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The islands of the southern smoked on the map. Where are the Kuril Islands on the map? - Useful information for everyone

Territorial disputes are in the modern world. Only the Asia-Pacific region has several such. The most serious of them is a territorial discussion for the Kuril Islands. Russia and Japan are the main participants. The situation on the isows, which are considered to be a kind of between these states, has a kind of dormant volcano. No one knows when he starts his "eruption."

Opening of the Kuril Islands

The archipelago, located on the border between and the quiet ocean, is the Kuril Islands. He reaches from about. Hokkaido to the territory of the Kuril Islands consists of 30 large land plots surrounded by the waters of the sea and the ocean, and large number small.

The first expedition from Europe, which turned out to be near the banks of Kuril and Sakhalin - these are Dutch navigators under the leadership of M. G. Frise. This event occurred in 1634. They not only committed the discovery of these lands, but also proclaimed them as a Dutch territory.

The land of the Russian Empire also studied Sakhalin and Kuril Islands:

  • 1646 - Opening of the North-West Sakhalin Sakhara Expedition V. D. Poyarkova;
  • 1697 - V. V. Atlasov becomes aware of the existence of the islands.

At the same time, Japanese navigators be saved to the southern archipelago islands. By the end of the 18th century, their factories and fishing appeared here, and a few later - scientific expeditions. A special role in the study belongs to M. Tokunay and M. Rindzo. Approximately at the same time, an expedition from France and England appears on the Kuril Islands.

The problem of opening an islands

The history of the Kuril Islands still retained the discussion about the issue of their opening. The Japanese argue that they were the first to find these lands in 1644. The National Japanese History Museum carefully stores the card of the time on which the corresponding notation is applied. According to their opinion, Russian people appeared there somewhat later, in 1711. In addition, the Russian map of this area, dated 1721, denotes it as "Japanese Islands." That is, the title of these lands was Japan.

The Kuril Islands in Russian history are first mentioned in the reporting document N. I. Kolobova Tsar Aleksey from 1646 on the features of the wanders also data chronicles and maps of medieval Holland, Scandinavia and Germany testify to the indigenous Russian villages.

By the end of the 18th century, official accession took place to Russian lands, and the population of the Kuril Islands acquired the Russian citizenship. At the same time, state-owned state clauses began to be charged. But neither then, no later, no bilateral Russian-Japanese contract or international agreement was signed, which would enshrine the rights of Russia for these islands. In addition, their southern part was not under the authority and control of the Russians.

Kuril Islands and Relations between Russia and Japan

The history of the Kuril Islands of the early 1840s is characterized by the activation of the activities of the English, American and French expeditions in the north-west of the Pacific Ocean. This caused a new surgence of Russia's interest in establishing relations with the Japanese side with diplomatic and trading. Vice-Admiral E. V. Putyatin in 1843 became the initiator of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe equipment of the new expedition to the Japanese and Chinese territory. But it was rejected by Nikolai I.

Later, in 1844, I. F. Kruzenshtern was supported. But it did not receive the support of the emperor.

In this period, the Russian-American company made active actions to establish good relations with a neighboring country.

The first agreement between Japan and Russia

The problem of the Kuril Islands decided in 1855, when Japan and Russia signed the first contract. Before this, a long-term negotiation process took place. It began on the arrival of Putyatina in Sim at the end of the autumn of 1854. But soon the negotiations were interrupted by an intense earthquake. A fairly serious complication was the support that the French and English rulers were provided.

The main provisions of the contract:

  • the establishment of diplomatic relations between these countries;
  • protection and patronage, as well as ensuring the inviolability of the property of subjects of one power on the territory of the other;
  • border between states located near the Islating Islands and ITUURUP Kuril Archipelago (conservation by indivisible);
  • opening some ports for Russian navigators, permission to conduct trade under the supervision of local officials;
  • the appointment of the consul of Russia in one of these ports;
  • providing exterritorial rights;
  • getting Russia's status of the most favorable.

Japan also received permission from Russia to trade in the port of Korsakov placed on the territory of Sakhalin, for 10 years. The consulate of the country was established here. At the same time, any trading and customs duties were excluded.

Relations of countries to the contract

A new stage, which includes the history of the Kuril Islands is the signing of the Russian-Japanese contract of 1875. He caused ambiguous reviews from the representatives of these countries. Citizens of Japan believed that the government of the country was not incorrectly, princely Sakhalin on the "Minor Kameshki Rud" (so they called chickens).

Others simply put forward statements about the exchange of one territory of the country to another. Most of them led to the idea that sooner or later will come such a day when the war will come to the Kuril Islands. The dispute between Russia and Japan will turn into hostilities, and the battles between these two countries will begin.

Similarly evaluated the situation and the Russian side. Most of the representatives of this state believed that the whole territory belongs to them as discoverers. Therefore, the agreement of 1875 did not become the act, which time and forever defined the sampling between the countries. He was also unable to be a means of preventing further conflicts between them.

Russian-Japanese war

The history of the Kuril Islands continues, and the next impetus for the complication of Russian-Japanese relations was the war. It took place, despite the presence of contracts concluded between these states. In 1904, Japan's treacherous attack took place to the territory of Russia. It happened before it was officially announced the start of hostilities.

The Japanese fleet attacked Russian ships, which were at the external port of Port Artoi. Thus, part of the most powerful ships belonging to the Russian squadron were disabled.

The most significant events of 1905:

  • the largest land Mukden battle in the history of mankind at that time, held on February 5-24 and ended with the departure of the Army of Russia;
  • Tsushimsky battle at the end of May, completed by the destruction of the Russian Baltic squadron.

Despite the fact that the course of events in this war should be better in favor of Japan, she was forced to go to peace negotiations. This was due to the fact that the country's economy was very exhausted by military events. On August 9, a peaceful conference between the participants of the war began in Portsmouth.

Causes of Russia's defeat in war

Despite the fact that the conclusion of a peace treaty determined to some extent, in which the Curil Islands were located, the dispute between Russia and Japan did not cease. This caused a significant number of protests in Tokyo, but the consequences of the war were very tangible for the country.

During this conflict, the practical complete destruction of the Pacific Fleet of Russia was held, more than 100 thousand of her soldiers were killed. Also there was a stop of the expansion of the Russian state to the East. The results of the war were an indisputable evidence of Tsar's policy so weak.

It was one of the main grounds for revolutionary actions in 1905-1907.

The most important reasons for the defeat of Russia in the war of 1904-1905.

  1. The presence of diplomatic isolation of the Russian Empire.
  2. Absolute unwillingness of the country's troops to carry out combat acts in difficult settings.
  3. Shameless treason of domestic stakeholders and the inflating majority of Russian generals.
  4. High level of development and preparedness of the military and economic sphere of Japan.

Until our time, the unresolved of the Kuril question is a greater danger. After World War II, a peace treaty was not signed. From this dispute, Russian people, like the population of the Kuril Islands, do not have absolutely no benefit. Moreover, such a state of affairs contributes to the generation of hostility between countries. It is the speedy decision of such a diplomatic issue as the problem of the Kuril Islands, is the key to good neighboring relations between Russia and Japan.

Mysterious chickens - paradise for any romance traveler. Incompleteness, desert, geographical separation, acting volcanoes, not only "beach climate", buying information - not only do not scare, but also strengthen the desire to get on the misty, fire-drying islands - the former military fortresses of the Japanese army, still hiding deep underground Many secrets.
The Kurilian arc is a narrow chain of the islands, as an openwork bridge, connects two worlds - Kamchatka and Japan. Curiles are part of the Pacific Volcanic Ring. Islands - top of the highest facilities of volcanic ridges protruding from water only 1-2 km, and depths in the depths of the ocean for many kilometers.

In total, there are over 150 volcanoes on the islands, of which 39 existing ones. The highest of them volcano Alaid - 2339 m, located on the island of Atlas. With volcanic activity, the presence of numerous thermal sources on the islands is associated with some of them therapeutic.

Specialists compare the Kuril Islands with a huge botanical garden, where representatives of various flora are neighboring: the Japanese-Korean, Manchurian and Okhotsk-Kamchatka. Here we grow together - polar birch and thousand-year TIS, larch with fir and wild grapes, cedar stabel and velvet tree, weaving ribbed lian and carpet thickets lingers. Traveling through the islands, you can visit various natural zones, get from the pristine taiga to subtropical thickets, from the moss tundra in the jungle giant herbs.
The seabed around the islands is covered with thick vegetation, in the thickets of which are rejected by numerous fish, clams, marine animals, and crystal pure water It makes it possible to fans of snorkeling travel well to navigate the jungle sea cabbage, where unique finds also happen - sunken ships and Japanese military equipment - reminders of military events in the history of the Kuril archipelago.

South Kurilsk, Kunashir

Geography where you can get
The Kuril Islands - the islands chain between the Kamchatka peninsula and the Island of Hokkaido, slightly convex arc separating the Okhotsk Sea from the Pacific Ocean.
The length is about 1200 km. The total area is 10.5 thousand km². South of them is a state border Russian Federation With Japan.
The islands form two parallel ridges: a large Kuril and Small Kuril. Include 56 islands. Have important military-strategic and economic importance. Kuril Islands come to the Sakhalin region of Russia. The southern islands of the archipelago - ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai Group are disputed by Japan, which includes them in the composition of Hokkaido Prefecture.

Kuril Islands belong to the districts of the Far North
The climate on the islands of sea, pretty severe, with a cold and long winter, cool summer, high humidity. The mainland monsonic climate undergoes significant changes here. On the southern part of the Kuril Islands, frosts can reach -25 ° C, the average temperature of February - -8 ° C. In the north part of winter softer, with frosts up to -16 ° C and -7 ° C in February.
In winter, Aleutian bary minimum affects the islands, whose action weakens by June.
The average temperature of August on the southern part of the Kuril Islands is +17 ° C, on the North - +10 ° C.

island ITUP, White Rocks Kuril Islands

List of Kuril Islands
List of islands of more than 1 km² in the direction from north to south.
Name, Square, km², Height, Latitude, Longitude
Large Kuril Gang
Northern Group
Atlasova 150 2339 50 ° 52 "155 ° 34"
Schisha 388 189 50 ° 45 "156 ° 21"
Paramushir 2053 1816 50 ° 23 "155 ° 41"
Antsiferov 7 747 50 ° 12 "154 ° 59"
Maca Kanrushi 49 1169 49 ° 46 "154 ° 26"
Onekotan 425 1324 49 ° 27 "154 ° 46"
Harimkathan 68 1157 49 ° 07 "154 ° 32"
Chirincatan 6 724 48 ° 59 "153 ° 29"
Ecarma 30 1170 48 ° 57 "153 ° 57"
Shiashkotan 122 934 48 ° 49 "154 ° 06"

Medium group
Raikok 4,6 551 48 ° 17 "153 ° 15"
Matua 52 1446 48 ° 05 "153 ° 13"
Frames 67 948 47 ° 45 "153 ° 01"
O-Va Ushishir 5 388 - - -
Riponkich 1.3 121 47 ° 32 "152 ° 50"
Yankich 3.7 388 47 ° 31 "152 ° 49"
Keta 73 1166 47 ° 20 "152 ° 31"
SIMUSHIR 353 1539 46 ° 58 "152 ° 00"
Brutona 7 800 46 ° 43 "150 ° 44"
O-va Black Brothers 37 749 - - -
Chirp 21 691 46 ° 30 "150 ° 55"
Brother Chirpoov 16 749 46 ° 28 "150 ° 50" Kuril Islands

South Group
Urup 1450 1426 45 ° 54 "149 ° 59"
ITUURUP 3318.8 1634 45 ° 00 "147 ° 53"
Kunashir 1495,24 1819 44 ° 05 "145 ° 59"

Small Kuril Gang
Shikotan 264,13 412 43 ° 48 "146 ° 45"
Polonsky 11,57 16 43 ° 38 "146 ° 19"
Green 58.72 24 43 ° 30 "146 ° 08"
Tanglifyeva 12.92 15 43 ° 26 "145 ° 55"
Yuri 10.32 44 43 ° 25 "146 ° 04"
Anumina 2.35 33 43 ° 22 "146 ° 00"

volcano Aphsonpuri Kuril Islands

Geological structure
The Kuril Islands is a typical ensematic island arc on the edge of the Okhotsk Plate. It is located above the subduction zone, in which the Pacific cooker is absorbed. Most of the islands of Goris. The highest height of 2339 m is the island of Atlasov, Volcano Alaid. The Kuril Islands are located in the Pacific volcanic fiery ring in the zone of high seismic activity: out of 68 volcanoes 36 are active, there are hot mineral springs. Care of large tsunami. Tsunami is most famous on November 5, 1952 at Paramushir and Shikotanian Tsunami on October 5, 1994. The last of the major tsunami occurred on November 15, 2006 on the Simushira.

South Kuril Bay, Kunashir Island

In Japan, an average of 1,500 earthquakes per year is fixed, i.e. 4 earthquakes per day. Most of them are associated with the movement in the earth's crust (tectonics). 223 destructive earthquakes and 2000 - the middle force are noted in the 15th century: this is, however, not complete numbers, since the special tools of the earthquake began to be recorded in Japan only since 1888. A significant proportion of earthquakes falls on the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Islands, where they are often manifest in the form of fruitry. Captain Snow, which produced the marine beast here for many years, at the end of the last century has repeatedly observed similar phenomena. For example, on July 12, 1884, in 4 miles to the west of the stones of Mediterranean, the gusty noise and shuddered the vessel continued at about two o'clock with intervals of 15 minutes and a duration of 30 seconds. Unrest of the sea at that time was not noticed. The water temperature was ordinary, about 2.25 ° C.
Between 1737 and 1888 In the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands, 16 devastating earthquakes were noted, for 1915-1916. - 3 catastrophic earthquakes in the middle part of the ridge, in 1929 - 2 such earthquakes in the north.
Sometimes these phenomena are conjugate with underwater lava eruptions. Destructive blows of earthquakes sometimes raise a huge wave (tsunami), repeating several times. With tremendous force, it fell on the shore, complementing the destruction from the shock of the soil. We can judge about the wave height, for example, on the occasion of the Natalia vessel, sent by Lebedev-Swallow and Shelekhov under the command of the navigator Petushkov on the 18th island: "January 8, 1780, a cruel earthquake was made; The sea rose so highly that GUKOR (vessel A.S.), who was in the harbor, was in the middle of the island ... "(Berch, 1823, p. 140-141; Lateev, p. 11). A wave caused by the earthquake of 1737 reached a height of 50 m and hit the shore with a terrible force, breaking the rocks. In the second strait, several new rocks and rocks rose. During the earthquake on about. Simushira in 1849, all sources of groundwater dried out, and his population was forced to move to other places.

paramushir Island, Ebeko Volcano

menndeleev Volcano, Kunashir Island

Mineral springs
With volcanic activities, the presence on the islands of numerous hot and highly mineralized sources is connected. They are available in almost all islands, especially in Kunashir, Itupe, Ushishir, Raikok, Shikotan, Ekharma. On the first of them are not enough boiling sources. On other hot keys have a temperature of 35-70 ° C. They overlook B. different places And have a different flow rate.
On about. Raikok is a source with a temperature of 44 ° C beats the soles of high rocks and in the cracks of the frozen lava forms batho-like pools.
On about. Ushishira The powerful boiling source goes into the volcanic crater, etc. The water of many sources is colorless, transparent, contains most often sulfur, places deposited along the edges of yellow grains. For drinking purposes, the water of most sources is unsuitable.
Some sources are considered healing and in the populated islands are used to treat. Gases secreted by volcanoes on cracks are often rich in sulfur pairs.

Damn finger Kuril Islands

Natural resources
In the islands and in the coastal zone, industrial stocks of non-ferrous metals, mercury, natural gas, oil are explored. On the island of ITUURUP, in the area of \u200b\u200bVolcano Curly, is the richest, from the world famous, mineral deposit. Here at the beginning of the XX century, the Japanese mined a native sulfur. The total gold resources on the Kuril Islands are estimated at 1867 tons, silver - 9284 tons, titanium - 39.7 million tons, iron - 273 million tons. Currently, the development of mineral resources is few.
Of all the coarse straits, non-freezing shipping are only the Strait of Frieze and the Strait of Catherine.

bird Waterfall, Kunashir

Flora and fauna
Due to the high length of the islands from the north to south Flora, Kuril differs extremely very much. On the northern Islands (Paramushir, Schisha and others), due to the harsh climate, woody vegetation is quite scarce and is presented mainly by shrub shapes (stabes): alder (Olkhach), Birza, Iva, Rowan, cedar stabel (keding). On the southern islands (ITUP, Kunashir) grow coniferous forests From the Sakhalin fir, Elutes of Anyanskaya and larch of Kurilskaya with a large participation of broad rocks: Oak Curchasova, Klainov, Ilmov, Calopanaks Semi-blade with a large number of rivant Lian: Hydrangea Cherchekova, Aktinidia, Cherish, wild grapes, poisonous toxicodenendrine oriental, etc. south kunashir meets the only one in Russia wild look Magnolia - Magnolia inversely. One of the main landscape plants is smoked, starting with the middle islands (ketta and south) - a Kuril bamboo, forming impassable thickets on the slopes of mountains and forest edges. All islands as a result of a wet climate distributed high-tech. Different berries are widely represented: watersman, lingonberry, blueberries, honeysuckle and others.
Endemic plants have more than 40 species. For example, Astragal Kavakamsky, Island wormwood, Edelweiss Kurilsky, found on the island of ITUURUP; Ostrodelika ITO and incomplete Curil, growing on the island of a masculine.
The following plants are protected on the island: the following plants: Aralia's half-ended, Flower plants, Mainland, Aralia, Calopanx Semi-blade, Kandyk Japanese, Kalina Wright, Cardiocrine Glen, Peony Front-Operating, Rhododendron Fori, Holochnoka Bolotnika, Low, Pion Mountain, Lichens Glossodium Japanese and Stereloon Nude, Gotable Plants Juniper Sardhent and Tis Pointed, Mossoid Broxifium Savior and Atraticlocarpus Alpine, growing at the Baransky volcano. Kalina Wright, Aralia Stalvoy and Plagiot Cauchean, are guarded on the island of vruip.

volcano Alaid, Atlas Island

In Kunashir, the brown bear lives in Kunashir, and the bear also lived on Schisha, but during a long-term stay on the island of the military base, in view of a relatively small size, the bears on the shatus, mostly were knocked out. Schisha is a binding island between Paramushir and Kamchatka, and individual bears are now found there. Fox, small rodents dwell on the islands. A large number of birds: rzhanks, seagulls, duck, cormorants, petrels, albatrosses, sparrows, owls, falcon-shaped and others. Many bird colonies.
The coastal underwater world, unlike islands, not only numerous, but also very diverse. In coastal waters, nerves, kalans, tales, Syvuchi live in the coastal waters. Large commercial importance: fish, crabs, mollusks, squid, crustaceans, trepanga, sea cucumbers, nautical hedgehogs, sea cabbage, whales. Sea, sagging Sakhalin and Kuril, are among the most productive areas of the World Ocean.
On the island of ITUPUP and endemic animals (mollusks): Lakustrine ITUURIUPSKAYA, ITUURIUPSKAYA SHARE (Lake Raidovo), Kurili pearl, on the lake, Kunaschiriyria Synanodontovoid and Town ITUURIUP.
On February 10, 1984, the State Natural Reserve "Kurilsky" was created. 84 species included in the Red Book of Russia live on its territory.

island Kunashir, Bay of Pervukhina

History of Islands
17-18 century
Honor of opening, research and initial development of the Kuril Islands belongs to Russian expeditions and colonists.

The first visit to the islands is attributed to the Gerrich Frieze Dutch, visited in 1643. Vruit. By calling this land of the "Compament Earth" - Company Lant (River, 1885, p. 565), the frieze, however, did not assume that it is part of the Kuril ridge.
The rest of the islands north of a viper to Kamchatka opened and described the Russian "landlocks" and navigators. And Russians opened secondly at the beginning of the XVIII century. Japan at this time were known only o. Kunasiri and Ruda Small Kurilskaya, but they were not part of the Japanese Empire. The extreme northern colonia of Japan was about. Hokkaido.
On the server islands of the Kuril Ridge for the first time, the order of Anadyr Ostrogen was informed, the Pentecot Vl. Atlasov who opened Kamchatka. In 1697, he passed on the West Bank of Kamchatka south to the mouth of the river. Goligina and from here "I saw the sea as if there is a island."
Not knowing that in Japan from 1639, trading with foreigners, Peter I in 1702 gave a task to tie good-neighborly trade relations with Japan. From this time, the Russian expeditions were persistently made south of Kamchatka in search of a trading route to Japan. In 1706, Kazak M. Nadcin clearly saw a sushi in the south from the cape. According to the punishment of Yakutsky, the governor about "proving" of this land, Cossack Ataman D. Antsiferov and Esaul Ivan Kozyrevsky in 1711 passed on about. SURUSYU (SOCHSHIR) and Paramousir (Paramushir), and on return amounted to the "drawing" of all islands. For the application of the Southern Islands, they used the stories of Japanese fishermen who were thrown by raging to Kamchatka and seen South Islands.
In the campaign of 1713, Esaul Ivan Kozyrevsky again "spent" the islands for "transhets" (sheds) and amounted to a new "drawing". Geodesists of Jews and Luban passed with shooting on the card in 1720 from Kamchatka to the Sixth Island (Srimusir). After 10 years, the brave leader of the "earthports" V. Shestakov with 25 servilative people visited the five northern islands. Following him, the solid work "for the sake of observation and finding the way to Japan" was performed by Captain Shppberg - Assistant Bering in his second expedition.
During 1738-1739. Shppberg removed on the card and described almost all the islands. According to his materials, they were shown on the "General Map of the Russian Empire" in the academic atlas of 1745. 40 islands under Russian names, for example, Anfinogen Islands, Krasnogorsk, pillars, curve, oily, goat, brother, sister, alder, green, etc. The result of the works of Shppberg first turned out and was put on the map the composition of the entire island ridge. The previously known to the extreme southern islands ("Kompania Land", about. "States") were determined as part of the Kuril Ridge.
For a long time, before that, there was an idea of \u200b\u200ba certain big "land of the Gama" to the east of Asia. The legend of the hypothetical land of Gama was forever dispelled.
At the same years, the Russians got acquainted with the small indigenous population of Islands - Aina. According to the largest Russian geographer of the time S. Krasheninnikova, on about. Sumuyu for the 40s of the XVIII century. There were only 44 souls.
In 1750 floated to about. Simula is the first island nickname. Watchdow. After 16 years (in 1766), Nikita Chikin, Chuprov and Sotnik Yves. Black again tried to find out the number of all islands and the number of people on them.

After the death of Chikin on about. Srimusiru I. Black spent on this island winter. In 1767 he reached about. Etorofu, and then settled on about. Vruit. Returning to Kamchatka in the fall of 1769, black reported that the Russian citizenship was adopted on the 19 islands (including Etorof).
In his actions, Chikin and Black were obliged to be guided by the instructions of the Bolsheverka Office: "When following the distant islands and back ... to describe .... The magnitude of them, the width of the straits, which on the islands, beasts, also rivers, lakes and fish in them. .. to visit the golden and silver ore and pearls ... offended, taxes, robbery ... and other nasty decions of any actions and grinding and prodigal violence, expecting for the jealousy of the highest grace and award. " After some time, the Tyumen merchant Yak. Nikonov, as well as the shipments of the trading company Protodiankonov and other landlords delivered more accurate news about the islands.
For the purpose of durable and final consolidation of the islands and mastering them, the chief commander of Kamchatka BEM offered to build on about. Strong strengthening, create a Russian settlement there and develop the economy. To implement this proposal and the development of trade with Japan, the Yakut merchant Lebedev-Lastochkin equipment in 1775 by the expedition under the superiors of the Siberian Nobleman Antipina. The vessel of the expedition "Nikolai" suffered an accident from about. Vruit. Two years later, to Antipina on about. The vessel was sent from Okhotsk the ship Natalia under the command of the navigator M. Petushkova.
After wintering on the Variety "Natalia" passed to the Bay of Akkeces on about. Hokkaido and met here a Japanese vessel. According to the decision with the Japanese, the Antipin and Translator - the Irkutsk Posad Shabalin appeared in 1779 with the goods of Lebedev-Lastochka on about. Hokkaido in the bay of Akkessy. Strictly remembered the instructions received by the antiypin that "... having met with the Japanese, partitioning, affectionately, decently ... to reveal what Russian goods" things are required and what can be obtained from them, establish prices and whether they wish For mutual bargaining to do on which the island is a contract that would be guided by the future time ... Install peaceful communication with the Japanese, "the merchants were calculated on the trade favorable for both parties. But their hopes were not justified. In the acceius they were transferred to the prohibition of the Japanese not only to trade on about. Hokkaido (Matsmai), but also swim on Etorof and Kunasiri.
Since that time, the Japanese government began to oppose Russian in the southern islands in every way. In 1786, it commissioned the official to examine the islands. Having discovered three Russians on the Etorof and questioning them, Tokunay handed them the order: "The entrance to the Japanese limits of foreign subjects is prohibited in a strictest way. Therefore, I prescribe you to return to your state in most imminent. " The movement of Russian trading people south with peaceful goals was interpreted by the Japanese very differently.

north Curilsk

XIX century
To resume trade negotiations with Japan in 1805, a representative of the Russian-American company Nikolai Rezanov, who arrived in Nagasaki as the first Russian envoy. But he failed. However, Japanese officials who have not satisfied the despotic policy of the supreme power, hints gave him to understand that it would be nice to carry out a power action in these lands, which could post the position from the dead point. This was carried out on the instructions of Rezanov in 1806-1807 by an expedition from two courts under the leadership of Lieutenant Tailov and Michman Davydov. Courts were looted, a number of factories were destroyed, the Japanese settlement burned on Itupe. Later they were tried, but the attack for a while led to a serious deterioration in Russian-Japanese relations. In particular, it was the reason for the arrest of the expedition of Vasily head.
The first distinction of the possessions of Russia and Japan on the Kuril Islands was made in the Simoda Treatise of 1855
In exchange for the right of ownership of southern Sakhalin, Russia handed over Japan in 1875, all the Kuril Islands.

XX century
After the defeat in 1905 in russian-Japanese war Russia handed over Japan southern part of Sakhalin.
In February 1945, the Soviet Union promised the United States and Great Britain to start a war with Japan, subject to the return of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.
February 2, 1946. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR on education in the South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands of the South Sakhalin region as part of the Khabarovsk Territory of the RSFSR.
November 5, 1952. The powerful tsunami collapsed on the whole coast of Kuril, Paramushir suffered the strongest. The gigantic wave washed away the city of North-Kurilsk (former. Casivabara). In print, it was forbidden to mention this catastrophe.
In 1956, the Soviet Union and Japan adopted a joint agreement, an officially ending the war between the two states and transferring Japan Kabomai and Shikotan. To sign a contract, however, it did not succeed, because it came out that Japan refuses the rights to Ituup and Kunashir, because of which the United States threatened not to give Japan Okinawa island.

church of the Holy Trinity, South Kurilsk

Problem belonging
At the end of World War II in February 1945, at the Yalta Conference of the Heads of Powers, the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition, an agreement was reached on the unconditional return of the southern part of Sakhalin and the transfer of the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union after the victory over Japan.
On July 26, 1945, within the framework of the Potsdam Conference, the Potsdam Declaration was adopted, which limited Japan's sovereignty to Honshu Islands, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Sikoku. On August 8, the USSR joined the Potsdam Declaration. On August 14, Japan adopted the Declaration Conditions and September 2, 1945 signed an act of surrender confirming these conditions. But directly about the transfer of the Curil Islands of the USSR in these documents was not mentioned.
On August 18 - September 1, 1945, the Soviet troops conducted a Kuril landing operation and took away the South Kuril Islands - Mr., ITUURUP, Kunashir and the Small Kuril Rud.
In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of February 2, 1946 in these territories, after excluding them from Japan by Memorandum No. 677 of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces of January 29, 1946, the South Sakhalin region was formed as part of the Khabarovsk Territory of the RSFSR, which is January 2 1947 was part of the newly formed Sakhalin region as part of the RSFSR.
On September 8, 1951, Japan signed the San Francis Mirny Agreement, which refused "from all right, law quantities and claims to the Kuril Islands and on that part of Sakhalin Islands and the islands adjacent to him, the sovereignty on which Japan acquired in Portsmouth Agreement on September 5, 1905 G. » When discussing the San Francisco Treaty in the US Senate, a resolution was adopted, containing the following reservation: it is envisaged that the terms of the contract will not mean recognition for the USSR, any rights or claims in the territory belonging to Japan on December 7, 1941, which applied Damage would be damaged by the Rights and Rights of Japan on these territories, as well as will not recognize any provision in favor of the USSR in relation to Japan, contained in the Yalta Agreement. Due to serious complaints about the draft agreement, representatives of the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia refused to sign it. The contract was not also signed not submitted at the conference Burma, DRV, India, DPRK, PRC and MPR.
Japan places territorial claims to the South Kuril Islands ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habmioma with a total area of \u200b\u200b5175 km². These islands in Japan are called "Northern Territories". Japan substantiates its claims assesses the following arguments:
According to Article 2 of the Simed Treatise of 1855, these islands were included in Japan and they are the original ownership of Japan.
This group of islands, according to the official position of Japan, is not included in the Kuril Rud (about Tsisima) and, by signing the act of surrender and the San Francis Agreement, Japan did not refuse them.
The USSR did not sign the San Francis Agreement.
However, the Simed Treatise is considered canceled due to the Russian-Japanese war (1905).
In 1956, the Moscow Declaration was signed, on which the state of war was discontinued and the USSR's diplomatic relations and consular relations were established with Japan. Article 9 declarations, in particular, said:
The USSR, going towards the wishes of Japan and taking into account the interests of the Japanese state, agrees to the transfer of Japan of the Islands of the Habomai and Islands of Sycotan in order, however, that the actual transmission of these Islands of Japan will be made after the conclusion of a peace treaty.
On November 14, 2004, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the eve of the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan in Japan, as Russia as the USSR State Recognizes Declaration of 1956 as an existing and ready to maintain territorial negotiations with Japan on its basis.
It is noteworthy that on November 1, 2010, President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev became the first Russian leader who visited the Kuril Islands. President Dmitry Medvedev stressed then that "all the islands of the Kuril ridge is the territory of the Russian Federation. This is our land, and we must equip the churons. " The Japanese side remained irreconcilable and called this visit worthy regret, which in turn caused a response of the Russian Foreign Ministry, according to which there can be no changes in the status of the Curil Islands.
Some Russian official experts, in finding a solution that Japan could be satisfied, and Russia offer very peculiar options. So, academician K.E. Chervenko In April 2012, in the article on the possibility of a final settlement of the territorial dispute between the Russian Federation and Japan, a approach was announced, in which the participating countries of the San Francisal Treaty (states with the right to identify the international legal status of southern Sakhalin with the adjacent islands and all the Kuril Islands) recognize Curiles De facto territory of the Russian Federation, leaving for Japan the right to consider their de Yura (under the conditions of the aforementioned contract) in Russia, not included.

cape Column, Kunashir Island

The Kuril Islands are populated extremely unevenly. The population lives constantly only on Paramushir, Itupe, Kunashir and Shikotan. There is no permanent population on other islands. At the beginning of 2010, there are 19 settlements: two cities (North-Kurilsk, Kurilsk), urban-type settlement (South Kurilsk) and 16 villages.
The maximum value of the population was noted in 1989 and amounted to 29.5 thousand people. IN soviet time The population of the islands was significantly higher due to the high subsidies and the large number of servicemen. Thanks to the military, the islands of Sovysh, Onekotan, Simushir, etc. were inhabited.
As of 2010, the population of the islands is 18.7 thousand people, including 6.1 thousand people in the Kuril City District - 6.1 thousand people (on the only populated island ITUURUP, and others are also included; In the South Kuril City District - 10.3 thousand people. (Kunashir, Shikotan and others. Islands of the Small Kuril Ridge (Khabomay)); In the North Curil City District - 2.4 thousand people (on the only populated island of Paramushir, also includes Schysh, Onekotan, etc.).

ontyotan Island

Economy and development
On August 3, 2006, the Federal Program for the Development of the Islands since 2007 to 2015, which includes 4 blocks: the development of transport infrastructure, fiskering, social infrastructure and solving energy problems, approved. The program provides:
Allocating funds for this program for almost 18 billion rubles, that is, 2 billion rubles per year, which is equivalent to about 300 thousand rubles per resident of the islands, which will increase the population from 19 to 30 thousand people.
The development of the fisheries - currently there are only two fisheries on the islands, and both are state. The Russian Federation proposes to create another 20 new fish resource focus plants. The federal program provides for the creation of the same number of private fishing plants and the reconstruction of one fish processing plant.
On the islands it is planned to build new kindergartens, schools, hospitals, the development of the transport network, including the construction of a modern All-weather airport.
The problem of electricity deficiency, which is four times more expected to the Sakhalin, is planned to be solved due to the construction of power plants working on geothermal sources using the experience of Kamchatka and Japan.
In addition, in May 2011, the Russian authorities declared their intention to additionally allocate 16 billion rubles, doubled, thereby financing the program for the development of the Kuril Islands.
In February 2011, it became known about the plans to strengthen defense Kuril Brigade Air Defense, as well as a moving coastal missile complex with anti-worn missiles "Yahont".


Source of information and photo:
The team is wetting.
Photo: Tatyana Selena, Victor Morozov, Kapustin Andrey, Artem Demin
The Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Geography RAS. Pacific Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Rate: Kotlyakov V. M. (Chairman), Baklanov P. Ya., Komedikov N. N. (Ch. Ed.) And others; Ot. Red.-cartographer Fedorova E. Ya. Atlas of the Kuril Islands. - m.; Vladivostok: IPT "Dick", 2009. - 516 p.
Managing Natural Resources and Protection ambient MPR of Russia in the Sakhalin region. Report "On the status and environmental protection of the Sakhalin Region in 2002" (2003). Checked June 21, 2010. Archived from the original on August 23, 2011.
Sakhalin region. The official website of the governor and the government of the Sakhalin region. Checked on June 21, 2010. Archived from the source October 7, 2006.
Makeev B. "Kuril's problem: military aspect." World economy and international relations, 1993, No. 1, p. 54.
Wikipedia website.
Solovyov A. I. Kuril Islands / Glavsevmorput. - ed. 2nd. - M.: Publishing House of Glavsevmorputi, 1947. - 308 p.
Atlas Kuril Islands / Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Geography RAS. Pacific Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Rate: Kotlyakov V. M. (Chairman), Baklanov P. Ya., Komedikov N. N. (Ch. Ed.) And others; Ot. Red.-cartographer Fedorova E. I .. - m.; Vladivostok: IPT "Dick", 2009. - 516 p. - 300 copies. - ISBN 978-5-89658-034-8.

WORLD POLITICS REVIEW newspaper believes that the main mistake Putin is now "dismissive attitude to Japan."
The bold initiative of Russia to settle the dispute over the Kuril Islands would give Japan big grounds for cooperation with Moscow. - today transmits IA REGNUM.
It is expressed by this "dismissive attitude" is clear what - give Japan Curiles. It would seem that the Americans and their European Sanitremes before smoked, which in another part of the world?
Everything is simple. Under the Japanese, the desire to turn the Okhotsk Sea from the inner Rosiysky in the sea, open to the "world community". With large for us the consequences of both military and economic nature.

Well, who was the first one who mastered these lands? Why is Japan consider these islands with their original territories?
To do this, let's look at the history of the development of the Kuril Ridge.

Initially, the islands were inhabited by Aina. In their language, "Kuru" meant "the person who came out of anywhere", from where and then their second name "Kuritsa", and then the name of the archipelago.

In Russia, the Kuril Islands are first mentioned in the reporting document N. I. Kolobova Tsar Alexei from 1646 years of the features of the wanders I. Yu. Moskvitin. Also, these chronicles and maps of medieval Netherlands, Scandinavia and Germany testify to the indigenous Russian villages. N. I. Kolobov told about the inhabiting islands of bearded Aina. Ains were gathering, fishing and hunting, lived in small settlements throughout the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.
Based after the campaign of Dezhnev seeds in 1649, Anadyr city and Okhotsk became bases for the study of the Kuril Islands, Alaska and California.

The development of new lands by Russia was civilized and was not accompanied by extermination or displacement of the local population from the territory of their historic homeland, as it happened, for example, with the North American Indians. The arrival of the Russians led to distribution among the local population more effective tools Hunting, metal products, and most importantly - contributed to the cessation of bloody interconditions. Under the influence of Russian peoples, these began to join agriculture and move to a settled lifestyle. Trade was revived, Russian merchants flooded Siberia and Far East goods, the existence of which the local population did not even guess.

In 1654, the Yakut Cossack Deadhechin M. Stadukhin visited there. In the 60s, part of the northern Kuril was inflicted by the Russians on the card, and in 1700, Kuriles are applied to C.remizov card. In 1711, the Cossack Ataman D.Anziferov and Esaul I. Kozyrievsky visited Paramushir's Islands. The following year, Kozyrevsky visited the islands of ITUURUP and URUP and reported that the inhabitants of these islands live "self-help."

In 1721, those who graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Geodesy and Cartography I. Evreinov and F. Lyzhin in 1721, after which Peter I personally was awarded a report on this swimming and a map.

Russian seafarers Captain Shppberg and Lieutenant Walton In 1739, the first of the Europeans opened the path to the eastern shores of Japan, visited the Japanese Hondo Islands (Honosu) and Matsama (Hokkaido), described the Kuril Rud and caused all the Kuril Islands and the East Coast of Sakhalin on the map.
The expedition found that under the rule of "Japanese Khan" there is only one Hokkaido Island, the rest of the island is beyond. Since the 60s, interest in smokers increases noticeably, Russian commercial vessels stick to their shores, and soon the local population is Aina - on the Islands of Warp and ITUURUP, it was brought to Russian citizenship.
The merchant D.Shebalin of the Office of the Okhotsk port was Dan Agaz "To convert residents of the southern islands into the citizenship of Russia and start bargaining with them." Lowing the Ainov to Russian citizenship, the Russians founded on the islands of wintering, parking, taught the Ainov to use firearms, breed livestock and grow some vegetables.

Many of the Ainov accepted Orthodoxy and learned literacy.
Russian missionaries did everything to spread among the Kuril Ainov Orthodoxy, and taught them the Russian language. Honor of the first in this row of missionaries is the name of Ivan Petrovich Kozyrevsky (1686-1734), in the monasticism of Ignatia. A.S. Pushkin He wrote that "Kozyrevsky conquered two Kuril Islands in 1713 and brought the Wheel to the news about trade in this islands with merchants of the city of Matva. In the texts of the "drawing marine Islands"Kozyrevsky was written:" On the first and other island in the Kamchatka nose, with the self-balanced shown, smoked in the hike and greetings, and other military order, again in the yasual payment led. " Back in 1732, the famous historian G.F.Miller in the academic calendar was noted: "Before this, there were no faith in the inhabitants. But in twenty years, in the command of his imperial majesty, the church and schools are built there, which we are given hope, and this sphere from time to time will be released from their delusion. " The monk Ignatiy Kozyrevsky in the south of the Kamchatka Peninsula on its own funds was laid down the church with the limit and the monastery, in which he himself was later. Kozyrevsky managed to pay in the faith of "local injecting people" - the ITRs of Kamchatka and Kuril Ainov.

Aina caught fish, beat the marine beast, baptized in orthodox churches Our children wore Russian clothes, had Russian names, they spoke Russian and proudly called themselves Orthodox. In 1747, the "newest" smokers from the islands of Schoshu and Paramushir, which had more than two hundred people, through her Tien (Chief), the Storozhev appealed to the Orthodox mission in Kamchatka lasting to send a priest "to approve them in the new faith."

At the deprivation of Catherine II in 1779, all the defeats not established by decrees from St. Petersburg were canceled. Thus, the fact of opening and mastering the Russian Kuril Islands is indisputable.

Over time, the crafts on the smokes were depleted, becoming less and less profitable than the coast of America, and because by the end of the XVIII century, the interest of Russian merchants to the smokers weakened.In Japan, by the end of the same century, interest in smokers and Sakhalin is just awakening, because before that, the Kuriles were almost unknown by the Japanese. Hokkaido Island - according to the testimony of Japanese scientists themselves - was considered an ingenic territory and only a minor part of him was settled and mastered. In the late 70s, Russian merchants reached Hokkaido and tried to make trading with locals . Russia was interested in acquiring food in Japan for Russian fishing expeditions and settlements on Alaska and the Pacific Islands, but it was not possible to tie the trade, because I banned the law on Japan's isolation of 1639, which reads: "For the next time, the Sun illuminates the world, no one has the right to pester the shores of Japan, at least he was even a messenger, and this law can never be canceled by death under the fear of death".
And in 1788 Catherine II. Schist Strict Okatv Russian Industrialists on Kurils so that they "There were no islands, under the maintenance of other powers in the", and a year before it was issued a decree on gear around the world expedition For accurate description and applying to the map of the islands from Masha to Kamchatka blades to " all date formally to the ownership of the Russian state". It was prescribed not to allow foreign industrialists to" trade and fields in Russian owned places and with local residents to do peacefully". But the expedition did not take place due to the Russian-Turkish War started 1787-1791.

Taking advantage of the weakening of the Russian positions in the southern part of Kuril, the Japanese fish workers first appear in Kunashir in 1799, for the next year already on the ITUPE, where Russian crosses are destroyed and illegally put a post with a designation pointing to the affiliation of Japan islands. Japanese fishermen often began to arrive to the shores of southern Sakhalin, led fishery, hurt the Ainov, which was the cause of frequent skirmishes between them. In 1805, the Russian sailors from the Frigate "Juno" and the tender "Avos" were put on the shore of Aniva's bay, a post with the Russian flag was raised, and the Japanese parking on Itupe was ruined. The Russians were welcomed by Aina.
.. .

A series of Far Eastern Island territories shows the Kuril Islands, they have one side, it is the Kamchatka Peninsula, and the other about. Hokkaido in. The Kuril Islands of Russia are represented by the Sakhalin region, stretching in length about 1,200 km with an existing area of \u200b\u200b15,600 square kilometers.

The islands of Kuril Ridge are represented by two groups that are against each other - the large and small. A large group staying in the south, owned Kunashir, ITUURUP and others, in the center - Simushir, Keta and in the north are the remaining island territories.

Small smokers are shacking, haboma and a number of others. Mostly all the island territories of the mountains and go high by 2,339 meters. The Kuril Islands on their lands have about 40 volcanic sobs that have been operating so far. Also here is the location of sources with hot mineral water. South Kuril is covered with forest plantings, and the north attracts unique tundra vegetation.

The problem of the Kuril Islands was concluded in a unresolved controversial issue between the Japanese and Russian parties about who they belong. And it remains open since the time of the Second World War.

The Kuril Islands after the war began to belong to the USSR. But Japan considers the territories of southern smoked, and this is ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan with a group of Habmioma Islands, its territory, without having a legal foundation. Russia does not recognize the fact of the dispute with the Japanese side about these territories, since their affiliation is legal.

The problem of the Kuril Islands is the main obstacle to the peaceful settlement of relations between Japan and Russia.

The essence of the dispute of Japan and Russia

The Japanese demand to return them the Kuril Islands. There, almost the entire population is convinced that these lands are angular Japanese. This dispute between the two states has long been long ago, exacerbated after the Second World War.
Russia is not inclined to give up to the Japanese leaders of the state. The peace agreement to this day is not signed, and it is due to four controversial South Kuril Islands. On the legality of the claims of Japan into the Kuril Islands in this video.

Values \u200b\u200bof southern smoking

Southern chickens have several values \u200b\u200bfor both countries:

  1. Military. The southern chickens have military importance, thanks to the only way out in the Pacific Ocean for the Fleet of the country. And all because of the scarce of geographical formations. IN this moment The ships go into the ocean waters through the Sangar Strait, because through the strait of the lap, do not pass due to icing. Therefore, submarines are located on Kamchatka - Avachinskaya bay. Military bases currently operating in Soviet times were plundered and left.
  2. Economic. Economic importance - in the Sakhalin region a rather serious hydrocarbon potential. And the access to Russia of the entire territory is smoked, allows the use of water there at their discretion. Although its central part belongs to the Japanese side. In addition to water resources, there is such a rare metal, like rhenium. His mining, the Russian Federation is in third place for mining minerals and sulfur. For the Japanese, this territory is important for fishing and agricultural needs. This catchy fish is used by the Japanese to grow rice - they simply pour it into the fields with rice for fertilizer.
  3. Social. By big account There is no special social interest for ordinary people on southern smokers. All because there are no modern megalopolises, people mainly work there and their life takes place in the cabins. The supply is delivered by air, and less often water due to constant storms. Therefore, the Kuril Islands are more a military-industrial facility than social.
  4. Tourist. In this regard, it is better in the southern smokers. These places will be interested in many people who attract all the present, natural and extreme. It is unlikely that someone will remain indifferent at the sight thermal source, beating from under the ground, or from the lifting of the Calder of the Volcano, and crossing the fumarol field on foot. And about the look-up types and say nothing.

For this reason, the dispute on the belonging of the Kuril Islands does not move from the dead point.

Dispute about Kuril territory

Who owns these four island territories - Shikotan, ITUURUP, Kunashir and the Islands of Habmioma, the question is not from the lungs.

Information of written sources indicates the discoverers of Kuril - Dutch. The Russian first was settled by the territory of Tisima. Shikotan Island and the remaining three are marked for the first time by the Japanese. But after all, the discovery does not give the basis for the possession of this territory.

The edge of the world is the island of Shikotan because of the Cape Malokurilian village nearby. He is impressive with his 40-meter cliff into ocean waters. It is called this place the edge of the world due to the opening stunning view of the Pacific vastness.
Shikotan Island is translated as a big city. It stretches by 27 kilometers, in width, it has 13 km, which occupied area is 225 square meters. km. The highest point of the island is the Mountain of the same name, towering at 412 meters. Partially its territory belongs to the State Natural Reserve.

Shikotan Island has a very rugged coastline with multiple bays, capes and rocks.

Previously, they thought that the mountains on the island, these were no longer erupting volcanoes, which the Kuril Islands are replete. But they turned out to be rocks, displaced lithospheric slabs shifts.

A bit of history

Long before the Russians and the Japanese, the Kuril Islands inhabited Aina. The first information from Russians and the Japanese about Kurilah appeared only in the 17th century. The Russian expedition was directed in the 18th century, after which about 9,000 Ainov became citizens of Russia.

A treatise (1855) was signed between Russia and Japan, called Simodist, where the boundaries were established, allowing Japanese citizens to trade on 2/3 of this land. A draw of the territory remained Sakhalin. After 20 years, Russia began to hold this land unprisoned, then losing the south in the Russian-Japanese war. But during the WWI, the Soviet troops were still able to return to themselves the south of Sakhalin Earth and the Kuril Islands in general.
There was still a signing of a peace agreement between states who won the victory and Japan and it happened in San Francisco in 1951. And on him, Japan has absolutely no right to the Kuril Islands.

But then the Soviet side of the signing did not occur that many researchers were considered a mistake. But there were serious reasons for:

  • In the document was not designated specifically, which was included in Kuriles. The Americans stated that they need to go to a special international court. Plus, a member of the Japanese state delegation announced that the southern controversial islands were not the territory of Kuril.
  • The document also did not point exactly who will belong to Kuriles. That is, so the question at the same time remained controversial.

Between the USSR and the Japanese side in 1956, the declaration was signed by the platform before the main peace agreement. In it, the country of tips goes to meet the Japanese and agree to convey to them only two disputed islands Haboma and Shikotan. But with the condition - only after signing a peace agreement.

The declaration contains several subtleties:

  • The word "convey" means that they belong to the USSR.
  • This transmission will be actually made after the signature will be raised in the world contract.
  • This applies only to the two islands smoked.

It was a positive shift between the Soviet Union and the Japanese side, but thereby caused the alarm of Americans. Thanks to Washington pressure, in the Japanese government, ministerial chairs have completely changed and new officials have become preparing for high positions began to prepare the Military Agreement of America and Japan, which began to act in 1960.

After that, from Japan, a call came to give no two offered to the USSR of the island, but four. America presses that all contracts between the country and Japan are not necessary, they allegedly declarative. And the existing and existing military agreement between the Japanese and Americans implies the placement on the Japanese territory of its troops. Accordingly, now they approached Russian territory even closer.

Based on all this, Russian diplomats stated that until all foreign troops were displayed from its territory, it is impossible to even talk about a peaceful agreement. But anyway we are talking Only about the two islands of the territory of Kuril.

As a result, the strengths of America are still located in Japan. The Japanese insist on the transfer of the 4th Kuril Islands, as written in the declaration.

The second half of the 80s of the 20th century is marked by the weakening of the Soviet Union and under these conditions the Japanese side raises this topic again. But the dispute about who will belong to the South Kuril Islands, and remained open countries. In the Tokyo Declaration of 1993, it was said that the Russian Federation is the successor of the Soviet Union, respectively, and previously signed papers should be recognized by both parties. It also indicated the direction to move towards the solution of the territorial affiliation of the controversial four islands of Kuril.

The coming 21st century, and specifically 2004, was marked by a raising this topic again at the meeting of President of the Russian Federation Putin with the Prime Minister of Japan. And again everything happened - the Russian side offers its conditions for signing the peace agreement, and Japanese officials insist that all four South Kuril Islands are submitted to their disposal.

2005 was marked by the readiness of the Russian president to finish the dispute, guided by the 1956 Agreement and transfer two island territories Japan, but the Japanese managers did not agree with this proposal.

In order to somehow reduce the tension between the two states, the Japanese side was invited to help in the development of nuclear energy, the development of infrastructure and tourism, still improving the environmental and situation, as well as safety. The Russian side adopted this proposal.

At the moment, there is no question for Russia - who own the Kuril Islands. Without any doubt, it is the territory of the Russian Federation, based on real facts - according to the results of the Second World War and the generally accepted UN Charter.

In view of the latest events, many residents of the planet are interested in where the Kuril Islands are located, and which they belong to. If there is still no specific answer to the second question, then it is possible to respond completely to the first one. The Kuril Islands are a chain of islands with a length of approximately 1.2 kilometers. It takes place from the Kamchatka Peninsula to the Sushi Island Section called Hokkaido. A peculiar convex arc consisting of fifty-six islands is located two parallel linesAnd also separates from the Pacific Ocean Okhotsk Sea. The total territorial area is 10,500 km 2. From the south side, the state border between Japan and Russia is extended.

The land under consideration is invaluable economic, as well as military-strategic importance. Their most is considered part of the Russian Federation and belongs to the Sakhalin region. However, the status of such components of the archipelago, among whom Shikotan, Kunashir, ITUURUP, as well as the Khaboma group, is disputed by the Japanese authority, which relates the listed islands to the Hokkaido Prefecture. Thus, you can find the Kuril Islands on the map of Russia, however, Japan plans to legalize the possession of the part of them. These territories have their own characteristics. For example, the entire archipelago applies to the extreme north, if you watch juristic documents. And this is despite the fact that Shikotan is located in the same latitude with the city of Sochi and Anapa.

Kunashir, Cape Column

Climate of Kuril Islands

Within the framework of the area under consideration, a moderate marine climate prevails, which is rather a cool cool than warm. The main impact on climatic conditions is provided by baric systems, which are usually formed over the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, the Cold Curil Territory, as well as the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The southern part of the archipelago is covered by monsoon atmospheric streams, for example, asian winter anticyclone also dominates there.

Schikotan Island

It is worth noting that the weather in the Kuril Islands is changing enough. Landscapes of local landscaps are characterized by a smaller heat of security than the territories of the corresponding latitudes, but in the center of the mainland. The average minus temperature in winter is the same for each island included in the chain, and ranges from -5 to -7 degrees. In winter, prolonged heavy snowfalls often happen, thaw, elevated cloudy and blizzards. In summer, temperature indicators change within +10 to +16 degrees. The south is the island, the higher the air temperature will be.

The main factor affecting the summer temperature indicator is considered the nature of hydrological circulation inherent in coastal waters.

If we consider the components of the middle and northern group of the islands, it is worth noting that the coastal temperature of the coastal waters is not raised above five to six degrees, so the lowest summer indicator for the northern hemisphere is characterized for these territories. Throughout the year, the archipelago drops from 1000 to 1400 mm of precipitation, which are evenly distributed over the seasons. You can also talk about everywhere excessive moisture. In the south side of the chain in the summer, the humidity indicator exceeds the ninety percent, because of which the fogs are dense in their consistency. If you carefully consider the latitudes where the Kuril Islands on the map are located, it can be concluded that the area is particularly difficult. It is under regular exposure to cyclones, which are accompanied by excessive precipitation, and may also cause typhoons.

Symushir Island


The territories are inhabited unevenly. Yearly the population of the Kuril Islands lives on Shikotan, Kunashir, Paramushire and Itupe. There is no permanent population in other sections of the archipelago. In total, there are nineteen settlements, among which sixteen villages, an urban type village called South Kurilsk, as well as two major cities, including Kurilsk and North-Kurilsk. In 1989, the maximum value of the population was recorded, which was equated to 30,000 people.

The high population of the territories during the Soviet Union is due to the subsidies of those regions, as well as a large number of servicemen who were inhabited by the Islands of Simushir, Schisha, and so on.

By 2010, the figure declined significantly. Total territory took 18,700 people, of which approximately 6 100 live within the framework of the Kuril district, and 10,300 in the South Kuril district. The rest of people occupied local villages. The population has significantly decreased due to the remoteness of the archipelago, but the climate of the Kuril Islands has also played, which is far from every person.

Uninhabited Islands of Ushishira

How to get to Kuril

Get here the most convenient through the air. The local airport called "ITUURUP" is considered one of the most important aircraft objects erected in post-Soviet times from scratch. It is built and equipped with modern technological requirements, so he is assigned the status of an international aircraft. The first flight, which later became regular, was adopted on September 22, 2014. They became the aircraft of Aurora, which arrived from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. On board everything was fifty passengers. This event was negatively perceived by the Japanese authorities, which belong to this territory to their country. Therefore, disputes about who belong to the Kuril Islands continue to this day.

It is worth noting that the journey through the smoke needs to be planned in advance. The route drawing up must take into account that the entire archipelago includes fifty-six-six islands, among which ITUP and Kunashir uses the greatest popularity. You can tell them in two ways. It is most convenient to fly by plane, but tickets worth buying a few months before the outlined date, because there are enough flights. The second way is a journey on the ship from the port of Korsakov. The path takes from 18 to 24 hours, but you can purchase a ticket exclusively at Kursah or Sakhalin, that is, online for sale is not provided.

Vrup is a deserted island of volcanic origin

Interesting Facts

Despite all the difficulties, life on the Kuril Islands is developing and growing. The history of the territories began in 1643, when several sections of the archipelago were examined by Martin Fries and his team. The first information received by Russian scientists is dated 1697, when the campaign of V. Atlasov in Kamchatka took place. All subsequent expeditions under the leadership of I. Kozyrevsky, F. Luzhina, M. Shppberg and others were directed to the systematic development of the area. After it became clear who opened the Kuril Islands, you can get acquainted with several interesting factsassociated with the archipelago:

  1. To get to the chickens, the tourist will require a special permission, since the zone is border. This document is issued exclusively by the Border Office of the FSB Sakhalinsk. To do this, it will be necessary to come to the institution at 9:30 - 10:30 with your passport. Permission will be ready the next day. Therefore, the traveler will definitely stay in the city for one day, which should be considered by planning a trip.
  2. Due to the unpredictable climate, visiting the island, you can get drunk here for a long time, because with bad weather, the airport of the Kuril Islands and their ports stop their work. Frequent noise becomes high cloudiness and nebula. At the same time, it is not at all about a couple of time delay of the flight. The traveler should always be ready to spend an extra week or two.
  3. For guests, smoked all five hotels. The hotel called "Vostok" is designed for eleven rooms, "Iceberg" - three rooms, "flagship" - seven rooms, "ITUURUP" - 38 rooms, "Island" - eleven numbers. It is necessary to book places in advance.
  4. Japanese lands It can be seen from the windows of local residents, however, the best review opens on Kunashir. To check this fact, the weather should be clear.
  5. The Japanese past is closely connected with these territories. There were Japanese cemeteries, plants, the coast from the Pacific Ocean is densely eliminated by fragments of the Japanese porcelain, which existed before the war. Therefore, here you can often find archaeologists or collectors.
  6. It is also worth understanding that the controversial Kuril Islands, first of all, is volcanoes. Their territories consist of 160 volcanoes, of which about forty remain in force.
  7. Local flora and fauna amazes. A bamboo grows along the motorways here, a magnolia or a tree of mulberries can grow near the Christmas tree. Lands are rich in berry, blueberry, lingonberry, cloudberry, prince, Krasnik, Chinese lemongrass, blueberry, and so on here. Locals argue that the bear can be found here, especially close to the volcano of Taji Kunashir.
  8. The practical every local resident has a car at its disposal, but there are no refills in any of the settlements. Fuel supplied inside special barrels from Vladivostok and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
  9. Due to the high seismicity of the region of its territory, they are built up mainly by two- and three-story buildings. Houses of five floors are already considered high spirits and highly rare.
  10. While it will be decided, whose Kuril Islands, among Russians living here, will be 62 days a year. Residents of Southern Ridges can use a visa-free regime with Japan. This feature For the year uses about 400 people.

The big Kuril arc is surrounded by underwater volcanoes, some of which can be felt regularly. Any eruption is caused by the resumption of seismic activity, which provokes "fruitry". Therefore, local lands are exposed to frequent tsunami. The strongest wave of tsunami tsunami about 30 meters in 1952 completely destroyed the city on the island of Paramushir called North-Kurilsk.

The last century also remembered by several natural catastrophes. Among them, the most famous was the Tsunami of 1952, which happened in Paramyshire, as well as the Shikotanian tsunami of 1994. Therefore it is believed that so beautiful nature The Kuril Islands is also very dangerous for human life, but this does not prevent local cities to develop, and the population to grow.