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Ramadan origin and end calendar schedule. Sujur and Iftar (Morning and Evening Food)

Holy month Ramadan in 2017 (1438 by Hijra) comes on May 26 with sunset. In this way, the first day of the post is May 27, 2017. The month of Ramadan will last 29 days. On June 24, a month of Shavval will come with a sunset, and on June 25, the Muslims of the whole world will meet one of the two greatest Muslim holidays - the ID al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram, Ait Uraz). Excerpts from the Fetwa Council of the Ulemov of the DUM of the Russian Federation in connection with the post in the month of Ramadan in 2016:

Sujur and Iftar (shortenings and evening meals)

Food should be discontinued before it starts light, to the first signs of dawn approaching: "... Eat, drink, until you get distinguished the white thread from the black [until it appears on the horizon, the dividing line between the coming day and outgoing night] at dawn . And then fast until the night [before the sunset, refraining from the reception of food, drinking and intimate relationships with his wife (spouse)] ... "(sv. Koran, 2: 187). With the beginning morning prayer- Ramaz ends and eating (Sujur).

About importance morning reception The following words of the Prophet Muhammad are evidenced by the following words (may Allah bless him and welcomes): "Take food before dawn [in the days of the post]! Truly, in Suura - God's grace (praasta)! ". also in reliable Hadith It is said: "There are three practices, the use of which will give a person forces to comply with the post (it will eventually have enough strength and energy to keep the post): (1) eat, and then drinking [that is, do not drink a lot, do not dilute gastric juice , and to drink after the feeling of thirst will appear, 40-60 minutes after meals], (2) eat [not only in the evening, talking, but also early in the morning [to Azan on the morning prayer], (3) sleep In the afternoon (rummage) [about 20-40 or more of minutes in the interval between 13.00 and 16.00]. "

If a person who intended fast, did not want to dawn, then this does not affect the reality of his post, but he will lose some part of Savab (remuneration), for it does not make one of the actions that are part of the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad.

Iftar ( evening reception Food) It is advisable to start immediately after sunset. It is undesirable to postpone it.

Tretion It is desirable to start with water and an odd amount of fresh or dried dates. If there are no dates, then Iftar can be started with something sweet or drinking water.

Execution criteria for postal compliance

It is important to remember that the life and human health is paramount: "Do not throw yourself in your own hands (according to your own will) in danger (for perfection)!" (See St. Koran, 2: 195).

Most High did not do anything for us in religion, which burdened and complicated life. The Quran said: "He [Lord of Worlds] did not make difficulties for you (constrained, did not create a critical situation) in religion" (see St. Koran, 22:78).

1) Travelers

If a person leaves home to another locality or the area, the distance to which is more than 90 km (approximately), then it is considered a "traveler" (Musatil) and has the right: to reduce four-time prayer-nashas to two rances; do not comply with the mandatory post (uraza) with the subsequent mandatory replenishment of missed days; Do not visit the Friday sermon; Do not make Friday prayer, etc.

2) Women in the postpartum period and during the regulation

Women in these periods do not comply with the post, which there are direct arguments in a reliable Sunna. Subsequently, the need to fill the corresponding number of missed days one to one one.

3) Pregnant and Nursing Mothers

Regarding the liberation from compliance with the post of pregnant women and nursing the Prophet Muhammad (and he blesses His Most High and welcomes) said: "Truly, the Lord freed the traveler from compliance with the post and from the commission of half [mandatory] prayer [that is, four-time namazy is reduced to two]. Pregnant and nursing he freed [only] from compliance with the post. "

4) patients physically

"Full days are days of fasting. And who of you will be is ill Or will be on the way, that [let] takes the post to other days. Those who will not be able to fill it on other days [due to senile wealth or incurable disease] must feed the poor man. Who will do more [than feed the poor man], then it is better for himself. But if you are fasting [for example, a traveler who does not make it difficult to go on the way], this is the best for you if you just knew! " (Sv. Koran, 2: 184).

IN this issue It all depends on what a qualified doctor says. Personal experience The patient, of course, is also taken into account and is taken into account. If a person is really contraindicated to fast, for example, due to the high probability of deterioration physical conditionHealth, then he will not fasten. After recovery, he will fill the missed days of one to one to one.

In the case when the disease became chronic and unlikely that a person will be able to fill the missed post, he pays the "Fidya-Sadaka": for every missed day, it is necessary to satisfy one disadvantaged so that it is used to spend money about as much as it goes on average for lunch itself man (and better - the average daily costs for food).

5) Patients mentally

People who have mental illness are fully exempted from religious practice.

6) elderly and weak

7) Children

For minor children (about 15 years old), on the canons of Islam Post a month Ramadan is not required.

However, if parents believe that with an educational point of view, the admission to this tradition will be useful, then this is possible. A child can fast one day, a few days or in some lightweight form, that is, at the discretion of the parents.

Prayer "Taravich"

This prayer is a mandatory Sunnai (Sunna Moachada) for both men and women. The Prophet (and bless his Most High and welcomes) said: "Who stands the prayer a month Ramadan with faith [to its importance] and the expectation of remuneration [for her only from the Lord], this will be forgiven preceding sins."

The time of execution of the prayer "Tauravich" comes after the night prayer ('Isha') and lasts until the dawn appears. This prayer is performed every day during the entire month of Ramadan (month of mandatory post). Namaz "Vitri" these days are performed after the prayer of Tauguevich.

The best is to commit this prayer together with other believers (Jama'at) in the mosque, although it is permissible and individually. Today, in the face of a certain prostration, spiritual void and lack of positive communication, visiting collective prayers, and even moreover, such as "taverch" contributes to the emergence of a sense of community, unity in man. The mosque is a place where people indirectly communicate, together making prayers, praising the Most High, reading the Quran, regardless of social, intellectual or national differences.

Crayatul Fitr and Sadakatul Fitr

The phrases "Zapyatul-Fitr" and "Sadaakatul-Fitr" are different names of one mandatory species of clogging, which is paid a month Ramadan immediately at its end.

"Zapyatul-Fitr" is a Treasury Tax paid from each family member before the beginning of the spelling holiday ('Idul Fitr, Uraza Bayram), or rather - to the festive prayer. It is the final condition for the adoption by the Creator of the fulfilled post. It is paid primarily in favor of poor and poor Muslims, used in other charitable activities.

Who pays and who gets

Who pays. Due to the lack of a clear story about it in the Texts of the Hadiths, the Islamic Theologians stipulated two opinions.

First. Anyone who has food and everything is vital for himself and his family for a festive day, and at the same time he has the opportunity to pay (or transfer products) "Zakyatul Fitr", then he must do it. So considered most scientists.

Second. A person should be from among those who pay the annual mandatory shake, representing one of the five pillars of religious practice. If the believer is such, then he pays this alms from himself and everyone who is under his material support. So considered the theologian-hanafitis, conducting an analogy between "Zapyatul-Fitr" and an annual mandatory climb.

Who gets. Islamic scientists are unanimous in the fact that the "Zapyatul Fitr" is paid according to the same eight directions, which is paid and annual. Usually believers transmit their "closed-fitr" into local mosques, which are subsequently distributed in accordance with the regulations of religion. It is important to note that this form Almights cannot be transmitted to people far from the concepts of faith.

Dates of payout

The time of the possible payment of "Zakyatul-Fitr" begins with the beginning of the month of Ramadan. So considered a significant part of Islamic theologians, among whom scientists of the Shafitsky and Khanafitsky Mazhabs.

More appropriate will be the payment (or transfer of products) per day or two before the festival of the post ('Idul Fitr).

The most correct will be the payment of "Zakyatul-Fitr" in the interval between the sunset on the last day of the post and until the morning, before the beginning of the festive prayer.

If the believer did not have time to do this before the festive prayer, then the obligation remains anyway. It is very desirable that this duty be replenished on the very first holiday day. According to all scientists, leave it at a later time of sinful.

Cash equivalent "Zapyatul-Fitr"

Spiritual control of Muslims Russian Federation The size of "Fitr Sadak" is set:

150 rub. for poor;

300 rub. for people with average sufficiency;

from 500 rubles. For wealthy.

Replenishment timeless post. Fidya Sadaka

If a person is able to fast, then he needs to be filled with an imperfect for one reason or another post only by post. It is more convenient to fast in winter when the days are the most short. There is no obligation to replenish the missed days in a row, it is quite acceptable to restore, based on the possibilities, the rhythm of life, the schedule of the working week, etc.

But the payment of "Fidya Sadak" is relevant for those who are most likely no longer have physical ability to comply with post. "Fidya-Sadaka" is a alms-atonement, which consists in the fact that for each missed day of the mandatory post, it is necessary to feed one begging in such a way that it has consisted about as much as much as the middle dinner costs (and better - the average daily nutrition costs. ). Minimum size Fidya Sadaka for 2016 is 250 rubles.

For dying, it is advisable to account for the post-missing days of the post and the testament to the heirs to pay "FIDA" over these days from his property. Children of the deceased can pay "Fidia" and from their personal savings on his behalf.

Where will hold "Avyz Ach" Fatih Sibagatullin, how much is the Ramadan tent in the Yardam Mosque and to whom is contraindicated muslim post

Today, with the sunset, in Kazan is 20 hours of 08 minutes, the sacred month of Ramadan begins for Muslims, which will end with the sunset on June 24, after which Uraz-Bayram will be celebrated all over the world. About why the place and time of the Republican Iftar changed several times, who will be remembered on the first night of Ramadan Gusman Ishakov and his family, and what is the official size of the Sadak this year, in the material "Business Online".

V Republican IFTAR this year will be held on June 15 at the Kazan Academy of Tennis

Increase the number of people who came to the republican Iftar will not work

Today, in all mosques of Tatarstan, Muslims will gather at first tauguera, that is, night Namaz, which is performed only during Ramadan. The holy month will come today with sunset, Kazan is 20 hours of 08 minutes. Recall that, according to Muslim Souls, the new day starts not at midnight, as grigorian calendar, namely with a sunset. Tomorrow Muslims at 01:15 it is necessary to complete the morning meal - Sujur, after which only at 20:09 is possible to talk. Abstinence period in the bright day of day from food, drinking, intimate intimacy In Ramadan-2017 will be up to 19.5 hours!

This year, the duration of Ramadan - 29 days, he will end on June 24 with the sunset, and the 25th Muslim of Tatarstan will gather at the festive Namaz of the holiday of Uraza Bayram. In mid-May, the amount of gardens, or alms, which is accepted during the holy month, were announced in the plenum. They are calculated by a special scheme. So, this year the amount of compensation for every missed day of the post will be 200 rubles. That is, if Muslim, who for a good reason did not hold Uraces, for example, sick, can pay this amount daily. Redeemer lump-sum Garden Fitr, which can be given throughout the month, but it is desirable to do it immediately before Uraza-Bayram, will be 100 rubles from ordinary Muslims and 600 rubles from the rich. With the latter this year, having nisabs are recognized, that is, minimal wealth or property from which it is necessary to pay to be soldered - the annual tax in favor of those in need. This year, Nisab's sum is 198 thousand rubles.

Meanwhile, the V Republican Iftar this year should at first go on the first day of Ramadan. Because of the future games of the Confederations Cup, the mass trial did not manage to spend in a traditional place - "Kazan Arena", so I first chose the central stadium, where they planned to invite not 10 thousand people, as last year, and one and a half times more. They even managed to print and partially distribute invitations with the place of place - the central stadium. But this week is officially announced that for the Grand "Avyz Ach", another time was chosen and place. Superradase will be held on June 15 at the Kazan Academy of Tennis.

Because of the future games of the Confederations Cup, the mass trial did not manage to spend in a traditional place - "Kazan Arena"

According to one of the organizers of the event, the President of the Association of Muslims of Russia Aidar Shagimardanova, the reasons for the next transfer are several. For example, the central stadium during the football tournament will serve as a place of training of the participating teams, but the main thing is a temporary zadietot: "Not all guests have time to receive an answer to their participation in Iftar. Closer to June 15 it will be known. At the Academy of Tennis, Namaz will be performed on a football playground, and the tables will be covered in interior premises sports facilities. " The only minus of the Academy of Tennis is unlikely to do 15 thousand people, as planned. According to the President of the APM in the Duma of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Academy has been guaranteed to be guaranteed 10 thousand, but a maximum of two or three thousand places can be somehow found.

Post for a sick person - suicide

Uraza is one of the five pillars of Islam, to fast on the month of Ramadan is the responsibility of every Muslim. But with the reservation - a healthy Muslim, says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ravil Valeev. The head of the department of phthisiology and pulmonology of KGMA believes that, before fasting, you need to consult the attending physician.

- It is necessary to proceed from the fact that, according to the Qur'an, people have patients who are in journey have the right not to keep the post. This is due to the fact that since the appearance of Islam, the circle of certain diseases has seriously expanded. For example, we are talking about sugar diabetes. With this disease there is mandatory requirement - fractional food. This year, Uraza accounts for a summer period, and a person has long refrained not only from meals, but also drinking, especially ill-sick diabetes, disturb the water and salt balance of the body, because a person should work, especially if he is engaged in physical labor, and will be in the heat sweat, therefore, accordingly, it must replenish the water-salt balance. He with P. abouttom loses and liquid and salts, and vitamins. This loss can return to it in any disease.

- So, uraza is only for healthy people?

- It is considered: if a person dies during Uraz, he immediately falls into paradise. Let's talk from the point of view of common sense. If a person dies from the disease progressing during uraces, then, probably, the Most High will not be welcomed. This is because one of the big sins - suicide. Intentional causing harm to health.

- On ordinary days, every person should drink two or three liters of water ... And what to do a causing Muslim?

- If you drink two or three liters at once early in the morning, it is an extremely large load on the cardiovascular system, because this liquid comes through gastrointestinal, the heart of these three liters should overtake, kidneys, seeing such a large number of Waters say: we do not need so much fluid. And it will all go with urine, and besides harm, such excessive use will not lead to anything. It is necessary to proceed from the rule that was near the military before the campaign: people gave black bread with herring so that they drank water, or tea and salt, which, on the one hand, kept water without giving them to sweat. And this can be used, but in moderation. It is desirable that in the morning the person has drank at least half a liter.

- What do you feel that some will fast on the water?

- If a person has no excess weight, it will lead to elementary dystrophy, which teenage girls who want to be similar to Barbie's doll are. I had to treat such people. After all, after elementary dystrophy, tuberculosis occurs, and its heavy form. One of them barely saved, two years were treated ...

"This year we open an additional 200 seating tent," said IMAM YARADEM Mosquel Bayazitov

"Yardam": "Iftar will be held at 1200 people"

According to the DUM of the Republic of Tajikistan, as in the past year, daily Iftars will be held in 30 mosques of Kazan, and at 20 during Taravich Namaz, the Quran will fully be read. By the way, after an annual interruption associated with exacerbation in relations between Russia and Turkey, 38 Turkish Karan-Hafizov must come to the republic, that is, people who know the sacred book by heart to hold the Tauguem Namaz. As for the meal "Avyz Ach", it is assumed that the number of warring will increase. So, according to Imam Mosque "Yardam" Ildar BayazitovaThis year some changes are expected in the Ramadan Tent.

"This year we open another tent. Now Iftar will be held at 1200 people. We will put last year's tent, designed for 1000 people, and one more new to 200 seats. This is done in connection with the greatest influx of those who want to deal with. We decided to make the most as possible. There will be a daily cultural program, we will specifically invite the popular Tamatu Hamil Nura, he will be in one tent, in other our Hazrats will lead. Traditional menu - first, second, pies, fruit vegetables. There will be a sun - morning meal, anyone can come there, "says Bayazites.

It is most often satisfied with Iftars most often, it does not necessarily occur in mosques. "I arrange Iftar every year at home. According to our tradition, even if Islam is alone, but each people have its own tradition. I consider our religion traditional Tatar Islam, where, unlike Arabic, the role of Mullah is high. Before the meal, I reconcile different directions, I give an opportunity for informal communication. Once it was the misunderstanding between the imams of the mosques of Al-Martzhani Mansur Khazzrat and "Hater" Haris Hazrat, who this year became the laureate of Tukaevsky Prize. So I planted them in front of each other, and they came down, "said the State Duma Deputy" Business Online " Fatih Sibagatullin.

But a businessman, cEO LLC "KZHK LOGISTIK" Iskander Zigangaraev, like in past years, plans to invite Muslims on. "I plan to hold a vegetarian Iftar again. But so far exact time I do not know. I myself during urais very rarely meat. Maybe a week once or twice, and then fish or chicken. During Sukhura, only I drink water, I can still eat fruit ... "- told our newspaper Zigangarayev.

Keep the Muslim post - not the lung test. Although, according to Ex-Mufti of Tatarstan Gusman IshakovaAnnouncing his 60th anniversary, "everything depends on God-fearing and sincerity, if the love of Allah is strong, then no hunger or thirst is felt." Over the years, the ex-leader of the Muslims of the Republic was tradition - on the first Iftar, all Ishakov gathered at their mother, famous Rashids Abstai, gone from life a year ago. Tomorrow, Gusman Hazrat invites relatives and close to the tent at the mosque of Petrovsky, in which his sister's husband served imam Suleiman Zaripov, disappearing in February last year. "We are with all the relatives and friends who came to Iphtha, we will pray to Allah, so that Suleiman Hazrat returned home," says the former mufti of Tatarstan.

How to fast in Ramadan?

In each faith there is a lot of significant dates. In Catholicism, there are alone in Orthodoxy - others.

In Muslim, there are also special dates when believers refrain from all human passions And they clean the soul and body from the earthly bad share of perpetual bliss. In the article, consider in more detail how to fast in Ramadan and what banners impose a post on believers.

When the month of Ramadan in 2019, from what date the uraza begins?

Muslims are no different from other believers: the solemn events are held in the atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst are met with satisfaction, and the fate of the poor is fully aware.

The month passes in compliance with the post and reading prayers in the days of the commemoration. As with other believers, Muslims have certain bans on human passions, which are superimposed by post.

What is this holiday such - Ramadan?

  • The sacred month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. Faith is mounted on it in Allah. A full-fledged post will be when a person is cleared of sins with his behavior and receives the content of Allah.
  • It is considered to be incomplete to waste time in the course of the Holy Month. After all, it is these days that Muslims can be rewarded for the perfect good cases. Wisdom is not to disrupt the rules of the post, assigned to believers by Allah.
  • In Ramadan, the improvement of good qualities of believers, which will be treated. The quarrels and discords stop, the hearts of the friends are connected and the sense of responsibility and compassion to the beggar.

Ramadan - the time of purification, spiritual improvement

On the holiday Ramadan comes great post. And all believers are obliged to stick to it.

  • As the Orthodox date of Easter holidays is replaced every year and Muslims have the onset of the month of Ramadan calculated by phases lunar calendar And the difference from previous years may consist of 10-11 calendar days. Because the date of the occurrence of the sacred for Muslims period changes every year.
  • In 2019, Ramadan will come in May, namely 6 numbers. The end of Ramadan's post falls on June 4th. June 5 - Uraza Bayram.
  • The holy period for Muslims has long been taking its beginning in the warm season, since it always falls on the summer months.

In the literal translation of Ramadan means "sultry", "hot." However, not all believers perceive the holiday just like that. For most, the literal translation means not the summer season, but following the strictest rules, mandatory for execution.

Koran Nissed people in the month of Ramadan

Historical reference

  • How defined the exact date Ramadan's offensive? Every year the date of the holy period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They define the day of the onset of Ramadan, based on the lunar phases.
  • The onset of the 9th month of the calendar is the onset of the holy period of the Muslim Faith. By the way the night shone is located, determine the date of the holiday.
  • The mission of the Prophet was specified in the "frank words" from the Muhhameted on this day. At the same time, the Muslim believers appeared the Quran donated by Allah.
  • According to the ancient legend, that day, when the holy period comes, Allah becomes open to permission of fate believers safely and fulfills their forgiveness.

Ramadan comes for 9 month calendar

Uraza Bayram in 2019: Date

Islam confessions are often interested in the question of the post of fasting Uraza Bayram. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally, the post comes the ninth month on the Muslim calendar.

  • Since post Ramadan in 2019 begins 6 may, and the holy period ends at night June 4th (exactly 30 days) Eid al Adha falls on June 5..
  • The post during one of the biggest holidays in Islam Uraza-Bayram is very strict.
  • Great holiday talk Eid al Adhait begins Zraz after the end of the post. At this time, all the faithful is allowed to have everything that they could not afford to the post.
  • Believers are preparing for the holiday for another month before his offensive, and expect him all year. After the Great Post, which is located throughout the month, comes the day of talking.
  • All adult Muslims are obliged to adhere to the rules of the post of uraza. Children, patients, insane may not fast.
  • The whole month believers only after the occurrence of darkness have the right to eat food. Over this condition, the spiritual cleansing of the Orthodox occurs.
  • The post takes place in the muffling of all his passions and desires. Time should be spent in many hours of prayers.
  • The equalization of the poor with rich, which clears from the perfect sins, among which the gloves ranks first.

Ramadan is forbidden to eat food and water during the daytime

With the onset of night, believers can start talking. Only food intake should be carried out at one table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in a family circle or alone.

  • It is also good to call for joint talking of beggars, since it means to create an affected allah.
  • After completing the trapes, believers go to the mosque to pray and visit the reading of the Quran.
  • During prayer, Orthodoxes are asking for all people and forgiveness for perfect sins.
  • After the appearance of a new moon, the post ends. Muslims begins a holiday. They read the morning prayers.
  • In mosques at this time, many believers. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and make prayers next to her.
  • In such a joyful day, praying felt like a single family. Poor get gifts, because each family prepares help for them in advance and presents during the celebration.

Ramadan is customary to distribute alms

Traditionally, visits to parents are applied on this day. Further meal is carried out together with them.

When is the post from Muslim Ramadan in 2019, and his schedule?

  • Muslim post begins on May 6, 2019 and lasts 30 days. The post 4 June 2019 is completed at night and on June 5, Uraza Bayram begins.

Schedule for post time

  • Eating meals should be completed 20 minutes before Fajr time.
  • You can proceed to eating food during Maghreb.

ID-Namaz - festive prayer

Schedule Ramadan post in 2019

Ramadan or Ramazan: how to call?

  • The Arabic word "Ramadan" is based on the name of the most revered month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the holiday Nearabami in the Word there were changes: the letters "Dad" were replaced by the letter "for".
  • This is explained by the presence of a specific letter "DDA" exclusively in arabic and the lack of its analogue in other languages. Only knowledge of special qualities of the letter "Dad" can be achieved clear and correct pronunciation.
  • Protectly pronounced in everyday speech and Ramadan and Ramazan. But while reading the Koran letter "Dad" is not replaced by the letter "For": it distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What violates the post a month Ramadan?

On the dominant foundations and prohibitions of the post Muslims will be recognized from the Quran.

In Ramadan, the believer should abandon unclean affairs and thoughts despite the exhausting heat

According to the schedule of the main rules Ramadan in the post follows:

  • fully abandon eating food and water
  • begin food before dawn
  • during the day, snacks are excluded, drinking any liquids (compotes, hots, water, tea)
  • refuse intimate proximity, various caress and exciting actions
  • refuse tobacocuria, drug use, drinking drinks containing alcohol (they poison the human body, therefore should not penetrate the body of the believer during the sacred post)
  • do not cheat
  • do not squander
  • do not mention the name of Allah during foul language
  • don't chew a chewing gum
  • do not clean the body using enema (cleansing unnaturally prohibited)

Violation is considered:

  • ingestion of fluid (even water when bathing)
  • skip Niyat (conscious accomplishment; the NITIs should be pronounced every day during the holy month between night and morning prayers)

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

A month Ramadan Muslims consume food and water only at night

Ramadan passes for believers without entertainment and pleasure.

  • There is an exceptionally easy eating after sunset.
  • Before the onset of dawn (two hours before dawn), you can eat more abundant and heavy food.
  • It should be eliminated or to reduce the number of fatty and acute products as much as possible, since their consumption enhances thirst.
  • An unimpressive breaking position, the believer must extend the post time on 1 day and pay the lowest money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay products to the same amount.
  • The commissioning of the carnal sin during the post is reimbursed by 60 days of the post or the organization of feeding the beggars.
  • If the believer had good reasons for non-compliance with the post, then he can reimburse the missed day by any other day of fasting to the next Ramadan.
  • IN the last days Ramadan believers stubbornly pray, kicked in perfect sins and analyze their mistakes.
  • On the last day of the post Muslims read solemn prayer. Mandatory condition Is distribution of alms. It can be dry food or money.

During the taste of Iftar, you can eat several dates, drink water

Ramadan: What can I eat?

  • The first days of the post post are very hard. But then the body begins to rebuild and the restrictions in food are transferred easier.
  • At the end of the day after sunset, the time of attacking an Iftar comes, which should not be completed with overeating.
  • During the taste of Iftar, it is recommended to eat several dates, drink water.
  • And only after a while you can start eating basic dishes.

The optimal option of the main meal:

  • restriction of flour and fried
  • preference vegetable dishes
  • meat-vegetable dish
  • a fish dish
  • vegetable salad
  • switches from
  • limited amount of sweets
  • You can arrange 3-5 changes in dishes


  • freshly squeezed juices
  • store juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
  • mors
  • compote
  • kisseli
  • water and tea
  • not strong coffee

Ramadan's intention

The intention (nigs) is pronounced by a little before the post to himself. But the intention that believer says at the beginning of the night is counted. However, it is better to pronounce the intention and in the second half of the night, which is closer to the post.

Estimated after dawn intention violates post.

Benefit Ramadan for Health

Ordinary diets help get rid of accumulated kilograms and reduce blood sugar content, but can cause side effects. Therefore, it is better to observe a diet under the control of the attending physician.

During the post in Ramadan:

  • A person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any restrictions in products.
  • Carbohydrates are burned (the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood decreases), of which the energy is extracted.
  • Fat accumulations are burned.
  • There is a vacation of the body at the physiological level. The process of metabolism is normalized.
  • There are no side effects.
  • The body is cleared, thoughts are cleaned.
  • After the post after the post may forever refuse bad habits forever.

Is it possible to brush your teeth in Ramadan

In Ramadan Muslims use special tool for the cleaning oral cavity from food residues. This is Sivak (Misvak).

  • It is not considered a violation of the failure to clean the teeth with a toothbrush.
  • However, the use of toothpaste breaks down, as a person can swallow the paste.
  • It is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the evening, or in the early morning.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • Switching saliva during Ramadan does not violate the post.
  • If accidentally fell dust or smoke in the throat, then it also does not violate the post.

Congratulations on the onset of the month of Ramadan

If you are looking for beautiful congratulations With the onset of the month of Ramadan, then see the following selection.

Strict post. Majit Quran
Observe it.
All meet Ramadan
With a pure soul.

Let Allah bless
For a good deed,
Lights light in the hearts,
Helps faith.

In a nice month Ramadan
People were sent by Koran,
To bear the truth
With clarification of the path

Ramadan - a month for forgiveness, the grace and satisfaction of the Most High Allah

As recorded in the Quran,
This month Muslims
In memory of his shrine
Observe the post from now on.

Believers post - Pog
To be closer to God
To grow spiritually,
To pacify their passions.

There is a sacred ramadan -
Great holiday Muslims.
For cleansing soul
Stitching, pray and not sin.

And let Allah help us
Overcome the vice and fear.
Friends and close to help
They only wish for them!

Congratulations on the onset of Ramadan! Let in life be Strong faith, pure love and durable happiness. I wish to keep everything that cost and appreciate. Successful days good people on the life path And respect others.

Ramadan came, I congratulate you! This month is the most important For all Muslims. Strict post begins, he is designed to help you strengthen my faith. Let in your home and hearts will settle good and mutual understanding, and your prayers will be heard Most High. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

With the onset of the sacred month of Ramadan! I sincerely wish Happiness and health, rethink your life, drive away all bad thoughts and intentions. Let faith and hope only strengthen. Forces to you!

Prayer before meal per month Ramadan

Before morning and Evening Food Muslims pronounce special prayers. Here are their text:

The intention will fasten: Navatat Savma Gadin An 'Ada'i Ramadan Khazihi-s-sanati' Imanan Va-Khtisaban Li Llakhi Ta'ala - I am reminded to keep the post of tomorrow Ramadan this year in accordance with the faith and sincere sake of Allah.

Or for a whole month, then the intention is made on the first night of Ramadan: Navita Siiam Salacina Yavman 'An Shahri Ramadan Khazihi-S-Sanati - I am remarkable to keep the thirty-day post of the month of Ramadan of this year.

Before a meal to say: Ya Vasi'a-L-Magfii, Igfir Lee Bismi-Llakhi-R-Rahmani-R-Rahim - About Allah! You are all-speed forgiving. I start with the name of Allah, the Milostily for everyone in this light and only for believers - on the light.

After eating, the following DUA reads: Allahumma varnish Sutter Va-'Al Riska 'Anstert - About Allah! For the sake of you, I fasted and took the food that you gave me.

What do you need to do in Ramadan?

In the blessed minutes of the holy period, the believer should behave as follows:

  • Stop fasting after sunset.
  • Stopped fasting before the start of the fourth namaz, eat a date or with its absence to drink water.
  • Do not gloom and do not deceive.
  • Do not look at the forbidden.
  • Do not support empty conversations, fights.

Rules Ramadan for Women

  • A woman should not stop the post when he feels that menstrual blood begins to proceed. Only seeing her, she should stop post.
  • In the post Ramadan, a woman is not forbidden to try food to salt.
  • It is also not prohibited in the post to use the houses of perfume and decorations for the spouse during the daytime.
  • A woman can fast only after cleansing bleeding and childbirth.
  • Women should remind their husbands in the bright time of the day about banning sexual proximity.
  • At night, the sexual proximity is allowed until dawn.
  • Women should not miss prayers, explaining this to the need to cook something in the kitchen.
  • Do not arrange parties outside the house after talking.

Children can help cook food on Sujur and Iftar - Morning and Evening Messages

Why is Ramadan eating only at night?

Such is the will of Allah. The meaning of the post is that a person is improving in prayer and performed the good actions. The bodily abstinence helps to increase attention to spiritual life.

Namaz a month Ramadan

Among the prescriptions of the Most High Allah there are such duties that believers should follow strictly, without misuse. Only so the Muslim can be closer to the Lord. Such a prescription is the fulfillment of five mandatory magazines during the day and night.

Man is performed in prayer during the post

What can not be done during the month of Ramadan?

  • It is impossible to be in water or bath for a long time (water can get into the body).
  • It is impossible to hug and produce actions aimed at excitement.
  • It is impossible to rinse the throat.
  • It is impossible to try the taste of food.
  • You can not swallow saliva.

Video: How to meet and spend Ramadan?

Baku / Trend Life / - We present Readers Trend Life Calendar for the month of Ramazan 2017 for the territory of Azerbaijan,published on the official website of the Muslims of the Caucasus (UMC). The calendar is based on the calculations of the Shakhinskaya Astrophysical Observatory (Shao) of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Nana).

According to Festiv of the Council of Kaziev and the Scientific Religious Council of UMK, May 27 - the first day of the month of Ramazan. Night Leylyat Al-Gold will come from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st, from the 22nd to the 23rd, from the 26th to the 27th days of the month of Ramazan ( according to the Gregorian calendar from 12 to 13, from 14 to 15, from 16 to 17, from 20 to May 21).The Ramazan holiday will be celebrated on the first day of the Muslim month Shavval - June 26. On the same day, festive Namaz will be made in the mosques of Azerbaijan.

The Office of the Caucasus Muslims urges everyone to be patient per month Ramazan and make charitable affairs in the name of Allah. Ramazan is a sacred for Muslims a month and it is called the crown of the year, Shakhrullhah (month of Allah) and "Zia Fatullah" (feast of Allah). This month Holy Quran Because of the Prophet Mohammed (CAC). During this month, Allah leaves people to people with people, forgives them for their silence, ennobles and gifts. Just like the autumn rain cleans the Earth from any dust, and the month of Ramazan cleans the soul of believers from sins.

Below is a table of fasting for residents Baku and suburbs.

For residents of citizens remote from the capital, time changes from the table presented (in minutes):

Agdam +11, Agdash +10, Agsu +5, Agdjabedi +10, Agstafa +18, Astara +4, Babek + 18, Balaken +5, Baleshan +10, Bard +11, Gukachcha +8, Ganja +14, Gedabek + 16, Goranba +12, Horadiz +10, Göggoel +14, Gakh +11, Gas +19, Gazimammad +4, Gabala +8, Guba +5, Gusar +4, Jalilabad +6, Jabrayyl +12, Julf +18, Dashkesen +15, Evlah +11, Zagatala +15, Zangilan +13, Zardab +9, Ismaylla +6, Iimisley +7, Kelbajar +15, Kudemir +6, Lachin +14, Lankaran +5, Lerik +7, Masaalla + 5, Maraza +3, Minghechevir +11, Nakhchivan +18, Oil +3, Oguz +11, Toolbad +16, Saatli +6, Cairibad +6, Salyan +4, Sizanian +3, Sumgayit +1, Terter +12, Tovus +16, Ojar +8, Fizuli +11, Khachmaz +4, Shamakhi +6, Shashbuz +18, Sheki +12, Shamkir +15, Shabran +18, Shusha +13, Shabran +4, Shirvan +4, Yarmla + 8 minutes.

Daily prayers in the holy month Ramazan

How is the post is properly observed

The Most High determined the procedure for compliance with the post during the blessed month of Ramazan. Compliance with the post in the month of Ramazan is required for each conscious, adult and capable of fasting on the Sharia of Muslim.

Every day, after the morning adoption of food (Imxak), before starting the post, it is necessary to pronounce prayer (Niyayet), as well as during the Trial (Iftar). You can learn about prayers from special religious literature.

Discover the post - Iftar preferably a pichen clean water, milk or something sweet. In no case, during food, it is impossible to use products in which there are pork meat or alcoholic additives. It is undesirable to eat too tightly neither in the morning, none in the evening, it aghesive the body and harmful to health. It is also desirable to feed those who have fed. According to Hadis, the one who fed the evening after the night will receive the same award as the one who has fastened.

Restrictions and features during the post

In the period between Morning and Evening Namaz, some actions cannot be performed:

1) It is impossible to intentionally lie, swear by the names of Allah, the prophets and imams.

2) You can not eat and drink. In addition, nothing should do inside the body through the natural holes. For example, it is impossible that the water goes into the ear, or through the mouth or nose in the body got a thick fog, smoke and steam (flour in the air, dust, cigarette smoke etc.), you can not chew a chewing chewing and do enemas. You can try food (if a person is preparing food), but not swallowed, but to spit. If food is swallowed in forgetfulness or unconsciously, it is not considered interrupted. After the morning adoption of food (Imxak) before the start of the post, it is necessary to carefully clean the oral cavity and between the teeth from the residues of food, as if during the post, swallow the minor residues of food, then it violates the post.

3) It is impossible to enter into a sexual connection during the post. It is also undesirable to spouses to engage in intimate caresses that excite each other. Intimate relationships after posts are permitted, but with the condition of complete ablution to the morning prayer. Note that if the orgasm occurred during sleep (polling), it does not lead to stopping post. In this case, you should swim and continue the post.

4) vomiting if it happened consciously, violates the post. If the fasting pulls out against his will, then the post is not broken, only to rinse the mouth.

5) The emergence of menstruation even before sunset violates the post. It is not prohibited to use cosmetics and incense women, but it is better to refrain, because lipstick from the lips can get into the body, and this is unacceptable during the post.

6) It is better not to accomplish actions that cause blood loss, including the removal of the tooth. If the gums are bleed and fasting swallows blood with saliva, in this case the post is broken. Drug acceptance also interrupts post. Injections are made to sick people for whom the post is not desirable, but after recovery, a person must compensate these days.

7) Swallowing saliva and sputum does not interrupt the post, as well as rinse mouth and bathing. Only a bathing person must take care not to swallow water and not plunge into the water with his head. For example, do not jump into the pool or sea.

Exemption from post

The post is obligatory for all believers, except minors, elderly and seriously ill, insane, pregnant women and nursing mothers, travelers and those who are on the battlefield.

"Which of you will find this month, let him hold him in the post, and who sick or on the way, let him observe the post on other days. Allah wishes you relief and does not want difficulties, and in order to fully and completed the post and exit the Lord for that he brought you to the way true, maybe you will be grateful! " - It is said in the Quran.

A woman in the period of monthly and postpartum cleansing will be fasting sin, but after cleansing it must compensate the missed days of the post. As well as the patient, after recovery, and to do it before the month of Ramazan next year. But if a person is sick or old, and can not comply with the post, then for each missed day of the post should feed the poor man. If the post was missing voluntarily, due to negligence or disregard, it is a serious sin and a heavy fine is imposed on it (about the size of asking in the mosque).

Night of the predetermination of fate

The exact date of the nice of the Quran is unknown, but for the centuries, Muslim believers celebrate the sacred night Leylyat Al-Gold in the last 10 days of Ramazan at night in the odd days of the month (Ehya Hegesei). In a way, she was named - the night of the predetermination of fate, because it is believed that it is this night that the Most High make up the fate of a person for the next year. In the Quran it says: "We sent him (Quran) on the night of predestination. How do you know what night predestination? Night of predestination is better than a thousand months. At that night, the angels and the Spirit (Jabrail) are left in order to fulfill his vengeance . On this night, there is no greetings to the very offensive of the dawn. "

As a rule, some Muslims celebrate this night from 18 to 19, from 20 to 21 and from 22 to 23 minutes of Ramazan. Others believe that the sacred night is on the night from 26 to the 27th day of Ramazan.

Flight compliance strengthens health

Compliance with the post for all rules clears Muslim not only spiritually, but also strengthens health. If a person constantly eats and drinks abundantly, not giving a rest organism, poisonous substances accumulate in the body. The human body, tired of systematic meals throughout the year, is resting this month. At the same time in our body there is a kind of update. This is what the prophet Mohammed (C) said about this: "Observe the Oruzh, and you will become more healthy."

According to doctors, the post strengthens immune system, improving the functional indicators of lymphocytes tenfold, as well as increasing the content of the cells responsible for immunity; prevents obesity; prevents the formation of excess acidity that is the main reason stomach ulcers; Protects from the formation of stones in the kidneys, as it increases the content of sodium blood, preventing calcining processes; Holds genital instincts and especially in young, thereby preventing the body from mental and physical disorders; Abstinence from drinking increases the energy of the body and the ability to learn, improves the memory; activates and optimizes metabolic processes passing in cells involving glucose, fats and proteins.

Every year, the post is observed in Ramadan Muslims. This month falls on different dates annually. In this article you will learn when Ramadan 2019 is, as well as about the rules of the post.

The month of Ramadan is called sacred, this is a very important month for Muslims. At this time, there is a post, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.

The month of Ramadan lasts 29 or 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar. The post begins at dawn on the first day of Ramadan and ends at sunset on the last day.

Important: In 2019, Ramadan falls from May 7 to June 5.The post lasts exactly 30 days and ends with the holiday of Uraz by Bayram, which will be held in 2019 on June 5.

For Muslims, the post is considered to be an honorable action. After all, this is a fasting Muslim strengthens faith in Allah, purified from earth sins and draws the prosperity of Allah.

Honorable is considered to be of the Muslims in this holy month to perform good, good deeds, helping needy. After all, Allah sees them, and every good deed is rewarded by Allah.

It is in the holy month of Ramadan people who cease to quarrel, offended, envy. This month, the hearts of believers in a single prayer and love for Allah are united.

It is in this sacred month that the soul and body of a muslim believer is cleared thanks to the post and prayer. The soul is filled with love and compassion to people.

The main condition is not to disturb the routine of the post, do not miss prayers.

Ramadan or Ramazan: how to?

Important: Many people have a question, how to speak - Ramadan or Ramazan? After all, B. different sources Both words are used. The answer to this question is unambiguous: both variants of pronunciation are faithful.

In other words, Ramadan and Ramazan are the same. However, this is an explanation.

The letter Dad exists only in Arabic. Therefore, Arabs pronounce this word as Ramadan. The Turkic peoples, in turn, speak Ramazan, because such a pronunciation is characteristic of their linguistics. Error any pronunciation is not considered.

When is the post from Muslim Ramadan in 2019?

  • In 2019. Muslims will start fast May 7. After the morning Azana - calling to prayer. Ends post June 5. After evening Azana. June 5. comes a holiday taking - Eid al Adha.

The month of Ramadan is considered sacred, because by legend a month Ramadan, the Prophet Mohammed received the first poems of the Quran.
Ramadan is taken with a special zeal to pray and renounce the evil of the life.

The post helps the believer to be cleaned of sins, to understand the true meaning of earthly life, pacifies the soul, teaches patience.

Ramadan, Uraza Bayram 2019 Calendar: Schedule, date

Ramadan ends big holidayEid al Adha.

Important: Uraza Bayram is celebrated the day after the end of the post. In 2019, the holiday of Uraza Bayram - June 5.

Preparation for Uraza Bayram

Preparation for this day begins in advance. It is customary to start a holiday with a general prayer.

  • Each Muslim should make a donation to the poor on this day, also on this day Muslims go to the cemeteries to the departed relatives, as well as visit to each other.
  • It is forbidden to fast on this day and sad.
  • The table must stand the best dishes, and the clothes should be elegant.
  • In many countries, this day is the official day off.

Holiday Uraza Bayram

As you know, it comes to relief. This is seen by the example of Ramadan and the holiday, coming after him. The post is difficult to observe, but the joy after that is very large.

Ramadan's intention

Muslim, who intends to fast, should not forget about the intention of the post - nyat.

There are rules of intent, non-compliance with which leads to the fact that the post may not count. Consider these rules:

  1. Intention to post Pronounced on the eve of each new day of the month of Ramadan. The intention is uttered after the last meal at night, but in the second half of the night.
  2. If a person spoke the intention at dawn, his post on this day will not be counted.
  3. When a person has doubts about the pronouncement of intention at dawn or at night, the post on this day is also not counted.
  4. It is not necessary to utter words of intention out loud, one can say mentally.
    Before pronouncing the intention, a person must understand the essence of this action - the desire to abandon all the goldenings that may disrupt the post.
  5. If a person pronounces the intention, without understanding the essence of what is happening, such an intention is also not counted.

Important: the words of intention sound so "I intended to follow the day of the month of Ramadan in accordance with the faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah Most High" .

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

The post Ramadan provides for food and drink only at night. In the afternoon, a person must completely give up food.

In the first days it happens very difficult to rebuild on such a power mode. But prayers and other people who are subject to one goal are helping. After all, all inconvenience are easier together.
A few days later the body gets used to the routine and the post proceeds easily. Therefore, tune up to this and remember Allah will reward you for the right actions.

In addition, sexual relations are prohibited during the day. At night, you can make love.

Who is freed from the post a month Ramadan?

  1. Elderly people. If people, as of their health, can not fast, or compensate post after, they must pay Fija Sadak - donation for feeding one poor man per day. You can feed 30 poor people at once or feed one poor thing for 30 days. If the old man, but his health allows you to keep post, he must fast.
  2. Pregnant or nursing mothers. Also, the post can miss a woman who feeds someone else's baby with breasts. In this case, the post can be missed if there is a real threat to the health of the child, the risk of milk loss or risk of miscarriage. In the future, such a woman will have to pay the days of the post, the donation for the post is not necessary to pay.
  3. Women who started menstruation. In the days of menstruation, women should skip post, but then compensate these days. The post of such a woman will not be counted, but from respect for Ramadan she should not eat during the day.
  4. Hopelessly sick people. If the patient began to fast and his health worsened, he must interrupt the post. If a person subsequently recover, he will have to reimburse the missed days of the post, and his FiDea Sadak will start as a donation.
  5. Travelers And those who are in war are also exempt from the post. However, they subsequently need to fill these days.

Video: month Ramadan

What violates the post a month Ramadan?

  • Critical days or postpartum discharge;
  • Taking medication by swallowing;
  • Smoking, conscious food and water;
  • Conscious intimate proximity
  • Drinking in the mouth of water when bathing
  • Challenge vomiting

If a person in the post is consciously, he made a sexual act, he is obliged to atone for sin - to fast for 60 days in a row.

Other violations require compensation for the day of the post, in which there was a violation.

What does not violate the post Ramadan?

  • If a person was singing and drank water, forgetting about the post. If you have suddenly drank water or root, but immediately remembered and continued the post, this is not considered a violation;
  • Involuntary vomiting;
  • You can try to eat the tongue with the tongue, while not swallowing it;
  • Rinsing of the mouth or washing the nose if the water is not swallowed;
  • You can dig medications into the eyes and make injections (not vitamins and not nutritious);
  • Termination and inhalation of incense, bathing.

Muslim prayer

Ramadan: What can I eat?

Important: At night, the Ramadan can be fascinated anywhere. However, you need to not convey. It is enough to eat exactly the amount of food, which is enough to resume forces and saturation.

After sunset, the table can be put as one dish and several. Trial begin with dates. At night, you can eat everything that you like - soups, vegetables, meat, pastries, dried fruits and fruits, cereals, fish, salads, etc.

Food during the post Ramadan

Why is Ramadan eating only at night?

IMPORTANT: Most High said: "Eat and drink until you distinguish a white thread from a black thread at dawn, and then fast until the night." It was these words that became the basis for Ramadan's post.

Influence of Ramadan's post on health

Studies were conducted, which established that the post Ramadan was not harmful to the body. The volunteers were taken blood at the beginning of the post, during and after graduation.

  • Laboratory studies have established a positive impact of the post on many organism systems, such as immune, urinary, blood, nervous.
  • Most of the standings were able to get rid of excess weight.
  • The main blood indicators remained normally.
  • Those indicators that moved away from the norm recovered a few days after exiting the post.

The main advantage of Ramadan post from the point of view of medicine is to obtain all necessary nutrients, though at night, day.

Video: Post Ramadan in terms of medicine

Congratulations on the onset of the month of Ramadan

For Muslim believers, the post's post is a joyful event. People congratulate each other, wish patience, strength, wisdom, as well as joy, health. Look below in the picture best selection congratulations and poems dedicated to the holiday Ramadan.

Congratulations on the holiday Ramadan in verse

Congratulations on the holiday Ramadan in prose

What do you need to do in Ramadan?

Be sure to pray in the post, spiritually develop, think about good actions And make them.

  • This time is necessary in order to remind a person about a real mission in this life.
  • Ramadan is not time for fun, this is the time to read the Koran, good thoughts and affairs.
  • Ramadan is time to help other people, poor in need.
  • At this month, layers are heard, people ask for forgiveness, make good things.
  • This month regularly follow all the rules of the post.

What can not be done during the month of Ramadan?

During Ramadan (Ramazan), it is impossible to lie, focusing, volatile, to behave dissolve yourself, quarrel.

  • It is desirable at this time to abandon the fun, condemnation of other people.
  • You can not be angry with loved ones, swear, plump bad. The post teaches humility and patience.
  • If a person provokes fasting and calls for a quarrel, an instant should not join the brand, a fight, a fight.
  • He must remind himself that he honors and keeps the post.

Namaz a month Ramadan

During Ramazan, believers must pray diligently, as well as read the prayer - Taravich-Namaz. This namaz is best done in the mosque, but you can also at home with your family.

Important: Taravich-Namaz is a special prayer during Ramazan, which lasts before dawn.

Namaz a month Ramadan

Video: Prayer before meal per month Ramadan

Women, like men, must abide by Ramadan.

  • If a woman has critical days, she must interrupt the post. And later to continue it;
  • Woman should not approve the slack of her husband, if he was elevated near the day in Ramadan;
  • At night, it is not necessary to deny her husband in intimate intimacy;
  • When a woman cooks food, you can try to taste on salt, while not swallowing food;
  • It is undesirable to drive the days of fasting, shopping and spending money;
  • Woman because of domestic affairs, should not neglect prayer.

Is it possible to drink kvass to the post Ramadan?

Muslims are allowed to consume alcohol-containing drinks, if the share of alcohol in them is insignificant and does not lead to intoxication. The factory kvass is usually not able to intoxicate, so you can drink it.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • Saliva, which is going to mouth, you can swallow. This is not considered a violation of the post.
  • But if saliva has already been out of the mouth, for example, touched his lips, then the swallowed saliva will be a violation.
  • If blood from the gums got into saliva, it will also be a violation. Such saliva needs to be spun.

Is it possible to brush your teeth in Ramadan?

Teeth is better to clean at night. If you have to brush your teeth in the afternoon, then you need to be careful and not swallow toothpaste and saliva at the same time. When ringed mouth, water must be knocked and not swallowed.

Important: Muslims are better to brush the teeth with a Sivak wand. This will not break the post.

Is it possible to marry or steal a girl in the month of Ramadan?

The post is not an obstacle for no (weddings). However, it is impossible to arrange feasts and festivities during the day.

Theft of a girl in terms of religion is a sin. Islam is extremely not welcomed by theft of something and causing violence to man. Therefore, it is impossible to steal girls to Ramadan.

Video: Post to Ramadan