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Upper Uphale yach. Distance to dust-yah - Upper Ufaley. Nearest airports to Pyt-Yakh

Pyt-Yakh distance - Upper Ufaley on the highway is 1151 km, in a straight line - 900 km. In countries with the English system, the length of this route is 716 miles along the road and 560 miles in a straight line. Pyt-Yah's trip - Upper Uphale on the car will last about 16 hours 26 minutes.

Route Pyt-Yah - Upper Ufalya passes on the following tracks:

The time difference between torture-yach and top Ufalem is -1: 00 h. Take into account local time in Upper Upalea when planning a route.

The road scheme is highlighted on a red card and runs next to 12 settlements. To pave the route tortiga-yam - the top Ufali for the car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

Refueling on the highway are displayed on the map. The total number of gas stations - 47, among them:

    Gazprom Neft: 20

    Rosneft: 10

    LUKOIL: 15

    Bashneft: 2

To find out what traffic jams on the road to dust-yach - the top Ufaley now, check the "plugs" checkbox and increase the map. To find out how to drive from dust-ya to the top Ufaley by car through intermediate cities and settlements, list them when calculating the distance. To get a road scheme in a convenient format, press.

To build a route and calculating the distance, accurate satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used. We do not guarantee one hundred percent accuracy and are not responsible for the constructed route.

At the moment, the scoreboard timetables in the direction of Pyt-Yah - Upper Ufaley consists of 26 long-distance trains. Trains carry out stops at large stations (such as dust-yah, top Ufali), whose timeline can be found on our website. The average time on the way, which overcomes the mobile formulations between these stations is 21 hours 28 minutes.

All trains can be divided into day and night. The first passenger train, which is departed in the afternoon along the RZD Nizhnevartovsk - Orenburg at number 341U goes at 14 hours 36 min. From the dust-yach station and at 13 o'clock 29 min. He arrives at the Upper Ufali station. For example, daytime train number number 341U follows from the dust-yach station at 14:36:00 and comes to Perron at 13:29:00 at the station Upper Ufali. Evening and last, in turn, far distance train goes at number number 101i. Sends with torture-yam at 18 o'clock 12 minutes. And accordingly arrives at 14 o'clock 52 minutes. At the station Upper Ufali.

On our site there is a correct online schedule in the direction of dust-yah - the top Ufali at this time. In connection with the possible changes in the Train schedule of Russian Railways on the route Pyt-Yakh - Upper Ufalya - we recommend contacting additional information in reference services in railway stations where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.

With the help of our site, you can pave the route of the Top Uphale - torture-yam both by car and on a public traps (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google services. We are pleased that our service turned out to be useful to you and you were able to find out how to travel by car from the paragraph of Uphale (Russia) to Pyt-Yah (Russia).

Distance between Upper Ufalem and Pintu Yah

If you go on the road by car, then the distance between the top Ufalya, the urban district of Uphale, the Chelyabinsk region and dust-yah, the urban district of dust-yah, KHMAO is 1157.8 km.

  • Travel time

    20 hours, 38 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    at a cost of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at the cost of fuel 35 rubles per liter

  • Distance in direct

    distance between cities cities, towns, villages

  • Distance along the road

    according to the Yandex Card service for 2015

  • tell friends
Start route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
Dust-yach KHMAO, Tyumen region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
3 hours, 0 minutes - 151.6 km
settlement Kosheleva, Uvatsky district, Tyumen region, Russia 3 hours, 0 minutes 151.6 km
2 hours, 36 minutes - 156.2 km
village Yangutum, Tobolsky district, Tyumen region, Russia 5 hours, 36 minutes 307.9 km
1 hour, 22 minutes - 84.8 km
village small satykovo, Tavdinsky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia 6 hours, 59 minutes 392.7 km
1 hour, 0 minutes - 64.2 km
village Yerzovka, Slobodo-Turinsky district, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia 7 hours, 59 minutes 456.9 km
2 hours, 2 minutes - 130 km
dark village, Talitsky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia 10 hours, 2 minutes 586.9 km
2 hours, 9 minutes - 123.8 km
the village of Slayanka, Pyshminsky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia 12 hours, 11 minutes 710.7 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.1 km
plipchi village 12 hours, 11 minutes 710.8 km
7 hours, 47 minutes - 419.8 km
village Sosnovsky, City District Bogdanovichsky, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia 19 hours, 59 minutes 1130.6 km
30 minutes - 23.9 km
village Cheremkhovo, Kamensky urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia 20 hours, 30 minutes 1154.5 km
7 minutes - 3.3 km
village Novoipatovo, Sysertsky City District, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia 20 hours, 38 minutes 1157.8 km

Fuel consumption calculator:

Flight tickets

We picked up several flight options for this route. The search for tickets was carried out with regard to prices, departure time. If you want to buy a cheap ticket to Upper Ufali to Pyt-yach or another route, then click on the link.




    (UFA) Ufa → (TJM) Tyumen


    (SVX) Ekaterinburg → (TJM) Tyumen

    (UFA) Ufa → (OMS) Create-Bank

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines.

    (SVX) Ekaterinburg → (OMS) Crow-Bank settlement

    (CEK) Chelyabinsk → (TJM) Tyumen

    (SVX) Ekaterinburg → (KRO) Kurgan

    (SVX) Ekaterinburg → (OMS) Crow-Bank settlement


    (MQF) Magnitogorsk → (TJM) Tyumen

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines.

    526 EURTickets for long-distance buses.

    Nearest airports to Pyt-Yakh

    • valaveovo village, Aleksandrovsky district, Tomsk region, Russia.
    • Tyumen, urban district Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia.
    • village Croe-Bank, Omsk District, Omsk Region, Russia.
    • Kurgan, urban district Kurgan, Kurgan region, Russia.

    Nearest airports to Upper Ufale

    • Yekaterinburg, urban district Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia.
    • Chelyabinsk, urban district Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia.
    • Magnitogorsk, urban district Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia.
    • Ufa, ufa urban district, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia.


    Need to choose and book an inexpensive hotel in the toy-ya or in Upper Ufalee? On our site there is a convenient resource for online booking hotels. Just click on the link.

The optimal route between the specified points will help to make our card. With it, it is possible to determine the shortest distance from the dust-yha to the top Ufale. The length of the tust-yha route to the Upper Uphali on the road is 1158 km. In order to pave the route on the map, you should run the initial and end item of the movement and click on the "Calculate" button. The resulting path is indicated on the map of the bold line. To print the card from the dust-yay to the top Ufale, you should click on the printer image above the card. A ride on an independently built route is convenient because the transit points you need are taken into account. It helps to avoid difficulties that may occur when moving along the road to the dust-yach-top Ufali. You can also choose a holiday destination on your route you. Our service will also help to know the time you will spend on the road from Pyt-Yah to the Upper Uphalia. Based on the average velocity of the car, the time on the way will be 19 h. 18 min.

The trip should be joy! To achieve this goal, the specific features of the selected route should be taken into account. This will depend on how quickly and safely you can achieve the end point of the travel. For example, if your path goes through the territory with a large number of settlements, then you do not need to worry about the large number of gasoline in the tank. If the road goes into account the densely populated areas, then it is necessary to determine the site in advance on which the fuel refueling will be performed. In addition, everyone knows that the quality of gasoline at various refills can be very different. Traveling over long distances, try to reflement your car on tested petrol stations.

Timetable Pyt-Yakh Upper Ufalye currently contains 3 trains, the average path between these stations is 21 hours and 33 m, and the number of stops on this route is 16. Trains, cruising on the route of the Upper Uphale. John, Salia, Demyanka, Youth-Komsomolskaya, Inhair, a schedule of motion on which is also available on our website. The trains in this area are sent for example at 14.36, 15.49, 18.12 from the dust-yach station, the final point of the Upper Ufali arrive, respectively, at 13.29, 12.57, 14.52 local time. The alignment of the appointed compositions in the Schedule of the Upper Uphale is a sign that this route is not popular with passengers. Timetable Pyt-Yakh - Upper Ufaley is designed so that you can leave in this area in the afternoon.
Buy tickets for the train Pyt-Yakh - Upper Ufaley can be at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.