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How to make a heavenly flashlight yourself. How to make Chinese celestial lanterns. Type and color

Sky lanterns - a stunning spectacle, thanks to very simple inventions. The flashlight has a very simple design, which means - it can be done with his own hands! It will take quite some of the materials that now cost the sowing penny.

How to make a sky lantern with your own hands?

For a flashlight, we will use:

Rubbish bag;

Straws for cocktails;

As soon as everything is ready, you can start creating.

1. Take the tube and put the cross from them. Between them, fasten them with scotch or glue. Do not very much with a scotch, try to ensure that the design is as easier.

2. To tubes glue candles. We used the easiest, festive, you just advise them to take them.

3. The resulting design is secure to the trash room. We use tape or glue again.

Flashlight ready! You can start to launch!

How to launch a sky flashlight?

Launch flashlight - The case is not easy, you need to follow several rules in order to launch successfully.

1. Scatter flashlight.

2. Run is better to spend two people. One holds the dome, the second set on fire.

3 . Hold it while he does not warm well.

4. As soon as the flashlight heats up, lift it up, if he breaks out, then let go, if not - then keep it yet. Repeat the movement up until the flashlight takes off.

- Very beautiful of the exciting spectacle, so once again, encroaching on the offer to buy flying Chinese lanternsSomehow suddenly remembered that they are quite simple can be done. It's funny, but then in the Internet the instructions for some reason did not come to mind. However, once I read a similar instruction, even I remember, I tried to repeat, but I didn't come out of anything, because there it was necessary to make a neat foil tube on the frame ... What my impatience, of course, did not give me. In addition, they were very delicate, and did not tolerate big overloads, which is also not too pleased. But now, suddenly I wanted to try again. And then I remembered that I have a wonderful and convenient substitute for these uncomfortable tubes ...

Safety technique

At the end, I will come back to her, but for now highly recommend

Required materials

So, what we need:


With the help of a scotch, we glue two sticks crosswise

Further turning sticks in the center of the foil. It must be done to protect against fire. Otherwise, your flashlight will not even take off. If there is a desire - you can do it more beautiful than in the photo, but to be honest - the flashlight is generally almost disposable. Either burn in the air, or warehouses so far that you will disappear every desire to go to look

We straighten the package, and find the extreme point of the neck.

Small pieces of scotch krepaiim frame to edges of the neck. There is no need for a lot of scotch, because the weight of the frame even together with the rut and foil - very small. The photo shows a piece of cotton wage wound in crosshair.

Collected flashlight

I checked - I have on making flying lantern It took about 4 minutes of time. Including photographing the process.


By the way, now frost on Street. And this means that the flashlight will exceed perfectly, because the big difference in temperatures inside the package and the outside - gives greater lifting force. However, I checked a similar flashlight at room temperature - and it flew quite well. True, I still do not advise you to launch him in the apartment ... He looked in my ceiling in my ceiling - I instantly flared up, it's good that I kept a mug with water with him

Hmm .. I seem to be distracted. Take a alcohol with me (you can in the syringe - it will be convenient to "refuel" our lanterns), a lighter, and it looks with matches ... And besides, there are two hands for matches, and we are still our flying flashlight Keep. However, you can take assistants with you: friends, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren ... wife (or husband). In general, something I was distracted again.

Deploy the dome of the flashlight, wet your alcohol with alcohol (do not stop ..., I did not particularly check, but it seems like Polkubika - it should be enough). Trying not to bunch the package - set on fire to the Vatka, and keep the flashlight until you feel something started to rush up. It happens somewhere in a couple of seconds. Let go and admire how the flying flashlight made by your hands is climbing higher and higher.

Safety (re-)

Since you are essentially launching an open fire in flight, do not do it close to buildings, power lines, petrol stations and other flammable objects .. If you are not sure that the flashlight will not set up anything - it is better to give up the launch.

It is best - to fill the Chinese flashlight with a small amount of fuel (alcohol) so that he will not fly long. In this case, the most correct solution will be followed by a flashlight until you make sure that the flame went out inside. In addition, there is still a matter of purity and order - an extinct flashlight after he falls - it is an ugly piece of garbage. So all the same - smaller fuel - so that he flies near


Flying lantern with your own hands in five minutes - It is quite real. Yes, he will not be so beautiful as purchased. And sizes, probably smaller. But it will be made by your hands.

Many lovers run chinese paper lanterns Someone asked such a question: " How to make a "heavenly lantern" with your own hands?"But few received a response to him. Make the "Heavenly Flashlight" will not be a lot of work but difficult make a "Heavenly Flashlight"who successfully takes off into the sky and will delight its flight. Full manufacturing technology is difficult to disclose, but we will give you some tips, who you can do chinese flying lantern with their own hands:

1. Paper from which flying lanterns "Heavenly lanterns" are made, is impregnated with a composition that prevents its fire,

2. Also paper is soft and thin, but very durable, which should be considered when manufactured,

3. Decide the size of one meter in the height is quite enough to begin with, the heavenly flashlight of such sizes will fly well into the sky,

4. Select the form for your "heavenly flashlight", we advise you to choose a simple form, for example, a diamond or heart.

5. After decorated with the form and size, go to the most important stage - the selection of paper. Paper is the most important component of the Chinese paper bowl of the "heavenly lantern". It should be easy for you to have a flying flashlight, and not fire hazard. Weight should not exceed 25 grams per square meter, with this weight "heavenly lanterns" take off in almost any conditions.

6. We impregnate our paper with flame retardant, it will significantly reduce the wetting and fire. After cutting out four parts 110 * 110 from paper, lengthening to the bottom and shovel from above, and glue them. Then make a frame from any light tree or other material. Flashlight ready!

7. To make the burner do the following: Melt the wax, take the fabric and feed it with hot wax (the combinations can be different), and the burner is ready.

Thus, you can make the "heavenly flashlight" yourself, but not the fact that it will fly. Also, homemade Chinese paper lanterns "Heavenly Lanterns" are very dangerous and not recommended for them, they can ignite and burn you.

If you can not make a "heavenly flashlight" with your own hands, but love to do the needlework, buy a "heavenly flashlight" and paint it under your taste. Homemade Chinese paper lanterns are dangerous, so it is better to buy "heavenly lanterns" in our store.

For the manufacture of a air chinese flashlight you will need:
- 1 wide scotch;
- 1 square of 30x30 or 40x40 cm cardboard;
- 1 pack of thin color packages for a volume of 120 liters;
- 1 bottle of liquid to incite a fire or medical alcohol;
- 1 roll tank;
- line, roulette or centimeter tape for measurements;
- thin wire;
- 1 wool packaging.

Chinese Heavenly Flashlight: Manufacturing Technique

Prepare all the above materials, you can proceed to the assembly of a flying flashlight. It is quite simple - the wick and the outer shell is fixed on the wire frame.

At first, take a garbage bag, open it, and then measure the diameter. From the carting, do the continuation of the package and attach it to your scotch. After that, from a piece of cardboard, put the strips with a width of 1.5-2.5 cm. Attach the strips from the outside to the tank using the tape.

Make a wire frame for a Chinese lantern. To do this, twist the circle from the wire and additionally attach a cross-cross-minute cross-liner to it. So you will get to give the stiffness of your design and where to attach the wick.

On the wire in the middle of the frame, secure the wool's lumps, in advance so-impregnated with a liquid for inciting a fire or medical alcohol. It is advisable to immediately prepare a few wicks, and also check how well they are ignited, what is the size of the flame. Thanks to this, you can pick up perfect wick for your product.

Put on the frame package with a tracing and launch a Chinese lantern. If the resulting design you seem small, you can make it more. To do this, just glue a few packages for garbage, take a larger number of cardboard, tracing and other materials.

Chinese celestial lanterns: launch rules

Launch flying lanterns is allowed only in open areas, away from parking lots, high buildings, forests and dry meadows. And most importantly - if the wind has become a strong, impulse, launch lanterns transfer to another time.

Fit the wick and with the help of an assistant - a friend or - straighten the dome so that it does not come into contact with the flame. Then carefully lower the chinese lantern on the ground, holding it for the frame. This is necessary for faster air heating inside the design.

After about one minute, raise the flashlight on the chest level. As soon as he starts stretching up, release it. Do this not in a hurry, slightly holding the product for the rim. And then you will only stay enjoying a stunningly beautiful flight of a Chinese lantern in the night sky.

Precautions: The project uses flammable materials. Children should work on the project only in the presence of adults. Do not run the Chinese flashlight in places where fire may begin. It is best to launch balls over a large water surface.

Step 1: Materials

  • Five large pieces of wrapper paper or rolling paper
  • Scotch
  • Medical alcohol or lighter liquid
  • Kitchen sponge or similar absorbent material
  • Scissors
  • Wires
  • Lighter or match

Collect all the materials for the assembly of the heavenly lantern. For the assembly with your own hands you will need large sheets of wrapper paper or waxed rice paper. Paper should be easy to light. The usual paper for printers and most paper bags are too heavy, and the heated air will not raise such a cargo. You need scotch to glue the sheets together.

For the fire, a small sponge will be needed, which will be placed in alcohol (except the sponge you can use any suitable material that can absorb alcohol and will be quite easy). A common sponge and 91% isopropyl alcohol were used for the project. The sponge will connect with a paper ball with a sleeper. The fire is easiest to light with the help of a grill lighter. If you run the air flashlight not one, then one person can hold it, and the second will lit a sponge. If you launch only one, then put it on the ground and burn the sponge, holding the top paper on the weight.

Step 2: We connect paper sheets together

Fold paper sheets one next to another. Long sides of sheets should lie one to another. Put the sheets of the waist so that they can be connected to the scotch. Near the centimeter will be enough. With the help of the scotch, connect the sheets. Scotch must be combined along the entire length of the paper, so that the heated air does not leave the ball. Four pieces of paper should be one big piece.

Step 3: We turn the ball into the cylinder

Take one short sheet of paper and connect it with another short end. Create them with a scotch, so that the paper becomes like a form of a hollow cylinder. Remember that there should be no cracks and gaps in the compounds.

Step 4: Attach the top

Now on the cylinder you need to attach the top, holding hot air inside. To do this, you can use another sheet of paper. Fold the cylinder by connections so that it becomes more reminding the box. Put it with one end to the floor, and the second end will look at you. Take a sheet of paper and place a short end of 10 cm below the top of the cylinder. Next, wrap the long side on top, then it will be fixed with scotch. Let the scotch strip along the entire length of the sheet and secure it on the one hand. Check the design and secure the opposite part of the sheet.

Step 5: Complete the roof

Rotate and secure each side of the roof. It should now have only one open side. Check again that there are no clearances in the connections.

Step 6: Making Fire Source

Kitchen sponge must be cut to get a smaller piece to fit and not weigh too much when it will get into alcohol. About 3 cm will be enough.

The sponge will be connected by two slices of wire. The wire length should be about 3 cm longer than the width.

It is necessary to skip the wire through the sponge, and it is necessary to place it so that it is addressed to the top of the structure with the largest square. Make so that on each side there are equal to the length of the wire.

Attach your wire ends to the sides of the finished design. The sponge should be located in the center of its open part so that the paper does not start to burn.

Step 7: Preparing to light

Break up the washcloth in alcohol or a mixture for a lighter, not knuckled paper parts. It is easiest to do if you cook a flashlight to launch not alone. One person can hold, and the other wake a sponge.