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The best investments are investment in yourself! Investing in yourself - the most favorable type of investment

"The most valuable asset that you have is you yourself. Everything that improves your talents and skills is worth doing this. "- Warren Buffette.

Investing in yourself - it seemed a banal theme, as long as we were talking about sums, investment and payback timing.

Need to immediately decide what we want to get, investing in yourself? We mostly want money, but only to satisfy their true desires - Get pleasure, and get it constantly.

Investing in yourself - the most reliable of all other investment objects.

Of course, the investment process is not limited to only money, it is based on "three whales", which provide a strong foundation for future development:

  • spent time or labor;
  • forces;
  • financial resources.

- The most severe and at least not looking at seemingly simple things. They demand large number time, money and forces - both in physical and in moral, mental terms. And at the same time, this kind of investment should not be limited to any single aspect, investment in itself - this is an integrated approach To change the quality of life, which must include:

  • strengthening physical and mental health;
  • education, receipt of new skills and skills;
  • maintaining physical form and appearance;
  • improving life conditions;
  • getting new impressions, satisfaction from life.

If you want to achieve the best financial indicators from yourself, then you need to focus not only on new skills, but also health and appearance. Similarly, if your main goal is to become slimmer, then you need to invest not only during the sport, but also time management skills to manage to earn, play sports, rest and spend on new clothes that will emphasize you, as well as interesting places Where do you show yourself.

Consider where to start, and how to achieve results, how much it costs and what is the payback period.

Physical health

This is an important part of investment in ourselves regardless of the goal. As I said, investing in myself this kind of clouds, which includes the complex. Without banalities About nutrition and the fact that healthy be good ... it is and so everyone is understandable. But the truth of life is - there are people who cannot work at 14 o'clock a day due to the state of health. It may be though fast fatigue, which usually does not seem to be a disease. Nevertheless, a person can no longer work at 100% of the return and cannot succeed 10 years earlier and even at all.

How much are investments in the body?

Sport classes can be held at home or in the stadium to save 3-5 thousand rubles per month ( average price Monthly subscription to normal fitness club).

For instance, When I worked at a computer for 8-9 hours a day, I was inconvenient to go to the pool every day, despite the fact that it is not far away, and in general it would not particularly help, as you sit for several hours in a row already terrible harm body. To do this, I installed alarm clock for every hour, made a training program with my weight and paid this 5-7 minutes every hour. 6-7 such classes per day, 5 days a week. It is already better than nothing, moreover I have acquired a tone and did not worsened my state of health, I began to press a lot more, perform complex exercises. Training was broken by day and muscle groups:

  • Chest, triceps
  • Legs, shoulders
  • Spin Biceps
  • Press, joint
  • Whole body

Before each five-minute, I made a warm-up, stretching, twine.

This is certainly an economy class, since the most effective method - These are classes with a personal trainer 4 times a week. It costs it about 350 dollars per month. Therefore, it all depends on your financial capabilities. In any case, it pays off and pretty quickly.

Having invested in his physical health, you can take the ability to work more in half a year, to rest better, look more attractive, which often affects earnings.

According to statistics, people with attractive appearance are accepted for work, and not with three formations, but in glasses, with a mole and a belly. We will talk about it below.

If we talk about health, your teeth should be white, muscles strong, clean skin, organs like a ferrari engine. In this condition you yourself want Make more, better, more expensive.

Investing in body

Cost: 0-300 dollars a month

Payback period: 3-6 months

Profit: Increased productivity by 1.5-3 times, an increase in business activity, communication, on finance can affect 6-9 months.

Psychological condition and habits

Psychological condition is closely related to physical health, since complexes and constraints of their body lead to stress, decrease in self-esteem and depression. And this does not combine with a feeling of happiness and wish to earn more.

Strong, self-confident personality - this is the ideal to which you need to strive. So, first of all, it is necessary to protect yourself from stress and get rid of root causes that can provoke such a state. To do this, dig deeper and understand what the internal complexes and fears are based on. It is not always possible to do it yourself, sometimes it is better to enter yourself in the hands of an experienced specialist - a psychologist.

Note that: If you can not solve the problem yourself - do not be afraid of professional assistance.

According to statistics, the psychologist does not pay off in money, although one lawyer said that thanks to him he has good work Since it does not fell in depression and inaction. However, removing personal barriers in front of them, your path will be easier and open. If you stop being evil and gloomy, and you will smile and enjoy life, people and money to reach you with great pleasure and speed.

A bright example can serve as the history of famous physics Stephen Hawking, which, despite the serious illness, which is almost half a century as chained it to a wheelchair, achieved significant success and world recognition, married twice, has children. Just at one point he stopped ashamed of his ail. But over time, he even lost the ability to speak.

In a word - if you have problems - solve them. If you find it difficult to live with neighbors or cohabitants - change the place of residence, if you have complexes - get rid of them if you are often angry, hack, nervous - change, decide internal problems, Find the reason and decide.

An important component of mental health is habits. It is worth highlighting a little time and think what human qualities and habits seem not only most attractive, but also necessary, useful. Do I need bread with everything in a row? Do I need to sit in your phone before bedtime?

Psychologist and Orator Jim Ron in one of his books wrote the following: "Success is nothing more than a few simple rulesresistant daily.

Somehow I sat down and for several days for the sake of the experiment, I wrote everything to the time all I am doing. I thought that in general I am doing everything and everything is good for me, but after the recording of these days I saw that I could freely carve it 2 hours a day! 2 HOURS A DAY! Plus 14 hours a week, as if the eighth day!

Think over your habits, because you are just doing a lot, but is it necessary to do so?

Investing in psychology

Cost: 0-20 dollars a week

Payback period: 7-180 days

Profit: Typically, certain solutions carry only costs and payback in money directly. But liberation from problems gives you the opportunity to focus on development, so indirectly profit is individual.

Education, new skills and skills

One of the main and most common investments. Only now we are not talking about university or sewing courses. Everyone has it healthy man There must be a dream and a goal, and the longer we do not take for them, the farther they leave us, because together with time all the technologies are complicated.

For instance, Previously, it was enough to sew a dress and go to the market with him and sell on the same day. So did one of my familiar 20 years ago. From that, her big shop began. But with the arrival of marketing, shopping cents, competition, development of business in general, management, development of sewing equipment technologies ... All began to change, except for my friend. She simply did not develop, so I had to quietly dismiss 24 people, and close the business for 5 years. Although there were all possibilities to develop, well done that managed to buy 3 apartments. The second acquaintance at the same time decided to develop and still has a thriving business, also in the sewing area and tissues.

Training is important. Every skill can be a profession if you have a small business - invest in your training, learn not only the basics of management, but also deeper knowledge of this, because even the little things can increase sales by half, but modern knowledge can extend the life of your business for years forward.

  • I like it advertising company Firms that produced conventional pillows. They said that in pillows over time, bacteria, spiders, worms, bugs are settled ... and showed them under a microscope. Sales increased 4 times.

A similar course did not become an accident, but a planned company. Development and training can make you a millionaire.

Investing in Knowledge

Cost: 10-300 dollars a month

Payback period: 1-5 years old

Profit: As Robert Kiyosaki said, American entrepreneur, " Every dollar spent on financial education will return to you tenfold " Basically speaking time and money for training, people live it all the rest of their lives, or reconcile capital at times.


Appearance is a few characteristics:

  • skin condition;
  • hairstyle and makeup;
  • high-quality wardrobe.

Bold shine, acne and inflammation - repulsing the spectacle. And the first step towards success is to solve skin problems. Do not even try to do it yourself with the help of inexpensive creams and scrubics purchased on the market, here you are sure to consult a beautician. Only with the right approach, taking into account all the peculiarities of the skin and the body, you can achieve positive results.

Clothing for a man on the way to success is very important. You must now turn your wardrobe right now and give up old, worn, albeit loved ones, things. And you should not leave them for home socks, because even in the native walls you need to match the level of the desired bar. The same applies to the underwear. Linal or headed fabric will not give confidence, and the surrounding react to it.

Read the literature on style, give up the slope, sneakers outside the sports, sandals and other clothes that will not give your appearance worthy of $ 1,000,000,000.

Things can be bought according to the rule of one third. Instead of three shirts, buy one, but from natural fabric, good brand, dear cut. IN good stores male clothes Be sure to be a tailor, which can fit any clothes for you, do not neglect the services of the tailor in these cases.

Cost: $ 900-20000 per season

Payback period: 0 - 60 days

Profit: Classic, serious, strict, courageous, dear appearance It can pay off at once, but everything is individually. After all, you can meet a girl and not to hit the face in the dirt, and you can have a positive opinion on the employer, together with your new skills and physical form, you can choose as a new director or artist. Clothing does not bring direct income, but can affect them in many situations, attract the necessary and interesting people to themselves.

How not to pass a stick

An important rule that should be remembered for a successful investment in itself is not to pass a stick. You do not need to rush in all heavy with a search for suitable clothes, spend the latest money for learning a new profession, buy a bunch of medicines to solve health problems.

  • All investments are based on rationality, refusing unnecessary and not qualitative conditions.
  • You do not need to buy 3 expensive shirts - buy one instead of three.
  • You do not need to go to an expensive psychologist, you can simply talk to friends and ask why you may have a problem.
  • You do not need to go on dear advertised trainings - buy better one or two books of foreign authors.
  • You do not need to go to the most expensive fitness club - you can start with jogs in the morning.

Charlie Manbon - Vice President of Corporation Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway - once said:

Warren Buffett became much better as an investor from the day when I met him. Same as me. The secret of this is that it is necessary to study 24/7, and do not think that success will come by itself.

Warren Buffett has repeatedly appeared on the pages of Lifehaker. This elderly and fantastically rich investor can speak the phrases that I want to memorize. The desire to listen to the Bouffett's advice, no matter how extravagant they are, do not seem weird. After all, one of the richest people on the planet cannot advise anything wrong.

If you do not find fault, we can say that it is. Those buffet tips that do not concern investing and finance differ simplicity and practical benefit. It is difficult to argue with them, since everything he says is already known to you, but from the mouth of this person everything sounds weighty.

The most valuable asset that you have is you yourself. All that improves your talents and skills is worth doing.

Warren Buffette

In this regard, the question arises: how to invest in yourself? There are many ways to do this, and we decided to concentrate not only on those that lie on the surface, but also on those that, at first glance, do not seem obvious.

1. Create a curriculum

For a long time, I used the application to execute a plan for every day. In my daily list was meditation, half an hour of lectures on Coursera, a recording of something new in notepad and reading. Of course, I knew my own routine by heart, but the application was forced to act even when it did not want it.

Creating a curriculum is something that needs to be done first. Decide what skills you want to develop how to do it best and how much time you need to allocate daily.

2. Surrive yourself more intelligent and successful people.

Because of this, you will sometimes feel bad, as we are always unable to achieve more than we ourselves. In the long run, it will pay off. The experience of other people will give the opportunity to develop even when you seemingly just talk.

3. Improve communication skills

You can learn something new from three sources: your own experience, working with information and experience of other people. Accordingly, to talk with successful people And adopt their experience, you need to offer something in return.

At least it must be good skills. The interlocutor should be nice to communicate with you. Your profession is not important - anyone must be able to competently and interestingly communicate.

4. Do not be afraid to spend money

IN lately Unwillingness of people to invest in their own education begins to weaken. We are increasingly understanding the importance of courses, seminars and trips that can improve professional skills. Buffett, for example, advises to invest 10% of its income into its own education. What it will be: courses, books or business trips - to solve you.

5. Develop not only professionally

I know what to do is when work takes most of the day, not so simple. But here is a small secret:

Having found an interesting activity, you will be magically able to find time for it daily.

Perhaps you have to sleep for an hour less. Perhaps not to spend a lunch break and leave earlier. But if you find what you like, time will appear, even if it was not before.

A person throughout his life goes somewhere in a hurry anything and sometimes absolutely not noticing his life passes and ahead of a meager pension for existence.

What can you do so that you can always live freely without thinking about tomorrow?

Start right today to invest in myself the most important investment in life you must do in yourself.

How to invest in yourself?

First of all, each person must remember his health.

Attend a regular doctor and dentist watch your health and health of your teeth, timely treatment will help to keep your health for a long time and in the future you will not need to spend a lot of money for treatment and pills so that you feel excellent.

Do not save on your health with the help of products, do not buy cheap and low-quality goods, learn how to eat correctly, correct and healthy nutrition It will help you to keep your health for a long time.

Put in your diet correct and healthy foods: dairy products, greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dried fruits, nuts.

Buy always only fresh products Check the shelf life of the products you buy.

Take care of yourself and your family eat at home delicious and useful food, do not eat expired food, do not eat fast food, give up food on the run.

Only the right and balanced nutrition will help you preserve health.

It is very important for everyone to lead an active lifestyle, it improves the brain work, helps in study and work, creates a wonderful mood, gives the vigor of spirit and strength.

Take yourself a favorite sport run, swimming, skating and so on, perhaps your family has a common hobby, which you can do together.

Teach yourself to have charging in the morning, you will get a good charge of cheerfulness.

Walk more on fresh air, the work of the brain is necessary oxygen, you can spend the whole family on the weekend, play active games, a joint, interesting vacation brings closer and improves the mood.

Reading special literature helps to develop and find new ideas for business.

Attend interesting trainings that will help improve your business.

It does not matter what age you are and who you work, to learn should always train your brain and develop.

Very often, people do not pay to their sleep due attention, on average, people should sleep at least eight hours a day, someone sleeps seven hours and feels good, and someone sleeps ten o'clock.

Try to get enough sleep healthy sleep It will help you to cope with the loads of the coming day, and you will feel excellent.

We often ventilate the room in which you are and before bedtime, the lack of oxygen does not affect the work of the brain and the whole organism.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that perfectly pump your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration of attention:

Money and thinking Millionaire

Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, will look deep into the problems, consider our relationships with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what to do to solve all your financial problems, start accumulating money and investigate them further.

30 days

You would like to quickly read interesting books, articles, mailing and so on.? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop a speed and synchronize both brain hemispheres.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work at times faster, which opens up much more opportunities. Attention, concentration, speed \u200b\u200bof perception Strengthen repeatedly! Using photography techniques from our course, you can kill two hares at once:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration because fast reading They are extremely important
  3. Read on the book on the book and faster

Accelerate an oral account, not mental arithmetic

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Secrets of the brain fitness, train memory, attention, thinking, account

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Super memory for 30 days

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Within 30 days after the subscription, you will receive interesting exercises and developing games to your mail that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that have occurred during the day, week, month and even road maps.


Do not forget about yourself, pay yourself and your body enough time, eat right, lead healthy image Life, stay, these are the main investments that you can do. We wish you good luck.

Hello everyone! Today, a new heading starts in my blog - "self-development". What is she talking about? Everything is simple - if we want to change in best sideWe want to become confident in themselves, independent financially and emotionally from the surrounding situation, without personal growth can not do.

And opens an article about investing in itself. The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe topic was born a long time ago, because very often in blogs about investing, just in various sources We are faced with information about the fact that if you have extra money, then it is best to invest in yourself. What is "investing in yourself"? I am sure, not everyone understands what it means. I'll try on simple examples You tell about it.

The topic of investing in itself can be caused by a lot of examples. That list that I suggest you is not ideal and not canon. Just thoughts out louds placed in random order. There is no way here, in fact, and there can be no priorities for everyone, and what is suitable for another may seem absolutely useless occupation for another.

Personal space

Investing in your personal space, I explain so. Very often you can find a situation where people live in uncomfortable conditions for themselves - eat in small rooms, live with parents and other relatives. At the same time, they can earn good, but save money or postpone something. They are closely and uncomfortable.

The discomfort affects the standard of living, the standard of living in turn affects human thinking. The wider the personal space, the more comfortable the person feels. Each family member should have the opportunity to retire, work, relax.

Spacious accommodation is a profitable investment. In general, investing in personal happiness is much better than an attempt to get rich on the next one.

Long-term acquisitions

This item can still be called "Investing in Health", as both examples that I will give here, directly connected with it. Long-term acquisition can be a subscription to a gym or service card to a medical center.

First, you spend a certain amount of money, perhaps even essential for your budget. But then you can go to the gym at any time and put in order a figure, give a splash negative energyEmotions. Sports make us happier at the hormone level, it has long been proven. For girls, this is especially true, since a beautiful figure is a dream of every girl. Correct me if I'm wrong:)

The card to the medical center gives confidence that at any time you will be rendered qualified assistance. And you do not have to tolerate the queues in the local clinic, listen to the dissatisfaction of grandmothers about pensions and prices in stores, doctors will not look at you as if you personally installed the salary size. Paid medicine is another level, here you will be smiling, take care, politely talk, in general, to leave only positive emotions.

People around you

"The king makes the retinue" ... In modern interpretation, this phrase means that people around you have much to have much greater influenceWhat do you think. Want to be happy, you must surround happy people.

The first investment option is to give gifts. It may be simply important for someone's little things or missing items, and there may be useful books that stimulate to develop and personal growth.

The second option is to invest in debt receipts. For example, you can financially help a friend to start a business. At the same time, and realize this is a friend or not. Relationships with reliable person do not spoil money.

Good mood and emotion

An investment in a good mood can be called everything that will bring you positive emotions, will give new impressions, raise the mood and improve the performance. Vacation, hike in spa, cinema, theater, circus, kebabs with friends, walk on the boat ... yes, anything.

Impossible round year Work at one level of productivity. This level is constantly falling, and therefore work should be alternating with rest and entertainment. Personally, the majority of turning points in life happened when I broke away from work and leaving for a vacation. Having mired in the routine daily tasks, it is impossible to see everything in a new way, find new solutions.

Run away from work and relax - useful.

Self-improvement / education

The return on this type of investment is most tangible. At least it should be. And I'm not talking about higher education, protection of candidate dissertation or scientific degree. The current education system does not give any benefit, except for formal certificates, diplomas. Children in the lessons bored frankly. But on the Internet now you can find courses in almost any topic in which you want to improve. For example, speric skills, dancing, martial arts, gardening, animal husbandry, all directions of business. Knowledge is the most powerful asset.

Separately, it will allocate investing in driving courses, after which you allow for exams and get driver's license. This ability can come in handy in the most unexpected moment, even if you do not have a car.

Consultation specialists

This type of investment is essentially a subspecies of the previous one, as in the end comes down to self-improvement and training. For example, you can go to the gym and work on the exercises yourself, and you can use the services of a personal trainer and to increase the efficiency of each lesson. Information received from the coach (the number of approaches, exercises, load distribution rules, etc.) will remain with you forever, and the next time you can reproduce it already for free.

We will also take advice from lawyers, psychologists, business coaches, coaching personal finance management.

Insurance products

If you often think about the safety of your own property (apartments, cars), these thoughts knock you out of the gauge. "And what if suddenly?" ... suddenly a neighbor is flooded, suddenly I will get sick and I don't have enough money for treatment, suddenly someone from his relatives will get sick ... Unload your head - Insure your home from fire, car - from the hijacking, buy medical policy. Foreign thoughts lead you away from the goal. Insure yourself and loved ones, and quietly move on.

Instead of imprisonment ...

Continue the list is infinite. I think you have already understood it. Everyone remembered the case from life when he spent money for himself, and received benefits from it.

Investing in yourself will not bring you instant returns, may never bring money in the form of dividends and interest. But the main thing - you can not ignore own desires! Dissatisfaction with your own life, standard of living, the lack of small joys and rest will be driving you in a situation when even money is not able to return you the meaning of this life itself.

Successful to your investment! See you soon!

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates and do not miss the release of new articles in the "Self-Development" heading. In the near future you will learn:

  1. How to cope with chronic fatigue? The basics of energy management in everyday life.
  2. How to manage your workspace?
  3. How to protect your brain from omnipresent advertising?
  4. What watch movies to raise motivation?
  5. How to put goals?

… and many many others:)

Charlie Manbon - Vice President of Corporation Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway - once said:

Warren Buffett became much better as an investor from the day when I met him. Same as me. The secret of this is that it is necessary to study 24/7, and do not think that success will come by itself.

Warren Buffett has repeatedly appeared on the pages of Lifehaker. This elderly and fantastically rich investor can speak the phrases that I want to memorize. The desire to listen to the Bouffett's advice, no matter how extravagant they are, do not seem weird. After all, one of the richest people on the planet cannot advise anything wrong.

If you do not find fault, we can say that it is. Those buffet tips that do not concern investing and finance differ simplicity and practical benefit. It is difficult to argue with them, since everything he says is already known to you, but from the mouth of this person everything sounds weighty.

The most valuable asset that you have is you yourself. All that improves your talents and skills is worth doing.

Warren Buffette

In this regard, the question arises: how to invest in yourself? There are many ways to do this, and we decided to concentrate not only on those that lie on the surface, but also on those that, at first glance, do not seem obvious.

1. Create a curriculum

For a long time, I used the application to execute a plan for every day. In my daily list was meditation, half an hour of lectures on Coursera, a recording of something new in notepad and reading. Of course, I knew my own routine by heart, but the application was forced to act even when it did not want it.

Creating a curriculum is something that needs to be done first. Decide what skills you want to develop how to do it best and how much time you need to allocate daily.

2. Surrive yourself more intelligent and successful people.

Because of this, you will sometimes feel bad, as we are always unable to achieve more than we ourselves. In the long run, it will pay off. The experience of other people will give the opportunity to develop even when you seemingly just talk.

3. Improve communication skills

You can learn something new from three sources: your own experience, working with information and experience of other people. Accordingly, to talk with successful people and adopt their experience, you need to offer something in return.

At least it must be good skills. The interlocutor should be nice to communicate with you. Your profession is not important - anyone must be able to competently and interestingly communicate.

4. Do not be afraid to spend money

Recently, the reluctance of people to invest in their own education begins to weaken. We are increasingly understanding the importance of courses, seminars and trips that can improve professional skills. Buffett, for example, advises to invest 10% of its income into its own education. What it will be: courses, books or business trips - to solve you.

5. Develop not only professionally

I know what to do is when work takes most of the day, not so simple. But here is a small secret:

Having found an interesting activity, you will be magically able to find time for it daily.

Perhaps you have to sleep for an hour less. Perhaps not to spend a lunch break and leave earlier. But if you find what you like, time will appear, even if it was not before.