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Read the Hadith reliable Al Bukhari. Al-Bukhari: biography and works. Al-Bukhari transfers uncomplicated Hadith from viibitates

1670. (4712). It is reported that Abu Khuraira, may Allah be satisfied, said:
(Once) the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, brought (as a gift) meat. He was filed (Barans) to the shovel, as he loved it, and he bit off a piece, and then said: "I will become a chapter (all) of people on the day of resurrection. Do you know about the reason for this? Allah will bring together the first and last on one extensive plain so that it is impossible to appeal to all of them and all of them can be embraced by gaze. And the sun approaches them, and covers them such a grief and sadness that they do not have enough strength, neither patience (to transfer it), and then people will say (each other): "Don't you see what you have reached? Do you not find anyone who will stand for you before your Lord? " And some people will say others: "You should (go) to Adam!" (After that), they will come to Adam, peace to him, and tell him: "You are the father of people; Allah created you with his hand and breathed in you (something) of his spirit, and at his order angels bowed to you before the earth, the implicit about us in front of your Lord: don't you see, in what position we are, and not you see, What are we reached?! " (On this) Adam will say: "Truly, today my Lord was angry as he was not angry before and how he would never be angry again, and, truly, he forbade me (to eat the fruits of the paradise) Tree, and I druntered him! I myself, I myself, I myself (I need protection), and you go to the other, go to Nuhu! " (After that) they will come to Nuhu and say (Him): "Oh Nuhu, truly, you are the first of the Messengers (Allah) to the inhabitants of the Earth, and Allah called you a grateful slave, behind us in front of your Lord: Don't you see You, in what position are we?! " (For it) he will say: "Truly, my almighty and the great Lord today was angry as he was not angry before he had never been angry again, and, truly, in (earthly life I was given the opportunity to turn to Allah only with one) Molbo 1, and I turned to him with a prayer (that Allah ruined) my people; I myself, I myself, I myself (I need protection), and you go to the other, go to the Ibrahim! " (After that) they will come to Ibrahim and say (Him): "On Ibrahim, you are the prophet of Allah and his beloved/ Khalil / From among those who lived on Earth, behind us in front of your Lord: Do not you see in what position we are we?! " (For this) he will tell them: "Truly, my Lord was angry today, as he was never angry before and how he would never be angry; As for me, I lied three times! I myself, I myself, I myself (I need to protect), and you go to the other, go to the MUSE! " (After that) they will come to the MUSE and say (Him): "On Musa, you - the Messenger of Allah, and Allah gave you preference to other people (, for he handed you) his message and spoke to you directly, imputiate for us Before your Lord: Do not you see what position are we?! " (For it) He will say: "Truly, my Lord was angry today, as he was never angry before and how no longer would be angry; As for me, I killed a man whom I was not ordered to kill! I myself, I myself, I myself (I need protection), and you go to the other, go to 'Isa! " (After that) they will come to 'Isa and say: "O" Isa, you are the Messenger of Allah, and his word he granted Maryam, and the Spirit from Him, and you spoke with people even when I lay in the cradle For us: Do not you see, in what position are we?! " (On this) 'Isa will say: "Truly, my Lord was angry today, as he was never angry before and how he would never be angry!" - However, he will not mention any sins. "I myself, I myself, I myself (I need protection), and you go to the other, go to Muhammad, may Allah bless him and welcomes!" (After that) they will come to Muhammad and say: "O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets, and Allah forgave you (all) past and future sins, implicit for us before your Lord: Don't you see you, in What are we position?! " And then I will go to the foot of the throne (Allah) and inclined in the earthly bow in front of my almighty and great Lord, after which he will reveal such words of praising and glorify him, what no one opened me, and then it will be said: "Oh Muhammad, Lift your head! Ask, and will be granted to you, stand up, and your intercession will be accepted! " And then I will raise my head and say: "My community, oh my Lord, my community, oh my Lord!" Then it will be said: "Oh Muhammad, enter the gates of paradise through the right gates from (number) of the gates of those from your community, who does not have 3, but they can enter with people and through other gates!" "
And then (the Prophet, may Allah bless him and welcomes,) said:
"I swear, in whose lounges of my soul, truly, the distance between (each) two sash of the paradise gates is equal to the distance between Mecca and Himiar 4 (or: between Mecca and Beadro)!"

"Sahah" al-Bukhari



Mukhtasar "Sahih" Imam al-Bukhari enjoys in the Muslim world with continuous authority. All the Hadiths entering this collection are reliable, and he himself was the first of the collections compiled on the thematic principle and already contemporaries recognized as an outstanding guide in Fickh (Muslim law in the broad sense of the word). The collection contains 2134 Hadith.

Compiler: Imam Muhammad Bin Ismail Abu 'Abdullah Al-Ju'fi al-Bukhari

Translation from Arabic: Vladimir (Abdullah) Mikhailovich Nirsch, Candidate of Philosophy.

The electronic version of the collection was prepared by the editors of the "Site of Crimean Youth" in the name of Allah, gracious, merciful.

"Site of Crimean Youth"

From translator

Dear reader!

The book, the translation of which you hold in your hands, encompass part of the Sunna, the second most important thing after the Quran the basics of the creed of Islam, and enjoys in the Muslim world with an indisputable authority.

This is explained by a number of circumstances.

The first and most important thing is that this book, as already mentioned, contains part of the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad, and Bless him Allah and welcomes. In other words, it contains numerous examples from his life, which should serve as a model and leadership for both the Muslim community as a whole and for every Muslim separately. The Quran says: "And he says not by whim (his) ..." This means that all words and, accordingly, the actions of the Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcome, they were dictated by not his personal preferences, but they had an overhead. The Quran also says: "The Messenger of Allah is an excellent example for you ..."That is the direct class of Allah people to take an example from the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes. Moreover, the submission of the Prophet, expressed in following his example, is equal in the Koran submissal to Allah, since Allah Most High said: "The obeying Messenger obeys Allah".

Secondly, Sunna serves for a religious criterion that allows him to separate all sorts of innovations in the sphere of religion, which arose after the death of the Prophet, and bless his Allah and welcomes, from what really comes from Allah. Thus, the said is quite enough in order to understand what the Sunna is for a real Muslim.

Thirdly, the collector of the Hadith, proposed to the reader, the compiler of which is imam al-Bukhari, is the most authoritative collection of this kind.

The associates of the prophet, and bless him Allah and welcome, began to record the Hadiths in his life. Subsequently, this work continued, and from the middle of the 6th century, the first Khadith collections began to appear, which brought messages from one transmitter / Musands /, and after a while - and thematic collections / Musannaf /.

It is quite natural that because there was a huge number of Hadiths, in many cases of memory transmitted, the closest attention was paid to the issue of their reliability. In this regard, in Muslim science, the special discipline of the research of the Hadiths was gradually developed - identifying the degree of their reliability through criticism of the reliability of the IAC. The quality of the IPNADA was considered as a guarantee of the accuracy of the Hadith. So, for Muchaddis, it was important to establish the presence of a continuous circuit of transmitters who were called "Ridel" (people; men), and therefore they found out their full names, years of life and facts of biography to make sure that the transmitters could meet with each other, and give an assessment of their moral qualities, the ability to correctly reproduce the heard and so on. The verification of the truthfulness of the Hadith transmitters was called "Al-Jarh Va-T-Tha'dil" (discharge and confirmation), and the collection and study of all available data on Muhaddis led to the emergence of a special direction - "Ma'Riphate Ar Ridgeal" (Knowledge of husbands). The consequence of this was the preparation of huge reference books with the biographies of the Hadith transmitters and instructions to what extent they deserve confidence. Special terminology has been developed, associated with the evaluation of the degree of honor of the Hadith, and they themselves were divided into three groups: reliable / sahih /, good / Hassan / and weak / Da'if. When checking, the Hadiths were also classified as otherwise, depending on the features of the IFADA and Matn, the number of transmitters, transfer paths and a number of other factors.

1. "Al-Jami 'As-Sahih" Imam al-Bukhari (mind. In the 870/256 of Hijra).

2. "Sahih" Imam Muslim Bin Al-Hadjjadja al-Kusharyri (mind in 875/261).

3. "Sunan" Abu Dauda Sulyaiman Bin Al-Ash'asa Az-Santzhistani (mind in 888/275).

4. "Sunan" Muhammad Bin 'Isa At-Tirmisi (mind. In 892/279.).

5. "Sunan" Ahmad Bin Shu'aiba An-Nasa'i (mind in 915/303 g.).

6. "Sunan" Ibn Maji (mind in 886/273).

"Al-Jami 'AS-Sahih" Imam al-Bukhari is in the first place in the first place. All the Hadiths entering this collection are reliable, and he himself was the first of the collections compiled on the thematic principle / Musannaf / and already contemporaries recognized as an outstanding guidance on Fickh (Muslim law in the broad sense of the word).

Imam Muhammad Bin Isma'il Abu 'Abdullah Al-Ju'fi Al-Bukhari was born 11 Shavvali on July 194/21 810 in the family of Iranian origin in Bukhara, and 30 Ramadan died on August 25/31, 870 in the village of Hartank near Samarkand . At the age of sixteen, he made a pilgrimage to Mecca together with his mother and brother, after which she lived in Arabia for some time. Imam al-Bukhari had already found huge abilities, love for science and great piety. In search of the Hadith, he traveled through many cities of the Middle and Middle East, where, according to his own words, more than a thousand Muchaddisov met. After returning to Bukhara, Imam continued his work, in just the compilation of "Sahah" went around sixteen years. Reportedly, Imam al-Bukhari checked six hundred thousand Hadiths, who were in the go at that time, not counting two hundred thousand, recorded by him from their teachers and informants. From all this huge number of materials, he selected for his collection for only about seven thousand three hundred Hadiths, and taking into account the fact that many of them are repeated with minor changes as options, in fact their number is even less. This once again demonstrates how thoroughly al-Bukhary referred to the task itself before him and how high were the selection and verification criteria.

Despite the fact that seven are more than thousands of Hadiths who have entered the "sahih" are only a small part of the entire proven al-Bukhary material, they constitute a very impressive volume and therefore uncomfortable for practical use of the book. In this regard, several abbreviated / Mukhtasar / variants of this collection were composed in different collections, one of which is recognized as the most successful version of Imam Ahmad Bin 'Abd Al-Latif AZ-Zubayi.

In this embodiment, the Hadith names, the names of chapters, as well as almost all repeating Hadiths, were subjected to the reduction, as a result of which the total number of them was 2134. However, everyone is matn, in other words, the texts of the information parts of the Hadith are completely preserved, which allows the reader to get quite an adequate view of labor Al -Buhari, at the same time significantly reducing the time you need.

The translation prepared by me fully corresponds to the abbreviated version of the "Sahah" Imam Az Zubayi, except for the fact that for the convenience of using the book I decided to leave the breakdown on the chapter. In the process of work on the translation, the works of medieval commentators "Sakhiha" Ibn Hajhar Al-Oashalni, the Shikhab of Ad-Dina Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al-Kastallani and Abu Muhammad Mahmoud Bin Ahmad al-Ayni was used. Taking into account the great importance of the Sunna and the inadmissibility of the distortion of a single word said by the Prophet, and bless his Allah and welcomes, and not one, even the smallest, at first glance, the details related to his business, I saw the main task in To achieve the highest possible adequacy of translation and with respect to its meaning, and in relation to lexical and expressive means. The desire to show what words are available in the Arabic text, and which it is necessary to consume that the text can sound in Russian led me to the conditioned signs. In brackets are given words that are absent in the Arabic text, but the essentially necessary statements. The punctuation marks are placed in this way as if the brackets do not exist. That is why the reader can see signs that are not used in Russian grammar (for example, commas after the initial bracket and before closing it). The text of the reader the text is unusual. So, the headlines in it are often an expulsive statement, and therefore at the end of them, in contrast to the received rules, the points are set.


(810 - 870/194 - 256 GG)

Name and Nisba al-Bukhari

The name of Imam - Muhammad Bin Isma'il Bin Ibrahim Bin Al-Mugar Al-Bukhari Al-Ju'fi; His kunya is Abu 'Abdullah.

Birth and childhood

Imam al-Bukhari was born in Bukhara on Friday the eleventh day of the month of Shavval 194 of Hijra. He quickly lost his father and land in early childhood, and after a while his mother saw in the dream of the Prophet Ibrahim, and he would bless his Allah and welcomes, who said to her: "Oh, Allah returned his son's eyesight thanks to your numerous plea."

Allah endowed him with the ability to memorize the Hadiths when he was still a child. Abu Ja'far Muhammad Bin Abu Hatim al-Varrak said: "Once I asked Abdu" Abdullah al-Bukhari: "How did you start learning the Hadith?" He replied: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to memorize the Hadith was inspired to me when I was just beginning to learn, and I was ten years old or less. Then I left school and began to learn from one, then another teacher. When I was sixteen years old, I already remembered the books of Ibn Al-Mubarak and Vaki and knew their statements. Then, together with his mother and brother, I went to Mecca, where we settled for the sake of picking up Hadith, and when I was eighteen years old, I began to classify information about the associates and followers, as well as their statements. "

Al-Bukhari fully dedicated himself to science and worship. He often said: "Never in my life I have not bought anything at the time in Dirham and nothing to do nothing in Dirham." Once he was asked about how he bought bread, to which al-Bukhari replied: "I guarded it to someone, and I bought it."

Al-Bukhari, yes, he merges his Allah Most High, was distinguished by extreme aspects, courage, generosity, piety, the abundance of the world of the Dolly and the desire for the world eternal. Once he said, "Truly, I want no one to recover from me for Hulu, when I will meet with Allah Most High."

Al-Bukhari was inherent in self-esteem and pride. Somehow one ruler, who wanted him to engage in teaching his children, sent after him, but al-Bukhari ordered him to tell him that the seekers should come to know himself, and refused to go to him.

He often fastened the day, prayed at night and read a lot of Quran, especially during the blessed Ramadan. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi handed out that Masih Bin Sa'id said: "With the onset of the first night of Ramadan, Muhammad Bin Isma'el Al-Bukhari gathered his comrades, and he made a prayer with them, reading on the twenty Hayats of the Quran during each rocket until I didn't read the whole Koran. "

In addition, al-Bukhari read the Quran daily, completing reading before talking, and he said: "Moluba after completing the reading of the Quran does not remain unanswered."

One day, when he prayed, the wasp stood him seventeen times. Having finished praying, he said: "Look, it bothered me during my prayer," and when people looked, it turned out that he had seventeen traces of the bite of the wasp on his body, however, despite this, he did not interrupt the prayer.

Amazing al-Bukhari memory

Allah entered his excellent memory, which was noticeable in childhood. Hashid Bin Isma'il told the following: "In Basra Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad Bin Isma'il Al-Bukhari, who was then a young man, visited with us different sheikhs, who were the connoisseurs of the Hadiths, but did not write anything. A few days later we began to talk to him: "You visit with us different sheikhs and do not write anything, but why do you do that?" After sixteen days he told us: "Truly, you talk a lot and annoy me! Show what you recorded. " We got our sheets where more than fifteen thousand Hadith were recorded, and he began to read all this by heart, and we even began to correct our records in accordance with what he read the memory. Then he asked: "You now think that I attend different Sheikhs for the sake of jokes and putting my days to the sake of the jokes?" "And after that, it became clear to us that no one would be able to get ahead."

When Al-Bukhari was still young men, the inhabitants of the bass, who wanted to listen to the Hadiths, went after him on his heels, until the desired desired, and then they hit him on any road, and thousands of students gathered around him, most of which were recorded What he spoke, although he was at that time the junior junior.

Another proof that Al-Bukhari had excellent memory and was different, a message was served about how one day he came to Samarkand, where he met with four Cognots of the Hadiths. They mixed among themselves the Hadiths from Sham and Iraq and the names of the transmitters and joined the names of some Hadiths to Matnam others, after which they read all al-Bukhari, which pointed to what kind of items actually include the appropriate matn, and everything has been given to due order , And none of them could not find a single inaccuracy in any IASNADE or Matn. Something similar took place in Baghdad. It is also reported that it was worth it to read the book only once, as he would remember her content, and there are many such messages.

The most famous sheikh and students al-Bukhari

Imam al-Bukhari passed the Hadith from the words more than a thousand sheikhs, with whom he met in different parts, where he had a chance to visit. Here it is impossible not only to tell about each of his Sheikhs or students, but even simply list their names, and therefore we confine them to mention the most famous of them.

Among the most famous Sheikh Al-Bukhari include Hammad Bin Shakir, Tahir Bin Mahlid, Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, 'Ali Bin Al-Madini, Mackey Bin Ibrahim Al-Balkhi,' Abdullah Bin Musa Al-Byabsey, Abu Bakr al-Humaydi , Ibrahim Bin Ma'kil, Abu Talha Bin 'Ali Al-Baradi An-Nasafi, Ibrahim Bin Al-Munzir, Adam Bin Iias,' Abandan Bean 'Usman al-Marvazi, Abu' Asym Ash-Schaibani and Yahia Bean Mu'in .

The most famous Hadith transmitters collected al-Bukhari were Imam Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj, who did not include these Hadiths in his "sahih", AT-Tirmisi, who included these Hadiths to their "Jami", An-Nasa'i, who, According to some ugrahim al-Harbi, Ibn Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Ismih, Al-Hussein Bin Ismail Al-Mahamili and many others.

Reviews of umame al-Bukhari

About Imam al-Bukhary with praise, many of the rules, who were his contemporaries spoke. Suffice it to say that in the field of the science of the Hadith, he earned the nickname "Lord of Orthodox", which was not disputed by anyone. Once Imam Muslim kissed Imam al-Bukhari in his forehead and said to him: "Let me kiss you and feet, about teacher teachers, Mr. Mughaddis and the doctor of the defects of the Hadiths", after which he asked him the question regarding the Hadith at the atonement for the meeting, and al-Bukhari I pointed to him for the shortcomings of this Hadith, when he finished talking, Muslim said to him: "Only the envious can hate you! I testify that there is no such thing in this world. "

Bindar said: "The best flies are four: Abu Zura from Rei, Muslim from Nichapur, hell-Darimi from Samarkand and Al-Bukhara from Bukhara." Imam Ahmad said: "In Khorasan, there was still no such thing." 'Ali bin al-Madini said: "Al-Bukhari never met like himself." ISHAK BIN RAKHAVIYA said: "If he had lived even in the time of Al-Hasan, people would certainly need his Hadith, his knowledge and his knowledge of Fickha." Abu-L-'aabbas hell-yes'alyavi handed out that in the message of the inhabitants of Baghdad to al-Bukhari there were such words: "Before you will not leave the Muslims while you are with them. I do not exist after you better, and you will miss you. " Abu Hatim Arian said: "Truly, he is the most knowledgeable one who came to Baghdad." Ibn Huzaima said: "I did not meet under the sky or more aware of the Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, neither whoever remembered more Hadiths than al-Bukhari." At-Tirmisi said: "I did not see in Iraq, nor in the Hrasanan of a man who would better know the story and disassembled in the shortcomings of the Hadiths and their Isnads."

The most important and most famous works of al-Bukhari

Imam al-Bukhari left behind many works, the most important and the most common distribution of which is "al-jami 'as-sahih." In addition, the compositions of Al-Bukhari include books such as "al-Asma 'Va-Coon", "AT-Tarih al-Kabir", "As-Sunan Fi-Fikh", "Chalk AF' Al Al-'Bad "," Al-Adab Al-Mufrarad "and" Al-Kira'a Halfa-L-Imam ". There is no possibility of talking about each of his writings, and therefore will have to limit the indication only on Al-Jami's' As-Sahih "and the place he occupies among the archives of the Khadiths of the Prophet, and he blesses him Allah and welcomes.

What was the reason for the preparation of this arch

The main reason that prompted al-Bukhari to the compilation of Sakhiha, which included only reliable Hadith, was that the collections compiled by his contemporaries were included, along with reliable, weak Hadiths included. It did not like the Imam al-Bukhari, who was not forgotten that his sheikh Ishak Bin Rahavai wanted to gather together the only reliable Hadith and encouraged his disciples to it, speaking to them: "It would be beautiful if you had a brief arch of the Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah , may Allah bless him and welcomes. " These words sealed in the soul of Imam al-Bukhari, and after that he began to collect materials for his "sahu".

In addition, his determination strengthened the dream in which Al-Bukhari saw himself standing before the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, with a fan in his hands and defending him, which was interpreted by him as an indication that he would not allow lies to touch Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes. All the above and prompted him to engage in this difficulty, which became the best of all the works of the Great Imam, was evidenced by the high place occupied by Imam Al-Bukhari, and served the great service of Islamic religion. In the process of work, Imam Al-Bukhari checked around the six hundred thousand Hadiths, and the work created by him became the best book after the book of Almighty and Great Allah, which corresponds to the unanimous opinion of the members of the Muslim community, who accepted him from the very day when he was completed and continuing to appreciate It is still. Imam al-Bukhari worked on his book for sixteen years.

About this work the poet said so:

If you treat "Sakhihih" al-Bukhari by justice,

it should be rewritten it is not otherwise as gold letters.

It separates it the right guidance from delusions

and keeps the young man from death,

and his isnades, similar to the stars of heaven,

preceded by matnam similar to comets.

Thanks to the Hadiths of this book, the scales of the messenger religion were restored,

and, complaining with her, began to judge non-analyzs after Arabs.

It serves as a undoubted veil from fire

and allows you to distinguish the favor of anger,

he is a link between us and the Prophet

and serves as a clear indication that allows you to get rid of doubts.

On a knowledgeable, relatively high place of which

among the rules there are no discrepancies!

Having gathered these Hadiths, you were ahead of other imams

and, according to their testimony, I achieved my goal.

You reject weak transmitters

and those who were accused of lies,

and led to the amazement of everyone

referring to the Hadiths in order and smash them to the chapter.

Let your patron, give you what you want,

and yes he will give you what promised you, generously!

At the end of the life of Imam al-Bukhari moved from his hometown to the village of Hartank, which in those days was about a kilometer of the way from Samarkand. He lived there surrounded by his loved ones, Praying Allah to pick it up himself, because he was frightened by the troubles, the protection of which so often asked Allaha prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomed.

Shortly thereafter, he fell ill and died on Saturday, on the night of a spelling holiday after the onset of the evening prayer in 256 Hijra. The funeral prayer on it was performed the next day after a meal prayer, but he raises his Allah and will be pleased with them.

Acquaintance with Sakhikh Al-Bukhari

Abdu "Abdullah al-Bukhari, yes, he raves his Allah Almighty and may he be pleased with them, called his book Al-Jami al-Musad Ass Sakhih al-Mukhtasar min Dulley-Llah Va Sunani heemi-hee" . As for the place of this work, the ulea said that in the book al-Bukhary were first collected and classified by the thematic signs exclusively reliable Hadiths.

In addition, the rules were unanimous in the opinion that of all the collections drawn up by such a principle, the most reliable Hadiths include the "sahi" al-Bukhari and Muslim. For the most part, the rules believe that the "sahih" al-Bukhary is more reliable and contains more benefit than the "sahih" muslim, but Abu Ali An-Nisaburi said that the "sahih" of Muslim should more reliable. Of this opinion, Maghreb's ulema was adhered to, but it is impossible to agree with this, for in fact, the preference must be given to the "sakhihu" al-Bukhari. So, for example, in its essay called Al-Madkhal Imam Abu Bakr Al-Ism'Ili puts the "sahih" al-Bukhari above the "Sahikha" Muslim and justifies his point of view with relevant evidence.

Imam An-Nawavi said: "We were transferred to us that Imam Abd ABD AR-Rahman An-Nasai, yes, he merges his Allah Most High, said:" There is no more good among these books than al-Bukhari book. "

Know that the accuracy of both of these books is generally accepted, which means that the application in practice what the Hadiths contained in them is definitely.

Now, as for the reason for the classification of the Hadiths "Sahah" al-Bukhari and the principle of its preparation. Transfer from the words of Ibrahim Bin Ma'kil An-Nasafi, that Abdu "Abdullah al-Bukhari, yes, he merges his Allah Most High, said:" Once we were in Iskha Bin Rahavahi, yes, he raves his Allah, some of our comrades We began to tell us: "It would be good if you had a brief book from the reliable Hadisov of the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomed." It sank me into the soul, after which I began to prepare such a book. "

Imam An-Nawavi said:

- A few ways we were reported a message that al-Bukhari, and he raises his Allah Almighty, said: "For sixteen years I worked on the" sahush ", the material for which was selected from the six hundred thousand Hadiths, and I made it my Excuses before almighty and great Allah. "

Imam An-Nawavi said:

- We were handed over that he said: "Once I saw in a dream, I stand in front of the Prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, with a fan in his hands and defending it. After that, I asked about this some interpreters of dreams and they all said: "You defend him from a lie", which prompted me to compose "Sahah". "

It is reported that al-Bukhari said: "I included only reliable Hadiths in my" al-jami ", but I didn't include part of them because of the big volume of the book."

Imam An-Nawavi said:

- Transfer from Al-Phrabry, that al-Bukhari, and he raises his Allah Most High, said: "I did not include any Hadith in my" sahih ", without committing complete ablution and prayer in two rockets."

Transfer from the words of Imam An-Nawavi that 'ADA al-Kudus Bin Hammam said: "From different Sheikh, I heard that Al-Bukhary was explained to the content of the heads of Sakhiha, being between the grave of the Prophet, and he blesses him Allah and welcomes, And his Minbar and before the recording of each explanation, he made a prayer in two rocata. "

Imam An-Nawavi said: "Ninety thousand people heard" sahih "from the mouth al-Bukhari."

Imam An-Nawavi said:

- it came to us that the righteous imam and fakes Abu Zaid Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bean 'Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al-Marvazi, yes, he raises his Allah Most High, said: "Once I saw in the dream of a prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, and he said I: "Truly, my community studies Ficks, but does not study my book." I asked: "About the Messenger of Allah, what do you call your book?" "What he said," "Jami 'Muhammad Bin Isma'el al-Bukhari, or he said something similar."

In his book "Tarih Nysabur" Abdu "Abdullah leads the words Abu 'Amba Ism'Il, who passed that Abdu" Abdullah Muhammad Bin' Ali said:

"I heard Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Isma'il al-Bukhari said:" I lived in Basra for five years, working on my books. Every year I made a hajge, after which I was returning from Mecca to Basra, and I hope that Allah will make these essays blessed for Muslims. "

Transfer from the words of Abu 'Amra, that Abdullah said Abdullah: "And Allah made them blessed."

Imam An-Nawavi said:

"We were transferred to us that Abu-Fadl Muhammad Bin Tahir al-McDisi said:" Al-Bukhari worked on the preparation of his "Sahah" in Bukhara, but they also say that it was in Mecca. "

He conveyed that 'Umar Bein Muhammad Bin Yahia said:

- I heard ABU 'Abdullah al-Bukhari said: "I worked on the compilation of Al-Jami on the territory of the Forbidden Mosque and did not include a single Hadith in it, without having requested the blessings of Allah Most High, without making a prayer in two Rakata and not convincing the reliability of this Hadith. "

Al McDisi said: "I believe that the first corresponds to the reality to a greater extent."

All these messages are not only possible, but also need to be coordinated with each other. Previously, we have already indicated that al-Bukhari worked on the preparation of his "sahikha" for sixteen years, part of which he spent in Mecca, part - in Medina, part - in Basra and part - in Bukhara, and Allah knows about it better.

It is reported that Bakr Bene Munir said:

- Once the ruler of Bukhara Emir Khalid Bin Ahmad Az-Zukhali sent to Muhammad Bin Ismo'el Al-Bukhary man so that he handed him the following: "Take me" Jami '"," Tarich "and other books that I heard that that they are written, from you. " Al-Bukhari gave it to the messenger such an answer: "Truly, I am not humiliating knowledge and does not deliver it to the doors of people, and if you need something from this, then I come to either in my mosque, or to me home" .

In that version of this message, which is transmitted not through Ibn Munira, it is said: "And Emir sent for Al-Bukhari, wanting him to teach the Hadiths only his children and no one at these meetings attended, but Al-Bukhari refused this and Said: "I can't choose to hear some and prevent others."

Number of Hadiths "Sahah"

The number of Hadith's "Sahah" provided by the Hadiths, including and repeated, is seven thousand two hundred seventy-five, whereas without taking into account the repeating them numbered about four thousand.

The reasons for the repetition of Hadith

Know that Al-Bukhari pursued decent goals, seeking to comprehend the various sciences and all sorts of subtle aspects of Sunna. Hardly anyone can compare with it in this, confirming that we can serve as the words of the outstanding experts of the Hadiths from the number of Sheikh Al-Bukhari and other people, and if you get acquainted with his book, you will not have any doubts about it. Al-Bukhari saw his task not to be limited to one xadiths and not to give anything other than Matnov, but to do from the Hadith extract and use them as arguments in chapters on the basics and branches of religion, renunciation of the world, Blagovppatinity and the like things.

That is why Al-Bukhari does not bring Al-Bukhary in some chapters "Sahah", limited by such phrases as "from the words of such a companion who passed that the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said" or "about it in Hadith, Transmitted with the words of such something. "

In addition, at the beginning of the Hadith, one or more names of the transmitters are often descended. The transfer of the Hadith is similarly called "Ta'lik". Al-Bukhary resorts to this way when he wants to use one or another item as an argument, without needing to give either Hadith completely, or only his insan or matt. In such cases, he only points to the corresponding well-known Hadith, which may relate to the number of them many times or shortly before. Giving your explanations to the maintenance of the heads of "Sahah", al-Bukhari cites a lot of ayats of the sacred Quran, and in some cases limited only by ayatam, without adding anything to them. In explanations to the heads of Al-Bukhari, there are also a lot of other things like Fett Supports, followers and those who came to shift. All the above should serve as a confirmation of the correctness of what we said, and if you know that the purpose of al-Bukhari was that we mentioned, you will understand that there is nothing wrong with the repetition of the Hadiths in appropriate cases. The facial and other experts of religion also adhered to this and used the Hadith as arguments given in many different chapters.

Imam An-Nawavi handed it out that Abu-Fadl al-McDisi said: "Al-Bukhari, yes, he merges his Allah Almighty, often leads the same Hadith in different places, after which due to its ability to extract and the depth of understanding removes From it, what is converted with the content of the appropriate chapter. At the same time, he rarely leads the same version of the Hadith in two places with the same Isadom. Such a hadice is transmitted to them through another associate, a follower or some other transmitter to enhance it through a variety of transmission paths, or using its version, or a change in its transmitters, or some other way, what is better known to Allah. "

Yes, he merges Allah Imam al-Bukhari and he will repay him a blessing for all his works.

Nisba - relative name denoting origin on tribe, family, city, terrain, etc.

Kunya is the name of the Father or by the son, for example Abdu "Abdullah (father 'Abdullah) or Ibn Muhammad (son of Muhammad).

There are in mind those words that should be pronounced at the end of the meeting in the case when during her people did not remember Allah or led empty conversations. It is reported that the mother of the Orthodox * 'Aisha will be pleased with her Allah, said: "When the Messenger of Allah, and he blesses him Allah and welcomes, met by someone, read the Quran or committed a prayer, at the end (meeting) he definitely pronounced words "Glory to you, about Allah, and praise you, I testify that there is no God, besides you, I ask you for forgiveness and bring you your repentance / Subhana-Kya, Allahumma, Va Bi-Hamdi-Kya, Ashkhadu Allah Ilyaha Illy Anta, Astagfir -Kya, Va Atuba Ilya-Kya / "".

* Mother of Orthodox / Umm Al-Mu'minin / - the honorable epithet of the wives of the prophet in Muslim literature, and bless him Allah and welcomes.

This refers to one of the most famous followers * Al-Hassan al-Basry (842 - 728), which enjoyed a huge authority among his contemporaries.

* "Tab'una" - so called people who met the prophet's associates, and bless him Allah and welcomed, and the dead in Islam.

We are talking about extracting / trunbat / legal solutions from the fundamental sources of Sharia for unforeseen by these sources directly.

The word "Ta'lik" (hanging) is formed from the verb "Allaka" - hang something to anything. Isnads of this species began to be called "suspended", as they are connected only with the top of the Hadith, and the bottom of the communication does not have, and this makes them similar to what is suspended to the ceiling or something else.

Book "Sahih" Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari is considered among most Muslims one of the most authoritative Hadith collections, in the reliability of which you can not even doubt. However, thoroughly studying some of the legends in this book, it is easy to find that it is overwhelmed by distortion, travelers and other types of truth distortion. The most common reason is the desire to hide the flavors of the people who worship most of the ignorant Muslims.

Al-Bukhari hides ignorance Umar about Tammumum

For example, Al-Bukhari handed over in his book Hadith at number 331 from the fur coats, from Hakam, from Zarra, from Saida Ibn ABD AR-Rakhman Al-Asari, from his father who said: "One person came to Umar Ibn Hattaba and said : "I became [ritual] unclean and did not find water." Ammar Ibn Yasir told Umar: "Don't you remember how you and you were on the way, and you did not make a prayer, and I was out of the ground and made a prayer. I told the Prophet, and he replied: "You were enough to make this way." And he hit on the ground, then the face and hand prototor. "

In order to understand what kind of problem with this Hadith, it is enough to look at the "sahih" of Muslim, where this Hadith, with the same chain of transmitters as follows:

"One person came to Umar Ibn Hattaba and said:" I became [ritual] unclean and did not find the water. " Umar said: "Do not pray." Ammar said: "Don't you remember the Lord of believers, how did we become ritually impossible and did not find the water? You did not pray, and I was dug in the ground and made a prayer. And the prophet said: "It was enough for you to hit the ground, and then wipe my face and hands." Umar answered [Ammaru]: "Before Allah, about Ammar!". Ammar said: "If you wish, I will not talk about it" "(Muslim, Sahih, Hadith 368).

The same Hadith with the part that Al-Bukhari concealed, he handed the An-Nasai to Sunan at number 299, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in Musnade at number 18053, as well as other opponents of the leadership of Akhl Al-Bate.

It immediately becomes clear that Bukhari intentionally cut the content of the Hadith, in order to hide the words of Umar: "Do not pray," and also: "Before Allah, about Ammar!", Since ignorant people believe that Umar was a knowledgeable and observing person, and the data of the Hadith It is suggested that the person who brought himself a "successor" and the "governor" of the Messenger of Allah did not know the simplest things from religion. Or he knew them and intentionally spoke of the positions established by Allah and his messenger.

One example is not enough to prove the intentional distortion from al-Bukhari, and therefore we will lead some other examples that are also surprisingly associated with the vices of the associates.

Al-Bukhari hides ignorance Umar significance of simple Arab words

Al-Bukhari conveyed Hadith at number 6863 from Suleiman Ibn Harba, from Hammad Ibn Zeida, from Sabita, from Anas, who said: "We were at Umar, and he said:" We were forbidden to burden themselves "."

Ibn Hajar Al-Askaliani in "Sharh Sakhih Al-Bukhari" wrote: "He (that is, al-Bukhari) conveyed abbreviated. Al-Humeidi mentioned Hadith from Sabita, from Anas, that Umar read: "And fruits and herbs" (80:31), and then said: "What kind of grass (al-ABB)? ". Then he said: "We are not burdened with this", or "we were not ordered [to talk about it]." And Al-Ismaili in the tradition of Hisham from Sabita, that one person asked Umar Ibn Hattaba about the words of Allah: "And fruits, and herbs": "What does the word" al-abb "mean (" grass ")?". And Umar said: "We were forbidden to deepen into it and burden themselves with it."

The interpretation of one word from the book of Allah for Umar is a deepening and encumbrance. So how can a person be considered a knowledgeable and worthy place of the ruler of Muslims? Al-Bukhari in this case again tried to hide the ignorance Umar Ibn Hattaba, and the words of Ibn Hadzhar al-Askaliani that Al-Bukhari gave the Hadith, having shown it, do not serve as an excuse, since the Hadis himself is very short, and in his college al- Bukhari conveyed much large in the size of the Hadith, and therefore this Hadith does not need a reduction.

Al-Bukhari hides the disregard of Umar Islamic provisions

Al-Bukhari in the book about punishments transferred the following words: "Ali said Umar:" Don't you know that the cane, [recording the acts of people], removed from the crazy until he comes to himself, from the child until he becomes understood And from sleeping until he is waging? ""

The person reading the "sahih" al-Bukhary may think that this is all the Hadith. However, al-Bukhari and in this case cut part of the Hadith in order to hide the flavors and ignorance of Umar. All Hadith can be fully detected in other sources, such as, for example, "Sunan" Abu Davud, who handed over from Umbin Abu Sheeba, handed over Jarir, from Amah, from Abu Dabian, from Ibn Abbas, who said: "Crazy A woman who made adultery. He consulted on her with people and ordered her stones. People came to Ali Ibn Abu Talibu, and he asked: "What is?". He was told: "Umar ordered the stones of a crazy woman from the genus" Such ", which made adultery." Ali came to Umar and said: "Over the Lord of believers (according to Hadis al-Bukhari), don't you know that the cane, [recording the acts of people], removed from the crazy until he comes to himself, from the child until he will be understood, and from sleeping until he wakes up? " Umar said: "Yes, I know about it." Ali asked: "So with this woman, which [you sentenced] to breaking stones?". Umar said: "Nothing." Ali said: "Let her go." Umar let her go, and Ali began to repeat: "Allahi Akbar! Allah Akbar! "" (Hadith 4399).

The reason Al-Bukhari hid a part of the Hadith is obvious. Umar in this situation, knowing that a crazy man is not punished for being punished in this state, still makes a death sentence to a woman who is openly neglected by Islamic law.

This legend is also present in the "Sunan" al-Beihaki at number 17212, as well as in other sources.

Al-Bukhari hides the name of the companion who traded wine

Al-Bukhari gave the Hadith at number 2223 from Al-Humadidi, from Sufena, from Amra Ibn Dinar, from Tavus, from Ibn Abbas, who said: "To Umar Ibn Hattaba reported that" such " ("Fuyang") Sales wine. Umar said: "Yes, kill Allah" Such "!" "

And now let's take a look at the source from which Al-Bukhari took this Hadith - "Musdan" al-Humedy. In this collection with the same chain of transmitters, the Hadith sounds as follows: "To Umar, Ibn Hattaba reported that Samura sells wine. Umar said: "Yes, kill Allah Samuru!".

Now it becomes clear why Al-Bukhary hid the name of who sold wine. Because he was sold by Samura Ibn Dzundub - the Support of the Prophet, who is automatically considered from most "fair", "in the direct path" and so on. And Bukhari, hiding the name of the wine merchant, pursued one goal - to hide that he was sold by the "Supporter".

Al-Bukhari changes the words to hide how to perform ablution

Al-Bukhari handed over from Adam, from the fur coats, from Abd al-Malik Al-Mysar, from Nazzlya Ibn Sabra, who said that Ali read a midday prayer, then sat down in front of people until the time of the afternoon prayer was coming. He brought water, he got out of her, then washed his face and his arms, and he "mentioned" his head and legs. Then he got up, drank the rest of the water and said: "People consider drinking water standing by an undesirable action, and the prophet, and bless Allah him and his genus, made the same thing that I did [just]."

Even at the very old supporter of Al-Bukhari, the question should arise, why in the description of the ablution of Imam Ali there is a strange word "mentioned". How can you mention any part of the body? Undoubtedly, this is the distortion of the original Hadith, testifying how Imam Ali performed ablution. However, why did it need to do this? Obviously, "mentioned" not Imam Ali, but the transmitter, however, if we turn to the original Hadith with the same chain, it would be found that there is no distortion in the description of the ablution of Imam Ali, and we understand why Al-Bukhary distorted the words.

Hadith with the original, not distorted, content can be found in Musnade at At-Tayalisi at number 141 from the fur coats, from Abd al-Malika Ibn Maisar, from Nazzlya Ibn Sabra, who said: "Ali Ibn Abu Talib made a meal prayer, then he Singing among people until the time of afternoon prayer was coming. He brought water, he swept out of her, then washed his face and his arms and his protector his head and legs. Then I got up, drank the rest of the water and said: "People consider drinking water standing with an undesirable action, and the prophet, and bless Allah him and his genus, made the same thing that I did [just]". "

From the original hadice it becomes clear that Imam Ali performed the ablution of exactly how he prescribes the Koran and Sunna of the Prophet, and Al-Bukhari intentionally distorted the words in the place where the description of the ablution of Imam differs from recognized by the opponents of the Ahl al-Bate leadership, in order to have introduced The misconception of the masses did not arise about this.

Al-Bukhari transfers uncomplicated Hadith from viibitates

Al-Bukhari gave the Hadith number 5990 from Amra Ibn Abbas, from Muhammad Ibn Jafar, from the fur coat, from Ismail Ibn Abu Khalida, from Kais Ibn Abu Khazima, from Amru Ibn al-Asha, who said: "I heard the prophet said Invilient: "Truly, [members] of the genus Abu - [Amra Ibn Abbas said that in the book of Muhammad Ibn Jafar Skip] - are not my friends. My friends are Allah and pious believers. "

This Hadith is still amazing. In a place where it should be said, whose genus, according to this legend, is not friends of the Prophet, there are words "Amra Ibn Abbas said that in the book Muhammad Ibn Jafar skip." That is, supposedly in the book, from where the Hadith is taken, after the word "Abu" is a pass.

The most interesting thing is that the same Hadith at number 366 is present in Sakhikhich with the same chain of transmitters from Cais Ibn Abu Khazima, from Amru Ibn Al-Asa, said: "I heard the prophet said in public:" Truly, [members ] The genus Abu "Such" ("Fulan") are not my friends. My friends are Allah and pious believers. "

The question arises, exactly what the Hadith looks in the book of Muhammad Ibn Jafar: there is a pass, as al-Bukhari handed over, or is it used to "such something", how did Muslim pass?

The initial version of the Hadis was handed over Ibn al-Arab al-Maliki. In the book "Akhkam Al-Kuran" in 3 Tome on page 451, he wrote: "Al-Bukhari handed over from Amra Ibn al-Asa, who said:" I heard the prophet said in public: "Truly, [members] of the genus ABU Taliba Are not my friends. My friends are Allah and pious believers "". Al-Bukhari said: "Muhammad Ibn Bashchar, from Muhammad Ibn Jafar, from the fur coat:" In the book of Muhammad Ibn Jafar skip after words "are not mine". "

Firstly, Ibn Al-Arab Al-Malika testifies with the words of the fur coats that in the book of Muhammad Ibn Jafar stood no pass after the word "Abu", and after the words "are not mine." So what version is correct? Secondly, why al-Bukhari or someone else hid some words in Hadith? Third, who enters the genus Abu Taliba? Ali Ibn Abu Talib, Jafar Ibn Abu Talib? How could the Messenger of Allah could say a similar one, at least about two of these personalities?

It is obvious that, or until Al-Bukhari, a full-fledged Hadith got, but he distorted him, or his Sheikh Ampra Ibn Abbas distorted him. In this case, what value he generally has, which important information is informing to Muslims, if it is unknown, whose genus is not friends of the Prophet, or this is known, but then it is not clear who they are not.

Al-Bukhari or someone else changed the content of the Hadith, in order not to put its sect in a difficult position. If you transfer this Hadith unchanged, then in front of a person there are two options: either he will have to admit that Ali Ibn Abu Talib is not a friend and an approximate Messenger of Allah, and then he will be omitted and Harijite, or he will have to admit that Amra Ibn Al-ac lies, renounce him, which can lead him to shiism.

The answer to the third question becomes clear if you study the chain of the transmitters of this Hadith.

Ibn Khajr al-Askaliani in Fatah Al-Bari In the 10 volume on page 424, I wrote: "Some people doubt the reliability of this Hadith due to the fact that some of his transmitters are attributed to Nasibism - deviation from Ali and Ahl Al-Bate. As for Kais Ibn Abu Khazim, Yakub Ibn Shehib said: "Among our comrades there are those who climb him and consider Hadiths from him among the most reliable. And there are those who criticize him and say that he conveys rejected Hadiths. Some of them criticize him for his Mazhab, for he scolded Ali. "

That is, the transmitter of this Hadith is an injection, damned, not deserving respect. However, al-Bukhary passes the Hadith from him. Will a person who honors Quran and Ahl Al-Bate, who Messenger Allah commanded to follow, transfer the Hadith from such people? Therefore, it is not amazing and the content of the Hadith. Moreover, Amra Ibn Al-spell, another Khadis transmitter, was also a famous misfortune, which, because of his hatred of Ali, as well as the desires of this world's favor, fought in Siphphine on the side of Moavia.

These are just a few examples of how Al-Bukhari belonged to the Hadiths, but they are actually much more. He distorted and hid the content of the Hadith, passed them from Ali's enemies and Ahl al-Bate, as well as dubious transmitters. Any reasoning Muslim, having at least a drop of respect for Sunne and the desire to know the truth, having learned such things, should stop treating Al-Bukhari book as a reliable or authoritative source! The main problem is that liar-imams still hide these things from uneducated masses, and therefore they are in ignorance.

Muhammad Al-Bukhari is a famous author of the Hadith collection. Died and not accepting Islam. His son named Al-Mugarat did not go along the path of his father and became a supporter of this religion. He never regretted it. In this article, you will be presented biography al-Bukhari. So, proceed.

Childhood and study

Al-Bukhari appeared in 194 by Hijra. In early childhood, the future imam lost sight. However, long and sincere prayers of the mother miraculously healed it. She learned about getting rid of the alend in a dream. Hazrat Ibrahim came to her and said: "Thanks to the Holy and Abundantral Molubas, Allah returned the vision of your son." In the morning it became clear that this dream was proper.

The father of the boy Ismail was a very educated person. Unfortunately, he did not have time to teach his son a lot, as it died early. Muhammad's education was engaged in mother. She was also perfectly educated, so he controlled the process of his learning. At the age of 16, a young man, together with his brother and mother, made a pilgrimage to Mecca. Native future Imam returned home, and he decided to stay in a sacred city for two years. Medina - That's where Al-Bukhari went to 18 years. The book, which was engaged in the young man on the grave of the Prophet, were called "Tarich-Ul-Kabir" and "Kadayas-Sughab Oat-Tabin". He did not stop the work even at night, since the lunar light served as an excellent source of lighting.

To get new knowledge, Imam al-Bukhari was forced to travel a lot. He traveled to Egypt, Syria and lived in Arabia for six years. The hero of this article visited Coon, Baghdad and Basra. Sometimes he could stay in a certain city for several years. Only one thing was invariably - during the Hadja Imam, always returned to Mecca.


The Hadith al-Bukhari began to study and listen in 205. And after 5 years, having received some kind of knowledge from Alimov of the native city, went on a trip. He had a lot of teachers. Muhammad himself talked about it like this: "1080 different people jigged me the Hadiths. Each of them was scientists. " But the most valuable knowledge of Imam received from two people - Ali Ibn Madini and Ishak Ibn Rakhva. Al-Bukhari also passed the Hadith from his students. He believed that legends need to be distributed from people of the younger, middle and older generation. Only so you can become a scientist on the Hadiths.


Their imam had a great set. About 9,000 people visited his classes based on Sakhih Al-Bukhari work. To get unique knowledge from this book, the wanderers flocked at Imam's lessons from all over the planet.

Amazing memory

Al-Bukhari was distinguished by good memory, intention and insight. By 7 years he learned the entire Koran, and 10 knew more than a thousand Hadiths. Hearing a legend once, the boy remembered it and if necessary could easily reproduce.

Somehow in Baghdad there was an indicative case. People who heard from others about the many qualities and achievements of Imam, decided to check it. For this, a hundred different hadice was chosen. Each of them changed the text and chains of transmitters. Then ten people read them in this form imam.

For familiarization with the result of the experiment, a huge number of people gathered. After reading each legend, Muhammad answered the same: "As far as I know, it is incorrect." As soon as all the Hadiths were announced, al-Bukhari repeated each of them correctly, with the changed chain of transmitters. This is such a imam.


Muhammad possessed unshakable and unmatched asceticism. He got a huge fortune from his father, but because of his generosity, imam quickly missed money. Left without funds, al-Bukhary eating just a couple of almond nuts per day.

Imama has fallen a chance to take advantage of the generosity of the rulers, but he never did it. One day Muhammad fell ill. Heat, examining the tests of his urine, found out that al-Bukhari did not use Curry for a very long time. When congently with a patient, the doctor learned about the abstinence of Imam from this product over the past forty years.

Special qualities

Al-Bukhari (imam pdf books on thematic sites are popular) Always put the content of the surrounding people above their own. This confirms the case that occurred with the slave. Going to the door of the room where Imaa was sitting, she stumbled. Muhammad warned her: "See where you go." She replied: "How to walk, if there is no place?" After that, al-Bukhary threw his hands and said: "Now you can walk where you wish, I give you freedom."

Imam has always paid attention to the little things that would help him achieve greater satisfaction of Allah. A similar incident happened to him in the mosque. A man standing in the crowd found a feather in his beard and threw it on the floor. It noticed al-Bukhari. After choosing a moment when no one watched him, imam raised the pen and put in his pocket. Leaving the mosque, Muhammad threw him out, realizing that he helped to stay in purity of worship.

Another indicative case occurred during the Imam Zuhr-Namaz. After his end of Al-Bukhari performed naphle. Then turned to his comrades, raised his shirt and asked if there was anyone there. Suddenly, OSA flew out of the clothes. She left not the body al-Bukhary seventeen bites. One of the comrades asked Imam, why he did not interrupt Namaz. The sign of Hadith said that he experienced some pleasure from Namaz and did not want to interrupt because of such a trifle.


This imam quality perfectly demonstrates the situation with the ruler of Bukhara. Somehow he asked Muhammad to train his children. Al-Bukhari rejected the request, stating that he shows more respect for knowledge than to people. They should strive for their receipt, and not the opposite.

The answer did not like the head of the city. The ruler again asked Imam to work separately with his children. But Muhammad was adamant. Secondary refusal has greatly raised the head of Bukhara. He ordered an imam from the city. Having learned about this, the inhabitants of Samarkand immediately sent al-Bukhari invitation to buy them. But in this city, Muhammad had enemies. As a result, the sign of Hadith went to Hartang.

Chief work

At the account of Imam a lot of written books. But only one collection of Hadith al-Bukhari uses special respect and honorable. In the field of study, he has the highest status. And called this work "Sahih al-Bukhari".

No one knows the exact date for the start of its compilation. But it is relifically known that after the completion of the work on the collection, Imam submitted it to three of his teachers: Ibn Maine (died in 233), Ibn Ul-Madini (died in 234) and Ahmad Ibn Haldalal (died in 241). There is also evidence that Al-Bukhary was engaged in compiling a collection for 16 years. This indicates an approximate date of starting work on the book - 217 years. Imam was then only 23 years old.

Long before I saw the Light Collection Al-Bukhari, there were many books with Hadiths. Muhammad carefully studied them and found out that there are legends both with strong and weak chains of transmitters. This is an imam for the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a collection, which would only entered the Hadiths exclusively with strong insanom. This idea was supported by his teacher Iskhak Ibn Rzhazhi, which strengthened al-Bukhari in his decision. Additionally, this desire strengthened the dream with imam. Muhammad stood with a fan next to the prophet and shook the midges from him. Waking up in the morning, the sign of Hadiths went to several interpreters to obtain a night vision interpretation. All of them answered him equally: in the future, Muhammad will cleanse the prophet from false people who transmit the wrong defendances. It reassured Imam and gave forces to write a collection of Sahih Al-Bukhari. It included the texts of the legends telling about the actions, statements and the life of the prophet.

It is important to note that these were exclusively reliable Hadith al-Bukhari. That is, Imam chose only those traditions that meet the established conditions and standards. The main criterion was a strong chain of transmitters. For all the years of work on the book, Muhammad edited her three times. Some said that Imam was started to write a collection in Bukhara, others told about Mecca, the third declared Basra, and the fourths saw him for compiling a collection in Medina. However, Imam himself pointed out the true place of writing a book. It was Al-Haram Mosque. We go further.

Before including the Hadiths in the collection, Al-Bukhari performed a husl and indulged in prayers. He asked for Allah instructions, committing two naphle-namaz rackat. Then imam thoroughly considered and analyzed the existing legends, and only if he satisfied him, the Hadith fell into the collection. Because of such a thorough and careful attitude towards the texts, people had a feeling that Muhammad heard them personally from the prophet.

The name of the collection indicates that only the Hadiths with a strong chain of transmitters are included in it. On the other hand, Al-Bukhari tried to explain to readers all complex moments for perception. Therefore, if a difficult word was present in the proposal, Imam immediately published for the convenience of mass of its values. In Sakhih Al-Bukhari, you can observe the master ownership of Muhammad to the transfer of the Hadiths collected in the eight chapters. The latter were shared on the topics divided, in turn, on the subtitles and their formulation known in the original way.

Causes of popularity

Why is the collector of the Khadisov "sahih al-Bukhari" especially allocate against the rest of the rest? Why does he use special respect? The reasons are as follows:

  1. If there was a need to suspend work on the collection, Al-Bukhari resumed it only after writing "Bisimillary". Therefore, this expression was often mentioned on the pages of his book.
  2. At the end of each chapter, Imam deliberately used the word in the proposal that would make the reader think and more consciously approach his main life goal. For example, immediately after the first part of Sahih al-Bukhari, he turned on the word that led to the thoughts about the shortness of life and death.
  3. Imam attached great importance to incorporate a suitable Hadith at the beginning and end of the collection. He considered it extremely important. The very first Hadith "sahih al-Bukhari" is devoted to the intention. This gives the reader the opportunity not to lie for himself about what he wants to get, styling the words of the prophet, presented in the book. In the last chapter, called the "Chinese ut-Towhid" Muhammad praised the uniqueness of Allah many times. It is this, according to Imam, will be the salvation of people on the judgment day, when they are forced to report to him in their own sins.

According to Allam Nawavi, Islamic scientists recognized "Sahih al-Bukhari" the most reliable book after the sacred Quran. This collection includes 7275 Hadiths, including repetitive legends. If they are eliminated, then it turns out exactly 4000.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar recalculated legends and came to the conclusion that 7397 Hadiths passed directly from the prophet. Taking into account the narratives from Tabiins, Sakhabs, etc. This figure has increased to 9407. If you exclude the repetition, then, according to IBN Hadzhar, there will be 160 messages from Sughabs and 2353 narration from the prophet. In sum, it gives 2513 legends.

Terms of inclusion

One or another Hadith could get into the collection, only if his narrator answered the requirements set by al-Bukhari. One of the conditions was the presence of excellent memory. Also among the requirements were certain limitations:

  1. There should be no transmitter links in the storyteller chain.
  2. All authoritative muchadissas are obliged to unanimously converge in the opinion about the candidates of the narrative of legends. They need to find out whether the story is able to memorize, memorize and reliably transfer the Hadiths.
  3. If the legend has two different transmitters (at the same time it reached them from Sahab), then he needs to assign high rank. In the case of only one transmitter, but with a strong evidence of the Hadith should also be accepted without any doubt.


On the way to Samarkand al-Bukhari, whose biography is presented in the article, wrote the will, prayed and departed into the world of others. Imam buried in the village of Hartank. Eyewitnesses were told that during this event, the fragrance was spread from the grave, and the image of the wall appeared around, ascended to heaven. The smell Vital for several days, and people came to look at this miracle. Visited the grave and envious al-Bukhari. Realizing his level, they died.

One day, Samarkand overtook a strong drought. Despite the commission of Namaz, the rain never went. Then one righteous advised Imam with people to go on the grave of al-Bukhari and praying Allah there. They injured him advice. As a result, all residents of Samarkand had to stay in Khartak, as abundant rains went a few days.