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The islands to which Japan claims. The Kuril Islands claim to Japan

And to equip the islands - not profitable

Japan refused to offer Dmitry Medvedev to create a free trade zone on the southern smokers with Russia. At the same time, the deputy head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry Taiaki Matsumoto stressed that Japan considers the four islands of the Kuril Ridge of their territory and the proposal of the Russian president does not correspond to the Japanese position.
Why these islands are so important to the Japanese and why they need us, explained our political consultant Anatoly Wasserman.

Japan claims four islands in the southern part of the Kuril Ridge - ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai, referring to the bilateral treatise on trade and borders of 1855. We are standing on the fact that the southern chickens were included in the USSR, the successor of which was Russia, according to the results of the Second World War. And Russian sovereignty is not subject to doubt. But due to the nonsense of Khrushchev, we will still have to chew this Japanese chewing. I will explain.
Japanese chickens are needed for two reasons.
First, in the South Kuril Islands and in the ocean around them there are many natural values: rare expensive metals, the damn of every fish and aquatic living nature, which our fishermen is mined and immediately resell the Japanese, not even entering the ports. For us, this living nature is no significant value, and for the Japanese it is that for Ukrainians fatty fat. Not to mention the natural resources that Japan in principle are too few.
The second reason is prestige. Japan is very insulting to lose their territories. Although America, according to the results of the Second World War, at formally, Japan has not selected anything, but Okinawa is the largest island of the Japanese archipelago Ryuku - for several decades it turned out to be an American base and remained under the US jurisdiction. We really selected not only the southern part of the Sakhalin, which they took after the Russian-Japanese war, but also the Kuril Islands - they left Russia in 1867 for Japan.
In 1956, the first made stupidity Nikita KhrushchevBy promising as a carrot in front of the nose after the conclusion of a peaceful agreement is the island of Shikotan and a group of small islands of hubomai. For him, the promise to give the island, subject to the signing of a peaceful agreement, repeated Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The Japanese clung to fuzzy wording and reincarnated the procedure: first give the islands, and then we will already sign agreements. Moreover, two more - Kunashir and ITUPUP have added to the islands promised by Khrushchev.
In this case, we lose the most convenient approaches to the Pacific Ocean in the southern part of the Kuril Ridge, which will sharply complicate all the Pacific navigation for us. In addition, for Russia, the return of these islands is a completely catastrophic loss of prestige. For more Suvorovi developed a formula: what is taken with battle, then holy. For us, these islands are a military trophy, and the military has such a sign: to give a trophy, which means to suffer defeat in the next war.
For the Japanese, the smoke is revenge for defeat in World War II, and for us - confirmation that we are still a great power. Therefore, in the near future, the decision of the issue is not foreseen.
It is also inappropriate to equip these islands: they are too small and most of the year are isolated from the world by storms. There it would be possible to build wwbled villages for seasonal work. For example, the bases of fish processing, mines for the extraction of rare metals, laboratories, create translated databases for cargo. But for workers you need an infrastructure, and its support is too expensive.
However, in a militarily, Kuriles provide us with a way out of the Pacific Ocean and at the same time block the approach of the military forces of the potential enemy. There are now radar complexes, ensuring observation of the Pacific water management. Losing them is extremely dangerous.

East fact
Until 1855, three sisters (Kunashir), the cytrone (ITUURUP), figure (Shikotan) and Green (Habomai) were part of the Russian Empire, and then, according to the Japanese-Russian treatise on trade and borders ("Simodist Treatise"), were given Japan. After the defeat of Japan in World War II, the island returned to the jurisdiction of the USSR.

Statement Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe The intention of solving the territorial dispute about the Kuril Islands and again attracted the attention of the general public to the so-called "problem of southern smoked" or "northern territories".

A loud statement of Sinzo Abe, however, does not contain the main one - the original solution that both sides could arrange.

Land Ain.

The dispute around the southern smoked with its roots leaves in the XVII century, when neither the Russians, no Japanese on the Kuril Islands yet.

The indigenous population of the islands can be considered by Ainov - nationality, the origin of which scientists argue to this day. Aina, once inhabited not only chickens, but also all Japanese islands, as well as the lowerland of Amur, Sakhalin and South Kamchatka, today turned into a small nation. In Japan, according to official data, there are about 25 thousand Ainov, and in Russia there are a little more than a hundred people.

The first references to the Islands in Japanese sources are dating 1635, in Russian - 1644.

In 1711, the detachment of Kamchatsky Cossacks under the leadership Danili Antsiferov and Ivan Kozyrevskyfor the first time she landed on the very Northern Island Schisha, smashing the detachment of local Ainov.

The Japanese showed more and more activity on Kurils, but no line of distinction and any agreements between the countries did not exist.

Kuriles - You, Sakhalin us

In 1855, a Simoian treatise on trade and boundaries between Russia and Japan was signed. This document first determined the border of the possessions of the two countries on Kurilah - it passed between the islands of ITUURUP and VRP.

Thus, the islaver, Kunashir, Shikotan, and a group of Habmioma Islands, are under the rule of the Japanese emperor, that is, the very territories around which the dispute goes.

It was the day of the conclusion of the Simed Treatment, February 7, declared in Japan the so-called "Day of Northern Territories".

Relations between the two countries were good enough, but they were spilling "Sakhalin question". The fact is that the Japanese claimed the southern part of this island.

In 1875, a new treaty was signed in St. Petersburg, according to which Japan refused all claims to Sakhalin in exchange for the Kuril Islands - both southern and northern.

Perhaps, after the conclusion of a contract of 1875, the relationship between the two countries developed the most harmoniously.

Excessive appetites of the rising sun

Harmony in international affairs, however, a fragile thing. Japan, published from centuries-old self-insulation, has developed rapidly, and at the same time grew up and ambitions. Territorial claims from the rising sun's country arose hardly to all neighbors, including Russia.

This resulted in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, which ended with a humiliating defeat for Russia. And although Russian diplomacy managed to mitigate the consequences of military failure, but, nevertheless, in accordance with the Portsmouth Treaty, Russia has lost control not only over smoke, but also over the southern Sakhalin.

Such a state of affairs did not suit not only the royal Russia, but also the Soviet Union. However, it was impossible to change the situation in the mid-1920s, due to the signing of the Beijing Treaty in 1925 between the USSR and Japan, according to which the Soviet Union recognized the current state of affairs, but refused to recognize "political responsibility" for the Portsmouth Treaty.

In subsequent years, relations between the Soviet Union and Japan ranged on the verge of war. Japan's appetites grew and began to spread to the continental territories of the USSR. True, the defeat of the Japanese on the Hassan Lake in 1938 and at Khalchin-goal in 1939 forced the official Tokyo somewhat slow down the turnover.

However, the "Japanese threat" so kept the Damoclamic Sword over the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

Revenge for old resentment

By 1945, the tone of Japanese politicians against the USSR has changed. The new territorial acquisitions of speech did not go - the Japanese side would quite arrange to preserve the existing order of things.

But the USSR gave a commitment to Great Britain and the United States, which will enter the war with Japan no later than three months after the end of the war in Europe.

There were no reason to regret Japan at the Soviet leadership - Tokyo in relation to the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s was too aggressive and defiantly. And the resentment of the beginning of the century was not at all forgotten.

On August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union declared the war of Japan. It was the most real blitzkrieg - the Million Japanese Quantong Army in Manchuria was headdown in a matter of days.

On August 18, Soviet troops began a Kuril landing operation, the purpose of which was the mastering of the Kuril Islands. The fierce battles turned over the island of Schoysh - it was the only battle of a stepship war, in which the losses of Soviet troops were higher than that of the enemy. However, on August 23, the commander of Japanese troops on the northern Kurilah, Lieutenant-General Fusaki Tsutsumi capitula.

The fall of the Schuman became the key event of the Kuril operation - in the future the occupation of the islands, on which the Japanese garrisons were located, turned into their capitulation.

Kurile Islands. Photo:

They took the smokers, could take and hockaido

August 22, the head of the Soviet troops in the Far East Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky, without waiting for the fall, Schumay, gives the order of the troops to take the southern chickens. The Soviet command operates according to plan - the war continues, the enemy did not capitulate completely, it means that you should move on.

The initial military plans of the USSR were much more widely - the Soviet units were ready for landing on Hokkaido Island, who was supposed to become the Soviet occupation zone. As if developed in this case, the further history of Japan remains, it remains only to guess. But in the end, Vasilevsky received an order from Moscow - a landing operation on Hokkaido cancel.

The bad weather detained the actions of the Soviet troops on the southern smoke, however, by September 1, ITUURUP, Kunashir and Shikotan passed under their control. The Habomai Islands Group was fully taken under control on September 2 - 4, 1945, that is, after the surrender of Japan. The battle during this period was not - the Japanese soldiers were prisonered to be prisoner.

So, at the end of World War II, Japan was fully occupied by allied powers, and the main territories of the country were under the control of the United States.

Kurile Islands. Photo:

On January 29, 1946, the Kuril Islands (Tisima Islands), a group of Habmioma Islands (Chabomaeze) and Sycotan Islands were excluded by General Douglas Makartur from Japan.

On February 2, 1946, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the South Sakhalin region was formed in these territories as part of the Khabarovsk Territory of the RSFSR, which on January 2, 1947 became part of the newly formed Sakhalin region as part of the RSFSR.

Thus, de facto South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands moved to Russia.

Why the USSR did not sign a peace treaty with Japan

However, these territorial changes were not officially enshrined by the Treaty between the two countries. And the political situation in the world has changed, and yesterday's USSR ally, the United States has become the nearest friend and ally of Japan, and therefore was not interested in the settlement of Soviet-Japanese relations or in solving the territorial issue between the two countries.

In 1951, a peace treaty was concluded in San Francisco between Japan and the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, which the USSR did not sign.

The reason for this was the revision of the United States of the previous agreements from the USSR, achieved in the 1945 Yalta Agreement, now the official Washington believed that the Soviet Union was not right not only for smoke, but also to South Sakhalin. In any case, it was this resolution that was adopted by the US Senate during the discussion of the contract.

Nevertheless, in the final version of the San Francis, Japan refuses the rights to South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. But here the quarrel - official Tokyo and then, and now declares that it does not believe that Habomai, Kunashir, Itupur and Shikotan are part of smoke.

That is, the Japanese are sure - they really renounced from southern Sakhalin, but they never refused from the Northern Territories.

The Soviet Union refused to sign a peace treaty not only due to the unresolvedness of its territorial disputes with Japan, but also due to the fact that he did not allow similar disputes between Japan and the then ally of the USSR - China.

Compromise ruined Washington

Only after another five years, in 1956, the Soviet-Japanese declaration on the cessation of the state of the war was signed, which was supposed to become a prologue to the conclusion of a peace treaty.

A compromise solution was voiced - Japan's Islands and Shikotan are returned to Japan in exchange for unconditional recognition of the sovereignty of the USSR over all other controversial territories. But it could only happen after the conclusion of a peace treaty.

In fact, the Japan suited these conditions quite, but here the "third force" intervened. The United States at all rejoiced the prospect of establishing relations between the USSR and Japan. The territorial problem performed an excellent wedge, driven between Moscow and Tokyo, and its permission of Washington considered it is extremely undesirable.

The Japanese authorities were announced - in the event of a compromise from the USSR on the "Curil problem" on the conditions of delegation of the US islands, Okinawa island and the entire archipelago of Ryuku will leave under their sovereignty.

The threat was truly terrible for the Japanese - it was about the territory with more than a million population that has the most important historical importance for Japan.

As a result, the possible compromise on the southern smoked smoking was melted as smoke, and with him the prospect of the conclusion of a full-fledged peace treaty.

By the way, control over Okinawa finally moved to Japan only in 1972. At the same time, 18 percent of the territory of the island and to this day are American military bases.

Full dead

In fact, no progress in the territorial dispute has not happened since 1956. In the Soviet period, without reaching a compromise, the USSR came to the tactic of the complete denial of any dispute in principle.

In the post-Soviet period, Japan had the hope that the German President Boris Yeltsin would give up "Northern Territories" generous for gifts. Moreover, such a decision was considered fairly noticeable figures in Russia - for example, the Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Perhaps at that moment the Japanese side made a mistake, instead of compromise options, it seems that he was discussed in 1956, becoming insist on the transfer of all the controversial islands.

But in Russia, the pendulum has already followed the other side, and those who consider it impossible to transmit even one island today is significantly louder.

And for Japan, and for Russia, the Kuril Question has become a matter of principle over the past decades. And Russian, and Japanese politicians the slightest concessions are threatened if they do not collapse career, then seriously electoral losses.

Therefore, the extended desire of Shinzo Abe solve the problem is undoubtedly commendable, but completely unrealistic.

Kuril Islands is a chain of volcanic islands between the Kamchatka peninsula (Russia) and Hokkaido Island (Japan). The area is about 15.6 thousand km2.

The Kuril Islands consist of two Girdar-Bolshoi Kuril and Small Kuril (Habomai). Great ridge separates the Sea Okhotsk from the Pacific Ocean.

A large Kuril ridge has a length of 1200 km and extends from the Kamchatka Peninsula (in the north) to the Japanese Island Hokkaido (in the south). It includes more than 30 islands, of which are the largest: Paramushir, Simushir, Vrup, ITUURUP and Kunashir. On the southern islands - forests, northern covered with tundra vegetation.

Small Kuril's ridge with a length of only 120 km and extends from Hokkaido (in the south) to the northeast. Consists of six small islands.

Kuril Islands are part of the Sakhalin Region (Russian Federation). They are divided into three areas: North-Kurilsky, Kuril and South Kurilsky. The centers of these areas have appropriate names: North-Kurilsk, Kurilsk and South Kurilsk. There is also a settlement of Little-Kurilsk (center of the Small Kuril Ridge).

The relief of the islands is predominantly mountain volcanic (there are 160 volcanoes, of which about 39 acting). Prevailing height 500-1000m. The exception is the island of Shikotan, for which the low relief is characterized, formed as a result of the destruction of ancient volcanoes. The highest peak of the Kuril Islands -Volkan Alaid -2339 meters, and the depth of Kuril-Kamchatka depression reaches 10339 meters. High seismicity is the cause of constant threats to earthquakes and tsunami.

Population -76.6% Russian, 12.8% Ukrainians, 2.6% Belarusians, 8% other nationalities. The permanent population of the islands lives mainly on the southern islands --ITUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and Northern-Paramshire, Schisha. The basis of the economy is the fishing industry, because The main natural wealth is the borerange of the sea. Agriculture due to unfavorable natural conditions did not receive substantial development.

On the Kuril Islands, deposits of titano-magnetites, sands, cops of copper, lead, zinc, and rare elements of India, helium, waist, are signs of platinum, mercury and other metals contained in them. Large reserves of sulfur ores with a rather high content of sulfur are found.

Transport links are carried out by sea and air. In winter, regular shipping stops. Due to complex meteorological conditions, flights are not regular (especially in winter).

Opening of the Kuril Islands

In the Middle Ages, Japan has little contacted with other countries of the world. As V. Chischenko notes: "In 1639," self-isolation policy "was announced. Under the fear of death, the Japanese was forbidden to leave the island. The construction of large vessels was prohibited. Almost foreign ships were almost allowed in the ports. " Therefore, the organized development of the Japanese Sakhalin and Kuril began only at the end of the XVIII century.

V. Chischenko further writes: "For Russia, Ivan Yuryevich Moskvitin is deservedly considered deservedly. In 1638-1639, the detachment of the Moskvitin of the twenty Tomsk and eleven Irkutsk Cossacks was released from Yakutsk and made the most difficult transition to the Lands of Aldan, May and Yudom, through the Gugjur Ridge and then on the River Beee, to the Sea Sea. The first Russian villages were founded here (including Okhotsk). "

The following significant step in the development of the Far East was made even more well-known Russian pioneer Vasily Danilovich Poyarkov, who, at the head of the squad from 132 Cossacks, was the first to go through Amur - to his mouth. Poyarkov, came out of Yakutsk in June 1643, at the end of the summer of 1644, the detachment of Poyarkkova reached the Lower Amur and found himself in the lands of Amur Nivkhov. In early September, the Cossacks first saw the Amur mouth. From here, Russian people could also see the north-west coast of Sakhalin, about which they received an idea of \u200b\u200bboth the big island. Therefore, many historians consider Poyarkov "Sakhalin Owner", despite the fact that the participants of the expedition did not even visit its shores.

Since then, Amur has gained great importance, not only as a "bread river", but also as natural communication. After all, until the 20th century, Amur was the main expensive of Siberia on Sakhalin. In the fall of 1655, a detachment of 600 Cossacks arrived at Nizhny Amur, which at the time was considered a large military force.

The development of events steadily led to the fact that Russian people already in the second half of the XVII century could completely gain themselves on Sakhalin. This prevented a new turn of history. In 1652, the Manyzhuro-Chinese arrow arrived at the mouth of the Amur.

In a state of war with Poland, the Russian state could not distinguish the desired number of people and means to successfully counteract Qing China. Attempts to extract any benefits for Russia did not bring success to the diplomatic way. In 1689, the nonsense world was concluded between the two powers. More than one and a half century, Cossacks had to leave Cupid, which was practically damaged for them and Sakhalin.

For China, Sakhalin does not exist for China's fact that the fact is most likely for the simple reason that the Chinese knew about the island for a long time ago, so long ago, which did not remember when for the first time he learned.

Here, by itself, the question arises: why did the Chinese do not take advantage of such a favorable setting, not colonized Primorye, Amur, Sakhalin and other territories? V. Schechenkov answers this question: "The fact is that until 1878, Chinese women were forbidden to move the Great Wall of China! And in the absence of "its beautiful half", the Chinese could not be tightly settled on these lands. They appeared in the Amur region only for the collection of Yasak from local peoples. "

With the conclusion of the Nerchinsky world, for Russian people, the most comfortable expensive to Sakhalin remained the sea route. After Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev in 1648 made his famous swimming from the Ice Ocean in a quiet, the appearance of Russian ships in the Pacific Ocean acquire regular character.

In 1711-1713, D.N. Antsifers and I.P. Kozyrevsky make expeditions to the islands of Schosha and Paramushir, during which they receive detailed information about most smoked and about Hokkaido Island. In 1721, Geodesists I.M. Jews and F.F. Luzhin is produced by order of Peter I, the examination of the northern part of a large Kuril ridge to the island of Simushir and make up a detailed map of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

In the XVIII century there is a rapid development of the Kuril Islands by Russian people.

"Thus, it is V. Chischenko, -On the middle of the XVIII century there was an amazing situation. The navigaters of different countries literally furred the ocean along and across. And the Great Wall, the Japanese "self-isolation policy" and the unwriting Okhotsk Sea formed truly a fantastic circle around Sakhalin, which left the island out of reach of both European and Asian researchers. "

At this time, the first clashes of the Japanese and Russian spheres of influence on the smokers occur. In the first half of the XVIII century, the Kuril Islands were actively mastered by Russian people. Back in 1738-1739, during the spepbberg expedition, the middle and southern chickens were opened and described, and even a landing for Hokkaido was made. At that time, the Russian state could not take control of the island, which were so far from the capital, which contributed to the abuse of the Cossacks against the aborigines, which porce up to robbery and cruelty.

In 1779, the highest command of Catherine II liberated the "shaggy smokers" from all fees and banned to encroach on their territory. It was not possible to maintain their power to maintain the Cossacks, and the islands of South Urupe were left. In 1792, by order of Catherine II, the first official mission took place in order to establish trade relations with Japan. This concession was used by the Japanese for tightening the time and strengthening their position on smoking and Sakhalin.

In 1798, a large Japanese expedition was held on the island of ITUURUP, which was headed by the Mogs of Tokunay and Condo Jüduzo. The expedition had not only research purposes, but also political - Russian crosses were demolished and poles were installed with the inscription: "Dinijon Eotofu" (ITUP - possession of Japan). The following year, Takadaya Kakhae opens the sea route to ITUURUP, and Congo Judyso visits Kunashir.

In 1801, the Japanese got to Urupe, where they put their columns and ordered Russian to leave their settlements.

Thus, by the end of the XVIII century, the submission of Europeans about Sakhalin remained very unclear, and the situation around the island created the most favorable conditions in favor of Japan.

Chickens in the XIX century

In the XVIII - early XIX century, the Kuril Islands studied Russian researchers D. Ya. Anziferov, I. P. Kozyrevsky, I. F. Kruzenshtern.

Attempts by Japan by force to turn the churillas caused protests from the Russian government. Arriving in 1805 in Japan to establish trade relations N.P. Rezanov, said to the Japanese that "... north of Matmai (Hokkaido) all lands and water belong to the Russian emperor and that the Japanese did not extend their possessions."

However, the gripful actions of the Japanese continued. At the same time, except for smoking, they began to claim Sakhalin, taking attempts to destroy signs on the southern part of the island, pointing to the affiliation of this territory of Russia.

In 1853, the representative of the Russian government General-Adjutant E.V. Putyatin led negotiations on the conclusion of a trade agreement.

Along with the task of establishing diplomatic and trade relations, the Putyatina mission should have issued a contract to the border between Russia and Japan.

Professor S.G. Pushkarev writes: "In the reign of Alexander II, Russia acquired significant spaces of land in the Far East. In exchange for the Kuril Islands from Japan, the southern part of Sakhalin Island was acquired.

After the Crimean War in 1855, Putiatin signed the Simoian treatise, which was established that "the borders between Russia and Japan will be held between the Islands of Itulur and Vrup", and Sakhalin declared "undivided" between Russia and Japan. As a result, Japan, Khabomai, Shikotan, Kunashir and Ituupui, was departed to Japan. This concession was agreed by Japan's consent to trade with Russia, which, however, and after that there was sluggish.

N.I. Tsimbayev characterizes the state of affairs in the Far East at the end of the XIX century: "bilateral agreements signed with China and Japan in the reign of Alexander II, for a long time determined Russia's policies in the Far East, which was careful and weighted."

In 1875, the royal government of Alexander II went to the next concession of Japan, the so-called St. Petersburg treatise, according to which all the Kuril Islands right up to Kamchatka in exchange for recognition of Sakhalin Russian territory went to Japan. (See Appendix 1)

The fact of the attack of Japan to Russia in the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905. He was a gross violation of the Simed Treatise, in which the "Permanent Peace and sincere friendship between Russia and Japan" was proclaimed.

Results of the Russian-Japanese War

As already mentioned, Russia had extensive possessions in the Far East. These territories were extremely removed from the center of the country and are poorly involved in the national economic circulation. "Changing the situation, as noted by A.N. Bhakhanov, was binding to the construction of the Siberian railway, whose gasket began in 1891. It was planned to hold Siberia in southern regions with access to the Pacific Ocean in Vladivostok. The total length of it from Chelyabinsk in the Urals to the final point was about 8 thousand kilometers. It was a lengthy railway line in the world. "

By the beginning of the XX century. The main node of international contradictions for Russia became the Far East and the most important direction - relations with Japan. The Russian government realized the possibility of a military collision, but did not seek him. In 1902 and 1903. There were intense negotiations between Petersburg, Tokyo, London, Berlin and Paris, which did not lead to anything.

On the night of January 27, 1904, 10 Japanese destroyers suddenly attacked the Russian squadron at the external Ride of Port Arthur and disabled 2 armadors and 1 cruiser. The next day, 6 Japanese cruisers and 8 destroyers attacked the "Varyag" cruiser and Korean's gunner in the Korean port of Chelpo. Only January 28, Japan declared the war of Russia. Japan's treachery caused a storm of indignation in Russia.

Russia was imposed on the war she did not want. The war lasted a year and a half and turned out to be inglorious for the country. The causes of common failures and concrete military defeats were caused by various factors, but they treated:

  • the incompleteness of the military-strategic preparation of the Armed Forces;
  • significant remoteness of the theater of hostilities from the main centers of the army and management;
  • emergency limitations of communication connections.

The hopelessness of the war with all certainty manifested itself by the end of 1904, and after a fall of December 20, 1904, the fortress of Port Arthur in Russia already few people believed in a favorable outcome of the campaign. The initial patriotic lifting was replaced by despondency and irritation.

A.N. Bokhanov writes: "The government was in a state of talk; No one could assume that the war, which for all preliminary assumptions had to be short, was dragged for so long and was so unsuccessful. Emperor Nicholas II long did not agree to recognize Far Eastern failure, believing that these are only temporary failures and that Russia should mobilize their efforts to strike in Japan and restoring the prestige of the army and the country. He undoubtedly wanted the world, but the world of honorable, such that could only provide a strong geopolitical position, and she was seriously shaken by military failures. "

By the end of the spring of 1905, it became obvious that the change in the military situation is possible only in the distant future, and in the near future it should immediately begin to peacefully resolve the conflict. This was forced not only the considerations of a military-strategic nature, but, to an even greater extent, complicating the internal situation in Russia.

N.I. Tsimbaev states: "Japan's military victories turned it into the leading Far Eastern Power, which the Governments of England and the United States supported."

The situation for the Russian side was complicated not only by military-strategic lesions in the Far East, but also the absence of pre-developed conditions for a possible agreement with Japan.

Having received the relevant instructions from the sovereign, S.Yu. Witte July 6, 1905. Together with the group of experts on the Far Eastern affairs, went to the United States, to the city of Portsmouth, where negotiations were scheduled. The head of the delegation only received an indication in no case to agree on any forms of contribution of the contribution, which Russia in its history never paid, and not to give up "not the Ries of Russian Earth, although by that time Japan occupied the southern part of Sakhalin Island.

Japan occupied initially in Portsmouth a tough position, demanding in an ultimate form from Russia to complete care from Korea and Manchuria, the transfer of the Russian Far Eastern Fleet, the payment of contracting and consent to the annexation of Sakhalin.

Negotiations several times were on the verge of breakdown, and only thanks to the efforts of the head of the Russian delegation, it was possible to achieve a positive result: August 23, 1905. The parties concluded an agreement.

In accordance with it, Russia was inferior to Japan rental rights in the South Manchuria, part of Sakhalin south of the 50th parallel, recognized Korea to the Sphere of Japanese interests. A.N. Balkhanov talks about the negotiations like this: "Portsmouth arrangements have become an undoubted success of Russia, its diplomacy. They largely resembled an agreement of equal partners, and not to the agreement concluded after an unsuccessful war. "

Thus, after Russia's defeat, a portsmouth peace treaty was concluded in 1905. The Japanese side demanded from Russia in the order of confering Sakhalin Island. In the Portsmouth Agreement, the exchange agreement was stopped by the exchange agreement of 1875, and it was also said that all Japan's trade agreements with Russia are annulled by war.

This agreement was annulled by the Simoian Treatise 1855.

However, the treaties between Japan and the USSR have just created in the 20s. Yu.Y. Tereshchenko writes: "In April 1920, the Far Eastern Republic (DVR) was created - a temporary revolutionary-democratic state," buffer "between the RSFSR and Japan. People's Revolutionary Army (NRA) DVR under the command of V.K. Blucher, then I.P. The sewage in October 1922 freed the edge from the Japanese and White Guard troops. On October 25, the part of the NRA joined Vladivostok. In November 1922, the "buffer" republic was abolished, its territory (with the exception of Northern Sakhalin, from where the Japanese went to May 1925) entered the RSFSR. "

By the time of conclusion on January 20, 1925, the Convention on the Basic Principles of Relationship between Russia and Japan did not actually exist any current bilateral agreement on the belonging to the Kuril Islands.

In January 1925, the USSR established diplomatic and consular relations with Japan (Peking Convention). The Japanese government evacuated his troops from Northern Sakhalin, captured during the Russian-Japanese war. The Soviet government provided Japan in the north of the concession island, in particular the operation of 50% of the oil fields.

War with Japan in 1945 and the Yalta Conference

Yu.Y. Tereshchenko writes: "... a special period of the Great Patriotic War was the War of the USSR with Militarist Japan (August 9 - September 2, 1945). On April 5, 1945, the Soviet government denounced the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact, signed in Moscow on April 13, 1941 on August 9, fulfilling its allied obligations taken at the Yalta Conference, the Soviet Union declared the war of Japan ... during the 24-day military campaign was The millionth Kwantung army was crushed, which was in Manchuria. The defeat of this army became the determining factor in the defeat of Japan.

He led to the defeat of the Japanese armed forces and to the most difficult losses for them. They amounted to 677 thousand soldiers and officers, incl. 84 thousand killed and wounded, more than 590 thousand prisoners. Japan lost its largest military-industrial base on Asian mainland and the strongest army. Soviet troops expelled the Japanese from Manchuria and Korea, from southern Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Japan lost all military bases and bridgeheads who prepared against the USSR. It was not able to conduct an armed struggle. "

At the Yalta Conference, the "Declaration of released Europe" was adopted, in which, among other means, the transfer of the Soviet Union of the South Room Islands, which was part of the Japanese "Northern Territories" (O-Wa Kunashir, ITUURUP, Shikotan, Habomai).

In the first years after the end of World War II, Japan did not prevent the Soviet Union of territorial requirements. The nomination of such claims was then expelled then at least because the Soviet Union, along with the United States and other allied powers, participated in the occupation of Japan, and Japan as a country that agreed on a unconditional surrender was obliged to carry out all the solutions adopted by the allied powers, including Solutions related to its borders. It was at that time that the new borders of Japan from the USSR were developed.

The transformation of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in an integral part of the Soviet Union was enshrined by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 2, 1946. In 1947, according to the changes made to the USSR Constitution, Kuriles were included in the South Sakhalin region of the RSFSR. The most important international legal instrument recorded Japan's refusal from the rights to South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands was signed by it in September 1951 at the International Conference in San Francisco Peace Treaty with the winners.

In the text of this document, the results of the Second World War, in paragraph "C" in Article 2, it was clearly recorded: "Japan refuses all rights, law quantities and claims to the Kuril Islands and on that part of Sakhalin Islands and the islands adjacent to him, sovereignty over With which Japan acquired at the Portsmouth Agreement of September 5, 1905. "

However, during the San Francisal Conference, the desire of Japanese government circles was revealed to question the validity of the borders established between Japan and the Soviet Union in the end of the defeat of Japanese militarism. At the conference itself, this desire did not find open support from its other participants and, above all, from the Soviet delegation, which appears from the above-mentioned text of the contract.

However, in the future, Japanese politicians and diplomats did not refuse the intention to revise the Soviet-Japanese borders and, in particular, to return the four southern islands of the Kuril archipelago under the control of Japan: Kunashir, ITUURUP, Shikotan and Habomai (I.A. Latyshev explains that The reality of Habomai is five adjacent one to another small islets). Confidence of Japanese diplomats in their ability to implement such a revision of borders was associated with the backstage, and then openly supported by the territorial claims to our country, which Japan began to provide the US government circles, support, explicitly contradictory spirit and the letter of Yalta agreements signed by the US President F. Roosevelt in February 1945.

Such an obvious refusal of government circles of the United States from its obligations enshrined by Yalta agreements, according to I.A. Latyshev, explained simply: "... in the conditions of further strengthening of the Cold War, in the face of the victory of the Communist Revolution in China and Armed Anti-Fiction with the North Korean Army on the Korean Peninsula, Washington began to consider Japan as his main military bridgehead in the Far East and, moreover, His major ally in the struggle for the preservation of the US dominant position in the Asia-Pacific region. And in order to stronger to bring this new ally to his political course, American politicians began to promise him to political support in the acquisition of South smoked, although such support and was the departure of the United States from the above international agreements designed to consolidate the borders that have developed in the second World War II. "

A lot of benefits gave Japanese initiators of territorial claims to the Soviet Union, the refusal of the Soviet delegation at the San Francisal Conference to sign the text of the Peace Contract along with other Allied Countries - participants in the conference. This refusal was motivated by the disagreement of Moscow with the intention of the United States to use an agreement to preserve the Japanese territory of the American military bases. Such a decision of the Soviet delegation was short-sighted: it began to be used by Japanese diplomats to create a Japanese public impression that the lack of signatures of the Soviet Union under the peace treaty freed Japan from his observance.

The leaders of the Japanese Foreign Ministry in subsequent years resorted to their statements to the arguments, the essence of which came down to the fact that since the representatives of the Soviet Union did not sign the text of the peace treaty, then the Soviet Union was not entitled to refer to this document, and the world community should not be given to ownership The Soviet Union of the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin, although Japan refused these territories in accordance with San Francissian Treaty.

Japanese politicians referred to the lack of mentioning the one who will continue to own these islands in the contract.

Another direction of Japanese diplomacy was reduced to the fact that "the refusal of Japan from the Kuril Islands recorded in the contract does not mean its refusal of the four southern islands of the Kuril archipelago on the grounds that these islands Japan ... does not consider Kurile. And that, signing the contract, the Japanese government considered the alleged four islands not like smoky, but as land adjacent to the coast of the Japanese Hokkaido Island. "

However, at the first glance at Japanese pre-war cards and locations, all the Kuril Islands, including the Southern South, were one administrative unit called "Tiscima".

I.A. Latyshev writes that the refusal of the Soviet delegation at the San Francisco Conference to sign, along with representatives of other Allied countries, the text of a peace treaty with Japan has shown, as the further course of events showed, a political misfortune for the Soviet Union. The lack of a peace treaty of the Soviet Union with Japan began to contradict the national interests of both the same and the other. That is why four years after the San Francisian conference of the government of both countries expressed their readiness to come into contact with each other to find ways to formally resolve their relations and the conclusion of a bilateral peace treaty. Such a goal was pursued, as at first it seemed, both sides in the Soviet-Japanese negotiations began in London in June 1955 at the level of ambassadors of both countries.

However, as it turned out during the negotiations began, the main task of the then Japanese government was to use the interest of the Soviet Union in the normalization of relations with Japan in order to achieve territorial concessions from Moscow. In essence, it was about the open refusal of the Japanese government from the San Francisian peace treaty in the part where the northern borders of Japan were identified.

From now on, as I.A. writes Latyshev, began the most ill-fated, flawed for Soviet-Japanese good neighborly the territorial dispute of the two countries, which continues until now. It was in May-June 1955, the Japanese government circles became on the path of illegal territorial claims to the Soviet Union aimed at revising the borders established between both countries in the end of World War II.

What prompted the Japanese side to be on such a way? There were several reasons for this.

One of them is the long-term interest in Japanese fishing companies in obtaining under their own control of marine waters that wash the southern Kuril Islands. It is well known that the coastal waters of the Kuril Islands are the richest fish resources, as well as other seafood, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific Ocean. Salmon fishery, crabs, sea cabbage and other expensive seafood could provide Japanese fishing and other companies, fabulous profits, which encouraged these circles to put pressure on the government in order to receive these richest areas of marine fishery.

Another promising reason for the attempts of Japanese diplomacy to return the southern chickens to his control was to understand the Japanese an exceptional strategic importance of the Kuril Islands: the one who owns the islands, keeps the keys from the Pacific Ocean in His hands.

Third, putting forward the territorial requirements for the Soviet Union, the Japanese government circles expect to revive nationalist sentiment in the wide layers of the Japanese population and use nationalist slogans to coherely these layers under their ideological control.

And finally, in the fourth, another important point was the desire of the ruling circles of Japan to please the United States. After all, the territorial requirements of the Japanese authorities felt completely into the warlike course of the US government, directed by the edge against the Soviet Union, PRC and other socialist countries. And it is not by chance that the US Secretary of State D. F. Dulles, as well as other influential political figures of the United States, has become supported by the Japanese territorial claims, despite the fact that these claims are deliberately contrary to the decisions of the Yalta Conference of the Allied Power.

As for the Soviet side, the nomination of Japan territorial requirements was considered by Moscow as an encroachment on the state interests of the Soviet Union, as an illegal attempt to revise the boundaries established between both countries in the end of World War II. Therefore, the Japanese demands could not not meet the Soviet Union, although his leaders in those years have sought to establish good neighborly contacts and business cooperation with Japan.

Territorial dispute during the rule of N.S. Khrushchev

During the Soviet-Japanese negotiations of 1955-1956 (in 1956, these negotiations were postponed from London to Moscow) Japanese diplomats having met a firm response to their claims to South Sakhalin and all the smokers began to quickly die these claims. In the summer of 1956, the territorial harassment of the Japanese was reduced to the requirement of the transfer of Japan only southern smoked, namely the islands of Kunashir, ITUPUP, Shikotan and Khabomai, which represent the most favorable for life and economic development part of the Kuril archipelago.

On the other hand, at the very first stages of negotiations, there was also short-sighted in the approach to the Japanese claims of the then Soviet leadership, which underestimated at any cost to speed up the normalization of relations with Japan. Without a clear idea of \u200b\u200bsouthern smokers and especially about their economic and strategic value, N.S. Khrushchev, apparently, treated them as a shallow exchanged coin. Only this can explain the appearance of naive judgments from the Soviet leader that negotiations with Japan can be successfully completed, it is only a Soviet side to make a "little concession" by Japanese requirements. In those days N.S. Khrushchev presented that, penetrating with gratitude for the "gentlemansky" gesture of the Soviet leadership, the Japanese side will answer the same "gentleman" fasciance, namely: remove its excessive territorial claims, and the dispute will end with the "love agreement" to the mutual pleasure of both sides.

Guided by this erroneous calculation of the Kremlin leader, the Soviet delegation at the negotiations unexpectedly expressed his readiness to give Japan's two southern islands of Kuril Rud: Shikotan and Habmioma, after the Japanese side sign a peace treaty with the Soviet Union. I willingly recognize this concession, the Japanese side did not calm down, and for a long time continued to persevere to transfer to her all four South Rooms. But the larger concessions did not succeed then.

The irresponsible Khrushchev "Gesture of Friendship" was recorded in the text of the "Joint Soviet-Japanese Declaration on the Normalization of Relations", signed by the heads of governments of both countries in Moscow on October 19, 1956. In particular, in Article 9 of this document it was written that the Soviet Union and Japan "... agreed to continue after the restoration of normal diplomatic relations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan's negotiations on the conclusion of a peace treaty. At the same time, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, going to meet the wishes of Japan and taking into account the interests of the Japanese state, agrees to the transfer of Japan of Habomai Islands and Shikotan, however, that the actual transfer of these Islands of Japan will be made after the conclusion of a peace treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan " .

The transfer of Japan in the future of the island of Habomai and Shikotan was interpreted by the Soviet leadership as a demonstration of the readiness of the Soviet Union to enter into its territory in the name of good connections with Japan. It is not by chance that it was not emphasized in the future, it was about the "transmission" of Japan of the specified islands, and not about their "return", as the Japanese side was inclined to interpret the essence of the case.

The word "transfer" was intended to mean the intention of the Soviet Union to give Japan part of its, and not Japanese territory.

However, the fixation in the declaration of an increasing Khrushchev promise to present Japan an advance "gift" in the form of part of the Soviet territory was a sample of the political pesture of the then Kremlin leadership, which did not have a legal or moral right to turn the territory of the country to the subject of diplomatic bargaining. The short-sightedness of this promise has become apparent for the two or three years, when the Japanese government in its foreign policy has taken a course to strengthen military cooperation with the United States and an increase in the independent role of Japan in the Japanese American "security contract", the point of which was definitely directed to the side Soviet Union.

The hopes of the Soviet leadership were not justified and the fact that his readiness to "convey" Japan two islands will encourage Japanese government circles to refuse further territorial claims to our country.

The first months, which were held after the signing of a joint declaration, showed that the Japanese side was not intended to calm down in his demands.

Soon, Japan has a new "argument" in the territorial dispute with the Soviet Union, based on the distorted interpretation of the content of the named declaration and the text of its ninth article. The essence of this "argument" was reduced to the fact that the normalization of the Japanese-Soviet relations does not end, but, on the contrary, it implies further negotiations on the "territorial issue" and that fixation in the ninth article of the Declaration of the Soviet Union to transfer Japan to enter into a peace treaty of the Island of Habomai and Shikotan still Does not fail the territorial dispute of the two countries, but on the contrary, it implies the continuation of this dispute over two other islands of the southern smoked: Kunashir and ITUPUPU.

Moreover, in the late 50s, the Japanese government became more active than to first use the so-called "territorial issue" for inflating among the Japanese population unkind sentiment in relation to Russia.

All this prompted the Soviet leadership, headed by N.S. Khrushchev, to make adjustments to its assessments of Japanese foreign policy that did not meet the initial spirit of the joint declaration of 1956. Soon after the Japanese Prime Minister of Kish Nobusuka signed on January 19, 1960 in Washington Anti-Soviet "Assistance Agreement", namely on January 27, 1960, the USSR government sent a memorable note to the Japanese government.

In the note, it was indicated that as a result of the conclusion of the Japan of the Military Agreement, weakening the foundations of the world in the Far East, "... There is a new provision, in which the promises of the Soviet Government cannot be implemented on the transfer of Japan Haboma and Sicotan Islands"; "I agree on the transfer of Japan of the specified islands after the conclusion of a peace treaty, then further in the note, the Soviet government went towards Japan's wishes, took into account the national interests of the Japanese state and peace-loving intentions, expressed at the time by the Japanese government during the Soviet-Japanese negotiations."

As was then indicated in a quoted note, with a changed atmosphere, when a new contract was directed against the USSR, the Soviet government could not help the transfer of Japan of the Islands of Habomai and Shikotan owned by the USSR, the territory used by foreign troops was expanded. Under foreign troops in the note included the US Armed Forces, whose indefinite presence in the Japanese Islands was enshrined by the new "Safety Treaty" signed by Japan in January 1960.

In the next months of 1960, other notes and statements of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Soviet government were published in the Soviet press, testifying to the reluctance of the USSR leadership to continue fruitless negotiations on the Japanese territorial claims. Since that time, for a long time, or rather, more than 25 years, the position of the Soviet government in relation to territorial claims of Japan has become extremely simple and clear: "There is no territorial issue in relations in the relations of two countries" because this issue is "already resolved" by the preceding international agreements.

Japanese claims in 1960-1980

The firm and clear position of the Soviet side in respect of the Japanese territorial claims led to the fact that during the 60-80s, no one from the Japanese statesmen and diplomats did not manage to draw the Soviet Foreign Ministry and its leaders in any detachable discussion about the Japanese territorial harassment .

But this did not mean that the Japanese side was completed with the refusal of the Soviet Union from further discussion on Japanese claims. In those years, the efforts of the Government circles of Japan were aimed at the fact that the so-called "movement for the return of the northern territories" will expand through various administrative measures.

It is noteworthy that the words "northern territories" acquired a very tensable content during the deployment of this "movement".

Some political groups, in particular, government circles meant under the "Northern Territories" four southern islands of Kuril Rud; Others, including the Socialist and Communist Party of Japan -All Kuril Islands, and the third, especially from the number of adherents of ultra-right organizations, not only the Kuril Islands, but also South Sakhalin.

Since 1969, government map management, as well as the Ministry of Education, has begun a public "correction" of maps and textbooks, in which the South Kuril Islands began to be painted under the color of Japanese territory, as a result of which the territory of Japan on these new maps "grew up", as stamped , 5 thousand square kilometers.

All new and new efforts have been used to process the public opinion and retracts as much as possible of the Japanese in the "Movement for the Return of Northern Territories". So, for example, a trip to the city of Hokkaido to the city district of Nemuro, from where Southern Kuril Islands, specialized groups of tourists from other areas of the country are clearly visible. The programs of these groups in the city of Nemuro included "Walks" on the courts along the borders of the South Islands of the Kuril Ridges in order to "sad contemplation" of land that once belonged to Japan. A significant proportion of participants in these "nostalgic walks" was to the beginning of the 80s, schoolchildren who had similar voyages were counted as "training trips" provided for by school programs. At the Cape Nosap, closest to the borders of the Kuril Islands, a whole range of buildings intended for "pilgrims", including the 90-meter viewing tower and the "Archival Museum" with a tendentiously selected exposure, designed to convince small-seeding visitors were built at the government and a number of public organizations. In the imaginary historical "validity" of Japanese claims to the Kuril Islands.

The new moment in the 70s were the appeals of Japanese organizers of the anti-Soviet campaign to the overseas public. The first example of this was the speech of the Japanese Prime Minister Eysaka Sato at the Jubilee session of the UN General Assembly in October 1970, in which the head of the Japanese government tried to draw the world community to the territorial dispute with the Soviet Union. In the future, in the 70s and 1980s, the attempts of Japanese diplomats use the UN Tribune with the same purpose repeatedly.

Since 1980, on the initiative of the Japanese government in the country, the so-called "days of the northern territories" began annually. In this afternoon it became February 7. It was on this day that in 1855 in the Japanese city of Simova, a Russian-Japanese treatise was signed, according to which the southern part of the Kuril Islands was in the hands of Japan, and the northern part remained for Russia.

The choice of this date as the "Day of the Northern Territories" was to emphasize that the Simedian Agreement (annulled by Japan itself in 1905 as a result of the Russian-Japanese war, as well as in 1918-1925 during the Japanese intervention in the Far East and Siberia) Allegedly and today retains its significance.

Unfortunately, the position of the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union regarding Japanese territorial claims began to lose the former hardness during the period of staying in power M.S. Gorbachev. Public statements appeared calls for the revision of the Yalta system of international relations that established as a result of World War II and to the urgent completion of the territorial dispute with Japan through the "fair compromise", under which the concessions were implied by Japanese territorial claims. The first frank statements of this kind were sounded in October 1989 from the mouth of the people's deputy, the rector of the Moscow historical and archival institute Yu. Afanasyev, who announced during his stay in Tokyo about the need for the Snoma of the Yalta system and the speedy transfer of Japan four southern islands of Kuril Rud.

Following Yu. Afanasyev began to speak in favor of territorial concessions during travel to Japan and others: A. Sakharov, Popov, B. Yeltsin. It is not different as a course on the gradual, stretched concessions with Japanese territorial requirements, in particular, "a five-stage program of a territorial issue", nominated by the then leader of the Elezin Interregional Group during his visit to Japan in January 1990.

As I.A. Voshyshev writes: "The result of long and tense negotiations of Gorbachev with the Japanese Prime Minister of Kayfu Veosika in April 1991 was a" joint statement "signed by the leaders of the two countries. This statement reflected inconsistency characteristic of Gorbachev in views and in the protection of the national interests of the state.

On the one hand, despite the persistent harassment of the Japanese, the Soviet leader did not allow any wording into the text of the "joint statement", openly confirming the readiness of the Soviet side to transfer Japan of the Isle of Habomai and Shikotan. He did not go to the refusal of the notes of the Soviet government sent by Japan in 1960.

However, on the other hand, the text of the "joint statement" turned out to be quite ambiguous formulations, which allowed the Japanese to interpret them in their favor. "

Certificate of inconsistency and non-hardness Gorbachev in the defense of the national interests of the USSR and his statement about the intention of the Soviet leadership to launch a decrease in the ten-thousand military contingent, who was on the disputed islands, despite the fact that these islands are adjacent to the Japanese Island of Hokkaido, where four of the thirteen Japanese divisions were stationed "Self-defense forces."

Democratic time of the 90s

The August events of 1991 in Moscow, the transfer of power in the hands of B. Yeltsin and his supporters and then followed the exit from the Soviet Union of the Three Baltic countries, and later the entire decomposition of the Soviet Power, which followed by Belovezhi Agreements, were perceived by Japanese political strategists as evidence of a sharp weakening The ability of our country to resist the claims of Japan.

In September 1993, when the date of arrival Yeltsin was finally agreed in Japan-19 October 1993, the Tokyo press also began to focus the Japanese public on the refusal of excessive hopes for the rapid decision of the territorial dispute with Russia.

Events associated with the further stay of Yeltsin at the head of the Russian state, even more clearly than before, showed the failure of hope, both Japanese politicians and the Middle officers of Russia to quickly resolve a protracted dispute of the two countries by "compromise", sustaining the concessions of our country to Japanese Territorial harassment.

Fistened in 1994-1999. Discussions of Russian and Japanese diplomats did not contribute, in fact, nothing new to the situation that has developed on Russian-Japanese negotiations on the territorial dispute.

In other words, the territorial dispute of the two countries went in 1994-1999 into a deep deadlock, and the exit from this deadlock was not viewed neither the other party. The Japanese side, apparently, was not intended to abandon his unreasonable territorial claims, because none of the Japanese statesmen were able to decide on such a step, fraught for any Japanese policy inevitable political death. And any concessions to Japanese claims of the Russian leadership became in the conditions of the preceding the balance of political forces in the Kremlin and behind its walls than in previous years.

A clear confirmation of this was the frequent conflicts in marine waters, wash the southern chickens - conflicts, during which during which during 1994-1955, repeated unceremonious invasions of Japanese poachers in the territorial waters of Russia met a harsh rebuff of Russian border guards who opened fire on border offenders.

The possibilities of settlement of these relations says I.A. Latyshev: "First, the Russian leadership should already be able to immediately abandon the illusions, as if it was only Russia to give up the southern chickens of Japan, as ... The Japanese side immediately enforces our country and large investments, and preferential loans, and scientific and technical information. It was such a delusion prevailed in the Yeltsinsky environment. "

"Secondly, -pishe I.A. Latyshev, who, with diplomats and politicians and to Gorbachevsky, and in Yeltsinsky times should have abandoned false judgments, as if Japanese managers could in the near future to temper their claims to southern chickens and go to a certain "reasonable compromise" in the territorial dispute with our country.

Over the years, as this was discussed above, the Japanese side had never shown, and was unable to express further, the desire to refuse his claims to all four southern Kuril Islands. " Maximum, to which the Japanese could agree, it is not to get the required four islands not at the same time, but in installments: first two (haboma and shikotan), and then, after some time, two more (Kunashir and ITUURUP).

"Third, for the same reason, self-deception was the hopes of our politicians and diplomats on the possibility of imprisoning the Japanese to the conclusion of a peace treaty with Russia, on the basis of the" joint Soviet-Japanese declaration on the normalization of relations "signed in 1956. It was a good error and no more. " The Japanese side sought out of Russia an open and intentable confirmation recorded in Article 9 of the named declaration of the obligation to transfer it to the conclusion of a peaceful contract of the islands of Shikotan and Habomai. But this did not mean the readiness of the Japanese side to end after such a confirmation with their territorial harassment to our country. Japanese diplomats considered the establishment of control over shikotan and haboma only as an intermediate stage on the way to mastering all the four South-Curlin Islands.

Russia's national interests demanded in the second half of the 90s so that Russian diplomats refuse the course of illusory hopes for the possibility of our concessions to Japanese territorial claims, and on the contrary, they would have inspired the Japanese side about the inviolability of post-war borders of Russia.

Not anything else, as another concession of the Japanese side, the Russian Foreign Ministry proposal on the "joint economic development" of Russia and Japan of the four islands of the Kuril archipelago, which was so persistently claimed by Japan, was put forward by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The selection by the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Southern smoked in a particular area available for the entrepreneurial activities of Japanese citizens was interpreted in Japan as an indirect recognition by the Russian side of the "validity" of Japanese claims to these islands.

I.A. Latyshev writes: "Announced both: in Russian proposals that assumed the wide access of Japanese entrepreneurs to the southern chickens, there were even attempts to determine this access to Japan's consent to the relevant benefits and free access of Russian entrepreneurs to the territory close to the southern smokers of the Japanese Islands of Hokkaido. And this manifested the lack of readiness of Russian diplomacy to seek in negotiations with the Japanese side of the equality of the two countries in their business activity in each other territories. In other words, the idea of \u200b\u200b"joint economic development" of South Kuril was nothing more than a one-sided step of the Russian Foreign Ministry towards the Japanese desire to master these islands. "

The Japanese was allowed to fisher in the immediate vicinity of the shores of the islands to which Japan claimed and claims. At the same time, the Japanese side not only did not provide Russian fishing courts with similar rights to fishery in Japanese territorial waters, but also did not assume any obligations to comply with its citizens and courts of laws and the rules of fisheries operating in Russian waters.

So ten-year attempts by Yeltsin and his environments to decide on a "mutually acceptable basis" a Russian-Japanese territorial dispute and sign a bilateral peace treaty between both countries did not led to any tangible results. Resignation B. Yeltsin and the arrival of President V.V. Putin alened the Japanese public.

President of V.V. Putin is actually the only public person authorized by the Constitution to determine the course of Russian-Japanese negotiations on the territorial dispute of the two countries. He was limited to some of the articles of the Constitution, and in particular those who obliged the president "to ensure the integrity and inviolability of the territory" of the Russian Federation (Art. 4), "protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state" (Article 82).

At the end of the summer of 2002, during his short stay in the Far East, where Putin flew to meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Irol, Russian President expressed only a few words about the territorial dispute of his country with Japan. At a meeting with journalists held in Vladivostok on August 24, he said that "Japan considers the southern chickens with its territory, while we consider them our territory."

At the same time, he expressed his disagreement with alarming reports of some Russian media, as if Moscow was ready to "return" the named Japan's islands. "These are only rumors," he said, "distributed by those who would like to get some benefits from this."

The arrival of the Prime Minister of Japan Koizumi to Moscow took place in accordance with the agreements achieved on January 9, 2003. However, Putin's negotiations with Koizumi did not contribute any shifts to the development of the territorial dispute of the two countries. I.A. Latyshev calls Politics V.V. Putin's indecisive and evasive and this policy gives a reason for the Japanese public to expect a dispute to resolve in favor of its country.

The main factors that need to be considered when solving the problem of the Kuril Islands:

  • the presence of richest reserves of marine biological resources in the waters adjacent to the islands;
  • the underdevelopment of the infrastructure in the territory of the Kuril Islands, the practical absence of its own energy base with significant reserves of renewable geothermal resources, the absence of its own vehicles to provide freight and passenger traffic;
  • proximity and practically unlimited capacity of markets for seafood markets in neighboring countries of the Asia-Pacific region;
  • the need to save the unique natural complex of the Kuril Islands, maintaining local energy equilibrium while maintaining the purity of air and water pools, protecting the unique plant and animal world. When developing the transmission mechanism of the islands, the opinion of the local civilian population should be taken into account. For those who remain, all rights (including property) should be guaranteed, and those who leave, complete compensation is needed. It is necessary to take into account the readiness of the local population to perceive the change in the status of these territories.

Kuril Islands have important geopolitical and military-strategic importance for Russia, affect the national security of Russia. The loss of the Kuril Islands will damage the defense system of the Russian Primorye and weaken the defense capability of our country as a whole. With the loss of the islands of Kunashir and ITUP Okhotsk Sea ceases to be our inner sea. In addition, there is a powerful air defense system and radar complexes, fuel warehouses to refuel aircraft. Kuril Islands and an adjacent water area - the only one of its kind ecosystem, which has richest natural resources, primarily biological.

The coastal waters of the Southern Kuril Islands, the Minor Curil Ridges are the main habitats of the valuable fishing species of fish and seafood, the production and processing of which is the basis of the economy of the Kuril Islands.

It should be noted that Russia and Japan have signed the program of economic joint development of the South Kuril Islands. The program was signed in Tokyo in 2000 during an official visit to Japan President Vladimir Putin.

"Socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands of the Sakhalin Region (1994-2005)" in order to ensure the integrated socio-economic development of this region as a special economic zone.

Japan believes that the conclusion of a peace treaty with Russia is impossible without determining the belonging of the four South Kuril Islands. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country Jorio Kawaguti, speaking to the public Sapporo with a speech about Russian-Japanese relations. Japanese threat, hanging over the Kuril Islands and their population and today is disturbing Russian people.

Relations between Russia and Japan were intensified as far as not yet for all 60 years since the recovery of diplomatic ties between countries. Leaders of both countries are constantly found, discussing something. What exactly?

It publicly states that the subject of discussion is joint economic projects, but a number of experts believe otherwise: a true reason for the meetings is a territorial dispute due to the Kuril Islands, the decision of which and the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. And here the Nikkei newspaper published information that Moscow and Tokyo seem to plan to introduce joint management of the northern territories. So what are the chickens are preparing to transfer Japan?

Warming in the relationship was especially noticeable six months ago, during the May visit to Sindis Abe in Sochi. Then the Japanese prime minister called the Russian president to "You", explaining that so in Japan only addressed to a friend. Another friendship sign was Tokyo's refusal from joining economic sanctions against Russia.

ABA suggested Putin a plan for economic cooperation from eight points in various directions - industry, energy, gas sector, trading partnership. In addition, Japan is ready to invest in Russian health and transport infrastructure. In general, a dream, not a plan! And what about instead? Yes, the painful theme of the Kuril Islands was also affected. The parties agreed that the decision of the territorial dispute was an important step towards signing a peace treaty between countries. That is, no hints of the transmission of the islands did not sound. Nevertheless, the first stone in the development of a delicate theme was laid.

Danger to pour the dragon

Since then, the leaders of Russia and Japan met in the fields of international summits.

In September, during the Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Abe again promised economic cooperation, but this time directly turned to Putin with a call to solve the problem of the northern territories, which for several decades is overshadowed by Russian-Japanese relations.

In the meantime, the Nikkei newspaper reported that Tokyo expects to establish joint control over the islands of Kunashir and ITUURUP, hoping in the future to get a hubomai and chicotan completely. The publication writes that Sindzo Abe should discuss this issue with Vladimir Putin during their meeting appointed on December 15.

"Nihon Kadzay" wrote about the same: the Japanese government discusses the draft joint management with Russia as a measure that will help shift the territorial problem from the dead point. The edition even reports: there is information that Moscow began the process of setting tasks.

And here they arrived the results of the social range. It turns out that more than half of the Japanese "are ready to show flexibility in solving the issue of the Kuril Islands". That is, they agree that Russia gives away not four controversial islands, but only two are Shikotan and Habomaia.

Now the Japanese press writes about the transfer of the islands as a matter of practically solved. It is unlikely that the information on such an important topic is suused from the finger. The main question remains: Is Moscow really ready to come from territories in exchange for economic cooperation with Japan and its assistance in the fight against sanctions?

Obviously, with all the foulness of Putin's communication with Abe, it's hard to believe that the President of the Russian Federation, after the joining of the Crimea, the glory of the "gathering of Russian land" will agree on a soft and gradual, but still the loss of territories. Especially on the nose presidential election 2018. But what will happen after them?

The All-Russian Public Opinion Center for the last time spent a survey on the transfer of the Kuril Islands in 2010. Then the vast majority of Russians - 79% - spoke in order to leave the islands behind Russia and stop discussing this issue. Hardly, over the past six years, public sentiments have changed a lot. If Putin really wants to enter the story, it is unlikely that he will be pleased to associate with unpopular politicians who have already attempted to transfer the islands.

However, they were transferred to the land of China, and nothing - the public was silent.

On the other hand, the churches are a symbol, because they are on the hearing. But if the explanation is desired, you can find anything. Especially since there will be arguments for mass consumption. So, Tokyo Correspondent TASS Vasily Golinov writes: As a compensation for the transfer of southern smoked Japan, Japan promises to establish mail and hospitals in Russia, with the work of the clinic equipped for early diagnosis of diseases. In addition, the Japanese intend to offer their development in the field of environmentally friendly energy, housing construction, as well as year-round growing vegetables. So to justify the transfer of the islands pair than.

Friendship of Moscow with Tokyo alarms Beijing

However, this question has the other side. The fact is that Japan has territorial claims not only to Russia, but also to China and South Korea. In particular, between Tokyo and Beijing there is a long-standing dispute over the status of a uninhabited land block called Okinotori. According to the Japanese version, it is an island, but China considers it cliffs, which means that the international law of Tokyo does not recognize the establishment of a 200-mile economic zone around him. The subject of another territorial dispute is the Stencil archipelago in the East-Chinese Sea 170 kilometers north-east of Taiwan. With South Korea, Japan argues about the belonging to the Islands of Liankur located in the western part of the Japanese Sea.

Therefore, if Russia satisfies the territorial claims of Japan, a precedent will arise. And then Tokyo will begin to achieve similar actions from other neighbors. It is logical to assume that the transfer of the Kuril Islands these neighbors will be regarded as a "substation". Should we quarrel with China, our main strategic partner in Asia? Especially now, when the construction of the second branch of the Russian gas pipeline in the PRC has begun, when the Chinese invest in our gas companies. Of course, the diversification of politics in Asia is a useful thing, but requires great care from the Kremlin.

How the Kuriles tried to return Japan

Nikita Khrushchuv in the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee offered to return Japan two islands lying closest to its borders. The Japanese side has ratified the treaty, but Moscow has changed due to the US military presence in Japan.

The next attempt was made by the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin. The then Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Kozyrev has already prepared the documents for the visit of the head of state to Japan, during which it was assumed to issue the transfer of the islands. What prevented the plans of Yeltsin? On this score there are different versions. Major General FSO in the reserve Boris Warnikov, who from 1991 to 1994 he worked as the first deputy head of the Main Directorate for the Security Directorate of the Russian Federation, told in one of the interviews, as his department upset his Yeltsin's visit to Japan allegedly for security reasons. According to another version, Yeltsin dissuaded Anatoly Chubais, actually embodying the scene from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes the profession," where Miloslavsky thief throws into his feet to a lieuer with the words: "I did not execute, we were able to pray."

(Currently, the freezing of frieze). De Fryz by mistake, considered the island of the ITUURUP NORTH-EAST tip of Hokkaido, and a masping part of the American continent. On June 20, Dutch sailors for the first time landed on Urupe. On June 23, 1643, de Fris installed on the flat top of the high mountain of Urupa Island a wooden cross and announced this land with the property of the Dutch East India company.

In Russia, the first official mention of the Kuril Islands belongs to 1646, when the Cossack is not good Ivanovich Kolobov, a participant in the Expedition of Ivan Moskvin to the Okhotsk (Lamsk) Sea, spoke about the inhabiting islands of Bearded Aina. The new information about the Kuril Islands appeared after the voyage of Vladimir Atlasov in Kamchatka in 1697, during which the Russians from the south-west coast of Kamchatka were first seen the Northern Kuril Islands. In August 1711, a detachment of Kamchatka Cossacks under the leadership of Danili Antsiferov and Ivan Kozyrevsky first landed on the very Northern Island of Schosha, smashing the detachment of local Ainov, and then on the second island of the ridge - Paramushire.

In 1738-1739, a scientific expedition took place under the leadership of the captain of the Russian fleet Martyn Petrovich Shppberg. This expedition first caused a small Kuril Rud (Island Shikotan and Habomai). According to the results of the expedition, the Atlas "General Map of Russia" was compiled with the image of 40 islands of the Kuril archipelago. After publications in Europe in the 1740s, the news of the opening of the Kuril Islands in the opening of the Russian navigators, for visiting their ships of the islands of this area of \u200b\u200bthe government, other powers requested permission from the Russian authorities. In 1772, the Russian authorities attributed the Kuril Islands under the management of the chief commander of Kamchatka, and in 1786, Empress Ekaterina II issued a decree on the protection ("preservation") of the rights to "land, Russian open-air", among whom "Kuril Islands" concerning Japan. " This decree was published in foreign languages. After the publication, no state challenged the rights of Russia to the Kuril Islands. Covers and copper boards with the inscription "Earth of Russian Ownership" were installed on the islands.

XIX century

General Map of the Japanese state, 1809

On February 7, 1855, Japan and Russia signed the first Russian-Japanese treaty - the Simoian tract about trade and borders. The document established the border of countries between the islands of ITUURUP and VRP. The islands of ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and a group of Haboma Islands, and the rest were recognized as Russian possessions. That is why February 7 in Japan is annually celebrated as the Day of Northern Territories since 1981. At the same time, questions remained unresolved questions about the status of Sakhalin, which led to conflicts between Russian and Japanese merchants and sailors.

Russian-Japanese war

Sakhalin and Kuril Islands on the 1912 card

Up: Agreement on the accession of the USSR in the war against Japan
Down below: Map of Japan and Korea, published by the US National Geographical Society, 1945 fragment. Signature with a red font under the Kuril Islands reads: "In 1945, in Yalta, it was agreed that Russia would return to himself Karafuto (Karafuto Prefecture - the southern part of Sakhalin Island) and Kuriles."

On February 2, 1946, in accordance with the decree of the Presidium of the USSR, the USSR in these territories was formed by the South Sakhalin region as part of the Khabarovsk Territory of the RSFSR, which on January 2, 1947 became part of the newly formed Sakhalin region as part of the RSFSR.

History of accessories smoked in Russian-Japanese contracts

Joint Declaration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan (1956). Article 9.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan agreed to continue after the restoration of normal diplomatic relations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan's negotiations on the conclusion of a peace treaty.

At the same time, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, going to meet the wishes of Japan and taking into account the interests of the Japanese state, agrees to the transfer of Japan of the Islands of the Habomai and Islands of Sycotan in order, however, that the actual transmission of these Isles of Japan will be made after the conclusion of a peace treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan .

On January 19, 1960, Japan signed an agreement on cooperation and security between the United States and Japan with the United States, thereby reducing the "security pact", signed on September 8, 1951, which was a legal basis for staying American troops in Japanese territory. On January 27, 1960, the USSR stated that since this agreement was directed against the USSR and the PRC, the Soviet government refuses to consider the transfer of the islands of Japan, since this will expand the territory used by American troops.

The whole second half of the 20th century is the question of belonging to the southern group of the Kuril Islands ITUURUP, Shikotan, Kunashir and Habomai (in Japanese interpretation - the question of the "Northern Territories") remained the main stumbling block in the Japanese-Soviet (later Japanese-Russian) relations. At the same time, until the end of the Cold War, the USSR did not recognize the existence of a territorial dispute with Japan and always considered the South Kuril Islands as an integral part of its territory.

On April 18, 1991, during a visit to Japan, Mikhail Gorbachev first actually recognized the presence of a territorial problem.

In 1993, the Tokyo Declaration on Russian-Japanese relations was signed, which states that Russia is the successor of the USSR and all agreements signed between the USSR and Japan will be recognized as Russia and Japan. The aspirations of the parties were also recorded to solve the issue of the territorial affiliation of the four southern islands of the Kuril ridge, which in Japan was regarded as success and, to a certain extent, gave rise to hope for solving the issue in favor of Tokyo.

XXI Century

On November 14, 2004, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the eve of the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan in Japan, as Russia as the USSR State Recognizes Declaration of 1956 as an existing and ready to maintain territorial negotiations with Japan on its basis. Such a question aroused a lively discussion among Russian politicians. Vladimir Putin supported the position of the Foreign Ministry, replacing that Russia "will fulfill all the obligations assumed" only "in such volumes in which these agreements are ready to carry out our partners." Japanese Prime Minister Junitiro Koizumi said that Japan was not satisfied with the transfer of only two islands: "If the belonging of all islands will not be determined, there will be no peace treaty." At the same time, the Japanese prime minister promised to show flexibility in determining the timing of the transmission of the islands.

On December 14, 2004, US Secretary of Defense Donald Ramsfeld expressed his willingness to help Japan in resolving a dispute with Russia for the southern smoked.

In 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his willingness to resolve the territorial dispute in accordance with the provisions of the Soviet-Japanese Declaration of 1956, that is, with the transfer of Japan Kabomai and Shikotan, but the Japanese side did not compromise.

On August 16, 2006, the Japanese fishing schooner was detained by Russian border guards. Shhun refused to obey the teams of border guards, preventive fire was opened. During the incident, one member of the Schooner crew was a deadly wound in the head. It caused a sharp protest of the Japanese side, she demanded immediate issuance of the body of the deceased and liberation of the crew. Both sides stated that the incident occurred in their own territorial waters. For 50 years of dispute around the islands, this is the first fixed death rate.

December 13, 2006. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Taro ASO at a meeting of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Lower House of Parliament spoke in order to divide with Russia in half the southern part of the controversial Kuril Islands. There is a point of view that this way the Japanese side hopes to solve the long-standing problem in Russian-Japanese relations. However, immediately after the statement of Taro ASO, the Japanese Foreign Ministry disavowed his words, emphasizing that they were incorrectly interpreted.

On July 2, 2007, to reduce the tension between the two countries, the secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Yasuchis Siodzaki proposed, and the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Naryshkin accepted the suggestions of Japan on help in the development of the Far Eastern region. It is planned to develop nuclear energy, lay optical Internet cables through the territory of Russia for communication in Europe and Asia, develop infrastructure, as well as cooperation in the field of tourism, ecology and security. Earlier, this proposal was considered in June 2007 at a meeting in the framework of the G8 between the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On May 21, 2009, the Prime Minister of Japan Taro ASO, during the meeting of the Upper House of Parliament, called the Southern Chickens "illegally occupied territories" and stated that it would be expected from Russia proposals of approaches to solving this problem. The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Andrei Nesterenko commented on this statement as "illegal" and "politically incorrect."

On June 11, 2009, the Lower Chamber of the Japanese Parliament approved amendments to the law "On special measures to promote the issue of the Northern Territories and similar to him", which contains a provision on Japan's four-rude islands belonging. The Russian Foreign Ministry made a statement in which such actions of the Japanese side called inappropriate and unacceptable. On June 24, 2009, the statement of the State Duma was published, in which, in particular, the opinion of the State Duma was stated that in the current conditions of efforts to address the problem of a peace treaty, in fact, lost both political and practical perspective and will make sense Only in case of disavavating the amendments taken by Japanese parliamentarians. On July 3, 2009, the amendments were approved by the Upper Chamber of the Japanese Parliament.

On September 14, 2009, the Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama said that it hopes to make progress in negotiations with Russia about the southern smokers "for the coming six months-year."

On September 23, 2009, at a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev Katoyama said the desire to solve the territorial dispute and conclude a peace treaty with Russia.

February 7, 2010. On February 7, since 1982, the Day of Northern Territories is held in Japan (southern chickens are called). Through Tokyo, machines with loudspeakers, of which the requirements of Japan are distributed to Japan and the Music Music Music. The event of this day is the performance of the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to the participants of the movement for the return of the northern territories. This year, Hatoyama said that Japan was not satisfied with the return of only two islands and that he would attach the maximum effort to return all four islands during the lifetime of the current generations. He also noted that Russia is very important to be friends with such an economically and technologically developed country as Japan. The words that this "illegally occupied territories" did not sound.

On April 1, 2010, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Andrei Nesterenko made a comment on which he reported on April 1 by the Government of Japan's changes and additions to t. "The main rate for promoting the problem of the Northern Territorial Problems" and stated that the repetition of unreasonable territorial claims to Russia could not benefit the dialogue on the conclusion of the Russian-Japanese peace treaty, as well as maintaining normal contacts between the Southern Kuril Islands, which are part of Sakhalin Areas of Russia, and Japan.

On September 11, 2011, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev visited the Southern Kuril Islands, where he held a meeting with the leadership of the Sakhalin Region, and visited the border shop at the next to Japan Tangflisheva. At the meeting in the village of Yuzhno-Kurilsk on the island of Kunashir, issues of ensuring the safety of the region, the construction of civil and border infrastructure facilities was discussed, security issues were considered during the construction and operation of the port moisture complex in South Kurilsk and the reconstruction of Mendeleevo Airport. The Secretary General of the Government of Japan, Osamu Fujimur, said that the visit of Nicholas Patrushev to the Southern Kuril Islands causes deep regret with Japan.

On February 14, 2012, the head of the Russian General Staff Army General Nikolai Makarov said that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will create two military towns on the South Kurila Islands (Kunashir and ITUP) in 2013.

On October 26, 2017, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation for Defense and Security Franz Klintsevich said that Russia plans to create a navy-sea fleet on the Kuril Islands.

Basic position of Russia

The position of both countries on the issue of the islands belonging. Russia considers all Sakhalin and smoke in its territory. Japan believes the southern chickens of its territory, northern Kuriles and Sakhalin - the territory of Russia.

The fundamental position of Moscow is that the Southern Kuril Islands entered the USSR, the successor of which was Russia, are an integral part of the territory of the Russian Federation on legal grounds for the Second World War and enshrined in the UN Charter and Russian sovereignty over them with the corresponding international Direct confirmation is not subject to question. According to media reports, the Russian Foreign Minister in 2012 stated that the problem of the Kuril Islands could be solved in Russia only by the referendum. Subsequently, the Russian Foreign Ministry officially denied the formulation of a question about any referendum: "It is a rude allocation of words of the minister. We regard such interpretations as provocative. None of a sensible politician will never put this question for a referendum. " In addition, the Russian authorities once again officially declared the unconditional indisputability of the affiliation of the islands of Russia, stating that in connection with this, the question of any referendum could not stand by definition. On February 18, 2014, the Russian Foreign Minister stated that "Russia does not consider the situation with Japan on the borders as a territorial dispute." The Russian Federation explained the minister, it comes from reality, which is commonly recognized and enshrined in the UN Charter results of World War II. On August 22, 2015, Dmitry Medvedev Prime Minister, in connection with his visit to the island, ITUURUP formulated the position of Russia, stating that the Kuril Islands "are part of the Russian Federation, entering the subject of the Russian Federation called the Sakhalin region, and therefore we visited, visit and let's visit Kuriles."

Basic position of Japan

The basic position of Japan on this problem is formulated in four points:

(1) Northern territories are century-old territories of Japan, continuing to be under illegal occupation of Russia. The Government of the United States of America also consistently supports Japan's position.

(2) To solve this issue and, if possible, to quickly enter into a peace treaty, Japan is energetically continuing negotiations with Russia on the basis of agreements already achieved, such as the Japan-Soviet Japan Declaration of 1956, the Tokyo Declaration of 1993, Irkutsk Statement 2001 and the Japanese Russian Action Plan 2003.

(3) According to the Japanese position, in case of confirmation of the belonging to the northern territories to Japan, Japan is ready to flexibly approach the time and order of their return. In addition, since Japanese citizens who lived in the northern territories were forcibly evaluated by Joseph Stalin, Japan is ready to come to an agreement with the Russian government so that Russian citizens living there are not the same tragedy. In other words, after the return of Japan islands, Japan intends to respect the rights, interests and desires of the now living on the Russians of Russians.

(4) The Government of Japan called on the population of Japan not to visit the northern territories outside the disorder procedure to the resolution of the territorial dispute. Similarly, Japan cannot admit any activities, including the economic activities of third parties, which could be considered as subordination of the "jurisdiction" of Russia, as well as allow the activities that would suggest "jurisdiction" of Russia over the northern territories. Japan adheres to appropriate measures to prevent such activities.

Original text (eng.)

Japan "S Basic Position

(1) The Northern Territories Are Inherent Territories of Japan That Continues to Be Illegally Occupied by Russia. The Government of the United States of America Has Also Consistently Supported Japan "S Position.

(2) in order to Solve This IsSue and to Conclude a Peace Treaty As Soon Asible, Japan Has Energetically Continued Negotiations and Documents Created by The Two Sides So Far, Such As The Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration of 1956, The Tokyo Declaration of 1993, The Irkutsk Statement of 2001 and The Japan-Russia Action Plan of 2003.

(3) Japan "s Position Is That If The Attribution of the Northern Territories to Japan Is Confirmed, Japan Is Prepared to Respond Flexibly to the Timing and Manner of their Actual Return. In addition, Since Japanese Citizens Who Once Lived in the Northern Territories were forcibly displaced by Joseph Stalin, Japan is ready to forge a settlement with the Russian government so that the Russian citizens living there will not experience the same tragedy. In other words, after the return of the islands to Japan, Japan intends to respect the Rights, Interests and Wishes of the Russian Current Residents on the Islands.

(4) The Japanese Government Has Requested Japanese People Not to Enter The Northern Territories without Using The Non-Visa Visit Frameworks Until The Territorial Issue is Resolved. Similarly, Japan can not allow any activities, including economic activities by a third party, which could be regarded as submitting to Russian "jurisdiction," nor allow any activities carried out under the presumption that Russia has "jurisdiction" in the Northern Territories. Japan Is of the Policy to Take ApproPriate Steps to Ensure That This Does Not Happen. .

Original text (Yap.)



⑵ 北方 領土 問題 の 解決 に に 当たって, 我 我 国 国 として は, 1) 北方 領土 の 日本 へ の 帰属 が 確認 さ れる のであれ ば ば 実際 の 返還 の 時期 及び 態様 について は は 柔軟 に 対応 する, 2) 北方 領土 に 現在 住 し て いる いる 人 人 住民 について は は その 人 人 人 利益 利益 希望 希望 は 北方 領土 返還 後 も 十分 尊重 し て いく と し て い ます ます.

⑶ 我 が 国固 有 の 領土 である 北方 領土 に対する ロシア ロシア による 法 占拠 占拠 が 続い て いる 状況 の 中 中 中 で 第 国 国 の 人 人 人 当該 地域 で 経済 活動 を う う こと を 含め 北方 北方 領土 あたかも ロシア 側 の 「権 権 」に 服し た か の ごとき 為 為 を う う こと こと, または または あたかも 北方 に対する に対する の の 管轄 管轄」 を を 前提 と し た か の ごとき 為 を を う こと こと 等 は 北方 領土 問題 に対する が 国 国 の 立場 と 相容れ ず 容認 でき ませ ん ん したがっ て て 日本 国 政府 は は 広く 日本 国民 に対して, 1989 年 (平成 元年) の 閣議 了解 で で 北方 領土 の 解決 まで まで 間 間 ロシア 領土 に に 入域 入域 入域 入域 入域 入域 入域 入域 する こと わ わ ない よう 要請 し て い ます.

⑷また、政府は、第三国国民がロシアの査証を取得した上で北方四島へ入域する、または第三国企業が北方領土において経済活動を行っているという情報に接した場合、従来から、しかるべく事実関係を確認の上、申入れを行ってきています 。

Other opinions

Defense aspect and danger of armed conflict

In connection with the territorial dispute about the belonging of the southern smoked, there is a danger of military conflict with Japan. Currently, Kuriles protect the 18th machine gun-artillery division (the only one in Russia), and Sakhalin is a motorized rifle brigade. These compounds are in service with 41 Tank T-80, 120 conveyors of MT-LB, 20 coastal complexes of anti-restaurant missiles, 130 artsystem, 60 anti-aircraft products ("beech" complexes, "Tunguska", "Shilka"), 6 Mi-8 helicopters.

As recorded in the sea:

The state has the right to temporarily suspend a peaceful passage through certain sections of its territorial water, if this ultimately requires the interests of its security.

However, the restriction of Russian shipping - besides the warships in conflict - in these straits, and even more so the commissioning of the board would contradict certain provisions of the international law (including recognized in the UN Convention on the Law of the Law, which Japan signed and ratified) the right of peaceful passage, Especially since Japan has no archipelago water [ ] :

If a foreign trade vessel complies with these requirements, the coastal state should not interfere with the peaceful passage through the territorial waters and is obliged to take all necessary measures to safely implement a peaceful passage - to declare, in particular, for general information about all the dangers known to it for shipping. Foreign courts should not be addressed by any fees for the passage, with the exception of fees and fees for actually rendered services that should be charged without any discrimination.

Further, almost the rest of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Okhotsk Sea freezes and freezes the ports of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, and, therefore, shipping without icebreakers is still impossible; The strait of the lapere, connecting the Okhotsk Sea with Japanese, in the winter is also clogged with ice and shipping only with icebreakers:

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is the most severe ice mode. Ice here appears at the end of October and keeps July. In winter, the entire northern part of the sea is covered with powerful floating ice, sometimes fatigue in the extensive area of \u200b\u200bmotionless ice. The border of the stationary coastal solder extends to the sea at 40-60 miles. The constant course takes ice from Western regions to the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. As a result, near the southern islands of the Kuril ridge, a cluster of floating ice is formed in winter, and the strait of the laper is clogged with ice and shipping only with icebreakers. .

At the same time, the shortest path from Vladivostok in the Pacific Ocean lies through the non-freezing Sangan shed between Hokkaido and Honshu Islands. This strait is not overlapped by the territorial waters of Japan, although it can be included in the composition of territorial waters unilaterally at any time.

Natural resources

On the islands there are zones of possible oil and gas. Reserves are estimated at 364 million tons in the oil equivalent. In addition, gold is possible on the islands. In June 2011, it became known that Russia invites Japan to jointly master the oil and gas fields located in the Kuril Islands area.

The islands adjoin the 200-mile fishing area. Thanks to the South Room Islands, this zone covers the entire water area of \u200b\u200bthe Okhotsk Sea, with the exception of the area of \u200b\u200ba small coastal water area. Hokkaido. Thus, in the economic plan, the Okhotsk Sea is actually the inner sea of \u200b\u200bRussia with the annual catch of fish about three million tons.

Positions of third countries and organizations

For 2014, the United States believes that Japan has sovereignty over the controversial islands, while noting that Article 5 of the US-Japanese Safety Treaty (that an attack on any of the parties on the territory managed by Japan is considered to be a threat to both parties) does not apply To these islands, as not manageable by Japan. The position of the Bush junior administration was similar. There was a dispute in the academic literature earlier, there is a dispute in academic literature. It is believed that in the 1950s, the sovereignty of the islands was linked to the sovereignty of the islands of Ryuku, who had similar legal status. In 2011, the press service of the US Embassy in the Russian Federation noted that this position of the United States has long and individual politicians only confirm it.

see also

  • Liankur (Islands, disputed between Japan and South Korea)
  • Sencaku (Islands, controversial between Japan and China)