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System of solar heat supply. Single-mounted. Solar heating The scale of the use of solar heat supply systems

Selective coatings

According to the type of mechanism responsible for the selectivity of optical properties, four groups of selective coatings are distinguished:

1) own;

2) two-layer, in which the upper layer has a large absorption coefficient in the visible region and small in the IR region, and the lower layer is a high reflection coefficient in the IR region;

3) with a microrelief providing the required effect;

4) interference.

A small number of known materials, such as W, Cu 2 S, HFC, has its own selectivity of optical properties.

Interference selective surfaces are formed by several intermittent layers of metal and a dielectric, in which short-wave radiation is quenched by interference, and the long-wave - freely reflects.

Classification and main elements Heliosystems

Sun heating systems are called systems that use solar radiation energy as a heat source. Their characteristic difference from other low-temperature heating systems is the use of a special element - a helium, designed to capture solar radiation and transform it into thermal energy.

According to the method of using solar radiation of the solar low-temperature heating system, subdivided into passive and active.

Passivethey are called solar heating systems, in which it is the building or its separate fences as an element that perceives solar radiation and transform it (collector building, wall collector, roof collector, etc. (Fig. 4.1.1 )).

Activethey are called solar low-temperature heating systems, in which the helium is an independent separate device that is not related to the building. Active heliosystems can be divided:

By appointment (hot water, heating systems, combined systems for heat boat supply purposes);

According to the type of coolant used (liquid - water, antifreeze and air);

On the duration of work (year-round, seasonal);

According to the technical solution of the schemes (one-, two-, multi-mounted).

Air is widespread non-freezing operating parameters in the entire range of operating parameters. When using it as a coolant, it is possible to combine heating systems with ventilation system.

Seasonal hot water heliosystems are usually single-circuit and function in periods with a positive temperature of the outer air. They may have an additional heat source or do without it depending on the purpose of the served object and operating conditions.

Heliosystems of building heating are usually two-circuit or most often multi-mounted, and for different circuits, various coolants can be applied (for example, in helium-aqueous solutions of non-freezing liquids, in intermediate circuits - water, and in the consumer circuit - air).

Combined year-round heliosystems for the purposes of heat booming of buildings of multi-mounted buildings and include an additional heat source in the form of a traditional heat generator operating on organic fuel, or heat transformer.

The main elements of the active solar system is a helicide, a heat duct, an additional source or a heat transformer (heat pump), its consumer (heating systems and hot water supply systems). The choice and layout of the elements in each specific case is determined by climatic factors, the purpose of the object, the mode of heat consumption, economic indicators.

Prepared students group B3TPEN31

Sun heating systems are called systems using solar radiation as a source of thermal energy. Their characteristic difference from other low-temperature heating systems is the use of a special element - a helium, designed to capture solar radiation and transform it into thermal energy.

According to the method of using solar radiation of the solar low-temperature heating system, subdivided into passive and active.


Passive are called solar heating systems, in which the building or its separate fences (the collector building, the wall collector, the roof collector, etc., serve as an element that perceives solar radiation and transform it into heat.

Passive low-temperature solar heating system "Wall-collector": 1 - solar rays; 2 - the beam-proximated screen; 3 - air damper; 4 - heated air; 5 - cooled air out of the room; 6 - own long-wave thermal radiation of the wall array; 7 - black emission wall surface; 8 - blinds.


The solar low-temperature heating systems are active, in which the helicider is an independent separate device that is not related to the building. Active heliosystems can be divided:

by appointment (hot water, heating systems, combined systems for heat boat supply purposes);

according to the type of coolant used (liquid - water, antifreeze and air);

on the duration of work (year-round, seasonal);

according to the technical solution of the schemes (one-, two-, multi-mounted).

Classification of solar heat supply systems

can be classified by various criteria:

for appointment:

1. hot water systems (DHW);

2. heating systems;

3. combined systems;

By type of coolant used:

1. Liquid;

2. Air;

By duration:

1. Year-round;

2. Seasonal;

By technical solution scheme:

1. single-mounted;

2. Double-circuit;

3. Multi-mounted.

Air is widespread non-freezing operating parameters in the entire range of operating parameters. When using it as a coolant, it is possible to combine heating systems with ventilation system. However, air is a low-blind heat carrier, which leads to an increase in the metal consumption on the device of air heating systems compared to water systems.

Water is a heatmifted and widely available coolant. However, at temperatures below 0 ° C, it is necessary to add non-freezing fluids. In addition, it should be borne in mind that water saturated with oxygen causes corrosion of pipelines and devices. But the metal consumption in water heliosystems is much lower, which contributes to a large extent contribute to their wider use.

Seasonal hot water heliosystems are usually single-circuit and function in summer and transitional months, during periods with a positive outdoor temperature. They may have an additional heat source or do without it depending on the purpose of the served object and operating conditions.

Heliosystems of building heating are usually two-circuit or most often multi-mounted, and for different circuits, various coolants can be applied (for example, in helium-aqueous solutions of non-freezing liquids, in intermediate circuits - water, and in the consumer circuit - air).

Combined year-round heliosystems for the purposes of heat booming of buildings of multi-mounted buildings and include an additional heat source in the form of a traditional heat generator operating on organic fuel, or heat transformer.

The schematic diagram of the system of solar heat supply is shown in Fig. 4.1.2. It includes three circulation circuits:

the first contour consisting of solar collectors 1, circulating pump 8 and liquid heat exchanger 3;

the second outline consisting of a tank-battery 2, circulation pump 8 and heat exchanger 3;

the third contour consisting of a tank-battery 2, circulation pump 8, a water-air heat exchanger (Calrifer) 5.

Schematic diagram of the solar heat supply system: 1 - solar collector; 2 - tank battery; 3 - heat exchanger; 4 - building; 5 - calorifer; 6 - Double heating system; 7 - a double cooler system; 8 - circulating pump; 9 - fan.


The solar heat supply system is functioning as follows. The coolant (antifreeze) of the thermal circuit, heating in solar collectors 1, enters the heat exchanger 3, where the heat of antifreeze is transmitted to water circulating in the heat exchanger 3 under the action of the pump 8 of the second circuit. The heated water enters the bucket 2. From the tank-battery water is closed by a hot water pump 8, it is brought to the desired temperature in a double 7 and enters the hot water supply system of the building. Battery package is made from the water supply.

For heating, water from the battery-battery 2 is supplied to the third circuit pump 8 to the calorifer 5, through which the air is passed with the fan 9 and, heating, enters the building 4. In the absence of solar radiation or lack of thermal energy produced by solar collectors, to work Turns on Dubler 6.

The choice and layout of the elements of the solar heat system in each specific case are determined by climatic factors, the purpose of the object, the heat consumption mode, economic indicators.

Single-connecting thermophone solar hot water system

The feature of the systems is that in the case of the thermal-diaphrone system, the lower point of the sweater should be located above the upper collector point and not more than 3-4 m. From collectors, and when the coolant pumping is a coolant, the location of the battery can be arbitrary.

The main criterion of comfort in a private cottage or apartment is warm. In a cold house, even the most elegant atmosphere will not help create comfortable conditions. But that the temperature is optimal for living supported in the room not only in the summer, but in winter it will be necessary to install the heating system.

This can be done today easily, acquiring a gas, diesel or electric boiler as a heat source. But the problem is that the fuel for such equipment is expensive and not available in all settlements. What then to choose? The best solution is alternative heat sources and in particular solar heating.

Device and principle of operation

What is such a system? First of all, it should be said that there are two options for solar heating. They assume the use of various both in a constructive plan and on the purpose of the elements:

  • Collector;
  • Photoelectric panel.

And if the equipment of the first type is intended for a purely to maintain a comfortable temperature, the solar panels for home heating can be used to produce electricity and heat. Their principle of operation is based on the transformation of the energy of the Sun and accumulating it in the batteries to then use for various needs.

We watch the video, all about this collector:

The use of the collector allows you to organize only the solar system heating for a private house, while the heat energy is used. Such a device acts as follows. The sun rays are heated by water, which is the coolant and enters the pipeline. The same system can be used as a hot water supply. The composition includes special photocells.

Collector device

But besides them, the solar heating is included:

  • Special tank;
  • Avankamers;
  • The radiator made of tubes and enclosed in the box, in which the front wall is made of glass.

Solar panels for home heating are placed on the roof. In it, the water heats up moves into the avank meter where it is replaced by a hot heat carrier. This allows you to maintain constant dynamic pressure in the system.

Types of heating using alternative sources

The easiest way to transform energy shone to heat is the use of solar panels for home heating. They are increasingly used as additional sources of energy. But what are these devices and are they really effective?

We watch video, types and their features of the work:

The task mounted on the roof of the solar heating system for home to absorb as much solar radiation as possible, converting it to the so-called energy. But it should be borne in mind that it can be turned into both thermal and electrical energy. To obtain heat and water heating, solar heating systems are used. Electrical current use special batteries. They accumulate energy during the daytime day and give it at night. However, today there are combined systems. In them, the solar panels produce warm and electricity at the same time.

As for solar water heaters for home heating, they are represented in the market with a wide range. Moreover, the models can have different purposes, design, principle of operation, dimensions.

Various options

For example, in appearance and design of the system heating of a private house are divided into:

  1. Flat;
  2. Tubular vacuum.

By destination, they are classified on those used for:

  • Heating systems and DHW;
  • To heat water in the pool.

There are differences and principle of work. Solar heating with collectors is an ideal choice for cottage houses, since they do not require connection to the power grid. Models with forced circulation are connected to the general heating system, they are circulated with the coolant using the pump.

We look at the video, compare the flat and tubular collector:

Not all collectors are suitable for solar heating of a country house. According to this criterion, they are divided into:

  • Seasonal;
  • Year-round.

The first are used for the heating of country buildings, the second in private households.

Compare with the usual heating system

If you compare this equipment with a gas or electric, then it has much more advantages. First of all it is fuel economy. In summer, solar heating is able to fully provide hot water living in the house. In autumn and spring, when there are few clear days, the equipment can be used to reduce the load on the standard boiler. As for the winter pore, usually at this time the efficiency of the reservoirs is very small.

We watch the video, the efficiency of collectors in winter:

But besides saving fuel, the use of solar battery equipment reduces the dependence on gas and electricity. To install solar heating, it is not necessary to obtain permission and install it will be able to anyone who has elementary knowledge in the plumbing.

We watch video, equipment selection criteria:

Another plus is a big duration of the collector. The guaranteed service life is at least 15 years, it means that for this period your utility payments will be minimal.

However, as with any device at the collector, there are some drawbacks:

  • On solar water heaters for a private house, the price is high enough;
  • The impossibility of using as a single heat source;
  • Installing a tank-drive is required.

There is another nuance. The efficiency of solar heating depends on the region. In the southern regions where the activity of the Sun is high, the equipment will have the largest efficiency. Therefore, it is most profitable to use such equipment in the south and less efficient it will be in the north.

Selection of a solar collector and its installation

Before entering the installation of equipment included in the heating system, it is necessary to study its capabilities. In order to find out how much heat will need to be heated at home, it is necessary to calculate its area. It is important to choose the right place to install the solar collector. It should be as high as possible throughout the day. Therefore, the equipment usually is installed on the southern part of the roof.

Mounting work is better to trust specialists, because even a small error in the installation of the solar heating system will lead to a significant reduction in system efficiency. Only with the proper installation of the solar collector, it will last up to 25 years, and fully popping itself in the first 3 years.

The main types of collectors and their characteristics

If the building for any reason is not suitable for installing the equipment, then you can place the panels on the adjacent structure, and the drive is put in the basement.

Benefits of solar heating

The nuances for which it is worth paying attention to when choosing this system was considered above. And if you did everything right, then your heating system on solar collectors will deliver you only to pleasant moments. Among her advantages should be noted:

  • The possibility of year-round maintenance of the house with heat, with the possibility of adjusting the temperature;
  • Complete autonomy from centralized utility networks and reduced financial expenses;
  • Using solar energy to various needs;
  • Long operational service life and rare emergencies.

The only thing that stops consumers from buying a solar system for the heating of a private house is the dependence of their work from the geography of residence. If your area has clear days a rarity, then the efficiency of the equipment will be minimal.

Almost half of the entire energy produced is used to heat heating. The sun shines in winter, but its radiation is usually underestimated.

December Day not far from Zurich Physicist A. Fisher generated couples; It was when the sun was in its lowest point, and the air temperature was 3 ° C. During the day later, the solar collector with an area of \u200b\u200b0.7 m2 heated 30 liters of cold water from the garden water supply to + 60 ° C.

Solar energy in winter can be easily used to heat air indoors. In the spring and autumn, when it is often sunny, but cold, solar heating of the premises will not allow the main heating. This makes it possible to save part of the energy, and accordingly money. For houses that are rarely used, or for seasonal housing (cottages, bungalows), heating solar energy is especially useful in winter, because Excludes excessive cooling of the walls, preventing destruction from condensation moisture and mold. Thus, annual operating costs are mainly reduced.

When heating houses with solar heat, it is necessary to solve the problem of thermal insulation of rooms based on architectural and structural elements, i.e. When creating an effective system of solar heating, build houses with good thermal insulation properties should be erected.

Cost of heat
Auxiliary heating

Sunny contribution to home heating
Unfortunately, the period of heat intake from the Sun does not always coincide in phase with the period of the appearance of thermal loads.

Most of the energy that is available at our disposal during the summer period is lost due to the lack of permanent demand for it (in fact, the collector system is to some extent a system of self-regulating: when the temperature of the carrier reaches an equilibrium value, the heat perception is terminated, since thermal losses from Solar collector becomes equal to perceived heat).

The amount of useful heat absorbed by the solar collector depends on 7 parameters:

1. The values \u200b\u200bof the incoming solar energy;
2. Optical losses in transparent isolation;
3. absorbing properties of the heat-visible surface of the solar collector;
4. The effectiveness of heat transfer from the heat receiver (from the heat-visible surface of the solar collector to the liquid, i.e. from the size of the thermarity efficiency);
5. transparent heat insulation transparency, which determines the level of heat losses;
6. The temperature of the heat-visible surface of the solar collector, which in turn depends on the speed of the coolant and the temperature of the coolant at the inlet in the solar collector;
7. Outdoor air temperatures.

The effectiveness of the solar collector, i.e. The ratio of used energy and incident will be determined by all these parameters. Under favorable conditions, it can reach 70%, and with unfavorable decrease to 30%. The exact value of efficiency can be obtained by pre-calculation only by completely modeling the behavior of the system, taking into account all the factors listed above. Obviously, such a task can be solved only with the use of a computer.

Since the density of the solar radiation stream is constantly changing, then for the calculated estimates, you can use the full amounts of radiation per day or even in a month.

In tab. 1 As an example, see:

  • the average monthly sums of the flow of solar radiation, measured on the horizontal surface;

  • amounts calculated for vertical walls facing south;

  • amounts for surfaces with an optimal tilt angle of 34 ° (for Kew, near London).
  • Table 1. Monthly sums of the arrival of solar radiation for Kew (near London)

    From the table, it can be seen that the surface with an optimal angle of inclination receives (on average for 8 winter months) by about 1.5 times greater than the horizontal surface. If the sum of the arrival of solar radiation to the horizontal surface is known, then to recalculate on the inclined surface, they can be multiplied by the product of this coefficient (1.5) and the value of the efficiency of the solar collector, equal to 40%, i.e.


    It will turn out the amount of useful energy absorbed by the inclined heat-visible surface during this period.

    In order to determine the effective contribution of solar energy to the heat supply of the building, even by manual counting, it is necessary to make at least monthly balances of the needs and useful heat obtained from the Sun. For clarity, consider an example.

    If you use the above data and consider the house for which the intensity of heat losses is 250 W / ° C, the location is characterized by an annual number of degree-days equal to 2800 (67200 ° C * h). And the area of \u200b\u200bsolar collectors is, for example, 40 m2, then the following distribution is obtained by months (see Table 2).

    Table 2. Calculation of the effective contribution of solar energy

    Month° C * h / mThe amount of radiation on the horizontal surface, kW * h / m2Useful heat per unit area of \u200b\u200bcollector (D * 0.6), kW * h / m2Total useful heat (E * 40 m2), kW * hSunny contribution, kW * h / m2
    January10560 2640 18,3 11 440 440
    February9600 2400 30,9 18,5 740 740
    March9120 2280 60,6 36,4 1456 1456
    April6840 1710 111 67,2 2688 1710
    May4728 1182 123,2 73,9 2956 1182
    June - - 150,4 90,2 3608 -
    July- - 140,4 84,2 3368 -
    August- - 125,7 75,4 3016 -
    September3096 774 85,9 51,6 2064 774
    October5352 1388 47,6 28,6 1144 1144
    November8064 2016 23,7 14,2 568 568
    December9840 2410 14,4 8,6 344 344
    Sum67200 16800 933 559,8 22392 8358

    Cost of heat
    Calculating the amount of heat provided at the expense of the Sun, it is necessary to present it in monetary terms.

    The cost of produced heat depends on:

  • the cost of fuel;

  • the calorific value of fuel;

  • overall efficiency of the system.
  • The operating costs obtained in this way can then be compared with capital costs for the solar heating system.

    In accordance with this, if we assume that in the example above, the solar heating system is used instead of a traditional heating system that consumes, for example, gas fuel and producing heat worth 1.67 rubles / kW * h, then to determine the annual savings, it is necessary 8358 kW * h, provided at the expense of solar energy (according to the calculations of Table 2 for the collector area 40 m2), multiply by 1.67 rubles / kW * h, which gives

    8358 * 1.67 \u003d 13957,86 rub.

    Auxiliary heating
    One of the questions most frequently asked by people who want to understand the use of solar energy for heating (or another goal) is the question: "What to do when the sun does not shine?" I understood the concept of energy of energy, they ask the following question: "What to do when in the battery does not remain more heat energy?" The issue is natural, and the need for a duplicate, often traditional system is a serious stumbling block for widespread solar energy as an alternative to existing energy sources.

    If the power of the solar heat supply system is not enough to hold the building during the cold, cloudy weather, then the consequences, even once in the winter, can be quite serious, forcing it as a duplicate conventional system of heating. Most buildings heated solar energy need a full-time duplicate system. Currently, in most areas, solar energy should be considered as a means of reducing the consumption of traditional energy species, and not as a complete substitute.

    Conventional heaters are suitable doubles, but there are many and other alternatives, for example:

    - wood furnaces;
    - wood calorifers.

    Suppose, however, that we wanted to make the solar heat supply system quite large to provide a warm room in the most adverse conditions. Since the combination of very cold days and long periods of cloud weather happens rarely, then the additional dimensions of the solar energy installation (collector and battery), which will be required for these cases, will be too expensive at relatively small fuel economy. In addition, most of the time the system will operate with power below the nominal.

    The system of solar heat supply, designed to provide 50% of the heating load, can give enough heat only on 1 day very cold weather. When doubling the size of the solar system, the house will be provided with heat for 2 cold cloudy days. For periods of more than 2 days, the subsequent increase in dimensions will be as unjustified as the previous one. In addition, there are periods of soft weather when the second increase will not be required.

    Now, if you increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe heating system collectors by another 1.5 times to hold out 3 cold and cloud days, it is theoretically, it will be sufficient to provide 1/2 of the entire need for the house during the winter. But, of course, in practice it may not be, since sometimes there are sometimes 4 (or more) in a row in a row of cold cloud weather. To take into account this 4th day, we need a system of solar heating, which theoretically can collect 2 times more heat than it is necessary for the building during the heating season. It is clear that cold and cloud periods can be longer than provided in the project of the solar heat supply system. The larger the collector, the less intensively used every additional increment of its size, the less energy is saved per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe collector and the less the payback of investment on each additional unit of the area.

    Nevertheless, bold attempts have been made to accumulate a sufficient amount of solar radiation thermal energy to cover the entire need for heating and abandon the auxiliary heating system. With the rare exception of such systems such as Sunny Hay's house, long-term accumulation of heat is perhaps the only alternative to the auxiliary system. Tomason, Tomason approached 100% solar heating in his first house in Washington; Only 5% of the heating load was covered with a standard heater on liquid fuel.

    If the auxiliary system covers only a small percentage of the entire load, that is, it makes sense to use electrical installation, despite the fact that it requires the production of a significant amount of energy at a power station, which is then converted to heat for heating (10500 ... 13700 kJ for production is consumed at the power plants 1 kW * h thermal energy in the building). In most cases, the electrical heater will be cheaper than an oil or gas furnace, and a relatively small amount of electricity required to heat the building can justify its use. In addition, the electric heater is less material intensive device due to a relatively small amount of material (compared to the heater), which is on the manufacture of electrical strokes.

    Since the efficiency of the solar collector increases significantly if it is operated at low temperatures, the heating system should be calculated to use as low temperatures as possible - even at 24 ... 27 ° C. One of the advantages of the Tomason system using warm air is that it continues to extract useful heat from the battery at temperatures, almost equal room temperature.

    In the new construction, heating systems can be calculated on the use of lower temperatures, for example, by elongating the tubular-ribbed radiators with hot water, increasing the size of radiation panels or an increase in the air volume of a lower temperature. Designers most often stop their choice on the heating of the room with warm air or on the use of increased radiation panels. In the air heating system, low temperature is best used. Radial heating panels have long delay (between the inclusion of the system and heating airspace) and usually require higher operating temperatures of the coolant than hot air systems. Therefore, heat from the accumulating device is not fully used at lower temperatures, which are acceptable for systems with warm air, and the overall efficiency of such a system below. Excess system size from radiation panels to obtain results similar to the results when using air can entail significant additional costs.

    To increase the overall efficiency of the system (solar heating and auxiliary duplicate system) and the simultaneous reduction in total costs by eliminating the idle parts, many designers elected the path of integrating a solar collector and a battery with an auxiliary system. General are composite elements as:

    - pumps;
    - heat exchangers;
    - management bodies;
    - pipes;
    - Air ducts.

    In the figures of the article, the system design shows various schemes of such systems.

    The trap in the design of the butt elements between systems is an increase in controls and moving parts, which increases the likelihood of mechanical breakdowns. Temptation increase by 1 ... 2% efficiency by adding another device at the junction of systems is almost insurmountable and may be the most common cause of the failure of the solar heating system. Usually an auxiliary heater should not heal the compartment of the solar heat accumulator. If this happens, the solar heat collection phase will be less efficient, since almost always this process will flow at higher temperatures. In other systems, reducing the temperature of the battery due to the use of heat by the building increases the overall efficiency of the system.

    The reasons for other disadvantages of this scheme are explained by the high loss of heat from the battery due to its constantly high temperatures. In systems in which the auxiliary equipment does not heat the battery, the latter will lose significantly less heat in the absence of the Sun for several days. Even in the heat loss systems designed in such a way, 5 ... 20% of all heat absorbed by the solar heating system. With a battery, heating auxiliary equipment, heat loss will be significantly higher and can only be justified if the battery container is inside the heated room of the building


    In the USSR, there were several scientific and engineering schools of solar heat supply: Moscow (Enan, Ititan, MEI, etc.), Kiev (KievZNIIPIO, Kiev Engineering and Construction Institute, Institute of Technical Peevephysics, etc.), Tashkent (Physical and Technology Institute of Academy of Sciences, TASHZNIIEP), Ashgabat (Institute of Solar Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the TSSR), Tbilisi (Spetsgelioteömontazh). In the 1990s, specialists from Krasnodar, the defense complex (city of Reutov of the Moscow region and carpets), the Institute of Maritime Technologies (Vladivostok), Roshovetetelektroject were connected to these works. The original school of helixing created in Ulan-Ude G.P. Casatkin.

    Sunny heat supply is one of the world's most developed solar energy transformation technologies for heating, hot water supply and cooling. In 2016, the total power of solar heat supply systems in the world was 435.9 GW (622.7 million m²). In Russia, solar heat supply has not yet been widely practical use, which is primarily associated with relatively low tariffs for thermal and electrical energy. In the same year, in our country, according to expert data, only about 25 thousand m² of helinations was operated. In fig. 1 shows the photograph of the largest helix in Russia in the city of Narimanov Astrakhan region with an area of \u200b\u200b4400 m².

    Taking into account world trends in the development of renewable energy, the development of solar heat supply in Russia requires understanding of domestic experience. It is interesting to note that the practical use of solar energy in the USSR at the state level was discussed in 1949 at the first All-Union Meeting on Heliother in Moscow. Special attention was paid to active and passive systems of solar heating buildings.

    The project of the active system was developed and implemented in 1920 by the physicist V. A. Michelson. In the 1930s, the system of passive solar heating developed one of the initiators of heliothickers - Engineer-architect Boris Konstantinovich Bodashko (city of Leningrad). At the same years, Dr. N., Professor Boris Petrovich Vainberg (Leningrad) conducted studies of solar energy resources on the territory of the USSR and the development of the theoretical foundations of the facilities of helix.

    In 1930-1932, K. G. Trofimov (Tashkent) developed and tested a helium-aging heater with heating temperature to 225 ° C. One of the leaders of the development of solar collectors and helicinations of hot water supply (DHW) was k.t. Boris Valentinovich Petukhov. In 1949 published in 1949, the book "Tubular solar water heaters", it substantiated the feasibility of the development and basic structural solutions of flat solar collectors (SC). Based on the ten-year experience (1938-1949), the construction of helicinations for hot water systems, he developed a methodology for their design, construction and operation. Thus, in the first half of the last century, studies were carried out in our country on all types of solar heat supply systems, including potential and methods for calculating solar radiation, liquid and air solar collectors, helix for GVS systems, active and passive solar heating systems. .

    For most areas, Soviet research and development in the field of solar heat supply occupied a leading position in the world. At the same time, practical widespread use, it did not receive in the USSR and developed in an initiative order. So, k.t.n. B. V. Petukhov developed and built dozens of helixing from the SK own design on the border shops of the USSR.

    In the 1980s, after foreign developments, initiated by the so-called "global energy crisis", domestic developments in the field of solar energy were significantly activated. The initiator of new developments was the energy institute. M. Krzhizhanovsky in Moscow (Enan), which has accumulated experience in this area since 1949.

    Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology Academician V. A. Kirillin visited a number of European scientific centers that began broad research and development in the field of renewable energy, and in 1975, in accordance with his instructions to work in this direction, the Institute of High Temperatures of the Academy of Sciences was connected USSR in Moscow (now the United Institute for High Temperatures, ABT RAS).

    Studies in the field of solar heat in the 1980s, the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI), Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute (MII) and the All-Union Institute of Light Alloys (Wils, Moscow) began to be engaged in the RSFSR.

    The development of experimental projects of heavy-power helix was performed by the Central Research and Design Institute of Experimental Design (Cneise Epio, Moscow).

    The second largest scientific and engineering center for the development of solar heating was Kiev (Ukraine). The Kyiv Zonal Research and Design Institute (Kyiv andzNIEP) was defined by the head organization in the Soviet Union for the design of helium constructions for housing and communal services. Studies in this direction were carried out by the Kiev Engineering Institution, the Institute of Technical Peacephysics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Problems of Materials Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Kiev Institute of Electrodynamics.

    The third center in the USSR was the city of Tashkent, where the physico-technical institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR and Karshis State Station was engaged in the study. The development of the projects of helix was performed by the Tashkent Zonal Research and Design Institute of Tashzniyep. In Soviet times, the Institute of Solar Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR in the city of Ashgabat was engaged in sunshine. In Georgia, the study of solar collectors and helixing was carried out by the Association "Specgeliotelotontazh" (city of Tbilisi) and the Georgian Research Institute of Energy and Hydrotechnical Facilities.

    In the 1990s, experts from the city of Krasnodar, the defense complex (JSC MRK NPO "Machinery", Kovrovsky Mechanical Plant), Institute of Maritime Technologies (the city of Vladivostok), were connected to the research and design of helixing Sochi Institute of Resortology. A brief overview of scientific concepts and engineering developments is presented in the work.

    In the USSR, the head scientific organization for solar heat supply was the Energy Institute (green *, Moscow) ( approx. Author: The activities of Enina in the field of solar heat supply with an exhaustive fullness described by Dr. N., Professor Boris Vladimirovich Tarnish (1930-2008) in the article "Solar Circle" from the collection "Enan. Memories of the oldest employees "(2000).), who organized in 1930 and headed the leader of the Soviet energy industry before the 1950s, Personal friend V. I. Lenin - Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky (1872-1959).

    In the initiative of the city of M. Krzhizhanovsky in the 1940s, the laboratory of heliothechnics was created, which was headed by a d.N., Professor F. F. Mallo, and then for many years (until 1964) D.NT ., Professor Valentin Alekseevich Baum (1904-1985), which combined the responsibilities of the head of the laboratory with the work of the Deputy Director of Enan.

    V. A. Baum instantly grabbed the essence of the case and gave important advice for graduate students to continue or completing work. His students with gratitude recalled the laboratory seminars. They passed very interestingly and on a really good level. V. A. Baum was a very widely erudite scientist, a man of high culture, great luggage and tact. He kept all these qualities to a deep old age, using the love and respect of his students. High professionalism, scientific approach and decency distinguished this outstanding person. Under his leadership, more than 100 candidate and doctoral dissertations were prepared.

    Since 1956, B. V. Tarnish (1930- 2008) - graduate student V. A. Bauma and a decent successor of his ideas. High professionalism, scientific approach and decency distinguished this outstanding person. Among the dozens of his students and the author of this article. In Enina B. V. Tarnusky worked until the last days of life of 39 years. In 1962, he moved to work in the current sources of current, located in Moscow, and then after 13 years returned to the green.

    In 1964, after the election of V. A. Baum, he left for Ashgabat, which was headed by the Physics and Technology. His successor in the position of the head of the laboratory of heliothics was Yuri Nikolaevich Malevsky (1932-1980). In the 1970s, he put forward an idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an experimental solar power plant with a capacity of 5 MW of a tower type with a thermodynamic conversion cycle (SES-5, located in Crimea) and headed a large-scale team from 15 organizations to develop and construction.

    Another idea of \u200b\u200bYu. N. Malevsky was to create a comprehensive experimental database on the south coast of the Crimea, which simultaneously would be a fairly large demonstration object and the research center in this direction. To solve this problem, B. V. Tarnusky returned in 1976 to Alin. At this time, the laboratory of heliothechnics had 70 people. In 1980, after the death of Yu. N. Malevsky, the laboratory of heliothics was divided into the laboratory of solar power plants (she was headed by Son V. A. Baum - D.T.N. Igor Valentinovich Baum, born in 1946) and solar heat laboratory under the guidance B. V. Tarnish, which was engaged in the creation of the Crimean Base of Cooling Heat. I. V. Baum Before entering Enins, he managed the laboratory at the NGO "Sun" of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR (1973-1983) in Ashgabat.

    In Enan I. V. Baum headed the Laboratory SES. In the period from 1983 to 1987, he did a lot to create a thermodynamic solar power plant first in the USSR. In the 1980s, work on the use of renewable and, first of all, solar energy reached at the Institute of the greatest reversal. In 1987, the construction of the Crimean experimental base in the Alushta region was completed. For its operation on site a special laboratory was created.

    In the 1980s, the solar heat laboratory participated in the work on introducing into mass industrial production of solar collectors, the creation of solar and hot water installations, including large - with an XC of more than 1000 m² and other large-scale projects.

    As Sergei Josefovich Smirnova, Sergei Iosifovich Smirnova, was indispensable in the field of solar heat in the 1980s, who participated in the creation of the first solar-fuel boiler house for one of hotels in Simferopol, a number of other solar plants in the development of settlement Methods for the design of solar heat installations. S. I. Smirnov was very noteworthy and popular at the Institute of Personality.

    Powerful intelligence in combination with kindness and some character impulsivity created a unique charm of this person. Together with him, Yu. L. Music, B. M. Levinsky and other employees worked in his group. The group on the development of selective coatings, which was headed by Galina Alexandrovna Hukhman, was developed by the technology of chemical application of selective absorbing coatings on the absorbers of solar collectors, as well as the technology of applying a heat-resistant selective coating on tubular receivers of concentrated solar radiation.

    In the early 1990s, the laboratory of solar heat supply carried out a scientific and organizational management of a new generation solar collectors project, which was included in the program "Environmentally Safety Energy". By 1993-1994, as a result of research and development and development, it was possible to create structures and organize the production of solar collectors, not inferior to foreign analogues on heat engineering and operational characteristics.

    Under the leadership of B. V. Tarnusksky, the GOST 28310-89 project was developed "Solar collectors. General specifications. " To optimize the structures of flat solar collectors (PSK), Boris Vladimirovich proposed a generalized criterion: private from dividing the collector's value by the amount of thermal energy produced by him for the calculated service life.

    In recent years, the USSR has under the leadership of D.N., Professor B. V. Tarnusksky developed structures and technologies for eight solar collectors: one with a panel absorber from stainless steel, two with aluminum alloys absorbs, three with absorbers and transparent insulation from Polymeric materials, two constructions of air collectors. The technologies of growing sheet-tube aluminum profile from the melt, the production of hardened glass, applying a selective coating.

    The design of the solar collector, developed by the green, serially produced by the fraternal plant of heating equipment. Absorber - stamped steel panel with selective galvanic coating "Black Chrome". The housing is stamped (trough) - steel, glass - window, glass seal - specialism (Gerlend). Every year (according to 1989), the plant produced 42.3 thousand m² of collectors.

    B. V. Tarnusky developed methods for calculating active and passive systems of heat supply of buildings. At the Bench of Enina from 1990 to 2000, 26 different solar collectors were tested, including all produced in the USSR and in Russia.

    In 1975, the Institute of High Temperatures of the Academy of Sciences (Istan) under the leadership of the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences was connected to the work in the field of renewable energy, etc., Professor Evald Emilevich Spielin (1926- 2009). The work of Ivtan on renewable energy is described in detail by D.T.N. O.S. We will send in the article "OIVT RAS. Results and prospects "from an anniversary collection of articles of the institute in 2010. In a short time, the conceptual projects of "solar" houses for the south of the country were developed together with project organizations, and the methods of mathematical modeling of solar heating systems were developed, the design of the first Sun Scientific Polygon in the Caspian Sea near the city of Makhachkala was launched.

    The scientific group was created first to IWT, and then the laboratory under the leadership of Oleg Sergeyevich Popel, in which, together with the employees of the Special Design Bureau of the IVT RAS, along with the provision of coordination and theoretical substantiation of the developed projects, studies were launched in the field of creating electrochemical optical selective solar coatings. collectors, the development of so-called "solar ponds", solar heat systems in combination with heat pumps, solar drying plants, and in other directions.

    One of the first practical results of the IWT team of the Russian Academy of Sciences was the construction of a "Sunny House" in the village of Mrodzanov Echmiadzinsky district of Armenia. This house became the first experimental energy efficient "sunny house" in the USSR, equipped with the necessary experimental diagnostic equipment, on which the chief designer of the M. S. Kalashyan project from the Argiproselkhoz Institute with the participation of IWT Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences was held a six-year cycle of year-round experimental studies that showed the opportunity 100%-to ensure the house of hot water and coating the heating load at a level of more than 50%.

    Another important practical result was the introduction of heating equipment at IWT in the Breed Plant M. Friedberg (together with the specialists of the Moscow Evening Metallurgical Institute) technology of applying electrochemical selective coatings "Black Chrome" on steel panels of flat solar collectors whose production was mastered on This factory.

    In the mid-1980s, a polygon of the IWT RAS "Sun" was commissioned in Dagestan. Located on an area of \u200b\u200babout 12 hectares, the polygon included, along with laboratory buildings, a group of "solar houses" of various types equipped with solar collectors and thermal pumps. At the landfill, the launch of one of the largest in the world (at that time) of solar radiation simulators took place. The radiation source was a powerful xenon lamp with a capacity of 70 kW, equipped with special optical filters, allowing to adjust the radiation spectrum from campling (AM0) to ground (AM1,5). The creation of the simulator provided the possibility of expedited testing of the persistence of various materials and paints to the effects of solar radiation, as well as tests of large-sized solar collectors and photoelectric modules.

    Unfortunately, in the 1990s, due to a sharp reduction in budget financing of research and development, the majority of IVT RAS projects had to freeze. To preserve the direction of work in the field of renewable energy, research and development of the laboratory were reoriented to scientific cooperation with leading foreign centers. Intas and Tasis programs were performed, the European framework in the field of energy saving, heat pumps and solar adsorption refrigeration units, which, on the other hand, to develop scientific competencies in related fields of science and technology, master and use modern dynamic methods in various energy applications Self-installation modeling (K.T.N. S. E. Fried).

    At the initiative and under the leadership of O. S. Popel together with Moscow State University (Ph.D. S. S. Kisselev) was developed "Atlas of Solar Energy Resources on the territory of the Russian Federation", a geographic information system "Renewable energy sources of Russia was created "( Together with the Rostovtecleelectroproject Institute (Ph.D. A. A. Chernyavsky) developed, and tested helix with solar collectors of the Kovrov mechanical plant for heating systems and GWS objects of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Karachay-Cherkessia. In Russia, a specialized heathydraulic stand in Russia has been created in Russia, a specialized heat-hydraulic stand for natural thermal tests of solar collectors and helixes in accordance with Russian and foreign standards, recommendations have been developed for the use of helixing in various regions of the Russian Federation. More details with some results of research and development of the ABT RAS In the field of renewable, it is possible to find in the book of O. S. Popel and V. E. Fortova "Renewable energy in the modern world".

    In the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI), D.N. has been engaged in issues of solar heat V. I. Vissarionov, D.T.N. B. I. Kazanjan and K.T.N. M. I. Valov.

    V. I. Vissarionov (1939-2014) Heated the Department "Non-traditional renewable energy sources (in 1988-2004). Under his leadership, work was carried out on the calculation of solar energy resources, the development of solar heat supply. M. I. Valovy, together with Employees of MEI in 1983-1987, published a number of articles on the study of helix. One of the most informative books is the work of M. I. Valova and B. I. Kazanjan "Sun Heat Supply Systems", in which issues of low-precancerial solar installations (conceptual schemes, climatic data, SC characteristics, Flat CC designs), Calculation of energy characteristics, Economic efficiency of using solar heat supply systems. D.T.N. B. I. Kazanjan has developed a design and produced production of a flat solar collector "Altlen". The feature of this collector is that the absorber is made of an aluminum fin profile, within which the copper tube is pressed, and cellular polycarbonate is applied as transparent insulation.

    An employee of the Moscow Engineering Institute (MII) K.T.N. S. G. Bulkina Thermal solar collectors were developed (absorbers without transparent insulation and thermal insulation of the case). The peculiarity of the work was the supply of heat carrier in them by 3-5 ° C below the ambient temperature and the possibility of using the hidden heat of the condensation of moisture and the exploitation of atmospheric air (helioabsorption panels). The coolant heated in these panels was warmed with a heat pump ("Air-water"). A test bench with thermal-lane solar collectors and several helicopters in Moldova was built in Misi.

    All-Union Institute of Light Alloys (Wils) has developed and produced SC with stamped aluminum absorber, filling polyurethane foam thermal insulation of the body. Since 1991, the production of SC was transferred to the Baku Plant for the processing of non-ferrous metals alloys. In 1981, Methodical guidelines for the design of energy rectification buildings were developed in 1981. In them, for the first time in the USSR, absorber was integrated into the building structure, which improved the economy of the use of solar energy. The leaders of this direction were k.t.n. N. P. Selivanov and K.T.N. V. N. Smirnov.

    The Central Research Institute of Engineering Equipment (CNII Epio) was developed in Moscow, a project was developed in Ashgabat, a solar-fuel boiler room with a capacity of 3.7 MW was developed, a project of the solar-heat pumping installation of the "Friendly Beach" hotel in Gelendzhik was developed with SC 690 m². Three refrigeration machines of MKT 220-2-0 are used as heat pumps, operating in heat pumps using heat of sea water.

    The leading organization of the USSR on the design of helixing was the Institute of KievIEP, which developed 20 typical and reused projects: a separate installation of solar hot water supply with natural circulation for an individual residential building; Unified installation of solar hot water supply of public buildings with capacity 5, 7, 15, 25, 30, 70 m³ / day; nodes, parts and equipment of residential and public buildings of mass construction; Installations of the solar hot water supply seasonal performance with a capacity of 2.5; 10; thirty; 40; 50 m³ / day; Technical decisions and guidelines for the refurbishment of heating boilers in heliotoplastic installations.

    This institute has developed dozens of experimental projects, including the system of solar hot water supply of swimming pools, solar-heat-pumping installation of hot water supply. According to the project, KievNIEP was built the largest in the USSR Helinlation of the Pension "Castropol" (Village Coastal, Yukk) in the Crimea with an area of \u200b\u200b1600 m². At the Experimental Plant of the Institute, the KievNIEP produced solar collectors, the absorbers of which are made of coil plaschery aluminum pipes of their own manufacture.

    Theoretics of heliothechnics in Ukraine were D.T.N. Mikhail Davidovich Rabinovich (1948), Ph.D. Alexey Ruvimovich Firth, Ph.D. Viktor Fedorovich Gershkovich (1934-2013). They were the main developers of the standards for designing solar hot water supply and recommendations for their design. MD Rabinovich was engaged in the study of solar radiation, hydraulic characteristics of SC, helix with natural circulation, solar heat supply systems, solar-fuel boiler houses, high-power heliopores, heliotechnical systems. A. R. Fest developed the design of the simulator stand and conducted the tests of the SC, investigated the regulation of hydraulichelins, improving the efficiency of helix. In the Kiev Engineering and Construction Institute, K.T.n. was engaged in multilateral studies Nikolay Vasilyevich Kharchenko. It formulated a systematic approach to the development of helicoplone-free heat supply systems, proposed the criteria for assessing their energy efficiency, investigated the optimization of the heliotopular heat supply system, compared the various methods of calculating Heliosystems. One of his most complete books on small (individual) solar heliums is distinguished by affordable and information. In the Kiev Institute of Electrodynamics on mathematical modeling modes of operating modes of helix, SK, experimental study of the energy characteristics of solar collectors worked by K.T.N. A. N. Staronsky and K.T.N. A. V. Suprun. Over mathematical modeling of helixing in Kiev, K.T.N. also worked V. A. Nikiforov.

    The leader of the scientific engineering school of Heliotechnics of Uzbekistan (Tashkent) is D.N., Professor Rabbanakul Rakhmanovich Aresov (1942). In 1966-1967, he worked at the Ashgabat Physics and Technology Institute of Turkmenistan under the direction of D.N., Professor V. A. Bauma. R. R. Avezov develops the ideas of the teacher at the Physical-Technical Institute of Uzbekistan, which has become an international research center.

    Scientific areas of research R. R. Avezov formulated in doctoral dissertation (1990, green, Moscow), and its results are summarized in the monograph "Solar heating systems and hot water supply". It develops including methods for the extracetic analysis of flat solar collectors, creating active and passive solar heating systems. D.T.N. R. R. Avezov provided a great authority and international recognition to the sole in the USSR and in the CIS countries with a specialized magazine Applied Solar Energy ("Heliotheric"), which is published in English. His daughter Nilufar Rabakumovna Azesova (born in 1972) - D.N., General Director of NGOs "Physics-Sun" by Uzbekistan.

    The development of projects of helix in the Tashkent zonal research institute of the experimental design of residential and public buildings (Tashzniyep) was engaged in K.T. Yusuf Karimovich Rashidov (1954). The TashzniIEP Institute has developed ten typical projects of residential buildings, helium, the project of the solar-fuel boiler room, including helix with a capacity of 500 and 100 l / day, helium for two and four cabins. From 1984 to 1986, 1200 model projects of helix were implemented.

    In the Tashkent region (the village of Ilyichevsk), a two-quartered sunny house was built with heating and hot water supply with a helicing area of \u200b\u200b56 m². In the Karshi statespace A.T. Teymurkhanov, A.B. Vardiashvili and others were engaged in research of flat solar collectors.

    Turkmen Scientific School of Sun Heat Supply Created by D.N. V. A. Baum, elected in 1964 by the Academician of the Republic. In the Ashgabat Physico-Technical Institute, he organized the department of solar energy and until 1980 led the All Institute. In 1979, the Institute of Solar Energy Institute of Turkmenistan was created on the basis of the Solar Energy Department, which was headed by the student V. A. Bauma - Doctor of N. Regep Bayramovich Bayramov (1933-2017). In the suburb of Ashgabat (Bikrova village), a scientific polygon of the institute was built as part of laboratories, test stands, design bureau, workshops with the number of employees 70 people. V. A. Baum until the end of his life (1985) worked at this institute. R. B. Bayramov together with D.T.N. Ushakov Alda Danilovna explored flat solar collectors, solar heating systems and solar cleaners. It is noteworthy that in 2014, the Institute of Solar Energy of Turkmenistan - NPO "GUN" was recreated in Ashgabat.

    In the design and production association "Spetsgelioteplomontazh" (Tbilisi) and the Georgian Research Institute of Energy and hydraulic structures under the leadership of D.N. Nugzara Varlamovich Meladze (born in 1937) designs were developed and mastered the serial release of solar collectors, individual helicopters of hot water supply, helix and solar-heat pump systems. The replenishment conditions were determined in various regions of Georgia, on a test stand in full-scale conditions, various structures of solar collectors were tested.

    Solar collectors "SpecialGelioto-slotage" had an optimal design for its time: a stamped steel absorber with a paint coating, a housing - from aluminum profiles and galvanized steel, glass window, thermal insulation - from foam and foolberoid.

    According to N. V. Meladze, only in the Caucasus region by 1990 46.9 thousand m² of solar collectors were established, including in sanatoriums and hotels - 42.7%, industrial helixes - 39.2%, agricultural facilities - 13.8%, sports facilities - 3.6%, individual settings - 0.7%.

    According to the author, in the Krasnodar Territory in 1988-1992, 4620 m² of solar collectors "Special Communication" were established. The work of SGTM was carried out in collaboration with scientists from the Georgian Research Institute of Energy and Hydrotechnical Facilities (GUARIEGS).

    The TbilzniIEP Institute has developed five typical projects of helix (GU), as well as a solar-heat pumping project. SGTM had a laboratory in its composition, which studied solar collectors, thermal pumps. Steel, aluminum, plastic liquid absorbers, aircraft with glass and without it, SC with concentrators, various designs of thermophone individual GUs were developed. As of the first of January 1989, 261 pm with a total area of \u200b\u200b46 thousand m² and 85 individual helicopters for GVS systems of 339 m² were built.

    In fig. 2 shows the helix on Rashpilevskaya Street in Krasnodar, which has been successfully operating 15 years old with collectors "Specialgelioto-slot" (320 pcs. With a total area of \u200b\u200b260 m²).

    The development of solar heat supply in the USSR and in Russia on the part of the power structures was engaged in D.N. Pavel Pavlovich Bezruchy (born in 1936). In 1986-1992, he as the Chief Specialist of the Bureau of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the fuel-energy complex was oversaw serial production of solar collectors at the Bratsky Heating Equipment Plant, in Tbilisi in the Union of Specgelioteplomontazh in the Baku Plant for the processing of non-ferrous alloys. On his initiative, the first participation was developed in the USSR in the USSR for the development of renewable energy in 1987-1990.

    Since 1990, P. P. Bezruchy, since 1990, took the most active participation in the development and implementation of the section "Non-traditional energy" of the State Scientific and Technical Program "Environmentally Safety Energy". He celebrates the main role of the supervisor of the program, D.N. E. E. Spielrein on attracting the work of leading scientists and specialists of the USSR on renewable. From 1992 to 2004 P. P. Bezrukov, working in the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia and heading the department, and then the management of scientific-technical progress, led the organization of solar collector production at the Kovrovsky Mechanical Plant, NGO "Mechanical Engineering" (Reutov city, Moscow region) , a complex of scientific and technical development for solar heat supply, the implementation of the concept of developing and using the possibilities of small and non-traditional energy of Russia. Participated in the development of the first Russian standard GOST R 51595-2000 "Solar collectors. General specifications "and solving the disagreements of the author of the project GOST R D.T.N. B. V. Tarnish and Chief Designer of the Manufacturers Manufacturer (Kovrovsky Mechanical Plant) A. A. Lychagin.

    In 2004-2013, at the Institute of Energy Strategy (Moscow), and then in the position of the head of the Energy Saving Department and renewable sources of Enina P. P. Bezrukov continues to develop, including solar heat supply.

    In the Krasnodar Territory, work on the design and construction of helix, engineer-heat engineer V. A. Butuzov (1949), headed by the promising development of the heat supply of the KubanTellommunenergo Production Association. From 1980 to 1986 projects were developed and six solar-fuel boiler houses with a total area of \u200b\u200b1532 m² were built. Over the years, constructive relations with the manufacturers of the SC were established: a fraternal plant, "specialgeliotelotage", kievzNIEP. Due to the absence in 1986 in the Soviet climatological reference books of data on solar radiation, from 1977 to 1986, reliable results were obtained for the design of helix in 1977 to 1986.

    After the protection of the candidate thesis in 1990, the work on the development of heliothechnics was continued organized by V. A. Butuzovsky Krasnodar Laboratory of Energy Saving and Unconventional Energy Sources of the Academy of Communal Services (Moscow). Several designs of flat SCs were developed and improved, a stand for their intensive tests. As a result of the generalization of the experience of the design and construction of helix, "General Requirements for the Design of Helinlations and CTP in the Municipal Household" was developed.

    Based on the analysis of the results of processing the values \u200b\u200bof total solar radiation for the conditions of Krasnodar for 14 years, and Gelendzhika - in 15 years in 2004, a new way of providing monthly values \u200b\u200bof total solar radiation with the determination of their maximum and minimum values, the probabilities of their observation are proposed. Calculated monthly and annual values \u200b\u200bof total, direct and scattered solar radiation for 54 cities and administrative centers of the Krasnodar Territory are determined. It has been established that for the objective comparison of the SC of various manufacturers, in addition to the comparison of their value and energy characteristics obtained according to the standard method on certified test stands, it is necessary to consider the energy costs for their manufacture and operation. The optimal cost of the design of the SC is determined in the general case by the ratio of the cost of produced thermal energy and the cost of manufacture, operation for the calculated service life. Together with the Kovrov mechanical plant, the design of the SC, which had optimal value for the Russian market, was produced, which had the optimal value for the Russian market. Projects have been developed and the construction of typical helicopters of hot water supply by the daily capacity of 200 l to 10 m³ is carried out. Since 1994, it has been continued at the South-Russ Energy Company JSC. From 1987 to 2003, the construction and construction of 42 helicopters was developed, and the design of 20 helicopters was completed. Results of the work V.A. Butooooked were summarized in a doctoral dissertation protected in Alin (Moscow).

    From 2006 to 2010, Teploproektroy LLC developed and built helix boiler low power, during the installation in which the operational staff is reduced in summer, which reduces the payback period of helix. During these years, self-studying helix were developed and built, when the pumps stop in which the water merges from the SC in the tanks, preventing the coolant overheating. In 2011, a design was created, experienced copies of flat SC were manufactured, a test bench was developed for organizing the production of SC in Ulyanovsk. From 2009 to 2013, the project has developed a project and built the largest helix in the Krasnodar Territory of 600 m² in the city of Ust-Labinsk (Fig. 3). At the same time, research was performed on optimizing the layout of the UK, taking into account shading, automation of work, circuit solutions. A geothermal solar system of heat supply with an area of \u200b\u200b144 m² in the village of Rose Krasnodar Territory was developed and constructed. In 2014, a technique was developed for assessing the economic payback of helixing, depending on the intensity of solar radiation, the efficiency of the helix, the specific value of the substituted thermal energy.

    Perennial creative cooperation V. A. Bukuzowz with Dr. N., Professor of the Kuban State Agrarian University, Robert Aleksandrovich Amerkhanov (born in 1948), was implemented in the development of the theoretical foundations of the creation of high-power helium installations and combined geothermal-solar heat supply systems. Under his leadership, dozens of candidates of technical sciences are prepared, including in the field of solar heat supply. In numerous monographs, R. A. Amerkhanov examined the design of agricultural agelers.

    An experienced specialist in the design of helix is \u200b\u200bthe chief engineer of the projects of the Rostovtecleelectroproject Institute, K.T.n. Adolf Alexandrovich Chernyavsky (1936). By this direction, he was in an initiative order for more than 30 years. They have been developed dozens of projects, many of which are implemented in Russia and other countries. Unique systems of solar heating and DHW are described in the section of the Institute of the ABT RAS. Projects A. A. Chernyavsky are distinguished by working out all sections, including a detailed economic rationale. Based on solar collectors of the Kovrov mechanical plant, "Recommendations for the design of solar heat supply stations" are developed.

    Under the leadership of A. A. Chernyavsky, unique projects of photovoltaic stations were created with thermal collectors in the city of Kislovodsk (6.2 MW electric, 7 MW thermal), as well as a station in Kalmykia with a total installed capacity of 150 MW. There are unique projects of thermodynamic solar power plants installed with an electrical capacity of 30 MW in Uzbekistan, 5 MW in the Rostov region; Projects of helixing boarding houses on the Black Sea coast of 40-50 m² for solar heating systems and GVS objects of a special astrophysical observatory in Karachay-Cherkessia are implemented. For the RostovtecleelectrInstitute, the scale of developments is the solar stations of the heat supply of residential villages, cities. The main results of the development of this institution, conducted jointly with the AII RAS, published in the "Autonomous Power Supply Systems" book.

    The development of helix in Sochi State University (Institute of Resort and Tourism) was led by Dr. N., Professor Sadilov Pavel Vasilyevich, Head of the Department of Engineering Ecology. The initiator of renewable energy, he developed and built several helix, including in 1997 in the village of Lazarevsky (Schochi city) with an area of \u200b\u200b400 m², the helix of the institute of resortology, several heat-pump installations.

    At the Institute of Marine Technologies of the Far Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (city of Vladivostok), the head of the laboratory of non-traditional energy k.t.n. Alexander Vasilyevich Volkov, who was tragically died in 2014, were developed and built dozens of helixes with a total area of \u200b\u200b2000 m², a stand for inventory comparative tests of solar collectors, new designs of flat SCs, the effectiveness of vacuum SC of Chinese manufacturers was checked.

    An outstanding designer and man Adolf Alexandrovich Lychagin (1933- 2012) was the author of several types of unique anti-aircraft controlled missiles, including "Strela-10m". In the 1980s, he was as a chief designer (in an initiative) at the Military Kovrovsky Mechanical Plant (KMZ) developed solar collectors, which distinguished high reliability, the optimal value for the price and energy efficiency. He was able to convince the plant's management to master the serial production of solar collectors, and create a factory laboratory for testing SC. From 1991 to 2011, KMZ produced about 3000 pcs. Solar collectors, each of the three modifications of which was distinguished by new operational qualities. Guided by the "power price" of the collector, in which the cost of different designs of the SC is compared with the same solar radiation, A. A. Lychagin created a collector with an absorber from a brass tubular grid with steel absorbing ribs. Air collectors were developed and manufactured. The highest engineering qualifications and intuition were combined in Adolf Alexandrovich with patriotism, the desire to develop environmentally friendly technologies, principle, high artistic taste. Two heart attacks were moved, he was able to come to Madrid specifically for a thousand kilometers to study the magnificent canvas in the Prado Museum.

    JSC MPK NPO Mechanical Engineering (Reutov City, Moscow region) is engaged in the production of solar collectors since 1993. The development of the designs of collectors and solar water heating installations in the enterprise is performed by the design unit of the Central TsKB of Mechanical Engineering. Project Manager - Ph.D. Nikolai Vladimirovich Dudarev. In the first constructions of solar collectors, the housing and stamp welding absorbers were made of stainless steel. Based on a collector 1.2 m² at the enterprise, solar thermophone water heating plants with tanks with a capacity of 80 and 120 liters were developed and manufactured. In 1994, the technology of obtaining the selective absorbing coating by the method of vacuum spraying was developed and introduced into production, in 1999, an additional magnetronically vacuum spraying. Based on this technology, the production of solar collectors like "Falcon" began. The absorber and the collector housing were made of aluminum profiles. Now the NGOs produces Sokol-Effect Solar Collectors with sheet-tube copper and aluminum absorbers. The only Russian solar collector is certified by European standards of the SPF Institute from Rappersville in Switzerland (Institut Für Solartechnik Hochschule Für Technik Rappelswill).

    Research and Production Enterprise "Competitor" (since 2000 - Raduga-Ts, the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region) since 1992 produced solar collectors "Rainbow". Chief Designer - Vyacheslav Alekseevich Shershnev.

    Stamped absorber was made from stainless steel sheet. Absorber coating - selective PVD or black matte heat-resistant paint. Annual NPP program up to 4000 pcs. Energy characteristics of the collector are obtained by testing in green. The thermosoons of the "Raduga-2M" helix also produced in the two SK 1 m² and a tank with a capacity of 200 liters. In the tank there were a flat warming panel in which the coolant was received from the SC, as well as a duplicate electric heater with a capacity of 1.6 kW.

    NEW POLUS LLC (Moscow) - the second Russian manufacturer, who has developed its own designs and currently producing flat liquid, flat air, flat air-liquid, tubular vacuum solar collectors, performs projects and installation of helix. General Director - Alexey Viktorovich Skorobiatyuk.

    Four models of flat liquid collectors like "YSOLAR" are offered. All liquid absorbers of this manufacturer are made of a copper sheet with a selective TINOX coating and copper tubes. The connection of the tubes with a leaf is soldered with a rolling. LLC "New Pole" also offers three types of vacuum tubular SK own manufacture with copper absorbs with U-shaped tubes.

    An outstanding specialist, energetic and highly intelligent man Gennady Pavlovich Kasatkin (1941) - a mining engineer and a designer with many years of experience - began to engage in heliother in 1999 in the city of Ulan-Ude (Buryatia). In the center of energy efficient technologies (CEFT), several designations of liquid and air collectors were developed, about 100 helicopters of various types of 4200 m² were built. Based on the calculations made by them, prototypes were manufactured, which, after testing in full-scale conditions, were replicated on the helicopters of the Republic of Buryatia.

    Engineer P. Casatkin has developed several new technologies: welding plastic absorbers, manufacture of collector housings.

    The only one in Russia, he developed and built several air coolers with collectors of its own design. His chronologically, its development of solar collectors began since 1990 with welded sheet-tube steel absorbers. Then there were variants of copper and plastic collectors with welded and connected by crimping absorbers and, finally, modern designs with European copper selective sheets and tubes. G. P. Casatkin, developing the concept of energy-based buildings, built a helix, the collectors of which are integrated into the roof of the building. In recent years, the engineer has passed the guidelines in CEFT to his son I. G. Kasatkin, who has been successfully continuing the tradition of the company CEFT.

    In fig. 4 shows the hotels of the hotel "Baikal" in the city of Ulan-Ude with an area of \u200b\u200b150 m².


    1. The calculated data of solar radiation for the design of helixing in the USSR was based on a variety of methods for processing arrays of meteorological stations. In the Russian Federation, these techniques are complemented by materials of international satellite computer databases.

    2. The leading school for the design of Helinlations in the Soviet Union was the KywdlesIEP Institute, which developed guidelines and dozens of projects. Currently, current Russian standards and recommendations are missing. The projects of helix at the present level are carried out at the Russian Institute "Rostovtetelektroproekt" (K.T.N. A.A. Chernyavsky) and in the company "Energotechnologiservis" (K.T.N. V.V. Buduzov, Krasnodar).

    3. Einin (Moscow), KievNIEP, TsNIIIPio (Moscow) were engaged in technical and economic research. Currently, these works are conducted at the Rostovtecleelectroproject Institute and in the company Energethechnology-Service LLC.

    4. The leading scientific organization of the USSR on the study of solar collectors was the Energy Institute named after G. M. Krzhizhanovsky (Moscow). Better for its time, the design of the collectors produced "SpecialGeliotePromontazh" (Tbilisi). From Russian manufacturers, the Kovrov mechanical plant produced solar collectors with the optimal price and energy efficiency ratio. Modern Russian manufacturers collect collectors from foreign components.

    5. In the USSR, the design, production of solar collectors, installation and commissioning was performed by the company "Specialgeliotepzlontazh". Until 2010, the company "CEFT" (Ulan-Ude) worked on this scheme.

    6. Analysis of the domestic and foreign experience of solar heat supply showed undoubted prospects for its development in Russia, as well as the need for state support. Among the priority events: the creation of a Russian analogue of a computer database of solar radiation; Development of new constructions of solar collectors with the optimal value for energy efficiency, new energy-efficient design solutions with adapting to Russian conditions.

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