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Holiday dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics in Dow. Methodical development on the topic: scenario of the holiday "Cosmonautics Day" in Dow

The subject of space is always interesting to children. Therefore, April 12 on the day of astronautics, caregivers hold holidays, contests, educational activities on the topic: Cosmonautics.

We suggest you to hold a cognitive activity in the form of thematic conversation for preschoolers.

Thematic conversation for the Day of Cosmonautics "A man rose into the sky"

purpose: Expand and deepen the knowledge of preschoolers about space.


- to acquaint children with Russian scientists K.E. Tsiolkovsky, history of creating the first space rocket, the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin;

- expand the horizons of children and develop their imagination;

- raise the feeling of patriotism and pride in the fatherland.

Equipment: Pictures with the image of the starry sky, outer space, portraits K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarina, photo launch photos from Baikonur cosmodrome, photo albums about cosmos conquerors.

Preliminary work: Conversations about stars, planets, space and cosmonauts.

Educator. Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome the earthly attraction and climb into outer space. Guys, remember fairy tales and legends. What just didn't fly fairy-tale heroes! (On the volatile mice and eagles, on carpets-aircraft and beards of wizards, at the skate-hump and magic arrows ...).

A few centuries ago, no one could come to anyone that the most convenient "transport" to move is a rocket. Powder mini rockets have long been applied to the fireworks or signals in military affairs. In Russia, in the middle of the last century, a combat function of the Rocket gave the general of artillery k.I. Konstantinov. His rockets could overcome the distance to three kilometers.

The first who saw a shell in the rocket capable of enduring earthlings into interplanetary spaces was a great Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky. He spoke so on this: "Earth is our cradle, but you can not live forever in the cradle." The rocket does not need air, it means that it can fly in emptiness, in space, and develop a huge speed there. Create the first rocket cost many works. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, engineers. It was in our country the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched. Guys, do you know who was the first cosmonaut? What do you know about this person? When was the first space flight?

An adult listens to the answers of children, asks clarifying questions.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin for the first time climbed into space on the ship "Vostok-1". His call sign "Cedar" learned all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin and stayed in space only 108 minutes, while making only one turn around the Earth, but it was only the beginning - the beginning of the development of the outer space. Half a century has passed since this time, the cosmonauts of many countries, both men and women visited the space in space. The first flight of a person in space opened the ERU of international space stations, the desire to master the planet coming to Earth - Mars and Venus. Listen to the day of the first flight to space, the poet Alexander Tvardovsky speaks in his verses.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,

How he swept through human hearts.

It seemed that the world was unwittingly became kinder,

His victory shocked himself.

What he thundered with the music of the universal,

That holiday, in motley flame banners,

When the obsessive son of the earth Smolenskaya. The earth-planet was adopted. A resident of the Earth, the heroic of this small,

In the cosmic ass

In circular, forever with an unprecedented,

In the sacrons of the sky wrapped over her ...

Dynamic pause "Cosmonauts"

The educator shows some exercise, involving children in their actions.

To the cosmonaut, children, become.

Need from the smallest years

Accept yourself to order:

Put your bed

Perform physical accurate.

Stand straight, shoulders wider

Hands up, hold on straight.

From such exercises

We will become stronger and stronger.

Didactic game "pick rhyme"

To make a variety of conversation, the didactic game "pick up RIFMU".

Among the fields of blue -

Bright glitter of a large fire.

Do not rush the fire here goes,

Earth-Mother bypasses

Shines fun in the window.

Well, of course, this is ... (Sun).

Clear nights

Mom walks with daughters.

She does not show her daughters:

- Go to bed, late! -

Because Mother - Moon,

And daughters ... (stars).

Letter a, letter A -

Alphabet Head.

Knows Vova, knows the light,

"A" looks like ... (rocket).

Educator. Sunny Morning On April 12, 1961, the rocket was rapidly rushed into the sky, leaving behind the fiery trail of the combusting fuel. So from the Baikonur cosmodrome started the first spacecraft in history with a man aboard. And the first cosmonaut of the Earth was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934. Nothing unusual in the fate of this young man was not at first. He dreamed of heaven from childhood. But who of the boys then did not want to fly on airplanes? And Yuri became the pilot fighter. And when in 1959 he learned about the set to the detachment of tests of the new technique, immediately filed a report on enrollment. The selection into astronauts was tough: out of 3,000 volunteers took only 20. All: good health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technique ... Preparation began. In the barocamera, the conditions were created that the person should have taken out when the rocket was started. On a madly rotating centrifuge, a "cosmic" overload, experiencing the body for strength ... The workouts were very heavy. But Yuri Gagarin stood everything and even jumped at the same time, encouraging his comrades. The chief designer of all the first space missiles Sergei Pavlovich Korolev looked at Gagarina and decided: "This calm, cheerful guy will be the first cosmonaut." So it happened.

Today, cosmic flights have become for us, the inhabitants of the Earth, absolutely familiar. It is believed that not far from the corner and the development of other planets. But the beginning of this was put on our Russian astronaut. American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first of the earthlings, who visited the moon, said so about the flight of Yuri Gagarin: "He called us all over us."

The educator suggests the following questions for discussion: what do you think guys, what was difficult in the first cosmic flights? What do you think the cosmonaut should possess what qualities? Do you want to become cosmonauts yourself?

Song in the performance of Yu Glyaeva sounds "You know how he was a guy ..." (Muses A. Pakhmutova, Sl. N. Dobronravov), during which children view photos of Y. Gagarin in albums dedicated to the development of outer space.

You know how he was a guy,

He who has opened a trail?

The flame was and thunder

Measurement cosmodrome

And he said Quickly.

He said: "Let's go!",

He waved his hand,

As if along in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg,

Swept over the ground.

Video. "You know how he was a guy"

SPECIMARY OF SPRING HOLIDAY dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics for Senior Children preschool age "Space trip"

Khachko Svetlana Nikolaevna instructor physical culture MBDOU № 15 "Rodheok", Berdsk

This development is designed for children of senior preschool age and is intended for instructors in physical culture and educators of pre-school educational institutions.

Purpose: Development of endurance by means of physical exercises of a mixed character.

Tasks in the main directions.
- Strengthening muscle Oda.
- expansion and consolidation of children's knowledge about space;
- fixing motor skills in relay with different species activities;
- bring up feelings of patriotism and love for our planet Earth.
- to educate the desire for motor activity, attention to the actions to the instructor signal.

Preliminary work:
Registration hall: Photo Yu.A. Gagarin; Illustrations with the image of the solar system, spacecraft, orbital station, astronaut in weightlessness, astronaut in the scaffle.
Learning to children poems on the topic
Production of invitations for a holiday for parents

4 racks
10 wrap,
kegli 12 pieces
ribbons by the number of children
balls by the number of children
4 plastic bottles with cut-cut hole for legs
2 Fitbola Ball,
2 cropped plastic bottles with a fast
2 cups,
2 buckets,
Multicolored balls 40 pieces,
Two magnetic boards with a schematic image of a polar star and constellation Big Malar.

Holiday traffic.

Leading: Hello dear guests. Today we did not accidentally gathered in this festive hall. On April 12, 1961, the first person of our planet Yu.A. flew into space Gagarin.

In cosmic rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
Climb to the stars could.
Sings about it songs
Spring drops
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.
(V. Stepanov)

Walk there today
We are engaged in others:
Planets are unusual
We are friendly maternity.
Let in space rotate
Rockets fly to them!
In brave cosmonauts
Playing kindergarten.

We are strollers
Faster to become like
In rockets of present
We will fly to space.

Above us stars bright
Lit in the embroidery
Russian flag raise
On Mars and the Moon.
(J. Serpina)

Leading: Guys, you all know that we live on the planet Earth. Earth is a huge ball floating in the endless space of space. Cosmos has always been interested in man. After all, it is important to know if there is life anywhere else? There is still a lot of riddles kept space ...

Leading: And you guys would like to become cosmonauts?
What do you think there should be a cosmonaut? (Healthy, strong, educated, smart, hardworking, bold, courageous, stubborn, hardy).
If you try to try,
If you want to want
You can climb the sky
And fly to the sun
And seriously, not a ponaco,
Get acquainted with the moon,
Take a little bit
And come back home again.

Leading: Attention! Attention! We invite all the girls and boys, make a trip to open space.
On our cosmodrome today 2 crews - "Peace" and "Comet".
On the floor are decomposed hoops in two lines. Hoops are ship compartments.

Cosmonaut motto:
To drive a rocket
Need to be brave, strong to become
Weak in space do not take
After all, the flight is not easy!

Leading: Cosmonauts, please feel comfortable. By going to the left shares march.

The game "Rickettor".

Waiting for us quick rockets (Walking on socks)
To fly to the planet. (Walking on the heels)
What want, (Slope down, dilute your hands to the sides)
For such a fly. (Straighten, hands behind the back)
But in the game one secret (Hands behind your head)
There is no place for you! (Sit, back straight)

With the end of words, children run up and pairly occupy rockets - hoops.
Fairy-star belongs.

Fairy-star: Hello children. I am Fairy - star. I love to watch the stars, the sun, the moon and other planets. For this, I have a lot of different devices: telescope, cosmic probes, binoculars, etc. I spend a lot of time near the radio telescope. With it, I travel by planets. Guys! Where are you going? Take me with you.

Leading: Okay! In order not to get lost in outer space, we will designate the stars, and the fairy will help us in this.

Fairy-star: I'm all, I know everything and the biggest star - Polar! I will place it on your star maps. (Attaches to magnetic boards). Knowing her location is easy to navigate in outer space, you can even find the constellation of a big bear. Do you want it to light up on your star maps? Then you must try, making a space trip. For completing the task, I will give you the star.

Leading: Creasters to prepare for flight. Please put on space safts and go to your missiles. Hands are our seat belts.
Crews are ready? Fasten the seat belts. Earth, let us take off? We start the countdown of 3-2-1 starts (choir).
Flight Manager (call sign): "Mir", "Comet", take off allowing!

Leading: 3,2,1, Start! Filty! The music of the group "SPAICE" sounds
We fell into weightlessness (warm-up under the phonogram).
You spent the workout very deftly, for this every team gets along the star. Fairy-star hands hands.

First stop on the moon. (Show illustration placed on the wall).
1. What is the moon? (Earth satellite)
2. Moon more or less land, and the sun?
3. Why does the moon seem more stars? (Close to Earth)
4. What light flies the moon? (Reflected)
The moon has an uneven surface, it is difficult to move around it, the lunaries will help us. Commands to take starting places.

1 relay.
"Ride on the lunas." Lunohod - Plastic bottles 5l with cut-cut hole for foot. Moonports Wear on your feet, walking a wide step to the rack and back.

Leading: Returning to the rocket. I propose to make a space journey to the planets located closer to the ground. Our planet is the third from the sun. Let's fly on the second planet - Venus. (Sounds musical accompaniment). Fasten the seat belts. Venus is the hottest planet surrounded by a dense atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide.
We go to the landing. Emboss straps. Moving on the planet with jumps, as the planet is very hot. We will help us - "Veneroboles".

2 relay.
"Jump on Venerobol." Jumping on balls - Fitbol.

Fairy-star hands hands.

Leading: We continue the journey. Let's fly on the planet Mars. Children stand in columns, connect their arms over their heads. (Sounds musical accompaniment). In the night sky, the planet seems red, because it is covered with red sand, and the sand is so much that all rivers dry from it. Let's help the planet - we will collect red sand. We land.

3 relay.
"Move Martian sand." Near each team empty containers. At the rack in transparent plastic banks, is painted in red, millet. A child with a cup trial to the rack, gaining "sand", resorts to the team and pouring into the container. Sends the cup to the next.

Leading. We continue the journey. We occupy rockets. ( Musical accompaniment). Let's fly on the planet Mercury. This is the most nearest planet to the sun, this planet has no satellites. In the afternoon on the planet it is hot, and at night can go ice rain. Yesterday, many meteorites fell on Mercury, let's remove them to make it easier to explore the planet.

4 relay.
"Remove cosmic garbage." Each team collects multicolored balls scattered around the hall in their own basket. Fairy-star hands hands.
Now you are waiting for an intellectual task.

Riddles from Fairies - Star.
The biggest and hot star in the universe? (The sun)
Natural satellite Earth? (Moon)
A man who flies into space? (Cosmonaut)
What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spaceship)
Who was the first cosmonaut flying into space? (Yuri Gagarin)
What was the name of a spacecraft on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")
What holiday is our country celebrates April 12 every year? (Cosmonautics Day)

Fairy-star hands hands.

Leading: Our journey continues.

5 relay.
"We collect satellites by magnetotrones."
Running in the hoop, you need to collect the entire crew alternately.

Fairy-star hands hands.

Competition "Collect big bear".
Guys, how many stars you have gathered during the trip! Let's make a star card for which we will return home. Children collect big bear. Fairy-star is hands the last star from the constellation.

Leading: Thank you Fairy. You were a good assistant to us. And it's time for us to go back to Earth. Star card will help us. (Musical accompaniment). We successfully landed our native planet. That ended the space journey, we returned home to you, the best of all the planets, the planet - the Earth.

There is one planet garden
In this space is cold.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds sliding migratory,
Only on it one bloom
Lilies in the grass green
And dragonflies only here
Look surprised in the river ...
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other similar!
(Ya.L. Yakim)

Song "Planet of Children"complete children.
(Sl. V. Kuznetsova, L.Shilova, music. N. Berestovaya)

Leading: Of you got wonderful cosmonauts. Now I want to make you a gift, hand a sweet prize.

On the eve of the day of cosmonautics, teachers are looking for interesting ideas Scenarios who are able to interest Devor, make a holiday unforgettable. Our section contains the idea of \u200b\u200bholding events for preschoolers of different ages.

Here you will find scenarios on topics:

  • The history of the development of cosmos
  • Cognitive quiz
  • Space travel
  • Sports holidayson which the crews of space ships compete in agility and suquestos
  • Scene-Role Games on Space Research and Travel

Open for children World of Cosmos

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. Wall newspapers, posters, collective work

Publications are shown 1-10 of 2176.
All sections | Cosmonautics Day. Scenarios of events, classes. April 12th

Educational event "Cosmonautics Day" Educational event dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics, Rem Semyikina M.V. purpose: 1. To introduce children with a history of development cosmonautics. 2. Develop the ability to work in the team. 3. Relief respect for the holiday Cosmonautics Day And to the memory of Yuri Gagarin. Not for the first time, not in ...

Abstract integrated ODA on theme: « Cosmonautics Day» . Performed: Bratchchikova O.V. Tasks: To introduce children on the day cosmonautics. Expand the horizon of children. Top up vocabulary reserve: Planet, cosmonaut, Spa Tander. Material: Pictures O. cosmos, sheets of paper, markers ....

Cosmonautics Day. Scenarios of events, classes. April 12 - Methodical development of planning "Cosmonautics Day"

Publication "Methodical planning" day ... " The first half of the day: Morning gymnastics. Complex №15 (see Card Self) Joint Actress and Children Viewing Globes, Visponactic Cosmos Benefits, Star Sky Cards, Portrait Yu.A. Gagarina and others. Cosmonauts conversation: "What do you know about space and ...

Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

SPECIMARY OF SPORTS Quest-Game "Space Journey" in the preparatory to school group Host: Dear Guys! I am glad to welcome you in our hall! Today here we celebrate the Day of Cosmonautics on April 12! Sofia L .: Outside the window they gave, infinity, height. Space, the sky closer became and the dream approached. Congratulations with worldwide cosmonautics you during the day! ...

Space-game journey "Milky Way" Group: Preparatory. Educational and methodical support: the program "Training and education of children with a common underdevelopment of speech 6-7 years" Time to implement lessons: 45 minutes. Purpose: Fastening the knowledge of children in the lexical topic "Cosmos" ....

Scenario of the plot role-playing game "into space for adventures" Scenario scene-role game "In space for adventures" Purpose: Creating conditions for the game "into space for adventures" Tasks: - Take advantage of applying your knowledge and skills in practice - create a friendly atmosphere between children - expand vocabulary - "Cosmos", "Planet", ...

Cosmonautics Day. Scenarios of events, classes. April 12 - Club Hour for Cosmonautics Day "Travel to Mars" (senior group)

Purpose: Acquisition of children to the celebration of the day of the first flight of a person in space. Tasks: 1. Improve the technique of performing motor actions, speed and agility of orientation in game situations, speed of the motor reaction. 2. Relieve a feeling of collectivism in games and ...

Scenario of the holiday for the senior group "Cosmonautics Day" Scenario of the holiday "Cosmonautics Day" ( senior group) To the music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Children who tell words, get up in the center. Riddle: He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he does not lead the plane, but a huge rocket. Children who tell me? (cosmonaut) 1 reb. Day...

Abstract of the intragroup event "Cosmonautics Day" Objective: Creating conditions for cognitive activities of children, expanding the ideas of children about space and space systems of the task: - to acquaint children with the profession of astronaut; - expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about space; - fix motion skills; - to educate ...

Thematic conversation for the Day of Cosmonautics "A man rose into the sky" Objective: to expand and delve into knowledge of preschoolers about space. Tasks: - to know children with Russian scientists K. E. Tsiolkovsky, history of creating the first space rocket, the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin; - expand the horizons of children and develop their imagination; - Rail a feeling ...

The scripts of educators include: performing exercises of mathematical and didactic games (for example, "collect a rocket" from the presented plane or volumetric geometric figures), a variety of sports competitions, exercises, mobile games and dancing, creative minutes of drawing, sculptures, appliqués and other crafts, conversations with children in the development of speech and the development of the vocabulary stock.

During preparation for celebrations, educators are pre-working. In class, children receive the first ideas about space, weightlessness, the structure of the solar system. Pedagogues enjoy multimedia technologies to show films, cartoons available for preschoolers, cartoons, presentations about the history of space space, first flight to Space Yuri Gagarin. The scenarios of the final holidays, as a rule, include quizzes and games, fixing and activating knowledge gained by children and skills.

During the preparation for the holiday, educators actively attract parents. Modern mothers and dads are interested in space and with pleasure implement their creative potential, helping their children.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergartens - an excellent opportunity to organize a cognitive, informational holiday, which will be an impetus in the further development of preschoolers ..

April 12 On the day of cosmonautics with senior preschoolers, you can conduct a cognitive activity on the topic: Cosmos, cosmonautics.

Cognitive lesson for preschoolers on the topic: Amazing World of Cosmos

Educator. Guys, you all know that on April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Today we will talk about how people began to master the outer space and why the day on April 12 became a festive.

From a long time, the mysterious world of the planets and stars attracted the attention of people, manifes them with his mystery and beauty. In the distant past, when people just started to know the land, they represented her inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants standing on a huge turtle shell.

Since then, several thousand years have passed. During this time, there were many generations of good and smart people. They built ships and, committing around the world travel, I confirmed the knowledge that our Planet Earth is moving at a huge speed in outer space, making one turn around the Sun for the year.

Over time, knowledge of people in various areas has become stronger, engineering and design thought came up with the devices much harder than air, which received the ability to move not only in the atmosphere, but also go beyond its limits into outer space.

So originated cosmonautics . What is it? Today, this question seems strange. After all, any schoolboy knows that the word "cosmonautics" is associated with flights to outer space. Initially, most people with this word were associated with ideas about flight on the moon and only at the very beginning of the XX century. The basics of cosmonautics as science were laid. And no matter how much the accuracy of the cosmonautics of the present and in particular the future time, humanity will always be grateful to its founder - the wonderful Soviet scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

Listen to the poem of Nicholas Gribachev "Tsiolkovsky".

One or more children read by heart a poem.


I imagine these Wine Kaluga

Shaggy snow and winter ice

Kids on sled silas

Poranzhka bug at the gate

And then the porch, that house is quiet

And that, on dilapidated paws, table,

Where time melted, as in the crucible,

And space for rapprochement was.

Another airplane is similar

In those days, the deaf was

On the pterodactile without skin,

On the shelf with a pair of wing,

And Kaluzhanin Coololoby,

While blown in the seminine light,

Through the ancient ceiling of Europe

Already flew in the family planets,

Already, forgetting the fate of the offense,

Under the wizard singing winter

Counted all night orbit,

So that we wandered in the sky.

And, hearing the roar of jet,

Meteoric whistle missiles

I see the house unpretentious.

Semilines sleepy light,

Paper, lamp shadow,

The whole house is the whole city is

Where did the Russian genius started

Your dazzling flight.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born exactly 100 years before the first artificial satellite was introduced into the orbit of the Earth. By studying teaching activities, Tsiolkovsky read in his spare time, thought, calculated, dreamed of conquering a man of space.

This scientist put forward a lot interesting ideas. So, they were invented gas rudders for controlling a rocket in space. The works of Tsiolkovsky became interested in scientists of the whole world. His students and followers created the first space ships in the world. It was the Tsiolkovsky "taught" many-torrent missiles to rise into outer space. He calculated how much fuel needed to develop the speed to overcome the earthly attraction.

Preschoolers choir pronounce a river.

If we want to be in space

So we will fly soon!

Our friendly will be our

Cheerful crew.

Educator. Guys, solved the crossword, you will learn the further path of development of astronautics. (Deploacing the Watman Sheet, which depicts the crossword and asks the preschoolers questions.)

Children respond to crossword puzzles and enter the answers to Watman Leaf.

1. The aircraft on which heroes in fairy tales made flight. (Carpet plane.)

2. The bird is flies, and inside the people sits. (Plane.)

3. The aircraft on which aliens are moved. (Plate.)

4. Zavorka, I will shut down, in heaven. (Helicopter.)

5. The first artificial object, derived in 1957 in the Earth orbit. (Satellite.)

6. The aircraft on which Baba Yag flew. (Mortar.)

Read what word did it turn on the vertical? (Rocket.) And now try to guess my riddles.

The teacher makes the riddles, the answers to which children give chorus, or alternately.

Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years,

Flowers in winter and summer,

And there are no seeds. (The sun.)

What is this ceiling?

Then it is low, then high

Then he is gray, then whitish,

Then a little bluish

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue blue. (Sky.)

Over the tangle shuttle flies,

On the tuning turns winds. (Satellite.)

Whole blue track

Ssed me peas. (Stars.)

Only one night in the sky

Big silver

Hanging orange. (Moon.)

We passed two weeks,

Oranges we did not eat

But remained in the sky only

Orange slot. (Month.)

Educator. In 1955, the government of the country decided to build the starting platform for space missiles in Kazakhstan, away from large settlements. So the Baikonur cosmodrome appeared. (Reads poem.)

My city, native and close,

The goal of steppes ascended.

The pride of my whole dedication,

Harbor star ships.

Let our edge not choporene -

Steel steppe from salt.

In the sky, the next rocket is similar

With furridge on the field.

Our city was built together with a cosmodrome on the shores of the ancient Asian River Syrdarya. Baikonur is called the city of the universe conquerors, and he is also known under the name of Star.

Quiz "Star Roulette"

Children are divided into two teams. For each correct answer, the team gets a token. At the end of the game, the tokens are counted and the team, which has them more, is declared the winner.

1. Name the planet Solar system? (Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Earth.)

2. What is the name of the condition in which the person and the surrounding items lose weight? (Weightlessness.)

3. What is the name of one circulation of an artificial body around the earth? (Tilt.)

4. What is the way the path for which the satellite or spacecraft flies? (Orbit.)

5. What is the universe? (All that exists on earth and outside it. Other Space name.)

6. What is the Optical Device for Research and Studying Space Tel? (Telescope.)

Competition of poems about space "There, behind the clouds"

Players alternately tell poems on cosmic subjects. This team wins, whose members know more poems.

Competition "Drawing Cosmonaut"

Two players from each team draw an astronaut on a sheet of paper in 5 minutes. Wins the player whose drawing will be the most successful.

Contest "Cosmos Conquerors"

Educator. After Yuri Gagarin, many other cosmonauts visited space orbit. Which of the Soviet and Russian cosmonauts do you know? (V. Tereshkova, A. Nikolaev, A. Leonov, Titov, etc.)

Command players alternately refer to the famous names. The team wins the players whose players will call more surnames of cosmos conquerors.

Cosmonautics accumulately entered our lives. Satellites help meteorologists to predict the weather, oriented in the ocean ships and aircraft during the flight. Provide scientists with information on the structure of earthly subsoil, the movement of glaciers and the activity of volcanoes is also the task of satellites. However, despite such widespread use of cosmonautics in the interests of science and economy, this science is still very young, ahead of her many victories and discoveries. Perhaps you, the younger generation, in the near future you will have to master star worlds.

Blitzopross "Space Journey"

2. Who was the first to enter outdoor space? (Leon.)

3. First cosmonaut of the planet? (Gagarin.)

4. Source of life on earth? (The sun.)

5. The first cosmonaut woman? (Tereshkova.)

6. Which of the planets have rings? (At Saturn.)

7. Cosmonaut clothing? (Spa Tander.)

Educator. So our occupation approached the end. I would like to finish it with the following poem. (Reads poem.)

When cosmonaut flies over the earth,

Love millions of guys in the trail.

Evening sometimes look in heaven,

Shine, shine guys eyes.

And they are reflected in them, brightly burn

Those stars to which they fly!

Rockets rockets to far worlds.

The heart is torn to the fets.

Who believes winged, like a song, dreams,

That goes will achieve!

Our occupation is over, but familiarity with the amazing world of space continues. Before new meetings guys!

Compiler K.A. Gamurzakova, Educator Dow d / s № 26 "Red Hat" Baikonur, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Preliminary work. Reading the book N. Nosova "Dunno on the moon" (1st part). Viewing diamers, illustrations about space and cosmonauts. Acquaintance with cognitive literature (see the literature used).

Morning. The group is framed using a starry sky map: images of planets and constellations are placed on walls and easels. Space Music Sounds Sounds (from the movie "June 31"). Dunno (adult) comes to the group.

Dunno: Hello guys! I came to you with news: the shorteys from Flower City Received alarming signal asking for help. This signal flew from one of the planets of the solar system.

Do you know the names of these planets? (Children's responses.)

Right! So our astronomer from the flower city immediately took a telescope into his hands and sent it to a very interesting planet for earthlings.

What guessed? (Children's responses.)

That's right, on Mars, but I saw nothing. So he revised all the planets in his telescope, but ...

A signal about help is constantly. So I decided, maybe you will help us? You have repeatedly cut us out.

Educator: Of course, we will help, but only this is necessary to come very seriously. We need a map of the solar system, and we do not have it.

Dunno:I have such a card, I gave it a familiar astronaut, who is on his space ship Traveling through the expanses of our galaxy. Here she is.

Dunno shows the map.

Educator: I do not understand anything. Sun System Center - Sun. We see him in the middle of our card. And we know that all planets move around the Sun in their orbits. See: Planet orbits are shown on the map different colorsBut the planets are not arranged. We will have to tell them themselves on the map.

Dunno:And we need a spacecraft.

Educator: But we do not have a ship. What to do? As it is built, we also do not know, that's just this drawing.

Shows the drawing. All children's offers are listened. The educator summarizes the conversation to the fact that you can build a spacecraft according to the drawing.

Under the leadership, the launch of the rocket is being built, the captain of the ship is chosen, his assistants, they are distributed on the ship.

As long as the construction of a spacecraft is underway, with girls, the game "Gather in Flight" is held.

Stroke Game : It is necessary to choose from the mass of things to choose the necessary for flight and explain how they can be used in space (tubes with food, notepads, pencils, small toys).

Educator: Guys, we will have to come up with space costumes. Do you remember how the astronaut looks like? Name what he is dressed during take-off rocket and outdoor space?

Responses children justify.

Educator: Since clothing for them sew in special workshops, we will try to become fashion designers for a while, develop your personal suit and draw it on paper.

Children draw cosmonaut suits.

Dunno: Now everything is ready, you can go to the space journey. Do not forget the map. From space, our planet seems blue, because most of the earth is covered with oceans. Earth model will be placed in orbit blue color. We occupy space in the rocket, fastened safety belts. Start! Fly in Venus!

Educator: The first goal of our journey is Planet Venus, the neighbor of the Earth. Place Venus on a silver orbit. It is called the planet of the mysteries. No look from the space on this planet will not see anything except the White Magl clouds.

Dunno: That was how our artist from a flower city painted her.

Shows illustration or drawing.

Educator: Once this planet of mysteries, let's and we are on the riddles, but so far, of course, not about Venus, but about our land.

On black scarf.

Waking up millet

Cockel came.

And it is not easy to shove something. (Stars)

Nor start, no end,

Neither the nor nor face.

Know everything and young and old

That she is a great ball. (Land)

Decorated night blue

Silver orange,

And passed week only -

Solka remained from him. (Moon)

In the sky he goes

Painter without brushes.

Paint brown

Personal people. (The sun)

Above forests, above the mountains

Runs the carpet.

He always will always be spread

Over you and I need me

Then he is gray, then he is black,

Then he is bright blue. (Sky)

Dunno: Oh, what are you all smart! But it's time for us to go on the road!


Educator: The next goal is Mercury, the planet, which is closest to the sun. Pose Mercury on a yellow orbit. The sun looks in the sky of Mercury huge. It is so roast that some metals smelled on the surface of the planet. Careful! And suddenly there are puddles or even lakes from molten tin and lead.

Dunno: And I know the game in which metal objects are found. It is very interesting to play, especially in the workshop by the screw and tongue. The game is called "Find metal object».

Stroke Game : In a small bag going various subjects. A child, dropping his hand into the bag, should find a metal object, call it, after which the item is removed from the bag and is shown to everyone.

Dunno: I also know another game, which is called "Guess what sounds." In this game I was taught to play our famous musician.

Game traffic: It is required to determine the rumor that sounds: tambourine, hammer, alarm clock, ratchet, spoons (wooden and metal), drum, whistle, metalfone, cup and spoon, triangle. If possible, call a tool in which metal notes are heard.

Educator: We go here here (show illustrations), and what is called the planet, you can find out, guessing the space crossword.

Shows Crossword, reads questions. As the cells are recognized, the name of the planet is filled with letters and on the dedicated cells.

Questions to the crossword

1. Name the name of the first person who flew into space. (Yuri)

2. What is the name of the heavenly body, rotating around the sun? (Planet)

3. What is the name of the stars united by the common name? (Constellation)

4. Foreign cosmonaut. (Astronaut)

5. Summary pipe for astronomical observations is called ... (telescope)

6. What is the way to move the movement of the celestial body in space? (Orbit)

This should look like a solid crossword:

Educator:Attach the Jupiter model to orange orbit. But we will not be able to land on Jupiter. There is no solid surface. It consists of gas. In Jupiter, vortices and thunderstorms will be launched. Air is absolutely not suitable for breathing. Inside the planet is a solid core. There are such kernels for all planets, including the earth.

Dunno: Saturn is a giant surprised by amazing rings. They consist of slices of snow and ice, which rotate around the planet. From the Earth, we see all this snow kingdom as three solid rings. Missed everything seems not at all like that near.

Educator:How do you know all this, Dunno?

Dunno: I told me a sign. He read many different books, including astronomy. In general, Saturn looks like a girl who twists the hoop.

Hooray! I came up with, we will now play one game with the hoop. Want to? (Children's responses.)

The game is called "do not drop the hoop".

Game traffic: Everyone will take on the hoop and on the team (on the signal) turn the hoop on hand, leg, waist. Wins the one who has no longer all the hoop.

Educatorb: And if someone does not know how to do it?

Dunno: Then I have in stock, there is another game with the hoop "Cosmonauts".

Games are offered any, but the attribute in them - the hoop is obligatory.

Stroke Game : On the floor folded hoops-rockets, each for two astronauts. Playing a little more than places in hoops. Children changing text, go in a circle:

Waiting for us quick rockets

To fly to the planet.

What want,

For such a fly!

But in the game one secret:

There are no place late.

The guys run out of the circle and pairly occupy places in rockets. At the team "Takeoff" raise the hoop over your head, standing back to each other, in contact with the shoulders and boots. At the team "Landing" omit the hoop to the floor and squatted. Those who were mistaken or dropped the hoop drop out of the game. Their places occupy failed to get into the rocket from the first time. Game continues.

Educator: Played, and now flew on. Ahead Uranus and Neptune are the same gas giants as Jupiter and Saturn, only much less. Pose Uranus on blue, and Neptune - on a green orbit.

Dunno: Once this gas giants, then there is no life on them?

Educator: Everything is right. But we can imagine that there could be life. And if there were people there, they would look ...

Dunno: How?

Educator: But what they would look, we will ask the guys to draw.

Dunno: Only one condition. Residents of uranium should be blue, and the inhabitants of Neptune are green. Okay? The most unusual portraits of the inhabitants of these planets I will take our famous artist from a flower city.

Educator: Task guys, understandable? Then proceed ...

During drawing, music sounds.

Dunno: Blimey!!! Well well!!! I do not even know what pictures and choose, everything is unusually beautiful. Can I take everything? I really liked them.

Educator: Let's not linger, go further. Even in the most powerful telescopes, some celestial bodies seem barely noticeable spots.

Dunno: I also have small stains on my shirt: it is from jam, it is from oil, it is from ink, felt-meter, clay, chalk, coal. And if you think about repeating and turn on the imagination, then you can make different pictures from these stains. When I get sad, I begin to mentally revive my specks. A minute later I forget about a bad mood, and I'm having fun again. Try to play it, it's so great!

Dunno stretches the tutor sheets of paper with different stains.

Educator: What funny stains, just you can do from them, I will not do.

Dunno: But the guys, I am sure they will cope. They fully fulfill them so fast. Look.

While there is a dialogue of the teacher and minor, children "revive" stains, giving them the appearance of animals or plants: flowers, birds, fish, etc.

Educator: I did not know that the most ordinary spots look so funny.

Dunno: We flew along so many planets of the solar system, and never found those who need our help.

Educator: Do not rush, Dunno. We climbed away, but look at our card, one orbit-red left remained. This is the orbit of Mars. Mars seems red in the night sky of the earth, because it is covered with red rusty sand.

Dunno: Is there a life on Mars?

Educator: Scientists still do not say any yes, nor no ...

Space apparatus, launched for Mars, photographed the gorges similar to the drying beds of the ancient rivers. So, on Mars was once water. And if there was water, then perhaps life was. The American apparatus "Viking" made a soft landing on the surface of Mars, but nothing and no one found.

Dunno: And we will try to find unusual inhabitants of this planet. True guys?

Educator: I know for sure that among the toys that you took with you, there are new, unusual, which you never had. Find them.

The game "Find a toy" is held.

Stroke Game : Children carefully consider toys. Among the acquaintances are found new, these are unusual little men.

Dunno: Hooray! Found, found! We found them. They are truly unusual and sad sad. The little men told them sad because they did not know what toys were toys and how to play them. And they have no place where you can spend time so much.

Educator: What to do, how to help these men?

Children's proposals.

Dunno:And let's take away our friends on the planet Earth, to your kindergarten, we will show them your game and play everything together.

Educator: That's right, Dunno! Case places in the spacecraft. They fastened safety belts and flew home! On the way, let's look at the stars. Some stars are large, they burn, as if distant lights. Others on the contrary - barely noticeable in the black sky. If you finish, then you can make bizarre figures from the largest stars - buckets and triangles, rhombus and crosses ... This is the constellation, placer of bright stars, which are visible in the sky nearby. For a long time, people in them have seen tremendous animals, fearless heroes and fantastic monsters. Ancient storytellers wrote about the constellations exciting stories, each of them were given beautiful name. Look (showing illustrations of constellations): Here is the constellation of a big bear, and here zodiacal constellations. This is: Capricorn, Aquarius, Fish, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius.

During the show, constellation sounds quiet, calm music.

Educator: So we landed on our planet Earth, in our group, with new friends. Our space journey approached the end, but the game continues.

Dunno: And we all go to the "game".

In the afternoon, children organize games at their discretion, using the plot "space" material offered by the educator.

Used Books:

1. Cheerful astronomy. Let's play - read. Visual guide for preschool children / Compiler T.V. Casimenko, artists S. Bogachev, A. Artyuk, N. Shcherbakov. - M., 1995.

2. into space. Fig. Y. Kopeyko. Selection and exhibition of wall paintings. The author of the text "Take off" Y. Piskov. - M., 1989.

3. Children on space. Gaming information and didactic kit / Project Manager S. Averin. - M., 2011.

4. Levitan E. Star Tales. My first book on astronomy. - M., 1994.

5. Levitan E. How Alca with friends of the planet believed. - M., 1999.

6. Nosov N. Dunno on the moon. - M., 1987.

7. Tell the children about space. Vividly didactic benefit. -M., 2007.