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Morning prayer for optical elders. Morning prayers of optical elders

(affirmation lovers)

One of my favorite philosophers - Blaise Pascal, once said: "If God would not" laid us on the blades from time to time, "we would have no time to look at the sky." ...

Incorrect approach ...

  1. As a rule, people are treated with serious questions to religion when something is not laid in life. And contacting they are waiting - a miracle. Because it is well remembered (even if nobody taught them) the essence of the parables about the prodigal son - here it is: Returned, and it was accepted and moreover - in honor of the return of the rebound calf. That's right, in general. But everything is not quite as necessary.
  2. As a rule, people are treated with serious questions to psychology when they have everything in life awry. And turning, they are waiting for a miracle too. But they motivate it with some other things. Belief in science ... correctly believe in science. But everything is not quite as necessary.

The right approach

Interest in science (psychology) and religion should be, of course, not "speedless". Otherwise, there will be little to the person and from the other.

It is advisable to be interested in both when we are calm and good on our soul.

After all, any wisdom will not be the case, if we throw to her in stress, insult, with heads, blurred anger and holes on shoes ...

Imagine that you were well checked in the store (because you, suppose, you think bad since childhood) and you for some reason (although it is quite logical) ... rushed to mathematics, study with him algebra and so that with you more than one never Not repeated. But let me ... Before Azov, will the algebra be to you when they stroke tears and hands shake?


When we are good, we prefer not to get involved with serious questions. Psychology interests us - purely entertainment ("Erzats-Psychology"), religion is interested in (if you are interested in) - ritual.

Today I want to offer all readers to excellently prevent the relationship to life, which leads us to the church or to a psychologist.

This is the morning meditation, it is the prayer of the optical elders. We can read it every day as affirmation as a mantra. If you are still practicing "Morning records Julia Cameron" :-), it is best to do it - immediately after you closed a notebook and put a handle in place.

At first you splashed the bustle, negative or just nonsense. But only then - they charged the calm and wisdom. Here it is, this wisdom:

Prayer of the last Optina elders at the beginning of the day

"Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that will bring me the coming day.

Give me all the wilts of your saint.

For any hour of this day, you will mention and support me.

Whatever news I am received during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire holy will of yours.

In all words and the affairs of my led by my thoughts and feelings.

In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent to you.

Teach me straight and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and not upgrown.

Lord, give me the power to transfer the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day.

I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love.


This text of the prayer of the optical elders is almost out-of-confessional and very psychotherapy. The man who began his morning with meaningful and leisurely uttering these or similar words, has the greatest protection against any surprises and stress, especially those caused by our own nonsense and abundance of nervous, hasty and fussy gestures.

Believers who are just starting their way in faith, recognize many, not quite well-known saints.

For example, such personalities as: the monks of the Optina Monastery. The reading of prayers of the monks of the Optina Monastery daily helps to be in a good arrangement of the Spirit and has a positive effect on achieving all goals.

Who are the optty old elders

These are older people living in the Wholesale monastery, which is located in the Kaluga region.

Differences from other elders concluded that:

The Lord awarded them with his gift

Served people

Truly believed in our Most High

Prayed for forgiveness for all sinners

In addition, the monks were beautiful prophets, they have seen the future perfectly, and also had a gift to remember the events of the distant past.

They were wonderful healers, which is why many believers in search of the healing of the soul and body went to this monastery.

The most famous from the elders were:

    Lev Danilovich - this monk healed the oil-asked oil from the lamp lamp, which was never quenched.

    Saint Seraphim, was known as the most righteous person, to him to confess to get all the believers.

    And the third old man, this is a follower of the teachings of Leo Danilovich, Maka, he could see the future.

    Optina monks are holy fathers, which were characterized by high religiosity, true faith, purity of thoughts, and holiness.

Prayer of optical elders Read the text for every day and the beginning of the day

Prayer is pronounced early in the morning as soon as people moved away from sleep. In order for the prayer to be heard by the elders, the petition should be pronounced with the capture of the essence. Reading a prayer, it is necessary to reflect himself to configure himself on a frank conversation with the Lord God, and not for the sake of the checkbox, so that it was just like that. Prayers should not read from boredom, it is considered a sinful occupation.

Most often, the prayer at the beginning of the day is pronounced together with some other, such as "our own". This will help a little dilute the morning ritual. Start appeal to the Lord, better from the very early morning, on the pure head and the unabled mind. It is not forbidden to submit a petition in your own words, if not remembered the holy text.

Full text of the Morning and Evening Prayer:

My God, help me, with a calm soul to take everything that this day will give me. Most High, it feasures to fully fulfill the will of your righteous. My Lord, I ask you throughout this day to direct me on the True path and followed me. Most High, I ask you help me, take the bad and good news, which reached me in the continuation of the day, with peace of mind and with full confidence that all the will of yours, God's. Make me will be your God, faithful for me and my friends.

My God, let the will of yours, as well as in my thoughts and emotions be in all my affairs. Most High, remind me of troubles and deprivation, that on all the will of your God. My God, help me is true and cleverly talking to my relatives and with all the people who are part of communication with all people: old and small, and the same with me, so as not to offend anyone, but instruct the right way. Most High, I ask you to patience to endure the whole day, rich in business, and not feel fatigue. My God, send me true, and show me how to contact you, do not lose faith, how not to remember the offense, how not to lose hope and love, and suffer all the deprivation.

Most High, do not leave me without the help of my enemies, but in the name of you, our father, lead me and command me. God, to cleanse my mind, and the soul for understanding God's canons unchanged forever in the eyelids, so that I am a negligible slave, I managed to really follow you and not offended your neighbors. Most High, thank you for everything that happens to me, I truly believe that I won't go bad to children with your loved ones.
God, give my blessing to me: for all the actions of mine, thoughts and desires, for all my movement in life, give me the opportunity to sincerely praise and thank you, because you always praise and in everything. Amen.

This prayer contributes to the treatment of a spiritual body and helps to acquire wisdom and harmony. It must be pronounced at dawn, to start working without problems. This prayer has a short version of reading, but it is better to pronounce the full version of it.

Short text:

Most High, I ask you help me, take the bad and good news, which reached me in the continuation of the day, with peace of mind and with full confidence that all the will of yours, God's. Most High, point me to your God, faithful for me and my friends. My God, let the will of yours, as well as in my thoughts and emotions be in all my affairs. Most High, remind me of troubles and deprivation, that on all the will of your God.

My God, help me is true and cleverly talking to my relatives, while no one is offended and not constrained. Most High, I ask you to patience to endure the whole day, rich in deeds, and do not feel fatigue. God is, send me true, and show me how to contact you, do not lose faith, how not to remember the offense, how not to lose Hope and love, and endure all deprivation. Amen.

Whatever the prayer version you choose, the main thing is to read it sincerely and with our love to our Almighty.

Dear Anonymous, breathable by righteous anger, the prayer of the optical elders - an amazing prayer written by a simple and understandable language is not part of a prayer rule - this is not a canonical text, it is a voice emanating from the heart.
And each is waited to pronounce it as he feels. Therefore, using your saint's will instead of the will - the will of Light, I did not build "Hulu on the Spirit of the Holy Spirit" in any way - washed away the prayers not in exact correspondence to the set of words written, and in the feeling of faith of the sincere, which you invest in these words.

Rev. Macarius considered:
"... Prayer is a concentration of the best part of himself and its offer for the Union with the highest forces. Prayer to be real, true, should be a cry of heart ...
... Prayer is an involuntary cry of the soul to his god ...
... True prayer is the voice of the soul, ready to communicate with God "...

Optina elders advised the prayer to leave the bustle of the worldly, trigger, as the prayer attitude is disturbed, the grace is distilled off.
Before prayer, you should wait until thoughts and feelings are calm - so it is necessary to "relax and throw the negative".
The body, soul and mind are configured to communicate with God. What is it, how not morning meditation? Personally, I think so.

Rev. Nikon wrote:
"Especially during the prayer, leave all the thoughts about everyday. After prayer, home or church, to save a prayer mood, silence is necessary. Sometimes even a simple slight word can break and sigh from the soul of our lunizing.
Silence prepares soul to prayer. Silence, as she is beneficial on the soul! "

The strength of the morning prayer of the optical elders in her wisdom. She gives a man a state of peace, peace, organizes thoughts and feelings, prepares for any surprises of the new day, teaches to always remember God, calls for his patron.
And this is a purely thing, how to present material in a personal diary. Moreover, I do not take the burden of "Teaching", but I just offer this remarkable spiritual wisdom to the attention of my readers.

By the way, the reverend old man of Ambrose wrote:
"Would you like to read different acafers for zeal? You can read, but in order to do not understand something and others do not condemn yourself. And when there is a position and other condemnation, then do not read. "
And another advice from Rev. Joseph:
"If you see the error of the near, which you would like to fix if she violates your spiritual peace and annoys you, then you are burning and, therefore, do not fix the error error - it is corrected with meekness."
And Rev. Nikon spoke:
"Always remember the law of spiritual life: if you are confused by any disadvantage of another person and condemn it, afterwards you will suffer the same fate, and you will suffer the same disadvantage."

Everyone knows the commandments of God. But few knows how to apply them in everyday life, in relation to themselves. Therefore, it's good if a person can find a spiritual mentor. Such teachers for the whole of Russia became the Optina elders. Their prayer at the beginning of the day is capable of setting up on the right way.

What to pray for in the morning

A person is difficult to constantly be in a good arrangement of the Spirit. Anxiety of cases, tormented premonitions, duties. In such a state, it is necessary to remind yourself that everything is in the hands of God, he is strong to help. To configure your soul to communicate with the Almighty, get investment from worries, there is a good tool - at the beginning of each day, read the prayer of the optical elders. She reminds - a person should do what depends on him, and everything else to give to the hands of the Lord.

Psychologists have proven that the state of communication with God is completely special. At this point, the body is tuned to unusual waves, perceives another reality, which scientists are not fully explained to fully. This is a very beneficial for the psyche and the whole organism as a whole. And takes quite a bit of time.

The text of the prayer of the opttaic elders at the beginning of the day

Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind, everyone will bring me the coming day. Give me all the wilts of your saint.

For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me.

Whatever I will receive news during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire Holy Will is yours.

In all words and the affairs of my led by my thoughts and feelings.

In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is not overwhelming.

Teach me straight and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and not upgrown.

Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day.

I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love. Amen.

What is the wise words of optty elders teach

Although the prayer of the optical elders at the beginning of the day is rather short, the text gives a strong charge. After all, he was drawn up was the best people of his time. All spiritual devotees were collected in the optical desert, a lot of checkouts left, conversations, but the most valuable is prayers. Each word is spiritual gold, which is forgotten in the soul of monks.

  • Any surprise must be found with the world in the shower.
  • In the most difficult situation, God's help is available.
  • It is necessary with patience to refer to the disadvantages of others and never condemn them.

Have a permanent world in the soul, the modern person is not easy. But it can be achieved if you follow the advice of spiritually more experienced people. And all of them in one voice talk about the importance of prayer.

In Orthodox prayer, many other texts. Each of them is dedicated to a separate question - appeal to the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, cleansing from sins, etc. The same prayer was composed so that the person could "let go" his concern and successfully engage in work or study. It makes sense to read prayer only in the morning, for reading before bedtime it does not fit.

How to raise the habit to pray in the morning

Optina elders possessed many spiritual gifts - the future was proceeded, saw all the shortcomings of the visitor, his fate could heal the disease. But also could instruct spiritual life. They advised to start with a small amount. For example, to read "our own" several times, then another prayer for choice. Too voluminous rule can exhaust spiritual forces. Then the person will be upset and starts to root, which leads to the despondency. And this is not the result you need.

Communication with the Creator should bring spiritual relief, give strength, and not to put into sorrow. Especially no need such a state at the beginning of the day, when ahead is a lot of cases. The prayer of the last Optina elders, if not mechanically read, but with all attention, will bring equilibrium and peace. It helps to comprehend the meaning of phrases is what she is written in Russian. Therefore, it will be understood by any person.

Text may have differences, on our website shows the prayer that the Optina fathers blessed, so it can be safely read, without fears of spiritual harm. In any other cases, the texts should be shown to the priest, and only then read them daily.

It should be noted that the elders wrote many other prayers, they all differ in short. It is important not to repeat the same text multiple and the same text, but meaningfully read it. Then one time is quite enough. Help you Lord!

Prayer of optical elders at the beginning of the day Was Last Modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub.

Excellent article 0.

In sixty kilometers from Kaluga there is an ancient monastery, next to which Optina desert is located, whose name is known throughout Russia. The history of the desert knew periods and rapid heyday, and a complete decline. Glory she brought those who lived here are once the elders - seats and healers. They took people who come from all over the country who need spiritual icy. After them, we remain moral teachings, predictions, as well as one well-known prayer. It is customary to call "Prayer at the beginning of the Day of the Optina Elders." What is known about this desert and about the elders who glorified it?

The history of the occurrence of optical desert

In ancient times, in order to resist the raids of steppe nomads, defensive structures were built in Russia - the intercourse. In them, residents were covered by the uninvited guests. But the same intercourse often became a refuge of the robbers, which were always abused by Russian expanses. The legend tells that in one of these regions settled with his dick well-headed the leader of the piles by the name of the wholesale.

There was a lot of blood on his hands, but suddenly happened in his soul a fracture. Whether his votes were, whether the conscience woke up, but he only repented in his deed, adopted Monastic tonsure under the name of Makaria and finished life in post and humility. From blood - to holiness. How not to remember the words of Dmitry Karamazov: "Whatever, too much, I would have narrowed." However, we do not judge - the will of God.

Hard way of becoming desert

Here with this intercourse and takes the beginning of Optina desert. For the first time in historical documents, it is mentioned in the times of Boris Godunov. These were difficult for the monastery years. The city of Kozelsk, next to which she was, was burned and looted by Lithuanians. It got from the enemy and defenseless desert. Almost two centuries were in poverty and oblivion, and only at the very end of the XVIII century her rebirth began.

The time of the heyday of the optical desert is considered to be the XIX century, especially its second half. The elders who failed here were famous for the ability to spend the future, to heal the prayers of the soul and body of pilgrims and give instruction in difficult life situations. Representatives of the advanced Russian intelligentsia came to them as a wise mentor. N. V. Gogol, A. Maksimovich, S. P. Shevyrev and many others visited at different times.

Front elders

Particularly should be stopped at the gift of the displays, which the Optina elders were endowed. The predictions of the future misfortunes of Russia, recorded from their words, found their sad confirmation. Back in 1848, when the fire of the revolution broke out in France, the old man of Macarius managed to predict the future catastrophe, which will comprehend Russia. Also, all his successors in one voice stated a threatening country of danger. They saw the rules for sins in it, in which the society was mired, more and more removing from religion. History confirmed everything about what the Optina elders said. Their predictions were exactly in the days of the Bolshevik coup. For serving God and on the miracles, revealed by them, fourteen elders of the optical deserts were among our days were counted

Prayer starting day

Prayer at the beginning of the Day of the Optina Elders is a vivid example of wisdom and spiritual insight of these people. It is not a replacement for the prayers that contain the morning rule prescribed by the church tradition. Prayer at the beginning of the day is an addition to them. She helps to send the charge of graceful energy for the creation of good to all people, but especially those that are closest to us. The text of the prayer helps concentrate spiritual forces to direct them into the right direction.

Prayer at the beginning of the day of the Optina Elders has a gracious effect on us in many ways because in the early hours our consciousness is not yet burdened with everyday concerns and more susceptible to understanding the meaning of readable lines. Prayer read in the morning contributes to the organization of our thoughts and forms a charge of cheerfulness. In addition, the text of the prayer is compiled in such a way as to prepare a person to adequately meet any surprises that can happen on this day.

Pledged in prayer

It is important to note that the prayer at the beginning of the day of the Optina Elders also received approval from people who do not identify themselves with religion. Many psychologists celebrate its effective psychotherapeutic effect. It emphasizes that the prayer feature is that it is equally suitable for people of various religions. This unusual for its versatility of the theological text can be called the instruction of life with a full basis. It is concisely concisely and at the same time, it shows how to start a day.

The prayer of the opttaic elders, the full version of which is given in this article, is written in a simple and understandable language. This is its indisputable dignity. For its understanding and implementation of everything that is said in it, no special preparation is needed. Even a person who does not have enough fortress in faith, reading it, will not remain indifferent to these simple and wise words.

The concept of olderism in the Orthodox Church

The icon of the Optina Elders is the face of the fourteen directions of God's last elders leaving for the eternity of old Russia. Speaking about them, it is important to understand that this word is understood not just a monk who has achieved a person who has made a special grace from the Lord. It gives him a gift of insight, that is, the ability to see the future, the gift of the miracles and the gift of healing. Only true devotees in serving God can be encouraged by such grace. Not all the elders canonize the church and are classified as saints, but, undoubtedly, they are redeemed in the High Residents for their earthly ministry.

The prayer at the beginning of the day of the Optina Elders survived his desired creators who had moved to the Lord. It is not included in any but widely known, and at the beginning of the day is read by many believers. This is because in her words the immortal power of the Holy Spirit is laid, on whose deceit they were written.