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Ramadan break time. Suhoor and Iftar (morning and evening meals). What not to do in Ramadan

Ramadan (among the Turkic peoples - Uraza) according to the synodic calendar falls on the 9th lunar month, its beginning is shifted annually by about 10 days. Muslim believers show exceptional steadfastness and devotion to Allah, maintaining fasting, in spite of the heat.

Ancient origins of Ramadan

The first mention of the Muslim holiday dates back to the year 610; it is a mandatory fast that strictly prohibits drinking, eating, and smoking in the daytime. It is prescribed to get up before sunrise, read the prayer - morning adhan, take ablution and food, eat and drink a second time only at nightfall, after the evening adhan.

Every day Muslims must repeat the intention (niyat): "I am going to fast Ramadan in the name of Allah." Collective prayers are performed even at night.

Ramadan 2017 is spent in prayers, studying the Quran, refusing temptations. It is believed that only a person with pure thoughts overcomes the test, a Muslim who has allowed himself at least a small relief from harsh prohibitions is considered not to have passed the fast.

The holy month is accompanied by in-depth study of the Koran, the distribution of compulsory and voluntary alms. The souls of believers during this period are cleansed, which has a beneficial effect on later life.

Strict prohibitions and permitted acts during Ramadan

There is a list of restrictions and permissions prescribed for observance for the month of Ramadan 2017, it is compiled with the sole purpose of explaining the rules to believers in order to avoid their inadvertent violation. So, in daylight it is forbidden:

  • not uttering intention is niyata;
  • conscious acceptance of drink, food;
  • smoking;
  • sexual intercourse, masturbation;
  • swallowing sputum.

Do not break the fast:

  • injections, blood donation;
  • bathing (without getting water into the mouth);
  • kisses;
  • swallowing saliva;
  • involuntary vomiting;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • failure to perform prayers.

Persons eligible for exemption from fasting Ramadan

Muslim canons strictly regulate deviations from the rules. Ramadan 2017, the beginning of fasting should be meaningful, the believer should fully realize the upcoming difficult period. Strict rules are not enforced by children, pregnant and lactating mothers, the sick, the elderly and travelers, they are encouraged to feed the poor and give alms.

Ramadan 2017 - beginning and end

Every year Muslims fast falls on a different date. The phase of the moon determines what date Ramadan 2017 will begin, according to the Islamic calendar - in May, 27th, and its end - on June 25th. The most responsible are the final 10 days, this is the time for especially fervent prayers. Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims retire for 10 days in the mosque, waiting for the night of Lailatul-Qadr (predestination), read the Koran and pray to Allah for forgiveness of sins.

With the onset of the new month of Shaval, when Ramadan ends, Eid al-Fitr is celebrated (). This is one of the main holidays of Islam, it is met with the solemn prayer of Eid-Namaz, which takes place in an open square with a large crowd of people. All present congratulate each other, thank Allah for allowing him to pass the test, regret the end of the fast, generously distribute alms in money or dry food, accompanying donations with the words "Eid Mubarak" (Blessed holiday). People worship Islam, a religion based on moderation, kindness, fortitude. The fun continues with family and friends at a generous table.

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Every legitimate Muslim awaits with excitement and trepidation the beginning of the Ninth Month in the Islamic calendar - Ramadan. And the whole point is that this is a special period in the life of believers - a time of trials, hardships, strengthening willpower, spiritual growth, humility and benefactor. It is in Ramadan 2017, the beginning and end of which changes every year, that Muslims get the opportunity to approach Allah, repeat the path of the great Prophet Muhammad and overcome their shortcomings. These goals are achieved through very strict fasting, prayer and good deeds. There is a whole set of rules governing what you can and cannot do / eat / drink during the holy month of Ramadan. In addition, special attention is paid to adhering to a special prayer schedule. What date Ramadan 2017 begins in Moscow and Russia, as well as bans for Muslims this month, will be discussed further.

Ramadan 2017 - the beginning and end of the Holy month for Muslims

The most exciting information for all legitimate Muslims regarding Ramadan 2017 is the beginning and end of the Holy Month. The fact is that the Islamic synodic calendar is shorter than the Gregorian one, and consequently, the beginning of fasting is postponed every year by 10-11 days. The duration of Ramadan from year to year also varies from 29 to 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar. So, Ramadan 2017, the beginning and end of the Holy Month for Muslims are already known, this year it will last 30 days.

When is the beginning and end of the month of Ramadan 2017 for Muslims in Moscow and Russia

As for the exact dates for the beginning and end of the Holy Month, in 2017, in most Muslim countries, Ramadan will begin on May 26. The end of the Muslim fast will fall on June 25. The last day of fasting will be followed by one of the most important Islamic holidays - Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated by Muslims around the world on June 26 in 2017.

What Muslims should absolutely not do during Ramadan 2017

Many restrictions are associated with the ninth month of the synodic calendar - these are not just restraints on the physical level, but also spiritual fasting. In particular, there is a whole list of things that Muslims must absolutely not do during Ramadan. It specifies the rules regarding the daily routine, food, prayer, charity, etc. This set of restrictions governs personal relationships, including the intimacy between husband and wife.

List of what absolutely must not be done by Muslims during Ramadan

If we highlight the main prohibitions in force during Ramadan, then Muslims at this time are categorically forbidden:

  • eat food and drink water during daylight hours
  • smoke, drink alcohol
  • kiss, have an intimate relationship before sunset
  • idle time in entertainment
  • skip obligatory prayers
  • swear

Holy month of Ramadan: what Muslims can eat during fasting

The rulebook for the holy month of Ramadan regulates not only the number of meals, but also what foods Muslims can eat during fasting. First of all, it is worth noting that during the whole month of Ramadan, believers can eat twice a day: early in the morning before dawn (before morning prayer) and after sunset (after evening prayer). During the daytime, only pregnant and lactating women, children, the elderly and the sick are allowed to eat food. All others should refrain even from drinking water, which is especially difficult in hot Arab countries.

What Muslims are allowed to eat during the holy month of Ramadan

The list of foods allowed during the Holy Month of Ramadan, namely what Muslims can eat during fasting, is quite simple. Preference should be given to foods that are easy to digest and at the same time high-calorie foods: cereals, cottage cheese, yogurt, grain cakes, fruits and vegetables. You can also coffee and tea in limited quantities.

During the holy month of Ramadan, your food should not be very different from your usual one and should be as simple as possible.

The Holy Quran says: "... Eat, drink until you distinguish the white thread from the black thread [until the dividing line between the coming day and the leaving night appears on the horizon] at dawn. And then fast until night [until sunset, abstaining from eating, drinking and intimate relationships with a spouse] ... "(Holy Koran, 2: 187).

Meals during suhoor

The morning meal (suhoor) is performed by the fasting person before the adhan. Suhoor is certainly very important for the fasting person and is an important prescription and grace of the Almighty for Muslims.

Suhoor allows the body to get the energy it needs to work effectively during the first half of the day. This leads to the fact that in the second half of the day the energy necessary for the body is extracted due to the breakdown of carbohydrates and part of fats, but does not affect protein metabolism, so that metabolic processes in the body do not suffer at all.

Doctors recommend eating complex carbohydrates during suhoor - bread made from whole sprouted grains or wholemeal flour, cereal dishes, fresh vegetable salad and dried fruits. Complex carbohydrates are digested in the body for a long time and therefore provide the body with energy for at least 8-12 hours. You can add a little protein to these in the form of meat, fish, eggs or dairy products. Proteins are also digested for a long time (about 8 hours) and are important especially with high physical activity, but a large amount of them can overload the liver, which already works hard during fasting. Dates are a great source of sugar, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium; almonds - a source of proteins and fibrous matter with a low fat content; bananas are a source of potassium, magnesium and carbohydrates. However, you should avoid overeating and drinking too much during suhoor (because of this, the mineral salts necessary to maintain tone during the day are excreted from the body).

At the time of suhoor, it is better to refuse coffee altogether (or consume it in minimal quantities). The most useful will be drinks made from fermented milk products with the addition of herbs, a small amount of salt and herbs. After eating them, the thirst arises later and is not so acute.

Breaking up time - iftar

Iftar begins immediately after sunset and before the evening prayer. In a hadith the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said: "When one of you breaks his fast, let him break his fast with dates, and if he does not find dates, let him break his fast with water, for truly it cleans."

Theologians advise to take a very small amount of food before performing the evening prayer and only after completing the prayer sit down at the set table. According to doctors, the dates eaten after adhan instantly saturate the blood with glucose. Drinking water is even easier - the brain reacts to the heaviness in the stomach and also "slows down" the appetite.

Every evening of the month of Ramadan is a real holiday. For breaking the fast, you can also put fruits, pastries, dried fruits, etc. on the table. The main thing is not to overdo it. There should not be a lot of food - you need to limit fried and starchy foods.

Do not consume:

Fatty and fried foods;

Foods with an excess of sugar.

Fried foods are harmful to health and should be limited to consumption. Such food causes indigestion, heartburn, and is reflected in weight.

Vegetable and meat-vegetable dishes will be optimal. Useful salads from fresh vegetables, cereal dishes. Sweets are possible, but in small quantities. There are many options, and everyone, of course, likes something different. Meals should be well balanced and include foods from each group, such as vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, bread, grains and dairy products.

Drink as much water and juice as possible between Iftar and sleep to help maintain normal fluid levels. Fresh juices, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, tea are suitable for drinks. Plain water is also great.

It is better to exclude the so-called "fast food" during the fast from your diet. These include noodles of various types (with food additives), cereals and soups in bags, sausage ... The fact is that this category of food contains defective carbohydrates and proteins that are very quickly absorbed by the body .. The feeling of hunger will come literally in 1 -2 hours and will be much stronger than before using this product. In addition, they all contain a large amount of salt, seasonings and substances that help whet the appetite after a short time and the development of thirst.

Ramadan 2017: The Best Iftar in Dubai

Irina Malkova

The magical time of Ramadan is coming. Every evening when the sun goes down, it's time to break the fast after a day's fast. Here's an overview of the best places in Dubai to enjoy Arabian cuisine with lavish evening treats - Iftars and Sukhurs.

W Marriott Marquis Dubai

A beautiful tent called Al Fanous Lounge will be operating at the Dubai Ballroom at the JW Marriot Marquis in Business Bay. Every evening, guests will enjoy live performances of musicians on traditional Arabic instruments.

Iftar: sunset until 8:30 pm
Price - 199 dirhams
Children under 6 years old - free. From 7 to 12 years old - 50% discount
Suhur: from 21.00 to 03.00 à la carte.
Phone: +971 4 414 3000

AlMajlis, Madinat Jumeirah

One of the most popular breakout tents will traditionally take place at the Madinat Jumeirah complex opposite the entrance to Mina A "Salam. A whimsical design topped by a 25-meter pendant chandelier. Buffet serves Arabic and world cuisine. The tent features an extensive dining area. and many separate majlis (traditional recreation areas) for small groups and corporate dinners.The complex can accommodate up to 1000 guests at a time.Iftar and Suhur are served here in strict accordance with Arab traditions.

Iftar: from sunset until 20:45
Price - AED 210 per person including juices, water and sodas
Suhoor: from 21:30 to 03:00, à la carte (minimum order - 150 dirhams)
Phone: +971 4 432 3232
https: // ...

DIFC Ramadan Majlis

This year, the Dubai International Financial Center and The Ritz-Carlton will reopen the DIFC Ramadan Majlis for Ramadan. Arabic hospitality and traditional cuisine await you here. Guests can experience authentic dishes from a varied menu, watch food being prepared and taste traditional dishes.

Iftar: with sunset until 20.30
AED 215 for adults, AED 107 for children 6-12 years old, free for children under 6 years old.
Non-alcoholic drinks are included in the price.

Suhoor: from 21.30 to 02.00 à la carte, minimum order - 75 dirhams.
Phone: +971 4 372 2323
http: // ...


A truly oriental Fairuz tent (translated as "turquoise") will operate at the Fairmont The Palm during Ramadan. The tent will be located in the huge Palm Ballroom for 290 guests (its area is 581 square meters), decorated in a modern Arab-Moroccan style: white, blue and purple tones - of course, interspersed with turquoise. Here you can get acquainted with the traditions of Arabian hospitality and taste authentic cuisine, desserts and drinks. In addition, songs of the famous Lebanese singer Fairuz will be performed in the tent.

Iftar: with sunset until 21.00
AED 175 per person, children from 6 to 12 years old 50% discount, children under 6 years old - free.

from 21.00 to 02.00
Hookahs: from 90 dirhams
Telephone:+971 4 457 3457 / ...

Al Hadheerah, Bab Al Shams

The open-air restaurant at the popular deserted spa resort Bab Al Shams does not close due to the heat, but turns into a luxurious air-conditioned tent. In this form, it has become even better: guests will not find such an Iftar like here anywhere else. There is a wide assortment of food (10 different mini-kitchens will work in the tent!), And a varied entertainment program - an ideal example of true Arabian hospitality.

Iftar: buffet in the Al-Khadir tent with sunset until 22.30
AED 250 per person (includes food, water, juices, soft drinks and Arabic coffee) from Sunday to Wednesday
AED 270 per person (includes food, water, juices, soft drinks and Arabic coffee) from Thursday to Saturday
Telephone: +971 4 809 6194


A.O.C. Restaurant The French Brasserie serves Arabic, Moroccan and Turkish cuisine for Ramadan, as well as the finest food from around the world. In addition, you can listen to the traditional instrument santura and make yourself with henna patterns in a separate corner. Signature drinks of the month such as camar al den, jellab and mint lemonade are also available. And then proceed to a wide range of hot and cold appetizers and main courses: hummus, sambus, fatayer meat pies, spicy tabouleh with Arabic bread, a variety of meat and fish dishes.

Iftar: buffet with sunset until 22.00
AED 140 per person (special drinks and water are included in the price).
For children under 12 years old, admission is free (no more than two children for a couple of adults), for children from 13 to 17 years old there is a 50% discount.

Hookahs: a wide range of aromatic hookahs from AED 75 from sunset to midnight at Plantation Restaurant - on the terrace overlooking the Arabian Gulf.

Suhoor: from 22:00 to 03:00 at Plantation Restaurant: cold meze, traditional soups, grilled Arabic dishes and vegetable biryanis. Dinner with starter, soup, main course and dessert of your choice - from AED 70 per person.

For the first time this year, the Dubai Opera presents musical Iftar in a specially equipped hall.

Iftar: with sunset until 21.00.
Price - 250 dirhams per person (220 for groups of 11 people).
Children under 6 years old - free, from 6 to 11 years old - 50% discount.
Telephone:+971 4 440 8888
ttp: //


Rüya Dubai, a popular restaurant overlooking Dubai Marina, located at the Grosvenor House, offers a generous break of the fast in the style of Anatolian cuisine. A special menu is simply created to share meals with family and friends. In keeping with tradition, guests will be greeted with dates and a hearty soup of their choice. Hot and cold snacks such as muhammara, chitir kalamar, bureki and pide will then fill the table. The culinary journey will continue with one of the main dishes from the special menu, compiled by the chef Colin Kleig, and it will end with a variety of Turkish sweets.

Iftar: at sunset
195 dirhams per person (sharing menu). Choice of soup and main course + a selection of appetizers and desserts.
Telephone:+971 4 399 9123


Manzil Downtown, a modern boutique hotel in downtown Dubai, has a special menu for you for this Ramadan. Choose one of two things - the pleasant bustle of Iftar or the quieter, more relaxed Suhur. The main restaurant, Boulevard Kitchen, will offer a rich buffet with a wide variety of dishes from the entire region, while the charming Arabian courtyard of The Courtyard offers delicious food and a unique atmosphere.

Iftar inTheCourtyard: with sunset until 21.00
AED 180 per person, including soft drinks, juices and special drinks.

St Regis Dubai, Al Habtoor City

Gala Dinner Choice at St Regis Hotel is an international buffet of Iranian and Arabic cuisine at Le Patio Restaurant. The menu includes cold Arabian appetizers (mezzes), hot dishes including soups, shawarma, Arabic rice, grilled chicken, kebbe (small stuffed meat balls), Indian curries, kebabs, as well as a variety of pastries. For sweets - traditional baklava, chocolate mousse, Umm Ali bread pudding, fresh fruit, Iranian sweets and ice cream.

Iftar: with sunset until 21:00
Price: AED 225 per person, including juices, water and sodas.
Suhur: from 21:30
Telephone: +971 4 435 5577

Ritz Carlton, JBR

The Ritz Carlton at the JBR Boardwalk invites you to a traditional Iftar with an international buffet at the traditional Mamemo Majlis. Dinner will be served with live music and hookah aroma. The menu includes the best delicacies and sweets of Morocco and Lebanon.

Iftar: from 19.00 to 20.30

Price - AED 220 per person, including juices, water and sodas. AED 110 per child (up to 5 years free).

Suhoor: from 22.00 to 02.00 à la carte, minimum AED 150 per person.

The Meydan Hotel Ramadan Tent

A fully air-conditioned festive tent will also work in the now fashionable The Meydan Hotel, which has become the site of the recently held Arab Fashion Week. In addition to the abundant buffet, guests will find a large musical program.

Iftar and Suhoor- with sunset until 03.00
Iftar price - AED 190 per person, including juices, water and sodas
Children under 4 years old - free, from 5 to 12 years old - 50% discount.
There is a playground for children.
Suhur - à la carte.
+971 4 381 3111

Where will Fatih Sibagatullin spend "avyz achu", how much will the Ramadan tent in the "Yardam" mosque hold, and who is contraindicated in Muslim fasting

Today, at sunset, in Kazan it is 20 hours 08 minutes, the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims begins, which will end with sunset on June 24, after which Eid al-Adha will be celebrated all over the world. About why the place and time of the republican iftar have changed several times, who will be remembered on the first night of Ramadan, Gusman Iskhakov and his family, and also what is the official size of the sadak this year - in the material "BUSINESS Online".


Today, in all mosques in Tatarstan, Muslims will gather for the first taraweeh, that is, the night prayer, which is performed only during Ramadan. The holy month will come today with sunset, in Kazan it is 20 hours 08 minutes. Recall that, according to the Muslim chronology, a new day begins not at midnight, as in the Gregorian calendar, but with sunset. Tomorrow Muslims at 01:15 need to complete their morning meal - suhoor, after which it is possible to break the fast only at 20:09. The period of abstinence in the daytime from eating, drinking, intimacy in Ramadan 2017 will be up to 19.5 hours!

This year the duration of Ramadan is 29 days, it will end on June 24 with sunset, and on the 25th the Muslims of Tatarstan will gather for the festive namaz of the Eid al-Adha. In mid-May, at the plenum of the DUM RT, the sums of sadaqa, or alms, which are customary to give during the holy month, were announced. They are calculated according to a special scheme. So, this year the amount of compensation for each missed day of fasting will be 200 rubles. That is, if a Muslim who, for a good reason, did not keep his urge, for example, was sick, can pay this amount daily. The expiatory one-time sadaka-fitr, which can be given throughout the whole month, but it is advisable to do this immediately before Eid al-Adha, will amount to 100 rubles from ordinary Muslims and 600 rubles from the rich. Those who have nisab, that is, the minimum income or property from which it is necessary to pay zakat, - an annual tax in favor of those in need, were recognized as the last ones this year. This year the amount of nisab is 198 thousand rubles.

Meanwhile, the 5th Republican Iftar this year was initially supposed to take place on the first day of Ramadan. Because of the future games of the Confederations Cup, it was not possible to break the fast at the traditional place - Kazan Arena, so at first they chose the Central Stadium, where they planned to invite not 10 thousand people, as last year, but one and a half times more. We even managed to print and partially distribute invitation cards with an indication of the place - the Central Stadium. But this week it was officially announced that a different time and place was chosen for the grandiose "avyz achu". The super meal will be held on June 15 at the Kazan Tennis Academy.

According to one of the organizers of the event, President of the Association of Muslims of Russia Aydara Shagimardanova, there are several reasons for the next transfer. For example, during a football tournament, the Central Stadium will serve as a training ground for the participating teams, but the main thing is temporary time pressure: “Not all the guests had time to get an answer about their participation in iftar. Closer to June 15, this will become known. At the Tennis Academy, sunset prayer will be performed on the football ground, and tables will be laid in the interior of the sports facility. " The only drawback of the Tennis Academy is that it will hardly be able to accommodate 15 thousand people, as planned. As the president of the APM was informed in the DUM RT, the academy is guaranteed to accommodate 10 thousand fasting people, but a maximum of two to three thousand places can be found somehow.


Uraza is one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting in the month of Ramadan is the duty of every Muslim. But with a caveat - a healthy Muslim, says M.D., professor Ravil Valeev... The head of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology of the KSMA believes that before you fast, you need to consult your doctor.

- We must proceed from the fact that, according to the Koran, sick people who are on a journey have the right not to fast. This is due to the fact that since the advent of Islam, the range of known diseases has seriously expanded. For example, we are talking about diabetes. With this disease, there is a mandatory requirement - fractional meals. This year, uraza falls on the summer period, and a person who abstains not only from eating but also drinking for a long time, especially a diabetic patient, violates the water-salt balance of the body, because a person must work, especially if he is engaged in physical labor, and will be in the heat sweat, therefore, accordingly, it must replenish the water-salt balance. He with n O the volume loses both liquid, and salts, and vitamins. This loss can return to him with some kind of disease.

- So, uraza is only for healthy people?

- It is generally accepted that if a person dies during the uraza, he immediately goes to heaven. Let's speak from the point of view of common sense. If a person dies from a disease that progresses during the Uraza, then, probably, the Almighty will not welcome this. This is one of the great sins - suicide. Intentional harm to health.

- On ordinary days, each person should drink two or three liters of water ... But what should a fasting Muslim do?

- If you drink two or three liters at once early in the morning, then this is an extremely large load on the cardiovascular system, because this fluid enters through the gastrointestinal tract, the heart must overtake these three liters, the kidneys, seeing such a large amount of water, say: we don't need that much liquid. And all this will go away with urine, and apart from harm, such excessive use will not lead to anything. We must proceed from the rule that the military had before the campaign: people were given black bread with herring so that they could drink water, or tea and salt, which, on the one hand, kept the water, not allowing them to sweat too much. And this can be used, but in moderation. It is advisable that in the morning a person drinks at least half a liter.

- What do you think about the fact that some people fast exclusively on water?

- If a person does not have excess weight, then this will lead to elementary dystrophy, which is now suffering from teenage girls who want to look like a Barbie doll. I had to treat such people. After all, after elementary dystrophy, tuberculosis occurs, and its severe form. One of them was barely saved, they were treated for two years ...


As it was reported in the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, like last year, daily iftar will be held in 30 mosques in Kazan, and at 20, during the taraweeh prayer, the Koran will be fully read. By the way, after a year's break due to the aggravation of relations between Russia and Turkey, 38 Turkish Koran-Hafiz, that is, people who know the Holy Book by heart, are to come to the republic to carry out the taraweeh prayer. As for the avyz achu meal, it is expected that the number of fasting people will increase. So, according to the imam of the Yardam mosque Ildara Bayazitova Some changes are expected in their Ramadan tent this year.

“This year we are opening one more tent. Now iftar will be held for 1200 people. We will put up last year's tent for 1000 people, and another new one for 200 places. This was done due to the large influx of people who want to break the fast. We decided to do as much as we can. There will be a daily cultural program, we will specially invite the popular toastmaster Hamil Nur, he will be in one tent, our khazrats will lead to another. The menu is traditional - first, second, pies, fruits and vegetables. There will also be suhur - a morning meal, anyone can come there, ”says Bayazitov.

Iftars are arranged most often by private individuals, this does not necessarily happen in mosques. “I do iftar at my home every year. According to our tradition, although there is only one Islam, each nation has its own tradition. I consider our religion to be traditional Tatar Islam, where, unlike Arabic, the role of the mullah is high. Before the start of the meal, I reconcile the different sides, give the opportunity for informal communication. Once there was a misunderstanding between the ima of the mosques Al-Marjani Mansur Khazrat and “Khater” Haris Khazrat, who this year became the laureate of the Tukaev Prize. So I sat them in front of each other, and they made up, "- a State Duma deputy told" BUSINESS Online " Fatih Sibagatullin.

And here is a businessman, general director of KZhK Logistic LLC Iskander Zigangaraev, as in previous years, plans to invite Muslims to. “I am planning to hold a vegetarian iftar again. But I don't know the exact time yet. I myself rarely eat meat during uraza. Maybe once or twice a week, and then fish or chicken. During suhoor, I just drink water, I can still eat fruit ... "- Zigangaraev told our newspaper.

Keeping a Muslim fast is not an easy test. Although, according to the ex-mufti of Tatarstan Gusman Iskhakov, who celebrated his 60th birthday the day before, "everything depends on fear of God and sincerity, if love for Allah is strong, then no hunger or thirst is felt." For many years, the ex-leader of the Muslims of the republic had a tradition - for the first iftar, all the Iskhakovs gathered at their mother, the famous Rashids abystay, who passed away a year ago. Tomorrow, Gusman Hazrat invites relatives and friends to a tent at the mosque of the village of Petrovsky, in which his sister's husband served as imam Suleiman Zaripov, disappeared without a trace in February last year. “Together with all the relatives and friends who came to the Iftar, we will pray to Allah for Suleiman Hazrat to return home,” said the former mufti of Tatarstan.