • Muslim fasting begins on May 6, 2019 and lasts 30 days. Fasting ends on June 4, 2019 at night and Uraza Bayram begins on June 5.

Schedule for Lent

  • Eating should be completed 20 minutes before the FAJR time.
  • You can start eating during Magrib.

Eid prayer - holiday prayer

Ramadan Fasting Schedule 2019

Ramadan or Ramadan: what is the correct name?

  • The Arabic word "Ramadan" is based on the name of the most revered month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the holiday by non-Arabs, changes took place in the word: the letters “dad” were replaced by the letter “for”.
  • This is due to the presence of the specific letter "dad" exclusively in Arabic and the absence of its counterpart in other languages. Only knowledge of the special qualities of the letter "dad" can achieve its clear and correct pronunciation.
  • It is correct to pronounce both Ramadan and Ramadan in everyday speech. But while reading the Qur'an, the letter "dad" is not replaced by the letter "for": this distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

Muslims learn about the main foundations and prohibitions of fasting from the Koran.

In Ramadan, the believer must give up unclean deeds and thoughts despite the debilitating heat

According to the schedule of the basic rules of Ramadan, fasting should be:

  • stop eating and drinking completely
  • start eating before dawn
  • during the day, snacks, drinking any liquids (compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea) are excluded
  • refuse intimacy, various caresses and exciting actions
  • refrain from smoking, using narcotic substances, drinking drinks containing alcohol (they poison the human body, therefore they should not enter the body of a believer during Holy Lent)
  • do not cheat
  • don't swear
  • do not mention the name of Allah while swearing
  • do not chew gum
  • do not cleanse the body with enemas (cleansing unnaturally is prohibited)

It is considered a violation:

  • swallowing liquids (even water when bathing)
  • omission of niyat (conscious performance of an action; niyat should be recited every day during the Holy month between night and morning prayers)

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims consume food and water only at night.

Ramadan passes for believers without entertainment and pleasure.

  • Eat only light food after sunset.
  • Before dawn (two hours before dawn) you can eat more plentiful and heavy food.
  • Fatty and spicy foods should be excluded or reduced as much as possible, as their use increases thirst.
  • Having arbitrarily broken the fast, the believer must extend the fasting time by 1 day and pay the poor money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay him food for the same amount.
  • The commission of carnal sin during fasting is compensated by 60 days of fasting or the organization of feeding the poor.
  • If the believer had good reasons for not fasting, then he can make up for the missed day with any other day of fasting until the next Ramadan.
  • In the last days of Ramadan, believers pray hard, repent of their sins and analyze their mistakes.
  • On the last day of fasting, Muslims read a solemn prayer. A prerequisite is the distribution of alms. It can be dry food or money.

While eating iftar, you can eat a few dates, drink water

Ramadan: what can you eat?

  • The first days of fasting are very difficult. But then the body begins to rebuild and food restrictions are tolerated more easily.
  • At the end of the day after sunset, the time for iftar comes, which should not end with overeating.
  • While eating iftar, it is recommended to eat a few dates and drink water.
  • And only after a while you can start eating the main dishes.

The best option for the main meal:

  • restriction of flour and fried
  • preference for vegetable dishes
  • meat and vegetable dish
  • a fish dish
  • vegetable salad
  • cereal dishes
  • limited amount of sweets
  • You can arrange 3-5 meals

The drinks:

  • freshly squeezed juices
  • store-bought juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
  • fruit drinks
  • compotes
  • kissels
  • water and tea
  • not strong coffee

Intention to Fast Ramadan

Intention (niyat) is pronounced nightly before fasting to oneself. But the intention that the believer pronounces at the beginning of the night also counts. However, it is better to pronounce the intention in the second half of the night, which is closer in time to fasting.

An intention pronounced after dawn breaks the fast.

Health benefits of fasting Ramadan

Conventional diets can help shed pounds and reduce blood sugar, but can cause side effects. Therefore, it is better to follow a diet under the supervision of the attending physician.

While fasting in Ramadan:

  • A person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any food restrictions.
  • Carbohydrates are burned (the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood decreases), from which energy is extracted.
  • Fat accumulations are burned.
  • There is a rest of the body at the physiological level. The metabolic process is normalized.
  • There are no side effects.
  • The body is cleansed, thoughts are cleansed.
  • A person after fasting can forever give up bad habits.

Can you brush your teeth in Ramadan?

In Ramadan, Muslims use a special tool to clean the mouth from food debris. This is a sivak (miswak).

  • It is not considered a violation of the fast to brush your teeth with a toothbrush.
  • However, the use of toothpaste breaks the fast as the person may swallow the paste.
  • It is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the evening or early in the morning.

Can you swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • Swallowing saliva during Ramadan does not break the fast.
  • If dust or smoke accidentally gets into the throat, then this also does not violate the fast.

Congratulations on the coming month of Ramadan

If you are looking for beautiful congratulations on the advent of the month of Ramadan, then look at the following collection.

Strict post. Commands the Quran
Observe it.
Everyone welcomes Ramadan
With a pure soul.

May Allah bless
For a good cause
Ignites the light in the hearts
Faith helps.

In the glorious month of Ramadan
The Koran was sent to the people,
To carry the truth
With an explanation of the way

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness, mercy and contentment of Allah Almighty

As it is written in the Quran,
Muslims this month
In memory of your shrine
Keep fasting from now on.

For believers, fasting is help,
To be closer to God
To grow spiritually
Subdue your passions.

Holy Ramadan is coming -
Great Muslim holiday.
For the purification of the soul
Fast, pray and do not sin.

And may Allah help us
Overcome vice and fear.
Help friends and family
Wish them only the best!

Congratulations on the advent of Ramadan! Let there be in life strong faith, pure love and lasting happiness. I wish you to keep everything that you value and appreciate. Good luck, good people on the path of life and respect for others.

Ramadan is here, congratulations! This month is the most important for all Muslims. A strict fast begins, it is designed to help you strengthen your faith. May goodness and mutual understanding settle in your home and hearts, and may your prayers be heard by the Almighty. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

Happy holy month of Ramadan! I sincerely wish happiness and health, rethink your life, drive away all bad thoughts and intentions. May faith and hope only grow stronger. Strength to you!

Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Front morning and evening meals Muslims say special prayers. Here is their text:

Intention to fast: Nawatu savma gadin an ‘ada’i Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati ‘imanan wa-htisaban li-llahi ta’ala“I intend to keep the Fast of tomorrow this year’s Ramadan in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah.

Or for a whole month, then the intention is made on the first night of Ramadan: Navaytu siyama salasina yawman ‘an shahri Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati“I intend to observe the thirty-day Fast of the month of Ramadan this year.

Before eating say: Ya wasi'a-l-magfirati, igfir li Bismi-llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim– Oh Allah! You are the All-Merciful, the Forgiving. I begin with the Name of Allah, Merciful to all in this World and only to believers in the Other World.

After eating, the following dua is read: Allahhumma laka sumtu wa-'ala rizkika 'aftartu– Oh Allah! For Your sake I fasted and took the food You gave me.

What should be done in Ramadan?

In the blessed moments of the sacred period, the believer should behave as follows:

  • Stop fasting after sunset.
  • Having stopped fasting before the start of the fourth prayer, eat a date or, in its absence, drink water.
  • Do not slander and do not deceive.
  • Do not look at what is forbidden.
  • Do not support empty talk, fights.

Ramadan rules for women

  • A woman should not stop fasting when she feels that menstrual blood begins to come out. Only when she sees her, she should stop fasting.
  • During the fast of Ramadan, a woman is not forbidden to taste food for salt.
  • It is also not forbidden to use perfume and jewelry for the spouse at home during the day during fasting.
  • A woman can fast only after cleansing from bleeding and childbirth.
  • Women should remind their husbands during daylight hours about the prohibition of sexual intimacy.
  • At night, until dawn, sexual intimacy is allowed.
  • Women should not skip prayers, explaining this by the need to cook something in the kitchen.
  • You should not have parties outside the house after breaking the fast.

Children can be helped to prepare food for suhoor and iftar - morning and evening meals

Why is Ramadan eaten only at night?

This is the will of Allah. The meaning of fasting is for a person to improve in prayer and do good deeds. Bodily abstinence helps to increase attention to the spiritual life.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Among the prescriptions of Almighty Allah, there are such duties that believers must follow strictly, without any omissions. Only in this way can a Muslim become closer to the Lord. Such a prescription is the fulfillment of five obligatory prayers during the day and night period.

Man is committed in prayer during fasting

What not to do during the month of Ramadan?

  • You can not stay in the water or bath for a long time (water can enter the body).
  • You can not hug and perform actions aimed at excitement.
  • You can't gargle.
  • You can't taste the food.
  • Saliva must not be swallowed.

Video: how to meet and spend Ramadan?

13/10/2014 01:07

During the holy month of the Muslim calendar, which is called Ramadan in Arabic, or Ramadan in Turkish, Muslims are required to observe a strict fast - limit yourself to drinking, eating and intimacy.

Following the rules of Ramadan, mature people give up their passions. This is how they get rid of negativity.

The post ends with the great holiday of Uraza-Bayram.

Features and Traditions of Ramadan Fasting - What Are Iftar and Suhoor?

fasting believers test the strength of the human spirit. Compliance with the rules of Ramadan makes a person comprehend his way of life, helps to determine the main values ​​in life.

During Ramadan, a Muslim must restrict yourself not only in food, but also carnal satisfaction of their needs, as well as other addictions - for example, smoking. He must learn control yourself, your emotions.

Observing simple rules post, every believing Muslim should feel poor and starving, since the available benefits are often perceived as ordinary.

It is forbidden to swear in Ramadan. There is an opportunity to help the needy, the sick and the poor. Muslims believe that prayers and monthly abstinence will enrich everyone who follows the tenets of Islam.

There are two main prescriptions for fasting:

  1. Follow the rules of fasting sincerely from dawn to dusk
  2. Completely refrain from your passions and needs

And here are a few conditions for what a fasting person should be:

  • Over 18 years old
  • Muslim
  • not insane
  • Healthy physically

There are those for whom fasting is contraindicated, and they have the right not to observe it. These are minor children, the elderly and pregnant women, as well as those women who are menstruating or going through the time of postpartum cleansing.

Fasting Ramadan has several traditions

We list the most important:


Throughout Ramadan Muslims eat early in the morning, even before dawn. They believe that Allah will greatly reward such an action.

During the traditional suhoor don't overeat but should be eaten enough food. Suhoor gives strength for the whole day. It helps Muslims to stay sane and not be angry, as hunger often causes anger.

If a believer does not perform suhoor, then his day of fasting remains in force, but he does not receive any reward.


Iftar is evening reception food, which is also performed during fasting. You need to start breaking the fast immediately after sunset, that is after the last day(or the fourth, penultimate prayer on that day). After Iftar follows Isha - night prayer of Muslims(the last of the five obligatory daily prayers).

What you can not eat in the post of Ramadan - all the rules and prohibitions

What to eat during Suhoor:

  • Doctors recommend eating complex carbohydrates in the morning - cereal dishes, sprouted grain bread, vegetable salad. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with energy, despite the fact that they are digested for a long time.
  • Dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - are also suitable.

What not to eat during Suhoor

  • Avoid protein foods. It takes a long time to digest, but loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting.
  • Should not be consumed
  • You can not eat fried, smoked, fatty foods in the morning. They will cause unnecessary stress on the liver and kidneys.
  • Refrain from eating fish during Suhoor. After it you want to drink

What not to eat in the evening after adhan

  • Fatty and fried foods. It will harm health - cause heartburn, deposit extra pounds.
  • Eliminate from food fast food- various cereals in bags or noodles. You won’t get enough of them and literally in an hour or two you will want to have a meal again. In addition, such products will cause appetite even more, as they contain salt and other spices.
  • You can't eat sausage and sausages. It is better to exclude them from your diet during the fast of Ramadan. Sausages affect the kidneys and liver, satisfy hunger for only a few hours, and are also able to develop thirst.

Despite prohibitions and strict rules, there are benefits from fasting.:

  • Rejection of carnal passions
    A person must understand that he is not a slave of his body. Fasting is a serious reason to give up intimacy. Only by refraining from sinful things can a person preserve his purity of soul.
  • Self improvement
    By observing fasting, the believer is more attentive to himself. He gives birth to new character traits, such as humility, tolerance, obedience. Feeling poverty and deprivation, he becomes more resilient, gets rid of fear, more and more begins to believe and learn what was previously hidden.
  • Gratitude
    Having gone through the refusal of food, a Muslim becomes closer to his Creator. He realizes that the innumerable blessings that Allah sends are given to man for a reason. The believer gains a sense of gratitude for the gifts sent.
  • An Opportunity to Experience Mercy
    Fasting reminds people of the poor, and also calls to be merciful and help those in need. Having gone through this test, the believer remembers kindness and humanity, as well as the fact that everyone is equal before God.
  • frugality
    Fasting teaches people to be economical, limit themselves and curb their desires.
  • Strengthens health
    Benefit physical condition human health is manifested in the fact that the digestive system is resting. In a month, the intestines are completely cleansed of toxins, toxins and harmful substances.

Holy Ramadan timetable until 2020 - when does Ramadan fast start and end?

IN 2015 Ramadan will begin on June 18 and end on July 17.

Here next dates holy Ramadan:

2016– from June 6 to July 5.
2017– from May 26 to June 25.
2018- from May 17 to June 16.
2019- from May 6 to June 5.
2020 from April 23rd to May 22nd.

Breaking the Ramadan Fast - Actions Breaking the Muslim Ramadan Fast and Punishments

It is worth noting that the rules of fasting Ramadan are valid only during the daytime. Some acts committed during fasting are considered forbidden.

Actions that interrupt the Muslim Ramadan include:

  • Special or intentional meal
  • Unspoken intention to fast
  • Masturbation or intercourse
  • Smoking
  • Spontaneous vomiting
  • Administration of rectal or vaginal medications

but condescension towards similar actions. Despite their similarities, they do not break the fast.

They include:

  • Unintentional meal
  • Administration of drugs through injections
  • kisses
  • Petting, if they do not lead to ejaculation
  • Teeth cleaning
  • blood donation
  • Period
  • involuntary vomiting
  • Failure to perform prayers

Punishments for breaking the Ramadan fast:

Those who unintentionally who broke the fast due to illness, must on any other day spend the missed day of fasting.

For sexual intercourse performed during daylight hours, the believer is obliged to defend another 60 days of fasting, or to feed 60 needy.

If skipping the fast is allowed by shariah need to do repentance.

On Thursday, February 14, 2019, Russia celebrates a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. State lotteries cannot stay away from such a bright event, and hold a specially dedicated Valentine's Day holiday draw number 1271.

In this regard, I would like to wish: lovers - love, lovers - keep, those who bought a Russian Lotto ticket - win!

The day of the broadcast on the NTV channel is traditionally Sunday. Starting from October 17, the broadcast starts at 14:00 Moscow time.

Broadcast of 1271 Russian Lotto draws on TV, dedicated to the Day lovers, will also take place on Sunday, February 17, 2019, starting at 14:00 Moscow time on the NTV channel .

What will be played on February 17, 2019:

In 1271 circulation, the All-Russian State. lottery will draw a lot of clothing and cash prizes, 100 romantic trips and a Jackpot of 500 million rubles.

What does the ticket look like:

The 1271 ticket has a pink border. Flying against the blue sky balloon in the form of a heart, to the left of it is the inscription "Happy Valentine's Day!", And below - "Jackpot 500,000,000 rubles." On the bottom left is written "1271 circulation". At the bottom, on a white background, there is an inscription "100 romantic trips".

Recall that a short day on Friday 02/22/2019 will be the only "gift" to the Russian defenders in terms of rest, because. the day off from Saturday is not transferred to the next Monday, but to Friday, May 10, 2019.

Grow good seedlings tomatoes in 2019 on the windowsill in the apartment is a whole art. Knowing the timing of timely planting of seeds, picking seedlings and following the rules for caring for it result in strong and healthy plants. Experienced gardeners they also advise not to neglect the calendar of the phases of the moon, which, in their opinion, have a huge impact on the development of tomatoes. Below we talk about when to plant tomatoes in 2019 for seedlings and in the ground, taking into account the lunar calendar.

Dates for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in 2019:

In 2019 best timing planting seeds for seedlings at home for middle lane Russians are advancing a day after the new moon March 6, 2019. However, the most favorable days are from 10 to 12 March 2019 and 15 and 16 March 2019. Late sowing dates for tomato seedlings 2019 are coming after the full moon March 21, 2019. On the waning moon, the optimal days will be March 23 and 24, 2019.

Recall that the seeds should be disinfected before planting (for example, in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate), and then rinsed well. We advise you to soak the seeds for a day in order to increase the future harvest. weak solution boric acid(0.1 g per 0.5 l of water). The dried seeds are sown in small (7-8 cm) trays with soil to a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm, watered and covered with foil. The temperature of seed germination is + 22-25 degrees, so they are kept away from a cold windowsill. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the trays are put on the windowsill. Seedlings should be watered only with warm (+ 20 + -22 degrees) water.

Dates for picking tomato seedlings in 2019:

When the first real carved leaf appears between the cotyledon leaves, the seedlings can be dived into separate pots or into boxes with soil 12-15 cm high. In any case, the distance between adjacent plants should be 10-12 cm. cotyledons.

In March 2019 - from 23 to 27 March; in April 2019 - April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17. April 5, 2019 new moon, so picking on the growing moon from 7 to 17 April 2019 the most preferred.

Terms of care for tomato seedlings in 2019 (watering, fertilizing, hardening):

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, you need provide her with enough light and lower the air temperature during the day from +18 to 24 degrees, and at night from +12 to 16 degrees.

It is also necessary feed. The first dressing is given 7-10 days after picking, when the plant forms new roots, and then every 8-12 days. For top dressing in water for irrigation dissolve mineral fertilizers or wood ash.

In April 2019, any days will be the best for top dressing from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April. In May 2019 you can feed from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May.

15-20 days before landing in the ground seedlings need to be hardened. It is best to take it to the loggia or balcony, open the window.

During the last decade before planting, the tomato seedlings stretch out a lot, especially if the weather is warm. retard growth You can stop watering, and water only when the leaves wither in the middle of the day.

Terms of planting tomato seedlings 2019 in the ground:

Tomato seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 60-70 days from germination when the air temperature at night exceeds +12 degrees. One or two days before planting, the plants should be well watered with top dressing to ensure the preservation of the roots and the nutrition of the plants after planting in the ground.

Seedlings in May 2019 can be planted under arcs with covering material already on May 17-18 on the growing moon. Recall that May 19, 2019 is a full moon, and it is better to stop work. better days in may 2019 on the waning moon will be May 26-28 and 31. In June 2019 it is already possible to plant in open ground 1 and 2, 5 and 6 June. June 3, 2019 new moon and activities in the garden are undesirable.

Recall optimal timing planting and caring for tomato seedlings in 2019:
* sowing seeds - from 10 to 12, 15 and 16, 23 and 24 March 2019;
* picking seedlings - from 23 to 27 March; April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 2019;
* feeding seedlings every 8-12 days - from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April, from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May 2019;
* planting seedlings in the ground - May 17, 18, 26-28, May 31, June 1, 2, 5, 6, 2019

We also read:

The date of Pesach is tied to the lunisolar Jewish calendar, and therefore, according to the Gregorian calendar, the number of celebrations changes annually. The Jewish Passover of 2019 begins with the onset of twilight on the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan ( from the evening of April 19, 2019), and lasts 7 days in Israel - from nisan 15 to 21 (April 20, 2019 to April 26, 2019), and 8 days outside of it, including in Russia - on Nisan 22 (until April 27, 2019).

According to ancient tradition, every Jewish holiday begins the night before, after sunset. Therefore, Pesach 2019 is also celebrated on the evening of April 19, 2019 with a festive sedar (night Easter meal). The 14th day of Nisan is also called the Day of preparation for the holiday.

Thus, the date of the Jewish Passover in 2019 will be as follows:
* Beginning - April 19, 2019 (in the evening, at dusk).
* First day - April 20, 2019
*Last day is April 26, 2019 in Israel (April 27, 2019 outside Israel).

We also read:

On the first and last day of Passover 2019, it is forbidden to work, so Nisan 15 (April 20, 2019) and Nisan 21 (April 26, 2019) are declared non-working days in Israel. In addition, April 20, 2019 falls on Saturday - a non-working day with a five-day working week in a number of countries, including Russia.

One of the traditions of the Passover holiday is the eating of "flat unleavened bread" - matzah. This tradition is explained by the fact that when the pharaoh freed the Israelites from slavery, they left Egypt in a hurry, in which they could not wait for the yeast bread dough to rise. Therefore, during the Jewish Passover, leavened bread is not eaten.