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Activator of living and dead water with your own hands. How to make live water at home: recipes, specifics of live and dead water. Improving health, organism normalization

The installation has a multipurpose appointment from its own healing and treatment of wounds, to the extension of seeds and accelerate plant growth.

In fact, it is noticed that if vibrant water (anolyte) water the plants in winter, they begin to bloom.

Ranks treated with dead water (Catholic) are heal faster. In terms of recovery of your own body, I can only say one thing, it is purely individual and voluntary.

Articles on the use of water broken on the faction at one time was published a lot - if you wish, you can easily find them.

You can collect this device without any preliminary preparation from quite reducing funds found without leaving home.

Main parts - electrodes. There are no special difficulties in the manufacture of special difficulties. The only thing that must be noted is the material from which they are made should be only food stainless steel. Technical, as you know, it will not go for such an installation.

As can be seen from the drawing - nothing complicated, two g-shaped platinum with a hole for fasteners and contact.

One plate has such a kind of propyl - when flexing at an angle of medium protrusions, it is a hook for hanging the bag.

On the second plate to make such a fixing propyl not necessarily.

The next part for the manufacture is a plate of stiffness. It is intended in order that during the operation of the device did not touch the electrodes in any way among themselves. 220V in the water, you know, the thing is unpleasant.
When used as a carrier design of a conventional polyethylene cover for the jar, this plate will not be superfluous, since when working a ruble, there is a small, albeit almost imperceptible, heating, and how heated polyethylene behaves known. So, just in case it does not hurt.

The next part is a bag for collecting Catholyte. Here, without female hands, it will be hard for sure.

Bag material is a thin tarpaulin. For example, I was useful for a tarpaulin from a gas mask bag. Selection criterion - severe air blowing through it. Synthetic materials are better not to apply - what kind of nastyness will be allocated to guess in the work.

When these components are ready, you can be taken behind the lid. Suitable the most common lid for the jar. It needs to do 3 holes: 2 fasteners, one gas feeding.

During the operation of the device, the gas is noticeable about the plates. Apparently processing is based on the type of weak hydrolysis, respectively, the gas isolation is a by-product. This hole is just to align the pressure inside and outside the jar with a closed lid.

The order of assembling the device is clearly visible in the figure below:

As you can see, nothing complicated. It can be noted that the nuts on each bolt must be two. One for fasteners of the electrode, the other to ensure reliable contact. For contact, platforms from diodes of type KD202 are applied, shed between two washers.

As a diode, you can apply any with a working voltage of about 400 volts. The only condition - it is necessary to connect it as shown in the picture, otherwise you can do not in the bag, but around it, i.e. All the opposite.

If you apply a diode kD202, then you can fix the anode plate directly to its thread, notice - anodic, because On the housing he has an anode. And the cathode is then connected directly to 220.

True, I myself applied a diode bridge at all. How you yourself understand the two-time rectifier and productivity twice as much.

Operating can notice the following:

  • The edges of the bag must be slightly higher than the water level so that it does not mix fractions.
  • Exposure time is 10-15 minutes. Or to easy heating cans. You can certainly lift the literature and measure the acidity of Catholyte with lactium paper, etc., but it seems to me that is superfluous. The fortress of Catholyte can be determined by smell.
  • Do not use water directly from the tap. With a chlorine contained in it, it can be assumed that HCl will be present in the Catholyte, i.e. hydrochloric acid. Water needs to be defeated at least 4-5 hours.

All sizes are given at the rate of the 3-liter bank.

Addition From our reader Mikhail Klychkov ( [Email Protected])

Hello. The described method for obtaining "live" water has one drawback. The fact is that using the separation bag is quite troublesome. It is necessary to get a "live" water very carefully, so as not to mix with the "Dead". It is not comfortable.

I came across an article with a different way to get a "alive" and "dead" water.

The essence is as follows. Not one dielectric capacity for water is needed, but two. Capacity is needed without Gorlovin, i.e. With straight walls. We put the tank next to a small gap and pour about approximately an approximately equal amount of water (but not before the edge).

In one container place the anode, in another cathode. Now small subtlety. You need to make a conductor for installation between the capacitors. To do this, a clean cotton roll is wrapped in a clean gauze and wetted with water. All this is placed between the banks in such a way that the ends of the harness were in both banks, i.e. We connect the liquids of cans with such a kind of jumper. On this jumper and the ions will move and accumulate in different containers.

After the "separation" of the water, it will only be enough to turn off the voltage and remove the "jumper" - "alive" water in one bank, "dead" to another.

In the same article, it is indicated that in the gap of one wire, which comes from the rectifying bridge into the electrical network, you need to turn on the electric bulb 15 ... 25 W 220 V (such low-power apparently put in refrigerators, to highlight sewing machines, etc.).

First, it will protect the scheme from a possible short circuit (when "k / s" in the circuit, the light bulb will fill full of heat). And secondly, it is needed as an indicator of the end of the process. We begin to divide the water - the light burns. Gradually brightness of its glow decreases. When the lamp completely goes out, the separation of water can be considered completed.

I hope this information will be useful.

Treatment of diseases of living water

Name of the disease

Procedure procedures


Prostate adenoma

Within 5 days 4 times a day for 30 minutes. Before eating taking 0.5 cups J. water

After 3 - 4 days, the mucus is distinguished, there is no desire to urinate. On the 8th day, the tumor pass.

For 3 days 5 times a day after eating rinse throat M. water and after each rinse drink 0.25 cup J. water

The temperature decreases on the first day, the disease passes through the third day

Hold pain and foot

3 times a day before eating take 0.5 cups M. Water for 3 days

Pain ceases on the first day

Inflammation of the liver

For 4 days a day, take 4 times at 0.5 glasses of water. In the 1st day - only M., and in the following - J. Water

Inflammatory processes, closed jaws of furunculae

For 2 days apply the compress to the inflamed area moistened with heated M. Water

Heals for 2 days


For 1-2 days in the morning, rinse cracks M. water, then apply tampons with J. water by changing them as drying

Bleedings are stopped, cracks are healing within 3 days


During the day, take 2 times 0.5 cup M. water

Pressure is normalized


During the day 2 times take 0.5 cup J. water

Pressure is normalized

Purulent wounds

Wound rinse M. water, and after 5 minutes J. water, then 5-6 times a day J. Water

For 5-6 days heals


Drink 0.5 cups M. water

Passes 30-50 minutes

During the day 8 times rinse nose and mouth M. water, drink 0.5 cups at night J. water

During the day, the flu disappears

Smell of foot

Wash the legs with warm water, wipe dry, moisten M. water, and after 10 minutes J. water and give dry

Unpleasant smell disappear


Rinse the mouth M. Water 5-10 minutes

The pain disappears

Drink 0.5 cups J. water


For 2 days to drink 4 times a day at 0.5 cups after meals J. water


Warm M. and J. water up to 37-40 degrees and drank overnight M. water, and after 15-20 minutes to dig J. water. Procedure to repeat 2-3 days

After one procedure, the colpit passes

Hygiene face

In the morning and in the evening after washing to wipe the face first M. Water, sweat J. Water

Distribution disappears, acne, face becomes more tender

Lishe, eczema

For 3-5 days, the affected area is wetted with water and let dry, after which it is 5-6 times a day. J. water (in the morning moisten M., and after 10-15 minutes J. water and another 5-6 times J. during the day)

Cured for 3-5 days

Washing hair

Wash your head shampoo, wipe, wash your hair M. water, and after 3 minutes J. Water

Dandruff disappears, hair becomes softer

In the presence of bubbles - water, they need to pierce the affected area, moisten M. water, and after 5 minutes J. water. Then for a day 7-8 times wet J. water. Procedures conduct 2-3 days

Burns heal in 2-3 days

Drink 0.5 cups M. water, if for an hour did not stop, repeat the procedure

Abdominal pain is stopped in 20-30 minutes

Cut, injection, gap

Rinse wound M. Water and bandage

Heals for 1-2 days


During the day 3 times before meals drink 3/4; Stakana J. water

Pain passes throughout the day, sometimes in 20-40 minutes

Expansion of veins, bleeding from broken knots

Rinse swollen and bleeding plots M. water, then smoother a piece of gauze J. Water and attach to the swollen veins. Inside Take 0.5 cup M. water, and after 2-3 hours start receiving 0.5 cup J. Water with gaps 4 hours 4 times a day. The procedure is repeated within 2-3 days.

Sections of the discarded veins are absorbed, wounds are healing

Improving health, organism normalization

In the morning and in the evening after receiving food rinse mouth M. water and drink 0.5 cup J. water alkalin 6-7 units

M. - Dead water
J. - Live water

Live and dead water has many features and healing qualities. This is the rarest and versatile agent that is able to assist in the fight against various diseases.

Before you start treating these products, you need to diagnose the body. It is recommended to consult a doctor and go through the necessary medical research.

Activated water is a good auxiliary means for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Useful qualities The liquid stores only a couple of days, because its benefits are rapidly lost.

What is live water

In ancient Russian tales, living water could only be obtained from healing sources, but in reality such a fluid is formed by simple chemical processes. Its preparation occurs with the help of special devices.

In them, the liquid is subjected to electrolysis, which is why water gets positive (dead) or negative (live) electric potential. During electrolysis, the properties of water are improved. It is cleaned of harmful chemical compounds, pathogenic microorganisms and impurities.

Composition and features

The accurate property of living water (Catholitha) is its pH level, which is equal to or exceeds the value of 8. Due to this, it has a biostimulating effect, restores immunity, has antioxidant properties.

Positive qualities of living water lead to the activation of all natural processes in the human body, to improving appetite and metabolism, normalization of blood pressure, improving the overall state of health. Catholol accelerates healing of wounds, breakingles, burns, peptic formations in the stomach and intestines. Regular fluid intake contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles and improving hair growth.

The means there are no side effects, and therefore it is not harmful to health. Catholith must be kept in a dark room in a closed vessel. But even with proper storage after 2 days, the liquid will lose its positive biochemical qualities, so it must be used as quickly as possible.

The level of PH in dead water (anolyte) does not exceed 6. The fluid has an antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-allergenic effect. Anolyte has antimetabolic and cytotoxic qualities, effectively fighting inflammation.

The set of useful qualities determine the disinfecting properties of dead water. It is used for disinfection of clothing, dishes or medical instruments. With the help of the anolyte, we have wet cleaning indoors. It is useful to do if the room is a person who is sick of infectious pathology.

Anolyte helps with colds, diseases of ears, nose or nasopharynx. For the prevention of influenza, you can carry out daily rinsing of the throat. In addition, the reception of dead water soothes the nervous system, lowers pressure, reduces pain in the joints, prevents the formation of kidney stones.

How to make live water apparatus

The device for living and dead water is simple enough, so its installation does not take much time and effort. For the manufacture you will need a glass vessel, a pair of wires, a source of electricity and a piece of fabric.

To make an electrolyzer, a bag made of a block of fabric fabric is placed in a glass jar. The fabric is fixed in such a way that it can easily get it. Then take a pair of wires (preferably from stainless metal). One is placed in the bag, and the other in a glass vessel. To bring the device to action, connect the wires to the DC source.

The electroactive will not work when connecting to a power source with alternating current. To convert an alternating current to a constant, connect to the positive pole of the power source powerful diode. With the right manufacture, the device will immediately begin the chemical process of electrolysis of water.

Water preparation

Recipes for cooking alive and dead water are simple. In a glass jar with a bag, ordinary water is poured. After that, the mechanism connects to the power grid. The device should work for 12-15 minutes.

After the completion of the mechanism in the bank, live water is formed, and in the bag - dead. Thus, it is possible to make a Catholic and anolyte quickly and practically without material costs.

Alone prepared tools are not too high biochemical characteristics. To prepare a better product acquire an electroactivator in special retail chains.

Use in everyday life

Treatment of vibrant and dead water of various diseases is carried out by taking fluid inside, washing or applying compresses.

Catholic and anolyte is used to treat acne rashes or other skin problems. To improve the state of the epithelium, it follows 2 times a day to wash the live water. After washing, wipe the face is not worth it.

Cleaning skin can smooth compresses with heated Catholithic. To moisturize dry skin, wipe the face with anolyte. 10 minutes after wiping make a compress with Catholic.

1 time per week should be wiped with a solution based on live water. For its preparation, in half a glass of Catholithic 1 Article. l. Salts and 1 tsp. soda. The mixture contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles and the overall rejuvenation of the skin.

Dead water helps with rhinitis. For treatment, the cold is washed with a fluid of 3-4 times a day. Little children means to bury the nose with a pipette. Rubber disappears the next day.

Catholya can become auxiliary medicine for gastritis therapy. When the disease is manifested, it is worth taking fluid for 3 days.

For the prevention of exacerbation of inflammatory processes, the funds are drunk 30 minutes before meals. Such a procedure reduces the acidity of gastric juice, which leads to a decrease in pain, improving the appetite and general human well-being.

From dryness and swelling of the skin during diathesis, anolyte can be used. First, wash should be done, and then you need to make a compress for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day. Unpleasant manifestations pass a couple of days after the manipulation.

With the help of dead and living water, you can treat hypertrophy of the prostate gland. Therapeutic course continues no more than 8 days. 1 hour before meals, consuming Catholithic. Another 1 cup of liquid is drunk before bedtime. If it does not observe an increase in blood pressure, gradually increase the dose to 1 cup before meal. During the treatment period, the sore place is wetted by anolyte, after which they put compress with live water.

With prostate hypertrophy from gauze make special candles moistened with Catholic. Already after 3 days of treatment, pain and the amount of urination are reduced. The appetite is improved on the 5th day, digestion is normalized. During treatment, it is recommended to spend walks in the fresh air. Repeating therapy reservation is recommended no earlier than 30 days after the completion of the previous course of treatment.

With different manifestations of allergies, rinsing the throat, mouth and nose with anolyte. 10 minutes after each rinse, it is necessary to drink a Catholithic half a cup.

Various redness and rash, provoked by allergies, can be additionally enhanced by anolyte. After a few days of treatment, the manifestation of allergies are stopped. Sometimes you may need a repeated course of therapy.

Alternative treatment is becoming increasingly popular with alternative water. This method seemed to us from Russian fairy tales. In fact, the liquid with therapeutic properties is formed as a result of electrolysis. In this article, we will consider how treatment is happening, as well as reveal the theme "Live water-typification".

What does Live and Dead mean?

Dead water is acidic, its electropotential is positive. Live water is a negatively charged liquid and has a pH of more than 9, that is, it is alkaline. And the one and the other type of water is used in alternative medicine. There is a treatment for alive and dead water.

Influence on the body

What is the benefit of live water?

Live water stimulates life processes in the body:

  1. Rejuvenates the body
  2. Enhances immunity
  3. Accelerates metabolic processes
  4. Heals wounds

Properties of dead water

The properties of dead water are also very valuable:

  1. Good disinfector
  2. It has a bactericidal action
  3. Eliminates colds
  4. Eliminates fungus

Treatment of lively and dead water has become popular because its scope of use is quite wide. Next, we will consider such a question as live water - preparation and necessary for this device.

What should I have?

Special activator devices are sold to the preparation of the desired water. You can do them and yourself at home. What will you need:

  1. Water. The ideal version will be spring water, but not everyone can find it, so the usual water from under the tap is quite suitable. It needs to be defeated throughout the day.
  2. Two glass mugs
  3. Two stainless plugs
  4. Bandage and Wat.
  5. 20 W lamp.
  6. Wire with a fork

In most houses, these items are. If something is missing, you can buy.

Live and Dead Water - Cooking

For the preparation of live water you need to perform quite simple manipulations:

  1. Plugs in the cups to the cups upstairs;
  2. To one of the forks to attach a diode, the end of which connect with the wire;
  3. You can make the system tightly using the isolate;
  4. Clep 2 forks free.

Ready. Now it remains only to turn on the plug into the outlet. Diode lean to the lamp. If the lamp burns, therefore, everything is done correctly. Turn off from the network. Now prepare the "bridge" for ions - wool your garlamic bandage.

Cups equally fill in water, the bridge from the cotton is placed in such a way that it lies both cups. That's all. Now you can connect the system to the network. After 10 minutes you will have ready live water.


After disconnecting the system from the network, delete the bridge. In the cup to which the diode was attached, the water will be dead, because there is a positive charge. In another, alive, negatively charged, water.

We remind you that plugs pull out of the water only after turning off the device from the network. Otherwise you will hit the current.

That's so very simple you can build a system yourself at home and conduct treatment with alive and dead water.

Preparation of melt water

When freezing water, a very useful liquid is also obtained. She is not living water, as some say. Read more in the article in more detail: but it also has a number of useful properties and from it you can make live and dead water.

For cooking, water must be defeated during the day, or to clean the filter. What's next:

  • Heat the water without bringing to a boil. So you will eliminate some harmful connections.
  • Welcome fluid at room temperature conditions.
  • Disposal of water from deuterium. The first ice, which is formed during freezing, discard, it will contain this dangerous isotope, since it freezes at higher temperatures first.
  • Liquid send again to the freezer. It freezes and looks like this: the edges are transparent, in the center of white. White part watering boiling water and remove. It will contain harmful substances. Transparent ice melts, and you can use it for drinking.
  • Melting should occur at room temperature. The resulting water can be drunk, and she can also be washed. When boiling, such water may lose its healing properties, so it is not worth doing this.

Recipes Treatment of alive and dead water.

Here are some recipes of how to carry out treatment with alive and dead water:

  1. Allergy. Three days wech the throat dead water after each meal. 10 minutes after rinse, drink approximately half of the glass of live water.
  2. Constipation. Drink half a glass of live water.
  3. Rash on the skin. About a week, wipe the face with dead water.
  4. Angina. Dead water wechit the throat ten minutes before meals. After drink a quarter of a glass of live water.
  5. Diarrhea is treated half a glass of dead water. If it did not help, you can still drink as much as an hour.
  6. Diseases of cookies and their treatment with alive and dead water. The first day drink dead water at half a glass 4 times. Then the rest of the last week in half a cup of living water is the same amount of adoption.
  7. Migraine passes after drinking half a cup of dead water.
  8. Gastritis. For half an hour before eating, drink live water as follows: A quarter of a glass on the first day, half a glass of the next days. Course - 3-7 days.
  9. Pressure. If the pressure is low, then drink half a cup of live water 2 times a day. If the pressure is high, then use dead water. Do not drink more than a week.

The first device for the manufacture of lively and dead water was described by the most disguised us G. P. Malakhov. It was in early 1981, and the author of the developer of the device was his familiar crate. He did not at all set himself the task of the task of investigating the therapeutic properties of the waters of the waters, and apparently, wanted to use water for others, possibly economic needs. But life turned everything in his own way.

An unexpected device developer fell ill, and not any banal cold, and inflammation of the lungs, and even got into the hospital. There, doctors presented two "surprise" to their patient, informing him about the inflammation of the kidneys and the prostate adenoma. Faced in the clinic for more than a month, the crates did not feel special improvements. And in response to the proposed operation about the adenoma, it was hurried and not at all from the hospital.

But he was not going to refer to the instrument. If it really helped pills and injections, then what could water? Obviously, the author of the brilliant invention was reasoned, whose significance did not even assume. However, maybe he did not think about his device at all, putting his way away for the closet. But most of all at this time, he was disturbed even not their sores, and for a long time for six months, the son of a son is unfolding for six months.

I must say that the crates was a loving father and a kind person. He could not indifferently look at the suffering of the child. Therefore, put forward the device because of the cabinet and, I can only assume that he thought, but I hope that this idea came to him in the head: "What if the living water helps?" No sooner said than done. Since then, the son has been patiently to go to the procedures to his own father, who gently lubricated him with living water, twice a day, overlapping sterile dressings, moistened in this colorless, on the view of no noticeable fluid.

But he did not have to experience the patience of the Son, which, of course, skeptically reacted to the father's hobby "folk" methods. The wounds dragged on the second day! It was a shock for the whole family. And the author of the device was pushed. And immediately began to treat his adenoma living water. He began to drink live water of 0.5 glasses before eating three times a day. There were no weeks as adenoma disappeared, and with it all the other sores that the author of the device suffered - hypertension, radiculitis and tumor legs. The author of the device did not believe his feelings, so he went to the clinic and passed all the tests. It turned out that he is healthy!

Then Dr. Inventor began to treat his relatives and acquaintances. But he began, as usual, with the neighbors, good, the case turned up. The neighbor just turned her hand with boiling water, so hard that the doctors stated the burning of the 3rd degree. Instead of masses, Kratov recommended the neighbor to use the "live" and "dead" water. As a result of such treatment, the burn was held in two days!

Kratov did not refuse to help with anyone. Crates. He treated adults and children. Even a little boy with a dusty in the throat put on his feet in just three days. But the inflammation did not even remove antibiotics! The boy really liked the miraculous device and, he believed a uncle to the inventor, so she gladly rinsing her throat 6 times a day with a dead driver, and after that he drank live water. Such combined treatment and gave the result. This similar outcome was delighted with everything, especially Dr. Kratov. Now everyone called him just like that. But you, dear readers, too, I also want to be happy, so I dedicate the next chapter by the most important issue of the production of a unique medical agent - activated water, at home. My solid belief: everyone should have their own home source of lively and dead water. Only then humanity will get rid of his small and big ailments, and finally will find happiness. After all, health is the true happiness of man. Who does not agree with this - he has not yet sick. But even it will be useful for him to know what devices have already created humanity to cure all the suffering of all the suffering.

Is it worth to invent a bike

Our people came out of the stagnant Soviet times, and the concept of deficiency is firmly entered into several generation genetic memory. That is why, having learned about the amazing therapeutic properties of activated water, people began to "underground" work on the manufacture of instrument-electrolyzers.

Of course, there is nothing special in to build a soldering lamp or a wall lamp with your own hands - cheap and useful for the house. What else to do if you do not get in the store? Moreover, the folk fishing has always been in price. The device can be decorated with different curls and generally give the product, so to speak, the national flavor. Let stand and the soul pleases.

So the same catatasius happened to the water apparatus, all who were not too lazy, they rushed to to invent them, and the gol, as you know, on the fiction of the cunning. Everywhere people have become water to electrify water, so so that in the villages in each house from the tube pairs of couples in hot weather, and in the city already glass was bursting. The device is explored to explore. But some craftsmen managed to achieve "unsurpassed perfection." Water from the device went, but no one checked the qualities and properties of this water. Although her people drank her, treated, and no one sort of died.

Well, jokes jokes, and I want to do one. The manufacture of such a complex installation, as the activated water electrolyzer - the work of the professionals. They also received education, and the experience was acquired, and the device - tests passed and the certificate now has. By the way, the last is a prerequisite for the purchase of an instrument in the store. And at home craftsmen, it is better not to buy it. It is not known what water at the exit will work. It may not be activated at all, but on the contrary.

What devices are sold in stores

How to choose exactly the device that you need, because manufacturers of such devices are now a lot, and the devices themselves have different characteristics - try, figure it out!

Household electrolyzers are produced in Russia, Korea, Europe and America. Foreign appliances, most often, multifunctional. They purify water from harmful impurities, and saturated with different useful substances. But for such devices there are special instructions. And all my recommendations for the treatment of diseases require conventional ionized water, without any additives.

The pristine living and dead water is the best leakage, especially in combination with phytotherapy. In this you have already been able to make sure that the chapters, part, dedicated to the properties of water and research its phenomenon. In addition, foreign devices are too expensive and not everyone will afford. But they can be installed in the kitchen and clean and ionizing all the water flowing from the water tap. Such devices are called flowing.

There are devices in which platinum platinum platinum plates are installed. These plates provide special purity of water, which is also skipped through several filters.

There are also completely new types of devices in which water is ionized by no electricity, but by special minerals that create a negative and positive redox potential. These are settings that copy the natural water ionization mechanism, which was once discovered in mining sources. Water in such devices also passes the multistage cleansing and disinfect.

It is possible to prepare the device on minerals by ourselves, if you find these special minerals, which are examples of an anode and cathode and having properties easily give or receive electrons. The Germans call these minerals with pearls. If you are lucky and you will get these stones, then simply put the container with minerals into the water and wait for the water to acquire a positive and negative charges.

Our domestic instruments for the production of ionized water differ from each other by the range of redox potential, methods of acid control and some amenities, such as automatic shutdown, the presence of a timer, and the ability to enrich water with various useful additives, in particular, silver. Of those functions that it is worth paying attention to, the ability to remove chlorine from tap water, heavy metals and organic impurities. And useful, but not mandatory installation options - built-in controller, display, beep. Think also, whether it is worth overpaying for the design, which is also expensive today, but the devices look beautiful and compact.

Which device to choose

My books are focused on a broad audience, but as a rule, they are read by ordinary people who are looking for benefits, not excess. Honestly, I myself am not a supporter of "tricky" products. Easy I like more. Therefore, I recommend choosing the device simple and reliable. Remember that the most important feature of the electrolyzer is to ionize water, that is, to give it negative and positive potentials. Well, if the device has an additional degree of water purification, because the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. And do not forget to pay attention to elementary amenities. After all, you should not only turn on the device, but also do not forget it on time to turn off. Therefore, the timer on the apparatus will be quite by the way.

And finally, the last, without which you can not buy a single medical device - its certificate. The presence of this document confirms that the device has passed the test and will give you only useful therapeutic water.

Rules for using activated water

Catolyt, or live water, cooked prepared in the device, and retains its properties within two days, if it is stored in a closed dish and a dark place.

Enolith, or dead water, retains his properties for quite a long time. You can store it in a closed glass dishes for many months. But it is better to use this solution in the first days after cooking.

In many of the following recipes below, the activated water is recommended to warm up before applying. Care should be taken and in this case. Water must be heated on a small fire, preferably in enameled or in ceramic tableware (but not on the electric stove!). At the same time, in no case cannot bring water to a boil, otherwise the water will lose its useful properties.

If in the recipe it says to take dead and living water in turn, then remember that there must be a temporary pause of at least 1.5 hours, and with local application - at least 10 minutes. This is explained by the fact that with mixing alive and dead water, mutual neutralization occurs. As a result, the resulting water loses its activity.

The action of dead water can be strengthened by applying inhalation, especially for the treatment of the throat and the nose with influenza and the ARZ, as well as for their prevention.

In case of treatment, the method of electrophoresis can be applied. To do this, it is necessary to wrap the gauze two thin electrodes (anode), having a dead water before moocked, and insert them into the nose. And the cathode press to the moisturized head. Of course, care must be taken, and the source voltage should not exceed 3-4.5 volts.

Activated water enhances the therapeutic effect of some drugs, but it all depends on the state of their acidity of these drugs. In some cases, it turns out to be an effective alkaline water - anolyte, in others - Catholol. If you are not sure that the water will help to strengthen the pharmaceutical effect (usually it is indicated in recipes or on packages), it is better not to drink her tablets. Of course, a significant damage to your healthy water will not bring, but it can neutralize the action of the pill. And this is undesirable, since you decided to be treated with medicines. But my advice: First, try water (unless of course you are not too bad and the doctor does not insist on hospitalization). Already after the first admission of miraculous water, you will feel relief. But do not stop there. Prepare water and drink it.

So, with pills, be careful, trying not to drink them activated water if there are no special instructions on it. Another thing is vegetable preparations. Boldly pick them up with live water - you will not be wrong. Water will strengthen and help and strengthen their action. But the dosages should still be observed.

When taking an activated water involved, a single average dose for an adult is, as a rule, 1/2 cup (if otherwise indicated in the recipe). For children aged 2 to 5 years, this dose is a quarter of a glass, from 5 to 12 years old - a third, and for older children you can use dosage, as for an adult.

To achieve the maximum effect in a number of procedures, you need to do them as long as possible. For example, a glass of water needs to be crazy for 8-10 minutes. How many times a day rinse the throat? It depends on the disease and its degree of its running. I would recommend from three to ten times.

If the recipe does not specify otherwise, the activated water should be accepted in 0.5 hours before meals. or in 2--2.5 hours after eating. Also, it is desirable, during the treatment period, not consuming greasy and acute food, of course, not to use alcoholic beverages.

For a better effect in external use (for example, when processing the skin of the face), the skin must first be deguted to the skin (wash with soap, or wipe the tampon dipped in an alcoholic solution of salicylic acid).

Applying activated water, remember that this is not an artificial, but a natural product. It does not cause allergies, but on the contrary, heals allergic manifestations. In the worst case, (which happens quite rarely) the water will not have a noticeable effect, but will definitely give the result after some time if you continue the treatment in spite of everything.

Caution Cannot:

Activated water can not be boiled!

It can not be stored in the refrigerator and without need, it should not be cooled. This is connected with a number of reasons, in particular, with the vibration of the refrigerator, with its magnetic field. Although this field is small, but its influence is noticeably affected by water, worsening its properties.

For a long time there are legends about the "alive" and "dead" water. This is not by chance - life on earth is impossible without water in general, a person is 80% of water. From what kind of water consumes our body, its condition, human health as a whole depends. Paradoxes associated with water, more than their reliable physical interpretations. Take, for example, baptic water. It does not determine for many months, even if it is taken from a water tap or a "dirty" source. Some scientists associate this fact with a decrease in water conductivity during the smallest activity of the Sun and, as a result, a decrease in the growth of microorganisms. This is the so-called "dead" water effect.

On the contrary, "live" or activated water contributes to strengthening the immunity of the body, there are confirmed evidence of a positive effect on its use in the treatment of certain diseases (infectious diseases, diseases of the digestive organs, arthrosis and many others). Of course, unable to give a truly scientific explanation of physico-biological processes occurring in water, many scientists completely reject both useful and negative effects of living and dead water. This fact, however, does not affect the amazing properties of water.

Schematic diagram for obtaining live water

In order to obtain dead and living water in the easiest way, you can collect an elementary electrochemical device according to the scheme 1:

A variable voltage of 220 volts of household wiring is supplied to the device, so it is necessary to observe precautions: carefully insulate the current wires, not in contact with the water and elements of the circuit during the device operation, provide for the safety system. It is better to turn on the device through an extension cord with a built-in switch and fuse of industrial manufacture. Anode (positive electrode) and cathode (negative) can be made from chemically neutral stainless steel or food aluminum (the material from which tin cans and beers are made). Electrodes are carefully fixed on the plastic lid using a fiberglass or other elastic non-conductive gasket and a screw connection. The diagram includes a semiconductor diode for straightening alternating voltage. It must be designed for direct current from 5 amps and reverse voltage over 300 volts. Among the domestic elements diodes D231, D232 are suitable.

Composite parts of the device

The lid dresses on a glass jar of the corresponding volume into which water is filled. For the separation of live and dead water, a tarp hose or another dense tissue bag surrounding a positive anode is used, as shown in Figure 2:

According to the electrochemical theory in the process of electrolysis around the positive electrode, the composition of elevated acidity (anolyte) is formed, referred to as "dead" water. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-allergic and many other properties, not always useful. The entire remaining fluid inside the vessel is an alkaline solution (Catholith) of various levels of PN (from 2.0 to 10.0), depending on the initial amount of salt impurities in water and production technology. It is she called "live water." The optimal time required for the preparation of dead and living water is approximately ten minutes, the duration of storage is not more than three days.

The appearance of self-made devices is shown in photos 3:

In the second device, instead of a single-speaker rectifier on one diode, a two-wire rectifier bridge on four diodes was applied. This circuitry solution allows you to increase the performance of the device. For a more convenient separation of dead and living water, you can make a device consisting of two separate containers, as shown in Scheme 4:

According to this scheme, the electrochemical process is maintained due to the current passing through the wetted linen or cotton harness. Live and dead water in this case will accumulate in separate vessels, which is very technologically. The features of the proposed scheme include a sequentially enabled lamp designed simultaneously to limit the maximum current and indication. At the beginning of the process, the lamp burns with the greatest intensity, as it flows, the brightness decreases.

Industrial device sample

Currently, electric activators of industrial production water activators appeared. The photograph 5 shows the appearance and composition of the device "Espero-1":

The principle of its action is similar to the devices described above, the properties of the water produced by this device, in principle, should coincide with self-made alive and dead water.

The paradox is that in addition to purely physical and chemical properties, water has such incredible properties as energy and informational. It is also known that water can be charged with human thought, one of the same water can also have a positive and negative impact on the human body. Water, at the same time being an indispensable condition for human life, is the main cause of his diseases. As for the diversity of water states, liquid water has five states, frozen - fourteen. It has the greatest heat capacity among all fluids and transfers heat from the southern latitudes to the northern, defining the climate on our planet. Having made a homemade device, you can independently continue the study of the incomprehensible properties of the basis of life on Earth, water.

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