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Water Day: When celebrated, the history and traditions of the holiday. World Water Day

Many holidays celebrated by Slavs have Vedic roots, even such a well-known church-trinity. It has long been taken to celebrate for three days, timing to the name of the Earth and Water to him.


Children Horovodov
Birthday land

Let's find out what number in 2019 they celebrate them, which we know the traditions, customs who came from antiquity.

Name day of land

This holiday is also called spirits day. It is filled with deep meaning, has as pagan, so Christian roots. According to the Bible, by the fiftieth day after Easter, the disciples of Christ saw the Holy Spirit. He endowed them with the ability to understand all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world so that they could preach. It concerns the religious history of the holiday.

What date is the foundation of the birth date of 2019? In different religions, the holiday date varies, however, it is always timed to the date of the Trinity. For example, Catholics celebrate it simultaneously with the Trinity - exactly the fifties day after Easter. Orthodox believe that the celebration accounts for next after the Trinity by the day, i.e., fifty-first from Easter. By the way, W. orthodox holiday It is always celebrated on Mondays, for which it is also called Monday of the Holy Spirit.

So, if Easter 2019 is celebrated on April 28, the Trinity is June 16, the land of the birthday man falls on the next day from her. Thus, Monday of the Holy Spirit is celebrated on June 17.

Customs and traditions

For the Day of the Holy Spirit, Staroslavl existed a huge number of traditions, customs. Some of them have ever forgotten, others are to this day. In the pre-Christian times, the name of the Earth was always celebrated at the beginning of the summer. As we see, this tradition remained today, embodied on Monday of the Holy Spirit.

The holiday began to be a great evening and singing of the prayer to the Holy Spirit. During the evening, the knees bow knees, and the priest reads seven prayers: about the church, the salvation of all the worldly souls, the rest of the deceased.

The name of the Earth is a tribute to Mother Kormilice. In this holiday, it was forbidden to dig the land, plowing, engage in north, landing. People believed that the Day of the Day of the Earth was already filled with the future harvest (pregnant with them). Therefore, to disturb the integrity of the soil - it means that it is harder to damage it, ruin the future harvest, leave the wound.

People believed that the day before the feast of the Holy Spirit descends to the ground, visits at home, bottled through the fields. Before the sweat of the Sun, people went to listen to what secrets revealed to them the mother of cheese earth.

The peasants fed the land. If you also want to give a tribute, for the holiday Earth birthdaynitsa in the 2019th device. Get out in the field, spread tablecloths, arrange a festive lunch. Do not forget to decompose the pieces of food by sprinkling their land. Satisfied, the Earth will not slow down to answer with gratitude, it will definitely be produced by a rich harvest.

Another tradition is to go around the crusted fields. This custom clearly testifies to the Christian holiday roots. It was believed that procession Calls God's grace. The land thanked for it with a rich harvest of barley, wheat, rye.

By the way, before people believed that on Monday, the Holy Spirit could find treasure. Pray the Holy Spirit and fall to the Earth ear to hear the secret treasure. Do not forget to clean the soul and heart from evil thoughts. According to legend, the treasures went on the surface, talked. But only a person, pure reason, could hear them.

Ancient people believed that mermaids went to the shore in perfume. It is believed that at night they come out of the water, walk along the shore. Where their bare feet steps on the ground, the grass grows thicker. The youth in the evening went to the river, armed with birch rods, drove mermaids. Birch rods served as protection against other power, so that mermaids could not have a man in the forest or drown.

Guys to protect themselves from the mermaids, put on the head wreaths woven with loved love girls, with woven branches of birch and wormwood. Birch distilled away mermaids, and wormwood has long been considered universal means from any evil.

And after the Duhow of the day, in the early morning, people were silent cold water (from the river or well), blending off all the troubles, diseases that the mermaids and the other evil spirits could send per person. You can also wash it if you know when the Earth Birthday will be celebrated in 2019.

Birch was considered an important symbol. The branches of this tree were decorated with the walls of the house, the gate, the girls were wreaths, they droop them on the water. It was believed that if the wreath drowshes - to be misfortune.

The peasants believed that the soul of the deceased to the land was returned to the Earth, sitting on the birch branches, put on the windowsill. In some places, they endured the Berezu - a ritual tree that was used for rites, and later treated in the river.

And here are some signs and sayings on perfumes day:

  1. Before the day of the Holy Spirit, it is better not to remove the casing.
  2. On the name of the Earth, all the lively snakes.
  3. On the Holy Spirit Wreaths in the water - boo!
  4. Any sleep, seen on the night of the day, will come true.
  5. If the morning the grass is dry, it means that evening wait for the rain.

Water birthdaynica

Name of water in Christians are celebrated on the third day after the Trinity. If you are interested in the question when the birthday room is celebrated in 2019, find out when the Trinity is. Since this year it falls on June 16, therefore, the day of water will be June 17.

By the way, this holiday always comes on Tuesday. Nowadays, he is not too famous, but in the ancient times, his traditions and customs were honored.

Customs and traditions

Staroslavlov always celebrated the third day of the Trinity - the name of the water. It was forbidden to use water at all. Food was only dry. Garden crops Water in the evening on the eve. Bans also applied to washing, bathing, etc.

The peasants put on the trinity branches of birch in the house, which stood three days. People watched whether the branches do not dry out. If the leaves remained wet, fresh, it was believed that summer will be with abundant precipitation, if they quickly dressed, people believed that the summer would be arid, and the harvest was scarce.

The dried branches burned, and so that there was no drought, the branches of the birch trees were treated in the river.

Want to get married in 2019? Be sure to find out when there is a birthday room. Unmarried girls It was taken back rotten eggs. They symbolized all the negative, which was spoiled, was stood. To ensure fertility, future offspring, sturdy sevenIt was necessary to get rid of the negative in this way.

The peasants on the first Tuesday after the Trinity honored horses. They hung candles for health, did not use for work.

Sayings related to the name of water:

  1. God the Trinity loves.
  2. Trinity - three days at the huts.

Perfots Day In 2018, what date will this event, as well as what exactly are its traditions and customs. Indeed, the name of this holiday in the people has survived since the pagan religion professed in Russia. But this holiday fit harmoniously in church calendar And there it can also be found, however, under a different name.

In Christianity, this day is called the Day of the Holy Spirit. It is celebrated on 51 days from the day of the onset of a big holiday Easter. Moreover, Catholics celebrate the holiday for the 50th day, and Orthodox - exactly 51 first. But to calculate the Dutch of the Day of the day at any year, you will need to know the exact date of Easter.

Easter Orthodox this year falls on April 8. Accordingly, the 51th day from the first day of the last month of spring will be May 28. It turns out that this is the date when there is a perfume in the Orthodox day in 2018.

Important! The difference of 50 and 51 days appeared not by chance. The fact is that Catholics, according to their traditions, celebrate the perfumes day always on Sunday. As for the Orthodox Church Tradition, the spirits of the day, traditionally, are on Monday.

It turns out that May 28 is exact date, Perfumes day in 2018, what is the number of Orthodox. How to calculate the date of this day from Catholics you also know now. We offer to understand more about what preserved folk traditions This day, as well as what the Church says, what should be done in the framework of the holiday and why. Pay attention to delicious.

Main customs on perfumes Day:

Church celebrations events begin with worship Great Evening. He begins at ten pm because of what and got its name. First of all, pronounced the prayer "King Heavenly", and then six more important prayers. Three times need parishioners to pray with the priest together.
Also on this day there are birchs that were bought to the trinity Saturday before. The tree was left on Saturday in the middle of the village, and on Monday called the priest here, which conducted the appropriate service.
It was taken in perfume a day be sure to walk on young grass barefoot. It was believed that the young grass has a healing force and is able to provide human health for the entire remaining year.
Also on this day, you can remember people who were buried without funeral.
In the trinity on the eve of Duhov, many are engaged in the fact that they are collecting healing herbs. On the day of the holiday described, these herbs are made to dry, and then during the year to store them for icons and take it only at extreme need: if someone in the family will get sick.
Another day in the people went to "listen to the treas". They said that the Earth begins to whisper the words and open their secrets. People believed that it was enough to fall to the Earth's Earth, and she would tell where the treasure was hidden or just that it was necessary to make a specific person to get rich.
Also, people believed that this day needed, only sitting on Earth. Then the likelihood is that the souls of dead people through the ground must hear our news.
Feed the land. Many sources emphasize that the Spirit Day was considered a female holiday. On this day, women of any age gathered together, sitting on earth and sang songs, then drove away dances. According to the old pagan tradition, such behavior contributed to the fact that people gave tribute to earth.

About the strength of the holiday

So, defined exactly when perfumes day in 2018, what date is the 28th day of the first summer month. The holiday is connected extremely many of the most different traditions. In the people in Russia, always loved this day and read, but modern urban people about many customers just forgotten. We believe that now is the time to take up their revival. Any holiday is relevant.

This holiday could wash off your sins. But it is necessary to wash not in open water bodies, namely well water. And, to wash for three days of the holiday in open reservoirs, in general, folk signs prohibited. True, some beliefs on this holiday were distributed geographically, and not everywhere. Suppose the water ritual described in this article was performed only in the Kaluga region.

Tip! If you decide to spend the ritual of cleansing sins with cold water from the well, remember that it needs to be done three days in a row: just in the morning to lean the cold water bucket and no longer wash during the day. Pre-throw a coin to the well and read prayer.

According to other traditions, on this day, the Holy Spirit descends to people. Here already rites are not pagan, but folk. People believed that the Holy Spirit begins to walk around the fields and huts, and, in the form of a begging and in need of a person. So, field work is strictly prohibited, and beggars who will be asked to spend the night in this day - they will necessarily be allowed to go to the hut.

What can not be done in the perfume:
Plow the Earth and conduct any work related to sowing.
It is impossible to easily land and conduct any field work.
It is not necessary to swim in open reservoirs, because, all the evil spirits (mermaids, water) get out during this period to warm up on the sun out of cold water abyss.
Also for the same reason as in the previous paragraph, it is not worth going to the forest alone.

As for the church beginning of the feast of the Holy Spirit, it is also called the Day of Pentecost and read about him in the Acts of Apostles. The holiday comes for the tenth day after the Ascension of the Lord or 51 days after the occurrence of Easter Christ. In 2018 in orthodox calendar The Day of the Holy Spirit is on the 28th of May.

People's celebration of perfumes Day (day of the Holy Spirit) is celebrated on the 51st day after Easter. In 2019, he falls on June 17th.


The church has established this holiday in memory of the Fathest on the Apostles of the Holy Spirit on the 50th day after Easter. It is designed to convey to people the greatness of the holy and life-giving spirit, which is the source of any life. He has all the fact that in the power of the Father and Son, except for life and death. In one God there are three faces - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This is talking about the Orthodox Church.

In the Bible, most of all mentions and reflections about the Holy Spirit occurs in John. But on the day of the holiday, the church decided to read from the 18th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. It tells the parable of the shepherd and who fought off the flock of the sheep on humanity and chill. It also says that the True Orthodox Christians are given the authorities to judge the world and how important a prayer for a person is important.

Traditions and rites

In perfume, the day of the father is sanctified well. According to belief, it is there that the mermaids are hiding after they come out of the reservoirs. Who fears the presence of water spirits in the house, puts the table with bread-salt on the courtyard. After the sprinkling of the holy water of the wells, the priest visits the housing and the walls of it.

Girls throw wreaths in the water and guess for happiness and good luck. If the wreath goes to the bottom - it's not good, and if it remains on the surface - to luck.

The oldest women are arranged the rite of "feeding the earth". They spread the tablecloths on the lawns or fields and the trapes. After time, it is interrupted that part of the dishes dissect different places And leave on Earth.

Mermaids in spirits are leaving lakes and rivers. They walk through the expanses, gifted moisture meadows and fields. After that, shoots grow thicker and colosse.

On the day of the holiday, the sacred cleansing fire comes from which the whole devilry. And the Holy Spirit descends from heaven on the eve of the holiday. He stays among people and comes to home.


What is the weather on this day, will be the following six weeks.

In perfume, it is impossible to say "water", otherwise you can die from the water. It is necessary to say "by water".

It is forbidden to stick to the ground or pull out of it.

It is impossible to catch a reflection in the water - so you can lose love.

In this article, we will tell not only about what date in 2017 will be perfumes the day, but also how it is customary to celebrate it. This is the last of the three days of the Trinity Holiday - Monday, next for Trinity Sunday. Spirits Day in 2017 will celebrate June 5. It is believed that at such time the Holy Spirit, dropping to the ground, fills all the living grace.

Celebrate the Day of the Holy Spirit is always immediately after the Trinity. He also serves as a reminder of how the Languages \u200b\u200bare fiery from heaven on the apostles after the resurrection of Christ. In the temples go services to which Orthodox rushes.

Women try to harvest healing herbs. According to people beliefs, it is in the spirits of the day they gain special strength and medical properties. Holiday work should be avoided, especially strict taboo on field work. Bottles in the garden, garden, dacha - naturally, also under the ban.

As the perfumes celebrate the day of the Orthodox

The celebration in honor of the Holy Spirit that came down to Earth begins in churches from the evening service. She follows the Liturgy of the Trinity. During the evening service, they turn to the Lord with three special prayers compiled by St. Vasily Great. When reading parishioners, for the first time after the post they kneel. On a festive day, you should visit the temple and pray.

According to the spirit of the day, the day before the sun goes, the Earth reveals the sacraments. And after reading the prayer, people in the old days went "treasure to listen", falling toward the land, waited for an answer and tips on the location of the treasure. But not everyone managed to hear the secret of the Earth, but only some, who has a good heart and good thoughts.

People believe that the day before the holiday of the Holy Spirit, as in the times of Christ, again comes to Earth, illuminating it, fills at home and fields. The people say that in spirits the day the soil harvest is pregnant, they do not touch it, they do not harm and do not plow. There is a tradition according to which married women Go to the fields, spread to the ground a tablecloth, put food and trapes. After, singing songs, part of the progressing province. The most eldest wife follows, putting a little food into the soil, cover her ground. According to the reference after such a ritual, the Earth will give birth to rich.

On the day of the Holy Spirit, all evil spirits disappear from the ground, the fire of God is afraid. This holiday is good in order to harvest herbs, helping to cope with illnesses. Plants acquire special strength, therefore medicinal herbs collect favorably. Also, the grace of Heaven is rejoiced by water, so you go to the consecrated well or a soveser on a festive monday, throw the coin, pray, smear the holy driver. Such an action will help washed sins. For the Orthodox, it is important sincerely trying prayer with faith, a moment with a throwing coin - the echo of paganism, so you can neglected this action in the ritual.

What can and what can not be done in perfume in 2017

For the Trinity, the saddimians, and especially during the Duhov of the day, work on the house and on earth is not performed. Washing, flushing floor, cleaning the holiday is not held. There is a taboo on swimming in rivers, it is connected, rather, with pagan beliefs, rather than with Orthodox, but, nevertheless, it finds a response and in our time.

Fears of people are associated with the existing legend of mermaids, which, waving at this time, can drain or tire. On this day you can drown. The same who will avoid this fate, in ancient times were called witch, because they were able to resist Charm.

The unmarried young lady should not look into the water, where it would not splash, - in a bucket or well, river or lake. Because you can "look like" fate "and stay in girls or, coming out married, face difficulties.

Another ban of the Dukhov day concerns hair wash and haircuts. Do not hold repair work, sew, etc. If you went to walk through the forest, then do not waste colors, they would not be beautiful, and do not break the branches of the trees - by this you can catch the trouble. You should not run down the street or house, you need to go calmly.

The day is recommended to focus on the soul, your own thoughts and sensations. Orthodox need to visit the service, read prayers, rushing in the heart to God. When visiting the service, it is advisable to put candles. Having rejoicing the holiday, feel that the Holy Spirit is with you. It should be reconciled with the enemies, at least mentally, promoting and forgetting the offenses who gare the fate of the soul.

Good on the grass barefoot Walk, it will give you strength. You can also arrange picnics and trapes on Earth. After the liturgy take birch branches from the temple and put next to the images. There is a legend that on this day the soul of the dead ancestors rushed their gaze on the living, they can fly to the ground and placed on these birch branches. It should be remembered by their prayer and gathering with relatives for the table rich in the table. Girls allow wreath on water and consider good signIf they are not drown, and go travel for the flow.

Orthodox should not be thought of fabulous mermaids and beliefs of pagan times. It is better to devote this day to prayers, thoughts about God, his trinity and how the amazing world he created.

Another spring Holiday- World Water day!
Every year in March, many countries of the world since 1993 support UNESCO and the International Water Supply Association, noting World Water Day ..

The ancient Greek philosopher Fales from the Milet claimed .. "The most remarkable - water! Only it can be found simultaneously in three states: a solid, liquid and gaseous .. Water - here is the very beginning of all things .. from the water things are born at the very beginning and turn into it when the final destruction, and the primancy remains unchanged, but only its state changes "..

Our connection with water exists ancient times, and our passionate desire to immerse themselves in it and experience comfort from sensations, which causes her liquid state in us, returns us back, to the very beginning of the human life and the beginning of life on earth in general .. In antiquity, the water itself He was revered as a treasure. People built their settlements near the rivers, and the river became arteries, thanks to which they lived. Wells and fountains were central points in any city or village ..

Thanks to the presence of water on Earth, there is human civilization ..
Our planet consists of water .. All living organisms are also water .. People are also water .. 2/3 of our body contain water .. in the brain of a man's man about 80%.
For a billion people on Earth, water is a luxury ..

As you know, people and animals cannot exist without water. If there were no water resources on Earth, then life would be born. Water is more expensive than gold - they considered Bedouins that all their lives were nomaded in the sands and knew the price of a throat of water .. They understood that no wealth would save the traveler in the desert if the supply of water runs out ..

Russia-Mother has always been considered one of the great aquatic powers .. Only one of the deepest - Lake Baikal has 23 thousand cubic meters of water, which is 20% of the total stock of surface fresh water in the world.

Baikal is considered the oldest source of water ... His age is several tens of millions of years. This is one of beautiful seats On the planet, which is striking the beauty and wealth of nature ..

Scientists believe that Lake Baikal will save humanity. Unless of course, humanity will be able to maintain this source of life on Earth ..

If we talk about the structure of Baikal fresh water, then this water is unique clean water on the entire planet, water without any impurities and minerals, but with large quantity oxygen. Living water In all the senses of this word ..

Water for us is the most familiar and simple substance .. At the same time, the water is in itself a lot of riddles.
Interestingly, the Orthodox Christians of the Ventation of the century also celebrate a peculiar day of water. And he comes on the third day after the celebration of the Trinity. On this day, water is a birthday boy .. As you know, water is the source of life, and she has its own holiday ..
Water has always been a big riddle for the human mind. Many incomprehensible to our mind remains even in the properties and action of water.

So, in 2006, about 1.1 billion people were not normal and safe drinking water, and more people died from floods and droughts than from other natural disasters ..
So let's take care of this divine gift of nature, do everything from us depends to save it!