Repairs Design Furniture

Bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands: Tools, materials and manufacturer options. Simple and fast production of bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands How to install a lifting mechanism

It has been an understanding that sleeping on the unfavorable sofa-corner is no longer there is no strength. The sofa is old (8 years old !!!), the filler was rushed in places, the back feels solid irregularities and hurts in the morning.

To begin with, I decided to pass with my wife - to look at the store and fairs bed + orthopedic mattress. With the size of the bedroom, it was determined - 1400 x 2000. It is also suitable for subsequent layout of the room.

Sleeping set (bed, wardrobe, bedside tables and other) does not fit us, because Bedroom is small - 9m2. It remains - just a bed.

Prices were different - from 6500 rubles. (LDSP + Plywood) up to 50,000 and higher.

I liked something similar:

only without burning. (Soft boards without sharp corners + simplicity ... In short, I liked it!)

The price of such a bed (without lifting mechanism) is about 15,000 rubles. You can put an elevator in the bed you like (also + 12000). TOTAL - 27,000 rubles.

The lifting mechanism was needed, because The apartment is small and the presence of additional compartments for different things - the question is solved.

I decided to make the bed myself (there is no experience, but I can work with the tool).

The orthopedic foundation was found in 4500 rubles.

Transformation system - Elevator: 1200 rub.

Sketch sketched, thought out - how everything will be arranged. Specked approximately lumber and drove to search for sidewalls and legs. ( Important: There are no whole boards required. You need to buy a tipped board (windowsill or something like that). Not knowing this, bought a gender with a veneer under gluing (thickness - 35 mm, width - 150 mm) at the rate of three boards to the side. For the legs took a bar 100 x 100 mm. When buying, all the boards and the timber fell in size.

The house picked up and cleaned (glue joinery based on PVA) three boards: Long side - 2010 mm, short side - 1420 + 35 + 35 \u003d 1490 mm. (Previously figured, with what gaze the gas elevator works - about 10 mm from the lifting plank to the bed wall, to which the gas lift is mounted. Heza 1420mm). 35mm - the thickness of the board.

The minus of the sexual board is that it has a small curvature - "Propeller" (take the windowsill - he is direct). For this, he chose and customized - what boards how to stand.

As a result, I picked up and cleaned 4 boards. Board size: L1 \u003d L2 \u003d 2010mm, L3 \u003d L4 \u003d 1490mm.

Because The orthopedic base relies on 4 angle and the longitudinal plane in the middle, glued another board, which will serve as a support for the base. L5 \u003d 2010mm.

The size of the legs: L1 \u003d L2 \u003d L3 \u003d L4 \u003d 450mm. The bar was raw and on this slightly cramped while Sal. But the process and quality did not affect the process. It is important to give a tree to dry. The bed did not rush, therefore it was to dry up the legs.

Board the bed had to round. It was done in two receptions: 1 - electric jigsaw at an angle of 45 °; 2 - ribbon grinder (on the eye).

Next, all sides of the bed were harvested with the help of corners and screws. The difficulty was that three boards were almost straightforward, and one of the parties (it was assumed to put this side to the wall) was a "prailler". Understand the "direct" sides first.

Coming out at the 4th corner, we have such a curvature:

The boards with an effort moved into the size and brought around with a long screw in the end of the board:

At the bottom of this corner, too, not all is well:

Due to the fact that the bottom of the board because of the "propeller" led to the side - the wedge was put. From the outside, the protruding board simply cut off.

The corners rounded along the same technology: (visible holes for fastening legs)

Since metal corners are found in the corners inside the base of the bed, there was a need for additional treatment of legs (belt grinding groove):

The holes fastening the legs were measured and drilled. The height of the legs is the same as the width of the sidewall. Offset feet down 60mm.

Trial setting of legs:

All screws in their places: (from above there is a place for an orthopedic base + Framer for the stability of the mattress)

Slices of linoleum were glued on the ends of the legs (top and bottom). Bottom to do not scratch the floor, and from above for orthopedic base:

After gluing the linings, I was punctured and wrapped the legs upholstered material, the stapler secured the edge. Cut holes for fastening screws:

Put the bed and figured how the orthopedic base will rise:

Approximately this will be opened on the elevators. Under the middle of the base, there is no boards-support. It shifts down like legs - by 60 mm.

We proceed to tosing the sides of the bed. First, Foam S-10mm:

This is the bottom side of the bed board. Foam rubber comes from the edge of the board, because Inside the base there will be slats to support the plywood base of the boxes. The foam rubber is glued to the sides.

This is one of the corners. The foam rubber turns, clipped and nailed with a stapler.

From above, the foam rubber is nailed with a nasky about 3-4 mm.

I joking the foam, the insertion was used in place and on the eye (there will not be noticeable):

So the board was separated around the legs. View from below:

(This is just that leg, in a corner curve. It is thickening and there is a wooden insertion).

From below, the leatherette was filled with naughty, without a sovereign. The width of the width is equal to the width of the rail, which will keep the plywood bottom. From above - saved with a graciousness for beauty. Corners have not yet invented how to start ...

Corners started and secured. There would be skin, can be pulled out beautifully with small folds.

So looks outside:

Went all the corners. It turned out gently and rounded. At this stage glued a strip of linoleum on a plaque.

Untrect corners of the middle board uphole leaving residues:

I check the tight fit of all four legs and boards to the orthopedic base. (Note: The middle board is difficult to adjust from once. Do not rush to screw all the screws in the corners, arrive at 2-4 and check the foundation of the base).

The next stage is a rack for plywood bottom. On the entire inner perimeter screwed the rails with a cross section of 25x40. In the rail of holes for self-tapping screws to drill in a large size.

Son Andrei helps. He lubricates self-tapping screws in the soap, puts in a rack and beats a hammer to make a touchscore to the board. And I just twist

Almost done…).

Since the roller turns out on top of the side slightly overlaps the orthopedic base, then in the lowered state, the base holds and does not take off up.

Gas shock absorbers are selected depending on the weight of the orthopedic base + mattress. My gas shock absorbers are calculated on 80 kg.

Ordered the mattress, and finally brought him. From above moisture-proof case:

The mattress lies high and visible a gap between the mattress and the base.

OUTPUT: It is necessary to move the legs and the middle boards-support is not 60 mm, but by 90 mm. It will give the opportunity to lie on the mattress denser in the base.

Everything. Bed is ready. The estimated cost of materials (without a mattress): 9 - 10 thousand rubles. The mattress was taken dear due to problems with his back.

The bed was tested. Very stable, nothing creaks. The tree was used dry - it should not be fused.

Designs for sleeping rooms with lifting device are purchased for furnishing apartments with a small square. Products are reliable, practical, budgetary, functional, ergonomic. Designs are used by a spacious block under the placement of bed linen and things for the bedroom. You can make a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands, taking into account the features of the interior design, dimensions and configuration of the room required functional.

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Types of beds with lifting mechanism

Beds with lifting mechanism are available with different types of opening devices, various sizes, configurations, transformation methods.

The classification of the type of lifting device is represented by 3 types: with manual lifting, on spiral springs, on gas shock absorbers.

Mounting with twisted springs is simply mounted, securely in operation. The cost of the fastening system is available. However, the springs are wearing and stretched with violation of the use rules. If several elements are damaged, you will need to change the system completely. The warranty period of the mechanism is no more than 5 years.

The lifting device on gas shock absorbers does not require physical effort during operation, providing easy access to the block under the stuff and linens at the bottom of the bed. Gas devices allow you to move the bed in the open position silently and smoothly. When choosing a system, dimensions and weight of the surface of the sleeping bed are taken into account. Devices are designed for lifting volumetric mattresses. Manufacturers provide a guarantee for the operation of the mechanism for the period up to 10 years.

The hand lift of the sleeping bed (on the hinges) due to the lack of auxiliary elements requires physical effort during bed transformation. However, the strength, durability of the device is large. Manual mechanisms are not equipped with systems for smooth lifting and spring devices, so they have a low price. In order to access the block for bedding, you will need to remove the mattress. In the furnishings of children's rooms, the mechanism is not used.

By the number of sleeping places distinguish single and double models.

Single structures are compact, universal, suitable for small rooms, allowing you to organize an additive place of rest. Models are often manufactured as a ottoman and placed in the corner of the room. Beds of a single-layer format with a lifting device are used in the design of children's and teenage rooms. For the configuration, a spring mechanism is used or gas shock absorbers. The lifting system in narrow beds is mounted along short parts.

Double designs are ergonomic, comfortable, suitable for compact premises and teenage rooms. In the decomposed position, the design provides a comfortable stay.

The mechanism in double models depends on the weight of the bed and the mattress. For massive structures, gas shock absorbers are required for the lungs - spring blocks.

In accordance with the number of furniture united elements, lifting beds are distinguished with a sofa, a bed-ottut, a place to relax, transformed into the tube, etc. Sleeping bed can be embedded in the closet. The latest model is most simple for designing and assembling a lifting bed with your own hands.

Beds are different and ways to lift the sleeping bed: vertical or horizontal.


The manufacture of the design of the lifting bed begins with a detailed study of the drawings and the mounting schemes of the elements. On the sketches, it is necessary to display the dimensions of the components of the product, the methods of fasteners of the end, side parts, etc.

The design of the bed represents a box that is created from 4 plates and 4 transverse elements for the frame of the frame. In drawing up the drawing, the mattress parameters are taken into account, the length can vary from 180 cm, the width is from 80 to 180 cm. It is necessary to determine the size and dimensions of the bed, the number of beds.

Planned additional elements (shelves, drawers) are also placed on the diagram. In preparation, it is important to draw up a scheme for fastening elements with a lifting mechanism.

Tools and materials

For the design of the bed, an array of different wood species is suitable or chipboard - chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, LDSP, OSP. MDF and chipboard sheets are most popular. Wood plates are easy to handle, reliable in operation.

For assembly and assembly work, accessories will be required: self-tapping screws, confirm, corners, edge ribbon, bolts, washers, nuts. Lifting device can be collected independently either purchased in the finished form.

For wood processing and fasteners of bed items, a set of tools is required. These are screwdrivers and screwdrivers, electrolovka, drill, roulette, level, stapler furniture. It will also be suitable for: construction hairdryer, welding machine, hacksaw, clamps, foam rubber, markers, pencils, steel strips.

Step-by-step instruction

Before making transformable furniture, it is required to determine the design features of the model, calculate the configuration and number of components of the elements, determine the sequence of parts assembly.

The work consists of several stages: processing and preparation of structural elements from MDF plates, assembly and fasteners of the body and frames. Then it is necessary to mount the deposit framework, collect the designs of the lifting mechanisms, connect them to the base and place the mattress.

Preparation and assembly of parts from MDF

Details of the design of the MDF are required to cut on ready-made drawings. For the same elements, a template is made for which sample pieces of the bed are measured. Drinking work can be performed independently either to order from the manufacturer, which will simplify the assembly.

For marking parts, it is necessary to place MDF plates on a flat surface. Sheet of wood plate Specialists advise to cut on optimal parts for retraction.

Using a pencil, lines, roulettes on the plates are placed elements of the case. Then the parts of the MDF sheet are mounted on the workbench. We make wooden elements for the body of the bed with an electric bike.

The plates must be made by the grinding machine and cover with varnish. It is required to handle the ends of the structural elements using the edge ribbon for safe operation.

The side of the sidelines, the back wall, headboard, transverse plank are exhibited. From the outside of angular connections, it is necessary to drill holes for configmatics. The cross screwdriver is installed fasteners. The heads of the confirmates are closed with plastic plugs, fasten on PVA glue.

Inside 4 corners of the construct, the screwdriver are installed corners of plastics. To increase the strength of the frame, there is a transverse board, which is connected to the sidewalls with steel corners and screws.

The collected frame is put on the side. On the perimeter of the bed, the leaf for the bottom is mounted with screws. In the corners in the lower parts of the frame, and holes are drilled in the center. They set the legs to which plastic supports fasten, providing a slight movement of furniture.

Installation of the contribution frame under the mattress

The reliability of the operation of the bed is allowed to increase using an additional one. The item is especially recommended for spacious models - double and size "King-Size". The frame is made of steel profile and wooden planks. The form and dimensions of the additional framework are designed in advance under construction. The profile is crucified to the elements according to the drawing, the work is used by Bulgaria. Details are connected by neat welding seams.

Between the transverse and longitudinal details in places of compounds, it is necessary to secure the racks that will increase the strength of the structure will avoid random folding when used. Then you need to handle ends. The legs are attached to the corners of the frame, if the parts are provided by the scheme of the product.

Self-assembly of the lifting device will reduce the cost of making a transformed design. Elements of the system should be with high strength indicators, since the load during operation is distributed not only to the shock absorber and the planks, but also on the attachment nodes, accessories.

The box requires drilled 3-4 openings under the fastener of the system. The design of the lifting device is attached to the design. The base of the bed is lowered inside the box. Taking into account the location of the lower boards, the holes are drilled in each side of the frame.

Between the box and the frame make a gap of 5 to 10 mm in size and set the lifting mechanism. Then tighten the bolts on the top plank. The system is connected by pistons that are attached to the mechanism elements from above and below. Before mounting the device on the bed, it is required to test the reliability of the shock absorbers. There should be no cream and failures when lifting, arbitrary lowering base.

What do you do with old furniture?

The bed with the lifting mechanism is the best option for small-sized apartments, which allows you to solve several problems associated with the improvement of the room at once. Practicality, reliability and multifunctionality are its main advantages. It can act not only in the role of a bedside place, but also to perform the functions of the chest, for storing different things and accessories. Making a bed with a lifting mechanism is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. When fulfilling all the requirements, recommendations of specialists, the bed will not be worse than the factory. In order to figure out how to do this, it is necessary to divide the whole process into several stages, each of which requires special attention.

Features of such models

Beds with lifting device have a number of features that need to be considered when making it with their own hands:

  • bed dimensions that mainly affect the strength of the lifting device. The greater the bed, the greater the weight will go to the mechanism. According to standards, the size of the bed is 2 meters in length, the width of one-room space is 0.9 m, double - 2 m;
  • beds with a lifting device can be one and double;
  • the mounting of the mechanism can be horizontal or vertical;
  • bed height affects box capacity. If the product is planned to do on legs, the box will be much smaller than that of the bed without them. The product without legs have another important plus, this is the lack of dust under it;
  • assembling the product with your own hands requires a consistent, responsible implementation of all its stages, these are drawings, preparation of materials, the manufacture of individual parts of the bed, their assembly. On average, 1-2 months will leave for the production of bed, subject to the simultaneous execution of other daily duties;
  • the choice of material should be made not only from personal preferences, but also depending on the design of the room in which the product is planned.
Bed with steel frame frame frame frame with lifting mechanism Bed design circuit with lifting mechanism
Bed assembly scheme

Materials and tools

Any building process or the manufacture of furniture with your own hands begins with drawing, as well as the preparation of the necessary tools and materials. The choice of material begins with the base of the box. The most common and inexpensive material for the manufacture of any furniture are chipboard sheets. But other materials such as OSP, chipboard and others can also be used, it all depends on the preferences of the owner, financial capabilities. Next, the upholstery material is prepared, the choice of which occurs solely from personal preferences and design of the room.

Bed filling, consists of foam rubber, sheat fabric. Their size and thickness is prepared according to the drawing composed.

The most affordable and inexpensive material for the manufacture of bed is chipboard

To process material and prepare it to assemble work, you will need this tool:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver with different nozzles;
  • bulgarian with a disc on metal;
  • welding machine;
  • construction hairdryer;
  • steel strips;
  • furniture stapler.
Orthopedic base
Materials for the base
Lift Transformation System

What to choose a lifting mechanism

The design of modern beds allows you to use them in different rooms, while having a suitable lifting mechanism, thanks to which a sleeping place can be folded both horizontally and vertically. In addition, lifting beds are classified according to the type of the built-in lift. It depends on simplicity and ease of use of furniture. The lifting mechanism is divided into 3 types:

  • with manual lifting;
  • spring;
  • on gas shock absorbers.
Gazlift spring hand

The mechanism with manual lifting is the most affordable device, because it does not contain additional devices in the form of shock absorbers or springs. Beds with such a mechanism are mainly used for adults, since when opening a box, it is necessary to make considerable efforts, children can not be able to cope with such a load. But, besides flaws, the manual mechanism has advantages - strength, durability.

The spring mechanism is convenient to use, but the period of its operation is from 3 years to 5, after which it will be necessary to fully change it. The main reason for breakdown, is wear, springs stretching. A large plus of the spring mechanism is its price, it is relatively small, so that it is very in demand and is in demand.

A gas shock absorber is the most convenient, reliable, durable mechanism. The device works smoothly, silently almost without human intervention. The service life of such a mechanism is from 5 years to 10, with its constant use. The selection of the shock absorber is carried out depending on the dimensions of the product, the weight of the sleeping frame. The mechanism on gas shock absorbers is expensive, but at the same time in demand.

In the manufacture of the bed with your own hands, the lifting device can be bought in furniture stores or on the Internet. You can make with your own hands from suitable materials. But when choosing materials, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the load from the mattress lies not only on shock absorbers and strips of the mechanism, and at the places of fixtures with fastening fitting.

Fastening the mechanism occurs in this order:

  • initially, the upper device is installed, to the base part of the box, the lathes of the bedroom plane;
  • it is made of iron corner rolled strap for its complete consolidation;
  • the assembly of the two subsequent slats will allow you to control the height of the lifting of the lattice with the mattress;
  • the mounting of the lower support bar is made to the main box, it is necessary to facilitate the slip of the hinge supports;
  • after completing the installation of the mechanism, you need to check all its fasteners.
Gazlift is attached to the rush base
Gas shock absorber mechanism
Installation of gas shock absorbers

Making lifting frames

Assembling lifting frame with your own hands consists of two main stages, these are carpentry work and processing process.

Carpentry work:

  • the assembly begins with the preparation of parts for the frame, according to the drawing, in which all sizes are indicated;
  • next, the framework of the frame of the frame, this is a box of calibrated boards. The process must be carried out on the floor, to eliminate the distortion. To align the corners, it is necessary to use a building a square;
  • the design of the structure is performed using metal corners, and for the strength of the place of the joints is sampled with a joinery glue. During the attachment, you need to pay attention to the hats of the screws, they must drown in the wood, but not much. The appears of the spins are recommended to immediately process from burrs;
  • in the case of large beds, it is recommended to make a central partition along the frame;
  • the next step is the fastening of the rails that are screwed using the samples from the inside of the sidewall, aligning them along the lower edge of the box. They need to attach lamellas on them. The size of the regches should be within 20 by 80 mm;
  • the same rails act as a lamellae, only the length of them will correspond to the width of the bed. The fastening of them is made on the support rails along the frame, with a step of no more than 15 cm. For lamellae and plywood is suitable, but in this case the installation of the central partition is required;
  • this carcass is finished on this carcass ready.


  • this process involves the extraction of wooden parts with a skin or a special sandpaper and a lacquer coating;
  • one of the nuances of the frame preparation is a plywood sheet, which lies on the lamella to the uniform load distribution. Or you can make laying lamellas with a step of step 8-10 cm.

Assembly of the carcass
Beds Beds are fastened with the help of corners and screws
Ready frame bed

Making the main carcass

Build the frame, like all other components of the bed elements, is produced in stages. First of all, its components are prepared for the manufacture of the main framework. Design, height, size of the back, the presence of legs All these nuances are reflected in a predetermined drawing. The main requirement for the manufacture of the product is the reliability, strength and quality of the material.

As mentioned above, the material can be used any, depending on the financial capabilities and personal preferences. For the box of a double standard bed (2000x1800), it will be necessary: \u200b\u200bfor lateral parts - two boards with long-length 207 cm, for the end elements you need two boards with a length of 182 cm. The assembly of them is made according to the same principle as the lifting frame, with the help of self-samples, corners and glue . In the assembly process, this moment is the most responsible, so before mounting the corners you need to check that all angles correspond to 90 degrees. Excess the adopted glue must be immediately removed, so that in the future it did not give it difficulty when processing the frame.

In the manufacture of large beds with your own hands, in the main box, you need to install rigidity edge, through the longitudinal axis of the product. In the case when the design of the bed provides legs, then the last step in the installation process is to install them. The most simple version of their manufacture, is the assembly of two bars (40x50) with the installation of them to the depth of two crowns of the bar. To enhance the design, you can also install the leg. After putting the design to its original position, you can proceed to its processing, clean and cover with varnish.

Fastening Reluks for Plywood Dna
Feet for bed
The legs are attached inside the frame
In order not to scratch the floor on the ends of the legs, the pieces of linoleum can be glued

Testing products

The final stage in the manufacture of beds with a lifting device, it is its design design, trim. Depending on the design of the premises, the personal preferences of the owner, as well as banal financial capabilities, the trim can be made using:

  • fabrics;
  • skin;
  • dermantine.

If the product was performed from high-quality wood, it is possible to process with paints.

For the trim process, it will be necessary:

  • fabric (or other selected materials);
  • construction stapler;
  • sheet foam.

The casing is made of the main frame and backrest. To create a small volume and airiness upholstery, between wood and cloth is made with a leaf foam rubber. The construction stapler is quite enough for fastening the tissue, its metal brackets, thanks to the spring mechanism, are quite strongly driven into the wood, and we hold tightly.

The legs are turned around upholstery
Finish installation of legs
Beds Beds are covered with foam rubber
From above, the foam rubber is nailed with nasky about 3-4 mm
Upholstery leather
So the board was separated around the leg
Bottom leatherette got sick with nasup
Upholstery corners are fixed

Making the headboard

The headboard for the bed can be performed from the same material as all the product or use a regular plywood sheet. On the plywood or other material it is necessary to produce the necessary measurements and cut with an electrolovka that the form of the back that is most like. But you need to keep in mind that during the trim process it is easier to work with rectangular forms.

Harvesting headlock
A wooden border is attached to the workpiece

The head of the head of the head of the same principle is the main framework, with the help of a construction stapler, a casing material and foam rubber sheets. With the difference that the casing should be more air for the headboard, therefore two foam rubber sheets are laid between plywood and material. Depending on the design of the bed, with the help of foam rubber and different types of material, you can give a unique kind of headboard.

Fastening of foam rubber
Second layer of foam rubber Finish dense Vatina
Stretch the fabric Finished headboard

Summing up, we can say that thinking how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, you should not be afraid of difficulties, because it can be done with your own hands. The main condition for obtaining a good result is the sequential execution of all installation steps, the first of which is drawing up the drawing, where all sizes are indicated, the amount of material required tools. In compliance with all geometric proportions, the bed will be much better and more reliable than the purchase option. The material for its manufacture is chosen depending on personal preferences, financial capabilities and design design.

Logging beds that can be installed in a vertical position after sleep, freeing the space of the room, enjoy tremendous popularity. And models of such beds can be a huge set. In this review, the best of them are collected, and with a certain skill, such a bed can be done with your own hands.

1. Lifting bed for small rooms

In this example, the family set the lifting bed in the workshop so that this room could need to become a guest. Depending on the available budget, it is possible to use deciduous wood, Phaneur, MDF or chipboard to build a bed. In this case, Purebond hardwood plywood was chosen. It is argued that this high-quality building material does not contain formaldehyde and has an international quality certificate.

2. Cheap Lifting Bed Option

Spring or piston lifting mechanism can more than double increasing the cost of the lifting bed. Therefore, if you want to save money, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you have to apply certain efforts to open and closing the bed. It's about the set of Lori Wall Kit.

Lori Wall opens and closes manually, because there is no mechanism in it. To help balance the bed, at the bottom of its frame there are rounded protrusions that are folded when closing. Each Lori set comes with assembly drawings and assembly fittings (more than 200 hinges, screws, connectors and bolts). Customers can choose two types of bed orientation: vertical or horizontal and three different bed size.

3. Homemade lifting bed "For mere mortals"

Many people think that it will be able to build a bed at home themselves. It turns out that there are sets for people with a limited budget and zero experience in construction.

For example, a kit from Murphy Bed Hardware has everything you need to build a lifting bed and a phased assembly scheme.

4. Lifting bed for modern interior

A commercial from Katie from ADDICTED 2 DIY literally blew up the Internet. Katie created the only one-of-a-kind furniture system, which includes bookcases and writing desk. Cherry on the cake in this project is a bed. When it is folded, it resembles a storage cabinet, and no one even guesses what mattress is hidden behind her.

5. IKEA lifting bed

The floor from Renovations and Old Houses built his lifting bed using the parts of the PAX series from IKEA, after his wife saw a similar Lifehak about IKEA furniture on TV.

Its project includes an outdoor frame frame and spring mechanism. When assembling and installing, this universal autonomous device is a wardrobe with a built-in bed.

6. PAX bed

This is another self-made bed, which was made from the details of the Pax IKEA wardrobe systems. Norwegian blogger Calvin Gross from Huskverna argues that if someone creates a block frame for a full-sized mattress, he will need a few things, including two pax cabinet frames and a pair of Luröy Beds with Ramami.

7. Transformer Bed

This economical version of the self-made lifting bed from the user Imgur Avalon Awaked was made from the sofa and the Ottoman of the Söderhamn series from IKEA. To simplify the assembly process, the blogger bought The Next Bed - the frame of the bed with a climb mechanism that can be attached to the wall or floor. It is worth keeping in mind that Avalon Awaked has created his own mount for the bed frame so that it opens over the sofa.

8. Basic lifting bed model

The following draft David Picciuto from Make Something TV shows how to make the most simple lifting bed of Murphy using the Side Mount Deluxe Murphy Bed Hardware from Rockler. Each such kit includes assembly instructions.

9. Lifting bed for a child

Some people face the situation when at home you need to "carve out" a place for a schoolboy. Martin Vester used the remaining parts from the IKEA IVAR storage system to create a small lifting bed with built-in racks in his tiny home office. And the most interesting part of this project is that Martin used three plywood shelves to create a bench.

10. Fingering bed

Many lifting beds are separate furniture items that are visible on the wall or floor. Bloggers from Junk In The Trunk can tell how to create a bed that disappears in the folded state, while using the expensive lifting mechanism.

11. Harmonic bed for tiny rooms

Andrew and Crystal Odom - people who live in a tiny apartment. As they could not put the traditional lifting bed in their home, they came up with a similar idea called folding bed. It unfolds like a real harmonica.

12. Bed-cabinet

Anyone can make her hands a lifting bed at home by bought a set from Wilding Wall Beds. It comes with everything you need to create a functional bed, including precised boards. Wood in sets is available at chooser: alder, cherry, red tree, maple or oak.

Everyone who seeks to create a truly cozy and ergonomic interior should pay attention to and on.

I always liked sleeping furniture with folding riding. Available space under the mattress allows you to fold a lot of things into the bed housing, it replaces a wardrobe or chest, which is important for a small bedroom. I decided to make a double bed with a lifting mechanism with my own hands.

I have long been making furniture in my small workshop. The presence of the appropriate equipment and a large set of tools significantly facilitated the solution of my task. After brief search in the media, I chose on the design of the bed with a lifting mechanism with gas shock absorbers.


First prepared the tool. Everything necessary for the manufacture of bed with a lifting mechanism with their own hands is included in the next list.

  • Screwdriver for fastening furniture base frame parts.
  • Roulette and metal ruler for MDF sheet marking.
  • Drill for drilling holes in metal elements of lifts.
  • Pencil for marking.
  • Harvested on wood and metal.
  • Drill and key support for confirmation for assembling Fragments of the bed case.
  • Iron for edding with furniture ribbon.
  • Electrolovka for cutting MDF.
  • Clamps (2 pcs.) To fix the body parts when assembling the case.
  • Hacksaw to circumcise the board of the desired size.
  • A knife for removing protruding parts of the furniture edge ribbon.
  • Set of wrench and heads.
  • A hammer.


Materials necessary in order to make a bed with a lifting mechanism with their own hands, purchased construction materials in the supermarket according to the list:

  • confirmates - 8 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screw 25 mm - 20 pcs.;
  • furniture corners (50 × 50 mm) - 4 pcs.;
  • metal corner (32 × 32 mm) - 1.4 m;
  • sheet MDF 2440 × 1830 × 30 mm;
  • sheet DVP - 2440 × 1830 mm;
  • edged board 1600 × 150 × 20 mm;
  • contribution frame for the mattress (orthopedic base for metal frame);
  • furniture legs - 6 pcs.;
  • edge furniture tape - 10 m;
  • gas shock absorbers (425 mm from 800 H) - 2 pcs.;
  • metal strip (50 × 3 mm) - 1.3 m;
  • pVA glue - tube;
  • bolts, washers, nuts - m 6;
  • metal bushings (10/16 mm) - 8 pcs.

The entire process of assembling the bed of 160 x 200 with the lifting mechanism with their own hands outlined in the following instruction.

Step-by-step instruction

Work broke into several stages:

  • preparation and assembly of parts from MDF,
  • installation of the contribution frame under the mattress,
  • production of lifting mechanisms,
  • build a frame frame with a lifting mechanism with your own hands.

Preparation and assembly of parts from MDF

  1. On a sheet of paper painted the drawings of the bed with a lifting mechanism.
  1. On the MDF sheet with a roulette and metal line, there is a marking of future body parts.
  2. The MDF sheet was cut to convenient parts for cutting parts.
  3. On the workbench secured the parts of the MDF sheet parts.
  4. The electrolovka cut the elements to assemble the bed of the bed 1600 x 2000 with the lifting mechanism.
  5. The ends of all parts proteate with a damp cloth.
  6. Clicking the iron edge ribbon, all the ends, except those facing the floor.
  7. He put the headboard (1664 × 772 mm), two side distances (2054 × 296 mm), rear wall (1664 × 296 mm) and a transverse board (150 × 1608 × 20 mm).
  8. From the outside of angular connections, he drilled 2 holes for configmatics.
  9. Cross scuffle set fasteners.
  10. The caps of the confirmates closed by plastic plugs on the PVE glue.
  11. Inside 4 corners, a screwdriver set plastic corners.
  12. To ensure additional rigidity, the frame set a transverse board by connecting it with the sidewalls with metal corners on the screws.
  13. The DVP sheet cut off the electroller to the size of 2054 × 1664 mm.
  14. The collected carcass put a message. On the entire perimeter of the bed, the bottoms of the DVP bottom sheet fastened.
  15. From the bottom of the corners of the frame and the middle of the Tsarg drilled holes. They inserted legs. Plastic supports provide light movement of furniture on the floor. With a wet cleaning of the room, the legs exclude the MDF contact with a wet floor.

Installation of the contribution frame under the mattress

I bought a deposit frame in disassembled form, which is convenient for transporting it in transport. Following the instructions, gathered a retractable base without much difficulty. It took a wrench and screwdriver.

Production of lifting mechanisms

Not everyone can make the lifting mechanisms. They can be purchased in the assembled form in the construction supermarket. I decided to make lifts myself. The lifts did according to the drawing.

For the manufacture of nodes of mechanisms it took:

  • corner 32 × 32 mm Long 700 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • steel strip 50 x 640 x 3 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • 60 mm long tie - 2 pcs.;
  • 430 mm long screed;
  • hinged bushings - 8 pcs.;
  • gas shock absorbers - 2 pcs.

The only difficulty was the formation of vertical deflection in steel stripes under the hinge fastening of the lower ends of the levers. I made them in a locksmith workshop using a small press.

Build bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands

The most difficult operation remained - assembling the frame of the bed and the mechanism of the lifting into a single design. For the final assembly, I asked for two of my friends. The work was performed according to the items of the next list.

  1. With the help of two assistants who kept the deposit frame, the top parts of the lifts to the frame attached bolts.
  2. From the outside, the sidewalls of the head of the bolts closed by plastic plugs under the MDF color.
  3. Finally checked the reliability and correctness of fastening all the rolling structures of the bed.

Main costs and cost

The number of working time spent on the manufacture of bed, displayed in the following table.

Taking into account the time spent on the purchase, transportation of materials and breaks in the work, the manufacture of this furniture took me 3 days.

All costs of purchasing the necessary materials fixed in a notebook. They amounted to:

  • hardware (Confirmates, bolts, nuts, washers, bushings, screws) - 100 rubles;
  • furniture corners - 20 rubles;
  • steel corner 32 × 32 × 1400 mm - 20 rubles;
  • sheet MDF 2440 × 1830 x 30 mm - 2800 rub.;
  • sheet FLV 2440 × 1830 mm - 200 rubles;
  • furniture legs (6 pcs.) - 60 rub.;
  • edge furniture tape (10 m) - 70 rubles;
  • two gas shock absorber - 2000 rubles;
  • edged board - 50 rubles.

Total: 5320 rubles.

I am in charge of this bed. And for its bedroom manufactured another model, a slightly different width of the case. A new bed with lifts collected with its own hands with dimensions of 180 × 200 cm. This time the hull made from LDSP. By laying a thin foam, covered the outer surfaces of the case. Made it with a stapler. It turned out very beautiful and inexpensive.