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The adhan prayer for cleansing the house. Holy Quran: suras, verses and duas for every day, prayer for cleansing the house

08:16 2017

Performing a daily five-time prayer is fard - a mandatory action for all Muslims. It is good for both men and women to do it collectively. Many hadiths of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) speak about the merits of such a prayer, who advised especially men to pray together and, thus, not to deprive themselves of an additional reward from the Almighty.

The Prophet (PBUH) himself tried to follow this rule and therefore always prayed in a mosque with other Muslims.

For men, collective prayer is always Sunnah, and for women it is not an obligatory but approved action.

As for the duties of the imam - leading the prayer - only a man should perform them. A woman can also be an imam, but only in the circle of praying women. If men take part in collective prayer, then she has no right to lead this prayer.

Is it obligatory for the jamaat to pray to the family?

Sheikh Ibn Baz (may Allah grant him His mercy) said: “You can sometimes perform voluntary prayers, such as standing at night, Spirit-namaz, sometimes you can perform sunan-rauatib (sunnahs that are after or before obligatory namaz) with jamaat (in a collective ) with his household, children, wife, etc., as the prophet did (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He performed namaz at Anas's house, with Anas, and an orphan behind him, and Umm Suleim, who stood behind them. He also (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed the Spirit-namaz collectively (jamaat) in the Utban house when he visited it. You can do that.

However, if you missed the obligatory prayer, i.e. did not perform it in jamaat in the mosque, because of illness, or for any other reason, and returned home, then you can perform namaz with your family, children of the jamaat. But at the same time, you need to know that you cannot leave namaz with a jamaat in a mosque. You and your children, all of you must, without fail, perform namaz in the mosque with a jamaat. Since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever heard the call to prayer and did not come (to perform it), there will be no such prayer, if only he has a reason ..." (From the website of Sheikh Ibn Baz).

From this fatwa it becomes clear that men should perform obligatory prayer in mosques with a jamaat. Also, the sheikh says that a person can perform namaz, both obligatory if he missed it for a reason and did not perform in the mosque, or voluntary at home with his household members of the jamaat. However, the question remains, will a person receive an additional reward for this prayer, performed at home with family members, or not?

It is reported from the words of Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The common prayer is twenty-five times greater than the prayer (of a person performed) at his home or in the market, for truly , if one of you performs ablution properly, and then comes to the mosque for the sole purpose of performing prayer, then for each step he takes, Allah will surely raise him by one degree and remove one sin from him until he will enter the mosque. And when (a person) enters there, (it will be considered that) he is busy with prayer all the time until he waits for it to begin, and the angels will continue to pray to Allah to have mercy on him all the time while he remains at the place of his prayer, saying: "O Allah, forgive him, O Allah, show him Your mercy until he is defiled!" (Al-Bukhari, 477, Muslim and others). There is disagreement among scholars about namaz not performed in the mosque. For example, some said that they mean prayer performed alone, without jamaat. Others said that it was namaz performed outside the mosque with a jamaat or alone.

The preferred opinion in this matter is the first opinion, namely that it means prayer performed in solitude. Therefore, the one who performs namaz at home with jamaat with his household or guests, he deserves the reward of jamaat. However, this reward does not equal the reward of the prayer performed by the jamaat in the mosque. Thus, the prayer outside the mosque performed by the jamaat is better than the prayer performed alone.

So Imam An-Nawawi (may Allah grant him His mercy) said: "Under the words of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):" Common prayer surpasses the prayer (of a person performed) by him at home or in the market "means namaz, done at home or in the market alone. This is the correct opinion. " ("Sharh Sahih Muslim", An-Nawawi). Indeed, in most cases, a person who has not performed namaz in a mosque performs it alone at home, because the rest should have already performed his jamaatothm. Thus, the prayer performed at home with the household members of the jamaat is better than the prayer performed alone.

Complete collection and description: Azan prayer cleansing the house for the spiritual life of a believer.

Home is the main place for every person. We always want to return to it. Housing needs reliable protection at all levels - not just locks on doors and bars on windows. It is also important to protect the house and its inhabitants from the interference of various ethereal creatures.

In our prayers, we ask for God's help in many life situations, there are prayers for keeping the house clean and prosperous. There are not only Christian prayers - there are also widespread Muslim prayers recited to cleanse the house.

In Islam, in addition to the traditional regular prayer - namaz, there are prayers (in Arabic they are called "dua") - a real opportunity for active communication with the Almighty.

He knows everything that is obvious and secret that is in the human heart, therefore he will hear any prayer that is uttered with a pure and sincere heart.

Dua (prayer) to Allah must always be pronounced confidently, because Allah created us and our difficulties concerning all spheres of life, He can change this world and solve any problem. You can read a prayer, or you can listen to another person reading it, turn in your heart to the Almighty - and he will not leave His faithful with his grace.

Muslim du'aas are designed for different purposes and have different origins. Most of the prayers are taken from the Koran, some are received from the awliya (this is the name for the friends of Allah, pious and faithful Muslims, often the spiritual and political leaders of Islam).

You need to pray for the well-being and prosperity of your home by reading special words in Arabic - this is the most appropriate way to address Allah. The Internet contains a large number of prayers recorded on video, offered up to Allah - turn them on boldly at full volume and catch a prayer mood that lifts the spirit to unattainable heights that the Almighty inhabits.

The text, however, cannot be read from a computer screen or phone - only from the paper Holy Quran. Islam is a conservative religion, and rather, this is what expresses its attitude towards some aspects of prayer. So, listening to the recording of the mullah's voice is permissible and correct, but the reading of Divine texts from electronic media has not yet been approved by authorized religious councils.

Perhaps the situation will soon change, then the process of addressing the Almighty will be fully automated. In these conditions, the main thing is to keep your soul clean and not substitute digital processing of images and sounds for the sincerity of your treatment.

What is the right way to pray?

Before praying, you need to cleanse your soul and body, to strive with your thoughts to the Almighty. Before ritual prayer, you need to dress in accordance with the traditions of Islam, close the parts of the body that should be covered before reading or listening to the prayer.

Those who are defiled by natural means must wash themselves, purify themselves before reading or listening to prayers. This is a binding rule.

You cannot defile yourself before prayer, interact with impurities, have clothes stained with the wool of an unclean animal.

This rule does not apply to prayers uttered in a moment of danger in order to save life. Allah is merciful, he will forgive sincerely seeking his help and protection. It is necessary to listen to the prayer no less attentively and soulfully than to read it.

Allah will support the one who sincerely reads or listens to the prayer addressed to him. Muslim prayers for cleansing the house are important and beneficial for every Muslim. It is useful to listen to prayers in Arabic, even if you do not fully understand the meaning of all the words.

Other types of prayers for cleansing:

Muslim prayer for cleansing the house: comments

Comments - 3,

I confess honestly, I myself am an Orthodox Christian believe in God and pray only to him. But this does not interfere with studying other religions at all. Muslims are a people with a rich history and a very strong faith. You always draw parallels between people who pray in different ways, but believe, in fact, the same thing. Everyone, regardless of religion, believes in the power of prayer. Indeed, a prayer uttered from the heart and from a pure heart will always convey all the meaning put into it to the addressee, and it does not matter at all whether his name is God, Allah, or maybe Buddha.

I'm good at eating but I'm so crazy

Hello! I am having a difficult period in my life. I am a single mother and I really need to find a job. The situation is nowhere more difficult. Every day I pray, I ask Allah to help, but I just can't find it. What is the matter, I don’t know. I lead a healthy lifestyle, I try to help. And she herself was left without work. I don't understand anything in this life. Sometimes I get desperate and nervous. I do not know what to do.

Reading the Quran from the evil eye, corruption - how to listen to surahs to cleanse the house

Reading the Quran helps against evil eye and corruption. Listening to the sacred suras is useful both for those who suspect that they are under negative magical influences, and for those who want to protect themselves from the evil eye. Let's talk about how to read the Qur'an correctly for these purposes.

How to read protective suras correctly

The sacred book of Islam contains the great wisdom of the ancestors. The Quran contains colossal energy, so its suras have an incredibly powerful protective effect. But not all religious texts "work".

It is important to follow some rules so that the surah from the Quran will help you:

  1. You must absolutely believe in the immense power of the ancient texts. This is the first and most important rule. Only your faith is capable of activating powerful defensive magic. If there is no faith, reading the Quran will not help. It's the same as trying to light a match with water - it's pointless
  2. Only those who believe in Allah help people from the Koran. If you follow the canons of another religion in your life, then you should turn to it.
  3. Suras will help a person who not only believes in the power of the Quran, but also follows its commandments. Only pure thoughts and bright deeds - no negativity and harm. If in ordinary life you are a source of evil and negativity, first you need to cleanse yourself, change your behavior
  4. The ceremony is performed only at night. Moreover, deep, when the Sun has been behind the horizon for a long time. If you see the first morning rays and light - stop reading immediately
  5. At noon it is also possible, but the efficiency will be extremely low
  6. There is no limit to the number of repetitions of the verses of each sura. Read and say them as many times as your soul requires.
  7. The ideal place for sacred meditation is the desert. In modern conditions, it is quite difficult to find a desert, so at least try to retire in a clean, bright and deserted quiet room.
  8. If you need to remove the already induced damage, read the Quran on Fridays
  9. Before the ritual, it is recommended to meditate, enter a state of light trance in order to clear the mind, relax and prepare it

In the beginning, you can simply listen to religious cleansing texts. Once you understand the correct pronunciation, you can repeat and reproduce them as accurately as possible.

House cleaning

If you suspect that too much negative energy has accumulated in your home, it is worth doing a ritual of cleansing the house with the help of the Koran. But first, make sure the problem exists.

Signs of an unfavorable energy situation at home:

  • Households feel tired all the time, do not get enough sleep and get tired quickly
  • Sometimes you hear extraneous noises and sounds, the cause of which is unknown.
  • There are constant drafts at home. Too cool and uncomfortable. Or, on the contrary, it is very stuffy and hot
  • Insects constantly start up: sometimes hordes of midges fly in, then cockroaches come from neighbors, then ants crawl
  • Household appliances and appliances often break down
  • Any, even the most unpretentious indoor plants die
  • Pets often get sick or die
  • You have to constantly change bulbs, because they quickly burn out
  • Not so long ago, a man died in the house

If you find at least some of the signs, it is imperative to cleanse your home of negative energy.

This Muslim prayer will help you:

Try to get a feel for the essence of religious conversion. Ask for help sincerely and unconditionally believe that it will come. Imagine how happy you will be when all negativity is gone, and family members feel calm and good. Visualize these emotions in your mind.

Important: before praying to cleanse the house, it is important to take a shower and put on clean clothes. Do not eat or drink after waking up. Read words clearly, clearly, and sincerely. It is advisable not to talk to anyone and to engage in meditation and spiritual practices for the rest of the day.

If this is not possible, at least minimize contact with people around you.

Signs of spoilage

Before treating spoilage, you need to make sure that you really have it. Signs from the point of view of Islam can be as follows:

  • Constant apathy, weakness, lack of desire to do anything
  • Frequent desire to sleep, lack of vigor
  • Consciousness is changing: even a very life-loving person can become sad and desperate, disappointed in life
  • Smells bad from the mouth
  • Unpleasant and offensive discharge from the genitals

If you know for sure that some ill-wisher has corrupted you, immediately proceed to energy purification with the help of sacred suras

Strong Muslim prayer from the evil eye and corruption

Let's note right away: Islam has an extremely negative attitude towards any kind of magic rituals. Therefore, adherents of this religion should refrain from various kinds of witchcraft.

But according to the Koran, it is not forbidden to treat spoilage with prayers. The only caveat: no initiative is needed, you must clearly repeat the words of the prayer, without distorting their meaning, not rearranging or distorting.

Here is an example of an excellent prayer that removes corruption:

Say the prayer several times. It is advisable that your close relatives repeat the sacred text several times: during the day and at night. It is believed that evil spirits will leave the body of a sick person (a person with corruption) and will never again dare to enter the dwelling that Allah himself protects.

Important: do not read a prayer from a piece of paper, memorize it. If you are copying a sura on a blank sheet, it should be white, not striped or checkered. Repeat the text whenever you feel bad or need protection from negativity (for example, after contact with unpleasant people).

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Prayer for cleansing the house

Negative energy always accumulates in a person's home. It significantly changes the atmosphere in the house and very often can even provoke the development of diseases in households. Believers periodically cleanse their homes with the help of prayer. This is especially recommended after it has been noticed that big troubles and quarrels have begun to occur in your family.

Muslim prayer for cleansing the house

Muslim prayers are used by the faithful in a variety of everyday situations. They are the foundation of every Muslim's life. Therefore, it is quite natural that Muslim prayers are used to cleanse the house. Before such a ceremony, it is recommended to carry out a general cleaning.

According to the Muslim tradition, the ritual should be performed by one person, at a time when no one from the household is in the house. The ceremony involves the use of candles, which must be purchased at the church shop. An approximate calculation of their number - one for a separate room. It is necessary to provide several additional candles in case they burn out quickly. It is advisable to carry out all actions aimed at cleaning the home in a sunny time. It is important that the vents and windows are open during the cleansing ritual.

Each room, including the utility rooms, must be walked clockwise. In one hand, you need to hold a container with holy water, and with the other hand, use a brush to spray holy water in the corners in cross-shaped movements. After that, you need to put in all the rooms one candle in the corner and light it so that they burn at the same time.

How to read correctly according to Islamic canons

Any Muslim prayer should sound confident. In every word you need to put faith in the fact that you understand that all life depends on Allah.

A prayer aimed at cleansing the home should be read according to Islamic canons. Ritual purity must be observed. That is, before praying, you need to perform ablution. In addition, you should dress in clean clothes. Prayer should be turned towards the Muslim shrine Kaaba, which is located in Mecca.

In Islam, much attention is paid to external actions during prayer, namely:

  • You need to kneel on a special rug;
  • The feet must be joined together;
  • The arms are crossed over the chest;
  • Bows are performed with knees not bent and feet straight.

The text of a strong surah from the Quran

The most powerful verse in the Holy Quran is Ayat ul-Kursi. It is believed that the faithful who uses this ayah for prayer reliably protects himself and his home from the harm of the jinn.

Understanding how this prayer sounds in translation from the Arabic language, you can put a lot of energy into the phrases being spoken, and therefore make the prayer more effective.

Orthodox prayer for the protection of home and family

There are many Orthodox prayers that can cleanse the house and provide reliable protection. The most reliable protector of the home is the savior of people Jesus Christ.

Prayer words

You can turn to Jesus Christ for help with the following prayer:

The words of the prayer may be different, but it is important that they sound sincere.

There are other important rules:

  • You can read a prayer of protection, both for the blessing of the new home, and for the protection of the old home.
  • It is recommended to repeat the prayer text three times in a row in full concentration on the phrases being spoken.
  • You need to make sure that no one and nothing interferes with the reading of the prayer.
  • You can enhance the effect of protective prayer if you pray in a secluded place in front of the icon of the Lord God, in front of which you should light a church candle.
  • After reading the protective prayer, it is recommended to sprinkle all corners of the dwelling with holy water.

It is very important that after the prayer asking for the protection of the home and family is read, every day you need to thank God for hearing you.

Listen to a free prayer for protection:

Tatar prayer - a talisman for the house for every day

A guardian prayer is able to protect a person, his home and his family from many troubles and sufferings. Tatar prayer appeals are very strong, their effectiveness has long been tested by many Muslims.

Suras and verses from the Koran are very common as amulets. Such a talisman for the house for every day helps only Muslims. That is, the suras and verses of the Koran have a positive effect only on those who are connected to the Egregor of Islam. In order to create a talisman, it is necessary to write 225 ayah 2 surahs of the Koran on a piece of paper. Such a prayer text is of particular importance for the entire Islamic world. It is called "ayatul kursi". After the prayer text is written, the sheet is folded 3 times. It then needs to be wrapped in thick foil, and then sheathed with natural black fabric. The created amulet, which is a written prayer, must be worn on the belt without removing it.

There is also a special amulet - Zulfiqar. It represents two daggers crossed among themselves. A special protective sura is written on them. It is believed that the person who will be the owner of the amulet will be protected by the power of a strong, pious warrior - the angel Zulfiqar. You can not create this amulet yourself, but purchase it in an esoteric shop. If kept in the house, it will help protect the home from demons and shaitans and provide a favorable atmosphere.

In order to turn the purchased item into a talisman, you need to say the following words over it:

Holy Quran: suras, verses and duas for every day, prayer for cleansing the house

At all times, a person needed an invisible judge and assistant. For this reason, beliefs and religions were created that have historically divided into two main groups - polytheistic and monotheistic. The latter, over the centuries, took a dominant position. Including Islam - a young religion that appeared in the 7th century AD and contains at its core the Koran - the main Amanat of Muslims.

What is the Qur'an?

A sacred book containing the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, written down by his disciples over the course of several years. Believers themselves consider the Quran to be the fundamental source of religious, civil, criminal and other rights.

The Qur'an is divided into 114 chapters, otherwise called surami... The minimum unit of the structure of the Holy Scripture is considered ayah, or in other words, a verse that Muslims use as a prayer. There are two types of appeals to God:

  • Namaz- ritual prayer, required reading. Has strict regulations on the place, time, content of the verses, etc. The main purpose is to praise Allah
  • Dua- arbitrary prayer. Read at will. Has no strict reading restrictions. Used to appeal to the Almighty with a request for help in life situations, such as eating or visiting a sick person

How to protect your home?

Every believer in Allah also believes in the existence of jinn, shaitans, corruption and other harmful magical influences. Naturally, any Muslim wants to protect himself from the negative effects of spiritual pests. In this case, it is worthwhile to directly appeal to Allah with a request for protection. This can be done in any language, but always with pure thoughts, when prayer comes from the very heart.

An example of such an appeal is the phrase "I ask for protection by the perfect words of Allah from the evil shaitan, from any animals and poisonous, from the evil eye."

But reading the Holy Book was considered the best protection at all times. The faithful assistant of a Muslim in protecting his home from evil has become the 255th verse of the second surah of the Koran called "al-Kursi", which means "Great Throne". It narrates about the rise of Allah over all the evil spirits in the world. Other verses are also used. For example 81 and 82 of 10 suras, 115-118 of 23 and so on. It is better to check the full list with the mullah when visiting the mosque.

Reading Quran prayers at home

The holy book is written in Arabic. Muslims greatly respect Islam, therefore they read and listen to prayers only in the original. Often a priest is specially invited for this.

Before starting reading, ablution is mandatory:

Large, if previously there was intimacy, menstruation or postpartum hemorrhage.

Small - in other cases.

Until then, touching the Qur'an is prohibited. After ablution, you must dress in accordance with all the rules of Sharia, always in clean clothes.

The reading should be opened with Salavat, after which one should ask Allah for refuge, saying the following: "Auzu billahi minash-sheitanir-rajim" (I seek refuge from the exiled devil from Allah)... Then you need to say "Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim" and start reading loudly, slowly and with respect.

Particular seriousness is required for correct pronunciation, as it strongly influences the meaning of what you read. The reading of the Quran should be finished with the words "Sadagallahul-Aliyyul-Azim" (Great and Worshipful Allah commanded the truth).

Assalam alaykum.
Hazrat, I have another question. Different peoples live in the town where we live and study. Now we Muslims are going to perform Friday prayer. There were 10-15 of us in total. We chose one of us as imam and decided to gather at our home. But we do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for performing namaz. We are going to perform namaz in one of the rooms. Are we doing the right thing that in the absence of a mosque in our city we perform Friday prayer at our home? I would also like to ask you to inform us about the requirements for the imam leading the Friday prayer.
May Allah be pleased with you.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Unfortunately, I do not know where you live. Explanation to the text from the book "Mukhtasarul Vikaya" on the obligatory (fard) Friday prayer.
Mandatory conditions for Friday prayer:
The conditions, pillars and sunna that exist in other namaz are also valid for Friday namaz. At the same time, there are conditions characteristic only for Friday prayer, which will be discussed further.
In order for Friday prayer to become mandatory, there are external (outside prayer) conditions. These are called conditions that make Friday prayer obligatory (fard). These conditions are as follows:
1. Accommodation in "misra" (within the "city").
"Misrom" is a settlement, the largest mosque of which does not accommodate the entire population of the village. Such places were formerly called cities. But now, even small villages are bigger than those cities. “Population” refers to people for whom participation in Friday prayer is mandatory (fard).
It follows from this that if there is a large mosque in a settlement, where all its population does not fit, for which participation in Friday prayer is mandatory, this settlement is considered a "misrom" ("city") and thus one of the conditions that make Friday prayer is compulsory. For residents of settlements that are not "misrom", Friday prayer is not mandatory. Also, for a person traveling outside their place of residence, Friday prayer is also optional. If a traveling person plans to stay in one place for 15 or more days, then he is no longer considered a traveler (musafir), and in this case, Friday prayer becomes obligatory for him. A person who has gone outside the city's buildings before the zuhr time can travel on Friday. You can hit the road before the sun reaches its zenith.
2. Health.
A sick person, given the difficulties of visiting a mosque, is allowed to skip Friday prayer.
3. Freedom.
This is one of the ancient conditions. In those days, slavery existed. Due to the fact that the slaves were someone's property and had to carry out the instructions of the owners, they did not have to attend Friday prayer.
4. Belonging to the male sex.
Due to the fact that women have a lot of household chores and they must take care of children in order to make their life easier, women do not need to attend Friday prayer. And men do not have such household chores that women have, and, given the fulfillment of other obligations, men must attend Friday prayer.
5. Coming of majority.
As one of the main conditions in other types of namaz, also in Friday namaz, coming of age is one of the main conditions that makes this namaz fard. For minors, attending Friday prayer is optional.
6. Healthy eyesight and healthy legs.
Even with a guide, it is not mandatory for the blind to attend Friday prayer. A person who cannot move independently is also not required to participate in Friday prayer. Allah says: "And (He) did not make any difficulty for you in religion." Not embarrassing religion is the foundation of Islam's ease.
When it comes to causing embarrassment in religion, it is understood that a person is not charged beyond his capabilities. What a person does not want because of his laziness is not considered a difficulty.
Allah made Friday prayer fard. In hadiths, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam strictly warned people who left (did not participate) Friday prayers. But at the same time, for a certain category of people, the obligatory Friday prayer is removed.
In a hadith narrated by Imam Abu Dawood from Tariq ibn Shihab, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:
“Every Muslim should perform namaz in the Jama'at. Except for four categories of people: slaves, women, children and the sick. "
If one who does not have these exceptions, performs Friday prayer, thereby he will fulfill his obligatory religious duty - fard. For example, if a person who does not live within the "misra" (city), as well as a traveler, a sick person, a slave, a woman, a minor, a blind or a lame person, perform Friday prayer, then by doing so they will perform fard. Because if people, for whom, for certain reasons, Friday prayer was not prescribed, perform it on their own initiative, then they will be awarded the position of a fard. Just like the fact that a traveler can fast, or a poor man can perform the Hajj.
Conditions that are mandatory for the execution of Friday prayer:
In addition to the conditions that are necessary for the full value of the prayer in general, there are also conditions that must be present in order for the Friday prayer to be correct:
1. Accommodation in "misra" (city) or on its outskirts.
We have already spoken about what "misr" is. Now, in the text itself, the concept of "misr" is directly stated.
"Misr" is a settlement of such a size, in which the largest mosque cannot accommodate all of its population. As mentioned above, the population here does not mean the entire population, but only that part of it for which Friday prayer is prescribed by fard.
Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaihi said: “A populated area, where there are roads and markets, is a ruler suppressing injustice and a scholar-theologian who makes decisions on emerging issues. is considered misr. "
The outskirts of the misr are an area that is directly connected with the misr and serve it for the good. The places adjacent to the misr, where caravanserais, slaughterhouses and similar structures are located that satisfy the needs of the misr, are also considered the outskirts of the misr. In such places, you can also perform Friday prayer. But there should not be empty fields between misr and such places. For example, if fields or gardens exist between the misr and such a locality, then they are not considered the outskirts of the misr.
There are four answers to the question, “What will happen if Friday prayer is performed simultaneously in several places of the Misra?” There are four answers in the madhhab.
1. This answer is transmitted from Abu Hanifa and Muhammad Rahmatullahi Alayhim and is considered the most correct: “Friday prayer can be performed in two or more places. Because performing namaz only in one place creates difficulties. "
In addition, there is no evidence that it is impossible to perform Friday prayer in several places.
2. Permission from the ruler or his deputy.
Or there must be a party who has received permission to perform Friday prayer.
3. The onset of the zuhr time.
With the onset of the zuhr time, the time for Friday prayer comes. With the expiration of the zuhr time, the time for Friday prayer expires.
Narrated from Anas to radiyallahu anhu: "The Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam performed Friday prayer when the sun deviated from its zenith." They passed five, except Muslim. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam always performed Friday prayer at the time of zuhr.
4. Khutba (sermon), even if it is one tasbih.
Khutba is one of the main conditions for Friday prayer. Friday prayer will not take place without the khutba. Allah Almighty in verse 9 of Surah Zhum'a says: “O you who believed! When they call for namaz on Friday, then rush to the remembrance of Allah and abandon the trade. It's better for you if you know. "
The phrase "remembrance of Allah" in this verse means khutba. The duration of one tasbih means that by pronouncing the phrases "Algamdulillah, Subqanalloh!", The khutba is considered perfect.
At the same time, the khutbah of Friday prayer must be recited after the time of zuhr. You cannot pronounce khutba until the sun reaches its zenith, and then perform namaz.
Narrated from Sahib ibn Yazid to radiyallahu anhu: "During the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Abu Bakr and Umar, the first proclamation (adhan for Friday prayer) was the time when the imam sat on the minbar."
They passed five, except Muslim.
Until the time comes, Zuhr Adhan is not proclaimed. Therefore, at other times, except for the time of zuhr, the khutba is not pronounced.
5. Out āmm (general availability).
This means that the doors of the mosque must be open to everyone and there must be universal permission to visit the mosque. That is, this is when no one forbids those who wish to attend mosques.
Friday prayer is one of the manifestations of the motto of Islam. Its performance must be common knowledge among people.
If an isolated group of people perform Friday prayer, closing the doors of the mosque, then their prayer will not be correct.
6. The presence of a jamaat.
That is, in addition to the imam, the presence of at least three more people is one of the conditions for performing Friday prayer. This Sharia statement is taken from the following hadith.
Narrated from Toriқa ibn Shihab to radiyallahu anhu: “The Prophet of Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:
- Performing Friday prayer with jam'at is proper (is wajib) for every Muslim. The only exceptions are four categories: slaves, women, children and the sick. "
Narrated by Abu Dawood, Baykhaki and Hakim.
Sheikh Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf


The correct fulfillment of the daily five-fold prayer is a condition for accepting the worship of the believer and receiving a reward from the Almighty. At the same time, in Islam for women in prayer, some indulgences are provided.

On the Internet, you can find many websites and personal pages of Muslims teaching namaz. Some of them mistakenly assert that for men and women, there is no difference in him, except in the nuances of covering the awrah. This statement is only partly true, because in general, everyone performs the same rite of worship (it is described in detail), read suras from the Koran, the same prayers inside prayer and upon its completion, the order of actions in such elements as qiyam (standing) is the same , rukug (bow in the bow) and sujud (sajda, bow to the ground). Nevertheless, the characteristics of different sexes still exist. This is explained by the wisdom of our Creator, who took into account the male and female essence.

Major differences

As you know, all women in Islam are primarily prescribed modesty. And this is especially noticeable in prayer.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) paid attention to the differences in the postures of brothers and sisters in faith during the salat prayer, justifying this by the fact that a woman should perform the elements of worship more restrainedly, as Imam Bayhaki says in the work “Sunan al-Kubra ":" All the rules of prayer, in which a woman differs from a man, are based on the principle of satr (concealment). This means that a woman should perform the movements of prayer in such a way as to hide herself as much as possible. "

Based on this, women it is forbidden to read aloud verses from the Koran, dua, azkara and everything that is recited in a voice during certain prayers. They do not make the call to prayer (adhan), they do not say kamat (ikamat).

There is a woman in takbir raises arms only to shoulder level and puts it on the chest. Thus, she covers this part of the body. According to Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, a Muslim woman should only raise her hands a little. There is also an opinion that she should not raise them at all.

While standing in the qiyama, she should not spread the elbows- it is supposed to press them as much as possible to the body, and also legs should not be spread wide. According to the Hanafi madhhab, the distance between the feet is approximately equal to the width of four fingers.

Bowing at the waist (hand, rukug) woman should not arch your back and straighten her, bending down as low as men. The fair sex is instructed only to bend forward a little, while bending the knees slightly. This is done for the same purpose of maintaining humility.

Bowing to the ground, like standing, assumes maximum compactness. The woman presses her elbows to the body and to the floor, and her stomach to her hips. This position allows you not to expose your body parts during prayer. For men, it is advisable to slightly spread their arms and leave such a distance between the thigh and the body so that the lamb can crawl:

“When you go to Sajdah, then press a part of the flesh (body, torso, for example, elbows) to the ground, because a woman in this (ie, bowing to the ground) is not like a man” (hadith narrated by al-Bayhaqi).

It is also necessary to focus on sitting between rak'ats - tashahhuda, when the at-takhiyat prayer is recited and at the end of the prayer. If men sit on their left leg, and their right foot rests on a sock, then the female sex is prescribed to sit on the left buttock and place both legs on the right without arching the feet (more-in the video). Sitting in prayer in this position allows a woman to hide her body to the greatest extent. All the founders of the Sunni madhhabs confirm this difference. In particular, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: "In my opinion, for our sisters, sadl (putting both feet on the right side) is much better."

In order to save a woman, she is recommended pray at home, not in a mosque. After all, even attending collective festive prayers and Friday sermons is an obligation only for men. In the Islamic doctrine, a man is rewarded with a greater reward when performing namaz with jamaat, especially in a mosque. For women, the reward increases when she reads a prayer at home, since the main purpose of a woman is to preserve the family hearth.

It should also be borne in mind that, unlike men, for Muslim women are made relief during periods of hyde () and nifasa(postpartum hemorrhage). On these days, it is not allowed to pray, observe fasting and read the Qur'an. However, if the missing days of uraza in Ramadan should be filled up within a year before the next month of fasting, then the prayers are no longer re-read, and there will be no sin for this. This is another Grace of the Almighty, which allows women to leave prayer due to physiological reasons, because during this period the body weakens, and someone painfully endures the entire period.

Reading collective namaz by women

The attitude in Islam towards a woman who becomes an imam in namaz is not condemnatory, and at the same time it is not approved. She is forbidden to lead the jamaat of men. There are some more features that differ from the male collective prayer:

1) does not move forward from the row of other Muslim women (for men, the imam stands in front and the first row of worshipers stands behind him).

2) If a woman who took on the role of imam made a mistake in prayer, she is signaled by patting her right hand on the back of her left palm. Men in similar cases say: "Subhan Allah".

3) The female sex is advised to confine herself only to saying “ikamata” to herself. Reading the adhan aloud is prohibited, even if the call to prayer is made in the presence of only women and even if it is done in a whisper or very quietly. In Islam, this is condemned for women, in contrast to men, who should call for prayer in a loud and beautiful voice.

4) Reading the festive collective prayer to women is not forbidden, however, according to the fuqihs, it is best if she does not go to the mosque, but performs gayet-namaz (eid-namaz) within the walls of the house. The hadith narrates:

“Young girls who have not yet married, women who live behind the curtain in their homes, and women who have their period, let them leave their homes, let them be witnesses of the good and prayers of the faithful. But let the women who have their periods stand apart from the people who recite the namaz ”(hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari).

5) It is allowed to recite a collective Friday prayer to female representatives, but this is also optional. A Muslim woman can perform the usual midday prayer at home, unlike men who are prescribed to attend the mosque on Fridays for zuhr prayer.

On this page, you can view and download, as well as print the schedule of prayers in the cities of the CIS, including Russia.

After pronouncing the shahada, which means acceptance of Islam, the main and most important duty for a person is to perform namaz. Performing namaz is a sign of faith in Allah and worship of Him.

The hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says: "Namaz is the support of religion." "The religion of the one who leaves namaz will collapse," says the holy hadith.

The regular performance of namaz is a fundamental requirement of Islam, without which a person cannot fulfill his main duty to God and will certainly lose the most important and precious thing in life - the awareness and feeling of his connection with the Almighty. Five intervals of time in which namaz should be performed correspond to five parts of the day.

It is dawn, noon, afternoon, end of day and night. Namaz is a dialogue between a person and the Creator, the regularity of which periodically, day and night, reminds a person of the Almighty.

The obligation to perform namaz is stated in the Quran and hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked about the best deed, he replied that it was a timely prayer performed.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that prayer is the key to Paradise, and that prayer is for Allah the most beloved act of His servant after believing. If there was anything better in serving Him, then the angels would be doing it too. Among the angels there are those who do a bow (hand), an earthly bow (soot), standing and sitting, that is, performing all the actions that we perform in prayer.

The hadith says that the angel Jabrail (peace be upon him) performed the two-raka'at prayer for forty thousand years. After that, Allah told him that the two-raka'at prayer performed by a person from the community (ummah) of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is more dear to Him than this prayer. And this is because of Allah's exaltation of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Why is prayer so important? The secret of this lies in the exaltation of him by Allah Himself. It is known that all the canons of Sharia, all the acts provided for by Islam, were brought to us by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and he, in turn, received them from the angel Jabrail (peace be upon him), who was the mediator between Allah and the Prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him).

A feature of namaz is that the Almighty, having called to Himself on the night of Ascension (Mirage) the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), Himself, without intermediaries, presented our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his community (ummah) with this valuable gift. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions treated prayer with great responsibility.

Namaz is a special communion with the Almighty. If, before meeting with some influential person, we experience excitement, joy, diligently prepare for it, then imagine how we should prepare for a meeting with the Ruler of all things - Allah Almighty?

The inattention and indifference to religion, which exists at the present time, does not need to be described. What to say when they neglect such an important matter as namaz, which on the Day of Judgment will be asked first of all, and which is the second most important in religion after believing.

But still there is a hope that the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) will affect people with a pure, unclouded mind, insha'Allah.

In the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said that a person who performs five times prayer is like one who bathes five times a day in the river that flows near his house. Just as bathing cleanses the body, so properly performed prayer cleanses a person from sins. Allah in the Qur'an says that truly prayer keeps a person from obscene and forbidden.

Namaz and other types of worship are deterring factors from falling into sins, and the main thing here is how prayer is performed, with what diligence all its requirements are fulfilled.

When a person stands in front of the Creator five times during the day, communicating with Him, repenting of sins, ashamed of unrighteous deeds, asking for help, then he receives a huge spiritual charge, and this prevents him from committing sinful acts.

Namaz is the great Grace of Allah. Turning to Allah by entering namaz during times of anxiety and worries is to rush to His Grace. When the Grace of Allah comes to the rescue, then there is no reason for worry. There are many examples from the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) related to this.

The hadith says that when a strong wind blew, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) immediately entered the mosque and did not leave until the wind subsided. Also, during solar and lunar eclipses, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) performed the Sunnah namaz.

Companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that whenever his family members were in a difficult situation, he ordered them to perform namaz.

His companions acted in the same way, who tried to be like the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The Companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), while on a journey, received the news of the death of his son. Then he got off the camel and performed a two-rakaat prayer, then read the dua and said: “I did what the Almighty ordered us in His book. Indeed, the Qur'an says that we seek the help of Allah with patience and prayer. "

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that all the previous prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all) during adversity also turned to Allah, performing namaz. In the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said that when someone is in trouble or need, let him thoroughly bathe and perform namaz in two rak'ahs, give praise to Allah, then ask for blessing on His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and at the end he will make a request to the Almighty.

In fact, it is difficult to cover all the statements of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) concerning the importance of namaz and telling about the forgiveness of Allah for those who perform it.

There are many benefits hidden in namaz, which cannot be described in one sermon. But, of course, a person performing namaz must first of all have the intention to follow the command of Allah and receive His pleasure.

The hadith says that verily all deeds are considered by intention. How boundless is the Grace of Allah, who gave us prayer, which absorbs so much that is useful in this world and the eternal bliss of Paradise!

May Allah help us to understand His Grace and follow the True path indicated by Him! Amine.