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Solar or wind batteries for home. What is better - wind generator or solar panels? The composition of hybrid systems

The use of solar panels allows you to provide houses with free energy, especially in the conditions of power instability. However, this method has one drawback - in cloudy weather the efficiency of the heliosystem is very low, and the house requires an additional source of energy. The use of all sorts of generators (gasoline, diesel) is inconvenient, as they require significant costs and are very noisy. Best output - Combined installations including solar panels and wind generators.

Such hybrid complexes make it possible to fully use the possibilities of natural energy and compensate for their individual flaws. For example, wind generators in principle are inappropriate to apply without a reserve power source. The fact is that with several windless days in a row (which is not uncommon), the batteries are discharged too much that it negatively affects their performance and resource.

The solar batteries are ineffective in cloudy weather, which is usually accompanied by windiness. Thus, windmills and heliopanels perfectly complement each other, providing permanent charging of the battery and maintaining the energy supply of the house at the proper level. Another advantage - solar systems Do not require costs and fuel, while they are most effective in the summer when wind speed is usually lower.

In the summer and sunny winter, the maximum energy production will go from solar panels. But in a cloudy off-season, when cloudy is significant and blew strong winds, producing energy will be mostly windmills.

The composition of hybrid systems

Each combined sunny-wind installation includes helicopanels, wind generator, charging controller, batteries and inverter. The power of the components is selected based on the needs of power consumption. But one must take into account another factor - the type of wind generator.

The wind generators are distinguished:

  • Horizontal. These settings are cheaper, but they are effective with dominant winds of one direction. In conditions of variable winds, their performance is minimal;
  • Vertical. These energy sources are approximately 2-3 times more expensive than horizontal, but at the same time they work effectively and in the case of a constantly changing wind direction.

Thus, wind generators and solar panels can fully ensure the non-volatility of housing. In addition, such systems are characterized by more flexible configuration selection capabilities than purely solar or pure wind installations. Completely acceptable and rates for them.

For example, a system of windmill with a capacity of 600 W and a battery of 250 W (with a controller, inverter and battery) will cost about 85 thousand rubles. Development of the installation will be about 100 kWh / month.

Installation and commutation

Elements are mounted in a hybrid system as well as in the case of an independent installation. Solar panels are placed on the roof or on a separate mounting farm (in this case, it is possible to optimally adjust their tilt relative to the horizon), and the windmills on the masts near the house.

Despite the fact that during the rotation of the windmills blades, they publish a specific sound (which many refer to their shortcomings), they do not create additional inconveniences. The fact is that the sound is sufficiently monotoned and not cut, so people very quickly cease to notice him.

Connection is carried out by classic scheme. The wind generator and solar panels through the controller are switched to the battery, where the generated energy accumulates. Created consumers alternating current Connect through the inverter.


Like any other autonomous power system, the solar-wind installation requires solid initial costs. However, all attachments pay off with complete non-volatility from central networks. The cost of service does not require such a system. The return on the project depends on the complexity of the installation and load on the system, but on average it is 2-3 years. This period may seem too large, but it should be borne in mind that electricity prices are constantly raised, in addition, the connection of the cottage to the central power supply and the installation of the appropriate equipment (transformer, cable track) also require solid costs.

Thus, for home the installation of a hybrid system will be better decision. In the country, it is irrational in the country, because they are designed for year-round use, and the cottages are used mainly in the summer season.

No windmill will not produce electricity at wind speeds less than 3 m / s, and its effective work becomes at no lower than 4-5 m / s. In the middle lane of Russia, the advantage of wind generators, designed to work with a weak wind.

The wind generator is better installed in the open area, preferably on the elevation, and the higher the mast, the better. The length of the blades is also important, especially at low wind. The blades with an airplane profile is much (2-4 times) more efficiently flat.

There are wind generators with a horizontal and vertical axis of rotation. Wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation are about twice as expensive, but also the resource is almost twice as high as 20-25 years old against 10-15.

There are two types of masts for wind turbines: 1) Mast with support for cables can be easily raised, but the cable stretchs occupy a large area; 2) Independent mast towers that have no cables, heavy and expensive, their installation is complex, but they do not occupy a lot of space. For use in the country or in a rustic cottage, wind generators with a capacity of 2-5 kW are best suited.

In areas with weak winds, and this includes the Moscow region to get at least some kind of energy, one should choose a windmill with a better impact at a small wind, having a greater power.

Solar panels directly convert solar radiation energy to electricity, which can act directly into the network or accumulate in batteries. Best of all work solar panels made of monocrystalline silicon. Their service life is approximately 50 years, and efficiency reaches 18%.

Somewhat inferior in these indicators solar batteries from multicrystalline silicon. Occasionally you can meet behind the backward panels from amorphous silicon - the cheapest, of course. In order to produce solar energy in the summer, it is desirable to set the solar panels throughout the southern roof slope at an angle of about 45 ° to the horizon. In winter, everything is different: the solar panels should be located almost vertically, at an angle of 70-80 ° to the horizon, due to the snow and low position of the Sun.

To provide autonomous work Several fluorescent or LED energy-saving lamps, refrigerators and TVs in the country can be installed several solar batteries with a total capacity of 500-600, and better than 1000 W. Such a set of solar cells is supplemented by a block of batteries with a total capacity of 200-400 amps - an hour and an inverter from 2 to 6 kW with a solar controller. Such a high power of the inverter is needed in order to provide peak loads and start-up currents. From the kit solar panels With a capacity of 2-4 kW, you can save a small cottage, ensuring comfortable accommodation.

To balancing energy flow from alternative sources, it is often a desire to combine solar panels and wind generator in one system.

In which cases it is worth doing this and which source of alternative energy to choose, you can understand, considering the pros and cons of wind turbines and solar panels.

Pluses of solar panels:

  • Reliability - It will work 25 years or more, since they do not have mobile parts and any electronics in their composition, and tempered glass, durable aluminum frame and reliable sealing of elements ensures trouble-free operation of panels in all weather conditions at any temperature.
  • Easy installation - With the help of standard, you can easily fasten the panels on the roof or on the wall of the house.
  • Absence of necessity maintenance - The only thing that is recommended to increase energy generation is once a year to wash the surface of the solar panels. detergent For glass, but it is not necessary.

Cons of solar panels:

  • Low average power generation of electricity in winter time - 5-10 times less than in summer for the middle strip of Russia, 2-3 times less - for the southern regions and the complete lack of developing in winter in the northern regions for the polar circle. To compensate for the lack of electricity, it is necessary to use a diesel generator, a benzogenerator or wind generator.
  • Strong dependence of electricity generation from the weather. In cloud weather, production decreases to 5-20% compared with cloudless weather. However, eliminate this dependence in autonomous solar power plant You can apply an increased capacity batteries that provide the supply of electricity for 5-7 days.

Pluses of wind generators:

  • Electricity generation does not depend on the time of day and season If there is a wind.
  • In the area where winds often blow (in the mountains, in the steppes, on the shores of rivers and seas), the windmill can develop a significant amount of electricity. but total area such places inhabited by people in Russian Federation It is less than 1% of all settlements.

Cons of wind generators:

  • The need to mount on a mast of more than 25 meters high by 99% of the terrain of the Russian Federation Since the residential building and forests strongly reduce wind speed close to Earth - the cost of mounting the wind generator will increase many times the cost of the wind generator itself.
  • With the average wind speed in Russia, equal to 3-4 meters per second, the wind generator will produce about 1-3% of its nominal power. Rated power The wind generator is indicated for wind speed of 10-12 m / s.
  • Lack of reliability in the segment of low-power windmills with a capacity of up to 10 kW - Most cheap low-power windmills will not work more than 2 years without breakdowns, though. If you know the facts of longer work without breakdowns, share it with all on our.
  • The need for annual maintenance To maintain the wind generator in working condition.
  • Freezing of lubricant negative temperatures leads to the impossibility of the windmill in winter.
  • Whistle low-power windmills working on high speed at high wind speed - does not deliver pleasure to you or your neighbors.
  • Low-frequency infrashuk powerful wind generators At any speed of wind and low-power at a small wind speed - as you know, infrase has a negative impact on human health and all living things. It is for this reason that industrial wind power plants are located at a considerable distance from residential areas.


Using the wind generator as additional source The energy for the solar power plant has economic meaning only in the area where winds often blow, provided that it is possible to install it away from housing. At the same time, it is necessary to establish reliable powerful models with a capacity of 10 kW and be sure to carry out their annual maintenance.

About whether the economic meaning has solar batteries, read.

Reader question:

I am preparing to build a country house in the area where there is no common electrical network, so I want to establish an alternative energy system, but I do not know what to choose. There are opportunities to use various renewable resources, but I can not decide how to express priorities. Here are some evaluation facts that I collected:

  • 3.3 solar clocks (average daily per year) with minimal shading on my site.
  • 3.5-4 m / s Average wind speed at a height of 30 m tower, 10 m above the top of the highest tree.
  • The flow of water with a height difference from 9 m to 120 m, about 0.15 m³ / min is available all year round, with the possibility of the location of the generator 220 meters from the house.

They say HPP is the "best" choice, because it requires a constant strong wind, and the solar panels are more expensive, but more reliable and probably justified in the long run. Perhaps I will need several sources.

I have a rather economical electricity consumption. At the moment I am spending about 8 kWh per day in my urban apartment. I also plan to buy energy-saving techniques, so I expect consumption in my country house It will not greatly exceed the city consumption. What you need to envisage when choosing an alternative system to avoid costly errors?

It's nice to deal with such a clearly formulated question. Most an important parameter It is the development of the required energy (8 kWh / day), although it is also important to take into account the loss. Energy is lost in the wires, battery, inverter, load drops, etc., so you need to count on average, by 12 kWh / day.

HydrogeneratorThis is probably the cheapest source of energy. In addition, the HPP also works at night and winterthat will save on the use of expensive batteries. You can estimate the available power of the hydropower station (Watt) by multiplying the difference in the height of the stream and division by 10. In your case, a well-connoissed system can give 120 W. In 24 hours it will turn out: 120 × 24 ÷ 1000 \u003d 2.88 kWh / day. Additional costs of pipes and wires will be small compared to the advantages. If you install a hybrid solar-hydro-power plant, additional kW in rainy weather will be especially pleasant when the performance of solar cells is reduced.

Although the pipes 3 inch diameter will work well with a volume of 0.15 m³ / min, a 4-inch pipeline will reduce pipe losses from 12% to 3%, and also increases the possible volume to 0.3 m³ / min or more, if any.

Remoteness 220 meters is a rather long transmission cable, so you should also take into account the losses due to resistance. Consider using the generator more high voltageconnected through the tracking controller for accurate maximum power (MPPT) to prevent overload. MPPT automatically controls the system when changes in the stream, avoiding the need manual setting With changing conditions.

Solar electricity It is the following option. Good news is that the prices for solar batteries fall. The photoelectric system will complement the hydraulic system, as it works better in dry, sunny weather, but its performance can disappoint in winter. Presumably, you can get about 70% of the required energy. For example, at 3.3 suncharge 3 kW Battery produces about 7 kWh / day. Again, MPPT can help improve this picture.

Wind energymay have been interesting, but in this case is not the most rational. Installation of the 30th meter tower is not cheap, and the energy produced at a speed of 3.5-4 m / s will not be much. The wind is an unstable source of energy, requiring expensive batteries and a backup generator. From the point of view of effort and costs, the wind is more expensive and complex choice for your locality.

For more accurate estimate, compare specifications Alternative system manufacturers. But note that they, as a rule, provide optimistic data. Please note that you get two times more energy at the average wind speed of 5 m / s compared with 3.5-4 m / s. You can determine the average daily production of kWh by dividing the annual production volume on 365. However, do not forget, for many days it will not produce almost nothing.

Regardless of which source you choose, you will need an effective backup battery. Try to minimize its use. Although, he may need to save your system when natural conditions will be against you. If your hydroistrocker is really flowing all year round, and you are ready for sharp energy cuts from time to time, you can avoid using large batteries.

In any case, before making the final decision to invest your investment, make sure you know what to expect before making a decisive step.