Repairs Design Furniture

The principle of operation of the autonomous sewage tan. Autonomous sewerage Toppan autonomous sewage to house

Septics - one of the most effective options for organizing autonomous wastewater treatment. These devices are not too cheap, but they are comfortable and reliable.

To understand why it is necessary or not to install such a device on the site, the principles of its work should be studied. It is about this that we will talk in this article. As an actual example, we will use septic tank for Topa.

As well as consider in detail the device of such a system, select the main advantages and cons, we give the recommendations for the use and care of the septic.

Septic - a type of sewage device, specially designed for complete or almost complete processing, lightening and disinfection of sewer sewage.

The operation of the device is based on the principle of biological purification. As an active ingredient, active oxygen and special bacteria are used, which decompose the drains on the water and the neutral il.

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Principle of operation of septicists "Topp"

On the sewer tube, stocks are enrolled in the first receiving chamber. Here, the sewage masses are fermented with the active participation of anaerobic bacteria.

When the flow level in the receiver reaches a given mark, it begins pumping waste into the second chamber with an erlift.

When laying all types of sewage pipelines, including the DRET system, the level of primer of the soil should be taken into account in the winter period so that wastewater does not froze and have not created traffic jams in the channel intended for them.

It is not recommended to pour in the sewage substance that contain antibiotics, as well as chlorine or manganese compounds, since it is thus the environment is created for bacterial cultures, they can simply die.

If the number of bacteria in the septic is noticeably decreased, the recycling of waste will slow down, an unpleasant smell will appear in the septic.

For the same reasons, it is not allowed to use a septic tilting for the disposal of a large amount of alcohol-containing liquids, technical oils, antifreeze, acids, or alkali high concentration, such as household cleaners.

Do not get wool into sewer. Although it is an organic matter, it cannot be recycled in the septic, but it can cause clogging of the device.

Regular removal of a neutral il at the bottom of the septicity "Topp" - an important part of the device service, providing its uninterrupted operation

Problems may occur as a result of power outage. If the septicch does not work, and the waste continues to do, it will entail the overflow of the tank, as a result, will lead to the increasing mass in the soil.

It should be understood that this is not a heating system, the full pumping of the liquid from the septic is will destructively affect the bacteria populated into the device. Before preservation, the device is purified and leave it partially filled with water.

Septic tank "Topp" - reliable and useful devices. They are quite diverse both on functional features, and at a price, which allows you to choose the appropriate septica option for any site.

It is very important not only to choose a septic tank correctly for your home or cottage, but also to carry out its competent installation and regular service. In this case, the device will work for a long time properly.

Do you have a compact septicch from the Topa family? Tell us, did you sell it yourself or caused the masters? How often do you do it with cleaning and is satisfied with the system as a whole? Leave your comments and add a photo of your septica in the block under this article - your feedback will be useful to many cottage owners.

Each owner of the country house with a sewage system, wants to achieve maximum comfort.

Manufacturers offer a lot of septic and local sewage treatment plants. It is sometimes very difficult to find reliable information about the quality of the product.

As a result, money for wind, frequent repairs with material costs and nerves. Each aggregate has its pros and cons.

Let's talk about negative qualities. Septic tank - disadvantages.

... But people are accustomed to call him a septic.

The difference between Septic and Los is that the first need to pump and the doctrine of wastewater, and sometimes in the disposal of semi-purified water. The treatment facilities perform the task of centralized sewage, they completely purify water by 98-99% to the technical state that can be used for household needs.

How the station works

  1. Strokes fall into the first compartment, where there is a sedimentation of large garbage, and fats are populated to the surface
  2. When the level of outstanding water increases, the sensor and water is triggered to the second chamber.
  3. The second compartment is equipped with a aerator, which enriches the liquid with oxygen, which is necessary for productive operation of aerobes. Bacteria accelerate the decomposition of various types of inclusions, forming active il.
  4. After drains, together with the sludge, flow into the sump, where the appearance and sedimentation of the sludge occurs.
  5. Then purified water is sent to the output, and the yield is pumped into the stabilizer.

Statistical characteristics Septic Top

  • simple montage
  • high degree of cleaning
  • not large dimensions
  • installation does not depend on soil indicators
  • does not require pumping, cleaning is performed independently. Excess least removed in small quantities.
  • high price
  • energy dependency
  • regular maintenance is required.

Here is the information that can be easily found on any site about septic. Now about the facts.

Common faults septica

After reading the frequent breakdowns, it is possible to conclude that the Septic Top is there are clear weak points - this is the sealing of the ECU and the compressor.

Knowing about the likely faults, you can partially protect yourself from possible breakdowns. Strengthen the sealing of the ECU, to supply an additional voltage stabilizer, upgrade the compressor, when connected immediately bypass Uzo. But if in all this sense? Local sewage plant is not enough. Maybe you should consider other options?

Although, as each car has their own disease.

Many requirements are presented to modern sewer systems. Among them are effectiveness, reliability, safety.

Toppan - autonomous sewer complex that meets all the above requirements. What is septicchka and how it functions can be.

Characteristics of the sewer complex Top

Toppan uses the consumer unchanged popularity, thanks to the optimal combination of its most important characteristics:

Helpful information:

  • compact sizes (installation involves no more than one square meter);
  • septica can be installed anywhere, convenient for the arrangement of sewage drain;
  • easy to drain the water, which can be used for watering or other needs;
  • easy service septica, all work can be carried out on their own.

Tip! Improving in the tank soft can be used as an organic fertilizer.

Septic tank has several indisputable advantages that give him an advantage over competitors.

Organic pollution together with wastewater falls from the house on the pipeline in the septic tank. There, in the first tank, they are exposed to active bacteria. In order for the decomposition process to go faster, Aerotenk leads a constant supply of oxygen into the container. The presence of oxygen contributes to the speedy decomposition of feces, fat, food residues that fall into the sewer. Such a system ensures water purification by 99% in a short time. These numbers best confirm the high environmental characteristics of the septic.

Spectrine cleaning level Top premises fully complies with international standards. This system organizes a complete cycle of wastewater treatment. Moreover, all the cleaning steps are held inside the installation without any contacts with the surrounding space.

Features of the autonomous sewage tan

Autonomous sewage Topp successfully functions in various climatic zones. Such distribution these septic tires received due to high environmental characteristics, convenience in operation. Many choose Topa because of the ability to qualitatively, quickly clean the drains.

Septic tanks have several options. Topp 5 and Topas 10 are common. Each of them has its own characteristics to use the installation data in certain conditions. Toppal 5 is installed on dachas, and Toppal 10 buy owners of country houses. The septic data model range includes such installations that can serve hotels, cottage villages.

Features Septic Topman 5

This septic has the smallest power of all models of this series produced today. Tops 5 take to service cottage and small country houses. Its power is 1 m³ of water without reagents.

This model can be installed for permanent operation or for seasonal use. The main advantage of this septic is the ability to conduct high-class water purification. At the bottom of the septic tank, a solid sediment accumulates, this IL is often used as a fertilizer for growing plants in the garden. At the same time, a sufficiently high power of processing is combined with a small amount of energy consumed. Toppal 5 takes as much energy as a simple light bulb.

Tip! To ensure the operation of the septica in areas with an unstable power supply, you can use the electric generator.

One of the advantages of the system is that it is not necessary to additionally pour new portions of bacteria to the system. They will multiply themselves and exist in the container, using the human waste of a person falling into the tank as a nutrient medium. Water moves gravity, from the septica they go to the wastewall or to the drainage field.

Topa 5 is designed to maintain drain from shower, toilet and two shells. If Topaz 5 is installed in a country house, more than five people should live in it.

Basic principles of drains

If it is not possible to remove the sewer in the natural water or ravine, it is necessary to equip the filtration site. For the competent arrangement of this element of the sewer system, it is necessary to analyze such parameters:

  • the depth of the primer of the soil;
  • surface water level;
  • ground water level.

Before mounting, the septic need to think over the removal of purified water. If we talk about taiga 5, then you will need to drain 1000 liters per day somewhere. If there is an opportunity, we take water into the ditch. If there is no such possibility, the filtration well is equipped.

Option number 1 - drainage in the ditch

Option number 2 - Disposal of stocks into the filtration well

  • eliminate the ingress of acids, alkalis, alcohol, drugs, they can destroy bacteria;
  • do not dispose of rotting food through the sewer system, it can disrupt the operation of the installation;
  • in the absence of electricity, the reset of water is maximized. Because from the crowded capacity, polluted water will fall into the site;
  • reduce sand entering, land in drains, inorganic substances adversely affect the operation of the system;
  • it is necessary to ensure regular service, which consists in changing filters and other elements.

Without an autonomous sewer system, it is impossible to do if there is no possibility of connecting waste pipelines to a centralized network. Traditional sewage disposal options are less popular every year. The owners of the country housing are increasingly choosing modern equipment for cleaning the sewage water, to which the septic tank belongs. The device is an environmentally friendly system of biological processing of waste liquids.

Principle of operation Septic Top

Autonomous station performing filtering and cleaning of sewage waters, cope with different household drain. The basis of the principle of the device is to use special microorganisms, which are aerobic bacteria. Installation of septica Topa will allow obtaining technical water and Il. The liquid is used for watering vegetation, and with solid deposits, it is possible to effectively fertilize the gardening and garden.

The vital activity of aerobic bacteria occurs with a large amount of oxygen entering the septic tank using the compressor. Microorganisms affect organic compounds. As a result, their decay occurs and disinfection. As a result, it turns out.

The cycle of functioning Biosptic Top is consigned to the multi-chamber cleaning of household sewage waters. First, the drains fall into the receiving chamber, where they accumulate. When the boundary mark is reached, the float is triggered, which leads to the inclusion of the compressor installation, due to which the air comes into the compartment required for the operation of microorganisms.

At the next stage of the fraction of the large size of wastewater disintegrate into small particles. After that, water flows into the aerotane with an erlift, where useful microorganisms re-enter the work. As a result, half purified waste liquid is formed.

In the third stage, water enters the pyramid representing the septic compartment, where the settlement of the alley occurs, which subsequently falls into the stabilization chamber. The liquid is sent to the output. In the stabilization chamber, the IL is divided into light particles, falling back to the receiver, and heavy fractions settling at the bottom.

Technical water is formed as a result of cleaning. It is 98% spilled from pollution. It is often used for household needs. Copy Il in the sump must be periodically removed so that the container does not overflow and the installation has not failed.

Model Row Septic Top

The autonomous sewerage of this brand is presented in the market with different models. Consumers have the opportunity to buy Septic Topa in Moscow for a private house, capable of recycling for one day from 0.8 to 24 m. A variety of devices allows you to choose a bioseptic for the desired number of conditional consumers, the number of which can be from 4 to 150 people.

All septic models are characterized by the following parameters:

  • salvol discharge of liquid from 175 to 4500 liters (maximum hourly consumption);
  • consumed with a capacity of 1.0 to 23.6 kW per day;
  • weighing from 215 to 3325 kg;
  • overall dimensions.

For example, the Top premises 5 m 3 / day performance is suitable for cottage or even a full-fledged country house where 5 people live. The station at number 150 is able to ensure the cleaning of the population of a whole cottage village, as it processes a day to 24 cubic meters. m. sewer waters.

If in the name of the model there is a "Long" phrase, then the device is characterized by an increased body height. It is equipped with an elongated neck. The autonomous sewers of this sample are well suited for installation when the terrain has a strong slope and sewage release from the house is located at great depth.

If the model "PR" is added to the name of the model, then this case is necessary to reset the processed water using the built-in pump. It is used when the exit level of the purified fluid is below its reset point. The manufacturer also manufactures ordinary and distribution capacity of two-circuit treatment facilities.

For an error-free selection of the device, it is recommended to contact our company. Experts will offer the optimal option of the Top premise with a turnkey price. The cost of the equipment will not violate the selected budget. The staff of our company will calculate the price of installation work, taking into account the relief of the terrain and the peculiarities of the soil.

Advantages of septic testes

The autonomous sewage system of this brand has proven itself in different countries. Installing Topp key Septics will allow consumers to take advantage of the following advantages of devices:

  1. effective work;
  2. simple installation, as there is no need to pour the bottom of the concrete;
  3. low operating costs;
  4. lack of vibration and extraneous noise;
  5. high strength septica;
  6. compact dimensions;
  7. unpretentious to the type of soil.

The benefits of stand-alone sewage also include an affordable price with a turnkey installation and low costs of insulation of the treatment system, because the useful microorganisms during operation are highlighted heat. The advantage is still a long operational period exceeding 50 years, and a wide range of devices.

How to buy septic taopen in Moscow

Septic Tops Plus company sells the entire range of autonomous sewers. Prices for septic tanks depend on the performance of devices. They are available for all average families and successful organizations. Moreover, stand-alone sewers will be able to purchase cottage villages if the owner of each house will contribute to the amount of the purchase of equipment.

We are an official dealer, and help choose the optimal septica option. When selecting the territory, the number of people living and the requirements for the quality of purified water will be taken into account. After selection, it will be necessary to place an order for the installation, the installation of which will be carried out by trained, certified and experienced masters.

The application for cleaning equipment can be left on the site, by phone or send to the email address. After that, the contract for the supply and installation of the septica. Then the delivery of equipment at the minimum cost. Next, an installation is carried out, the time of which depends on the installation model and can be from 1 to 3 days.

Septic Toppan Negative Reviews About Device

Autonomous sewage "Topp"

More and more country house owners are equipped with local sewers by setting local sewage treatment plants. More often used ready stations such as septic tank. One of the popular is the Septic Topic. Already many users appreciated the advantages of this device. However, there are sometimes negative reviews.

Septic Topp - Scheme

How is the septic tank "Topp"?

"Topp" is a kind of reduced copy of the central sewer treatment facilities serving entire settlements. In this septic, water also passes the stage of mechanical and biological cleaning.

Septic Topp - Design

"Topp" is a container divided into compartments in each of which flows a certain level of flow processing.

  1. At first, the sediments enter the reservoir-sump for the deposition of large particles that accumulate at the bottom.
  2. Partially clarified water is pumped with erlifes in the next compartment. It produces maximum purification due to aerobic microorganisms forming active il and decomposing pollution in the presence of oxygen, which is supplied to the compressor.
  3. The last step of purification is a pyramid sump, in which the water is getting rid of the active il.

After that, the purified fluid can be used for watering or other technical needs. Climbing in the second precipitating chamber Il enters the stabilizer. Accumulated Il need to be deleted and can be used as fertilizer.

Effective wastewater purification is one of several advantages of the Septic Topic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Local stations of drafting stations have gained popularity not only due to the fact that the wastewater in them is cleaned by almost 100%, but also many more advantages.

  1. Reservoirs for installation do not require much space. In addition, there is no need to highlight the area under the arrangement of soil cooking.

  2. Septic tank "Topp" is easy to install, maintain and operate. The precipitate is quite possible to delete yourself.

  3. This is a practically silent device.
  4. Septic tank does not exude stench.

  5. A wide range of model range allows you to choose a setup in accordance with the required productivity.

  6. Los "Topp" are reliable systems that have gained popularity in the market. At the same time, the price of them is often more profitable than such stations of other firms.

There are "Topasa" and a number of flaws.

  1. High price in comparison with drives or septic with soil cooking.
  2. Electricity dependence.
  3. The need to maintain equipment.

Perhaps you will be interested in information what is And how it is used.

Topaz maintenance will have to

In general, most users appreciated "Topp". However, sometimes you can meet and complaints at the station processing station of this company.

Negative reviews about the septica "Topp" and their reasons

Negative statements in the direction of Septica "Topp" can be reduced to several factors. We will analyze a number of negative feedback.

Feedback 1.

"Purchased septic tank 4 years ago, recently the drains after cleaning became muddy. During the opening of the tank, it was found that the first compartment was filled. Here you have a station without pumping. I had to call the masters whose work cost money. "

The reason for the appearance of faults is obvious in this case. The user forgot that the septic tank must be regularly serviced.

Feedback 2.

"Septic tank" Topp "we have almost a month. All this time, wastewater at the outdoor exit, and the reservoir extends the reservoir smell. "

Such moments are related to the fact that the accumulation of active biomass is required time. In winter, a month can leave for this process. To speed up the normalization of biological cleaning, you can add river IL to septic or fastened food waste. After all, biomass will grow with the adequacy of food.

Feedback 3.

"Topp" Los for almost 3 years. All this time arise any malfunction. Most often refuses the float, which leads to overflow of the chambers and flooding the electrical part. Or clogs overflow between compartments. It does not pass two months without replacing any spare parts. "

Possible cause is a defective septic. Some users are faced with such problems. At the same time, among the marriage, a breakdown of the float is most often found. If the equipment is purchased from an official representative or manufacturer, their service ordered, then such shortcomings are easily corrected by the service center for free.

Camera overflow is often connected with an improper calculation of productivity and volume of drain and volley reset. The clogging of the elements is caused by disorders in operation, namely discharges into the sewage of the prohibited substances, for example, a large volume of wool and hair, polymer or rubber waste, construction waste, etc.

Note! It is impossible that in the drains contained chlorine detergents, antibacterial drugs, antiseptics, as well as aggressive chemicals such as alcohol, solvent, etc. But with waters with bathrooms, dishwasher and washing machines, bacteria copier.

Feedback 4.

"Install the septic tank independently in the summer, when the groundwater level was minimal. It hoped that the tank filled with water would not float. My hopes did not justify. I had to reinstall the installation. "

This unpleasant review belongs rather not to the equipment, but to the installation. On the territory of many regions of Russia, groundwater climbs close to the surface at least seasonally. For this reason, any plastic local sewage tanks must be installed on a concrete base and fix it with cables.

How to avoid problems with Los type "Topp"?

Local sewage requires more attention than centralized sewage networks. Therefore, it is not necessary to refer to the choice and installation of "Topas" irresponsibly. There are several nuances that need to be considered.

  1. Calculate the performance correctly, given not only the number of people living in the house, but also the installation of such sanitary equipment, both a bath, washing and dishwashers, as well as a possible arrival of guests.
  2. Buy all the equipment from official representatives or the manufacturer itself. They also order installation and maintenance, if there are the slightest doubts in our own power.
  3. With independent montage, take into account the level of groundwater and the point of zero temperatures.
  4. If you do not use a septic, then for the period of your long absence, conduct conservation. Otherwise, bacteria will die, and the drains will not be cleaned.
  5. Do not reset the forbidden substances into the sewer.

The most important condition for efficient cleaning and uninterrupted equipment work is timely service, which includes:

  • removal of sediment from the active sludge stabilizer;
  • cleaning erlifes, filters;
  • removal from reservoirs with waste scuffs that cannot recycle bacteria.

All these procedures can be made independently or hire specialists for these purposes.

ModelNumber of conditional
Volley reset
M3 / Sut.
Price of Septica, from (rub.)
Septic tank 5.5 220 1 76 950
Topman 5 Long.5 220 1 98 910
Topp 5 Pr.5 220 1 85 950
Topa 5 Long PR5 220 1 108 810
Septic tank 8.5 440 1,5 96 210
Topp 8 Long8 440 1,5 110 430
Topp 8 Pr.8 440 1,5 105 930
Topp 8 Long PR8 440 1,5 119 430
Septic Toppan 10.10 760 2 121 050
Topman 10 Long.10 760 2 139 230
Topp 10 Long mustache10 760 2 156 870
Topp 10 Pr.10 760 2 134 370
Topp 10 Long PR10 760 2 152 370
Topp 10 Long Us PR10 760 2 13 350
Septic Topic 15.15 850 3 152 370
Topman 15 Long15 850 3 170 910
Topa 15 Long mustache15 850 3 184 500
Topman 15 Pr.15 850 3 171 270
Topp 15 Long PR15 850 3 184 500
Topa 15 Long Us PR15 850 3 194 670
Septic Toppan 20.20 1000 4 201 330
Topp 20 Long20 1000 4 221 670
Topman 20 pr.20 1000 4 216 630
Topp 20 Long PR20 1000 4 234 900

Septic Topic Prices

septic Topp.

Autonomous sewage "Topp"

Septic Topp - Scheme

Septic Topp - Design