Repairs Design Furniture

What to clean the old wood furniture. Methods for cleaning upholstered furniture at home. Methods against cigarette smoke

The kitchen is one of the most visited premises in an apartment or a house that requires daily care, cleaning, cleaning and conducting other hygienic procedures. What is the most unpleasant - even if you spend time for cleaning the countertops, tiles, headset, all the same you will have to completely separate all surfaces. And if you need to clean it from a multi-day fly, when the daily cleaning was moved to the second, third or more distant plan, is very hard. In this article we will tell than to clean the wooden furniture in the kitchen at home.

How to choose a cleaning agent?

With such a task, there was every hostess, because there are no strength and time to carry out a thorough cleaning of the kitchen surface immediately after contamination, and the spots of fat are very quickly turned into a resistant, heavy flushing.

Kitchen headsets have a minimum of three different types of surface coating, each of which requires an individual approach. It is necessary to choose a cleaning tool, based on the furniture manufacturing material, since the chemical and mechanical impact can leave negative consequences on one or another material.

The use of caustic cleaning powder will help instantly clean the blurred kitchen surface. However, it can leave scratches on a glossy headset and over time the product will become unsuitable for use. Therefore, before buying and choosing a means, it is necessary to determine the material from which your kitchen set is made.

Important! On the packing of the detergent, there is always instructions for use and is written for which surfaces it is intended.

Features of household chemicals

In order not to harm the surface of the surface, the remedy must be applied in advance, with warm water. A few minutes later, you just need to wipe the headset, not risking to leave scratch or scratches on it.

Important! More closely belongs to furniture made of cheap materials or fiberboard, which may be soaked in moisture and swell. This processing can spoil them.

If you are for laundering fat from the headset, acquired a new, unknown tool, then it is better to check its action on an imperceptible small piece of furniture.

Important! For each surface, individual means should be selected. All work must be carried out in gloves, thoroughly wash the surface with water and air the kitchen room.

To purify vertical kitchen surfaces, it is better to use sprays or gel composition. So you can avoid its runoff and control the intensity of application.

Folk remedies for all surfaces

How and what to wash the wooden facades in the kitchen? Our grandmothers practically did not use the chemical detergents for kitchens, but their premises have always differed in purity and attractiveness.

Thinking than laundering fat on kitchen cabinets, pay attention to the following means:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • lemon and his zest;
  • acetic and apple acid;
  • vodka and alcohol;
  • mustard powder.

Application of soda or mustard

Before starting the application, you need to panel kitchen furniture for screaming to moisten with hot water. The cleaning process itself is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Apply soda or mustard on a sponge.
  2. Clean the contaminated places from spots of fat.
  3. Surface wipe with clean water to remove the remnants of the applied tool.

Important! If the surface is badly contaminated, it will not be possible to remove the flask immediately, and therefore you have to make certain efforts to cleanse it.

To clear the strong and solar pollution:

Application of lemon zest

To clean the surface with lemon, follow the following instructions:

  1. Make a tincture of lemon zest with vinegar.
  2. Cleaning the sponge moistened in the resulting composition.

Important! It turns out an excellent result, the advantage of which is a pleasant citrus fragrance.

Vodka and vinegar

The following recipe is suitable for cleansing any surfaces, including to clean glossy and unprocessed wooden furniture in the kitchen:

  1. In the glass of water, we mix vodka and vinegar.
  2. Add a couple of drops of any essential oil.
  3. The resulting liquid is poured into a container with a spray and irrigating the contaminated surfaces.
  4. Gently wipe the surface with a clean sponge.

Wood cleaning furniture

Wash the fatty spots with a headset of solid wood can be, oddly enough, applying vegetable oil and soda:

  1. We prepare the cleaning composition at the rate of 1: 2.
  2. The resulting cleaner is applied to polluted areas.
  3. Rubbing the composition of a soft brush - you can use the tooth.

Important! The basic principle of the action of this method is that fat is dissolved like oil-like oil, which displays it from the dried state. The soda absorbs the isolated oil and flushes it from the surface of the headset.

Cleaning polished surfaces

Furniture polishing agents are quite expensive, besides, they can bring harm to health. Therefore, in order to avoid excess costs and negative influences on the body, it is possible to use conventional potatoes - the surface of the furniture is riveted with cut along the tuber. Wash this way very easily and quickly.

Important! The result will please you, because the effect will not be worse than from the use of sprays purchased in the store.

Special kitchen furniture cleaning equipment

For washing the furniture, you do not need to call a cleaning company, you can do everything yourself. The use of modern steam cleaners is becoming increasingly popular in the kitchen. Without applying detergents, this device is a powerful jet steam capable of cleaning any surfaces, materials and fabrics.

Important! Its only its disadvantage - under the influence of high temperatures, the furniture made of wood with a thin film coating and a soft surface can be spoiled.

Melamine sponge

The melamine sponge is similar to rubber or plastic, which decreases with compression. Its action is similar to the action of a stationery elastic, erasering with a sheet of paper traces from a pencil.

Important! The sponge removes the dirt without the use of detergents, so it is perfectly suitable if you need to clean the wooden furniture in the kitchen with a delicate way. But then it will be necessary to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, quite thorough, as the particles of wonderful sponges can absorb in the wood. And the melamine itself is a substance harmful to human health, if he gets inside.

Over time, the sponge is erased and decreases in size. The use of this device is quite convenient and harmless to health if the rules specified by the manufacturer.

Important! Faceless removal of traces from a permanent marker is considered its best quality. If adults or children leave notes and drawings on the fridge or tile, then such a thing is needed in the economy.

Stock foot

We leave the choice for you, because the same means for cleaning the kitchen and the headset has not yet exist. The main thing is that your actions do not harm the furniture surface, your health and rejected the result obtained.

Wooden furniture needs regular care. The secret does not represent anyone, but it should be understood that the wooden furniture is extremely sensitive to the effects of various chemical and organic substances, therefore requires a delicate and careful attitude towards himself. In this article we will tell, how to competently eliminate the defects and support the furniture in perfect state for many years.

Wooden furniture due to its exquisite texture and aesthetic characteristics requires special care. And if the furniture frame itself can be maintained for decades, the lack of proper care significantly grows the luxury of its appearance.

Furnished care requires not only attention, but also special knowledge. Obviously, the restoration work should be accessed to those skilled in the art, but some tips will help keep your furniture in an attractive form.

Furniture Care

It is absolutely not enough to simply wipe the dust from the surface of the furniture and protect the surfaces from direct sunlight. But it is unacceptable at the same time and overly actively use care products, because in the end you can get completely unexpected and not the most pleasant results.

There is an opinion that it is often necessary to use furniture politicians. But this is an erroneous statement. As a result of the frequent use of the political, the peculiarity of the tree is embossed, the unique character of the texture is lost. Politura is applied occasionally and only after careful cleaning to refresh the tree and give it a noble brilliance.

Polished surfaces

Watering on a tree can be refreed using olive oil into which lemon juice or wine vinegar is added in the ratio of parts of oil and acid 1: 2. For example, you can take 1 tablespoon of oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. The mixture is better not to apply directly on the cloth, but to sprinkle. Velvet or flannel cloth, cotton disk wipe the furniture surface. Vinegar cleans the wooden furniture from dirt, and the oil does not give the surface to rear and creates a uniform noble gloss.

Polished surfaces of furniture can not be wiped with a damp cloth. They lose the brilliance, and over time, unsightly blasts are formed on protruding embossed places. The polished surface in prophylactic purposes is wiped with a woolen cloth, slightly moistened in the insulating oil. Experts argue that in terms of competent care, polishing will not lose its properties even after a hundred years since the manufacture of furniture.

If it became necessary to wipe the furniture with water or erase a spilled liquid from the table, in the water for washing it is necessary to add the ammonia alcohol in proportion 1 part of the alcohol to six parts of the water. Wipe the lacquered surfaces only with water is not recommended.

Care for lacquered furniture. You should not use soap solutions to wash it, it can ruin varnish. Water with a small amount of ammonic alcohol is considered the best cleaning agent (on 6 parts of the water you need to take 1 part of the alcohol). Wipe furniture only with water is not recommended.

Scratches on furniture

If your wooden furniture is scratched with a sharp object, and the scratch is clearly visible, it is possible to eliminate it with the help of color pencils or children's chalk crugged. Pick the desired color, apply the strokes across scratches, grow in cardboard and erase excess the edge of a plastic card or solid cardboard. To give uniformity, wipe the place of a decisive scratch with lemon oil or drip with furniture glitter. Today, furniture stores offer a large range of furniture rates. This option is more reliable, although sometimes it is quite difficult to choose the appropriate color.

In general, lemon oil is an ideal product for polishing furniture, in addition, it acts as a natural antiseptic and has a pleasant aroma.

Scratches can be filled with a shoe cream of suitable color. After drying the cream, placing the furniture glitter.

Scratches can be eliminated and with the help of mastic specially intended for these purposes. The mastic is dissolved on a weak heat (4 parts of wax in 3 parts of the turpentine), then the mixture is well stirred, 2 parts of the alcohol are poured, it is well stirred again. Before applying mastic, wool cloth dipped in aviation gasoline, wipe the place of laying of mastic. Then the cotton swab is applied with a cotton swab, rubbed wool cloth again. The cooked mastic can be kept for a long time in a glass jar with a dense binding lid.

Polished furniture stains

Stains with polished furniture can be tried to remove the sleepy tea with a welding wrapped in a bag. For these purposes, you need to take brewing of large-grained tea, and not fresh tea bags.

Protection of furniture from humidity indoors

You can protect furniture from damp paper using waxed paper. The rear walls of the cabinets and the servant must be saved by wax paper, which is well sorbitted moisture from the air and does not allow the walls of the furniture.

Oak furniture care

The noble and expensive oak wood, alas, is not particularly well protected from aggressive impacts. Particular stains are especially noticeable on the surface of oak furniture. Clean them should be warm beer. The beer mix must be prepared. A glass of beer boil with 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar or well-dissolved sugar sand and 20 grams of wax. For these purposes, you can buy wax in building stores or cover wax candles. The mixture is boiled in a water bath. Also hot, but not too mixture, it is evenly applied to the fabric, slightly pressed and the fat stains are gently erased by vertical movements. It is not necessary to rub the fat stain. After drying the surface, the furniture is polished with a wool cloth.

Divorces from water

If stains from wet glasses were formed on the tabletop of the wooden table, these stains can be wiped with a juice of fresh walnut, that is, sliced \u200b\u200bher walnut. When the oil highlighted from walnuts is dry, the surface is wired by a cloth.

Spot from water, penetrating into the inner layers of wood, leaves a whitish gleam. It should be finished first to wipe with conventional wheat flour, and after polishing with vegetable oil.

Stains from hot dishes

If wooden furniture is in the kitchen, then stains from hot dishes become almost inevitable. White spots from the dishes are deleted the most difficult. Sometimes efforts to eliminate the spots are completely fruitless. But you can try to apply the following methods.

1. Lubricate Vaseline Spot and leave for the night. In the morning, focus the stain with a cloth.
2. Soased stain lubricate the mixture of vegetable oil and cook salt, and after three hours won a woolen cloth. After a few hours, polish the location of the stain with a cloth.

Spots from wax

The frozen stain from the wax-drunk furniture to the surface is neatly cut off by a hot blade of a knife. The knife is heated under the jet of hot water, stain cuts off, and the wax track is closed with a cloth moistened in gasoline. If the stain is still noticeable, it is lubricated to the furniture polishing agent.

Stains iodine

The stains of iodine are well removed from the lacquered furniture, if you clean the surface of the half of fresh potatoes.

Cleaning of non-polished furniture

Intended furniture is even more vulnerable to various influences. But it can be wiped with a wet swamp, moistened in water, washing warm water with soap.

Cleaning of darkened metallophurity

Metal parts can be cleaned with the following mixture: ammonia alcohol (30 g), chalk or dental powder (15g), water (50 g). The mixture is well stirred, moisten the flannel rag and wipe the details. Then pollen to the brilliance by a cloth.

Alternatively, it is possible to use soda, onion juice and lemon juice for cleaning. The mixed mixture was pre-made, then produce polishing with a chalk, moistened with a mixture of ammonia and water in proportion of 4 parts of the chalk, 1 part of the ammonia and 1 part of the water.

Warning of the appearance of griller beetles

Unfortunately, the owners of wooden furniture are often forced to face the situation when the vullets spoil wooden furniture. The bugs are bred in dusty, littered rooms that are rare and poorly ventilated. If there were already beetles on any furniture, it should be reached out of the apartment, since it is impossible to keep track of insects and sooner or later they will put it all the remaining furniture.

Only purchased furniture is better to immediately put in a well-ventilated room and immediately process the surfaces with a solution of fluoride or silicon sodium (200-250 g per bucket of hot water). The solution must be carefully placed and used only after complete cooling.

It is possible to handle furniture with a composition of turpidar (100 parts), wax (5 parts), paraffin (5 parts), Creolain (3 parts).

It is best to repeat the processing in July and January. If the furniture is already amazed by the woods, then in a year it is necessary to produce 3-4 processing.

Updating old unpolished furniture

To update the surface of the old furniture, which was inherited from grandmothers or parents, you can use a wax-choppy mixture. Amented wax folded into a jar with a turpentine, melt the mixture on a water bath until the fractions are mixed. Then apply the composition on the furniture, as they dry up with a cloth with a cloth.

Remember that the furniture requires strict storage conditions. Observing the manufacturer's recommendations, you will extend the life of wooden furniture for several decades.

Published: 10/19/12

Previously added materials:

Blinds are tissue, allyumine and plastic. And each type requires its special care measures.

Shells are now, thank God, in every home. But they can be made from a variety of materials. And consequently, the care of them should be different.

And now a few tips on how to remove stains from chocolate, ink, beer, wine and many other purity pests in our house

Reading time: 1 minute

How to wash a wooden kitchen without the risk of surface damage? Few earlier we talked about washing facades from various materials, and now let's talk more about such a base like a tree. Only now it is necessary to face without the basis, but entirely with such headsets. To prepare for cleaning capricious materials, unstable to all external factors of impact, it is better to enlist the help and support of video materials and this article.

It would seem that the kitchen from the tree should be resistant to pairs and moisture, because it is not necessary for cooking - it is a constant elevated humidity and condensate in some cases. But the techniques note that there must be a high-quality exhaust, provided for specifically for such purposes as:

  • The absorption of vapors;
  • Neutralization of odors;
  • Elimination of moisture;
  • Elimination of harmful substances.

If all the parameters are saved when working, it works fine, the kitchen washing is reduced only to the use of a soap solution. However, the hostesses believe that a tree from a solid massif or other subspecies requires an individual approach. One way or another, the direct impact of chemistry can lead to a violation of the surface layer, and incorrect cleaning - to the rapid deadline for expiry.

But there are not only dangerous and harmful couples:

They remain on the tree partially, even despite protective PVC films, surface LCs and other material protection methods. Fatty acids fall inside wooden fibers, struggling to the structure of the tree itself.

It is deposited on the thread and can enter the surface, which is formed by the dirt resistant to chemical components. It appears in the form of layers of dust with a sticky characteristic bloom. When combined with fat, surface films are formed, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

The mud itself in its pure form can settle in the case when not a careful washing was performed. Not knowing how to wash the kitchen from the tree with the right way, the hostess rubbed the surface with chemical solutions, smear the dirt, not believing it. After that, the new household dust is settled, which leads to major layers of impurities. The tree gives a pair of moisture, which strengthens the nature of the sediment, and then they are very difficult to launder.

Thus, the nature and nature of pollution are important aspects in cleaning, their cause and ways to affect them. To learn how to wash the wooden kitchen, it is better to see the following materials article. There are detailed actions for each component of the kitchen headset.

How correct?

Proper washing is a pure cuisine, which will delight you with exceptionally clean facades and a worktop. Often you have to share the process into several stages, alternately sulfice, cabinets, decor and handles.

Washing facades

The most difficult will wash the reliefs that are on a wooden kitchen. If you carefully remove them and maintain cleanliness, you can forget about general cleaning for many more years. Special attention is paid to the doors and panels between them - squeaks and angular open elements, protruding drawings and other decorative elements of modern art technology, make you make cardinal measures.

Special attention should be paid only to them. It will be easier to wipe the surface with the familiar polyrolles that absorb dust and remove the dirt. If you spray the tool to the surface and leave for several hours, you can remove the residues of the fat like this. It is important - not to apply to the draft abrasive tools that will erase the top layer, leaving scratches.

It is difficult to remove the dirt from the decorative elements. For this you need to have patience and enough time, since simply dissolve the mixture of fluid will not work. Dirt will have to repeatedly remove with a soap solution with a soft sponge that will penetrate the thread under pressure. Steam units here are powerless, they only act on the top layer of raids.
This is an inhomogeneous structure, which complicates the care process at the time of cleaning. How to wash the wooden facades of the kitchen of such a plan? It will take a solvent for wood, and it should be based on alcohol. The liquid is weathered without leaving moisture on the surface. This will allow you to use chemistry for a long time, but no longer 2 hours.

The easiest way to make dry cleaning - rails allow you to reach deep into the surfaces, removing dust and dirt from all sides. If we talk about one-piece facades, it is the easiest way to be wiped with a sponge and soap solution.

Plastic film allows you to protect the foundation itself during operation, as well as during cleaning. It can be exposed to moisture and chemicals. However, contact with abrasives should be avoided. Not afraid of their only thick films made under the order. Therefore, it is appropriate to use concentrated solutions with soft tools for washing.

If we talk about the cost, then such a surface is inexpensive, and may be resistant to all substances. Much attention deserves a resin, which is part of the material. Veneer can be cleaned with abrasives and various professional chemical solutions.

The only material that is worth washing with strong solutions. The surface is processed by protective substances, and the pores do not let moisture, so you can talk about the endurance of such surfaces. Thanks to solid coatings, the polyrolo does not always help get rid of oily spots, as from dirt. It is advisable to apply other solutions with an acidic or alkaline medium.

Tip: Instructions for use will help you choose the right tool for washing facades, as well as clean the decorative elements. In the absence of such a guide, rely on the choice of tools and detergents on the article.

Cleaning the handles

The most painstaking and unpleasant lesson for many owners, who has a wooden kitchen. By ordering accessories in the furniture salon, do not forget to ask how to wash the wooden kitchen and its components from the fat. Many firms that import imported furniture warn that accessories and removable elements can be supplied both in the kit and from another factory. Therefore, it is worth talking about different materials used for the manufacture of such things.

Brass handles are best soaked in vinegar solution, flour and salt. The mixture is obtained by a metal for metal, cleans it to shine. With the help of the brush you can get to the most hard-to-reach places. It is not necessary to remove and install them back - you can overlap the touch area of \u200b\u200bthe facades with molar scotch.

Wash the coil washing gel with smooth paper. The gel must be clean, without speckle and cleaning elements. Then the risk of damage to the coating is minimal. It should also be borne in mind that the kitchen handles from the array are never made of pure natural wood. Avoid moisture from entering an array by dismantling the crepe elements.

Cleaning easily and simply solutions of household chemicals - vinegar, lemon. You can use the solutions of professional chemistry for them - there are special substances, where the oxygen oxidizer is the active component. Important! If the knobs are made of simple metal, it is necessary to wipe the surface in the avoidance of oxidation and the formation of rust.

They are easiest to wash because of the glossy surface. You can use detergents for dishes and chemistry for kitchen appliances. Perfect moisture and various chemical components. They do not like strong abrasives and smooth sponges, so it is better to be brushed with rags from bamboo. They do not leave the pile, which prevents the formation of sticky residues.

Here, in what ways you can wash the fat from the wooden kitchen and its fittings without difficulty. And if there is another wooden furniture in the kitchen, it will be useful for you to learn how to cope with her wash.

Washing wooden furniture

Surely, there was already a question about how to wash the wooden furniture in the kitchen, how to do it correctly, and what to use in such cases. Sometimes it is difficult to make disinfection of the surface with your own hands, remove dust and fat drops. But even for oak tables with rotary mechanisms, there will be suitable methods.

The table from the real tree can be washed either with a damp cloth or a polyrolla. The second replaces the detergent solutions and is suitable for the process of complex cleaning of furniture. If on top of MDF panels there is a veneer or a coating of embossed material, take the wet ( not wet) Sponge, soda soda and apply to the surface. This will allow the dust that penetrated between the threaded format.
They are less likely to be spots and fat, but sometimes you can face household dust. It will help a simple wiping with a dry soft cloth. Sometimes, if there are spots of fat or oil, you can use soap no concentrated solutions - the liquid baby soap is diluted in water. The main thing is that the liquid is room temperature - it will not spoil the coating and will not cause swelling. For a better result, it is recommended to grasp the surface with a clean dry microfiber.

Where there are frameworks under the oven wardrobe, a fridge or a boiler, you need to apply dry wood care shampoos. Even if the frame is made of MDF or covered with PVC film, do not use combustible and easily marked substances to prevent fire and damage to furniture especially in temperature raising places. Interacting with chemical ingredients, some surfaces quickly and easily melt, amenable to deformation.

Like facades, the doors are washed with a cloth or a sponge. It is best to use dry cleaning methods, since the doors are less than the pollution and fatty flask.

It is sometimes present at the bottom of the suspension locker, on the top panel and where the lighting elements are assumed. This is the most vulnerable part of facades, which practically does not apply to them. There may be spices, hours and whatever. It is necessary to wash them every week so that the film or veneer do not dug, and the tree does not wave. The tops can be wiped with a dust rag, sometimes process the polyrolla.

Plinth from a wooden box involves washing water. It means that it can be cleaned by means that can be used to washing floors. The lacquered flexible plinths are better to first vacuum, rubberized parts to wipe on a rag, put on a finger, and then carry out wet cleaning.

Polished furniture can like or do not like, everyone has their own taste. Now in fashion completely different materials and textures, but, nevertheless, polished dressers, wardrobes, tables and trolls are stubbornly not leaving the interiors of modern homes and apartments. Someone they are expensive as the memory of his beloved grandmother, someone sorry to throw out good furniture, some she really likes and the other they do not want.

In any case, if there is an object with such a coating in the apartment, you need to know how furniture at home and not spoil even more. Polished coating is very sensitive and capricious, on it instantly visible fingerprints and dust, scratches appear easily. Therefore, he needs a special care is also special.

Now we are talking about professional funds from the store designed specifically to care for polished cabinets and tables. What kind of remedies can be used for the same goals?

  1. From the kitchen cabinet: vegetable oil, wine vinegar, saving tea brewing, salt, flour, milk, potatoes, beer, sour cabbage (brine).
  2. From a home aid kit: ray oil, talc or children's powder, ethyl alcohol.
  3. Bathroom: Shampoo, liquid soap, spray antistatics.
  4. From the storage room: turpentine, gasoline, shoe cream.

Of course, not to do without a special inventory. First of all, the cuts of soft flannel and cotton fabric, small leather flaps or suede, cotton sponges are needed. As well as a bowl and pan, measuring tank and knife. Since some of the funds used are rather aggressive, and it is simply to work with their hands, protective rubber mittens will also be useful.

How to care for polished furniture

Before polishing the cabinets, they should be cleaned from dirt, dust, fingerprints and stains. This solution is suitable for this:

  • heat water - 8 parts;
  • hair shampoo - 1 part;
  • antistatic liquid - 1 part.

In this mixture, impregnate a soft cloth and wipe all polished surfaces. They will be clean, but muddy, and not glossy and shiny. You can restore the glitter in such ways:

  1. Burr oil. This tool is often bought for cosmetic masks. If you have found his remnants that are no longer suitable for skin care and hair, it can be used to polish furniture. In oil, two or three cotton disks are impregnated and put them in a clean unnecessary sock of cotton fabric - it is more convenient to apply it to furniture. The oil must be seamless through the fabric. Now this "bag" rubs the surface, after which it is rubbed to glitter flannel cloth.
  2. Wine vinegar and vegetable oil. If there is nothing more at hand, then from these two products you can prepare an excellent emulsion for polishing cabinets, mixing them in equal amounts. The mixture is first applied to all polished surfaces, and then rub the soft, dry napkin.
  3. Beer with wax. Neptered beer should not be poured - it is also suitable for polishing furniture. And if you mix it with wax, then such a tool also smoothes small scratches on the surface. Approximately one glass of beer is poured into the sovereign, a piece of wax or paraffin is added and adjusted to a boil. After cooling with a solution, the furniture is lubricated with the solution, and then polished to the mirror glitter the flap of wool fabric.
  4. Tea welding. The girlfriend remaining in the chairs after the girlfriend's visit you can also apply with benefit. Press it well and put it in a cotton cloth. Turn the bag and wipe the furniture, and then polish the dry flannel. Tea will not only clean and give the shine polished wood, but also refreshes its color, make deep and noble.
  5. Skipidar, vinegar and oil flax. This composition is suitable for processing light polishing, if it darkened and sweat. In a bottle with a sprayer, four spoons of the turpidar and linseed oil are connected, two spoons of white vinegar are added, closed and as they should be scattered to make an emulsion. It is applied to the purified, dry surface of the furniture and quickly polish. Movements should be intense and energetic. Then flax oil will react with other components and give the surface beautiful shine.

Polishing furniture you always need only a dry and clean soft cloth with circular movements, otherwise there will be divorces and stripes - all your efforts will be in vain.

How to deal with stains on polishing

When polishing on the surface of cabinets and tables, a thin protective film is formed, but if the furniture is actively operated, it is quickly erased. Could cope with traces from fingers, cups, water can be simple priced tools.

  • traces from the drops are removed with a sponge dipped in a soap solution. After that, the furniture needs to immediately wipe dry;
  • fingerprints and palms can be removed half the raw potatoes;
  • also, greasy prints can be easily removed, if you pour a little talc on your cotton disk and wipe the stains;
  • complex contamination of uncertain origin is removed by a mixture of vegetable oil and medical alcohol. It is necessary to rub it carefully not to damage the polishing layer. After removing the spot, the furniture is immediately wiped first with a clean damp cloth, and then dry;
  • traces from cups with hot tea or coffee can be removed using the usual salt. Salt wrap up in the patchwork of cotton fabric, dip in vegetable oil and circular movements traces. You don't need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth after that, it is simply polished;
  • spots from paint, ink, green, any substance with coloring pigment can be removed using heated beer. It is applied to pollution and leave up to dry, then wipes with a piece of wax and polish;
  • if the wax or paraffin or candles dropped on a polished table, they first carefully removed with a sharp hot knife, and the trace is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline;
  • any stains with polished furniture can be removed with pickle cabbage brine. It impregnate the leaks of the skin and carefully wipe pollution. After that, the polishing should be gratened with a dry cloth.

Despite the abundance of a variety of folk remedies for cleaning polished furniture, it is still not always possible to completely get rid of the traces of spots. Therefore, it is better to prevent their appearance at all.

A polished table is better covered with a napkin or a tablecloth, and if this option does not suit you, use in tea by trays or bamboo stands. Prevent pollution and damage is always easier than eliminating them.

Remember that the polished coating does not tolerate any solvents. Do not try to drop the stains with acetone or lacquer with fluid. Dirt, perhaps, will go away, but the surface itself will become dim, pale and may even sweep up.

There is another rule, observing which, you will extend the life of your favorite polished furniture. Never put the tables, dressers, etc. Near the central heating or fireplace batteries. Also polishing are contraindicated low temperatures and constant drafts.

To guarantee its durability and better condition from possible, wooden furniture must be cleaned regularly. However, you need to know how to do it correctly, because otherwise you can damage the furniture. In this article, you will find summarized several methods that can be used to clean the wooden furniture of different types.

When we are cleaned in the house, we often neglect the cleaning of wooden furniture, because it does not seem to us dirty due to paint and varnish coating. However, wood furniture is covered with dust and mud in the same way as any other furniture in the house. It may be difficult, since the wrong approach can damage the furniture and pour out costs.

Care and cleaning of wooden furniture

Before you start, you must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe type of wood finishing, since it will depend on the selection of the cleaning agent that you will use for cleaning. In principle, there are three types of finishes. One of them is the oil finish, then polishing the tree, which includes wax and varnish. The latter decision becomes paint.

For regular cleaning of any wooden furniture, use dry, soft cotton fabric to wipe the dust from the surface. Painted wooden furniture can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a brush.

For cleaning with water-soaked wooden furniture, you must prepare a special cleaning agent. Take an equal number of turpidar and boiled linen oil and mix them well. Moisten a piece of cloth and wipe the surface of wooden furniture. This solution penetrates the pores of wood and restores shine. Repeat this procedure follows several times a year.

Cleaning furniture polishing

To clean polished wooden furniture, you must use a liquid tool for polishing furniture or wax paste. If you prefer to use a polyroller for this purpose, you should know that it will have to use it quite often, since the effect is not at all long. The wax is not applied so easy, but if there are any scratches on the surface of the tree, it will fill them perfectly.

You can find an aerosol polyrolol that can be used for cleaning and restoring polished wood, but it contains silicone, which can make a wooden surface with slippery. So, in the future, if you want to fully polish the wooden surface, difficulties may occur.

To own antique furniture, it is how to own precious stones. Thus, you must provide furniture with proper departure to preserve its value. To get rid of dust, enough vacuum cleaner or pure soft cloth rags. You can use wax-based cleaning solutions to thoroughly wipe the tree. Wax paste also remains a good idea, because it covers any cracks and scratches. After applying wax, you need to polish the surface of the tree with a rag, while the wax coating hardens.

Election of stains

Like any other types of furniture, as well as decorative elements of the house, wooden furniture can suffer a variety of spots. Light burns from cigarettes often leave the ugly dark traces on the tree, which can be removed with linseed oil. Moisten a piece of clean fabric in the cooked mixture and carry it into a stain, you will see how it disappears. To get rid of water stains and rings, you will need a wax trim on a tree, you can also mix a white toothpaste and olive oil, and then apply the solution to the stain. Wipe with a dry cloth. Deleting any stain, it is necessary to restore the finishing layer of wood, according to a particular brand and wood coating.

If you try a new cleaning agent, you must carefully read the label with instructions to confirm the fitness of the furniture finishing. You should also check its suitability by applying it on a small and hidden area of \u200b\u200bwooden furniture. If you find that the tool does not harm wood, you can use it on the rest of the furniture. This solution helps to avoid mass damage.