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We make solar batteries for home with your own hands. Power station on solar panels with your own hands Simple housing for solar battery

Solar battery is a device that allows you to generate electricity using special photocells. It helps to significantly reduce the cost of electricity and get an inexhaustible source. This installation can not only be used in the finished form, but also make it yourself. The solar panel for the house in the private sector will be an ideal solution that will help to avoid frequent interruptions with light.


Before making a solar panel at home, it is necessary to study its device in detail, the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages. Owning this information, you can correctly choose the necessary components that will work for a long time and benefit.

Device and principle of operation

The designs of all types operate on the basis of the conversion of energy emitted by the nearest star, into electrical. This is due to special photocells that are combined into an array and form a common design. Semiconductor elements made from silicon are used as energy converters.

The principle of operation of the solar panel:

  1. The light coming from the sun hits the photocells.
  2. It knocks out free electrons from the last orbits of all silicon atoms.
  3. Because of this, a large number of free electrons appear, which begin to move quickly and chaotically between the electrodes.
  4. The consequence of this process becomes DC generation.
  5. Then, it is quickly converted into a variable and enters the receiving device.
  6. It distributes the resulting electricity throughout the house.

Advantages and disadvantages

Solar panels made by their own hands have a number of advantages over factory structures and other energy sources. Thanks to this, the devices are quickly gaining popularity and are used worldwide.

Among the positive sides of solar panels it should be selected as:

Despite the large number of advantages in solar panels there are disadvantages. They must be taken into account before the construction of the construction and its installation.

The disadvantages include the following:

In order for the finished design to fully perform its functions and provided people with a sufficient number of electricity, it is necessary to make it correctly. To do this, take into account many factors and choose only high-quality materials.

Primary requirements

Before making your own hands to make a sunny battery, you need to perform a number of preparatory activities and carefully examine all the requirements for the device. This will help get a running installation and simplify its installation process.

So that the solar panel worked at the maximum of its capabilities, it is necessary to comply with such requirements:

Materials and tools

Photo cells are considered the most important details of the device. Manufacturers offer customers only 2 of their varieties: from monocrystalline (efficiency up to 13%) and polycrystalline silicon (efficiency up to 9%).

The first option is only suitable for work in sunny weather, and the second is in any. Other important elements of the design are conductors. They are used to connect photocells with each other.

For the manufacture of the panel supports such materials and tools:


In order to make the solar panel with your own hands at home, it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions. Only in this case can avoid errors and achieve the desired result.

The process of manufacturing the panel is simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. A set of poly- or single-crystal photocells is taken and the details are collected in the overall design. Their number is determined on the basis of the requirements of the owners of the house.
  2. The photocells are applied contours that are made of valuable conductors from tin. This operation is performed on a flat glass surface with a soldering iron.
  3. According to a predetermined electrical circuit, all cells are connected to each other. At the same time, you must connect the shunt diodes. The ideal option for the solar battery will be the use of Schottky diodes that prevent panel discharge at night.
  4. The design of the cells moves to open space and is tested for performance. In the absence of any problems, you can start the frame assembly.
  5. For these purposes, special corners of aluminum are used, which are attached to the elements of the hull with hardware.
  6. A thin layer of silicone sealant is applied to the inner parts of the rails.
  7. A sheet of plexiglass or polycarbonate is put on top of it and is tightly pressed against the frame contour.
  8. The design is left for several hours to complete silicone sealant drying.
  9. As soon as this process ended, the transparent sheet is additionally attached to the housing using hardware.
  10. Along the entire inside of the resulting surface, selected photocells with conductors are placed. It is important to leave a small distance (approximately 5 millimeters) between adjacent cells. To simplify this procedure, you can apply the necessary markup in advance.
  11. The installed cells are securely fixed on the frame using a mounting silicone, and the panel is completely sealed. All this will help increase the service life of the solar battery.
  12. The product is left to dry out the applied mixture and acquires its final appearance.

Manufactured materials

Solar battery can be assembled not only from expensive materials, but also from the booming. The finished design, although it is less effective, will allow you to save a little on electricity.

This is one of the easiest and most affordable options for making a homemade solar panel. The device is based on a small voltage diodes that are made in a glass case.

Battery is done in compliance with such a sequence of actions:

Copper foil

If you need to get a small amount of electricity, you can make it possible to make a solar battery from ordinary foil.

The finished design will have a low power, so it is possible to apply it only to feed small devices.

Step-by-step instruction:

Beer banks

This simple way to produce the battery does not require large financial costs. With it, you can get a small amount of electricity that will slightly reduce costs.


Self-made solar panel is a wonderful device that allows you to reduce the cost of electricity. With the right manufacturer and compliance with all recommendations, you can make a quality product that will work for many years.

For a long time, the solar panels were either bulky panels of satellites and space stations, or low-power photocells of pocket calculators. This was due to the primitiveness of the first single-crystal silicon photocells: they had not only low efficiency (no more than 25% in the theory, in practice - about 7%), but also noticeably lost efficiency when the angle of light drop from 90˚ is rejected. Given that in Europe in cloud weather, the specific power of solar radiation can fall below 100 W / m 2, to obtain any significant power required too large areas of solar panels. Therefore, the first solar power plants were built only in the conditions of maximum power of light flow and clear weather, that is, in the deserts near the equator.

A significant breakthrough in creating photocells returned interest in solar energy: so, the cheapest and affordable polycrystalline silicon elements, although they have a smaller efficiency than in single-crystal, but are less sensitive to the working conditions. The solar panel based on polycrystalline plates will give enough stable voltage with variable cloudiness. More modern photocells based on gallium arsenide have efficiency up to 40%, but too expensive for the manufacture of solar battery with their own hands.

On the video there is a story about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the solar battery and its implementation

Should I do?

In many cases, the solar battery it turns out very helpful: For example, the owner of a private house or dacha, located in the distance from the mains, can even be able to maintain his phone charged, connect low-power consumers like automotive refrigerators.

For this purpose, ready-made compact panels made in the form of rapidly foldable assemblies based on synthetic tissue are produced and sold. In the middle lane of Russia, such a panel of about 30x40 cm can provide power within 5 W at a voltage of 12 V.

A larger battery will be able to provide up to 100 W electrical power. It would seem that it's not so much, but it is worth remembering the principle of work of small: in them the entire load is powered through the pulse converter from battery batteries, which are charged from a low-power windmill. Thus, it becomes possible to use more powerful consumers.

The use of a similar principle when building a home solar power plant makes it more profitable compared to the windmill: in the summer the sun shines most of the day, unlike the non-permanent and often missing wind. For this reason, the batteries will be able to gain a charge for the day much faster, and the solar panel itself is much easier to install than that requires a high mast.

There is your meaning and in the use of solar battery solely as an emergency power source. For example, if in a private house there is a gas boiler with circulation pumps, when the power is turned off, it is possible to power them from batteries that are supported by the solar battery, while maintaining a system of heating system.

Television story on this topic

Solar energy is just great, but what's the problem: even one battery is worth a lot of money, and for a good effect you need not alone, and not even two. Therefore, the idea comes - to collect everything yourself. If you have a small skill soldering - it's easy to do it. The entire assembly is to consistently connect the elements in the track, and the tracks are fixed on the housing. Let's just say about the price. A set for one panel (36 pieces) is in the area of \u200b\u200b70-80 $. And completely with all materials, solar panels will cost you about $ 120-150. Much less than factory. But you must say that they will also be less in power. On average, each photo converter issues 0.5 V, if it is consecutable to connect 36 pieces, it will be about 18 V.

A bit of theory: Types of solar cells for solar cells

The biggest problem is to purchase photoelectric converters. These are the most silicon plates that convert sunlight into electricity. Here you need to understand a little in the types of photocells. They are produced by two types: polycrystalline and monocrystalline. Monocrystalline is more expensive, but have a higher efficiency - 20-25%, polycrystalline - cheaper, but they have less productivity - 17-20%. How to distinguish them outdoor? Polycrystalline have bright blue color. Monocrystalline is a bit darker and they do not have a square, but a multifaceted form - a square with cut edges.

About the form of release. There are photocells for solar cells with already soldered guides, and there are sets where the conductors are attached and everything needs to be soldered independently. That buying decides everyone yourself, but it must be said that without a skill of at least one plate you damage, but rather, not one. And if you know how to solder is not very ... then it is better to pay a little more expensive, but to get almost ready to use the details.

Make photocells for solar batteries with their own hands. To do this, you need to be able to grow silicon crystals, and then to process it. Therefore you need to know where to buy. About it next.

Where and how to buy photocells

Now about quality. On all Chinese sites such as EBAY or Alibaba, a rejection is sold. Those details that have not passed tests at the factory. Therefore, you will not get an ideal battery. But the price they are not the biggest, so you can accept. In any case, at first. Collect a pair of test solar panels with your own hands, bring your hand, and then you can take from the factory.

Some sell photocells in wax. This prevents them from damage when transporting, but get rid of wax and not damage the plates is quite difficult. You need to all together to dip in hot but not boiling water. Wait until the wax melts, then carefully disconnect. Then he alternately bathe each plate in the hot soap solution, then the perch in clean hot water. There are several of these "ablutions", the water and soap solution will have to be changed, and more than once. After the wax is removed, clean plates spread on the terry towel for drying. Very troublesome is a thing. So better buy without wax. So much easier.

Now about purchases on Chinese sites. Specifically about eBay and Alibaba. They are checked, thousands of people are buying something daily. The system is no different. After registration, as usual, the name of the element is typing in the search bar. Then choose your favorite suggestion. Be sure to choose from those options where there is free shipping (in English Free Shipping). If there is no such mark, then shipping will have to pay separately. And she is often greater than the cost of the goods and certainly more of that difference that you are guessing at the price.

It is necessary to navigate not only for the price, but also to the rating of the seller and on feedback. Read the composition of the goods, its parameters and reviews. You can communicate with the seller, only to write messages in English.

About payment. It is translated to the seller on these sites only after you write down in the receipt of goods. In the meantime there is a delivery, your money is on the account of the trading platform. You can pay from the card. If you are afraid to shine card data, use intermediate services. They are different, but the essence is one - your card will not light up. There are on these venues and return of the goods, but it is a long song, so it is better to take from proven sellers (with a good rating and reviews).

Yes. The parcel is depending on the region. And it's not so much in how long she will go from China, as in how soon the mail will deliver it. At best - three weeks, but maybe a month and a half.

How to collect

Assembling solar battery with its own hands consists of three stages:

  1. Making framework.
  2. Soldering of solar cells.
  3. Laying in the frame and sealing.

You can make a frame from aluminum corners or wooden plates. But the shape of the frame, materials, the manufacturer's sequence depend on the installation method.

Method First: Installation on the window

The battery is hanging on the window, on the frame from the inside of the room or outside, but also on the window. Then you need to make a frame from an aluminum corner, and to glue it glass or polycarbonate. In this case, there are even small gaps between the photocells, through which a little light penetrates the room. The size of the frame is chosen based on the size of your photocells and how you intend to have them. Also, the dimensions of the window can play. Please note that the plane should be smooth - photovoltaic transducers are very fragile, and with the slightest skew will crack.

After moving the finished frame with a glass of face down, apply a layer of sealant to the surface of the glass. On the sealant, again the face down, decompose the ruler collected from the photocells.

From a thick elastic foam rubber (thickness of at least 4 cm) and a piece of polyethylene film (200 MK) Make a mat: foambone covered with a film and copold well. It is better to solder polyethylene, but you can also use scotch, only all the joints should be on one side. The second should be smooth and smooth. By size, the mat must be well in the frame (without bends and effort).

Put mat on the photocells, recessed in sealant. On him the board, which in size is slightly smaller than the frame, and on the board a solid cargo. This simple device will help to drive out air bubbles, which were under photocells. Air reduces performance, and very much. Because the fewer bubbles will, the better. Leave the whole design for 12 hours.

Now time to remove the cargo and fly away the mat. Do it slowly and slowly. It is important not to damage the soldering and conductors. Because stretch smoothly, without jerks. After the mat was removed, the panel should be left for a while - to bother. When the sealant stops sticking, you can hang the panel and use.

Instead of a long procedure with sealant, you can take a special film for sealing. It is called EVA. Just on top of the battery assembled and laid on the glass spread the film and warm it with a construction hairdryer until complete sealing. Time leaves at times less.

Method of the second: installation on the wall, roof, etc.

In this case, everything is different. The rear wall should be dense and not conductive. Perhaps - wooden, plywood, etc. Therefore, it makes sense and rim from wooden bars. Only the height of the housing should be small so that the shadow from the sideboard does not interfere.

In the photo, the hull consists of two halves, but this is completely optional. It's just easier to collect and lay the short rules, but the connections in this case will be more. Yes. Multiple nuances: you need to provide several holes in the case. In the lower part, several pieces are needed to exit condensate, as well as two holes for outputting conductors from the battery.

Then the battery case is painted with white paint - silicon plates have a fairly wide range of operating temperatures, but it is not boundless: from -40 o CADO +50 O C. And in the summer in a closed box +50 o C is easily. Therefore, you need a white color so that the photo converters do not overheat. Overheating, like supercooling, leads to a decrease in efficiency. This, by the way, can be an explanation of an incomprehensible phenomenon: noon, the sun is fries, and the battery began to give less electricity. And she just overheated. For the southern regions, it is probably necessary to put foil. It will be more efficient. Moreover, performance is likely to increase: the radiation reflected by the foil will also be trampled.

After the beauty dried, you can put the collected paths. But this time face up. How to fix them? A drop of heat-resistant sealant in the middle of each plate. Why not apply over the entire surface? Due to the temperature expansion of the plate will change the dimensions. If you glue it only in the middle, nothing happens to it. If there is at least two points - it is sooner or later burst. Therefore, it is neatly in the middle, apply a drop, gently press the plate. Do not prescribe - crush it very easy.

In some cases, the plates were first fastened to the base - the Fiberboard sheet painted into the same white color. And then on the basis of fixed to the casing of screws.

After all the rules are laid, connect them consistently. So that the conductors do not hang out, they can be fixed by several drops of sealant. You can remove the wires from the elements through the bottom or through the side - as more convenient. Throw them through the hole, and then fill the hole with the same sealant. Now you need to give all connections to dry. If you cover the lid before, the glass and photoells are formed by a raid, which strongly reduces the efficiency of the battery. Therefore, we are waiting for at least a day (or as much as indicated on the sealant packaging).

Now it's small - cover all with glass or transparent plastic. How to mount - your business. But at first do not seal. At least before the test. Maybe somewhere will be discovered.

And one more nuance. If you plan to connect batteries to the system, you will need to put a diode that will prevent the battery discharge through the battery at night or in bad weather. It is best to put a "Schottky" diode. I connect it to the battery sequentially. Set it better inside the design - at high temperatures, it decreases the voltage drop, i.e. In working condition, it will be less "to close" the voltage.

How to solder elements for solar battery

A little about handling silicon plates. They are very, very fragile, easily crack and break. Therefore, it is necessary to handle with them with extreme caution, stored in a rigid container away from the defers.

It is necessary to work on a smooth solid surface. If the table is covered with a glued, put a sheet of something solid. The plate should not be fed, and the entire surface is rigidly based on the basis. And the base should be smooth. As experience shows, the perfect option is a piece of laminate. It is hard, smooth, smooth. Soldered on the back side, not on the facial.

For soldering, it is possible to use a flux or rosin, any of the compositions in the soldering marker. Here everyone has their own addictions. But it is desirable that the composition does not leave traces on the matrix.

Place the silicon plate face up (face - blue side). There are two or three tracks on it. They are rushing with flux or marker, alcohol (not aqueous-alcohol) solution of rosin. Included with photo converters is usually a thin contact tape. Sometimes it is sliced \u200b\u200binto pieces, sometimes goes in the coil. If the tape is wound on the coil, you need to cut off a piece equal to the double width of the solar element, plus 1 cm.

On the flux-treated strip solder a sliced \u200b\u200bpiece. The tape is obtained much longer than the plate, the rest of the rest remains on the one hand. Try to keep a soldering iron without tearing. As much as possible. For a better soldering on the tip of the stood, you should have a drop of solder or tin. Then the soldering will be high quality. There should be no incontropy places, it's good to warm up well. But do not press! Especially in the edges. These are very fragile products. Alternately solder the ribbons on all tracks. Photocouts are "tailed".

Now, in fact, how to collect a sunny battery with your own hands. We proceed to assembling the line. On the reverse side of the plate, too, there are tracks. Now the "tail" from the top plate is soldered to the bottom. The technology is the same: the track is missing the flux, then we disappear. So consistently connect the desired number of photoelectric converters.

In some embodiments, on the back side, not a track, but sites. Then soldering are less, but quality claims may be more. In this case, we wash the fluid only the platform. And soldering too on them. Here, in fact, everything. The collected paths can be transferred to the base or body. But there are still many tricks.

For example, between photocells you need to withstand a certain distance (4-5 mm), which is not so easy without retainers. The slightest breakdown, and it is possible to break the conductor, or break the record. Therefore, building crosses are glued to the task of a certain step on a piece of laminate (used when laying tiles), or make markup.

All the problems that arise in the manufacture of solar panels with their own hands are associated with soldering. Therefore, before sealing, but it is also better before transferring the line to the case, check the assembly of the ammeter. If everything is fine, you can continue to work.


Now you know how to make a sunny battery at home. The point is not the most difficult, but requires painstaking work.

Receiving electricity from alternative power supplies is very expensive. For example, the use of solar energy when buying ready-made equipment will have to spend a significant amount of money. But in our time it is possible to collect solar panels with your own hands for giving or private house from ready-made photocells or other girlfriend. And before proceeding to buy the necessary components and design design, it is necessary to understand what the solar battery is and its principle of operation.

Solar Battery: What is it and how it works

In people who are first faced with this task, questions immediately arise: "How to collect a solar battery?" Or "How to make a solar battery?". But having studied the device and the principle of its work, problems with the implementation of this project disappear by themselves. After all, the design and principle of action is simple and should not cause difficulties when creating a power source at home.

Solar Battery (Sat)- This is a photoelectric energy transducers emitted by the Sun, into electrical, which are connected in the form of an array of elements and are enclosed in a protective design. Converters - Semiconductor elements from silicon to generate direct current. They are produced three types:

  • Monocrystalline;
  • Polycrystalline;
  • Amorphous (thin-film).

The principle of operation of the device is based on the photoelectric effect. Sunlight, falling on the photocells, knocks out free electrons from the last orbits of each atom of the silicon plate. The movement of a large number of free electrons between battery electrodes produce direct current. Next, it is transformed into an alternating current for electrifying the house.

Selection of photoebles

Before the start of design work on creating a panel at home, you need to choose one of the three types of solar energy converters. To select suitable elements, you need to know their specifications:

  • Monocrystalline. The efficiency of these plates is 12-14%. However, they are sensitive to the number of falling light. Partly cloudy significantly reduces the amount of electricity produced. Service life up to 30 years.
  • Polycrystalline. These elements are capable of issuing CPD 7-9%. But they do not affect the quality of light and they are capable of issuing the same amount of current into the cloud and even cloudy weather. The operational period is 20 years.
  • Amorphous. Moved on flexible silicon. Produce efficiency about 10%. The amount of electricity produced is not reduced due to weather quality. But expensive and complex production makes them difficult to access.

For the manufacture of Sat on its own, you can purchase type in (second grade) converters. These include elements with small defects, even when replacing some components, the cost of the batteries will be 2-3 times less than the market, thanks to this save their funds.

To provide a private house with electricity from an alternative energy source, the first two types of plates are best suited.

Select Place and Design

Batteries are better to have a principle: the higher the better. The roof of the house will be a great place, it does not fall on her shadow from trees or other buildings. If the design of the overlaps does not allow to withstand the weight of the installation, then the place should be chosen on the cottage section, which most of all perceives the radiation from the Sun.

The collected panels must be placed under the angle so that the sun's rays perpendicular to the silicon elements as perpendicular to the silicon elements. The ideal option will be the possibility of adjusting the entire installation towards the sun.

Making a battery with your own hands

Provide a house or cottage with electricity in 220V from the solar battery you will not be able, because The dimensions of such a battery will be huge. One plate generates an electric current with a voltage of 0.5 V. The optimal option is considered a sat with a nominal voltage of 18 V. Based on this, the required number of photocells for the device is calculated.

Assembly of the carcass

First of all, the self-made solar battery needs a protecting frame (body). It can be made of aluminum corners of 30x30 mm or from wooden bars at home. When using a metal profile on one of the shelves is removed with a chamof file at an angle of 45 degrees, and the second shelf is cut under the same angle. Cut from the desired sizes with the processed ends, the framework parts are twisted with the help of carbons from the same material. Protective glass is glued to the finished frame on silicone.

Spike plates

When soldering elements at home, you need to know that to increase the voltage it is necessary to connect consistently, and to increase the current strength - in parallel. The flint plates are laid out on the glass, leaving the gap of 5 mm between them on each side. This gap is required to repay the possible temperature expansion of the elements when heated. The converters have two tracks: on the one hand, "plus", on the other - "minus". All parts are connected in series in a single chain. Then the conductors from the last components of the chain are displayed on the total bus.

To avoid self-discharge device at night or cloud weather, experts are recommended to provide for the installation of the Schottki 31DQ03 diode or analogue to contact from the "middle" point.

After the end of soldering works, using a multimeter, it is necessary to check the output voltage, which should be 18-19 in for the full-fledged provision of the private house of electricity.

Panel assembly

In the finished body, the soldered transducers are stacked, then silicone is applied to the center of each flint element, and the top is covered with a substrate from the fiberboard to fix them. After that, the design is closed with a lid, and all joints are sealed with sealant or silicone. The finished panel is mounted on the holder or frame.

Solar batteries from girlfriend

In addition to the assembly of Sat from purchased photocelers, they can be collected from the girlfriend, which have any radio amateur: transistors, diodes and foils.

Battery made of transistors

For these purposes, the most suitable details are CT type transistors or P. inside them there is a fairly large flue semiconductor element necessary for the production of electricity. Featuring the required amount of radio components, it is necessary to cut the metal cover from them. To do this, it is necessary to hold it in the tessets and hand-hacking on the metal gently produce a cut of the top. Inside you can see the plate that will serve as a photocell.

Battery transistor with a capped cap

All these details have three contacts: base, emitter and collector. When assembling Sat, you need to choose a collector transition due to the greatest difference in potentials.

The assembly is carried out on a flat plane from any dielectric material. You need to save transistors into separate consecutive chains, and these chains, in turn, connect in parallel.

The calculation of the finished current source can be made from the characteristics of radio components. One transistor produces a voltage of 0.35 V and current strength at a CW of 0.25 μA.

Battery from diodes

The solar panel from D223B diodes can really become a source of electric current. These diodes have the greatest volution and are made in a glass case covered with paint. The voltage at the output of the finished product can be determined at the calculation that one diode in the sun generates 350 mV.

  1. The required number of radio components fold into the container and fill with acetone or another solvent and leave for several hours.
  2. Then, it is necessary to take the plate of the desired size of non-metallic material and perform marking under the input of the power source components.
  3. After turning, the paint can be easily scraped.
  4. Armed with a multimeter, in the sun or under a light bulb determine the positive contact and bend it. Diodes are soldered vertically, since in this position the crystal is best generating electricity from the energy of the Sun. Therefore, at the output we get the maximum voltage that will generate the solar battery.

In addition to the two ways described above, the power supply can be collected from foil. The homemade solar battery, made according to the step-by-step instructions, described below, can produce electricity, albeit very low power:

  1. For homemade, it will take a copper foil area of \u200b\u200b45 square meters. See the cut piece is processed in a soap solution to remove fat from the surface. It is also desirable to wash your hands so as not to leave fat stains.
  2. Entry It is necessary to remove the protective oxide film and any other type of corrosion from the sequence plane.
  3. The burner of the electric tile with a capacity of at least 1.1 kW is the foil sheet and heats up the formation of red-orange spots. With further heating, the formed oxides turn into copper oxide. This is evidenced by the black color of the sideways.
  4. After the formation of oxide, heating must be continued for 30 minutes to form an oxide film of sufficient thickness.
  5. The roaster stops, and the sheet cools together with the stove. With slow cooling, copper and oxide are cooled at different speeds, which contributes to the latter easy to peel.
  6. Under running water, the residues of oxide are removed. At the same time, it is impossible to be flexing the sheet and mechanically handy small pieces so as not to damage the thin layer of oxide.
  7. Cut a second sheet in size first.
  8. In a plastic bottle of 2-5 liters with a cropped throat, two pieces of foil should be placed. Secure them with the clips "crocodile". It is necessary to have them so that they do not connect.
  9. A minus terminal is supplied to the treated piece, and the second is plus.
  10. A saline is poured into the jar. Its level should be lower than the upper edge of the electrodes by 2.5 cm. For the preparation of a mixture of 2-4 tablespoons of the salt (depending on the volume of the bottle) dissolve in a small amount of water.

All solar panels are not suitable for providing cottages or private houses with electricity in view of its low-power. But they are able to serve as a power source for radio receivers or charging small electrical appliances.

Video on the topic

Alternative energy is now engaged in not only specialists. Options for autonomous power sources are interested in both lovers who are friends with electric and radio engineering. In relation to solar batteries, the main complexity in the project implementation is their high price. And if you consider that there will be several panels for a private house, some skepticism in terms of their use in everyday life becomes clear.

Although there is a good solution for those who are used to everything to do with their own hands - to collect a solar battery from separate panels. For example, Chinese, which are relatively inexpensive.

According to their practical application, it can be concluded that they fully justify the expectations of the wizard. And if you focus on a set of class B (cheaper products), then savings in self-assembly source is achieved significant.

To obtain a sample of 145 W, the total voltage of the 18th century will have to lay out for the Chinese panels (36 pieces) about 3,100 rubles (if purchased via the Internet, for example, on Alibaba, eBay sites) against 6 180 (the cost of the finished analog of industrial production). It turns out, it makes sense to spend time and make such a battery.

Not only Chinese, and all solar panels are divided into mono- (more expensive) and polycrystalline (amorphous). What is the difference? Without going into the manufacturing technology, it is enough to indicate that the first is characterized by a homogeneous structure. Therefore, their efficiency is higher than that of amorphous analogs (approximately 25% against 18%) and they are more expensive.

We can be visually distinguished in shape (shown in the figure) and a shade of blue. Monocrystalline panels are somewhat darker. Well, whether there is no point in saving to power, it will be necessary to decide on their own. In addition, it should be noted that the production of inexpensive polycrystalline panels in China is mainly engaged in small firms, saving literally on all, including on the source materials. This is directly reflected not only at cost, but also on the quality of products.

All photocells are connected to a single energy chain by conductors. Depending on the type of panels, they can be fixed in place or absent. So, they will have to solder them with their own hands. All crystal samples are rather fragile, and you need to handle extremely gently.

If there are no proper soldering iron skills, it is better to get the class A panels (more expensive). Buying cheap analogs (b), it is desirable to take at least one to the stock. The practice of solar assembly shows that damage is not exactly avoided, so the excess panel will definitely need.

When determining the required number of photocells, you can focus on such data. 1 m² of panels gives approximately 0.12 kW / hour of electricity. EN / consumption statistics shows that for a small family (4 people) per month enough about 280 - 320 kW.

Solar panels are sold in two possible versions - with a wax coating (for protection against damage during transportation) and without it. If the panel with a protective layer, they will have to prepare for the assembly.

What needs to be done?

  • Unpack the goods.
  • Immerse a set in hot water. Approximate temperature - 90 ± 5 0 ° C. The main thing is that it is not boiling water, otherwise the panel is partially deformed.
  • Disconnect samples. Signs that the wax melted is noticeable visually.
  • Process each panel. The technology is simple - alternate immersion in the water hot soap, then clean. The "ablution" procedure continues until the wax traces remain on the surface.
  • Dry. Lay panels should be folded on soft fabric. For example, on a terry tablecloth.

Order assembly

Specificity Making framework

In essence, this is the traditional simplest frame, the material for which is selected depending on the location of the battery. Usually on thematic sites indicate an aluminum corner or wood. The feasibility of using the latter (with all due to the authors of articles) causes certain doubts. The main reason is in the peculiarities of any tree. It lies in the content of moisture, regardless of the degree of drying.

No matter how much percentage it is, twisting, or even cracking the tree can not be avoided. Taking into account the fragility of the panels is not an option, unambiguously. For a long time, even when fixing on the window inside the building, it will not serve.

Installation of the battery

The dimensions of the frame are selected based on the linear parameters of the panels. Horizontal orientation or vertical - it depends on the specifics of the battery installation, and does not have a fundamental value.

A sheet of glass or polycarbonate is attached to the frame (not a cellular, and monolithic). It performs a protective function, preventing photocells from mechanical destruction.

On it, from the inside of the frame, drops of silicone sealant (centered panels) are applied, or it is flashed with the finest layer. Recommendations for the use of resin (epoxy) are unlikely to deserve attention, since it is not necessary to speak about the maintainability of the battery in this case.

The calculated number of panels is laid in the frame (the assembly is done in advance). One gives a voltage of about 0.5 V (a small deviation of the nominal not counting). It is important not to confuse, where the facial side of the items, but where is the rear.

The back is closed with a soft removable mat. For its manufacture, you can take the foam rubber (4 cm, at least) and the P / E film. It is connected to its edges with scotch or solder (if there is a special machine).

On this work does not end. Between glass (polycarbonate) and panels will remain air bubbles that reduce the efficiency of the solar battery. They must be removed. To do this, the tight material is stacked on the mat. For example, a fragment selected in size sizes, thick (multi-layered) plywood.

From above - a cargo, the weight of which is sufficient to press the panels slightly. In this position, the battery is left on the half, not less. Here you should focus on its dimensions and uniformity of the load distribution.

After this time, the oppressive, plywood and mat are dismantled. Immediately mount the battery at the installation site. It will take some time that the sealant is finally pros.

Instead of mat, you can use a different soft substrate. For example, sawdust, chips.

The final stage is the manufacture of the rear wall and its placement. For this, a chipboard is taken, Fiberboard, plywood, but necessarily with the same substrate to protect the panels from the deformation.

Features of the assembly of the scheme

Spike plates - the process is complex, requiring patrimony and attentiveness. It is better to work as a soldering iron low-power (24 - 36 W). If used in every 65 is used, it should be included through restrictive resistance. The simplest option is a sequential attachment of the "Stovetchka" light bulb.

But that's not all. It is necessary to exclude the battery self-discharge (at night, in rainy weather). This is ensured by the inclusion of diodes in the scheme. It is advisable to use the acoustic cable, which is also fixed by a sealant as a conductor (for conclusions).

A variant of film solar battery (there is also such) is not considered. Despite some advantages, he has a number of significant minuses - low efficiency and the need for laying on large areas. For a private house, the solution is unacceptable.