Repairs Design Furniture

Why chief accountant decided to make doll houses. Business History Mom Careerist. Dollhouses do it yourself from plywood, boxes and other materials

Business on wooden sale puppet Domikov - A promising direction that develops in conditions of high market demand. Parents seek to acquire toys from eco-friendly daughters and durable treeAnd the kids like the living model of housing approximate to the reality. Producers from China, Europe, Russia can be made by suppliers of products. The average surcharge on the goods is 31%, and the average profitability is 40%. Given that right organization The business idea will pay off within 4-5 months.


Sale of wooden houses for dolls - an up-to-date business idea

In toy stores, you can find many options for houses and locks for Barbie, Pink Pink, Monster High, Lol, and others. Most of them are made of inexpensive and bright, but toxic and fragile plastic. That is why more and more parents pay attention to durable environmentally friendly materials and choose wooden houses for dolls to their daughters.

Reference! The first puppet house was made in the XV century by order of the Duke of Bavaria Albert V for his little daughter. He had a view of a gothic castle with a garden, a fountain and rich interior of the rooms. In the XVI century, this kind of toys found widespread in Europe. Up to the beginning of the twentieth century, all houses were manually manufactured.

Figure 1. Vintage dollhouse in the Prague Museum.
Source: Site "Style Toys"

Currently, the manufacture of toy housing is carried out in the factory conditions ( plastic products) and manually (houses from natural materials). Why B. last years Wide popularity on russian market Do we use wooden houses?

  • High strength and practicality of use.
  • Use of environmentally friendly materials.
  • Extremely approximate imitation of real residential premises.

In Europe, wooden houses for dolls are sold both in solid and disassembled, and their cost reaches several thousand dollars.

Reference! Cost Chinese plastic House For the doll, it is about 700-4000 rubles. The price of European models begins from 2000 rubles. At the same time, the cost of production of one wooden products This kind of in Russia begins from 400 rubles.

What are the advantages of business for the sale of doll houses?

The production of toy houses from wood requires wood processing skills, while organizing business on their sale - relevant, cost-effective and promising.

Reference! Exist various options wooden houses - designers, transformers, monolithic structures. In addition, furniture, household items, role-playing characters are also sold in addition to them. Gift options are often complemented by collectible dolls from textiles and porcelain.

Figure 3. Collapsible doll house designer.
Source: Site "Fair Masters"

Where to find suppliers?

Wholesale purchases of houses for dolls from wood can be established from China, taking into account the cost of delivery, such toys will cost at a price of 1000 rubles. At the same time, on Aliexpress and Tao, you can also order furniture, fences, trees, as well as other housing attributes.

Figure 4. Cost of toy housing of Chinese production.
Source: site Aliexpress

Reference! Similar products of European manufacturers will cost more - from 2000-3000 rubles, although they will exceed Chinese quality products.

Supply of toy houses can be established at the expense of Russian masters, most of which create unique products manually. The cost of such works begins from 600 rubles. and can reach 15,000 rubles. Advantages of purchasing houses for dolls russian manufacturers Performs optimization of the delivery process.

Figure 5. Offers of the largest handwood portal in Russia - Fairs Masters.
Source: Fair Masters

Reference! A full-fledged wooden dollhouse is not just a box, but a reduced model of a real mansion or cottage. In this regard, on the boxes with products, there are marks 1: 6, 1:10, etc. House 1:14 - the smallest instance, designed for a doll in 15-17 cm. Popular toy for girls Flying fairy will fit in the house with Scale 1 :12.

How much can you make money on the sale of toy houses?

The price of a doll house of wood and plywood depends not only on the country of manufacture, but also on the type of structure, its size, features of execution, additional features.

Table 1. approximate cost Popular medium-sized toy housing options (1: 8)

Purchase price, rub.

Price sale, rub.

Extra charge on the goods,%

Mansion 2-3 floors

House with Mansard

Cottage 2-3 rooms


Set of furniture for 3-4 rooms

Average surcharge

Reference! A higher price may be due to the use of manual grinding techniques and threads, the presence of illumination, using expensive varieties of wood.

Niche for sophisticated masters and lovers of a non-standard approach. We are accustomed to the fact that the dolls are mostly manufactured for girls who are sewn to them outfits or learn to be with babies (Reborn dolls and others). But today, a doll can acquire an adult person who took place, who earns well and wants something extraordinary and unique, author in the surrounding interior.

A special caste of customers make up people who collect something. The topic of our article is the author's collection dolls.

It should be immediately noted that such pleasure is not cheap, as not only the work of the masters, but also expensive materials is paid. Textile dolls make it somewhat simpler, but real connoisseurs are ready to order porcelain dolls and even printed on special printers. Of course, clothes for such dolls of the masters are also sewn and decorated manually. However, about everything in order.

Collectible doll has nothing to do with a children's toy. Such dolls can only be used to decorate the interior, as an exhibit in the home museum and for board games In real connoisseurs of skill.

Where to start a business on collectible dolls

First of all, it is necessary to determine the list of the main materials that you will use for your products.

Materials for creativity:

  • Special types of plastic.
  • Various wood breeds.
  • Porcelain.
  • Ceramics.
  • Textiles and derivatives from it.
  • Polymer clay.
  • Leather.
  • Different types of fabrics and accessories.
  • Glass (hand painted eye doll).
  • Gypsum.
  • Papier mache.
  • Hofun (with this exotic material works Master of Japanese doll Tomoharu Morisig). Hofun is a special powder that is made of seashells-scallops and oysters planted for glue. This special technique, the master masters mastered for three generations.

In the production of elite exclusive dolls, precious and semi-precious stones, lace, hourly mechanisms, natural hair are used.

A collection can also be a doll, the year of release of which is dated to the term not earlier than 1940 - but this is the sphere of antique business, which requires the skills and skills of a slightly different kind.

Collectible dolls There are a lot of species, you can stay on such as the issue dolls in the only instance (one-of-a-kind) and dolls released in format limited Edition (Limited Edition). A small circulation (usually these are 50 copies of the author's dolls), confirmed by the copyright certificate (doll passport).

Dolls created in a single copy may cost up to 50,000 US dollars. The creator of such a doll, even with a great desire, simply will not be able to cut the exact copy oNE-OF-A-KIND dolls , reproduce the pose, hairstyle, emotion, gesture, painting of the body of the product and clothing. The more valuable every copy, and of course more expensive.

The cabinet size is considered to be the growth of dolls from 45 to 50 centimeters. Such dolls are designed mainly for the target audience that is engaged in professional photographs of dolls, dolls are best for such purposes, which can take any spectacular and cordial pose - the number of hinges in such a doll should be at least 14 (and even better - 18) It is important to take into account the specifics of the living body of a person and the feature of the joints of the joints.

Business Success History on Collectible Dolls

The manufacture of collectible dolls has become for the couple of Jacob family business many years ago.

Five years ago, young people tanned the idea to repeat the master class, which they saw on the Internet. The model of hinge dolls was not just a hobby, but profitable profitable business. It is worth noting that in just a year after the couple was engaged in the manufacture of collectible dolls, the additional income began to bring their own video master classes on the Yutuba Channel. In other words, the source of additional earnings was the sale of infoscotors on the Internet, and this is already passive incomewhich the couple was able to spend on the development and formation of his hand of Maid business.

What you need in order to start making collection dolls

Suppose you are not interested in textile and porcelain dolls. How to make a doll with your own plastic hands?

Special tubes are deceived by self-healing plastic, after its partial hardening of the tube are retrieved, and the blank is subjected to subsequent manual time-consuming processing. In the process of becoming a business, the Yakupov family managed to purchase a 3D printer, foundry forms, develop and master the technology of vacuum forming of individual details.

Part of the equipment The head of the family gathered with his own hands, including a rotary car, which significantly reduced the expenditure part, spent on the purchase of equipment. Today the couple makes their collections from polyurethane - it is more durable, durable and wear-resistant, which provides ready-made doll with more reliable qualities and durability.


In order to launch your business, even in a family circle, it is necessary to clearly distribute the roles. This is how it happens at the Yakupov family: the head of the family simulates, prints 3D prototypes, distinguishes the workpiece, tinting and paints dolls, his spouse is engaged in processing cast parts, assembling dolls and tailoring of outfits.

Collections can be the most different: the heroes of the myths, zombie dolls, fairies, and so on.

In the closest plans of businessmen - the release of collections dedicated to children's models of dolls, male, female, as well as a super-collection in fantasy style. The income will increase the possibility of ordering for foreign citizens via the Internet.

If the wizard already has a sufficient level of skill, you should try to make money on execution individual orders: Production of dolls by photography - that is, a reduced copy of some particular person (portrait dolls)

Today, the creation of collections from exclusive dolls has become a present way. favorable attachment Investments - over time, such collections become priceless, especially if the master who has acquired a similar toy is quite known.

The target audience of this type of business is also those who want to show their difference from other people and still "did not play." Such customers will buy dolls to decorate the interior of their apartments and cottages, it is additionally possible to offer design services for the placement of dolls in the room, as well as special designer shelves, niches and backlight development for them.

It will also be good for puppet houses for a particular thematic collection. Houses and household items in them are performed from expensive, but fragile materials, so point to it clients immediately - Plexiglass, glass, about sharp edge Which children can be injured, and for developing games of small girls, customers better suggest something else.

The target audience

Adults middle and high level Good luck

Hobbies or unrealized children's needs

Loving beautiful things seeking to the aesthetization of all that surrounds them

Seeking to emphasize their status and position in society or a certain circle of people

In this niche, there is also such an interesting profession as a gallery player. A specialist such a profile helps collectors to look for truly interesting samples for the customer's collection and support close relationship with the owners of puppet galleries. By the way, the latter noted the increased interest of the audience to collective dolls in Perio crisis. People come to look at the dolls, Teddy bears and other beautiful baubles.

To select the material and technique with which you will be more pleasant and easier to work, you can dedicate the time to study the works of existing successful masters and view the master classes that you can now find a very large amount on the Internet.

Sales market

Collectible dolls are implemented through thematic exhibitions, galleries and festivals. It is worth paying attention to the fact that price tags on galleries and exhibitions are not practiced - potential customers can contact you through contacts left by the master next to the product. The price of each doll is negotiated separately depending on the tool and time wizard spent on it.

To be in the trend, you need to look closely to new trends, examine the preferences of your target audience: they like thematic collections, dolls-heroes of films, anime, manga and other

Feb 2, 2017 Sergey

Business Idea: Doll Production handmade at home
Where do business: Home, Apartment
Main costs: Acquisition of sewing equipment
Necessary equipment: sewing machine
Consumables: Fabric, thread
Initial capital: from 7 000 rubles. up to 16,000 rubles.
Payback period: from the 1st month
Possible profits: from 5,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles.

If you position the doll in terms of business, then in order to decorate the room there are many types of dolls. This category includes antique dolls from porcelain and textile (Tilda). This category is quite acceptable to obtain experience, because most people are not at all interested in collecting, and attracts attention to what is not expensive, beautiful and suitable for the house.

The main stereotype for the manufacture of dolls is girls, namely cowrs, princesses or fairies. Children, animals, Falcler elements, and especially fairy-tale heroes, cartoon characters and anime. It is important to take into account the fact that fashion on one or another character changes. For example, a few years ago, an elves were popular, and today vampires came to replace them.

Selection of material for making dolls.
In the manufacture of dolls can be used, it is not necessary to use a specific material, there is a lot of choice and there are no certain restrictions. If earlier almost all the dolls did from the porcelain, then today it is plastic. In addition, fabrics are used, polymer clay, papier-mache, dough and felt. However, they are not inferior to them and different kinds Tissue, ranging from velvet and ending with chiffon. For decorating various ribbons and lace, crystal, metal and much more are popular. As for the hair, it is possible to use not only artificial, but also natural.

According to statistics, the profitability of the business of the production of dolls at home will be 30%. Where the main cost is the purchase of the necessary material. For example, 500 grams of mass, which is used when modeling costs $ 30. Further, the cost of hair, eye, paints and varnishes, as well as the tissue is taken into account, the entire list is taken into account depending on the technique of making dolls. There are masters who can take advantage of the services of porn or other masters, thereby ordering clothes and shoes. These costs also affect costs.

It is also important to know that at the end of the work on the doll, you can create the surrounding atmosphere in the same style and themes, for example, it can be: chairs, houses and more. You can also create a composition of several participants, it can be playing children, or a couple in love. In a word, this type of business is suitable for women working, will give the will of fantasy, but also requires an ambitious and scrupulous work.

About the manufacture of dolls It should be said that this business can be started without investments, as the primary purchase of raw materials and training does not need large financial costs. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the rapid earning will not succeed immediately. Ideally combine the production of dolls at home with the main work, devoting all the free time this kind Activities.

How to earn and in what quantities on dolls?
Since business for the production of class dolls exclusive cannot be attributed with serial, then it is quite difficult to calculate the possible income. It should be noted that the prices of such dolls vary from 200 rubles (for the most simplechables and Tilda) up to thousands of rubles, and sometimes even dollars for the author's exclusive artistic dolls.

How to sell?
As a rule, the sale of dolls can also be implemented via the Internet. For this you need:
Select the direction in needlework and continue to develop in it;
To start, perform 3 or 4 works and accurately decide on the price;
make high-quality puppet pictures and description
To put your work for sale, it may be: thematic sites, blog, fairs of masters and sites on needlework;
Decide on the type and rules of payment with delivery
Thunderstand the methods of attracting visitors to the Internet resource, where information about the solders of the dolls will be posted;
lead active activities to attract visitors.

Ideas for business:
1. You should pay attention to the festive time, since it is these days from large number People in stores are very difficult to choose the desired gift for the child. Great idea - Sew dolls of famous New Year characters. In addition to the festive atmosphere, thanks to which the dolls will be sold sold out, it may also also interest tourists.
2. Outfits play an important role. Focusing on it, you can expand the range using clothing, accessories and shoes.
3. After the experience gained, you can sell video master classes for the manufacture of dolls and may further open your needlework studio.

Remember that the main target audience is children of 7-12 years. According to official data of 2011, in the capital, residents will, on average, spend more than 25 thousand rubles per year for the purchase of toys for children. As for other cities, then the indicator is two times lower. Even families with income below average spend most of the toys than consumers with income above average.
Today is 40% on the Russian market, 20% - toys for development and designers, 10% - technical toys, other 10% -Basive games, puzzles and puzzles.

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In children's stores you can find a wide range of toys, including puppet houses. various size. Such a toy is the dream of every girl. Such a house can not only be purchased, but also to build yourself. The original puppet house from plywood can be made in just a few days. This will allow not only to save, but also make such a toy that will fully fit the wishes of the baby. After all, the child can take an active part in the manufacture, express his wishes and help decorate. For its manufacture, sheets of plywood, scheme and sketches, as well as simple materials and tools.

Plywood House for dolls - Great toy for every girl

Stores toys offer a wide range of houses for dolls. However, the independent production of such a toy from plywood has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Manufacture of PO individual project. The main advantage independent manufacture "This is an opportunity to make a house like this girl sees." At the same time, it is possible to take into account the desired size, quantity and design of rooms, layout, furniture features and additional decorative elements. Such a toy will be unique.
  2. The ability to make a house of any size. Its dimensions depend only on the wishes of the child and the presence of a free space.
  3. The use of collaboration with the child. If you build a house with a child, you can not only make a really beautiful and unique toy, but also a pleasant time to spend time with the baby and strengthen family communications.
  4. The development of creative abilities and skill work with plywood. You can make the manufacture of a house with the whole family. If your daughter can express your wishes and decorate the rooms, then her brother can help in assembling the design itself.

Puppet House S. original furniture From plywood

There are many materials that can be taken as a basis for the manufacture of a puppet house. However, the plywood is most often used for these purposes. This is explained by a number of benefits for assembly. toy house. These include:

  • plywood is pleasant to the touch material, always warm, like all wooden toys;
  • subject to construction rules finished design It will come out durable, and can be used even for the most stormy games;
  • plywood has a low cost, so it can be built in an inexpensive house, unlike the finished shopping option;
  • to work with plywood require accessible tools that will be found in each house;
  • the surface of the plywood itself is smooth and aesthetic, so it will not be necessary to further decorate the surfaces.

In addition, Plywood is safe Material. However, when it is elected, it is necessary to pay attention to the labeling. The application of impregnating glue includes formaldehydes that are dangerous to health. Therefore, only the material with the E0 marking should be used.

Production of drawing

To build a house from plywood, you will need a detailed drawing with the sizes of all parts. First you need to decide on approximate dimensions Designs. Its size should be based on the wishes of the future hostess, as well as the size of the room in which the house will stand. In addition, it is necessary to think about the product shape and its style in advance.

Drawing of a puppet house

If used ready drawingIt must be remembered that when changing the sizes of certain parts should be proportionally changed and other dimensions. If the drawing is drawn up independently, it is necessary to include such data:

  1. The rear wall should have a form of a rectangle or pentagon. The last option is preferable, because it will allow you to make original roof with beveled edges.
  2. The base that should be slightly larger in width than the inner space. This will help to simplify the construction of the construction.
  3. Overlapping the second and third floor that must have the same size and be slightly less than the base.
  4. Side parts.
  5. Partitions between rooms.
  6. Elements for the manufacture of roofs.

Details of the assembly of a puppet house from plywood can be found from the video:

The dimensions of all elements can easily calculate alone by drawing a sketch on paper. To simplify work, you can use ready-made schemes by making the necessary adjustments.

Materials and tools

Making a house of plywood is a multi-step and complex process. One of the most important steps is to prepare and purchase essential materials and tools. If you do this in advance, the process of making a house will pass faster.

For work it will be necessary:

  1. Plywood. Main construction material For making a puppet house. To calculate required amount, It is necessary according to the drawing to calculate the number of parts and their area, fold all the data. The resulting value should be rounded in most side. For a small house, there are three sheets on average, and for a huge palace for dolls, you may need up to ten sheets of material.
  2. Corrugated cardboard. It can be used for the manufacture of the roof. This material can be replaced by a conventional cardboard or plywood.
  3. Electric jigsaw. The optimal tool for working with plywood. Will allow you to quickly cut the details desired size With the minimum risk of cracking and chip.
  4. Carpentry glue. Excellent option for fastening parts from plywood. Dries quickly, does not have unpleasant odor And at the same time does not leave traces on the material.
  5. Mounting tape. It is recommended to use as an additional means to secure parts, especially in places where the strength and reliability of the design is required.
  6. Saws. The main elements of the design for reliability can be further secured with the help of self-tapping screws.
  7. Sandpaper. With it, it should be cleaned all the edges of the material to prevent injuries and cuts.
  8. Roulette, ruler, simple pencil.

Additionally, you should prepare materials for decorating a house. To do this, you can use wallpaper or films that mimic them, colored paper and cardboard, film as outdoor coating. You can also use pieces of linoleum, fabric, felt, laminate. Additionally, paints and glue will be required. Plexiglas or plastic should be inserted into the windows.

Making a puppet house of plywood

For the manufacture of a puppet house from plywood, first of all, it is necessary to transfer images from a sketch for Fanur. For this, the drawing elements should be printed or drawing manually, after transfer them to the sheets of material.

Cut parts should be used using an electrolovka, after which the edges need to be carefully processed emery paperSo that the edges of all parts are smooth and smooth. If the diagram does not indicate the windows, at this stage they need to be noted on the billets, cut and also handle emery paper.

Simple version of the doll house

After that, you can go directly to the house assembly:

  1. With the help of construction glue and self-tapping screws, it is necessary to attach side walls to the base.
  2. On the side walls it is necessary to mount overlaps of the second and third floor, as well as all internal partitions. If the parts were cut not very carefully, and the slots were formed between them, you can smear them with a special putty for wood, and then paint.
  3. A roof is installed, which can be cut from corrugated paper and the same plywood. If paper is used, it must be painted in the form of a tile. When using plywood on the roof, the roof tiles are pasted, which must be cut from colored paper, cardboard or other decorative materials.
  4. Installation interior decoration. For flooring, pieces of linoleum, carpet, felt or tissue can be used. Walls are covered with wallpaper, colored cloth, film or dyeing with a gouache.
  5. Making furniture. For a house of plywood furniture is best made from the same material. In some cases good decision There will be use finished furniturewhich can be bought by sets or separately in children's toys stores.
  6. Staining at home. It can be painted in various colors of gouache or watercolor. However, plywood is aesthetic material, so you can leave it without staining.

Additionally near the house you can make a small kindergarten, in which cardboard flowers and trees will grow. It will give toys even more gentle and beautiful appearance.

After assembly, the design will only decorate the inner space

Domika design

After making a frame to decorate various materials, as well as put dolls in rooms. At this stage, you will not need instructions, you can decorate a house in your own taste. However, useful tips can help in this:

  • walls and floor wooden house It is not necessary to decorate or enclosed with decorative elements;
  • for swing windows and doors, special small metal door loops should be used;
  • windows should be decorated with cloths fabric so that there are curtains.

IN ready Domika You can arrange your favorite dolls and other toys. Make a house from plywood is easy, and the joy of a child from owning such a toy is invaluable. Beautiful puppet house will also become a real decoration of the children's room.

Examples of a puppet house do it yourself from plywood