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The first round-the-world swimming of Russian sailors began in. The first Russian round-the-world journey

On August 7, 1803, two vessels were published from Kronstadt. These were the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva", on which the Russian sailors had to take around the road.

The head of the expedition was the captain-lieutenant Ivan Fedorovich Kruzhenstern - the commander of "Hope". "Neva" commanded the captain-lieutenant Yuri Fedorovich Lisya. Both were tested sailors who had earlier had to participate in distant swimming. Kruzenshtern was improved in the naval in England, took part in the Anglo-French War, was in America, India, China.
Project Kruzenshtern
During travel, the Kruzenchtern arose a bold project, the implementation of which was to contribute to the expansion of Russian trade relations with China. I needed a tireless energy to interest the project of the royal government, and the Kruzenchtern achieved this.

During the Great Northern Expedition (1733-1743), intended by Peter I and held under the superior of the Bering, huge areas in North America, called Russian America, were visited and joined in Russia.

The Peninsula Alaska and the Aleutian Islands began to visit Russian industrialists, and fame of the furious wealth of these places penetrated Petersburg. However, a message with "Russian America" \u200b\u200bat that time was extremely difficult. We drove through Siberia, the path was kept to Irkutsk, then on Yakutsk and Okhotsk. From Okhotsk sailed to Kamchatka and, waiting for the summer, through the Beringo Sea - to America. Especially expensive, delivery of the supplies and ship's tackles necessary for fishery. I had to cut the long ropes on the parts and after delivery to the place again fasten them; Also came with chains for anchors, sails.

In 1799, merchants united to create a major fishery under the supervision of trusted clarifiers who constantly live near the fishery. There was a so-called Russian-American company. However, the profit from the sale of fur to a large extent was to cover road costs.

The Kruzenshtern project was that instead of a difficult and long-time path on land, to establish with the American possessions of the Russian message by the sea. On the other hand, Kruzenshtern offered more close item Pashnin's sales, it is China, where fur had a great demand and were valued very expensive. To carry out a project, it was necessary to take a great journey and explore this new for the Russian path.

After reading the Kruzenshtern project, Paul I burned: "What a nonsense!" "And that was enough that a bold undertaking was buried for several years in the affairs of the Maritime Department. Under Alexandra I, Kruzenshtern began to achieve his goal again. He helped him the fact that Alexander himself had the shares of the Russian-American company. The travel project was approved.

It was necessary to buy ships, because in Russia there were no courts for long-range swimming. Courts were bought in London. Cruisenstern knew that the journey would give a lot of new things and for science, so he invited to participate in the expedition of several scientists and painter Kurlyndsev.

The expedition was relatively well equipped with accurate instruments for conducting various observations, had a large collection of books, marine maps and other benefits needed for long-range sailing.

Kruzenshtern advised to take English sailors in swimming, but he was vigorously protested, and the team was recruited Russian.

Kruzenshtern paid special attention to the preparation and equipment of the expedition. Both sailors and separate, mainly anti-cutting, food products were acquired by Lisyansky in England.
Approve the expedition, the king decided to use it to send to Japan. The embassy had to repeat the attempt to establish relations with Japan, which, at that time, the Russians almost did not know. Japan led trading only with Holland, for other countries, its ports remained closed.

In addition to the gifts to the Japanese emperor, the embassy mission was supposed to be afraid of several Japanese to the homeland, accidentally hit Russia after shipwreck and pretty for a long time living in it.
After long preparations, the court came out into the sea.

Russian world travels mostly equipped to visit Alaska, where Russian settlements were located. The purpose of expeditions was to ship the right products and goods to Russian colonies and export from colonies of values. Thus, the history of Russian geographical expeditions is closely related to Russian colonization on the North-West Coast of America. In the development of this colonization, a Russian-American company was played a huge role, which took the most important participation in organizing the first Russian round-world swimming pools and funding long-range swimming.

The first swimming of Russian ships around the world was under the superior to the lieutenant captain I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lysyansky. It lasted three years. It is worth noting that most of the world's swimming pools were three years, apparently due to the limited food and diseases on the ship. Traveling Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky begins the era of grandiose Russian studies. Since 1815, geographic expeditions were performed almost annually until 1849. In total during this period, 36 Russian round-light swimming were organized.

In 1803, at the direction of Alexander I, an expedition was undertook on two ships "Hope" and "Neva" for the study of the Northern Pacific. It was the first Russian round-the-world expedition. He headed the expedition Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern. He was the largest navigator and geographer of the Russian Empire. For the post of captain of the "Neva" ship, Kruzenshtern choses Lisyansky Yu. F, with whom they once served 2.

Since the Russian-American company did not have their own vessels intended for such a distant swimming, it was decided in England to buy two ships for the expedition. Lisyan Yu. F Received an order to go to England to buy two vessels suitable for around the world.

The suitable vessel Lissean is found in London, they were "Hope" and "Neva". The price for "Hope" and "Neva" was 17,000 pounds sterling, but for making add-ons that Lisyansky wanted to make 5,000 pounds had to pay extra. The Nadezhda ship was not new, he has for three years for the sea under the English flag, and "Neva" is only fifteen months. "Neva" had a displacement of 350 tons, and "Hope" is 450 tons. Also before the expedition Lisyansky buys equipment in England, which is useful during a swim. These were: various instruments for measuring, compasses, magnet, and more.

The team in addition to sailors were included: scientists, artists, doctors, merchants. Since at that time there were no familiar cameras, and the emperor wanted to see "long coast" himself, was taken aboard the artist for a realistic description of the islands.

The solemn sailing of the kronstadt boats took place on July 26, 1803. Before sailing, the emperor Alexander I personally examined new boats. The sovereign ordered to raise the military flags. The costs of the maintenance of one gate took on his own account, and after another, the Russian-American trading company was paid and one of the main inspirations of the expedition - Count Rumyantsev.

"Nadezhda" during his swimming several times was in a very risky position, while "Neva" was only once taken to the coral reef and, moreover, in such a place where it was impossible to expect on the cards. All this suggests that the generally accepted idea of \u200b\u200bthe leading role of Kruzenchtern in the first Russian round-the-world journey is not entirely true.

Lysisan Yu. F but is still the greatest value during the expedition, it still remains less famous than Kruzhenstern, because of its modesty, because Kruzenshtern has published his trip to the trip for three years earlier than Lisyansky.

A significant role of Lisyansky can be seen from the very beginning of the equipment of the expedition. Lysisani during a business trip to England quite skillfully acquired suitable ships, and moreover, it ensured the perfect condition of the entire material of the expedition. This one has already been part of the success of swimming.

Both ships were associated with a plan of actions, but in reality they conducted an expedition independently, since in the ocean they had more than once in the strongest storm, in such circumstances it is simply impossible to stay together. The first part of the way to England, and then through the Atlantic Ocean to bypass Cape Horn, ships were to make together, and only then from the sandwich islands they had to disconnect. "Hope", according to the plan of the expedition, followed Kamchatka. Then followed to go to Japan and deliver the Russian ambassador N. P. Rezanov with a retinue. After that, "Nadezhda" had to return to Kamchatka again, take the cargo of the fur and take it to the canton for sale. The path "Neva", ranging from the Hawaiian Islands, was completely different. Lissean was to go to the north-west, to the island of Kadiaku, where the main office of the Russian-American company was at that time. The wintering "Neva" was assumed here, and then she had to take the cargo of the Ferns and deliver it to Canton, where the meeting of both ships was appointed - "Neva" and "Hope". And already from the canton, both ships were to go to Russia together. But this plan was implemented with retreats.

On the way to Kamchatka Kruzenshtern produced a description of the Marquisy Islands, and on the way from Kamchatka to Japan - the description of the coasts of Japan and Sakhalin. He made a detailed map of this island, and determined 105 astronomical points. Present on the gate scientists, collected valuable botanical and zoological collections. On the ship "Nadezhda" there were observations over sea currents, water temperature and its density at depths to 400 m., Equipment did not allow deeper. Similar observations were made on the "Neva" Lisyansky. He systematically produced astronomical observations, determined the coordinates of a number of visited points, including all the harbors and islands, where "Neva" stopped. The measurements made by them were characterized by high accuracy and closely coincide with modern data.

During the world expedition, a thousand kilometers of previously unknown shores were applied to the world map. Many interesting observations left the travel participants, and the "Neva" commander Lisynsky Yu.F. Opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, which was named after him - Lysiansky Island.

Many interesting data was collected by the participants of the expedition about the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, the islands of the Pacific and Ice Oceans. The results of the observations were reported at the Academy of Sciences. They were so weighty that I. F. Kruzenshtern was awarded the title of academician. His materials were basically published in the early 20s. "Atlas of the South Seas." In 1845, Admiral Kruzenshtern became one of the founders of the Russian geographical society and brought up a whole pleiad of Russian navigators and researchers. Lissean first described Hawaii in the book "Travel around the World" (1812). This is what Lisya writes: "Residents of the Sandwich Islands, how many could notice, are quite intelligent and respected by European customs. Many of them speak English quite well. Yet without exception, they know a few words and utter them in their own way, that is, it is very wrong. Apparently, they are big hunters travel. Many asked me to take them with you, not only without requiring no fee, but giving all your movable property. Jung assured me that the ships of the United Staff often take from here people who are made with good sailors. " 3.

Lisyansky is extremely studied by the whole track of the path they made. In his later thanks to the description of the travel, a number of advice are reported, practically important for captains of ship's future long-range warehouses. In these notes, Lisyany describes the most profitable ways of entry and exit from the harbors and warns future travelers about possible dangers. In addition, Lisyansky did the depths of depths off the coast, where he was, it became useful for subsequent swimming. In addition, Lisyansky carried out an inspection of old cards, after which the Cadiak maps and adjacent islands were clarified to the Northwest coast of Alaska.

It is interesting to note that one of the partners of the first Russian circulation of the Kotseb, which mowed as a cadence on the ship "Hope", subsequently carried out no less interesting circumnavigation On the ship "Rurik", equipped with the means of Count Rumyantsev.

On August 7, 1803, two gate came from the port in Kronstadt. On their boards, the names "Hope" and "Neva" were blocked, although even recently they wore other names - "Leandr" and "Thames". It is under the new names to these vessels purchased by Emperor Alexander I in England, to get into history as the first Russian ships that have rented the whole globe. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe round-the-world expedition belonged to Alexander I and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Count Nikolay Rumyantsev. It was assumed that its participants will collect as possible more information About countries that will be on their way - about their nature and about the life of their peoples. And besides, it was planned to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, through which traveler route also passed. Yuri Lisyansky, Captain Slut "Neva"

Conflicts on board

The Captain "Hope" was appointed Ivan Kruzenshtern, and Yuri Lisyan became the captain "Neva" - both at that time were already quite famous sailors who were trained in England and participating in maritime battles. However, another co-operator - Count Nikolai Rezanov, appointed by the ambassador to Japan and endowed with a very large power that the captain naturally did not like the Count of Nikolay Rezanov. And after the gaters left the Kronstadt, it turned out that the rezans are not the only problem of the cruise-seater. As it turned out, among the members of the "Hope" team, the scandalist, a duelist and an amateur of eccentric female Fedor Tolstoy was well known in those years. He never served in the fleet and did not have the necessary education necessary for this, and the ship was illegally hit by changing his cousin who worn the same name and surname and did not want to go to the distant journey. And the scandalist is Tolstoy, on the contrary, rushed into swimming - he was interested to see the world, and even more I wanted to escape from the capital, where he threatened the punishment for the next drunk brawl. Fyodor Tolstoy, the most restless member of the expedition during the trip Fedor Tolstoy was entertained as he could: quarreled with other team members and waging them among themselves, cheated, sometimes very cruel, over the sailors and even over the accompanying priest. Cruzenshtern seal him several times in a hold of the arrest, but as soon as the conclusion of Fedor ended, he was taken for the old. During one of the stops on the island in the Pacific Ocean, Tolstoy bought a hand-held orangutan and taught him with different codes. In the end, he launched a monkey in the cabin of the Kruzenchtern himself and gave her ink with which she spoiled the captain's travel notes. It became the last straw, and in the next port, in Kamchatka, Kruzenshtern landed Tolstoy ashore. By that time, he was finally disrupted with the count of Rezanov, who refused to recognize his capture power. The rivalry between them began from the first days of swimming, and now it is already impossible to say who was the initiator of the conflict. In the preserved letters and diaries of these two, the opposite versions are spoken: each of them accuses everything else. It is just one thing - Nikolai Rezanov and Ivan Kruzenshtern first aroused about who of them is the main on the ship, then stopped talking to each other and communicated with the help of notes that passed the sailors, and then rezanov and flew at all in their cabin and stopped responding Captain even on notes. Nikolai Rezanov, and not reconciled with cruise

Reinforcement for colonists

Autumn 1804 "Neva" and "Hope" were divided. Kruzenshtern ship went to Japan, and Lisyansky's ship - to Alaska. The mission of Rezanov in the Japanese city of Nagasaki was unsuccessful, and on this its participation in the circular expedition ended. "Neva" at this time arrived in Russian America - the settlement of Russian colonists in Alaska - and her team took part in the battle with Indians-Trucitis. Two years before that, the Indians crowded the Russians from the Sit Island, and now the Governor of Russian America Alexander Baranov tried to return this island. Yuri Lisya and his team provided them with very important assistance. Alexander Baranov, the founder of Russian America in Alaska later, "Hope" and "Neva" met off the coast of Japan and moved on. "Neva" went ahead along the eastern coast of China, and "Nadezhda" examined the islands in the Japanese Sea in more detail in more detail in the Japanese Sea, and then went to catch up with the second ship. Later, the ships again met in the port of Macau in the south of China, for some time they were walking along the shores of Asia and Africa, and then Nadezhda lagged behind again. Slut "Neva", drawing Yuri Lisyansky

Triumphal return

In Russia, ships returned to different time: "Neva" - July 22, 1806, and "Hope" - August 5. The expedition participants gathered a huge amount of information about the set of islands, created maps and atlases of these lands and even discovered a new island, called Lysiansky Island. It was described in detail almost not investigated before the Bay of Aniva in the Okhotsk Sea and the exact coordinates of the island of the Ascension, which was known only to be "somewhere between Africa and South America". Fadda Bellinshausen All members of this circle, from captains before ordinary sailors, were generously rewarded, and most of them continued to make a seaside career. Among them was the traveled at the "Nadezhda" Michman Faddey Bellinshausen, who after 13 years headed the first Russian Antarctic Expedition.

After winning wars with Sweden and the Ottoman Empire to beginning of XIX. For centuries, Russia has consolidated the status of one of the world's leading powers. But the world power cannot exist without a strong fleet, so its development has been given to a separate attention. For example, Russian officers were sent to gain experience on fleets of foreign countries. Briefly about the round-the-world tour of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky, you will learn in the process of reading the article.


The idea of \u200b\u200bYuri Lisyansky and Ivan Kruzhenstern belonged to the latter. He began to think about her immediately by returning to Russia in 1799. The final version was presented at the beginning of 1802 and was quickly approved by the Maritime Minister and the Minister of Commerce. Already on August 7, Kruzenshtern was appointed by the expedition commander. Deputy became HIS old friend, familiar since the time of study in the maritime corps, Lieutenant Liecenest. Most of the expenses of the circulation of Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky were paid by the Russian-American company. The merchants had their interest, they hoped for the opening of a new promising sea route, which could be delivered to China and Russian settlements in America.

Cooking for the first round-world swimming of Cruise and Lisyansky was carried out quickly, but carefully. Ships were decided not to build themselves, but to buy abroad. In England, two three-volume gate were acquired for seventeen thousand pounds of sterling, called "Hope" and "Neva". The first commanded Kruzhenstern himself, and the second - Lisyansky. The necessary navigation devices and other equipment for long navigation were purchased. The crews were scored exclusively from Russian volunteer sailors, despite the fact that Kruzenchtern advised to invite experienced foreign seafarers. It was unusual solutionbecause the experience of distant ocean hiking in Russian ships and crews did not have. In addition, the expedition included several scientists, as well as the Ambassador of Rezanov, who received a task to establish connections with Japan.

Europe and the Atlantic Ocean

July 26 (on August 7, on a new style) of 1803, the expedition ships came out of Kronstadt. Russian navigators going on their first round-world journey, the locals and teams of ships standing on the raid were solemnly accomplished. Ten days later, the expedition reached Copenhagen, where chronometers were adjusted in the observatory. On September 26, "Nadezhda" and "Neva" stopped in England, in Falmouth, where they were detained until October 5, to cross the corps. The next stop was made on the Canary Islands where the provisions and fresh water became stuck. After that, they went to the shores of South America.

On November 26, the Russian ships were first crossed by the Equator. This event was noted by the solemn lifting of the Andreev flag and salute from the guns. In December, the expedition approached the island of Saint Catherine off the shores of Brazil and stopped there. "Neva" needed replacing the mast, and the repair was dragged until the end of January. During this time, the expedition participants familiarized themselves with the nature of a tropical country. Much was surprising, because in the southern tropical latitudes, January is the hottest month, and all the variety of animal appeared before the travelers vegetable world. It was composed detailed description Islands, amendments and corrections in the coast map are made, tens of samples are collected. different species tropical plants.

Pacific Ocean

Finally, the repair was completed, so the first Russian round-the-world swimming of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky continued. On February 20, 1804, the ships beat Cape Horn and continued their way along the Pacific Ocean. It did not cost without incident: due to the strong wind, the rains and fog ships lost sight of each other. But the command of the expedition provided for a similar opportunity, relying on the stories of English seamen about the "furious fiftieth" and "roaring forty" latitudes. In the case of such a development of events, it was decided to meet on Easter Island. "Neva" approached the island and, waiting there for three days, went to where he met with "hope" near Nukagiv Island.

It turned out that, having lost from Lisyansky, Kruzenshtern headed to the north to examine the local part of the ocean, but did not find a new sushi. The island itself was described in detail, a collection of unknown science of plants was collected, and Lisynsky amounted to a brief dictionary of the native language. After that, the ships left the nukagiv, in May the Equator reinforced and took the course to the Hawaiian Islands, where they were divided. "Nadezhda" went to Kamchatka, and "Neva" - to the North-West shores of America.

Graf Fedor Tolstoy

On the way to Kamchatka on one of the islands, the expedition broke up with one of the crew members, Fedor Tolstoy. He was the most famous representative of the Russian nobility of those years, and his glory received for eccentric and provocative behavior. He did not change his character in the journey. In the end, the Kruzenchter is tired of the tricks of Tolstoy, so he landed him as shore. From there Tolstoy reached the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, after which he returned back to Kamchatka and through the Far East, Siberia and Ural arrived in St. Petersburg.


In early July, "Nadezhda" arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. By this time, the relationship between the Kruzenchtern and Ambassador Rezanov was glowed to the limit. The conflict between them originated at the beginning of the journey and was due to the fact that, although Kruzenshtern was a ship commander, formally, the head of the expedition was considered to be rezanov, and about its status it became known only after his departure from Kronstadt.

Such a duality simply could not not affect the first round-the-world travel Kruzenchtern and Lisyansky on the crew discipline. The case almost reached the riot, and the ambassador was forced before arriving in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky spend all the time in the cabin. When driving ashore, he immediately filed a complaint to the governor on the actions of the cruise store and crew. However, everything was resolved safely, and "hope" came out in the sea and went to the shores of Japan.


On September 26, 1804, the ship arrived in the port of Nagasaki. But local authorities had a rather cold Russian sailors, even a hostile reception. At first they demanded to pass guns and in general all firearms, only after that the ship was allowed to go to the bay. "Nadezhda" stood in the harbor of half a year, all this time the sailors were not allowed to even go ashore. In the end, the ambassador was informed that the emperor could not accept it. Moreover, Russian ships continue to be shown near the Japanese coast. An attempt to establish diplomatic relations ended with failure. However, it is not surprising, because Japan at that time strictly adhered to the policies of isolation and was not going to refuse from it. The ship returned to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where Rezanov was freed from further participation in swimming.

However, there was no swimming in Japan in vain. The Europeans was poorly known that region, cards were slowing with inaccuracies and mistakes. Kruzenshtern compiled a description of the Western Coastline Japanese islands, I made some amendments to the card.

In July 1805, Nadezhda made another swimming, this time to the shores of Sakhalin. Having passed from the south to the north of the island and trying to beat it, the expedition faced fogs and shallow water. Cruisenstern mistakenly decided that Sakhalin was a peninsula connected to the mainland, and turned back to Kamchatka. After replenishing the supply of provisions, having completed the necessary repair and booting the fur, the slut at the end of September went to China. On the path from the cards, several non-existent islands were removed, and Nadezhda himself hit the storm several times. In late autumn, the ship finally threw anchor in Macau and began to wait for the arrival of Lisyansky.

Travel "Neva"

After separation on the Hawaiian Islands "Neva" went to the coast of North America. There, the expedition first of all engaged in the hydrographic description of the coast. In addition, in the autumn of 1804, Lissean was forced to interrupt scientific research on the island of Kadyak and to assist Russian settlers in America, who were attacked by the natives. Allowing the problems of settlers and completing the necessary astronomical observations in those places, the ship returned to Kodiak. In addition to hydrographic and astronomical observations, the weather is monitored, and the map of the Kadyak archipelago was drawn up.

After wintering in 1805, the study of the coast continued. In the summer of "Neva", he anchored in the settlement of Novo-Arkhangelsk. Here the expedition spent about two months, exploring this area. The coast exploration and the islands are deeply exploited, their detailed description was drawn up. In particular, Lissean rose to Mount Echom, who was an extinct volcano. Observations on vegetation were made, changing the temperature with a height, collected samples of volcanic rocks. Lisynsky discovered hot springs on the island of Baranov, whose water had medical properties. They also contained a lot of information about the life of the Indians and the collection of their household items.

After completing all the necessary research, "Neva" adopted the port of the Ferns who belonged to the Russian-American company, and September 1 went to the shores of China. Before the sail, several dozen buckets of wild sorrel were harvested, which was a proven tool from zing. And indeed, there were no cases of the disease in the future.

Lysyansky hoped to detect the unexplored land and lasted the route through those areas of the ocean, according to which the court did not go. But these searches almost turned around with troubles: at night on October 3, the "Neva" was stranded. As it turned out in the morning, it saved the ship from a collision with a small island located in the center of Mel. The island was given the name Lisíansky. He was uninhabited and very low, in the darkness of the tropical night it is very easy not to notice, and the clash with the rocky shore will end in the death of the ship. "Neva" successfully starred from the Mel and continued the path.

Nevertheless, Ivan Kruzenstene and Yuri Lisyansky was delayed, the ship did not have time to go to the outlined deadlines, and Lissean decided to shift south so that the sail filled the passing wind. Near the Philippine "Neva" tipoon had a lot, had to even throw out the part of the cargo. Finally, in mid-November, the navigators met the first Chinese ship. On November 21, 1805, "Neva" arrived in Macau, where "Hope" was already expected.


Upon arrival in Macau Kruzenshtern informed the governor about the purpose of the visit and convinced it to resolve the "hope" to stay in the port before the arrival of the "Neva", even though the warships were forbidden there. But to persuade the local authorities to approach both ships he immediately failed. Therefore, when "Neva" approached Macau, he switched to her and together with Lisyansky went to the port.

A certain difficulties arose with the sale of fur, as Chinese merchants were waiting for the government's permission to enter into trade relations with Russians. Finally, with the help of local English shopping offices managed to sell the goods. By purchasing Chinese goods (tea, silk, porcelain) and completing trading, the expedition was prepared for shipment, but Chinese officials again intervened, banning the ships to leave the port before receiving permission. A month later, the permission was finally received, and on January 28, 1806, Russian navigators went on the road.


During swimming through Polynesia, Indian and Atlantic Ocean any geographic discoveries It was not done, since this route was widely known and long ago studied. However, several interesting events happened. For the shores of Africa, ships went together, but, passing by hitting the fog and on April 3, lost sight of each other. According to the agreements, this case was supposed to meet again on the island of Saint Helena. Upon arrival, Kruzenshtern has received news that Russia and France are in a state of war. It made him change the further route of the travelers of the Cruisesttern round-the-world travel, and "Hope" went away from the European coast, having encouraged the British Islands.

Lisyansky decided to return independently, not going to the island of Saint Helena. Throwing anchor in Portsmouth and learning about the war, he still continued swimming through La Mans. Anyway, both ships successfully completed the first round-the-world journey of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky. "Neva" returned to Kronstadt on July 22, and "Nadezhda" came on August 7, 1806.


The first Russian world tour of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky opened a new geographic research page. The expedition discovered new islands and erased from maps non-existent, clarified the coastline of North America and Japan, the latitude and longitude of many points on the map are established. Updated cards of little learned places of the globe simplified further expeditions. After the first round-the-world swimming, Kruzenshtern and Lisansky received many information about the population of long-range lands, about his customs, culture and life. The collected ethnographic material was transferred to the Academy of Sciences and served as a valuable source of information. During the trip, Chukotka and Aynian dictionaries were also compiled.

Studies of water temperature in the oceans, its salinity, flows, tides and sings did not stop for all time traveling, in the future the information obtained will become one of the foundations of oceanography. Welding observations in different parts of the globe will subsequently be important for the formation of such science as climatology. The value of studies and observations of the Russian expedition is that they were conducted systematically, with the help of the most modern devices, such an approach at that time was innovative.

The information obtained in the circular tour of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky (the description was presented to your attention in the article), were published in the books of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky. Atlases with the writings were attached the newest cards and illustrations of nature and cities of distant countries. These works that contained many information about low-investment lands, caused severe interest in Europe, were soon translated into Western European languages \u200b\u200band were published abroad.

The expedition became the first Russian round-world travel, sailors and officers for the first time the experience of distant swimming was acquired, thereby formed the basis for further geographical discoveries under the Russian flag. In particular, the "Nadezhda" crew included Famedem Bellinshausen - the future and Otto Cotceb, who later took another round-world journey, but as an expedition commander.

The history of Russia is associated with many Russian maritime expeditions of the XVIII-XX centuries. But a special place among them is occupied around the world sailing ships. Russian sailors later than other European naval powers began to make such floors. By the time of the organization of the first Russian Around the Two european countries There are already 15 similar swimming parts, starting with F. Magellan (1519-1522) and ending with third swimming J. Cook. Most of all around the world swimming in English seafarers - eight, including three - under the command of Cook. Five swimming pools were made by the Dutch, one by the Spaniards and the French. Russia has become the fifth country in this list, but in the number of round-the-world swimming, all European countries have taken together. In the XIX century Russians sailing ships Made more than 30 full circular swims and about 15 semicircular, when the ships arrived from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean remained serving in the Far East and in Russian America.

Failure expeditions

Golovin and Sanders (1733)

Peter I thought about the possibility and need for distant swimming pools in Russia. He intended to organize an expedition to Madagascar and India, but did not have time to realize his idea. The thought of round-the-world swimming at Kamchatka was first expressed by the flagships of the Russian Fleet, members of the Admiralty College Admirals N. F. Golovin and T. Sanders in connection with the organization of the second Kamchatka expedition. In October 1732, they submitted their opinions on the feasibility of sending an expedition "from St. Petersburg on two frigates through the Great Sea-Okyan around Kapa Gorna and to the South Sea, and between the Japanese Islands even to Kamchatka."

Such expeditions they proposed repeating annually, replacing one ships by others. It should have allowed, in their opinion, in a shorter period and it is better to organize the supply of an expedition of V. Bering, to all necessary, to quickly establish trade relations with Japan. In addition, long-term swimming could be a good maritime practice for officers and sailors of the Russian fleet. Golovin offered the Bering himself to send a dry path to Kamchatka, and the leadership of two frigates asked him to entrust him. However, the ideas of the head and Sanders were not supported by the Senate and the possibility of organizing the first Russian swimming in 1733 was missed.

Krenitsyn (1764)

In 1764, it was decided to send around the world to Kamchatka, the expedition of Captain-Lieutenant P. K. Karnitsyn, but because of the preparing war with Turkey, it was not possible to implement it. There was also no swimming, which was trying to equip in 1781 Vice-President of Admiralty-Collegia I. G. Chernyshev. In 1786, the head of the North-Eastern ... Expedition Captain Lieutenant I. I. Billings (a member of the third bunch of Cook) presented the Admiralty College's opinion of his officers to be at the end of the expedition to the return path of her vessels lay around Cape Hope to Kronstadt. He was also denied.

But on December 22 of the same 1786, Ekaterina II signed a decree of the Admiralty-Collegium of the Squader to send a squadron for the protection of Russian possessions: "... On the occasion of the Attempt by the English trade industrialists for the production of trade and fishers of the beser on the East Sea, on the preservation of the right Our in the earth, the Russian seafarers open, we command our Admiralty collegium to send two vessels from the Baltic Sea, armed in the example of used by the captain by English Cook and other navigaters for such discoveries, and the two armed seams of marine or other vessels, on the best of her discretion, appoint them To drive around a causticity of good hope, and from there, continuing the way through the Sunda Strait and, leaving Japan in the left side, ITTI on Kamchatka. "

The Admiralty College was prescribed to immediately prepare proper instructions of the expedition, appoint the head and ministers, preferably from volunteers, make orders for arms, supply and shipping vessels. Such a hurry was associated with the report of Ekaterina of its state secretary of Major General F. I. Soymonova on violation of inviolability russian waters. foreigners. The reason for the report was to enter the Petropavlovsk Harbor in the summer of 1786 of the English East India Company, under the command of Captain William Peters in order to establish trade relations. It was not the first case of the appearance of foreigners in Russian possessions in the Pacific, which caused the alarm of the authorities about their fate.

On March 26, 1773, the prosecutor General Vyazemsky in a letter to Kamchatka Commandant admitted the opportunity to appear from the shores of Kamchatka a French squadron in connection with the case of M. Benevsky. In St. Petersburg, the news was received that flotilla and 1500 soldiers for Benevsky were equipped in France. It was about the equipment of the colonial expedition of Benevsky to Madagascar, in which twelve fled with Benevsky Kamchatse took part. But in St. Petersburg, they suspected that because Benevsky knew the plight of the defense of the Kamchatka and the path of there, this expedition could go to the peninsula.

In 1779, the Irkutsk Governor informed the emergence of unrecognized foreign courts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chukchi Nose. These were Cook ships, directed from Petropavlovsk in search of the North-West pass around America. The governor proposed to bring Kamchatka to the "defensive position", as the path to her became known to foreigners. Cook's ships sitting in the Petropavlovsk Harbor in 1779 could not not be alarmed by the Russian government, especially after it became known that the British were applied to their cards a long-old American shores and islands and the islands and gave them their names. In addition, in St. Petersburg, it became known about shipping in 1786 into the world swimming of the French expedition J. F. Laperose. But it was not known about the expedition in the same year Tokunai Mogs on the South Kurile Islandswho, after collecting there, Yasak Yves. Black in 1768 and Lebedev's expedition - a lasty in 1778-1779, Russia considered his own.

All this forced Catherine II to command the President of the Commerce-College Count A. R. Vorontsov and a member of the Foreign Affairs College of Count A. A. Bezborodko to submit his proposals on the protection of Russian possessions in the Pacific Ocean. They suggested sending a Russian squadron to around the world and declare maritime powers on Russia's rights to the islands and land, open by Russian navigators in the Pacific Ocean.

Mulovsky (1787)

The proposals of Vorontsova and Bezborodko, which mentioned the Decree Catherine II of December 22, 1786, as well as the instructions of the Admiralty Collegia, the head of the first round-the-world expedition of April 17, 1787

After discussing various candidates, the head of the expedition was appointed 29-year-old captain of the 1st rank of Grigory Ivanovich Mulovsky, a relative of Vice-President Admiralty-Collegia I. G. Chernyshev. After graduating from the Marine Cadet Corps in 1774, he served on various ships in the Mediterranean, the Black and Baltic seas, he commanded the Baltic frigates "Nikolai" and "Maria", and then a court boat that walked between Peterhof and Red Gorka. He knew French, German, English and Italian. After the hike with the squadron of Sukhinka in Livorno Mulovsky, he received the command "David Sasunsky" in the command of Chichagov in the Mediterranean, and at the end of the campaign was appointed commander of the "John the Bogoslov" in the Cruise Squadron in Baltic.

The list of tasks of the expedition included different goals: military (consolidation of Russia and the protection of its possessions in the Pacific Ocean, delivery of fortress guns for the Petropavlovsk harbor and other ports, the basis of the Russian Fortress on south Kurilla etc), economic (delivery of the necessary goods in Russian possessions, livestock for breeding, seeds of various vegetable crops, Trade establishment with Japan and other neighboring countries), political (approval of Russian law on land, open by Russian navigators in the Pacific Ocean, by installing cast-iron coat of arms and medals with the image of the empress, etc.), scientific (drawing up extreme maps, conducting a variety of scientific research, the study of Sakhalin, the mouth of the Amur and other objects).

If this expedition was destined to take place, now it would not be a question about the belonging of the southern smoked, at seventy years earlier Russia could start the development of the Amur region, Primorye and Sakhalin, otherwise the fate of Russian America could have developed. Around therent swimming pools with such a scope was neither before. In Magellan, five vessels and 265 people participated in the expedition, of which just one ship with 18 sailors returned. In the third swimming, Cook was two ships and 182 crew members.

In the Squadron of I. Mulovsky, five ships were included: "Holmogor" ("Kolmagor") with displacement of 600 tons, "Solovki" - 530 tons, "Falcon" and "Turukhan" ("Turukhtan") - 450 tons, and Transport vessel "Bold". Cook ships were significantly less: "Resolute" - 446 tons and 112 people of the crew and "Discovery" - 350 tons and 70 people. The crew of the flagship vessel "Holmogor" under the command of Mulovsky himself had 169 people, "Solovkov" under the command of the captain of the 2nd rank of Alexei Mikhailovich Kireevsky - 154 people, "Sokol" and "Turukhana" under the team of captain Lieutenants Efim (Joachima) Karlovich von Siversa And Dmitry Sergeevich Trubetsky - 111 people.

Officers (there were about forty) Admiralty College promised extraordinary production in the next rank and double salary at the time of swimming. Catherine II personally determined the order of awarding Captain Molovsky: "When he will pass Canary Islands, yes will declare the rank of brigadier; to reach the Cape of Good Hope, entrust him to the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd class; When it comes to Japan, I will receive the rank of General Major. "

On the flagship ship was equipped with a lazareret on forty-beds with scholars, a detachment was identified on other vessels. A priest was also appointed to the flagship and hieromona to other ships.

The scientific part of the expedition was instructed by Academician Peter Simon Pallas, produced on December 31, 1786 in the title of historically Russian fleet with a salary of 750 rubles. in year. The secretary of Stepanov, who studied in Moscow and English universities was invited to "conduct a detailed traveled pure calor of the magazine". In the scientist of the expedition, the participant of the Cook Astronomer William Bailey, the naturalist Georg Forster, Botanic Sommering and four painters. In England, astronomical and physical instruments were supposed to be purchased: twin sectors, Arnold chronometers, quadrants, telescopes, thermo- and barometers, for which Pallas joined the correspondence with Greenwich Astronomer Mesklin.

The library of the flagship ship has numbered over fifty titles, among whom were: "Description of the Earth Kamchatka" S. P. Krasheninnikova, "General Story of Traveling" Preview Laharpa in twenty-three parts, Engel and Dugald works, extracts and copies of all Russian swimming journals in the East Ocean From 1724 to 1779, atlases and maps, including the "General Card, which represents convenient ways to multiply Russian trade and navigation on the quiet and southern oceans", composed by Soymonov.

The expedition was prepared very carefully. A month after Decree, on April 17, the crews of the courts were collected, all officers moved to Kronstadt. The ships were raised to the shells, the work on them was boiling at the dothemna. On the vessels delivered products: cabbage, 200 poods for each salted sorrel, 20 - dried shrine, 25 - onions and garlic. From Arkhangelsk was delivered by a special order of 600 pounds of cloudberries, 30 barrels of sugar molasses were harvested, more than 1000 buckets of the bound, 888 buckets of dual beer, etc. Meat, butter, vinegar, cheese was decided to buy in England. In addition to double uniform ammunition, the lower ranks and ministers relied on twelve shoes and ten pairs of stockings (eight woolen and two courses).

"For the approval of the Russian law to all, Donyne-fired by Russian navigators, or newly defined openings were made, 200 cast-iron coat of arms were made, which were prescribed to strengthen on large pillars or" on the rocks, hollowing the nest ", 1700 gold, silver and cast-iron medals with inscriptions In Russian and Latin, which should be buried in "decent places."

The expedition was well armed: 90 guns, 197 hunting guns, 61 hunting, 24 fits, 61 Musketeering, 61 pistol and 40 officer swords. Applying the weapon was allowed only to save Russian rights, but not to the natives of newly acquired lands: "... there must be the first effort to sow in them a good concept about Russians ... It is very necessary to use not only violence, but even for any The sides of the brutal acts of ignition. "

But in relation to foreign aliens, they were prescribed to force them "on the right of the first-defined discoveries to the Russian state of owned places, it is also possible to remove them about the settlements or about the auction, and not to think about the seaflings; And if there are any fortifications or settlements, it has the right to ruin, and the signs and coat of arms are disturbed and destroy. It is equally to do with the courts of the newcomers, in those waters, harbors or on the islands, will be met by can be met for similar attempts, forced them from there because it is possible to remove them. In the case of resistance or, more, strengthening, using the weapon strength, since your ships have so much armed at this end. "

The fourth of October 1787, the court of the Mulovsky expedition in full readiness for sailing was stretched out in the Kronstadsky raid. The Russian minister-ambassador in England already ordered pilots who spent the squadron in Copenhagen to wiring it in Portsmouth.

But the urgent deposits from Constantinople about the beginning of the war with Turkey crossed all the plans and works. The highest command followed: "Captain Mulovsky Expedition, prepared for a long journey, under these circumstances, and both officers, sailors and other people, for this squadron appointed and ships and various supplies for it are harvested, to pay in terms of that part Our fleet, which, by decree, from the 20th day of the current month of the Admiralty-Collegia, this is sent to the Mediterranean Sea. "

But in the Mediterranean Sea, Mulovsky did not go to the Mediterranean: the war began with Sweden, and he was appointed by the Mstislav frigate commander, where young Michman Ivan Kruzenshtern served under his team, who was destined to head the first Russian round-the-world swimming in his fifteen years. Mulovsky distinguished himself in the famous Goginda battle, for which on April 14, 1789 was produced in the captains of the Brigadier China. The same chin during the Russian-Swedish war was obtained by Kireevsky and Trubetskoy. Three months later, July 18, 1789, in the battle of the Island of Eland Mulovsky died. His death and the French revolution began dramatically changed the situation. On the resumption of the world swimming was forgotten by a decade.

The first Russian round-the-world swimming under the command of Ivan Fedorovich (Adam-Johann-Friedrich) Cruisesttern (1803-1806)

The organization of the first, finally held, the Russian world-tide swimming is related to the name Ivan Fedorovich (Adam-Johann-Friedrich) Cruisesttern. In 1788, when "on the lack of officers" decided it was ahead of schedule to release the Martemarines of the Marine Corps, which at least once went out into the sea, Kruzhenstern and his friend Yuri Lisyansky got to serve in the Baltic. Taking advantage of the fact that Kruzenshtern served on the Mstislav frigate under the command G. I. Mulovsky, they turned to him with a request to allow them after the end of the war to take part in around the world and received consent. After the death of Mulovsky on swimming, they began to forget, but Kruzenshtern and Lissean continued to dream of it. As part of the Russian Maritime Officers Group, they were sent to England in 1793 to familiarize themselves with the experience of foreign fleets and receiving practical swimming skills in the ocean. For about a year, Kruisensherted spent in India, sailed to Canton, he lived in Macau for half a year, where he got acquainted with the state of trade in the Pacific Basin. He drew attention to the fact that foreigners brought fur into the canton by the sea, and Russian fur was delivered to dry.

During the absence of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky in Russia in 1797, an American United company emerged, in 1799 renamed Russian-American company (cancer). A share of cancer was the imperial family. Therefore, the company received the monopoly right to exploit the riches of Russian possessions on the Pacific Coast, trade with neighboring countries, to build fortifications, contain military forces, to build a fleet. The government laid on it the task of further expanding and strengthening Russian possessions in the Pacific Ocean. But the main problem of cancer were difficulties with the delivery of goods and goods to Kamchatka and to Russian America. The land journey through Siberia was held up to two years and was conjugate with higher spending. Loads arrived often backpads, the products were fabulously expensive, and equipment for ships (ropes, anchors, etc.), had to be divided into parts, and on the spot they would splish and connect. Valuable fur mined in the Aleutian Islands often fell into St. Petersburg tied and sold at a loss. Whole with China, where there was a lot of demand for fur, went through Kyakhta, where the Pushnina fell from Russian America through Petropavlovsk, Okhotsk, Yakutsk. According to its quality, fur brought to Asian markets in this way, inferior to fuses delivered to Canton and Macao by American and English ships in immeasurably smaller time.

Upon returning to Russia, Krusenstern filed Pavlu I two reports with the rationale for the need to organize around thetestate swimming. Kruzenshtern also offered new order Training for marine personnel for commercial ships. To six hundred cadets of the sea corps, he offered to add a hundred more people from other classes, mainly from the Jung ship, who would have learned along with the Cadeti-nobles, but they would be appointed to serve on commercial vessels. The project was not accepted.

With the arrival in 1801, the leadership of the Commerce and the Maritime Ministry (former Admiralty College) changed to power. On January 1, 1802, Kruzenshtern directs a letter to Vice-President of the Admiralty College Admirals N. S. Mordvinov. In it, he suggested his world plan around the circulation. Kruzenshtern showed measures to establish the position of Russian trade in the international market, the protection of Russian possessions in North America, to ensure their Russian Far East Everyone necessary. A lot of attention in this letter is paid to the need to improve the position of the inhabitants of Kamchatka. A letter of Kruzenshtern was also awarded to the Minister of Commerce and the Director of Water Communications and the Commission on the Arrival of Roads in Russia in Russia, Nikolay Petrovich Rumyantsev. The project was interested in the head of Rak Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov. The petition of Rezanov was supported by Mordvinov and Rumyantsev.

In July 1802, it was decided to send two ships into around the world. The official purpose of the expedition was the delivery of the Russian Embassy to Japan, headed by N. P. Rezanov. Expenditures on the organization of this swimming covered jointly cancer and government. The head of the expedition on August 7, 1802, I. F. Kruzenshtern was appointed. The main tasks were identified: delivery to Japan of the first Russian embassy; Zenianta and equipment in Petropavlovsk and Novo-Arkhangelsk; Geographical surveys on the way; Inventory Sakhalin, Limana and the mouth of the Amur.

I. F. Cruzenshtern believed that successful swimming will raise the authority of Russia in the world. But new chapter The Maritime Ministry of P. V. Chichagov did not believe in the success of the expedition and offered to go swimming on foreign courts with hired ingenic sailors. He achieved that the expedition ships were bought in England, and not built on Russian shipyards, as Kruzenshtern and Lisynsky offered. For the acquisition of Lisyansky's vessels, he was sent to England, he acquired two gateways with displacement of 450 and 370 tons and spent another 5 thousand on their repair. In June 1803, the court arrived in Russia.


And now the historical moment has come. On July 26, 1803, Dae Santa - "Hope" and "Neva" came from Kronstadt - under the general leadership of I. F. Kruzenchers. They had to go out South America And get to the Hawaiian Islands. Further their paths were diverged. In the task of "Hope" under the command of Cruise, the delivery of goods to the Petropavlovsk Harbor and then sending the Mission of N. P. Rezanov to Japan, as well as the study of Sakhalin. "Neva" under the leadership of Yu. F. Lysyansky was supposed to go with the cargo to Russian America. The arrival of the warship was made here to demonstrate the determination of the Russian government to protect the acquisitions of many generations of their seafarers, merchants and industrialists. Then both ships were to boot the fur and go to the canton, from where they, having passed the Indian Ocean and having encouraged Africa, should have come back to Kronstadt and on the end of the circulation. This plan was fully fulfilled.


The commanders of both ships put a lot of effort to turn a long-term swimming school for officers and sailors. Among the officers "Hope" there were a lot of experienced sailors, subsequently glorifying Russian fleets: Future Admirals Makar Ivanovich Ratmanov and the plaque of Antarctica Faddey Faddeevich Belinshausen, the future head of the two rounds of swimming pools (1815-1818 and 1823-1826) Otto Evstafyevich Kotebu and his brother Moritz Kotsebu, Fyodor Romberg, Peter Golovachev, Yermolay Levenshtern, Philip Mason, Vasily Scholokhov, an artillery officer Alexey Raevsky and others. In addition to them, in the crew of "Hope" there were Dr. Charle Espenberg, his assistant Ivan Sidigam, astronomer I. K. Gornger, naturalists of Wilhelm Tilesius von Tylene, Georg Langesdorf. Major Ermolai Frederizi, Count Fyodor Tolstoy, Pottor Fedor Fos, the painter Stepan Kurnedtsev, the painter of Stepan Kurlyndsev, Medic and Botanik Brinkin, the painter.

On the "Neva" there were officers Pavel Arbuzov, Peter Powavin, Fyodor Kovadyaev, Vasily Berch (later the historian of the Russian fleet), Danin Kalinin, Fedul Maltsev, Dr. Moritz Libend, his assistant Alexey Mutovkin, Crack Crack Nikolai Korobitsyn and others. In total, 129 people participated in swimming. Kruzenshtern, who lossed six years in English courts, notes: "I was advised to take several foreign sailors, but I, knowing the preferential properties of Russian, koi, even English prefer, I did not agree to the Council."

Academician Kruzenshtern

Shortly before the departments, April 25, 1803, Kruzenshtern was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. Prominent academies participated in the development of instructions for various sectors scientific research. Ships were equipped with the best in the time of the seaworthy tool and swimming benefits, the latest scientific devices.

"Hope" in Kamchatka ...

Having conceded Cape Horn, the ships separated. After researching in the Pacific, "Nadezhda" on July 3, 1804 arrived in Petropavlovsk, and the "Neva" came to Pavlovsk Harbor on the island of Kadiak.

The stay in Petropavlovsk was dragged: the head of Kamchatka General Major P. I. Koshelev, who was located in Nizhnekamchatsk. Petropavlovsk Commander Major Krusky provided the crew of all kinds of assistance. "The ship was discharged immediately, and everything is taken ashore, from which we stood not further than fifty sages. All belonging to the ship snap-in for such long-term swimming required or corrected, or change. Prips and goods immersed in Kronstadt for Kamchatka were also unloaded, "Kruzenshtern writes. Finally, a general of wallevs arrived from Nizhnekamchatsk with his adjutant, younger Brother Guarantor Koshelevy, captain Fedorov and sixty soldiers. In Petropavlovsk, as part of the embassy N. P. Rezanov to Japan there were changes. Lieutenant Tolstoy, Dr. Brinkin and painter Kurlyandans went to St. Petersburg. The embassy included the captain of the Kamchatka garrison battalion Fedorov, Lieutenant of Koshelev and eight soldiers. In Kamchatka, the Japanese Kiselev - Tolmach (translator) of the Embassy and the "Wild Frenchman" Izief Cabrite, which Russians found on Nucagiv Island in the Pacific Ocean.

... and in Japan

After repair and replenishment of the "Nadezhda" reserves on August 27, 1804 went with the Embassy of N. P. Rezanov to Japan, where more than six months stood in the port of Nagasaki. On April 5, 1805, Nadezhda left Nagasaki. On the way to Kamchatka, she described the southern and eastern coast Sakhalin. On May 23, 1805, "Nadezhda" again arrived in Petropavlovsk again, where N. P. Rezanov, with his retinue, left the ship and on the ship cancer "St. Maria "went to Russian America to the island of Kodiak. On the results of the sailing of Rezanov to Japan, the head of Kamchatka P. I. Koshelev reported to the Siberian Governor Selifonov.

From June 23 to August 19, Kruzenshtern sailed in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, off the coast of Sakhalin, in the Sakhalin Gulf, where he produced hydrographic work and, in particular, the study of the Limana of the Amur River - was engaged in the decision of the Amur Question. On September 23, 1805, Nadezhda finally left Kamchatka and traveled to Macau with the cargo of the Foon, where she had to meet with the "Neva" and, booting with tea, return to Kronstadt. From Macau they came out on January 30, 1806, but the cape of good hope ships separated. "Neva" arrived in Kronstadt on July 22, and "Nadezhda" - August 7, 1806. So the first round-world swimming of Russian sailors was completed.

Geographic discoveries (and misconceptions)

It was marked significant scientific results. Continuous meteorological and oceanic observations were conducted on both ships. Kruzenshtern described: South shores of Nukagiv Islands and Kyusu, Vandimenov Strait, Tsushima Islands, Gotho and a number of others adjacent to Japan, Northwest shores of Honshu and Hokkaido Islands, as well as entrance to the Sangar Strait. Sakhalin was put on the map almost all of its length. But the Kruzenshtern could not complete the studies in Liman Amur, and he made incorrect conclusion about the Sakhalin peninsula, for forty-four years extended the erroneous conclusion of Laperose and Brouton. Only in 1849 G. I. Nevelskoy found that Sakhalin is an island.


Kruzenshtern left a wonderful description of his swimming, the first part of which was published in 1809, and the second - in 1810. Soon it was reprinted in England, France, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. The description of the trip was attached atlas cards and drawings, among which there were "map of the northwestern part of the Great Ocean" and "Curlean Islands Map." They were a significant contribution to the study of the geography of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Among the drawings performed by tilesius and the mountaineer, there are types of Petropavlovsk harbor, Nagasaki and other places.

At the end of the swimming, Kruzenshtern was honored with many honors and awards. So, in honor of the first Russian round-the-world swimming, a medal was knocked out with his image. In 1805, Kruzenshtern was awarded the Order of St. Anna and St. Vladimir the third degree, received the rank of captain of the 2nd rank and a pension in the amount of 3000 rubles per year. Until 1811, Kruzenchersmann was preparing and publishing a description of his journey, reports and calculations on the expedition. Officially, he was in 1807-1809. Purched at the St. Petersburg port. In 1808, he became an honorary member of the Admiralty Department, March 1, 1809 was made to the captains of the 1st rank and appointed commander of the grace ship in Kronstadt.

From 1811, Kruzenshtern began service in the Marine Cadet Corps of the Classroom inspector. Here he served with breaks until 1841, becoming his director. On February 14, 1819, he was produced in Captain-Commmors, in 1823 he was appointed an indispensable member of the Admiralty Department, and on August 9, 1824 became a member of the General Board of School. On January 8, 1826, in the rank of counter-admiral Kruzenshtern was appointed assistant director of the Marine Cadet Corps, and since October 14, the same year became his director and in this post was fifteen years. He founded the library and the museum, created officer classes for further training the most capable macemenia, with honors of those who graduated from the building (subsequently these classes were transformed into the Marine Academy). In 1827, he became an indispensable member of the Scientist of the Maritime Staff Committee and a member of the Admiralty Council, in 1829 was produced in Vice Admirals, and in 1841 he became a complete admiral.

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