Repairs Design Furniture

Tandyer from 200 liter barrel do it yourself. Want to pamper yourself and friends of oriental cuisine? Make a tandoor from the barrel is completely simple. Tools and materials

Despite all those benefits that civilization gives us, namely, gas and electricity, food, for the preparation of which firewood or coals are used, it turns out much more tastier. For this reason, lovers of homemade ploves, shurts, lavasha and kebabs strive so that they have comfortable drunken clay furnaces for which high heat capacity and low firewood consumption are characteristic. They are also called Tandara. You can make this design in your country can anyone. About how to make a tandoor from the barrel, you will learn from this article.

Acquaintance with the device

According to experts, from ancient times in Central Asia, kaolin clay was used for the manufacture of Tandara Masters. It was observed that the correctly prepared clay was obtained more plastic. For this reason, she was swollen in water and left so for several days so that she would swell. In order to make the design of the furnace, more durable in the clay mixture was additionally added sheep or camel wool. Worked and mixed composition for a long time kneaded his legs until he became soft and uniform. In terms of its consistency, clay should have been like soft plasticine. Only after that she was considered ready to use. Directly the tandor was erected from molded clay bricks whose thickness was 50 mm. Before construction, they were dried for a long time in the sun.

In their form, tandyrs are round and square. The first option is considered classic. However, for the reason that many masters with the manufacture of furnaces of the right cylindic form have had difficulty, an alternative was invented, namely, square tandyrs. Nevertheless, during operation, they noticed that round and square designs differ in temperature regime. According to experts, rounded forms are preferable. Therefore, homemade craftsman can be advised to take advantage of the available ready-made cylinder. Judging by numerous reviews, there can be quite good to be a tandoor from a barrel. It can be 100, 150 and 200 liters. About how to make your own hands tandoor from the 200-liter barrel, let's tell me further.


For those who are interested, how to make a tandoor from a barrel, specialists advise to acquire the following:

  • Metal 200-liter barrel. It is desirable that it be made from a material that is not subject to corrosion.
  • Refractory brick.
  • Sand.
  • Clay.
  • Water.
  • Pallet. In the future, it will be used to collect fat.
  • Reinforcement.
  • Board. Its thickness can vary in the range of 2.5-3 cm.
  • Wooden cutlets.


Those who wish to make their own hands the tandoor from the barrel will have to work as follows:

  • Angular grinding machine (bulgarky). It is equipped with cutting discs.
  • Trowel.
  • Spatula.
  • Kelma.
  • Electrode.

Where to begin?

After cooking all the necessary consumables and tools, you can start work. First of all, you need to prepare a barrel. First she is cleared. For this, experienced masters recommend to apply a high-pressure washing. Next, the end wall is cut from the barrel with the help of a grinder under the filler neck. Then at the bottom need to cut the hatch for puff, through which fresh air will be supplied to the container.


At this stage, the inner part of the barrel is plated with refractory bricks. The laying is performed on a clay solution. Specialists advise using a solid fat layer. You can buy a ready-made mixture. For example, "Weber Old ML SAVI". However, many homemade craftsmen make clay solutions themselves. For the manufacture of tandoor from the barrel, it is desirable to use a mixture prepared in the following proportion: 1: 1: 4 (chammed clay, ordinary, sand).

The cement mixture is undesirable, since it is less resistant to elevated temperatures. Otherwise, cracks are formed in the tandan from the barrel after the extras. It is necessary to attach a brick to the top of the top. In this case, it is necessary to trace so that the hole for the imagination remains unemployed. The protruding edges of the brick are neatly cut off with a grinder. Judging by the reviews, there are cases that after the masonry carried out with difficulty or completely not closed attended. To fix it in a brick, which will be used as a door, you need to cut the edges at an angle and equipped with a wooden cutter.

Make it easy. Enough in the center of the brick, drill a deepening, in which there will be a handle on the clay solution. You can also equip a tando from the barrel to equip the cast-iron door for which the steel damper is provided. But according to the masters, compared with the improvised door made of refractory brick, pig-iron less sealed.

Finishing stage

At the very end, Tandan should be equipped with a pallet in which fat will be gathered. This pallet is a small bowler. It hangs on a metal crossbar inside the furnace. To have the ability to install the crossbar, it is necessary to make special slots under it in the masonry.

Then you need to make a wooden lid for tandora. Home Cleells will need a few boards with a thickness of 3 cm. The lid must have two layers. The lower will have a diameter of two times smaller than the top.


After the tandoor from the 200-liter barrel is ready, it should be installed. Since this design is stationary, it is better to put it on the foundation foundation. It is optional that the foundation depth was large, sufficiently 20 cm. It is important that its diameter is a bit more (15 cm) of the tandyard diameter. To prepare a foundation, first on the site you need to choose a suitable place. Then the pit is rotated, the bottom of which is littered with a pillow of sand. The reinforcement grid is stacked on top. After the boards make formwork. It is desirable that its height is at least 10 cm. Now in the pit you can pour out a conventional cement solution.

Testing the furnace

Before starting the operation of Tandara, experienced masters recommend it first to roll. The inner part of the design is thoroughly lubricated with vegetable oil. Then the stove is put on paper and slightly pinch. Primary warming should be performed on a small fire. If this recommendation is ignored, then, most likely, the clay layer cracks noticeably. It is necessary to increase the temperature gradually, putting coal or fire in the tandoor with small portions, controlling the height of the flame. If the firing is done correctly, the clay will have the properties of ceramics. The whole process will take at home crafts at least 6 hours. After completing these actions, the tandyard is considered to be ready for operation.

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Tandar is a jug-shaped furnace with high heat capacity and low fuel consumption (firewood), which makes it simply indispensable in the steppe. Pilaf, shuffer, kebab, lavash - all these dishes are impossible to imagine without the use of Tandara. There are several types of such furnaces, a number of them can even be done at home. In this article, we will look at two ways to manufacture a tandora from a 200-liter metal barrel.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a tandora from a 200-liter barrel, a number of instruments and materials should be prepared.

Required tools and materials

To create the presented type of Tandara, the following materials will be required:

  • 200-liter metal barrel;
  • brick of refractory type;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • water;
  • pallet (needed to collect fat);
  • armature;
  • board thickness from 25 to 30 mm;
  • wooden cutlets.

The following will be required from the tools:

  • bulgarian;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • master OK;
  • putty knife;
  • trowel;
  • drill.

Manufacturing Tandara

Feeding the presented materials and tools can be moved directly to the manufacture of the furnace:

    1. Clean the barrel using high pressure washing.
    2. It is necessary to take a metal 200-liter barrel and cut out the end wall, where the bay neck was placed.
    3. At the bottom of the barrel, with the help of a grinder, the hatch cutters - it is necessary for supplying fresh air to the burning area.

    1. The walls of the barrels are plated by refractory brick. The masonry must be performed on a clay solution, a solid thick layer. It can be purchased in the finished form (for example, Weber Old ML SAVI) or create yourself. Proportions: chammed clay - 1 part, ordinary clay - 1 part, sand - 4 parts. Mixtures on a cement basis are not suitable, since they are less resistant to elevated temperatures. This can lead to the fact that during the use of the furnace of its walls crackle.

    1. With the help of a brick, the brick is given the necessary form. The masonry is performed until the top of the barrel. The masonry is carried out in a quarter of the brick, during its execution, make sure that it is accidentally laid down a hole for pondered.
    2. In order not to have problems with the closure of the lower pond, it is necessary to cut the edge of the edge with the brick under the corner. After that, it is necessary to attach a wooden handle to the brick, for this, the deepening is drilled in the center of the brick, and the handle is planting on the clay solution. You can use a cast-iron door pondered with steel damper, but it will be less sealed.

    1. The installation of the pallet for grease is carried out. The pallet is a small-sized bowler, which is attached to the metal crossbar and hang inside the tandora. For fasteners of the pallet inside the furnace, in brickwork it will be necessary to make slits.

    1. Further, a wooden cover is made for the tandora. It will require wooden boards with a thickness of 30 millimeters. The lid is a two-layer, the diameter of the lower layer is approximately half the top.

After making the oven it is worth thinking about its installation. As the furnace is stationary, it is required to be installed on the foundation. It must be shallow, about 20 centimeters. In this case, the diameter of the recess in the ground should be slightly larger than the diameter of the furnace, approximately 15-20 centimeters. For the manufacture of the foundation, it is necessary to fall asleep on the bottom of the pit pillow from the sand, and to lay the reinforcement grid on top. A formwork is created by a height of 10-15 centimeters, it is poured with concrete.

Second way

There is a easiest way to manufacture a tandoor from a barrel:

  1. Inside the barrel, clearly in the center, a piece of iron pipe of a large diameter is installed.
  2. The space remaining between the walls and the pipe space, it is required to fill with a clay, slag or broken refractory brick.

The disadvantage of this method of manufacturing a tandoor is that the temperature inside the barrel is much lower than when using potanda from ceramics.

Observing all the technology of creating a tandoor from a 200-liter barrel, you can create an ideal oven for cooking Eastern and Asian cuisine as soon as possible.

Tandar is an eastern stove for making various dishes. Make a tandoor from the barrel with their own hands is easy. The design has a round shape and is installed directly to the ground, without prior preparation.

Barrel Tandora

Asian oven can be made of various materials. Tandoor from the barrel is the easiest option in the manufacture.


Tandara is a design that does not have chimney. This is a stove in the form of a jug that will turn upside down. The barrel is used as a template that is separated by brick or clay inside.

The tandoore device includes the following components:

  1. foundation;
  2. lattice;
  3. confused;
  4. bricks;
  5. thermover;
  6. tandar.


To make a tandoor out of 200l. Barrels do it yourself, the following materials will be required:

  • metal barrel;
  • brick. Its quantity depends on how thick the walls will be. Usually requires 50-80 pieces;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • water;
  • armature;
  • board;
  • kaolin;
  • sheep's wool;
  • vegetable oil.

Required tools

To make a tandoor from a barrel, there will be such tools:

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • circular saw-Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • master OK;
  • trowel;
  • putty knife.

Step-by-step manual instructions

Make a tandoor out of 200 liter barrels with your own hands is not so difficult. Below is a detailed instruction for its manufacture.

Production sequence as follows:

In order for the tandon to work better, it needs to make a lid. It is recommended to do from a steel sheet with a thickness of 3 mm. From above the cover is made of a non-heated material, for example, from a tree .. You can use various wood, but the oak is most suitable. It is distinguished by high reliability and perfectly holds heat. From above, the cover will be needed to coat the heat insulation layer. Adjust the handle stands at such a height to prevent co-attack of hands with the surface.

After the furnace is ready, it will be necessary to hide it three times for 2-3 hours. For firing, they use chip or minor firewood. The temperature in the furnace is adjusted to the maximum. Before the start of the wall in the furnace is lubricated with oil. It is preferable to be a cotton oil, but sunflower is suitable. A sheet of paper is placed in the hole of the focus. Over time, the fuel is added until the temperature becomes 1000 degrees. Once all the firewood burns completely, it remains 6 hours to cook food. Temperature can increase or decrease by pissed.

Ready homemade tandoor from barrel

During use, cover the tandoor with a lid

Operating Rules

Tandara only then can justify the means and forces invested in it when it will be used correctly:

  • It is necessary to choose the right fuel for a homemade furnace. It is not recommended to use stone coal for this. It creates a strong heat that destroys the structure of clay. On the walls inside the furnace can form a flight and a soot having a nasty smell. Clean the focus will not work.
  • It is also not recommended to use pressed sawdust and carbon from wood. They provide a larger temperature when heated, and this is fraught with cracking in the walls of the tandoor and the violation of the cooking techniques in this furnace.
  • It is better to use the branches and leaves of trees as fuel, in which there is no resin. Wood must be carefully dried before the furnace. This can be prevented by the appearance of creosote on the walls of the furnace.
  • Fuel should be loaded on 1/5 part of the height of the furnace. So far coal are formed, you need to maintain active burning. After that, you can partially cover up. This will allow the wood to burn for a long time. For several hours, the required temperature will be maintained in the furnace.
  • The test products are recommended to cook on the outside of the furnace and inside it. On the surface located inside, superimposes the dough for cakes. On the surfaces outside Tandara can be prepared boots. Meat in Tandan is prepared on the grid. At the bottom of the furnace advise to attach the grid. And put on it with a cazister from clay. It will drip juice, which can be useful for the manufacture of various dishes.

You can cook in Tandara dishes and in ordinary saucepans. They put in the basket of steel, which is suspended on the wire:

An example of such a design


Created by their own tandyard is a very convenient and useful fit. It will not only decorate the country area, but also allows you to cook delicious dishes. In Tandara, you can prepare a variety of dishes at the same time.

The cooking process is carried out several times faster than on ordinary fire. So Tandar will allow you to quickly cover the table for a large number of guests. Tadyr, created by independently, will be a long time to delight the owners with its practicality and functionality.

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At any time of the year, leaving for nature, we are preparing kebabs, barbecue or steaks on the mangale. But recently, Asian dancers have entered the fashion, which can be installed on their country sites or carry with them to nature to enjoy tasty dishes prepared according to special vintage recipes. A similar furnace can be purchased in a specialized store, and you can make your own hands.

Tandar is a clay oven, which many people of Central Asia and Transcaucasia used for millennia. This furnace is designed for cooking any meal: and for baking bread and pies, and for hot meat and fish dishes.

Since in Central Asia there was always a problem with the billery of fuel, they had to save firewood, so the furnace is very economical and allows you to prepare a few dishes at the same time, and long retains the accumulated heat obtained from rapidly burning shrubs.

Features of the device and the manufacturer of the tandoor from the barrel

You do not compare the taste of food cooked on the fire and smelling smoke. Therefore, the Asian stoves are increasingly popular, they can be found on many summer cottages, made by their own hands, they please the special taste of familiar dishes.

Tandar manufacturing technology from barrels do it yourself

The most difficult stage in the manufacture of Tandara is the observance of the correct proportions. Tandar must be rounded, and this is quite difficult to achieve, laying out the cylindrical basis. Some of the square oven, but the temperature regime in such an oven is significantly different from the temperature in the classic tando. Therefore, it is possible for the base for the furnace to use the finished barrel. For the manufacture of a portable oven, you can use plastic, and wooden, and metal barrels.

Tools and materials

For the manufacture of tandoor from the barrel, the plastic barrel itself is from 100 to 200 liters, kaolin clay, white sand, a little sheep or camel wool and red silicate bricks.

First of all, you need to do clay., It must be poured with water and leave for several days for softening. After that, wool is added to it, and it crushes with your feet until it becomes soft and elastic.

From the resulting clay form small bricks with a thickness of 5-5 cm, this will become the basis of your tandoor.

To work will require such tools:

  • Scissors for metal;
  • Pila Bulgarian;
  • Electric drill;
  • Master OK;
  • Putty knife;
  • Trowel.

Filling and construction of the foundation

Special attention should be paid to the construction of a foundation or ramp on which the oven will be installed.

The tandoor is installed on Earth away from residential buildings, make sure that there are no bushes or trees nearby, which can easily ignite.

Initially, you need to build an earthen coating without clay and other organic components. From above, approximately 15-20 cm layer of rubble or gravel layer.

The foundation towers above the ground at least 10-15 cm, and in the depth should leave another 25-30 cm. Around the foundation must be laid by waterproofing sheets.

Circular saw cuts the bottom of the barrel. A small hole for imaging is done on the side. From the inside the barrel is placed by the prepared bricks (you can use the factory red brick) and they are bonded by kaolin clay.

After the layout is over, the entire inner surface of the barrel is covered with a layer of clay in 3-4 cm. From the outside, the barrel should also be treated with or clay or mortar. Between bricks and clay, a layer of foil insulation should be paved.

The entrance itself is necessarily laid on both sides by bricks. The outer side should be wider, internal- already. The imaging door is also performed from the brick. For this, the brick is cut off with a grinder so that it is tightly entering the hole.

Production of the lid.

For efficient operation, the oven requires a dense upper cover that will not give the oven to cool ahead of time. For the manufacture of such a cover you will need a three-month steel sheet. From above, it is necessary to attach a handle from a material that will not be heated.

Experienced masters say that the metal cover is worse than wood, and necessarily oak. The oak lid is distinguished by strength, fortress and perfectly kept warm.

If the cover is covered with its thermal insulation, then it will not be possible to warm the furnace with the coiled or blankets for heat preservation. The lid should be fixed at a sufficient distance from the lid itself so that the hand does not come into contact with the hot surface.

Drying and first firing

Tandar can not immediately use, you need to give him time for drying. Please note that for the complete drying of the tandyard you need at least a month, and if you have saved the bottom of the barrel, then and a half.

When the Asian oven is completely dry, it needs to be hired at least 3-4 times 4 hours each time. For the first roasting, you will need bark, sawdust and chips of trees. In the following times, the furnace needs to split and bring the heat to the maximum.

Before the first firing, the inner walls of the barrels are lubricated with vegetable oil, it is best to cotton.

Operating Rules

Special devices will be needed for cooking in the Asian oven. The Christmas tree, which can be replaced by reptiles of reinforcement, on which mangals with meat or fish are suspended. A two-tier plate, which can also be replaced by bricks installed below, which will serve as a stand for dishes.

But these accessories can also be bought or made with your own hands.

Be sure to carefully smooth the clay, otherwise the furnace cracks at the first roast.

Be careful when working with thermal insulation, if the layers are too thick, then the brick will "walk" and will be able to fall out during operation.

Install the oven only outdoors. But you can attach to the wheel furnace so that you can be easier to transport from place to place, but note that you can only transport the tandoor after full combustion of firewood.

In this publication, we will consider ways to build a tandyard at the cottage - a street wood stove of the Eastern sample brick. After examining this material, you can choose the appropriate option and perform simple construction work with your own hands.

Construction of traditional tandanda

First, a few words about what tandyard is. This is a furnace of an antique design without chimney, located on the street and intended for cooking and baking along the eastern recipes - pellek, pita, samsa, and so on. What the stationary stove device looks like, is shown in the diagram.

What is the classic tandyard furnace:

  • foundation - reinforced concrete plate;
  • the clay fuel is in the form of amphora without the bottom, closed on top of the metal lid;
  • podium and exterior walls of brick;
  • between the inner and outer wall there is a filler from the heat machine of building materials (sand, small gravel);
  • at the bottom of the furnace, an iron grate grill and an ash chamber with a confusion door are arranged.

The principle of the Tandara's work is similar to the Russian oven: the flames of burning firewood warms the thick walls, which remain warm. Due to what, after attenuation of the fire, homemade meat and flour dishes are preparing: kebabs, kebab or cakes (according to old technology, the dough flies to the inner surface of the furnace).

Reference. Similar portable industrial production stoves are available. They provide a lattice (like a barbecue) and electrical heating of the camera.

Preparing building materials

To make the foundation and build a furnace, you will need the following materials:

  • ready ceramic vessel for Tandara Fire, resembling a pot without the bottom;
  • ceramic brick, preferably - full;
  • clay and sand for a masonry solution;
  • grate grille and ash bar door;
  • metal on the manufacture of the lid;
  • sand or small gravel - on the back of the gap between the walls;
  • cement M400, reinforcement and crushed stone - for filling the foundation.

Finished ceramic insert in the stove

Note. With your own hands, make an inner ceramic insert depicted in the photo is quite difficult. If it fails to be found on sale, then you will have to build a budget version of the tandora with clay coating, as described below.

The number of building materials depends on the size of the furnace selected arbitrarily. To correctly lay out the fuel cell with convex walls, it is necessary to withstand the ratio of the diameters of the subporate and the upper opening, as shown in the drawing.

If you plan to use the tandoome on weekends, then it is meaningless to make a large design. Specified in the drawing dimensions boldly decrease by 1/3, or half. The finished insert is an amphorus is not necessary to lach brick in a circle, the case can be built square shape, which is done in the photo.

Reference. It is allowed to put the stove from chamotte brick and refractory clay, but at the price of construction will be noticeably more expensive.

Around the clay insert is built a brick wall of arbitrary shape - round or square

Fill the foundation

Since any brick oven is a hard structure, it is impossible to install it directly on Earth. Before making a tandoor in the country area, prepare a concrete base according to step-by-step instructions:

According to the requirements for concreting grounds, load the fresh foundation is permitted in 28 days. Removing the formwork is performed earlier - after 5-7 days. More details about the fill of the foundation plate under the tandoor, see the video:

Build stove

To protect the homemade tando from a brick from moisturizing from the foundation, the concrete surface is stacked by the runneroid, and then proceed to construction. The order of work is as follows:

Council. By adding into a solution of sand, make sure that the sample does not begin to crack when squeezing into a cake is a sign of a skinny solution.

To check the solution is made of cake

To give the fuel with a convex form, use the wooden template shown in the photo. It is easy to lean from wooden planks, checking the angle of inclination of the reference rail according to the drawing.

When laying the inclined walls of the tandoore, the internal corners of the bricks are better cut. It is easier to work with the inner coating of clay when the construction will dry up, which we will negotiate. More The construction process is reflected in the video:

Stuffing and Razi

According to the ancient technology, the Tandara Tandyard should be deceived by the clay, sand and sheep wool, operating as the reinforcing component. Now it is worth applying modern materials that give the best result - the refractory clay "MP-18" and liquid glass.

The consistency of the mixture is made thick

Finishing is performed according to the following algorithm:

To obtain a uniform coating, you will need to impose several layers. Do not strive to make the surface perfectly smooth, the main task is to provide smoothness and remove the flowability so that the sand is not falling into Lavash.

After the complete pouring of the finishing layer, the tandoor is a small amount of firewood and protutate in a gentle mode, allowing masonry to dry finally. Fulfillment of the coating procedure, see the video wizard:

Budget versions of Tandara

One of the simplest ways to make a heatary oven for cooking - apply the iron 200 liter barrel as a frame. The base will serve as an old car wheel, partially covered in the ground, the reinforced concrete foundation is not necessary.

Production technology is simple:

Under certain conditions, the tandoor is laid out of bricks without the use of the solution. The stones are set "on the ass" in the form of a semicircle and bind to wire. The procedure for action is:

Council. In order for the solution well with brick walls, wet the last water from the sprayer.

The finished tandoor needs to be ignored and protruding several times. How the most simple and inexpensive stove version is built, look in the video.


In fact, budget construction methods allow you to create a Tandara imitation, since they differ in a cylindrical or cone-shaped form. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the real Asian oven must have a firebox in the form of amphora or jug. If this could not be achieved, you get a simple heatmate for cooking cooking.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

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