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Shahad in Arabic. Shahada - door to heaven. What does Islam begin? Allah created this world

Kalima (Arab. الكلمة - word, saying). The most important and best sayings of Muslim are the following:

The first Kalima - Taiyiba (sacred).

La Ilyah Illyallah Muhamadur Rasulullah.

There is no deity worthy (worship), except for Allah, Muhammad - His Messenger.

Second Kalima - Shahada (evidence).

Ashkhadu Alla Ilyaha Illyallahu Va Ashkhad Anna Muhammadan Abduha Va Rasulukh.

I testify that there is no God, except for Allah, and testify that Muhammad is his slave and a messenger.

Third Kalima - Tamjid (exaltation).

Subhanallahi Walghamdullyahi Wa La Ilyaha Illlalylah Waalha Akbar. Wa La Hawli Wawwat Illya Bileakhil- "Alyail-" azum.

Much Allah and praise Allah, and there is no deity, except for Allah and Allah Most High. There are no other power and strength, except for Allah knowing the Great.

Fourth Kalima - Tauhid (unity).

La Ilyaha Illyallahu Wahdah La Balls, Lyakhul-Mulk, Ua Lyakhul-Hamd, Yuhyi Uau Yumit, Biyadhil-Houir, Ua Huva "Alya Kully Shay-in Cadir.

There is no deity, except for Allah, one he has no companion from him. He owns all power, praise him. He is an enlivent and doubling, in his hands a good and he is dominated for any thing.

Fifth Kalima - Astagfar (forgiveness).

Astagfirullah Rabbatu Ming Cool Zanbin Azkrran, Alamadan Hata Ann Sirran, Alanyatan, Va Atuba Illikha Minazzam-Billasi Alamama, Va Minazzam Billasia La Alyama, Innaka Anta Alla Mes Gui Dob Va Satataruluyber Valya Valya Valya Azym.

I apologize with the Allah of My Lord, who is above all the sins that I have ever committed consciously or not, openly or hidden, I apologize for all sins that I know and do not know. About Allah Only you know hidden. We cannot be saved from sin and take the righteous without the help of Allah, Most High.

Sixth Kalima - Rada Kuffer (denial of disbelief).

Allahum Inni Auzu Beak Minisan Ushrika Beach Shayav Va Analyam in Astagfuoka Lima La Alam. Bihi Tuba Anhu Watabarra, TOh Minal Kufri Washchirki, Val Kisa, Val Himati, Valbid, Ati, Bath Matima, Val Favakhishi, Val Buchtani, Val Masi, Kullyah Va Aslyama Wajul Lialyahua Illyallahu Muhamadur Raslyukh.

About Allah! Truly, I ask you to defend you to deliberately give you companion. I pray for forgiveness from the sins perfect on the ignorance. I make repentance in all my past sins and from now on I refrain myself from disbelief, a lot of grains, lies, crosses, rumors and false accusations and shameful acts and any disobedience of Allah. I accept Islam with all its principles and prescriptions. From the bottom of my heart, I say that there is no God, except for Allah, and Muhammad is a messenger.

Shahada (Certificate) is one of the most important postulates of faith. It was from the pronouncement of the words of the testimony that Muslim beliefs begins in a single Allah - for the adoption of Islam, a person will be consciously realized to pronounce Shakhada, and from that moment he will be considered a Muslim.

In one of the Hadiths of the Prophet (S.G.V.) it says: "Vera has 70 with extensive degrees, the highest of which are the words" La Ilyahaly Illyallah "(leads to Muslim and Bukhari).

Giving Shahada, a person testifies to his conviction in the existence of the Most High Creator and his final envoy (S.G.V.). Her text is simple:

"Ashkhada Alla Ilyahyya Illyallah, Ua Ashkhad Anna Muhammad Rasulullah""I evidence that there is no deity of decent worship, except for Allah, and (testify) that Muhammad is his envoy"

Often pronounce the ending in the form: "... Ua Ashkhad Anna Mukhammadan Gabduha Uau Rasulyukh" ("Muhammad is his slave and envoy").

Muslim-Shiites sometimes add words to traditional shamehad "UA ALYUN VALYUSHILA" ("- the governor of Allah").However, adding this part to the words of the certificate is not mandatory.

The first part of the evidence means that Allah is the only god with absolute power and power over all creations. He has no companion, no children, since he needs anyone and is self-sufficient.

The believer must have sincere conviction that no one, except for a single creator, is not worthy of worship. Giving him companions, that is, recognition along with the creator of any other deities (), is considered a terrible sin in Islam. The sacred Quran contains a warning:

"Truly, Allah does not forgive, when the counterpart is coming to him, but forgives all other sins to whom wishes. Who comes against Allah, he is inflating the great sin "(4:48)

The second part of Shahada states that Muhammad (S.G.V.) is God's Messenger and the Prophet, sent as the grace of all mankind. In Islamic feedback, it emphasizes that the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) occupies a special role among all the prophets and Messengers of the Most High, since he was not sent to a separate people, but to all mankind. In addition, the book, sent to Muhammad (S.G.V.), - the Holy Quran - will act before the onset of the day, and Allah will protect it from various distortions and innovations.

Terms of saying Shahada

1. Awareness of its meaning. During the pronunciation of the certificate, a person must clearly understand and realize what has been said, as well as to have sincere conviction in the truth of Shahada. Despite the brevity of the formula of the certificate, it carries a deep meaning.

2. Refusal of the beliefs contrary to her That is, from judgments that clearly contradict the testimony.

3. Sincere conviction. A person should not doubt about the truth of Shahada's words.

4. obedience. A person must be submissive in compliance with Shakhad's requirements.

Advantages of Shahada

Shahada, being one of the postulates of faith, has considerable advantage for people who utter it in compliance with all the necessary conditions.

One day the Messenger of the Most High (S.G.V.) said: "I testify that there is no deity, worthy of worship, except for Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah! Whatever slave Allah met its creator with these two testimonies, not doubting their truth, he will definitely enter the paradise! " (Located with Muslim).

In another Hadith, which is contained in the collection of Bukhari, there is the following transhets of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.): "Truly Allah made the forbidden fire to someone who will say" La Ilyahallah ", thus rushing towards the facial of the Most High."

Praise Allhaxy, we praise it, asking help and forgiveness, and he bring repentance. We ask him to protect against the evil of our souls and our bad things. Whom Allah leads directly, no one will be misleading, and whom he misleads, no one will lead to a straight path. I testify that there is no deity, except for Allah alone, who has no companion, and testify that Muhammad is his slave and the envoy.
Yes bless Allah and welcomes himself, members of his family and his associates and all those who followed him.

About people! Fear Allah, execute his velats and do not disobey it. Remember him, and he will remember you, thank him and do not be ungrateful.

Oh slaves Allah! Almighty Allah commanded us to remember him at all times. Almighty Allah said:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ ذِكْرًا كَثِيرًا* وَسَبِّحُوهُ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا

"Oh those who believed! Measure Allah repeatedly and put it in the morning and before sunset. " (al-ahzab 41-42 Ayata).

The believer must constantly remember the Most High Allah. Especially to pronounce the words of remember, alleviating Allah recognizing his uniqueness. And on this best commemoration of the Most High Allah are words ("La Ilyah Illyallah"). The Prophet said: "The best of what I ever said to the prophets before me are words:

لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحْـدَهُ لا شَـريكَ له، لهُ المُلـكُ ولهُ الحَمـد، وهوَ على كلّ شيءٍ قدير

"There is no deity, except for Allah alone, who has no companion. He belongs to power and he praise, and he can"

"There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" - Not just words spoken by language. It is these words that we pronounce during a call to prayer (Azan and Ikama) and during Friday sermons. In these words, heaven and the earth are held, and for the sake of them the Supreme Scriptures sent to the people of Messengers and gave them the army of laws (Shariyati). The sake of them were established scales, affairs and create hell and paradise are recorded, and for them the Most High divided their creations to believers and unbelievers, and they will all be asked about this formula and its rights, and they will be award and punishment. "There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)""The basis of religion, and sake of her stuffed swords, and the struggle on the path of Allah."

Each Sail of the Most High is obliged to recognize that there is no deity, except for Allah. "There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" - The symbol of Islam, the keys to the monastery of the world, the words of God-fearing and reliable handle. "There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)"- Words of sincerity, saving from disbelief and delivering from fire. The life and property of the one who utters these words becomes inviolable, and if he believes in them with his heart, they will save him from fire in the world of eternal, and he will enter the paradise. Recall the words of the Prophet: "La Ilyaha Illalylah Wahdah La Ball Lyakhu, Lyakhu-Li-Ku Va Lyahu-Fa Hamd, Vaja Alia Kully Chayin Cadir».

The Prophet Muhammad peace told him: "Truly, Allah made forbidden for the fire who said "There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)", - seeking to face Allah " [Al-Bukhari; Muslim].

This formula consists of four short words, lungs for the language and hard on the scales. Abu Sa "Eid Al-Lyube reports that the messenger of Allah said:
"Musa (peace to him) said:" Lord! Teach me in such words so that I could remember you and contact you through them. " Allah said: "On Musa, say:"There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" . Musa said: "Lord, but all your slaves speak these words." Allah said: "On Musa! If seven heavens with all their inhabitants, besides me, and seven lands put on one basis of the scales, and"There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" - to another"There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" exit! "".

And "Abdullah Ibn" AMR reports: "Once, when we were with the Messenger of Allah, Bedouin came to him in a green raincoat, which was finished with a parolh, and said: "Truly, your comrade nodded every noble, noble son!"After some time, he said: "He wants to dress every noble, the son of the noble and exalt of every shepherd, the Son of the Shepherd!"Then the Messenger of Allah took him over the edges of his raincoat and said: "Truly, I see clothes that are unreasonable."Then he said: "Truly, when death came to the prophet Allah Nuhu (peace), he said to his son:" That's what I will be visited. I drove you to do two things and forbid you to do two others. I drove words"There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" ; for, truly, if seven heavens and seven lands put on one bowl of scales, and"There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" - on the second,"There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)" moves. And if seven heavens and seven lands were a closed ring, they would have broken the words " "There is no deity, besides Allah, he was pressed, and praise it". These words - the prayer of all creation, and through them the creation will be given. And I forbid you the attachment of Allahu Assistrators (Shirk) and arrogance. "I asked (or: People asked): "About the Messenger of Allah! We know what Shirek is, what is the arrogance? Is this when some of us have beautiful sandals with good belts?"He replied: "Not".Someone asked: "Is that when someone from us has a ring that he wears?"He said again: "Not".Someone asked: "High-grade is when one of us has a row animal on which he drives?"The Prophet said: "Not".Then someone asked: "Is this when someone from us have comrades who are going from him?"He said again: "Not".Then someone asked: "Allah's flare! So what is the arrogance?"He replied: "Failure to take truth and a contemptuous attitude towards people" " (Imam Ahmad; al-Khakim)

These great words have two components (Arun):

1. Non-negious. In the first part of the formula it is said that no one can be a deity, except for Allah alone. These are words "There is no deity ...".

2. Approval.This is the second part of the formula - words: "... besides a single God (Allah)"comprising a statement that the only deity is the Almighty Allah. If you collect two parts together, it becomes clear the meaning of these words. This is a renunciation from Shirk and everyone who makes shirk, and the dedication to worship is alone by Almighty Allah.

Man, uttering these words, announces his renunciation from Shirk and anyone who makes shirk, and undertakes to worship alone by Allah, devoting religion to him alone. If he fulfill his commitment, he will be considered confession by the religion of Allah - Islam, and enter Insha Allah. If he simply utters these words without doing what they are obliged to them, they will not bring him any benefit. The hypocrites said: "There is no deity, except Allah" Its languages, but did not believe in this heart, and their place, as we know - in the lower layer of hell. And today there are people who say: "There is no deity except Allaxa" And at the same time they appeal to the dead to the dead, traversal around the tombs, looking for approaching the deceased, give vows on their graves and bring them sacrifices. Such a person words "There is no deity, except Allah" They do not bring any benefit, because he does not make what they are obliged to - that is, it does not interfere with Shirka and do it and do not devoted to the worship of Allah, the Lord of Worlds. But these words suggest a refusal to worship the graves and approaching the dead, as well as the refusal of idolatry, which does not differ from the worship of the graves ... Such is the meaning of words "There is no deity, except for a single God (Allah)."

The Messenger of Allah said: "Best Molver - Molver per day" Arafa, and the best words ever pronounced by me and prophets to me: "There is no deity, except for Allah alone, who has no companions" "(AT-Tirmisi)

Oh slaves Allah! Pronounced words "There is no deity, except Allah" There are duties before these words. This is the commission of compulsory prayer (Namaz), the payment of climb, compliance with the post in Ramadan, Hajj to the reserve house for those who have the opportunity to make it, as well as the execution of the advantages of the Most High and the refusal of breathing him. But today, many Muslims do not make something that obliges their formula of the monotheism - without making a prayer, not paying for the scales and are not afraid of the day in which the eyes quarreled and turn over the hearts ... And at the same time, they all want to get to the paradise to experience There are eternal bliss, and none of them want to be on fire.

About Allah, give the Muslim community of prudence, which will help the righteous to rise, and sinners are corrected, and help us encourage to approve and hold from the belief ( Allahumma Abrim Li-Khazihichi-Ummaty Amra Rushdin yu "Azzu Bihi Ahlu Ta" Aki Va Yuhda Bihi Ahlya Ma "Syatika VA YU" Mar Fihi Bi-Fi "Ruf Va Yunha" Ani-l-Munkar).

I say what you heard, and ask the Almighty Allah forgiveness, ask you and you are forgiveness. Truly, he is forgiving, merciful! (Shark Ma Tasma "Unparent Astagfirullah Fa-Stagfiruha Innau Al-Gafuru-R-Rahim).

Miraculous words: there is no prayer God except Allah in Arabic in full description from all the sources we found.

Allah is great (the greatest).

Praise (Tabier). Used when the believer wants to remember the greatness of Allah

Allah knows better (Allah knows better)

Speech after the names of the prophets, Messengers and Higher Angels (Gibril, Mikael, Azrail, Israfil)

So Muslims often comment on anything, for example, when they talk about success and when they answer questions "How are things", "as health"

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Alhamdulillyah Rabla 'Alain

Praise Allah, Lord Worlds!

Peace to you (greeting).

I apologize to Allah

أَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّـيْطٰنِ الرَّجِيْمِ

Auzu Billahi Min Ash-Shaightani R-Rada

I resort to the protection of Allah from the damned (beaten) Satan

(Barakallahu - بارك الله)

May Allah bless you!

Form of grateful expression, analog "Thank you." At the same time, "Barakallahi Fiki" speak when contacting a man; "Barakallahi Fiki" - when contacting a woman; "Barakallahi Fikum" - when contacting several people. Reply to Barakallah Fikum: "Va Fikum" (وإياكم) - And you, "Va Fika" - (husband.), "Va Fiki" - (wives)

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ‎‎

In the name of Allah, gracious, merciful.

These words should be pronounced before any important thing (Sunna - to pronounce this phrase before meals, before abamination, at the entrance to the house, etc.)

"And you the world" (answer to the greeting).

جزاك اللهُ خيرًا

Yes, you will repulse Allah Bent!

Form of grateful expression, analog "Thank you."

At the same time "Jazzak butLlakha Haran »Speak when contacting a man; "Jazak andLlakha Haran "- when contacting a woman; "Jazak mindLlakh Hayran "- when referring to two people; "Jazak muLlakh Hyran "- when contacting several people

وَأَنْتُمْ فَجَزَاكُمُ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا

Va Antorna Fa Jazakum Allahu Hiran

The answer to the aforementioned gratitude.

Reduced answer: "Wa Yakum" (وإياكم) - And let you, too, will repay, "Va Yaka" - (husband.), "Va Yaki" - (wives)

Words Congratulations on Blessed Friday

Universal congratulation on the holiday

Literally: blessed holiday

إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ

Truly, Allah with patient.

Reminder that you need to be patient to achieve the satisfaction of the Most High

If there is the will of Allah

May Allah will give you the right way!

يهديكم الله و يصلح بالكم

Yahadmikumullah va Yuslich Balyakum

May Allah will give you the right way and it will lead to all of your business in order!

According to the predetermination of Allah

لا إله إلاَّ الله

There is no God, except for Allah (there is no one and nothing worthy of worship, except for the only God of Allah).

So wished Allah; So decided Allah.

Used when commenting on any events for the expression of obedience to the will of Allah, the fact that it predetermined for a person. Also say "Masha Allah", when someone is praised, someone's beauty admire (especially a child) so as not to smooth

May Allah be pleased with them.

Used after the names of wives, children and the associates of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, as well as after the names of great scientists-theologians and Imam

"Radiallah AMH" says to men

"Radiállah Anchu" - to women

"Radiállah Anhum" - addressed two people, regardless of gender

"Radiállah Ankhum" - in the group of people

صلى الله عليه وسلم‎‎

Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

(S.A.V., Saw, SAAW, PBUH)

Yes bless Allah Muhammad and it welcomes (peace and blessing of Allah).

They say when mentioning the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing

سلام الله علیها‎

It is used after the names of righteous Muslims - Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam, Mother Isa (Jesus), peace

Prechist (assist) Allah.

All that happens or does not happen, - by the will of Allah, which has no deficiencies. Muslims often utter "Subhanallah" in a conversation or to themselves to remind (someone or yourself) about it

He is holy (Allah) and great.

These words are usually spoken after pronouncing the name of Allah

I love you for the sake of Allah.

"Wortbb-Kya F-Llya" - when contacting a man; "Wortbb-ki F-Llya" - when contacting a woman

أَحَبَّـكَ الّذي أَحْبَبْـتَني لَه

Ahabba-kya-llaza Akhbabta n na-hu

Yes, he loves you, for whom you loved me.

The answer to the aforementioned phrase

(Fi Sabille, Fisabilly)

On the path of Lord

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Shahada (Arab. الشهادة - letters. certificate; Pronounced (inf.)) - Certificate of faith in a single god (Allah) and the Mohammed Mission of the Prophet

. Shahad may also mean martyrdom for faith, as well as the testimony given to the certificate of any fact.

In a brief form, Shahada's translation looks like this: "I testify that there is no other God, except for Allah, and more testify that Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah"

. Shahad Shiites differs from the Sunni adding words " va 'Alyyun Vali L-lah" Shahade's pronouncement is the main condition for the adoption of Islam.

Ashkhadu Alla Ilyah Illy Llakha Va Ashkhada Anna Mukḥammadan Rasul Llah

Shahad is considered the first and most important position of the Islamic Symbol of Faith (see five pillars of Islam). It contains the two first Islamic dogmas on the uniqueness of Allah (Tauhid) and the prophecy of Mohammed. Shahad arose as a prayer and distinguishable exclamation, which the first Muslims differ from the pagans-polybodnes and other inners. During the battles, Shahad served in a combat tide, which served as the appearance of the concept of Shahid (martyr). Initially, Shahidami called warriors who fell in the war against the enemies of Islam with Shahada on the lips. Shahadas pronounced Muslims in many cases of life. As an integral part, it enters almost all Islamic prayers.

In a brief form, Shahada's translation looks like this: "I testify that there is no deity, except for Allah, and more testifying that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." In a more expanded form, the translation of Shahada looks like this: "I testify, knowing, being absolutely convinced that there is no other deity, worthy of worship, except the only God-Allah; I, also knowing and being absolutely convinced, testifying that Truly Muhammad Ibn Abdullah from the genus Hashima (peace and blessing of Allah) is his slave and a messenger sent to him to all mankind to teach people of true religion. "

Shiite Shahad differs from the Sunni adding words about the righteous caliph and the first Shiite Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talibe "Wa 'Aliyun Valia L-lah" (Arab. وعلي ولي الله), which means " and Ali - a friend of Allah" In general, Shiite Shahad has the form: "I testify that there is no deity, except for Allah, and I also testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and Ali - a friend of Allah."

The word "إله" ("ilea") in the Arabic language is "God", "Deity", with a more detailed study of the importance of this word it turns out that the word "ile" also corresponds to the meaning of the word "worship object", " Who worship. " Around the identity of the words "God", "Divine" and "object of worship", "the one who worship" sometimes arises disputes between translators.

A triple pronunciation of Shahada in front of an official was in the Middle Ages, the ritual of adoption of Islam. From the point of view of Islam, since the pronouncement of Shahada in the Divine Presence ("With sincerity in the heart"), a person is considered to be a Muslim and must observe the remaining decisions of Sharia and Sunna, at least those who are known to him, and in the case of unknown, you need to follow rational and Peace Principles.

The adoption of Islam Christians

When making Islam, those who confessed Christianity, in some mosques of Europe, in addition to the usual "testimony", it is recommended to further pronounce the certificate of the Messenger Mission of Jesus Christ. [ specify]

Shahada call the testimony given to the certificate of any fact. In order for it to be valid, it should be direct and not transmitted to other people's words (the exception is the order or will). The testimony should be given by two full men or four women. The testimony of the slave is equal to the testimony of a woman, and the testimony of non-Musulman, depending on the legal school (Mazhab), can be made on a par with a certificate of Muslims, or not accepted at all.

Pronounced False Certificate by Considation According to one mazhabam is punishable as an oath, and according to others, the same punishment who would be falsely accused. Shahada is one of the most important ways to establish truth in countries with Sharia judicial system. The procedure for the certificate is detailed in the works of the Khanafitsky Theologian Abu Yusuf al-Ansari.

how to spell on Arabic, no god besides Allah

Questions on the topic

his even then planted in a mental hospital

Suppose that I am Eastovo believes in a flying macarana monster. My God is. When I find yourself in a difficult situation, I humbly pray it for help. And he helps me! For example, I found myself in a dangerous situation for my life, and I managed to escape, after I chemished to LMMI about help. In short, LMM got out of me, and more than once. But what's all salt. After all, for example, from the point of view of the same Islam, there is no LMM-God, for "no God besides Allah." But then who helped me? T.

For example, Muslims "There is no God, except for Allah"? Well, okay, let's say a person to believe, he chooses his own religion to tradition or taste, but on the basis of what he will consider that all other believers are mistaken? Why not assume that religion is Like Santa Claus. We have this Santa Claus, in America - this is Santa Claus, etc. It is either wrong to consider believers in another God. Muslims even the word is "incorrect". However, it is more like to prove that this religion is.

أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله

This is the full text of Shahada. Translation: There is no God (worthy worship) besides Allah and Muhammad Messenger of God.

Ashkhaud Al-la * El * Hel Il-La Lla * x, Ua Ashkhad Anna Muhammadar Ras * Liu Lla * x

(* U2014 long vowels)

write like this: لا إله إلا الله

voiced by "La Illyha Ilyalya",

And letonally mean that "there is no God besides Allah," and Allah is the name of his own. Allah is Allah, and God is il!

Shahad and her dignity

Shahada (Certificate) is one of the most important postulates of faith. It was from the pronouncement of the words of the testimony that Muslim beliefs begins in a single Allah - for the adoption of Islam, a person will be consciously realized to pronounce Shakhada, and from that moment he will be considered a Muslim.

In one of the Hadiths of the Prophet (S.G.V.) it says: "Vera has 70 with extensive degrees, the highest of which are the words" La Ilyahaly Illyallah "(leads to Muslim and Bukhari).

Giving Shahada, a person testifies to his conviction in the existence of the Most High Creator and his final envoy (S.G.V.). Her text is simple:

Often pronounce the ending in the form: "... Ua Ashkhad Anna Mukhammadan Gabduha Uau Rasulyukh" ("Muhammad is his slave and envoy").

Muslim-Shiites sometimes add words to traditional shamehad "UA ALYUN VALYUSHILA" ("Ali - the governor of Allah"). However, adding this part to the words of the certificate is not mandatory.

The first part of the evidence means that Allah is the only god with absolute power and power over all creations. He has no companion, no children, since he needs anyone and is self-sufficient.

The believer must have sincere conviction that no one, except for a single creator, is not worthy of worship. Giving him companions, that is, recognition along with the creator of any other deities (shirk), is considered a terrible sin in Islam. The sacred Quran contains a warning:

The second part of Shahada states that Muhammad (S.G.V.) is God's Messenger and the Prophet, sent as the grace of all mankind. In Islamic feedback, it emphasizes that the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) occupies a special role among all the prophets and Messengers of the Most High, since he was not sent to a separate people, but to all mankind. In addition, the book, sent to Muhammad (S.G.V.), - the Holy Quran - will act before the onset of the day, and Allah will protect it from various distortions and innovations.

Terms of saying Shahada

1. Awareness of its meaning. During the pronunciation of the certificate, a person must clearly understand and realize what has been said, as well as to have sincere conviction in the truth of Shahada. Despite the brevity of the formula of the certificate, it carries a deep meaning.

2. Refusal of the beliefs contrary to her That is, from judgments that clearly contradict the testimony.

3. Sincere conviction. A person should not doubt about the truth of Shahada's words.

4. obedience. A person must be submissive in compliance with Shakhad's requirements.

Advantages of Shahada

Shahada, being one of the postulates of faith, has considerable advantage for people who utter it in compliance with all the necessary conditions.

One day the Messenger of the Most High (S.G.V.) said: "I testify that there is no deity, worthy of worship, except for Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah! Whatever slave Allah met its creator with these two testimonies, not doubting their truth, he will definitely enter the paradise! " (Located with Muslim).

In another Hadith, which is contained in the collection of Bukhari, there is the following transhets of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.): "Truly Allah made the forbidden fire to someone who will say" La Ilyahallah ", thus rushing towards the facial of the Most High."

Or is it only in the forbidden mosque they can not get?

If the truth is, this is not a real Muslim, not correct

On the translation of the testimony of "La Ilyha Shahl Llakh"

Assalym Alyaikum UA Rakhmatullah!

Praise Allah Lord worlds, peace and blessing to the prophet Muhammad, his family and associates.

Nowadays, we are all witnessing that many of the Arabic Literature Translators about Islam and also those who write some articles about Islam; Male a great testimony "La Ilyaha Illy Allah" as "There is no God (or Divine), except Allah". This is a gross mistake in the translation of this great certificate. Since the word "God" in Russian, mainly means "Lord", "Vladyka", "Creator", etc. However, the Arab word "Ilyah" is not translated as "Lord", "Vladyka", etc., but means "an object of worship". And even if the Russian word is God or a deity and indicates the meaning of the "object of worship" in addition to the meanings of the "Lord", "Vladyka", "Creator", still a rude mistake remains in translation. Since in this case it should sound like this: "There is no worthy deity, except for Allah," and better: "There is no deity worthy (worship), except for Allah."

The argument is the following:

1) The word "إله" Ilyah in Arabgers is taught from the verb "أ ل ه". The verb "أ ل ه" makes sense - worship with love and exaltation. From the foregoing it follows that there is a difference between the Arab "Ilya" and the Russian "God" or "Deity". Since the Arab "Ilyah" does not make any sense except worship. And the Russian "God" or "Divine" contains in itself much more than worship, as "Lord", "Vladyka", "Creator".

2) The word "إله" "Ilyah" in Arabic has the form "ففال" in the sense of "مففول", i.e. Indicates only an object of action. And the word "God" and "Divine" in Russian indicate both the subject and the object of action.

3) In Arabic Certificate "La Ilyah Illy Allah" five words, and in translating four.

The first word "la", which in Arabic is called "La Nafia Lee-Lee".

In Arabic, "La Nafia Li-Leezers" has "ISM" (name) and "Khabar" (led).

Therefore, the second word in this testimony is "ISM" (the name "la"), and this word "ilea" is the "deity" or "object of worship".

The third word in this testimony is "Khabar" (led "La"). And this Khabar word "hackkun".

Fourth word "Illya" - except.

Fifth word - "Allah".

Let's go back to the third word. Why we do not pronounce it in Arabic Certificate "La Ilyaha Illy Allah". Because the testimony of "La Ilyah Illy Allah" is an Arab proposal, and in Arabic it is not allowed to pronounce or "hiding" "Khabar" (the Arabic scientist Philologist Ibn Malik said about this:

وَشَاعَ فِي ذَا الْبَابِ إِسْقَاطُ الخَبَر

إِذَا الْمُرَادُ مَعْ سُقُوطِهِ ظَهَــر

"And is well known in this section keep a habar (predicate)

If a the meaning after it was removed, remains clear. ".

And the meaning remained clear for Arabs, as the Quran and Sunna indicates for it.

As for the Koran, the Almighty Allah told us that Kurayshita, having heard the words of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah): "Tell me La Ilyha Illy Allah and you will succeed, said: « Did he donate the deity in one deity? Truly, it is something amazing! " (Garden 38: 5).

Also, Imam Ibn Huzayma handed the Hadith that when Abu Sufyan met with the Roman king, he asked him about the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah, said, "And what does he order you?". He replied: "Worship Allah and do not give him anyone in companions and leave; What your fathers say ... ".

From the foregoing, we see that for Arabs the meaning of "La Ilyah Illy Allah" remained clear, so the prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, in accordance with the rules of the Arabic language, did not pronounce Khackaun (worthy) in this testimony.

As for the Russian language, it does not have the rules on which Ibn Malik, and the Allah is humble. That is, in Russian, there is no topic "La Nafia Lee-Leezers" (a larger view), not to mention the subtleties of this topic and that it is permitted to clean the "Khabar", " if the meaning after it was removed remains clear. " And even if this topic was in Russian, we see from the words of Ibn Malik, that a habar in Arabic is allowed to remove only if the meaning remains clear. It follows that if I washed away, it is not clear, then it is forbidden to clean it in Arabic. And what then talk about Russian? None of the Russian-speaking population will tell you that from the words "there is no God, besides Allah" it is understood that there is no worthy worship, except for Allah, and that everything that worships, besides him, not worthy of worship !! Maximum that the Russian-speaking reader can understand the words "there is no God, except for Allah," is that there is no other God, the Lord who creates the manager, except Allah. And such an understanding of this testimony is an understanding of such lost trends, like Mo'tazilitis, Ash'arites, Maturidits and those like it.

And therefore, in Russian, remove the "Khabar" - the failed - is forbidden.

4) Sheikh Fausan speaks of those people who say that the testimony of "La Ilyah Illy Allah" makes sense "There is no deity, except for Allah", the following:

« To the one who says that « La Ilyha Illy Allah"So only"La Ma.buda Illy Allah "(no God (or deity in the sense of the object of worship) besides Allah," we will say that this is a great misconception. Since you start all that worship, besides Allah, in the word "Allah". And this is ideology Pantheists. And so it is necessary to say the word "hackk" - "worthy". Since the deities are two species. The one who worship is not right, and the one who worship due to the fact that he is worthy of this worship. And one who is worthy of worship is Allah, and the one who is not worthy of him is all the other deities that worship in this everyday. Most High said: « This is because Allah has truth (hackkin), and what they worship besides him, there is a lie ». This is the meaning "La Ilyha Illy Allah» "And'anatul Mustafid p. 62".

Based on the above, I encourage translators to change a look at the translation of this great certificate « La Ilyha Illy Allah» And to translate it at least as "no worthy deity, except Allah," and better: "There is no deity worthy (worship), except for Allah" or "There is no one worthy of worship, except Allah."

And at the end, I wanted to tell readers about my dialogue with one of the famous translators of Arabic literature. When I reported to it of the foregoing, he told me the following story.

When he translated the words of the Almighty as "We worship you and you molim about help", Some of the unstring brothers began to be outraged and say, that this is the wrong translation, and that the correct translation will sound like this: "You're alone we worship and you one pray for help". And one of the editors of Arabs asked him to fix this translation. Then he (translator) told this arab that these brothers do not know the rules of the Russian language and the fact that in Russian there is a "semantic stress" the topic, and that in the translation of this Ayata we are just the same and we can use this topic. However, that Arab insisted on his own, and he (translator) had to write as this brother Arab asked.

And I think that this brother (translator) told me this story in order to say that my words are like the words of those brothers who do not know Russian rules.

However, I want to note that the translation of words "Iyaka Nast'in Iyaka Nasta'in" as "We worship you and you molim about help" or how « You worship you alone and you are one pray for help» From the section of the Arab science "BALAGA" (i.e. rhetoric, or eloquence), which studies the semoley side of the language, and our question with the translation of the certificate is completely connected with another science, and this "Nahu" (i.e. grammar), which Learning the composition of the offer. And these are two different things that cannot be confused.

I hope that I will reach this brother and other translators of Islamic literature, and they will change their look at the translation of this great certificate, which is the door of entry into Islam.

In conclusion, we will give the praise of Allah, the Lord of the worlds! Yes Nispox Allah Peace Peace Our Prophet Muhammad!

Abu Muhammad Kazakhstan

Those. Section لا نافية للجنس "La denial"

Words Certificate (Shahada) "La ileach Illy Llakh" are the greatest words! These are words, because of which the Almighty Allah sent prophets and the scriptures of the Scriptures. CLOVA, due to which the Most High created a worldly and afterlife, hell and paradise. Words, due to which on the day, people will take their books either in the right or left hand. Words that will make a heavy bowl of good acts on the scales of the day and without which no good deed will be launched. Words that are a contract with the Almighty Allah, as the great Tabin said about this (follower of associates) Said Ibn Jubair: "This is a contract about which the Almighty mentioned in the Quran, saying: "No one will find the rights of intercession, except for those who have covenant with Allah" (Sura "Maryam", Ayat 87). Words for which will be asked on Judgment Day: "That day he will call them and says:" What did you answer the Messengers? "" (Sura Al-Kysas, Ayat 65). Words that are the basis and support on which all Islam is built, from which other duties and prohibitions are brused. Words, which are strong and reliable Verves of Allah: "Whoever does not believe in the Taguta (everything is worshiped, in addition to Allah - approx. The author), and believes in Allah, he grabbed for the most reliable proper, which will never break. Allah is a hearing, who knows "(Sura" Al-Bakara ", Ayat 256). Words that are the highest degree of faith, as the prophet Muhammad said about this (may Allah bless him and welcomes): " Faith has seventyly extensive degrees, the highest of which are the words "La Ilyah Illy Llakh", and the smallest of them - eliminating the obstacles from the road ". (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

Of the above, it becomes clear what high degree of these words and what dignity they possess. And there is nothing harder for these words on the scales of the Judgment Day due to their holiness and greatness, as it comes to us in the Hadiths of our prophet (and bless him Allah and welcomes). Even two such Hadiths would be enough to point out the advantage of Shahada: "Truly Nukh (Noah) told his son before his death:" I command "La Illyha Illy Llakh" and if you put seven heavens and seven lands on one cup of scales, and put the words "La Illyha Illy Llakh" on another bowl, then the bowl With the words of otelitis " (Ahmad). Also transmitted from the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) that "Musa (peace to him) said: "Oh, Lord, teach me something, what I will remember you and call you." What Allah answered him: "Tell" La Ilyaha Illy Llakh ". Musa said: "Oh, Lord, truly all your slaves say it." Most High said: "On Musa, tell me" La Ilyaha Illy Llakh "." Musa said: "" La Ilyah Illy Llakh, "but I would like something that you would have repurchased specially for me." What the Most High Allah replied: "About Musa! If Seven Heaven and Seven Lands with their inhabitants, besides me, put on one scale of the scales, and the words "La Ilyah Illy Llakh" - to another, then the bowl with these words will one of the words "».

Shahada is a testimony, which is the key from the paradise gardens and salvation from hellish fire, dear happiness and dear to success in both worlds, as the Almighty Allah in the Quran says about it: "Who will be removed from the fire and introduced to heaven, he will find a success" (Sura "Alya Imran", Ayat 185). Sacred texts indicating that these words are the reason for the entrance to the paradise gardens. On some of them we will stop.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah) said: (Muslim).

Also transmitted that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: Truly Allah made the forbidden fire to someone who would say "La Ilyha Illy Llakh," wanting this face of the Most High Allah (Al-Bukhari).

The meaning of La Lyaha Illy Llakh

As we said, Shahada is a testimony of "La Illyha Illy Llakh", and if we analyze every word of this testimony, then its meaning will be as follows:

« La"- a particle that in this context carries the meaning of the complete denial.

« Ilyah"- A word denoting what worship, i.e. Before how humiliates, loving and exalting, what they are resorted and what they need.

« Illya"- exclusion particle" except ".

« Allah"- The name of the Great Allah, the only, worthy worship, which includes the meaning of all the names of the Most High.

The meaning of the same testimony will be: "There is no deity, worthy of worship, except Allah." It contains denial and approval. That is, when we say "there is no deity, worthy of worship," we denies all the false bodies and worship them, whom people invented for themselves in the form of idols, as icons, idols, passions, power, property and others. When we say "besides Allah", then we argue that the worship is worthy of only one Almighty Allah and worship him.

It will be important here to mention what kind of worship in the Sharia's sense of the word. Worship has two meanings:

1 ) Relative to the form of worship - This is humiliated before Allah with the execution of his orders and subordinate it to prohibitions, with love for him and the exaltation of him.

2 ) Regarding the essence of worship "That's all that loves the Almighty Allah and what he is satisfied with words and acts, explicit and hidden."

The types of worship include: Namaz, earthly bow, DUA (Molver), sacrifice, as well as observance of Sharia in all kinds of human relationships, like trade, marriage, politics, economics and others. That is, if a person makes Namaz, he devotes him only to the Almighty and makes it according to Sharia; If he makes the earthly bow, it makes it only the Almighty; If he does Dua (Molub), then asks only the Most High Allah. Also, if a person marries, leads trade relations or is engaged in a policy, then all this he does according to the norms of Sharia.

Conditions for La Ilyha Illy Llah

Certificate of the monotheism is not a lying language. He has conditions, without which the pronouncing does not receive benefits. There is no mind here that a person should memorize them by heart, because, often people cannot list these conditions, but at the same time they keep them and true to them.

1. Knowledge excluding ignorance and doubt

This condition requires the believer to know the meaning of these words. A person will be considered a meaningful meaning of these words, if he knows that the Almighty Allah is the only one who worship, and the worship of someone, besides him, is a majority, and does not have any doubt about it.

Almighty Allah said in the Quran: "Know that there is no one worthy worship, except for Allah, and ask for forgiveness for their sin and for believing men and believing women" (Sura "Muhammad", Ayat 19).

"The believers are those who believed in Allah and his envoy, and then did not have a doubt" (Sura "Al-Hodjurat", Ayat 15).

Transmitted from Usman Ibn Affan (may Allah be satisfied) that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "The one who died, knowing that there is no one worthy worship, except Allah, will enter the paradise!" (Muslim 26).

Also, the Hadith, which we have previously specified: Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah) said: "I testify that there is no deity, worthy of worship, except for Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah! Whatever slave Allah met Allah with these two testimonies, not doubting their truth, he will definitely enter the paradise! " (Muslim 27.)

2. Sincerity and truthfulness, excluding lies and polysis

This condition requires the believer to purify all its actions through the right intention from all impurities of the Multimit, did not deceive themselves with these words or others and was honest towards his creator, without having (when pronouncing) any goals, except for the content of Allah, as This is indicated by the Ayata of the Sacred Quran: "Truly, clean faith can be devoted to one Allah" (Sura "Az-Zimar", Ayat 3).

Almighty Allah also said: "But they were ordered only to worship Allah, serve him sincerely" (Sura Al-Bayne, Ayat 5).

Almighty Allah also said: "There are those who say:" We believed in Allah and on the last day. " However, they are unbelievers! They are trying to deceive Allah and believers, but deceive only themselves and are not aware of this "(Sura Al-Bakar, Ayata 8-9).

It also points to the Hadith, which is given by Abu Khruire (may Allah be pleased), that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcome) said: "On the day of the resurrection, the greatest right to my intercession has the one who said:" La Ilyaha Illya-Llah, "being sincere in his heart!" (Al-Bukhari).

3. Actions that Shahad require

This condition requires the denial of any deities, except for Allah, and leaving the worship of them with the heart, language and affair, and also requires allah worship. Transmitted from Muaza ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased) that the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) told him: "O MUAZ, do you know what the right of Allah before your slaves? And what is the right of slaves in front of Allah? He replied: "Allah and his messenger know better." He said: "The right of Allah in front of his slaves so that they worship him and did not give him anyone in the counterparts, and the right of slaves in front of Allah so that he does not punish those who do not give him companions" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

If the question arises how it is possible that the person denied the polytheism and at the same time committed it, then the answer to him will be today's reality. When people argue that "there is no deity, worthy of worship, except Allah" and at the same time pay their prayers and aspirations to idols, the graves of the dead or the authorities and property are achieved, while moving the borders permitted and doing them with their idols.

4. Pronunciation of language

The pronunciation of Shahada language is a condition only for those who want to accept Islam. That is, from a person who wants to accept Islam is required to pronounce the tongue. Transmitted from Abu Khruire (may Allah be pleased) that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) sent him for his sandals and said: "Whoever you meet for this wall testifying (i.e. speaking)" La Illyah Illy Llah, "and I am convinced of this heart, then you will give him a paradise ..." (Muslim).


As we said above, the certificate of the monotheism is not a lying language. It is a lifestyle behind him, which is its embodiment. The testimony of "La Ilyaha Illy Llya" implies the remaining of the polybias and worship of Allah, the fulfillment of his orders and subordinate to its prohibitions that relate to all spheres of human life: ritual worship (human relationship with the Most High) and public relations (, politics, economics).