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Fortune telling on tarot cards online is the most accurate. Free fortune telling tarot online

Tarot cards are the most famous and most mysterious of all known extinguishing systems. Until now, it is not aware of the exact time and the place of the appearance of data cards. Here you will find a few online fortunenesses using the Tarot technique. With the help of the following layouts, you can familiarize yourself with this mysterious system of divination and self-knowledge.

The classic tarot deck consists of 78 cards and is divided into 2 parts:

  • Senior Arcana Tarot - 22 cards
  • Younger Arcana Tarot - 56 cards

Senior or "great", "big" tarot arkans - numbered from 0 to 21.
Younger or Small Arkana Tarot - are divided into 4 suites, or "Sweets":

  • Cups (Bowls)
  • Pentacles (coins, discs, denaria)
  • Wands (Spaces, Skipetra)

In each of the masters of the Tarot deck for 14 cards. These are numbered cards from the ace (1) to dozens, as well as "costume cards", or figures: Valts (Page), Knight (rider), Queen (lady) and king. Figures are also called the "courtyard".

When you fortunate, Taro's cards take into account both direct and inverted position of cards.

There are several assumptions and hypotheses explaining the appearance of Taro. The author of the most beautiful hypothesis about the appearance of Tarot cards is P. Christian. In his "Magic History", he explains the appearance of Taro. "According to the legend, in the Drey Egypt, there were XPAM, in which there were mysteries in the occult dedication. The dedicated was in a long gallery supported by the Caryiats in the form of twenty-four Sphynxes - on twelve on each side. On the wall, in the intervals between the sphinxes, there were frescoes depicting mystical. Figures and symbols. These twenty-two paintings were located pairwise, against each other. Passing past the twenty-two gallery paintings, dedicated to instruction from the priest. Each Arcan, who became, thanks to the painting, visible and tangible, is the formula of the law of human activity in relation to spiritual and material forces whose combination produces all phenomena of life. "

According to another hypothesis about the appearance of Taro, the Dpeysheskiy Kabbalistic CNNIs are clearly clearly, and skeptical of the executive adepts are trying to consider the expositive point in Tarot 300 years of our era - an approximate date of creation "Sefer Yetzira", fundamental TPEA on Kabbalah, in which astrological symbolism is detailed The Jewish Alphabet, the Lightened Tarot.

In the legends about the creators of Tarot mentioned: the ancient Egyptian priests, the eastern wise men, the Abbot. There is a certain community between these characters - they all own some knowledge that is not available to others. In medieval Europe, such knowledge had, mostly, the monks, therefore, most likely, the authorship of Tarot belongs to the clergy of the clan, within which the sense load of tarot characters was known.

The most passionate religious and philosophical issues of the monastic order is the Order of the Templars. After the Great Master of the Order of the Templar Jacques de Mole cursed the royal dynasty on the fire, his curse began to be executed with terrifying accuracy. Maybe this sinister fact pushed to use tarot for fortune telling?

Consider the more closely the Taro cards themselves. Is there a Taro in the pictures at least a hint of the Templary heresy? It turns out there.

  1. Despite the fact that Tarot's cards are the product of the Christian era, there is no image of the Tarot in the symbolism of Tarot, and the Templars were announced by heretics for not recognizing His Divine.
  2. In the map Tarot, there is another image mentioned in the Templary manuscripts - the image of hanged (XII Senior Arcan Tarot): "The cross of Christ should not serve the subject of worship, since no one will worship the Holesteen, on which his father, relative or friend hung."
  3. The Templars were accused of worshiping an idol of Bafethome (Satan), and such an image in Tarot maps is there - XV Senior Arkan Tarot.

So, it can be suggested that Tarot's cards are nothing but the page of the secret doctrine of the order of the Templars. But this hypothesis of the appearance of Tarot is also questionable, as well as the rest.

In the light of the foregoing, is it worth a normal person to resort to help tarot? Certainly worth it! After all, Tarot's cards, if you distract from their past, are an excellent tool for self-knowledge. The fortune telling on tarot (and not only on tarot) and there is nothing more than reflection with an element of self-programming, which can be quite positive, if you treat this process without fear and bias. With the help of Tarot, you can think in advance, "rehearse" any situation, and reduce the percentage of life failures.

Popular fortune telling

The fortune telling on the runes of one "One Rune" is the easiest and simple and at the same time accurate layout of the runes. You can ask a question and get instantly the answer to it pulling out only one rune. If the question implies a unambiguous answer, then the direct position of the rune means "yes", the inverted position of the rune - "no", empty rune of one - the answer is indefinite ..

Love fortune telling on Gypsy Maps Tarot will tell you how you feel about and what a mandated person thinks about you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings in relation to you are experiencing the person you are interested in, what does the relationship demonstrate, and what does it hide what goals puts in your relationship, what plans to take you in the future and what is the result of communicating with this person. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

The fortune telling on prediction cookies is a quick and easy way to find out what awaits you in the future and to experience a useful advice or warning from the highest strength. In our online gadania, tips, predictions and cautions of all sorts of topics are collected. Want to know what awaits you? Just click on cookies to break it and get a leaf with a prediction.

The fortune telling that was favorite in Empress Catherine II, according to the legend, was quite simple. 40 characters were depicted on 40 cards that had classical decoding, however, for a specific situation, they could have a direct value and denote exactly what they were depicted on them. Of the 40 treated top shirts, three and, depending on the question of interest, they interpreted the result. Try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify the question of interest.

The fortune telling on two playing bones "Gypsy" allows you to get an answer to one of the ten questions relating to love, relationships and personal life. This is one of the oldest ways to find out the future of your relationship with your loved one. Before the start of divination, select the question you are interested in from the list, throw the fortune-tone and immediately get decoding.

The fortune telling in the name of the future husband is quite common and well-known. Previously, our moms and grandmothers wrote the names of men on paper, placed papers into the container and pulled out one, which fell out the name - this is the name of the future husband. We offer you an analogue of such divination - fortune-telling in the name of the future husband on a table with numbers. Click in any part of the table and you will immediately seem the name of your future husband. For married, you can also spend this fortune telling.

Online fortune telling on tarot cards

Divination on Tarot maps were and are the most common way of fortune telling and predictions of fate on the maps. Divination on the maps allow you to look into the future, learn important events of the past, understand any complex and confusing life situation, and find an answer to your question. Before the start of any divination, it is necessary to bring yourself in a peaceful state and concentrate on the question. In this section, you will find fortune-telling for any situation.

The alignment of the Taro Maanar Card "Wife and Mistress" is ideal for clarifying the situation in the love triangle. The alignment of erotic maps Tarot Manara gives an understanding of the problem in different fields and gives answers to the questions of comparing the wife and mistress for a conceived man, and also gives a forecast for the development of relations for the next year. This fortune telling is equally suitable for both his wife and mistress.

The alignment of Taro's Card "Lake" will help you to analyze and understand the cause of your or someone's fears, obsessive thoughts, complexes and incorrect life. Understand the cause of unpleasant mental states, get advice and forecast for the future will help this fortune telling. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

The alignment of Taro Manara's cards "I and he" on the deck of erotic cards Tarot Manara will help you learn interesting nuances regarding love relationships. Divination gives answers to the questions: what can you get from these relationships, which will contribute to them (to give) and what the future is your love. Only three cards describe important nuances of relations with a partner and you can independently make a question regarding each card.

The fortune telling on the love "Seven Stars of Love" is ideally suited to predict the development of relationships, receiving the love characteristics of the personality of you and your partner, the secret thoughts of the partner. This alignment will show what contributes to the improvement of your relationship, and that on the contrary, oppression. Focus and ask your question, imagine the face and name of your partner, after selecting cards from tarot deck.

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara "Attitude to me" will help to learn how the person you are interested in, and the attitude of this person is shown in three time intervals: the present, past and future. Also, this alignment shares the attitude of the attitude of a person to external manifestation and true, internal feelings. Think about the person you are interested in and select six cards from the deck.

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot "For Happiness" shows how happy you and self-sufficient person. With this scenario you will learn who or what contributes to your happiness, and what prevents you need for happiness and what is the forecast for the next half year for you. Concentrate and ask your question, after select 9 cards from the deck.

Divination on the maps of Tarot "Women's Happiness" is used for the self-analysis of a woman. This fortune telling helps learn such interesting hidden nuances, for example, how a woman you are, what you need for happiness. And who contributes, and what prevents your happiness. The alignment of "female happiness" is a continuation of the definition of the "happiness of man", but the questions that are collected in it more subtlylighte the female questions regarding well-being and self-analysis. Concentrate and ask your question, after select 9 cards from the deck.

Signing Tarot Maanar "Swing Love" on the mane map deck is intended for couples who cannot save the world and harmony in their relationship. The alignment itself is considering important nuances of any relationship: weak and strengths, the sexual and sensual side of the questions, and also gives the forecast as further relationships will develop on the basis of the current situation. Specify your question and select Cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on the map of Tarot Venus in Scorpio gives an understanding of how partners treat each other, what feelings are experiencing, hidden influence, as well as what important events in relations should be waiting in the near future. This alignment acts about 3 months, if you change the tactics of behavior, we advise you to hold this allections again, since the prediction of the future is always based on the preservation of the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that gives you the card will help you in your question (maintaining or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the field of feelings. Concentrate and ask your question cards.

The alignment of the Taro "Seven Angels" cards is ideal for clarifying the situation, predicting the development of events in the future and analyzing the most important fateful events of the past. With this virtual divination, you can learn the reason for this or that situation, and also to find out how it will end. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

The fortune telling on the cards of Tarot "Ivan Tsarevich" is used by men to receive a response to such exciting questions as: "Why doesn't we have relationships with women?", "What is the reason for my failures in relationships" and "What Woman do I need for a relationship?" . Think your question and select nine cards from tarot deck.

The fortune telling on 6 cards Taro "Marriage" makes it possible to learn how your partner treats the prospect of marriage with you, as it represents your future marital life, whether it wants to translate your relationship to a new level, what is the ideal marriage life and others in his understanding. Before the start of divination, focus, imagine your partner and ask your question. Remember that the decoding of any divination cannot be perceived literally, sometimes it is only information for reflection, containing an important message for you.

The alignment of the Taro Cart Card is designed to analyze any situation. With this divination, you will receive answers to your questions regarding the current situation, the Council that is worth do to improve the situation, as well as the forecast as a situation will develop soon and distant future. At the beginning you have to choose a map of a signifier, this is a map of the person on which the alignment is carried out. Kings always consult men, and Queen women.

The alignment of the "Constellation of Hyad" by the location of the card resembles the constellation of the Hyad, which the Egyptians attributed to the God of other people. With this scenario, you will be able to find out how to communicate with a friend, unfamiliar or at all unfamiliar man. How he reaches you, what will his reaction be to your words, what will be the meaning of your conversation and what will result in the end. Before you choose the cards from the deck - think about the person you are interested in or an event where you can meet it and ask your question.

The fortune telling on the map Tarot "Vasilisa beautiful" is used for single women who want to know the cause of their loneliness. The fortune telling allows not only to deal with the reasons for love fiasco, as well as get advice that you need to take to improve your life and find a loved one and loving a man. Focus, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

Signing Tarot Maanar "Sex in the Big City" on an erotic deck of cards will allow you to find out how your partner to you in the intimate sphere belongs to your body and the manifestation of your sexuality, and you can also find out if you like your partner In an intimate plan. Before the start of divination, imagine your partner, think about the question and select six cards from the deck.

The Egyptian goddess of Hecks, depicted in the form of a frog, helped the femalers and spirits in the afterburning world. The alignment itself resembles the possibility of sending a frog jumping and is aimed at predicting fate and the future. The alignment will show the events and the nuances you are interested in in the present, the future and the past, as well as the fortune telling explains to you that it benefits the situation and what is counteracting the situation. Specify your question and select five cards from the deck.

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot "Finding Love" is suitable for people at the very beginning of the development of love relationships, and also gives a new acquaintance with a future partner. This alignment will show you the prospects for new love relationships, will this man love and take care of you, as problems may arise and what will need to be done in order to build a durable and good relationship. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

The alignment of the map Tarot Manara "Lado" is dedicated to the Slavic God of Love Lado and is responsible for the most exciting questions about love and relationships. For this divination, there are questions like: "Does he love me (she)?", "What is our future?" And "How can I improve our relationship?" other. Before the start of divination, specify your question and select Cards from the deck.

Calculation on the Tarot Maps Dark Moon shows which karmic tasks with you in past embodiments or something else to work. How can karma manifest, if you work on the development of a karmic problem. The fortune telling must be carried out in a peaceful state, preferably under meditative music, decipher read thoughtfully, re-read the second time - in this case you will open new unnoticed early nuances.

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot "Arrows Goddess Breed" is used to explore and analyze the nature of the personal spiritual progress of the conceived personality. The goddess Bride possessed three fiery arrows of inspiration related to its manifestations, like the goddess of fire inspiration, firefight or forge, and healing fire. With this scenario, you can study the person of interest to you in detail. Focus and think about whom you want to guess and select 9 cards from tarot deck.

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot "Celtic Block" allows you to pay on the relationship and the situation at the same time. The divination will show the reason for the current situation, what the unconscious behavior and attitude of the person of the person of the situation, what is the forecast for the near future, as a person of interest relates to this situation and others. It is important before the start of divination to guess the person you are interested in and the situation. After that, select Fourteen Taro Cards from the Deck.

The alignment of tarot cards "intersection" is focused on predicting and analyzing life situations that are important for humans. The essence of this divination to find out how fateful events appear in your life, how to understand the exciting situation, how to solve possible obstacles and what conclusions to do for yourself. Before the start of divination, ask your question and then select nine cards from the deck.

The alignment on the maps of Tarot "Psychosomatics" intended for analysis of somatic ailments. Their reasons for both spiritual and physical. This divination also gives the Council, as follows when the factors preceding the somatic manifestations of ailment. Before the start of divination, focus and ask your question, after select 10 cards from Tarot deck.

Location and date of origin tarot cards shroudedly by the legends of non-bass and speculation. Someone says that Taro originated in ancient times in Egypt, others represent their homeland Taro India, and the third argue that it was the Arab East. One of the legends even states that great cards Taro This is not just a playful and fortune-up tool, this is a way of research and knowledge of the world for living and inhabiting the land of people, left as a gift, more ancient, long ago disappeared with our planet racial. The scholars are agreed that most likely Taro originated in the era of mystical and cruel medieval, and they received their name from the Palamo River proceeding near the Italian city Taro. At the same time, traditional symbolism tarot cards Has its roots in much more ancient cultures, namely, it was borrowed by the authors of the cards in ancient religions and sources. Standard tarot deckpresented in the form of 78 cards divided into two groups:

    Senior Arkana- Trumps, consists of 22 cards

  • Junior Arkana - Four suit, 56 cards for 14 cards of each suit: Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords.

Each masters takes his beginning from the ace, which are already followed by a twice, three, four and so on to dozens. Of course there are curly cards that include the king, queen, knight and a group. Senior Arkana- These are 22 images, at first glance, in no way suitable for each other in meaning. When sampling, these beautiful pictures each time draw us a kind of and curious plot, which has interpretation and telling the past, present and future in the life of a person. Experts on gadania on maps Taro They write that the older arkans are denoted by the long life path of the person from the moment of its birth to the very oldest. The designs on the map Tarot take into account the peculiarities of human life with its joys, discoveries, grief, problems, flights and sharp drops. Specialists thanks Senior Arkanam Not only interpret about the specific events of the future, but also model all sorts of changes in human life. Junior Arkana- These are 56 cards divided into four masses: Cups, pentacles, swords and wands. Each suites of younger arcanes are divided into 10 license cards and 4 curly. Double-position license cards allow you to display a variety of events in a person's life, the relationship with the surrounding, the state of feelings and spirit. Figure cards - they are a knight, lady, king and package - contain a set of various traits of the character of a person. Figure cards in certain combinations are interpreted by gadels as moral experiences of a person or manifesting its feelings. Sometimes a knight, a lady, a king or a page will be able to indicate a person defined by them and tell about his intention towards the gadget. Each suit tarot cards Also, there is a symbolic meaning. Master of the wands (they are Sour) symbolizes passionate, unshakable element of fire. Fourteen cards of the masters of the wands during fortune-money characterize the level of creativity and the ability to hold them to solve life confusion and problems. Master's wands indicates that a person is very purposeful, as well as full of optimism and enthusiasm. However, common sense at this moment he may refuse.

The suit of the cups (they are also a bowl) symbolizes the non-permanent element of water. Maps of this suit during divination tell the emotionality of a person and his interpersonal relationship. The wash of sword symbolizes the element of the invisible, fast, but quite tangible soul and air body. This suit reveals the features of the intellect, and the sword sharp on both sides is an excellent confirmation of the duality of the human mind: acutely honed the blade of the mind can resolve the most difficult tasks set by life, but the inflexible steel can be injured. Fourteen cards of Swords are characterized by mental abilities, the ability to logically think and construct situations. Master of the pentacles (coins) personifies the element of the state of the ground. Pentacle cards show the connection of all five senses with the body and spirit. They are associated with work and money. When fortunately, fourteen cards, pentacles, reveal the ability of a person to sensory perception, indicate the coming problems. Also, this suit says whether a person has a tendency to farm labor.

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Tarot fortune telling "Pentagram" is intended for analysis of the confusing situation and clarify hidden influences and circumstancesDoubt and uncertainty. This alignment will help see that affects the situation from the pastWhat are concluded hidden factors situation In the present, which surprises may soon arise and where the events will lead you. With this online fortune telling you will be able sorting out the situation and take what is happening under control.

If, in the help of ordinary tarot, you can learn about your past and the future, then the deck of Osho Zen speaks only about the present. It does not give specific answers to specific questions. But only is a good tool for spiritual growth. "Life exists only at the moment, the past is no longer there, and the future is only a fantasy. Therefore, it is necessary to live a real and from this, to be depends on the future ...."

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Layouts on tarot for divination at home

Methods of domestic fortunes on the map of Tarot - Uym. You can find them in books, specialized editions, on the Internet. Which of the layouts on tarot is the most effective and truthful? Judge difficult. We hope that you choose the right option. We will offer you basic methods and practices. The most important thing in fortunate on tarot is the time of its implementation. For fortune telling the best time is the Christmas Eve, which comes overnight from January 6 to 7.

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Popular Layouts on Tarot Maps

In this section, we collected those divisions that are on our website from the very first day of its existence. In this section, simple lightweight layouts on different topics that are remarkably responsible for complex questions. For beginners, this section is ideal. They will not just answer simple questions, but also help to understand the true causes and intricacies of the behavior of people.