Repairs Design Furniture

The smell from the ground of indoor flowers by rotten eggs. And you know why the flowers smell. These, for example, include such annuals

One of the most particular problems in the cultivation of indoor plants and garden seedlings is considered a mooring ground in a flower pot. Because of this trouble, the leaves fall out from the flower, plants, and the mold appears in the ground, rotten, unpleasant smell or flying midges that feed on rapidly rotting roots. The first symptom of excess moisture in the ground becomes a white raid on its surface. How to remove the smell and get rid of it, and what to do with a flower?

If the earth in a flower pot or in the garden was filled, then emergency measures must be taken to save the flower. How to save the flooded flower at the cottage? The first thing the flower of the pot needs to be removed and leave for a few hours to get drying. It is advisable to put a flower into a new soil, but if necessary, you can save the old ground with reuse. To do this, it must be treated with antibacterial solutions and disappear in the microwave oven for 15 minutes. After that, the soil dried well and use for landing.

If the earth in a flower pot has not yet been covered with green mold, then the symptoms of the moisure are eliminated quite easily. A little clay, sand or wood ash, which absorb unnecessary moisture poured over the soil. You can also make the soil loop with a wooden stick and make deep punctures in it, which eliminate excessive humidity. The easiest way to dry the soil is to lay the soil in a pot of conventional paper napkins. It is very important if problems occur with the soil, check the drainage openings of the planting capacity. After all, they can be clogged, because of what the earth in a flower pot is constantly wet and does not enhance. How to make kashpo for flowers with your own hands, you can find out.

Flip on the surface

If the earth in a flower pot receives an excess water, then a white or yellow flare appears on the surface of the soil. The main reason for this is watering very hard water. Because of this, a lime precipitate is formed on the surface of the soil, and it whites. Eliminate this problem in several ways. The first of which begin - exclude watering flowers with water straight from the tap. It should be staying for one day. An abnormal acid can be added to the water. For one liter of water, the floor of a teaspoon of substances, due to this, it is possible to neutralize lime compounds.

In addition, for the prevention of the formation of white plaque, the soil is covered with a clay, which absorbs excess moisture. And you can also sprinkle the soil in a potted river sand, which loosen together with the Earth. Such events have a favorably affect the health of the roots of the flower. The next way to eliminate excess moisture is the removal of the upper layer of the Earth and adding a dry leaf land into the pot. The most faithful and easy way to eliminate plaque on the ground is to install a water filter in the house, which will soften hard water. Even to mitigate the water in it, rag bags with peat are lowered.

Mold in KashPu

When the earth in a flower pot is very wet, then it becomes a breeding ground page for breeding mold, so the plant needs to ensure the right watering and good drainage holes that will not allow water stagnation. If the soil is already molding and the soil black bugs started up, then watering is immediately stopped, and the root system of the plant is dried. The outer layer of the soil must be removed at an altitude of at least 2 cm and replace it with a fresh substrate.

If these activities did not give a positive result and the land in a flower pot remained moist, then you will have to replace all the soil. Before planting a flower, along with an earthen room, remove from the pot and leave for a minimum for a minimum one day. Old land must be thrown out, but a new to disappear at high temperatures. If a ceramic pot is used for landing, it should be quickened. The ceramic pot needs to boil in water within a few minutes.

When the earth molds in a plastic pot, it is better to throw it out, because on its walls there are arguments of mushrooms that will multiply in new soil. At the bottom, the pot must be a drainage layer of clay. The top layer of soil is sprinkled with sand, which will help to avoid increased humidity.

Moshki in the ground

Sometimes the earth in the flower pot is covered with small midges that feed on rot. The first of which begin to fight with midges in orchids is the removal of all the faded and poorly rotting of the flower, which feeds the harmful microorganisms and insects. It is very difficult to fight them, so it's easier to get rid of the old soil, rinse the roots of the flower and plant it into a new, steedy substrate. It is also necessary to process the roots before the transplant.

The overwhelmed earth in a flower pot willingly attracts small pests that lay their eggs on the ground. To prevent such trouble, the top layer of the soil flower should always be dry, and in a pot it is necessary to provide sufficient drainage holes. To prevent the breeding of the midges, the room in the house should be regularly ventilated and process with special drugs against insects.

Next to home plants are desirable to hang flies, as these insects are the cells of all sorts of plant diseases. Even to combat midges you can use folk remedies. For example, take 20 g of household soap and grate it. Next, to dissolve it in a liter of water and spray with this composition flowers once a week. Even the land in the pot is watered with a weak solution of manganese, which also gives a good effect.

Unpleasant smell from soil in a flower pot

When the earth in a flower pot makes an unpleasant smell, stinks, then this suggests that there is mold and pathogenic bacteria.

So that the land does not smell, it is necessary to remove the upper part of the soil. The remaining soil is treated with a disinfecting solution of Fundazola or water with manganese. The missing part of the soil is replaced with fresh soil, which is pre-tapped in a microwave oven for 15 minutes. Next, it is well dried and placed in a flower pot. It is also important to monitor drainage holes that can be clogged.

Why do animals eate and dig earth?

Typically dig or eating land, grass, coal young puppies Alala and kittens that only master the new world and try to taste everything. How to wean a puppy or baby if he climbs and rakes the soil? Moves the animals ordinary curiosity, so after several attempts to eat the ground stops everything. The puppy of that terrier will understand that the land is not delicious and will not try to try again. However, this feature is not curiosity, but the cause of the psychological state of a dog or a cat. It happens that due to the fact that the animal does not feel comfortable in the house or experiences hostility to a new family member.

Perhaps the owner does not apply to a cat or a dog, punishes him, and he takes it in this way. Sometimes animals gnaw and rubbing furniture, walls or shoes of their master. Therefore, in order to understand why the animal licks the clay and the sand, dig or eats the ground from the flower pot, it is necessary to examine his health, for example, on a feline anemia. If the reasons are broken in the personal hostility of the animal or in psychological discomfort, the owner and its households should give a pet more affection. It is very important to communicate more with the pet, to give him time, praise him, play with animals.

Signs about a flower pot in a dream

When flowers are shot in pots, this is one of the most favorable plots that predicts good luck and success in the future. Perhaps ahead of man is waiting for a large material remuneration, or it will buy expensive property. However, such an interpretation is true in the case when the flower did not fall and dreamed of flowering, green and fresh. If in a dream a man sees the sluggish, dried flowers, then it can talk about trouble in the future. For example, it will appear at work, financial losses or quarrels in the family. When the flower appears in a dream, this is talking about diseases.

If, in a dream, a man dropped and broke a blank pot on the floor in the room, wrapped the land from a pot or broke it, then this could foreshadow in the future in the family, right up to the divorce. Also scattered land at night talks about diseases, loss of loved ones or financial difficulties. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the prediction of dreams may depend on who the flower pot has dreamed. For example, if a beautiful flower dreamed of a young girl, her wedding is waiting for her. For women, older blooming flower speaks of possible pregnancy, and the elderly ladies are such a dream with the presence of sexual diseases.

Earth decoration in pot

When the earth is decorated in a flower pot, then in most cases a small gravel is used, which is painted with multi-colored dyes.

Painted pebbles are washed with water and fall asleep in a flower pot of a layer to 2 cm. If desired, patterns, drawings or ornaments are desired from colored stones. The main thing is to show fantasy and use the stones of different sizes for mulching, ranging from 2-3 mm and ending with large instances up to 1 cm.

Also for decorating the upper layer of the soil, fine orange gravel or coarse-gravel, painted sand, which can be bought in a flower shop.

Typically, the soil is decorated for cacti of different sizes in landscape design. Group landing of succulents of different varieties, which are decorated with multi-colored pebbles, are very impressive. Even for decorating you can use sea, fine pebbles, pebbles. For plants that needed increased humidity, a sfagnum moss is used, which makes the surface of the ground saturated green. If the moss has lost its beneficial properties, then its top layer becomes brown. In this case, it is replaced with a new moss. Many useful information in the article :.

When you should water

Errors when watering occurs quite often. Many novice flower products overestimate the necessary need for plants in moisture act with the slogan: "no longer less", while surprising that they are nevertheless growing poorly. But the plants themselves best tell us when they needed watering. Our business is only in the ability to notice it.

Sample soil by pressing the index finger so that it is immersed in the soil at a depth of about 1 cm, you will feel whether it is still wet enough.

Watering should be done only when most of the moisture contained in the soil is spent. But you should not wait for the appearance of typical signals talking about the lack of moisture. When the soil dries up on so much that it moves away from the walls of the dishes, then, when watering, water is instantly thrown out of the pot and practically does not have time to crash with the soil and its insignificant part reaches the roots. To prevent such a thing, try as often as possible to check the soil on the humidity. The easiest way to do is to try the ground in a pot of finger. You should press the index or thumb to its immersion in the soil about the depth of one centimeter. If you feel that under the dry upper layer, the soil is still wet enough - do not hurry to take a watering can.

You can still raise a pot when this makes the size of the plant, and estimate its weight. If moisture in the soil contains a little, then the pot will be tangible. In this way, you can check the water content in all the soil, and not only in the surface layer. This method is especially convenient for plastic pots, due to their small-scale weight. When it comes to the clay pots, you should pay attention to their walls: the dark red color speaks about sufficient moisture content in the soil. With the dry soil of the wall, the pot becomes light yellow.

It is still possible to determine the soil moisture in the so-called "Cutting Method", the truth that requires a certain experience. To do this, take a pot in your hand and knock on it with a wooden wand, a pencil or a tip of the nail. If the soil is wet in it, the sound will be sufficiently deaf, with dry ground - more ringing.

The general rules of watering does not exist and each plant needs its own regime, but simplified, depending on the needs of specific plant species in moisture, watering in the intensity can be divided into:

Abundant watering.

Plants are watered immediately after driving the earth coma. Such watering is required by most tropical plants having thin and gentle leaves (begonia, allocation, heliotrope, phyttonium), as well as some of the plants with leathery leaves (ficus, lemon, ivy, oleander)

Moderate watering.

Plants are watered after one or two days after the earthlings burned. These include plants with fleshy or high-heaved stems and leaves (columbus, peperomy), with thick roots and rhizomes (drazes, palm trees, aroid, aspidistra), as well as having aquifers on the roots (chlorophyteum, asparagus, maranta) and bulbous. For some plant species, light drying is a prerequisite during the rest period, as it stimulates the bookmark and ripening of floral kidney (clivia, siegocactus).

Rare watering.

Plants remain dry for several days, weeks or even months. These include cacti and succulents, as well as leaf padded tuber and bulbous, in need of resting period (Gloxy, Crynum, Caladium, Hippeastrum).

Signs of insufficient or excess watering

With excess watering, the ends of the leaves become brown with severe yellowing

For a number of signs, it is enough to simply recognize when the plants clearly suffer from lack of moisture. The soil sinks and departs from the walls of the pot, the tree of the tree flood the leaves, and in herbaceous - not only leaves, but even the trunk itself. Other signs can tell us that although the plant is watered regularly, but it all does not get the amount of water that needs it - the leaves are flexible, their tips and edges become brown, flowers and buds fall.

When watering cold water on the leaves of Saintpolya, yellowish gray spots may appear

Excessive watering can be the cause of root rotting, the consequences of which can be the saddest. When rooting roots, water ceases to flow to the plant, as a result of which it behaves the same way as with a lack of moisture. Therefore, if the plant drooped, first of all it is necessary to check the moisture content of the soil, and, if it is raw, try to carefully remove the plant from the pot.

Make it easier to "catchy out" him from the pot, while turning the "down head" and holding a pot with one hand, and the other is the land so that it is not very scattered. If the earthen com, yet, so simply not separated from the pot, then you need to carefully knock the pot on the edge of the table. After removing the plant from the pot, carefully inspect him the roots. They should be bright or even white tips. If they are brown and the smell of rot, then, in this case, it is necessary to cut off the affected areas and transplant the plant into fresh land.

Watering disorders

Signs of lack of water:

Signs of excess water:

  • Founding leaves, loss of turgora leaves and shoots.
  • Flowers and buds quickly fade or even fall.
  • In plants with gentle and soft leaves (wet vanka) they become sluggish and lowered. In plants with leathery and hard leaves (laurel, ficus, oleander Mirate, etc.) they dry out and begin to crumble (first of all fall out old leaves)
  • Founding leaves, while there are soft sections with signs of rot.
  • Yellow, crushed and fool, with brown tips, leaves.
  • Slow growth
  • Mold on flowers.
  • Feed up both old and young leaves.

Flowers smell due to phytoncides contained in essential oils. Phytoncides. - Special substances that produce plants themselves to protect against diseases and insect pests. The term is formed from the Greek words Fiton - the plant and Cedere - kill. These protective substances suppress the growth of bacteria and kill microbes. In different species of plants, phytoncides have a different chemical composition.

These may be organic acids, essential oils (like velvetsev). Most phytoncides are volatile and stand out only by alive plants. It is necessary to harvest herbs during a certain period to save phytoncides. After cutting, the ability to produce phytoncides from colors retains only wild peony.

Essential oils act as transpiration regulators - water evaporation by plants. Epiphany, essential oils surround the plant by an invisible cloud and protect it from overheating during the day and from supercooling at night. Air mixed with essential oil pairs are less permeable for thermal rays. Many have a fragrance, but it is not always pink, there are roses with an atypical aroma for it, for example, hygintage, musky or violet.

The smells of some plants scare insects, even cattle bypassing the side of strongly smelling herbs. Due to its aroma, such plants are better preserved and defeated in the struggle for existence.

A strong rescued smell of wormwood, mint, lavender scares mosquitoes, midges and moths, and the velvets, at the expense of their smell, free the earth around themselves from pests.

Small doses of camphore or musk, present in plant flavors, excite the activity of the brain; Increases the power of reduction of the heart muscle bitter smell of wormwood. It is known that roses aroma drives sad thoughts and raises the mood, and Jasmine contributes to strengthening performance, increases perception and gives peace. As for the fragrance of violets, he instills optimism and gives strength to self-immoving. The smell of iris improves the smell and gives new life impulses. Bergamot Fruit Aroma (evergreen tree of the kind of citrus) has harmonizing properties and is considered a valuable means of depression, as well as severe mental states. Citrus smells reinforce the body energy and revive the joy of movement. The flavor helps to find an internal equilibrium and keep calm, and the smell of the honeysuckle helps to perceive the problems calmly and healthy.

Aromatic cloves for a long time applied in perfumery and medicine. Back in the III century BC, the carnation was used as a deodorant. In China, before the meeting with the emperor, it was necessary to chew a carnation to be smelling from the mouth with a conversation. Flowers are added to tea to strengthen its fragrance. Essential oils incense, isolated from various types of incense, are indispensable in aromatherapy. Frequently, Ladan was famous for the oldest incense.

The reasons are that all varieties of colors have certain smells, are studied for many decades. Versions explaining such an effect there are several. The most common opinion is the effect of aroma on attracting insects who actively participate in pollination. Incorrect participation in pollination of flowers

The main reason for the occurrence of a fragrance in the flower is the high content of essential oils in the petals. The set of elements differs depending on the type of plant, so the smell of different flowers differs from each other. Under the influence of air temperature or by moisturizing petals, essential oils begin the evaporation process. Thanks to this process, a characteristic fragrance appears

Particles of essential oils for a long time circling around the plant. That is why people prone to allergic reactions try to avoid close contact with flowers. Otherwise, the smallest droplets of evaporating substances fall into the respiratory tract and become the cause of tears, a cold or even choking.

Essential oils are contained not only in the petals, but also in the leaves, shoots and even the crust of trees. As a result of the interaction of existing components, different

People share the smells of colors into several categories - pleasant and unpleasant, sweet and tart. Some plants are of great popularity as a gift precisely thanks to their aroma. The smell function is absolutely different.

The main goal of the flavor for the flower is to attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, most flowering plants are pollinated due to the winged assistants. Only a small number of their number is capable of self-effective or transfer their pollen through the air.

Essential oils become not only reasons of smells, but also play the role of reliable flower protection. The fact is that their particles for a long time are preserved around the bud in the form of a thin veil, which prevents excessive overheating or suscoolauts of petals. Volatile oils are complex chemical compounds with different composition and properties

The smell of some colors is changing during the day. There are plants that, for example, differ in particularly saturated aroma at night at night. Due to this way of life necessary for pollination of insects

Some flowers have a completely not attractive aroma. However, for a separate category of insects, it is the most efficient beacon, and they take unpleasant smell for products from their main diet.

Beginner flowerflowers sooner or later face the problem of the opposite layer of the substrate in the pot, and often it causes anxiety for room plants. In fact, such a state of soil is not a serious problem that is able to severely harm the plant, but the concomitant factors are dangerous. Today we will consider in detail the reasons for the occurrence of a white plaque and we will analyze how to cope with this problem and what to do in the future to prevent such a state of the substrate again.

Problems with Earth in the pot

Very often indoor flowers die due to improper care, which primarily affects the substrate and thus harms the roots of the plant.

White raid on the surface

When the substrate in a flower pot is a sign that the plant is incorrectly careful, so it is necessary to identify the factors that caused the emergence of the problem.
Causes of appearance

There are several reasons for the occurrence of the Whisper Substrate, among them allocate:

  • Too frequent watering - Salts appear on the surface of the soil due to active evaporation of water.
  • Irregular meager watering - Salts can accumulate on the surface of the soil. In this case, the lower layer of the soil in the pot is petrified, and water moisturizes the top layer of the substrate, which causes the appearance of a white fly.
  • Insufficient air humiditymakes to intensively evaporate the liquid that fell into a flower pot - in this case, the salt is actively accumulated on the top layer of the substrate. The soil becomes saline, which affects the normal development of plants.
  • Oversupply fertilizer. If the flowers feed very often or the concentration of the feeding is too high, the substrate can be covered with white crust.
  • Incorrectly selected substrate for growing room colors. By purchasing it in the store, pay attention to the label. There are cases of purchasing a universal substrate, which is used to grow seedlings. Such soil is specially processed by numerous feeders in order to stimulate the rapid growth of seeds. In this regard, on the surface, the white flare begins to form, and it can adversely affect the health of indoor flowers.
  • Failure to comply with the ratio of the volume of the pot to the size of the plant. As you know, experienced flowers recommend choosing a pot size in such a way that it is only a little more than a plant that will be planted in it. If you neglect this rule and purchase a large pot of large, fall asleep there a lot of substrate and plant a small plant, then its roots will not be able to absorb moisture, which will be included in the soil. Thus, with active evaporation of the liquid, the surface quickly covers a white bloom.

There are several options for dealing with a white bloom on the soil in flower pots. You need to choose a more suitable way according to the reason for the appearance of this problem.

To fall on the substrate formed slower and was almost impaired, it is recommended to sprinkle it from above with its clay.

It is worth considering the fact that after a certain time, the white bloom can settle on the clay: in this case, the upper drainage is cleaned, washed well and lay out back into the pot.

There is another option to combat the problem - for this use river sand. It is falling asleep over the substrate and well loose soil with a wooden stick. Such manipulation will not only avoid the appearance of a white plaque on the substrate, but will also be useful to roots.

The fastest and easiest way is to remove the upper layer of the substrate with the Whisper Earth, and fresh soil falls asleep instead.
If you have established that the reason for the appearance of a white plaque on the ground is dry air indoor, it is recommended to install a pot on the pallet with a clay, which is regularly sprayed with water from the sprayer. Thus, you will create the necessary humidity around the pot and prevent the development of the problem.

Mold in KashPu

Often the occurrence of white plaque is associated with the biological cause - the development of the argument of fungi and the appearance of mold on the substrate. Such a situation provokes the wrong flower care or the effect of other negative environmental factors.

Did you know? Mold belongs to the most ancient living organisms on the planet: it appeared more than 200 million years ago. During the existence, the mold was able to adapt to the most complex natural conditions and survive on glaciers, in radioactive zones and open space.

Often the first mold appears in the place where the soil and pot comes into contact. The effect of such an interaction is characterized by a white or brownish flare, which spreads at a huge speed. If you do not struggle with the cause of the development of this problem, the air is saturated with a large number of ridge fungus, and after a while there are rapidly developing colonies of fungi, and the flower dies.

Causes of appearance

In most cases, the occurrence of mold in the pot is a consequence of the influence on the substrate of any negative factors.

In this case, several reasons for the development of mold are distinguished:

  1. Excessive watering and stagnation of fluid in the substrate. As a result of constant conjunction, the spores of the fungus are developing rapidly, and mold is formed.
  2. Low temperature and high indoor air humidity - a favorable environment for the development of fungus.
  3. Regular watering with cold water.
  4. The disregard of the drainage or incorrect use leads to blockage of the holes in the pot and provokes stagnation of water in the ground, which becomes the reason for the spread of the fungus.
  5. Use already infected soil mold disputes for falling flowers.

Important! Often, the fungus develops in poorly ventilated rooms in the spring and autumn period, when air humidity is increased, the apartment is cold, and the evaporation of moisture from the soil is minimal.

Often the reason for the development of mold in the pot is excessive watering and humidity, therefore, if fungal foci was noticed in the substrate, you must first of all correct the scruption schedule. To do this, the frequency of watering is reduced and the volume of fluid decreases.

If the flower requires a rare, but abundant irrigation, it is necessary after each soil moisturizing to bundle a substrate with a wooden stick, to the maximum depth, reaching the drainage.

When looming, it is necessary to act very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

In order to protect the flower from damage and remove mold from the pot, it is recommended to do the following manipulations:

  1. Shipping the outer part of the substrate affected by fungus. It is necessary to do this manipulation immediately as soon as the first foci of mold fungus was detected. If you look at the removal, the infection will begin to penetrate into the inner layer of the soil, which will provoke the rotation and death of the plant.
  2. Process the lower layer of substrate with acidic water. To do this, a teaspoon of citric acid dissolves in a glass of water. Thanks to such a liquid, the spore fungus will not multiply and will soon die.
  3. The missing part of the substrate in the pot is filled with a new soil, which add bactericidal agents designed specifically in order to resist fungi. For this suitable charcoal, crushed into small pieces, or sphagnum.
  4. After the manipulations of the substrate are watered with a solution of "Fundazola" (1 l of water and 2 g of means). If the mold struck the flower, it is also processed by this solution from the pulverizer.

Process the bottom layer of citric acid substrate

If you have noticed that the mold spread to the lower layers of the substrate, you can try to save the flower by transplanting it. To do this, it should be carefully removed from the pot, to clean the roots from the substrate as thoroughly. Next, make the flower planting in the usual way.

Some flower products use chemicals that are designed to combat mold, you can find more about them in a specialized store.

Important! When selecting such funds, it is necessary to carefully familiarize themselves with the label on the preparation for confidence that it will not harm the plant.

Moshki in the ground

Often indoor flowers are affected by midges, which appear due to non-compliance with the rules of care. Sciarids are considered the most common - floral midges, which focus both on the soil and on the green part of the plant. Do not harm the flower, but their larvae can cause strong damage - affect growth, lead to fading leaves and flowers.
Causes of appearance

Among the main causes of the occurrence of midges are distinguished:

  1. Excessive watering of plants. Constantly moistened soil is an ideal place for livelihoods and breeding midges.
  2. Earth's infection that was purchased to transplantation plants.
  3. Watering a flower with liquids that are not intended for these purposes. For example, some hostesses prefer to water the plants of a tea welding, which sometimes becomes the cause of pest defeat.

There are several effective methods that are able to cope with pests. These include: physical, chemical and folk.

Physical methods of destruction of pests imply:

  • transplant to new soil. For this, the flower is neatly removed from the pot, the roots are cleaned from infected soil, and a transplantation is produced in the usual way, given all the features of the plant;

Important! A pot in which there was a flower, it is necessary to wash well with soapy and quivel.

  • particular substrate replacement. If the midges divorced not much, you can remove them by replacing the upper layer of the soil. For this, it is neatly scraped and thrown out, and emptiness fall asleep with fresh substrate.

Chemicals for the destruction of pests are acquired in specialized stores. It is simple to use such tools, and they quickly cope with the task. Such drugs are represented in the form of "Mukhaled", "Agrantina" ,. It is necessary to use them in accordance with the instructions that are indicated on the label.

Among the folk remedies in the fight against midges are allocated to use:

  • marthansya solution. To do this, in a liter of water is divorced - on the tip of the knife so that the liquid is painted in a light pink shade. Flower watered the resulting mixture once every 5 days and regularly sprayed with a pulverizer;
  • programming. These include tobacco, garlic or orange peel, which are distributed over the surface of the substrate. Such means through the smell scare the midges and do not give them normally exist.

Video: How to get rid of midges with cinnamon

Unpleasant smell from soil in a flower pot

Sometimes it happens that the soil in the pot begins to smell it unpleasantly - this is a sign of the zaking of the substrate and start the process of rotting the root system of the flower. This problem is directly related to incorrect care, and in order to save the plant, it is necessary to act immediately as you noticed the first signs of zaksania.

Causes of appearance

Among the most common causes of soil screams are distinguished:

  1. Incompute plant transplant from the substrate in which it was at purchase in a flower shop. Such a soil is too moisture and often becomes the beginning of the plant rotting.
  2. Growing in heavy clay soil, which is not suitable for this plant and provokes to post it.
  3. Excessive regular watering, especially during the winter period, or the movement of the flower into the darkened, cold place.
  4. Lack of drainage or drainage holes.
  5. Non-compliance of sizes potted plant sizes.

Due to the soil zaking, the risk of complete death of the plant is very high, so in order to save it, it is necessary to remove the flower from the pot and inspect the root system. If the roots are not damaged, the excavation comes in a newspaper or a special absorbent material in several layers. The plant is placed in a warm place, away from direct sunlight.

Periodically change the moisture material until the time until the liquid ceases to be selected from the ground.
After coming, it is dipped into perlite and planted in an old pot. Some time after disembarking, it is recommended to loose soil to provide air access to the root system of the plant.

If after you have taken an earthen kom, the roots are discovered, it should be resorted to a plant transplant to a new substrate. For this root, the plants are maximally cleaned from the old substrate, the rotten roots are cut off and processed the location of the cut with crowded wood or activated carbon. Next, the plant is planted in fresh land.

Did you know? Experienced flowerflowers It is often used as a drainage - it is able to absorb salts that will save the soil from zaksania. Having accumulating an excess liquid, coal prevents overlapping, and during the absence of irrigation gives moisture a plant.

Preventive measures

In order not to expose the plants with tests in the form of mold fungi, midges or zaksing the substrate, it is necessary to follow some rules in the care of the soil in flower pots and regularly resort to prophylaxis.

Preventive measures include:

  1. Regular, but not excessive watering.
  2. Choosing a pot according to the size of the plant.
  3. Good drainage, which is selected in the size of the hole in the pot, so that there is no blockage them.
  4. Regular soil looser for normal access of oxygen and leakage of the liquid to the lower layers of the substrate.
  5. Soil treatment with a weak milgantaneous solution is 1 time per month.
  6. Systematic ventilation of a room in which plants are located, maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity.
  7. The use of high-quality soil, which is sold in specialized stores and packed in factory packages.
  8. Disinfection of the purchase of soil before falling down potassium permanganate flower.

Thus, the appearance of mold, white plaque, unpleasant odor or midges in the soil of flower pots are directly related to the wrong leaving for plants. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the flower care and abide by the measures of prevention, and in the event of any problem, it immediately acts in order to preserve the plant healthy.