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War in Manchuria 1904. On the reasons of the Russian-Japanese war

The Russian-Japanese war showed the failure of Russia not only in foreign policy, but also in the military sphere. A series of defeats caused irreparable damage to authority of power. Japan did not achieve complete victory, exhausting resources, was content with small concessions.

Epigraph: Russian warriors showed heroism and on land and towards the sea, but the commanders could not bring them to victory over Japan.

In previous articles "Causes of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904 - 1905", "The feat" Varyaga "and" Korean "in 1904", "The beginning of the Russian-Japanese war" We touched some problems. In this article, consider the general course and results of war.

Causes of war

    The desire of Russia to strengthen the "non-freezing seas" of China and Korea.

    The desire of leading powers to prevent the strengthening of Russia in the Far East. Japan support from the United States and the UK.

    Japan's desire to displace the Russian army from China and capture Korea.

    Arms race in Japan. Rising taxes for military production.

    The plans of Japan had the seizure of the Russian territory from the Primorsky Territory to the Urals.

The course of war

January 27, 1904. - near Port Arthur.japanese torpedoes are punched by Japanese torpedoes, which did not sink thanks to the heroism of the crews. The feat of Russian ships " Varangian"And" Korean"Near the port of Chelpo (Incheon).

March 31, 1904. - The death of the armadire " Petropavlovsk»With Admiral Makarov headquarters and more than 630 crew. The Pacific Fleet was beheaded.

May - December 1904 - The heroic defense of the fortress port - Arthur. 50 thousand Russian garrison, having 646 tools and 62 machine guns, reflected the attacks of the 200 thousand enemy army. After passing the fortress, about 32 thousand Russian soldiers were captured to the Japanese. The Japanese lost more than 110 thousand (according to other data 91 thousand) The soldiers and officers, 15 warships sunk, and 16 was destroyed.

August 1904. - Battle under Liaoyan.The Japanese lost the soldiers of more than 23 thousand, Russians - more than 16 thousand. An indefinite outcome of the battle. General Kuropatkin gave an order to retreat, fearing the environment.

September 1904. - Battle of U. river Shahe.. The Japanese lost the soldiers more than 30 thousand, Russians - more than 40 thousand. An indefinite outcome of the battle. After that, the manchuria was a positional war. In January 1905, the revolution was swirled in Russia, which complicated the leading of the war to victory.

February 1905 - Mukden Battle Streamed 100 km on the front and lasted 3 weeks. The Japanese began the offensive earlier and confused plans of the Russian command. Russian troops retreated, avoiding the environment and losing more than 90 thousand. The Japanese lost more than 72 thousand.

The Japanese command recognized the underestimation of the enemy forces. From Russia by rail continued to arrive soldiers with weapons and a provinet. The war again took the position.

May 1905. - Tragedy of the Russian Fleet at the islands of Tsushima. Admiral ships Rodistrensky (30 combat, 6 transport and 2 hospital)there were about 33 thousand km and immediately entered the battle. Nobody in the world Would not be on 38 ships to defeat 121 ship enemy! Only the cruiser "Almaz", the Missor "Brava" and "Grozny" broke into Vladivostok (For other data, 4 ships were saved), the crews of the rest died heroes or captured. The Japanese suffered 10 and sunk 3 ships.

Until now, Russians, passing by the islands of Tsushima, lay wreaths on the water in memory of 5 thousand dead Russian sailors.

The war ended. The Russian army in Manchuria increased and could lead the war for a long time. Japan's human and financial resources were exhausted (old men and children have already called up to the army). Russia signed from the position of force Portsmouth peace treaty In August 1905.

Results of war

Russia took the troops from Manchuria, said Japan Liaodan Peninsula, the southern part of Sakhalin Island and money for the content of prisoners. This failure of Japanese diplomacy caused mass riots in Tokyo.

After the war, the external national debt of Japan grew 4 times, in Russia for 1/3.

Japan has lost more than 85 thousand, Russia more than 50 thousand.

From the Russian Academy of Sciences, Japan died more than 38 thousand, Russia has more than 17 thousand.

Yet Russia lost this war. The reasons were the economic and military backwardness, the weakness of intelligence and command, great remoteness and stretching of the theater of military operations, poor supply, weak interaction of the army and the fleet. In addition, the Russian people did not understand, for what to fight in the distant manchuria. Revolution 1905 - 1907 even more weakened Russia.

Will the correct conclusions be made? To be continued.

The question of whether the Russian-Japanese war was 1904 - 1905 inevitable, and 110 years later after it began to be among those discussed. Without pretending to give him an exhaustive answer, we use the anniversary and recall the events preceding the armed clash, and those solutions that played a role in the unleashing war.

Sino-Japanese War and its consequences

The first step towards the war with the Russian Empire Japan in 1894, attacking China. The frontier of the Xih and the twentieth centuries was a heavy and gloomy period in the history of this country. The imminent fell under the close and heavenly attention of several states, striving to surround their piece from the Chinese "cake." Japan's most aggressively behaved, whose more than 40 million people needed food and resources (to the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war it reached 46.3 million people).

Forecasts of observers who promised by the region military cataclysms were justified in October 1894, when Japan attacked Korea - China Protectorate. In addition, the Japanese landed near Port Arthur. The weakly prepared Chinese army tried to resist, but the fortress could not be defended. Taking Port Arthur Agressors noted the maintenance. The prisoners did not take the prisoners, and the wounded Chinese mercilessly finished.

Looking ahead, I note that if numerous crimes of the Japanese military, committed by them in China in 1931-1945, have long cause a close interest of researchers from different countries, then the crimes of the Japanese in China during the Sino-Japanese war 1894 - 1895 and the Russian-Japanese Wars 1894 - 1895 can not say this. But the attitude of the Japanese warriors to the Chinese is not like people, but as the "elements" and "subjects" arose then. The participant of the Russian-Japanese war, and afterwards the leader of the White Movement Anton Denikin in the book "The path of the Russian officer" wrote: "The relationship between the Chinese population and our troops was satisfactory. Of course, there were excesses, as in all armies, in all wars. But the Russian man is sociable and not arrived. To the Chinese soldiers treated good-naturedly and not at all as a lowest race. Since often settlements passed from hand to hand, it was possible to compare two "modes". Neat Japanese, retreating, left us usually buildings in order, while our soldiers, and especially the Cossacks, led them in a non-residential look ... In all other respects, the Japanese "mode" was heavier without comparison. The contemptant attitude of the Japanese to the Chinese, literally both to inanimate subjects, and the cruelty of props was oppressed by the population. In particular, the requisitions were perturbed ... women who were not commemochy, but at the established order ... "

However, back in 1894. Then, Japan captured not only Port Arthur, but also Formozo (now Taiwan), Port Weihawi (now Weihai) and Pescador Islands (now Penghülyao). In 1895, Tokyo imposed China favorable agreement for himself, forcing Beijing to abandon the Liaodong Peninsula, Korea and agree on the payment of great contribution.

But as it turned out, the Japanese rejoiced early. Their success was conquered Germany, France and Russia, which in April 1895 ultimitively demanded from Japan to abandon the Liaodong Peninsula. Tokyo turned out to be in political isolation was forced to leave the Liaodan Peninsula, pleased by the payment of increased contribution and Taiwan. "The country that won from this war should be considered Russia," says the South Korean historian Kim Jong Hon. - She completely reached his goal without a single shot, only organizing a diplomatic pressure of three European powers to Japan. Forcing Japan to abandon the Lyodo Peninsula, it thus facilitated the implementation of his claims on him. "

Loss of Liaodun was perceived by the country of the rising sun extremely painful - as an insult. Moreover, so the forced refusal to the Liaodong Peninsula was assessed not only by official Tokyo, but also by the wide layers of the people who approved the seducing course of their government. "What is striking the researcher of the history of Japanese diplomacy ... So this is that public opinion in Japan has always demanded a tough foreign policy, while government policy was very careful," said the Japanese researcher Kiesen Kiessi. And if the policy of the Japanese government's policy is of great doubts, then with the first part of the statement does not have to argue. After all, in our time, the Japanese are one in the desire to take away the Kuril Islands from Russia, obtained by the Soviet Union in the results of the Second World War, which Germany and Japan unleashed, bringing innumerable troubles and suffering to humanity.

After analyzing the events of 1895, the Japanese historian Sypaway Okamoto stated: "The whole nation, including the emperor, felt humiliated. To keep the anger of the people, the government had to ask the emperor to publish the verdict, warning from the manifestations of rage. New nationalism increased on this bitter experience. The slogan of the day was "Gasin Sötan" - "Lack of retaliation" ... the value of "Gasin Sötan" in the modern history of Japan is difficult to overestimate. She led to the rise of chauvinistic nationalism, which was directed only against one country - against Russia. The Japanese government has begun an active ten-year program to expand armaments in order to rapidly develop land and naval forces, in parallel with the development of the main necessary industries for this species. "

The rapidly growing military-industrial potential of the country of the Rising Sun and its revenge plans were perceived by Nikolai II calmly. A serious threat to Russia in military preparations of the Eastern neighbor was not seen and General Peter Vannovsky, who from 1882 to 1897 was the military minister of the Russian Empire. He assured: "If we talk about the degree of our vulnerability, then the Japanese army does not represent a threat to us." It is noteworthy that Russia's military agent in Tokyo was the son of Vannovsky, a former officer of Horse artillery Boris Vannovsky. In 1902, he stated to the New Military Minister of Russia to General Alexey Kurophatkin: "The Japanese army did not come out of the state of inner disagreement ... That is why, on the one hand, the Japanese army, a long time ago, not the Asian Horde ... then on the other - this is not a real European army ..."

Kuropatkin himself later wrote: "We knew that the Japanese were skillful and stubborn artists. We liked their products, their fine work and an amazing color sense. Our people with admiration talked about the country and its inhabitants and were full of pleasant memories of their trips to there, especially in Nagasaki, where they were popular with locals. As a military factor, Japan simply did not exist for us. Our sailors, travelers and diplomats have fully viewed the awakening of this energetic, independent people.».

I looked through it and visited Japan the Russian emperor. However, the memories of Nicholas II on visiting the country of the rising sun can not be called pleasant. April 29, 1891, when he traveled in Japan as the heir to the throne, in the town of Otsu received a blow to a saber on the head from the police Tsuda Satso. Nicholas life saved a bowl, stitched from solid fabric. It is noteworthy that later our tactful emperor did not disdain the name of the Japanese "Macaki". Nicholas II did not allow and thought that the punch of Tsuda Satso would be the first, but not the last blow to them from "Macak".

Russia goes to China

The success of Russian diplomacy, achieved in 1895, as well as participating together with other great powers in the suppression of the so-called "Boxers" uprising in China, raised by the Society "IITUUAN", played a keen joke with Russia, breeding hatchadatory sentiment in Russian society. Of course, sound judgments of military experts sounded. However, they did not do the weather.

At the same time, Russia, as if deliberately, did everything to strengthen the anti-Russian and revalted moods in Japanese society. In 1895, a Russian-Chinese bank was created. In May 1896, when Nikolai II, the head of Chinese diplomacy Lee Hongzhan arrived at the first-paltole to the coronation of Nikolai II, the Moscow Treaty of Defense Union against Japan was concluded between Russia and China and the decision was made to build the Chinese Eastern Railway (CFA) on the territory of Manchuria. The KVA allowed to connect the cheat with Vladivostok to a shorter way. The concession was issued to the Russian-Chinese bank, which was created by the Joint Stock Company of the Curge. It received the right to build the CEG, to manage the lands in the alienation band, to conduct the survey of ore wealth, produce coal, etc., according to the terms of the contract with China, Russian laws operated in the alienation band. Soon the construction of the road began, and in 1901 the first train passed by the FAC.

A new outbreak of rage in Japan caused Russia and China to rent a lease of the Liaodo Peninsula for a period of 25 years, as well as a decision on the construction of the railway from the CFC to Port Arthur. Annoyed by the Japanese and the fact that after the suppression of the "Boxers" uprising, Russia brought not all his troops from Manchuria. In the autumn of 1903, the output of the remaining parts was again ripped.

The oil into the fire was poured by an aftere, the father's favorite of the emperor with the retired Rothmistrome of the Guards Cavalry Alexander Correspondence and counter-admiral Alexei Abazoy. The society created by them picked up from the Vladivostok merchant Bringer concession to exploit a huge forest site on the Yalu Rivers and Tuman on the border of Manchuria and Korea. The region attracted the attention of "effective managers" the possibility of carrying out non-limited forest fishery, forest quality and the presence of cheap labor.

The Japanese, who considered Korea as an object of their exploitation, Russia's activity in the region was exactly the bone in the throat. But "disorders" did not worry this. Anticipating big baryrs, they did not think about the consequences of their actions for the state.

Sadly, but the fact: the selflessness of the missing and abases patronized Emperor Nicholas II, the Minister of Internal Affairs Vyacheslav Plevie and the extramarital son Alexander II, Vice Admiral Evgeny Alekseev, who headed the governance in the Far East established in the summer of 1903. Before Alekseev, there was a challenge to unite the work of all departments in the region. The center of governorship became Port Arthur. "In a foreign policy, this act has evidenced by the intention of the tsarism to gain peace in Manchuria seriously and for a long time. From the point of view of an intra-government struggle, he meant the next success of "disorders". In terms of the control mechanism, the vicarity introduced parallelism and confusion, especially dangerous during the period of war, "the historian Anatoly Ignatiev said rightly.

Provocation of British Russophobes

Taking a course to war with the Russian Empire, Tokyo approached preparation for her with all seriousness. To protect yourself from isolation in the international arena, Japan in 1902 concluded a contract with a long-time ill-wisher of Russia - Great Britain. Two island states were united in the desire to stop Russia's promotion in Manchuria and Korea.

The patriarch of American policy Henry Kissinger in the book "Diplomacy" noticed: "The United Kingdom and Japan agreed that if any of them turn out to be involved in the war with one A foreign powers about China or Korea, the other Contracting Party will comply with neutrality. If, however, any of the Contracting Parties will be attacked by twoopponents, the other Contracting Party will be required to assist its partner. It is clear that this union could only act when Japan would fought with two opponents at the same time. The United Kingdom finally found himself an ally who rushed to restrain Russia, without causing his partner to take the obligations alien to him, and even such, whose Far Eastern geographical position was a much greater strategic interest than the Russian-German border. "

"Masters of the Seas" helped the country of the rising sun to modernize and strengthen the naval fleet. Historian Vladimir Peasantsov notes: "Preparing for war with Russia, Japan ordered six armored cruisers abroad. Four - "Asama", "Tokiva", "Ivat", "Izumo" - in England, "Yakumo" - in Germany and "Azuma" - in France. Different in some details, they have the same armament when dismissing 9300 - 9900 tons. The armor belt on the waterline with a thickness of 178 mm allowed them to fight with armaduses. All this in combination with a high speed of 20 - 21 Ultrasound made them dangerous opponents for Russian armored cruisers. "

By 1904, the Japanese army was upgraded, trained by German instructors and is well armed. The troops received modern heavy and mountain artillery. For each Japanese division in 13454, a person's full-time combat composition accounted for 6 thousand porters (Kuli), which significantly increased its mobility.

Preparing people to war with Russia, the Japanese authorities launched a powerful anti-Russian propaganda. The American ambassador to Tokyo Lloyd Greek wrote: "The Japanese people brought to the highest excitement, and there would be no exaggeration to say that if wars are not, that every Japanese will be deeply disappointed."

Brain flushing was carried out not only in newspapers, but also from theatrical layoffs. The British Military Agent General Major Yang Hamilton in Japan saw a play, which, according to him, "had an allegorical, political meaning." In his notes, Hamilton handed down the content of this kind of work:

"At one old woman (the role was performed surprisingly well) was a beautiful daughter Geisha. Under the geisha, Korea meant, under the old woman - China. The young man who personified Japan came to wad a noble korea. Old Mrs. China, however, requested more money than he agreed to give. Therefore, she opposed every formal hoop, although the girl more than parted the feelings of his beloved. Finally, the young Mr. Japan came out of himself and after a very busy dispute began to reward the old woman with very sensitive blows ... At that time, another young man, it was Russia, also comes to wrap, it becomes between Mr. Japan and Mrs. Korea and, and by nadaving Mr. Japan, Japan in the neck Throwing it out of the house. There it costs some time awesome, listening through thin paper walls all their love speeches. Finally, a poor outcast lover, exhausted by his passionate feeling, appeals to the Council to his friend, an old man of England, who is known for all his fabulous wealth. He asks him to give him the money necessary to fight the opponent and tries to prove that in his own interests to provide him with this help. The respectable Mr. England is very carefully and tightly buttoning his pockets, but it takes the opportunity to tell him a number of speeches performed by nobility. He convinces him not to sit here, crying and listening to the courting of his rival, but remember that he is a descendant of warriors and that steel will make his job no worse than gold. The audience applauds, and on this advice, Japan turns out of the crying petitioner to the creature, full fire and determination. "

Transferring the canvas of events, Hamilton seems to not notice that the "respectable Mr. England" turns out to be a provocateur. However, it was in life. The deep essence of the attitude of the official London to Russia is accurately transferred to the Ascribed Prime Minister of Great Britain Henry John Temple Palmerston the Words: "The world seems so unfair when no one has warmer with Russia." Did Lord pronounced this phrase or not - not so important. It is important that the Russophobe aristocrat acted in accurately according to this thesis. And even more importantly, the lack of Russian politicians of the United Kingdom has never experienced and has not been experiencing.

As for Hamilton, at the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, he immediately went to the first Japanese army, who was ready to go to Korea. With the Japanese command, he quickly found mutual understanding. They together discussed the upcoming operations. The words "our" and "Our" in the diary of Hamilton are addressed to parts of the Japanese army. For example, on July 5, 1904, analyzing the situation that established at the front, the English general noted with alarming: "There are several data that makes us fear for this is our weak point." Japanese military in their notes and correspondence English General called "Our Friends Japanese", "Our Allies" and "Our Brave Allies".

Historian Anatoly Utkin in the book "Russian-Japanese War. At the beginning of all the troubles, "wrote about the UK, that" arming Japan the most modern ships, no one did more to pushing Tokyo to the power resolution of contradictions than any other power. London provided loneliness Russia, since in accordance with the agreement with Japan, 1902 threatened to join Japan in the event of organizing Russia in conflict with Japan military allies. The Japanese Private In December 1903 asked the British Ambassador in Beijing Sir Ernst Sato the question, whether they should fight, and Sir Ernst did not leave the place of doubt, hitting a fist on the table: "Yes".

Such a frank response of the arrogant and primary British diplomat clearly indicated how great was the desire of the UK to see Russia and Japan. The dream of English Sirov and Lords became the fact on the night of February 9, 1904, when Japan was attacked by Russia without an ad.

Oleg Nazarov, Doctor of Historical Sciences

The article briefly talks about the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. This war has become one of the most shameful in Russian history. Waiting for a "little victorious war" turned into a catastrophe.

  1. Introduction
  2. Russian-Japanese war
  3. Results of the Russian-Japanese War

Causes of the Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905

  • The main prerequisite for the beginning of the war was the increase in imperialist contradictions at the turn of the centuries. European powers sought to section of China. Russia, who did not have colonies in other parts of the world, was interested in the maximum penetration of its capital to China and Korea. This desire was contrary to Japan's plans. A rapidly developing Japanese industry also demanded the seizure of new territories for the placement of capital.
  • The Russian government did not take into account the increased combat capability of the Japanese army. In the event of a quick and decisive victory, it was planned to significantly reduce revolutionary sentiment in the country. The Japanese tip relied on the chauvinistic moods in society. It was planned to create great Japan at the expense of territorial seizures.

Russian-Japanese war

  • At the end of January 1904, the Japanese without an ad was attacked by Russian ships, based in Port Arthur. And in June, the successful actions of the Japanese led to the complete defeat of the Russian Pacific squadron. Posted to help the Baltic fleet (2rd escords) after the semi-annual transition was headlong by Japan in the Tsushimsky battle (May 1905). Sending the 3rd squadron was becoming meaningless. Russia lost the main trump card in his strategic plans. The defeat was due to the underestimation of the Japanese Fleet, which consisted of the latest warships. The reasons were in insufficient training of Russian sailors, outdated at that time Russian warships, defective ammunition.
  • In hostilities on land, there was also a significant lag of Russia in many respects. The General Staff did not take into account the experience of the last wars. Military science adhered to obsolete concepts and principles of the era of the Napoleonic Wars. The accumulation of the main forces with the subsequent massive blow was assumed. The Japanese strategy under the guidance of foreign advisers relied on the development of maneuverable operations.
  • The Russian command under the leadership of General Kurophatkina acted passively and indecisively. The first defeat of the Russian army suffered under Liaoyan. By June 1904, Port Arthur was surrounded. The defense lasted six months, which can be regarded as the only success of Russians in the whole war. In December, the port was commissioned by the Japanese. The so-called "Mukden meat grinder" became the decisive battle on land (February 1905), as a result of which the Russian army was almost surrounded, but the price of large losses managed to retreat. Russian losses amounted to about 120 thousand people. This failure in conjunction with the Tsushim tragedy showed all the futility of further hostilities. The situation was complicated by the fact that the "victorious war" caused a revolution in Russia itself.
  • It was the beginning of the revolution and the unpopularity of war in society forced Russia to go to peace negotiations. The Japanese economy was significantly undermined as a result of war. Japan was inferior to Russia in both the number of armed forces and material possibilities. Even the successful continuation of the war would lead Japan to the economic crisis. Therefore, Japan, having won a number of spectacular victories, was content with this and also sought to conclude a peace treaty.

Results of the Russian-Japanese War

  • In August 1905, the Portsmouth world was concluded, containing the conditions humiliating to Russia. Japan entered South Sakhalin, Korea, Port Arthur. The Japanese received control over Manchuria. Russia's authority on the world stage was very undermined. Japan has demonstrated that its army is combined and armed with the latest technology.
  • In general, Russia was forced to abandon active actions in the Far East.

1. Russian-Japanese War 1904 - 1905. I became a major military clash of the imperialist and colonial interests of Russia and Japan for domination in the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. The war that claimed more than 100 thousand lives of Russian soldiers, which led to the death of the entire Pacific Fleet of Russia, ended with the victory of Japan and the defeat of Russia. As a result of the war:

- the beginning of the colonial expansion of Russia to the East was stopped;

- The military and political weakness of Nicholas's policies was demonstrated and, which contributed to the first Russian revolution 1904 - 1905.

2. As the industrial coup in Russia has been successful, the rapid growth of capitalism in Russia, as well as any imperialist powers, has a need for colonies. At the beginning of the XX century. Most of the colonies have already been divided between major imperialist powers of the West. India, Middle East, Africa, Australia, Canada, other colonies have already belonged to other countries and attempts by Russia to invade busy colonies would lead to full-scale wars with the countries of the West.

In the late 1890s. The Tsarski Minister A. Vesradov nominated the idea of \u200b\u200bturning China into the colony of Russia and expanding the territory of Russia to the East. According to the plan, China, not yet busy by the imperialists of other countries, with its resources and cheap labor could be an analogue of India for the British.

Simultaneously with China, it was planned to transform into a colony of Russia:

- Mongolia;

- a number of the islands of the Pacific Ocean;

- Papua - New Guinea.

This would have turned Russia into a strongest colonial power in the Pacific - as opposed to Great Britain and France - the largest colonial empires of the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.

The plan has caused both support and the resistance of the elite. Sober-minded politicians understood that the attempt by the hegemony of Russia in China and the Pacific Ocean will cause the resistance of other countries and the war. Opponents of the Far Eastern Policy considered a relatively adventurerist and called the conmedies and his supporters of the "disgusing clique." Despite the resistance of a series of courtiers, the plan of repeatedly liked the new king Nicholas II, and Russia began its implementation:

- In 1900, the Russian army occupied North China (Manchuria) and Mongolia;

- the military and economic consolidation of Russia in China began,

- On the territory of Manchuria was built by the Chinese Eastern Railway, which connected Vladivostok with Siberia through the territory of China;

- the resettlement of Russians in Harbin - the center of Northeast China;

- deep in China, not far from Beijing, the Russian city of Port Arthur was built, where the garrison was concentrated 50 thousand people and the Russian ships stood;

- Port Arthur - the largest naval base of Russia, held a profitable strategic position at the entrance to the Beijing Bay and became the "sea gates' Beijing - the capital of China. At the same time, there was a powerful Russian expansion in Korea.

- Created Russian-Korean joint-stock companies, which penetrated the leading spheres of the Korean economy;

- the construction of the railway between Vladivostok and Seoul began;

- The Russian mission in Korea gradually became the shadow government of this country;

- On the raid in the main port of Korea - Incheon (suburb of Seoul) were Russian warships;

- there was a preparation for the official inclusion of Korea to Russia, in support of what the Korean leadership, the rehabiliated invasion of the Japanese and

- King Nicholas II and many of his surroundings (mainly "without forming clicks" have investigated personal money to promise to be profitable Korean enterprises.

Using military and retail ports in Vladivostok, Port Arthur and Korea, Russian military and shopping fleets began to qualify for a leading role in this region. Military, political and economic expansion of Russia in China, Mongolia and Korea caused a sharp indignation of neighboring Japan. Japan is a young imperialist state, like Russia, recently (after the Revolution of Maidzi 1868), staging on the path of capitalist development and who did not have minerals, keenly needed resources and colonies. China, Mongolia and Korea were considered by the Japanese as priority potential Japanese colonies and the Japanese did not want these territories to turn into Russian colonies. Under the strong diplomatic pressure of Japan and its ally - England, threatened by the war, in 1902, Russia was forced to sign an agreement on China and Korea, according to which Russia had to fully remove his troops from China and Korea, after which Korea passed into the zone of influence of Japan And for Russia, only the CER remained. Initially, Russia began to fulfill the contract, but the disorders insisted on his breakdown - in 1903 Russia actually refused the contract and stopped bringing troops. The disorders convinced Nicholas II, that even in the worst case, Russia is waiting for the "small, but victorious war," because, in their opinion, Japan is a weak and backward country, and should not be found a diplomatic solution. The tension between Russia and Japan began to increase, Japan in an ultimative form demanded the fulfillment of the Treaty in China and Korea, but this requirement of Russia was ignored.

3. On January 27, 1904, Japan attacked the Russian Military Squadron at Chelpo (Incheon) - the main port of Korea. Started the Russian-Japanese war.

4. The largest battles of the Russian-Japanese war 1904 - 1905:

- the battle of the cruisers "Varyag" and "Korean" with the Japanese fleet in the port of Chelpo near Seoul (January 27, 1904);

- The heroic defense of Port Arthur (June - December 1904);

- fighting on the Shahe River in China (1904);

- Battle under Mukden (February 1905);

- Battle of Tsushima (May 1905).

On the first day of the war - January 27, 1904, the Korean cruiser and the Korean canonership in front of the fleet of all over the world, took an unequal fight with the Japanese squadron in the port of Chelpo (Incheon) near Seoul. During the combat "Varyag" and "Korean", they fused several best Japanese ships, after which, without sowing to break away from the environment, were flooded with teams. At the same time, on the same day, the Japanese attacked the Russian fleet in Port Arthur, where an unequal battle took the cruiser "Pallada".

A great role in the skilled actions of the fleet at the initial stage of war was played by prominent Russian fleet of Admiral S. Makarov. On March 31, 1904, he died during the battle on Petro-Pavlovsk cruiser, which was surfed by the Japanese. After the defeat of the Russian fleet in June 1904, the fighting moved to land. On June 1-2, 1904, the battle of Vafago in China took place. During the battle, the Japanese Expeditionary Corps of SCU and Noduse General, landed on land, defeated the Russian army of General A. Kuropatkina. As a result of Victory for Vafago, the Japanese cut off the Russian army and surrounded Port Arthur.

The heroic defense of the besieged Port-ATURA, who continued six months. During the defense, the Russian army was withstanding four fierce assaults, during which the Japanese lost more than 50 thousand people killed; 20 thousand soldiers died by the Russian army. On December 20, 1904, the Tsarist General A. Peresssel, contrary to the requirements of the command, after half a year of defense passed Port Arthur. Russia lost the main port in the Pacific Ocean. 32 thousand defenders Port Arthur fell into captivity to the Japanese.

The decisive battle of the war occurred under Mukden, in China. "Mukden meat grinder" in which more than half a million soldiers participated (approximately 300 thousand on each side), lasted 19 days in a row - from 5 to 24 February 1905. As a result of the battle, the Japanese army, under the command of General Oyama, broke the Russian army of General A . Kuropatkin The causes of the defeat of the Russian army in the general battle were the weakness of staff work and poor material and technical support. The Russian command underestimated the enemy, fought "in-book" without taking into account the actual situation, gave mutually exclusive orders; As a result, 60 thousand Russian soldiers were abandoned under fire and killed, more than 120 thousand were captured to the Japanese. In addition, as a result of the negligence of officials, the army remained without ammunition and food, some of which disappeared on the way, part - came late.

Mukden catastrophe, as a result of which, due to the prissthood of the command and the government, 200 thousand soldiers were "cannon meat", caused a wave of hatred in Russia to the king and government, contributed to the growth of the revolution of 1905

The final and again unsuccessful for Russia was the sea tsushim battle. After the full defeat of the Russian squadron in the Pacific Ocean, it was decided to relieve the Baltic Fleet to the Japanese Sea to help the deposited port Arthur. On October 2, 1904, the 30 largest ships of the Baltic Fleet, including the cruisers "Ock" and "Aurora", under the command of Admiral 3. Rodially began the transition to the Pacific Ocean. To May 1905, for 7 months, until the fleet went about three oceans, Port Arthur was commissioned by the enemy, and the Russian army was completely defeated under Mukden. On the way, on May 14, 1905, the Russian fleet, who came from the Baltic, was surrounded by the Japanese fleet of 120 new ships. During the Tsushim sea battle on May 14-15, 1905, the Russian fleet was completely crushed. Of the 30 ships, there are only three ships, including the cruiser "Aurora", managed to break through the Tsushim and to survive. The Japanese were sinking more than 20 Russian ships, including the best cruisers and armadors, the rest were taken to the board. Died and captured more than 11 thousand sailors. The Tsushim battle deprived Russia of the fleet in the Pacific and meant the final victory of Japan.

4. On August 23, 1905, the Portsmouth Peace Agreement was signed in the United States (Portsmouth) between Russia and Japan, according to which.

- Japan included O-in Sakhalin (southern part), as well as Korea, Port Arthur;

- under the control of Japan, manchuria and the CEV, which connected the Russian Far East with the rest of Russia.

For Russia, defeat in the Russian-Japanese war had a catastrophic value:

- Russia suffered huge human sacrifices;

- there was a major disappointment of the people in Nicolas II and the Tsarist Tips;

- Russia has lost the Asia-Pacific region, which for 40 years has passed under the full control of Japan;

- In Russia, the revolution began 1905

At the same time, in the course of this war, the birth and combat baptism of the Militarist Japan had occurred, which won the first colonies, turned out from a closed unknown world of the backward state into the largest imperialist powers. Winning in the war of 1904 - 1905. encouraged Japanese militarism. Outside 1905, Japan has invaded China and other countries over the next 40 years, which brought trouble and suffering from these peoples.

The reasons:
one). The rapid strengthening of Russia in the Far East (in 1898, KVA was built in Manchuria, in 1903 - through the transussibirsk highway to Vladivostok, in the Liaodogian Peninsula, Russia built naval bases. The positions of Russia in Korea were strengthened) concerned Japan, USA and England. They began to push Japan to the beginning of the war against Russia in order to limit its influence in the region;
2). The royal government sought to war with, seemed to be a weak and distant country - I needed a "little victorious war," V. K. Plevie and others;
3). It was required to strengthen the position of Russia in the international arena;
four). The desire of the Government of Russia to distract the people from revolutionary sentiment.
The main result of the war was that, contrary to the hopes that the "victorious war" derete the revolution, she, according to S. Yu. Witte, brought it closer to "dozens of years."

Move: January 27, 1904 - a sudden attack by the Japanese squadron of Russian ships from Port Arthur. Heroic battle of Varyag and Korean. Attack is repulsed. Russian losses: Varyag flooded. Korean blown. Japan provided superiority to the sea.
January 28 - re-bombardment of the city and Port Arthur. Attack is repulsed.
February 24 - Arrival in Port Arthur commander of the Pacific Vice-Admiral S. O. Makarov. Active actions of Makarov in preparation for the general battle with Japan on the sea (offensive tactics).
March 31 - Makarov's death. Inaction of the fleet, rejection of offensive tactics.
April 1904 - landing of Japanese armies in Korea, forcing r. Yala and joining Manchuria. The initiative in actions on land belongs to the Japanese.
May 1904 - the Japanese started the siege of Port Arthur. Port Arthur turned out to be cut off from the Russian army. An attempt to discharge him in June 1904 was unsuccessful.
August 13-21 - Battle under Liaoyan. Forces are approximately equal (160 thousand). Attacks of Japanese troops were repulsed. The indecisiveness of Kuropatkina prevented to develop success. August 24, Russian troops moved to r. Shahoe.
October 5 - the battle on the Shahe River began. The fog and mountainous terrain, as well as the notion of Kuropatkina (acted only part of his strength he had).
December 2 - the death of General Kondratenko. R. I. Kondratenko led the defense fortress.
July 28 - December 20, 1904 - the besieged Port Arthur Heroic defended. December 20, Stoxil gives an order about the surrender of the fortress. Defenders withstood 6 storms of the fortress. The fall of Port Arthur was a turning point during the Russian-Japanese war.
February 1905 - Mukden Battle. 550 thousand people participated on both sides. Passivity of Kuropatkina. Losses: Russian -90 thousand, the Japanese - 70 thousand. The battle was played by the Russians.
May 14-15, 1905 - the marine battle of about. Tsushima in the Japanese Sea.
Tactical mistakes of the Admiral Christmas. Our losses - 19 ships survived, 5 thousand killed, 5 thousand. PRESENTED. Defeat of the Russian Fleet
August 5, 1905 - Portsmouth World
By the summer of 1905 - Japan began to clearly feel the lack of material and human resources and turned to the USA, Germany, France. The United States advocates peace. The world was signed in Portsmouth, our delegation was headed by S. Yu. Witte.

Results: Loss of Kulilsky Oslands. Full destruction, unaware of war, lack of discipline in the armies.
An attempt to get out of the crisis of the lightning (victorious) war.