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How to grow seedlings of cabbage. Planting cabbage to seedlings, how to grow good cabbage seedlings. Video: Cabbage picking on broccoli example

To grow cabbage on my bed, you need to pick up the variety and start falling down seedlings. At home, it is possible in compliance with agrotechnical events: processing of seeds and soil, watering and prevention of diseases. It is capricious in care and is subject to many diseases and pests.


How to choose a suitable grade cabbage for sowing?

Choosing the cabbage variety, you need to focus on the climate of the region in which it will grow. Also varieties differ in landing and appointment of the vegetable itself.

By landing time there are 3 types of cabbage:

  1. Earbest, ripen for 50-80 days. Cochanic reaches 1.5 kilograms and cabbage is not stored for a long time.
  2. Average, ripen for 80-100 days. Cabbage is used for salad and salting. Vegetable weight - 3 kilograms.
  3. Lovely, maturing more than 110 days. The varieties of this type of high-yielding, cabbage withstands winter storage. The kochens are gaining weight from 5 kilograms and more.

Terms of sowing seed cabbage to seedlings

Cabbage should be seen, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendation. They are written on the packaging. On average, seeds begin to cook 2 months before landing in open ground.

Typically, seeding:

  • for early - the beginning of March;
  • for the secondary - the end of March and the beginning of April;
  • for late varieties - the middle and end of April.

Sowing cabbage

Sowing seeds for growing at home can be organized on the windowsill. Main conditions: light and warmth. Seeds put in boxes, or immediately into separate glasses. Boxes, after disembarking, covered with a film put in a warm place.

Capacity and soil selection

It is possible to grow seedlings in the apartment in any broad catering.

Each container has its pros and cons:

  1. Boxes. It is convenient to care for shoots in them: it is possible to provide them with the same air temperature and transfer the entire box at once.
  2. Cassettes and minibars. Separate containers are convenient than the absence of a transplant stage. Seeds planted in the cassette will still receive the same conditions. And if we plant in the minibar, then at first stages, the seeds will receive the perfect (temperature) conditions for growth. If some seed did not sprout in a glass, you can plant a new one in this land. It is convenient to treat and remove greatly ill seedlings separately.
  3. Peat glasses and pills. Least time-consuming method of cultivation. Replanatory seedlings will not have anywhere, peat containers in the ground are decomposed. The only minus - peat is inclined to mold.

Cassettes with pallet Box for seedlings Minibar Peat tablets Deep pots for seedlings Peat pots

Plastic container, before making the soil in it, it is necessary to wash with a weak solution of manganese.

Cabbage prefers a certain form of land, such mixes are sold in stores for girodnikov. Earth from his own garden is better not to take. If you want to make Earth yourself, then you need to know that the seedlings of cabbage grows in a nonclicat and hazardous soil.

Recipe mixture for growing seedlings:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • cherry land - 4 parts;
  • peat - 13 parts;
  • ash - 10 tablespoons by 10 kilograms of soil.

Prepaiming training

Soil, before making seeds, you need to displaced. To do this, heat the oven to 200 degrees, place the soil in it and warm up 15 minutes. Then you need to put the soil in the tank and pour one-threatening solution of manganese.

When using peat tablets and pots, it is necessary to treat the Earth from the mold with a solution of phytosporin. Drague follows instructions.

Before boarding, you can wait until the cabbage seeds will proceed. To do this, they are placed on a plate with a damp cloth or cotton disks moistened in the root-forming solution. Covered with a film and placed heat. Three days later, all the proceeded seeds are planting into the soil.

Cabbage Seed Sowing Technology

When transplanting into common boxes, grooves are made in the ground at a distance of 2-3 centimeters. Seeds from each other should also be planted at a distance of two centimeters.

Too close, planted sprouts will be small and unwanted.

Care for seedy

Different types of cabbage need special care, this information can be found on the seed pack. But there are general rules for growing all sorts of cabbage. Without compliance with the agrotechnical cabbage requirements, the cabbage will bloom or begin to rot.


Water seedlings are required only after the appearance of germs. Earth must be a little wet. Excess moisture leads to rearrangement.

Making fertilizers

It is necessary to fertilize the seedlings with superphosphate, potassium and ammonia Selutyra. During the growth of seedlings, it is fed three times.

Schedule feeding:

  1. Two weeks after the seeds go up.
  2. Two weeks after the first feeding.
  3. Two weeks before landing in open ground.

It is necessary to follow the seedle, it seems what trace elements it lacks. Plant leaves always react to a lack and excess fertilizer.

With a lack of potassium:

  • leaves twisted down;
  • dry
  • blue shade acquire;
  • dark necrosis appear.

With a lack of phosphorus:

  • list residents become red;
  • purple spots appear on the leaf;
  • leaves across the edges.

With a lack of calcium:

  • leaves black;
  • dark, scorched spots appear on the sheet.

With a lack of nitrogen:

  • the leaves become pale colors;
  • old leaves become gray;
  • leaves fall into green.

Water plants correctly after making fertilizers, and not before.


Cabbage loves light. Houses Light Day for seedlings should be 14-16 hours. In the spring it must be additionally needed.

Creating an optimal temperature regime

For the cultivation of seeds, warm air is needed - 18-20 degrees. For young seedlings - 15 degrees. Cabbage develops well in the coolness, but it does not like the temperature differences.


The hardening helps the seeds adapt to the air temperature in the open soil. Also seeds at hardening are not pulled out.

2-3 weeks before the alleged landing, you need to start making seedlings to the street. The air temperature should be 8-10 degrees. The cabbage is delivered during the daytime, for 10-12 hours, for the night they will be brought back into the warm room.

Seedling cabbage should stand in a half or shadow. Straight sun rays can burn seedling leaves.

Picking seedlings

1-2 weeks after planting seeds, cabbage sprouts dive. Earth where sprouts will be transferred to be processed.

Sprouts should be transferred carefully, without damaging the roots. If the seedling stretched out, he was cheered into the ground, leaving only the leaves above the ground. Sometimes re-picking is required in a wider capacity, if seedling is planted too early and goes to active growth. Cabbage sprouts need to be disassembled after the appearance of 3-4 leaves, they will be pressed without stress in a new separate pot.

Picking seedlings on the channel "Favorite cottage".

Cabbage seedlings and pests

Capping Tla

The wave shams on the lower sheets of the sheet and drinks juice from them. Leaves dry and yellow. For prevention, it is necessary to process seedlings immediately after disembarking.

If the wave already started, insecticides can destroy it:

  • Spark;
  • Carbofos;
  • Karate.

Capping Tla


Spread the appearance of the fetus, hole holes. Hide inside cabbage and a leaf connection with a barrel. It is almost impossible to collect them manually. For prophylaxis, cabbage is covered with fine grid.

People's way to fight caterpillars - tincture of ash:

  1. You need to take 10 liters of warm water and breed a glass of ash.
  2. It is infusion to leave until the morning.
  3. Early in the morning spray a plant from above and from the bottom of the leaves, the base and fastening of the leaves to the barrel.

Chemical methods of struggle:

  • Butzan;
  • Decis pro.


The plant will black at the base of the root, then rotates and shakes. Disease is contagious. Cerencing the sick plant will not work.

The prevention of the disease lies in the processing of soil and seed with disinfecting agents.


Root rot

Root rotes look like a black leg, arises due to excess watering. For treatment, it is necessary to treat the plant with tripides and limit watering. You can also handle cappist with rizoplane to increase the immunity of the plant.

Growing cabbage seedlings in snail

Terms of sowing seeds

First you need to choose a variety. I constantly try different varieties, but it is better to choose resistant to diseases and insects.

For seedlings it is very important to choose the right time of sowing. It makes no sense to start too early, in January or February, because before the emergence of the first germs there is no more than 10 days, and before the transplant to open soil or greenhouse, about 35-40 days.

Depending on the variety and climatic conditions of the region, sowing period varies from late March to mid-April. It is important to take into account that too early, or the late sowing will negatively affect the quality of seedlings - it will deteriorate, or will be too weakened. This will lead to the death of plants, or constant diseases.

Methods of sowing cabbage whitewashed to seedlings

There are many sowing methods, but not everyone allows you to get an excellent quality of seedlings. For myself, I noted the three best sowing methods:

  • in the tray;
  • snail;
  • without dive;

At each of them, I will stop separately, and let's talk in detail about their merits and disadvantages.

Sowing in conventional capacity

This is a classic sowing method, loved by many gardeners. But immediately should be borne in mind that he provides a pickup.

First of all, I am engaged in preparing seeds. Machine them in a weak mortar solution for 10 minutes, if there is no manganese, I use a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

If I buy seeds, then I choose the dued. That is, covered with a special colored shell. It contains disinfectants and useful substances that accelerate germination. In processing such seeds do not need.

In a shallow capacity, for example, in the tray, smear the ground by filling it up for about a third. I recommend taking more nutritious in the store, as it is more suitable for our purposes. Soil also processes disinfectants - manganese solution, or copper. This procedure is needed to reduce the likelihood of infection with a black leg.

The soil is well moistened, for germination of cabbage seeds, there is a lot of water, about 50% of their weight. Then on the surface of the soil we make a deepening, and we plant prepared seeds.

Cabbage seedlings tolerates thickened well, so you can sow thick. We fall asleep all the thin layer of the Earth, is not thicker 1 cm, cover the tray with a food film to create a greenhouse effect. I recommend to make seedlings on a glass loggia or a balcony where there is a lot of light, the necessary temperature and humidity.

Picking performs at the time of the appearance of the seedy leaves. For young plants, this is a traumatic procedure that significantly slows down the growth of seedlings in the future, so I rarely resort to this method.

Sowing seed cabbage "In Snail"

This is a relatively new way that in due time turned the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing seedlings. It is used not only for cabbage, but also for other vegetables, and colors.

The main advantage of the method is the small area of \u200b\u200blocation of a large number of plants. It seems impossible?

For this method of cultivation, we need to make an unusual container. To do this, we take a dense polyethylene, linoleum, or a substrate for laminate, we need a waterproof, soft and porous material. I usually use a 10 cm wide ribbon and 1-1.5 m long.

On the entire width of the strip of material we fall asleep the soil with a thickness of up to 1 cm, compact and moisturize it. Seeds planted, deeply deepening them into the ground, retreating 1.5 cm from the edge and observing a distance of 1-2 cm among themselves.

Evenly fill the length of the tape and twist it gently into the roll. I advise you to do it gradually, which will allow you to carry out this procedure on a small working surface, and prevent soil scattering with already sown seeds.

To form a snail it must be fixed with a rubber band and put in the appropriate packag. I use plastic basin, the bottom of which pre-lay wet sand, sawdust, or hay.

I water the warm water of the Snail itself, and I pour a little into the container. Then closely covering the cellophan entire design entire design to create a greenhouse effect. Please note that you must put the roll in such a way that the seeds are up to the top, and not at the bottom. Otherwise, all seedlings will die.

The disadvantages of this method also include dive. The difference lies only in what to do this procedure in the snail is slightly simpler. You need to neatly deploy a snail, moisten the soil so that it becomes softer, and alternately transplant the strongest seedlings on some cups.

Grow cabbage seedlings without dive

If you do not want to play pickup seedlings, and you want to get the most strong seedlings on time, then this method will fit perfectly. Its importantly, its dignity is to exclude a shock for the plant and the possibility of injury to the root system, which reduces the likelihood of diseases.

In this case, seedlings are grown in separate cups initially. In order for the seeds better than sprout, I advise you to put them between two wet wipes, and leave in this form for 3-4 days. During this time they will swell, and some will even germinate. In this form, they can be planted in a container, deepening by 1-1.5 cm.

For growing, you can buy special peat cups. But I chose the balls for myself who buy, or do it yourself from trays for eggs. I put the seafood container in the box, after paving the bottom with a grass, herbs, or just a film so that the ground will not wake up through the holes. This will facilitate the carrying of seedlings and save space.

Care for seedy

It does not matter what kind of cultivation method you have chosen, it is necessary to prepare seeds and the soil described above in the method, as well as comply with the basic rules of care. Temperature regime and lighting play no less important role in obtaining strong seedlings.

The optimal duration of the luminous day for the cabbage seedlings is 12 hours, so in the spring they need to be shoe. The room temperature must be maintained within 18-20 degrees of heat during the day and 8-10 degrees of heat Celsius at night.

These conditions will not allow your seedlings to stretch out. The root system will develop steadily, and the plant will not spend all the forces on the growth of green mass.

Capulate seedlings

If you use the Earth taken from the garden, and not an earthy mixture (garden land, mixed with a humor or biohumus, in proportion 1: 1), then I recommend to feed the soil after dive, or when seeding seedlings. For this, I use one of the complex fertilizers: Ftika suite, fastening, healthy. Or I use natural feeding: yeast, ash, ammonia.

When using the purchase of land, it can be wondering without fertilizer, it is enriched with all the necessary micro and macroelements at the production stage. If plants are poorly developing, or you are not sure, you need feeding, or not - I recommend to reduce the dosage twice from recommended on the package so as not to burn young seedlings.

Most often I feed the cabbage with natural growth stimulants, namely the yeast bar. The recipe is simple enough, and not expensive.

On 1 liter of water, it is necessary to take 10 g of dry yeast and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Move all components well, and leave them in 5 hours. Yeast is activated during this time, and when introducing a good nutrient medium for plants.

Transplant seedlings in open ground, I recommend it when warming up. In the prepared wells, we put a seedman together with an earthen room, cheer and moisturize. The transshipment is the easiest and most convenient way to plant cabbage into open ground.

You can choose any of the methods for growing seedlings, but it is better to avoid dive with any plants when possible. My recommendations will help you in the cultivation of a strong cabbage seedlings, and you will be surprised how it will affect the yield of vegetable culture.

Savelyev Ekaterina Vasilyevna, Gardening

In the People's Russian saying - what we will lay, then you will get enough, the deep meaning is laid. But the meaning is not lost at all, if you apply this saying to gardening and garden work. For example, for cultivation on its site of a good yield of cabbage, which will be discussed in our article, in the spring it is necessary to plant a strong and healthy seedlings.

In order to grow their own healthy and strong cabbage seedlings, you need to stick only to several basic rules. In addition, it is necessary to have general ideas that this seemingly unpretentious vegetable loves, and what conditions are destructive for him. So why start and when it is worth making sowing cabbage to seedlings? Let's try to figure out.

  • We choose the variety.

Landing of any gardening crop begins with a selection of a variety. Cabbage is no exception. But before you visit a specialized store with the purpose of buying seeds, you need to decide for what and when you need cabbage. The question only at first glance seems strange. But not only the choice of varieties depends on the answer, but also the timing of seed seeds. So, if you in the middle of summer you want to enjoy tasty gentle salads made of white cabbage, then it is better to plant early varieties, such as June, a gift, Cossack F1, Ditmar. If the cabbage is grown with the purpose of calving, then the most appropriate varieties of glory, AMEGER, Belarusian. The same who wants to eat tasty vegetable in winter, it is worth sowing such late varieties like wintering 1474, a bunker, Geneva.

Landing of any garden crop begins with a selection of varieties

As you understand, each variety has its own characteristics. Therefore, the final choice must be done when you familiarize yourself with the varietal characteristics and what you actually want. For example, an early cabbage is uncharacter for Eliminate, and it is unlikely to stop it.

  • We buy seeds.

Buy seeds - the case only at first glance is simple and usual. But experienced gardeners are suitable for the acquisition process with a sense, with a sense. You should not perform spontaneous seed purchases, whether root, vegetables or even flowers. It is necessary to make at least an approximate list of what you will be sowed and only then go to the store. At the same time, it is best to choose a specialized, proven point of sale, otherwise the purchase is similar to the game "Russian Roulette". The method "may be lucky, or maybe not" - the gardener does not fit at all. It is better to know for sure that you will plant high-quality seeds that were kept under the appropriate conditions and did not lose their germination for one reason or another.

  • We prepare the ground for landing.

It would seem that the land suitable for seedlings can be purchased in the store or just skip in the garden. But if the first option is still acceptable, then we advise you to refuse from the second - to take the land from the garden, especially from those places where cruciferous cultures (radish, radish, turnip) were previously grown and sow seed material in it, as it may be Infectious microorganisms, characteristic of cabbage, in connection with which the risk increases even at the stage of seedlings to infect the plant with various diseases.

The most optimal option is to prepare soil yourself

The most optimal option is to cook yourself on your own, from autumn or early spring. To do this, it is necessary to take one part of the turf and humoring, to this mixture add some ash (approximately 1 tbsp. Per 1 kg of soil), which is not only the source of the necessary macro and trace elements, but also acts as an antiseptic. The resulting substrate must mix well so that it is fully prepared for use. Other cooking options are also possible - the main thing to ensure that the resulting substrate was breathable.

  • Determine the landing time.

Video about sowing cabbage to seedlings

If you are very scrupulous, then the duration of the landing should be calculated based on many factors - the climatic features of the region, the timing of harvest, the speed of germination of seeds, the position of the moon, etc. If you do not go into such details, you can take averaged values \u200b\u200band plant:

  • early cabbage - March 20-28;
  • association varieties - 25mart - 20APrel;
  • land-timed varieties from the first days of April and until the end of the month;
  • preparing seeds to landing.

In fact, preliminary preparation of seeds to landing is a whole science that is not familiar with everyone, even an experienced gardener. But all the methods used in this case are suitable for untreated seeds, or seeds collected by itself in the garden. If you want to plant seeds, previously processed, it will be enough to carry out easy preparation of the sowing material. For this, cabbage seeds in hot water (approximately 500c) for 20 minutes. After warming up, it is necessary to cool the seeds with cold water. Such simple manipulations will increase the resistance of the cabbage to various diseases, primarily fungal. But be careful! Not all seeds that have passed processing in production can be pre-grilled. When you have dued and inlaid seeds, as well as seeds in the gel envelope, they should be planted only dry, otherwise the layer with nutrients should be cut.

When the cabbage "will proceed" and shoot at least up to 10-15mm, germs must be played to improve the quality of seedlings

It is impossible to be negotiable to this process. Each stage of growing good seedlings is important, so seeding must be done correctly. Before sowing cabbage prepare the container, filling them with a harvested soil. As such, the trays of 70-100mm depth are perfectly suitable, where you can plant seeds into several rows to facilitate further care. Earth in trays in front of sowing is abundantly water, because for germination the cabbage seeds requires a lot of water. But after that, watering is not produced (only if in the house is too hot and the air dries the earth). Refusal of watering at normal temperature and humidity is the excellent prevention of many diseases, including the "black leg" - a disease of young seedlings, which is for many gardeners with a real disaster.

When the cabbage "will proceed" and shoot at least up to 10-15mm, shoots must be played to improve the quality of seedlings. Optimal in thinning step - 20x20mm, because it provides not only excellent cabbage power, but also aeration of its root system, and subsequently facilitates the transfer of seedlings into an individual container for further germination. By the way, you can immediately sow seeds into individual containers or cassettes, and then the next stage does not have to go through, but in this case it is worth being ready for the fact that viable seedlings by the time of landing will be much smaller than the seeds were.

It is necessary to peer seedlings about 7-14 days after thinning, when young plants are slightly fixed and will withstand the transfer to an individual pot or cassette under seedlings (Cassetting scheme 3x3 seedlings in 50 mm increments). The best use cardboard cups or peat pots. Picing is necessary to strengthen the root system of cabbage and ensuring its suit in the open soil.

It should be noted that treatment with antifungal solutions of the soil in individual pots or cassettes, although not strictly, but is very desirable, since the deliverance from fungal infections at an early stage will provide health to the entire period of cultivation.

Piciation is necessary to strengthen the root cabbage system

To ensure high quality seedlings, four main rules must be followed:

  • shine. Since when germinated, the light day is still insufficient to ensure high photosynthesis seedlings are shoved to 12-15 hours per day. For the shower, the usual fluorescent lamp of any temperature of the glow is suitable;
  • watering. It is necessary to water as the soil drying, but it is impossible to overflow the cabbage, as well as overhanging it. It is selected individually. After irrigation, loosening is strictly necessary;
  • temperature mode. The initial step before the appearance of germs - +18 ... + 22c. Belococcal should be germinated with significant temperature differences - during the day +15 ... + 17c, at night +8 ... + 10c. Castle at higher temperatures (by 5-7 degrees);
  • podrel.

The drawing scheme is quite simple. The first fertilizers are made before you are going to sow cabbage seeds. Then feed the seedlings only after 7-10 days after the dive. Potash fertilizers, superphosphate and ammonia nitere in proportion 2/4/2 cm per liter of water. The liter of the feeding will be enough for twisters. Make feeding only after watering. The second feeding is made 14-16 days after the first, fertilizers are the same, but in double quantity by 1 liter of water. The third feeding - fertilizers are the same, but the proportion is already 8/5/3 per 1 liter.

The first fertilizers are made before you are going to sow cabbage seeds

Many experienced gardeners produce hardened seedlings, for which 7-10 days before the landing in the ground, it is started to first put on an open-folder for several hours, and 5 days before the disembarkation are already carried to the balcony, if the weather is sunny.

Video about planting cabbage to seedlings

Seedlings can be considered ready for disembarking, if it has 4-5 leaves. Unfortunately, for white cabbage - not the most suitable place. The seedlings fall into the open soil at good weather, pre-(in 1-2 hours), it is abundantly watered. For the prevention of "temperature shock" when disembarking into the ground, seedlings are brought to a balcony for 20-30 minutes, which is enough to cool the root system.

All beloved cabbage is best grown by the ever-shaped method. Seedlings not only allows you to get a harvest earlier, but also provides gardeners resistant to diseases and changes in climate with sprouts. Planting cabbage to seedlings with all the intricacies of the process and useful tips will be described below in the article.

If you correctly grow seedlings, it will make a rich harvest from the garden. But it is possible to get a good one to get a good seedlings for a permanent place. Only by correctly calculated the timing of its workpiece. So, when to plant a cabbage to seedlings?

Landing Cabbage to seedlings can be carried out at different times, it all depends on the variety, the region.

  • Early grades are starting to air from the end of February and before March. Seedlings are grown about 1.5-2 months and approximately in early May they are transplanted for a permanent place.
  • Middle-timed varieties can be planted from March 25 to April 25. This is grown by such seedlings on average 1.5 months.
  • Late cabbage varieties begin to sow from the beginning to mid-April. Grow this seedlings for only 1-1.5 months, during which time it will be completely ready for transplant.

It is also worth noting that early you can begin to make seedlings in the southern and medium regions, where warm days come from the end of April. And in the northern regions, where the cold is lasting until the summer, it is pointless seedlings since the beginning of March.

Which soil choose for seedlings cabbage?

Check out these articles

Planting cabbage to seedlings is carried out exclusively in light land. Do it best of all from the turf, peat and humus. The latter can be replaced with sand. All parts are taken in equal proportions. In the case when there is no possibility to make a way independently or time does not allow, you can simply take advantage of purchased mixtures for seedlings. Improve the quality of the soil can be wood ash. A tablespoon of ashes is taken on a kilogram of the finished earth mixture.

To disinfect the earth, it should be poured right before planting seeds with a solution of manganese. If there are no mangartages, it is worth using simple boiling water. Water is heated, and when it boils, just watered her earth.

Important! Processing by manganese is worth the purchase mixture, and not just the one that was done alone. Since, regardless of where the soil was taken, there can be eggs of pests and disputes of mushrooms.

Preparation of seeds

After the cabbage seeds are purchased, they need to be examined at home. Often, even in packaged packages that sell in specialized stores, marriage comes across. Planting cabbage to seedlings defective seeds simply will not give results. So the seeds should be sideways, remove all the half, torn and too small.

If the branded seeds were in the package, then processing may not be required. In some factories, the seeds are processed to packing - it is always indicated on the package. Since they are processed by special substances, even germinate them in a wet cloth is not recommended that the substance that is on top of seeds is not washed off. They only go through and do nothing more.

When using seeds collected by hand, bought for weight without a package on the market for planting cabbage to seedlings, you need to carry out processing. At first, the seeds are placed in a hot manganese solution (+50 degrees) for 15 minutes. Then you need to shift them into cold water for 3 minutes. Now they are dried on the fabric or paper towel.

Important! If you have time to plant seeds per day, they will germinate faster. For this, they are immersed in cold water (+ 2 ... + 3 degrees) for 24 hours. But this hardening can be carried out only for untreated seeds!

How to sow cappist seeds?

Planting cabbage to seedlings can be carried out by two methods, with picking in separate pots and without it. If the dive is not, the seeds need to immediately suck in special boxes for seedlings. Such trays are divided into separate cells in which they need to grow seedlings. Instead of such trays, you can use peat or any other cups, as a convenient gardener.

The soil layer in the cups pour small, up to 5 cm. In small holes, a depth of 1 cm sow seeds. When growing seedlings without picking in each pot sew 1-3 seeds (for the safety net) at a distance of 1-2 cm. Then the cups or tray are covered with a film.

Interesting! The method without dive is convenient to use in small farms, where cabbage is grown for the most part for their own needs.

Planting cabbage to seedlings with picking consists of two stages. At the first stage, seed seeds and germinate, and on the second, the sprouts in separate pots dive. Seying seeds need to be in large boxes to a depth of 1 cm in the rows. Such small rows in the box can be made with a pencil. Sile with a distance of 1-2 cm, then the earth is sprinkled for no more than a centimeter. Now it remains to cover the box with a film and retain the seeds to grow germinate. Shoots, in both cases, you can wait for 4-5 days, if in the room + 18 ... + 20 degrees of heat.

How to care for seedlings?

After the sprouts appeared, the most difficult stage of growing seedlings - care for cabbage sprouts. If you do not comply with all the rules of seedlings grow thin, sickly, not hardened.

What can the seedlings hurt?

Cabbage seedlings can get sick due to improper temperature regime, overvoltage and if the planting of cabbage to seedlings was carried out in the untreated soil. Waiting for the disease will pass by itself meaninglessly, it must be treated urgently.

  • Cabbage seedlings often attack the cruciferous flew. From it can help the treatment with the tool "Inta-Vir".
  • From the black leg will save the cessation (temporarily) irrigation to dry out. Saplings from above and land, sprinkled with wood ash.
  • Root rotes will disappear if the seedlings to treat the tool "risoplan". On 100 ml of warm water takes 1 g of substance. The means simply spray seedlings from above. You can also use Triphodermin. Under 1, the plant is made 1 gram of substance.

Video - Successful way to plant cabbage

Cabbage is very demanding of the soil and is not filled with a reckless way with a rare exception. But even at home, before planting a cabbage to seedlings, it is important to fulfill the preparatory activities.


Select variety

The selection of the variety depends on whether its storage is supposed.

  1. Earls. Varieties are ideal for salads. Such cabbage matures in late June-July, about 3 months after landing. The varieties are demanding in care - we need a regular watering and feeding, but the crop gives a small one. Store such types of cabbage will not work. The taste of different varieties does not differ or is distinguished slightly. From the hybrids it is better to choose a shuttle or the Cossack (there must be a mark F1). Among the usual varieties are planted with June and a gift.
  2. Overhead. Types are ideal for thermal processing and starters. These varieties are characterized by good yield. Collect kochenants after 3.5-4 months after landing. From the hybrids it is recommended to plant a boring. From ordinary - Glory Gribovskaya 231, Glory, Belarusian, Siberian and Krasnodar-1.
  3. Late flight. Cabbage varieties are sitting for further storage and use in winter. These species are stored for about 9 months, and ripen - 6. The best among hybrids - Megaton, from ordinary - Snow White, Kolobok, Mara, wintering.

Sort "Megaton F1" Sort "Siberian" Sort "June"

Dates of planting cabbage to seedlings

Seeds need to land according to her view:

  • early grades - from March 20 to April 1;
  • aDDITIONS - from March 20 to April 20;
  • late-friendly - from April 1 to May 1.

Observe the dates of planting cabbage is very important due to the nuances in the future growth and development of plants. For example, if the seedlings of late varieties are planted simultaneously with the early, it can perish due to weak resistance to spring temperature drops.

Preparatory activities

Before sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • take care of the room where the seedlock will germinate;
  • ensure the right temperature and light level;
  • make the necessary soil;
  • seeds themselves, like any other, must prepare in advance.

Soil requirements and preparation

Seeds do not like land after cruciferous (radish, radish). But they do not germinate well in ordinary garden soil. One of the reasons for this is to find in the land of cells of various diseases of the disease. Therefore, the ideal option will be the purchase of a finished soil. If you wish, you can independently make the necessary soil.

To do this, connect the following ingredients:

  • earth (or peat) and humus in proportions 1: 1;
  • 10 tbsp. l. ash for every 10 kg of soils.

Earth is desirable to prepare from autumn, but you can use fresh. It should be easy to make water and air calmly reached seeds.

What kind of soil is suitable for the preparation of seedlings, told on the video below. Taken from the canal green planet.

Preparation of boxes for seedlings

As a container for seedlings, you can use what is more convenient to the garden or in stock.

It can be:

  • wooden boxes;
  • plastic trays;
  • cups;
  • flower pots.

The main thing is the depth of the container, which must be at least 70 mm.

Preparation of seeds

Spring cabbage seeds need after preliminary training if they are originally untreated.

To do this, we carry out the following activities:

  1. Calibration. Immerse all seeds into a weakly salted water solution for 5 minutes. Those that pop up can be thrown away. The rest are rinsed under running water and dried.
  2. Disinfection. The method for this procedure is chosen any. You can use potassium permanganate at the rate of 5 grams. per 1 liter of water. Machine seeds for 15 minutes. A 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide is suitable. In it, grains hold about 5 minutes. Third way - alternating hot (50 degrees) and cold water. Immerse the seeds alternately (15 minutes) into the water. It is done several times in a row.
  3. Hardening. Seeds are soaked in water or wept in a wet fabric to swelling. After that, we put 12 hours into a warm place (20 degrees), it may be space near the battery. Then we carry them into the refrigerator, where the temperature does not fall below -3 degrees. We alternate the temperature differences several times.
  4. Macro and trace elements feeding. Vitamins dissolve in warm water and immerse seeds per day. Then we get and dried. It is allowed to replace with another method - spray 01, -0.3% microelements solution. You can purchase a special powder and apply from above.
  5. Soak. Together with the cloth, we lower the cabbage seeds in warm water for 2-3 hours. After 5-6 hours, we lower them for another 2-3 hours. The procedure continue to do until the seeds are good. If this method does not suit you, you can simply lay out them on a wet fabric in a warm place and watch them not to dry completely. As a rule, after 12-20 hours, sprouts will appear.

It should be noted that the following is best for feeding seeds:

  • boric fertilizers;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel.

After all these events, seeds are ready for landing.

Disinfection Germination Sproved seeds

Sowing seed cabbage to seedlings at home

It is very important to properly sow the seeds of cabbage and choose a place for growing in lit parts of the house.

Landing in drawers

Shed cappist to seedlings in the prepared boxes are needed as follows:

  • well moisturize the earth;
  • making holes in a depth of 2 cm;
  • lower the seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other;
  • close the earth;
  • wrap a film.


Hardening do at the moment when the seeds sprouted out of the ground. To do this, for 7 days, it is placed with seedlings in a cool room (8-10 degrees). Then returned to the usual place. You can open the door or the window for several hours.


You need to dive seedlings at the moment when 2 leaves appeared on the stalk. It is about 7-8 days after landing. Soil moisturize a weak solution of mangalls and transplant into separate cups.

Photo Gallery

Planting seeds for seedlings. Picking seedlings.

Care for seedy

Includes the organization of the following conditions:

  • watering plants;
  • feeding fertilizers;
  • normalization of the temperature and light mode.


We need to water the seeds constantly, 50% of everyone's weight is the at least the water that they need. It is necessary to follow, so that there is no dryness of the soil and its convergence. In the second case, you can break the soil. Watering is needed under the root of warm water (about 20 degrees). Cabbage loves acidified water: 1 gr. citric acid for 10 liters. water. Acid can be replaced with 1 peat tablet. Water on average 1 time in 2-3 days.

Temperature and light mode

The room temperature where seedlings are located, there must be 18-20 degrees. Gradually, it is reduced to 14-16 degrees during the daytime and 8-9 degrees at night.

It is necessary to grow seedlings with 12-15 hourly lights. To do this, in a room with a cabbage, you can install one or more lamps.


Cabbage loves herring, a week after picking, plants prepare the following mixture:

  • 2 gr. potash fertilizers;
  • 2 gr. ammonia nitrate;
  • 4 gr. Superphosphate.

All components dissolve in 1 liter of water and watered carefully under the most roots. Before that, you need to slightly moisten the plants with ordinary water so as not to burn them. This amount of solution will be enough for 55 plants. After 2 weeks, we make fertilizer again, but the number of ingredients increase 2 times.

2 days before disembarking seedlings to open soil, it is necessary to finish the plants to the next mixture again:

  • 3 gr. ammonia nitrate;
  • 5 gr. superphosphate;
  • 8 gr. Potash fertilizers.

Dissolve in 1 liter. water. Can be replaced with finished fertilizers.

Cabbage landing in open ground

Sazed cabbage into the open ground at the moment when there are 4 full-fledged leaf on plants, while the stem can grow up to 20 cm.

But there are deadlines depending on the variety:

  • early need to begin to transplant from April 15 to May 1;
  • ored air species - May;
  • ladies - May-June.

The transplant should be made in the evening when the sun sits down:

  1. The soil is loosen and we make the holes in a depth of at least 10 cm and a diameter of 10-15. The distance between the pits should be 20-35 cm (depending on the variety), between the rows - 40-55 cm.
  2. Forest the land.
  3. We deepen in the soil the root of the plant with a wet earthy room.
  4. Close the earth.
  5. Fall.