Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a powerful wind generator with your own hands. Vertical windmill do it yourself: the assembly process. What is the wind generator

The inexhaustible energy that air masses carry, always attracted the attention of people. Our great-grandfathers learned how to bargain the wind in the sails and the wheels of windmills, after which he was aimlessly worn out for the unwarked expanses of the earth.

Today, for him again there was a useful job. The wind generator for a private house from the discharge of technical innovations becomes a real factor of our life.

Let's get closer to wind power plants, we estimate the conditions for their cost-effective use and consider existing varieties. Homemade craftsmen will receive information in our article to reflect on the topic of self-assembly of the windmill and devices necessary for its efficient work.

What is the wind generator?

The principle of operation of the household wind power plant is simple: the airflow rotates the rotor blade illuminated on the generator shaft and creates an alternating current in its windings. The resulting electricity is intensive in batteries and as needed consumables with household appliances. Of course, this is a simplified scheme of a home windmill. In practical terms, it is complemented by devices that perform the transformation of electricity.

Immediately behind the generator in the energy-chain is a controller. It converts a three-phase alternating current into a permanent and directs it to charging batteries. Most household appliances cannot work from "constant", so the batteries are set another device - the inverter. It performs a reverse operation: turns the constant current into the household alternating voltage of 220 volts. It is clear that these transformations do not pass without a trace and take away from the initial energy quite a decent part (15-20%).

If the windmill works in a pair with a solar panel or another electricity generator (gasoline, diesel), then the circuit is complemented by the circuit breaker (AVR). When disconnecting the main current source, it activates the backup.

To obtain maximum power, the wind generator should be located along the wind flow. In simple systems, the principle of weather is implemented. To do this, at the opposite end of the generator, a vertical blade is fixed, unfolding it towards the wind.

In more powerful installations there is a rotary electric motor controlled by the direction sensor.

The main types of wind generators and their features

There are two varieties of wind generators:

  1. With horizontal rotor arrangement.
  2. With a vertical rotor.

The first type is the most common. It is characterized by high efficiency (40-50%), but has an increased level of noise and vibration. In addition, it requires a large free space (100 meters) or high mast (from 6 meters) to its installation.

The generators with a vertical rotor are energetically less effective (efficiency is almost 3 times lower than that of horizontal).

Their advantages include simple installation and reliability of the design. Low noise allows you to put vertical generators on the roofs of houses and even at the ground level. These settings are not afraid of icing and hurricanes. They start from the weak wind (from 1.0-2.0 m / s) while the horizontal windmill is needed an air flow of the middle force (3.5 m / s and above). Under the form of the impeller (rotor), vertical wind generators are very diverse.

Rotary wheels vertical windmills

Due to the low rotor speed (up to 200 rpm), the mechanical resource of such installations significantly exceeds the indicators of horizontal wind generators.

How to calculate and pick up the wind generator?

The wind is not natural gas, downloading pipes and non-electricity, uninterrupted by the wires in our house. He is capricious and inconsistent. Today, the hurricane disrupts the roofs and breaks the trees, and tomorrow is replaced by a full calm. Therefore, before buying or independently manufacturing a windmill, it is necessary to estimate the potential of air energy in its area. To do this, determine the average annual power of the wind. This magnitude can be found on the Internet on the relevant request.

Having received this table, we find the area of \u200b\u200byour stay and look at the intensity of its painting, comparing it with an estimated scale. If the average annual wind speed is less than 4.0 meters per second, the windmill does not make sense. It will not give the desired amount of energy.

If the wind power is sufficient to install a wind power plant, then you can move to the next step: the selection of the generator power.

If we are talking about autonomous energy supply at home, then the average power consumption of electricity is taken into account 1 family. It is in the range from 100 to 300 kW * h per month. In regions with low annual wind-standing (5-8 m / s), such an electricity is able to generate a wind turbine with a capacity of 2-3 kW. It should be borne in mind that in winter the average wind speed is higher, so the energy generation during this period will be greater than in the summer.

Select the wind generator. Approximate prices

Prices for vertical domestic wind generators with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 kW are in the range of 90 to 110 thousand rubles. Complete set at such a price includes only a generator with blades, without mast and additional equipment (controller, inverter, cable, batteries). Full-digital power plant along with installation will cost more than 40-60%.

The cost of more powerful windings (3-5 kW) is from 350 to 450 thousand rubles (with additional equipment and installation work).

Windmill with your own hands. Fun or real savings?

Let's just say that make the wind generator with their own hands full and effective. The competent calculation of the wind wheel, the transfer mechanism, the selection of the suitable power and turnover of the generator is a separate topic. We will give only brief recommendations on the main stages of this process.


Automotive generators and electric motors from straight-driven washing machines for this purpose are not suitable. They are able to generate energy from the wind wheel, but it will be insignificant. Auto-beams for efficient work need very high revs that cannot develop the windmill.

In motors for stylish another problem. There are ferrite magnets, and for the wind generator you need more productive - niodima. The process of their independent mounting and winding of current-carrying windings requires patience and high accuracy.

The power of the device collected by its own hands, as a rule, does not exceed 100-200 watts.

Recently, the motor-wheels for bicycles and scooters are popular among homemaleriers. From the standpoint of wind power, these are powerful niodima generators, optimally serving to work with vertical wind wheels and charging batteries. From such a generator, you can shoot up to 1 kW of wind energy.

Motor-Wheel - Ready Generator for homemade wind power plant


The easiest is made sailing and rotary screws. The first consists of light curved tubes fixed on the central plate. The blades of durable fabric are tensioned on each tube. The large sailboat of the screw requires a hinge fastening of the blades, so that with horagans they folded and did not deform.

Rotary wind wheel design is used for vertical generators. It is easy to manufacture and reliable in work.

Homemade wind generators with a horizontal axis of rotation work from the propeller screw. Homemade craftsmen collect it from PVC pipes with a diameter of 160-250 mm. Installation of blades is performed on a round steel plate with a fitting for a generator shaft.

For a long time, humanity uses wind power. Windmills, sailing ships are familiar to many, they wrote about them in books and remove historical films with their participation. Nowadays, the wind power generator has not lost the relevance, because

with it, you can make free electricity in the country, which can also be useful if the light is turned off on the site. Let's talk about homemade windmills that can be collected from progress materials and available parts.

For you, we provided one detailed instructions with pictures, as well as the video ideas of several more assembly options. So, consider how to make the wind generator with your own hands at home.

Assembly instructions

There are several types of wind units: horizontal and vertical, turbine. They have fundamental differences, pros and cons. The principle of operation of all wind turbines is the same - wind energy is transformed into electrical and accumulates in batteries, and already with them goes to the needs of a person. The most common view is horizontal.

Familiar and recognize. The advantage of the horizontal wind generator is a higher efficiency compared to others, since the windmill blades are always under the action of air flow. The disadvantages include the wind requirement above 5 meters per second. This type of windmill is easiest to make it easier, so the home master is often taken as the basis.

If you decide to try your hand in assembling the wind generator with your own hands, here are some recommendations. You need to start from the generator, this is the heart of the system, the design of the screw node depends on its parameter.

For this, automobile, imported production is suitable, there is information about the use of stepper motors, from printers or other office equipment.

The cycling motor can also be used to make the windmill itself for receiving electricity.

Deciding with the wind flow converter assembly in the electrotocks, it is necessary to collect a gear-reserved rotation unit from the screw to the generator shaft. One propeller turnover transmits 4-5 revolutions to the generator node shaft.

When the node is assembled gear generator, proceed to clarifying its resistance to torque (grams per millimeter). To do this, you need to make a shoulder with a counterweight on the shaft of the future installation, and with the help of cargo to find out with what weight shoulder go down. It is acceptable to less than 200 grams per meter. Having learned the size of the shoulder, this is our length of blades.

Many people think that the more blades the better. This is not entirely true, since the wind generator is done by themselves, and the details of the future power of the budget range.

We need big turnover, and many screws create a greater resistance to the wind, as a result of which at some point the incident flow slows down the screw and the efficiency of the installation drops. It can be avoided by two padded screws. Such a propeller in normal wind can spin up to and more than 1000 revolutions.

You can make the blades of the homemade wind generator from the remedies - from plywood and galvanized to plastic from water pipes (as in the photo below) and other things. The main condition is light and durable.

Easy screw will increase the CPD of the windmill and the sensitivity to the airflow. Do not forget to balance the air wheel and remove unevenness, otherwise during the operation of the generator you will listen to howl and howl.

The next important element is tail. It will keep the wheel in the wind stream, and rotate the structure in case of changing its direction.

Make the current collector or not, you can solve you, it is possible to bypass the connector on the cable and periodically, manually spin it to the twisted wire. During the test launch of the wind generator, do not forget about the safety technique, the blades in the wind stream can chop as a samurai cabbage.

The tuned, balanced windmill is installed on the mast, high at 7 meters from the ground, fixed by spacer cables.

Connect the output of the homemade wind generator directly to the battery, it is impossible to do it through the charging relay, you can collect it yourself or buy ready.

The principle of operation of the relay is reduced to the charge control, and in the case of charge it switches the generator and the battery to the load ballast, the system is striving to always be charged, not allowing rearrangement, and does not leave the generator without load.

The windmill without load can spin enough to high revolutions, damage the insulation in the windings developed by the potential potential. In addition, high turns can cause the mechanical destruction of the elements of the wind generator.

Now on the Internet is full of schemes and drawings, where the masters show how to make a wind generator on powerful magnets alone. Repeat or not, your business, whether it justifies it, no one knows. But try to assemble a wind power generating unit for the house, and then decide what to buy, and what to leave or make changes.

Get experience and it is possible to swall as a more serious apparatus.

Freedom and variety of homemade windmills is so extensive and the element base is diverse that it makes no sense to describe them all, the main point remained the same - the stream of the wind spins the screw, it transmits the moment to the gearbox, increasing the rumble of the shaft, the generator gives the voltage, then the relay holds the charge level on Battery, and the energy selection is already underway for various needs.

This is how the principle can make the wind generator with their own hands at home. We hope our detailed instructions with the photo examples explained to you how to make a suitable windmill model for home or cottage. We also recommend reading the master classes to build a self-made device that we provided on the video below.

Visual video tutorials

To make it easy to make a wind generator for receiving electricity at home, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with ready-made ideas on video examples:

So we gave all the most simple ideas of the homemade windmill assembly. As you can see, some models of devices can easily make even a child.

There are many other empty options, but in order to get high output voltage, you need to use complex mechanisms, like generators on magnets.

Otherwise, if you want to make a wind generator so that it works and used for the purpose, proceed according to the instructions provided by us!


Smashing wind generator with their own hands from the automotive generator

The wind generator made from the automotive generator can help in a situation where there is no possibility of connecting to the power line in a private building.

Either serve as an auxiliary source of alternative energy. Such a device can be made with your own hands from the girlfriend, using the developments of folk craftsmen.

Photos and video will demonstrate the process of creating a homemade wind installation.

Wind generator design

There is a huge species diversity of wind generators and drawings of their manufacture. But any design includes the following mandatory elements:

  • generator;
  • blades;
  • accumulative battery;
  • mast;
  • the electronic unit.

Possessing some skills, you can make the wind generator with your own hands

In addition, it is necessary to think in advance the control system and distribution of electricity, draw the installation scheme.

Wind wheel

The blades are perhaps the most important part of the wind generator. From the design will depend on the operation of the rest of the device nodes. Made them from different materials. Even from a plastic sewer pipe. The blade from the pipe is easy to manufacture, it is cheap and not exposed to moisture. The procedure for the manufacture of wind vessels is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to calculate the length of the blade. The diameter of the pipe should be 1/5 from the total element. For example, if the blade is a meter, then the pipe is suitable with a diameter of 20 cm.
  2. We cut the pipe with the jigsaw along the 4 parts.
  3. From one part we make a wing that serves as a template for cutting the subsequent vane.
  4. Bakery on the edges smoothed abrasive.
  5. The blades are fixed to an aluminum disk with welded stripes for fastening.
  6. Next, the generator is screwed to this disc.

Blade for wind wheel

After assembly, the windwell needs balancing. It is fixed on the tripod horizontally. The operation is carried out indoors in the wind closed. In the case of properly conducted balancing, the wheel should not move. If the blades rotate themselves, they need to be treated until the equilibrium of the entire structure is to give.

Only after the successful completion of this procedure should be proceeded to check the accuracy of rotation of the blades, they must spin in one plane without skewing. The error is allowed in 2 mm.


For the manufacture of the mast, the old plumbing pipe with a diameter of at least 15 cm is suitable, about 7 m long. If there are buildings within 30 m from the intended place of installation, then the height of the design is adjusted towards zoom. For the efficient operation of the wind installation, the pocket is raised above the obstacle at least 1 m.

The base of the mast and pegs for securing stretch marks concrete. Clamps weld with bolts. For stretch marks apply galvanized 6 mm cable.

Council. The collected mast has a considerable weight, with manual installation you will need a counterweight from the pipe with the cargo.

Alteration of generator

For the manufacture of a windmill generator, a generator is suitable from any car. Their designs are similar to each other, and the alteration is reduced to the rewind of the wire of the stator and the manufacture of the rotor on neodymium magnets. In the poles of the rotor, holes for fixing magnets are dried. Install them, alternating poles. The rotor wrapping paper, and emptiness between magnets is poured with epoxy resin.

In the same way, you can redo the engine from the old washing machine. Only magnets in this case, in order to avoid sticking stick at an angle.

The new winding is rewinding the coil to the tooth of the stator. You can make a mouthpiece, it's how comfortable. The more the number of turns, the more efficient the generator will be. Wind coils in one direction on a three-phase diagram.

The finished generator should be tested and measure the data. If with 300 revolutions generator gives about 30 volts, this is a good result.

Generator for windmill from a car generator

Final assembly

The generator frame is welded from the profile pipe. The tail is made of galvanized tin. The rotary axis is a tube with two bearings.

The generator is attached to the mast so that the distance from the blade to the mast was at least 25 cm. For safety reasons for the final assembly and mast installation, it is worth choosing a windless day.

The blades under the action of a strong wind can be bent and crashing about the mast.

To use batteries for food, which runs from a 220 V network, you will need to install the voltage conversion inverter. Battery capacity is selected individually to the wind generator. This indicator depends on the wind speed on the ground, the power of the connected technique and the frequency of use it.

The device of the wind generator

In order for the battery does not fail from excessive charging, you will need a voltage controller. It can be made independently if you have sufficient knowledge in electronics, or buy ready. There are many controllers for sale for alternative energy mechanisms.

Council. So that the vane does not break with a strong wind, install a simple device - protective vane.

Maintenance of the wind generator

The wind generator, like any other device, needs technical control and maintenance. For uninterrupted windmill work, the following works are periodically carried out.

Scheme of the wind generator

  1. The current current requires a current. Generator brushes need cleaning, lubricant and preventive adjustment every two months.
  2. At the first signs of the blatant malfunction (wheels shake and unbalanced), the wind generator is lowered to the ground and repaired.
  3. Once every three years, metal parts are covered with anti-corrosion paint.
  4. Regularly check fastenings and tension of cables.

Now that the installation is over, you can connect the devices and enjoy electricity. At least so far windy.

Generator for windmill do it yourself: video

Wind generator for a private house: photo


How to make a vertical wind generator for 220V for home with your own hands

Electricity is steadily becoming more expensive. To feel comfortable outside the city in hot summer weather and frosty winter day, you need to or thoroughly spend, or search for alternative energy sources. Russia is a huge country in the area with large fixed areas.

Although in most regions we prevail slow winds, low-tidy terrain is blown by powerful and buoyed air flows. Therefore, the presence of the wind generator in the household of the owner of the country real estate is most often justified.

The appropriate model is chosen on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bapplication and the actual use objectives.

Windmill # 1 - Rotary Type Design

You can make your own hands a simple wind turbine type. Of course, it is unlikely to supply the electricity to the large cottage, but to provide a modest garden house with electricity completely. With it, it is possible to provide light in the evening for the night of the day in the evening, highlighting the garden paths and the local territory.

So or almost this is a rotary wind generator made with their own hands. As you can see, there is nothing superpower in the design of this equipment.

Preparation of parts and consumables

To assemble the wind generator, the power of which will not exceed 1.5 kW, we will need:

  • generator from car 12 V;
  • acid or helium battery 12 V;
  • converter 12V - 220V at 700 W - 1500 W;
  • large aluminum or stainless steel capacitance: bucket or volumetric pan;
  • car battery charging relay and charge control lamp;
  • semi-hermetic switch type "Button" by 12 V;
  • voltmeter from any unnecessary measuring device, can be automobile;
  • bolts with washers and nuts;
  • wires with a cross section of 2.5 mm2 and 4 mm2;
  • two clamps that the generator will be attached to the mast.

To perform work, we will need scissors for metal or bulgaria, roulette, marker or construction pencil, screwdriver, keys, drill, drill, nippers.

Stroke design work

We are going to make a rotor and remake the pulley of the generator. To get started, we need a metallic cylindrical capacity. Most often for these purposes, fit a saucepan or bucket.

Take a roulette and a marker or a construction pencil and divide the container into four equal parts. If we cut the metal scissors, then to insert them, you must first make holes. You can use the grinder if the bucket is not made of painted tin or galvanized steel.

In these cases, the metal will inevitably overheat. Cut the blade without cutting them to the end.

So as not to be mistaken with the size of the blades that we cut into the containers, it is necessary to make careful measurements and carefully recalculate everything

In the bottom and in the pulley are placing and drill holes for bolts. At this stage, it is important not to hurry and lay holes in compliance with symmetry so that when rotating is to avoid imbalance. Blades should be bent, but not too much.

When performing this part of the work, we take into account the direction of rotation of the generator. It is usually spinning on the movement of the clockwise. Depending on the bend angle, the area of \u200b\u200bwind streams increases, and, it means, the speed of rotation increases.

This is another one of the variants of the blades. In this case, each detail exists separately, and not in the composition of the container from which

Since each of the windmill blades exists separately, it is necessary to screw each. The advantage of such a design in its increased maintenance

A bucket with finished blades should be fixed on the pulley using the bolts. On the mast using the clamps, install the generator, then connect the wires and collect the chain. The scheme, the colors of the wires and the marking of the contacts is better to rewrite in advance. Wires also need to fix on the mast.

To connect the battery, we use the wires of 4 mm2, the length of which should not be more than 1 meter. Load (electrical appliances and lighting) connect with wires with a cross section of 2.5 mm2. Do not forget to put the converter (inverter). It is included in the network to contacts 7.8 wire 4 mm2.

The design of the wind installation consists of a resistor (1), the generator starter winder (2), the generator rotor (3), the voltage regulator (4), the reverse current relay (5), ammeter (6), batteries (7), the fuse (8) switches (9)

Advantages and disadvantages of such a model

If everything is done correctly, this wind generator will work without creating you problems. With a battery 75a and with a 1000 W converter, it can feed outdoor lighting, security alarms, video surveillance devices, etc.

The installation scheme of the installation clearly demonstrates how the wind energy is converted into electricity and how it is used by appointment

The advantages of such a model are obvious: this is a very economical product, it is good to repair, does not require special conditions for its functioning, it works reliably and does not violate your acoustic comfort. The disadvantages include low performance and significant dependence on severe wind gusts: blades can be brought by air flows.

Windmill # 2 - axial design on magnets

Axial windmills with rooted stators on neodymium magnets in Russia until recently did not make due to the inaccessibility of the latter. But now they are in our country, and they cost them cheaper than originally. Therefore, our craftsmen began to make wind generators of this type.

Over time, when the possibilities of a rotary wind generator will no longer provide all the needs of the farm, you can make an axial model on neodymium magnets

What should be prepared?

As the basis of the axial generator, you need to take the hub from the car with brake discs. If this item was in operation, it must be disassembled, bearings to believe and smear, paint rust. The finished generator will be painted.

To qualitatively clean the hub from rust, use the metal brush that can be placed on the electric drill. The hub will look excellent again

Distribution and fixing of magnets

We have to stick magnets on the rotor discs. In this case, 20 magnets of 25x8mm are used.

If you decide to make another number of poles, then use a rule: in a single-phase generator should be how many poles, so many magnets, and in three-phase it is necessary to observe the ratio of 4/3 or 2/3 pole to coils.

Magnets should be placed, alternating poles. To make their location correct, use a template with sectors deposited on paper or on the disk itself.

If there is such an opportunity, the magnets are better to use rectangular, and not round, because the round magnetic field is concentrated in the center, and at rectangular - along their length. Anti-bearing magnets should have different poles.

In order not to confuse anything, apply the marker to their surface "+" or "-". To determine the pole, take one magnet and take others to it. On attractive surfaces, place a plus, and on repulsive - minus.

On the disks of the pole should be alternated.

Magnets are properly placed. Before they are fixed with epoxy resin, it is necessary to make fires from plasticine, so that the adhesive mass can be frozen, and not glass on the table or floor

To secure magnets, you need to use strong glue, after which the strength of the gluing is additionally amplified by epoxy resin. It pour magnets. To prevent scattering resin, you can make borders from plasticine or just windscreen scotch disc.

Three-phase and single-phase generators

Single-phase stator is worse than three-phase, because when loading it gives vibration. This is due to the difference in the amplitude of the current, which arises due to the non-permanent returns to his time. The three-phase model does not suffer from this disadvantage. The power in it is always constant, because the phases are compensated for: if it falls in one current, and it increases into the other.

In the dispute of single-phase and three-phase options, the latter comes out by the winner, because additional vibration does not prolong the service life of the equipment and irritates hearing

As a result, the approach of the three-phase model is 50% higher than the same single-phase indicator. Another advantage of the lack of unnecessary vibration is acoustic comfort when working under load: the generator is not buzzing during its operation. In addition, the vibration always displays the wind generator before the expiration of its operation.

The process of winding coils

Any specialist will tell you that before winding the coils you need to make a thorough calculation. And any practices will do everything intuitively. Our generator will not be too fast.

We need that the process of charging a 12-volt battery starts at 100-150 revolutions per minute. With such initial data, the total number of turns in all coils should be 1000-1200ct.

It remains to divide this figure on the number of coils and find out how many turns will be in each.

To make the wind generator on low revs more powerful, you need to increase the number of poles. In this case, the coils will increase the frequency of current fluctuations. For winding coils, it is better to use a thick wire.

This will reduce resistance, and, it means that the current will increase. It should be noted that with a large voltage, the current may be "eaten" winding resistance.

Simple home models will help to quickly and gently wind high-quality coils.

The stator is marked, the coils are laid in place. For their fixation, epoxy resin is used, the flow of which plasticine flights again oppose

Because of the numbers and thickness of the magnets located on the disks, the generators can vary significantly in their working parameters. To find out what power to wait as a result, you can wind one coil and scroll it into the generator. To determine future power, the voltage on certain revolutions without load should be measured.

For example, with 200 revolutions per minute, 30 volts are obtained with resistance of 3 ohms. We take away from 30 volts the battery voltage of 12 volts, and the resulting 18 volts divide on 3 ohms. The result is 6 amps. This is the volume that will go to the battery. Although practically, of course, it turns out less due to losses on the diode bridge and in the wires.

Most often, the coils make round, but better to pull them out. In this case, copper in the sector turns out more, and the coils turn out to be straight. The diameter of the inner opening of the coil must match the size of the magnet or be a little more.

Preliminary tests of the resulting equipment, which confirm its excellent performance are carried out. Over time and this model can be improved

Making a stator, keep in mind that its thickness must correspond to the thickness of the magnets. If the number of turns in the coils to increase and make the stator thicker, the interdiscable space will increase, and the magnetotime will decrease. As a result, the same voltage can be formed, but a smaller current due to the increased resistance of coils.

As a form for a stator, Phaneur is used, but you can place the sector for coils on paper, and the borders are made of plasticine. The strength of the product will increase fiberglass, placed on the bottom of the form and on top of the coils.

Epoxy resin should not adhere to the form. To do this, it is lubricated with wax or vaseline. For the same purposes, you can use a film or tape. The coils are fixed in between motionlessly, the ends of the phases are outward.

Then all six wires are connected by a triangle or a star.

The generator is tested in the collection using the rotation of the hand. The resulting voltage is 40 volts, the current of the current is approximately 10 amps.

Final Stage - Mast and Screw

The actual height of the finished mast was 6 meters, but it would be better to make it 10-12 meters. The foundation for her needs concreting. It is necessary to make such a fastening so that the pipe can be lifted and lowering with a manual winch. A screw is attached to the top of the pipe.

PVC pipe is a reliable and fairly lightweight material using which you can make a windmill screw with a predetermined bend

For the manufacture of the screw, PVC pipe is needed, the diameter of which is 160 mm. It is necessary to cut a hexless two-meter screw. With the shape of the blades it makes sense to experiment to enhance the torque at low revs. From a strong wind, the screw must be taken away. This feature is performed using a folding tail. The generated energy is copied in batteries.

The mast should rise and descend with the help of a manual winch. Additional stability of the design can be given using stretch cables

Two versions of wind generators are provided to you, which are most often used by summer residents and country real estate owners. Each of them is effective in its own way. Especially the result of the use of such equipment is manifested in a terrain with strong winds. In any case, such an assistant will never interfere with the farm.


Wind generator from girlfriend, how to make a wind generator with their own 220 volts

Every year people keep searching for alternative sources. A homemade power plant from an old automotive generator will be by the way in remote areas where there is no connection to a common network. It will be able to freely charge the batteries, and will also provide the operation of several household appliances and lighting.

Where to use the energy that will be developed solve you and the main thing of large financial costs assembly of the wind generator will not necessarily entail, but will allow to significantly save. Make your own hands or purchase it from manufacturers who are abuse in the market.

In this article we will help you deal with the question.

Consider the principle of the wind power station. The rotor and screw blades are activated under the rapid wind stream, after the movement comes the main shaft, rotating the gearbox, and then generates.

At the exit, we get electricity. Consequently, the higher the speed of rotation of the mechanism, the greater the performance.

Accordingly, when the designs are arranged, it is necessary to take into account the terrain, relief, know the areas of the territories where the high speed of the vortex.

Instructions for building windmill from a car generator

You can make it, but for this you will need to prepare all the necessary components in advance. The most important element is the generator.

It is best to take it from the tractor or bus, he is able to work out much more energy, but if there is no such possibility, you can do and more weak aggregates.

For the assembly of the device, in addition to the car generator, you will need: a voltmeter; rechargeable charging relay; steel to make blades; 12 volt battery; Box for wires; 4 bolts with nuts and washers;

Clamps for fastening the generator.

make a wind generator from the automotive generator

Build device

When everything you need is assembled, you can move to the collection of the wind generator. Each of the variants of the wind generator may have additional details, but they are clearly negotiated directly in the manual.

First of all, you need to assemble a wind wheel - this is one of the main elements of the design, because this item will transform the wind energy into mechanical. It is best that it consists of 4 blades. Remember that the smaller the blades at the windmill, the more mechanical vibration and the more difficult it will be balanced.

Make them, it is possible from sheet steel or from an iron barrel. The shape of the blade must be worn, as you saw in old windmills, but resembling the blade of the impeller. In such blades, aerodynamic resistance is much lower, and the effectiveness is higher.

After you with the help of a grinder, cut the windmill with blades with a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters, it is necessary to attach it to the generator with a rotor, drums from the hole and connecting the bolts.

Assembling the electrical circuit

Fix the wires and connect them directly to the battery and the voltage converter. It is required to use everything that at school in the lessons of physics you were taught to make a mastery when assembling the electrical circuit.

Before the start of development, think what power you need. It is important to note that automotive generators without subsequent alterations on the magnets and the rewind of the stator are not suitable for the wind generator, the operating turnover is 1.2 thousand-6 thousand.

rpm, and this is not enough to produce energy. It is for this reason that the coil of excitement is required. To raise the voltage level, it is necessary to rewind the stator with a thin wire.

As a rule, as a result, the power of your generator will be at 10 m / s 150-300 watts. After assembly, the rotor will be good to magnetize, as if the power was connected to it.

Rotary homemade wind generators are very reliable in work and are economically beneficial, the only imperfection is the fear of severe busting of the wind. The principle of operation The wind generator from the autogenerator has a simple - whirlwind through the blades causes the generator to spin.

In the course of these intensive rotations, the energy required to you voltage is produced.

Such a power plant is a very good way to provide a small house with electricity, of course, to pump water from the well of its power will not be enough, but to watch TV or turn on the light in all rooms with it can be.

Windmill from the automotive generator video step by step instruction.

Simple wind generator from fan

The fan itself can be open, but it takes only a few parts from it - this is a rack and screw itself. For the design, you will need a small stepper engine stitching by a diode bridge so that it gives out a constant voltage, a bottle of shampoo, a plastic plumbing tube is about 50 cm long, the plug for it and the lid from the plastic bucket.

On the machine make the sleeve and fix in the connector from the blades of the disassembled fan. The generator will be attached to this bushing. After fixing, you need to do the manufacture of the housing for the future windmill. Cut with a machine or manually bottom from a bottle of shampoo.

During cutting, it is also required to leave a hole at 10 so that it can be inserted into it, isted from an aluminum rod. Attach it with a bolt and nut to a bottle. After the solder was performed to the generator of all necessary wires, another hole is done in the bottle housing another hole for the output of these wiring.

We extend them and fix the bottle from above on the generator. In shape, they must coincide and the bottle body must reliably hide all parts of the generator.

Shank for wind generator

So that the windmill in the future traveled wind streams from different sides, it is necessary to make a shank, using a pre-prepared tube. Colding to the generator the tail part will be using a disdicked cover from the shampoo.

It also make a hole and, previously dressed on one end tube plug, stretch it and fix it to the main bottle body. On the other hand, the tube is powered with hacksaw and cut out with scissors from the cover of the plastic bucket of the shank wing, it should have a round shape.

All you need is simply to trim the edges of the bucket that it attached to the main capacity.

At the rear support panel, we attach a USB output and fold all the parts obtained into one. Fastening the radio or recharge the phone will be possible through this mounted USB port. Of course, a strong power of the wind generator from the motor from the fan does not possess, but still the lighting of one light bulb can provide.

Step-by-step building windmill do it yourself

Stepper engineer

How to make a wind generator from a stepper motor? After all, even at a small rotation speed produces a power of about 3 W. Voltage can rise above 12 V, and this allows you to charge a small battery. As a generator, a stepper motor from the printer can be inserted into the future wind generator.

In the generator mode, a stepper motor produces an alternating current, and it is easily converted to a permanent, using several diode bridges and capacitors. Scheme, you can easily assemble with your own hands. The stabilizer is installed behind the bridges, as a result, we obtain a constant output voltage. To control the visually voltage, you can install the LED.

In order to reduce the loss of 220V, for its straightening, Schottky diodes are applied.

The blades for the wind generator can be made from PVC pipe. The blank of the blade is drawn on the pipe, and then cut out the cutting disk. Scope of the screw should be about 50 cm, and the width of the blades is 10 cm. You need to pull the sleeve with the flange under the size of the shaft shd.

It is satisfied with the engine shaft and is attached with the help of screws, plastic blades will be attached directly to the flanges. It is also necessary to carry out balancing - pieces of plastic are cut off from the ends of the blades, the angle of inclination can be changed by heating and bending.

The generator itself is inserted into a piece of the pipe, to which it also was attached by bolts. As for the electric fee, it is better to place it downstairs, and it takes power from the generator to it. From a stepper motor over 6 wires, which correspond to two coils.

For them, there are current collecting rings for electricity transmission from the movable part. Connecting all parts between themselves, you can proceed to testing the design, which will start speed at 1 m / s.

Homemade Heating Wind Generator

Motor-Wheel and Magnets Wind Generator

Not everyone knows that the wind generator from the motor-wheel item is made with their own hands without significant financial costs and in a short time, the main thing is in advance the necessary materials.

For the wind generator based on the motor-wheel, the Savonius rotor is best suited, it can be purchased ready or made it yourself. It consists of two half-cylindrical blades and overlap, of which the axis of rotation of the rotor is obtained.

And it is also necessary to make a blade, you can choose the material for them using a tree, fiberglass or PVC pipe, which is the easiest and most optimal option. We manufacture the location of the parts on which you need to make holes for fastening in accordance with the number of blades.

A swivel mechanism is also needed so that the wind generator can subsequently withstand any weather. Windmill from the motor wheelcutter motor in video instructions.

Ferrite magnets wind generator

The wind generator from magnets will be difficult to make poorly angry masters, but still you can try. So, in the generator there must be four poles, each of which will be two ferrite magnets.

Metal overlays are covered with a thickness of a thickness of a little less than a millimeter for the distribution of a more uniform magnetic flux. The main coils should be 6 pieces, rewinded with a thick wire and must be through each magnet occupying space corresponding to the length of the magnetic field.

Fastening the winding and magnet schemes can be on the hub from the grinder, in the middle of which is installed in advance.

The flow of energy supply of the height of fixing the stator over the rotor is regulated than it is higher, the smaller the sticking, respectively, the power decreases.

For the wind generator, you need to weld the support of the rack, and on the stator disk fix 4 large blades that you can cut out of the old metal barrel or the lid from the plastic bucket.

With an average rotation speed, the wind generator issues about 20 watts.

Generator for a windmill with cores from ferrite magnets.

Wind generator on neodymium magnets

If you want to know how to create a wind generator, you need to make the floor of the car hub with brake discs, such a choice is quite acquitted, because it is powerful, reliable and well balanced.

After you see the hub from paint and dirt, you need to go to the arrangement of direct neodymium magnets.

They need 20 pieces on the disk, their size should be 25x8 millimeters.

Magnets need to be placed, taking into account the alternation of the poles, it is better to create a paper template before gluing, or to dig lines dividing the disc on the sector to not confuse the poles.

It is very important that the magnets standing in front of each other were wrapped in different poles, that is, attract. Magnets are glued with super glue, it is necessary to make borders along the edges of the discs and in their center wounds the cattle or caressing from plasticine to prevent spreads.

To make the wind generator on neodymium magnets, work with maximum return, the stator coil should be calculated correctly.

An increase in the number of poles leads to an increase in the frequency of the current in the coils, due to this, the generator even with the low frequency of the blades, gives greater power. Winding coils is carried out by thicker wires, in order to reduce resistance to them.

Wind generator on neodymium magnets Step-by-step instructions

When the main part of the generator is ready, the blades are made, as in the previous case, and fix them to the mast, which can be made of an ordinary plastic pipe with a diameter of 160 mm. In the end, the wind generator operating on the principle of magnetic levitation, with a diameter of one and a half meters and six blades, in the 8m / s, is able to provide power up to 300 W.

Disappointment or expensive vane

Today there are many options to make the wind generator, each of the ways is effective in its own way. If you are familiar with the technique of manufacturing equipment generating energy, then you will not make a difference from a car generator or from the printer, the main thing is that he will answer the scheme they have conceived, and gave good power at the output.

Comparison of video wind generators

alternative Energy Windmaster Wind Generator

Smart greenhouse Smart greenhouse is classified by the main categories of the advantages of greenhouse watering and ventilation solar distillation ...

Wind power resources in the Russian segment occupies an ambiguous position. The use of such devices is considered on both sides. With one homemade windmill, this is an excellent solution for saving electricity mechanically. This contributes to the endless plains, where there is a constant wind speed and a sufficient potential energy is recruited, which turns into a further windmill in the kinetic one. However, in some regions of the immense country, winds are distinguished by weak potential due to uneven and slow impact. In the northern regions, they allocate the third party, where violent and unpredictable winds are taught. Each house owner may contain their own windmill in the farm. Buy such a device - expensive pleasure, so it is better to create a wind generator for home. Determine: What kind of concrete windmill type will suit more and with what kind of objectives is it chosen?

You can make the wind generator with your own hands and from empty bottles

Regardless of whether you are a wind generator vertical, rotary windmill or other type, a schematic product device has the following similar components:

  • The current generator is your own hands (an available option is used).
  • Blades (made of hard material incapable of corrosion and deformations in the process)
  • Tower type lift required to raise the installation to the desired level.
  • Optionally installed additional electronic control system.

It is easier and cheaper to collect wind generators with your own hands with a rotor or axial design on magnets. To select the appropriate, we will study the device of each.

Windmill 1 - Rotary Type Design

A homemade wind generator with a rotary turbine is made of two, less often than four, blades. It is characterized by a simple design, in view of which it is made independently from the primary materials. Such a wind generator for the house will not provide the necessary amount of electricity two-storey country cottage. The power of the wind generator is enough for the supply of small garden house with electricity. The wind turbine for a private house is used to supply lighting on household building buildings, car lights, lamps, household, hairdryer, refrigerator and others.

Preparation of parts and consumables

Depending on which the power is calculated by the wind generator with its own hands, the corresponding generator is selected for the windmill. We will look at the windmills with their own hands up to 5 kW. Make the wind generator with your own hands with a rotor easily. For this prepare the following materials:

  1. Automobile generator by 12 volts. To create a device, use an acidic or helium battery from the car.
  2. Voltage regulator for converting variable currents: 12 -\u003e 220 volts.
    Homemade voltage regulator to convert variable currents: 12 -\u003e 220 volts
  3. Overall container. Suitable options: stainless steel saucepan or aluminum bucket.
  4. Charger. Use the relay removed from the car.
  5. 12 volt switch.
  6. Charge lamp with controller.
  7. Bolts M16 × 70 mm with nuts and washers.
  8. A simple voltmeter of any configuration from an unused measuring device.
  9. Electric three-cable cable with a cross section of at least 2.5 mm 2.
  10. with rubberized lining. We will be needed when fastening the generator to the carrier match.

Generators on the 220 do it yourself need a standard set of mounting tools: Bulgarian with discs, marker, screwdriver, drills with drills, metal scissors, set of precipitated keys, gas keys №1,2,3, nippers, roulette.

Stroke design work

To create a windmill design, the rotor is initially prepared. The next step modifies the pulley of the generator. Metal capacity is used as a rotor: pan or bucket. With the help of roulette and marker, I measure the four equal parts. Then we do the holes at the ends of the drawn lines so that the separation into the component parts is easier. We cut the container with metal scissors. In the absence of those, we do the same actions with a grinder. From the parts received, we cut the blade of the future rotor, but not to the end cutting the workpiece.

It is not allowed cutting containers from galvanized materials or products with, since the material overheats and deform.

Rotor blades must fit together by size

So that the windmill from the automotive generator work correctly, the rotor blades should correspond to each other. As an option create a generator from the starter with your own hands. Therefore, measurements require careful checks.

Now you prepare the generator for the windmill with your own hands. First of all, we define the side of the rotation of the pulley. To do this, turn it out with the right hand moving to the left - right. According to the standard, it rotates clockwise, but exceptions happen from the rules. In the next step, connect the rotor part with the generator. With the help of a drill, we do smooth holes in the bottom of the tank and the pulley of the generator.

Holes should be located in symmetry. Otherwise, there is a risk of imbalance in the rotor movement.

The edges of the blades slightly wound to increase the speed of rotation from the wind. The greater the angle of bending, the more efficient the rotary installation perceives the air flows. The rotor blades are made not only from the tank. You can make a blade for the wind generator with your own hands in the form of individual parts that are connected to the metal blank in the form of a circle. In such models it is easier to carry out repair work on the restoration of individual impellers.

To connect the generator, we take a container with the made blades and securely secure to the generator pulley of the M16 × 70 mm bots or smaller diameter. Now the collected design is entirely installed on the mast. Fix in accessible places with metal clamps. Mount the electrical wiring and collect a closed chain. Each contact is connected to the appropriate connector. If necessary, pre-write the labeling and the color of each wire separately. Wired secure wiring to the mast.

After the complete assembly of the mechanical design, it remains only to connect the inverter (voltage converter), the battery and load (dashboard and lighting). For the inverter, we use the electrical cable with a cross section of 3 mm 2 with a length of 1 meter, and for the remaining peripheral loads, a cable with a cross section of 2 mm 2 is suitable. The collected windmill is ready for use.

A low-power wind-generator on the basis of a drill with their own hands

Advantages and disadvantages of such a model

With the correct assembly of all components, the wind generators do with their own hands from the automotive generator to serve a long term without a single problem. The design, powered by a 75-amp battery with an installed transducer by 1000 W, will issue the amount of electricity for stable operation of street lighting or video surveillance devices. The advantages also include: a relatively low price for wind turbine components, maintainability, the absence of additional conditions for correct operation and low noise design. For example, low-noise vertical wind generators of 5 kW work quieter than modern refrigerators.

Disadvantages are obvious: weak electrical performance, low strength indicators, dependence on sharp changes in wind speed, which leads to a frequent breakdown of blades.

Windmill 2 - axial design on magnets

The wind generators for 220V with their own hands with neodymium magnets were called axial windmills. The device of such structures is based on non-iron stators with attached magnets. Due to the fact that the cost of the latter fell several times, make a generator on magnets with their own hands it became easier. The model of this windmill will allow you to get more electrical energy than the created rotary electric generators do it yourself.

What should be prepared?

What is a wind generator, device and principle of work

The main element of the mechanical design of the axial generator is the wheel of the wheel of a passenger car along with brake discs, which will become a future rotor. If the item was used earlier in its destination, then it should be prepared. To do this, disassemble the hub to the composite parts and the metal brush, we spend the inner and outer walls of the element from rust. Each bearing is thoroughly lubricating. Now we collect the hub in the reverse order.

Distribution and fixing of magnets

To fix the neodymium magnets on the brake discs of the rotor, prepare 20 units of rectangular shape with dimensions of 25 × 8 mm.

In the magnets with a round structure, the magnetic field is located in the center, and at rectangular length.

An even number of magnets forms poles. We have them, throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe disks alternating one. In order to find out where the magnet is plus and minus, one of them is taken, and the rest lean to it first one and then by other sides. If they are magnetized, then put the marker on this side plus and vice versa. With an increase in the number of poles, we are guided by the following rules:

  1. For single-phase generators, the amount of poles is equal to the number of magnets.
  2. For three-phase, the ratio of 4/3 proportion is observed according to the units of magnets and poles, as well as 2/3 by poles to coils, respectively.
Magnets are installed perpendicular to the circle of the disk

To accurately distribute magnets around the brake disc circle using a template drawn on a sheet of paper. Magnets with glue with strong glue, and then fix the epoxy resin.

Three-phase and single-phase generators

A stator with one phase is relatively worse than three-phase analogs. In view of inconstancy at the rate of current, high fluctuations of amplitude in the power grid arise, so single-phase devices are given vibration. In three-phase generators, the current load compensation from the same phase to another. Due to this, the power in such a network is always constant. Vibration effects negatively affect the design as a whole, therefore, the use of single-phase generators is much less than three-phase. Another advantage of a three-phase model is the lack of noise while working.

The process of winding coils

Before proceeding to winding the wires on the generator coil, we make the moment of starting the charge of the battery at 12 volts should occur at a nominal value of 110 rpm. Using this data, we calculate the required number of turns in a single coil: 12 * 110 / N, where N is the number of coils. For the winding, we use exclusively wires with a large cross section. This will reduce the resistance units and increase the current strength.

Mast and Screw

High-voltage masts should be about 6-12 meters. A formwork is poured under the base of the mast, and then concreted. To the top of the secretion of the screw, which can be made of PVC pipes with a diameter of 160 mm and a long at least 2 meters. It takes out six two-meter plates from it. Fix the resulting Fint on top of the mast. The mast itself strengthened with the help of cables, nailed on the one hand, and on the other - to the body of the structure.

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Features of the operation of windmills

Any of the two windmills presented models is suitable for use as an alternative source of electricity. In the manufacture of such a device, any generator 220V can be used. For example, designed wind generator with its own hands from has a greater duration of operation. The wind turbulent from the screwdriver is one of the simplest windmills. Owners of country houses will appreciate. Each type of wind generators has a set of individual advantages and disadvantages. The degree of efficiency of the individual design may be varied for different regions of our country. Such a source of electricity under hand never hurts, especially if such equipment will be used on flat terrain with high wind intensity.

In modern realities, every homeowner is well familiar with the constant growth of the cost of utilities - this also applies to electrical energy. Therefore, to create comfortable habitat conditions in a country house building, both in the summer and in winter, will have to or pay for energy supply services, or find an alternative way out of the current situation, the benefit of natural energy sources are free.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands - step-by-step guide

The territory of our state is for the most part of the plain. Despite the fact that in cities wind access is covered with high-altitude buildings, strong air flows buffet. Therefore, the independent manufacture of a wind generator is the only right solution to provide a country house with electricity. But first you need to figure out which model is suitable for self-making.


A rotary windmill is a simple converter, which is just done with your own hands. Naturally, such a product will not be able to provide electricity a country mansion, but for the country house is quite good. It will make it possible to highlight not only the housing house-building A, and economic buildings and even the tracks in the garden. For self-assembly of an aggregate up to 1500 watts, you need to prepare consumables and components from the following list:

Naturally, you need to have a minimum set of tools: metal cutting scissors, bulgaria, measuring tape measure, pencil, set of wrench and screwdriver, drill with swelling and passage.

Step-by-step action

The assembly is starting from the manufacture of the rotor and remake the pulley for which they adhere to a certain sequence of work.

To connect the battery, the conductors with 4 mm section and no more than 100 cm are used. Consumers are connected by conductors with a cross section of 2 mm. It is important to turn the circuit to turn on the constant voltage converter to a variable value of 220V according to the terminal contact scheme.

Pros and cons design

If all manipulations are done, right, then the device will serve long enough. When using a sufficiently powerful battery and a suitable inverter to 1.5 kW can be provided with outdoor and domestic lighting, refrigerator and TV. Make such a windmill is very simple and economically beneficial. Such a product is easily repaired and unpretentious to use. It is very reliable in terms of work and not the noise, annoying the inhabitants of the house. However, the rotary windmill has low performance, and its work depends on the presence of wind.

Axial design with without an iron stator based on neodymium permanent magnets, on the territory of our state appeared not so long ago due to the inaccessibility of component parts. But today, powerful magnets are not rare, and the cost of them has fallen significantly compared to several years ago.

The basis of such a generator is a hub with brake discs from the passenger car. If this is not a new detail, it is advisable to go through and change the lubricants and bearings.

Accommodation and installation of neodymium magnets

Works start with gluing magnets on the rotor disk. For this purpose, magnets are used in the amount of 20 pcs. and 2.5 per 0.8 cm sizes. To change the number of poles, you need to follow the following rules:

  • single-phase generator involves the amount of magnets according to the number of poles;
  • in the case of a three-phase device, a ratio of 2/3 poles and coils, respectively, is observed;
  • the placement of magnets should occur with the alternation of the poles, to simplify their distribution it is better to use the finished template made from the cardboard.

If possible it is advisable to use the magnets of the rectangular shape, since in round analogues the concentration of magnetic fields goes in the center, and not throughout the surface. It is important to comply with the condition that the magnets standing opposite each other had opposite poles. In order to determine the poles, the magnets are made to each other, and the attractive parties are positive, therefore, the repelled edges are negative.

For fastening of magnets, a special adhesive composition is used, after which a strengthening is made to increase the strength by an epoxy resin. For this purpose, it is poured by magnetic elements. For preventing spreading, the resins make sides using conventional plasticine.

Tri-phase and single-phase type unit

Single-phase stators in their parameters are inferior to three-phase analogues, since the vibration increases with an increase in the load. This is due to the difference in the amplitude of the current arising from the impermanence of its return over a certain period of time. In turn, in a three-phase analogue there is no such problem. This made it possible to increase the return of a three-phase generator by almost 50% compared with a single-phase model. Plus, due to the lack of additional vibration during the operation of the device, extraneous noises are not created.

Winding coils

Each electrician is aware that before starting winding the coil, it is important to perform preliminary calculations. The homemade wind generator on 220V is a device operating at low speeds. It is necessary to ensure that the battery charging starts from 100 revolutions per minute.

If you proceed from such parameters, then no more than 1,200 turns will be required for the winding of all coils. To determine the turns for one coil, it is necessary to perform a simple division of general indicators for the number of individual elements.

To raise the power of the wind turbulence with low revs, the number of poles increases. In this case, an increase in the frequency of the current in the coils will occur. Winding coils should be performed with thick copper wires. This will reduce the amount of resistance A, therefore, increase current strength. It is important to take into account that with a sharp increase in voltage, the current can be fully spent on the resistance of the windings. To simplify the winding, you can use a special machine.

In accordance with the number and thickness of the magnets fixed on the disks, the operating characteristics of the device are changed. To find out which power indicators will be in the end, it is enough to wind up one element and scroll it into the unit. To determine the power characteristics, the voltage is measured at certain revolutions.

Often the coil is performed round, but it is advisable to pull it slightly. In this case, copper in each sector will be larger, and the location of the turns becomes more denser. By diameter, the inner opening of the coil should be equal to the dimensions of the magnet. In the manufacture of the stator, it is important to take into account that it should be equal to the parameters of magnets in thickness.

Usually, plywood is used as a blank for the stator, but it is quite possible to perform marking on a paper sheet by drawing the sector for coils, and for borders to use conventional plasticine. To give the strength of the product, fiberglass is used, located on the bottom of the form of coils. It is important that the epoxy resin adhesion does not occur. For this, it covers on top of wax. The coils are fixedly fixed with each other, and the ends of the phases are outward. After that, the connection of all wires according to the star or triangle scheme is performed. To test the finished device, it is rotated manually.

Usually the final height of the mast is 6 meters, but if possible, it is better to increase it by 2 times. Because of this, a concrete base is used for its attachment. The mount should be such that the pipe is easily rising and lowered with a winch. At the upper end of the pipe, the screw fixation is performed.

To make a screw, you need PVC pipe, the cross section of which should be 16 cm. A screw of a two-meter length with six blades is cut out of the pipe. The optimal shape of the blades is determined by the experimental way, which allows you to increase the torque with minimal revs. To remove the screw from strong busting winds, the tail of the folding structure is used. Electricity generated accumulates in batteries.

Video: homemade wind generator

After consideration of the available versions of wind generators, each homeowner will be able to determine the device suitable for its purposes. Each of them has both its positive parties and negative qualities. Especially to experience the efficiency of the windmill can be outside the city where the constant motion of the air masses occurs.

Often there are situations where electricity in the nearest gear line becomes inaccessible or unnecessarily expensive, and in such cases it can only help the homemade windmill. Let's look at the autonomous supply of a country house with electricity.

Wind generators - what model is better?

Very often I want to save on electricity or get it there, where the LAP tower has not passed. An option is also possible when simply no possibility of joining this tower due to the lack of free power. In any of the listed cases, it is necessary to find an affordable source of electricity, and it is desirable renewable, that is, without the use of fuel. Therefore, forget the time about the existence of gasoline and diesel generators and try to use wind power to produce electricity.

Windmills exist for a long time ago, a couple of centuries ago, windmills were actively used. Yes, during the calm from such a device, there is little sense, and during a storm can even refuse the most reliable mechanism (at best). But with all his unreliability, the wind generator for home with their own hands make the easiest thing, it is considered the most effective, especially if there is no access to the river with a quick course for the installation of the wheel. And it should be remembered that the wind turbine tower should not interfere with neighbors neither by noise nor vibration or even discarded shadow according to the rules for the construction of a residential building on the site.

The main types of windmills exists only 2: with a vertical and horizontal axis of rotation. The mills, once used everywhere, belonged to the mechanisms whose blades were satisfied with the horizontally oriented axis. Also, most wind turbines are manufactured today on this principle, since this option provides the largest efficiency. However, wind generators with a vertical axis for home made by their own hands work with the lowest wind, which does not shift the blades of propeller models. For them, there are enough light gusts from 1-2 meters per second. As for the manufacture - it is much easier to make a vertical windmill that takes wind from either side.

There are generators and type blades that have both specified species. For the most part, the main factor of division by type is the design: rigid or sailing. Already, depending on which option is preferable to a specific model, the material is selected for the manufacture of windflow collaborators. It can be plywood, tin or thin sheet steel, plastic, composite - for easy rigid design, and any flexible, but durable material, including silk, banner fabric or even a thin tarpaulin suitable for sailing.

Differences of generators shaped blades - Comparison of efficiency

The easiest version of the horizontal type is a sailing structure, that is, the location of the propeller planes at a low angle to the plane of rotation. Rigid blades will require an accurate calculation of the bending of their surfaces, or it will be necessary to achieve maximum performance. The insufficient curvature of the "wing" will eventually reduce the efficiency due to poor airflow capture, and too strong itself will create resistance to rotation due to friction about the air.

As for the generators with a vertical axis, their wind catchers can have a variety of forms, and developing new circuits and bends continues continuing. The easiest option is to blades in the shape of grooves, the so-called the design of the Savonius. Their quantity is usually made even - 2 or 4. Although it happens more when they make homemade immobal vertical vertical wind generators by 30 kW with their own hands, with additional static screens on the outer ring. These screens are guided and concentrated by the wind to certain areas located inside the rotor ring, where the blades are installed directly. These, depending on the diameter of the base disk, can be ranked from 8 to 16 pieces.

There are still orthogonal propellers, which are located on vertically installed axes and rotate in a horizontal plane, but their main drawback in extremely low efficiency. Also, such generators do not work with weak wind gusts, you need a speed of at least 4 meters per second. And less frequently used models of the windmills are expensive, including Helicoid, with a screw-like bending blades, arcuate wind seals and the design of the type "N". They are reliable and effective, but it is difficult to do at home.

Pros and disadvantages of various types - disassemble and evaluate

As already mentioned, the performance is much higher with the models with a horizontal axis of rotation. However, they need strong wind, such usually happens at an altitude of more than 10-15 meters, and it is just such a length that the mast is established, which is crowned with a swinging gondola with blades. Another positive quality can be considered the lack of bending load on the shaft, which takes place from windmills with a vertical axis. By cons: the fact that the rotary propeller models are 2 shaft, which means there are more wear knots and above the probability of breakage.

As for vertical systems, their advantages and disadvantages depend on the model. For example, the windmills of the Savonius are the most simple and can be made for home with their own hands, both from tin can, and from a metal or plastic barrel. In the presence of 4 blades from the easiest blowing of the wind, especially if high-quality parts are installed, then self-discharge will occur due to inertia even with a gusty wind. But if the blade is only 2 or 3, independent rotation is impossible, therefore they put 2 such modules one on the other, the having plants of the wind of each at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the other. Sailing of this type is large, and therefore very high side pressure on the axis with a strong storm.

Orthogonal windmills, in addition to their low power, there are still a number of flaws. First, it is quite strong vibration due to uneven pressure on different sections of the blade of the wonderland. As a result, the bearing mounted on a vertical shaft is quickly spoiled. In addition, such generators are published with a rather strong and unpleasant noise when rotating, and therefore may cause discontent of neighbors in the nearest sites. Helicoid, if they purchase ready-made, factory configuration, they are very expensive, as well as multilave designs, which have a very large number of parts.

Any wind generator to increase efficiency can be installed in the rotating pipe.

The principle of windmills - how does the system arranged?

Regardless of the type of windmill, he cannot work out in energy itself, he needs a generator, the rotation of the shaft of which will be provided with blades. If you have a design with a horizontal axis of rotation, the gearbox will be needed to transfer to the shaft. Next, the controller is connected, which is converting electricity obtained on the coils of the generator in a permanent current, then entering the batteries. Next, you can connect the LED light bulb, but if you want to charge any device or connect the laptop, you will also need an inverter that converts the battery charged charge into an alternating current.

It should be borne in mind that each change in the current of the variable to the constant, and on the contrary, reduces the final amount of energy by 10-15%.

Installation with a vertical axis of rotation is convenient because it can be rather long, and it allows you to place the generator at the bottom of the mast, that is, in the direct access area. Often, an automatic switch is installed in the chain, in cases where the windmill works in a complex with solar panels or water wheels. Also in some models put a brake, which is needed in case the battery is fully charged. On wind turbines with a horizontal axis of rotation, hinges can be provided, which fold the winds of the wind during the storm. A very powerful wind generator at 5 kilowatt, made with their own hands, is sometimes supplemented by a rotary electric motor, which works from the direction of air flow sensor.

Product on neodymium magnets - brief instruction

Recently to build a rotor assembly and a stator for a windmill better by a specialist, but if you decide to make a windmill for a private house from scratch with your own hands, you need to know how the generator is manufactured. You should start from the base for which it is best to use the hub of the car, because there are already bearings on it. Neodymium magnets, the poles facing the front side to you should be glued to the disk at an equal interval. Moreover, in a single-phase model, the number of diverse parties should coincide. As for three-phase generators, it is recommended to follow the proportions 2: 3 or 3: 4.

Next should be done with winding coils for the stator. This task is also better to trust a specialist or use special devices that will help to cope with the task more carefully than if you manually do everything. In order to successfully charge a 12 watt battery, you will need a total number of turns in all coils equal to 1000. In general, the most simple formula can be used to calculate the turns Ω \u003d 44 / (T * S)where 44 is a permanent coefficient, T - the induction of the Tesla, and S is the cross-section of the wire in square centimeters. Tesla induction Determine the table for various types of conductors:

Wound coils (it is better to give a rectangular or trapezoidal form for the convenience of arrangement in a circle) with glue on the fixed base of the stator. In this case, the shape and dimensions of the inner space of the coil must correspond to the contours of the magnet. The same applies to thickness. All the ends of the conductors we derive and connect so that two common beams "+" and "-" are obtained. Cores of coils are poured with the same glue that was used for fixation, it is possible to isolate the wires laid on the stator disk. Now, if the magnets are with the rotation of the rotor to combine with coils, the difference in the potentials of the poles will create conditions for the production of electricity.

Making a windmill based on the finished electric motor

Usually, homemade masters try to use automotive generators, but not all are suitable, but only self-excited, for example, those used in some models of tractors. Most require a connected battery for the emergence of a current. However, a motor-wheel driver for a scooter or scooter can be used as a bulk for the windmill. This will make it possible to make low-noise vertical wind generators by 5 kW, which will have a very high resource due to the simplest design with a minimum of details.

You can also use almost any electromotor from domestic machine tools as a generator, the main thing is that there are no brushes, such as in or electric drills, such generators are not suitable for you. For a low-power option, a cooler from the computer is suitable, but only for charging small electronic devices. If you want to get a vertical wind generator, made with your own hands, at least 2 kW, it is better to take a motor motor from a powerful fan.