Repairs Design Furniture

Cuisine interior with blue headcard. We draw up a blue kitchen interior. What style to takeout the kitchen in blue

Once upon a time, in the epocira era, the shades of the blue in the interior of the premises were not just a fashion, but a generally accepted norm. Even in rustic houses for a long time It was customary to add a bit of blue to the walls for the walls. I went to the past ampir with his solemnity and some fraction of pompous, and for a long time the blue color became a stepmaker in the design of apartments.

Blue kitchen with various types

Bridget Jones or Julia Child "Julia and Julia" made an episodic appearance. We recommend that you create your own entrance hall. Kitchen ornaments In different shades of blue have many qualities - they are beautiful, original and beyond the time. You should boldly experiment with flowers and pay attention to each item.

Blue walls - a great way to increase the scale on a small kitchen. To get even better results, you must add the location of several white accents, and on the wall hang the mirror in a thin frame. Due to this, the blue cuisine will become even more spacious and lit!

Nowadays, the blue kitchen is no longer uncommon, but nevertheless, even designers belong to heavenly color in the interior. The man in the street, accustomed to the blue and blue color with cold, uncomfortable, prefers to see his home in other colors, warmer and habitual.

It turns out that the kitchen is in blue Tones - not the best way? On the contrary, excellent! For you a selection of photos of blue cuisine - click on the pictures and see amazing interiors in an enlarged form.

Whatever blue, blue or patina on the walls - blue kitchen Always looks very fresh! Blue interior Creates the impression of purity and pleasant coolness, giving care and purity. Blue also symbolizes peace and spirituality. Blue kitchen - perfect place For recreation and contemplation. Interesting way Diversification of agreements may be the introduction of additives in light pink color.

Blue combination with other shades

Blue kitchen helps to lose weight - some may seem amazing, but psychologists confirm - blue color effectively suppresses appetite! Blue tablecloth or elegant turquoise dishes cause an insurmountable desire to suddenly disappear. Blue is a steep color palette, but the blue kitchen does not have to look raw. An excellent way to warm it up is to introduce wood into the room. Wooden kitchen counters contrast with white cabinets, give a home kitchen and a little rustic atmosphere.

Positive configuration zone

Do not be afraid of blue in the kitchen interior. All shades of blue and not very dark blue mildly and unobtrusively can fit into any interior. And the color of the kitchen is blue can create a feeling of lightness, purity and space.

Properly selected shades and tones are capable of making the kitchen extremely cozy, which has to spiritual conversations.

Cuisine decoration blue

Even the wooden floor will be even better. If you are afraid that the boards will not work well in the kitchen, you can always use tiles to imitate wood. Blue should not appear on all four walls. For those who are just starting to work with this color, both will be a blue background with an original pattern. The kitchen is the best washable wallpaper from vinyl, latex or fiberglass.

Blue Marinated and Oriental Kitchen

Both agreements will like the soul traveler. The first is fresh and fresh offer, the other is energetic and somewhat mysterious. Blue sea \u200b\u200bstyle Kitchen, you will love shades like blue, dark blue and dark blue. In addition to them, white and red accents should appear in the location. Rattan materials, recycled wood and natural fabrics will be assessed. You can use thematically selected superstructures. The tray decorated with an anchor pattern, turquoise glass vase or a table of untreated wood, perfect for decor dacha house on the beach.

The color of a clear sky sets up on the creation of culinary masterpieces, the fantasy of the cook begins to manifest itself in the most interesting and delicious dishes.

Blue eastern cuisine - This is a treat for turquoise and cobalt lovers. To live in it, there must be impressive gold additions, exotic wood and paisley-patterned dishes. It is worth noting the complex location of lanterns and candles, preferably with forged metal. Delicately decorated, Arab and Hindu ornaments resemble memories of long journeys and encourage culinary experiments.

Blue kitchen - noble interior

Blue is always associated with water, sky, cold, open space. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that this is the region of the Supreme Deities - Zeus and Jupiter. As soon as the intense blue dye was obtained exclusively from the azure stone, the value of which was equal to gold. That is why Mary's mantle was painted in blue - therefore the sacred was worshiped. The interiors supported in this color palette for a long time were rare. Today's blue kitchen does not surprise anyone, and designers really want to play with blue shades - from azure, indigo and sapphire to Aquamarin.

Those who are passionate about different diets to get rid of extra kilograms, the interior of a blue kitchen is simply necessary! This color has interesting feature - He reduces appetite. And also say that the color of heavenly lazuries contributes to changes for the better.

Blue color in the interior:

combination of shades for the kitchen

In our restless fussy eyelids, we are unforgivable far from nature. So, it's time to fill the dwellings with transparent bluish air, heavenly blue, marine turquoise depth. This is a life-affirming color, symbolizing joy, freedom, endless space and sincere equilibrium.

"After each view of the sky in the eyes is a bit blue," the Polish analogue was written by Alexander Kumor. Indeed, blue shades can fascinate, absorb, charming. This is the color that you must have in your home and give them an unusual, somewhat mystical action every day.

Choosing the colors of the interior, it is not only fashionable or personal taste, but remember that the color can affect our well-being. Fashionable kitchen accessories provide bold shadesstill designed to more representative rooms. How will the blue color work and how will he affect us?

Blue kitchen design may not be too cozy, as it is a cold color scheme. It is worth calling on the help of light yellow, cream, beige, and everything will look different.

Blue is the color of the mind, soothing, clarifying and soothing thoughts, as well as symbolizing reliability and wisdom. It is often used when creating offices or offices, it is also worth noting that most television stations use this color when organizing news programs. And how does blue color appear in the kitchen?

Combination of colors and shades

Blue kitchen - great idea For energetic morning. it kitchen equipment Facilitates stress and concerns about going to work, reinforcing concentration and lightening your mind. However, this can be perceived as cold, without emotions and unfriendly, and with weak lighting can cause alienation.

Warm shades warm the priority blue: make it gentle, "homemade".

  • It is possible to focus on furniture of blue-blue shades, and the walls and ceiling let them be any pastel tones - white, pale gray, cream or warm apricot.
  • An excellent option is to pour azure blue all the kitchen, from the walls to the furniture, and the role of bright stains will play kitchen utensils, accessories and textiles, for example, curtains on windows, towels and napkins.
  • Only select the decor is very careful, he should not completely distract attention.
  • Live plants in pots and bright bouquets will create an atmosphere of peace and peace.

Yellow-blue kitchen

If there is not enough room sunlight, then for walls, facades and hob panels, you can choose the most tender shades of turquoise, and purchase the table and chairs from natural tree Honey Tint - Acacia, Pine, Light Oak. Wonderful in this environment will look at the kitchen set of golden color.

Modern kitchens B. blue color - This is a solution for creative people with an open and logical mind. Such interiors do not contribute to the overall cooking with family or friends; They will be more efficient in the big urban apartment of the active single. Remember that blue suppresses appetite. Therefore, if you plan to go on a diet and constantly on line, the blue kitchen equipment will certainly make it easier for us.

Blue color, as applied to the color of the sky, gives a feeling of space, optically increases the room. Another advantage of blue is to use small cuisine. But we must compromise with small interior, increasing cold colors, and it can mean a reserve or even no kindness.

White-blue kitchen

Designers warn from white kitchen Garniturov On a bluish background of walls and light floor. Failure in this case due to the fact that it turns out a large overload of light, and the furniture, visually light, almost air, starts to lose all the room.

Since we live in the chromatic universe, and the color brings in our life a lot of emotions and experiences - joy or sadness, warmth or coldness, safety or fear, excitement or silence - we must be very careful in that we choose for spaces in which We work for those in which we want to relax. Colors, hot or cold, directly affect our mood. If we know what effects each have, we can use them to get more positive emotionsTo reduce the feeling of fatigue, increase or decrease your appetite, increase the concentration or relax.

The floor in the kitchen is best done wood or under the tree. The noble rich color of the tree will be a good companion for any shades under consideration.

Green - blue kitchen

The most interesting thing is that Aquamarine is perfectly mixed with many light green and salad. Their combination revives the kitchen space, makes it especially cozy.

The color is warmer, the closer it becomes red, the colder, the stronger it dominates. Closed colors have a depressing, discouraging effect, causing an emotional state in which prevail negative emotions, but bright colors become tedious with long exposure. Open colors have a favorable stimulating effect, causing positive states and emotions. Analyzing our choice against chromatics used in clothing or environmentIn which we live, we can know our identity and how it works at a deeper level, "explains the psychologist Jonut Hihugan for" Advarul ".

Unexpected color solution - rich blue and juicy red with black or brown splashes. Of course, it can solve the most bold, self-sufficient people, representatives of creative professions.

Blue kitchen: walls, floor and ceiling

Proper use of color in our life provides an increase in individuality and personal performance, reduces fatigue and helps to turn off nervousness, creates physical and mental comfort, brings joy and satisfaction. Red, it is very warm, it plays the role of a common stimulator, incites, provokes an action, gives a feeling of space, activates, mobilizes and facilitates the mental connection of ideas. Red also stimulates appetite, so it would be preferable not to use it in the kitchen, if we do not plan to feed more consistently.

What style take up the kitchen in blue?

It is strange that his sleevelessly secured the ampir style. This clear, loved by many tone opens huge expanses for fantasy and imagination. The name itself has many synonyms.

And it is not indicated in the bedrooms because he produces insomnia. Yellow - mobilization and concentration. Yellow gives warmth and intimidation. It is warm and dynamic color, improves the ability to mobilize and focus attention. The long-term impact of this color gives a feeling of fatigue, "says Jonut Hihugan. Therefore, if we draw our walls with yellow shades, without exaggeration, we can better focus on this room. Yellow, B. pastel tones, very suitable for residential rooms Because of its tonicity.

Green, soothing and soothing. For rooms relaxing green color very suit. Green gives a feeling of peace and good mood, relaxation and balance. It is a cool, calm and soothing color, which facilitates the nervous disorder, explains Jonut Hihugan.

Everyone sees in it what he wants to see - the bottomless depth of the sky, the water of the Azure Sea, the tender eyes of forgiveness. In whatever style will be conceived the interior of the kitchen in blue colorHe will harmoniously look in any. It will perfectly complement the glass and metal in strict style High-tech. It is appropriate and calm style.

You are definitely not afraid of change if you study what kind of diverse can be a blue kitchen in the interior, a photo of this proof. Boldly use a noble shade in the design kitchen space - He will give you a holiday every day and distract from sad thoughts.

Blue, good for meditation. Using blue B. decorative rooms Without exaggeration can be useful for people who need to perform work, requiring attention. Blue, very cold color, requires calm and thoughtfulness, gives a sensation of distance in space, distance, infinity and meditation. In excess, this leads to depression and slows down the pace of activity, "explains Jonut Hihugan.

Black brings depression. If we think about drawing and decorating the space black, it is good to know that we won't need to be psychologically. "Black has psychological effects and emotional resonance: restraint, anxiety, introversion and depression," says psychologist Jonut Hihugan.

Blue kitchen often performs a stumbling block for designers. After all, this color itself is quite controversial: on the one hand, he attracts his depth and freedom, giving the feeling of lightness and airiness of heaven, and on the other hand, it can push the orders with its cold shades, making residential space not very cozy.

As for the "white" white, with its help we can create the impression of space and tranquility and provide support for the development of ideas. It is a tedious color because of the overall ability to reflect the light, "says Jonut Hihugan. Stylish kitchen does not necessarily mean a loan in a jar or furniture in the store. Stylish kitchen means creating creative investments in your kitchen and using these tricks that can turn the kitchen into the kitchen style.

Team furniture is an important step To create a kitchen style. Allows you to organize your kitchen, as you will be pleased, and in complete agreement with the saturation that you have at your disposal. Do not miss to have stylish kitchen. In most cases, it may seem like, but it is detailing that makes your job in the kitchen much easier. Details and ideas about what moving parts in the kitchen can be found.

1 rule - a harmonious combination with other colors

Heavenly Associations related to blue color, encourage designers to use it not in the kitchen spaces, and in the bathrooms, which is the most traditional option, Bedrooms or playrooms for boys. However, the blue kitchen may well fit into modern interior Provence style, country, high-tech or minimalism, if you use certain techniques.

Working with the cuisine-celestial color in the interior of the kitchens, you should note the basic rule: so as not to enter an excessive cold to the kitchen space, the blue there should not be prevailing over the main colors. In other words, the kitchen room should not be completely painted in this hue. The right decision There will be the design of the entire space and details of the interior with a combination of lazuries and any other color suitable for his palette. For example, heavenly shades are successfully combined with flowers such as:

  • white;
  • salad and olive;
  • grey;
  • beige, cream, light peach;
  • bright shades of yellow and orange;
  • light golden.

The advantage of blue in the interior is visual expansion space. Therefore, for kitchens little size Its combination on the walls and in furniture with a white tone will be optimal decision. White-blue kitchen combines the following design details in itself:

  • steel fittings and furniture finish;
  • blinds on the window;
  • built-in ceiling lighting;
  • steel kitchen appliances.

Nevertheless, the above accents will refresh not only the white-blue interior of the kitchen space, but also any other combination of heavenly palette.

2 rule - competent use of lazuries on the floor and walls

Creating the interior of the kitchen in heavenly shades, designers recommend this color to use on the walls, ceiling or on kitchen apron. Coloring separate surfaces in it, it is possible to avoid the overload of the blue in the whole space. Then kitchen furniture There must be a different shade, for example, white. If the owners decided to paint into the azure and walls, and the ceiling, then it is necessary to resort to the architectural trick, breaking the upper space by the subtenuation plinth white color. Such a distinction will give the effect of a high ceiling. In the event that there is no such possibility, it is recommended to make the ceiling on the tone lighter, because with such a designer maneuver will be able to avoid excessive color pressure.

As for the tonal solution for the floor, the blue cuisine is perfectly combined with natural wood floors:

  • light-nut;
  • dense honey;
  • saturated golden.

However, a tree like any natural componentAlso has various shades. Therefore, when choosing a color of the floor for azure kitchen, it is necessary to be based on the next council. If the design of the kitchen space carries the idea of \u200b\u200bthe original contrast, it is better to paint in dark colors brown shades. If the blue kitchen should breathe comfort and warm, then in this case the color for the floor is recommended to choose golden tones.

An unusual solution will be a light blue floor on a blue kitchen. Such a combination is usually not popular with designers, however, it can be used in the interior if the kitchen is the ceiling and furniture of white tones.

But what should be avoided in the kitchen interior heavenly flowersso it is white floors, especially if used also white furniture.

This is not a completely successful combination color Tints Creates an imbalance of spatial proportions, the illusion of the instability of the room.

3 Rule - choice and combination of furniture

Optimal option In the kitchen is the use of furniture of celestial tones. This option is ideal in rustic style or Provence. The furniture set of this color will look a royal in the kitchens, where the walls are decorated in light beige, yellow and especially gray shades. Graphite and gray already speak by favorites in combinations with blue. On his background, gray is beneficial to highlight the azure color, which gives the room a contrast depth. The gray-graphite is recommended to be used for gender, and for tabletops in those kitchens, which uses the furniture set of a blue color scheme.

Beige and cream colors, as well as a shade of coffee with milk, as well as gray tones, It is advantageous to emphasize the celestial blueness of the furniture headset in case of their use on table top and upper cabinets. Then the apron recommend painting in white, but a dirty shade.

If the kitchen implies white furniture, then the light blue is perfectly apply in the design of the aprons for the walls. The tile for them is recommended to be laid out both in a single tone and in combination of several shades. For example, mixing light blue and dark blue, blue with white, yellow or orange. If the apron is the wallpaper, then the use of standard blue without impurities of other tones or colors is acceptable. Nevertheless, the use in the kitchen aprons of heavenly tones is best combined with countertops exclusively white optionEven despite the color of the whole kitchen furniture painted. The purity of the white will give the kitchen of elegacity and worstness.

Dilute the excess cold of the Lazarite will always help furniture of golden brown shades. If the owners do not know which headsets to put on blue cuisine, Furniture and honeycomb accessories will always be by the way.